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Jan. 11, 1955 K. C. Nicholson: Ceramic Lined, Lightweight Rocket Motor

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Jan. 11, 1955 K. C.

NICHOLSON 2,699,036
Filed Dec. 9, 1950 2 Sheets-Sheet l

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AEAWETA c. Wic/olsov

Jan. 11, 1955 K. C. NICHOLSON 2,699,036
2. Sheets-Sheet 2

No. ~


United States Patent Office 2,699,036
Patented Jan. 11, 1955
specific and illustrative rocket motor structures, and
2,699,036 parts thereof, embodying various features of the present
invention and in which,
CERAMIC LENED, LIGHTWEIGHT ROCKET Figure 1 is a rear elevational view of a rocket motor
MOTOR STRUCTURE AND LIKE DEVICE structure made in accordance with the teachings of the
present invention;
i.e. actin C. Nicholson, Niagara Falls, N. Y., assignor to Figure 2 is a cross-sectional view through the line
The Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y., a 2-2 of Figure 1;
corporation of Delaware Figure 3 is a cross-sectional view similar to that of
Application December 9, 1950, Serial No. 200,056
10 Figure 2 showing a modification of the present invention
in which the exit or tail cone body is shielded by an
1. Claim. (Cl. 60-35.6) inner metal shell;
Figure 4 is a top plan view of a stainless steel tail cone
lining or shell of the type used in constructing the rocket
This invention relates to devices for the combustion 15 motor structure of Figure 3; and
and directional release of hot gases, as for example, Figure 5 is a cross-secutional view through the line 5-5
rocket motor structures designed for the combustion of of Figure 4.
solid or liquid fuels wherein the fuel is burned in a com Kellerring further to Figures 1 and 2 of the drawing
bustion chamber or Zone and the hot gases and other the rocket motor structure shown comprises a combus
products of combustion released at high velocity through 20 tion Zone or chamber 7, a restricted discharge port or
a discharge port or nozzle of restricted cross-section. opening is and an exit or tail cone Zone 9, true Lail cone
The highly corrosive and erosive conditions existing Zone as shown in figure 2 being occupied by a tem
within devices of the above type required materials of porary frusio-conical snaped molding core U which is
high density and very refractory properties. Conse temporarily used during the formation of the exit or
quently, such structures have been made almost entirely 25 tail cone structure and is later withdrawn. 1 he inner
of dense, heavy, refractory substances especially designed Wall or lining 4 of the combustion chamber 7 and the
to stand up under severe conditions of use with little or nozzle 2. Which forms the discharge opening 8 are
no regard or consideration apparently being given to the constructed of premolded and prefired refractory ma
overall weight of the device although it is also highly terial which is of sufficient density, hardness and re
desirable, particularly where such structures are used in 30 fractoriness to satisfactorily withstand the high tempera
aircraft, that the weight of the device be kept to a tures and the extremely corrosive and erosive concutions
minimum. existing within the combustion zone 7 and discharge
it is an object of the present invention to provide Zone S during the burning of various fuel mixtures and
rocket motor structures and comparable devices of im release of resulting hot gases. Another novel feature
proved design and construction which not only possess of the lining structure shown in Figures 1 and 2 is the
satisfactory resistance to breakdown under the severe extension of the lining piece i which constitutes the
conditions of use to which they are commonly subjected inner cylindrical refractory wall of the combustion cham
but are also relatively light in weight. ber a short distance forward so that it also forms a part
Other objects and advantages accruing from the pres of the inwardly tapering wall approaching the throat of
ent invention will become apparent as the description 40 the nozzle. Heretofore the combustion chamber lining
proceeds. member has terminated and formed a joint with the
in accordance with the present invention a rocket nozzle lining at a point where the side walls of the
motor structure or other device for the combustion of combustion chamber start to taper or converge in
soiid or liquid fuels and directional release of high Wardly. This feature of extending the length of the
velocity hot gases and other products of combustion is 45 combustion chamber lining piece a short distance for
provided in which the dense, highly refractory lining :::: Ward to form part of the entrance cone of the nozzle
material found essential for resistance to the high tem presents the fabricating advantage that the nozzle piece
peratures and severe corrosive and erosive conditions 22 is shortened so that its Walls at one end are of thicker
developed in the combustion chamber does not extend cross-section and consequently the nozzle can be more
