Lidar-Based Approach For Urban Ventilation Corridors Mapping
Lidar-Based Approach For Urban Ventilation Corridors Mapping
Lidar-Based Approach For Urban Ventilation Corridors Mapping
Abstract—Cities, recognized as one of the roughest surfaces, urbanization index nears 74% in Europe and is fairly stable [2].
significantly reduce wind velocity. This leads to a greater concen- Whereas aforementioned megacities attract a lot of debates, lots
tration of pollution and increased temperature in urban areas. A of other urbanized areas lack the publicity, and therefore, funds
proper urban design may promote the air flow and mitigate these
negative phenomena. This paper describes a novel approach to required to adopt settlements for climate change.
detect and analyze the potential urban ventilation corridors. The On the one hand, more and more people live in cities and
concept is based on the morphometric analyses, where roughness this share might swell, according to United Nations [1], to 66%
parameters (such as roughness length and displacement height), in 2050. On the other hand, Shepherd reports [3] that cities
as well as porosity are investigated as opposed to previous studies. occupy only 2% of land surface. As a result, we have approx-
Commonly available light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data en-
able more detailed terrain study, as the topography and obstacle imately 3.3 billion people [4] living in a relatively small area,
features (type, dimensions, and porosity) might be investigated. In which at the same time contribute approximately 80% of the
comparison to the previous studies and long adapted practices, this global greenhouse gas emissions [5]. Such density generates
approach takes advantage of all information incorporated in Li- numerous problems for our everyday living. The worsening the
DAR data to deliver even more accurate results. The comparison of sanitary conditions and elevated urban air temperature, relative
the detected corridors, with the officially designed corridors in our
study area in Warsaw, suggests inaccuracies in their extent (only to rural areas, had already been noticed at the beginning of 19th
40% of their areas might still be functioning) and calls for an eval- century by Howard [6] toward the end of the industrial revo-
uation. The results deliver areas that may be recognized as urban lution, which brought many factories and following workers to
ventilation corridors and serve as air regeneration and ventilation the cities. Since then many researchers have tried to find a solu-
system. They may also be used for developing new solutions for tion to mitigate the negative effects of the dense, urban living.
continuously evolving cities.
The idea of garden cities [7], green belts [8], or restoring nat-
Index Terms—Drag coefficient for vegetation, light detection and ural river path [9] have been developed over time, yet the need
ranging (LiDAR), morphometric methods, roughness parameters, to find better methods increases. More and more cities suffer
urban ventilation corridors.
from the urban heat island (UHI) both in tropical and temper-
ate zones [10]–[12] and the disturbed urban heat budget. These
I. INTRODUCTION problems exist due to the energy and water budget variations in
the built environment [13], as the urban fabrics, land cover, and
INCE 2014 more than half of human population lives in
S urbanized areas [1]. The urbanization index varies greatly
over the world, from 38% of sub-Saharan area to more than
metabolism are the most contributing factors. On average, an
urban citizen is faced up with higher air pollution and temper-
ature as well as decreased access to the wind speed and green
80% in North America. The pace of this process also varies in
areas relative to rural inhabitant. The latter have been proved to
different geographical regions. Southeast Asian urban regions
improve city’s climate and structure, as they are often a source
and their megacities, such as Tokyo, Delhi, or Shanghai, are one
of fresh and clean air and provide relaxation areas. On a city
of the fastest urbanizing areas in the world and, therefore, have
scale, if designed properly, they can also facilitate air flow and
caught more scientific attention. Recently, the research focus
penetrate the inner city with the fresh and cool air and discharge
has switched toward African agglomerations—as the next big
warm and polluted air to the outskirts. Since cities are one of
urban boom—yet the overall urban growth occurs elsewhere
the roughest aerodynamic boundaries, modeling and designing
as well. Europe, with stagnant or even declining population, is
such ventilation corridors pose many challenges and requires
getting older and at the same time more densely built-up. The
thorough investigation.
