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The Cover

The word ”geometry” is written in the following languages-

English, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Bengali, Hindi, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, German, Javanese,
Korean, French, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, Punjabi, Frisian, Farsi, Urdu, teluga, Marthi, Sindhi and
There are more than 7000 languages in the world. Euclid, who gave his ”Elements” to the world, had
an influence on almost all these languages.

by J.H. Heinbockel
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Old Dominion University
c Copyright
 2017 by John H. Heinbockel All rights reserved
Paper or electronic copies for noncommercial and private use may be made freely without
explicit permission of the author. All other rights are reserved.

This geometry book is intended to be a free ebook where portions of the text can be
printed out. Commercial sale of this book or any part of it is strictly forbidden.

Elementary geometry is the stepping stone to more advance mathematical subjects. It
is needed to understand many components of physics, chemistry and engineering. Even the
biological sciences require an understanding of geometry, especially biochemistry. In fact,
more and more scientific disciplines have come to rely on mathematics of some kind which
usually involves some component of geometry.
This book is written so that students and instructors studying geometry can have a
reference book presenting a more detailed investigation of selected advanced topics from
both plane and solid geometry. The material presented begins with elementary concepts
and ideas and progresses rapidly to more advanced concepts. It introduces trigonometry
and vectors and shows how these topics can aid in the study of geometry. It offers the
presentation of geometry fundamentals from a variety of viewpoints. Many examples are
given to help clarify new ideas.
In depth investigations into Projective Geometry, Differential Geometry, Non-Euclidean
Geometry, Stochastic Geometry, Combinatorial Geometry, Riemannian Geometry have been
omitted from this text. Students wishing to pursue an understanding of these more advanced
topics are encouraged to do so. Geometry does not end after taking just one course.

J.H. Heinbockel
July 2017


Chapter 1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2 Basic Geometric Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Chapter 3 Shapes and properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Chapter 4 The Pythagorean Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Chapter 5 Properties of geometric figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

Chapter 6 Introduction to Mathematical Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

Chapter 7 Trigonometry I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

Chapter 8 Trigonometry II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315

Chapter 9 More properties of geometric shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

Chapter 10 Mathematics and Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397

Chapter 11 Solid Geometry I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459

Chapter 12 Solid Geometry II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505

Chapter 13 Additional Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545

Appendex A Units of measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596

Chapter 1
Euclid of Alexandria, Egypt (325-265) BCE is well known for his mathematical
investigations into geometry. His surviving work called Elements consists of 13
books on geometry. These books have been around for over 20 centuries and have
been translated into all the major languages of the world. The thirteen books from
the Elements can be found on the internet. The first four books and the sixth
book investigate properties of lines, figures and shapes in a two-dimensional plane.
The fifth and sixth books are concerned with the theory of proportions. The books
seven, eight and nine are numerical in nature. The tenth book deals with irrational
quantities. The remaining three books deal with solid three-dimensional geometry.
It is not known if Euclid of Alexandria wrote all of the thirteen books on ge-
ometry. It has been suggested that a team of mathematicians wrote the thirteen
books under Euclid’s direction. The matter is an open question because not much
is known about Euclids life. Below is a 17th century painting entitled Euclid by the
painter Antonio Cifrondi. The picture is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Figure 1 -1. Euclid, 17th century painting by Antonio Cifrondi.

In his study of geometry Euclid presented certain fundamental propositions,
which are assumed to always be true. He defined concepts about points, lines,
planes, angles, plane figures, parallel lines, solids and other quantities associated
with geometry. Starting with these fundamental propositions, Euclid used various
reasoning techniques to establish additional basic truths associated with points,
lines, plane figures and solid figures. Euclid’s book the Elements was a mathematics
book that introduce critical thinking and reasoning applied to geometric objects and
set a standard for future mathematical analysis.

point line segment plane section cube

no dimension one dimension two dimension three dimension

A point is a location. A point has no dimension. If the point is moved along a

shortest distance to another point, a line segment is generated. This is an example
of a one dimensional object. One can think of the line segment as a continuous
connection of points from a point P1 to another point P2 . One can then denote this
line segment using the notation P1 P2 . The line segment can be extended from either
end to lengthen the line segment.1
A directed line segment or vector, which is positive, is written P1 P2 has both a
length and a direction in moving from point P1 to point P2 . If P1 P2 is a directed line
−→ −→
segment, then P2 P1 = −P1 P2 because the direction from P2 to P1 is opposite that of
moving from P1 to P2 .
If the line segment created is moved up or down in a flat surface to create a
square or rectangle, then a plane section is generated by the motion of the line.
This is an example of a two dimensional figure. You can think of the plane section
generated as defining a rectangle on a flat surface. The edges of the flat surface can
be extended without any bounds to form an infinite flat two-dimensional surface
For illustrative purposes the point and line illustrated above have a thickness and are not like the ideal point
and line.
called an infinite plane. If the two-dimensional plane section is moved up or down
perpendicular to the plane, then a three-dimensional figure is generated. If the plane
section moved was a square, with side x, and it is moved upward a distance x, then
the three dimensional object would be a cube.
Geometry is the investigation of the properties associated with points, lines,
planes, and various shaped objects in one, two and three dimensions. Plane ge-
ometry restricts itself to two-dimensional objects and their properties, while solid
geometry investigates objects in a three-dimensional space. In more advanced ge-
ometry courses one can investigate the goings on in four-dimensional and higher
dimensional spaces. The point, line, square and cube are simple concepts used to
start our study of plane geometry.
The Cartesian method
A Frenchman by the name of Rene
Descartes (1546-1650) wrote a book
called LaGéométrie which approached
geometry using algebra and equations
to represent various geometric concepts.
The resulting new approach to geom-
etry gave a geometric meaning to al-
gebraic equations as well as an alge-
braic representation to geometric ideas.
This new geometry is now called Carte-
sian geometry or analytic geometry.
Descartes accomplished this change to
geometry by introducing a rectangular
Figure 1 -2. system of coordinates which could be

Rene Descartes used to provide an algebraic approach
from Wikimedia Commons
to geometry.

You will find that analytical geometry or Cartesian geometry in its simplicity
and ease of presentation is far superior to Euclid’s method of writing things out
and making things very long and wordy. We will refer to the Descartes method of
doing things quite often in order to demonstrate the power of his representation of
geometry. The Cartesian method is sometimes referred to as the start of modern
One example illustrating the difference between the approach to geometry taken
by Euclid and Descartes is the following. Euclid defines ”point in the plane” as
”that of which there is no part.” Rene Descartes defined a point by constructing
two straight lines which were perpendicular to one another. He created a coordinate
system by labeling the horizontal line the x-axis and the vertical line the y-axis. He
then labeled the point of intersection of the lines as the origin and placed number
scales on the two perpendicular lines in order to measure distance from the origin.
A point in this coordinate system is a location with respect to the origin and is
labeled as a number pair2 (x0 , y0 ), called the coordinates of the point with respect to
the origin. Here x0 is called the abscissa or distance from the y-axis and y0 is called
the ordinate or distance from the x-axis. The resulting coordinate system used to
define points is called a Cartesian3 coordinate system, illustrated in the figure 1 -3.
Note that a point in either system is the representation of a location.

Figure 1 -3. Cartesian coordinate system

Subscripts placed upon letters are used to denote constant values.
Named after Rene Descartes. Note that Cartesian is always spelled with a capital C.
In both the Euclid and Cartesian systems a point has no size only a location.
For illustrative purposes a point is sometimes represented as a dot ( · ) on a planar
surface to emphasize where the location is.
As another example of the difference between the Euclid and Descartes approach
to geometry consider the following. Euclid defines a line as a length without breadth
on a plane. Two distinct points P1 and P2 define a line on a planar surface. One
can think of part of the line as a line segment obtain by point P1 moving along the
shortest distance to the point P2 . The points P1 and P2 are then called the endpoints
of the line segment. The line segment thus created can then be extended beyond
its endpoints to whatever length line you desire. For illustrative purposes a line can
be sketched using a straight edged ruler with the line passing through two given
points. The lines as shown in figure 1 -4 have breadth or a line thickness and is for
illustrative purposes only and differs from the ideal line constructed using an ideal
point moving in a direction and having no breadth.

Figure 1 -4. A line segment and parallel lines in Cartesian coordinates

Equation of line
The Descartes system allows one to replace the line by an algebraic equation.
This is accomplished by defining the slope of the line passing through two given
points having coordinates (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) as
change in y values y2 − y1
Slope = m = = (1.1)
change in x values x2 − x1
as illustrated in the figure 1 -5. Note the slope of a line never changes. If (x, y)
denotes a variable point which moves anywhere on the line, then it can be used
together with the first point (x1 , y1 ) to calculate the slope. One gets the equation
y − y1 change in y values
Slope = m = = (1.2)
x − x1 change in x values
because the slope of a line never changes, no matter where the point (x, y) lies on
the line. If the variable point (x, y) is used together with the second point on the
line (x2 , y2 ), one gets the equation
y − y2 change in y values
Slope = m = = (1.3)
x − x2 change in x values
The equations (1.2) and (1.3) are known as the point-slope formulas for the equation
of a line through two given points.
y2 − y1
y − y1 = m(x − x1 ) or y − y2 = m(x − x2 ), m= (1.4)
x2 − x1
Also make note in figure 1 -4 there is a set of parallel lines. In Cartesian coordinates
lines are called parallel whenever their slopes are the same and the perpendicular
distance between the parallel lines remains constant. Sometimes arrows are placed
upon parallel lines to emphasize that they are parallel. Whenever two sets of parallel
lines intersect a parallelogram4 results.

Figure 1 -5. Slope of line through two given points (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 )
A parallelogram is a four sided closed figure where opposite sides are parallel and are of equal length.
It doesn’t matter which point-slope formula you select in order to represent the
line. The equations (1.4) are representations for the straight line through the given
points (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ). You now have an equation where you can substitute for x
any numerical value and then solve for y which represents the height of the straight
line above the x-axis for the x-value selected.

Example 1-1. Show that it does not matter which of the equations (1.4) are
used to represent the equation for a line. For example, find the equation of the line
which passes through the two points (2, 1) and (4, 5). Then determine if the points
(7, 11), (18, 33), (123, 243) and (52, 100) are on the line.
The slope of the line through the given points is m = change in y-values = 5−1 =2
change in x-values 4−2
The point-slope formula for the equation of the line is y − y1 = m(x − x1 ), where (x1 , y1 )
is any point on the line. Selecting the point (2, 1) as (x1 , y1 ), the equation of the line
y − 1 = 2(x − 2) (1.5)

and selecting (x2 , y2 ) as the point (4, 5) the equation of the line is expressed in the
y − 5 = 2(x − 4) (1.6)

The equations (1.5) and (1.6) look different, but you can do some algebra and see
they are really the same equation. As a check that you have the correct answer for
the equation of the line you can substitute the point (4, 5) for (x, y) into equation
(1.5) and verify x = 4 and y = 5 satisfies the derived equation (1.5). One finds
(5 − 1) = 2(4 − 2) is true and so the point (4, 5) is on the line.
To test the other points that are given to see if they are on the line one must
substitute into equation (1.5) the values (x, y) associated with the given points. If
the equation (1.5) is satisfied, then an identity will result if the point is on the line.
If the equation does not produce an identity when a set of x, y-values are substituted
into the equation, then the equation (1.5) is not satisfied. In this case the point is
off the line. Show that x = 52, y = 100 when substituted into equation (1.5) does not
satisfy the equation and so the point (52, 100) is off the line. The other given points
all produce an identity when their values are substituted into equation (1.5) and
when this happens the equation (1.5) is said to be satisfied and the point is said to
be on the line.
Slopes of straight lines
Observe that in calculating the slope of a straight line it is customary to always
assume that the change in the x-value is always positive. Pick a point on the line and
move in the positive x−direction and stop. Next move in the y−direction either up
for + or down for − in order to return to the line.
Here an examination of the change in y-values is
then either (a) positive (b) zero or (c) negative. These
changes give rise to lines with either positive, zero or
negative slopes as illustrated in the figure on the right.

Straight lines passing through the point (x0 , y0 )

(a) with positive slopes have the form y − y0 = +m1 (x − x0 )

(b) with negative slopes have the form y − y0 = −m2 (x − x0 )
where m1 and m2 are non zero positive constants. Straight lines with zero slope
are given by equations having the form y = y0 = a constant. Vertical lines have a ±
infinite slope and are represented by equations having the form x = x0 = a constant.

Other forms for a straight line

Equations having one of the forms
(a) Ax + By = C A, B, C constants
(b) y − y0 = m(x − x0 ) m, x0 , y0 constants
(c) y = mx + b m, b constants (1.7)
x y
(d) + =1 a, b constants
a b
(e) x = x0 + a1 t, y = y0 + a2 t, t0 < t < t1 t0 , t1 , x0, y0 , a1 , a2 constants

are all algebraic representations for a straight line or a segment of a straight line in
Cartesian coordinates.
Equations having the form (a) above are referred to as the general form for a
straight line. Equations having the form (b) above are known as the point-slope
form for the equation of a line. The form (c) above is known as the slope-intercept
form and the form (d) is known as the intercept form for a straight line. The form
(e), with parameter t, is called a parametric representation of a straight line. If the
parameter t varies only between certain values, say t0 ≤ t ≤ t1 , then only a segment
of the line is represented. Also make note of the fact that the parametric form for a
line is not unique. For example, the line 3x + 4y = 7 can be represented in parametric
form just about any way you want. Three possible forms are (i) x = 7t, y = 41 (7 − 21t)
(ii) x = 3t − 1, y = 14 (10 − 9t), (iii) x = f (t), y = 41 (7 − 3f (t)) where f (t) is any function of
t you want it to be.
In order to use the form (b) above you have to calculate the slope m of the line
and know a point (x0 , y0 ) on the line. Note that in the form (c) when x = 0, then
y = b which is called the y -intercept, hence the name for the equation. Setting x = 0
in the form (d) one finds y = b, the y-intercept and then setting y = 0 one finds x = a,
the x-intercept, hence the name associated with the equation. If one uses algebra
and eliminates the parameter t in form (e) one obtains the point slope equation of
a line. For example,
x − x0 y − y0 a2
=t= or y − y0 = m(x − x0 ) with slope m =
a1 a2 a1
Also observe that the general form for a straight line Ax + By = C , with A, B, C
constants, can be converted to any of the other forms using a little algebra. For
A B x y
Ax + By = C ⇒ x + y = 1 ⇒ C + C = 1 intercept form
−A C
Ax + By = C ⇒ y = x+ slope-intercept form
If (x0 , y0 ) is a point on the line, then (x0 , y0 ) are coordinates which satisfies the
equation of the line or Ax0 + By0 − C = 0. One can then write
Ax+By = C ⇒ A(x−x0 )+B(y−y0) = C−Ax0 −By0 = 0 ⇒ y−y0 = (x−x0 ) point-slope form
Substitute the value x = x0 + a1 t into the general equation of a line to obtain the
equation A(x0 + a1 t) + By = C and then solve for y to obtain
−a1 A C − Ax0 −a1 A Ax0 − C
y= t+ ⇒ y = a2 t − y0 , where a2 = and y0 =
This is one of many parametric forms for the line.

Example 1-2. Find the equation of the line which passes through the points
(0, 5) and (7, 0).
The given points represent the y-intercept and x-intercepts for the equation of
the line. Using the intercept form one can write the equation of the line as
x y
+ =1
7 5
Using algebra one can write
x y
+ = 1 ⇒ 5x + 7y = 35
7 5

as the general form for representing the line. Alternative representations are
y x −5
5x + 7y = 35 ⇒ = 1 − ⇒ y= x+5
5 7 7

which is the slope-intercept form with slope m = −5/7 and y-intercept y = 5.

Using the slope m = −5/7 and point (0, 5) the point-slope formula gives
y − 5 = (−5/7)(x − 0) or using the slope m = −5/7 and point (7, 0), the point-slope
formula gives y − 0 = (−5/7)(x − 7). It is left as an exercise to verify that the last two
equations are equivalent to one another.

Example 1-3. Let the endpoints of the line segment be A = (x1 , y1 ) and
B = (x2 , y2 ). Find the parametric equation representing this line segment.
One can express the points on the line segment AB as a set of values defined by

AB = { (x, y) | x = (1 − t)x1 + t x2 , y = (1 − t)y1 + t y2 , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 }

The midpoint of a line segment

In Cartesian coordinates consider two points P1 and P2 having coordinates (x1 , y1 )
and (x2 , y2 ) respectively. Draw a straight line connecting these points to form the
line segment P1 P2 . The midpoint (xm , ym) of
the line segment P1 P2 is obtained by taking
the average of the x-values and the average
of the y-values to obtain
1 1
xm = (x1 + x2 ), ym = (y1 + y2 )
2 2

This gives the midpoint of the line segment

P1 P2 which is the point halfway between
the points P1 and P2 .

Example 1-4.
Find the midpoint of the line segment connecting the points (−3, 5) and (5, −1)
Let (xm, ym ) denote the midpoint of the line segment connecting the given points.
The midpoint is obtained by taking the average of the x-values and y-values to obtain
1 1
xm = (−3 + 5) = 1 and ym = (5 − 1) = 2
2 2

so that (xm , ym) = (1, 2) is the midpoint of the line segment.

The Greek alphabet

Letters from the Greek alphabet are used quite often in representing mathemat-
ical concepts and are listed below for future reference.

Greek Alphabet

A α Alpha H η Eta N ν Nu T τ Tau

B β Beta Θ θ Theta Ξ ξ Xi Υ υ Upsilon
Γ γ Gamma I ι Iota O o Omicron Φ φ Phi
∆ δ Delta K κ Kappa Π π Pi X χ Chi
E  Epsilon Λ λ Lambda P ρ Rho Ψ ψ Psi
Z ζ Zeta M µ Mu Σ σ Sigma Ω ω Omega

a c
Any equation having the form = , which states that two ratios are equal, is
b d
called a proportion. Many times in solving a proportion the cross product property
ad = bc is often used.
The above proportion can also be written in the form a : b = c : d.
One can write that if
a c
= then ad = bc (1.8)
b d
A proportion such as the one given in equation (1.8) must sometimes be altered.
This can be accomplished by selecting non zero constants λ, µ and forming the new
λa + µc a c
= = (1.9)
λb + µd b d
This new ratio equals the old ratios because of the cross product property. That is
λa + µc a
= ⇒ (λa + µc) · b =(λb + µd) · a is an identity by algebra
λb + µd b
λab + µcb =λba + µda = λab + µcb

because the cross product da = cb holds from equation (1.8).

a b c
Example 1-5. Prove that if the following ratios are true = = , then
a b c a+b+c
= = =

a b c
If = = = r, then

a = rA, b = rB, c = rC

so by addition
a+b+c a b c
(a + b + c) = r(A + B + C) ⇒ r= = = =

a b c
Alternatively, if = = , then use equation (1.9) with λ = 1 and µ = 1 to
λa + µb a a+b a b c
= ⇒ = = = (1.10)
λA + µB A A+B A B C
Now repeat what has just been done using the equation (1.9) with the new ratio
(1.10). Write
λ(a + b) + µc a b c
= = =
λ(A + B) + µC A B C
with λ = 1 and µ = 1 to obtain the desired result.
Mean proportion
The mean proportion of two quantities a and b, also called the geometric mean
of two quantities, is defined

geometric mean = mean proportion = ab
a x √
The quantity x is called the mean proportion of a and b if = or x2 = ab or x = ab.
x b
The geometric mean or mean proportion can be generalized.

Geometric mean of three numbers x1 , x2 , x3 is 3
x1 x2 x3

Geometric mean of four numbers x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 is 4 x1 x2 x3 x4

Geometric mean of five numbers x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 is 5 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

and the pattern continues as the number of products increase.

The arithmetic mean of n numbers is obtained by adding the n numbers and then
dividing the sum by n giving

x1 + x2 + x3 + · · · + xn
Arithmetic mean = x̄a = (1.11)

The arithmetic mean answers the question, ”If all n numbers had the same value,
what would this value be to obtain the same sum?”
The geometric mean of n numbers is obtained by multiplying the n numbers and
then taking the nth root of the product giving

Geometric mean = x̄g = n
x1 x2 x3 · · · xn (1.12)

The geometric mean is the answer to the question, ”If all n numbers had the same
value, what would this value be to obtain the same product? ”

Various special types of numbers are employed in the study of geometry. Many
advanced number theoretic concepts assume you know about these special types of
numbers. Remember that the ancient Greeks and Egyptians had number systems
which were not ideal systems for performing mathematical calculations and conse-
quently many geometric methods resulted for solving mathematical problems. It
wasn’t until about the 15th century that our current number system began to be
accepted by Europeans.
Everyone is familiar with the positive integers
0, 1, 2, 3, . . .. The notation . . . after the number 3 is
called an ellipsis and its use is to mean that the
representation is to be continued with 4, 5, 6, etc fol-
lowing the 3. The ellipsis is a mathematical nota-
tion indicating continuation. The positive num-
bers can be written on a line and the line can be
called the positive number axes. One can define
multiplication of these numbers by negative 1 as
the counterclockwise rotation of the positive num-
ber axis as half of a full rotation of the axis about
Figure 1 -6. the origin (0). This produces a negative num-
Number axes illustrating
ber axes with the origin 0 separating the negative
multiplication by -1 effect on
numbers from the positive numbers.
That is, each time a number is multiplied by -1, a counterclockwise rotation
occurs equal to half of a full rotation. This is illustrated in figure 1 -6. Note that if
a negative number is multiplied by -1, one must perform a counterclockwise half of
a full rotation. Thus (−1)(−1) = 1.

Prime numbers
A prime number is divisible only by itself and the number 1. The first few
prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, . . .. Euclid showed that there is no largest prime
number so an infinite number of primes exist. Goldbach’s5 conjecture is that all
positive even integers greater than two can be expressed as the sum of two primes.
This conjecture remains unproven and waits for someone to prove it. Computers
have verified the conjecture up to very large numbers. However, this is not a proof
for all even numbers greater than two.
Rational numbers
Let m, n denote positive integers with n different from zero, then numbers having
the form of a ratio are known as rational numbers. One can construct a table of
rational numbers as illustrated in the figure 1 - 7. Note the ellipsis symbols denoting
Christian Goldbach (1690-1764) a German mathematician.
that the given patterns are to be continued. The set of rational numbers have the
following properties.

(1) An integer can result. For example 5/1 is simplified to 5

(2) A terminating decimal can result as 1/4 = 0.25
(3) An infinite recurring decimal can result as 7/11 = 0.6363636363 . . .
One mathematical notation for representing a recurring decimal is
to place a line over the repeating part. This gives 7/11 = 0.63

Figure 1 -7. Partial listing of rational numbers m/n

Given a number represented by an infinite repeating decimal one can employ

basic mathematics to express the number in the form of a ratio m/n, where m and
n are integers.

Example 1-6. Find the rational number R having the decimal expansion
or R = 0.5123
R = 0.5123123123123 . . .
Solution Just use multiplication and subtraction on the given number to convert
it into the form of a ratio of two integers. Multiply R by 10 to get

10 R = 5.123123123 . . . = 5 + 0.123 (1.13)

Next multiply equation (1.13) by 103 = 1000 and find

104 R = 5123.123123123 . . . = 5123 + 0.123 (1.14)

The decimal part of the numbers in equations (1.13) and (1.14) are now the same
and so can be removed by using elementary algebra. One finds
5118 5118 853
104 R − 10R = 5123 − 5 or R = 4
= =
10 − 10 9990 1665

Irrational numbers
An example of an irrational number that arises quite often can be found by
studying circles. A circle is defined as the set of points which are equidistant from
a fixed point called the center of the circle. This set of points forms a curve around
the center called the circumference or boundary of the circle. The distance from the
center of the circle to the boundary of the circle is called the radius of the circle.
The plural of radius is radii and one can say that all the radii of the same circle are
equal. A line from a boundary point through the center of the circle to an opposite
boundary point is called the diameter of the circle. Opposite points at the ends of
a diameter are called antipodal points. Concyclic points are points all lying on the
same circumference of the circle.
An irrational number is a real number that cannot be expressed as the ratio of
two numbers. Properties of irrational numbers are

(a) They have an infinite number of decimal digits.

(b) There are no repetitious or repeating patterns
in the representation of the decimal digits

Examine the figure 1 -8 where two circles of different sizes are displayed. Imagine
the left circle being magnified to produce the right circle. All the dimensions of the
left circle will be increased proportionally and one can say the circles are similar in
that the dimensions are proportional.

Figure 1 -8.
Two circles are similar
with proportional dimensions

If c1 , c2 denote the circumferences of the two circles, and d1 , d2 denote their diameters,
then one can say that the circles are related in that the ratios of their respective
parts are the same because of scaling. One finds the ratios
d1 c1 c1 c2 circumference
= or = = = constant
d2 c2 d1 d2 diameter
This tells us the ratio of circumference divided by diameter of every circle will be
a constant. This constant value turns out to be an irrational number which is
represented by the Greek letter π and is found6 to have the approximate value

π = 3.14159265369 . . . (1.15)

A calculation for the number π will be given in chapter 6.

No finite number of digits can represent π exactly. The ellipsis . . . is used to em-
phasize the number of decimal digits continue without end and there are no repeating
patterns in the representation of the digits.
Note that the diameter (d) of the circle is twice the radius (r), so that one
can write d = 2r. The ratio circumference of circle = π implies c/2r = π or the
diameter of circle
Modern day mathematicians have devised a method to determine the nth digit of π for any integer n without
having to know any of the previous digits. The technique is known as the Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe formula for
calculating the nth binary digit of π using base 16 mathematics.
circumference (c) of any circle is given by the relation c = 2πr. In summary, a circle
with radius r has the following properties.
diameter is twice the radius d = 2r
circumference is 2π times the radius c = 2πr (1.16)

or circumference is π times the diameter c = π d

Square root of 2 is an irrational number

To demonstrate that the square root of 2 is an irrational number one can proceed
as follows. Assume that the square root of 2 is a rational number and then show that
this assumption is not true. This type of proof is known as Reductio ad absurdum
which comes from the Latin and translates to the phrase–reduction to absurdity.
√ p
Assume the square root of 2 is a rational number and write 2 = , where p
and q are coprime numbers. This means that the integers p and q have no common
factors and the ratio is irreducible. One can write
√ p
p2 (1.17)
square both sides 2= 2
multiply both sides by q2 2q =p2

Now even integers all have the form 2n where n is an integer and all odd integers
have the form (2m + 1) where m is an integer. This implies that for all integers
m and n, an even number times an even number results in an even number since
(2n)(2m) = 2(2mn) is even. Also an odd number times an odd number will always
results in an odd number since, (2n + 1)(2m + 1) = (4mn + 2(n + m) + 1) represents an
even number plus one, which is an odd number. The equation (1.17) implies p2 is
an even number and therefore p must be an even number and have the form p = 2m,
where m is some integer. The equation (1.17) can therefore be written

2q 2 = p2 = (2m)2 = 4m2 or q2 = 2m2 , q2 is even and so q is even

p even p
This gives the ratio = so that the ratio has a common factor which con-
q even q
tradicts the original assumption that the ratio had no common factor. Therefore, the

original assumption is false and 2 cannot be a rational number. Consequently, it
is an irrational number.
One finds the approximate decimal form for the square root of 2 can be rep-
√ √
resented 2 = 1.41421356 . . . or 2 ≈ 1.414 where again the ellipsis is used to signify
that the decimal part goes on forever and the symbol ≈ represents the symbol for
approximately. In dealing with irrational numbers like the square root of 2, always
√ √
use 2 rather than 1.4142 . . . or the approximate value 1.414, because 2 is a symbol
representing the exact value, whereas the truncated decimal 1.4142 . . . or 1.414 rep-
resentations only give an approximate value for the square root. The square root of

2 symbol 2 is to be treated as a symbol in the same sense as the previous symbol
π is used. That is, always use the symbol to represent the exact value of the irra-
tional number because irrational numbers are always associated with never ending
The golden ratio
Two positive quantities x and y with x > y, are said to be in a golden ratio φ if
x x+y
φ= = (1.18)
y x

Figure 1 -9. Golden ratio for line segments

That is, the ratio of the sum of the two numbers (x + y) to the larger number x is in
the same ratio as the larger quantity x over the smaller quantity y. Observe that,
x x+y y 1
φ= = =1+ =1+ (1.19)
y x x φ

which requires that φ satisfy the quadratic equation

φ2 − φ − 1 = 0 (1.20)

Solving the quadratic equation (1.20) for the positive root, one finds that the golden
ratio φ is an irrational number having the value

1+ 5
φ= = 1.6180339887 . . . (1.21)
The golden ratio is found in many ancient texts under various alternative names
such as golden rectangle7, golden mean, golden number, golden proportion, divine
proportion, golden section, and divine section. The golden ratio is an irrational
number and can be found in many areas of mathematics, art, architecture, music,
nature and geometry. It has even been used to predict highs and lows of stock prices.
Numbers with a different base
The base 10 number system, which we use in everyday applications of mathe-
matics, means that the numbers we use are all simplifications of numbers having the
form of a summation of terms involving powers of ten. This summation has the form

···+ (10)3 + (10)2 + (10)1 + (10)0 + (10)−1 + (10)−2 + (10)−3 + · · · (1.22)

where you fill in each of the blank spaces ( ) using one of the integers
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. It is to be understood that all leading and trailing zeros are not
written down and the powers of 10 are not written down. Also note that (10)0 = 1.
For example, the base ten number 872.13 is represented base 10 as

872.13 = 872.1310 = 872.13]10 = 8(10)2 + 7(10)1 + 2(10)0 + 1(10)−1 + 3(10)−2 (1.23)

where the notation ]10 is used to emphasize it is a base 10 number. Sometimes a

subscript 10 is placed after the number, as 872.1310, to emphasize the number is base
10. Most of the time the notation ]10 or subscript 10 after the number, is dropped
because everyone knows the base 10 is being used. When dealing with numbers with
different bases the bracket or subscript notation is preferred.
A base 2 number system, also called a binary system, occurs when all the tens
in equation (1.22) are replaced by the number 2. One then obtains a summation of
terms involving powers of two having the form

···+ (2)3 + (2)2 + (2)1 + (2)0 + (2)−1 + (2)−2 + (2)−3 + · · · (1.24)

and you fill in the blanks ( ) using only one of the digits 0 or 1 and 20 = 1. Note a
base 2 number system uses only two symbols 0 and 1. Again all leading and trailing
zeros and the powers of 2 are not written down. Below are some base 2 number
representations along with their base 10 equivalents.

7 1+ 5
The golden rectangle is any rectangle where the ratio of length divided by width equals φ= 2

1000]2 =10002 = 1(2)3 = 8

1]2 =12 = 1(2) = 1
10000]2 =100002 = 1(2)4 = 16
10]2 =102 = 1(2)1 + 0(2)0 = 2
1001101001002 =2468
11]2 =112 = 1(2)1 + 1(2)0 = 3
101010011112 =1359
100]2 =1002 = 1(2)2 + 0(2)1 + 0(2)0 = 4
11.10101011100001012 =3.67
101]2 =1012 = 1(2)2 + 0(2)1 + 1(2)0 = 5
1001.0012 =9.125
1111]2 =11112 = 1(2)3 + 1(2)2 + 1(2)1 + 1(2)0 = 15
1001.012 =9.25
10101]2 =101012 = 1(2)4 + 1(2)2 + 1(2)0 = 21
1001.12 =9.5

A base 8 or octal number system involves powers of 8 and has the form

···+ (8)3 + (8)2 + (8)1 + (8)0 + (8)−1 + (8)−2 + (8)−3 + · · · (1.25)

where the integers going into the blank ( ) spaces are restricted to the eight digits
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Some sample numbers from the base eight number system are the
18 =1 68 =6 248 =20
28 =2 78 =7 1448 =1(8)2 + 4(8)1 + 4(8)0 = 100

38 =3 108 =8 175.18 =1(8)2 + 7(8)1 + 5(8)0 + 1(8)−1 = 125.125

48 =4 118 =9 175.018 =125.015625
58 =5 128 =10 11.118 =9 + .125 + .015625 = 9.140625

In general, a base b number system, b an integer, occurs when you replace all
the tens in equation (1.22) with the integer b everywhere to obtain

···+ (b)3 + (b)2 + (b)1 + (b)0 + (b)−1 + (b)−2 + (b)−3 + · · · (1.26)

and restrict the integers going into the blank ( ) spaces to the b-digits

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . , 8, 9, . . ., (b − 1)

Note that a base b number system needs b-digits 0 through b − 1. This means that
if 0 through 9 are the first 10 digits, then you have to make up symbols to represent
the digits 10 through (b − 1). Consider the base 16 number system, often called
a hexadecimal number system. This system needs sixteen symbols to represent the
digits. It is customary to define the 16 digits required as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and then
define the symbols A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = 15. In equation (1.22)
replace all the tens by 16 to obtain

···+ (16)3 + (16)2 + (16)1 + (16)0 + (16)−1 + (16)−2 + (16)−3 + · · · (1.27)

and use the digits for the blank ( ) spaces from the set of 16-digits

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

and again make note of the fact that all leading and trailing zeros and powers of
16 are not written down. Some example number representations in the hexadecimal
system are given below.

18A16 =1(16)2 + 8(16)1 + 10(16)0 = 394 DE16 =13(16)1 + 14(16)0 = 222

EA16 =14(16)1 + 10(16)0 = 234 45DB16 =4(16)3 + 5(16)2 + 13(16)1 + 11(16)0 = 17883

1716 =1(16)1 + 7(16)0 = 23 B.999A16 =11.6

3316 =51 B.116 =11.0625
8F16 =143 B.0116 =11.00390625

Example 1-7.
Convert the numbers 431 and 432 to a hexadecimal representation.
Divide the given numbers by 16 and keep track of the remainders R as illustrated
26 27
16 |431, R = 15 = F 16 |432, R = 0
1 1
16 |26, R = 10 = A 16 |27, R = 11 = B
1AF = 1(16)2 + 10(16)1 + 15(16)0 = 431 1B0 = 1(16)2 + 11(16)1 + 0(16)0 = 432

Here one takes the last quotient together with the remainders to form the base 16
number. The technique behind this is to list the powers of 16 and then determine
the highest power of 16 that you can subtract from the given number. Repeat this
process after subtraction. Here one substitutes zero if you skip a power of 16.
The representation of numbers in different base number systems can vary in the
symbols used and the way the symbols are interpreted. For example, the ancient
Summerians8 used a sexagesimal number system. Their representation of numbers
was much different from our present day representation of numbers.
The Mayan’s used a base 20 number system. Computers were developed using
binary mathematics. Mathematicians have even experimented using non integer
base numbers like π and square root of 2. A base 12 number system is said to be
much more interesting than a base 10 number system because 12 has more divisors
than 10.
The following is a list of names associated with various number base systems.

base b Name of number base

base b Name of number base 30 trigesimal

base b Name of number base
11 undenary 40 quadragesimal
2 binary
12 duodecimal 50 quinquagesimal
3 trinary or ternary
13 tridecimal 60 sexagesimal
4 quaternary
14 quattuordecimal 70 septagesimal
5 quinary
15 quindecimal 80 octagesimal
6 senary
16 hexadecimal or sexadecimal 90 nonagesimal
7 septenary
17 septendecimal 100 centimal or centesimal
8 octal or octonary
18 octodecimal 200 bicentimal
9 nonary
19 nonadecimal 300 tercentimal
10 decimal
20 vigesimal 400 quatrrocentimal

500 quincentimal
List of names for various number base systems

Angular measure Any line having only one endpoint and extending
forever, is called a ray. Whenever two rays have the
same endpoint, then an angle is formed between the
rays and the common endpoint of the rays is called a
vertex. Draw a circle and then draw a line from the
center of the circle horizontally to the right to create
a ray called the initial side of the angle. Now ro-
tate the ray counterclockwise about the center point
of the circle and stop and call the rotated ray the
terminal side of the angle.
The Summerian civilization developed in the Tigris-Euphrates valley and existed from 5000 BCE to approxi-
mately 1700 BCE.
The rotated ray sweeps out and defines an angle of rotation about the center of
the circle. This angle of rotation is illustrated in the figure above and labeled using
the Greek symbol alpha (α). The angle of rotation can also be represented using
the notation ∠A0B which represents the angle obtained in moving from points A to
0 to B . The center point 0 of the rotation is called the vertex of the angle and the
terminal side and initial side rays are called the sides of the angle. The measure of
an angle α is denoted m∠α. For example, m∠α = 30◦ , which is read, ”The measure
of angle α is 30 degrees, where the unit of degrees is defined as follows.
The degree (deg)
The ancient Summerians from about 2500 BCE considered the special case of
the angle created when the initial side made one complete rotation about the center
point. This created a situation where the terminal side lay atop the initial side.
The resulting angle was then divided into 360 parts9 where each part was called
one degree. The degree is denoted by the mathematical symbol ◦ and there are 360
degrees in a circle or one revolution equals 360◦. The figure 1 -10 illustrates several
selected positive angles of rotation in the positive counterclockwise direction. Also
illustrated are selected negative angles of rotation in the clockwise direction. One
complete rotation of the initial side about the circle center denotes the angle ±360◦
depending upon the direction of the rotation.

Figure 1 -10. Selected angles of rotation about center of circle

The degree is further subdivided into units called “minutes” and “seconds” where

60 minutes = 1 degree and 60 seconds = 1 minute (1.28)

It is not known why the number 360 was selected for the circular division. It is speculated that the Summerians
thought there were 360 days in a whole complete year. Another speculation is based upon the fact that the Sumerian
culture had a base 60 or sexagesimal number system.
The mathematical notation for minutes is  and the notation for seconds is . Thus
34◦ 24 18 is read as 34 degrees, 24 minutes and 18 seconds. Note that these units
of measurements have survived for over 2000 years as we still have 60 seconds in a
minute and 60 minutes in an hour in our time system of measurements.

Example 1-8.
Convert the decimal degrees 133.742◦ into degrees, minutes and seconds.

(a) Subtract the integer part of the decimal degrees to get 133◦
(b) Convert the decimal part of the degree (.742◦) to minutes using the conversion
factor 1◦ = 60 to obtain
.742◦ = 44.52
The integer part of this answer gives 44 as the number
of minutes.
(c) Convert the decimal part of the minutes to seconds using the conversion
1 = 60 . One finds
.52 = 31.8
The final answer is
133.742◦ = 133◦ 44 31.8

which is read, 133.742 degrees equals 133 degrees, 44 minutes and 31.8 seconds.

Example 1-9.
Convert the degrees, minutes, second 17◦ 24 45 into its decimal degree equivalent.
(a) Convert the second to minutes using the conversion factor 60 = 1. This gives
1 45 
45 = = 0.75
60 60
This gives (24 + 0.75) = 24.75 in the given angle.
(b) Convert the minutes to degrees using the conversion factor 60 = 1◦ to obtain
24.75 = 0.4125◦
The final answer is obtained by addition giving
17◦ 24 45 = 17.4125◦
The gradian (grad)
One complete rotation of the circle radius about the center of the circle can be
divided into any number of parts. The gradian, abbreviated grad, unit of angular
measurement, divides one complete rotation of the radius into 400 parts called grads
(sometimes referred to as gons or grades). This allows one to set up a table of angular
equivalents between grads and degrees.
0◦ =0 grad 180◦ =200 grad
45◦ =50 grad 225◦ =250 grad
90◦ =100 grad 270◦ =300 grad

135◦ =150 grad 315◦ =350 grad

180◦ =200 grad 360◦ =400 grad

The grad unit of angular measurement is sometimes used in surveying, military

calculations and in developing instrumentation for specialized equipment.
The conversion factor between degrees and gradians is
400 10
360◦ = 400 grad or 1◦ = grad = grad
360 9

The radian (rad)

Let s denote the arc length which is produced

on the circumference of any circle as the radius r
of the circle rotates from an initial position to a
final terminal position. Let α = ∠A0B denote the
angle associated with the above rotation, then the
radian measure used to describe the resulting an-
gle α is defined as the ratio of arc length s produced
divided by the radius r of the circle or α = radi-
s1 s2 s3
ans. For the circles illustrated α = = = .
r1 r2 r3

A special case occurs when the radius of the circle makes one complete rotation
about the center of the circle. The arc length s becomes the circumference c of the
circle and we know this circumference is given by c = 2πr.
After one rotation about the center of the circle one finds α = 360◦ and the arc
length is s = c = 2πr. Therefore, the radian measure of the angle α is related to the
degree measurement of α by the equation
s 2πr
α = 360◦ = radians = = 2π radians
r r (1.29)
180◦ π
or 1 rad = or 1◦ = rad
π 180

The radian is abbreviated rad. It is a dimension-less quantity because both the

numerator and denominator in the definition of radian measure have units repre-
senting dimensions of length which divide out.
One can verify from the conversion factors in equation (1.29), that 1 radian
is approximately 57.296◦. The above conversion factors enable one to produce the
following equivalence relations from degrees to radians.
0◦ = 0 90◦ =
2 3π π
π 270◦ = 1◦ =
30◦ = ◦ 3π 2 180
6 135 =  π 
π 4 7π x◦

45 = ◦ 315◦ = =x
4 180 =π 4
◦ π 5π 360◦ = 2π 180◦ =π
60 = 225◦ =
3 4

Note that the term rad does not have to be written after the value because radians
are dimensionless. To convert degrees to radians multiply the degrees by and
to convert radians to degrees multiply the radian measure by .
The French

Systéme International d unités, designated SI in all languages, is the official interna-
tional system for units of measurements throughout the world. In this system the
radian measure is used as the official angular unit of measurement.
Note that on most hand-held calculators you have to select between degrees
(deg), radians (rad) and gradians (grad) before doing any calculations. In using a
calculator or computer for scientific calculations be sure to use radian measure at all
times, unless told otherwise. Also note that in the absence of an angular unit of
measurement it is to be understood that one must use radian measure.

Special angles
An angle between 0◦ and 90◦ (0 and π2 ) is called an acute angle. An angle between
90◦ and 180◦ ( π2 and π ) is called an obtuse angle. An angle at 90◦ ( π2 ) is called a right
angle. An angle at 180◦ (π ) is called a straight angle.

Figure 1 -11. Special angles

The protractor
The protractor is a semicircular device for measuring and/or constructing angles.
There are usually several sets of markings on the arc of the protractor. The marking
on the lower scale indicate angular measure in degrees from 0◦ to 180◦ reading right
to left. The markings on the upper scale are also in degrees and go from 0◦ to 180◦
but reads from left to right. There is also a marking for the center of the protractor.
These scales are illustrated in the figure below.You can purchase a special protractor
which uses radian measure on its markings.

Figure 1 -12. Protractor for measuring and plotting angles

To measure an angle place the center of the protractor at the vertex of the angle.
The line through the center of the protractor is then aligned with one side of the
angle. The other line defining the angle then intersects the protractor scale at the
angle measurement in degrees. Below is an illustration of a 50 degree angle being

Figure 1 -13. Protractor measuring angle of 50◦

The right angle

Make special note of the 90 degree angle ( π2 radians).
This angle plays an important part in many geometric
drawings and is referred to as a right angle. Two lines
which intersect have angles associated with the point
of intersection. See the intersection of the x and y axes
in figure 1 -14.
Figure 1 -14.
The 90 degree angle.

