GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading System With Instant Billing
GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading System With Instant Billing
GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading System With Instant Billing
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Abstract— The technology of e-metering (Electronic as a result of the analogue and mechanical nature of the
Metering) has gone through rapid technological advancements components in these meters. Collection of meter readings is
and there is increased demand for a reliable and efficient also inefficient, because a meter reader has to physically be on-
Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system. This paper presents site to take the readings. This method of collecting of meter
the design of a simple low cost wireless GSM energy meter and its readings becomes more problematic and costly when readings
associated web interface, for automating billing and managing have to be collected from vast, and often scattered rural areas.
the collected data globally. The proposed system replaces Meter readers are reluctant to make the effort to travel to such
traditional meter reading methods and enables remote access of areas and will often submit inaccurate estimations of the
existing energy meter by the energy provider. Also they can amount of electricity consumed. For households at the top of
monitor the meter readings regularly without the person visiting
high buildings and luxury housing plots, traditional meter
each house. A GSM based wireless communication module is
integrated with electronic energy meter of each entity to have
reading is highly inefficient. There exists chance for missing
remote access over the usage of electricity. A PC with a GSM bills, absence of consumer etc. Even though these conventional
receiver at the other end, which contains the database acts as the meters were replaced with more efficient electronic energy
billing point. Live meter reading from the GSM enabled energy meters these problems still persists. So a system which will
meter is sent back to this billing point periodically and these provide the bill in users mobile will be more suitable in the
details are updated in a central database. A new interactive, user current scenario. Here a new method of post paid electronic
friendly graphical user interface is developed using Microsoft energy metering is introduced in this paper which will
visual studio .NET framework and C#. With proper automatically sense the used energy, records these reading
authentication, users can access the developed web page details continuously, then sends it to the billing point through the
from anywhere in the world. The complete monthly usage and existing GSM network. Finally after processing the collected
due bill is messaged back to the customer after processing these data bill is generated using a web based system software and is
data. send back to the customer as SMS (Short Messaging
System).As it is web oriented once the data is updated, the
Keywords—Automatic Meter Reading System (AMRS); GSM; registered users and authority can monitor and analyse the
PIC; Short Messaging System (SMS); Visual Studio .NET; C#. generated bill of any month by sitting anywhere in the world.
AMR system and several related works are available. Many e- are primarily designed for low power consumption. As they
metering systems have now been proposed, based on GPRS, were operating within a short range (power class- dependent: 1
Bluetooth, GSM as explained in [1], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] and meter, 10 meters, 100 meters) this technique was not effective
[8].Design of an Electric Energy Meter for long-distance data and implemented only in areas with high population density.
information transfers which based upon GPRS is proposed in
[1]. These systems can’t be implemented so easily because the So a new approach of using an energy measurement
regular use of GPRS is still a dream to the common people .A technique that encompasses the GSM network as a mean of
GSM Energy meter with instant billing facility is introduced in transmitting energy data is more relevant. The GSM/GPRS
[2] and [3],but still the problem of missing SMS will degrade network offers most coverage in most developed and
the accuracy and performance. A more reliable and user- developing countries. This method is also effective in rural
friendly system with web portal for multiple access using the areas, which are not densely populated, and in which, most
advanced Visual studio .net frame work is created in this people do not have access to a fixed telephone network. So in a
project which will manage the data efficiently even if there is country like India we need to focus more on this method as it
loss of SMS. It makes the design different from the previous can be implemented very easily and effectively.
proposals. The GSM/GPRS channel is a very useful means of According to the latest report by researcher Gartner India's
communication as sending data as SMS turns out to be a very mobile subscriber base should grow to 993 million by 2014,
handy tool, due to its good area coverage capability and cost which expects the world's fastest-growing mobile market to
effectiveness. Different state electricity boards in INDIA close 2010 with more than 660 million subscribers. India is the
started using GSM facility for fault management and so there is second-largest wireless market in the world after China with its
increased demand for this method. 618 million mobile subscribers at end-May, according to data
from the country's telecoms regulator. Mobile connections
For this design, energy meter specifications and tariff
were at 525 million at end of 2009.
structure followed by the Kerala State Electricity Board
(KSEB) are adopted. In this project the front end is User
friendly and any employee with minimum knowledge of
computers can work on this software. Employees can read the
meter by sitting in their office.
