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Power Monitoring And Billing System Using


Kavitha Patil Anushka D,B.E,Student Bhagyashree Bhat,B.E,Student Farheen Shariff,B.E,Student

Assistant Professor Department of ISE Department of ISE Department of ISE
Department of ISE Atria Institute Of Technology Atria Institute Of Technology Atria Institute Of Technology
Atria Institute Of Technology Bangalore,India Bangalore,India Bangalore,India

devices to the internet and let them communicate with each
other over the internet. IoT is a network of connected devices
Abstract—The Existing domestic Energy meter reading
systems universally exist many problems, such as difficulty – all of which gather and share data about how they are
in construction, too narrow bandwidth, too low rate, poor used and the environments in which they are operated. Major
real time, not two way communication quickly etc. To Keys to the Internet of Things is Safety and Security. Since
solve above problems, this paper uses the wireless IoT allows devices to be controlled remotely across the
technology for Automatic Meter Reading and billing internet, thus it created opportunities to directly connect &
System. This proposed method provides the integrate the physical world to the computer-based systems
communication between the Electricity Board section and using sensors and internet. Multiple embedded devices are
the consumer section using Internet of things (IOT) for interconnected and these interconnections will be resulting in
transmitting the customer’s electricity consumption and automation in nearly all fields and also enabling advanced
bill information that is calculated using Arduino. The applications. This results in the improved accuracy, efficiency
information regarding the bill and payment details are and it also provides economic benefit with reduced human
communicated to the consumer via GSM(Global System intervention. Since IOT is cost effective, monitoring of energy
for Mobile communication). The electricity consumption meters at lower cost is made possible.
details and billing information is continuously transmitted Daily electricity consumption details are generated which can
and monitored by the Electricity Board section. be monitored through web portal. Also, Non-android users
can also see the SMS and pay their bills online. The system is
Keywords—Arduino Mega (microcontroller), IOT, more reliable and accurate reading values are collected from
GSM900 , Wi-Fi module, Web server energy meters.


Embedded systems and Real Time Operating systems are

two among the several technologies that will play a major role YujunBao and Xiaoyan Jiang, “Design of electric Energy
in making these concepts possible. The present Scenario we Meter for long-distance data information transfers which
are facing is a person from the electricity authority and visit based upon GPRS”, 2009,With the popularization of Internet
each home and read the meter and generate the bill but this in China, as GPRS service improved increasingly, electric
needs human work. This process may include human error energy meter transmits the data information and controlling
while bill generation and it consumes more time. We are command remotely and wirelessly. Based on the current
trying to prevent human intervention in this project. electric energy meter, with the well-functioned ARM kernel
IoT(Internet of Things) is a concept that connects all the microprocessor, it not only finishes the power data's
 measuring and processing, but also realizes the TCP/IP by

