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F i e l d S t u d y 7 – P r a c t i c e T e a c h i n g P o r t f o l i o |1


Repertoire of best teaching practice and can use these to instruct children in classroom

and to adults in the school setting. It views of learning teach as a lifelong process and

disposition and skills for working towards improving us our teaching as well as improving

schools. In practice teaching we also know how to develop our learning environment

where teaching and learning can take place in the most effective and productive manner.

Practice teaching is very important for us as a future teacher because it serves as our

guide to step forward for our vocation of what best scenario to enclose ourselves and this

training develops as to become effective and efficient teacher to the young generation.

Practice teaching is likewise important potentials that would guide us to discover the best

techniques that we can achieve. Through this experience we can disregard our weaknesses

and lead us to make a better world model as future professionals.

What is Practice teaching?

Practice teaching is of paramount importance in the vocational training of student

teachers. It is this immersion into the real world of school that prepares the student in

making the transition from trainee to professional. Practice teaching played an important

part in their development as teachers by providing a context wherein they could merge

theory and practice; find their own teaching and management styles as well as cope with

the demands of multi-tasking that being in a classroom demands. The paramount role of the

host teacher and the importance of positive relationships with all stakeholders were fore

grounded - as was the importance of an awareness of the cultural and contextual make-up

of learners.
F i e l d S t u d y 7 – P r a c t i c e T e a c h i n g P o r t f o l i o |2

Good teaching practice is a key influence on student learning - a desired outcome and

primary goal of higher educational institutions. Teachers strive to meet the principles of

good practice in an effort to provide the best learning experience for their students. Key

considerations in shaping good teaching practice include:

 Encouraging good communication between teachers and learners

 Encouraging interaction among learners

 Providing opportunities for active participation

 Timely and appropriate response and feedback

 Emphasising time on task

 Motivating learning by communicating expectations

 Respecting diverse talents and ways of learning

Goals of Practice Teaching

The student teaching experience is designed to give the student a full time internship

under the supervision of a cooperating teacher. The Education Department requires that

the student’s total scholastic effort be devoted to the student teaching

experience. Specifically, the student will:

1. Observe and teach for a minimum period of 11 weeks during the second semester of the

senior year.

2. Create and teach from lesson plans made under the supervision of a licensed public or

private school teacher.

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3. Gradually assume responsibility for teaching from three or more classes a day during

this period. (Teaching load may vary in relationship to the subject being taught and the

school schedule.)

4. Be responsible for administrative duties associated with these classes. This should

include attendance reports and other routine duties previously handled by the

cooperating teacher.

5. Assume responsibility for the grading of students in assigned classes.

6. Construct, administer, correct, and grade examinations for classes being taught.

7. Visit with administrative personnel and special education teachers about the total

educational system.

8. Assume duties in addition to daily classes. This could include study hall, small group

tutoring, or whatever is deemed necessary to make the schedule and experience as

complete as possible.

9. Become increasingly aware of the multicultural component of the classroom and

demonstrate skills for meaningful interaction among racial, ethic, gender, and

culturally diverse groups.

10. Established and maintain a positive, purposeful, and God-centred learning

environment that promotes positive social interaction, active engagement in learning

and self-motivation.

11. Communicate, collaborate, and consult with teacher, students, administrators, and

parents clearly and effectively in the educational process.

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The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte


Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of dynamism and cultural

diversity in building a just and humane society.


A dynamic and diverse internationally recognized University


Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges to deliver effective and efficient services

along research, instruction, production and extension.

It commits to provide advance professional, technical and technopreneurial training with

the aim of producing highly competent, innovative and self-renewed individuals.

F i e l d S t u d y 7 – P r a c t i c e T e a c h i n g P o r t f o l i o |5


Jose Rizal Memorial State University (JRMSU) focuses on developing graduates who

are exemplars of Rizal’s ideals that can:

E – xhibit relevant and responsive competencies across disciplines towards

X – enial delivery of services;

C – ommunicate ideas proficiently in both written and spoken form;

E – ngage in lifelong learning;

L – ead effectively and efficiently amidst socio – cultural diversity;

L – ive up to the challenges of the global community;

E – mbody professional, social and ethical responsibilities;

N – urture a harmonious environment;

C – onserve and promote Filipino culture heritage and

E – valuate their contribution to the local and global communities

F i e l d S t u d y 7 – P r a c t i c e T e a c h i n g P o r t f o l i o |6



The College of education aims to produce globally competent and committed

professional teachers.


1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the development of elementary learners

anchored on Rizal’s ideals.

2. Exhibit comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in the elementary


3. Create and utilize materials appropriate in the elementary level to enhance

teaching and learning.

4. Design and implement assessment tools and procedures to measure elementary

learning outcomes.


1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the development of adolescent learners

anchored on Rizal’s ideals.

2. Exhibit comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in the secondary


3. Create and utilize materials appropriate in the secondary level to enhance teaching
and learning.

5. Design and implement assessment tools and procedures to measure secondary

learning outcomes.
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The Bachelor of Secondary Education shall:

1. exhibit professional, social and ethical responsibilities as educator amidst cultural


2. demonstrate proficient communication skills in both written and spoken form in the
global perspective;

3. carry out pedagogy in the real secondary classroom setting;

4. excel in the Licensure Examination for Teachers beyond the National Passing
Percentage for the secondary education;



The Bachelor of Elementary Education shall:

1. exhibit professional, social and ethical responsibilities as educator amidst cultural


2. demonstrate proficient communication skills in both written and spoken form in the
global perspective;

3. carry out pedagogy in the real elementary classroom setting;

4. excel in the Licensure Examination for Teachers beyond the National Passing
Percentage for the elementary education;
F i e l d S t u d y 7 – P r a c t i c e T e a c h i n g P o r t f o l i o |8

Student Teacher’s Educational Philosophy/Credo

Learning is the fundamental and ongoing process that every child and adult

experiences throughout their life. It is also the ultimate goal of teaching that is not possible

to realize if there are no teachers who act as facilitator.

I believe that all students can learn when they are accepted who and where they are in

their educational journey that’s why it is the duty of the teachers to fill in the needs of the

students because teaching is not merely stating the facts but it is also training the students

in varied activities that makes them as total competitive individuals.

As I enter this course I know that there should be lot of qualities that a teacher should

possess with and the most essential for me to be an exceptional teacher is through the

qualities of being kind, attentive, open minded, generous, creative and create a positive

learning environment for all. The first thing that I will do is to gain their trust because this

is the most special assets that I must get so that I can create a positive relationship with my

students. I will encourage and give those opportunities to learn and discover new things

that are not yet happening to their lives and most especially I will value all of them as I

value myself.

I believe that it is also important that I as an educator must provide the students with

adequate respect and will strive to be a responsible teacher taking all the students needs so

that I can start making a good foundation of quality learning for my students. Through this

I will then be able to develop new avenues in each chapter of their lives as a student.

I really believe in the saying “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to

change the world and change starts in small things that’s why every students are train to

change in small things in school, home and their community.”

F i e l d S t u d y 7 – P r a c t i c e T e a c h i n g P o r t f o l i o |9

As student teacher who aims to become a teacher, I will give my best to become a

fruitful and resourceful teacher for my future students bearing all the qualities of being a

good teacher.

I believe that the purpose of teaching is to let learning happen. Sometimes this means

just getting out of the way and keeping your opinions to yourself, and other times it means

intervening in decisive ways to make clear to students your seasoned, critical judgments

about the material being studied. I take Plutarch at his word that we are all capable of

making progress in virtue and capable of detecting signs of our approach toward it.

It is our duty to compare our present emotions with their former selves and with one

another, and thus determine differences. We must compare them with their former selves,

to see whether the desires, fears, anger, and passions which we are experiencing today are

less intense than they used to be, such a way we, by means of reason, they can rapidly get

rid of the causes that kindles and inflames them; and we must compare them with one

another, to see whether now we are more inclined to feel shame than fear, to be emulous

rather than envious, more eager for good repute than for money.

I believe it is always preferable to be direct and honest with and about oneself. This is

especially true for teachers. How else could we be trusted to work with those who have

come to us in earnest that we might help them shape their ideas and earn their diplomas,

and over whom we exercise some degree of authority whether in the form of grades or

status or simply experience? And so, my Credo is simple and it can be yours too.

I believe that remarkable works from the world's great traditions can tell us useful

things about how others have viewed and expressed what it means to be better, more
F i e l d S t u d y 7 – P r a c t i c e T e a c h i n g P o r t f o l i o | 10

ennobled, humans; and, further, that we stand to learn a great deal from those accounts. It

is our further task to participate, and to become a part of it. Then and only then can we

allow it to become an abiding part of ourselves. It is in such moments of communion and

transfiguration that, I believe, what we seek to teach comes alive and continues to live a

renewed life in and through us. We give it life, even as it animates us.