The intersection of two lines is called perpendicu-

lar if all the angles about the point of intersection are
right angles. The special angle π2 is usually emphasized
by placing a box in the corner where a vertical line is
intersecting perpendicular to a horizontal line as illus-
trated in the figure 1 -14.
A figure constructed using three connected straight line segments forming a
closed loop is called a triangle. See for example the connected line segments 0B,
BA and 0A in the figure above. The points where the line segments meet are called
vertices. The rotation of one side of a triangle to another side creates the interior
angles associated with a triangle. If one of the angles of a triangle is a 90◦ angle ( π2
radians), then the triangle is called a right triangle. The 90◦ angle along with the
angles α and β are the interior angles of the above triangle. Observe that in a right
triangle, the two shorter legs of the triangle intersect in a 90 degree angle and the
side opposite the 90◦ angle, called the hypotenuse, is the longest side of the right
In any triangle a line segment through a vertex which is perpendicular to the
opposite side (or extended opposite side) is called an altitude of the triangle. Every
triangle has three altitudes. In the figure above the line segment BA is the altitude
through vertex B .

All right angles are equal to one another.
(i) ∠A0B is a notation used to represent the angle formed by sides A0 and 0B with
the middle letter 0 denoting the vertex of the angle.
(ii) AB is the line segment from A to B, treated as a positive length.
(iii) ⊥ is the symbol for perpendicular. For example 0A ⊥ AB
(iv) ∠A0B = α Sometimes Greek letters are used to represent angles.
(v) m∠A0B = 72◦ is a notation used for denoting the measure of angle ∠A0B
(vi) If angle ∠ABC is a vertex angle of a triangle, then the notation ∠ B is sometimes
used to represent the vertex angle.
Angle bisector
An angle bisector is a ray that divides an angle into two
equal angles. In the figure given m ∠A = 2α.
Complementary angles
Two angles α and β , in degrees, which add up to 90
degrees are called complementary angles. Two angles α
and β , in radians, that add up to are also called com-
plementary angles. That is, the angles α, β are called
complementary angles if one of the equations

α + β = 90◦ or α + β =

holds true.
The equation used for testing depends upon the units used to measure angles. In
scientific computing the radian measure is used most often.
Equations must be homogeneous in the units selected for use. This means both
sides of an equation must have the same units of measurement. If two or more angles
add to 90◦ , then this group of angles is called a complementary set.
Supplementary angles
Two angles α and β , measured in degrees, which
add up to 180◦, are called supplementary angles. If the
angles are measured in radians, then the sum α + β = π
is required to be satisfied for the angles α and β to be
called supplementary.
Remember that both sides of an equation must have the same units of mea-
surement. If two or more angles add to 180◦ , then the group of angles is called a
supplementary set.
Some mathematical symbols

= equal > greater than ∠ angle

= not equal ≥ greater than or equal ... continuation

≈ approximately degrees m∠B = measure of angle B

< less than minutes AB = arc AB on circle

≤ less than or equal seconds AB = line segment A to B
Many geometric problems require one to (i) find the motion of a point satis-
fying prescribed conditions or (ii) locate all points which satisfy given prescribed
conditions. For example, find the locus of points in the plane which are equidistant
from a fixed point. The solution is a circle and the fixed distance is called a radius
and the fixed point is called the center of the circle. The collection of all points
satisfying the prescribed condition are all points on the boundary or circumference
of the circle.
The circle
A circle is defined as the set of points which
are equidistant from a fixed point called the center
of the circle. The radius of the circle is the straight
line distance from the center to any point on the
circle boundary. The circle boundary is called the
circumference of the circle. A line segment from a
point on the circumference which passes through
the center of the circle to a point on the other side
of the circle is called the diameter of the circle.
The circumference of a circle is also known as the perimeter of the circle, distance
around the circle or boundary of the circle. Observe that the diameter is twice the
radius of any circle. For future reference also make note of the fact that the rotation
of a circle about its diameter will produce the 3-dimensional image called a sphere.
Circle sector and arc length We have previously dealt with the circle
in order to introduce the irrational number π rep-
resenting the ratio of circumference divided by the
diameter. A point moving around a circle can be de-
scribed by an angle changing as the point moves. A
point moving on the circumference of a circle moves
along a curved path called the circumference of the
circle and the motion of the point creates a path
called the arc length along the circumference. This

path length is denoted by the symbol AB and the
arc length is associated with some distance s.

Observe that as the position radius changes from point A to B it sweeps out an
angle called a central angle with vertex at the center point of the circle.
The radius (plural radii) of the circle is a straight line distance from the center
of the circle to an edge point of the circle. If A and B are two points on the
circumference of the circle and one constructs the radii lines from the center 0 to

each point A and B , then the area bounded by the two radii and the arc AB on the
circumference of the circle is called a sector of the circle. The angle θ between the
two radii is called the central angle associated with the sector. If the central angle

θ is less than 180◦, the arc AB on the circumference is called a minor arc and if θ is
greater than 180◦ the arc is called a major arc of the circle connecting the points A
and B on the circumference.

To find the arc length s of the minor arc AB one can use proportions. Express
the ratio of length of minor arc s to the total length of circumference 2πr as being in
the same ratio as the central angle θ to one complete revolution or 2π . One obtains
the proportion
s θ
= or s = rθ (1.30)
2πr 2π
which states that the arc length between two points on a circle is determine by the
product of the radius times the central angle θ, where θ must be expressed in radians.
The Merriam Webster dictionary provides the following for the word ‘definition’.
definition a transitive verb

a: to determine or identify the essential qualities or meaning of

b: to discover and set forth the meaning of

A definition describes a quantity or quantities by assigning a ‘name’ and describ-

ing in what context the name is being used. It gives a meaning to the terminology
being used. The definitions are the most important things to study in any mathe-
matics course.
Using definitions one can build up a vocabulary to communicate more compli-
cated concepts. For example, knowing that for two lines to be ‘parallel’ they must
(a) both lie in the same plane and
(b) remain a constant distance apart and not intersect
enables one to understand concepts where parallel lines are used. Parallel lines can
also be defined as two nonintersecting lines with the same slopes.
Definitions give us some starting points from which one can begin a study of
plane geometry. Definitions are very important, you must study them, understand
them and recognize them when they occur in problems. The following are some
basic concepts which can be used to start our introduction to geometry.
A postulate is a statement about something that is intuitively true and is to
be accepted without any kind of proof. Some examples of postulates occurring in
geometry are:
 A straight line segment can be extended beyond its endpoints.
 A geometric figure can be moved from one location to another in a plane without
changing its size or shape.
 An angle can be bisected by a line through the vertex.
 All the radii of a circle, or of equal circles, have the same length.
 Two lines in a plane either intersect or they are parallel.
 Given a point not on a given line, then one can construct another line through
the point which is perpendicular to the given line.
 Given a point not on a given line, then one can construct another line through
the point which is parallel to the given line.
Definitions and postulates
 A point is a location and has no dimension.
 A line segment between two points is a collection of points defining the shortest
distance between the two given points. The line segment can be extended from either
end point in a constant direction to form an infinite line. A line can be thought of
as the motion of a point in a constant direction. A line segment is one dimensional
and has length.
 A line is determined by two different points. These points define the slope of
the line as m = change in y-values .
change in x-values
 The motion of a line segment, ends not extended, in 2-dimensional space will
usually create a surface. The surface is called a plane or flat surface if a straight line
joining any two points on the surface will lie only on the surface. The ideal planar
surface has no thickness and extends without end. The plane is two dimensional
and has both length and width. A plane is determined by three different points.
 The intersection of two quantities consists of a point or points that are common
to both quantities. The intersection of two lines is a single point. The intersection
of two planes is a line. A line, not in the plane, intersects a plane in a single point.
 A set of points that lie on the same line are said to be collinear.
 A set of points is called noncollinear if at least one of the points is not on the
line determined by the other points.
 A set of points and/or lines are called coplanar if they all lie on the same
 A set of points and/or lines are called noncoplanar if one of the points (or
lines) does not lie in the given plane determine by the other points (or lines).

 An irregular polygon is a two dimensional

plane figure having three or more sides. The sides
are straight line segments which form a closed loop.
A point where two line segments of the polygon meet
forms an interior vertex angle of the polygon. An
irregular polygon is one where each side and each
vertex angle may be different.
Polygons are given names based upon the number of line segments used in
their construction. Three sides for a triangle, four sides a quadrilateral, five sides a
pentagon, six sides a hexagon, seven sides a heptagon, eiqht sides an octagon, etc.
A regular polygon is a polygon with all vertex

angles equal and all sides are of equal length. A regular
polygon is said to be equilateral and equiangular.
 The interior angles of a polygon occur at each
vertex and inside of the polygon.
 An exterior angle of a polygon occurs when a
side of the polygon is extended. The extended line and
side of polygon meet at a vertex of the polygon and form
the exterior angle.
The apothem of a regular polygon is a line from

the center of the polygon to the midpoint of a side.
 The radius of a regular polygon is a line from
the center of the polygon to any vertex point.
 A self-intersecting or crossed polygon occurs
whenever one or more sides crosses back over an-
other side. A simple polygon is one that is non self-
intersecting. Self-intersecting polygons do not have sim-
ple properties like regular or simple polygons. They are
best studied by breaking them up into many simple poly-
A polygon is called convex if none of the ex-
tended sides pass through the center of the polygon.
A polygon is convex if none of the interior angles are
greater than π radians. Regular polygons are always
 A concave polygon has one or more interior an-
gles greater than 180◦ . Concave polygons are easily rec-
ognized whenever any vertex points inward toward the
center of the polygon. Polygons which are not concave
are called convex.

 The perimeter of a simple polygon is the distance

around the polygon. It is the sum of the lengths of the
line segments which make up the sides of the polygon.
A diagonal line of a polygon is any line segment
connecting two nonadjacent vertices.
 A polygon with three sides is called a triangle. A
triangle can be expressed using the symbol  followed
by three letters denoting the vertices of the triangle.
For example, the notation ABC is used to represent
the triangle having vertices ABC.
Angles of a triangle can be added by placing the vertex angles together at a
common point.

Note the notation of lower case a opposite vertex A to denote the length of the
side opposite vertex A and angle α as an alternative notation for vertex angle A
(∠A or ∠CAB ). This notation is also applied to the other angles and sides whenever
convenient. The names of triangles depend upon their interior angles.
An angle is called acute if it is less than 90◦ , it is called a right angle if it equals
90◦ and called obtuse if it is greater than 90◦ . A triangle is called
acute if all of the angles in the triangle are acute
right if one of the angles of the triangle is a right angle.
obtuse if one of the angles of the triangle is obtuse.
A triangle has six parts. There are three sides and three vertex angles. Some
problems associated with a given triangle are:
(i) Determine unknown parts from a set of given parts.
(ii) Determine the area of the triangle.
(iii) Determine the midpoints of the sides.
(iv) Constructing special lines from a vertex angle to the opposite side.
(v) What conditions must the sides and angles satisfy in order for a triangle to

A triangle with two equal sides is called isosceles.

Equal sides are highlighted by making identical slash
marks on those sides.
 A triangle with three equal sides is called an equi-
lateral triangle.
 A scalene triangle is a polygon with three unequal
sides and three unequal angles.
 A quadrilateral is a four sided polygon.

 A rectangle is a four sided polygon with op-

posite sides parallel and all vertex angles equal to 90◦
( π2 radians).
 A square is a rectangle having all sides of equal length.

 A line which intersects another line or plane at

an angle of 90◦ (or π2 radians) is called a perpendicular
line. Any other line produces an oblique intersection.
 A circle is a plane figure defined by a closed curve having all of its points
equidistant from an interior point called the center of the circle.

 Two semicircles result when a line is drawn

through the center of a circle.

 The chord of a circle is any straight line which

joins two points on the circumference. A tangent line
to a circle touches the circle at only one point and is
perpendicular to the circle diameter through that point.
A secant line is any straight line passing through the
 The medians of a triangle are line segments from
each vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the oppo-
site side. Every triangle has three medians. In the
figure on the right the line segments AA , BB  , CC  are
the medians of triangle ABC .

 Directions or bearings on a Mariner’s compass

make reference to the cardinal points north, east, south,
west. For example, northeast direction is referenced as
north 45 degrees east with measurement from the north
direction. The southeast direction is referenced as south
45 degrees east.
In Cartesian coordinates plot the points

(1, 1), (5, 4), (−5, 3), (−1, 1), (−3, 4), (2, −3), (4, −2)

 1-2. Find the slope of the line segment connecting the given points

(a) (1, 1), (5, 3) (c) (1, 1), (4, 4)

(b) (1, 1), (−5, 2) (d) (1, 1), (5, −3)

 1-3. Find the point-slope formula representing the line through the given points

(a) (1, 1), (5, 3) (c) (1, 1), (4, 4)

(b) (1, 1), (−5, 2) (d) (1, 1), (5, −3)

 1-4. Find the slope of the given line and sketch the line.
x y (c) x = 3 + 4t, y = 7 − 3t
(a) + =1
4 5  
(b) 3x + 4y = 5 (d) y−7= (x − 4)

 1-5. (The triangle puzzle) Explain the hole in the following diagram.

Hint: What is the definition of slope.

 1-6. Are the given points collinear or noncollinear?

(a) (2, 1), (10, 25), (100, 295) (c) (−7, −7), (−4, −3), (2, 5)

(b) (3, 2), (16, 15), (9, 10) (d) (−8, −4), (−6, −1), (0, 8)
a c
 1-7. If = , show that
b d
b d a+b c+d a−b c−d a+b c+d
(a) = (b) = (c) = (d) =
a c b d b d a−b c−d

 1-8. A similar puzzle problem. Explain what is happening.

 1-9. Find the midpoint of the line segment AB if

(a) A = (−2, 5), B = (4, 8) (c) A = (0, 0), B = (−5, 9)

(b) A = (4, 7), B = (−1, 1) (d) A = (0, 0), B = (7, 8)

 1-10. Express the line 8x − 7y = 5 into the form specified.

(a) slope-intercept form (c) parametric form
(b) intercept form (d) point-slope form
 1-11. Find the arithmetic mean of the given numbers.
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (c) 9, 10, 11
(b) 7, 5, 3 (d) 68, 78, 88
 1-12. Find the geometric mean of the given numbers.
(a) 4, 9 (c) 1, 3, 9
(b) 4, 18 (d) 2, 4, 4, 8
 1-13. Express the decimal number as a rational number.
(a) 1.234 (c) 7.421

(b) 5.631 (d) 34.3205

An artist wants to paint a picture inside a rectangle
with height y and base x. If x = 64 inches, what is the
approximate height y such that x/y is a golden ratio?
 1-15. How many triangles can you find in the given figure.

Hint: There are more than 20. Can you sketch each one?

 1-16. Represent the given base 10 numbers as binary numbers.

(a) 11 (c) 12.5
(b) 5.25 (d) 7.75
 1-17. Represent the given base 10 numbers as octal numbers.
(a) 11 (c) 32
(b) 12.125 (d) 17
 1-18. Represent the given base 10 numbers as hexadecimal numbers.
(a) 1.0625 (c) 65

(b) 32 (d) 127

 1-19. Find in degrees the angular measure for
(a) one counterclockwise revolution.
(b) one-half of a counterclockwise revolution.
(c) one-third of a clockwise revolution.
(d) one-fourth of a counterclockwise revolution.
(e) one-fifth of a clockwise revolution.
 1-20. Find in radians the angular measure for
(a) one counterclockwise revolution.
(b) one-half of a counterclockwise revolution.
(c) one-third of a clockwise revolution.
(d) one-fourth of a counterclockwise revolution.
(e) one-fifth of a clockwise revolution.
 1-21. Latitude-Longitude
Assume the earth is a sphere and construct
a line from a point P on the earths surface and
the center of the earth. This line forms an an-
gle λ with the earths equatorial plane and is
known as the latitude of the point P . The an-
gle λ varies from 0◦ to 90◦ N and 0◦ to 90◦ S .
The angle θ east or west of the prime merid-
ian is called the longitude of a point on the
earths surface. The angle θ varies from 0◦ to 180◦ E and 0◦ to 180◦ W.
Express the given decimal angles in units of degree, minutes and seconds
(a) 66.5◦ N Arctic circle latitude (c) 51.5074◦ N, 0.1278◦ W London
(b) 23.26◦ N Tropic of cancer latitude (d) 40.7128◦ N, 74.0059◦ W New York City

 1-22. Express the angular measure in decimal form

(a) 66◦ 33 46.5 N Arctic circle latitude (c) 55◦ 45 N, 37◦ 36 E Moscow
(b) 23◦ 26 13.5 N Tropic of cancer latitude (d) 35◦ 40 N, 139◦ 45 E Tokyo

 1-23. Plot the parametric equations

1 − t2
(a) x =3 2
1 + t2 (b) x =3t + 4 (c) x= +3
1 − t2 4
y =4t + 5 y = −1
y =2 +3 t
1 + t2
0≤t≤1 1≤t≤2
−1≤t≤1 4 1
2 Show y= x− Show y = 2x − 7
Show y = x+3 3 3
3 4≤x≤7
0≤x≤3 4≤x≤5

t x y t x y
0 0
1 1
(d) How many points are needed to draw a straight line segment?
(e) Find the midpoints of the line segments in parts (a),(b),(c).
A particle P rotates in a circular motion about the
center of a circle with radius r. The arc length distance
s swept out during a time interval t is used to define
the linear speed v of the particle as
s distance
linear speed = v = =
t time change
As P rotates the central angle changes with time and is used to define the angular
speed ω of the particle as
θ angular change
angular speed = ω = =
t time change
s θ
We know s = rθ, therefore = r gives the linear speed of the particle as v = rω.
t t
(a) A wheel rotates at 3 revolutions per second. Express the angular speed in units
of radians per second.
(b) The Earth is approximately 93 million miles from the Sun and rotates in ap-
proximately a circle during a period of approximately 365 days.
(i) Find the linear speed of the Earth as it orbits the Sun. Express your answer
in units of miles per hour, then convert answer to units of kilometers per hour.
(ii) Find the angular speed of the earth in units of radians per second.
(c) Assume the earth spins about an axis with angular speed of 1 revolution per
day at the equator. The radius of the earth is approximately 3960 miles and the
circumference at the equator is approximately 25,000 miles.
(i) What is the linear speed of a point on the equator?
(ii) What is the linear speed of a point at the poles?
(iii) Find the earth’s angular speed in units of radians per second.

 1-25. Construct the following figures.

(a) An isosceles triangle (d) An acute triangle
(b) An equilateral triangle (e) An obtuse triangle
(c) A scalene triangle (f ) A right triangle
For each triangle of the previous problem (a) construct the altitudes (b) con-
struct the medians (c) construct the angle bisectors. Note in some cases it is neces-
sary to extend the side of a triangle.
Two wheels with radii r1 and r2 are connected with
a belt around the wheels. Let R1 and R2 denote the
number of revolutions per minute of each wheel. The
linear speed of a point p on the belt must be constant
so one can say that the linear speed of a point on wheel
1 must equal the linear speed of the belt on wheel 2.
(i) Find the angular speed ω1 of wheel 1 and angular speed ω2 of wheel 2 in units
of radians /sec.
(ii) Find the linear speed v1 of a point on wheel 1 and the linear speed v2 of a
point on wheel 2.
R r
(iii) Equate v1 to v2 and show 1 = 2
R2 r1

 1-28. Describe the geometric representations below.

Let 0 denote the center of the circle illustrated where
360 is divided by 12 so that each angle is 30◦ . Starting

at A move counterclockwise about the circle and label

each angle in radians. For example ∠A0D = π2 and
∠A0B = 6
(a) Under what conditions will all three medians of a triangle have the same
length? (b) Under what conditions will two medians of a triangle have the same


Find the Cartesian equation for the lines AB, BC, CA which represent the sides
associated with each of the above triangles.

Any rectangle with sides in a golden ratio is called
a golden rectangle.
(a) Show that one can divide a golden rectangle into
two parts with part one a square and part two a golden
(b) The golden rectangle is the only rectangle that can be divided into a square plus
golden rectangle. Write out in words what happens if you divide the original golden
rectangle into these two parts and then divide the smaller golden rectangle into two
parts followed by dividing the third smaller golden rectangle into two parts, etc.
The final result is called ”the eye of god”.
Chapter 2
Basic Geometric Concepts

The following are some basic geometric shapes that we will be dealing with in this
chapter and later chapters. Finding properties associated with various shapes is an
important part of geometry.

line plane square cube

isosceles triangle equilateral triangle right triangle obtuse triangle

acute triangle scalene triangle rectangle rhombus

parallelogram trapezoid quadrilateral pentagon


hexagon heptagon octagon nonagon

decagon undecagon dodecagon twenty-gon

hundred-gon circle ellipse irregular octagon

cone cylinder sphere tetrahedron

frustum square frustum of hexagonal

of cone pyramid pyramid prism

Most of the polygons illustrated above are regular polygons. In general, a regular
polygon with n-sides is called a n-gon. Note that there is hardly a difference between
the 100-sided regular polygon inscribed within a circle and the circle itself. The early
Greek geometers made use of this fact by observing that the apothem of a regular
n-gon inscribed inside a circle approached the radius of the circle as the number of
polygon sides n increased in size.
Also note that the names given to the polygons are closely related to the Greek
and Latin prefixes associated with the numbers three through twelve.
A picture is worth a thousand words. However it is nice to have a formal
definition associated with the things you are about to get involved with.
 A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides.

 A rhombus is a parallelogram with four equal sides.

 A trapezoid is a quadrilateral having only one pair of parallel sides.
 An isosceles trapezoid has the nonparallel sides equal to one another.
 A pentagon is a five sided polygon and a regular pentagon has 5 equal sides
and vertex angles.
 A hexagon is a six sided polygon and a regular hexagon has 6 equal sides and
vertex angles.
A heptagon is a seven sided polygon and a regular heptagon has 7 equal sides
and vertex angles.
A curved line has no portion which is a straight line.
The ellipse
An ellipse can be constructed by taking a string of fixed length and then an-
choring the end points of the string at two different points on a given line. The
two points selected for the end points of the string are called foci and each point is
called a focus. Take a pencil point and pull the string taut and then move the pencil
point around the foci keeping the string taut. The resulting curve is an ellipse. A
more formal definition of an ellipse is that it is the locus of points P such that the
sum of the distances d1 and d2 from two fixed points (foci) remains constant. That is
d1 + d2 =constant=length of string

The center of the ellipse is halfway between the foci.

One of the properties of an ellipse is that if the elliptic boundary is a reflecting
surface, then sound coming from one focus can easily be heard at the other focus.
Many buildings throughout the world have elliptic shape chambers which make use
of this property.
The postulate
An axiom or postulate is a statement about something which is assumed to be
true and no proof is required for it to be true. Axioms and postulates are usually
associated with everyday concepts assumed to be true and not needing any proof.
For example, in Euclid’s Elements, there is the axiom, ”Things that coincide with
one another are equal to one another”. This is a statement defining one meaning of
equality. It is a common sense statement that if two figures coincide in every way,
then the two figures are identical. The mathematical symbol ∼= is used to represent
congruence indicating two things are identical in every way.

Figure 2 -1.
Triangle ABC congruent to triangle EFG written as ABC ∼
= EF G
Examine the figure 2-1 and imagine that you can pick up triangle ABC and
place it on top of triangle EF G and the two figures coincide in every way– meaning
all corresponding angles are equal and all corresponding sides are equal, then we can
say that triangle ABC is congruent to triangle EFG and write ABC ∼ = EF G.
The statement ABC ∼ = DEF is the notation for representing triangle ABC
being congruent to triangle DEF . This notation represents 6 statements

(i) ∠A = ∠D (iv) AB = DE
(ii) ∠B = ∠E (v) BC = EF
(iii) ∠C = ∠F (vi) CA = FD

Note that the statement ABC ∼

= EF D has a completely different meaning.

Figure 2 -2. Two polygons with equal sides, equal angles and equal area.

Congruence can be used and applied to any shaped objects. Two line segments
are congruent if they have the same length. Two circles are congruent if they have
the same diameter. In general two objects are said to be congruent or equal to
one another if they have the same size and shape. That is, corresponding parts of
congruent figures are equal. For example, if the two polygons illustrated in the figure
2-2 are congruent, then one can write abcdef g ∼
= ABCDEF G indicating corresponding
angles and sides are equal.
In the study of geometry, certain postulates, definitions and notations have to
be made in order to get started. The postulate, as used in geometry, is something
that cannot be proved and must be accepted as being true.

Throughout this textbook note the emphasis on

(a) Definitions

(b) The introduction of symbols for notation

(c) The introduction of axioms and postulates
These efforts help establish the ground rules for future mathematical developments.
More postulates and definitions
Things equal to the same thing, or to equal things, are equal to each other.
Equals added to equals, the results are equal.
Equals added to unequals, the sums are unequal in the same order.
If unequals are added to unequals, then
(i) less than (a < b) + (c < d) ⇒ (a + c) < (b + d)
(ii) greater than (a > b) + (c > d) ⇒ (a + c) > (b + d)
the sums are unequal in the same order.
Equals subtracted from equals the results are equal.
Equals subtracted from unequals, the results are unequal in the same order.
If unequals are subtracted from equals, then the results are unequal in the reverse
For example, if (2 = 2) and (3 < 5), then (2 = 2) + (−3 > −5) ⇒ −1 > −3
Equals multiplied by equals produce products that are equal.
If unequals are multiplied by equals, then the products will be unequal in the
same order.
If equals are divided by equals, then the quotients will be equal.
If unequals are divided by equals, then the quotients will be unequal in the same
 Transitive property for inequalities
If a > b and b > c, then a > c
 The whole is equal to the sum of its parts.

The whole is greater than any of its parts.

are two lines in the same plane that
 Parallel lines
do not intersect. The perpendicular distance between the
lines remains constant. This Postulate is also known as
Euclids fifth postulate. The math symbol  is used to
denote lines are parallel. One can write (1  2 ) to
state that line 1 is parallel to line 2 . In Cartesian plane
geometry, lines are parallel if they are in the same plane
and have the same slope.
 Two points P1 and P2 determine a unique line segment which in turn can be
extended into an infinite line.
 Three points P1 , P2 and P3 , which are noncollinear, determine a plane surface which
can be extended without limits to create an infinite two-dimensional plane surface.
A consequence of this is that (a) A plane is determine by a point and a line and (b)
A plane is determined by two intersecting lines.
 If two lines intersect, they intersect in a single point common to both lines.

 If a three-dimensional line passes through a plane,

and the line is not in the plane, then the intersection
is a single point common to the line and plane.

 The intersection of two planes results in a straight line.

 Three or more lines or curves are called concurrent if
they all intersect at the same point. The common point
of intersection is called the point of concurrency. Note
that lines in the same plane which are not parallel can
be called concurrent because they will intersect somewhere.

One famous problem in geometry is to determine

conditions necessary for lines drawn inside a triangle to
meet at a point of concurrency.

 A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides parallel. The parallel
sides are called the bases1 of the trapezoid and the nonparallel sides are
The side a polygon stands on is sometimes referred to as its base. Any side of a polygon can be called its

called the legs of the trapezoid. The shortest distance

between the parallel lines is called the height of the
trapezoid. The angles ∠A and ∠B are called the base
angles of the trapezoid. If the base angles are congru-
ent and the legs of the trapezoid are congruent, then
the trapezoid is called an isosceles trapezoid.
Notation Here are some more mathematical symbols.

perpendicular proportional to similar ·

⊥ ∝ ∼ · · therefore
 parallel ± plus or minus → or ⇒ implies ABC triangle ABC

= congruent  triangle ≡ equivalent to [ABC] Area of ABC

Angles and transversals

A transversal line is a line which intersects two or more lines in the same plane.
In the figure 2-3 a transversal line t intersects lines 1 and 2 to produce the angles
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8.
Two angles are called corresponding angles if they occupy corresponding posi-
tions. For example, the angles

∠1 and ∠5, ∠2 and ∠6, ∠3 and ∠7, ∠4 and ∠8

are corresponding angles.

Two angles are called alternate interior angles if (i) they lie between the lines 1
and 2 and (ii) they lie on opposite sides of the transversal line. For example, the
∠3 and ∠5, ∠4 and ∠6

are alternative interior angles.

Two angles are called alternate exterior angles if (i) they lie on opposite sides
of the transversal and (ii) they lie outside of the lines 1 and 2 . For example, the
∠2 and ∠8, ∠1 and ∠7

are alternate exterior angles.


Figure 2 -3. Angles created by a transversal line.

Two angles are called same-side interior angles if (i) they lie between lines 1
and 2 and (ii) they are on the same side of the transversal. For example, the angles

∠3 and∠6, ∠4 and ∠5

are same-side interior angles.

Intersecting lines
Whenever two lines 1 and 2 intersect, there is al-
ways created two pairs of opposite angles. In the ac-
companying figure the angles α and γ are opposite an-
gles and the angles β and δ are opposite angles . Op-
posite angles are equal. To show that this is true make
the assumption that all the angles α, β, γ, δ are different.

Using radian measure, one can write

α + β = π, β + γ = π, γ + δ = π, α+δ =π

because the angles listed are supplementary angles. Using the assumption that things
equal to the same thing are equal to each other one can equate the representations
for π to obtain
α+β = β+γ which implies α = γ. In a similar fashion one finds β + γ = γ + δ which
implies β = δ so our original assumption was false.

Therefore, one can say that opposite angles,

formed by the intersection of two lines, must be equal.
Opposite angles are also called vertical angles and can
be defined as a pair of non-adjacent angles formed by
the intersection of two straight lines.

Two angles are called adjacent if they have a common vertex.

Two adjacent angles with the same vertex are called a linear pair if their non-
common sides are on the same line. Supplementary angles forming a straight line is
an example of a linear pair.

Parallel lines and transversals

Any line  which intersects two or more parallel lines is called a transversal line.
Note that when a transversal line  intersects two parallel lines there are created the
following angles:
(i) The angles α and β are alternate interior angles. Alternate interior angles are
congruent and therefore equal.
(ii) The red and yellow angles are alternate exterior angles.
(iii) The orange, green, red and blue angles are corresponding angles. Corresponding
angles are congruent.
In summary, the angles illustrated in the figure 2-4 are such that
β1 = δ1 , α1 = γ1 Angles are opposite angles.
δ1 = δ2 , α1 = α2 Corresponding angles are equal.

β2 = δ2 , α2 = γ2 Angles are opposite angles.

β1 = β2 , γ 2 = γ 1 Corresponding angles are equal.

Figure 2 -4. Angles created by transversal line

Note that in the special case of parallel lines the corresponding angles are equal
to one another because you can pick up the lower portion of the transversal line
intersection and place it on top of the upper portion of the transversal line intersec-
tion to show that the corresponding angles are congruent and therefore they must
equal one another. The process of picking up one figure and placing it upon another
to show the two figures coincide is known as superposition of the figures. Here by
superposition α1 = α2 = γ2 = γ1 . Using the same type of reasoning one can verify that
β1 = δ1 = δ2 = β2 . These results are known as the corresponding angles postulate.

Sum of angles inside a general triangle

The sum of the interior angles of any triangle must sum to 180◦ or π radians.
Given an arbitrary triangle ABC with vertex angles α, β and γ , as illustrated in
the figure 2-5. Construct a line through the vertex C which is parallel to the base AB .
The parallel lines have the transversal lines CA and CB . The alternate interior angles
associated with these transversal lines are the angles α and β . The construction of
the line through vertex C which is parallel to the base AB demonstrates that the
angles α, β and γ are supplementary angles so that

α + β + γ = 180◦ or α+β +γ = π (2.1)

depending upon the units used to measure the angles of the general triangle ABC .
(Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 32)

Figure 2 -5. General triangles with vertex angles α, β, γ

If degrees are used to measure the angles, then one can say that the sum of the
interior angles of any triangle must sum to 180◦ . If radians are used to measure
the interior angles, then the sum of the interior angles of any triangle must equal π
radians. In scientific computing the radian unit of measure is preferred.

Exterior angles of a triangle

In the triangle ABC of figure 2-6 extend the line segment of any side, then the
angle between the extended side and side of the original triangle is called an exterior
angle of the triangle. For example, extend the side AB to the right and create the
exterior angle δ as illustrated in the figure 2-6. Also construct a line through the
vertex C which is parallel to the base AB .

Figure 2 -6. Finding exterior angle of a triangle.

Make note that the parallel lines, one through vertex C and the other the line
segment AB , have the transversal lines BC and AC so that the angles α and β are
alternate interior angles which are equal. Also δ and α + γ are alternate interior
angles which are equal so that one can express the exterior angle as

δ =α+γ

This demonstrates that the exterior angle of a triangle is always equal to the sum of
the two opposite interior angles. (Euclid, Book 1, proposition 32)
Parallel lines
In Euclid’s book 1, proposition 27, it is demonstrated that if a straight line
crosses two lines 1 and 2 such that either (a) the corresponding angles are equal or
(b) the alternate interior angles are equal, then the lines 1 and 2 are parallel lines.

Figure 2 -7. Parallel lines

The proof given by Euclid uses the following line of reasoning. If the alternate
interior angles are equal, then angle A must equal angle B . If one assumes the lines
are not parallel, then one can say that line 1 eventually meets line 2 at some point,
say to the right of line segment AB. The lines meeting leads to the construction of a
triangle with base line AB and exterior angle B . This leads to a contradiction that
the angle A cannot equal angle B because in the previous section we have shown that
the exterior angle must equal the sum of the two opposite interior angles. This is
how Euclid proved that if the alternate interior angles of the intersection are equal,
then one can conclude that the lines must be parallel.

A square can be used to define area associated with a figure. If each side of a
square has length , then one says the area of the square is -squared units, written
as 2 units. The length of  can be any length, small or large. If  = 1 millimeter(mm),
then the area is 1 mm2 (1 millimeter squared). If  = 1 mile, then the area of the square
is 1 mi2 (1 square mile). If  is one foot (ft), then the area of the square is 1 f t2
(one square foot). If  = 1 meter(m), then the area of the square is 1 m2 (one square

Figure 2 -8. Finding the area of a rectangle with base b and height h

Consider the problem of finding the area A of the rectangle illustrated in the
figure 2-8, where h is the height and b is the base of the rectangle. One can select
a unit of measurement, say 1 centimeter (1 cm), such that there exists integers h
and b, where h centimeters represents the height of the rectangle and b centimeters
represents the base of the rectangle. Marking off the height and base in centimeters
and constructing vertical and horizontal lines at these marks, one can create a grid of
square centimeters. One can then count the number of squares within the rectangle
to determine the total square area. One finds the total area A of the rectangle can
be expressed
Area of rectangle = (base)(height) or A = bh

square units of area. Here the unit of measurement is the centimeter, so the total
area would be in units of centimeters squared or cm2 . The units of measurement
selected for the base b and height h must be the same in order to get square units
of area. The length of a side of the unit square can be any convenient unit of
measurement. The area is not always an integer but depends upon the unit of
measurement selected.
In the study of various geometrical shapes one will find that the area of the
shape can many times be expressed as being proportional to some length or lengths
associated with the shape which are then used in an appropriate manner to determine
the area enclosed by the shape.
Area of a right triangle
Consider the rectangle ABCD with base length of b units and a height of h units,
as illustrated in the figure below.

Figure 2 -9.
Rectangle and rectangle with diagonal line BD

The rectangle can be thought of as the perpendicular intersection by two sets of

parallel lines giving a right angle at all the corners of the intersection. The area Ar
of the rectangle is the base b times the height h or Ar = bh. If one draws the diagonal
line BD and labels the alternate interior angles α and β , then two right triangles are
formed. One can now split the rectangle into two right triangles as illustrated in the
figure below.

Figure 2 -10.
The two right triangles are congruent

Observe that by symmetry the diagonal BD has produced two congruent right
triangles. The two right triangles formed are exactly equal to one another. Com-
paring the two triangles formed one can see that all the angles are the same and all
the sides are the same. Now the whole is equal to the sum of its parts, so that one
can conclude that the area of a right triangle is half the base times the height. In
terms of symbols, let [ABD] denote the area of the right triangle ABD which is the
same as the area [CDB] of the right triangle CDB , so that one can write
2[ABD] = Ar or 2[ABD] = bh or [ABD] = bh (2.2)
which shows that

The area of a right triangle is half the base times the height

Area of an arbitrary triangle

Consider the general triangles ABC illustrated in the figure 2-11, where all the
sides and angles of the triangle are different and the triangles are not right triangles.
By dropping a perpendicular line from the vertex B to the base AC (or extend base
AC) one can construct two right triangles. To find the area [ABC] of the triangle in
figure 2-11 with vertex angle C less than 90◦ add the areas of the two right triangles.
To find the area [ABC] of the triangle in figure 2-11 with vertex angle C greater than
90◦ subtract the area of the right triangles formed.

Figure 2 -11.
Area of general triangle

Let b denote the base of the triangle and let h denote the height of the triangle
as illustrated in the figure 2-11. For the acute triangle in figure 2-11
Area ABC = Area ABD + Area BDC

or [ABC] =[ABD] + [BDC]

1 1
[ABC] = b1 h + b2 h
2 2
[ABC] = (b1 + b2 )h
[ABC] = bh
because b = b1 + b2 . For the obtuse triangle illustrated in the figure 2-11
[ABC] = Area ABD − Area BDC = [ABD] − [BDC]
1 1
[ABC] = b1 h − b2 h
2 2
[ABC] = (b1 − b2 )h
[ABC] = bh

because b = b1 − b2 in this case.

This demonstrates
1 1
[ABC] = bh = (base)(height)
2 2
In summary, the area of any triangle is equal to half the base times the height
Area of general triangle
Given a general triangle in Cartesian coordinates with vertices A(x1 , y1 ), B(x2, y2 )
and C(x3 , y3 ) as illustrated in the figure 2-12. One can construct a rectangle around
the given triangle as illustrated. The area of the rectangle surrounding the given
triangle is then

Arearectangle = (x3 − x1 )(y2 − y3 ) = (base)(height) (2.3)

Figure 2 -12. General triangle in Cartesian coordinates.

Note that the whole is equal to the sum of its parts, which in this case is the rectangle
being composed of four triangles. The given triangle lies inside this rectangle and
is surrounded by three other triangles labeled triangle 1, triangle 2 and triangle 3,
where the area of each triangle is one-half the base times the height giving
Areatriangle−1 = (x2 − x1 )(y2 − y1 )
Areatriangle−2 = (x3 − x2 )(y2 − y3 ) (2.4)
Areatriangle−3 = (x3 − x1 )(y1 − y3 )

Therefore one can find the area of the given triangle by writing

[ABC] = Arearectangle − Areatriangle−1 − Areatriangle−2 − Areatriangle−3 (2.5)

where [ABC] denotes the area of triangle ABC

or [ABC] = (x2 − x1 )(y2 − y3 ) − 12 (x2 − x1 )(y2 − y1 ) − 12 (x3 − x2 )(y2 − y3 ) − 21 (x3 − x1)(y1 − y3 )

Expand and simplify to show

[ABC] = [y1 x2 + y2 x3 + y3 x1 − x1 y2 − x2 y3 − x3 y1 ]

The above result is based upon the vertex positions as given by figure 2-12. The
area is always considered to be a positive quantity. If the vertex positions change,
then the sign associated with the area may be negative. To avoid this happening,
one uses the absolute value of the answer to keep the area positive giving
[ABC] =  [y1 x2 + y2 x3 + y3 x1 − x1 y2 − x2 y3 − x3 y1 ]

The above result can be remembered using the pattern

1  x1 x2 x3 x1 
[ABC] =     
2 y1 y2 y3 y1 

where the arrows show which quantities are to be multiplied. The up arrows receive
a + sign and the down arrows receive a - sign and the pattern is enclosed within
absolute value symbols.
Euclid’s congruence of triangles
In Euclid’s Elements, one finds the following three necessary conditions for de-
termining congruence of triangles.
SAS (Side-Angle-Side) (Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 4)
If two sides, s1 and s2 and the include angle α of one triangle are equal respec-
tively to the two sides and included angle of a second triangle, then the two triangles
are congruent.

Figure 2 -13. Side-Angle-Side required for two triangles to be congruent

ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) (Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 26)

If two angles α and β and the included side s of one triangle are equal respectively
to two angles and the include side of another triangle, then the two triangles are

Figure 2 -14. Angle-Side-Angle required for two triangles to be congruent

SSS (Side-Side-Side) (Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 8)

If two triangles are such that three sides of one triangle are equal respectively
to the three sides of the other triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

Figure 2 -15. Side-Side-Side required for two triangles to be congruent

Euclids proof of SAS and SSS are essentially the observation that triangles will
coincide if placed upon one another. Euclid’s ASA proof is a proof by contradiction.
He assumes the triangles are not congruent with one side different from the other
side. He puts in the correct length to make the triangles congruent by use of SAS
and then arrives at a contradiction. This shows his original assumption was incorrect
and so ASA is valid for establishing congruence of two triangles.
Another test for congruence of triangles
The following test for congruence of triangles is often used. It is known as the
Angle-Angle-Side test for congruence. It is not a postulate, but is related to the
ASA proposition.
AAS (Angle-Angle-Side)
If two triangles are such that two angles and a non-included side of one triangle
are equal to the corresponding two angles and non-included side of a second triangle,
then the two triangles are congruent. The situation is illustrated in the figure 2-16.

Figure 2 -16. Angle-Angle-Side required for two triangles to be congruent

That is, if
Angle α ∼
= Angle γ Side BC ∼
= Side RQ
Angle β ∼
= Angle δ then ABC ∼
= P QR
Right angle-Hypotenuse-Side (RHS) test for congruence
Two right triangles are congruent if the hypotenuse and one side of one triangle
equals the hypotenuse and corresponding side of the other triangle.
This is one of the properties of right triangles which will be discussed in the
Chapter 4. This test for congruence is related to the SSS proposition.

Example 2-1. Show that the triangles illustrated are congruent.

Given the two triangles, ABC and P QR as illus-
trated in the accompanying figure. Assume that angles
∠A = α = ∠P and ∠B = β = ∠Q are the same and that
the non-included sides P R and AC are congruent so that
PR ∼= AC .

One can then show ABC ∼ = P QR as follows. We know that there is 180◦ in
every triangle and since the angles α and β are known, then ∠C = ∠R = 180◦ − (α + β).
One can now use the ASA postulate to show the two triangles ABC and P QR are
congruent. In other words, the AAS is really equivalent to the ASA postulate.

Examination of Euclid’s propositions

A heuristic approach to solving a problem is to mentally examine the problem
and explore possible ways to attack it without using any sophisticated or rigorous
mathematical methods of investigation. Heuristic arguments are sometimes used
to suggest how one should proceed toward making a mathematical discovery. Note
that heuristic arguments are not used or is any part of formal logical studies and
are not accepted in any mathematical proofs.
To illustrate how the four propositions SAS, ASA, SSS, AAS provide enough
information in order to study and compare triangles, consider the following heuristic
study of each proposition.

Figure 2 -17. Given information for SAS postulate

Let us examine the SAS (Side-Angle-Side) proposition. The given information as-
sociated with the SAS proposition is illustrated in the figure 2-17.
If you connect the points B and C by a line segment BC you complete the
triangle and no other triangle meets all the required conditions. This observation
is not a proof of anything but it illustrates how SAS is being employed to establish
two triangles being congruent. That is, you don’t have to have all the information
about a triangle in order to study it and compare it to other triangles. As the above
illustration points out, the side of the triangle BC is implied and can be constructed
from the given information.
Applying the heuristic approach to examine the ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) propo-
sition, make a sketch of the given information as in figure 2-18. Note the rays AD
and BC are implied because the angles are given.

