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An IOT Based Bill Distribution System

Ansari Ibrahim Sharif Ahmed Amaan Sarfaraz Malim Mohd Hassan Mohd Yunus Ansari
Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
M.H. Saboo Siddik College of M.H. Saboo Siddik College of M.H. Saboo Siddik College of
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Mumbai, Maharashtra Mumbai, Maharashtra Mumbai, Maharashtra
Ibrahim.3119004.co@mhssce.ac.in amaan.3119020.co@mhssce.ac.in hassan.3119008.co@mhssce.ac.in
Adil Rashid Khan Er. Farhana Siddiqui
Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
M.H. Saboo Siddik College of M.H. Saboo Siddik College of
Engineering Engineering
Mumbai, Maharashtra Mumbai, Maharashtra
adil.3119016.co@mhssce.ac.in farhana.siddiqui@mhssce.ac.in

Abstract— As the world gets more computerised, it is However, wireless connectivity is not dominated by a single
becoming increasingly necessary to maximise energy usage and technology. Different hardware and software integration
save natural resources. Urban apartments and social housing requirements must be considered based on application needs
are one setting where this is crucial because of how much gas, or technology constraints. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are the main
electricity, and water are used there. For more information, wireless connectivity schemes.
visit the website. The invention uses IoT-enabled devices to
continuously monitor the quantity of water, energy, and gas Consider a digital prepaid energy meter based on two
utilised in terms of units. The device is programmed to microcontrollers and a single-phase energy meter IC. This
calibrate a unique bill for the amount of units utilized. The meter does not have any rotating parts and calculates energy
obtained data, such as the amount of units utilised and the bill consumption using output pulses from the energy meter chip.
of consumptiong. IoT-based utility monitoring and billing The ATmega32 stores the energy consumption (KWh),
device or apparatus comprises of water flow sensor, gas flow maximum demand (KW), total unit recharge (KWh), and
sensor, and electricity sensor assembled with a remaining units (KWh) to ensure accurate measurement.
microprocessor/controller programmed to monitor flow The most important contribution of other related methods is
readings. This concept is used to allow service providers and
to ensure that consumers know how much energy they use.
customers to continuously monitor the consumption of power
(in watts) and water usage. If the usage reaches the minimum
In this prepaid electricity billing system, the present billing
amount, the system would automatically alert the consumer to system is entirely eliminated, and a new system called the
recharge through a smart phone. prepaid billing system is introduced for embedded
applications that overcomes the drawbacks of the current
Keywords—IOT, Billing System, Distributed billing system. If this system becomes a part of daily life, it
will be beneficial for both the government and the public.
When the user pays money, the meter starts counting the
number of units, reducing the amount, and automatically
disconnects the line upon completion of the amount.
The IoT model is experiencing a rapid increase in
population density, resulting in many living and non-living An Advantages of IoT based Bill distribution system are:
things becoming connected to the internet in one way or An IoT (Internet of Things) based billing system offers
another. The popularity of wireless technology such as several advantages over traditional billing systems:
Bluetooth, RFID, Wi-Fi, and embedded sensors has
propelled the IoT beyond its initial stage and is poised to Real-time billing: IoT devices can collect and transmit data
transform the current fixed internet into a more advanced and in real-time, which means that billing can be done
feature-rich future Internet. Currently, there are almost nine immediately, rather than waiting for a monthly billing cycle.
billion interconnected devices, with estimates suggesting that This helps in reducing payment delays and ensures prompt
this figure will reach nearly fifty billion by 2020. However, payment.
this growth is not without its challenges, with energy and Accurate billing: With IoT devices, data is collected
water crises being the most pressing issues facing society automatically and accurately, which eliminates the possibility
today. of manual errors. This results in more accurate billing and
To address these challenges, reducing energy fewer disputes between the service provider and the
consumption and water usage in households is essential. The customer.
increasing number of consumers places a significant burden Cost-effective: IoT devices are cost-effective, which means
on electricity providers. The concept of IoT offers an ideal that implementing an IoT-based billing system is more
solution to facilitate consumers in managing their energy and affordable than traditional billing systems.
water usage. IoT refers to the ever-expanding network of
physical objects featuring an IP address for internet Improved efficiency: An IoT-based billing system reduces
connectivity and the communication that occurs between the need for manual intervention, which results in improved
these objects and other internet-enabled devices and systems. efficiency. This leads to faster processing of bills and
reduced administrative costs.
