Siemens 7SA6x V4.6 Template Manual ENU TU2.22 V1.200
Siemens 7SA6x V4.6 Template Manual ENU TU2.22 V1.200
Siemens 7SA6x V4.6 Template Manual ENU TU2.22 V1.200
Distance Protection
User Manual
1 General Information
The 7SA6x distance protection template is used for testing the main protection functions of the Siemens
7SA6x relay. This template comprehends different modules for testing the most important protection
functions. It is designed and configured for use with the Siemens 7SA6x V4.6 XRIO converter which is
included in this template. For more information about the converter, see the Siemens user manual of the
7SA6x XRIO converter.
Note: The template is designed and built for the applications of the Test Universe 2.22 software.
• Although this template is developed particularly for the relay specified above, it can also be used
for testing similar protection relays of the 7SA6x line.
• The OMICRON PTTs are designed for an experienced OMICRON user. The user should be
familiar with the Test Universe software and the XRIO technology (see for training information).
Important: The "Relay Parameter Section" with its parameter and ID's has changed according to the
XRIO-Export of DIGSI 4.81. Thus the xRIO-Import for XRIO Converter from V1.100 is only working with
DIGSI 4.81. DIGSI 4.80 will not be compatible any longer by using the XRIO-Converter Series 1.1x.
Note: If higher currents are needed for testing (e.g. relays with Inom = 5 A), the current output
configuration can be adapted (e.g. set to 3 x 25 A).
In the Analog Outputs dialog box, the voltage and current outputs have to be routed to the name
variables. Figure 3 illustrates the Analog Outputs configuration.
In the Binary / Analog Inputs dialog box, configure the signals as follows:
• 3 trigger signals set to Trip Phase A, Trip Phase B and Trip Phase C
• 1 signal for the Manual-Close
• 1 pick up signal set to Relay PICKUP
• 3 signals for the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts set to CB Phase A (52a), CB Phase B (52a),
CB Phase C (52a)
Note: The binary inputs are preset to potential free. Change these predefined settings to the values
needed at the test site.
Route the signals configured in the Binary / Analog Inputs dialog box to the following binary inputs:
• Trip Phase A to binary input 1
• Trip Phase B to binary input 2
• Trip Phase C to binary input 3
• Manual-Close to binary input 4
• Relay PICKUP to binary input 5
• CB Phase A (52a) to binary input 7
• CB Phase B (52a) to binary input 8
• CB Phase C (52a) to binary input 9
If the Start signal is not used, pick-up and drop-off of the distance protection function cannot be tested.
Note: The circuit breaker auxiliary contact is required for the trip test with circuit breaker. If the circuit
breaker auxiliary contact cannot be connected to the binary inputs, the trip test with circuit breaker can not
be performed.
There are no restrictions on the hardware. You can use a CMC56, CMC156, a CMC256, a CMC256 plus
or a CMC 356 for testing (The development tests are performed with a CMC256-6).
5 Functional Range
The test modules are grouped according to the tested protection function. The 7SA6 distance protection
test template includes OMICRON test modules for the following protection functions:
• Pick-up and drop-off of the:
Distance protection starting overcurrent (21)
Distance protection starting impedance (21)
Distance protection starting V/I (21)
Distance protection starting V/I phi (21)
Overcurrent protection (50/51), (50N/51N)
• Trip time:
Distance zones quadrilateral or circle (21)
Distance extended zone quadrilateral or circle (21 – Z1B)
Overcurrent protection (50/51), (50N/50N)
• Reach:
Distance zones quadrilateral or circle (21)
Distance extended zone quadrilateral or circle (21 – Z1B)
• Switch onto fault (SOTF)
• Trip time with circuit breaker
The test modules are linked to the XRIO-Converter via the LinkToXRIO functionality and are therefore an
image of the active functions in the XRIO-Converter. Thus no further actions are needed to activate or
deactivate the necessary test modules.
The 7SA6 distance protection test template can be extended by the user to allow testing the protection
functions currently not supported. It is possible to add any test modules to the existing templates. The
additional test modules will not affect the template, but they will not be deactivated automatically.