Figure 2 -18. Given information for ASA proposition

One can visualize the extensions of the rays AD and BC intersecting at the point E
to form a triangle. All this implies that ASA provides sufficient information for the
construction of a triangle and can be used to compare two triangles for congruence.
Examine next the SSS (Side-Side-Side) proposition in a similar manner. Sketch
what is given and investigate why this information is enough to create a triangle for
further investigation.

Figure 2 -19. Given information for SSS proposition

Examine figure 2-19, and observe that three sides s1 , s2 and s3 are given. Attach
line s3 to the left-side of line segment s1 and attach line s2 to the right-side of line
segment s1 and label the line segment s1 as s1 = AB . Now rotate side s3 about the
point A and rotate side s2 about the point B to create arcs of circles. Let C denote
the point where the arcs of the circles intersect. If the arcs do not intersect, then
no triangle can exist. If the arcs intersect, then the line segments s2 = CB and
s3 = CA and s1 = AB create the unique triangle ABC to be studied. One can see
in a heuristic fashion how this information is enough to examine congruence of two
The above heuristic investigations into the propositions SAS, ASA, SSS, indicate
that these propositions provide enough information so that any additional informa-
tion required to show congruence of triangles can be constructed from the given
Still another case to examine
As another combination of angles and sides one can employ for comparison to
the Euclid’s triangle propositions, examine the figure 2-20 with the given angle α and
two given sides s1 and s2 . Ask the question, ”Can a unique triangle be constructed
from (Angle-Side-Side) information?” The answer is no, because there are situations
which can occur where the side s2 is attached to the end of side s1 and then swings
in a circular arc to produce either (a) no intersection with extended line defining
the angle α, (b) A unique intersection with extended line, or (c) Two intersections
with the extended side of the given angle α. The case (c) produces the two triangles
ABC and triangle ABD as illustrated in the figure 2-20.

Figure 2 -20. Given information for Angle-Side-Side

One can conclude that when given (Angle-Side-Side) data, there are situations where
the information does not define a unique triangle and therefore cannot be used to
study the congruence of two triangles. This disqualifies the data as not suited for
use in a proposition to investigate congruence of triangles.

Definitions, axioms and postulates form the starting point for our investigation
of geometry. This is followed by theorems or propositions, corollaries and lemmas.
A theorem is a mathematical statement (proposition) of some kind expressing some-
thing being true or false. The mathematical statement presented is usually followed
by a demonstration as to how the theorem was arrived at using acceptable mathe-
matical operations. Every theorem has two parts
(i) The hypothesis or conditional part and
(ii) The conclusion or part to be proved.
Two theorems or propositions are said to be the converse of each other whenever
(i) The conclusion of the first theorem becomes the hypothesis of the second theo-
rem and
(ii) The hypothesis of the first theorem becomes the conclusion of the second theo-
A corollary is usually some fact associated with a theorem that is easily proven
to be true.
A lemma is known as a proved proposition which is used as a prequel to demon-
strating a larger more important theorem.
Note that the converse of a true statement may or may not be true. For example,
the statement, All right angles are equal is a true statement. However, its converse,
All equal angles are right angles is false.
A theorem or proposition is a true statement having been proven true by the
use of previous known facts or assumptions. This is known as deductive reasoning.
The proof of a mathematical statement should be straight forward without any
flaws or contradictions in the reasoning. Theorems are usually statements introduc-
ing new ideas different from axioms or postulates. These new ideas are proven using
precise language and are presented so that the reader knows exactly how the new
idea was arrived at. The following is an example of a theorem and two ways by
which the proof of the theorem can be presented.

Example 2-2. Prove the theorem

The diagonals of a rhombus intersect perpendicular and they also bisect each other.
Start with known facts. Sketch a figure of
the rhombus and sketch in the quantities that
are being studied. Make use of definitions of
a rhombus and observe there are 4 equal sides
which are parallel sides. Label the figure with
vertices A, B, C, D and then construct the di-
agonals DB and AC and label their point of
intersection using some symbol like 0.
Examine the figure constructed and note the diagonals are transversal lines asso-
ciated with the parallel sides. These transversal lines create alternate interior angles
which are equal. Label these angles as α and β as illustrated above. We can make
the statement side DC equals the side AB because the sides of a rhombus all have the
same length. Therefore, triangle A0B and triangle D0C are congruent triangles
because of the ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) proposition. Mentally, rotate triangle A0B
counterclockwise about point 0 until it lies on top of triangle D0C to see that the
triangles are congruent and consequently

A0B ∼
= C0D so that DC = AB, D0 = 0B and A0 = 0C

This demonstrates that the diagonals of the rhombus bisect one another.
Next examine the triangles D0C and C0B and show these triangles are also
congruent because of the SSS (Side-Side-Side) proposition. Note side 0C is common
to both triangles and side D0 equals side 0B, due to diagonals bisecting each other.
The sides DC and BC are equal by definition of a rhombus having 4 equal sides. Since
these triangles are congruent, then their corresponding angles are also congruent so
that one can write ∠D0C = ∠C0B . These angles are also supplementary, so that

∠D0C + ∠B0C = 180◦

or 2∠D0C = 180◦, which implies ∠D0C = ∠B0C = 90◦. This illustrates that the
diagonals of the rhombus intersect perpendicularly.

Two-column (Statements | Reasons) presentation of proof

Let us examine what we have just done using a symbolic representation of our
reasoning by constructing a step-by-step record of our proof.

The first presentation of the proof was given by writing out sentences explaining
the step-by-step observations used to prove the theorem. The second presentation
of the proof given below is a two-column (Statements | Reasons) approach for pre-
senting proofs. The two-column presentation is a method of illustrating your step-
by-step chain of reasoning used to arrive at your conclusions. For each statement
given there must be a corresponding reason.
Statements Reasons
Sketch rhombus ABCD
1. By definition of rhombus.
Sides  and =
2. AB  DC, α, β, 0 Alternate interior angles equal. Labels to figure.
3. DC = BC = AB = AD Sides of rhombus equal.
A SA (Angle − Side − Angle)
4. A0B ∼
= C0D (β − AB − α) where AB = DC
(β − DC − α)
Sides of congruent ’s are equal
5. CD = AB, D0 = B0, A0 = C0 which shows diagonals bisect one another
6. D0C ∼
S S S (Side-Side-Side)
= C0B D0=0B, DC=BC, 0C=0C

corresponing angles of
7. ∠D0C ∼
= ∠C0B
congruent triangles are equal
8. ∠D0C + ∠C0B = 180◦ Angles are supplementary
9. Diagonals intersect ⊥
∠D0C=90◦ =∠C0B

Example 2-3. Show the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect one another and
the opposite vertex angles are congruent.

Figure 2 -21. Parallelogram with diagonals DB and AC

Given the parallelogram in figure 2-21 and note that by definition the opposite
sides are congruent with AD = BC and DC = AB. Construct the diagonal lines DB
and AC and observe the equal angles α = ∠EDC = ∠EBA and β = ∠EAB = ∠ECD
because alternate interior angles associated with a transversal line are equal. This
implies that the triangles AEB and CED are congruent because of angle-side-
angle. The angles being α and β and the sides being DC and AB , so that one can
write AEB ∼ = CED. Therefore EB = ED and EA = EC because the corresponding
sides of congruent triangles are equal. This demonstrates that the diagonals bisect
one another.
The triangles ADB and CBD are congruent (ADB ∼ = CBD) because of SSS
(side-side-side) with DB being a common side. Therefore, the opposite vertex angles
at A and C are equal ( ∠A = ∠C ). In a similar fashion one can show ADC ∼ = CBA
because of SSS, which implies the opposite vertex at D and B are equal (∠D = ∠B ).
It is left as an exercise to construct a two-column (Statements | Reasons) proof
of the above results.

Terminology for the circle

Recall that when using radian measure, the arc
length s swept out by the circle radius r rotating coun-
terclockwise about the circle center is given by

s = rθ, θ in radians (2.7)

The angle θ is called the central angle associated with the arc length s. Another

notation for representing arc length is AB for the central angle swept out as point A

moves along the circumference to the point B . Note the arc AB associated with the

smaller central angle is called the minor arc of the circle and the arc BCA associated
with the larger central angle is called the major arc of the circle.
The line segment AB is called the chord associated
with the arc length s. A sector (orange area above) of
a circle is the area bounded by the two radii and the
intercepted arc s. A segment (blue area) of circle is
represented by the area bounded by the arc s and the
chord AB.

Any angle ∠ACB = α having its vertex on the major arc of the circle and sides
terminating at the points A and B defining the minor arc of the circle is called an

angle associated with the arc AB . In the next chapter we will show that the angles θ

and α associated with the same arc AB are always related to one another. In order
to understand this relationship you must first become familiar with the terminology
used to study angles and arc lengths associated with a circle.
Two objects are said to be similar if the objects have the same shape but are
scaled to have different sizes. Similarity is denoted using the mathematical symbol ∼

If triangle ABC is similar to triangle abc, then this is written as ABC ∼ abc.
Think of triangle ABC as a scaled version of triangle abc. If all the sides of triangle
abc have been scaled upward to produce triangle ABC , then this implies there
exits a scale factor s where the sides of triangle abc can be multiplied by s to
s ac =AC
s ab =AB
s bc =BC
where s is the positive nonzero scale factor. This in turn implies that the ratio of the
sides of two similar figures are proportional to one another. This can be expressed
by writing
= = =s (2.8)
ac ab bc
Note the difference between congruence and similarity. Congruence requires the
same size and shape, while similarity requires only the shape to be the same.
In Cartesian coordinates a translation is the process of moving an object a certain
distance without changing the object. Every point on the object is moved the same
distance and in the same direction. The figure 2-22 illustrates the translation of the
letter A. All points (x0 , y0 ) within the figure A get translated to the new position
(x0 + h, y0 + k) where h and k are given constants.

Figure 2 -22. Translation of the letter A.

A rotation of an object occurs whenever a center of rotation is selected and then
every point on the object is rotated through the same angle about the center point
of rotation.
α = angle of rotation
center of rotation

Figure 2 -23. Rotation of object.

A reflection of an object occurs whenever a line is used to create a mirror image

of the object. The line is called a line of symmetry. A square has four lines of

Figure 2 -24. Lines of symmetry of an object.

Glide reflection

A glide reflection (P → P  ) is composed of a reflec-

tion (P → P̄ ) in a line x followed by a translation (P̄ → P  )
in the direction the line. A glide reflection is illustrated
in the figure on the right. Note that in a glide reflection
the point m = x1+x 2
will always be the midpoint of the
line segment x1 x2 .
Similar figure
In general, two figures are said to be similar if
(a) They both have the same shape.
(b) One shape is a translation, rotation, reflection, glide reflection
contraction or expansion of the other shape.
(c) There is a uniform scaling of one shape to the other.
This scaling is an enlargement or shrinking which can be treated
as a transformation of the first shape to the second shape.

Imagine two objects which appear to have the same shape, say a small object
and a large object. If you scale the smaller object by a multiplication factor s and
you can find a value of s which makes the smaller object congruent to the larger
object, then you can say the two objects are similar.
Two triangles are similar if two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles
of the other triangle.This is sometimes called angle-angle similarity and implies all
the angles of the triangle are known because there has to be 180◦ in every triangle.
The only difference between the triangles is due to the scale factor s either expanding
(s > 1) or contracting (0 < s < 1) the second triangle.
Two right triangles are similar if an acute angle of one equals an acute angle of
the other. Any line drawn through the triangle and parallel to a triangle side will
create a smaller triangle similar to the original triangle. Note that similar triangles
have corresponding sides which are parallel to one another.
One can have side-side-side (SSS) similarity if the corresponding sides of two
triangles are proportional. One can also use side-angle-side (SAS) similarity if the
angle of one triangle is congruent to an angle of another triangle and the lengths of
the sides that include the angle are proportional.
Two polygons are similar if their interior angles are equal and their corresponding
sides are proportional. All circles are similar because the diameter (or radius) of
one can be scaled to that of the other. All squares are similar because their interior
angles are all equal.
Note that similar polygons can be divided into similar triangles with the ratio
of the corresponding sides squared equal to the ratio of the areas as illustrated in
the figure 2-25. (Euclid, book 6, proposition 20.)

A1 s1
A2 s2

Figure 2 -25. Ratio of areas for polygons

Example 2-4. Similarity and area

Given the two similar triangles illustrated in the figure 2-26. One can say the
sides a, b, c and altitudes h are proportional so that
a1 b1 c1 h1
= = = (2.9)
a2 b2 c2 h2
These ratios are called similarity ratios associated with the two triangles AB1 C1
and AB2 C2 . Using the theory of proportions one can show that the perimeters of
these triangles are also proportional in that
a1 b1 c1 a1 + b1 + c1
= = =
a2 b2 c2 a2 + b2 + c2

(See Chapter 1, Example 1-5.)

Figure 2 -26. Similar triangles AB1 C1 ∼ AB2 C2

Make note of the fact that the sides of the similar triangles have units of length
and the areas of the similar triangles have units of length squared. This suggests
that when dealing with the ratio of areas associated with similar triangles, one would
expect to be dealing with quantities having units of length squared. Let
[AB1 C1 ] =Area triangle AB1 C1 = a1 h1
[AB2 C2 ] =Area triangle AB2 C2 = a2 h2
The similarity ratios from the equations (2.9) imply h2 = h1 2 so that one can write
the ratio of the areas associated with similar triangles as
1  2
[AB1 C1 ] a h
2 1 1 a1 h1 a1
= = =
[AB2 C2 ] 1
a h
2 2 2
a2 h1 aa21 a2
This shows that when dealing with similar triangles the ratio of the triangle areas
is equal to the square of the similarity ratio or
[AB1 C1 ] a2 b2 c2 h2
= 21 = 12 = 12 = 12
[AB2 C2 ] a2 b2 c2 h2

Note the above result will not hold if the triangles are not similar.

Examine the figure 2-27 and make the observation that not all rectangles are
similar. One can say also that not all isosceles triangles are similar. Remember that
for triangles to be similar it is necessary that two angles from one triangle be equal
two angles from the other triangle.

Figure 2 -27. Which objects are similar?

Certain special triangles are recognized as being similar.

(i) A line drawn through a triangle and parallel to a base creates two similar
(ii) In a right triangle, if an altitude is constructed from the right angle to the
hypotenuse, then three similar right triangles are created. The three triangles are
the ones left and right of the altitude being similar to one another as well as being
similar to the whole right triangle.
(iii) If two triangles have a common equal angle with the sides of this angle being
proportional, then the triangles are similar.
(iv) Two equilateral triangles are similar with proportional sides.

Example 2-5.
Similar figures can be created using a pantograph
which is a mechanical device used for tracing and scaling
such things as maps, designs, curves, blue prints, photos,
etc. The length of the rods are adjustable to obtain the
desired scaling. In the figure on the left the red curve is
the original and the green curve is the copy. The figure is
courtesy of Wikepedia.

Similar triangles have corresponding sides in the same
proportion. For example,
a b c
=  = 
a b c

Similar triangles have two corresponding angles equal.

(Note that this implies all three corresponding angles are
congruent since there must be π radians in every triangle.)
For example,
α = α , β = β  , γ = γ 

Similar triangles will result if two corresponding sides are in the same proportion
and the included angles are equal. For example,
a c

=  and β = β 
a c
A dilatation expands or contracts a figure. The expanded or contracted figure
has the exact same shape as the original figure and only differs in size. Associated
with every dilatation is a scale factor and center of dilatation. Given the triangle
ABC , select a point 0 outside the triangle as the center of dilatation and then
construct the straight lines 0A, 0B, 0C and extend these lines as illustrated in the
figure 2-28.
Select the points A , B , C  such that

0C  = s 0C, 0B  = s 0B, 0A = s 0A

where s is a scale factor. If 0 < s < 1, then a contraction occurs. If s > 1, then an
expansion occurs. If s = 1, then an identity results.

Figure 2 -28. Dilatation of triangle.

One can slide the triangle ABC , keeping it parallel to triangle A B  C  to see
the effect of scaling or seeing how one triangle is transformed into another similar
triangle. One can then say that triangle ABC is similar to triangle A B  C  written
(ABC ∼ A B  C  ). Note that any of the ratios

0C  0B  0A
= =
0C 0B 0A

will give you the scale factor s.

This type of scaling can be performed with any shaped plane figure.

Figure 2 -29. Dilatation of quadrilateral.

Example 2-6. Slope values for perpendicular lines

The following is an examination of two lines in Cartesian coordinates which
intersect so that opposite angles are all equal to π2 radians. Whenever this occurs
the lines are said to be perpendicular to one another. In such cases one can use
similarity to find out certain properties that the perpendicular lines must satisfy.
Examine the sketch in figure 2-30 where lines 1 and 2 have a perpendicular
intersection at point C. Extend the lines until they intersect with the x-axis at
points A and B respectively. These extended lines intersect the x-axis with angles
α and β as measured counterclockwise from the x-axis to the line. The intersections
with the x-axis forms the triangle ABC . Construct a line segment through the
vertex C which is perpendicular to the x-axis at the point D. Let the constructed
line segment have length h and note that it divides the line segment AB into two
parts. Label these two parts x1 = AD and x2 = DB . Next construct the similar right
triangles CDA and BDC as illustrated in the figure 2-30.
Observe that the angles γ and α are complementary angles so that α + γ = π2 .
The right triangles constructed are similar triangles with their sides proportional
and so one can write the ratios
h x1
= ⇒ h2 = x1 x2 (2.10)
x2 h

Figure 2 -30. Perpendicular intersection of lines 1 and 2

Examine ABC and show the slope of line 1 is given by the positive slope
change in y-values h
m1 = = (2.11)
change in x-values x1
and the slope of line 2 is given by the negative slope
change in y-values −h
m2 = = (2.12)
change in x-values x2

One can use the results from equation (2.10) and write
−h −h x1 −h x1 −x1 −1
m2 = = = = = (2.13)
x2 x2 x1 h2 h m1

The equation (2.13) tells us that if two lines 1 and 2 , with slopes m1 = 0 and
m2 = 0 intersect perpendicularly, then the product of the slopes must equal minus one
or m1 m2 = −1. Alternatively, one can say that if two lines are perpendicular, then
one slope must be the negative reciprocal of the other slope, provide neither slope is
Note that if one of the lines is perpendicular to the x-axis, then its equation is
x = x0 a constant and then the other perpendicular line has the equation y = y0 a
In the right triangle illustrated prove the angles α and β are com-
plimentary angles.

If ADC is a reflection of BDC , then prove that

The figure illustrates two parallel lines intersected by a
transversal. If the measure of angle 1 (m∠1) is 30◦ = π6 , then
(i) find the measure of all the other angles.
(ii) Determine which angles are supplementary.
(iii) What conditions must the angles satisfy for the lines to be parallel?

 2-4. Find the exterior angles α , β  , δ  , given α, β, γ .

What are the exterior angles if the triangle sides are
extended opposite to the direction illustrated?

 2-5. Line segment AB is perpendicular to the parallel

lines illustrated. The point M is the midpoint of line
segment AB and line segment CD passes through the
point M. Show AC = BD and CM = DM.

 2-6. Prove the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect one another and the opposite
vertex angles are equal using a two-column (statement | reason) proof.

 2-7. If ABC is an isosceles triangle, show

(i) The angle C bisector is perpendicular to the base AB.
(ii) The angles opposite the equal sides are equal.
(iii) The bisector of angle C divides the base in half.

 2-8. For the isosceles triangle illustrated in the previous problem, extend a side
through the vertex C and then bisect the exterior angle and show the bisector line
is parallel to the base of the triangle.
 2-9. Prove the angles of an equilateral triangle are equal.

 2-10. Given two legs of a triangle show that the tri-

angle with maximum area that can be constructed is
a right triangle.
 2-11. Given the isosceles triangle ABC with
line segments AE and BD. If CD = CE show that BD = AE

 2-12. Given the isosceles triangle ABC . If AD = EB

show that CD = CE ⇒ CDE is isosceles.

 2-13. Given the isosceles triangle ABC with AC = CB. Let

P denote any point on the side AB and construct the lines PD
and PE perpendicular to the isosceles triangle sides followed by
the altitude BF.
(a) Find three similar triangles.
(b) Use the law of proportions to show DP + PE = BF

 2-14. If ABC is an isosceles triangle

with line  parallel to the base AB, prove
(i) CDB ∼ = CEA
(ii) ADB ∼= BEA
(iii) CDE ∼ CAB
(iv) CD = CE

 2-15. Find the sum of the exterior angles of a triangle.

 2-16. Triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle with
sides of length s and λ is a parameter 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1. If
the distances BE = AD = CF prove that DEF is an
equilateral triangle for all values of λ.
What conditions must be placed upon the angles
α, β, γ, δ and α , β  , γ  , δ  in order that lines 1 and 2 be

 2-18. Given the triangles ABC and A B  C  are

similar triangles with AB  A B  and BC  B C  .
Make constructions if necessary to show AC  A C  .

Given the right triangle ABC . From the right angle B
construct the median, angle bisector and altitude. Define
the angles α0 = ∠EBF and α1 = ∠DBE .
(a) Show BD = 21 AC = CD ⇒ BDC is isosceles.
(b) Show in ABF , ∠A + ∠ABF = π2 = ∠A + γ
(c) Show ∠BCE = ∠CBD = ∠ABF = π2 − ∠A = γ
(d) Show γ + α1 = π4 = γ + α0
(e) Show α0 = α1

 2-20. Find the area of the triangle having the vertices with coordinates
(i) (1,0), (4,5), (5,7) (ii) (3,4), (7,1), (8,5) (iii) (-3,-5), (3,5), (-10,8)

 2-21. Given two sets of parallel lines, 1  2 and 3  4

Show ABC ∼ = A B  C 

 2-22. Given two parallel lines 1 , 2 with points A and

B fixed on line 1 and point P is allowed to move along
line 2 . Find the area [APB] no matter where P is on
line 2
 2-23. Use the fact that the whole equals the sum of
its parts to calculate the following areas in terms of tri-
angle areas.
(a) The area of a square.
(b) The area of a regular pentagon if h is the
apothem and s is the length of each side.

Given the isosceles trapezoid with diagonals AD
and CD intersecting at point 0.
(a) Show ACB ∼ = BDA
(b) Show A0 = 0B and 0C = 0D
(c) Show ODC ∼ 0AB
(d) Find a relationship between CD and AB

Find all lines of symmetry associated with
the following figures.
(a) A rectangle.
(b) A hexagon.
(c) Examine each letter of the alphabet for symmetry.

 2-26. In triangle ABC the line 1 bisects angle A and

line 2 bisects the exterior angle at vertex B. Show that

 2-27. To measure the height h of a pyramid a six foot

pole y is placed in the ground at the tip of the pyramid
shadow and the shadow x from pole is measured to be
4 . If the tip of the shadow from the pole is 300 from
the center of the pyramid, then find the height of the
 2-28. Given the trapezoid ABCD illustrated with di-
agonals AC and DB.
(i) What triangles are similar?
(ii) If ED = 3, AE = 10, EB = 8 and DC = 4, then find
EC and AB.

 2-29. Given triangle ABC with vertices A : (−3, 1), B : (8, 5), C : (12, −6) Find
the slopes of AC, BC, AC. Is the triangle a right triangle?

 2-30. (i) Graph the line 1 : x5 + y6 = 1

(ii) Find the line 2 which is perpendicular to line 1
which passes through the point (1, 1).
(iii) Graph the line 2 .

 2-31. Given line 1 with slope m1 and line 2 with slope m2 .

(i) What condition is necessary for the lines to be parallel?
(ii) What condition is necessary for the lines to be perpendicular?

Given triangle ABC with parallel lines DE and AB fol-
lowed by the construction of the lines DB and AE. If CD = CE
and DA = EB, then
(a) Show that DAE ∼ = EBD
(b) Show that DAB ∼ = EBA

Let AA and BB  denote altitudes associated with
triangle ABC . Show that (AA ) · (BC) = (BB  ) · (AC)

Given isosceles triangle ABC with AC = AB and BC = CD.
Prove that ABC ∼ CBD.

A surveyor wants to calculate the distance between two

points A and B on the opposite sides of a river. From point B
he measures a distance BC = 500, where BC is perpendicular
to line AB. He then measures a distance CD = 100, where CD
is perpendicular to line BC. The line-of-sight from point D to
A intersects line BC at point E . The distance EC is measured
and found equal to 50. Find the distance AB.


Given isosceles triangle ABC with AC = AB and BC = CD.

Prove that ABC ∼ CBD.

 2-37. In triangle ABC let D, E denote the midpoints of sides AC and CB and then
join these points. Use similar triangles to show DE = 12 AB. Write out in words what
this result is telling you. It will be used in many geometric proofs.

 2-38. Given a triangle inscribed within a circle. Explain what must be done to
circumscribe a triangle about the circle such that the circumscribe triangle is similar
to the inscribed triangle.

Given triangle ABC with points D, E, F lying on the mid-
points of the sides as illustrated. Prove that the triangles
ABC and DEF are similar.

Given the triangle ABC with exterior angle
γ = 110◦ . If β − α = 20◦ , then find all the interior
angles of triangle ABC .
Given that triangle ABC is similar to triangle
A B  C 

(ABC ∼ A B  C  ). Let [ABC] denote the area of tri-

angle ABC and [A B  C ] denote the area of triangle
A B  C  . Show that
[ABC] a2 b2 c2
= 2 = 2 = 2
[A B C ] a b c
To find the distance CD and CB
across a lake, a surveyor measures the
distances AC, DB, BE, DE where DE 
AC. From the known information ex-
plain how the distances CD and AE can
be calculated.


(a) Prove the diagonals of a rectangle are equal

and bisect one another.
(b) If BE is the median of a right triangle, then
show BE = 21 AC
(c) Show the median BE of a right triangle di-
vides the triangle into two isosceles triangles.

In a Cartesian coordinate system what happens to a general point (x0 , y0 ) during
(a) a reflection about the line x = 0?
(b) a reflection about the line y = 0?
(c) a reflection about the line y = x?

 2-45. Show that in any triangle ABC with sides a, b, c one can write
√ √ √
a+b≥ ab, a+c≥ ac, b+c ≥ bc
√ √
Hint: Expand ( X − Y )2 ≥ 0.

 2-46. Prove that a triangle with two equal medians must be isosceles.
Chapter 3
Shapes and properties
Sum of interior angles of simple polygons
We know the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180◦ or π radians. Let
us investigate the sum of the interior angles of polygons with 4,5,6,. . . sides. Let us
begin by examining the interior angles of a quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon and
heptagon as illustrated in the figure 3-1.

Figure 3 -1.
Triangles inside selected convex polygons.

Select a point inside the quadrilateral and then draw lines from the selected
point to each vertex of the quadrilateral. This creates four triangles inside the
quadrilateral. The interior angles of each triangle is 180◦ or π radians. The sum of
the angles from each triangle is 4(180◦) or 4π radians. The central angles around the
point selected inside the triangle sum to 360◦ = 2(180◦) or 2π radians. Therefore, the
sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is

Sum of angles of triangles − Sum of angles around selected central point (3.1)

This gives
4(180◦) − 2(180◦) = 2(180◦) or 4π − 2π = 2π radians
as the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral.
In a similar fashion select a point inside a pentagon and construct lines from
this point to each of the five vertices. This creates five triangles. The sum of the
interior angles of a pentagon can be determined by the use of equation (3.1) which
produces the relation

5(180◦) − 2(180◦) = 3(180)◦ or 5π − 2π = 3π radians

as representing the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon.

Note that a pattern is developing. By selecting an interior point inside a hexagon,
then one can create six triangles so that the equation (3.1) can be used to determine
the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon. This gives

6(180◦) − 2(180◦) = 4(180◦) or 6π − 2π = 4π radians (3.2)

This pattern can be extended to determine the sum of the interior angles of an
n-gon as

n(180◦ ) − 2(180◦) = (n − 2)(180◦) or nπ − 2π = (n − 2)π radians

In summary, one can state that the summation of the interior angles of an n-gon
will be (n − 2)π radians.

Sum of exterior angles of simple polygons

One can set up a pattern for calculating the summation of the exterior angles of
a n-gon. Examine the hexagon illustrated with the exterior angles i, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
and interior angles αi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Note the summation of an exterior angle with
its corresponding interior angle will always produce the result π because these angles
are supplementary.
The Greek letter sigma is used to denote a summation of terms. The notation


f (i) = f (1) + f (2) + f (3) + · · · + f (n)

can be used as a shorthand to express a summation of the terms f (1) + f (2) + f (3) +
· · · + f (n). The index i below the Greek letter sigma is called the starting summation
index and the n on top of the sigma is called the ending index for i. One then
substitutes for i all the integers ranging from the starting index to the ending index
to obtain the sum.
For the hexagon illustrated one can construct interior angles α and exterior an-
gles  as illustrated. These angles are supplementary angles and so one can write
α1 + 1 =π
α2 + 2 =π

α3 + 3 =π
α4 + 4 =π
α5 + 5 =π

α6 + 6 =π

The summation notation can be used to express the summation of the above
equations. The summation of all of the above equations can be expressed in the

αi + i = 6π (3.4)
i=1 i=1

because equals added to equals the results are equal.


Here αi represents the summation of the interior angles of the hexagon and

i represents the summation of the exterior angles of the hexagon. We know
αi = (6 − 2)π from equation (3.2). Therefore, equation (3.4) becomes


i = 6π − (6 − 2)π = 2π (3.5)

The equation (3.5) can be generalized in the case of an n-gon instead of a

hexagon. Just replace 6 everywhere it occurs in equation (3.5) by n to obtain

i = nπ − (n − 2)π = 2π (3.6)

which tells us that the summation of the exterior angles of an n-gon must equal 2π.
In summary, we have discovered that the summation of the exterior angles of an
n-gon will always equal 2π and the summation of the interior angles of an n-gon is
(n − 2)π.

Area of regular polygons

Consider the regular polygons illustrated in the figure 3-2. These polygons
have equal sides and equal interior angles. The symmetry associated with regular
polygons allows one to take the summation of the interior angles of an n-gon to
obtain (n − 2)π . Dividing this value by the number of sides n produces the angular
value at a single vertex. The center point of a regular polygon is the point inside
the boundaries which is equidistant from each vertex.

Figure 3 -2.
Selected regular polygons

The apothem of a regular polygon is the distant from the center point to the
midpoint of a side. The center point and apothem for selected regular polygons
are illustrated in the figures 3-2 and 3-4. Note that the distance from the center
of a regular polygon to a vertex gives the radius R of a circumscribed circle and
the distance from the center to the midpoint of a side gives the apothem a which
represents the radius of the inscribed circle. Each regular polygon has an interior
isosceles triangle consisting of a side si , i = 4, 5, 5, 7, . . . and two radii ri , i = 4, 5, 6, 7, . . ..
This terminology is illustrated in the figure 3-3 for the special case of a pentagon.

Figure 3 -3.
Inscribed and circumscribed circles for pentagon.
Each regular polygon with n-sides (n ≥ 4) has an apothem an , n = 4, 5, 6, 7 . . .
which represents the height of a single isosceles triangle which is part of the regular
polygon. The situation is illustrated in the figure 3-4.

Figure 3 -4.
Section of an n-gon

Let An , n = 4, 5, 6, 7, . . . denote the area of a single triangle associated with a

regular polygon of n-sides and let Atn denote the total area associated with a regular
polygon of n-sides. Also let Pn denote the perimeter of a regular polygon having n
equal sides. Using a summation of triangle areas one can verify
Area of single triangle Total area of polygon
1 1 1 1  s4 
square n = 4 A4 = a4 s4 At4 = 4A4 = a4 (4s4 ) = a4 P4 = (4s4 ) = s24
2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1
pentagon n = 5 A5 = a5 s5 At5 = 5A5 = a5 (5s5 ) = a5 P5
2 2 2
1 1 1
hexagon n = 6 A6 = a6 s6 At6 = 6A6 = a6 (6s6 ) = a6 P6
2 2 2
1 1 1
heptagon n = 7 A7 = a7 s7 At7 = 7A7 = a7 (7s7 ) = a7 P7
2 2 2
.. ..
. .
1 1 1
n-gon An = an sn Atn = nAn = an (nsn ) = an Pn
2 2 2
Observe that in the special case of a square the apothem is given by a4 = s24 so that
the total area for the square is the side squared.
Generalizing the calculation of area for other regular polygons one finds
Area of regular polygon = (apothem)(perimeter)

which states the general formula for the area of a regular polygon is half the product
of the apothem times the perimeter of the regular polygon.

Thales theorem of proportion

In the triangle ABC illustrated, assume the line segment DE is parallel to
the base AB . Show the given figure has the following proportional line segments


One can demonstrate that the trian-

gles DEC and ABC are similar because
corresponding angles are equal to one an-
other. It is given that the line segment
DE is parallel to the base line segment AB .
Therefore, one can pick up the base line
segment and lay it on the line segment DE
to show

α = ∠CAB = ∠CDE and β = ∠CED = ∠CBA

because this is an example where corresponding angles are equal. Therefore, two
angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of the other triangle which demon-
strates the triangles are similar. Similar triangles have sides that are proportional
so that one can write the ratio equality = which can be written as

= ⇒ 1+ =1+ ⇒ =
One can now use the cross product property of proportions to rewrite this last
proportion into the form desired. This result is sometimes referred to as the side
splitter theorem.
Converse of Thales theorem
If there exists a triangle ABC where sides AB and AC are intersected by a line
which produces a line segment DE such that
= , (3.7)
then one can say that DE is parallel to the triangle base BC written (DE  BC).

Figure 3 -5. Triangle ABC intersected by line segment DE

The proof is by contradiction. Assume the line segment DE is not parallel to BC.
We know that one can construct a line through point D which is parallel to the base
BC so we construct this parallel line in red and label its intersection with side AC as
point F . We now have DF  BC by construction. By Thales proportional theorem, if
DF  BC, then the following must hold true
= (3.8)
By hypothesis the equation (3.7) must hold as well as equation (3.8). We can employ
the axiom, things equal to the same thing are equal to one another to show
= (3.10)
Add 1 to both sides of equation (3.10) to show
+1 = +1
(AF + FC) (AE + EC)
= (3.10)
The equation (3.10) implies that FC = EC which requires
that the line segments
DE and DF be the same and so DE is parallel to BC which contradicts our original
Area of special quadrilaterals
Let us find ways to find the area and perimeter associated with the special
quadrilaterals known as, the rectangle, the parallelogram, the rhombus, the trape-
zoid and the kite.
The rectangle
A rectangle is a quadrilateral with two pair of
parallel sides. The length of the sides are unequal
and each of the interior angles is a right angle. We
have previously demonstrated that the area of a
rectangle is given as the base times the height.

Area A = bh = (base)(height) Perimeter P = 2(h + b)

The parallelogram
A parallelogram with base b and
height h has two sets of parallel sides. If
one constructs a diagonal as illustrated,
then the area of the parallelogram is the
sum of the areas of two triangles giving

Area of parallelogram = bh = (base)(height)

Figure 3 -6. Parallelogram

The perimeter of the parallelogram is

Perimeter = P = 2b + 2
where  is the slant height associated with the parallelogram side.
The rhombus
A rhombus is a parallelogram having four congruent sides. It is a special case
of a parallelogram where the base length equals the side length. The diagonals of
a rhombus intersect each other and divides the rhombus into four congruent right
triangles. The area of the rhombus is the sum of the areas of these four right
triangles. Let A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 denote the areas of these four right triangles. One finds
1 1 1 1
A1 = b1 h1 , A2 = b1 h2 , A3 = b2 h2 , A4 = b2 h1
2 2 2 2

Figure 3 -7. Rhombus with diagonals d1 and d2

1 1
A1 + A2 = (h1 + h2 ) = d1 b1
2 2
1 1
A3 + A4 = (h1 + h2 )b2 = d1 b2
2 2
and consequently
1 1
A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 = d1 (b1 + b2 ) = d1 d2
2 2
This shows the area of a rhombus equals half the product of the diagonals.
In summary,
Area of rhombus A = d1 d2 Perimeter of rhombus P = 4

The trapezoid
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral where two opposite sides are parallel as in figure
3-8. The parallel sides are said to represent the bases b1 and b2 of the trapezoid. The
nonparallel sides are called the legs of the trapezoid. If a trapezoid has congruent
legs, then the trapezoid is said to be isosceles.
The angles α1 and α2 are called the base angles associated with base b1 and the
angles β1 and β2 are known as the base angles associated with base b2 of the trapezoid.
An isosceles trapezoid is a trapezoid with a line of symmetry passing perpendicular
to the parallel sides. In an isosceles trapezoid the base angles are congruent because
of the line of symmetry. Note also that the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are
equal and the opposite angles are supplementary.

Figure 3 -8. Trapezoid and isosceles trapezoid

The midpoint line of a trapezoid is defined as the line segment connecting the
midpoints M1 and M2 of the trapezoids legs. Examine the figure 3-8 and observe that
by using Thales theorem of proportion BM3 = M3 D and by the midpoint theorem
associated with triangle ABD
1 1
M1 M3 = AD = b2
2 2
Similarly, in triangle BDC
1 1
M3 M2 = BC = b1
2 2
follows from the midpoint theorem and by addition
1  1
M1 M3 + M3 M2 = M1 M2 = AD + BD = (b1 + b2 ) (3.11)
2 2
Therefore, the midpoint line segment M1 M2 has length which represents the
average value of the bases. The perimeter of the trapezoid is obtained by adding
the lengths of the trapezoid edges. One finds

Perimeter P = 1 + 2 + b1 + b2

where 1 and 2 are the legs of the trapezoid and b1 , b2 are the base lengths. By
constructing the diagonal line segment BD, as illustrated in the figure 3-8, one forms
two triangles where the area of each triangle is 12 the base times the height or
1 1 1
Area BDC = b1 h Area ABD = b2 h ⇒ Area trapezoid = (b1 + b2 )h
2 2 2
since the total area is the sum of its partial areas. Hence, the area of a trapezoid is
the average base length times the perpendicular distance between the parallel sides.
The kite
The kite is illustrated in the figure 3-9
and is defined as a quadrilateral with adja-
cent sides which are equal. This produces a
figure with a line of symmetry. The diago-
nals of a kite intersect one another to form
four right angles. By symmetry the diag-
onal d1 is divided by the line segment AC
and the line segment BD divides the other
diagonal into two parts h1 and h2 where
d2 = h1 + h2 . The area of a kite can be ob-
tained by adding together the area of tri-
angles ABD and BDC . This produces
the result
1 1 1 1
Area A = d1 h1 + d1 h2 = d1 (h1 +h2 ) = d1 d2
2 2 2 2
Figure 3 -9.
Hence, the area associated with a kite is
Convex and concave kite
half the product of the diagonals.
The perimeter of the kite is P = 2(1 + 2 ).

Example 3-1. Show the diagonals of a kite intersect perpendicularly.

A kite is illustrated in the figure 3-10. The problem is to show AC ⊥ BD

Figure 3 -10. Kite with diagonals DB and AC

Statements Reasons
1. AB = BC Definition of kite
2. AD = CD Definition of kite
3. BD = BD Common side to 2 triangles
4. ABD ∼
= CBD Side-Side-Side
5. ∠ABD ∼
= ∠CBD From congruent triangles
6. AB = BC , ∠ABE = ∠CBE , BE = BE Side-Angle-Side observation
7. ABE ∼
= CBE Side-Angle-Side congruence
8. ∠AEB ∼
= ∠BEC From congruent triangles
9. ∠AEB + ∠BEC = 180◦ Supplementary angles
10. 2∠AEB = 180◦ ∠BEC = ∠AEB

11. ∠AEB = 90 = ∠BEC Diagonals intersect ⊥

Area of irregular polygons

The figure 3-11 illustrates selected irregular shaped polygons. The problem is to
find the area and perimeter associated with these plane figures. It will be assumed
that the Cartesian coordinates of the polygon vertices are known. To find the area
of irregular shaped polygons such as the ones illustrated in the figure 3-11 one can
proceed using one of the following methods.

Figure 3 -11. Irregular shaped polygons

Construct triangles
Start at a vertex of a given irregular polygon and construct triangles by drawing
lines to the other vertices as illustrated in the figure 3-12(a). The problem is then
reduced to finding the area of each triangle. The total area of the polygon is then a
summation of these areas.

Figure 3 -12. Area associated with irregular shaped polygons

Example 3-2. Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) a famous Swiss mathematician

asked the question: How many ways Wn can a convex polygon of n sides be broken
up into triangles by constructing diagonals which do not intersect one another? This
turn out to be a difficult problem but Euler solved it and obtained the answer
2 · 6 · 10 · · · (4n − 10)
Wn =
(n − 1)!

where n! = n(n − 1)(n − 2) · · · (3)(2)(1)

This problem and many others like it is one example of how questions in geom-
etry led to a new branch of mathematics called combinatorics.

Area of triangle
To find the area of a single triangle
with known coordinates, one can drop per-
pendicular lines from each vertex to the
x-axis as illustrated in the accompanying
figure. The area of the triangle ABC is
then given by
Area of Area of Area of
     
     
 trapezoid  +  trapezoid  −  trapezoid 
     
ABx2 x1 BCx3 x2 ACx3 x1

The area of the trapezoids is the average height times the base so that one can write
1 1 1
Area ABC = (y2 + y1 )(x2 − x1 ) + (y2 + y3 )(x3 − x2 ) − (y1 + y3 )(x3 − x1 )
2 2 2
Because the position of the vertices can vary, the sign associated with the area can
change. To keep the area a positive quantity the absolute value of this answer is
used The above answer for the area is often written in the form of an absolute value
Area ABC =  [(x1 y2 − y1 x2 ) + (x2 y3 − y2 x3 ) + (y3 x1 − y3 x1 )]

Area of irregular polygon

To find the area of the irregular polygon in figure 3-12(b) one can drop perpen-
dicular lines from each vertex to the x-axis as illustrated. The area of the polygon
is then obtained as an addition followed by a subtraction of areas associated with
trapezoids. For example, in the figure 3-12(b) the area of the polygon ABCDE is
calculated using

Area of Area of Area of Area of Area of

         
         
 trapezoid  +  trapezoid  +  trapezoid  −  trapezoid  −  trapezoid 
         
ABx1 x0 BCx3 x1 CDx4 x3 AEx2 x0 EDx4 x3
Another way to calculate the area of a polygon with n-sides having the vertices

(x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), (x3 , y3 ), · · · , (xn−1, yn−1 ), (xn , yn )

is obtained from the multiplication of the coordinates in the following pattern.

Area n-gon =  x1 x2 x3 ··· xn−1 xn x1 
2 y1 y2 y3 ··· yn−1 yn y1 

Construct lines with positive and negative slopes as illustrated below.

Figure 3 -13. Coordinate pattern with lines

The coordinates touching a line are multiplied together with a + sign for the lines
with negative slope and a - sign for lines with a positive slope. This gives the area
Area n-gon =  [(x1 y2 − y1 x2 ) + (x3 y1 − y3 x2 ) + · · · + (xn yn−1 − xn−1yn ) + (x1 yn − xny1 )]

where again the absolute value sign has to be used to keep the area positive. Note
this formula can be used to calculate the area formula in equation (3.12).

Midpoint theorem
In triangle ABC of figure 3-14 show the line segment M1 M2 connecting the
midpoints of sides AB and AC satisfies the following properties.
(a) The segment M1 M2 is parallel to the third side BC
(b) The segment M1 M2 is half the length of side BC
In order to prove the above assertions a parallelogram M1 BCM3 will be con-
structed where the segment M1 M2 is parallel to the side BC and from the parallelo-
gram the above properties can be established. Begin by extending the line segment
M1 M2 to point M3 such that M1 M2 = M2 M3 and then construct the line segment M3 C.

