Jack Sheet 1.2
Jack Sheet 1.2
Jack Sheet 1.2
This sheet is intended to help make warjacks for the Iron Kingdom Game System. The use of the Core Rulebook and
Urban Adventures Guide are required to fully use this sheet. It is not a replacement for the books.
All copyrights and trademarks are completely owned by Privateer Press (www.privateerpress.com) and this sheet is
intended to help players who own their books, and not infringe on that.
Special Thanks
Thanks to Ski Anderson for his awesome character generator that inspired me to make this sheet, Pixelsagas for the
totally perfect font, and Privateer Press for the years of fun their products have given me.
Version 1.2
Steam Jack Ranged Weapons Advancements
Cortex Notes Notes: Mat Rat
Additional Weapons
Damage Grid
Crippled Arc Additional Weapon Description
1 2 3 4 5 6 Node(A):
Cannot be used to channel
Notes: Upgrade
Crippled Cortex(C):
Lose all focus and cannot be
allocated. Cannot spend
focus for any reason. Catastrophic Damage Description
DEF 7. Cannot run or
charge. Upgrades(No
Crippled Arm or Description)
Roll one less dice on attack
and damage rolls with
weapons in the crippled
DEF 7. Cannot run or
Crippled Arm or
Roll one less dice on attack
and damage rolls with
weapons in the crippled
location. Cannot make
power attacks with weapons
in crippled location.
STEAMJACK DATA To Edit: follow the entered data's example the
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SteamJack Chasis
Gen Combat Fuel
Chassis Name Class Cost Height Weight Burn Burn Load
Docker Heavy Laborjack Heavy 2500 12' 6 Tons 6 55 600 L 10 10 4 3 3 2
Forager Light Laborjack Light 1500 8'9" 2.8 Tons 7 60 300 L 7 7 5 4 4 2
Nomad Heavy Warjack Heavy 5500 12'1" 7.5 Tons 5 50 660 L 11 11 5 3 5 4
Talon Light Warjack Light 3500 9' 3.25 Ton 5.5 60 330 L 8 8 6 4 5 3
Artificer Heavy Laborjack Heavy 3750 11'8" 7 Tons 4.5 40 550 L 12 12 3 3 2 1
Bulldog Light Laborjack Light 1700 8' 3 Tons 6 55 350 L 8 7 5 3 3 2
Grundback Runner Rhulic Lig Light 2200 4'10" 3 Tons 16 240 350 L 8 6 5 4 3 4
Ghordson Driller Rhulic Hea Heavy 5800 11'6" 8.8 tons 12.5 180 915 L 14 12 4 2 4 3
Custom Chassis 1 0 0
Custom Chassis 2 0 0
Custom Chassis 3 0 0
Custom Chassis 4 0 0
Custom Chassis 5 0 0
Custom Chassis 6 0 0
Custom Chassis 7 0 0
Custom Chassis 8 0 0
Custom Chassis 9 0 0
Custom Chassis 10 0 0
SteamJack Cortex
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E Rg
Weapon Name Cost Loc. Notes
Flamethrower 300 Arm 0 12 SP - 6 - ROF 1. Models hit suffer Coninuous Fire. Boost
Harpoon 200 Arm -1 10 8 - 4 - ROF 1. After attack resolved can push equal or
Light Gun 200 Arm 0 12 12### 10 - ROF 1. Can make addl attack if spends focus or
Scattershot Cannon 150 Arm 0 12 SP - 8 - ROF 1.