the entire length of the device so as to form any appre facilely formed by pressure molding than is the case
ciable part of the outwardly flaring walls of the exit when the walls of the nozzle lining piece taper to a
or tail cone, but is terminated at a point a short dis relatively thin section at both ends.
tance beyond the plane of greatest restriction of the The nozzle lining 2 is also premolded and prefired
discharge nozzle. The body of the exit or tail cone and likewise is composed of a very dense and hard,
structure is composed of a lighter Weight ceramic ma 55 highly refractory material which will satisfactorily re
terial which, if desired, can be left unprotected and sist the highly erosive conditions set up by the flow of
allowed to form the inner walls of the exit or tail cone. high velocity hot gases through the nozzle. As shown,
For example, a castable refractory cement of the type the nozzle 2 does not extend the entire distance out
used to seat the dense refractory lining of the combustion
chamber and nozzle can be used also to form the exit 60 to the
the confining metal shell 5 of the rocket motor but
outer face i4 of the nozzle is tapered inwardly in
or tail cone body and, if desired, also a rear portion order to reduce the volume of the molded piece 2 and
of the nozzle body. As a further modification, par thereby cut down the weight of the nozzle. As stated
ticulariy where extreme lightness in weight is desired, before, the combustion chamber lining 1 and nozzle
the ceramic material constituting the exit or tail cone
body can be rendered porous by the inclusion of pore 65 material of high composed
t2 are necessarily of a relatively dense, heavy
refractoriness. One such material
forming substances in the composition. According to which has been found highly satisfactory for such use is
a further feature or modification of the present in that described in my copending patent application Serial
vention the inner walls of the exit or tail cone can be No. 68,375, filed December 30, 1948, now Pat. No.
optionally shielded by encasing the exit or tail cone 2,636,825. Briefly that material can be described as
body in a thin inner frusto-conical metal shell composed 70 being composed of granular silicon carbide held together
of stainless steel or other metal capable of resisting by a bond of boron carbide and boron nitride.
corrosion to the required extent. Such a stainless steel The lining i and nozzle 12 are seated in a confining
or other metal shell however is thin enough that it will cylindrical metal shell 5 by means of a layer 16 of
not add greatly to the weight of the overall device. The castable refractory cement, such as a hydraulically set
combustion chamber, nozzle, and exit or tail cone struc
tures, regardless of their individual structural features, 75 ting calcium aluminate cement. The seating cement is
also poured around the temporary form or core 0 to
are confined within an external cylindrical metal shell form the body of the exit or tail cone 7 which is also
in which the various parts are seated by means of a confined by the metal shell 15. The confining shell
layer of refractory cement. 15 is provided with a mounting flange 18 for mounting
In order that the invention may be more fully under 80 to a fuel injector head through bolt holes 19.
stood, reference is made to the drawings which depict A rocket motor structure of the above-described type
3 4.
and as shown in Figures i and 2 of the drawing can be ably in premolded and prefired condition in order to ob
made in the following manner. Nozzle 2 is formed by tain the maximum density and refractoriness desirable
pressing the following mixture, prepared as described for resistance to the high temperatures and corrosive
below, in a steel mold at 50,000 pounds per Square inch conditions of use customarily encountered in rocket
pressure in a hydraulic press. motor operation. For example, another material which
Parts by weight has been found satisfactory for such uses is that de
30 grit size silicon carbide grain------------------ 33 scribed in my copending patent application Serial No.
46 grit size silicon carbide grain------------------ 33 83,767, filed March 26, 1949, now Pat. No. 2,637,091.
180 grit size silicon carbide grain----------------- 4 That material can be briefly described as consisting of a
320 grit size boron carbide (B4C)---------------- 30 O body of granular silicon carbide bonded by an intersti
6% by weight of a temporary binder such as a 10% tial carbide bond of boron and Zirconium carbides or
aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol, for example, is boron carbide, silicon carbide and Zirconiun) carbide.
added to the above mixture and the material well mixed Other lining compositions which have been used with
to form a pressure-moldable mass. Although a water satisfaction include variously bonded carbide bodies,
solution of polyvinyl alcohol is specified as the tempo 5 E.