Surface roughness influences the wind velocity—the higher
Manuscript received September 28, 2017; revised November 14, 2017 and
December 25, 2017; accepted December 27, 2017. (Corresponding author: the roughness, the slower the wind. To describe and model this
Marzena Wicht.) component in urban context, several parameters are known in
M. Wicht is with the Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing the literature. Roughness parameters illustrate how efficiently
and GIS, Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw, Warsaw 00-661, Poland
(e-mail: wind travels above specified canopy layer [14], [15]. By calcu-
A. Wicht is with Geodata Science Team, GfK Geomarketing GmbH, Bruchsal lating and analyzing many urban aerodynamic indices, we can
76646, Germany (e-mail: detect areas, which—due to their roughness characteristics and
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at spatial allocation—promote air flow. Yet, their determination
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTARS.2018.2791410 poses many challenges, as there is no straightforward method to
1939-1404 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
derive them. Altogether, we can divide urban scale aerodynamic also wins recognition [15], [29]–[31]. The method developed by
assessment methods into three categories [15], [16]: Millward-Hopkins has also been implemented in wind resource
1) reference (classification) based methods; calculation [32]–[34], where he also integrates light detection
2) micrometeorological (anemometric) methods; and ranging (LiDAR) and digital elevation model (DEM) data in
3) morphometric methods. order to increase accuracy and eliminate gross errors. Although
The reference method relates to the roughness estimation the method studies in detail wind velocity above the canopy
based on the earlier measurements. Davenport [14] and Wieringa layer, it is possible, that it might also be used in urban ven-
[17] created reference tables for different land-use classes—but tilation corridor mapping. While studying wind speeds and/or
for homogenous surfaces, whereas Grimmond and Oke [18] directions on a microscale, wind tunnel simulations and com-
focused on urban canopy. Unfortunately, the method requires putational fluid dynamics (CFD) models are used. Although
visual photography assessment, which may lead to subjective CFD studies consider wind velocities (which influences heat
results and diligence errors. In addition, they are severely limited transferred inside street canyons and courtyards) [35] and they
with wind direction inclusion. describe single buildings in detail, they are exclusively imple-
Multiple micrometeorological methods exist in the literature mented on very small areas due to high computational costs.
(detailed overview in [16]) and they use sensors located at dif- Various CFD models are used in engineering flow analysis,
ferent heights across the city, where the logarithmic wind profile building and structural design, pollution dispersion, and wind
is valid flow modeling [15]. They include physical models that try to
u ∗ z − zd represent the real urban setting, and therefore, model the wind
ūz = ln (1) flow along the streets and buildings. Even when they are em-
κ z0
ployed to map wind resources (with aid of LiDAR data), they
where ūz is the mean horizontal wind speed at height z, u∗ is the deliver more accurate results (in comparison to the analytical
friction velocity, z0 is the aerodynamical roughness length, zd is approach), however, at the expense of computational time [36].
the zero-displacement height, and κ = 0.40 is the von Karman Running these simulations requires power of supercomputers
constant [19]. Naturally, the logarithmic wind law applies during and remains still a challenge [37], [38].
neutral weather conditions and might be used approximately up In our previous studies, we adopted the approach proposed
to 200 m. Yet, this method requires high amount of observations in [15], [24], and [29], where we calculated the aerodynam-
[20] and is sensitive to errors. Moreover, the campaigns are very ical roughness length (z0 ) and zero-displacement height (zd )
time- and cost-intensive, and due to private property or local and conditioned their values (as suggested by [18] and [39])
laws, they might not be allowed in all desired locations. to retrieve areas of potential ventilation corridors. However, we
Numerous morphometric methods have been developed over noticed two essential features, which were being omitted: the
the years and each one has its own assumptions, preferred terrain topography and the vegetation. These concepts assumed
application, and limitations. Adolphe [21] developed a set of that the terrain is flat, and the vegetation does not obstruct air
indicators (density, rugosity, porosity, sinuosity, occlusivity, flow. For this reason, we decided to include these two features,
compacity, contiguity, solar admittance, and mineralization), by using building and vegetation database obtained from LiDAR
which he then used to derive urban climate characteristics. In data. We calculated the aforementioned parameters for both to-
comparison to prevailing urban climate studies, he does not pographies (flat terrain and digital surface model—DSM) and
base his calculations on (1), therefore, he does not derive dis- added an extra parameter—porosity, which has helped us to
placement height and roughness length, but refers to rugosity vary between bluff and porous bodies in order to model how
(absolute and relative). Although his assumptions take into con- they block the wind.