I believe those who profess to be teachers must dedicate their lives to the pursuit of

learning, and must think constantly and deeply about what it means to be a teacher. A

teacher is someone who has made a deliberate decision to be dedicated to learning and

then to share what she or he has learned and continues to learn while teaching. I have found

a maxim that expresses this well: "cum docimus, discimus" [we learn as we teach].

Another motto by which I live and learn, closely related to the first, is "discere vivendo"(to

learn through living).

In addition, I believe that honouring our students, we have our obligations to the

books and concepts and axioms and facts that we teach as well as to the community within

which we happen to be teaching and (it is to be hoped) learning. Yet, above all, I believe an

educator should put his or her students first, and in this way contributes meaningfully to

the Commonwealth of Learning. It is this that enables our lessons, over time, to circulate

and reverberate honourably and amply in the communities of which our students are a part.

This we do without any thought of personal advancement or private gain. There is no

reward like no reward as one teacher of old put it so eloquently if cryptically.

I believe a teacher is someone who makes an on-going effort to listen to what students

are saying, to clue in to how they learn and to act on this appropriately. No matter what or
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how we teach, it becomes our responsibility to help students learn enough to be able to

pose appropriately prior questions; namely, those fundamental questions upon which the

very ground of what they think they know is based. This means that teachers have a nearly

sacred trust and duty where their students are concerned. "No one is fit to educate unless he

feels each pupil an end in himself, with his own rights and his own personality, not merely

a piece in a jig-saw puzzle, or a soldier in a regiment, or a citizen in a State.

Henceforth, I believe that no matter what class or what topic I might happen to be

teaching, everything I do should be geared toward helping students see what they will be

able to do with what they have been studying. Often for me this takes the form of having

the students write critically or creatively (and often both at the same time) about what they

have been studying and at times to write in imitation of the book they have been reading.

But this is just a preliminary step. I believe further that every teacher is obliged to know in

advance and to be able to state clearly what he or she wants the students to be able to do

with the content of every lesson that is taught. It is in this respect that the real job of a

teacher is to discover ways of helping students gain confidence and competence in

learning how to learn what they need to know so that, along the way, they can begin to take

a more active, reflective, and responsible role in their learning.

I believe the ultimate role of the teacher is to be there for one's students as they "get" a

particular lesson or book, and then seek to move beyond the mere content of the instruction

toward the more far-reaching implications and underlying principles. This is as true when

I train fencers to riposte as it is when I show writers how to use the semi-colon. To be sure,

the acquisition and mastery of basic skills proper to each discipline is vital to working

effectively within that area of investigation. Still, once these basics are presented and
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"learned," I labour to help my students discover within themselves their own characteristic

excellence; to discover for themselves how these basic skills can help them draw out,

buttress, and build on their native abilities and intellectual preferences.

I strive to enable them to recognize their strengths so as to cultivate them and then

apply what they have learned to other areas of study and activities in the world. Sometimes

this means taking the time to get to know how each of them learns. To do this honestly and

with integrity a teacher must strive to respect the worth and dignity of every student--and

often mark up a lot of homework assignments. Rather than subscribe to the doctrine of

"student management" (which maintains that any time given to students is time away from

your own, "more important," work), an educator must take seriously the charge implied in

the etymology of the word education, to lead I believe it is our challenge and our reward,

as educators, to lead our students out of and away from ignorance and toward a path most

appropriate for their seeking a heart of wisdom and subsequently acting nobly in the


The essence of my teaching, and what I hope to is still in each of my students (even as

I strive to learn it anew each time I put it to the test), is summed up well by Montaigne in

his essay "On Experience":

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Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e), Article 11, of R.A. No. 7836, otherwise known

as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 and paragraph (a), section 6,

P.D. No. 223, as amended, the Board for Professional Teachers hereby adopts the Code of

Ethics for Professional Teachers.


Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possessed dignity and reputation with

high moral values as well as technical and professional competence in the practice of their

noble profession, and they strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and

moral principles, standards, and values.

Article I: Scope and Limitations

Section 1 The Philippine Constitution provides that all educational institution shall offer

quality education for all competent teachers. Committed to its full realization, the

provision of this Code shall apply, therefore, to all teachers in schools in the Philippines.

Section 2 This Code covers all public and private school teachers in all educational

institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary levels whether academic,

vocational, special, technical, or non-formal. The term “teacher” shall include industrial

arts or vocational teachers and all other persons performing supervisory and /or

administrative functions in all school at the aforesaid levels, whether on full time or

part-time basis.
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Article II: The Teacher and the State

Section 1 The schools are the nurseries of the future citizens of the state; each teacher is a

trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation

totransmit to learners such heritage as well as to elevate national morality, promote

nationalpride, cultivate love of country, instil allegiance to the constitution and for all duly

constituted authorities, and promote obedience to the laws of the state.

Section 2 Every teacher or school official shall actively help carry out the declared policies

of the state, and shall take an oath to this effect.

Section 3 In the interest of the State and of the Filipino people as much as of his own, every

teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit.

Section 4 Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion to


Section 5 A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other

partisan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any

money or service or other valuable material from any person or entity for such purposes.

Section 6 Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and


Section 7 A teacher shall not use his position or official authority or influence to coerce

any other person to follow any political course of action.

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Section 8 Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have privilege of

expounding the product of his researches and investigations; provided that, if the results

are inimical to the declared policies of the State, they shall be brought to the proper

authorities for appropriate remedial action.

Article III: The Teacher and the Community

Section 1 A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he

shall, therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conducive to such

learning and growth.

Section 2 Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate

incommunity movements for moral, social, educational, economic and civic betterment.

Section 3 Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he

shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as

gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses, much less illicit relations.

Section 4 Every teacher shall live for and with the community and shall, therefore, study

and understand local customs and traditions in order to have sympathetic attitude,

therefore, refrain from disparaging the community.

Section 5 Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community informed

about the school’s work and accomplishments as well as its needs and problems.

Section 6 Every teacher is intellectual leader in the community, especially in the barangay,

and shall welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed, to extend
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counseling services, as appropriate, and to actively be involved in matters affecting the

welfare of the people.

Section 7 Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official

relations with other professionals, with government officials, and with the people,

individually or collectively.

Section 8 A teacher possesses freedom to attend church and worships as appropriate, but

shall not use his positions and influence to proselyte others.

Article IV: A Teacher and the Profession

Section 1 Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest profession, and

shall manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.

Section 2 Every teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of quality education,

shall make the best preparations for the career of teaching, and shall be at his best at all

times and in the practice of his profession.

Section 3 Every teacher shall participate in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

program of the Professional Regulation Commission, and shall pursue such other studies as

will improve his efficiency, enhance the prestige of the profession, and strengthen his

competence, virtues, and productivity in order to be nationally and internationally

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Section 4 Every teacher shall help, if duly authorized, to seek support from the school, but

shall not make improper misrepresentations through personal advertisements and other

questionable means.

Section 5 Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in a manner that makes it

dignified means for earning a decent living.

Article V: The Teachers and the Profession

Section 1 Teachers shall, at all times, be imbued with the spirit of professional loyalty,

mutual confidence, and faith in one another, self-sacrifice for the common good; and full

cooperation with colleagues. When the best interest of the learners, the school, or the

profession is at stake in any controversy, teachers shall support one another.

Section 2 A teacher is not entitled to claim credit or work not of his own, and shall give due

credit for the work of others which he may use.

Section 3 Before leaving his position, a teacher shall organize for whoever assumes the

position such records and other data as are necessary to carry on the work.

Section 4 A teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential information concerning associates

and the school, and shall not divulge to anyone documents which has not been officially

released, or remove records from files without permission.

Section 5 It shall be the responsibility of every teacher to seek correctives for what may

appear to be an unprofessional and unethical conduct of any associate. However, this may

be done only if there is incontrovertible evidence for such conduct.

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Section 6 A teacher may submit to the proper authorities any justifiable criticism against

an associate, preferably in writing, without violating the right of the individual concerned.

Section 7 A teacher may apply for a vacant position for which he is qualified; provided that

he respects the system of selection on the basis of merit and competence; provided, further,

that all qualified candidates are given the opportunity to be considered.

Article VI: The Teacher and Higher Authorities in the Profession

Section 1 Every teacher shall make it his duty to make an honest effort to understandand

support the legitimate policies of the school and the administration regardless ofpersonal

feeling or private opinion and shall faithfully carry them out.

Section 2 A teacher shall not make any false accusations or charges against superiors,

especially under anonymity. However, if there are valid charges, he should present such

under oath to competent authority.

Section 3 A teacher shall transact all official business through channels except when

special conditions warrant a different procedure, such as when special conditions are

advocated but are opposed by immediate superiors, in which case, the teacher shall appeal

directly to the appropriate higher authority.

Section 4 Every teacher, individually or as part of a group, has a right to seek redress

against injustice to the administration and to extent possible, shall raise grievances within

acceptable democratic possesses. In doing so, they shall avoid jeopardizing the interest and

the welfare of learners who’s right to learn must be respected.