the Ke,
bodies, nitride bodies, refractory oxide bodies and
rary binder in the above mixture any of those materials Having molded and fired the combustion chamber liner
commonly used for temporary binders in ceramic inixes, S1 and nozzle 12, the nozzle and chamber liner are pref
such as dextrin, concentrated waste cellulose Sulfite erably cemented together with a refractory cenhent so
liquors and powders, various resins, waxes and the like, 20 they may be handled as one unit. The rocket motor
can be used. structure is then assembled by placing the cylindrical
The molded nozzle is dried at 225-250 F. and then steel shell 5 upon core piece 0 and positioning the
placed in a graphite lined chamber of a high frequency nozzle 2 and combustion chamber lining upon the
electric furnace with the nozzle standing on a pedestal of cone of insert i6, as shown in Figure 2. The intervening
graphite. An inlet tube made of graphite is used to pass 25 space between the outer metal shell 15 and the insert it),
nitrogen gas into the furnace chamber. A graphite plate, nozzle 12 and combustion chamber lining is are then
used to cover the top of the furnace, is provided with a filled with a castable refractory cement ié. One cast
hole in the center which serves as a vent for the gases able refractory cement which has been found satisfactory
created during the burning operation and also perimits for such use is a calcium aluminate ceinent such as that
temperature readings to be taken of the furnace interior 30 soid by the Universal Atlas Cement Company of 100
by means of an optical pyrometer. The furnace is Park Avenue, New York 17, New York under the trade
heated to an approximate temperature of 700 C. and mark name of "Lumnite' cement. A typical analysis
held at that temperature until the temporary binder is of an hydraulically setting calcium aluminate cement is
burned off. A nitrogenous atmosphere is provided in alumina 45%, lime 35%, iron oxide 15% and silica 5%.
the furnace chamber by introducing a stream of con 35 Other suitable compositions for use as the refractory
mercial grade dry nitrogen gas from a tank under pres cement which is used to seat the combustion chamber
sure through the graphite inlet tube. Having estab lining and nozzle and form the body of the tail cone
lished an atmosphere of nitrogen within the furnace the include aluminum oxide-sodium silicate compositions
furnace is rapidly heated until a temperature of 2250 and zirconia-sodium silicate compositions. The refrac
2275° C. is reached. The temperature is then ield at tory cement 16 not only serves to seat the combustion
2250-2275 C, for 30 minutes after which the electric 40 chamber lining and nozzle but also fills the space be
power is shut off and the furnace allowed to cool while tween the temporary insert Ei) and the outer metai shell
maintaining a flow of nitrogen into the furnace. 15 to form the body 7 of the exit or tail cone of the
A chemical analysis of a nozzle made in accordance rocket motor. After the refractory ceinent has been
with the above example shows the following composi 45 poured and allowed to harden or set, which usually takes
tion for the fired nozzle: about 24 hours, the insert 1) is removed and the entire
Per cent
Silicon ------------------------------------ 44.96 structure oven-dried at 200-250 F. overaight. The
Carbon ------------------------------------ 26.33 rocket motor is then ready for use. The outer cylindrical
Boron ------------------------------------- 8.66 confining shell is provided with a suitable flange i8 with
Nitrogen ---------------------------------- 9.94 50 bolt holes 9 for bolting it or otherwise attaching it to
an injector head through suitable vents of which the fuel
99.89 is injected into the combustion chamber.
Figure 3, in which like parts are identified by similar
Assuming that all the silicon is combined with carbon i"eference numerals, shows a modified form of rocket
as silicon carbide and that all the nitrogen is present as notor structure in which the refractory body of the
boron nitride, BN, the following is the calculated compo 55 nozzle is still further reduced in volume with a conse
sition of the fired nozzle: quent reduction in overall weight of the device since the
Per cent space to the rear of the dense refractory nozzie piece
Silicon carbide, SiC.-------------------------- 64.2 which is filled with the lighter weight ceramic cement
Boron nitride, BN--------------------------- 17.6 60 constitutes a greater volume than the volume occupied
Boron carbide, B4C-------------------------- 4.03 by the dense refractory body portion of the nozzle. The
Uncombined carbon------------------------- 23.04. Weight of the rocket motor structure is still further re
duced by the added feature of having the refractory ce
99.87 ment 2i forming the body of the exit or tail cone com
It is known that silicon nitride decomposes at around 85 posed of a foamed refractory cement obtained by adding