cutting. The ARM kernel microprocessor will control the communication it requires high carrier frequency for data
GPRS module, that enables the electric energy meter could be transmission, older wires can affect the performance and
linked to the Internet by use of GPRS service. This system is connection is complicated there are some disadvantages of
managed by mu C/OS-II operating system soothe overall this system.
system is stable and reliable. It not only raises the efficiency Vivek Kumar Sehgal,Nitesh Panda,
of electric energy meter data information's acquisition and NipunRaiHanda, presented the paper on automated billing of
transition, but also the national measure management of energy meter. It is just like postpaid mobile connection. In the
electric energy improved greatly. Disadvantage is that This is proposed work, the front end is user friendly and one can
especially for some outlying areas where the Cable Network work on this software with minimum knowledge of computers
hasn't been popularized. and can read the meter by sitting in the office. This is useful
Ashna.K and Sudhish N George, "GSM based for billing purpose in electricity board authority.
automatic energy meter reading system" IEEE Wireless Manisha shinde, Pradip kulkarni “Camera click
communications,paper was presented in 2013.The technology energy meter reading system”,this paper was presented in
of e-metering (Electronic Metering) has gone through rapid 2015 Now a days, electricity power consumers have increased
technological advancements and there is increased demand in every sectors like rural, urban, residential, commercial and
for a reliable and efficient Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) in industrial area. Hence it is very important to ensure proper
system. This paper presents the design of a simple low cost use of energy to generate accurate bills, invoices and try to
wireless GSM energy meter and its associated web interface, reduce the frauds. Electromagnetic watt meter reading done
for automating billing and managing the collected data by human operator requires huge number of labor operators.
globally. This paper proposed system replaces traditional They may be prone to reading error, also has errors while
meter reading methods and enables remote access of existing recording what was read, during data entry. It is hard to
energy meter by the energy provider. Also they can monitor access the meters at rural accounts, indoor meters and meters
the meter readings regularly without the person visiting each with obstacles. To avoid this here we are going to introduce
house. A GSM based wireless communication module is automatic meter reading concepts (AMR) which
integrated with electronic energy meter of each entity to have automatically collect the consumption of energy and then the
remote access over the usage of electricity. A PC with a GSM system transfer that collected data to a central database for
receiver at the other end, which contains the database acts as billing. Because of this expenses are reduced on meter reader,
the billing point. Live meter reading from the GSM enabled his periodic trips to each house to read a meter in case when
energy meter is sent back to this billing point periodically and in the first trip reading is not available. With this automation
these details are updated in a central database. A new speed, accurateness and effectiveness has increased. Here
interactive, user friendly graphical user interface is developed transistor transistor logic (TTL) serial camera is used to
using Microsoft visual studio .NET framework and C#. With capture the image and wirelessly transfer this to server
proper authentication, users can access the developed web Personal Computer (PC) where it undergoes processing to
page details from anywhere in the world. The complete extract digits and with reference to previous month data base
monthly usage and due bill is messaged back to the customer new bill is generated with tariff consideration. This system
after processing these data.But disadvantage of this paper was used camera which is costly to install in every house and it is
it was very complicated and costly to build and it used .Net expensive process and camera also should have high pixels to
framework and C#. capture the details and this is the disadvantage of this sytem.
Philip Garner, Ian Mullins, Reuben Edwards and In 2016 V.Preeti, G.harish, “Design and
Paul Coulton, presented the paper in 2006 ,This paper implementation of smart energy meter” was presented.This
manages the execution of power line system in the field of paper presents a smart energy meter for an automatic
power billing. In the present situation Power Line metering and billing system. In this meter energy utilized and
Communication (PLC) is one of the temperate methods for the corresponding amount will be displayed on the LCD
correspondence of information. Despite the fact that there are continuously and communicated to the controlling base
new strategies for remote communication Design of station. The feedback from the user helps in identifying the
Narrowband PLC for Power Distribution System with usages between authorized and unauthorized users which
Automated Billing Generation through GSM Network helps in controlling the power theft. Communication between
techniques, basically it is especially tedious to introduce such user/household and substation is done using Zigbee. GSM
a system, and furthermore it is exceptionally taken a toll network is used for sending SMS to the local authorities
devouring strategy .But the electrical lines which as of now regarding the theft cases. This meter can work as either
exist and interface each household device in a specific prepaid or post-paid meter. The proposed system replaces
territory is more invaluable as it doesn't require any new traditional meter reading methods and enables remote access
establishment or erection for communication channels, and of existing energy meter by the energy provider. Also they can
thus is not a time consuming one. In PLC power line monitor the meter readings regularly without the person

visiting each house.But Zigbee has limited distance as its



Fig 1:Architecture Diagram

The users can be aware of their electricity consumption. The
human work of collecting readings by visiting every home at Fig 2:Flow chart
the end of every month can be avoided by generating
electricity bills automatically. Theft of electricity can be The above figure (Fig 2), shows the flow chart our developing
avoided by tamper proof energy meters. The errors in the system. Electricity supply is provided to the meter ,the LDR
system can be identified quickly. which is connected to the meter will counts the number of
In the above figure (Fig 1),it consist of a simple energy units consumed based on LED blinks. Units consumed is
meter, a GSM modem, a LDR,LED lght,an Arduino, Wi Fi passed to the Arduino, number of units consumed will be
module,web portal. based on the LDR counts. The passed Data will be sent to the
Electricity supply is provided to the meter ,the LED which is website through GSM and displayed on the web site which
attached to the meter will blink once for each rotation of the will in turn be sent to the user for bill payment.
wheel in the meter.
Number of the times it blinks will be the value counted by
LDR and passes to the Arduino as number of units
The designed energy meter includes a simple energy meter, a
consumed.That data will be sent to the website through GSM.
GSM modem (SIM-900), An Arduino (master controller),
Bill and the units consumed will be displayed on the web site
(measure electric pulse).The pulse count value will be sent to
which will in turn be sent to the user for bill payment.
particular person through GSM.

Energy meter : it is used for measuring the energy utilizes by

the electric load. Energy Meter is also called as Watt-Hour
Meter, it is an electrical device that measures the amount of
electrical energy used by the consumers. Utilities are one of
the electrical departments, which install these devices at every
place like homes, industries, organizations, commercial
buildings to charge for the electricity consumption by loads
such as lights, fans, refrigerator, and some home appliances.
Energy meter measures rapid currents and voltages.