Low-power wireless connectivity is the key technology that
connects smart objects to the internet and the cloud.
Better customer experience: With IoT devices, customers can The utilisation of the Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly
view their usage data in real-time, which enables them to increasing, and its importance and sophistication are also on
manage their usage and make informed decisions. This the rise. In the real world, electricity bills are typically
enhances the customer experience and improves customer calculated by the electricity board and then sent to the user
satisfaction. via mail or EB card. A more effective power monitoring
technique, on the other hand, has been suggested. It uses a
Overall, an IoT-based billing system offers many benefits
sensor to identify the current at the heap and a circuit to
over traditional billing systems, making it a smart choice for
assess voltage; power is then calculated using these two
businesses looking to improve their billing processes.
variables. The control parameters are stored in a cloud
database. The voltage sensor receives the input from the live
II. LITERATURE SURVEY power source via a non-intrusive current transformer sensor,
which then transmits the value to the Nodemcu and stores it
In this study, they propose a cost-effective and efficient in the cloud.
solution for quantifying energy consumption in Mexican
households. Our approach involves the use of IoT technology III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
to develop a real-time electricity bill that allows customers to
monitor and manage their energy usage on an ongoing
The objective of the proposed system is to provide a
basis.To accomplish this, they have designed a low-cost
centralized platform for managing all the users associated
energy meter using inexpensive sensors and the Particle®
with an organization. Additionally, the system offers
Photon electronic board. The resulting prototype is compact,
valuable insights by presenting the data in visually appealing
easy to install, and meets all safety requirements for use in
formats like pie, bar, and line graphs, showcasing the total
residential settings.The energy meter provides real-time
bill generated. As a result, the system eliminates the need for
measurement data, which is processed by an algorithm to
manual record-keeping via a diary or book, mitigating the
determine the accumulated kWh. Customers can access this
risk of data loss. This platform allows users to manage
information through a user-friendly HTML interface, which
everything from a single location, irrespective of their
provides them with valuable insights into their energy
location worldwide.
consumption habits. The interface also offers
recommendations for reducing energy usage and alerts To comprehend the system's functionalities, we can break
customers if their consumption is abnormal or unusually it down into multiple modules and examine each of them
high. individually.
The proposed system allows customers to access their
bills as and when required. The primary objective of
implementing an Email service is to facilitate better
communication with customers, and Email is the ideal mode
to achieve this goal. As soon as the billing is processed, the
billing details are sent to the customers via Email, in real-
time. The system employs wireless data transmission and
reception techniques, which enable wireless meter reading at
the same cost. This system effectively safeguards the
distribution network from power theft. It leverages power
theft detection mechanisms to identify any unauthorized
consumption of electricity from the distribution lines. The Fig 1: working of system
proposed system is implemented within the distribution
Objectives of the proposed work are
network of the electrical power supply system. The existing
system is incapable of identifying the precise location of  To learn about different energy metre reading
consumption or tapping. In contrast, the proposed system not systems.
only detects the occurrence of power theft but also pinpoints
its location.  To study and understand the various approaches
and models utilised by various researchers for
Electricity plays an essential role in our daily lives. As energy smeter reading systems.
people's standard of living has risen, so has their electricity
consumption. Nearly all household and industrial devices  To avoid human intervention in the process of
rely on electrical energy. Therefore, it is crucial to use this creating bills
energy efficiently to save it for future generations. The  To take the required steps to make the solution
primary objective of this project is to raise awareness of dependable, strong, and effective.
energy consumption and promote efficient use of home
appliances for energy savings.The proposed system provides
information on the number of units consumed, the bill
An IoT-based bill distribution system can be designed to
amount, and sends notifications when energy consumption
automate the process of distributing bills to customers. Here's
exceeds the specified limit, using IoT. This system aims to
a proposed system:
reduce human dependency and minimize human errors in the
billing process, eliminating the need for monthly readings.
