Creating Win7RescuePE
Creating Win7RescuePE
Creating Win7RescuePE
Build source: Building a Win7RescuePE boot disk will require a Microsoft Windows7 DVD
(32 bit only). 64 bit Windows7 DVDs are currently not supported.
Windows AIK is available from Microsoft for free, and can be downloaded, burned to a DVD,
and then installed in Windows from the DVD. It is available for download at the following
Build utility: WinBuilder is the program that actually builds the boot disk. From within
WinBuilder, Win7RescuePE itself can be downloaded. It is necessary that you use WinBuilder
077 RC 2 or above. The WinBuilder download page can be found at the following link:
Hard drive space: Approximately 2 GB of free space is required during the Win7RescuePE
build process. Installing Windows AIK requires up to 1.5 GB of free space.
Memory (RAM): The target system requires a minimum of 256 MB, with 512 MB or more
As a further clarification, the Win7RescuePE boot disk can be built from a Windows 64 bit
OS, but it cannot be built using a 64 bit Windows7 DVD as the source.
The remainder of this tutorial covers the steps required to create a bootable Win7RescuePE
CD/DVD or UFD. The procedure was written while using WinBuilder 077 RC 2 and
Win7RescuePE , and was tested on both Windows XP SP3 and Windows7-RC1 as the build
Step 1: Download and install WinBuilder
Download WinBuilder from the link below. Version (077 RC 2 as of this writing) is
The WinBuilder download page will look similar to the the screenshot below:
The WinBuilder download will be in the form of a zip file containing one file
(WinBuilder.exe). Extract this file to the folder where you want to run WinBuilder from. It
is recommended that you create a new folder in the root of a drive, such as C:\WinBuilder,
D:\WinBuilder, etc., and extract WinBuilder.exe there. It is also recommended that the path to
the folder and folder name itself do NOT contain any spaces, as this can cause problems under
some circumstances.
Since no projects yet exist in the WinBuilder folder, it should go immediately to the
Download Center screen as shown below.
Since Win7RescuePE is a new project, you must add the download server to WinBuilder.
You can do that by selecting a available project, and then pressing the Add a new web server
button. Name of new web server is:
See screenshot below.
If you want to start the Win7RescuePE download over again from the beginning, close
WinBuilder, delete everything in the WinBuilder folder except WinBuilder.exe, and then run
WinBuilder again to start over.
When finished with the Win7RescuePE download, the main WinBuilder screen will look as
shown below:
Step 3: Install Windows AIK
Windows AIK will be required to build the Win7RescuePE boot disk.
Windows AIK can be downloaded from the following Microsoft web page:
The file downloaded from Microsoft will be an ISO file, approximately 1.3 GB in size. Once
downloaded, burn the ISO file to a DVD with a utility such as BurnCDCC. This utility can be
downloaded from TeraByte Unlimited at the link below:
To start the install, insert the DVD and wait for the Windows AIK welcome screen to appear.
If the DVD doesn't autorun when inserted, you can open the DVD drive in an Explorer
window, and the double click startcd.exe. Be sure to note the installation requirements on the
welcome screen, which specify which versions of Windows (and Service Pack levels) are
supported by Windows AIK.
Select Windows AIK Setup from the welcome screen menu. After some initialization and the
license agreement screen, the following dialog will come up:
The defaults shown above will work fine with Win7RescuePE. Be sure to check the required
disk space before proceeding by using the Disk Cost button. Clicking Next will start the
install. At completion, the following screen will appear:
Windows AIK requires both the .NET Framework and MSXML 6.0 to be installed. If they are
not already installed on the system, Windows AIK Setup will detect this, and request that you
install either/both of these items first. Both are available to install from the same DVD,
and appear on the welcome screen menu as .NET Framework Setup and MSXML 6.0 Setup.