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Section 5 Every teacher has a right to invoke the principle that appointments, promotions,

and transfer of teachers are made only on the basis of merit and needed in the interest of the


Section 6 A teacher who accepts a position assumes a contractual obligation to live up to

his contract, assuming full knowledge of employment terms and conditions.

Article VII: School Officials, Teachers, and Other Personnel Section

Section 1 All school officials shall at all times show professional courtesy, helpfulness and

sympathy towards teachers and other personnel, such practices being standards of effective

school supervision, dignified administration, responsible leadership and enlightened


Section 2 School officials, teachers, and other school personnel shall consider it

theircooperative responsibility to formulate policies or introduce important changes in the

system at all levels.

Section 3 School officials shall encourage and attend the professional growth of all

teachers under them such as recommending them for promotion, giving them due

recognition for meritorious performance, and allowing them to participate in conferences

in training programs.

Section 4 No school officials shall dismiss or recommend for dismissal a teacher or

othersubordinates except for cause.

Section 5 School authorities concern shall ensure that public school teachers are employed

in accordance with pertinent civil service rules, and private school teachers are issued
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contracts specifying the terms and conditions of their work; provided that they are given, if

qualified, subsequent permanent tenure, in accordance with existing laws.

Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners

Section 1 A teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic marks and

thepromotions of learners in the subject or grades he handles, provided that such

determination shall be in accordance with generally accepted procedures of evaluation and

measurement. In case of any complaint, teachers concerned shall immediately take

appropriate actions, observing due process.

Section 2 A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are of first and

foremost concern, and shall deal justifiably and impartially with each of them.

Section 3 Under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced or discriminate against a


Section 4 A teacher shall not accept favours’ or gifts from learners, their parents or others

in their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if undeserved.

Section 5 A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration from tutorials

other what is authorized for such service.

Section 6 A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in merit and quality

of academic performance.

Section 7 In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between

teacher and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid

scandal, gossip and preferential treatment of the learner.

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Section 8 A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make

deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly not

manifestation of poor scholarship.

Section 9 A teacher shall ensure that conditions contribute to the maximum development

of learners are adequate, and shall extend needed assistance in preventing or solving

learner’s problems and difficulties.

Article IX: The Teachers and Parents

Section 1 Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents, and

shall conduct himself to merit their confidence and respect.

Section 2 Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of the progress

and deficiencies of learner under him, exercising utmost candour and tact in pointing out

the learner's deficiencies and in seeking parent’s cooperation for the proper guidance and

improvement of the learners.

Section 3 A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy and understanding, and

shall discourage unfair criticism.

Article X: The Teacher and Business

Section 1 A teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate income

generation; provided that it does not relate to or adversely affect his work as a teacher.

Section 2 A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to the financial matters

such as in the settlement of his debts and loans in arranging satisfactorily his private

financial affairs.
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Section 3 No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be financially

interested in, any commercial venture which furnish textbooks and other school

commodities in the purchase and disposal of which he can exercise official influence,

except only when his assignment is inherently, related to such purchase and disposal;

provided they shall be in accordance with the existing regulations; provided, further, that

members of duly recognized teachers cooperatives may participate in the distribution and

sale of such commodities.

Article XI: The Teacher as a Person

Section 1 A teacher is, above all, a human being endowed with life for which it is the

highest obligation to live with dignity at all times whether in school, in the home, or


Section 2 A teacher shall place premium upon self-discipline as the primary principle of

personal behaviour in all relationships with others and in all situations.

Section 3 A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could serve as

a model worthy of emulation by learners, peers and all others.

Section 4 A teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God as guide of his own destiny

and of the destinies of men and nations.

Article XII: Disciplinary Actions

Section 1 Any violation of any provision of this code shall be sufficient ground for the

imposition against the erring teacher of the disciplinary action consisting of revocation of

his Certification of Registration and License as a Professional Teacher, suspension from

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the practice of teaching profession, or reprimand or cancellation of his temporary/special

permit under causes specified in Sec. 23, Article III or R.A. No. 7836, and under Rule 31,

Article VIII, of the Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. 7836.

Article XIII: Effectivity

Section 1 This Code shall take effect upon approval by the Professional Regulation

Commission and after sixty (60) days following its publication in the Official Gazette or

any newspaper of general circulation, whichever is earlier.

F i e l d S t u d y 7 – P r a c t i c e T e a c h i n g P o r t f o l i o | 24

My Own Reflection

Professional Code of Ethics focuses on the protection of the patient to every

teacher right to appropriate, competent, and humane treatment, etiquette that are

considered good manners. It is not necessarily to be assumed that a professional code of

ethics has only one purpose.

As I read the Code of Ethics for professional teacher I learn that being a teacher

has many responsibilities to do and to follow. As I conceptualize it, I realized that being a

teacher is not easy because you need to learn more about the things that happen around

especially in teaching and learning process. When I read the code of ethics there are many

questions that enclose in my mind.

My code of ethics was the simplest thing I had to write. I need to possess dignity

and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence in

the practice of this noble profession. I know that I can develop a trustee of the cultural and

educational heritage of the nation and it is my under obligation to transmit learners such

heritage as well as to elevate national morality. I must possess and actualize a full

commitment and devotions to duty. Teachers are models of values. Whether conscious of

them or not, values are exhibited implicitly and explicitly. Values connote standards, code

of ethics and strong beliefs.

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Student-Teaching Expectations

Student teacher is expected to fulfil all the responsibilities of a teacher.

 My experience as a student teacher will be an exciting and challenging one. In order

to ensure we are ready for the challenge of our rewarding programs we have

developed a set of expectations for our student teachers.

 To display commitment and enthusiasm when undertaking school experiences. I

understand that I may be required to attend parents’ meetings, staff meetings, etc

that are beyond of normal teaching hours.

 To show commitment in attending university and school sessions. I understand that

I can only be absent for genuine reasons and that I will notify the school, my

university tutor and the Partnerships Office as soon as possible; and thereafter on

a daily basis.

 To respect the decision with regard to my school experience placement. I also

understand that tutors cannot guarantee a placement close to where I live.

 To understand that all student teachers will have to make their own travel

arrangements to attend school experience placements. For postgraduate student

teachers, any travel costs incurred will be their responsibility whilst undergraduate

student teachers receive expenses to be determined by the university.

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Terms and References in Student Teaching

Table 1: Dos and Don’ts in Student Teaching

Dos Don’ts
 Be on time every morning  Try and be friends with the students,
you are their teacher
 Dress professionally  Be the first one to leave the building
after the bell rings
 Ask for feedback  Be afraid to ask for help if you need
 Go with the flow  Call in sick or miss a class unless it
is an emergency
 Act confidently  Gossip about other teachers
 Show initiative  Wear anything that you are unsure
 Complete your lesson plans on time  Be friends with any students on your
social media sites
 Put forth maximum effort in all you  Assume your students can’t find you
do on your social media sites
 Learn your students names quickly  Expect every lesson to go the way
you planned it
 Let students figure out their own  Expect the children to know your
mistakes rules and routine by the second day
 Greet all students and faculty with a  Allow students to call you by your
smile first name
 Treat everyone with kindness and  Be too hard on yourself, not
respect everything will go the way you
 Develop healthy lifestyle habits to  Attend school in a drunken and
avoid being sick disorderly state
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 Stay after school if you need time to  Make fraudulent allegations against
plan and help your mentor teacher a teacher and a student
 Volunteer for everything and  Attempt to handle all behavioural
anything that is going on at school problems by yourself
 Maintain professionalism in all  Create division amongst children
areas from personal appearance to because of abilities, residence in
organizational skills and catchment areas and economic
preparedness for each day. status.
 Inspire students with a passion for  Walk out of a class when students’
lifelong learning. behaviour becomes too challenging

JRMSU Student Internship Supervisors


Field Study Internship Supervisor, Chairperson BSED Program


Field Study Internship Coordinator, Chairperson, BEED Program

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A Brief Description of the Cooperating School



Gulayon Integrated School teaches students in grades first tenth in Dipolog City,

Zamboanga Del Norte of Zamboanga Peninsula (Region IX). With 1,321 students, class

size is around 46 Students. Mr. Ferdinand B. Dinampo is in charge of the school, acting as

the school’s principal. Gulayon Integrated School is situated at National Highway

Gulayon, Dipolog City, Zamboanga Del Norte. Its telephone number is 2123-5627.

Gulayon has a total of 30 rooms, 29 of which are for instructional purposes and the

remaining 1 for non-structional uses. All in all, the school has at least one computer lab,

general academic classrooms, 96.6% are standard rooms, meaning they meet the DepEd’s

guidelines for safety and usability. With 1,321 students and 29 rooms actively used for

teaching, Gulayon has an average class size of 46. This puts Gulayon’s classes on the larger

side, as the school has 10 more students per class than the average of all schools, and 10

more students per room than the average inn Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte.
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b. Philosophy, Objectives and Policies

The DepEd Vision

We dream of Filipinos

who passionately love their country

and whose values and competencies

enable them to realize their full potential

and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.