sideration the mean obstacle height and width depending on The main objective of the study was to compare the two ap-
the wind direction, the approach was tested just on a small proaches. One utilized in many studies, yet neglecting some fea-
neighborhood [21], [22] and not on city scale, and the results tures; second—a novel developed concept including topography
were not validated, which makes it harder to compare with and vegetation in possible urban ventilation corridor mapping.
other morphometric studies. Most of them investigate various The second approach also requires consideration on the condi-
implications of displacement height and roughness length (al- tioning values, since they were developed for the theoretically
together called as roughness parameters) on the urban climate flat terrain, which we also tested and discussed.
and they all derive those from logarithmic wind profile. Com-
monly known and referred to are methods developed by Rau-
pach [23], Bottema [24], Macdonald [25], Grimmond and Oke II. STUDY AREA
[18], Millward-Hopkins [26], and Kanda [27]. According to Similarly to our previous studies [30], [40], we located our in-
Kent [16], they can be split into two types based on the fact vestigation area in Warsaw for two reasons: it has historically de-
how do they treat obstacle height—as a mean for a given ref- signed ventilation corridors, so not only can we compare two ap-
erence idea, or as variable/maximum height. Kanda [27] and proaches, we can also contrast their results with the actual design
Millward-Hopkins [26] use this approach, as they argue Hm ax and use it for the evaluation. Second of all, Warsaw represents
is more suitable scaling parameter to map roughness element an average European metropolis—it lies in the temperate zone,
heterogeneity. Another possible method of division is the ref- which is one of the biggest cities in Europe, has a population of
erence area. Many studies utilize various type of mesh (regular 1.8 million inhabitants and almost twice as many city workers.
or adaptive) [20], [26], [28], whereas the “voronoi” approach It occupies more than 500 km2 and has a population density of
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 3. Lot, building, and vegetation statistics required for roughness param-
eters calculation.
Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of zero-displacement height (zd ), roughness length (z0 ) and porosity (P) for: (a) Flat terrain approach and (b) topography consideration.
Flat Topo
between the approaches can be seen in corridor 6 (Mokotowski), height, and some larger parks and small huts are being detected
8 (West Railway), and 3 (East Railway). As we studied these as blocking area, or the porosity threshold was set too low. In ad-
changes, we also noticed that it was mostly high vegetation that dition, whereas for all corridors negative changes are noticeable
was excluded in the calculation. In Mokotowski corridor, the for the topographical approach (under-detection), it must not
difference can be as high as 22% and covers vast high vegeta- mean a flaw in the calculation. Perhaps, the previous approach
tion areas stretching from Chopin Airport up to the Wygledów
˛ was actually “over detecting” the potential ventilation areas, as it
housing estate. A very similar process is visible for both rail- did not account for the high vegetation effect. Regardless of the
ways corridors: in each case between 15% and 22% is lost to reason, we question the validity of the conditions proposed over
the high vegetation. 20 years ago, in an era, where we have relatively easy access
In general, the inclusion of vegetation in our calculation has to high accuracy DSM data and we can efficiently implement
changed the outcome a lot. In our previous approaches, such it. We believe that including the topographic information yields
as in [30] and [40], the minimum percentage of well-ventilated better results, they need, however, to be followed up by the in
areas in a corridor was not lower than 25% and for Vistula cor- situ measurements to assess the proper adjustment.
