Study of The Ans Sympathovagal Behavior Using The Relieff and The Ks-Segmentation Algorithms
Study of The Ans Sympathovagal Behavior Using The Relieff and The Ks-Segmentation Algorithms
Study of The Ans Sympathovagal Behavior Using The Relieff and The Ks-Segmentation Algorithms
Study of the ANS Sympathovagal Behavior Using the ReliefF and the
KS-Segmentation Algorithms
Department of Electrical engineering
University of Mostaganem
P.O.Box 227 & 118, 27000 Mostaganem
Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications
Universitat Politècnica de València
Camino de Vera, s/n 46022 Valencia
Abstract: - The Autonomous Nervous System (ANS) sympathovagal balance was studied using several features
derived from Heart Rate Variability signals (HRV). The HRV signals are, however naturally, non-stationary
since their statistical properties vary under time transition. A useful approach to quantifying them is, therefore,
to consider them as consisting of some intervals that are themselves stationary. To obtain the latter, we have
applied the so called the KS-segmentation algorithm which is an approach deduced from the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov (KS) statistics. To determine, accurately, these features, we have used the ReliefF algorithm which is
one of the most successful strategies in feature selection; this step allows us to select the most relevant
features from thirty three features at the beginning. As result the ratio between LF and HF band powers of HRV
signal, the Standard Deviation of RR intervals (SDNN), and Detrended Fluctuation Analysis with Short term
slope (DFA α1), are more accurate for each stationary segment, and present the best results comparing with
other features for the classification of the three stages of stress in real world driving tasks (Low, Medium and
High stress).
Key-Words: - HRV, KS-segmentation algorithm, Wavelet packet, ANS sympatho-vagal balance evolution
the sympathetic or the parasympathetic activity is datasets, but according to Yong [27], it was
dominant, as well as how long this dominance lasts found that amongst the 17 data sets, only 7
during the test period. This is, particularly, drives datasets (drivers 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and
important when different events affecting the ANS 15) have clear mark identification and they can
are taking place and we need to link them to the be used in our analysis.
(ANS) activities. The mathematical tools such as the This database contains a collection of
short time Fourier transform (STFT) [16] or the multiparameter recordings from healthy volunteers,
wavelet transform that take into account both taken while they were driving on a prescribed route
frequency and time are, therefore, welcomed. including city streets and highways in and around
In contrast to the STFT which is a time- Boston, Massachusetts. The objective of the study
frequency representation, the continuous wavelet for which these data were collected was to
transform method is a dynamical representation [11- investigate the feasibility of automated recognition
15]. But there is, still, a correlation between the of stress on the basis of the recorded signals, which
scale parameter and its corresponding frequency. include ECG, EMG, GSR measured on the hand and
Despite the useful results provided by these two foot, and respiration[25].
methods [16, 17], difficulties, such as the scale From the duration of different driving segment
range of the adequate continuous wavelet and the obtained from Table.1, it was validated that the rest,
constant width of the STFT window, hampering highway, and city driving periods produce the low,
their applications, are, however, met in each of medium, and high levels of stress, respectively [26].
them. The driver database lacks the information
In this work, and based on our previous work regarding the duration of each Rest, City and
[22, 24], we have used a hybrid method in order to Highway driving task, but the same durations were
classify the three stages of stress in real world mentioned in [31]. The time intervals of the 7
driving tasks. Features were processed using the drivers used in this study (drivers 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12,
Relief algorithm [31] in small stationary segments and 15) are given in Table.1.
which were determined and detected, accurately, In this study seven ECG records were used to
using the KS-segmentation algorithm introduced test the algorithm. These recordings were sampled
recently by S. Camargo et al. [18]. at 496 Hz with a 16-bit rate resolution. Lead II from
each record is used here. No episodes have been
excluded from our analysis.
2 Material and Method Band pass filtering is an essential first stage of
any QRS detection algorithm. The purpose of band
pass filtering is to remove the baseline wander and
2.1 Material and data collection high frequencies which do not contribute to
The data analyzed in this work were obtained from QRS complexes detection. In this research, a band
Stress Recognition in Automobile Drivers from pass linear phase FIR digital filter with a Hamming
PHYSIONET website [25], the driver database is window in the frequency range between 3 and 40
originally collected by Healey & Picard from MIT Hz is used [28].
Media Lab [26]. In total there are 17 available
The extraction of R-peaks and correction of 1-The ECG signal is preprocessed using band-pass
artifacts from digitized ECG data were performed filter; later ARTiiFACT tool is used on filtered
using ARTiiFACT [29], which is a software tool ECG signal to enhance the presence of QRS
providing an efficient artifact detection algorithm. complexes and to detect R-Peaks and finally the
All extracted features of HRV signals were HRV signals are calculated.
calculated using the Kubios HRV Analysis 2.0 2-Segment each HRV signals into stationary
software [30]. The program calculates all the patches by applying the KS-segmentation
commonly used time and frequency domain algorithm.
parameters and the nonlinear Poincare plot. 3-Compute 33 features in each stationary segment
Advanced spectrum estimation methods and of the temporal signals using Kubios HRV Analysis
detrendingoptions are included as well. All records Software. Table.2 presents a detailed description of
all features.
were processed using MATLAB (R2012a
4- The next step is to calculate and extract the most
relevant features; we have used the ReliefF
algorithm, this algorithm try to find features that
help separate data of different classes. If a feature
2.2 Hybrid method for studying the ANS has no effect on class-based separation, it can be
activity removed.
The suggested hybrid method to classify stress in These main steps of this suggested hybrid
order to study the ANS balance can be described by method are depicted in the following diagram in
the following steps: Fig.1.
Table.2. Description of the 33 extracted features.
[ms2 ]
Input ECG
Records Fs=496 Hz
FIR Filter
3-40 Hz
R-Peak Detection
Correct artifacts
Fig.2 Cardiac interbeat (RR) interval time series.
. Initial value
𝑥𝑖 (i=1…N): time series
𝛼0 : Significance level
𝑙0 : Minimal size
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tables we can see that there are some features are grateful to the European Commission presented by
relevant and we can easily see the difference, in the the EMMAG program, for the support of this work.
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