Iron Hands 2,000 (HTML)
Iron Hands 2,000 (HTML)
Iron Hands 2,000 (HTML)
Land Raider Phobos (Transport) 10 None. 3. One on each side of the hull and one on the front HH:LACAL p52
Armoured A vehicle with this wargear is not subject to the additional D6 armour penetration caused by HH:LACAL
Ceramite weapons with the Melta special rule. p88
Cataphractii Terminator armour affords a +2 armour save and a 4+ Invulnerable save. No Run AL:AoDAL
moves, Overwatch attacks, or Sweeping Advance. p133
Presence of a Cortex Controller within 12" of a unit of friendly models with the Programmed
Cortex HH:MT
Behaviour special rule at the start of any phase means that special rule is negated for that phase
Controller p111
and their controlling player is free to use them as any other unit.
Vehicles equipped with dozer blades treat their front armour as one higher than normal when
Dozer Blade
ramming. The vehicle can re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests.
Legion All of the Controlling player's unist with the Legiones Astartes special rule within 6" of a Legion HH:LACAL
Standard Standard (including its bearer) are Fearless. p90
Night fighting only. it can, after firing all of its weapons, choose to illuminate its target with the
Searchlight Rulebook
searchlight. If it does so, it also illuminates itself.
Once per game, instead of shooting or flat out movements/running, the vehicle can activate smoke
launchers. May not fire its weapons that turn but recieves a 5+ cover save until next player turn.
Unaffected by weapon destroyed, crew shaken and crew stunned results.
Terminator Terminator armour affords a +2 armour save and a 5+ Invulnerable save. Depending on its particular AL:AoDAL
Armour pattern, Terminator armour may also confer additional rules and abilities to its wearer. p133
Paragon Blade +1 2 Melee, Murderous Strike, Specialist Weapon HH: AoD Rulebook p181
Elites [45pts]
Apothecarion Detachment [45pts]
Categories: L A ,E
Rules: Apothecarion Detachment Unit Composition, Inviolate Armour, Legiones Astartes, Stand and Fight
Description Ref
While the Apothecary who carries this specialised medical and alchemical gear is still alive, all Space
Narthecium Marine models in their squad and any Space Marine Independent Characters that have joined it have
the Feel No Pain universal special rule.
Power armour provides a 3+ Armour save.
Armour p133
Troops [555pts]
Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory [225pts]
Selections: 19x Tactical Space Marines, Legion [190pts]
Categories: I ,L A ,C T ,T
Rules: Compulsory, Fury of the Legion, Inviolate Armour, Legiones Astartes, Stand and Fight
Unit: Legion Tactical Space Marine
Standard Wargear
Selections: Bolters
Rules: Assault Grenades
Wargear Item: Power Armour, Weapon: Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenade (Shooting)
Standard Wargear
Selections: Bolters
Rules: Assault Grenades
Wargear Item: Power Armour, Weapon: Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenade (Shooting)
Legion Rhino (Transport) 10 Two - Top Hatch Three. One on each side of the Hull and one at the rear.
Description Ref
Dozer Vehicles equipped with dozer blades treat their front armour as one higher than normal when ramming.
Blade The vehicle can re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests.
Power armour provides a 3+ Armour save.
Armour p133
Twin-Linked Bolter 24" 4 5 Rapid Fire , Twin-Linked HH: AoD Rulebook p177
Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory [165pts]
Selections: 9x Tactical Space Marines, Legion [90pts]
Categories: I ,L A ,C T ,T
Rules: Compulsory, Fury of the Legion, Inviolate Armour, Legiones Astartes, Stand and Fight
Unit: Legion Tactical Space Marine
Standard Wargear
Selections: Bolters
Rules: Assault Grenades
Wargear Item: Power Armour, Weapon: Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenade (Shooting)
Legion Rhino (Transport) 10 Two - Top Hatch Three. One on each side of the Hull and one at the rear.
Description Ref
Dozer Vehicles equipped with dozer blades treat their front armour as one higher than normal when ramming.
Blade The vehicle can re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests.
Power armour provides a 3+ Armour save.
Armour p133
Twin-Linked Bolter 24" 4 5 Rapid Fire , Twin-Linked HH: AoD Rulebook p177
Standard Wargear
Rules: Assault Grenades
Wargear Item: Power Armour, Weapon: Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenade (Shooting)
Standard Wargear
Rules: Assault Grenades
Wargear Item: Power Armour, Weapon: Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenade (Shooting)
Rite of War
Selections: The Head of the Gorgon
Categories: A
Rules: Blessed Autosimulacra, Stubborn, The Head of the Gorgon
Doomhammer 25 Ten models can fire from Troop bay. One at the rear. Codex: Cadia p47
Description Ref
Night fighting only. it can, after firing all of its weapons, choose to illuminate its target with the
Searchlight Rulebook
searchlight. If it does so, it also illuminates itself.