As a learner- centered public institution,

the Department of Education

continuously improves itself

to better serve its stakeholders.

The DepEd Mission

As s learner – centered in the public institution of the Department of Education is to

continuously improve the learning condition of the students and serves better with the


 To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable,

culture-based, and complete basic education where:

 Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating


 Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

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 Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and

supportive environment for effective learning to happen.

 Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share

responsibility for developing life-long learners.

Our Core Values






1. To provide the knowledge and develop the skills, attitudes, and values essential

to personal development and necessary for living in and contributing to a

developing and changing social milieu;

2. To provide learning experiences which increase the child’s awareness of

responsiveness to the changes in and just demands of society and to prepare him

for constructive and effective involvement;

3. To promote and intensify the child’s knowledge of, identification with, and

love for the nation and the people to which s/he belongs; and

4. To promote work experiences which develop the child’s orientation to the

world of work and creativity and prepare him to engage in honest and gainful

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Our Mandate

The Department of Education was established through the Education Decree of

1863 as the Superior Commission of Primary Instruction under a Chairman. The Education

agency underwent many reorganization efforts in the 20th century in order to better define

its purpose Vis a Vis the changing administrations and charters. The present day

Department of Education was eventually mandated through Republic Act 9155, otherwise

known as the Governance of Basic Education act of 2001 which establishes the mandate of

this agency.

The Department of Education (DepEd) formulates, implements, and coordinates

policies, plans, programs and projects in the areas of formal and non-formal basic

education. It supervises all elementary and secondary education institutions, including

alternative learning systems, both public and private; and provides for the establishment

and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic education

relevant to the goals of national development.

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c. Organizational Structure
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d. Programs and Activities

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My Tasks

Week 1

1. The Cooperating Schools Expectation

I am assigned at Gulayon Integrated School. My expectation of Gulayon Integrated

School is that it has a flexible classroom. It is also clean and conducive for learning. It has

an allowance for free movement, time allotment and even in decision making.

What I expect for our cooperating school is that, we will be accommodated

accordingly. I expect that the teachers and all the staff of the said school are approachable.

I also expect that this school has a wide playground; a canteen inside, consists of many

classrooms with respective comfort rooms and well ventilated. Most importantly I expect

that it has more numbers of pupils who study in this institution because parents want their

children to be safe and it is away from traffic it is safe for them to go to school every day.

But, what I expect the most is that my cooperating school which is the Gulayon

Integrated School will be the foundation to build my effectiveness, my ability and my

capability to become a future teacher someday. That this school is my key to gain more

knowledge about on how to deal pupils that possesses different level of understanding.

More importantly, I expect that I learn more on how to impart or input knowledge and

information to the children effectively. I also expect that this school will be my training

ground on how to act professionally when it comes to dealing with the teachers around the


I’m looking forward that this school can mold me into an effective teacher and

efficient teacher in the near future.

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2. The Facilities of the Cooperating School

Teaching is not effective without any facilities in school. Gulayon Integrated School

has various facilities that make it conducive for learning. Gulayon Integrated School is

such a big school. As I observed, the school has many facilities. The school has a computer

laboratory and library which means that they have complete facilities to ensure students’


On the other hand, the school has a gymnasium wherein various activities were held.

Moreover, the school had enough classrooms to accommodate every pupil to learn. I was

also amazed because each classroom has a comfort room and a mini-library. Having the

different facilities in the cooperating school made the institution community conducive and

effective in teaching.

I observe therefore that the school has all the facilities that ensure the pupils’

development in all learning areas and so within the extra – curricular activities.

Here are some of the facilities taken from Gulayon Integrated School:

a. Library

Is the heart of the school because it serves as the depository of books that brings

knowledge and where both teachers and pupils can widen their minds especially for better

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b. Classroom

Is more a product of the interaction between and among teacher and students? A

classroom climate that is conducive for learning.

c. Guidance Office

This is where the students will be given advises from the guidance counselor

if they commit mistakes from other students like; physical harassment and even in

small fights.
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d. Canteen

In this area of the school you can soothe of the cleanliness of the surroundings

especially to their facilities in serving the foods. Healthy and delicious foods are being

displayed in the canteen.

e. Computer Laboratory

Computer laboratory is one of the facilities in school in which a great help for the

students to enhance their learning. This is very useful for them whenever they have projects

or to gather information through surfing on a certain subject areas. This facility is very

important in every school so that students can engage in hands-on activities. On the other

hand, knowledge about computers is

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3. Basic Information

a. Cooperating School

Gulayon Integrated School

Gulayon ,Dipolog City

Gulayon Integrated School is my cooperating school.It is a public school that is

located at Gulayon, Dipolog City under tha mandate of the Department of Education

(DepEd) to established, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrates system

of education relevant to the people and society.

Gulayon Integrated National High School has adopted the Department of Educational

Academic Focused Bridging Program (AFBP) integrated in the Non-formal Education

Accreditation and Equivalency (NFE A&E) System, which caters and gives opportunity to

out-of-school youths and adults around the City of Dipolog. The school offers courses

which provide learners with skills and competencies that are Higher Mathematics,

Advance Science, Advance English and Filipino.

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b. Cooperating Teacher

I am assigned in Grade II - Santan and my cooperating teacher is Mrs. Flordelyn G.

Nevaliza. She is such a good teacher. First time I saw her, I said myself I’m blessed to be

with her. I can learn a lot from her and it is a big challenged for me when it comes to teach

any subjects, maybe God have a plan for that. So I prepared myself whatever comes to me

any challenges in my assign subject and teaching.

c. Orientation Seminar

Our seminar gives us insight and information about the K – 12 programs. It

enlightened our mind about this K – 12 curriculums’, what benefits can we get from it and

why we adapt this curriculum.

We also oriented on what to do and not to do when we are already deployed. Some of

this are, you must arrive ahead of your critic, obey your critic, you must avoid being late.

Truly, I learned a lot of important and good things in the seminar. I benefited from the

information I acquired in the sense that I don’t had any idea before of what was happening

in the curriculum, most especially the implementation of the K-12 Program, but the

orientation made me realize how the government earnestly wanted to develop the skills of

every Filipino citizen to become globally competitive individuals.

d. Orientation of the Cooperating Principal

During our first day of deployment t we are oriented by our cooperating principal. He

gives us all the reminders, the dos and don’ts in their school. We must arrive in the school

as early as 7:00 to remind the pupils of their daily morning task and their classes start at

exactly 7:30. He also reminds us that we avoid “chismis” because it is not happening in

their school. Mr. Ferdinand Dinampo welcomed us as his interns. He introduced us to our
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assigned grade level and to our respective cooperating teachers. He also shared to us some

inspirational and encouraging message and congratulated us for this new chapter in life. I

learned to accept and to be open-minded enough to understand my pupil’s.

e. School Tour

Gulayon Integrated School is such a big school; there are lots of classrooms. It has a

covered court where all their activities and program are held. As we tour around the

campus, I noticed that is spacious. They have their kitchen room and a canteen. The School

is well – organized.

4. Responsibilities as a Student Teacher

As a student teacher there are lots of responsibilities to be taken care of. First is my

responsibility to the pupil, to mold them into a better person in this world. I will teach them

all things that I learned with all my best, I will be a model for them and I will act as a real

teacher to gain their respect. I have the responsibility to input knowledge and information

that are useful to them, and show them how to respect with each other.

As a part of the school community my responsibility to Gulayon Integrated School is

to help develop well – equipped learners that are competitive globally. It is also my duty to

obey their school rules. As a student teacher I must accept and obey whatever the principal,

my critic or even other teachers want me to do in a right way.

My responsibilities as a student teacher are to handle the tasks given to me by my critic

teacher and to obey the rules of the school such as:

 Come to school early.

 Wear proper attire /uniform.

 Always prepare the lesson beforehand.

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 Have proper classroom management.

 Acquire good appearance, posture and with a pleasing personality.

5. How Did I Feel When I saw My Cooperating School?

When I saw my cooperating school, I was surprised because it is a big school. I am

glad to watch the whole campus. Then, I realized that I am now facing the great

responsibilities that lied in my hands. I felt happy and a little bit nervous since I am new to

this and I will be part of their journey. The challenge that makes me happy and a little

nervous because it is not easy to handle another task which whom you build every learners

to become a better person in the society. Even though I have those feeling still I do hope

that I can accomplish successfully. Above all, I trust in Him that He may guide me with this

new ladder of my life.

6. The Tools That I Need to Bring in My Cooperating School

a. Knowledge

It is one of the most important tools that I need to bring in my cooperating school. It is

the sword towards ignorance. It views learning to teach a lifelong process and dispositions.

As a student teacher, I have the task to input knowledge to the learners so that they will

gain the quality of learning as they continue to embrace the power of education that can

transform lives. Then, I know that if good teachers have these qualities which are

knowledgeable, we can help many individuals to become successful.

