Module 8 SAHITA Concrete
Module 8 SAHITA Concrete
Module 8 SAHITA Concrete
Module Objectives
By the end of this session, participants will understand:
Module at a glance:
Topic You will learn
What is concrete? - What concrete consists of and how
concrete is made
Building with concrete - How concrete should be used for
foundation footings, slabs and beams
- How steel is placed within concrete to
strengthen the concrete
Common defects found in concrete work - About surface shrinkage cracks
- About structural displacement cracks
- Cracks caused by corrosion (spalling)
The aggregate is generally a coarse aggregate (gravel or crushed rocks) along with a finer
aggregate (sand). The cement (usually Portland cement) acts as a binder for the aggregate.
Various chemical admixtures can also be added to the concrete to achieve various
properties – such as waterproofing or colour for decorative effect.
Water is then added to the mixture of cement, sand and rock. This enables the concrete to
be shaped (typically poured) and then solidified and hardened into rock-hard strength
through a chemical process known as hydration.
In hydration the water reacts with the cement which bonds the other components together,
eventually creating a strong stone-like material. Concrete has relatively high compressive
strength, but much lower tensile strength. This means concrete can carry weights
(compression) if supported, but will break apart if subject to stress when the concrete is
For this reason concrete is usually reinforced with materials that are strong in tension
(usual steel). On South African building sites steel reinforcing bars (known as “rebar) and
steel welded mesh are commonly used to increase the tensile strength of concrete
foundations, beams and slabs.
The strength of concrete is measured in mega Pascals (mPa). Strength depends largely on
the amount of cement in the mixture, the aggregate used, the curing process and whether
the concrete has been reinforced. A competent person (engineer) will usually specify the
strength of the concrete to be used in different applications on the building site. Typically
specifications on a house building site could vary between 10 mPa and 35 mPa.
Ready mix concrete is generally of a more consistent strength than small batches of
concrete mixed on the building site.
Concrete technology was known by the Ancient Romans and was widely used within the
Roman Empire. After the Empire passed, use of concrete became scarce until the
technology was re-pioneered in the mid-18th century.
The top of the completed concrete foundation should be level and at the
correct height so that the maximum thickness of the first mortar bed joint in
the masonry is not more than 30mm.
Slabs: The upper surface of the floor slab must be a minimum of 150mm above finished
ground level (NHBRC Part Houses which have a floor level less than 150mm above
finished ground level is regarded as a “semi-basement” (NHBRC Part and a
Competent Person is required to design and supervise the installation of sub-surface drains
and waterproofing in semi—basements.
A Competent Person will specify the reinforcement to be used in the different concrete
structures. This specification will include a coded bending schedule which the steel
merchant will use to prepare the steel. The relevant shape codes (SANS 282) are the shape
code which the steel merchant will follow. :
Reinforcement at the time of placing of the concrete should be free of loose rust, scale, oil
or other coatings which will affect the bond between the concrete and the steel. (NHBRC This means that steel reinforcement must not be ordered too early, and left lying
around on the building site for long periods.
Concrete cover over steel reinforcement must never be less than 50mm (NHBRC
Cover is measured from the face of the concrete, to the outside of the reinforcement
nearest to the concrete face.
The client or the engineer may also require that the builder cast “test blocks” in order that
the concrete strength can be verified. Ordering premix concrete from reputable suppliers
is the best way for the builder to ensure that the concrete is of the correct mPa, and also
that the strength is consistent throughout the pour.
The grade strength of concrete is determined by the proportions of the cement, sand and
stone used in the mix. Small stone (13mm) requires lesser volumes than large stone
(19mm) to achieve the same strength.
(NHBRC 3.5.6.)
Metal surfaces of formwork should be coated with oil or other suitable agent to prevent
adhesion of the concrete to the formwork. Wooden forms can be thoroughly wet to
achieve easy release.
Formwork should not be removed before the concrete has attained sufficient strength to
support its own weight, and any loads imposed on it.
Slip joints
(NHBRC 3.3.19, 20)
Slip joints (movement joints) must be installed between masonry walls and concrete slabs
and beams, to accommodate the unequal thermal expansion of concrete and masonry. The
slip joint should be capable of accommodating small movements between the two mediums
A slip joint is constructed by trowelling the bearing surfaces smooth and covering this
surface with two layers of 0.25 PVC sheeting, or with a proprietary bearing strip.
