FINAL EXAM Questions
FINAL EXAM Questions
FINAL EXAM Questions
1. Refers to aspect of the environment or reality that a person internalizes as part of the repertoire he
needs for successful living in society.
a. Former c. Learner
b. Person d. Resources
2. A set of learning content and experiences that are selected, organized and implemented by the school
in pursuit of its institutional purpose.
a. Instruction c. Learning
b. Curriculum d. Development
3. It is an internal activity; it is the learner who learns.
a. Content c. Learning
b. Process d. Experience
4. According to the Dictionary of Education it defines as a more or less permanent change in response or
behavior caused partly or wholly by experience.
a. Learning c. Experience
b. Improvement d. Content
5. Refers to any object, person or phenomenon that we “experience” or that we become aware of
through any of our five senses.
a. Stimulus c. Reaction
b. Response d. Action
6. Who is a prophet says that the teacher does not give of his wisdom, but leads you to the threshold of
your mind?
a. Robert Mayer c. Benjamin Blooms
b. Kahlil Gibran’s d. Lao Tzu
7. He said more or less the same things when he described the best teacher as one who “empowers” his
a. Lao Tzu c. Robert Mayer
b. Kahlil Gibran’s d. Jean Maed
8. It is the environment of learning.
a. Stimulus c. Milieu
b. Boundary d. Limit
9. Refers to the content of learning or what is to be learned as specified in the instructional objective.
a. Matter c. Curriculum
b. Things d. learning content
10. It is known as teaching – learning “strategy”.
a. Strategy c. Technique
b. Method d. Approach
11. Refers to the resources available to the teacher w/c serves as stimuli in the teaching – learning
a. Instructions c. Materials
b. Stimulus d. Response
12. Refers to the context pertains to the communication system in the teaching – learning situation.
a. Media c. learning objectives
b. Presentation d. Resources
13. It is a cardinal principle in learning.
a. Motivation c. Encouragement
b. Questioning d. Discussion
14. Motivation in learning there is the learner’s perception of a ________ or value in learning act based
on a “felt need”.
a. Personal meaning c. differed value
b. present qualification d. future reward
15. A/An _______ teacher is one who is able “to enter the world of the young”.
a. good c. ideal
b. effective d. experience
16. It means the internalization of learning resulting in automatic or habitual change in behavior through
meaningful repetition and application.
a. Mastery c. talented
b. effective d. skilled
17. Mastery comes about through a ________ of what is to be learned, shifting it from short – term to
long – term memory.
a. fix c. fixation
b. fixing d. fixed
18. On this stage, the individual does not know at all. What is more, he does not know, and most likely,
he does not care.
a. Unconscious Incompetence c. Conscious Competence
b. Conscious Incompetence d. Unconscious Competence
19. At this juncture, the learner, perhaps accidentally or providentially, gets to discover that he does not
know and realize that he needs to know.
a. Unconscious Incompetence c. Unconscious Competence
b. Conscious Incompetence d. Conscious Competence
20. The learner gets institution from a teacher who explains what is to be learned (content) and shows
him how (couching).
a. Conscious Incompetence c. Conscious Competence
b. Unconscious Incompetence d. Unconscious Competence
21. Finally, he reaches a point where he is so proficient that it has become second nature to him and he is
able to exhibit the new behavior w/o conscious effort.
a. Conscious Incompetence c. Conscious Competence
b. Unconscious Incompetence d. Conscious Competence
22. It is the final element in the teaching – learning sequence.
a. Measurement c. Judgment
b. Evaluation d. Testing
23. It is the gauge of the success or lack of success of our teaching and the concomitant learning of the
a. Judgment c. Measurement
b. Testing d. Evaluation
24. An important principle to observe in evaluation is the so called _______.
a. Matching principle c. Objective principle
b. Combined principle d. Analysis principle
25. It is the plan of instruction; it must contain the elements of teaching.
a. Unit Plan c. Session Plan
b. Plantilla d. TPO
26. Measurement then is but one aspect of a process called _________.
a. Testing c. Evaluation
b. Judgment d. Measurement
27. It is the function of teacher direction and student self – activity w/ teacher supervision.
a. Goal c. Target
b. Mastery d. Aim
28. Cost benefits wise, the textbook is an efficient way of providing a large group w/ identical
instructional materials.
a. Convenience c. Coverage
b. Continuity d. Control
29. The textbook ensures continuation and carryover of instruction even when there is a temporary or
permanent change teaching personnel in the middle of the school year.
a. Convenience c. Continuity
b. Coverage d. Control
30. The textbook provides a uniform tool for keeping tab of the progress of a class in the coverage of
curriculum content.
a. Control c. Currency
b. Convenience d. Creativity
31. The textbook is necessarily limited to minimum content.
a. Common Denominator c. Creativity
b. Currency d. Coverage
32. The textbook is meant to cater to all types of students. It is geared to the “average” students and uses
standard pacing of learning.
a. Common Denominator c. Coverage
b. Currency d. Currency
33. The textbook with its “cookbook” approach may kill teacher initiative. With a textbook. The teacher
tends to follow the path of least resistance.
a. Creativity c. Control
b. Currency d. Coverage.