Figure 3 -14. Line segment M1 M2 connecting midpoints.

Observe that
(i) AM1 = M1 B by definition of a midpoint.
(ii) AM2 = M2 C by definition of a midpoint.
(iii) M1 M2 = M2 M3 by construction.
(iv) Observe the angles ∠M1 M2 A = ∠CM2 M3 because opposite angle are equal.
(v) The triangle AM1 M2 is congruent to triangle CM2 M3 because of SAS
(vi) We know corresponding sides of congruent triangles are equal so that sides
M3 C = M1 A = M1 B
(vii) Also corresponding angles from congruent triangles are equal so that
∠M1 AM2 = ∠M2 CM3 = α which implies AB  CM3
(viii) Using the converse of the Thales proportion theorem AM1 = 1 = AM2 which
M1 B M2 C
implies M1 M2  BC

This demonstrates that M1 BCM3 is a parallelogram with opposite sides parallel

and equal. Therefore, one can write
BC = M1 M3 = 2M1 M2 ⇒ M1 M2 = BC

Parallel intercept theorem

Show that if parallel lines produce equal intercepts on one transversal, then they
will produce equal intercepts on any other transversal. The situation is illustrated
in the figure 3-15.

Figure 3 -15. Parallel lines cut by transversal t produces equal intercepts.

To prove this theorem we will produce a series of parallelograms and congruent
triangles to demonstrate the conclusion. By hypothesis the transversal line t cuts
the parallel lines to produce the equal line segments
AB = BC = CD = DE (3.13)

Let T denote any other transversal line which intersects the parallel lines at the
points F, G, H, I, J as illustrated in the figure 3-15. One can now construct the
lines 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 through the points F, G, H, I respectively which are all parallel to
the transversal line t and producing the parallelograms

illustrated in the above figure. The opposite sides of the parallelogram are parallel
and equal to that
AB = FB  , BC = GC  , CD = HD , DE = IE  (3.14)

and because of the hypothesis things equal to the same things are equal to one
another, one finds
FB  = GC  = HD = IE  (3.15)

The angles α are all equal because they are corresponding angles in one situation
and opposite vertex angles of a parallelogram in another situation and alternate
interior angles in still another situation. The angles (α + β) are corresponding angles
in one situation and the angles β are corresponding angles in another situation.
Therefore, the triangles
F B  G, GC  H, HD I, IE  J

are all congruent (ASA) to one another, which implies the corresponding sides are
equal or FG = GH = HI = IJ which was to be demonstrated.
A line which bisects one side of a triangle (point
D) which is at the midpoint of AB and is parallel to
the triangle base BC, will bisect the third side (point
E) at the mid-point of AC and the line segment DE will
have a length one half the third side. This is sometimes
referred to as the mid-segment theorem.
DE = BC, AD = DB, AE = EC
A line through the midpoints of a
trapezoids legs will be parallel to the trape-
zoid bases and have a length equal to the
average value of the bases.
AB = (b1 + b2 )

Tools for geometric constructions

Figure 3 -16. Tools for geometry

The tools for geometric constructions are illustrated in the figure 3 -16. In addi-
tion to the pencil and ruler there is the drawing compass1 which is used for drawing
circles and measuring distances on maps used for navigation. It is usually a device
with two arms which can be spread apart because of a hinge or screw adjustment
device. The bottom of one arm of the drawing compass is a needle point and at
the bottom of the other arm is a pencil point or drawing lead. Also illustrated is
a protractor for measuring angles. Sometimes the protractor has two scales. One
scales goes right to left across the top measuring angles from 0 to 180 degrees in the
positive direction. The second, lower scale goes left to right measuring angles from
0 to 180 degrees in the negative direction. You can purchase a special protractor
which measures in units of radians or grads if you desire. The drawing triangles can
be used as a straight edge and have angles of 30, 45 and 60 degrees because these
angles occur quite frequently.
Make note of the difference between a drawing compass and a directional compass which points to magnetic
North. They are different types of compasses.
Note in the following paragraphs various constructions are performed using only
a pencil, straight edge (ruler), and a drawing compass. These were the only instru-
ments available to the ancient Greeks who studied geometry. Constructions using a
straight edge and drawing compass are an important part of learning geometry.

Find midpoint of a line segment using drawing compass and ruler

(Euclid, Book 1, Propostion 10)
1) Given line segment AB
2) Widen the compass so the distance between
the needle point and the lead point is greater
than 12 AB . Maintain this distance on the com-
pass throughout the construction.
3) Place the needle point at A and make marks
above and below the line segment AB as illus-
trated in the figure 3 -17
4) Place the needle point at B and make marks
above and below the line segment AB which inter-
sect the previous marks. Where these marks cross
are labeled as points C and D.
5) Use a straight edge to draw a line connect-
ing the points C and D.
6) The intersection of the line segments CD
and AB are perpendicular and CD bisects the line
segment AB . Figure 3 -17.
Finding the midpoint

The reasons why the above constructions bi-

sect the line segment AB can be seen by construct-
ing the line segments as illustrated in the figure 3-
18 to form a rhombus. We know the diagonals of a
rhombus bisect each other and the diagonals of the
rhombus are perpendicular to one another. Note
that finding the midpoint of a line segment is used
quite frequently in geometry. Recall that if you
know the Cartesian coordinates (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 )
Figure 3 -18. of the line segment endpoints, then the midpoint
Addditional constructions is given by (xm, ym ) = 21 (x1 + x2 ), 12 (y1 + y2 ) .

Construct a tangent line to a circle

Using the drawing compass construct a circle
with center labeled 0. Select a point P on the cir-
cumference of the circle and without changing the
compass setting place the needle point of the com-
pass at point P and draw another circle identical
in size to the first circle. Next draw the line 0P
and extend the line to intersect the second circle
at the point P  . This construction makes point P
the midpoint of the line segment 0P  . Now you can
go through the procedure for finding the midpoint
of the line segment 0P  .
Widen the compass and place the needle point at 0 and make two arcs above
and below the line segment 0P  , then move the needle point of the compass to the
point P  and do the same thing. Call the intersection points of these arcs A and B.
Use a straight edge and draw the line segment AB which is now a tangent line to
the circle at point P .
Note that this construction is the same used for finding the midpoint of a line
segment. Observe that the tangent line constructed is perpendicular to the circle
radius and diameter. (Euclid, book 3, Proposition 18)
In Cartesian coordinates, if (x1 , y1 ) are the
coordinates of point P on the given circle, then
the slope of the line passing through the points
0 and P is m = change in y = xy11 and the point-
change in x
slope formula for the equation of the line 0P is
y = xy11 x. Recall that the slope on any line which
is perpendicular to a line with slope m has a slope
which is the negative reciprocal of slope m.

Therefore, the slope of any line perpendicular to the line 0P must have the slope
m⊥ = −1m
= − xy11 . The tangent line to the circle is perpendicular to the line 0P and
passes through the point (x1 , y1 ). Using the point-slope formula for the equation of
the line with slope m⊥ which passes through the point (x1 , y1 ) is therefore

y − y1 = (x − x1 ) (3.16)

This is the equation of the tangent line to the circle with point of tangency (x1 , y1 ).

Construction of line parallel to a given line

(Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 31)

Figure 3 -19.
Steps for constructing parallel line.
Given a line  and a point P not on the given line. The problem is to construct
another line through point P which is parallel to the given line. The situation is
illustrated in the figures 3-19 and 3-20.
(i) Construct a line L through point P which intersect the given line  at an angle
at point A.
(ii) Place the needle of the drawing compass at point A and draw an arc which
intersects the lines  and L at the points B and C as illustrated above.
(iii) Using the same compass distance AB place the needle of the drawing compass
at point P and make the same kind of arc as in step (ii) above. This arc intersects
line L at point D.
(iv) Adjust the drawing compass distance to measure the distance BC, then place
the compass needle at the point D and make an arc intersecting the previous arc at
point E . Note the distances DE = BC.
(v) Construct the straight line through the points P and E and call this line  .

Figure 3 -20.
Constructing parallel line to given line  through given point P.

(vi) The line  and  are parallel. This is because the angles ∠DP E = ∠BAC because
corresponding angles are equal.
Line through given point P perpendicular to given line  (Euclid, Book
1, Proposition 12)
Case 1: Given a line  and point P not on line .
The problem is to construct a line through P which is perpendicular to the line .
1) Widen the compass so it intersects the given line  when the needle is place
at the point P and then make two arcs which intersect line  at points A and B as
illustrated in the figure 3 -21.

Figure 3 -21.
Constructions for perpendicular line P P 
2) Widen compass again and place needle of compass at point A and make arc
below line, then place needle of compass at point B and make another arc below line
 which intersects the first arc constructed. Call the point of intersection of these
arcs point p.
3) Use a straight edge and construct the line segment P P  which is now perpen-
dicular to the given line .

The reason why this construction works is be-

cause the constructions form a kite and we know
the diagonals of a kite intersect perpendicular to
one another.

Figure 3 -22.
Kite formed by AP BP 

Case 2:(Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 11)

Given a line  and point P on the line .
Construct line perpendicular to given line and
through point P on the given line.

1) Put needle of compass at point P and make

two arcs intersecting the given line  at points A and
B as in figure 3 -23.
2) Widen compass and put the needle of the com-
pass on point A and make a mark at point C . Put
needle of compass at point B and make intersection
with mark at C.
3) Construct line with straight edge through the
two points P and C . The constructed line is perpen-
dicular to the given line and passes through the given Figure 3 -23.
point P . Line CP perpendicular to line 
The reason why this construction works is be-
cause triangle ACP of figure 3 -24 is congruent to
triangle BCP (ACP ∼ = BCP ) due to the fact
the sides AC = CB, AP = BP and CP = CP being
a common side. Since the triangles are congruent,
their angles are equal so we have ∠AP C ∼ = ∠BP C
and ∠AP C + ∠BP C = 180◦, which implies that
Figure 3 -24. ∠AP C = ∠BP C = 90◦ and line segment CP is per-
Line CP perpendicular to line  pendicular to line .

Example 3-3. (Theorem) If a point P lies on a perpendicular bisector of a line

segment AB, then it is equidistant from the endpoints of the line segment.
If CM in figure 3 -25 is a perpendicular bisector of the line segment AB , then
AM = M B .
Let the point P denote an arbitrary point
on the perpendicular bisector CM and construct
the line segments P A and P B . This creates
two right triangles with common side P M . The
triangles AP M and P M B are congruent so
that (AP M ∼ = P M B ) because of side-angle-side
Figure 3 -25.
(SAS). Therefore AP = P B since corresponding Line segment P D is
sides of congruent triangles are equal. perpendicular bisector of AB

The converse of this theorem is also true. One can say that if the point P is
equidistant from the endpoints A and B, then the point P must lie on the perpendic-
ular bisector of the line segment AB.

Here our assumption is that P A = P B and

we must show the point P lies on the perpendic-
ular bisector. One can construct the line through
point P which bisects the angle ∠AP B and inter-
sects the line segment AB at the point M . Then
the triangles AP M and P M B are congruent
(AP M ∼ = P M B ) because of SAS and conse-
quently AM = M B since corresponding sides of
congruent triangles are equal. In these triangles
angles ∠AM P = ∠BM P = π2 so that PM is per-
Figure 3 -26.
pendicular to AB. This demonstrates the point P
Line segments P B = P A.
must lie on the perpendicular bisector of the line
segment AB .
Example 3-4. (Theorem) If one constructs the perpendicular bisector to each
side of a general triangle ABC, then these perpendicular bisectors meet at a point of
concurrency called the circumcenter. The distances from the circumcenter, labeled
0, to each vertex of the triangle ABC are all equal and one can write 0A = 0B = 0C .
A circle with center point at the concurrent circumcenter and radius 0A produces a
circumscribed circle enclosing the triangle.
Another name for the circumscribe circle is the circumcircle. This is a circle
which passes through each vertex of a given triangle. The radius of the circumcircle
is called the circumradius. (Euclid, Book 4, Proposition 5)

Observe that the circumcenter lies

(i) inside the triangle when it is acute
(ii) on the hypotenuse when a right triangle
(iii) outside the triangle when it is obtuse

To calculate the coordinates of the circumcenter for triangle ABC when A has the
coordinates (x1 , y1 ), B has the coordinates (x2 , y2 ) and C has the coordinates (x3 , y3 )
one can proceed as follows.

Figure 3 -27. Construction of circumcenter for acute, right and obtuse triangles.

(i) Calculate the slope associated with each side of the triangle ABC
(y3 − y1 ) (y2 − y1 ) (y2 − y3 )
m1 = slope AC = , m2 = slope AB = , m3 = slope BC =
(x3 − x1 ) (x2 − x1 ) (x2 − x3 )
because of the definition that the slope of a line segment is the change in y-values
divided by the change in x-values.

Figure 3 -28. General triangle ABC

(ii) Calculate the midpoints associated with each side of the triangle

1 1
midpoint AC = M1 = (x1 + x3 ), (y1 + y3 )
2 2

1 1
midpoint AB = M3 = (x1 + x2 ), (y1 + y2 )
2 2

1 1
midpoint BC = M2 = (x2 + x3 ), (y2 + y3 )
2 2
because the midpoint is determined by taking the average of the x-values and y-
values associated with the endpoints of a line segment.

(iii) Calculate the slopes of the perpendicular bisectors through the points M1 , M2 and M3
slope through M1 = m⊥AC = −1/m1
slope through M3 = m⊥AB = −1/m2
slope through M2 = m⊥BC = −1/m3
because if two lines are perpendicular the product of their slopes must equal -1.

(iv) Calculate the equations of the lines representing the perpendicular bisectors

1 1
line ⊥ AC through M1 is y − (y1 + y3 ) = m⊥AC x − (x1 + x3 )
2 2

1 1
line ⊥ AB through M3 is y − (y1 + y2 ) = m⊥AB x − (x1 + x2 )
2 2

1 1
line ⊥ BC through M2 is y − (y2 + y3 ) = m⊥BC x − (x2 + x3 )
2 2
These lines result using the point-slope formula for the equation of a line.
The circumcenter is calculated by solving for the values of x and y which satisfy
any two of the above equations simultaneously. One finds the circumcenter has the
(x21 + y12 )(y3 − y2 ) + (x22 + y22 )(y1 − y3 ) + (x23 + y32 )(y2 − y1 )
xc =
2 (x1 (y3 − y2 ) + x2 (y1 − y3 ) + x3 (y2 − y1 ))
(x + y1 )(x2 − x3 ) + (x22 + y22 )(x3 − x1 ) + (x23 + y32 )(x1 − x2 )
2 2
yc = 1
2 (x1 (y3 − y2 ) + x2 (y1 − y3 ) + x3 (y2 − y1 ))

In the special cases where a slope is zero or undefined, then modifications to the
above equations are necessary. These modifications will usually simplify one or more
of the equations for a line to the form of x=a constant or y=some constant. The
resulting algebra in solving for the circumcenter is also simplified.

Example 3-5. (Special case)

In the special case of a right triangle, assign the Cartesian coordinates

A(0, y2 ), B(0, 0), C(x1 , 0)

to the vertices of the triangle as illustrated in the figure 3 -29.

Figure 3 -29.
Right triangle with three perpendicular bisectors.

In this special case the midpoints are

y2 x1 x1 y2
for AB, (0, ), for BC ( , 0), for AC ( , )
2 2 2 2

The line representing the perpendicular bisector of segment AB is y = y22 = a constant.

The line representing the perpendicular bisector of line segment BC is x = x21 . To
find the equation for the perpendicular bisector of line segment AC , first note that
the slope of AC is
y2 change in y
mAC = − =
x1 change in x
with its negative reciprocal m⊥AC = being the slope of the line perpendicular to
AC . The perpendicular bisector line must pass through the midpoint of AC and so
one can use the point-slope formula to obtain the equation
y2 x1 x1
y− = (x − )
2 y2 2

The three perpendicular bisector lines meet at the midpoint of the line segment AC
and has the coordinates ( x21 , y21 ) and represents the circumcenter for the circumscribed


An altitude of a triangle is a line segment constructed through the vertex of a

triangle which is perpendicular to the side opposite the vertex.

Figure 3 -30.
Altitude from vertex C

Sometimes the side opposite the vertex must be extended in order to meet the
perpendicular line. Every triangle has three altitudes which meet at a common point
of concurrency called the orthocenter.
Example 3-6. Calculate the orthocenter associated with the general triangle
illustrated in the figure 3 -31.

Figure 3 -31.
Triangle with three altitudes.

The slopes associated with the triangle sides are given by
y2 − y1
Slope AB = mAB =
x2 − x1
y3 − y2
Slope BC = mBC = (3.18)
x3 − x2
y3 − y1
Slope AC = mAC =
x3 − x1
The slopes of the lines perpendicular to the triangle sides have values which are the
negative reciprocals of the slopes given in equation (3.18). The equations of the
lines representing the altitudes of triangle ABC are given by
x3 − x2
line 1 = Altitude through vertex A y − y1 = − (x − x1 )
y3 − y2
x3 − x1
line 2 = Altitude through vertex B y − y2 = − (x − x2 ) (3.19)
y3 − y1
x2 − x1
line 3 = Altitude through vertex C y − y3 = − (x − x3 )
y2 − y1
Select any two of the lines from the equations (3.19) and solve these simultaneous
equations to obtain the coordinates (xH , yH ) of the orthocenter
λ(y1 − y3 ) + µ(y3 − y2 ) + ν(y2 − y1 ) λ =x3 x1 + y3 y1
xH =
y2 (x1 − x3 ) + y1 (x3 − x2 ) + y3 (x2 − x1 )
where µ =x2 x3 + y2 y3 (3.20)
λ(x1 − x3 ) + µ(x3 − x2 ) + ν(x2 − x1 )
yH =−
y2 (x1 − x3 ) + y1 (x3 − x2 ) + y3 (x2 − x1 ) ν =x1 x2 + y1 y2
Example 3-7. (Theorem) The larger side of a triangle subtends the greater
(Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 18)

Figure 3 -32.
Triangle ABC

Given ABC with BC > AC as illustrated in the figure 3 -32. Let angle A equal α
(∠A = α) and let angle B equal β (∠B = β ). We wish to demonstrate that α > β .
Using a drawing compass place the needle point at the vertex C and pencil point
at the vertex A and make an arc which intersect the line segment BC at the point
D as illustrated. Use a straight edge and construct the line AD. By construction
the triangle ACD is an isosceles triangle with AC = CD and so the angles opposite
these sides are also equal. Let ∠CAB = ∠ABC = γ as illustrated in the figure 3 -32.
One can then make the following arguments.
(i) α > γ The whole is greater than any of its parts
(ii) γ is the exterior angle of ABD and therefore
Therefore α > γ > β

The converse of the above (Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 19)

In any triangle the greater angle is subtended by the greater side.
Here we assume that α > β and wish to show this implies a > b.
The proof is by contradiction. In the given triangle one of the conditions

a = b, a < b, or a>b

must hold.
If a = b, then triangle ABC would become an
isosceles triangle with α = β . But we know α > β .
Therefore, the original assumption that a = b must
be false.
Assume the a < b and note that we have
just shown the larger angle is always opposite
the larger side, therefore our assumption implies
α < β , which is again a contradiction to the facts
given and so one can conclude our original as-
sumption is false. Figure 3 -33.
The only case left is the case a > b which must Triangle ABC

Example 3-8. (Theorem) The triangle inequality

(Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 20)
The sum of two sides of any triangle will always be greater than the third side
Given the ABC illustrated in the figure 3 -34 with sides a, b, c. Show that one can
b + c > a or a + c > b or a + b > c

This is known as the triangle inequality.

Extend the line segment BC in figure 3 -34, then

use a drawing compass with the needle set at vertex
C and the pencil point set at vertex A. Construct the
arc of a circle which intersects the extended line BC at
the point D. Add the line segment AD and observe that
this construction is such that DC = AC = b and results in
the figure 3 -34. Observe that the constructed triangle
ADC is an isosceles triangle with base angles
Figure 3 -34.
∠ADC = ∠DAC = δ Triangle inequality

Associated with the triangle ABD is the inequality

∠DAB = α + δ > δ since the whole is greater than any of its parts.
Using the fact that the larger angle is always opposite the larger side, one finds
the larger side opposite angle ∠DAB is DC + CB = b + a and the smaller side opposite
the angle δ = ∠ADC is AB = c. Consequently, in triangle ABD one can say

if α + δ = ∠DAB > δ then a + b > c

which is called the triangle inequality.

It is left as an exercise to derive the inequalities a + c > b and b + c > a. These
derivations are identical to what has been done above, but with all the symbols
changed around.

Example 3-9. Triangle inequality for real numbers

The absolute value of a real number x is defined
if x ≥ 0

| x |= (3.21)
−x, if x < 0

For z and r real numbers, the inequality

| z |≤ r is equivalent to −r ≤z ≤ r

In general, if x and y are real numbers, then one can write

− | x |≤ x ≤| x | and − | y |≤ y ≤| y |

Adding these inequalities one finds

− [| x | + | y |] ≤ x + y ≤ | x | + | y |

which by definition can be expressed

| x +y |≤| x | + | y | (3.22)

which is the triangle inequality for real numbers.

Example 3-10. Show the shortest distance from a point P to a line  is always
the perpendicular distance.
Given a line  and a point P not on the line .
Construct the perpendicular line to  which passes
through point P and intersects line  at point A.
One can now extend the line P A downward to the
point B , where B is selected such that P A = AB.
Let Q denote any point on line  which is different
from point A and then construct the line segments
QP and QB .
Figure 3 -35.
Shortest distance to line 
The triangles P AQ and QAB are congruent right triangles (P AQ ∼ = QAB ).
They are congruent using the SAS (side-angle-side) postulate with the line segment
AQ the common side. Therefore, one can write P Q = QB . Using the triangle in-
equality associate with triangle P QB one finds

P Q + QB > P B (3.23)

but P B = P A + AB = 2P A and P Q + QB = 2P Q so that equation (3.23) reduces to

2P Q > 2P A or PQ > PA (3.24)

This demonstrates that any line through point P to the line , which differs from
the perpendicular line through P to the given line , will always have a longer length
than the perpendicular distance P A.

Example 3-11. Another look at the triangle inequality

Construct the altitudes from each vertex to the opposite sides of a general tri-
angle ABC , with sides a,b,c as illustrated in the figures below.
In the triangle on the right with altitude from
vertex A, note that the line segments CD and DB
are perpendicular to the line segment AD . Using
the results from the previous example one finds
the inequalities

Add these inequalities

AB + CA >BD + DC
or c + b >a

In the triangle with altitude from vertex B, note that the line segments AE and
EC are perpendicular the line segment EB . This is the same situation as in the
previous example and so one can produced the inequalities

Add these inequalities

CB + AB >AE + EC
or a+c>b

In the triangle with the altitude from vertex C,

note that the line segments AF and F B are per-
pendicular to the line segment CF .

This is the same situation as in the previous example which results in the in-
Add these inequalities CB + CA >AF + F B
or a+b > c
The equations (3.25), (3.26), (3.27) show that the sum of two sides of any triangle
will always be greater than the third side which is the triangle inequality.
Radius perpendicular to chord

(Euclid, book3, proposition3)

If AB is the chord of a circle and a radius 0D is con-
structed which is perpendicular to the chord, then
this radius will bisect the chord. The situation is il-
lustrated in the figure 3-36. Label the intersection
of radius 0D with the chord AB as the point C. Con-
struct also the line segments 0A and 0B to form the
Figure 3 -36.
two right triangles A0C and B0C .

Observe that these right triangles are congruent (A0C ∼ = B0C ) because of
the RHS (Right triangle-Hypotenuse-Side) postulate where 0C is a common side to
both right triangles and the radii 0A and 0B represent the hypotenuses of these right
triangles. Therefore, AC = CB because corresponding parts of congruent triangles
are equal to one another. Consequently, point C is the midpoint of the chord AB.
This demonstrates that any radius 0D which is perpendicular to a chord AB will
bisect the chord.

Example 3-12. Show two chords are congruent if and only if they are equidis-
tant from the center of the circle. (Euclid, book 3, proposition 14)
Associated with two circles having the same radius r assume that the chords AB
and CD are given with AB congruent to CD (AB ∼ = CD). Construct the line 0E which
is perpendicular to AB and the construct the line 0F which is perpendicular to the
chord CD. Next construct the radial distances 0C and 0A.

Figure 3 -37. Circles with congruent chords

We know that if 0F is perpendicular to CD, then CF = FD which implies 2CF = CD.
In a similar fashion, if 0E is perpendicular to AB, then AE = EB and one can write
2AE = AB. These results hold because we know a line from the center of the circle
which is perpendicular to a chord must bisect the chord. By hypothesis AB = CD,
therefore one can write
2AE = 2CF ⇒ AE = CF (3.28)

which implies triangle A0E is congruent to triangle C0F (A0E ∼= C0F ) because
of RHS (Right triangle-Hypotenuse-Side) using the hypotenuse r and sides AE and
CF. Therefore, 0E = 0F because corresponding parts of congruent triangles are equal
to one another.
Conversely, assume that 0F = 0E with 0E ⊥ AB and 0F ⊥ CD. In this case
the two right triangles C0F and A0E are congruent by RHS (Right triangle-
Hypotenuse-Side) with hypotenuse r and sides 0F = 0E. Therefore, AE = CF
and we know 0E bisects AB and 0F bisects CD so that AB = 2AE and CD = 2CF
Consequently AB = 2AE = 2CF = CD
and the two chords are equal.

The inscribed angle

For the circle illustrated in the figure 3-38 as-

sume that there is a sector formed with the central
angle β which intersects the circumference of the
circle at the points A and B . One can select any
point P on the major arc formed by the points
A and B and then construct the chords P A and
P B . The inscribed angle α = ∠AP B is defined as
the angle formed by the two chords P A and P B
which have the common endpoint P on the major

arc associate with the minor arc AB . The point
P is also known as the vertex of the inscribed an-
gle ∠AP B . The other endpoints A and B define Figure 3 -38. Inscribed angle

the minor intercepted arc s = AB associated with
both the central angle β and inscribed angle α.
The inscribed angle theorem

(Euclid, book 3, propositions 20,21)

The inscribed angle theorem states that the in-
scribed angle α, associated with the central angle
β , will not change as the vertex point P moves
along the major arc formed by the central angle.
Further, the inscribed angle α will always have the
value of half of the central angle (α = 12 β). Another
way of saying this is that the central angle β will
always be twice the inscribed angle α.

The proof of this theorem is broken up into three cases.

Case 1: Consider the special case where one chord PA is the diameter of the
Case 2: Investigate the special case where the center of the circle in the interior
of triangle P AB .
Case 3: Investigate the special case where the center of the circle is exterior to
the triangle P AB .
Case 1: Assume the line segment P A passes
through the center of the circle (0) and then con-
struct the radius 0B = r. In this special case
the triangle P 0B is an isosceles triangle with
equal angles ∠0P B = ∠0BP = α and the angle
∠P 0B = π − β because the central angle β and an-
gle ∠P 0B are supplementary angles. The sum of
the angles in any triangle must add to π radians.
Therefore in triangle P 0B

α + α + (π − β) = π or β = 2α (3.29)

This demonstrates the central angle is twice the

inscribed angle or α = 12 β as stated in the theorem.
Case 2:Construct the line P 0 and then ex-
tend the line to intersect the circle at the point
C as illustrated in the figures on the right. The
constructed line divides the inscribed angle α into
two smaller angles labeled α1 and α2 such that
α = α1 + α2 . Use the results from case 1 above to
verify that
α1 = ∠A0C
α2 = ∠C0B
Adding these equations gives
α1 + α2 = [∠A0C + ∠C0B]

Note that α = α1 + α2 and β = ∠A0C + ∠C0B so that

α = 21 β which was to be proved.

Construct the line P 0 and then extend the line to intersect the circle at
Case 3:
point C. The constructed line forms the inscribed angles α1 and α2 as illustrated.
Note that in this case we have α = α2 − α1 . Use case 1 above and verify that

α1 = ∠C0A
α2 = ∠B0C

Subtracting these equations produces the re-

α2 − α1 = [∠B0C − ∠C0A]
But α = α2 − α1 and β = ∠A0B = ∠B0C − ∠C0A so
that again we have α = 21 β
Let ABCD denote a quadrilateral inside a circle, then the opposite angles sum
to two right angles. (Euclid, book3, proposition 22)
Using the inscribed angle theorem from the previous discussion, one can verify
the equal angles associated with the segments AB, BC, CD, DA. Using the fact that
for every triangle the sum of the interior angles must equal two right angles or π
radians, one can verify the following equations.

Figure 3 -39. Inscribed angles associated with quadrilateral

In triangle ABC the sum of the interior angles produces

(α + δ) + β + γ = π (3.30)

The equation (3.30) shows that the opposite angles associated with a quadrilateral
inscribed inside a circle must sum to two right angles. Quadrilaterals with vertices
on the circumference of a circle are called cyclic quadrilaterals.

How to construct a regular dodecagon using a protractor

First construct a circle of radius r using a drawing compass. We know that the
dodecagon has 12 sides and so divide the 360◦ of the circle into 12 parts to obtain
= 30◦ . Use a protractor and make marks (·) on the circumference of the circle
every 30◦ as illustrated in the figure 3 -40. Draw lines from the points marked to the
center of the circle and also draw line segments connecting the marked points on
the circumference of the circle to form a loop around the inside of the circle creating
the dodecagon.

Figure 3 -40.

Area of a circle
Examine the dodecagon figure constructed in the figure 3 -40 and observe that
the lines through the center of the circle create 12 isosceles triangles around the
inside of the circle. Each side of the isosceles triangles have length equal to the
radius r of the circle.
Examine the figure 3 -41 and make the following observations. As the number of
sides of the inscribed polygon increases, then the side s gets smaller and the apothem
h approaches the radius r of the circle. One can approximate the area of the circle
by adding up the areas of the 12 isosceles triangles created inside the dodecagon of
figure 3-41. Let h, the apothem, denote the height of the isosceles triangle and let s
denote the base of the triangle. We know the area of one triangle is given by 21 the
base times the height or At = 21 sh.

Figure 3 -41.
Dodecagon with inside isosceles triangles with base s and height h
Therefore the approximate area for the circle is
1 1
Acircle ≈ (12)At = (12) sh = h(12s) (3.31)
2 2
where the symbol ≈ is used to represent ‘approximation’ and the quantity (12s)
represents the perimeter of the dodecagon.
Instead of 12 isosceles triangles, suppose there were n such triangles, where n
is a large number. One would expect the area approximation would get better as
n increased. Using the notation limn→∞ to denote the limit as n increases without
bound, the area of the circle approximation becomes
Acircle = lim h(ns) (3.32)
n→∞ 2

where n has replaced the 12 in equation (3.31). The quantity ns in equation (3.32)
now represents the perimeter of the constructed n-sided polygon created by n trian-
gles, all having base s, inside the circle. The value of ns approaches the circumference
of the circle which we know is 2πr. As n gets larger, the base s gets smaller and the
value of h approaches the value of the circle radius r so that equation (3.32) becomes
1 1
Acircle = lim h(ns) = r(2πr) = πr 2 (3.33)
n→∞ 2 2

This gives the result that the area of a circle is given by π times the radius squared.
In summary a circle with radius r has the following properties.
(i) The diameter d is twice the radius or d = 2r
(ii) The circumference c is given by c = 2πr = πd
(iii) The area A is given by A = πr2
(iv) The circle is a figure with constant width.
 3-1. Find the sum of the interior angles of
(a) A triangle
(b) A quadrilateral
(c) A pentagon
(d) A hexagon

 3-2. Consider a regular polygon with n sides inscribed within a unit circle as il-

Fill in the following table.

Regular polygons with

central isosceles exterior
sides angle base angle angle
n θ (radians) β (radians)  (radians)
.. .. .. ..
. . . .

 3-3. Perform the following summations.


2 3
(a) i (b) (2j + 1) (c) k (d) 2i
i=1 j=0 k=1 i=0
 3-4. Given a regular pentagon with
√ √
radius= 1, apothem= 4 (1 + 5), and one side= 2 58 − 85

(a) Find the perimeter and area of the pentagon.

(b) Find the radius of the circumscribed circle.
(c) Find the radius of the inscribed circle.

An n-sided regular polygon is inscribed inside a circle
having radius r.
(i) The apothem an satisfies 0 < an < r because the perpen-
dicular distance 0C = an is the shortest distance to line AB
and also by the larger side opposite larger angle theorem.

(ii)The chord satisfies AB < AB = sn = rθn , because shortest distance from point A
to B is a straight line.
(a) For an n-sided inscribed polygon, find the central angle θn .
(b) For an n-sided inscribed polygon, find its perimeter pn .
(c) Show the area of the inscribed n-sided regular polygon is given by
An = 21 (apothem)(perimeter) = 12 (an )(pn )
(d) Show in the limit limn→∞ an = r, limn→∞ pn = 2πr
(e) Show the area of the circle is limn→∞ An = 21 (radius)(circumf erence of circle)
because of step (d). That is, as n increases the inscribed polygon becomes a circle.

 3-6. Find the sum of the exterior angles of

(a) A triangle, (b) A quadrilateral, (c) A pentagon, (d) A hexagon

 3-7. For the triangle given DE  AB.

Find x and the ratio DE

Given triangle ABC with line BD such that
AD = BD and AD = DC. Prove that CB ⊥ AB.
 3-9. Find the area of the following figures. Assume all lengths are in units of

Given two similar triangles ABC and A B C  .
Place the smaller triangle inside the larger triangle and
construct appropriate parallel lines 1  2  3 to show
that the ratio of the sides associated with similar tri-
angles being proportional can be proven using Thales
parallel intercept theorem.

Find the equation of the line  through the mid-
points of the sides of the given trapezoid. Is this line
parallel to the trapezoid bases?

If line  is a perpendicular bisector of line segment
AB, then prove that any point P on line  is equidistant
from the endpoints.
 3-13. Find the circumcenter for the triangle ABC with vertices
(a) A : (0, 0), B : (14, 0), C : (7, 49) (b) A : (0, 0), B : (14, 0), C : (5, 15)

 3-14. Prove the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect one another.

 3-15. Prove the opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal.

 3-16. Prove a diagonal of a parallelogram creates two equal triangles.

 3-17. Prove that parallel lines are everywhere the same distance apart.

 3-18. Given an angle ∠ABC with angle bisector BD

and arbitrary point P on the angle bisector line. Con-
struct the perpendicular lines PF and PE. Prove the
theorem that every point P on the angle bisector is
equidistant from the angle sides.

Given triangle ABC . Move the vertex C around
to show |a − b| < c < a + b

 3-20. Generalize the triangle inequality to polygons. Prove the side of any polygon
will always be less than the sum of the other sides.

A Reuleaux triangle is constructed as follows. (i) Con-
struct an equilateral triangle with side of length . (ii) Set
drawing compass width equal to  and place the needle of
compass at each vertex to draw the arcs AC , AB , BC .
Prove figure has constant width.

Select a point P inside a circle and construct two different chords
AB and CD through the point P as illustrated. Use the inscribed angle
theorem to show
(a) The triangles AP C and DP B are similar.
(b) Show PA · PB = PC · PD
Given two triangles ABC and DEF where
∠A = ∠D. Prove that

[DEF ] DE · DF

Let AB equal a chord of a circle and let point C denote

the midpoint of the arc AB . Let CD denote any other chord
which intersects the chord AB at point E . Prove that

Given two unequal line segments x and y. Show that
√ (x + y)
xy < ⇒ geometric mean < arithmetic mean

Given triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle. Show that
the line which bisects the exterior angle at vertex C is parallel
to the base AB.

 3-27. Examine a rectangle with sides (a + b) and (c + d). Show graphically that

(a + b)(c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd

If P is a point exterior to a circle and from
point P one constructs two tangents to the circle
which touch the circumference at points A and B ,
(i) Prove that PA = PB
(ii) Show line 0P bisects angle ∠AP B

 3-29. Show that if two triangles are similar, then their altitudes are also similar.
Let M1 and M2 denote the midpoints of the bases
associated with a trapezoid. Prove that the line seg-
ment M1 M2 will pass through the point of intersection
of the diagonals.
(a) Find the area of the trapezoid illustrated.
(b) What happens to the trapezoid as b2 → 0?
(c) Find the area of the trapezoid if b2 → 0.

Given the triangle ABC select any point P within
the triangle and then draw three different lines through
the selected point where each line is parallel to a side
of the triangle. Label the points of intersection with
the sides to obtain the figure illustrated.
(a) Show triangles ABC, P EG, DP F, HIP are similar triangles.

[DP F ] DP [P EG] PE [HIP ] HI
(b) Show that = , = , =
[DP F ] [HIP ] [P EG] DP HI PE
(c) Show that + + = + + =1
(d) Show that [ABC] = [DBF ] + [HIP ] + [P EG]

Select an arbitrary point inside an equilateral tri-
angle ABC with altitude equal to h. Construct the
perpendicular lines PQ, PR, PS to the triangle sides and
show that PQ + PR + PS = h.

Select an arbitrary point P inside an equilateral
triangle with sides of length . Construct the line seg-
ments PQ, PR, PS such that PQ  AC, PR  AB, PS  BC.
Show that PQ + PR + PS = 
Hint: Extend line PQ, then form similar triangles and
Chapter 4
The Pythagorean Theorem
The Pythagorean theorem states a property of right triangles that has been
known for over three thousand years. Consider the right triangle illustrated in the
figure 4 -1.

Figure 4 -1. Right triangle with shorter legs meeting at a right angle.

The Pythagorean theorem states that all right triangles have the following property.

The Pythagorean Theorem

In every right triangle having sides x and y forming a right angle

and having a hypotenuse r opposite the right angle,
one can say that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the
sum of the squares of the other two sides.
or x2 + y 2 = r2

In a right triangle the side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse.
The sides of the right triangle which form the right angle are called the legs of the
right triangle. The more formal term cathetus means either leg of a right triangle
and the plural catheti refers to both sides making the right angle.
The Pythagorean theorem is named after Pythagoras1 (570-495) BCE, who is
supposedly the first person to have provided a written proof of the theorem. There
Pythagoras of Samos (569-475) BCE a Greek philosopher, mathematician and religious leader.
is much evidence2 indicating that the Hindus, Babylonians and Chinese knew about
this theorem about 1000 years before Pythagoras.
Currently there are probably over 500 different proofs of the Pythagorean theo-
rem. The book Pythagorean Proposition by Elisha Scott Loomis contains well over
350 proofs. Many alternative proofs of the Pythagorean theorem can be found on
the internet. About 3000 years ago the Chinese were the first to come up with a
geometric proof of this theorem. This geometric proof is illustrated in the figure 4-2,
where the right triangle in 4-2(a) is reproduced four times and arranged as shown
in figure 4-2(b).

Figure 4 -2. Geometric proof of Pythagorean theorem

This new arrangement, figure 4-2(b), shows a square with sides of length (x + y)
and inside this square is another square with sides of length r. We know there
must be 180◦ in a triangle so it follows that the angles α and β must sum to 90◦ .
This demonstrates that the square with sides of length r is indeed a square with 90◦
corners, because of the angular sum α + 90◦ + β = 180◦ along the straight line for any
side (x + y) of the larger square.
The area of the larger square can be found by calculating
2 2 2 2 2 1
Area = (x + y) = x + 2xy + y = x + y + 4 xy (4.1)

which represents the sum of two squares plus the area of four triangles as pictured
in figure 4-2(c). This area can also be expressed as the sum of the square with sides
This theorem was developed around 800 BCE by Hindu mathematician Baudhayana in his book Baudhayana
Sulba Sutra.
r plus 4-times the area of the triangle in figure 4-2(a). This alternative method of
expressing the area of the square in figure 4-2(b) is written
2 1
Area = r + 4 xy (4.2)
Using the postulate that things equal to the same thing are equal to each other, one
can write    
1 1
Area = x2 + y 2 + 4 xy = r2 + 4 xy
2 2
which simplifies to
x2 + y 2 = r 2 (4.3)

which is the Pythagorean theorem.

This result can also be expressed geometrically by moving the triangles in figure
4-2(b) to their new positions in figure 4-2(c). By comparing the geometry of the
figures 4-2(b) and 4-2(c), one can conclude that the result given by equation (4.3)
is true.
In addition to the figure 4-2 there is another image to help you visualize the
Pythagorean theorem. This image is given in figure 4-3 and represents the square
of each side of a right triangle attached to the appropriate side.

Figure 4 -3. Image to help remember the Pythagorean theorem x2 + y2 = r2

Another proof of the Pythagorean theorem

Consider the right triangle ABC illustrated in the figure 4-4 which has legs
a,b and hypotenuse c. Construct a line perpendicular to the line AB which passes
through the vertex C as illustrated. Label the point of intersection with side AB of
length c as point D and note this perpendicular line divides the length c into two
parts labeled c1 and c2 such that c = c1 + c2 . Also define the distance CD = h as the
height of the triangle and then construct the three similar triangles illustrated in
the figure 4-5.

Figure 4 -4. Right triangle divided into three right triangles

Figure 4 -5. Three similar right triangles from figure 4-4

Comparing similar triangles CDB and ACB form the ratio

a c2
= =⇒ a2 = c c2 (4.4)
c a

Comparing the similar triangles ADC with triangle ACB one finds
b c1
= =⇒ b2 = c c1 (4.5)
c b

Now add the equations (4.4) and (4.5). By the postulate equals added to equals the
results are equal, one obtains the equation

a2 + b2 = cc1 + cc2 = c (c1 + c2 ) = c c = c2 (4.6)

because c1 + c2 = c. This verifies that the sum of the squares of the legs of a right
triangle must equal the hypotenuse of the right triangle squared.
Example 4-1.
Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the shortest distance from a point (x0 , y0 )
to a given line .

Figure 4 -6. Distance from point (x0 , y0 ) to line 

Let d denote the perpendicular distance from the point (x0 , y0 ) to the line . The
general equation for the line  is Ax + By + C = 0 where A, B, C are given constants.
The slope of the line  is m = −AB
and the slope of the line ⊥ which is perpendicular
to Ax + By + C = 0 is m⊥ = BA which is the negative reciprocal of the slope m. The
equation of the perpendicular line which passes through the point (x0 , y0 ) can be
represented as y − y0 = BA (x − x0 ). This line intersects the x-axis at the point
x1 = x0 − y0 (4.7)

where y = 0. Constructing the line x = x0 one finds it intersects the line  at the
point (x0 , y1 ) where
−C A
y1 = − x0 (4.8)
and there is created two similar right triangles as illustrated in the figure 4-6. Using
the similar right triangles one finds the ratio

y02 + (x − x0 )2 y0
= (4.9)
y0 − y1 d
where the Pythagorean theorem is used to calculate the hypotenuse of the larger
right triangle. Using the equations (4.7) and (4.8) one finds
A Ax0 + By0 + C y0
x0 − x1 = y0 , y0 − y1 = , y02 + (x0 − x1 )2 = A2 + B 2 (4.10)

The equation (4.10) simplifies the equation (4.9) to produce the relation
Ax0 + By0 + C
d=  (4.11)
A2 + B 2

for the perpendicular distance from (x0 , y0 ) to the line . Observe that the square
root has two signs and sometimes the distance d comes out negative. To make the
distance d always positive one can select the sign of the square root to make the
distance d positive.
In summary, from the general equation of a line Ax + By + C = 0 one can imme-
diately write the distance formula
Ax + By + C
d= √ (4.12)
± A2 + B 2

where the sign on the square root is to be selected to make d a positive distance.
The result given by equation (4.12) can be used in the following way.
(i) If one substitutes x = x0 and y = y0 into the equation (4.12) and gets a positive
number d, then d represents the perpendicular distance of the point (x0 , y0 ) from the
(ii) If one substitutes x = x0 and y = y0 into the equation (4.12) and gets zero,
then the point (x0 , y0 ) is on the given line.