With the Win7RescuePE item highlighted in the left pane, click on the Source button at the
top. The Paths configuration screen will now be visible as shown below:
The key item on this screen is the Source directory, which tells Win7RescuePE where to find
the source for building the boot disk. The Target directory and ISO file items can be left as
they are by default.
If using a Windows7 DVD as the source, insert the DVD in a drive, and use the browse
button in the Source directory dialog to select the drive letter for the Vista DVD. In the
screenshot above, the F:\ drive is the Windows7 DVD. For convenience and a somewhat
faster build, you can also copy the contents of the Windows7 DVD to a drive/folder of your
choice on the hard drive, and then specify that location in the Source directory dialog. For
example, if you copy the contents of the DVD to the folder D:\Windows7, then that location
should be specified in the Source directory dialog.
Next, select the Script button at the top, and then select Configuration in the left pane. This
brings up the Configuration screen for Win7RescuePE as shown below:
The settings shown above are recommended for the first build.
Next, expand the Build section in the left pane, and highlight the 0 - PreConfig item.
If you installed Windows AIK to a location other than the default of "C:\Program
Files\Windows AIK", then use the browse button to select the folder where it is installed. The
screenshot below reflects the default installation location.
Highlight the Win7RescuePE item at the top of the left pane, and select the Play button at the
top-right of the screen to start the build. The Win7RescuePE main screen is shown below as a
The screenshot below shows the build in progress:
When the build completes, a Build Successful message box will be shown:
Click OK to complete the build. If you are creating a UFD rather than a CD/DVD, you can
move on to Step 8 at this point. Otherwise, continue below to create the CD/DVD.
The file Win7RescuePE.iso will be created in the ISO folder as shown below. The actual size
of the file will depend on the configuration options chosen, as well as the source (Windows7
The ISO file can be burned to CD/DVD by using a CD/DVD burner application capable of
burning ISO files.
Expand the Finalize section in the left pane, and then highlight the Copy to USB-Device item.
On the right, select the Script button, which will bring you to screen shown below:
Plug in the UFD (if not already plugged in) and determine its Windows drive letter. At the
bottom of the screen above, use the browse button to select the root directory of the UFD (the
example above has it set to G:\).
To go ahead and create the UFD, select the "Make USB boot device" item. After a short time,
you will be prompted to format the USB drive. Click OK to continue. The HP USB Storage
Format Tool window will come up, as shown in the screenshot below.
In the Device field, carefully select the target UFD device from the drop down list. Double
check that you select the correct device since all USB drives on the system will be listed.
In the File system field, select NTFS (recommended), and then select Quick Format under
Format options.
Check the settings carefully (especially the Device), and then select Start to format the drive.
Before the format actually starts, there will be a confirmation screen where you can cancel the
format if necessary:
When the format completes, a summary screen will be displayed as shown below:
Click OK, and then Close the format dialog to continue. If you use Grub4Dos as bootmanger,
a screens as shown below will be appear.
After selecting your UFDD, and pressing Install, the process of setting up the UFD to boot,
and copying the required files to it will be continued.
During the file copy process, the screen below will be shown (shows file copying in
At completion, there will be an All Done message as shown below:
Click OK to finish. The UFD device is now ready to boot. You will need to set the UFD as the
boot device in order to boot from it. Typically this can be done by either by going into the
BIOS setup and changing the boot order, or by selecting the UFD device from a menu of boot
devices that can be brought up (on some systems) at boot time by pressing a hot key.
The Win7RescuePE desktop will look similar to the screenshot below, depending on the
options selected in the Win7RescuePE configuration. The PENetwork utility (shown on
desktop below) can be used to configure the network and map network drives if needed.
Additional Information: Optimizing For Size
If you would like to reduce the size of the boot disk to achieve a faster boot time, as well as
require less RAM, some/all of the following configuration items can be considered:
In the NET section, uncheck all items except PENetwork. If you do not require PENetwork
(for mapping network shares), that can also be unchecked.