1900 C. and, since the nozzle was heated to 2250-2275 pore-forming materials to refractory cement composi
C. it appears likely that the nitrogen which is takei up tions such as those above-described in connection with
enters the composition by reason of reaction with a por the construction shown in Figures 1 and 2. For exam
tion of the boron carbide, the nitrogen replacing carbon ple, a "Lumnite' cement produces a foamed or porous
under these conditions to form boron nitride. 70 structure when set by adding foam stabilizing materials
The combustion chamber lining it can be similariy to the castable mixture immediately prior to pouring the
made although it has usually been found desirable to cement into the Space to be filled. Such foaned refrac
form the combustion chamber lining by an edge tannping tory cements provide the additional feature of still greater
procedure because of the greater length and relatively lightness in weight. However, since they are of lesser
refractoriness it is found desirable to shield the cone body,
thin wall thickness of the molded piece which renders 75 particularly
the machine molding of such shapes rather difficult. when Such foamed compositions are used, by
However, it is not desired to restrict the methods of encasing them in an inner metal lining member 22 which
making the combustion chamber lining or nozzie to the then forms the inner surface of the cone body.
specific techniques described above since those pieces This cone is welded to the outer cylindrical steel shell
can be made of the above compositions by any carven 80 35 at its extreme outer end 22.
tional molding or forming procedure such as by machine Figures 4 and 5 show the steel exit cone member 22
pressing, hand or machine tamping, jolting, slip-casting in greater detail, particularly showing the manner in
and air hammer tamping. which the upper wall 23 of the cone member is provided
The combustion chamber lining and nozzle can be with a plurality of openings 24 about its perimeter
made of other suitable refractory compositions, prefer through which the refractory cement composition 21 can
5 6
be poured to form the main body of the exit cone. The of special shapes and wherein the entire ceramic lining
top of the metal cone is provided with an inset or of the device including the exit cone has been con
shoulder 26 upon which is seated the nozzle 14. structed of the same dense heavy refractory material
I have taken advantage of the fact that there are lower which is usually much more expensive than the seating
temperatures and less erosive conditions prevailing at the cement.
exit or tail cone section of rocket motor structures and Having described the invention in detail it is desired
that these less severe conditions do not require the high to claim:
density, hard refractory materials which are necessary A device for the combustion and directional release of
within the combustion chamber and at the nozzle throat. hot gases comprising a combustion chamber having the
As a result, rocket motor structures and other similar O walls thereof composed of a dense, hard, prefired ceramic
devices constructed in accordance with the present inven refractory body, a discharge nozzle of restricted cross
tion have the novel advantage of providing for the first Section adjoining the combustion chamber, the walls of
time a light weight structure without sacrificing any ap said nozzle being composed of a dense, hard, prefired
preciable resistance to high temperatures and corrosive ceramic refractory body, and an exit cone adjoining the
conditions normally involved in the use of such mecha 5 discharge nozzle, said exit cone walls being composed of
nisms. This has been accomplished as a result of a a light-weight ceramic material, the aforesaid combustion
study and investigation separately of each section of the chamber, nozzle and exit cone being encased in axial
rocket motor structure and the conditions which it is ex alignment in an outer cylindrical metal shell and seated
pected to meet and applying to the construction of that therein by means of a layer of refractory cement.
section materials best suited for the purpose and combin 20
ing those materials and parts to form a complete mecha References Cited in the file of this patent
nism of lighter weight without sacrifice of performance UNITED STATES PATENTS
value. It is also noted that the present device offers the
further marked advantage of using a simple cylindrical 1,611,353 Lepinte --------------- Dec. 21, 1926
metal confining shell which is far less expensive than the 1,798,934 Forse ----------------- Mar. 31, 1931
specially contoured metal shells other structures would FOREIGN PATENTS
require. Moreover, the described device is easily con
structed and the cost is reduced as compared to the cost 502,560 France ---------------- Feb. 24, 1920
involved in prior art structures requiring confining shells 578,007 Great Britain ----------- June 12, 1946

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