Dynamic Analysis of Three-Port DC/DC Converter For Space Applications
Dynamic Analysis of Three-Port DC/DC Converter For Space Applications
Dynamic Analysis of Three-Port DC/DC Converter For Space Applications
Abstract- This paper presents the control structure for a novel or the battery voltage is relatively slower, the control input of
three-port converter topology. This topology has the advantage the battery control loop or the input port control loop can be
of low switch count, high power density, high efficiency, so it is a
valuable choice for space applications. The three port converter assumed to be static during the Output Voltage Regulation
for space application interfaces one solar panel input port, one (OVR) loop design. This assumption provides convenient
bi-directional battery port and an isolated output port. Lithium- decoupling for the design of the two interacting control loops.
Ion battery charge control simulation is implemented. Maximum For this design, the converter runs at 100 kHz switching
Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is adopted to maximize the solar frequency, the output control loop crossover frequency is set
energy input. Two of the three ports can be simultaneously
regulated. However, the two control loops have interactions with at 5 kHz, while battery side or input side control loop’s
each other due to the integrated power trains of the three ports. crossover frequency is set at one tenth of 5 kHz in order to
Therefore, implementing the closed loop control requires careful minimize interactions. Digital control strategy is adopted to
analysis of their dynamic behaviors. In this paper, the dynamic realize the control structure. Simulation and experimental
behavior of the converter during different operational modes is results show the validity of this design concept.
fully characterized and studied. Small signal models are derived
based on state space equations, and experimental results verify
the converter control structure. II. TOPOLOGY AND CONTROL STRUCTURE
As shown in Figure 1, this topology has the capability of
I. INTRODUCTION interfacing the following three ports: source input port, storage
Most of Power Management and Distribution (PMAD) bidirectional port, and an isolated output port. The principal
systems for multiple power ports are realized by two or more modes of operation and DC analysis have been reported in
individual converters. The advantages of using integrated [1,5]. Basically, it is a constant frequency modified PWM half
power converters with multiple power ports instead of several bridge converter controlled by duty-cycles d1 and d2 which are
individual converters are as follows: less component count and gate signals of S1 and S2 respectively. Clearly understanding
lower cost, higher power density, higher efficiency, improved the circuit operation is necessary to build up the small-signal
reliability, and enhanced dynamic performance due to power model. There are three stages in the circuit operation. In stage
stage integration and centralized control implementation. I, S1 is gated ON, applying a positive voltage to the
transformer primary side, until S2 is turned ON and S1 turned
This paper is a continuing research based on the published OFF to start stage II. In stage II, a negative voltage is applied
Tri-Modal Half-Bridge Converter Topology for Three-Port to the transformer primary side until S3 is gated ON to start
Interface [1], which clearly presented the power topology stage III, during which zero voltage is applied to the
operation and its open loop design considerations. This paper transformer primary side. This allows both the magnetizing
will be focused on the control structure and dynamics, in and load-filter inductor currents to free-wheel.
addition to the power management of the three ports.
Unlike single input single output converter, the dynamic
model of the multi-port converter is actually multi-input
multi-output system (MIMO). MIMO converter contains
multiple interacting control variables, which further
complicates the control loop design [1,3,4]. Interactions
between control loops are common in multi-port converters
but most researches focus on open loop operation and lack of
investigation on dynamic performance under varied load
Figure 1. Three-port half bridge (TP-HB) converter topology
Based on that the output voltage should be regulated tightly
all the time, while the dynamic behavior of the input voltage
magnitude (dB)
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 1 1 ⎥