Note: For the V/I and V/I-Phi distance starting element tests, the OMICRON VI Starting test module is
The trip times are tested by simulating a fault which exceeds the pick-up value and the specific
tolerances. This results in a trip command of the tested protection function. The time between the
simulation of the fault and the reception of the trip signal is measured and evaluated.
Note: Do not only rely on the automatic assessment of test points in the test modules but check the
plausibility of all test results manually to achieve maximum reliability of the test results.
8 Template Structure
The structure of the 7SA6x distance protection test template is shown below.
Note: If the distance- or overcurrent Ipickup value is smaller than the nominal current the relative set test
currents for phase A, phase B and phase C of the wiring test can lead to a trip signal. In this case change
the relative test current according to your setting.
For the fault type A-N and the fault type A-B-C the fault condition is simulated on the line length. Thereby
the voltages keep their initial condition and the current(s) are simulated with the negative line angle. For
the Fault type B-C a second phase failure is simulated.
For the fault type A-N and the fault type A-B-C the fault condition is simulated on the line length. Thereby
the voltages keep their initial condition and the current(s) are simulated with the negative line angle. For
the Fault type B-C a second phase failure is simulated.
The V/I characteristic curve is tested with four test points. Two test points are designed for testing the
current limit, the other two test points are designed for testing the voltage characteristic curve. The test
verification is shown in Figure 7. The test point P1 tests the current limit Minimum current threshold (Iph>)
(or DIGSI parameter 1611). The test point P4 tests the current limit Pickup Overcurrent (Iph>>) (1610).
The test points P2 and P3 test the voltage characteristic curve between the Undervoltage (ph-g) at Iph>>
(1612) and Undervoltage (ph-g) at Iph> (1613) voltage limits for the phase-ground fault loops.
By changing the fault type into phase-phase fault loop, the test points P2 and P3 test the voltage
characteristic curve between the Undervoltage (ph-ph) at Iph>> and Undervoltage (ph-ph) at Iph> (1615)
voltage limits.
Note: If the settings for the V/I distance starting are changed in the converter settings, the test points
might be displaced. In this case remove all test points and set four new test points as shown in Figure 7.
The fault type A-N depends on the DIGSI function Pickup program V/I (1601). If this function is set to "Ph-
Gnd: Vph-ph/Ph-Ph: Vph-ph", the Fault type A-N test module should be deactivated.
The fault types B-C and A-B-C depen on the DIGSI function Pickup program V/I (1601). If this function is
set to "Ph-Gnd: Vph-g/Ph-Ph: Vph-g", the Fault type B-C and Fault type A-B-C test modules should be
deactivated. If this function is set to "Ph-Gnd: Vph-g/Ph-Ph: I>>", the evaluation test points should be set
according to Figure 8. Otherwise, the voltage characteristic curve would disappear, because only the
current limit Iph>> is available.
Figure 8: Fault type B-C and A-B-C with setting: Ph-Gnd: Vph-g/Ph-Ph: I>>
Note: For non-grounded systems, the DIGSI parameter Uph-ph unbal. (1223) and the DIGSI parameter
Delay 1ph-faults (1206) for maximum asymmetry for a single ground fault can delay the tripping time of
the zones. This effect is shown in the Figure 13. For more information ask the OMICRON Test Automation
The V/I Phi characteristic curve is tested with four test points. Two test points are designed for testing the
current limit and the other two test points are designed for testing the voltage characteristic curve. The
test evaluation is shown in Figure 7. The test point P1 tests the Minimum current threshold (Iph>) (1611)
current limit. The test point P4 tests the Pickup Overcurrent (Iph>>) (1610) or Minimum current threshold
(Iphi>) (1616) current limit. The test points P2 and P3 test the voltage characteristic curve between the
Undervoltage (ph-g) at Iph> (or 1613) and Undervoltage (ph-g) at Iph>> (or 1612) or Undervoltage (ph-g)
at Iphi> (or 1617) voltage limits for the phase-ground fault loops.
By changing the fault type into the phase-phase fault loop, the test points P2 and P3 test the voltage
characteristic curve between the Undervoltage (ph-ph) at Iph> (1615) and Undervoltage (ph-ph) at Iph>>
(1614) or Undervoltage (ph-ph) at Iphi> (1618) voltage limits.