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b. Attitudes

Values and attitudes are important tools that I need to possess as part of good qualities

that everyone who likes that every educator must have. Teachers are models of values.

Whether conscious of them or not, values are exhibited implicitly and explicitly. Sincerity

and honesty are values exhibited in words and actions. Teachers interact with students

every minute. Therefore as a future teacher, we should unbiased and objectives in judging

the work and activities of the learners. I should be open-minded and patient.

c. Skills

The skills are another tool that I need bring to my cooperating school in which I can

share to the learners that I handled. It determines my capacity to understand and assimilate

information for my own use and application. I should show and make them realize that not

all people are intellectual in their way but we still have the chance to show our talents and

abilities in different and unique ways physically, mentally and naturally. As a student

teacher I really need this as one of my equipment to implement motivation in performance

skills are contingent on my own endowed potential to learn.

d. Habits

I need to widen their mind. I will give those reasons and meaning of what their

difficulties in understanding. In doing such thing we can continue it in a good and

beneficial way. The good habits that I can impart to my learners are being friendly, patient,

respectful and open-minded.

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7. My Grade Level Assignment, Class Schedule and Official Time


S.Y 2017-2018

Grade & Sections Day Time Teacher

II - Santan M-T-W-Th-F 6:20-12:00 Flordelyn G. Nevaliza

I - Rosas M-T-W-Th-F 1:00-5:00 Juicy B. Mox

8. Reflection

As I reflect to myself being a student teacher, I learned that teachers are not just an

intellectual or knowledgeable educators as well as we must possess the skills, habits and

also good qualities. Teachers must be resourceful in order to sustain the knowledge that the

pupils need. I am really prepared to teach because teaching has always been my passion,

and I have my experienced to teach during my internship. I have established a good

relationship with my pupils.

a. Am I really prepared to teach?

Actually this is not my first time to handle an actual demonstration in a real classroom

situation because we have already gone so many field studies. Still, I cannot make myself

not to feel nervous when I enter my classroom assignment. As I observe the class that I

have to handle for almost two months, many question formulated in my mind. Am I really

prepared? Do I have the ability and capability to teach? Can I be an effective teacher?

At first I really not fell confidence shall I say I am not that prepared to face the big

responsibilities that lies ahead. But as the days goes on, I am able to manage myself

confident, I come up with the negative thought inside my head.

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As my internship goes on, facing the reality as a real teacher, teaching Grade II –

Santan pupils, obeying the entire task given by my critic teacher, I told to myself that I

must not have the thought of giving up. I am already at the middle of my internship, I

realized then that this is my best way to get prepared and be equipped with all the skills and

ability to become an effective teacher someday.

With all the things I learned from my internship, I am now capable of handling much

bigger responsibilities. My experienced teaches me how to be ready and prepared.

9. Pictorials
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Week 2

1. My Task and Responsibilities as Instructed by my Cooperating Teacher

Being a student teacher, the job that my cooperating teacher instructed to me are the

following: to facilitate the class, to supervise the pupils during their classroom activities, to

guide the learners and to instruct the pupils on what to do. Every morning she let me

monitor the pupils cleaning their assigned area if they are performing their task

cooperatively. She also instructed me to facilitate her students in their group learning

activities and to observe the behaviour of her students. She also let me records the scores of

her pupils every time they had quizzes. Most of all, she told me to handle and take good

care of her class if she is not around. During my demonstration my critic teacher observes

me. Afterwards, she gave me some remarks and suggestions that can help me to be better in

my next lesson. It is not easy to do such task but I was inspired the moment that my pupils

where participating actively. With that methods and tips that she shares to me, I develop the

attitudes of trying alternatives procedures until I obtain satisfactory results. I never get tired

of making lesson plan because I conditioned myself that I can make the learners more

active as time pass by.

2. My Observation report in assisting my Cooperating Teacher

I consider my resource teacher to be the one of my best mentors because I observed

that in her lesson, she is really prepared. All her instructional materials for the lesson are

already organized. One thing I admire the most is her confident and active personality

which is evident whenever she talks. She taught me to be one of the best in my profession.

I really admire my resource teacher for guiding, teaching and supporting me.
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3. My Own Expectations

I have so many expectations even when we are not deployed yet. One is that I can have

a critic teacher which is approachable and open – minded and pupils that are responsive

and active in terms of class discussion. As I started my first demonstration teaching, I

realized that the saying goes “expect the unexpected” is really true. It is because as I

encounter my pupils I am in the point of giving up, but proud to say that I have so many

patients at that time. So now, all I can do is to give my best to be able to achieve my goal to

pass and be the one of the best teachers in the society. I am expecting also that this off

–campus student experiences will allow me to develop my competencies in teaching

students, handling various kinds of learners and in managing the classroom. This would be

a great adjustment for me in such that I am a beginner.

4. The Characteristics of the learners I am handling

This is my first time to face and handle learners like this, there are noisy types of

learners, a very foolish one, but there are some who were responsible enough, caring and

intelligent aside from that some have the difficulty of understanding and comprehending

reading textbooks. I was assigned in the class wherein most of the pupils are very bright

and serious in their studies and very matured. I’m proud and thank God for giving me a

blessed pupils and critic teacher, because of them I really inspired in teaching and keep

positive in front of them while I’m teaching. They are also kind, respectful, and industrious

to my Cooperating Teacher.
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5. Synopsis about the Developmental Stages of the Grade Level I Am Handling

The developmental stages of the grade level I am handling is expressed by Lawrence

Kohlberg’ stages of moral development, which the first level is Pre-Conventional. Stage

one (obedience and punishment driven), is the individual focus on the direct consequences

of their actions on themselves. In stage two (self-interest driven) exposes “what’s in it for

me” position, in which right behaviour is defined by whatever the individual believes to

be in their best interest but understood in a narrow way which does not consider one’s

reputation or relationship to groups of people. Example of this is that one is motivated by

fear of punishment. He will act in order to avoid punishment.

6. My First encounter with my Cooperating Teacher

My cooperating teacher is a very approachable one. She possess a good quality of a

teacher and she accepted me as part of her class and as a co – teacher. I felt secured and

happy that she was my critic teacher. I know that I can learn a lot from her. She reminded

everything and tells me what to do as a student – teacher. She has just moulded me into a

better and effective teacher. We became close and she treated me more than I can hope for.

She is kind because she is always there for me, to give encouragement so that I can do my

best to be successful in life. Furthermore, she gave some advises on how to be an effective

teacher. Above all, she exerted effort in helping me whenever I have a problem related to

my demonstration teaching.

7. My First dealing with my Learners

In my first dealing with the learners, I observed that they are good students. They are

behaved when their teacher starts discussing the lesson. Every time I start my

Demonstration teaching I realized they can do it smoothly because they are intelligence
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learners. They are responsible for every action they made and to make it short they are

active in many ways. I am blessed that I belong to a group of pupils who are respectful. In

the classroom I observed that they are attentive pupils, easy to learned, matured, kind and

respectful to their teacher.

8. Reflection

I am really meant for the teaching profession because I have a passion to learn and the

love to teach what I learned. I am also patient in dealing with the children. I am able to

impart knowledge and most especially I can talk in front of the learners confidently and


a. I am really meant for teaching profession because…

The moment that I face my pupils, I then say that I really meant for this profession. I

ready meant to teach the young ones on how to read and write. And I am meant to mould

their minds and equip them with the knowledge that is useful to them, that can help sustain

their needs and so within the society.

I am really for this profession because I just don’t love it, I also love to teach and as I

learn that being a passionate teachers exude spontaneity in ministering to the needs of the

pupils specially those experiencing learning difficulties.

9. Pictorials
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Week 3

1. My Task and Responsibilities as Instructed by my Cooperating Teacher

In my daily assignment, my cooperating teacher assigned me a job to facilitate my

pupils in cleaning the room before she arrived. I need to facilitate them in order to maintain

cleanliness in the room. She said that I am going to act as a teacher and let the pupils do

their assign task every morning. I am here to instruct the pupils to get inside the classroom

before the official time for them to prepare themselves in the learning process. I need to

facilitate them in order to teach a lesson that they cannot get easily, and to help them

perform tasks that they need to do as a learner.

2. The learning resources of the Cooperating School that I utilized

The learning resources that I utilized with my cooperating teacher were books,

chalkboards, eraser, bulletin board and dictionary which help me a lot in putting

knowledge and information to the learners mind. These learning resources are very

important to the learners. With the help of these resources, it is easy for me to inject

information to them. The learners learn so many things with the help of those resources.