Euclid’s proof of Pythagorean theorem

The figure 4-7 is known as the Bride’s Chair and was used by Euclid to prove the
Pythagorean theorem. You can find this figure in Euclid’s the Elements under the
listing of proposition 47, book 1. In figure 4-7 there is the right triangle ABC with
sides a and b meeting to form a right angle, together with the side c opposite the right
angle, known as the hypotenuse. Euclid constructed the squares a2 , b2 and c2 and
placed these squares against the corresponding sides of triangle ABC as illustrated.
Euclid then made some straight line constructions to prove that a2 + b2 = c2 for any
right-angled triangle.

He did this by showing the area a2 , attached

to side a, was equal to the rectangular area
BHJD within the square c2 attached to the hy-
potenuse c, as illustrated in the figure 4-7. He
then showed that the area b2 , attached to side b
was equal to the rectangular area HAEJ within
the square c2 . This demonstrated that the sum
of the areas a2 + b2 had to equal the area c2
because the whole must equal the sum of its Figure 4 -7. The Bride’s Chair
In order to make Euclid’s proof as simple as possible, consider the following
basic concepts which will be employed multiple times during Euclid’s proof of the
Pythagorean theorem.
1) If you have two parallel lines a distance h apart and then construct a fixed
line segment B1 B2 = b on the lower parallel line, one can then select a point P on
the upper parallel line to construct the triangle P B1 B2 . This triangle will always
have the area of half the base times the height h no matter where the point P is on
the upper parallel. Note all the triangles have the same height and base. (Euclid,
Book 1, Proposition 38)

Figure 4 -8. Area of triangle remains the same as point P moves on upper line.

2) Construct a rectangle ABCD between two parallel lines as illustrated in the

figure 4-9 and the let point B move to a point B  on the upper parallel. Observe that
the area of triangle BDC is the same as the area of triangle B DC and this area
will always equal half the area of the rectangle ABCD because the two triangles
have the same base. Alternatively one can say that the area of the rectangle is
twice the area of triangle B DC because they have the same base. (Euclid, Book
1, Proposition 41)

Figure 4 -9. Area of triangle B DC and triangle BDC are equal as B  moves.

Examine the figure 4-10 which starts with a right triangle ABC with side a
opposite angle A, side b opposite angle B with these sides forming a right angle.
The hypotenuse c is opposite the 90◦ angle at vertex C. A square with side a is
placed upon side a of the triangle. Similarly, squares of sides b and c are placed upon
the respective sides b and c of the triangle, as illustrated in the figure 4-10.
Draw a straight line from point F to point A and make the following observations.

(a) Side CA is parallel to side F B

(b) The line F A is like the line B  D of figure 4-9.
(c) One can slide point A to point C and conclude that
the triangle F BA has an area of 21 a2
because in sliding point A all triangles have the same base F B

Do you recognize figure 4-9 within the figure 4-10 ?


Figure 4 -10. Construction to begin Euclid’s proof of Pythagorean theorem

Draw a straight line from point C to point D and note that triangle F BA is
congruent to triangle CBD because of SAS (Side-Angle-Side). That is,
(a) F B ∼
= BC Both line segments are of length a
(b) ∠F BA ∼
= ∠CBD Both angles are equal to (90 + β) degrees.
(c) BA ∼
= BD Both line segments are of length c
Consequently, one can write F BA ∼
= CBD because of SAS.

Figure 4 -11. Another construction to begin Euclid’s proof of Pythagorean theorem

The figure 4-11 illustrates the two congruent triangles F BA and CBD, where
the area of each triangle is 12 a2 . Draw the straight line CJ which is perpendicular to
the line segment DE and intersects the line segment BA at point H . This construction
gives the parallel line segments CHJ and BD. By moving the point C to the point
H , one can observe that half the area of the rectangle BHJD is given by 12 a2 and so
the area of the rectangle BHJD is a2 . Go back to figures 4-8 and 4-9 and observe
how one can slide a point along parallel lines to see how an area of the triangles
remain constant. Next examine the figures 4-10 and 4-11 to see how this sliding
along parallel lines is employed to show two figures have the same area because of a
common base associated with a set of parallel lines.
The final steps to complete the proof of the Pythagorean theorem is to show
the area b2 is the same area as the rectangle HAEJ of figure 4-11. Toward this end,
draw the straight line CE as illustrated in the figure 4-12 and then draw the straight
line BG followed by the previous straight line CHJ which is perpendicular to the
line segment DE . In these figures observe that the line segment GA is parallel to the
line segment CB, written GA  CB. Also note that the line segment AE is parallel to
the line segment GA, written AE  CJ . Examine these constructions and experiment
with the sliding of point B to C one finds that the area of triangle BGA is 12 b2 and
by sliding the point C to point H, one can show the area of triangle CAE is half the
area of rectangle HAEJ. Also observe that BGA is congruent to ECA, because of
SAS, with the angle (90 + α) associated with each triangle.

Figure 4 -12. Construction of other straight lines


Figure 4 -13. Congruent triangles

These observations are illustrated in the figure 4-13.

We can formalize Euclid’s proof of the Pythagorean theorem by constructing
step-by-step statements followed by our reasoning for making the statements. This
is known as a (Statements | Reasons) table for a more formal presentation of the
above observations.

Euclid’s Proof of Pythagorean theorem

Statement Reason
1. figure 4-9 CA  F B Square has  opposite sides
2. Area F BA = 12 a2 = Area F BC Common base F B
3. FB ∼= BC = a Equal side of square
4. ∠F BA ∼ = ∠DBC Each angel (90◦ + β)
5. BA ∼= BD Sides of square equal
6. ∼
F BA = CBD Side-Angle-Side (SAS)
7. Area F BA =Area CBD = 12 a2 Congruent triangles have same area
8. figure 4-10 BD  CHJ By construction
9. Area CBD = Area BHD Common base BD
10. Area BHD = 21 Area rectangle BHJD Diagonal HD halves rectangle
11. Area BHJD= a 2 times area BHD
12. figure 5-12 CB  GA Square has  opposite sides
1 2
13. Area ABG = 2 b = Area ACG Common base AG
14. ∼
BA = AE = c Equal side of square
15. ∠EAC ∼ = ∠BAG Each angle (90◦ + α)
16. AC ∼= AG = b Sides of square equal
17. CAE ∼ = GAB SAS
18. Area GBA = Area CAE = 12 b2 Congruent triangles have same area
19. CHJ  AE Square has parallel opposite sides
20. Area CAE = 12 (Area HAEJ) =Area HAE Common base AE
21. Area rectangle HAEJ = b 2 times area HAE
22. a2 + b2 = c2 whole equal to sum of its parts
rectangle BHJD+ rectangle HAEJ= square BAED
Still another proof of the Pythagorean theorem

Figure 4 -14. Constructions to right triangle ABC

Given the right triangle ABC one can make the following constructions.

(a) The line EBF which is parallel to the side AC

(b) The perpendicular line CF ⊥ BF
(c) The perpendicular line AE ⊥ EB
(d) The line DC parallel to the line AB
(e) The line DA parallel to the line CB
This creates the three similar right triangles illustrated in the figure 4-14. Com-
paring the sides of the triangle CBF with the triangle ABC one finds
= =
x r y

which implies that

xy y2
CF = and BF =
r r
Comparing the sides of triangle AEB with the triangle ABC there results
BE x x2
= which gives the result BE =
x r r

The area of the figure constructed in figure 4-14 can be viewed in two ways.
xy x2 y2 1
Area = + + xy
r r r 2

area of rectangle ACFE area triangle ADC
1 x2 xy 1 y 2 xy
Area = xy + +
 2 r r  2 r r 
area rectangle ADCB area triangle AEB area triangle CBF

Now things equal to the same thing are equal to each other so one can equate
the two area representations to obtain the algebraic equation
x3 y xy 3 1 1 x3 y 1 xy 3
+ + xy = xy + +
r2 r2 2 2 r2 2 r2
3 3
1x y 1 xy 1
simplify to find 2
+ 2
= xy
2 r 2 r 2
x2 y2
or + 2 = 1 =⇒ x2 + y 2 = r 2
r2 r

which states that the square of the hypotenuse must equal the sum of the squares
of the other two sides.

Converse of the Pythagorean theorem

From Euclid’s Elements, book 1, Proposition 48, one finds that if you are
given a triangle with sides of lengths a,b,c such that a2 + b2 = c2 , then the an-
gle opposite the side of length c must be a right angle. Here one can write
Right triangle with sides of length a,b,c =⇒ a2 + b2 = c2 , with its converse
a2 + b2 = c2 =⇒ Right triangle with angle C opposite side c = 90◦ or π2 radians
The proof of the converse Pythagorean theorem is as follows.

Figure 4 -15. Congruent triangles

Construct a right-angled triangle DEF with legs DF = b ,FE = a and side DE = f

as illustrated in the figure 4-15. We wish to show that if a2 + b2 = c2 , then angle C
opposite side c is a right angle.
By construction the triangle DEF is a right angled triangle and so by the
Pythagorean theorem the side opposite the 90◦ angle when squared must equal the
sum of the squares of the other two sides or

a2 + b2 = f 2 (4.13)

By hypothesis
a2 + b2 = c2 (4.14)

Things equal to the same thing are equal to one another so one can conclude

f 2 = c2 ⇒ | c |=| f | ⇒ f =c

because both c and f represent positive lengths. Therefore, triangle ABC is con-
gruent to triangle DEF (ABC ∼ = DEF ) because of SSS (Side-Side-Side). In
congruent triangles, corresponding angles are equal so that ∠C = ∠F are right an-
Other triangles
In general, given an acute, right or obtuse triangles with sides a,b,c as illustrated
in the figure 4-16, one can show the following inequalities result

obtuse triangle a2 + b2 < c2 , right triangle a2 + b2 = c2 , acute triangle a2 + b2 > c2


Figure 4 -16. Inequalities for acute and obtuse triangles.

Given two line segments AB and CD as illustrated in the figure 4-17.

Figure 4 -17. Projections of AB onto CD

The projection p of AB onto the line CD is obtained by dropping perpendicular lines

from the endpoints of the AB line segment onto the CD line as illustrated above.
The distance p is called the projection of the line segment AB onto the line CD.
Projection and acute triangle
Consider the triangle ABC with acute angle
at vertex C and where p is the projection of side AC
onto the side CB. Show that the square of the side
opposite the acute angle is given by

c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ap (4.15)

(See Euclid, book 2, proposition, 13)

Drop a perpendicular line from vertex A to the side
CB, intersecting at D, and call this altitude h. Let
p denote the projection of side AC onto side CB.
We employ the Pythagorean theorem to show in CDA b2 = h2 + p2 and in ADB
h2 + y 2 = h2 + (a − p)2 = c2 . One can then write
c2 =(b2 − p2 ) + (a − p)2

c2 =b2 − p2 + a2 − 2ap + p2
c2 =a2 + b2 − 2ap

Projection and obtuse triangle

Consider the triangle ABC with the vertex C
as the obtuse angle and where p is the projection of
side BC onto the extended side AC. Show that the
square of the side opposite the obtuse angle satisfies

c2 = a2 + b2 + 2bp (4.16)

Drop a perpendicular from vertex B to the extended
side AC and label the intersection point D and alti-
tude h.

The Pythagorean theorem requires that in ABD c2 = (b + p)2 + h2 and in BDC

h2 + p2 = a2 . Therefore,
c2 =b2 + 2bp + p2 + a2 − p2
c2 =a2 + b2 + 2bp
(See Euclid, book 2, proposition, 12)
Pythagorean triples
Three positive integers (a, b, c) such that a2 + b2 = c2 are called a Pythagorean
triple. For example, (3, 4, 5) is a Pythagorean triple because 32 + 42 = 52 . Any right
triangle having a Pythagorean triple (a, b, c) for its sides is called a Pythagorean
Euclid’s formula Euclid’s formula for producing Pythagorean triples begins
by selecting two integers p and q which are coprime3 with p > q. If there are three
positive integers (a, b, c) such that a2 + b2 = c2 , then one can write
b c+a
b2 = c2 − a2 = (c − a)(c + a) or =
c−a b
must be a rational number. In this case one can express the rational number as
c a p c a q
+ = and − = (4.17)
b b q b b p
where p and q are coprime integers. Solve the equations (4.17) for the ratios and
as follows. Using addition of the equations (4.17) verify that
c 1 p q 1 p2 + q 2
= + = (4.18)
b 2 q p 2 qp

Using subtraction of the equations (4.17) verify that

a 1 p q 1 p2 − q 2
= − = (4.19)
b 2 q p 2 qp

By equating both the numerators and denominators in the equations (4.18) and
(4.19) there results Euclid’s formula for Pythagorean triples
a =p2 − q 2

b =2pq p and q integers with p > q (4.20)

c =p2 + q 2

Observe that the results given by equation (4.20) satisfies the Pythagorean theorem
because 2 2 2
a + b =c
(p2 − q 2 )2 + (2pq)2 =(p2 + q 2 )2
becomes an identity.
Two integers p and q are called coprime if the only integer that divides both p and q is the number 1. One
can also say that the greatest common divisor of p and q is 1. The terminology relatively prime, mutually prime
and coprime all mean the same thing.
Some well known Pythagorean triples

Pythagorean triples (a, b, c)

p q (a,b,c)
2 1 (3,4,5)
3 1 (8,6,10)=2(4,3,5)
3 2 (5,12,13)
4 1 (15,8,17)
4 2 (12,16,20)=4(3,4,5)
4 3 (7,24,25)
5 1 (24,10,26)=2(12,5,13)
5 2 (21,20,29)
5 3 (16,30,34)=2(8,15,17)
5 4 (9,40,41)
Make note of the following facts concerning Pythagorean triples.
1) If (a, b, c) is a Pythagorean triple, then (ka, kb, kc) is also a Pythagorean triple
for all positive integers k.
2) If (a, b, c) forms a Pythagorean triple, then (b, a, c) is also a Pythagorean triple.
3) Pythagorean triples of the form (ka, kb, kc) are called non primitive Pythagorean
triples since they are multiples of (a, b, c).
The Euclid formulas given by the equations (4.20) does not generate all of the
Pythagorean triples. For example, the Pythagorean triple (9, 12, 15) or (12, 9, 15) can-
not be generated by using the equations (4.20).
A modified form of the equations (4.20) given by

a =m(p2 − q 2 )
b =m(2pq) (4.21)
c =m(p2 + q 2 )

where m, p, q are positive integers with

(i) p>q
(ii) p−q is an odd number
(iii) p and q are coprime

will generate all the Pythagorean triples

Example 4-2. Way back in the year 1643 the French mathematician Fermat4
asked the following question: Find a Pythagorean triangle with sides a, b and hy-
potenuse c such that c and (a + b) were perfect squares. The smallest solution turns
out to be

a = 4, 565, 486, 027, 761 b = 1, 061, 652, 293, 520 c = 4, 687, 298, 610, 289

The next larger solution is so large it cannot be written in any book. Note that
there were no computers during Fermats lifetime.

Example 4-3.
Find the area and perimeter of an equilateral triangle.
Let  denote the length of any side of the equilat-
eral triangle ABC illustrated. Drop a perpendicular
line from the vertex A intersecting the base of the tri-
angle at point D. We know ADB ∼ = ADC with both
triangles being right triangles. Consequently, one can
show BD = DC = /2. Use the Pythagorean theorem on
the sides of triangle ADC to show
 2 √
2  3
h + = 2 ⇒ h= 
2 2

The area of the equilateral triangle is then 12 (base)(height)

or √ √
1 1 3 3 2
Area = ()(h) = ()( ) = 
2 2 2 4

The perimeter P associated with the equilateral triangle is given by P = 3.

Example 4-4.
Find the area and perimeter of an isosceles triangle.
Let  denote the length of the equal sides and let b denote the base of the isosceles
Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665)
triangle ABC illustrated. As in the previous example,
drop a perpendicular from vertex A to the base BC and
show ADB ∼ = ADC with BD = DC = b/2. Apply the
Pythagorean theorem to the sides of triangle ADC and
b2 b2
h2 + = 2 ⇒ h= 2 −
4 4
The area of the isosceles triangle is then 12 (area)(base) or

1 1 b2
Area = bh = b 2 −
2 2 4

The perimeter P is given by P = 2 + b.

Comment on RHS (Right angle-Hypotenuse-Side proposition)
Note that in a right triangle with sides a, b and hypotenuse c one must have
a + b2 = c2 . If one knows the hypotenuse c and one side, say a, then the Pythagorean

theorem gives you the other side b = c2 − a2 . Consequently, the RHS proposition
for right triangles is really a SSS proposition.
Distance formula
One can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the distance between two points
in Cartesian coordinates. Given the two points (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) one can plot these
points in Cartesian coordinates and then using a straight edge they can be connected
with a line segment. Let d denote the distance of this line segment which represents
the distance between the two given points.

Figure 4 -18. Distance d between two given points.

To calculate the distance d first calculate the change in the x-values in moving
from (x1 , y1 ) to (x2 , y2 ). This change in x is (x2 − x1 ) and represents one leg of the
right triangle illustrated in figure 4-18. Next calculate the change in the y-values
in moving from (x1 , y1 ) to (x2 , y2 ). This change in y is (y2 − y1 ) and represents the
other leg of the right triangle illustrated in the figure 4-18. One can now use the
Pythagorean theorem and write

(x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 = d2 or d = (x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 (4.22)

One takes the positive square root in equation (4.22) because the distance d is always
considered to be a positive distance.
Equation of a circle

Figure 4 -19.
Equation for circle centered at (x0 , y0 ) is (x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = r 2

The figure 4-19 can be used to define the equation of a circle. If (x, y) is a
variable point restricted to remain a fixed distance r from the point (x0 , y0 ), then by
the distance formula the coordinates for points on a circle must satisfy

(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = r 2 (4.23)

Here (x0 , y0 ) is the center of the circle, r is the radius of the circle and (x, y) is a

variable point on the circle. The top half of the circle is y = y0 + r2 − (x − x0 )2 and

the bottom half of the circle is y = y0 − r2 − (x − x0 )2 .
Example 4-5. Show that if A and B are two points on a circle such that the line
segment AB does not pass through the center of the circle, then a line CD through
the center of the circle which passes through the midpoint M of the line segment
AB will be perpendicular to the line segment AB. (Euclid, Book 3, proposition 3)

x2 + y 2 = r 2
Let point A have the coordinates
(x1 , y1 ) and let B have the coordinates
(x2 , y2 ). These points must lie on the circle,
hence these coordinates satisfy the equa-
tion of the circle, so that x1 , y1 , x2, y2 are
restricted so that

x21 + y12 = r 2 and x22 + y22 = r 2 (4.24)

The line segment AB has the slope m1 given by

change in y y2 − y1
m1 = = (4.25)
change in x x2 − x1
The point-slope equation for the extended line is given by

y − y1 = m1 (x − x1 ) (4.26)

The requirement that the line segment AB not pass through the origin is equivalent
to the requirement that the point (0, 0) is not on the line given by equation (4.26).
Hence, it is necessary to assume that y1 = m1 x1 . The midpoint M of the line segment
AB is  
1 1
M= (x1 + x2 ), (y1 + y2 ) (4.27)
2 2
which represents the average of the x-values and y-values. One can construct the
line segment 0M and then extend it to intersect the circle at the points C and D.
The slope m2 of the line segment 0M is
change is y (y1 + y2 ) y1 + y2
m2 = = 12 = (4.28)
change in x 2 (x1 + x2 ) x1 + x2
The product of these slopes is
(y2 − y1 ) (y1 + y2 ) y 2 − y22 r 2 − x21 − (r 2 − x22 )
m1 m2 = · = 12 2 = = −1 (4.29)
(x2 − x1 ) (x1 + x2 ) x1 − x2 x21 − x22

where we have used the results from the equations (4.24) to demonstrate that the
product of the slopes equals minus 1. This demonstrates that the line segments AB
and 0M are perpendicular to one another.

Equation of an ellipse
In Cartesian coordinates let the points (c, 0) and (−c, 0) denote the foci associated
with an ellipse. The equation for the ellipse is defined in terms of the motion of a
variable point P (x, y) being a distance d1 from one focus and a distance d2 from
the other focus and restricted such that the sum
of these distance be constant or d1 +d2 = a constant.
Let the constant term be denoted by 2a with a >
c > 0, then the equation for the ellipse is obtained
using algebra. Using the figure on the right, the
distances d1 and d2 of point P from the foci are
obtained by using the Pythagorean theorem and

d21 =(x + c)2 + y 2 ⇒ d1 = (x + c)2 + y 2
d22 =(x − c)2 + y 2 ⇒ d2 = (x − c)2 + y 2
The definition describing an ellipse requires d1 + d2 = 2a or

(x + c)2 + y 2 + (x − c)2 + y 2 = 2a (4.31)

Express equation (4.31) in the form

(x + c)2 + y 2 = 2a − (x − c)2 + y 2 (4.32)

and then square both sides to show

x2 + 2xc + c2 + y 2 = 4a2 − 4a (x − c)2 + y 2 + x2 − 2xc + c2 + y 2
which simplifies to the form

a (x − c)2 + y 2 = a2 − xc (4.33)

Square both sides of equation (4.33) and simplify the results to the form

(a2 − c2 )x2 + a2 y 2 = a2 (a2 − c2 ) (4.34)

Make the substitution b2 = a2 − c2 and express the result in the form

x2 y2
+ = 1, a > b, b2 = a2 − c2 ,
a2 b2
This is called the standard form for the equation of an ellipse. Here a is called the
semi-major axis of the ellipse and b < a is called the semi-minor axis of the ellipse.
If the foci are on the y-axis, having coordinates (0, c) and (0, −c), then the roles
of a and b are reversed with the requirement d1 + d2 = 2b. In this case the equation
of the ellipse takes on the form
x2 y2
+ = 1, b > a, a2 = b2 − c2
a2 b2

Observe that in the special case a = b, the equation of an ellipse reduces to the
equation of a circle centered at the origin having radius b.

Thales theorem for circle

Thales of Miletus (624-547) BCE, investigated the construction of triangles
within a circle. Consider the semicircle illustrated in figure 4-20 where the tri-
angle ABC has vertex angle A at one end of the circle diameter and the vertex
angle B is at the other end of the circle diameter.

Figure 4 -20. Triangle ABC constructed inside semicircle.

Let 0 denote the center of the circle and let the vertex angle C be anywhere
on the circumference of the circle. Construct the line segment 0C = r which is the
radius of the semicircle and label the angle ∠AC0 = α and the angle ∠0CB = β . The
triangle A0C is now an isosceles triangle with equal sides of length r and hence
the angles opposite these sides are equal. That is, α = ∠0AC = ∠AC0. The triangle
0CB is also an isosceles triangle with equal sides of length r . The angles opposite
these sides must also be equal so that β = ∠0CB = ∠0BC. We know that the sum of
the angles of any triangle must sum to 180◦ so in triangle ABC one can write

α + (α + β) + β = 180◦ or 2(α + β) = 180◦ or α + β = 90◦ (4.35)

Thales theorem states that whenever two vertices A,B of a triangle lie at the ends
of a circle diameter and the third vertex C lies on the circumference of the circle,
then the vertex angle C must be a right angle.
Consider the triangle ABC illustrated in the
figure 4-21 and drop a perpendicular line from
vertex C. Use the similar right triangles ADC ∼
CDB and show the sides are proportional giving

h a
= or h2 = a(d − a) (4.36)
d−a h

One can show the triangle in figure 4-21 is a right

triangle by using the fact that if two lines are per-
pendicular, then the product of their slopes is mi- Figure 4 -21.
nus 1. Use slopes to verify intersection

The slope of line segment AC is mAC = change in y =

change in x a
and the slope of the line segment CB is mCB = change in y =
change in x d − a
Using the result from equation (4.36) note that the product of these slopes produces
−h2 −h2
mAC · mCB = = 2 = −1 (4.37)
a(d − a) h

which demonstrates the line segment AC is perpendicular to the line segment CB ,

verifying our earlier result concerning perpendicular lines and the fact that angle C
is 90◦ or π2 radians.
Example 4-6. (Mean proportion) Given two numbers n1 and n2 . The mean
proportion of n1 and n2 is defined
√ m n1 m n2
m= n1 n2 or m2 = n1 n2 or = or =
n2 m n1 m
This can be illustrated graphically by constructing a line
of length AB = n1 + n2 with the segments n1 and n2 meeting
at point C . One can now calculate the midpoint of AB and
then construct a semicircle as illustrated. This is followed
by the construction of the line segments AD,DB as well as
the line CD of length m which is perpendicular to AB. Here
m represents the mean proportion of n1 and n2 .
To prove this assertion examine the angles in the triangles ACD and DCB
m n1
and show ACD ∼ DCB with proportional sides giving = .
n2 m

Example 4-7.
One can make use of Thales theorem for the circle
and devise a method for constructing a perpendicular at
a specified point on a line. Let P denote a given point
on a line. Select a point 0 not on the line and then use
a drawing compass with radius 0P to draw a circle which
intersects the given line at the points P and A. One can
then construct the diameter of the circle by drawing a line
through point A and the center point 0 to intersect the
circle at point B . The line PB will then be perpendicular
to the given line because of Thales theorem for the circle.

Example 4-8. Let P : denote any point outside a given circle with
(x1 , y1 )
center C : (x0 , y0 ) and radius r. Construct the tangent line to the circle which passes
through the point P and label the point of tangency T . Find the distance of the line
segment PT = d.
The triangle CT P is a right trian-
gle with sides r, the given radius, h the
hypotenuse distance PC and the distance
PT = d. By the Pythagorean theorem
d2 + r 2 = h2 The distance PC = h is deter-
mined from the distance formula

h2 = (x1 − x0 )2 + (y1 − y0 )2

which is also a result of using the Pythagorean

d2 = h2 − r 2 = (x1 − x0 )2 + (y1 − y0 )2 − r 2 (4.38)

Take the square root of both sides to solve for d.

Heron’s formula for area of a triangle

The Heron’s formula for the area of a triangle is obtained by knowing only the
sides of the triangle. This area formula was developed by Heron of Alexandria (10-
70)CE and uses the Pythagorean theorem to aid in developing the formula. It is
derived as follows.
Given a general triangle ABC as illustrated in the figure 4-23 one can construct
a perpendicular line from the vertex C to the base c of the triangle. This construction
forms two right triangles and divides the side c into two parts labeled c1 and c2 such
that c1 + c2 = c. The Pythagorean theorem requires

b2 =c21 + h2 and
a2 =h2 + c22 where c2 = c − c1

Subtract the upper equation from the lower equation (4.39) and show

a2 − b2 = c22 − c21 = (c − c1 )2 − c21 = c2 − 2cc1 (4.40)


Figure 4 -23. Constructions to triangle ABC

Solve equation (4.40) for c1 and show

c2 + b2 − a2
c1 = (4.41)

One can now do some algebra on the Pythagorean equation h2 = b2 −c21 from equation
(4.39). Substitute for c1 from equation (4.41) and show
2 2 c2 + b2 − a2
h =b − c21
=b − 2
2c (4.42)
2 2 2 2 2 2
4b c − (c + b − a )
h2 =

We will now use the algebraic equation (A2 −B 2 ) = (A−B)(A+B) for different selections
for the quantities A and B . Observe that with A = 2bc and B = c2 +b2 −a2 the equation
(4.42) can be expressed

(2bc + a2 − b2 − c2 )(2bc − a2 + b2 + c2 )
h2 = (4.43)

The terms in equation (4.43) can be rearranged into the form

4c2 h2 = a2 − [b2 − 2bc + c2 ] [b2 + 2bc + c2 ] − a2

4c2 h2 = a2 − [b − c]2 [b + c]2 − a2

Note the terms in equation (4.44) have the form A2 − B 2 for different values of A and
B . Therefore, equation (4.44) can be factored into the form

4c2 h2 = (a − (b − c)) (a + (b + c)) ((b + c) − a) ((b + c) + a) (4.45)

The equation (4.45) can be expressed in a more symmetric form by defining the
s= = the semi-perimeter of triangle ABC (4.46)
One can then write
2s =a + b + c
2(s − a) =b + c − a

2(s − b) =a + c − b
2(s − c) =a + b − c

These equations can now be substituted in the equation (4.45) to obtain

c2 h2 = 4s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) where s = (4.47)

The area [ABC] of the triangle ABC is half the base c times the height h or
[ABC] = 21 ch. Therefore, the equation (4.47) becomes

4[ABC]2 =c2 h2 = 4s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c)

a+b+c (4.48)
or [ABC] = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) where s=

The equation (4.48) is known as Heron’s formula for the area of a triangle where
s = a+b+c
2 is the average perimeter of the triangle ABC having the sides a,b and c.
It is required that the quantity under the square root symbol must be positive in
order for the area to be positive. It turns out that this is equivalent to requiring
that the triangle inequality be satisfied in order for a triangle to exist.
Then and now
The following presentation is a comparison of the way things were done thou-
sands of years ago compared to modern day methods. The presentation selected is
the proposition 9, from Euclid’s Elements, Book 2. A picture of Euclid’s presen-
tation of proposition 9, is given in the figure 4-24, which comes from the Richard
Fitzpatrick translation, ”Euclid’s Elements of Geometry”, found on the internet.
The figure 4-24 is given as an illustration of ideas presented thousands of years ago
to be used for comparison with a more modern presentation of the same ideas.

Figure 4 -24. Euclid’s Proposition 9, from Richard Fitzpatrick translation.

To simplify the proposition 9 of Euclid’s book, I will resort to modern day
methods to represent the ideas presented.
Proposition 9, book 2, compares the division of a line segment AB (i) into two
equal parts by point C and (ii) into two unequal parts by point D. Euclid claims
2 2 2 2
AD + DB = 2 AC + CD (4.49)

This situation is illustrated in the figure 4-25.

Figure 4 -25. Line segment divided into equal and unequal parts.

Euclid’s Proof
Construct the line CE which is perpendicular to AB such that CE = AC = CB.
Now construct the lines EA and EB followed by the lines DF perpendicular to AB
and parallel to EC. Another construction GF perpendicular to CE and parallel to AB
followed by the construction of line AF.
We know AC = CE so that the angles ∠CAE = ∠CEA = π4 are equal. Similarly,
CE = CB implies the angles ∠CBE = ∠CEB = π4 . Therefore, ∠AEB is a right angle.
Observe that ∠GEF = ∠GF E = π4 so that EG = GF. By the same reasoning one can
show ∠DF B = ∠DBF = π4 and therefore FD = DB.
We now have several equalities
AC = CE = CB, ∠AEB = , EG = GF = CD, FD = DB
and two right triangles to work with, namely AEF and ADF . Using the above
identities and the Pythagorean theorem one can discern the following results.
2 2 2
(i) AC + CE = 2AC
2 2 2 2
(ii) AE = AC + CE = 2AC
2 2
(iii) EG = GF and GF = CD
2 2 2 2 2
(iv) EF = EG + GF = 2GF = 2CD
2 2 2 2 2
2 2

(v) EF + AE = AF = 2CD + 2AC = 2 AC + CD
2 2 2 2 2
(vi) AF = FD + AD = AD + DB
Therefore, by using (v) and (vi) with things equal to the same thing are equal to one
another, one finds the truth of Euclid’s claim. In Euclid’s proposition 9 all of the
above statements (i) through (vi) are written out in sentences with reasons for each
statement. This makes the proof of the claim quite long.
For a more modern approach to
the above problem. Let a symbol
represent an idea!

Let AC = CB =x
Let CD =y
Let DB = x − y
Euclid wanted to show (x + y)2 + (x − y)2 = 2 x2 + y2
Use algebra and expand the left-hand side of the above equation to show
x2 + 2xy + y 2 + x2 − 2xy + y 2 = 2[x2 + y 2 ]

which establishes Euclid’s claim.

As an exercise examine other propositions in Euclid’s Book 2 and give an alge-
braic interpretation to the results. For example, the proposition 4, book 2 of the
Elements states: If a straight line be cut at random, the square on the whole is equal
to the squares on the segments and twice the rectangle contained by the segments.
This is equivalent to the algebraic statement
x2 = y 2 + (x − y)2 + 2(x − y)y

as being an identity.
The above proof from Euclid’s Elements shows that thousands of years ago they
used geometry to prove algebraic identities. Make note of the fact that algebra5
wasn’t used much until about the 16th century when it started to gain acceptance.
We have demonstrated that by defining symbols one can use algebra to produce some
of the results found in Euclids Elements. In dealing with mathematical symbols in
equations, you must learn to understand the meaning of the symbols as well as being
able to write out in words what the symbols are trying to tell you. For example,
if you are given a right triangle with sides a, b, c and you know a2 + b2 = c2 , write
out in words all that this equation is telling you and what is implied by knowing
the equation is true. Too many students memorize equations without having any
understanding of what the equations represent. The memorization of equations is
not what mathematics is about. The secret to success in mathematics is definitions,
understanding them and recognizing them when they arise in the application of
mathematics and employing them to make new discoveries, prove theorems and
expand the knowledge about various subjects.

Cevians of a triangle
By definition any line segment in a triangle running from a vertex to a point
on the side opposite the vertex is called a cevian. Named after Giovanni Benedetto
Ceva (1647-1734) an Italian mathematician and engineer.

Stewart’s theorem
Matthew Stewart6 investigated the length d of a cevian from the vertex A to
side BC of a general triangle ABC . The cevian AA divides the side a = BC into
two parts labeled αa and (1 − α)a, where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. The situation is illustrated in the
The name ”algebra” comes from the Arabic ”Al-jabr”. The beginnings of algebra were developed around
700 CE by a Persian mathematician by the name of Abu J áf ar M uhammad ibn M ūsā al-Khwārizmī.
Matthew Stewart (1717-1785) A Scottish mathematician.
figure 4-26 which illustrates the cases for an acute and obtuse triangle. Stewart’s
theorem states that the cevian d = AA is obtained from the relation
(1 − α)b2 + αc2 = d2 + α(1 − α)a2 (4.50)

Figure 4 -26. Cevian AA divides BC into two parts.

We use the Pythagorean theorem together with some algebra to prove Stewart’s
result. First drop a perpendicular from vertex A to the triangle base and label the
point of intersection D, then

acute obtuse
From ADA h2 + x2 = d2 From ADA h2 + x2 = d2
From ADC h2 + (αa + x)2 = b2 From ADC h2 + (x − αa)2 = b2
From ADB h2 + ((1 − α)a − x)2 = c2 From ADB h2 + (x + (1 − α)a))2 = c2

Multiply the middle equation by v = (1 − α)a and the bottom equation by u = αa

to show
acute obtuse

vb2 =vh2 + v u2 + 2ux + x2 vb2 =vh2 + v x2 − 2xu + u2

uc2 =uh2 + u v 2 − 2vx + x2 uc2 =uh2 + u x2 + 2xv + v 2

Addition of these equations followed by simplification using the results u + v = a and

h2 + x2 = d2 , there results the Stewart formula

vb2 + uc2 = a d2 + uv or (1 − α)b2 + αc2 = d2 + α(1 − α)a2 (4.51)
Special case cevian is a median
In the special case the cevian is a median, then the
side a of triangle ABC is divided into two equal parts.
In this special case u = v or α = 12 or v = a2 , so that
Stewart’s formula becomes

2b2 + 2c2 − a2
v(b2 + c2 ) = a d2 + v 2 ⇒ 2(b2 + c2 ) = 4d2 + a2 ⇒ d2 = (4.52)

Special case cevian is an altitude

In the special case the cevian is an altitude, then the
cevian AA is perpendicular to the side CB associated with
triangle ABC and there is created two right triangles so
that the length of the cevian can be obtained from either
of the Pythagorean relations
d2 + v 2 = c2 ⇒ d2 = c2 − v 2

d2 + u2 = b2 ⇒ d2 = b2 − u2

In this case the Stewart formula for the length of the cevian becomes an identity.
The length of the cevian can be obtained in terms of the semiperimeter s = a+b+c 2
follow. The area of the triangle squared is written
2 1 1 2 2
[ABC] = ad = a d (4.53)
2 4

By Heron’s formula the area squared is written

[ABC]2 = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) (4.55)

Things equal to the same thing are equal to one another so that one finds the length
of the cevian, when it is an altitude, can be obtained from the alternative formula
d= s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) (4.55)
Ceva’s theorem
Ceva’s theorem is a condition that must be sat-
isfied if the three cevians associated with the three
vertices of a triangle meet at a point of concurrency
somewhere inside the triangle as illustrated in the
accompanying figure. Ceva’s condition is that the
cevians are concurrent at point 0 if the product of
the ratios associated with each side of the triangle
equals unity or

· · =1

Note the cevians divide the sides of the triangle

into six parts as illustrated in the accompanying Figure 4 -27. Ceva’s triangle
figure. The Ceva’s theorem can then be expressed
in the alternate form
x1 x3 x5
x2 x4 x6
Knowledge of the following two mathematical facts makes the proof of Ceva’s theo-
rem easy.
Fact 1:
a c a c a−c
If = , then = = for b = d.
b d b d b−d

a c a a + λc
If = , then = for any constant λ because the cross ratio produces an
b d b b + λd
identity. That is,
a c
ab + λad = ab + λbc ⇒ ad = bc ⇒ =
b d
In the special case λ = −1, the above ratio results.
Fact 2:
If CC  is a cevian of triangle ABC , then it
divides the side AB into two parts x and y where
the ratio xy equals the ratio of the areas associated
with triangles ACC  and CC B .
x [ACC  ]
y [CC  B]
Recall the notation [ABC] = Area of triangle ABC as we will be using this
notation in proving Ceva’s theorem. For example, the cevian CC  divides the given
triangle into two triangles where the area of each triangle is given by 12 (base)(height)
so that their ratio becomes 1
[ACC  ] 2
hx x
= 1 =
[CC  B] 2
hy y
Proof of Ceva’s theorem

Figure 4 -28. Triangles within triangles for determining ratios.

Refer to the figure 4-28 to verify the following ratio of areas
[ACD] 12 AD h1 AD [ABF ] 12 BF h3 BF [CEB] 12 CE h5 CE
=1 = =1 = =1 =
[CDB] 2 DB h1 DB [AF C] 2 FC h3 FC [EAB] 2 EA h5 EA
[AD0] 12 AD h2 AD [0BF ] 12 BF h4 BF [CE0] 12 CE h6 CE
=1 = =1 = =1 =
[DB0] 2 DB h2 DB [0F C] 2 FC h4 FC [EA0] 2 EA h6 EA
[A0C] [ACD] − [AD0] AD [B0A] [ABF ] − [0BF ] BC [B0C] [CEB] − [CE0] CE
= = = = = =
[B0C] [CDB] − [DB0] DB [A0C] [AF C] − [0F C] FC [B0A] [EAB] − [EA0] EA

AD BF CE [A0C] [B0A] [B0C]
· · = · · =1 (4.56)
DB FC EA [B0C] [A0C] [B0A]
because the ratio of areas divide out leaving unity.
Converse of Ceva’s theorem
Assume in triangle ABC one can find points D, E, F on the triangle sides
AB, AC, BC such that
· · =1 (4.57)
then this implies the cevians AF, BE, CD meet at a point of concurrency.
Assume the cevians AF and BE meet at a point
0 as illustrated in the accompanying figure. Con-
struct the line C0 and extend it to intersect the side
AB at a point G. By Ceva’s theorem one must have

· · =1 (4.58)

Equate equations (4.57) and (4.58) to obtain

· · = · · ⇒ =
Add 1 to both sides of this equation and show
+1= +1 ⇒ =
which simplifies to the requirement
This equation can only hold true if the points G and D are concurrent. This requires
AD = AG for the requirement that the three cevians meet at a point of concurrency.

Ratios of lengths created by cevians of a triangle

Whenever three cevians all pass through an interior point of a triangle, various
ratios of the lengths are created. Associated with the figure 4 -29 are the following
ratio properties. 0F 0D 0E
+ + =1
C0 A0 B0
+ + =2
= + (4.59)
= +
= +

Figure 4 -29. Triangle with concurrent point associated with three cevians.

The following is an example of, ”What has been done once can be done again,”
which is used quite often in mathematics.
Procedure A
In the figure 4 -29 examine the triangles A0B and ABC and construct the
altitudes CG and 0H as illustrated and note that CG is parallel to 0H (CG  0H). The
triangles CGF and 0HF are right triangles and they are similar (CGH ∼ 0HF ).
Therefore, one can write the ratio
0H 0F
= (4.60)

One can also examine the ratio of triangle areas associated with triangles having the
same base. For example, using the notation

[ABC] = [BCA] = [CAB] = [ACB] = [BAC] = [CBA] = Area of the triangle ABC

one finds 1
[0AB] 2
(AB)(0H) 0H 0F
= 1
= = (4.61)
[CAB] 2

End of procedure A
By rotating triangle ABC so that BC is the base and doing exactly the same
steps as was done in procedure A, with the symbols changed, one can show
[0CA] 0D
= (4.62)

Rotate the triangle again so that AC is the base and again use the procedure A, with
the symbols changed, to show
[0CA] 0E
= (4.63)
By addition of the equations (4.61), (4.62), (4.63) there results
0F 0D 0E [0AB] [0BC] [0CA]
+ + = + + =1 (4.64)

Note that in the equation (4.64) the denominators are all equal to the area of triangle
ABC and the summation of the numerators in equation (4.64) represents the sum
of the triangles interior to ABC . The whole being the sum of its parts.
Using the subtraction of line segments, which are all positive in length, one can
C0 CF − 0F 0F
= = 1− (4.65)
A0 AD − 0D 0D
= =1− (4.66)
B0 BE − 0E 0E
= = 1− (4.67)
Adding the equations (4.65), (4.66), (4.67) there results
C0 A0 B0 0F 0D 0E
+ + =3− + +
Using the results from the equation (4.64) the above result becomes
C0 A0 B0
+ + =2 (4.68)
Using the results from Ceva’s theorem, given by equation (4.56) which is written
in terms of the notation of triangle ABC of figure 4 -29 one can verify that
AF DB CE [A0C] [A0B] [BC0]
· · = · · =1 (4.69)
FB CD EA [CB0] [AC0] [A0B]
which implies
AF [A0C] DB [A0B] CE [BC0]
= , = , = (4.70)
FB [CB0] CD [AC0] EA [A0B]
Recall that the ratio of triangle areas, using triangles having the same height, pro-
duces the ratio of the bases. Then an examination of the triangles to the left and
right of the cevian CF one can verify
C0 [AC0] [BC0]
= = (4.71)
0F [A0F ] [B0F ]
Also note the theory of proportions produces the ratio
C0 [AC0] + [BC0] [AC0] + [BC0] [AC0] [BC0]
= = = + (4.72)
0F [A0F ] + [B0F ] [A0B] [A0B] [A0B]
where now one can use the results from equation (4.70) to show equation (4.72)
reduces to the desired equation
= + (4.73)
The above result is cyclic in nature so it follows that the following ratios are also
= + and = + (4.74)

Example 4-9. Prove the medians of a triangle meet at a point of concurrency.