One significant advantage of this system is that users can
monitor the power consumed by electrical appliances in real-
time and take steps to control them, promoting energy
IoT Devices: Install IoT devices such as sensors, cameras, improve the efficiency of the billing system and optimize
and meters in households or offices to collect data on energy the energy distribution network.
consumption, water usage, or any other utility usage. The IoT
devices can be connected to a central server that stores the
Data Analysis: The collected data can be analyzed to
generate bills for each household or office based on their
usage. The analysis can also help identify any abnormal
usage patterns, which can be communicated to the users
through a mobile app or web portal.
Automated Billing: The bills can be generated auttmatically
and sent to the users through email or SMS. The system can
also be integrated with a payment gateway to enable online
payment of bills
Customer Service: The system can include a customer
service portal where users can submit queries or complaints.
The queries can be addressed through a chatbot or a support
Dashboard: A dashboard can be created for the
administrators to monitor the overall usage patterns and track
the revenue generated. The dashboard can also provide
insights into the energy or water consumption patterns of the
households or offices.
By implementing an IoT-based bill distribution system, the
process of bill distribution can be streamlined, automated,
and made more efficient. The system can help reduce errors,
eliminate paper-based processes, and enhance the overall Fig 2: Flow Chart
customer experience.
Our system prioritizes the user experience and is
designed with various technologies in mind to ensure its
The implementation of smart meters provides an innovative robustness and longevity. Our goal is to create a scalable
way to manage electricity consumption. The process product that benefits both the user and the company. To
consists of five essential steps. achieve this, we have selected MySQL as our database.
MySQL is a powerful database that can efficiently manage
Firstly, the smart meters installed in households or large volumes of data and is an ideal choice for a distributed
businesses will capture and transmit real-time data on database that can be connected to a company's data centers to
electricity consumption to a central server. This data will maintain data integrity.
allow for accurate and efficient monitoring of energy usage.

Secondly, the central server will receive the data transmitted

by the smart meters and process it using a billing algorithm
based on the tariff structure established by the electricity
provider. The server will use this algorithm to generate the
electricity bills, ensuring accuracy and consistency. Fig 3: Technologies used
We have also implemented Spring Boot, an open-source
Thirdly, the generated bills will be sent directly to the Java-based framework, to create microservices that are
consumers via a mobile application. This feature provides standalone and production-ready. Developed by the Pivotal
convenience and transparency, allowing users to access their Team, this framework has been instrumental in fulfilling our
bills quickly and conveniently. API requirements and various other functionalities. It is
versatile and easy to understand, making it an excellent
Fourthly, consumers can make payments for their electricity choice for our needs.
bills through the integrated payment gateway on the mobile For the front-end, we have utilized Angular, HTML, and
application. This easy and secure payment method ensures CSS. Angular has made the creation of our front-end a
that customers can complete transactions efficiently and breeze, resulting in a GUI that is precise, easy to navigate,
effectively. and user-friendly. Our UI design is intentionally simple and
accessible, even for those without technical backgrounds.
Finally, the central server will store the data collected from
The registration screen is the first point of contact for the
the smart meters for future reference and analysis. This
user. It is designed to be intuitive and straightforward,
stored data can be used to generate reports on electricity allowing for seamless registration. The second screen shows
consumption patterns, enabling the electricity provider to the total bill generated, with a clear breakdown of the cost
and easy payment options.
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