Slip joints should also be installed above slabs, beneath the following masonry. Here the
PVC should be turned up, to break the contact between the masonry and the
topping/screed of the slab.
Mortar fillet
Deep V-joint in
plaster Slip joint
Typical slip joint detail for slab or beam bearing on a masonry cavity wall
It is good practice to place a deep V joint in the plaster at movement joints, in order to
confine cracking to the V joint. NHBRC 3:6.7.5: Metal lathing may also be used as an
alternative to V joints at the interfaces of clay masonry walling and concrete beams or
columns, provided that the concrete elements are not wider than 450mm, and are flush
with the masonry.
Curing of concrete
When cement and water are mixed together to form a paste, a chemical reaction takes
place (known as hydration) and the concrete sets and starts to harden. In concrete, this
paste binds together the sand and stone. The hydration process will continue to harden
and strengthen the concrete so long as water is present. The initial gain in strength is rapid
and then slows down.
The purpose of curing is to control the loss of moisture and to prevent shrinkage and
cracking. Lack of curing affects the strength, durability and abrasion resistance of the
The curing period should be at least 3 days and in cold weather should be extended to 5
days. Maximum strength is attained around 28 days.
Placing of concrete
Debris and free water should not be present on any surfaces, on which concrete is to
be poured.
Fresh mixed concrete should not be allowed to stand for so long that it begins to
stiffen. Concrete can be left to stand for limited periods, if it is covered with plastic
sheeting, or wet sacks to prevent it from drying out. Concrete which has begun to
stiffen, should not be tempered with the addition of more water, but should rather
be discarded or sued immediately.
Wet concrete must be remixed if the stone settles to the bottom of the
wheelbarrows during transportation. Concrete should, wherever possible, be
deposited vertically, to avoid separation of the stone, or displacement of the
Shrinkage is the most common cause of concrete cracking. This condition is
common in continuously-poured concrete slabs.
In applications such as concrete slabs and residential foundation walls, some shrinkage
cracking is inevitable and should be expected. Such shrinkage cracks are usually confined to
the surface of the concrete. Therefore home inspectors should not become unduly alarmed
at the discovery of shrinkage cracks in concrete floor slabs.
Shrinkage occurs as follow: As the surface of concrete dries, water evaporates from the
spaces between particles. As this water dissipates, the particles move closer together,
resulting in shrinkage of the concrete. Because the surface of a concrete slab is exposed to
air but the underlying concrete is not, concrete near the surface dries and shrinks at a rate
different from that of the underlying concrete. The underlying concrete acts as a restraint to
shrinkage, resulting in cracking of the surface layer.
Temperature differences during the curing process can also contribute to the development
of surface shrinkage cracks. The chemical hydration process through which concrete
hardens, produces heat, which causes concrete to expand. At the same time, concrete at
the surface of the slab is exposed to air, and loses water through evaporation. Both of these
conditions contribute to cooling and shrinking of the concrete near the surface.
Exposed aggregate
Aggregate (stone) is sometimes visible on the surface of the concrete when the formwork is
removed. This can be an indication of insufficient mixing, too much water (causing the
concrete to leach through the formwork during the drying process), or incorrect mix ratios.
If the problem is widespread, an expert (engineer) should evaluate the strength of the
structure in the light of the stresses to which it will be exposed.
Vertical displacement: Structural cracks though the concrete, which are caused by soil
settlement or heaving soil, typically result in vertical displacement of the concrete; in other
words concrete on one side of the crack will be higher, than concrete on the other side.
Linear crack continuity: Shrinkage cracks are confined to the surface of the concrete and
result from the surface concrete drying out quicker than the underlying concrete. This
problem can be prevented by wetting the concrete surface during the 28-day curing periof.
Although shrinkage cracks may look continuous at first sight, if viewed closely, interruptions
in the crack line can be seen. Shrinkage cracks are also not continuous throughout the slab,
but are actually cracks in the concrete surface. Shrinkage does not result in structural
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Familiarise yourself…
Please make sure that you are thoroughly familiar with the material in this
module before completing the Self-Assessment. The more familiar you make
yourself with the information presented in this Module the better you will be
as a professional home inspector. Review thoroughly all areas of this module
where the self-assessment indicates that your knowledge is defective.
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