Aside from instructing them, I usually use the different learning resources by injecting

techniques, objects in which they can directly find exact data and information.
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3. The school officials of the DepEd and in my cooperating school


S.Y. 2017-2018


Leonor M. Briones Secretary

Atty. Nepomuceno A. Malaluan Assistant Secretary – Chief of Staff

Dina S. Ocampo Undersecretary - Bureau of Curriculum


Jesus Lorenzo R. Mateo Undersecretary - Planning and Field Operations

Atty. Alberto T. Muyot Undersecretary - Legal Services Sites Titling Office

Atty. Josephine G. Maribojoc Assistant Secretary - Legal Services Sites Titling


Victoria M. Catibog Undersecretary - Accounting Division

Annalyn M. Sevilla Undersecretary - Budget and Performance


Alain Del B. Pascua Undersecretary - Administrative Service

Atty. Tonisito M.C. Umali Assistant Secretary - Legislative Liaison Office

Revsee A. Escobedo Assistant Secretary - Procurement Service

G.H.S. Ambat Assistant Secretary - Public Affairs Service


Dr. Isabelita M. Borres, CESO III Regional Director

Pedro Melchor M. Natividad, CESE OIC, Assistant Regional Director

Dr. Eugenio B. Penales Chief - Curriculum and Learning Management


Dr. Danny B. Cordova, CESE Chief - Education Support Services Division

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Dr. Visminda Q. Valde Chief - Quality Assurance Division

Judith V. Romaguera Chief - Human Resource Development Division

Crisologo L. Singson Chief - Administrative Officer

Elizabeth B. Tatel Chief - Budget and Finance Division

Dr. Romeo M. Daligdig Chief - Field Technical Assistance Division

Aurelio A. Santisas Chief - Policy, Planning and Research Division


Victorina G. Perez, CEO VI Schools Division Superintendent

Dr. Majarani M. Jacinto, CESE OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


Dr. Amelinda D. Montero Chief - Curriculum and Implementation Division

Atty. Vanessa V. Patcho Legal Officer III

Pergentino S. Yabres Education Program Supervisor (SGOD)

Ronillo S. Yarag Education Program Supervisor (LRMDS)

Dr. Roy S. Tuballa, CESE Education Program Supervisor (Aral Pan)

Elma G. Quimpo Education Program Supervisor (English)

Dr. Rogelio A. Murro Education Program Supervisor (TLE)

Dr. Araceli G. Macasasa Education Program Supervisor (Filipino)

Helen B. Silao Education Program Supervisor (Kindergarten)

Violeta H. Rosal Education Program Supervisor (MAPEH)

Zyhrine P. Mayormita Education Program Supervisor (Science)

Jacinta B. Yusoph Education Program Supervisor (Mathematics)

Monina R. Antiquina Education Program Supervisor (Values)

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Dr. Renie B. Bael Public School District Supervisor

Catalina S. Barinaga Public School District Supervisor /ALS Coordinator

Joy O. Campiseño Public School District Supervisor

Dr. Nur N. Hussein Public School District Supervisor

Dr. Bernie P. Laranjo Public School District Supervisor

Ferdinand J. Ortiz Public School District Supervisor

Dr. Jovencia M. Samante Public School District Supervisor

Arsenia C. Zamoras Public School District Supervisor

Dr. Janette A. Zamoras Public School District Supervisor

Petrush G. Macute Public School District Supervisor

Ivy J. Estadilla Administrative Officer V

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4. The Importance/Uses of the Cooperating School Facilities in the

Teaching-Learning Process

The quality of a school’s environment and its facilities has a strong influence on pupils

learning. Besides regular use in organizing and managing a school’s activities, records of a

school’s physical facilities and material resources such as furniture and equipment can

provide data to derive many indicators for accessing the quality education in a school.

The schools have records and data about the availability of the materials and facilities

that every learner can use. They have faucets in each classroom, toilets, electricity,

canteen, and other different tools and services in school. The maintenance and

administrators record the following information so that they can use it to evaluate the

whole facilities in school. They are needed to inspect it then set priorities so that they will

improve it. Administrators ensure and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensures and

enabling and supportive environment for effective and other stakeholder re-actively

engage and share responsibility for developing lifelong learners. As a whole, facilities are

one way that the learner’s learning will be enhanced and developed.

5. The Ideas about my Cooperating School as My Second Home

I considered my cooperating school as my second home. Most of my times are spent

inside the school. I develop myself here to become an effective teacher. So, I need to ensure

that the school can make me feel comfortable, can enhance my ability to teach and

developed my effectiveness as a teacher. In this home, I experienced the warm welcome of

my cooperating teacher. Ma’am Mercy taught me how to deal with my pupils and motivate

me to be a good person. I can say that I am enjoying as well as comfortable in the sense that
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my cooperating teacher treat me in very nice way, she accepted me with an open arms and

shares every learning that I need to learn from her.

6. I can always make my second home:

A. Safe and Secured by

First is to maintain the cleanliness of the classroom. Second is to imposed proper

discipline of the learners and to treat the learners fairly. It is also safe and secured when it

comes to the security of the whole school community because the school has a security


B. Friendly by

Being friendly is one of the key aspects to make a peaceful and united home. In order

to achieve this goal, I should build a good and happy relation with my pupils, teachers,

principal and generally the people around me.

Dealing with the learners in a fair manner and addressing their difficulties with all the

best that I can. Friendly by giving the learners some advises when they needed it and letting

them feel comfortable during our discussion.

C. Non-threatening

To have a good quality is one way to have a best home. Threatening is not a good habit

especially for a teacher to have pupils left behind, cannot be able to develop their

self-esteem and always afraid. I can always make second home non-threatening in the

sense that all the learners can actively participate in class discussion and can freely express

their thoughts and opinions.

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7. Reflection: After Analyzing the Cooperating School’s Vision, Mission and Goals

a. I realized that…

Every Filipino has the right to be educated. Learners need to be treated in a friendly

and gender-sensitive, safe and motivating environment. I realized that the important goal

of teaching is that to have a product of being effective, efficient and holistic individual in

the society. Therefore as a future teacher, it is a big responsibility that all the knowledge

and information that you have to input to their minds must be true and can response their

needs. I also realized that being a teacher it is obliged to obey all the rules and regulations

imposed, and to follow the code of ethics.

b. So I need to…

Study the things that I did not encounter during my practice teaching and I need to

work hard to achieve the goals, mission and vision of the schools by practicing or applying

it always. And make sure that I can learn what are the rules to be follow, the polices and

even the usual practices that the teachers are doing, that can enhance my ability in this

chosen profession.
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Week 4

1. The Daily Classroom Routines Performed by my Cooperating Teacher

The classroom routines that are performed by my cooperating teacher are a daily task

in their life. Teacher usually performs the following:

-Conducting a flag ceremony inside the gymnasium every Monday. If it is not Monday

the different grade levels are having their flag ceremony is inside their respective rooms.

- A prayer before the class starts.

- Letting the pupils conduct a sharing period.

- Having different types of claps for the pupils who participate in the class.

- Checking the daily attendance of the pupils.

2. Synopsis on Establishing Classroom Routines

One important thing that I should do to make efficient and effective routines, we

should have to apply the proper routine and instruct it properly to the learners. We can

catch the pupils’ attention when we start the class with enthusiasm in our own appearance.

If you have set a routine, you can have your students carry out daily tasks that require a

high level of responsibility. They may not perfect it the first or even second time, but doing

something every day is a sure-fire way to become proficient on it. If I’m going to motivate

them to their assign task, they will know also how to work without always reminding them.

I gathered information that shadowing opportunities in every learner they will develop

their capabilities base on what is implementing routines to them. Classroom routines are

the way of training them to become an independent and self – discipline in their own

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3. My observation on the following:

a. Attendance

I observe that my critic teacher checked the pupils’ attendance daily. If she is busy of

here works, she asked me to check their attendance so that she can determined who is

absent and present in the class. It is our responsibilities to monitor them not only their

learning’s but also physical condition. Checking attendance is important because you are

liable to your learners’ safety.

b. Passing of Papers /books

The pupils have a routine to pass their papers in front for checking and the book will be

distributed from the front to the back.

In passing papers and books, they do it by row. Through this procedure they can make

it in a proper way without any noise. I always did the formative way to discipline each one.

I have another way of imposing other rules in passing the papers and books. I also prefer to

assign one pupil each row to collect books and returned it to the book shelves. Sometimes I

will countdown in passing their papers.

c. Getting Materials

It usually happens during group activity, the leader will come and collect the materials

and take it to their respective groups.

When getting materials, the pupils are just waiting in their chair until the materials

being return to them. But sometimes, I will let the leader with each row get the materials.

That’s why I write my rules in the chalkboard or a piece of Manila paper so that they can

recall of what I’ve been assign.

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d. Making Assignments

After the lesson, the teacher will give the assignment and reminders to the pupils to

copy or to list it down. In making assignment or reminders the teacher will announce in

front of the class. She also writes on piece of Manila paper so that everybody will know

about the information that being posted or implemented.