This is a special case where x1 = x2 , x3 = x4 and x5 = x6 (See figure 4-27) and Ceva’s
theorem holds showing the medians of a triangle produce a point of concurrency
called the centroid.
Example 4-10. Prove the altitudes of a triangle meet at a point of concurrency.
Use similar triangles AF C ∼ BDC to show

= (4.75)

Use similar triangles ABD ∼ AEC to show

= (4.76)

Use similar triangles ABF ∼ BCE to show

= (4.77)

Take the products of equations (4.75), (4.76), (4.77) to show

· · = · · =1 (4.78)
Changing the numerator of the left hand side of equation (4.78) gives Ceva’s theorem
and demonstrates the altitudes must meet at a point of concurrency called the
Example 4-11. Prove the angle bisectors in a triangle meet at a point of
concurrency called the incenter.
Each cevian divides the triangle into two parts.
Use Thales theorem of proportion associated with
each angle bisector to show the following.

= , = , =

Multiply these ratios and show

· · = · · =1
which is Ceva’s theorem and demonstrating that the angle bisectors meet at a point
of concurrency.

 4-1. Write down two numbers which are coprime.

 4-2. Find the distance between the given points.

(a) (1, 2) (5, 5) (d) (1, 2) (25, 9)

(b) (1, 2) (13, 7) (e) (1, 2) (2, 3)
(c) (1, 2) (9, 8) (f ) (1, 2) (1 + a, 2 + b)

 4-3. Sketch the given ellipse

x2 y2 x2 y2
(a) + =1 (b) + =1
9 16 16 9

Given the semicircle y = r2 − x2 , −r ≤ x ≤ r as
illustrated. Let P denote the point (x0 , y0 ) on the semi-

circle where y0 = r2 − x20 .
(a) Find the equation of the line 1 passing through
(−r, 0) and P .
(b) Find the equation of the line 2 passing through
(r, 0) and P .
(c) Show 1 ⊥ 2

 4-5. Find the area of the given triangles.

 4-6. Given triangle ABC with sides a, b, c. What kind of triangle results if

(a) a2 + b2 < c2 (b) a2 + b2 = c2 (c) a2 + b2 > c2

 4-7. Find the length of the diagonal of a square with side of length s.
Given the obtuse triangle ABC with p the pro-
jection of side a onto the side AB extended.
Show that b2 = a2 + c2 + 2cp
(Euclid, Book 2, Proposition 12)
Here b equals the side opposite the obtuse angle, a, c
are the other two sides and 2pc is twice the product of
the projection length and c the length of the triangle side used for the projection.

Given an acute triangle ABC with side a being
projected onto the side AB giving a length p.
Show that b2 = a2 + c2 − 2cp
(Euclid, Book 2, Proposition 13)
Here b is the side opposite the acute angle, a, c are the
other two sides and 2pc is twice the product of the
projection length and c the side used for the projection.

Assume the earth is a sphere and point p is a distance h
above the earth. Let 0 denote the center of the earth, r ≈ 3960
miles, the radius of the earth and point A a point on the horizon
as viewed from point p. Assume all units are in miles and
answer the following questions.
(a) Find a formula to calculate the distance PA to the horizon.
(b) If h is very small compared to the radius of the earth and h is converted to units
of feet, show that

(2)(3960) h
PA ≈ h in units of feet and PA in units of miles.

 4-11. Find the length of the diagonal of a rectangle having sides of length 5 and
10 meters.

 4-12. A room in a certain house for sale measures 24 by 34 by 8 feet. Find the
distance from one corner on the floor to the opposite corner on the ceiling.
Given the right triangle ABC with sides x, y
and hypotenuse r. There is some type of figure at-
tached to each side of the triangle. The attached
figures have the attachment lengths BC, AB and CA
respectively. Examine the area of figure 1 in com-
parison to the the sum of the areas from figures 2
and 3 in the following cases.
(a) Each figure is a square. (d) Each figure is an n-gon.
(b) Each figure is a pentagon. (e) Each figure is a semicircle.
(c) Each figure is a hexagon. (f ) Each figure is an equilateral triangle.

 4-14. Given a circle of radius R meters. Find the length of the chord AB which is
(R − a) meters from the center of the circle.

 4-15. Given a circle of radius R meters. A chord AB is constructed having a length

(2R − a) meters. How far from the circle center is the chord?

 4-16. Given a chord AB of length 1 meters which is 2 meters from the center of
the circle. Find the radius of the circle.

Use the distance formula to show that in a right tri-
angle the length of the median from the right angle to the
hypotenuse will always equal one-half the length of the hy-


Given a trapezoid ABCD with M1 , M2 the mid-

points of the bases b1 and b2 . If the base angles α,
β satisfy α + β = π2 show that M1 M2 = 21 (b2 − b1 ).
Hint: See the previous problem.

Let CD denote the altitude of triangle ABC and let

P denote an arbitrary point on CD. Use the Pythagorean
theorem to show
2 2 2 2
AC − AP = CB − PB

Given the triangle ABC with cevian CD.
Express Stewarts theorem in terms of the lengths
a, b, c, d, c1, c2.


Given the triangle ABC with AC = 5, BC = 8,

AB = 16 and DB = 3AD. Find the length of the cevian

Given the triangle ABC with CA = 8,

BC = 10, C  A = 2 and BA = 13 + 205. Find the
length of the cevian CC .

 4-23. Given an isosceles triangle with vertex angle C and cevian CC  = 19. The
base AB of the isosceles triangle is divided into two parts by the cevian such that
AC  = 3 and C  B = 13. Find the length of the sides associated with the isosceles

 4-24. Apply a cyclic rotation of symbols to the equation (4.52) to find the length
of the medians BB  and CC  associated with triangle ABC .

 4-25. Apply a cyclic rotation of symbols to the equation (4.55) to find the length
of the altitudes BB  and CC  associated with triangle ABC .
 4-26. Equation of a sphere

A sphere is defined as the locus of points equidis-

tant from a fixed point. If (x, y, z) denotes a variable
point which is always a distance r from a fixed point
(x0 , y0 , z0 ), then use the Pythagorean theorem to show
the equation of the sphere centered at (x0 , y0 , z0 ) is
given by (x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 + (z − z0 )2 = r2

 4-27. Find the distance between the given points.

(0, 0, 0) to (3, 4, 5) (3, 4, 5) to (20, 32, 18)
(1, 2, 3) to (3, 4, 5) (12, 35, 8) to (20, 45, 58)
Consider a regular pentagon with unit sides inscribed
within a circle as illustrated. Extend the unit sides of the
pentagon to form a pentagram and then connect the points
AGBCH with straight lines to form a larger pentagon. Let
x = AD and demonstrate that  √
(a) the radius of the circumscribe circle is r = 5+10 5
(b) the quadrilateral AF BG is a rhombus.
(c) one side of the larger pentagon is BG = 1 + x
(d) the triangles ADE and ACB are similar.
x 2x + 1
(e) =
1 x+1
(f) x = φ is the golden ratio.

Given the equilateral triangle ABC with side s
inscribed in a circle of radius r.

(a) Show the altitude is h = 23 s

(b) Show the area of the triangle is [ABC] = 43 s2
(c) Show the perimeter of the triangle is p = 3s
(d) Show the centroid gives r = 32 h
(e) Show the apothem of the equilateral triangle is

0P = 6 s

(f) Show s = 3r
Chapter 5

Properties of geometric figures

A proof by contradiction is an indirect proof where one begins with a hypothesis
which is contrary to that which you want to prove. One then shows that this
assumption leads to a contradiction. This type of proof is known as reductio ad
absurdum which is Latin for reduction to absurdity.

Example 5-1. Theorem If two circles touch one another externally, the
straight line joining the centers will pass through the point of contact. (Euclid,
book 3, proposition 12)
Let A denote the point of contact of the two circles and assume that the line
connecting the centers c1 , c2 of the circles does not pass through the point A.

If this hypothesis is true, then the line connecting the centers is divided into the
three segments
c1 B + BC + Cc2 = c1 c2 (5.1)

If c1 is the center of the first circle, then c1 A = c1 B because both line segments are
radii of circle 1. Similarly, for circle 2 one can say, c2 A = c2 C since both segments
are radii of circle 2. Observe that from these equalities and the equation (5.1) one
can write the inequality
c1 A + c2 A < c1 c2 (5.2)
By proposition 20, book 1 of Euclid’s Elements, the sum of two sides of a triangle
is always greater than the third side so that one can write

c1 A + c2 A > c1 c2 (5.3)

Both the inequalities (5.2) and (5.3) cannot hold simultaneously, so the original
assumption is false and the line segment c1 c2 does pass through the point of contact
of the two circles.

Construct line through given point P which is parallel to a given line 

(Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 31)
Here it is assumed that the given point P is non collinear with the given line .
1) Construct a line L through point P which intersects the given line  at some
point A and making a positive angle with line , as illustrated in the figure 5 -1.
2) Place the needle of the compass at point A and draw an arc which intersect
line  at point C and intersects line L at point B.

Figure 5 -1.
Steps for constructing parallel line.
3) Using the same compass distance, place the compass needle at point P and
make the same type of arc that you made in step 2 above and call the point of
intersection with line L the point D.
4) Adjust the compass to measure the distance BC and then put the needle of
the compass at point D and make an arc which intersects the previous arc at a point
labeled E . Note that the distance DE = BC in figure 5 -1.
5) Use a straight edge to construct line through the points P and E and call this
line  .
6) The line  and  are parallel because the angles ∠DP E and ∠BAC are corre-
sponding angles and are therefore equal. See figure 5 -2 for details.

Figure 5 -2.
Constructing parallel line to given line  through given point P.
Divide a line segment into three equal parts
(Euclid, Book 6, Proposition 9)
1) Given the line segment AB one can construct a line  which passes through
point A as illustrated in the figure 5 -3.
2) Set compass distance greater than what you think is 1/3 of the length AB .
Then place the needle of the compass at point A and make an arc on line  and label
it point C . Without changing the distance setting on the compass place the needle
of the compass at point C and make a mark on line  labeling it point D. Now place
needle of compass at point D and make another mark on line  labeling the mark
point E . Examine figure 5 -3 and note that the lengths AC = CD = DE are all equal
if you haven’t changed the compass spacing.
3) Put the needle of the compass at point E and widen the compass to make an
arc which passes through the point B . Then without changing the compass spacing
move the needle to point A and make a circular arc as illustrated in the figure 5 -3.
4) Reset compass length by placing the needle at point A and the pencil point
at point E so that the compass radius is set equal to the length AE . After having set
the compass distance, move the needle point to B and make an arc which intersect
the arc constructed from 3) above and label the intersection point F as illustrated
in figure 5 -3.
5) Using a straight edge construct the line through points F and B and label
this line  . Note that  is parallel to line .

Figure 5 -3.
Constructions for dividing a line segment.
6) Reset compass distance to the length AC and the place the compass needle
at point F and make the marks G,H,I so that the distances AC, F G, CD, GH, DE, HB
are all equal to one another.

Figure 5 -4.
Final steps for dividing line segment AB .
7) Use a straight edge and construct the line segments AF , CG, DH, EB. These
line segments intersect the line segment AB and divide it into three equal parts.
Note that this construction can be generalized so that the line segment AB can
be divided into as many parts as you wish.

Example 5-2. Given a line segment AB , find the point P between the points A
AP 3
and B such that the ratio =
PB 2
Start at the point A and construct a line making an acute angle with the seg-
ment AB as illustrated in the figure 5 -5. Then use a drawing compass with fixed
distance between needle point and pencil point to mark off the 5 equal distances
AA1 = A1 A2 = A2 A3 = A3 A4 = A4 A5 .

Figure 5 -5.
Dividing line segment AB into two parts with ratio 3/2.
Connect the point A5 with point B using a straight edge and then construct the
parallel lines A4 P4  A5 B , A3 P3  A5 B , A2 P2  A5 B , A1 P1  A5 B . The point P = P3 then
divides the line segment AB into the 3/2 ratio requested.

Section formula
The previous example can be generalized into the problem of dividing a line
segment AB into two parts having a specified ratio r1 /r2 . That is, find the coordinates
of a point P between the endpoints A(x1 , y1 ) and B(x2 , y2 ) of a line segment, such that
AP 1r
the ratio = is satisfied, where r1 and r2 are specified numbers. The resulting
PB r2
formula for the coordinates of the point P is called a section formula, because it
divides the given line segment into specified section lengths.
A section formula is also known as a ratio of divi-
sion. A point P is selected between two known points A
and B , then one can form the ratio of the positive line
AP1 r
segments AP and PB to obtain the ratio = which
PB r2
is called the ratio of division and the point P is called
the point of division.
The ratio of division will always be positive if P is between A and B .

AP r1
Figure 5 -6. Dividing line segment AB into two parts with ratio PB
= r2

As illustrated in the figure 5 -6, construct the right triangles ABD and AP C
which are similar triangles with proportional sides. Examine these triangles and
x − x1 AP y − y1 AP
= and = (5.4)
x2 − x1 AB y2 − y1 AB
AP r1
It is required that = . This can be expressed in the form
PB r2

AP PB r1 AB r1 + r2 AB 1
+ = +1 ⇒ = = =
PB PB r2 PB r2 AB − AP 1 − AP
AP r2 r1
= 1− =
AB r1 + r2 r1 + r2
so that one can rewrite the equations (5.4) as
x − x1 r1 y − y1 r1
= and = (5.5)
x2 − x1 r1 + r2 y2 − y1 r1 + r2
Use algebra to solve for x and y and show
r2 x1 + r1 x2 r2 y1 + r1 y2
x= , y= (5.6)
r1 + r2 r1 + r2
The equations (5.6) are called the section formulas for determining the coordinates
of the point P given the values (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ) together with the specified ratio r1 /r2 .
Note the special case where r2 = r1 = 1 so that the point P is the midpoint of
the line segment AB . In this special case the equation (5.6) reduces to the midpoint
formula produced in chapter 1.
1 1
x= (x1 + x2 ), y= (y1 + y2 ) (5.7)
2 2

Example 5-3. The median of a triangle is a line segment that joins a vertex
of the triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side of the triangle. Every triangle
has three medians. (Theorem) Show that the median of a triangle divides the area
of the triangle into equal halves.

Figure 5 -7. Median line from vertex C to midpoint M of AB

Given the triangle ABC, find the midpoint M of AB and construct the median line
CM . Next construct a line through the vertex C which is parallel to the segment
AB as illustrated in the above figure. If h is the distance between the parallel line
segments DE and AB , then one can write
1 1 
Area ABC = [ABC] = AB · h = AM + M B · h
2 2
1 1
= AM · h + M B · h
2 2
Area CAM = [CAM ] = AM · h
Area CBM = [CBM ] = M B · h
Note that AM = M B because M is the midpoint of the segment AB by construction.
Area CAM = Area CBM = Area ABC
This demonstrates that the median of a triangle divides the triangle into two equal
areas. These equal areas have equal bases AM = M B and the same height h.

Example 5-4. (Theorem) Show the three medians of a triangle meet at a point
of concurrency. This point of common intersections is called the centroid of the
triangle or center of gravity and is sometimes referred to as the barycenter of the
Use Cartesian coordinates and represent the triangle as illustrated.

Figure 5 -8. Median lines 1 , 2 , 3 from each vertex to midpoint of opposite sides.

Construct a general triangle ABC as illustrated in the figure 5 -8 having Cartesian

coordinates (x1 , y1 ) for vertex A, (x2 , y2 ) for vertex B and (x3 , y3 ) for the vertex C.
Recall that the midpoint of a line segment is determined by taking the average of the
endpoint x-values and average of the endpoint y-values. This gives the coordinates
of the midpoints as
1 1
M1 = (x2 + x3 ), (y2 + y3 )
2 2
1 1
M2 = (x1 + x3 ), (y1 + y3 )
2 2
1 1
M3 = (x1 + x2 ), (y1 + y2 )
2 2
Using the point-slope formula one can determine the equations of the median
lines 1 , 2 and 3 as follows.
change in y
2 2
+ y3 ) − y1
Line 1 : slope of line 1 = m1 = = 1 (5.8)
change in x 2
(x2 + x3 ) − x1
point-slope formula for equation of line 1
2 2
+ y3 ) − y1
y − y1 = 1
(x − x1 ) (5.9)
(x2 + x3 ) − x1
change in y
2 1
+ y3 ) − y2
Line 2 : slope of line 2 = m2 = = 1 (5.10)
change in x 2
(x1 + x3 ) − x2
point-slope formula for equation of line 2
+ y3 ) − y2
2 1
y − y2 = 1 (x − x2 ) (5.11)
+ x3 ) − x2
change in y y3 − 12 (y1 + y2 )
Line 3 : slope of line 3 = m3 = = (5.12)
change in x x3 − 12 (x1 + x2 )
point-slope formula for equation of line 3
y3 − 12 (y1 + y2 )
y − y3 = (x − x3 ) (5.13)
x3 − 12 (x1 + x2 )

To show that the median lines meet at a point of concurrency P , first find where
the lines 1 and 2 intersect by solving the simultaneous equations (5.9) and (5.11).
Next, determine the intersection of the lines 1 and 3 . This requires one to solve
the simultaneous equations (5.9) and (5.13).
One can now verify that the intersection of the lines 2 and 3 occurs at the point
satisfying the simultaneous equations (5.11) and (5.13).
One finds, after some algebra, that the above simultaneous equations all have
the same solution for the coordinates of the point of concurrency as
1 1
xG = (x1 + x2 + x3 ), yG = (y1 + y2 + y3 ) (5.14)
3 3

This demonstrates that the point of concurrency of the three lines 1 , 2 and 3
occurs at the point P having the coordinates (xG, yG ), where the xG and yG values
are obtained from equation (5.14). This point of concurrency is called the centroid
of the triangle ABC .
Let points D and E denote the midpoints of the line segments AP and CP. The
coordinates of these points are obtained from the midpoint formula as
1 1 1 1
D: x1 + (x1 + x2 + x3 ) , y1 + (y1 + y2 + y3 )
2 3 2 3

1 1 1 1
E: x3 + (x1 + x2 + x3 ) , y3 + (y1 + y2 + y3 )
2 3 2 3
Knowing these coordinates we can calculate the slopes of the line segments M1 E and
M1 D to show these line segments are parallel. One finds

change in y-values y1 − 2y2 + y3

Slope M1 E = =
change in x-values x1 − 2x2 + x3
change in y-values y1 − 2y2 + y3
Slope M3 D = =
change in x-values x1 − 2x2 + x3
provided x1 −2x2 +x3 = 0. If it is zero, then rotate the triangle to remove this problem.

Figure 5 -9.
Quadrilateral M3 DEM1 is a parallelogram

The above calculations demonstrate the line segments M1 E and M3 D are parallel.
By the midpoint parallel line theorem M3 M1  AC. Also the line segment DE is
parallel to AC and 1/2 its length by the mid segment theorem. Therefore DE  M3 M1
and consequently the quadrilateral M3 DEM1 is a parallelogram where we know the
diagonals of a parallelogram meet at a point and bisect one another.
Therefore one can write
1 2
M3 P = PE = EC = CM3 or AP = AM1
3 3

By rotating the triangle one can repeat what has just been done and verify that
1 2
M2 P =PE = FB = BM2 or BP = BM2
3 3
1 2
M1 P =PD = DA = AM1 or CP = CM3
3 3
This demonstrates the medians of a triangle will always meet at a point of
concurrency, called the centroid, which is located two thirds of the distance along
the lines from each vertex to the midpoints of the opposite sides.
Centroid of any figure
The centroid of any plane figure is the average position of
all the points of the figure. For example, the centroid of a
quadrilateral is the average of all points within the quadrilat-
eral and so one could balance the quadrilateral on a pin placed
at the centroid.

Thale’s intercept theorem

Given two parallel lines which are in-
tersected by two lines 1 and 2 intersecting
at point P as illustrated in the figure 5 -
10. Thales theorem of intercepts consists
of three ratio properties associated with
the given situation.
(i) The ratio of any two line segments Figure 5 -10.
on line 1 must equal the corresponding ra- Two lines intersecting parallel lines.
tio on line 2 . For example,
= , = , =
(ii) The ratio of any two line segments on line 1 starting at P, equals the ratio
of the segments on the parallels.
= =
(iii) If more than two lines cross the
parallel lines and intersect at a point P,
then the ratio of any two segments on one
parallel line is in the same ratio as the cor-
responding segment on the other parallel
BA BC BA EF Figure 5 -11.
= , =
Three lines intersecting parallel lines.
Proof of the above theorem is based upon producing similar triangles from which
all of the above proportions are obtained.
Bisect a given angle
(Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 9)

1) Place the needle of the compass at the vertex

A and sketch the arc CB where the points B and
C are where the arc intersects with the initial and
terminal sides of the given angle.
2) Select a constant compass distance and place
the needle point at B and construct a small arc fol-
lowed by placing the needle point at C and con-
structing an intersecting arc as illustrated in the
figure 5-12. Label the point where the arcs inter-
sect as point D.
3) Construct line segment AD which bisects the
Figure 5 -12. angle ∠BAC
Bisection of angle

The reason why the above construction bisects the angle is because the line
segments AB, BC, DC, CA form a kite with diagonal AD. Then triangle ABD is con-
gruent to triangle ACD (ABD ∼ = ACD) because of side-side-side, where AD is a
common side to both triangles. Therefore, angle α = ∠DAC = ∠DAB which implies
2α = ∠BAC or α = 21 ∠BAC .
Example 5-5. (Theorem) Show that in an isosceles triangle the angles opposite
the equal sides are equal. These angles are called the base angles associated with an
isosceles triangle. (Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 5)
Consider the isosceles triangles sketched in the figure 5-13. Construct the bi-
sector of the vertex angle A of the isosceles triangle illustrated in the figure 5-13.
This bisector intersects the base line BC at the point M as illustrated in the fig-
ure 5-13. The two triangles formed by the angle bisection are congruent. That
is, AM B ∼ = AM C because of side-angle-side, with AM a common side to both
right triangles. Here AB = AC because the given triangle is isosceles. The angles
α = ∠BAM = ∠CAM are equal because AM is an angle bisector.

Figure 5 -13. Isosceles triangles

Since the triangles are congruent all the corresponding interior angles are equal so
the base angles ∠ABM = ∠ACM = β . Note also that the angle bisector intersects
the base line BC perpendicularly. This is because the angles ∠AM B and ∠AM C are
equal and they are supplementary. Let γ = ∠AM B = ∠AM C , then one can write
γ + γ = 180◦ or γ = 90◦ .
Conversely, if the base angles ∠ABM and ∠ACM are equal, then the triangle must
be an isosceles triangle.(Euclid, Book 1, Proposition 6) Let us assume these base
angles are equal and show that this implies that AB = AC or the sides opposite the
base angles are equal. To prove this, construct the line through vertex A which is
perpendicular to the triangle base BC . One can then say that the triangles ABM
and ACM are congruent because of angle-side-angle with AM the common side and
the angle α are known since there has to be 180◦ in every triangle. If ABM ∼
= ACM ,
the side AB = AC or the sides opposite the equal base angles are equal.
Note also that the line AM is called the altitude of the isosceles triangle. This
altitude is the perpendicular bisector of the base BC and also is the angle bisector
of the vertex angle A.
Two column proof of isosceles triangle properties
The construction of an altitude from the vertex an-
gle ∠A0C of the isosceles triangle illustrated produces
two right triangles 0BA and 0BC . One can state that
these triangles are congruent (0AB ∼ = 0BC ) because
of the RHS (Right triangle-Hypotenuse-Side) proposi-
tion, where the altitude OB is a shared side of the two
right triangles.

One can then conclude that for an isosceles triangle

1) The angles α = ∠A0B = ∠C0B , so that the altitude bisects the vertex angle
2) The base of the isosceles triangle is bisected AB ∼
= BC
3) The base angles are equal β = ∠0AB = ∠0BC

The following is a (Statement | Reason) two column proof of the above facts.

Statements Reasons

1. 0B is altitude of 0AC By construction

2. 0B is common to two right triangles By construction

3. OA = 0C Given 0AC is isosceles
4. A0B ∼
= C0B SAS (side-angle-side)
5. AB = BC Corresponding parts of congruent
triangles are equal
6. ∠A0B = ∠C0B = α Corresponding parts of congruent
triangles are equal
7. ∠BA0 = ∠BC0 = β Corresponding parts of congruent
triangles are equal
Construction of an equilateral triangle
An equilateral triangle has three equal sides and
three equal vertex angles To construct an equilateral
triangle having all sides of some given length BC = ,
set the drawing compass needle at point B and widen
the compass until the pencil point is at the endpoint C,
then make a circular arc with radius  above the line.
Next move the needle point of the compass to point Figure 5 -14.
C and construct another circular arc of radius  which Equilateral triangle
intersects the first arc at the point labeled A. Finally
construct the line segments AC and AB to produce the
equilateral triangle.
Consider the equilateral triangle ABC illustrated in the figure 5 -15. Let the
sides have length s and denote the interior angles by the Greek letter α. We know
that the interior angles of the equilateral triangle are equal because they are all
opposite equal sides. We also know the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is
180◦, so 3α = 180◦ or α = 60◦ . We also know that if an angle bisector AD is constructed,
then triangles ABD and ACD are congruent (ABD ∼ = ACD) because of SAS
(side-angle-side) with AD the common side. Therefore, BD = DC = and the angles
∠ADB = ∠ADC = so the line AD is perpendicular to BC.

Figure 5 -15.
Equilateral triangle ABC

Examine the figure 5 -15 and remember the following fact.

In a 30◦ − 60◦ right triangle, the side opposite the 30◦ angle will always be half the
The Viviani theorem
Vincenzo Viviani (1622-1703) was a contemporary of Galileo who studied equi-
lateral triangles and came up with the following observation. In an equilateral trian-
gle with all sides of length s, one can select any interior point P and then construct
the perpendicular distances from point P to each side of the triangle as illustrated
in the figure 5 -16. Label the lengths of these perpendicular distances as h1 , h2 and
h3 and call the height of the equilateral triangle h. The Viviani theorem states that
h1 + h2 + h3 = h or the height of the equilateral triangle must equal the sum of the
perpendicular distances from point P . To prove this theorem, construct the line
segments P A, P B, P C which represent the lines from point P to each vertex of the
equilateral triangle. Note that
Area triangle ABC = A = hs

This area is the sum of the three smaller triangles having the common vertex at
point P .
A =Areas of AP C + P BC + BP A
1 1 1 1
A = h1 s + h2 s + h3 s = (h1 + h2 + h3 ) s
2 2 2 2

Things equal to the same thing are equal to one another

1 1
hs = (h1 + h2 + h3 )s
2 2
which simplifies to the result
Figure 5 -16.
h = h1 + h2 + h3 Equilateral triangle

proving the Viviani theorem.

Angle bisector theorem
(Euclid, Book 6, Proposition 3)
The angle bisector theorem involves a line bisecting an interior angle of a triangle
and cutting the side opposite the angle at a point such that the triangle is divided
into two parts where the sides of the two parts are proportional to one another. To
illustrate where these ratios come from, consider the triangle ABC illustrated in the
figure 5-17.
If the line which bisects the angle ∠CAB intersects side CB at the point D, then
the following ratio must hold true


Construct a line through the vertex C which is parallel to the triangle base AB
and then extend the line AD to intersect this line at point E . The line AE is a
transversal line cutting two parallel lines and so angle ∠DEC = α. Similarly, the line
BC is a transversal line cutting two parallel lines and so angle ∠ECD = ∠ABD = γ .

Figure 5 -17.
Line segment AE bisects angle ∠CAB

The triangle AEC is an isosceles triangle with base angles α so one can say
that the sides opposite these angles are equal or AC = CE . Also the triangles
CED and ABD are similar triangles because all three interior angles are the
same. Consequently, the sides of these triangles are proportional giving the ratios


However, CE = AC giving the ratio


Make note that this theorem is employed in many problems where an angle
bisector is involved.
Example 5-6. Special case cevian is angle bisector
In the special case the cevian of a triangle is also an
angle bisector of the vertex angle A, then one can simplify
the Stewart’s formula for the length of the cevian AA .
One can employ the angle bisector theorem that states
b c
= . Write Stewart’s formula as
u v
u 2 a 2
b2 +

c = d + uv
v v (5.15)
u a
b + bc = d2 + uv

then use c = b to obtain
v v

Modify the angle bisector theorem

c v b+c u+v a2 b2
+1= +1 ⇒ = ⇒ (b + c)2 = 2 (5.16)
b u b u u
to simplify equation (5.15) as follows.
a 2 
b(b + c) = d + uv
a b(u + v)  2
(b + c)2 =

d + uv (5.17)
bv u
(b + c)2 = d2 + uv


The results from equation (5.16) can now be used to show

a2 b2 a2  2 
= d + uv
u uv
b2 v
=bc = d2 + uv

This gives the angle bisector form of Stewart’s formula as

d2 = bc − uv = bc − a2 α(1 − α), u = αa, v = (1 − α)a (5.18)

The equation (5.18) can be expressed in terms of the semiperimeter of the tri-
angle ABC . Let s = 2
denote the semiperimeter and show that
(b + c)2 − a2
s(s − a) = (5.19)

Note that the equation (5.17) can be rearranged into the form
a2 d2
(b + c)2 − a2 = (5.20)
where now the equation (5.19) can be used to obtain a semiperimeter form for the
distance of the cevian d = AA as

2 bc s(s − a)
d= (5.21)

As a final note in this special case, we find from the angle bisector theorem
u b αa α
= = =
v c (1 − α)a (1 − α)

which shows that the side a of the triangle is split by the cevian into two parts
having the ratio bc .

Exterior angle bisectors

Examine the exterior angle bisector associated with the
exterior angle C of the isosceles triangle ABC illustrated.
Note that the angle bisector of this exterior angle is parallel
to the base AB. Consequently the exterior angle bisector
will never intersect the extended base AB.
One can examine the angle bisectors of the exterior an-
gles of any given non-isosceles triangle ABC as illustrated
in the figure 5-18. One can show that when the exterior
angles of a non-isosceles triangle are bisected, the bisector lines will intersect with
an extended side of the triangle. These points of intersection are illustrated by the
points P, Q, R in figure 5-18. Note that any exterior angle bisector associated with
a given triangle will always intersect with an extended opposite side of the triangle
and create two line segments. For example, the bisector of angle (π − A) intersects
the extended side BC at point P to create the two segments CB and CP. The ratio


is proportional to the lengths of the other two sides of the triangle or .

Figure 5 -18.
ABC with extended sides and exterior angle bisectors

One can express the external angle bisector theorem for the exterior angles as
producing the ratios
bisector of angle (π − A) creates the ratio = P AB
bisector of angle (π − B) creates the ratio = AQB
bisector of angle (π − C) creates the ratio = ACR

To prove the last ratio construct a line through point B which is parallel to the
angle bisector CR and intersects side AC at point D as illustrated below.

Observe that CB becomes a transversal so that one can show the triangle DCB is
isosceles. This implies CD = CB. The parallel lines cut the triangle ACR so that
the sides are proportional giving
= ⇒ =

since CD = CB.
Similar arguments produce the other ratios associated with the bisection of the
external angles.

Any circle which is tangent to both the extended

sides of a triangle and a side of the triangle is called
an excircle. The centers of excircles occur at the
intersection of the exterior angle bisectors and are
called excenters. The radius of an excircle is called
an exradius. Every non-isosceles triangle has three

Example 5-7. (Theorem) Show that a point P which lies on an angle bisector
must be equidistant from the sides defining the angle.
(Illustrated in Euclid, Book 4, Proposition 4)
Construct the lines P E and P F in figure 5-19 which are perpendicular to the
sides defining the angle A. The resulting triangles AP E and AP F are right angle
triangles and are such that
∠AP E = ∠AP F = 90◦ − α = β

since there must be 180◦ in every triangle. Note also the line segment AP is common
to the triangles AP F and AP E and consequently one can state that these triangles
are congruent.

Figure 5 -19.
Point P on angle bisector.
The statement AP E ∼ = AP F is true because of the angle-side-angle (ASA)
postulate. Therefore, P E = P F demonstrating that the point P is equidistant from
the angle sides.
Note also that the converse of the above theorem also holds true.
If a point P on a line through angle A is equidistant from the sides defining the angle,
then P must lie on an angle bisector.
In figure 5-19 construct the line EF as illustrated in the figure 5-20. This con-
struction forms an isosceles triangle P F E with equal base angles ∠P F E = ∠P EF = γ.
The complementary angles 90◦ − γ = δ associated with the angle γ are also equal to
one another so that
∠AF E = ∠AEF = δ = 90◦ − γ

The sides opposite these angles must be equal. This produces another isosceles
triangle AF E with sides opposite the base angles being equal (AF = AE ). The side
AP is a common side and consequently one can write AP F ∼ = AP E because of SSS
(side-side-side postulate). Therefore, the angles ∠F AP and ∠EAP are equal and so
the line AP is the angle bisector of the vertex angle A.

Figure 5 -20.
Sides P E = P F
Example 5-8. (Theorem) Show the angle bisectors of a triangle meet at point of
concurrency, called the incenter, which is equidistant from the sides of the triangle.
Given the triangle ABC construct the angle bisectors AF , BE and CH . The
angle bisectors AF and BE intersect at a point P. We have shown that the point
P, lying on an angle bisector, must be equidistant from the angle sides. Construct
the perpendicular segments P G, P I, P D from the point P to the sides of the triangle.
The point P lying on the angle bisector AF produces the equality P I = P D . The
point P lying on the angle bisector BE produces the equality P I = P G. Therefore,
P D = P I because things equal to the same thing are equal to each other. This shows
the point P is equidistant from the sides CB and CA and so it must lie on the angle
bisector CH.
The point P is a point of concurrency associated with the angular bisectors of
triangle ABC and is called the incenter. Drawing a circle with center P having the
radius PI = PD = PG produces an inscribed circle within the given triangle ABC.
This result is related to Euclid, Book 4, Proposition 4.

Figure 5 -21.
Triangle ABC with point of concurrency.
Let r = PI = PD = PG denote the radius of the inscribed circle, then observe that
the three triangles P AB, P BC, P CA have the respective areas
1 1 1
[P AB] = rc, [P BC] = ra, [P CA] = rb (5.22)
2 2 2
where a, b, c are the lengths of the triangle sides. The total area of the triangle is
then the sum of these smaller areas giving the area of triangle ABC as
1 1
[ABC] = r(a + b + c) = r s where s = (a + b + c) (5.23)
2 2
is the semiperimeter of the triangle and r is
the radius of the inscribed circle. The
equation (5.23) represents the area of a general triangle as a product of the radius
of the inscribed circle times the semiperimeter of the triangle.

Example 5-9. As a corollary to the previous example, show that the area of
any polygon circumscribed about a circle is given by the formula
Area of circumscribed polygon = (perimeter of polygon) · (radius of circle) (5.24)

Consider the quadrilateral ABCD circumscribing a

circle as illustrated in the accompanying figure. One can
construct line segments from the center of the circle to
each vertex of the polygon. This creates four triangles
as illustrated. By using the results from the previous
example, the area of each triangle is given the formula
Triangle Area = (base)(height)

The total area of the quadrilateral is then the sum of

the areas of each triangle or
1 1 1 1 1 1
Area quadrilateral = 1 r + 2 r + 3 r + 4 r = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 )r = rp (5.25)
2 2 2 2 2 2
where p is the perimeter of the quadrilateral circumscribing the circle.
If you replace the quadrilateral with an n-gon then there results n-triangles and
the perimeter of the n-gon becomes
p = 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + n

with the area of the n-gon still given by the formula 21 rp, where r is the radius of the
Example 5-10. Using Cartesian coordinates show the angle bisectors of the
vertex angles A,B,C of a general triangle ABC meet at a point of concurrency
called the incenter. Find the coordinates of this point.
Assume the vertices A, B, C have the Cartesian coordinates (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), (x3, y3 )
and the angle bisector of the vertex angle A intersects the side CB at the point D
with coordinates (x4 , y4 ). The situation is illustrated in the figure 5-22. Using the
angle bisector theorem one knows that the ratio

BD c
= (5.26)
DC b

must be satisfied. The coordinates of the point D can be determined by using

the section formula (3.15) from chapter 3, with r2 = b and r1 = c. One finds the
coordinates of the point (x4 , y4 ) are given by
bx2 + cx3 by2 + cy3
x4 = and y4 = (5.27)
b+c b+c

The line bisecting the vertex angle B intersects the line segment AD at the point P
called the incenter of triangle ABC .

Figure 5 -22. Angle bisectors of a triangle meet at a point P of concurrency.

This bisector of angle B divides the line AD into two parts AP and P D. Em-
ploying the angle bisector theorem again, these two parts must be in the ratio

AP c
= (5.28)

Write equation (5.26) in the form

DC b
BD c

and note that

DC b
+1= +1 equals added to equals the results are equal
BD c
DC + BD BC a b+c
= = =

which simplifies to
BD = (5.29)
Substituting the results from equation (5.29) into the equation (5.28) one finds that

AP b+c
= (5.30)
PD a

One can now employ the section formula with r2 = a and r1 = (b + c) to find the
coordinates (x, y) of the point P is given by
ax1 + (b + c)x4 ay1 + (b + c)y4
x= , y= (5.31)
a+b+c a+b+c

Substitute the values for (x4 , y4 ) from the equations (5.27) into the equations (5.31)
and show the incenter coordinates (xI , yI ) of the point P are
ax1 + bx2 + cx3 ay1 + by2 + cy3
xI = , yI = (5.32)
a+b+c a+b+c
Cavalieri’s principle for the plane
Given two plane figures located between two parallel lines a and b a distance h
apart, as illustrated in the figure 5-24. Consider a third line  between and parallel
to both a and b . The line  cuts the figures to form the line segments AB and CD
as illustrated.

Figure 5 -24.
Figures between two parallel lines cut by a third parallel line.

If for every parallel line , between a and b , the line segments AB and CD are
equal, then the two regions have equal areas. This is known as Cavalieri’s principle,
developed by Bonaventura Francesco Cavalieri (1598-1647) an Italian mathemati-
The reason why Cavalieri’s principle holds is that one can divide the distant h
into n-parts of length ∆h = nh . At each height hi = i nh , for i ranging from 1 to n,
one can calculate the cross-sections ABi and CDi at height hi . Next calculate the
sandwich type elements of area given by Ai = ABi · ∆h and Ai = CDi · ∆h associated
with the given figures. A summation of these area elements from i = 1 to i = n, for
both figures, will produce equal areas even in the limit as n → ∞ and ∆h becomes
very small, since by hypothesis CDi = ABi for all values of the index i.

Example 5-11. Consider the two triangles illustrated in the figure 5-25. We
have demonstrated earlier that these triangles have the same area. We can now
demonstrate by Cavalier’s principle that these areas are the same.

Figure 5 -25.
Triangles cut by parallel line.

We employ Cartesian coordinates and some simple algebra to show that for all
lines y = y0 , 0 ≤ y0 ≤ h, that AB = CD which satisfies Cavalier’s condition for equal
areas associated with the figures given. Begin by moving both triangles with equal
bases to the origin.
Consider the Cartesian representation of the lines 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 which form the sides
of the given triangles. Assume lines 1 and 2 intersect at the point (x0 , h) and the
lines 3 and 4 intersect at the point (x1 , h) as illustrated in the figure 5-26. Using
the point-slope formula for the equation of a line, the above lines can be shown to
have the equations

Figure 5 -26.
Triangles formed by lines 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
1 : y= x
2 : y= (x − b)
(b − x0 )
3 : y= x
4 : y= (x − b)
(x1 − b)
The line y = y0 , 0 ≤ y0 ≤ h, y0 constant, cuts the two triangles to form the line
segments AB and CD. Substituting the value y = y0 into the equations (5.33) one
h x0 y0
1 : y0 = x ⇒ x=
x0 h
−h y0
2 : y0 = (x − b) ⇒ x = b − (b − x0 )
(b − x0 ) h
The difference in these x-values gives
y0 x0 y0  y0
AB = b − (b − x0 ) − = b 1− (5.34)
h h h

and for the lines 3 , 4 one finds that when y = y0 there results
h x1 y0
3 : y0 = x ⇒ x=
x1 h
h y0
4 : y0 = (x − b) ⇒ x = b + (x1 − b)
x1 − b h

The difference in these x-values gives

y0 x1 y0  y0
CD = b + (x1 − b) − =b 1− (5.35)
h h h

Comparing the equations (5.34) and (5.35) one finds AB = CD for all values y0
satisfying 0 ≤ y0 ≤ h. Therefore, by Cavalier’s principle the areas of the triangles are
the same.
Example 5-12.
For the rectangle and parallelogram illustrated in the figure 5-27 one can say
that if the line segments AB = CD for all lines y =  between y = 0 and y = h, then by
Cavalier’s principle the area of the two figures are the same.

Figure 5 -27.
Rectangle and parallelogram with same base and height.

Sketching these figure on a Cartesian axes one obtains the figure 5-28 where the
bases of both figures are made to coincide.

Figure 5 -28.
Cartesian coordinates for rectangle and parallelogram.

In this figure the rectangle has sides given by the lines 1 and 2 while the paral-
lelogram has sides described by the lines 3 and 4 . The equations of these lines
1 : x=0
2 : x=b
h (5.36)
3 : y= x
4 : y= (x − b)
The line y = y0 , where y0 is a constant value between 0 and h, cuts the figures at the
1 : x=0
⇒ AB = b = change in x-values (5.37)
2 : x=b
h x0 y0
3 : y0 = x ⇒ x=
x0 h
 x0 y0 x0 y0
⇒ CD = b + − =b (5.38)
h x0 y0 h h
4 : y0 = (x − b) ⇒ x = b+
x0 h

where CD represents the change in the x-values. Comparing the equations (5.37)
and (5.38) we find AB = CD and by Cavalier’s principle the area of both these figures
are the same.
Note a parallelogram and rectangle with the same base and height have the same
area. Area=(base)(height).

Example 5-13. The figures used in Cavalier’s principle for determining area
don’t have to have the same shape as can be seen by examining the figure 5-29.

Figure 5 -29.
Circle and half of ellipse.
For those of you willing to get involved in the subject you can verify that the
illustration above is associated with the unit circle (x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2 = 1 centered at
(1, 1) and half of the ellipse (y − 1)2 + x4 = 1. These figures have then been translated
to the positions illustrated. The area associated with both figures is π .

Menelaus theorem
The Menelaus’1 theorem concerns the selection of points, one point on each side
or extended side of a general triangle ABC and finding a condition that these
points lie on the same straight line. Remember that Ceva’s theorem investigates
concurrency and Menelaus theorem investigates collinearity.

Figure 5 -30.
What condition is required for points P, Q, R to lie on same line?

Consider points P, Q, R which lie on different sides or extended sides of triangle

ABC as illustrated in figure 5-30 where P is on side AC, Q is on side AB and R is
on side BC. If there exists a line through the points P, Q, R which does not intersect
any of the triangle vertices, then one can show the ratio condition

· · = −1 (5.39)

AQ · BR · CP = −QB · RC · PA (5.40)

must hold.
Menelaus of Alexandria (70-130)CE was a Greek mathematician and astronomer.
Note that there is no standard ordering or notation for representing the line
segments in the equations (5.39) and (5.40). However there is a sign convention.
Sign convention
For a given line segment AB on a line  and a point
F on the line  then, the ratio of line segments AF is
a positive value if F is between the points A and B

FB a negative value otherwise
For example
< 0, > 0, <0
F B F  B F  B
The equation (5.39) can be thought of as consisting of a product of line segment
ratios resulting from the sequential movement of a point from a triangle vertex to
a point of intersection followed by the movement of the point from the point of
intersection to the next triangle vertex. When this is performed in a cyclic fashion
the following ratios result.
(i) Move from vertex A to point of intersection F followed by motion from F to next
vertex B giving the first ratio.
(ii) Move from vertex B to point of intersection E followed by motion from E to next
vertex C giving the middle ratio.
(iii) Move from vertex C to point of intersection D followed by motion from D to
next vertex A giving the last ratio.
When these ratios are multiplied the product is -1. Note for the line illustrated
in figure 5-30 the first ratio is negative and the other two ratios are positive.
Proof of the Menelaus theorem:

There is a case where the line is outside

the triangle and the sides of the triangle
ABC must be extended.