A. A lookback at GSM Technology and GSM meter in India.
Several transmission protocols in wired/wireless manner
were introduced so far to read digital meters remotely at
different areas of India. The Digital watt-hour meters are
microprocessor based meters which replaced traditional
electromechanical meters.
The engineering challenge is to develop a product that can IV. DETAILED DESIGN
serve as wireless system replacement for the metering and This GSM energy meter is constructed using the microchip
billing system currently in use. This emphasis that the meter single phase dedicated energy metering IC MCP3905A, a
under development has to work under the old circumstances display, 8-bit PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A and GSM
and perform all the previous functions, but also be able to relay modem. A 10A class I single phase meter is designed with
the information in a new way and perform additional functions, embedded GSM modem which utilizes the existing GSM
without the need of replacing all meters on the electrical grid network to send its power usage value as SMS to the energy
simultaneously. provider wirelessly. While sending the message each time, the
The developed AMR system consists of three main parts: a same data is also stored in the associated non-volatile memory
digital GSM power meter installed in every individual (EEPROM). RTC module is also integrated in the meter to
consumer unit, transmission facility (SMS gateway), and have time stamped recording of usage details. The detailed
billing server at the energy provider side. Overview and design blocks are shown in Fig. 4 and Configuration of
functional block details are shown in Fig. 3. different PIC ports for performing this functionality is
demonstrated in Fig.6
B. Billing Software
A web oriented GUI designed especially for e-billing,
manages all received SMS readings, updates the database
regularly, computes the monthly bill amount, and notify the
consumer his bill details through SMS. It also publishes the bill
in the designed web portal and consumer can log for getting the
usage details any time. Printed postal mails can also be
provided for respective consumer. Authority can log for bill
preparation and analysis of any collected data. Information
Fig.8. Transmitter prototype.
portal helps to assist the smart meter to log consumption data to
the database. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 IDE is used to
PCB layout for the meter routed with the aid of Cadence develop the web portal. Data base used is Microsoft SQL
Orcad 9.2 suite and corresponding printed board are shown in Server2005 (Fig. 11).
Fig.9.Mechanical design and assembly of the developed meter
is shown in Fig.10.The device has a plastic enclosure. It has
less weight and easy to handle. For status indication, a green
LED is placed in front side. 20x4 LCD display is there on the
top of the meter to display the reading and RTC time date
information. Push button switches are provided to read
EEPROM content.
the server for practical use, once hosted the user can access it VII. RESULTS
from anywhere through internet. Designed meter is able to send the usage value at a
predefined time and the status is displayed in LCD for the next
5 minutes after sending, as shown above in Fig. 10.
Once it is connected it will remain as connected for the The consolidated bill prepared sent to the users mobile, for
whole system and continues receiving SMS till the a particular month of usage, for a particular consumer is
administrator disconnects it using the disconnect option. depicted in Fig.15. Prepared Bill is successfully sent back to
Different staff members under the administrator are registered the registered consumer at the time of bill generation itself.
using the member registration option provided to the Backend database details and HTML source code details can
administrator. These operations are demonstrated in Fig. 13. be accessed anytime by the administrator.
The registered staffs are assigned to a particular section and
they are registering the consumers under them. Registered staff VIII. CONCLUSION
member can login and add any number of consumers under his Various electronic meters have been developed and are still
section. Also he is responsible for preparing the bills of being developed. However the use of GSM in this particular
consumers under him. By simple selection of consumer name system provides numerous advantages over methods that have
and month, automatic bill generation occurs by auto processing been previously used. Data transmission is charged at standard
of the background data. SMS rates, thus the charges are not based on the duration of
data transmission. The cost efficient transmission of readings
ensures that power consumption values can be transmitted is willing to add online payment options in the hosted web
more frequently to a remote station. The implications of being page, instant payment by the consumer from anywhere in the
able to transmit readings more often are that energy utilities world is also possible.
will be able to generate timely bills, better understand energy
demand patterns, manage meter failures more efficiently and
manage fraud better. REFERENCES
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