4. The routines that I have established to become a better classroom manager

I will follow the routines of my critic teacher. Like what I am doing, I set rules and

regulations for them to follow to have a better classroom; example: they need to come to

school early. When my critic teacher instructs me, I just simply obey her. With that I can

learn how to manage classroom effectively. During discussions, I follow her steps and

procedure on how to use the methods efficiently. My critic taught me how to use the

appropriate way of classroom management. She suggested and instructed me clearly until I

catch what are the things that I should do in order to improve my way of imparting

knowledge to pupils.

5. The Rules that I have set in my Class

In order to maintain the orderliness of the classroom, I will make some rules that

must follow the every pupil;

 Avoid playing inside the classroom.

 Stop roaming around the room when the class started.

 Follow rules and regulations in school.

 Things must be place properly after using it.

 Come to school early.

 Do your assign task.

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 Help each other.

 Avoid talking with your seatmate.

 Speak English or Filipino.

 Listen attentively.

 Raise your right hand if you want to answer.

 Do not answer in chorus.

 Avoid doing something during class hours.

 Be honest in all your work.

 Avoid roaming

 Answer when you are called.

 Do not shout/talk while the teacher is discussing.

 They must have set aside some time to study their lesson before

going to bed.

 Pupils must wear proper uniform to be recognized as a pupil.

 Keeping tables and chairs in order before leaving the room.

 Cleaning chalkboard to be ready for the next topic.

6. Reflection

When I already have my own classroom in the future, I want to implement the

proper classroom management, time management and daily routines in order to have

conducive environment for learning. I want my pupils to follow the rules that I am

imposing. I also want to employ that my student should behave and participate in all

discussions so that they can learn more.

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a. If I already have my own class in the future, I want to employ

The achievement of the goals in every lesson that the student should identify or

realize it. With this I can say that my purpose is being achieved also. Teaching big aim is

learning these two is inseparable, meaning teaching without learning is useless it should be

that there are always outcome or transfer or knowledge. These are the things that I would

like to employ to my future students.

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January 18 - 19, 2018 (Week 1)

This was the first week of my internship at Gulayon Integrated School. The principal

Sir Dinampo welcomed us warmly. She was approachable. I was assigned to Grade II -

Santan and my critic teacher is Ma’am Flordelyn G. Nevaliza. I am the only one intern

assigned in that section. At first I felt nervous, worried and uncomfortable. There were

negative thoughts forming in my mind. I was afraid that my critic teacher was strict and not

approachable. But I was mistaken because Ma’am Mercy was very approachable,

kind-hearted and a very nice teacher. I was observed also that the Grade II - Santan is very

noisy and sometimes they also behaved as well.

This was the week that I need much adjustment because I need to adapt the new

environment; the nature of learners on how to deal with them and also to my critic teacher.

At first, I feel conscious and ashamed to my critic teacher. But later on, I know that my

critic teacher is friendly to me. Regarding my relationship with the pupils, its good. They

treat me as they would their real teachers. I love kids so it is easy for me to establish

harmonious relationship with them.

January 22 - 26, 2018 (Week 2)

This was the second week of my internship in Gulayon Integrated School. Everything

seemed okay, because I had adjusted a little bit. This week, I already started my first actual

demonstration. I had experienced some sleepless nights, sometimes I felt tired and

discouraged but I challenged myself not to give up. During my actual teaching it’s not so

good because I cannot control the behaviour of the pupils, their responses, etc. At first, I

felt a little bit nervous but so far I did it well. The pupils listened what I had discussed to
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them and they cooperated during the class activities. In terms of learning, they are fast

learners; they can easily understand the lesson.

According to ma’am Flor, I need constant practices. Avoid facing in the chalkboard

when talking or explaining the lesson. Furthermore, Ma’am Flor said that I am good in the

way of teaching, with that comments, I am so overwhelmed.

January 29 - February 2, 2018 (Week 3)

This is the 3rd week of my internship. I can say that it is not an easy task to be a teacher

someday. There are times that I had to sleep late at night and had to come to school so

stressed. It is not easy to deal with pupils; we should have more patience. I was very

thankful that my critic teacher accepted me in her classroom.

As what I have observed, the pupils listened to their teacher during their class. In

cleaning the classroom, the pupils helped each other to clean the room. The pupils are

helpful, courteous, behaved and they respect you as a teacher.

February 5 -9, 2018 (Week 4)

During my actual demonstration, my nervousness was lessened and I am much more

confident in teaching. I have lots of experiences in school and I learned more because I

teach every day. It was a great challenge to me as soon to be a teacher someday. In fact, it is

easy to teach to those pupils who are fast learners. When I am teaching, I always think

positive that I’ll do it! Thanks God that I’ll made it. My demonstration was successful

because the pupils will participate to my discussion.

It was really a blissful experience for me to teach in Gulayon Integrated School that I’d

rather packed to my mind and never forget. Everything that includes the reminiscence I had

with my pupils as well with my critic teacher.

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February 12 - 16, 2018 (Week 5)

Another week of sacrifice, although this time I had adjusted a little, I had new friends

in the form of Grade 1 and 2 pupils. I felt tired and stressed it is because our schedule in our

special demonstration is nearly coming. So I am preparing with my visual aids, lesson plan,

and my explanation to make my special demonstration effective and good to my pupils. My

critic teacher helps me in my lesson plan. She gave me a topic and then the references in

guiding in making a lesson plan. She corrected my lesson plan.

February 19 -23, 2018 (Week 6)

This week I was busy preparing for my special demonstration teaching. I was thankful

to Ma’am Flor that she helped me prepared my special demo. February 23, 2018, was the

schedule of my special demonstration teaching. My observers were Joanne S. Pontioso and

Joan C. Dumalasan. Special demonstration teaching was just an ordinary day for me. At

first, I felt a little bit nervous but when my performance goes on and so far I did it well. The

pupils listened what I had discussed to them and they cooperated during the class activities.

Thanks God, the observers gave me a nice grade. After my demonstration teaching I felt

happy and relaxed. I felt that it was a great achievement to me. After my special

demonstration, I had experienced again some sleepless nights making lesson plans and

visual aids. Aside from that I was able to portray a good relationship with the pupils.

February 26 - March 2, 2018 (Week 7)

No time to relaxed, because I was busy doing my lesson plans and visual aids. Even

though I want to hang out with my friends and family but my mind says that I will do

hangouts with friends and family after my business in school. It is because my target was to

finish the forty actual teachings. It’s alright! At least I learned a lot from my experience
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despite some sleepless nights. I also learned how to deal with different characteristics of

pupils inside the class.

March 5 - 9, 2018 (Week 8)

This was the 8thweek of my internship here at Gulayon Integrated School. Same as

usual, I was doing my actual demonstration teaching. Final demonstration teaching was

fast approaching. I was busy preparing for my visual aids and lesson plans. Ma’am Flor

also supported me in my upcoming final demonstration teaching. She taught me some

techniques and strategies like how to introduce the lesson in interesting manner and to

motivate the learners. My final demonstration is on March 13, 2018. I have 1 week to

prepare for my Final Demonstration.

March 12 – 16, 2018 (Week 9)

This week was my Final demonstration teaching. During my final demonstration, I felt

very nervous, my hands were shaking and my heart beats like have an earthquake. I really

don’t know what I’m feeling that time because it is a final demonstration. But I really thank

God for giving me strength because I gain confidence to teach in front. My observer is

Ma’am Victoria B. Canoneo. I am so tired because of making the instructional materials

but I am glad that I had delivered my lesson successfully and got nice grades from my

observer. I am very thankful to my critic teacher Ma’am Flor for her guidance and full

support to make my final demonstration a successful one.

March 19 - 23, 2018 (Week 10)

Wow, finally this was the last week of my internship in Gulayon Integrated School. I

can’t believe that I could finish my internship. I’m happy because my 40 actual

demonstrations had already done. My critic teacher always told me that never forget the
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technique and strategies that she teaches me which I am using during my demonstrations.

And I will never forget that.

1. Working with Pupils

Learners are part of the learning process. They are the key participants in the learning

process and the teachers are the prime mover of the educational wheel.

My experiences working with my pupils are not easy to do because some of them are

hard – headed. I can’t manage them without the help of my cooperating teacher. I could

observe that they will only obey what I say if I tell them that I am going to deduct their

score when they are misbehaving. Working with pupils also were one of the most

memorable moments in my internship. I faced a lot of difficulties and had to adjust the

pupil’s various behaviours. But then time goes by and I learned how to handle with them. It

cannot be avoided that there are students who are stubborn, so one thing I put in my mind

always is patience. It is the most important thing to consider in this profession. Dealing

with pupils was a very challenging task for me.

2. Working with the School Personnel

a. The Critic Teacher

Working with my critic teacher was a big opportunity for me. My critic teacher was

Mrs. Flordelyn G. Nevaliza. I am so proud to have a critic teacher like her because she is

good and equipped with so much knowledge. She treats me as her co – teacher during my

duties together with her.