0 0 − before compensation
⎢⎣ Co RCo ⎥⎦ 20
0 after compensation
⎡ I − nVo I Lm +
nVo ⎤ -20 3 4
⎢ Lm R R ⎥ 10 close loop result 10
⎢ C1 C1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ frequency (Hz) BW= 5 kHz
⎢− D2Vin D1Vin ⎥ PM=70 degree
B = ⎢ (D + D )L ( D1 + D2 ) Lm ⎥ -100
⎢ 1 2 m
⎥ phase (deg)
⎢ nD2Vin nD1Vin ⎥ after compensation
⎢ (D + D )L ( D1 + D2 ) Lo ⎥⎥ -150
⎢ 1 2 o
before compensation
⎢⎣ 0 0 ⎥⎦
The control structures are then designed based on the state -200 3 4
10 10
space models. Using the models, transfer functions for output
frequency (Hz)
and battery voltage to duty-cycle values can be extracted
according to small signal diagram of Figure 3 as follows: Figure 4. Bode plots of vo(s)/d1(s)
G(s) = ( s ⋅ I − A) ) ⋅ B ,
− 40 before compensation
− -100
HBVR after compensation
-150 2 3
Figure 3. Small signal model of Mode 2 10 10
frequency (Hz)
As mentioned earlier, it is difficult to design close loop Figure 5. Bode plots of vb(s)/d2(s)
compensators for each loop without proper decoupling
assumption. Therefore according to the assumption, the BVR The crossover frequency for the OVR loop is set at 5 kHz
loop is designed to have a one decade lower bandwidth than with a phase margin of 70 degrees. And to comply with the
that of OVR. Therefore, its loop gain can be neglected and it previously described approximation, the crossover frequency
can be considered static around the crossover frequency of the of the BVR loop is set at 600 Hz, a little bit more than 500 Hz
magnitude (dB)
⎢ o ⎥
⎢ 1 1 ⎥ before compensation
⎢ 0 0 − 20
⎣ Co RCo ⎥⎦
0 after compensation
-20 3
⎡ 1 ⎛ nV ⎞ ⎤ 4
⎢ 0 − ⎜ I Lm + o R ⎟ ⎥ 10 10
C2 ⎝ ⎠ frequency (Hz)
⎢ ⎥
⎢ Vb D1Vb ⎥ Mode 2 close loop
− 0
B = ⎢ Lm D2 Lm ⎥ Mode 2 open loop
⎢ ⎥
phase (deg)
for output and input voltage to duty values can be extracted frequency (Hz)
from the small signal model as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 7. Bode plots of vo(s)/d1(s) in both modes
D1 0.4 Vin(Vc2) 60 V
D2 0.35 Vb(Vc1) 28 V
Lo 65 µH n 1.25
Lm 45 µH fsw 100 kHz
Co 680 µF Rs 0.1 Ω
C1 680 µF Rb 0.2 Ω
C2 210 µF R 14 Ω
Maximum Voltage Setpoint
Vb (V)
Constant Voltage Mode
2 4 6 8 10 Figure 11. Measured bode plots of Vo/d1
t 4
x 10
Ib (A)
The control structure described in section III for both Figure 12. Measured bode plots of Vb/d2
operational modes is tested through a 200 W prototype as
illustrated in Figure 10. Power stage’s input port, battery port
and output port are marked in the prototype photo. It consists
Figure 13. Measured bode plots of Vin/d2
Figure 14 shows the battery voltage and output voltage Figure 15. Mode 1 load step response without MPPT
response to a load transient between 1 A and 5 A in battery-
regulation mode. Output voltage transient response is better
than battery voltage because OVR is ten times larger than
BVR’s bandwidth. A resistive load instead of capacitive load
is installed at the battery port during this test, so it is expected Io
to get a better BVR voltage response when real battery or
capacitive load is inserted. Figure 15 demonstrates the system vin
transient response when input voltage loop is given a fixed
voltage reference instead of that from MPPT controller. The
load step is from 1.8 A to 3.8 A. Input voltage response to
load transient is slower than output voltage because IVR
crossover frequency is set at one tenth of that of OVR. Figure vo
16 shows a load step response from 2.4 A to 3.6 A when
MPPT controller is operating and input port is sourced by a
solar simulator. Input voltage waveform indicates input port
stays at maximum power point during load change. Perturb
Figure 16. Mode 1 load step response with MPPT
and observe MPPT technique is adopted in this design, so the
input voltage demonstrates a three-stair shape, which indicates
that MPPT controller is not influenced by load changes and
keeps oscillating around Maximum Power Point. Output VI. CONCLUSION
voltage change is almost negligible in this case because load Presented in this paper is the control structure for the three-
step is small. port DC/DC converter that interfaces a solar input panel, a
rechargeable battery port and an isolated output port. Battery
charge control and solar MPPT control were introduced. The
small signal models for two operational modes were derived
Io for optimized controller design. Control loop design examples
in all operational modes were presented and verified by both
simulation and experimental results.
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