LDR: Light dependent resistor is also called as  Embedded C is a generic term given to a
photoconductor or photo resistor. It is a Digital Sensor which programming language written in C, and it is
works on the availability of light. Basically it is a associated with a particular hardware architecture.
semiconductor which will act as a conductor once the light  Embedded C is an extension to the C language. It
falls on it.LDR is used in Automatic Street Light Circuit, has some additional header files.These header files.
Simple Fire Alarm Circuit,Light Activated Switch Circuit,  The microcontroller 8051 #include<reg51.h> is
Automatic LED Emergency Light, Night Security Light. used.

Arduino UNO: Voltage= 5v,it is a microcontroller which has

digital pins and 14 analog pins. It consists of ATMEGA328 Thingspeak: It is a website designed and handled by
microcontroller IC. 16MHz crystal oscillator. Arduino is an mathworks. It is used to save data coming from the
open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware.And displays the details about electricity
hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read consumption and bill.
inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter
message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor,
turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell
your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the
microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino The IOT based energy meter saves the customer’s time by
programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino making them work. “leaner”. The operation of the calculating
Software (IDE), based on Processing. the power cost is simple and doesn’t involve delays. The
power cost is send through serial communication to the User
GSM Model: 900A: This sim chip Works on 12V AC/DC. It through GSM. The users can be aware of their electricity
is basically working on AT commands. Can perform both consumption. The human work of collecting readings by
calls and SMS. Customers will have this sim, in order to get visiting every home at the end of every month can be avoided
the details about consumption of electricity and bill. by generating electricity bills automatically. Theft of
electricity can be avoided by tamper proof energy meters. The
WIFI module: we are using Model: ESP12 as Wi-Fi module errors in the system can be identified quickly.
in our project. It is a microchip which is safe and easier to In future we can implement our project by creating
use. It works on the AT commands. It can acts as both access mobile application or web application so that the customer
point and standalone. Its operating voltage is 3.3v and can can get the power consumption details and bill of the
work at maximum of 5v as input. It works on UART protocol. electricity used from anywhwere in the world and they can get
It can give access to our WiFi connection. it in der hands just with a click using mobile app.

Arduino IDE: It is the kind of text editor where we will write

program code for microcontroller Arduino. Thus this software
used to program an Arduino. It is a freeware, cross
platform and easy to use software. It consists of build in
keywords which are used for programming.

Embedded C: Embedded C Programming is the soul of the

processor functioning inside each and every embedded
system we come across in our daily life, such as mobile
phone, washing machine, and digital camera. Each processor
is always associated with an embedded software. The
embedded software decides the functioning of the embedded
system. Basically nowadays all the microcontrollers are
programmed using embedded C only. It is typically similar to
C language. Usually hardware programming is done using
embedded C. Embedded C language is most
frequently used to language to program the microcontroller.
The C code written is more reliable, scalable, and portable;
[1] YujunBao and Xiaoyan Jiang, “Design of electric Energy
and in fact, much easier to understand.
Meter for long-distance data information transfers which
based upon GPRS”, ISA2009. International Workshop on
Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2009.

[2] Ashna.K and Sudhish N George, "GSM based automatic

energy meter reading system" IEEE Wireless
commuincations, 2013.

[3] Philip Garner, Ian Mullins, Reuben Edwards and Paul

Coulton. "Mobile Terminated MS Billing - Exploits and
Security Analysis" New Generation. Proceedings of the
Thirdlnternational Conference on lnformation Technology:
New Generations (ITNG'06) -Vol. 00 200, 10-12 April 2006,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 294 - 299.

[4] Vivek Kumar Sehgal,Nitesh Panda, NipunRaiHanda,

“Electronic Energy Meter with instant billing”,UK Sim
Fourth European Modelling Symposium on Computer
Modelling and Simulation.

[5] Tanmoy Maity and Partha Sarathi Das,

"Intelligent online measurement and management of
energy meter data through advanced wireless
network" IEEE Wireless communications, 2011.

[6] Manisha shinde, Pradip kulkarni “Camera click energy

meter reading system”,2015 International conference on
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[7] Masudar Rahman,Noor jannat,Mohd.ohidul Islam,Serazus

salakin, “Arduino and GSM based smart energy meter for
advanced metering and billing system” , 2nd Int’l conference
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[8] V.Preeti, G.harish, “Design and implementation of smart

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