Note: If the settings for the V/I or V/I Phi distance starting are changed in the converter settings, the test
points might be displaced. In this case remove all test points and set four test points as shown in Figure 7.
The fault types A-N, B-N and C-N depend on the DIGSI function Pickup program V/I (1601). If this
function is set to "Ph-Gnd: Vph-ph/Ph-Ph: Vph-ph", the Fault type A-N, B-N and C-N test modules should
be deactivated.
The fault types A-B, B-C, C-A and A-B-C depend on the DIGSI function Pickup program V/I (1601). If this
function is set to "Ph-Gnd: Vph-g/Ph-Ph: Vph-g", the Fault type A-B, B-C, C-A and A-B-C test modules
should be deactivated. If this function is set to "Ph-Gnd: Vph-g/Ph-Ph: I>>", the evaluation test points
should be set according to Figure 8. Otherwise, the voltage characteristic curve would disappear, because
only the current limit Iph>> (1610) or Iphi> (1616) is available.
Note: For testing the V/I Phi starting program, it is necessary to insert a right phase angle of the test
current. This phase angle depends on the DIGSI parameters PHI> pickup (1620) (lower set point) and
PHI< pickup (1621) (upper set point).
Note: For non-grounded systems, the DIGSI parameter Uph-ph unbal. (1223) and the DIGSI parameter
Delay 1ph-faults (1206) for maximum asymmetry for a single ground fault can delay the tripping time of
the zones. This effect is shown in the Figure 13. For more information ask the OMICRON Test Automation
The following tests are available for the V/I Phi evaluation (Chapter 8.6.1 – 8.6.8 ):
DIGSI parameter "1620" = 40°
Enter: "Phase angle of I (in reference to V)" = - (phi>) + 6° = - 40° + 6° = -34°.
8.8 Distance Zone Trip Times (Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4 and Zone 5)
For testing the zone trip times, the OMICRON Advanced Distance test module is used. This module
allows testing the trip times of all active zones. There are three test modules for the quadrilateral or circle
zones. The following fault types are tested:
• Fault type A-N
• Fault type B-C
• Fault type A-B-C
The zone trip time is tested by a test shot placed at 90% of each active zone and 110% of zone 5. These
shots are set on the impedance line direction.
Note: Possibly there are more test shots than necessary in the test modules as shown in Figure 12. In
this case, delete all unnecessary test points. The unnecessary test points can be identified by a very small
impedance value - nearly zero (e.g. 8.333e-10 µΩ).
Note: For the circle characteristic selection, it is not possible to set different zero sequence compensation
factors. In this case the parameters Zero seq. comp. factor RG/RL for Z1 (1116) and Zero seq. comp.
factor RG/RL for Z1B …Z5 (1118) should not be different, alternatively the parameters Zero seq. comp.
factor XG/XL for Z1 (1117) and Zero seq. comp. factor XG/XL for Z1B …Z5 (1119)
Furthermore the same conditions are also significant for the Digsi parameters Zero seq. comp. factor K0
for Zone Z1 (1120) and Zero seq. comp. factor K0 for, higher zones >Z1 (1122), alternatively for Zone
seq. comp. factor, higher zones >Z1 (1121) and Zone seq. comp. angle, higher zones >Z1 (1123).
Note: For non-grounded systems, the DIGSI parameter Uph-ph unbal. (1223) and the DIGSI parameter
Delay 1ph-faults (1206) for maximum asymmetry for a single ground fault can delay the tripping time of
the zones. This effect is shown in the Figure 13. For more information ask the OMICRON Test Automation
Note: The test current of the test module is twice set to the maximum value - the nominal current and the
DIGSI parameter 1610. If the test current is too high, the module cannot execute the test as shown in
Figure 14. The tested and pink colored shot points are out of range. In this case remove the link of the test
current and set the ITest manually. Do it by using the pick-up program of the 21 Distance protection
(DIGSI parameter 0114) and enter a test current higher then the necessary pick-up current.
8.9 Distance Reach Zone (Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4 and Zone 5)
For testing the distance reach zone, the OMICRON Advanced Distance test module is used. This module
allows testing the reach of all active zones. There are three test modules for testing the quadrilateral
zones or circle zones. The trip times of the following fault types are tested:
• Fault type A-N
• Fault type B-C
• Fault type A-B-C
The distance reach zone is tested by test shots placed at 94% and 106% of each active zone. These
shots are set on the 90° and 0° lines for all forwa rd directed zones, alternatively 180° and 270° for all
reverse directed zones.
Note: Possibly there are more test shots than necessary in the test modules as shown in Figure 12. In
this case, delete all unnecessary test points. The unnecessary test points can be identified by a very small
impedance nearly zero (e.g. 8.333e-10 µΩ).
Note: For the circle characteristic selection it is not possible to set different zero sequence compensation
factors. In this case the parameters Zero seq. comp. factor RG/RL for Z1 (1116) and Zero seq. comp.
factor RG/RL for Z1B …Z5 (1118 should not be different), alternatively Zero seq. comp. factor XG/XL for
Z1 (1117) and Zero seq. comp. factor XG/XL for Z1B …Z5 (1119).
Furthermore the same conditions are also significant for the Digsi parameters Zero seq. comp. factor K0
for Zone Z1 (1120) and Zero seq. comp. factor K0 for, higher zones >Z1 (1122), alternatively for Zone
seq. comp. factor, higher zones >Z1 (1121) and Zone seq. comp. angle, higher zones >Z1 (1123).
Note: The test current of the test module is twice set to the maximum value of the nominal current and the
DIGSI parameter 1610. If the test current is too high, the module cannot execute the test as shown in
Figure 14. The tested and pink colored shot points are out of range. In this case remove the link of the test
current and set the ITest manually. Do it by using the pick-up program of the 21 Distance protection
(DIGSI parameter 0114) and enter the test current higher then the necessary pick-up current.
The zone trip time is tested by test shot placed at 90% of the zone Z1B. These shots are set on the
impedance line direction.
Note: Possibly there are more test shots than necessary in the test modules as shown in Figure 12. In
this case, delete all unnecessary test points. The unnecessary test points can be identified by a very small
impedance nearly zero (e.g. 8.333e-10 µΩ).
Note: This test can only be executed if the zone Z1B can be activated.
Example: For the activation of the Z1B you can set the DIGSI parameter 121 85-21 Pilot Protection for
Distance prot at PUTT (Z1B). In this case simulate the receive signal from the opposite line end.
The distance reach zone is tested by test shots placed at 94% and 106% of the zone Z1B. These shots
are set on the impedance 90° and 0° directions.
Note: Possibly there are more test shots than necessary in the test modules as shown in Figure 12. In
this case, delete all unnecessary test points. The unnecessary test points can be identified by a very small
impedance nearly zero (e.g. 8.333e-10 µΩ).
Note: This test can only be executed if the zone Z1B can be activated.
Example: For the activation of the Z1B you can set the DIGSI parameter 121 85-21 Pilot Protection for
Distance prot at PUTT (Z1B). In this case simulate the receive signal from the opposite line end.
8.12 Pick-up and Drop-off of the BUOC (IDMT and DMT) Stages
For testing the pick-up and the drop-off value, the OMICRON Ramping test module is used. This module
allows testing the pick-up and drop-off values of the IDMT or DMT overcurrent stages. There are two test
modules. The pick-up and drop-off of the following fault types are tested:
• Fault type A-N
• Fault type A-B-C
Note: The pick-up value of the IDMT stages is the setting parameter multiplied by 1.1. If the drop-off
characteristic is set to Disc Emulation in the relay, the drop-off test cannot be executed. In this case,
proceed as described below.
The test shots for each fault type are set relative to the pick-up setting values.
Note: For the SOTF test, the zones Z1 and Z2 have to be set to the forward direction and Z1 has to be
smaller than Z2.
Note: If the DIGSI parameter Recognition of Line Chosures with (1134) is set to Manual Close BI only, the
binary input 380 of the relay has to be activated. For any other selection of 1134, the binary input 380 of
the relay has to be deactivated.
Note: If the Manual Close signal (DIGSI parameter 356) is missing and the DIGSI parameter 1134 is not
set to Manual Close BI only, convert the test verification as follow:
• Set the trigger of the Prefault 1_1 state to on Key Pressed condition.
• Set the trigger of the Prefault 2_1 state to on Key Pressed condition.