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Drainage System

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Building Services

basically refers to All the piping within the private and public premises which
conveys sewage, rainwater and other liquid waste to a point of disposal. A
drainage system does not include the mains of public sewer systems or a private
or a public sewage treatment or disposal plant.

A general term used for any vertical line of soil, waste or vent piping.
A pipe that conveys the discharge of Black water (liquids containing fecal

A pipe that conveys the disvharge of only Grey Water ( liquid waste free of fecal
matter. )
A waste pipe is generally smaller than a soil pipe because of the nature of matter
being discharged into the system.

Any part of the piping system other than the main, riser or stack.
That part of the lowest horizontal piping of a plumbing system which receives
the discharge from soil, waste and other drainage pipes inside a building and
conveys it to the building sewer/house sewer.
That part of the drainage system that extends from the end of the building drain
and conveys its discharge to the public sewer, private sewer, individual sewage
disposal system, or other appropriate point of disposal.
Parts of a Drainage House Sewer
System – It extends from the public sewer to the private
sewage-disposal tank to the wall of the structure
􀂄 ESSENTIAL and is entirely outside the building
COMPONENTS: - Plastic pipe –10’ to 20’ long
– House Sewer – 12” deep with concrete pavement
– House Drain – 18” deep without concrete covering
– House Trap – Slope at 1/8” or ¼” to the foot
– Fresh-air inlet
– Soil and Waste Stacks
– Fixture Branches
– Traps
– Vents

– Interceptors
– Sumps and Ejectors
– Backwater Valves
– Roof and Floor Drains
House Drain Fresh-air inlet
– The horizontal main into which the – It is intended to admit fresh air to
vertical soil and waste stacks the drainage system so that there
discharge. It connects directly to the will be a free circulation without
house sewer. compression
– Sanitary drain throughout the house drain and
– Leader drain stacks discharging above the roof
• Copper – A necessary adjunct to the house
• Plastic trap
• Extra heavy cast-iron

– Slope at 1/8” or ¼” per foot

– A cleanout at the cellar/basement
wall is recommended to clear
– A cleanout at the foot of each waste
and soil stack should be installed
Soil and Waste Stacks
– The soil and waste stacks collect
the sewage from the fixtures through
their branches.
• Should rest solidly at the bottom on
masonry piers or heavy posts
• The upper ends should extend
through the roof for ventilation
• Made of heavy cast-iron, copper,

• Supported at intervals of 10’ with

stout wall hangers or brackets or on
• Min 4” Ø 1’ below the roof
• It should be straight free of bends
and turns
Fixture Branches

– Connect the fixtures

with the stacks
– Waste or soil
branches are
connected to the trap
of each

– 1/8” – ½” per foot

– Horizontal branch should not be
more than 5’ (from the vertical inlet of
the trap to the vent opening
– Cast-iron, plastic, copper or
galvanized steel

– Traps catches water

after each discharge
from a
fixture so as not to allow
unpleasant ad
gases in a sanitary
drainage system to
through the fixture

– All fixtures are to be

provided with its own
trap except for
three laundry and
kitchen sinks connected
to a single trap
– Trap seal must have a min depth
of 2” and max of 4” depth

– Placed within 2’ of the fixture

accessible for cleaning through its
bottom with a plug

– Made of steel, cast-iron, copper,

plastic and brass except those in
urinals and water closets which
are made of vitreous china cast
integrally with the fixture

– Vents are the extension of soil and

waste stacks through the roof and a
system of pipes largely paralleling the
drainage system for the admission of
air and discharging of gases.

– device designed and installed so as

to separate and retain deleterious,
hazardous, or undesirable matter
from normal waste and permit normal
sewage or liquid waste to discharge
into the disposal terminal by gravity
Sump and Ejectors

– A sump is a tank or a pit which

receives sewage or liquid waste,
located below the normal grade
of the gravity system and must be
emptied by a mechanical means

– Sewage ejectors may be motor-

driven centrifugal pumps or they may
be operated by compressed air.

Ejector pump for submersible system

Ejector for Vertical lift submerge pump
Backwater valves/check valve
– A backwater valve closes to prevent reverse
flow from a sewer to low facilities when there
is a heavy drainage load for short periods that
can cause building up and over flow of wastes.

Roof Drain
– Is a receptacle designed to collect
surface or rain water from an open
area and discharge to a catch basin

Floor Drain
– Is any pipe which carries water or
waterborne wastes in a building
drainage system
Sizing rain water piping

Local regulations on the disposal of rain or storm water are apt to vary. Some places
permit this water to run off into the septic tank or public or private sewer; others
insist that it be drained into a dry well. Regardless of which rule prevails, it is
recommended that rain water be kept separate from sewage and that a separate pipe
be used to connect the drained area with the disposal area. If this is done, the rain-
water drainage piping can be a smaller, more economical size, and the danger of
flooding the sewage system during a cloudburst or thunder shower is eliminated.

Storm-water piping size is determined by the area drained in horizontal projection, that
is, the flat area in square feet on which rain may fall. Measurements of roof and other
such areas may be estimated, but in doubtful cases the larger of two possible pipe
sizes should be used.
Sizing house drain

The size of pipe to be used in a house drain is determined by the number of units
drained by it. Proper diameters are: for 2 units, 1 1/2"; for 9 units, 2"; for 25 units, 2

The size of any stack, house drain, or sewer must be, however, at least the size of the
largest branch connected to it. The minimum size of a house drain receiving the
discharge from a water closet should be 4" in diameter, and this pipe should
continue full size to the vertical stacks receiving the discharge of water closets.
Even without any water closets discharging into a system, the drainage system
should have at least one 3" diameter stack extended full size through the roof.

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