19 Jay Prakash
19 Jay Prakash
19 Jay Prakash
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics ISSN No. (Online): 2277-2626
and Computer Engineering 3(1): 116-121(2014)
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Control methods: (a) symmetrical. (b) Asymmetrical.
Tiwari and Barve 118
Table 1. Comparison between Symmetric and Asymmetric Control Method.
Parameter Symmetric Control Asymmetric Control
Duty cycle control 0<D<0.5 0≤D≤1
Operating range Small wide
Thermal stress Better Poor
Diode voltage stress Vdc/2n Vdc/3n
Inductor current Io/3 Io/3
Implement device losses Small More
Size and weight Small Small
IV. DESCRIPTION OF SIMULATION nominal parameters as given in. The dc link voltage in
(SIMULATION MODEL) the simulation is equal to 230V rated value. A 750 W,
prototype model of proposed DC–DC converter is built
The simulation model shown in Fig. 3 with the
and tested at different operating conditions. Proposed
proposed control strategy has been simulated. For
simulation result under both control methods,
simulation purposes, software packages such as
performances of proposed converter have been
Matlab/Simulink and Advanced Continuous Simulation
investigated in view of low voltage high current
Language (ACSL) can be used. In this section,
applications. The Simulink model is shown in the figure
Simulink has been used to model the 3-φ high
frequency dc-dc converter. The dc-dc converter has
been simulated with the pwm gate pulse using the