Once per game, instead of shooting or flat out movements/running, the vehicle can activate smoke
launchers. May not fire its weapons that turn but recieves a 5+ cover save until next player turn.
Unaffected by weapon destroyed, crew shaken and crew stunned results.
A tank with this upgrade increases its Ballistic Skill to 4
Legion p65
Magma Cannon 60" 10 1 Primary Weapon 1, Large Blast Codex: Cadia p68
Selection Rules
Agile (Flyers Only): A unit with this special rule increases any cover saves granted by the Jink special rule by +1. (HH: AoD Rulebook p157)
Apothecarion Detachment Unit Composition: 1-3 Legion Apothecaries may be taken as a single Elites choice for the army as long as you have
sufficient units to attach them to. Each Apothecary must be assigned to one of your squads during your deployment and may not voluntarily leave it
during the game. Only squads entirely comprising models with the Infantry type and the Legiones Astartes special rule are eligible to be joined by a
Legion Apothecary, and squads equipped with Terminator armour or with the Daemon special rule may not be joined by a Legion Apothecary.
If an Apothecary is equipped with a jump pack then they may only join eligible squads with the Jump Infantry type and the Legiones Astartes special
rule instead.
If an Apothecary is equipped with a Legion Space Marine Bike then they may only join eligible squads with the Bike type and the Legiones Astartes
special rule instead.
For the purpose of missions which make use of Victory points for killing units, the Apothecarion Detachment is not considered to be a separate
unit, and Victory points cannot be scored for its destruction. (HH:AoDAL|HH:GEAFAQV1.0 p32|3)
Assault Grenades: Shooting: When a unit equiped with Assualt Greandes makes a shooting attack, one model can choose to throw a Grenade, rather
than using another shooting weapon.e
Assualt: Models equipped with assault grenades don’t suffer the penalty to their Initiative for charging enemies through difficult terrain, but fight at
their normal Initiative in the ensuing combat. (HH: Core Rule Book)
Assault Vehicle: Passengers disembarking from Access Points on a vehicle with this special rule can charge on the turn they do so (even in a turn
that the vehicle was destroyed, or in the following turn) unless the vehicle arrived from Reserve that turn. (HH: AoD Rulebook p157)
Battlesmith: If a Battlesmith is embarked on or in base contact with one or more damaged vehicles during the shooting phase, they may attempt to
repair one of them instead of firing a weapon. To attempt, roll a D6. On a result of 5+ the Battlesmith may do one of the following:
2-3 - Misplaced. The coordinates were inaccurate or the enemy has jammed your instruments.
Your opponent may deploy the unit anywhere on the table (excluding impassable terrain, but including difficult terrain, which of course counts as
dangerous for Deep Striking units), in a valid Deep Strike formation, but without rolling for scatter. Units embarked on a misplaced Transport can
disembark during their Movement phase as normal.
4-6 - Delayed. Because of mechanical failure or enemy action, the reinforcements are delayed.
The unit is placed in Ongoing Reserves. (HH: AoD Rulebook p162)
Deflagrate: After normal attacks by this weapon have been resolved, count the number of unsaved wounds caused on the target unit. Immediately
resolve a number of additional automatic hits on the same unit using the weapon’s profile equal to the number of unsaved wounds – these can then
be saved normally. Models in the targeted unit must still be in range in order for these additional hits to take effect. These additional hits do not
themselves inflict more hits! (LA:AODAL p129)
Father to the Brethren of Iron: A Forge Lord (or Iron-Father or Warsmith) must be taken as the compulsory HQ choice for this detachment if this Rite
of War is used as the army’s Primary Detachment. Note that this will preclude certain other characters from being included in the detachment, and
means in most cases that both a Legion Praetor and a Forge Lord must be taken. (LA:AoDAL p101)
Fear: At the start of each Fight sub-phase, a unit in base contact with one or more enemy models that cause Fear must take a Leadership test (called
a Fear test) before any blows are struck. If the test is passed, all is well and there is no effect. If the test is failed, the unit succumbs to fear – all
models in the unit have their Weapon Skill reduced to 1 for the remainder of that Fight sub-phase. Note that a model that causes Fear is not itself
immune to Fear, and will still need to take a Fear test if it is base contact with any enemy models that cause Fear. (HH: AoD Rulebook p163)
Fearless: Units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Pinning, Fear and Regroup tests and Morale checks,
but cannot Go to Ground and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons are Useless rule. If a unit has Gone to Ground and then
gains the Fearless special rule, all the effects of Going to Ground are immediately cancelled. (HH: AoD Rulebook p164)
Fury of the Legion: While at least five models remain in the unit armed with bolters or bolt pistols, the squad can elect to make a Fury of the Legion
attack in the Shooting phase so long as they did not move, arrive via Deep Strike or disembark a vehicle earlier in that player turn. Models making a
Fury of the Legion attack may fire twice with their bolters or bolt pistols against a single target (note that in the case of a combi-weapon, only the
bolter part may fire twice).