Grunback Light Cannon(Grund 350 Head 0 12 12### 10 - ROF 1. Can spend 1 Focus to boost Attack and Da
Hail Shot Cannon (Grundback 450 Head 0 10 SP - 8 - ROF 1. Can spend 1 Focus to boost All Attack an
Custom Light Ranged 1 0 Arm 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Light Ranged 2 0 Arm 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Light Ranged 3 0 Arm 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Light Ranged 4 0 Arm 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Light Ranged 5 0 Arm 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Light Ranged 6 1 Arm 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Light Ranged 7 2 Arm 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Light Ranged 8 0 Arm 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
SteamJack Upgrades
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Upgrade Name Cost Description
Arc Node 500 Is a channeler pg 234
Buckler 100 +1 ARM against attacks in front arc. Does not stack with shield on sa
Heavy Boiler 700 Can with out spending focus. Burns Fuel 20% Faster
Hydraulic Crane 120 See pg 311
Industrial Arm Mount 500 NON-Artificer HEAVY ONLY. +1 STR(Factored In) Required for (Inds.) We
Alchemical Coating 42 +2 ARM vs. fire & Corr. Immune to fire & corr. cont. effect. Lasts 24
Efficient Boiler 700 Burns Fuel 20% Slower
Custom Upgrade 1 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Upgrade 2 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Upgrade 3 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Upgrade 4 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Upgrade 5 0 Fill out custom data on data sheet
SteamJack Imprints
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Imprint Name Description
Dominator Can make power attacks without spending focus. +2 to melee dmg rolls again
Highly Aggressive Gains Counter charge (Once per round, when enemy ends mov. Within 6" and i
Berserker If 'jack destroys one or more models with a melee attack, must make a mele
Enduring 'jack does not suffer effects of crippled systems. Still suffers cat. dmg.
Frenetic Each time 'jack hits an enemy with an attack it can advance up to 2"
Hunter 'jack ignores forest, consealment, and cover when making ranged attack.
Vengeful If atleat one ally was damaged, since warcaster's activation, 'jack can ma
Sentinel 'jack gains boosted PER and ranged attack rolls
Protective Once per round, while not stat., KD or incorp, can become the target of me
Open Conduit Double warcasters control area when checking if in range for focus allocat
Battle Brothers Warcaster and 'jack get +2 to melee attack and damage rolls when attacking
Custom Imprint 1 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Imprint 2 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Imprint 3 Fill out custom data on data sheet
Custom Imprint 4 Fill out custom data on data sheet
ed data's example the replicate in the custom
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16 X X B B X X L A A R L L M C R R X M
14 X X X X X X X X B B X X L A A R L L M C R R X M
18 X B B X L A A R L L M C R R X M
16 X X B B X X X X L A A R L L M C R R X M
17 X B B X L A A R L L M C R R X M
16 X X B B X X X X L A A R L L M C R R X M
18 X X X X X X X X B B X X X X X X X A A X H H C C M M H H
19 X X L A A R L L M C R R B M
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
weapons. 1
or warbeast fill in unmarked boxes or circles on 2
weapons. -2 on non-attack AGL rolls with this h 3
ARM bonus from buckler or shield. 4
2 to charge attack rolls with this weapon. 5
k sized |Axe|Mace|Blade|Other| 6
gainst attacks originating in front arc 7
2 to charge rolls against this model when starti 8
buckler or shield. Addl die against structures 9
with claw. Cannot attack with weapons held in cl 12
ows or attack with weapons in the clamp. Head/We 13
Already Factored) Critical Continuous Fire 14
Already Factored) Can Make RNG 4, AOE -, POW 10 15
against living creatures. Discard lowest die. 16
her weapons. 17
this weapon this activation, attack Auto hits. 18
n front arc. 19
Held in non-crip Open Fist. CRIT: target loses i 20
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Coninuous Fire. Boost Pow to 14 for addl ammo and can't fir 1
ved can push equal or smaller base hit directly towards thi 2
bonus. Arcing Fire. Critical Devastation(Rules on pg 310. 5
ee rule pg 30 Urb. Adv. 6
jack or Beast, fill unmarked boxes or cirlces of last col o 8
ata sheet 9
ata sheet 10
ata sheet 11
ata sheet 12
ata sheet 13
ata sheet 14
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
ecome the target of melee or ranged attack against its warcaster, if 'jack is within 2".
ange for focus allocation. Warcaster can upkeep 1 spell on 'jack for free.
e rolls when attacking an enemy in the other's melee range.
67 68 69 70
Row 6
3 4 5 6
67 68 69