Educational Technology Test Questions and Answers
Educational Technology Test Questions and Answers
Educational Technology Test Questions and Answers
C. video, pictures and television D. It can be used for displaying pictures and
D. realia and computer important clippings.
15. Mrs. Soriano, a Grade V teacher prefers to use 24. With which learning style group are manipulatives
textbooks than other instructional materials. What MOST effective?
could be her reason for using it? A. Master style group
A. Textbooks can be easily duplicated. B. Interpersonal style group
B. Textbooks quickly become updated. C. Understanding style group
C. Textbooks address the needs of diverse D. Self- expressive style group
students. 25. Which does a pupil use when s/he sings a concept
D. Textbooks contain most of the materials they to a familiar tune in order to help himself commit
need to learn in the course. the concept to memory?
16. It is impractical to bring real objects to the A. rap C. pop
classroom so Ms. Simangan constructed a B. jingle D. lullaby
threedimensional visual instead. Which of the 26. Prof. Arcilla would like to use audiocassette tape
following did she construct? in teaching a lesson in English. In which activity
A. cartoon C. graphic is audiocassette tape very effective in the
B. chart D. model teaching-learning process?
17. If a teacher wants to teach her pupils the skill to A. in developing listening skills
organize and integrate related concepts, which of B. in teaching creative writing
the following is the most appropriate graphic C. in composing poems
organizer to use? D. in building concepts
A. timeline C. venn diagram 27. Romalyn is going to discuss about The ADDIE
B. fishbone D. semantic webbing Model to a big class. She is planning to use a
18. Which graphic organizer is used to show how a technology by which parts of her presentation
series of events interact to produce a set of results could be partly hidden to make it more exciting
again and again? and interesting. What do you think shall she use?
A. Series of events chart C. cycle A. model C. transparency
B. Web D. timeline B. realia D. video
19. Which instructional aid requires pupils to 28. Marife wants to make a presentation material
verbalize? wherein more additional transparent sheets with
A. graphic C. . model information can be placed over a base
B. diorama D. . video transparency. Which one should she make?
20. Which of the following is inappropriate in using A. cut-out C. silhouette
printed visuals such as charts, graphs, and B. puppet D. overlay
drawings? 29. Which one is used with 2D and 3D materials?
A. Provide written or verbal cues to highlight A. Opaque projector C. digital projector
important aspects of visuals. B. overhead projector D. slide projector
B. Allow the students to pass the materials from 30. After watching the film, “Muro Ami’, the students
one person to another. of Mrs. Tamaray are expected to show a
C. Use materials that everyone can see. demonstrative proof of what they have learned.
D. Present the material one at time. How is the technology used in thissituation?
21. Under what category will a globe as an A. entertainment C. instructional
instructional material fall? B. informational D. entertainment and
A. Realia C. solid model informational
B. mock up D. cutaway model 31. Self made charts and illustrations serve as
22. Prof. Agustin would like to provide hands-on universal aid for bringing fascinating and exciting
experience on the expansion and contraction of experiences in the classroom. To tap the optimum
matter. Which of the following materials would be potentials of these materials, which of the
the best to use? following should be avoided?
A. models C. realias A. Giving due consideration to lettering.
B. pictures D. slides B. Presenting materials with accurate facts.
23. Ms. Sarah finds the chalkboard an effective C. Giving more importance to austerity over
instructional material up to present. However, just legibility.
like any other materials, it also has its limitations. D. Focusing on the main idea of the lesson
Which one is it? presented.
A. It allows spontaneity, speed and change. 32. Kamyl used overhead transparencies when she
B. Absent students cannot keep up with their presented her assigned topic to class. What type of
assignments. educational technology are transparencies?
C. It is valuable for emphasizing the major points A. printed material C. projected
of the lesson. material
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St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-2239/0929-688-4348 3
47. Mr. Villena searches for related literature by C. Change the objectives to match with the
accessing several databases in the library available materials.
computer that is connected with other computers D. Carry out the lesson as planned and use the
that have databases. How is this termed? materials at hand.
A. CD ROM search C. mechanical search 55. Prof. Balagtas used worksheets, manipulatives
B. computer search D. online search and models in teaching math to help her students
48. Which pair of tools provide synchronous understand the lesson and love the subject. What
communication? did she bear in mind when she used these
A. chatroom and email materials?
B. email and bulletin board A. appropriateness C. breadth
C. video conferencing and blogs B. balance D. variety
D. instant messaging and chatroom 56. Ms. Torres always makes sure that text, animation
49. Should Mrs. Reyes allow her pupils to surf the and color do not confuse students in her
Internet in creating a group newsletter during her presentation materials. Which principle is
English class? Why? applied?
A. No, because pupils may just be exchanging A. simplicity C. responsiveness
messages via email. B. variety D. cost
B. No, because the pupils might open undesirable effectiveness
websites. 57. Mrs. Reyes, a librarian, informed the students as
C. Yes, to allow the pupils to chat with their well as the teachers that several software are
friends. available for classroom instruction and individual
D. Yes, as long as it is used effectively. learning. Which material is she referring to?
50. Which of the following should you ask yourself in A. Computers C. Television set
evaluating the content of an instructional B. CD-ROM D. VCD and DVD
material? players
A. Do the materials reinforce learning 58. Susan’s mother tongue is a vernacular. Which of
effectively? the following materials would be the most
B. Are the materials of high technical quality? efficient and effective material to learn a second
C. Does the content match the curriculum? language?
D. Is it appropriate for the students? A. interactive multimedia
51. Which of the following statements does NOT B. pictures and print materials
describe educational technology? C. audio compact discs and radio
i. It includes hardware and software. D. printed materials and real objects
ii. It refers to the efficiency of teachers in using 59. Computer can be a good tool for individualized
computers instruction. Which of the following aspects can be
iii. It is the development, application, and a deterrent for its full utilization in the
evaluation of systems, techniques and aids to classrooms?
improve human learning. A. economic C. social
A. i only C. Both ii and iii B. physical D. technical
B. ii only D. Both i and iii 60. With the increasing use of educational technology
52. What should Mr. Asuncion determine first in the inside the classroom, what roles are expected of
selection of media in teaching? the teacher?
