Unit 3 Ordinary Language Philosophy: 3.0 Objectives
Unit 3 Ordinary Language Philosophy: 3.0 Objectives
Unit 3 Ordinary Language Philosophy: 3.0 Objectives
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Ordinary Language Philosophy: LudwigWittgenstein
3.3 Gilbert Ryle’s Contributions to Ordinary Language Philosophy
3.4 Ordinary language Philosophy: J.L. Austine
3.5 P.F. Strawson on Ordinary Language Philosophy
3.6 Let Us Sum Up
3.7 Key Words
3.8 Further Readings and References
3.9 Answers to Check Your Progress
Ordinary language philosophy began with Ludwig Wittgenstein who wrote
Philosophical Investigations in 1953 in which he presents a radical critique of
his and Russell’s earlier work. In this work he argues that language is basically
imprecise but that is not a drawback, but merely one of its properties. Philosophy
has for its activity the clearing up of conceptual puzzles, which the incorrect use
of language brings about. The way out for all the metaphysical puzzles is to pay
attention to the various functions of language. Wittgenstein and the later ordinary
language philosophers believed that concern with language is not merely some
preliminary to getting things straight, but is very close to the very business of
philosophy. That is the reason why they concentrated their efforts heavily on
analyzing ordinary language to see how it functions and what properties it has to
aid dissolving philosophical puzzles. After Wittgenstein most of the philosophers
in England have by and large tended to stay in the Wittgenstenian mold. The
important names among them are Gilbert Ryle, Peter Strawson and J.L.Austine.
Ryle attempts to show that the traditional mind- body problem arose through a
series of logical errors in thinking about mental and physical phenomena. John
Austin also from Oxford, held that ordinary language analysis was one among
many ways of doing philosophy. He had an intrinsic interest in cataloging and
tracing down different shades of meaning that represent different concepts. Peter
Strawson, also an ordinary language philosopher claimed that in order to understand
descriptive and denoting phrases it is necessary to understand that language is
lived and spoken, not rigid and written down in logic texts.
The objective of this Unit is:
to undertake a detailed study of the contributions of later Wittgenstein, Gilbert
Ryle, J.L. Austine, and Peter Strawson towards ordinary language philosophy.
Ordinary Language
3.1 INTRODUCTION Philosophy
Ordinary Language
Check Your Progress II Philosophy