In this case all three of the ratios are negative

< 0, < 0, <0
Consider now the case where the transversal cross two sides of triangle ABC
as in figure 5 -30 where
> 0, < 0, >0
In order to avoid keeping track of signs we will deal with absolute values and put
the correct sign on when we finish.
Construct in figure 5 -30 the perpendiculars from the vertices A, B, C to the line
and call these perpendiculars a, b, c respectively.

Figure 5 -31.
Perpendiculars from vertices to transversal line.
Using similar right triangles from the figure 5 -31 one finds the ratios

AQ a
QB = b

BR b
RC = c

CP c
PA = a

Figure 5 -32.
Similar triangles (not to scale)
The product of these ratios gives

AQ BR CP a b c
· · = · · =1
QB RC PA b c a

Using the appropriate signs for the above ratios gives one the Menelaus theorem.
The converse of Menelaus theorem is that if one selects points P, Q, R on the
triangle sides or extended sides AC, AB , BC such that
· · = −1 (5.41)

then the points P, Q, R are collinear.

Assume that equation (5.41) holds and show the points P, Q, R are on the same
line. We know two points defines a line, so let  be the line through the points Q
and R. The line  and the triangle side AC intersect in a single point which we label
as D . The point D is on the line  so Menelaus’ theorem must hold so that
· · = −1 (5.42)

However, our assumption is that the equation (5.41) holds true. Therefore, one can
equate equations (5.41) and (5.42) to obtain
· ·  = · · ⇒ 
= (5.43)

The equation (5.43) can also be expressed in the form


+1= +1 or 
= or 
which implies that DA = PA or D = P . That is, there is only one point that can cut
the segment AC to produce the required ratio. Consequently, the points P, Q, R are

The Simson line (It should be the William Wallace line.)

Simon’s theorem2 (should be the Wallace theorem) concerns a triangle circum-
scribed by a circle. One can select any point P on the circumference of the cir-
cumcircle and from point P construct three perpendicular lines, one to each side
Robert Simson(1687-1768) a famous English geometer was given credit for a theorem published by William
Wallace (1768-1843). This mistake has been perpetrated throughout the mathematical literature on geometry for
well over a hundred years. I think it is about time that this mistake be corrected.
or extended side of the triangle (red lines in figure). The three points of intersec-
tion of the perpendicular lines with the sides of the triangle will be collinear. The
line through these points of intersection has since the 18th century been called the
Simson line.
Using the figure on the right we have constructed
the lines from point P to each of the vertices of the
triangle ABC and have constructed the Simson line
through the points where the perpendiculars meet the
sides of the triangle. Observe that the angles

∠P AD = ∠P BC = α

since both angles subtend the same arc PC .

It can be verified that the triangles AP D and P BF are right triangles which
are similar (AP D ∼ P BF ). Therefore, one can write the proportion

= (5.44)

representing the similarity associated with the triangle sides.

Note also that the angles

∠P BA = ∠P BA = β

since both angles subtend the same arc PA . Therefore the triangles P DC and
P EB are right triangles and similar (P DC ∼ P EB ) and so one can form the
= (5.45)
associated with the sides of these similar triangles.
Making use of the property that the opposite interior angles of a quadrilateral
inside a circle must equal π , then from quadrilateral PABC

∠P AB + ∠P CB = π
and since angle ∠BAE is a straight angle

∠P AB + ∠P AE = π

which implies
∠P CB = ∠P AE = γ

Therefore, the right triangles P EA and P F C are similar (P EA ∼ P F C ) so that

one can write the following proportion for the sides of these triangles

= (5.46)

Multiply the left and right-hand sides of the equations (5.44), (5.45), and (5.46)
to show
· · = · · = −1
AE · BF · CD = −EB · FC · DA

which is Menelaus’ result needed to show the points D, E, F are collinear. Make note
of the fact that the point E in the figure is outside the segment AB which produces
the minus sign.

Euler line
Any triangle which is not equilateral has the property that the points defined by
the orthocenter, centroid and circumcenter are collinear. These points all lie on a
line called the Euler line which is named after its discoverer Leonhard Euler (1707-
1783 ) a famous Swiss mathematician. Whenever the triangle becomes equilateral,
then the orthocenter, centroid and circumcenter coalesce into a single point.
Recall a triangle ABC with vertices A, B, C having coordinates (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), (x3 , y3 )
respectively, has the centroid
1 1
xG = (x1 + x2 + x3 ) yG = (y1 + y2 + y3 ) (5.47)
3 3

λ(y1 − y3 ) + µ(y3 − y2 ) + ν(y2 − y1 ) λ =x3 x1 + y3 y1
xH =
y2 (x1 − x3 ) + y1 (x3 − x2 ) + y3 (x2 − x1 )
where µ =x2 x3 + y2 y3 (5.48)
λ(x1 − x3 ) + µ(x3 − x2 ) + ν(x2 − x1 )
yH =−
y2 (x1 − x3 ) + y1 (x3 − x2 ) + y3 (x2 − x1 ) ν =x1 x2 + y1 y2
and circumcenter given by
(x21 + y12 )(y3 − y2 ) + (x22 + y22 )(y1 − y3 ) + (x23 + y32 )(y2 − y1 )
xO =
2 (x1 (y3 − y2 ) + x2 (y1 − y3 ) + x3 (y2 − y1 ))
(x + y12 )(x3 − x2 ) + (x22 + y22 )(x1 − x3 ) + (x23 + y32 )(x2 − x1 )
yO = − 1
2 (x1 (y3 − y2 ) + x2 (y1 − y3 ) + x3 (y2 − y1 ))

Figure 5 -33.
The Euler line

The line through the orthocenter and circumcenter is found using the point-slope
formula. One finds the equation for this line is
yO − yH
y − yH = (x − xH ) (5.50)
xO − xH

To demonstrate the point (xG, yG ) is on this line, substitute into the equation (5.50)
the values y = yG and x = xG from equation (5.47) and show
yO − yH
yG − yH − (xG − xH ) = 0
xO − xH

is satisfied. This is messy algebra which can be done on a computer.

The nine point circle
Consider a general triangle with altitudes
given by the line segments APA , BPB , CPC
where the points PA , PB , PC denote the points
where the altitudes intersect the side oppo-
site the vertex angles. These altitudes meet
at a point of concurrency called the ortho-
center and denote by H in the accompanying
sketch. Examine the line segments AH, BH, CH
which denote the line segments from each ver-
tex to the orthocenter. Define the points
PAH , PBH , PCH as the midpoints of these line
segments. Also label the midpoints of the tri-
angle sides as PmAC , PmBC , PmAB .
Three points determine a circle. The circle which passes through the points
PA , PB , PC at the base of the altitudes also passes through the points PAH , PBH , PCH
and PmAC , PmBC , PmAB . This circle is known as the nine point circle. One can
construct the line segment HO connecting the orthocenter and circumcenter, then
the midpoint of this line segment is the center of the nine point circle. This center
lies on the Euler line of the triangle.
Recall that through the vertices of every triangle one can construct a cevian.
These cevians may or may not meet at a point of concurrency. Note that altitudes,
medians and angle bisectors are all special cases of cevians.

Figure 5 -34. Cevians AA , BB , CC 

Ratio of areas theorem
The cevian of a triangle from vertex A divides the
triangle into two smaller triangles. It also divides the
side opposite vertex A into two parts λa and (1 − λ)a.
If [ADB] = area of ADB , [ADC] = area of ADC , and
[ABC] = area of ABC , then the ratio of areas theorem
[ADB] BD λ [ABC] BC 1
= = and = =
[ADC] DC 1−λ [ADC] DC 1−λ

Proof: Construct a line through the vertex A which is

parallel to the triangle base and let h denote the height
of the triangle. One can then write
1 1
[ADB] 2 (BD)h λ [ABC] 2 (BC) h BC 1
= 1
= and = 1
= =
[ADC] 2
(DC)h 1−λ [ADC] 2
(DC) h DC 1 − λ

since the area of a triangle is one-half its base times height.

Routh’s theorem
Consider a general triangle ABC
with area [ABC]. If one constructs three
general cevians which intersect to form
a triangle DEF , then the area [DEF ]
becomes a fraction of the area [ABC].
Routh’s theorem determines a general
formula for this fraction.
Using the Menelaus theorem, let line
C C intersect triangle ABA at the points

C  , D so that one can write

· · =1 (5.51)

which implies
A D CA C  B α2 γ2
= · = · (5.52)
DA BC AC  α1 + α2 γ1
In triangle AA C there is the sub-triangle [ADC] and the ratio of the areas of these
triangles is given by
= (5.53)
Similarly, in triangle ABC there is the sub-triangle AA C with ratio of areas given
[AA C] A C
= (5.54)
Combining the equations (5.54) and (5.53) one can write
[ADC] = · [ABC] (5.55)

Observe that

=  = A D

so that equation (5.55) can be expressed in the form

1 α2 γ1 α2
[ADC] = · [ABC] = [ABC] (5.57)
α2 γ2
+1 (α1 + α2 ) α2 γ2 + γ1 (α1 + α2 )
γ1 (α1 +α2 )

which demonstrates that the area [ADC] is a fraction of the area of [ABC]. This
fraction can be expressed
γ1 α2
f= (5.58)
α2 γ2 + γ1 (α1 + α2 )

Case 1:

Let α2 = xα1 , β2 = yβ1 , γ2 = zγ1 and verify

the equation (5.57) becomes
[ADC] = [ABC] (5.59)
xz + x + 1

In a similar manner one can show that the

areas [BEA] and [CFB] are fractions of the
area [ABC] and these areas can be repre-
[BEA] = [ABC] (5.60)
xy + y + 1
[CF B] = [ABC] (5.61)
yz + z + 1
Note the cyclic changing of the symbols xyz can be used to obtain the other
area equations. Knowing the area of the triangles BEA, CF B and ADC one can
express the area of triangle DEF as

[DEF ] = [ABC] − [ADC] − [BEA] − [CF B] (5.62)

Case 2:

α1 =αa, β1 =βb, γ1 =γc

α2 =(1 − α)a, β2 =(1 − β)b, γ2 =(1 − γ)c

where a, b, c are the triangle sides and then

verify the equations (5.59), (5.60), (5.61)
γ(1 − α)
[ADC] = [ABC] (5.63)
α(γ − 1) + 1
α(1 − β)
[BEA] = [ABC] (5.64)
β(α − 1) + 1
β(1 − γ)
[CF B] = [ABC] (5.65)
γ(β − 1) + 1

with the area of triangle DEF again given by equation (5.62).

Harmonic division
Given two points a and b on a line  one can select a third point x on line  and
define the ratio
r(x) = r(x; a, b) = (5.66)

Note that
(i) If a < x < b, then r(x) is negative.
(ii) If x < a or x > b, then r(x) is positive.
(iii) In the special case x = a+b is the midpoint of ab, then r a+b
2 2
= −1
(iv) If there exists points c and d such that
r(c; a, b)
= −1
r(d; a, b)
then the points a, b are said to be divided harmonically by the points c and d. Har-
monic ratios occur in many areas of geometry and music.

Figure 5 -35. Line segments used in harmonic ratio

In terms of positive line segments, the condition for a harmonic ratio is

c−a AC d−a AD
r(c; a, b) = = , r(d) = = (5.67)
c−b −BC d−b BD
and the condition
r(c) r(c) AC BD
= −1 becomes = BC = − · = −1 (5.68)
r(d) r(d) AD BC AD
Thus, if r(d)
= −1, it is required that

= or AC · BD = AD · BC (5.69)
Reciprocal property
If the points a, b are fixed and r(d;a,b) = −1, then the points c, d are said to divide
the segment ab harmonically. If the points c, d are fixed and r(a;c,d)
= −1, then the
points a, b are said to divide the segment cd harmonically. This reciprocal relationship
exists between the points a, b, c, d.

Example 5-14.
Given a triangle P AB with side AP extended to illustrate the interior angle Pi
and exterior angle Pe = π − Pi . Construct the angle bisectors of both the interior
angle Pi and exterior angle Pe . These are the lines PC and PD illustrated in the
figure 5-36, where points C and D are the intersection points of the angle bisectors
with the side AB (extended if necessary).

Figure 5 -36. Harmonic ratio occurs

(i) Show the line PC is perpendicular to the line PD. The proof follows from the
fact that Pi + Pe = π so that P2i + P2e = π2 .
(ii) Show
= (5.70)
This can be demonstrated by constructing a line through point B which is parallel
to line PD and intersecting side PA at the point F as illustrated. It follows that
triangle F BP is isosceles so that PB = PF.
In triangle ADP one can use the Thales intercept theorem to show

= (5.71)

Using the result that PB = PF the equation (5.71) becomes

= = (5.72)

which was to be demonstrated

(iii) Show
= (5.73)
Using the angle bisector theorem in triangle ABP one finds
= (5.74)
The equation (5.74) combined with equation (5.72) completes the proof
The equation (5.73) shows that the side AB has been divided harmonically. See
the equations (5.69).

 5-1. Determine the point P which divides the given line AB into the ratio specified.

AP 3 AP 2
(a) A : (0, 0), B : (100, 0), = (c) A : (0, 0), B : (81, 81), =
PB 5 PB 7
AP 2 AP 3
(b) A : (0, 0), B : (0, 50), = (d) A : (0, 2), B : (100, 6), =
PB 5 PB 5

Show that three or more straight lines
through a point P which also intersect parallel
lines, then there is produced proportional par-
allel line segments. For the illustration given
A B  BC 
Find the centroid of the given triangle if

(a) a = 3, b = 4 (b) a = 8, b = 15 (c) a = 9, b = 40

 5-4. Given the parallel lines y = 0 and y = 10 along with the lines
1 : y = 3x, 2 : y = −4(x − 8)

(a) Find the point P where the two lines meet.

(b) Find where the line 1 intersects the parallel lines.
(c) Find where the line 2 intersects the parallel lines.
(d) Sketch the above lines and points and verify Thales intercept theorem.
For the triangle illustrated, show the centroid is
located at
b+ h
x̄ = and ȳ =
3 3

Give the right triangle ABC with sides

AB = 3, AC = 2, BC = 1

The bisector of the vertex angle A divides the side BC

into two parts of lengths d1 and d2 . Find the lengths
d1 and d2 and the length of the angle bisector.

Given the triangle ABC with DG = x, EG = y, GF = z
and lines AE, BD, CF medians. The label G denoting the
centroid of the triangle.
(a) Find GB in terms of x
(b) Find GA in terms of y
(c) Find GC in terms of z
(d) Show the line segment DE is parallel to AB
(e) What is the ratio of distance of G from a vertex to distance of median from same

 5-8. Apply a cyclic rotation of symbols to the equations (5.18) and (5.21) to find
the length of the cevians BB  and CC  which are angle bisectors associated with the
vertex angles B and C of triangle ABC .

Examine figure 5-18 and prove that the points P, Q, R are collinear.

 5-10. Find the incenter of an equilateral triangle with

sides of length s and height 23s .

 5-11. Find the incenter of an isosceles triangle with equal sides of length 100, base

equal to 100 3 and height equal to 50.
Given triangle ABC with cevian AA representing
the angle bisector of the vertex angle A. Use the angle
bisector theorem and Stewarts theorem to show

(AA )2 = (AB)(AC) − (BA )(A C)

Find the incenter of the triangle ABC illus-
trated where α is a parameter restricted to the values
0 < α < 1.

 5-14. Find the orthocenter, centroid and circumcenter associated with an equilat-
eral triangle having a side of length s.

For the right triangle illustrated.
(a) Find the radius r0 of the circumscribed circle.
(b) Find the radius rI of the inscribed circle.


Given the right triangle ABCwith line 1 dividing

the hypotenuse such that DB = 4 3 and DA = 20 23 .

Point B has the coordinates (0, 8), point A has the coor-
√ √
dinates (8 5, 0), point M has the coordinates (4 5, 0) and
P has the coordinates (0, y). Use Menelaus’s theorem to
find y such that the points P, D, M are collinear.

Given the triangle ABC illustrated.
(a) Find the orthocenter.
(b) Find the circumcenter.
(c) Find the centroid.
(d) Find the Euler line.
For the given equilateral triangle ABC find the
point where the orthocenter, centroid and circumcen-
ter coalesce.

 5-19. Given a triangle ABC inside the circle x2 + y2 = 1. The vertices of the
triangle have the coordinates
1 1
A(−1, 0), B( √ , − √ ), C(0, 1)
2 2
Select point P ( √12 , √12 ) on the circle and
(a) find the points associated with the Simson line (William Wallace line).
(b) find the equation of the Simson line (William Wallace line).

Use the Menelaus theorem to find the point R if
points P, Q, R are to be collinear. Using the distances
10 √
AQ = BR =8 + x CP =2 41
25 √
QB = RC = − x PA = 41

Use the Menelaus theorem to determine the point

P so that the points P, Q, R are collinear. Use the fol-
lowing distances for the triangle given.
AQ =2 RC = − 2

QB =8 CP =x
BR =10 PA =9 − x
The triangle illustrated has the sides

AB = 6, BC = 10, CA = 8

(a) Find the area of triangle ABC

(b) Find the area of triangle DEF
[DEF ]
(c) Find the ratio
Chapter 6
Introduction to Mathematical Fundamentals
Generalization and abstraction
By observing mathematical operations certain concepts lead to abstractions and
generalizations. For example 2 + 3 = 5 is a special case of x + y = z for the values
x = 2, y = 3 and z = 5. The equation x + y = z is an abstraction of the concept
of addition. It represents all possible sums of two quantities to produce a third
quantity. In mathematics, ”Everything is a special case of something more general.”
Many mathematicians search for the more general concepts in order to classify and
correlate mathematical concepts and ideas into some kind of an organized structure.
The study of triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons,. . ., n-gons illustrates the
search for generalized concepts concerning all polygons. This is a way of collecting
facts about polygons and organizing these facts to enlarge our data base of knowl-
Organization of knowledge
The building of a foundation of knowledge is composed of definitions, axioms and
postulates and then the organization and formalization of the knowledge to obtain an
understanding of the basic material in order to generate by deductive arguments new
ideas and concepts represented by theorems, corollaries and lemmas. These facts
can be generalized and organized into various categories and subcategories. This is
what Euclid started some 2300 years ago and is still done today in mathematics.
The theorems, corollaries and lemmas introduce new ideas and illustrate how the
new ideas logically follow from using the fundamentals and previously develop old
facts which have already been verified. The proofs of the theorems are usually given
by the presentation of a sequence of steps which produce the conclusion stated by
the theorem. Euclid and his followers were the first to organize how mathematics
was to be approached in a logical way and to develop the concept of a proof.
The wonderful thing about theorems and proofs is that they are timeless. What
Euclid proved 2300 years ago is still valid today. Theorems build on our data base
of knowledge and the advancement of the sciences.
Euclid’s introduction of a proof has been modified in the modern era of com-
puters. Computer calculations, simulations, modeling using Monte Carlo techniques
and statistics along with numerical methods are some of the more modern accept-
able proofs describing what is happening in various fields of science. Mathematics
is now used in all areas of physics, engineering, science and business.
Logic symbols
Let letters of the alphabet A, B, . . . , P, Q, . . . denote sentences or statements that
are either true or false, but not both. Composite statements or compound statements
consist of sub-statements along with different types of connectives. The truth or
falseness property of a compound statement depends upon the truth of the sub-
statements and how the sub-statements are connected.
Negation (∼ A)
Given the statement
A: It is raining outside.
The negation of the statement A is written (∼ A) which is read as  not A  and
is constructed by inserting the word  not  into the statement A.
∼ A: It is not raining outside.
If A is true, then ∼ A is false and if A is false, then ∼ A is true. A truth table
for ∼ A is the following table where T represents true and F represents false.

Truth Table
A ∼A ∼ (∼ A)

Note that ∼ (∼ A) = A. That is, the negation of any statement is always the
opposite truth value of the original statement.
Conjunction (A ∧ B)
Whenever two statements A and B are combined using the word  and ,
then a compound statement is formed. The compound statement (A ∧ B), read
as  A and B , is called the conjunction of the original statements A and B.
A: John has a cell phone.
B: Mary has a cell phone.
A ∧ B : John has a cell phone and Mary has a cell phone.
or John and Mary have cell phones.
The truth table for the above compound statement A ∧ B is as follows
Truth Table
The T and F values in a truth table represent the truth values for A and B in a
compound sentence. Note that A ∧ B is true, only when both A and B are true. The
first line of the truth table is read  If A is true and B is true, then A ∧ B is true.
Disjunction (A ∨ B)
Whenever two statements A and B are combined using the word  or  to
form a compound statement, then the new statement is called a disjunction of the
original two statements and written as A ∨ B and read as  A or B .
Be careful, the word  or  can be used in different ways. For example, A ∨ B
could mean
(i) A or B or both (at least one of the two alternatives occurs)
(ii) A or B, but not both (only one of the two alternatives can occur)
The use of the word  or  is to be used in the sense of ”and/or” as given in (i)
A truth table for the compound statement A ∨ B is as follows
Truth Table
Here A ∨ B is false only when both A and B are false.
In mathematics one can come across statements or expressions such as:
(i) if-then statement. If (hypothesis A is true), then (conclusion B is true)
(ii) A implies B
(iii) B is a necessary condition for A
(iv) A is a sufficient condition for B
(v) B follows from A
Each of the above statements all mean that the truth of statement B follows from
the truth of statement A. In these statements A is called the premise or hypothesis
and B is called the conclusion or result. Each of the above statements can be written
symbolically by using one of the notations A ⇒ B or A → B , which is read using one
of the interpretations given by (i) through (v) above. For example, A ⇒ B could be
interpreted as  If A, then B .
When two parts of a sentence are interchanged or turned about, one part is called
the converse of the other part. In mathematics a necessary and sufficient condition
for the completeness of a definition is that its converse is also true. For example the
definition, ” The centroid of a triangle is defined as the point of intersection of the
medians of the triangle. ” has the converse statement, ”The point of intersection of
the medians of a triangle defines the centroid of a triangle. ” If one has a theorem
A ⇒ B (If A, then B ), then its converse is B ⇒ A (If B , then A). The converse
of an if-then statement is obtained by interchanging the hypothesis (A) and the
conclusion (B). Note that the converse of a true statement may or may not be true.
For example, the statement, ”If a quadrilateral is a square, then all the sides must
be equal” has the converse, ”If all the sides of a quadrilateral are equal, then the
quadrilateral must be a square”, is a false statement because the quadrilateral could
be a rhombus. The law of detachment states that if the statement, ”If hypothesis,
then conclusion” (if A, then B) is accepted as being true, then when you know
condition A holds, a valid logical conclusion is B.
The law of syllogism states that if A ⇒ B and B ⇒ C are true statements, then
the statement A ⇒ C is also a true statement. If you have a hypothesis H and
conclusion C, so that H ⇒ C , (H implies C), then the contrapositive of this statement
is obtained by negating both the hypothesis and conclusion and then interchanging
the results. For example,

H⇒C has the contrapositive statement ∼ C ⇒∼ H

Remember that
(i) If the original statement is true, then the contrapositive statement is also true.
(ii) If the original statement is false, then the contrapositive statement is also false.
Example 6-1.
Consider the statements {A: The computer is working.}
and {B: I’ll solve your problem.} and the following if-then combinations.
Original A⇒B
If the computer is working , then I’ll solve your problem.
Converse B⇒A
If I solve your problem, then the computer is working.
Inverse ∼ A ⇒∼ B
If the computer is not working, then I will not solve your problem.
∼A ∼B

Contrapositive ∼ B ⇒∼ A
If I don’t solve your problem, then the computer is not working.
∼B ∼A

Example 6-2.
The following statements are all true.
Original (A ⇒ B ) If ABC and DEF are similar, then their corresponding sides
are proportional.
Converse (B ⇒ A) If the corresponding sides of ABC and DEF are propor-
tional, then the triangles are similar.
Inverse (∼ A ⇒ ∼ B ) If ABC and DEF are not similar, then their corresponding
sides are not proportional.
Contrapositive (∼ B ⇒ ∼ A) If the corresponding sides of ABC and DEF are
not proportional, then the triangles are not similar.

Example 6-3.
If two sides of a triangle are unequal, then the
angles opposite these sides are also unequal with the
larger angle opposite the larger side.
(Euclid, Book 1, Propositions 18,19)

Proof: Given triangle ABC with larger side AB. Measure the distance BC and
mark off the distance DB = BC on side AB. We know the angles opposite equal sides
are equal. Therefore, ∠DCB = ∠CDB = α. Hence one can conclude

Statement Reason
∠ACB > α The whole is greater than any of its parts.
α > ∠DAC Exterior angle greater than any single opposite interior angle.
∠ACB > ∠DAC law of syllogism

Example 6-4.
If two angles of triangle ABC are unequal, the
sides opposite these angles are also unequal with the
greater side opposite the greater angle.
(Euclid, Book 1, Propositions 18,19)
Proof: Assume angle β is the greater than angle α.
One can then state that one of the following conditions
must hold.
b < a, b = a, or b > a

Statement Reason
β>α Assumption
a=b cannot be true If true, then α = β contradicts original assumption.
b < a cannot be true If true, then β < α contradicts original assumption.
b > a must be true Only remaining case
This type of proof is known as, a proof by exclusion. As Sherlock Holmes would
say, ”When you have ruled out all the other possibilities, whatever remains must be
the truth.”

If the connective between statements of facts A and B is expressed in any of the
(a) A is true if and only if B is true.
(b) A is equivalent to statement B.
(c) A is a necessary and sufficient condition for B.
then this is referred to as a biconditional connective between statements.
Some examples of biconditional compound statements are:
(i) A quadratic equation having rational coefficients can be factored if and only
if its discriminant is a perfect square.
(ii) Two polynomials are equal if and only if their difference produces the zero
(iii) A necessary and sufficient condition for two planes

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 and αx + βy + γz + δ = 0
to be parallel is for the coefficients to satisfy = =
α β γ

Sometimes biconditional statements are used in definitions.

(i) A triangle is isosceles if and only if the triangle has two equal sides.
(ii) The absolute value of x is | x |, by definition | x |= 0 if and only if x = 0.
(iii) If a > 0, then | x |< a if and only if −a < x < a.
Biconditionals are expressed mathematically using the symbol ( ⇐⇒ ). The
expression A ⇐⇒ B , is interpreted using one of the statements (a),(b) or (c) above.
For example, one could read A ⇐⇒ B as  A is true if and only if B is true.  Here
the connective between statements A and B is  if and only if  or one of the above
statements (b) or (c) above. Sometimes the expression ”if and only if” is expressed
using the shorthand notation ”iff”.

The following is a truth table for a biconditional if and only if statement.

Truth Table
A B A ⇐⇒ B
A biconditional (fact 1 ⇐⇒ fact 2) is true when the truth or falseness of both
facts are the same. Either both facts are true or both facts are false.
Example 6-5. Show that for a,b,c,d integers different from zero, then the equal-
a c
ity b
= d
is true if and only if ad = bc.
Assume that ab = dc is a true statement. Then multiply both sides of this relation
by the non zero product bd. One then obtains the result that equals multiplied by
equals the results are equal. This gives
a c
bd = bd which simplifies to ad = bc
b d
Conversely, assume that ad = bc is true and multiply both sides by the non zero
identity bd1 = bd1 . Equals multiplied by equals gives the result
ad bc a c
= which simplifies to =
bd bd b d
Hence one can write
a c
= ⇐⇒ ad = bc
b d

Indirect poofs
Indirect proofs, sometimes referred to as proof by exclusion, consists of assum-
ing a contradiction to the conclusion of a proposition and then showing that this
assumption leads to a contradiction. For example, to prove a statement such as
A = B , one can make the assumption A = B . If such is the case, then either A > B
or A < B . If one can then show that both the statements A < B and A > B are false,
then the only case left is A = B which contradicts the original assumption. This type
of proof is known as reductio ad absurdum.
Inductive and Deductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning is starting with a conjecture, hypothesis or a statement of
general behavior arrived at because of
(i) pattern recognition
(ii) observation of data changes
(iii) belief obtained from experience
One can use written out statements, numbers, diagrams, tables and patterns
associated with a given problem to try and discover a way of obtaining a solution.
One tries to formulate a general conjecture or hypothesis concerning the solution
to the problem and then from this starting point prove to everyones satisfaction, if
possible, that your conjecture is true. Note that to disprove a conjecture one need
only find one counterexample to show the conjecture is false.
Example 6-6. The hypothesis that f (n) = 18 − 14n + 9n2 − n3
produces a
prime number for integers n = 1, 2, 3, . . . can be shown to be false by substituting in
the integer n = 5 as a counterexample. One can show that
n = 1, f (1) = 2 n = 4, f (4) = 7,

n = 2, f (2) = 3, n = 5, f (5) = 8
n = 3, f (3) = 5, n = 6, f (6) = 7

Remember it doesn’t matter how many times you show something to be true—
that is not a proof. It only takes one time to show something is false to have a

The ancient Greeks asked the question, “What are correct reasoning and incor-
rect reasoning techniques used in solving problems?” In proving something is true
(i) There must not be any ambiguity in the statement of a problem or in the pre-
sentation of its solution. Hence the need for definitions, axioms, postulates and
understanding of basic knowledge associated with a given problem.
(ii) One must show a step-by-step methodology in arriving at a solution.
(iii) Principles of logic should be applied correctly.
(iv) There can be no flaws, inconsistencies or contradictions in any of the assump-
tions made to solve a problem or to prove a theorem.
Deductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning uses a premise, axiom, postulate, theorems or facts which
are accepted as true and then using these facts as a starting point begin a step-
by-step process marching toward some conclusion. As you proceed to prove your
conclusion verify the truth of each step of your reasoning process. Deductive rea-
soning is starting with a premise and then taking logical steps toward a conclusion.
Deductive reasoning uses the law of syllogism to arrive at a conclusion. That is, if
A → B , B → C , C → D is true, then one can conclude from these facts that A → D
is true. The two column ( Statements | Reasons ) proofs used in geometry is an
example of this law of syllogism.
Note that sometimes in solving problems there may occur a mixture of inductive
and deductive reasoning techniques. New ideas in mathematics different from axioms
or postulates must be proven using precise statements. The two column (Statments
| Reasons) approach is one way to introduce the rigor of a mathematical proof. All
of modern mathematics require proofs when new concepts, ideas or methods are
Occam’s Razor
Occam’s razor is a principle of logic which states- Any proof should use the least
set of postulates and rules of logic. This principle was set forth by William of Occam
(1288-1348) as a way to minimize internal contradictions in a proof and to make
clear where ones starting points for ideas originate.
Mathematical induction
The method of mathematical induction is a deductive method of reasoning used
to prove propositions or formulas which depend upon positive integers n being used
to determine the solution. Mathematical induction requires three conditions to be
(i) The proposition or formula can be verified to be true for small values of n. Usually
one shows the proposition or formula holds for the values n = 1, n = 2, and sometimes
n = 3 just to verify the results hold for small values of n.
(ii) One next extends the range of n for which the formula or proposition holds. One
tries to prove that if the formula holds for n equal to a positive integer k > 2, then it
must also hold for the next integer k + 1.
(iii) Make use of the results from part (i) and (ii) to prove the truth of the case n = k
implies the truth of the case (k + 1), then the proposition or formula will hold for all
values of n = 1, 2, 3, . . ..
The method of mathematical induction is somewhat like having an infinite set
of dominos standing on end. If you knock down the first domino and the second
domino falls, does this mean all the dominos will fall? If you assume the kth domino
falls and prove that this implies the (k + 1)st domino falls, then you can substitute
k = 1, 2, 3, . . ., n, . . . into the formula for dominos falling, the idea being that if the kth
domino falling guarantees that the (k + 1)st domino will also fall, then this implies
that all the dominos must fall.

Example 6-7. Let Sn denote the sum of the geometrical series

Sn = a + ar + ar 2 + · · · + ar n−1 , n a positive integer, a is constant (6.1)

where r is called the common ratio associated with consecutive terms.

Prove by mathematical induction that the sum of this series is given by the
a(1 − r n )
Sn = , for r = 1 (6.2)
and n = 1, 2, 3, . . . is an integer.
In the case n = 1 equation (6.1) becomes S1 = a and equation (6.2) becomes
S1 = a 1−r
= a and so equation (6.2) is true for this case.
In the case n = 2 equation (6.1) becomes S2 = a + ar and equation (6.2) becomes

1 − r2 (1 − r)(1 + r)
S2 = a =a = a(1 + r) = a + ar
1−r 1−r

and so equation (6.2) also holds for the next integer 2.

Assume equation (6.2) holds for n = k and write

a(1 − r k )
Sk = a + ar + ar 2 + · · · ar k−1 = (6.3)
k terms

Using the assumption that equation (6.3) is true, show that this guarantees that the
a(1 − r k+1 )
Sk+1 = a + ar + ar 2 + · · · + ar k−1 + ar k = (6.4)
(k+1) terms

must also hold true.

To prove that this is indeed the case, write
a(1 − r k )
Sk+1 = Sk + ar k = + ar k add fractions
a − ar k + ar k − ar k+1
= (6.5)
a − ar k+1 a(1 − r k+1 )
= =
1−r 1−r

Here we have added equals to equals to obtain, after simplification, equal results.
Hence the truth of the n = k case implies the truth of the n = k + 1 case. This implies
the given equation is true for all values of the integer n.
Example 6-8. Show that the sum Sn = 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + (n − 1) + n
n(n + 1)
of the first n integers is given by Sn =
To verify that the formula
n(n + 1)
Sn = 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + (n − 2) + (n − 1) + n = (6.6)
is true for all values of n, one must first show the validity of the formula for small
values of n.
For n = 1 equation (6.6) reduces to S1 = 1 = =1
For n = 2 equation (6.6) reduces to S2 = 1 + 2 = =3
and so the equation (6.6) is valid for the small values of n = 1 and n = 2.
Next assume the given equation holds for some positive integer n = k so that
k(k + 1)
Sk = 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + k = (6.7)
Finally, prove that the assumption of truth for n = k implies
the truth of the formula
for n = k + 1. Note that equals added to equals produces equals so that
k(k + 1)
Sk+1 = Sk + (k + 1) = + (k + 1)
2   (6.8)
k (k + 1)(k + 2)
=(k + 1) +1 =
2 2
which is the formula (6.6) with n replaced by k + 1. Hence, the truth of the kth
statement implies the truth of the (k+1)st statement which implies the given equation
is true for all values of n.

The summation formula in equation (6.6) has been a known formula for over
2000 years. It can be quickly obtained by writing the equation (6.6) followed by the
same equation with the integers written in reverse order. Observe in the right-hand
columns that the numbers adds up to (n + 1) and there are n of these numbers. This
Sn = 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + (n − 2) + (n − 1) + n

Sn = n + (n − 1) + (n − 2) + · · · + 3 + 2 +1

2Sn = (n + 1) + (n + 1) + (n + 1) + · · · + (n + 1) + (n + 1) + (n + 1) (6.9)
n terms
2Sn = n(n + 1)
n(n + 1)
or Sn =
An addition of the sums as written in equation (6.9) together with some algebra
produces the result indicated by equation (6.6).

The summation sign

The mathematical symbol (Greek letter sigma) is used to denote a summation
of terms. If f = f (x) is a function whose domain contains all the integers and m is
an integer, then the notation

f (j) = f (1) + f (2) + f (3) + · · · + f (m) (6.10)

is used to denote the summation of the terms f (j) as j varies from the 1 to m. Here
j = 1 is called the starting index for the sum and the m above the sigma sign is
used to denote the ending index for the sum. The quantity j is called the dummy
summation index because the letter j does not occur in the answer and j can be
replaced by some other index if one desires to do so. The sum is understood to be
zero if the ending index is less than the starting index. If the ending index is ∞, the
series is called an infinite series.
The result for the geometric series in example 6-7 can be expressed
a(1 − r n )
ar j−1 = (6.11)

The summation of the integers formula from example 6-6 can be written as
n(n + 1)
k= (6.12)

The sigma summation convention can save you a lot of writing.

Example 6-9. Calculate the sum


m = 100 + 101 + 102 + · · · + 1000 (6.13)

We know the sum m= from equation (6.12) with n = 99 and we know
the sum k= again from equation (6.12) with n = 1000. The difference
gives us
1000 1000 99
1000(1001) 99(100)
j= j− j= − = 495 550
2 2
j=100 j=1 j=1

This result can be generalized by writing


j= j− j (6.14)
j=m j=1 j=1

where m and n can be any integers you want, provided m < n.

Example 6-10. Find the sum of the squares of the first n integers

2 2 2 2 2
1 +2 +3 +4 +···+n = j2

Here we do not have a formula for the sum and so we cannot use the method of
mathematical induction to prove the formula. This is a chance to do some inductive
reasoning. Writing out the squares of the integers

0 1 2 3 4 5 . . . (n − 2) (n − 1) n

one obtains
02 12 22 32 42 52 . . . (n − 2)2 (n − 1)2 n2 (6.15)

Examine what we have and make note that the difference between two consecutive
squares is given by

n2 − (n − 1)2 = n2 − [n2 − 2n + 1] = 2n − 1

which is an odd number for all integers n. Subtract a lower square from the next
higher square in equation (6.15) and show there results the odd numbered differences
listed below 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 . . . (n − 2) (n − 1) n
1 3 5 7 9 ... (2n − 3) (2n − 1)
The above differences shows that the square of any integer can be written as the sum
of consecutive odd integers or

(2k − 1) = n2

One can construct a table of such sums.

12 =1
22 =1 + 3

32 =1 + 3 + 5
42 =1 + 3 + 5 + 7
52 =1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9
.. ..
. .

(2j − 1) = (n − 1)2 =1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + · · · + (2n − 3)

(2j − 1) = n2 =1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + · · · + (2n − 3) + (2n − 1)

Examine the sum of the terms that are to the left of the equal signs in the equations
(6.16). This is the sum of integers squared that we desire. On the right hand side
of the equal signs is a triangular array of numbers. This triangle array of numbers
represents the answer that we desire. If we can sum these numbers we have our
Here we have used pattern recognition to come up with an answer. If we can
write the answer for specific values of n and then try to obtain a more general form
of the answer for any integer n, then we can use mathematical induction to prove the
more general result. Playing around with the triangular array of numbers one might
discover the following more general method of obtaining the desired summation.
The triangular array of numbers from equation (6.16) can be written in three
different ways, as illustrated by the following listings.

1 3
1 3 5
1 3 5 7
.. .. .. .. ...
. . . .
1 3 5 7 ··· (2n − 3)
1 3 5 7 ··· (2n − 3) (2n − 1)
3 1
5 3 1
7 5 3 1
.. .. .. .. ...
. . . .
(2n − 3) (2n − 5) ··· 5 3 1
(2n − 1) (2n − 3) ··· 7 5 3 1

(2n − 1)
(2n − 3) (2n − 3)
(2n − 5) (2n − 5) (2n − 5)
.. .. .. ...
. . .
5 5 5 ··· 5
3 3 3 ··· 3 3
1 1 1 ··· 1 1 1

The sum of the numbers in each array represents the sum S = j2 that we are
trying to calculate. Add the numbers from each array which come from the same
position in each of the triangular arrays listed above and find that in all of the sums
from the same positions is given by (2n + 1). We can then write the sums from all
three arrays as

3S = (2n + 1)times( number of positions in the triangular array)

The number of positions in each array is

n(n + 1)
1+2+3+4+···+n =

(2n + 1)n(n + 1) n
3S = or S= (n + 1)(2n + 1)
2 6
so that n
2 2 2 2 2
1 +2 +3 +4 +···+n = j2 = (n + 1)(2n + 1) (6.17)

Lets see if we can prove this formula is true for all values of n by using math-
ematical induction. Let n = 1 in equation (6.17) and find 12 = and
(2)(3) = 1
so the formula is true for n = 1. Substitute n = 2 into equation (6.17) and find
12 + 22 = (3)(5) = 5 and so the formula is also true for n = 2. Assume the formula is
true for n = k. Let
Sk = 1 2 + 2 2 + · + k 2 = (k + 1)(2k + 1) (6.18)
denote the sum of integers squared through n = k and show by adding (k + 1)2 to
both sides of equation (6.18) one obtains
Sk+1 = Sk + (k + 1)2 = (k + 1)(2k + 1) + (k + 1)2

=(k + 1) (2k + 1) + (k + 1)

2k + 7k + 6
=(k + 1)
(k + 1)
= (k + 2)(2k + 3)

representing the sum of the squares through k + 1. Here the truth of the kth formula
implies the truth of the (k + 1)st formula. Therefore, equation (6.17) is valid for all
values of n.

Example 6-11.
Let S denote the sum of the cubes of the first n integers, written

S= m3 = 13 + 23 + 33 + · · · + n3 Find S

Examine the telescoping series

[m4 − (m − 1)4 ] = [14 − 04 ] + [24 − 14 ] + [34 − 24 ] + [44 − 34 ] + · · · + [n4 − (n − 1)4 ]

and note that for every integer j < n, when a term j 4 occurs it is followed by a
term −j 4 and so these terms always add to zero. This is why the series is called
a telescoping series. All the terms in the telescoping series add to zero except one
term. Study this series and show

[m4 − (m − 1)4 ] = n4
Now we can do some deductive reasoning using just plain ordinary algebra. We
will make use of known facts to combine the facts and solve the problem.
Use some algebra and show
m4 − (m − 1)4 =m4 − [m4 − 4m3 + 6m2 − 4m + 1]
=4m3 − 6m2 + 4m − 1

Now sum each term in equation (6.19) from m = 1 to m = n and show


4 4 4 3 2
[m − (m − 1) ] = n = 4 m −6 m +4 m− 1 (6.20)
m=1 m=1 m=1 m=1 m=1

Examine the last three summations in equation (6.20) and show


1 =1 + 1 +1 + ···+ 1 = n
m=1 n ones
n(n + 1)
m =1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + n = from equation (6.12) (6.21)
n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
m2 =12 + 22 + 32 + · · · + n2 = from equation (6.17)

Substitute the value of these sums into the equation (6.20) and verify that

n4 = 4 m3 − n(n + 1)(2n + 1) + 2n(n + 1) − n

which simplifies to

4 m3 = n4 + n(n + 1)(2n + 1) − 2n(n + 1) + n

= n n3 + 2n2 + n + 2n + 1 − 2n − 2 + 1

= n[n3 + 2n2 + n]
= n2 [n2 + 2n + 1]
= n2 (n + 1)2


3 3 3 n(n + 1)
3 3 3
S= m = 1 +2 +3 +4 +···+n = = (1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + n)2 (6.22)
Examining the sum of cubes
Examine the sums
13 =1

13 + 23 =9
13 + 23 + 33 =36
13 + 23 + 33 + 43 =100

13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + 53 =225
13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + 53 + 63 =441
and observe that the sums are all square numbers. This is a further indication that
the formula we derived is correct.
One can double check our results, in case we made an algebra mistake, by using
mathematical induction. Examine the equation (6.22) for n = 1 and n = 2 by showing
1(2) 2
for n = 1, 13 = ( ) =1
3 3 2(3)
and for n = 2, 1 +2 = = 32 = 9

are both true statements.