Owing to the massive expenditure of ammunition involved, once a squad has made a Fury of the Legion attack it may not use Overwatch fire later that
turn or fire in the Shooting phase of their next player turn, but may otherwise move, fight in assault, run, etc, normally (place a counter or note next to
the unit to represent this). Fury of the Legion attacks may not be used for Snap Shots, and models joining the unit do not benefit from this rule and
must fire normally, as does any non-bolter weapon used by the squad at the same time as the Fury of the Legion attack is made (LA:AODAL p40)
Hammer of Wrath: If a model with this special rule ends its charge move in base or hull contact with an enemy model, it makes one additional Attack
that hits automatically and is resolved at the model’s unmodified Strength with AP-. This Attack does not benefit from any of the model’s special rules
(such as Furious Charge, Rending etc.). This Attack is resolved during the Fight sub-phase at the Initiative 10 step, but does not grant the model an
additional Pile In move.
If a model with this special rule charges a building or vehicle, the hit is resolved against the Armour Value of the facing the charging model is
touching. If a model with this special rule charges a building or vehicle that is a Transport or a Chariot, the hit is resolved against the building or
vehicle, not the occupants or the rider. (HH: AoD Rulebook p164)
Independent Character: Independent characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that contain vehicles or Monstrous Creatures.
They can join other Independent Characters, though, to form a powerful multi-character unit! Independent Characters pass Look Out, Sir rolls on a 2+.
A unit that contains one or more Independent Characters does not need a double 1 to Regroup if reduced to below 25% of its starting numbres, but
instead tests as if it had at least 25% remaining.
Full details in BRB. Rule too long to copy verbatim. (HH: AoD Rulebook p165)
Invincible Behemoth: A super-heavy vehicle is so large and strongly built that weapons which degrade the armour of smaller vehicles will not effect it.
Because of this, any attack that says that the target model is destroyed, wrecked, Explodes! or is otherwise removed from play inflicts D3 Hull Points
of damage on a Super-heavy vehicle instead.
In addition, any attacks or special abilities that permanently lower the Armour Values of a target vehicle do not affect a Super-heavy vehicle. Note that
attacks or abilities that count the Armour Value as being lower, but do not actually change it, work normally. (HH: AoD Rulebook p90)
Inviolate Armour: All models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule reduce the strength of all shooting attacks against them by -1.
Jealous Command: If Mor is a part of the army, he will always be the warlord unless Ferrus Manus is present. (HH:LAICL p55)
Jink: When a unit with any models with the Jink special rule is selected as a target for a shooting attack, you may declare that it will Jink. The
decision must be made before any To Hit rolls have been made. If the unit Jinks, all models in the unit with this special rule gain a 4+ cover save until
the start of their next Movement phase, but they can only fire Snap Shots until the end of their next turn. (HH: AoD Rulebook p167)
Legiones Astartes: Units with this special rule may always attempt to Regroup at their normal Leadership value, regardless of casualties.
In addition to these benefits, units will also have a number of additional special rules and abilities specific to their ‘named’ Legion, all of which will be
defined in the Legiones Astartes Army List and other future Forge World publications.
If an army represents a Legion which does not yet have its own unique Legiones Astartes rule, the controlling player may instead add either the
Stubborn or Furious Charge special rule to the standard provisions of this rule in the interim. (HH: AoD Rulebook p168)
Machine Spirit: Confers the Power of the Machine Spirit special rule.
In a turn in which the vehicle neither moves Flat Out nor uses smoke launchers, the vehicle can fire one more weapon at its full Ballistic Skill than
normally permitted. In addition, this weapon can be fired at a different target unit to any other weapons, subject to the normal rules for shooting.
(HH:LACAL p239)
Master of the Legion: A Legion army may only take one Model with the Master of the Legion rule for every 1000 points. A model with this rule may
also take a Command Squad. If serving as the Army's Warlord, they may also roll twice on the Warlord Trait table and select one of the results.
(HH:LACAL p15)
Melta: Ranged weapons with this special rule roll an additional D6 when rolling to penetrate a vehicle’s armour at half range or less. If the weapon is
more than half its maximum range away, it rolls to penetrate as normal.