34. Textbook production takes a long time and books cannot keep up w/ fast turnover of knowledge and
a. Control c. Continuity
b. Currency d. Convenience
35. This should be the collective decision or recommendation not just are individual, when are conversant
w/ the learning content of the subject area having worked on the subject area SSG and SMB.
a. SATF c. EO
b. TOP d. CDS
36. Represents elements found in that world and are meant to help students understand and explain
a. Instructional Materials c. Learning Process
b. Effective Teaching d. Actual Activity
37. It is the responsibility of the teacher, a professional adult person trained for the job.
a. Tutorial c. Trained
b. Teaching d. Practiced
38. Refers to certain activities that the learner undergoes in reaction to the environment with which he has
an opportunity to interact.
a. Latter c. Interaction
b. Former d. Learning
39. It is a personal to the learner and what he gets out of it depends a lot on his total personal life space.
a. Learning c. Resources
b. Experience d. Knowledge
40. It is the interaction of the learners with conditions in the environment which brings about a change in
behavior for the better.
a. Instruction c. Experience
b. Learning d. Curriculum
41. Involves a “process” and brings about an “outcome”.
a. Learning c. Output
b. Process d. Result
42. Which of the following 5 R’s of learning is not belong?
a. Reception c. Reaffirmation
b. Reaction d. Reflection
43. These points encompass the key elements or the so called _______ teaching of
a. 6 M’s c. 7 M’s
b. 9 M’s d. 8 M’s
44. “Audio – visual Methods in teaching”, a useful resource book on instructional material by ________.
a. Edgar Dele c. Edgar Dale
b. Edgar Dael d. Edgar Deli
45. One of the old reliable materials used and sometimes over versed by the teacher in the classroom.
a. Textbook c. Dictionary
b. Books d. Articles
46. Who is able to add non – verbal proficiency to verbal competency will be by far a more effective
communicator in teaching and learning.
a. Professor c. Administrator
b. Teaches d. Learner
47. A teacher should never proceed to the next lesson/unit unless the previous one has been well –
mastered by the students as revealed by the results of evaluation.
a. Mastery dictum c. Mastery dictum
b. Mastery dictom d. Mastery dectom
48. The role at this point is to provide supervision, guidance and encouragement until the students gain
confidence and can do it on their own without any help.
a. Parent c. Professor
b. Administration d. Teacher
49. Who cautioned that “the teacher should teach less so that the student could learn more?
a. Comenius c. Socratic
b. Confucious d. Shakespare
50. The Master Teacher himself who, we are told in scriptures, “taught with authority”
a. MH. 13,34 c. MH. 13, 54
b. MK. 1,22 d. MK. 1,20
Key to Correction
1. a. Former
2. b. Curriculum
3. c. Learning
4. a. Learning
5. a. Stimulus
6. b. Kahlil Gibran’s
7. a. Lao Tzu
8. c. Milieu
9. a. Matter
10. b. Method
11. c. Materials
12. a. Media
13. a. Motivation
14. a. Personal meaning
15. b. Effective
16. a. Mastery
17. c. Fixation
18. a. Unconscious Incompetence
19. b. Conscious Incompetence
20. c. Conscious Competence
21. d. Unconscious Competence
22. a. Measurement
23. d. Evaluation
24. a. Matching principle
25. b. Plantilla
26. c. Evaluation
27. b. Mastery
28. a. Convenience
29. c. Continuity
30. a. Control
31. d. Coverage
32. a. Common Denominator
33. a. Creativity
34. b. Currency
35. a. SATF
36. a. Institutional Materials
37. b. Teaching
38. a. Latter
39. b. Experience
40. b. Learning
41. a. Learning
42. c. Reaffirmation
43. d. 8 M’s
44. c. Edgar Dale
45. a. Textbook
46. b. Teacher
47. a. Mastery Dictum
48. d. Teacher
49. a. Comenius
50. b. MK. 1,22