A. needs of the students C. technique to be used A. facilitator C. knowledge giver
B. availability of the media D. objectives of the B. demonstrator D. source of information
lesson 61. Which of the following technologies are properly
53. Which is the most important reason why teachers classified?
preview materials to be used in class? A. computers, compact discs, film, television
A. To gain confidence in using them. B. imaginative literature, book, programmed
B. To encourage viewers to be more focused. instruction
C. To avoid potential problems that might occur C. versatile compact disc, printed material,
while materials are in use. diagram, sketches
D. To ensure appropriateness of the materials D. digital video, phonograph, compact discs,
with the objectives and target audience. radio, audio tape
54. After Ms. Raca planned her lesson in English, she 62. Which of the following technologies are arranged
found out that the materials at hand do not match from the most concrete to the most abstract?
her objectives. Which is the best thing that she can A. motion pictures, verbal symbols, visual
do? symbols, radio, realias
A. Modify the available materials. B. realias, visual symbols, television, motion
B. Teach the lesson the following day. pictures, still pictures
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D. The excessive availability of local technology B. drill and practice . D. Instructional game
in the community. 88. Which of the following is an ineffective use of
78. With the number of senses to be stimulated as presentation software?
criterion, which one should be first in thelist? A. Darken the room
A. multi sensory aid C. visual aid B. Use appropriate pacing
B. audio-visual aid D. audio aid C. Read directly from the slides.
79. Which of the following is considered in terms of D. Allow interaction with the learner.
technical quality of a material? 89. Which of the following is NOT an example of
A. stereotyping C. color and size of text communicative tool?
B. vocabulary level D. students’ A. multimedia encyclopedia
achievement B. teleconferencing
80. Which statement is true about the opaque C. electronic mail
projector and overhead projector? D. chat
A. An opaque projector allows more flexibility 90. Which is a characteristic of the teaching machines
than an overhead projector. of B. F. Skinner?
B. An overhead projector allows more flexibility A. It does not need any feedback.
than an opaque projector. B. It requires teacher’s assistance.
C. Opaque and overhead projectors can C. It is meant for a collaborative work.
instantaneously project 3D visuals well. D. It allows a student to learn at his/her own
D. The series of still visuals in an opaque pace.
projector are arranged in a fixed pattern but 91. Why is one-way delivery of information a misuse
not in an overhead projector. of communication tools?
81. A grade II teacher wanted to show the parts of a A. because the teacher expects the student to
seed by using a large, wooden seed visual aid with study more
detachable cotyledons and tiny seed. Under what B. because it requires activities that focus on
classification does wooden structure fall? thinking than responding
A. assembly model C. realia C. because it enables the users to focus more on
B. cutaway model D. solid model higher level cognitive activities
82. Which term refers to a model which is constructed D. because this kind of practice lessens
so as to emphasize a particular part or function? interaction capabilities of communication
A. audio recording C. mock-up tools
B. simulation D, realia 92. Internet consists of thousands of connected
83. Which is the best use of computers to students computer networks around the world. Which term
like you? does NOT refer to Internet?
A. They are used for chatting and surfing the net. A. A. NET C. “Cyberspace”
B. They are used for research and collaboration. B. B. Online D. “Information
C. They are used for playing online games. Superhighway”
D. They are used for watching movies. 93. Your class adviser is planning to have an
84. Which statement makes technology ineffective in asynchronous communication with your
student learning? classmates. Which technology tools can she use?
A. It develops higher thinking skills. A. chat and blog
B. It prepares students for the workforce. B. chat and instant messaging
C. It enhances students’ collaborative skills. C. blog and video conferencing
D. It decreases achievement in content learning. D. electronic bulletin board and email
85. You plan to use instructional materials to a big 94. In your computer subject, you allow your class to
class-size. Which of these will you not use? chat as a part of your motivation before discussing
A. pictures C. 27-inch television them the roles of computer. How is chat used in
B. projection device D. computer with LCD this context?
projector A. Communicative tool C. Application tool
86. Computers can be classified according to the roles B. Informative tool D. Situating tool
they play namely communicative tool, informative 95. Your mother wanted to finish her long dreamed
tool, and constructive tool. What is the other role course but she wanted to do it at home during her
of computes in the options below? free time. How could you help your mother in
A. instructional tool C. utility tool pursuing her dream?
B. situating tool D, application tool A. Encourage her to hire a helper so that she can
87. Which of the following categories of CAI will you attend regularly to her class.
use in your class if your objective is to increase B. Give up your study so that your mother can
proficiency in a newly learned skill or refresh an attend her classes.
existing one? C. Enroll her to the school where you enrolled.
A. tutorial C. simulation D. Enroll her in distance education
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