I observed that she was approachable. I learned a lot from my critic teacher because

she taught me how to deal with the pupils, in lesson planning, and also the strategies and
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techniques in teaching. My critic teacher was understanding and competitive. I was very

thankful to her for a nice experience.

b. The Cooperating Principal

First day of my internship, we met the principal of Gulayon Integrated School, Mr.

Ferdinand Dinampo. He was very approachable, kind and intelligent.

I don’t hesitate to approach him because he was very nice to us. We felt that we are

accepted in their institution. He was very understanding especially in the situation of both

students and teachers. He was very helpful to those in need. He has a big heart and an

open-minded person. I was very thankful for the opportunity to explore and practice my

chosen field in this school.

c. Other School Staff

I thank God also that almost all the school staff of Gulayon Integrated School was very

approachable. We often used to discussed and exchanged ideas about teaching strategies,

in lesson planning and some techniques to be a good and effective teacher. We have a good

relationship with them, in general.

3. Working with the Community

a. Community Survey

I thought that I deserved to be part of the community of the School of Gulayon, in

which I had established good rapport with the stakeholders that I encountered. They

accepted and respected me for what I am and in return I also showed gratitude and respect

to them. In fact, I felt amazed by what they showed me.

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b. Origin/History/Assets

c. Traditions/Customs/Practices

A tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within a group or society with

symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. The community of

Gulayon had the tradition of celebrating fiesta, greetings, and the people are very

hardworking and strive to make life better for the next generation of their family.
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4. Actual Classroom Teaching

In my actual classroom teachings, I admit it was very difficult for me as a beginner. I

experienced some sleepless nights and some stressful days. I realized that to be an effective

teacher you must strive hard to be better. It is very difficult for me to adjust to the different

behaviours of learners. But I took it as a challenge because I believe that the best teachers

work hard to figure out how to relate to each of their pupils.

In my 40 actual classrooms teaching all I can say is that it is good that I was able to

experience this kind of practice. It trained me how to handle a class with pupils that are

having different ability, different attitude and different family background. It is really good

to put – up a class that is gender – sensitive and safe.

The most important quality that every teacher should possess is love and passion for

teaching young minds. I was thankful for my experience during my practice teaching

because this plays a big part for my future. I learned some techniques and strategies in

teaching. I’m also thankful that I’ve finished my 40 actual demonstrating teaching. I’ve

learned a lot from it which I could use it to my classroom someday.

5. Special Demonstration Teaching

Special demonstration teaching was a great challenge for me. It is not easy to teach

with some observers. Nervous, tense, and mixed emotions I felt. One thing I did is to have

peace of mind, trusting God and believe in myself.

During my special demonstration teaching, I prepared everything; I have my lesson

plan and visual aids. Before I start my lesson, I felt nervous in front. There are negative

things that come out into my mind. These are the reason that’s why I felt uncomfortable.
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But I realized that I need to be strong so that I can perform successfully. When I started my

topic, I have courage to teach until I done my topic successfully.

During my demonstration teaching I noticed that, it is not easy because I feel

uncomfortable to face the observer when they are observing me while I am demonstrating

my lesson to my class. Even I feel uncomfortable but still I discussed my lesson well.

6. Final Demonstration Teaching

Final demonstration teaching is the biggest and important challenge for me to do. I had

the same feeling during my special demonstration teaching. I know that these things are not

easy to fulfil. Student teachers must know how to teach pupils the different things that they

want them to learn and of course knows how to transfer the learning to their students with

the use of different approaches and strategies.

I am glad that I done the task with all my best and the efforts. I thank God for giving

me such opportunity and guided me in my journey. At last I’ve done this practice –

teaching not just for the sake of requirements. I did it with all the best that I can be. I really

act as a real teacher even in just a short period of time. One thing they advised to do is

constant practice and yes I believe that practice makes perfect!

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1. Self assessment for being a Student Teacher

I, as a student teacher of Gulayon Integrated School I experienced many difficulties

and problems during my internship. But all of the obstacles and problems are having a

solution. As a student teacher there are many things to observe and consider. Not only in

lesson planning , dealing with learners and learning some techniques and strategies but

also I found out that in each classroom there is indeed a need for proper classroom

management. As I went there, I have observed that those things are very crucial because it

makes the learning environment conducive and organized.

When I started with my internship I was afraid to face the challenges, I have lots of

questions bothering me. These questions are: do I deserve to be here in this school? How to

handle different learners? Who is my cooperating teacher? Is she good? These are the

questions that make me feel uncomfortable and out of confidence. The days had passed;

my internship was really a part of my life. I cannot help myself but think of a thousand

times. Do I really belong here? Am I effective? Do I have the quantities of a good teacher?

And these questions are my fuss how to be strong, how to develop my determination that I

could be a teacher someday. I learned that the biggest challenge I am facing is the constant

practice of my chosen vocation that can enhance me to experience the real scenario of my


Practice teaching helped me to become knowledgeable. This is the best experience I

could not forget because it built me to become an effective educator.

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2. Personal point of view of Student Teaching Experiences

Through my experiences in my internship, I found out that teachers indeed have a very

big role to play in the education process; they are the ones responsible for making the

student’s good citizens, models and catalyst for change. There is a big responsibility that

lies upon the shoulders of the teachers.

Being a student teacher is not easy because you can encounter different trials and

obstacles during the days of duties. Sometimes you can encounter difficulties regarding

classroom management in the first day of duties. But these problems are the spices of how

you are sincere to your determination to teach.

I enjoyed my teaching practice and I enhance my thinking skills to gain more valuable

information. I learned how to mingle with my co – interns and to approach the other

teachers if my resource teacher asks me to send some requirements to them. The days had

passed of my internship; I develop myself to act professionally in front of my pupils. I was

blessed that God gave me a good Cooperating Teacher who is willing to support and

understand in terms of my weaknesses. She is like my real mother that who support me and

she lets me know the best lessons that I need to learn.

In addition, being a student teacher, you need to follow everything that is given to you

by your critic teacher. Learned to act as a real teacher in front of the class. Act

professionally to gain the respect of the pupils. Accept all suggestions coming from your

critic and also from the teaching staff in the campus.

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I choose this lesson plan; it is because I am enjoying discussing this topic to my pupils.

Before I start my topic, I am preparing first my warm up activities, and that activity is the

clue of what topic I am discussing to them. My pupils and I are very excited to start our

lesson. When I started, as I was observed to my pupils that they are very attentive when I

am started talking in front. I’ll let them stand to do our warm up activities. We exercise our

eyes. After that, I discuss to them the dos and don’ts. And when it comes to the activity, I’ll

group them into four and then in each group it will also divide by two. One group will

perform the dos and second group will perform the don’ts. When time over, I’ll call first

the first group. They performed very well in front. I am happy and enjoying their

performance which is the role play. The next is the second group, third group, and the last

group. And when it comes to their quiz, they come up with a very good score. Some of

them got a high score.

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"Professional development ... goes beyond the term 'training' with its implications

of learning skills, and encompasses a definition that includes formal and informal means of

helping teachers not only learn new skills but also develop new insights into the pedagogy

and their own practice, and explore new or advanced understandings of content and

resources. This definition of professional development includes support for teachers as

they encounter the challenges that come with putting into practice their evolving

understandings about the use of technology to support inquiry-based learning.... Current

technologies offer resources to meet these challenges and provide teachers with a cluster of

supports that help them continue to grow in their professional skills, understandings, and


Professional development formal in-service training to upgrade the content

knowledge and pedagogical skills of teachers is widely viewed as an important means of

improving teaching and learning. While many interventions include professional

development, professional development was the central intervention of the two recent

research and demonstration projects the Professional Development in Reading Study (the

“Reading PD study,” for short) and the Middle School Mathematics Professional

Development Impact Study (the “Math PD study”) — whose findings are synthesized in

this report. The studies were carried out by the American Institutes for Research

and MDRC for the U.S. Department of Education. The professional development that was

provided went far beyond the “one-shot” workshop approach that has been widely

criticized; it instead included intensive summer institutes, follow-up group sessions, and

coaching of individual teachers. The evaluations of the interventions employed random

F i e l d S t u d y 7 – P r a c t i c e T e a c h i n g P o r t f o l i o | 77

assignment design, and, as a result, they supply unusually rigorous evidence about the

effects of the professional development that was offered both on instruction and on student


This is my development plan or career plan;

 Get teacher certification

 Complete other requirements

 Deciding where requirements

 Teach at a public school/ Teach at an at-risk school/Teach at a private


 Be a private tutor

 Getting a Job

 Have all of my documents

 Compile samples of my work

 Watch out for other requirements

 Apply for positions

 Attend state, regional, or national conferences while you are still a student.

 The rates are deeply discounted, and you will make valuable contacts. You

will learn a lot about new teaching methods, and you will be inspired. It also

looks great on your resume later.

 Join a professional organizational that specializes on the teaching career. Be

sure to get the student discount and subscribe to the journals. You will learn

a lot, get ideas and inspiration, and impress people in school and job

interviews if you are keeping abreast of the latest in professional.

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