If a weapon has both the Melta and Blast special rules, measure the distance to the centre of the blast marker after it has scattered. If this is half the
weapon’s range or less, all hits caused by the blast marker roll an addition D6 when rolling to penetrate a vehicle’s armour. If the centre of the blast
marker is more than half the weapon’s maximum range away after scatter, roll to penetrate as normal. (HH: AoD Rulebook p168)
Move Through Cover: A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule rolls an extra D6 when rolling to move through difficult terrain and
is not slowed by charging through difficult terrain. In most circumstances, this will mean that, when moving, the unit rolls 3D6 and picks the highest
roll. Furthermore, a model with the Move Through Cover special rule automatically passes Dangerous Terrain tests. (HH: AoD Rulebook p168)
Murderous Strike: Attacks with this special rule cause Instant Death on a ToWound roll of 6. Roll any viable saves against this Instant Death-causing
wound separately to other wounds the attack inflicts. (HH: AoD Rulebook p168)
Relentless: Relentless models can shoot with Heavy, Salvo or Ordnance weapons, counting as stationary, even if they moved in the previous
Movement phase. They are also allowed to charge in the same turn they fire Heavy, Ordnance, Rapid Fire or Salvo weapons. (HH: AoD Rulebook p170)
Repair: In the Shooting phase instead of firing a weapon, the Rhino may attempt to repair an Immobilised result on a D6 roll of a 6. (HH:LACAL p35)
Retinue: A Legion Command squad may only be chosen as a retinue for a Legion Praetor or an HQ with the Master of the Legion special rule, and
may not be taken as part of an army on their own. They take up a single Force Organisation chart selection with that Praetor/Master of the Legion,
but do not have to be deployed with him and are treated as a separate unit during the game. (HH:LACAL p19)
Specialist Weapon: A model fighting with this weapon does not receive +1 Attack for fighting with two weapons unless it is armed with two or more
Melee weapons with the Specialist Weapon rule. (HH: AoD Rulebook p172)
Stand and Fight: All models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule must pass a Leadership test in order to make Sweeping Advances
after winning an assault or to make a Run move in the Shooting phase. In addition, models with this rule may not voluntarily Go to Ground.
Stubborn: When a unit that contains at least one model with this special rule takes Morale checks or Pinning tests, they ignore any negative
Leadership modifiers. If a unit is both Fearless and Stubborn, it uses the rules for Fearless instead. (HH: AoD Rulebook p173)
Supersonic: A Supersonic vehicle that moves Flat Out must move at least 18" and can move up to 36". (HH: AoD Rulebook p173)
Terminator Armour: If a unit has the option of taking Terminator armour but does not specify a particular pattern, such as the Legion Terminator
Squad entry, its pattern is that represented on the physical models used, and only a single type of Terminator armour may be chosen for the unit when
included in your army. (LA:AoDAL p133)
The Head of the Gorgon: Effects
• Chosen Ground: Infantry units within the force gain the Stubborn special rule while within their own deployment zone.
• War-relics: Any infantry model in the force equipped with a flamer may upgrade this to a graviton gun for 10 points (this must be represented on the
model as usual), and all vehicles in the detachment gain the Blessed Autosimulacra upgrade for free.
• Iron Scions: Legio Cybernetica Battle-automata Maniples may be included as Elites choices within the army and, in addition, any infantry unit of ten
models or less eligible to take a Rhino as a Dedicated Transport may take a Land Raider Proteus or Land Raider Phobos as a Dedicated Transport
• Armoured Encirclement: Vehicles with the Tank type (including Dedicated Transports carrying troops) placed in reserve gain the Outflank special
• Detachments using this Rite of War may only take a single Fast Attack choice as part of their Force Organisation chart.
• With the exception of the Forge Lord type, detachments using this Rite of War may only take a single Consul as part of their HQ choices.
• Detachments using this Rite of War may not take allied Space Marine Legion detachments. (LA:ADL p45)
The Iron Hands: • Inviolate Armour: All models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule reduce the strength of all shooting attacks
against them by -1.
• Stand and Fight: All models with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule must pass a Leadership test in order to make Sweeping Advances
after winning an assault or to make a Run move in the Shooting phase. In addition, models with this rule may not voluntarily Go to Ground.
• Rigid Tactics: An Iron Hands detachment may not have more units with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule in total (including
Independent Characters) with the Jump Infantry, Bike or Jetbike types than it does with the Infantry type. Note that because of this, certain Rites of
War are unavailable to Iron Hands armies. (LA:ADL p44)
Thunderblitz: Super-heavy Vehicles may Tank Shock or Ram. When they do so, roll once on the Thunderblitz table immediatley before taking the
morale check for the unit being Tank Shocked or immediatley before rolling for armour penetration when preforming a Ram. (HH: Rulebook p91)
Twin-linked: Twin-linked weapons don’t get more shots than normal ones, but they give you a better chance of hitting with them. If a shooting
weapon has the twin-linked special rule, or is described in a model’s wargear entry as twin-linked, it re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls.