FDI302 FDI302 FDI302 FDI302 FDI302: Field Device Interface
FDI302 FDI302 FDI302 FDI302 FDI302: Field Device Interface
FDI302 FDI302 FDI302 FDI302 FDI302: Field Device Interface
Description FDI302 Smar Interface, Field Device Interface 302, allow firmware updated
of the FOUNDATIONTM Fieldbus field devices through a PC compatible with
IBM® and Smar FBTools application software.
Used Signals TxD (Pin # 3): TRANSMITTED DATA. PC output signal and FDI302 interface
input. This signal defines the serial data that will be transmitted. The
nominal baud rate is 115200 bps.
RxD (Pin #2): RECEIVED DATA. PC input signal and FDI302 interface output.
This signal defines the serial data that will be read from the device. The
nominal baud rate is 115200 bps.
DTR (Pin #4): DATA TERMINAL READY. PC output signal and FDI interface
input. This signal with the RTS signal gives the voltage that supplies the
interface electronic circuit.
RTS (Pin #7): REQUEST TO SEND. PC output signal and FDI302 interface input.
This signal with the DTR signal gives the voltage that supplies the electronic
GND (Pin #5): SIGNAL GROUND. This signal is connected to the FDI302
interface circuit ground.
Obs.: This ground is isolated from the field device.
Operation We can update any field device firmware of the 302 series, FOUNDATIONTM Fieldbus, when this is connected
and powered through the communication bus, or powered directly by a 24V power supply.
Fit the interface DB9 female connector into the serial port, COM1 or COM2, of the PC. Directly afterwards
retire the field device front cover that will receive the new firmware. If the field device have display, IT IS
NOT necessary to retire it.
Fit, with care, the other device housing lateral interface extremity according to Figure 1. Fit the two interface
polarized pins in the two holes of the device circuit board. Turn the screw the clockwise to hold it.
After setting the interface and connecting it to PC, execute the FBTools application software,
in Windows NT environment.
The program will erase the Flash memory and load the new firmware, verifying as follows:
Obs.: This process will take from 2 to 3 minutes to be concluded.
Finished the downloading just removes the device interface, turn off and turn on the device to initialize
the new firmware. The display will show the “init” message. Place the frontal cover to close it.
Physical Specifications
115200 bps (maximum).
Baud Rate
10 mA (maximum).
2.5 min (average).
Download Time