ridor it reached even 92%. Overall detection of well-ventilated Second of all, we plan to further investigate the porosity in-
areas within existing corridors reached more than 60%, whereas dex. In this study, we utilized the approach suggested by Gál
inclusion of topography, vegetation, and bluff/porous bodies de- and Unger [15] and varied the volume value (decreased by a
creased it to little over 40% (see Table II). On average, 60% of constant) for the vegetation and building layer. We are aware,
all corridors areas were covered with well-ventilated areas. This however, that porosity is highly complex matter and has many
has significantly decreased now, since even the Vistula corridor uncertainties—season (leaf-on versus leaf-off), vegetation type
efficiency lies between 34% and 42%, depending on the ap- (coniferous versus deciduous and deciduous species), density or
proach. Surprisingly, the best performing corridor—according depth of a patch in a given wind direction. Given the spatial vari-
to our analysis—is Mokotowski corridor. It has the highest share ability of large woodland areas and the fact that forest account
of well-ventilated areas. for 14% of whole Warsaw, we believe that more detailed inves-
One more negative process is visible from the data. In 2006, tigation of the high vegetation influence on the urban ventilation
the city council decided to withdraw from the Bródnowski (2) is highly required.
corridor at the gain of the Northern Railway corridor. Our anal- One very important matter must still be studied in greater de-
ysis has shown—independent from the approach chosen—that tail. Whereas our analysis delivered the overall share of the areas
whereas around 35% of Bródnowski corridor was still function- that might promote the air flow, we did not regard their dimen-
ing, it was only true for around 15% of the Northern Railway sions and continuity. The only aspect applied was the minimum
corridor. Even more important notice is that the latter does not width of 50 m. In our further studies, we plan to investigate the
have any access to the supply areas, which directly weakens its length of each patch (Matzarakis et al. [39] suggest the width has
performance. to be substantial, at least 1000 m in one direction). Second mea-
sure worth considering is connectivity with other potential cor-
ridors but as well with the supply fields. Some areas do show po-
V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION tential (such as the southern part of the Northern Railway corri-
The results above show how we can use roughness and poros- dor), yet they lack connection to the supply fields (such as forests
ity parameters in defining potential urban ventilation corridors. or meadows) and, therefore, loose the most important feature
The proposed new approach includes vegetation—as an impor- of the ventilation corridor—bringing fresh and cool air into the
tant variable in the wind speed decrease—and the topography city. That is also directly connected with the investigation of
of the terrain. potential pollutants located in the direct neighborhood or in the
In our current study, we wanted to compare an existing ap- supply fields. Some areas in Warsaw are not connected to any of
proach (for over 20 years) in mapping potential ventilation cor- the CHPs and, therefore, large parts of the single-family houses
ridors with our new concept. In order to retrieve both vegetation there are using gas or coal stoves for heating. This phenomenon
and topography information, we utilized LiDAR data. We de- is even worse for the western municipalities outside Warsaw—
liberately used the local absolute altitude—treating the lowest such as Ożarów Mazowiecki or Pruszków. This poses potentially
detected point in Warsaw as local zero—as we wanted to in- an even bigger threat, since the prevailing wind directions for
clude topography in our calculation, yet did not want to work Warsaw are western. It could mean that ventilation corridors
in true altitude values. Such increase in height attribute value might transport even worse air to the city center. For this reason,
generated lower detection rate, in comparison to the flat ap- we want to expand our study area and locate the possible threats
proach. In many detailed investigated areas, it turned out, that and distinguish which areas are suitable for air regeneration.
the “blocked” areas (in flat detected as free) were community On the way to adapt to climate change, cities have devel-
gardens. Examples, Fig. 6(a)–(c) focuses on the three biggest oped many mitigation strategies—increasing surface albedo,
contrasting areas. The fact that these are community gardens decreasing impervious areas share or increasing urban green ar-
makes it worth considering—such areas are usually character- eas. Locating potential urban ventilation corridors bears many
ized by low roughness and one might think that they contribute advantages—wind flow increases our thermal comfort, sinks
overall to the air flow. This under-detection may result from the air temperature, disperses the air pollution and joins the
two issues: either the roughness parameters are too sensitive to aforementioned mitigation measures. In addition, such areas
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
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