Assume equation (6.22) is true for a positive integer n = k so that

13 + 23 + 33 + · · · + k3 = (1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + k) (6.23)

then add (k + 1)3 to both sides of equation (6.23) and obtain the equation
13 + 23 + 33 + · + k3 + (k + 1)3 = (1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + k) + (k + 1)3 (6.24)

to be verified as having the same form as equation (6.22) with n replaced by k + 1.

Let Sk+1 denote the sum (1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + k + (k + 1)) and write equation (6.24) in the
13 + 23 + 33 + · + k3 + (k + 1)3 = (1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + k) + (k + 1)3
 2

= 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + k + (k + 1) − (k + 1) + (k + 1)3
add and subtract
= (Sk+1 − (k + 1)) + (k + 1)3
=Sk+1 − 2Sk+1 (k + 1) + (k + 1)2 + (k + 1)3
Replace Sk+1 by its equivalent 2 to find

3 3 3 3 3 2 (k + 1)(k + 2)
1 + 2 + 3 + · + k + (k + 1) =Sk+1 −2 (k + 1) + (k + 1)2 + (k + 1)3
=Sk+1 − (k + 1) (k + 1 + 1)(k + 1) + (k + 1)2 + (k + 1)3
=Sk+1 − (k + 1) − (k + 1)2 + (k + 1)2 + (k + 1)3

which simplifies to equation (6.23) with k replaced by k + 1 everywhere. Hence the

truth of the kth formula implies the truth of the (k + 1)st formula.

Example 6-12. (Sum of cubes)

Examine the representations

13 =1
23 =3 + 5
33 =7 + 9 + 11 (6.25)

43 =13 + 15 + 17 + 19
53 =21 + 23 + 25 + 27 + 29

Do you recognize any patterns? It appears that n3 would have n-terms, but what is
the beginning term for n3 ? Examine the following patterns.
The numbers being cubed are
1 2 3 4 5 ... n
and the starting values on the right-hand sums are
1 3 7 13 21 31 ... ?
Taking difference between consecutive starting values gives
2 4 6 8 10 ... ?

and taking differences of the differences one finds

2 2 2 2 2 ... 2

Mathematicians who examine patterns have discovered that when differences of

differences are all constant, then the original pattern must have the form

f (n) = c0 + c1 (n − 1) + c2 (n − 1)(n − 2) (6.26)

where c0 , c1 and c2 are constants to be determined. We can find the values for these
constants by substituting the values n = 1, 2 and 3 into the formula (6.26). Here f (n)
represents the first term of the summations on the right-hand side of the equations
(6.25) and so we require

For n = 1 f (1) =c0 = 1

For n = 2 f (2) =c0 + c1 (2 − 1) = 3 ⇒ c1 = 2
For n = 3 f (3) =c0 + c1 (3 − 1) + c2 (3 − 1)(3 − 2) = 7 ⇒ c2 = 1

giving the equation f (n) =1 + 2(n − 1) + (n − 1)(n − 1) = n2 − n + 1

We now can generalize the listing (6.25) by making the following observations

13 =1 n n(n+1)
23 =3 + 5 1 1
2 3
33 =7 + 9 + 11
3 6
43 =13 + 15 + 17 + 19 4 10
53 =21 + 23 + 25 + 27 + 29 5 15
.. .. 6 21
. .
n3 = (n2 − n + 1) + (n2 − n + 3) + (n2 − n + 5) + · · · + (n2 − n + (2n − 1))

A summation of the results given in the equations (6.27) can be expressed using
our Σ summation convention. On the right-hand side of the equations (6.27) there
is a summation of odd numbered terms. Odd numbers are represented 2i − 1 for
i = 1, 2, 3, . . ., m where the last odd integer is 2m−1 which we want to equal n2 −n+2n−1.
This requires that we select m to satisfy
n(n + 1)
2m − 1 = n2 − n + 2n − 1 ⇒ m = (6.28)

A summation of the terms on the left-hand side of the equal signs from the
equations (6.27) followed by a summation of terms on the right-hand side of the
equal signs gives the result

i3 = (2i − 1) (6.29)
i=1 i=1

where the right hand side is a summation of odd numbers 2i − 1 with index i ranging
from 1 to n(n+1)
. Suppose we add and then subtract all the missing even numbers
to equation (6.29). This will change the equation (6.29) into a form where previous
summation formulas can be used to obtain our answer. For example,

add 2 + 4 + 6 + · · · + (n2 + n)

to change the right hand side into the form

n +n
m = 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + (n2 + n) (6.30)

Here we have added the even numbers to change the summation (6.29) into a
form where we know the answer. In order not to change equation (6.29) after adding
the even numbers we must now subtract what we have just added. That is

n2 + n)
subtract 2 1+2+3+···+ (6.31)

We can now use the first summation formula from the equations (6.23) to sum the
equations (6.30) and (6.31). The equation (6.29) can now be written as
n(n+1) 2 n(n+1)
2 n +n 2

i3 = (2i − 1) = i−2 i (6.32)

i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

The first sum is

n +n
(n2 + n)(n2 + n + 1) 2n2 (n + 1)2 n(n + 1)
i= = + (6.33)
2 4 2

and the second sum is

n(n+1)   n(n+1)   n(n+1) 
2 +1 2 2
 = n (n + 1) + n(n + 1)
2 2
2 i = 2 (6.34)
2 4 2

Subtracting the equation (6.34) from equation (6.33) gives the final result
n2 (n + 1)2
S= i3 = (6.35)

n2 (n + 1)2
13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + · · · + n3 = (6.36)
All of the summations

1 =1 + 1 + 1 + · · · + 1 = n
n(n + 1)
i =1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + n =

2 2 2 2 n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
i =1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + n =

3 3 3 3 3 n(n + 1)
i =1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + n = = (1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + n)2

were known to the famous mathematician, physicist, engineer and astronomer

Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212) CE. Archimedes used these formulas to make
many discoveries about various shapes in geometry. We will also use these results
to make our own discoveries.
In particular, given a plane or solid figure one can cut the figure into many small
slices to form elements of area or volume. The summation formulas (6.37) can then
be used to sum these small elements to calculate the area or volume.

Example 6-13.
Find the area of a right triangle by slicing it up into small pieces.

Figure 6 -1. Right triangle sliced into n-parts.

Given the right triangle illustrated in the figure 6-1. The equation of the hy-
potenuse is given by the point-slope formula y − y0 = m(x − x0 ) where
change in y values h h
m= = − and (x0 , y0 ) = (b, 0) ⇒ y = − (x − b)
change in x values b b
Slice the triangle into n-parts. The distance between each slice being ∆x = .

Start at x =0 with y = h
b h
The first slice is at x1 = with height y1 = − (x1 − b)
n b
b h
The second slice is at x2 =2 with height y2 = − (x2 − b)
n b
.. ..
. .
b h
The ith slice is at xi =i with height yi = − (xi − b)
n b
b h
The (i + 1)st slice is at xi+1 =(i + 1) with height yi+1 = − (xi+1 − b)
n b
.. ..
. .
b h
The last slice is at xn−1 =(n − 1) with height yn−1 = − (xn−1 − b)
n b

The slice at x = xi produces an element of area in the shape of a trapezoid. The

area of this trapezoid is the average of the bases times the height or
area of ith trapezoid = Ati = (yi + yi+1 ) ∆x

1 h b h b b
= − (i − b) − ((i + 1) − b)
2 b n b n n

1 bh 2bh
= (2n − 1) 2 − 2 i
2 n n

Perform a summation on all the elements of area and note that we have created a
situation where the equations (6.37) can be employed to evaluate the sums. Here
we have
n−1 n−1 n−1
bh 1 bh bh
Sum of area elements = − − i (6.38)
n 2 n2 n2
i=0 i=0 i=0

Here only the i terms are being summed with n some fixed integer, so that equation
(6.38) simplifies to
n−1 n−1 n−1
bh 1 bh bh
Sum of area elements = 1− 1 − i (6.39)
n 2 n2 n2
i=0 i=0 i=0

From the equations (6.37) select the summations

n n
n(n + 1)
1=n and i=
i=1 i=1
and modify them to read
n−1 n−1
(n − 1)n
1=n and i=
i=0 i=0

Now substitute these results into the equation (6.39) and show there results
bh bh bh 1
Sum of area elements = bh − − + = bh (6.40)
2n 2 2n 2
and consequently the equation (6.40) reduces to the result that the area of the
triangle is one-half the base times the height.
This is an example of what can be done in future chapters to calculate areas
and even volumes of complicated figures.

Introduction to determinants
A two by two (2x2) array of elements having the form

a a12
M2x2 = 11 (6.41)
a21 a22

is called a two by two (2x2) square matrix. A three by three (3x3) array of elements
having the form  
a11 a12 a13
M3x3 =  a21 a22 a23  (6.42)
a31 a32 a33
is called a three by three (3x3) square matrix. In this introduction we will only
consider square matrices Mnxn for n = 2 and n = 3 and leave square matrices Mnxn
associated with n > 3 for another time. Associated with every square matrix is
a single scalar quantity called the determinant of the square array. Matrix arrays
which are not square do not have determinants.
The determinant of the two by two (2x2) array given by equation (6.41) can be
calculated by the shortcut method1
 a11 a12 

 a21 = a11 a22 − a21 a12 (6.43)

which represents the product of the numbers along the main diagonal minus the
product of the numbers along the secondary diagonal as illustrated in the figure 5-2.
The determinant of a Mnxn matrix is a single number calculated by considering all possible products having
n-factors obtained by selecting one and only one number from each row and each column. There are n! =
n(n − 1)(n − 2) · · · 3 · 2 · 1 such products. Each product is assigned a plus or minus sign which depend upon how
the numbers 123 . . . n are arranged. A summation of all these products, with the correct sign, produces the single
number called the determinant.

Figure 6 -2. Determinant of two by two square array.

One method for calculating the determinant of the three by three (3x3) array
given by equation (6.42) is the method using an expansion involving the elements
in the first row. This method is called expansion by cofactors and is defined
 a11 a12 a13       
 a a23  a a23  a a22 
 a21 a22 a23  = a11  22
 − a12  21 + a13  21 (6.44)

 a31 a32 a33  a31 a33  a31 a32 
a32 a33 

Here one starts with the first row of elements. Take the first element a11 and then
cross out all the numbers in the first row and first column which leaves a (2×2) array.
Next select the middle element from first row and change its sign giving −a12 . Now
cross out all the elements in the first row and second column leaving another (2 × 2)
array. Repeating this process, select the last element in the first row and then cross
out the elements in the first row and last column. This gives the final (2 × 2) array.
The determinants of the (2 × 2) arrays are then multiplied by there corresponding
elements from the first row followed by a summation of these products as illustrated
in the equation (6.44).
For example,
2 8 3       
 6 4  5 4  5 6 
5 6 4  = 2 
 − 8  + 3  = (2)(26) − (8)(13) + (3)(−13) = −91

8 7 9 8 9 8 7
7 9

Properties of determinants
One can interchange the rows and columns of a determinant without changing
the value of the determinant.
a b c   a d g 

d e f  =  b e h 

g h i  c f i
If two rows or columns of a determinant are changed, then the value of the
determinant will change sign.
a b c  b a c 
d e f  = −  e d f 

g h i h g i

Multiplying all the elements of a row or column of a determinant by a constant
k produces a new determinant with a value equal to k times the value of the original
 a b c  a b c 
 d e f  = k  d
 e f 

k ·g k·h k · i g h i
This means that if a row or column has a common factor k, then you can factor out
the common factor.
If all the elements in any row or column of a determinant are zero, then the
value of the determinant will be zero.
You can multiply the numbers in any row (or column) of a determinant by a
constant value k and then add the results to some different row (or different column)
without changing the value of the determinant.
a b c   a b c 

d e f  =  d + ka e + kb f + kc 

g h i  g h i 

If the elements of a row or column of a determinant can be written as the sum of
two quantities, then the determinant can be written as the sum of two determinants
 a + 3x b c   a b c   3x b c 

 d+x e f  =  d e f  +  x e f 

 g + 2x h i  g h i   2x h i

If two rows or columns of a determinant are the same, then the value of the
determinant is zero.
Solution of system of equations by determinants
Cramer’s2 rule for the solution of 2x2 and 3x3 systems of equations has the
following representation.
The solution to the system of two equations in two unknowns x and y
a1 x + b1 y =c1

a2 x + b2 y =c2

is given by    
 c1 b1   a1 c1 
 c2 b2   a2 c2 
x =   and y =  
 a1 b1   a1 b1 
 a2 b2   a2 b2 
The solution of the system of three equations in three unknowns x, y and z
a1 x + b1 y + c1 z =d1
a2 x + b2 y + c2 z =d2
a3 x + b3 y + c3 z =d3

is given by
 d1 b1 c1   a1 d1 c1   a1 b1 d1 
 d2 b2 c2   a2 d2 c2   a2 b2 d2 
 d3 b3 c3   a3 d3 c3   a3 b3 d3 
x =  , y =  , z =  
 a1 b1 c1   a1 b1 c1   a1 b1 c1 
 a2 b2 c2   a2 b2 c2   a2 b2 c2 
 a3 b3 c3   a3 b3 c3   a3 b3 c3 

The determinant in the denominator is called the determinant of the coefficients

associated with the given system of equations. Observe the determinants in the
numerators have a pattern to be recognized. That is, to solve for x, the first column
of the determinant of the coefficients is replaced by the right-hand side values and
to solve for y the second column of the determinant of the coefficients is replaced by
the right-hand side values. Similarly, when solving for z the third column is replaced
by the right-hand side values. The pattern continues for higher ordered systems of

Gabriel Cramer (1704-1752) a Swiss mathematician.
Calculating an estimate for π
Archimedes (287-212)BCE, one of the worlds greatest minds in mathematics
and science determined an estimate for the value of π by examining the perimeters
of both inscribed and circumscribed polygons associate with a circle.

Figure 6 -3.
Inscribed and circumscribed polygons for circle with radius 1/2.

The following estimate for π is a demonstration of Archimedes method which

is modified slightly. Consider a circle with diameter 1 or radius 1/2 as illustrated
in the figure 6 -3 and let pn denote the perimeter of an inscribed regular polygon
with n-sides and let Pn denote the perimeter of a circumscribed regular polygon with
n-sides. The circle with radius 1/2 has a circumference of π and so one can write
the inequality
pn < π < Pn (6.45)

Let us examine the inequality (6.45) as n increases in size.

If you start with two squares, one inscribed within the circle and one circum-
scribed outside the circle and ask the question, What happens when the number of
the polygon sides are doubled? Let xn denote the length of one side associated with
a regular polygon having n sides and let x2n denote the length of one side associated
with a regular polygon having 2n sides. There are two cases to consider. The first
case you start with a circumscribed square and start the doubling process keeping
track of the resulting regular polygon perimeters. The second case you start with
an inscribed square and start the doubling process keeping track of the resulting
regular polygon perimeters. In each of the two cases one can find a relation between
the size of the sides xn and x2n and one can solve for x2n in terms of xn . The resulting
formula can then be used in an iterative way to find the value of π .
An iterative procedure consists of having a starting value substituted into an
equation to produce a result1 , the process is repeated by substituting result1 into
the same equation to produce result2 . This process of taking an old result and
substituting it back into an equation to get a new result is called an iterative or
cyclic way of repeating what you have just done.
As an example of an iterative process is to put the
number 8 into your hand held calculator and then con-
tinue to hit the square root button until you obtain the
number 1. When you do this, you are using the itera-

tive equation xn+1 = xn , with x0 = 8 the starting value,
to solve the equation x2 = x. This iterative procedure
produces the positive root x = 1.
Circumscribed polygons
Let n = AB denote half the length of one side asso-
ciated with a polygon with n-sides which circumscribes
a circle with radius 1/2. The perimeter of the polygon
with n-sides is then given by pn = nxn . Similarly, let
= AC denote the half length of one side associated
with a polygon with 2n-sides which circumscribes the
same circle. The perimeter of this second polygon is
P2n = 2nx2n . We wish to find a relation between the
side length x2n in terms of the side length xn as the
circumscribed polygon doubles in the number of sides.

The accompanying figure shows what happens when the number of sides of the
circumscribed polygon is doubled. Observe that the line segment 0C divides triangle
0AB into two parts where one can employ Thales theorem to obtain the ratios

= (6.46)
A0 B0
where xn x2n
CB = −
2 2
A0 =
2 (6.47)
AC =
AB =
2 2 2
and B0 = AB + A0 by the Pythagorean theorem. Therefore,
2 2 xn 2 1
B0 = AB + A0 ⇒ B0 = + (6.48)
2 4
Substitute the results from the equations (6.47) and (6.48) into the equation (6.46)
and then simplify the results to verify that
x2n = n (6.49)
1 + 1 + x2n

The equation (6.49) tells you that if you start with a square with 4 sides where
you know each side of the circumscribing square has a length x4 = 1, then the next
circumscribed polygon, which has double the number of sides, has the length of each
side given by
x 1
x8 = 4 = √ = 0.414214
2 1+ 1+1
1 + 1 + x4
and the perimeter is P8 = 8(0.401214) = 3.313708. The value for x8 can now be used to
calculate x16 and P16 and this process can be repeated using the equation (6.49) in
an iterative fashion.
Inscribed polygons
Consider the same circle as above with unit di-
ameter as illustrated. Examining the inscribe poly-
gons we want to find a formula expressing side x2n in
terms of side xn . The accompanying figure illustrates
the changes when the number of sides of the inscribed
polygon doubles. By Thales theorem the triangle EBC
is a right triangle and so it is similar to the right tri-
angle CDB (EBC ∼ CDB ), as illustrated in the
accompanying figure. The sides of these triangles are
proportional so that

x2n CE
= ⇒ x22n = CD · CE (6.50)
CD x2n
The diameter of the circle is 1 = CE so that equation (6.50) simplifies to

x22n = CD = C0 − D0 (6.51)

The radius C0 = 2 and from the Pythagorean theorem applied to triangle 0DB one
2 2 2 1  xn 2
D0 + DB = 0B ⇒ D0 = − (6.52)
4 2
since DB = x2n and 0B = 21 . Substituting the results from the equations (6.52) into
the equation (6.51) and simplifying the result one finds
1− 1 − x2n
x2n = (6.53)

The equation (6.53) tells you that if you start with an inscribed square with 4
sides, where you know the size x4 , then the equation (6.53) gives the size x8 of each
of the sides of the next regular inscribed polygon having double the number of sides.
This is followed by the calculation of the new inscribed perimeter p8 . For example,
to start the process, the side of the inscribed square is x4 which by the Pythagorean
theorem must satisfy x24 + x24 = 1 or x4 = √12 since the diameter of the circle is the
hypotenuse having the value 1. The equation (6.53) then gives
  1 − 1 − √1
1− 1 − x24  2
x8 = =
2 2

and the perimeter of the polygon with this side is p8 = 8x8 = 3.06147. The value for x8
is now used to substitute into the equation (6.53) to find x16 and p16 , then one can
continue this iterative process until you exceed the accuracy of your calculator. The
results from the equations (6.50) and (6.53) are summarized by the table of values
on the next page. This table gives a comparison of sides and perimeters associated
with various inscribed and circumscribed polygons. One finds the inscribed and
circumscribed polygons approach the perimeter length π which is the circumference
of the circle. If the circles in the above figures had a radius r, then the circumference
would approach 2πr.
Recall the area of a regular n-sided polygon is given by
Area of polygon = (pn)(a)
where pn is the perimeter and a is the apothem. In the limit as n increases in size
the apothem approaches the radius r of the circle and the perimeter pn approaches
2πr . Therefore, in the limit as n becomes very large, the polygons approach a circle
with area
Area of circle = (2πr)(r) = πr2
The following table gives the results of using equations (6.49) and (6.53) in an
iterative fashion to calculate lower and upper bounds for the estimate of π .

number Inscribed Polygon Circumscribed Polygon

of sides Side Perimeter pn Side Perimeter Pn
4 x4 = √12 √4
x4 = 1 4
1− 1−x2n
x2n = 2
x2n = √xn
1+ 1+x2n
8 0.382683432 3.06146746 0.414213562 3.31370850
16 0.198912367 3.18259788 0.198912367 3.18259788
32 0.0980171403 3.13654849 0.0984914034 3.15172491
64 0.0490676743 3.14033116 0.0491268498 3.14411839
128 0.0245412285 3.14127725 0.0245486221 3.14222363
256 0.0122715383 3.1415138 0.0122724624 3.14175037
512 0.00613588465 3.14157294 0.00613600016 3.14163208
1024 0.00306795676 3.14158773 0.0030679712 3.14160251
2048 0.00153398019 3.14159142 0.00153398199 3.14159512
4096 0.000766990319 3.14159235 0.000766990544 3.14159327
8192 0.000383495188 3.14159258 0.000383495216 3.14159281
16384 0.000191747597 3.14159263 0.000191747601 3.14159269
The value of π to 10 decimal places is


Note that the top line in the above table gives you the sides of the inscribed and
circumscribed squares which are used as the starting values for using the equations
(6.49) and (6.53) in an iterative fashion which is associated with doubling the sides
of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons. The left side of the above table lists
inscribed polygons, the length of one side and the perimeter length associated with
the polygon of n-sides. The right side of the table lists circumscribed polygons, the
length of one side and the perimeter length associated with the polygon of n-sides.
As the number of sides increases the inscribed perimeter approaches π from below
and the circumscribed perimeter approaches π from above. This method sandwiches
π between an upper and lower values getting closer and closer to the actual value.

 6-1. If two triangles are similar, then their corresponding sides are proportional,
is of the form A ⇒ B .
(a) Write the converse B ⇒ A
(b) Write the opposite ∼ A ⇒ ∼ B
(c) Write the contrapositive ∼ B ⇒ ∼ A

 6-2. If two sides of a triangle are congruent, then the angles opposite these sides
are also congruent, is of the form A ⇒ B
(a) Write the converse B ⇒ A
(b) Write the opposite ∼ A ⇒ ∼ B
(c) Write the contrapositive ∼ B ⇒ ∼ A

Truth Table
A B ∼A ∼B ∼A ∨∼B ∼A ∧∼B
 6-3. Fill in the following truth table.

 6-4. Write the given sums using the summation sign and then prove the state-
ments using mathematical induction.
(a) 1 + 5 + 9 + · · · + (4n − 3) = n(2n − 1)
(b) 1 · 2 + 3 · 4 + 5 · 6 + · · · + (2n − 1) · (2n) = 13 n(n + 1)(4n − 1)
(c) 1 + 2 + 22 + 23 + · · · + 2n−1 = 2n − 1

 6-5. Use mathematical induction to prove the following statements.

(a) Prove the number of diagonals in a regular n-gon is 12 n(n − 3)
(b) Prove the interior angles of a regular n-gon sum to (n − 2)π radians.
(a) Use slicing to find an estimate for the area
bounded by the x-axis, the lines x = 1 and x = 4 and
the parabola y = x2 .
(b) Show that as n increases without bound the
area is 24 square units.
Hint: Let ∆x = n3 be width of each trapezoid.


Use horizontal slicing of the given right triangle

and summation to find the area.
Hint: Elements of area are trapezoids with ∆y = hn .

 6-8. What kind of volume element would result if the figures below were sliced
horizontally by parallel planes?

 6-9. Evaluate the following determinants

1 2   10 5 
3 (b) 
4  3 −2 
 6-10. Evaluate the following determinants
 1 3 5  3 −1 2 
(a)  −2
 3 0  (b) 0
 0 4 
 −1 3 6 1 1 3
 6-11. Prove that the value of the determinant is unchanged if the rows and columns
are interchanged.    
a b a c 
(a) Prove  c d  =  b d 
a b c  a d g 
(b) Prove d
 e f  =  b
 e h 
g h i c f i
 6-12. Solve the 2 × 2 system of equations using determinants

(a) 3x − 4y = − 5 (b) 5x + 4y =59 (c) 2x − 3y = − 6

2x + 3y =93 7x − 5y =19 3x + 2y =17

 6-13. Solve the 3 × 3 system of equations using determinants

(a) 2x + 3y − z =5 (b) x + y − z =7 (c) 6x − y + 2z =25

5x − 3y + 2z =5 2x − 3y + 2z =3 4x + 2y − 3z =16
2x − 2y + 3z =8 3x − 2y + 3z =12 x − 3y + 3z =1

(x2 −10)
 6-14. Given the iterative equation xn+1 = xn − n2xn , n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . with the
starting value x0 = 3. Find the iterations x1 , x2 , x3 , x4, x5 .

 6-15. Find the following sums


(a) i (b) j2 (c) k3
i=1 j=1 k=1

 6-16. Find the following sums


(a) i (b) j2 (c) k3
i=10 j=10 k=10

 6-17. Find the sum of the given geometric series

10 5   5

(a) 2(3) (b) 2j−1 (c) 3(4)k−1
i=1 j=1

 6-18. An arithmetic series has the form

Sn = a1 + (a1 + d) + (a1 + 2d) + (a1 + 3d) + · · · + (a1 + (n − 1)d)

n terms

where a1 is the starting term, d is the common difference between terms and the
last term is an = a1 + (n − 1)d. The arithmetic sum can also be expressed in the form

[a1 + (j − 1)d].
(a) Reverse the sum and add to original sum to show 2Sn = n(a1 + an )
(b) Prove by mathematical induction Sn = [2a1 + (n − 1)d]

 6-19. Show that f (j) = f (k + i) This is called shifting the summation index
j=k i=0

 6-20. Find the sum of the arithmetic series


(a) [3 + 5j] (b) [4 + 3j] (c) [3 + 3k]
j=0 j=0 k=2


 6-21. Find a formula to calculate the summation [a0 + kd]
Chapter 7
Trigonometry I
The word trigonometry comes from the Greek language and means ’measure of
triangles’. Plane trigonometry deals with triangles in a plane and spherical trigonom-
etry deals with spherical triangles on a sphere.
In plane trigonometry if a line 0A is drawn through the
origin of a coordinate system and then rotated counterclockwise
about the origin to the position 0B , then the positive angle

∠A0B = θ is said to have been generated. If 0B is the reflection
of 0B about the x-axis, then when the line 0A is rotated in a

clockwise direction to the position 0B , a negative angle −θ is said to be generated.
The situation is illustrated in the accompanying figure.
By definition if two angles add to 90◦ , then they are called complementary angles
and if two angles add to 180◦ , then the angles are called supplementary. Angles are
sometimes measured in degrees (◦), minutes ( ), and seconds () where there are 360◦
in a circle, 60 minutes in one degree and 60 seconds in one minute. Another unit
of measurement for the angle is the radian. An angle of one radian subtends an arc
length on the circumference of a circle which has the same length as the radius of
the circle. The circumference of a circle is given by the formula c = 2πr, where r is
the radius of the circle. One finds that the conversion between radians and degrees
is given by
180 ◦
(a) 2π radians = 360◦ (c) 1 radian =
π (7.1)
(b) π radians = 180 ◦ π
(d) radians = 1◦
Thus, to convert 30◦ to radians, just multiply both sides of equation (7.1) (d) by 30
to get the result that 30◦ = π/6 radians.
An angle is classified as acute if it is less than 90◦ and called obtuse if it lies
between 90◦ and 180◦ . An angle θ is called a right angle when it has the value of 90◦
or π2 radians.
In scientific computing one always uses the radian measure in all calculations.
Also note that most hand-held calculators have a switch for converting from one
angular measure to another and so owners of such calculators must learn to set
them appropriately before doing any calculations.
Whenever there is a one-to-one correspondence, where to each value of x there
is one and only one value of y, then y is said to be a function of x, written y = f (x).
Sometimes y is referred to as a single-valued function of x to emphasize the one-to-
one correspondence between x and y.

Figure 7 -1.
Graphic display for representation of a function.

The variable x is called the independent variable and when the values assigned
to x are restricted to some set of values, then these values are said to be the domain
of the function. Usually values assigned to x are restricted so that the values for y

are real numbers. For example, the function y = f (x) = x − 3 must be restricted to
the domain where x − 3 > 0 or x > 3 in order for y to have real values. If y = f (x) is a
single-valued function of x, then the values for y depends upon the values selected
for x and so y is called the dependent variable. The values assigned to y, as x varies
through its values from the domain of the function, is called the range of the function.
The straight line with slope m which passes through the point (x0 , y0 ) is given by

y = f (x) = y0 + m(x − x0 )
is an example of a function. Some other examples of functions are
y = f (x) =x 

2 
 y = f1 (x) = x square root function
y = g(x) =x  
y = f2 (x) =2x exponential function

y = h(x) =x polynomial functions

 y = f3 (x) = | x | absolute value function
. 

 y = f4 (x) = log(x) logarithmic function

y = y(x) =x

The graph of a function

A pictorial representation of a function y = f (x) can be constructed by creating
a table of (x, y) values

x y = f (x)
x0 y0
x1 y1
x2 y2
.. ..
. .
xn yn

where the x-values {x0 , x1, x2 , . . . , xn } are numbers selected from the domain of the
function and the y-values

{y0 = f (x0 ), y1 = f (x1 ), y2 = f (x2 ), . . . , yn = f (xn ) }

are calculated from the given function f (x). One can then plot all the (x, y) points
from the table and then join neighboring points using straight line segments. If
only a few points are plotted the resulting curve will not look very smooth. The
curve will look smoother as the number of points plotted increases. The figure 7-2
illustrates some smooth curves associated with selected functions.

Figure 7 -2.
Graphs of selected functions

Vertical line test

Remember that in order to have a function it is necessary that for each value
of x there can be only one value for y. The function must be single-valued. This
requirement1 can be tested by constructing various vertical lines. No vertical line
can intersect the graph of the function more than once.

Trigonometric functions
The first recorded trigonometric tables comes from the Greeks around 150 BCE.
However, it is inferred that trigonometry was used in sailing, astronomy and con-
struction going back thousands of years before this time, but only limited records
are available.
The ratio of sides of a right triangle are used to define the six trigonometric func-
tions associated with one of the acute angles of the right triangle. These definitions
can then be extended to apply to positive and negative angles associated with a
point moving on a unit circle.
If more than one value for y exists, then the function is called a multi-valued function and steps must be
taken to try and convert it into a singe-valued function. This is usually done by breaking the multi-valued function
up into different parts called branches where in each branch the function is single-valued.
The six trigonometric functions associated
with the angle θ of a right triangle are
sine tangent secant

cosine cotangent cosecant

which are abbreviated respectively as

sin, tan, sec, cos, cot , and csc

and are defined2

y opposite side x adjacent side y opposite side

sin θ = = cos θ = = tan θ = =
r hypotenuse r hypotenuse x adjacent side
r x (7.2)
hypotenuse r hypotenuse adjacent side
csc θ = = sec θ = = cot θ = =
y opposite side x adjacent side y opposite side

provided none of the denominators are zero.

Observe that the following functions are reciprocals

sin θ and csc θ, cos θ and sec θ, tan θ and cot θ (7.3)

and satisfy the relations

1 1 1
csc θ = , sec θ = , cot θ = (7.4)
sin θ cos θ tan θ
Also note that cos θ = sin ψ = sin( − θ), where cosine represents the sine of the
complementary angle ψ = − θ. Similarly, cot θ = tan ψ = tan( π2 − θ), where cotangent
represents the tangent of the complementary angle. Also csc θ = sec ψ = sec( π2 − θ),
where cosecant represents the secant of the complementary angle.
The figure 7-3 gives a graphical representation of the above trigonometric func-
tions in terms of distances associated with the unit circle. Note that in figure 7-3
the unit circle has 0D = 0G = 0A = 1 and

A mnemonic devise to remember the sine, cosine and tangent definitions is the expression “Some Old Horse
Came A Hopping Towards Our Alley ” (S = H
, C= H , T = O A
In triangle 0F D sin θ = ⇒ sin θ = DF
In triangle 0F D cos θ = ⇒ cos θ = 0F
In triangle 0GC tan θ = ⇒ tan θ = CG
In triangle 0AB cot θ = ⇒ cot θ = AB
In triangle 0GC sec θ = ⇒ sec θ = 0C
In triangle 0BA csc θ = ⇒ csc θ = 0B

Figure 7 -3.

Trigonometric functions in terms of distances associated with the unit circle.

Note that as the angle θ, in radians, varies from 0 to 2π , one finds

−1 ≤ sin θ ≤ 1

−1 ≤ cos θ ≤ 1
−∞ < tan θ < +∞
−∞ < cot θ < +∞
Also observe that for n an integer one can write
sin(θ ± 2nπ) = sin θ, tan(θ ± nπ) = tan θ

cos(θ ± 2nπ) = cos θ, cot(θ ± nπ) = cot θ

The tangent function is not defined for θ = ± nπ and the cotangent function is not
defined for θ = ±nπ.
Special right triangles
Consider the special right triangles illustrated

Note that in the 45 degree triangle, the sides opposite the 45 degree angles are
equal and so any convenient length can be used to represent the equal sides. If
the number 1 is used, then by the Pythagorean theorem the hypotenuse has the

value 2. Similarly, in the 30-60-90 degree right triangle, the side opposite the 30
degree angle is always half the hypotenuse and so by selecting the value of 2 for the

hypotenuse one obtains from the Pythagorean theorem the sides 2, 1, 3 as illustrated.
By using the trigonometric definitions given by the equations (7.2) together with
the special 30-60-90, and 45 degree right triangles, the following table of values for
the trigonometric functions result.
Angle θ Angle θ

in degrees in radians sin θ cos θ tan θ cot θ sec θ csc θ

0◦ 0 0 1 0 undefined 1 undefined
√ √ √ √
30◦ π/6 1/2 3/2 3/3 3 2 3/3 2
√ √ √ √
45◦ π/4 2/2 2/2 1 1 2 2
√ √ √ √
60◦ π/3 3/2 1/2 3 3/3 2 2 3/3
90◦ π/2 1 0 undefined 0 undefined 1
The values for θ = 0 and θ = 90 degrees are special cases
which can be examined separately by examining a trian-
gle which changes as a point P moves around the circum-
ference of a circle having radius r. The 45 degree triangle

being a special case when x = 1, y = 1 and r = 2. The
30-60-90 degree triangle is a special case when there is a

circle with x = 1, r = 2 and y = 3. The trigonometric
functions associated with the limiting values of θ = 0 and
θ = 90 degrees can be obtained from these special triangles by examining the values
of x and y associated with the point P for the limiting conditions θ = 0 and θ = π/2.
In the definitions of the trigonometric functions certain combinations of these
functions are known as cofunctions. For example, the sine and cosine functions
are known as cofunctions. Thus the cofunction of the sine function is the cosine
function and the cofunction of the cosine function is the sine function. Similarly,
the functions tangent and cotangent are cofunctions and the functions secant and
cosecant are cofunctions.
Theorem: Each trigonometric function of an acute angle θ in a right triangle
is equal to the cofunction of the complementary angle ψ = π2 − θ.

Figure 7 -4.
Complementary angles related to cofunctions

The above theorem follows directly from the definitions of the trigonometric
functions giving the results
π π π
sin θ = cos( − θ) tan θ = cot( − θ) sec θ = csc( − θ)
2 2 2 (7.5)
π π π
cos θ = sin( − θ) cot θ = tan( − θ) csc θ = sec( − θ)
2 2 2
The above results are known as the cofunction formulas.
Trigonometric Functions Defined for Other Angles

Consider a circle with radius r constructed with respect to some xy coordinate

system and let P denote a point on the circumference of the circle which moves
around the circle in a counterclockwise direction. The figure 7-5 illustrates the
point P lying in various quadrants of the x, y coordinate system. These quadrants
are denoted by the Roman numerals I,II,III,IV.

Figure 7 -5.
Point P on circle of radius r where P is
in quadrant I, quadrant II, quadrant III and quadrant IV.
Let θ denote the angle swept out as P moves counterclockwise about the circle
and define the six trigonometric functions of θ as follows
y x y x r r
sin θ = , cos θ = , tan θ = , cot θ = , sec θ = , csc θ = (7.6)
r r x y x y

Here y denotes the ordinate of the point P , x denotes the abscissa of the point P
and r denotes the polar distance of the point P from the origin. These distances are
illustrated in the figures 6-5. Note that these definitions imply that
sin θ 1
tan θ = , sec θ = ,
cos θ cos θ 1
cot θ = (7.7)
cos θ 1 tan θ
cot θ = , csc θ = ,
sin θ sin θ

In figure 7-5 there is the angle α called the reference angle associated with the
angle θ. The reference angle is defined to be the positive acute angle formed from
the terminal side of the angle θ and the x-axes.
The value of any trigonometric function of the angle θ equals the same trigono-
metric function of the reference angle α with the appropriate sign attached.

For example, in quadrant I, sin θ = sin α, in quadrant II, sin θ = sin α, in quadrant
III, sin θ = − sin α and in quadrant IV, sin θ = − sin α.
The trigonometric function of θ equals the same trigonometric function of the
reference angle α with the following signs.
In quadrant I In quadrant II In quadrant III In quadrant IV
x > 0, y > 0, r > 0 x < 0, y > 0, r > 0 x < 0, y < 0, r > 0 x > 0, y < 0, r > 0
sin θ > 0 sin θ > 0 sin θ < 0 sin θ < 0

cos θ > 0 cos θ < 0 cos θ < 0 cos θ > 0

tan θ > 0 tan θ < 0 tan θ > 0 tan θ < 0
cot θ > 0 cot θ < 0 cot θ > 0 cot θ < 0

sec θ > 0 sec θ < 0 sec θ < 0 sec θ > 0

csc θ > 0 csc θ > 0 csc θ < 0 csc θ < 0
Sign Variation of the Trigonometric Functions

In the figure 7-5 make note of the following.

(i) The six trigonometric functions of θ, as the point P moves about the circle, are
sometimes referred to as circular functions.
(ii) The ray 0P defines not only the angle θ but also the angles θ ± 2mπ where m is
a positive integer or zero.
(iii) As P moves around the circle, the radial distance r = 0P always remains constant,
but the values of x and y will change sign as the point P moves through the
different quadrants. An analysis of these sign changes produces the table of
signs given in the figure 7-6.
(iv) The six trigonometric functions take on special values whenever x = 0 or y = 0.
One of these special values will occur whenever θ is equal to some multiple of π2 .

Figure 7 -6.
Sign variation for the trigonometric functions by quadrant.
(v) The angle α in the figures 7-5 is the smallest nonnegative angle between the line
0P and the x-axis. Limiting values for α are π2 and 0 radians. The angle α is
called a reference angle. If the reference angle is different from 0 or π2 , then it
can be viewed as an acute positive angle in the first quadrant. Note that there
is then a definite relationship between the six trigonometric functions of θ and
the six trigonometric functions of the reference angle α. The six trigonometric
functions of the reference angle α are all positive and so one need only add the
appropriate sign change to obtain the six trigonometric functions of θ in the
other quadrants. The appropriate sign changes are given in the figure 7-6.
The figures 7-5 and 7-6 can be com-
bined into one figure so that by using
the definition of the trigonometric func-
tions, the correct sign of a trigonometric
function can be determined correspond-
ing to θ in any quadrant. For example,
in quadrant II the functions sin θ and csc θ
are positive. In quadrant III the func-
tions tan θ and cot θ are positive and in
quadrant IV, the functions cos θ and sec θ
are positive.

If the angle θ is a positive acute angle, then
−θ lies in the fourth quadrant. The reference
angle is α = θ is positive and gives the negative
angle formulas

sin(−θ) = − sin θ cos(−θ) = cos θ tan(−θ) = tan θ

csc(−θ) = − csc(θ) sec(−θ) = sec θ cot(−θ) = − cot θ

(viii) Any function f (θ) satisfying f (−θ) = f (θ) is called an even function of θ and
functions satisfying f (−θ) = −f (θ) are called odd functions of θ. The above
arguments show that the functions sine, tangent, cotangent and cosecant are
odd functions of θ and the functions cosine and secant are even functions of θ.
These results are sometimes referred to as even-odd identities. If a trigonometric
function y = f (θ) is an even function of θ, then its graph will be symmetric about
the y-axis. If it is an odd function of theta, then the graph will be symmetric
about the origin.
Special Values–Quadrant I
Angle θ Angle θ
degrees radians sin θ cos θ tan θ cot θ sec θ csc θ
0 0 0 1 0 undef ined 1 undef ined
90 π/2 1 0 undef ined 0 undef ined 1
180 π 0 −1 0 undef ined −1 undef ined
270 3π/2 −1 0 undef ined 0 undef ined −1
360 2π 0 1 0 undef ined 1 undef ined
Quadrant II
Angle θ Angle θ Reference
degrees radians angle α sin θ cos θ tan θ cot θ sec θ csc θ
√ √ √ √
120 2π/3 π/3 3/2 −1/2 − 3 − 3/3 -2 2 3/3
√ √ √ √
135 3π/4 π/4 2/2 − 2/2 −1 −1 − 2 2
√ √ √ √
150 5π/6 π/6 1/2 − 3/2 − 3/3 − 3 −2 3/3 2
Quadrant III
Angle θ Angle θ Reference
degrees radians angle α sin θ cos θ tan θ cot θ sec θ csc θ
√ √ √ √
210 7π/6 π/6 −1/2 − 3/2 3/3 3 −2 3/3 −2
√ √ √ √
225 5π/4 π/4 − 2/2 − 2/2 1 1 − 2 − 2
√ √ √ √
240 4π/3 π/3 − 3/2 −1/2 3 3/3 −2 −2 3/3
Quadrant IV
Angle θ Angle θ Reference
degrees radians angle α sin θ cos θ tan θ cot θ sec θ csc θ
√ √ √ √
300 5π/3 π/3 − 3/2 1/2 − 3 − 3/3 2 −2 3/3
√ √ √ √
315 7π/4 π/4 − 2/2 2/2 −1 −1 2 − 2
√ √ √ √
330 11π/6 π/6 −1/2 3/2 − 3/3 − 3 2 3/3 −2

Table 6.1 Special values for the Trigonometric Functions

The Pythagorean identities

Write the Pythagorean theorem x2 + y2 = r2 for the right triangles in each quad-
rant of figure 7-5. Divide each term in the Pythagorean theorem by either x2 , y2
or r2 and show the Pythagorean theorem can be expressed in any of the alternative
forms  2  2  2  2  2  2
x y y r x r
+ = 1, 1+ = , +1=
r r x x y y
which by the above trigonometric definitions become

cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1, 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ, cot2 θ + 1 = csc2 θ (7.10)

These are fundamental relations between the trigonometric functions and are known
as trigonometric identities. The above trigonometric identities are called the
Pythagorean identities.

Other trigonometric identities

The Pythagorean identities and other identities such as
1 1 1
sin θ = cos θ = tan θ =
csc θ sec θ cot θ
sin θ cos θ
tan θ = , cot θ =
cos θ sin θ
are all examples of trigonometric equations called trigonometric identities which are
satisfied for all angles θ whenever both sides of the equations are well defined.
The trigonometric definitions and identities are often used to (i) prove additional
identities (ii) change equations with trigonometric terms into a different form in order
to illustrate some point or express the equation in a simpler form.
Whenever one is asked to prove a trigonometric equation is an identity it is best
to start with one side of the given equation use some algebra together with making
trigonometric substitutions to produce the other side of the equation. If this is
possible then the given trigonometric equation is called a trigonometric identity.
1 + sin θ cos θ
Example 7-1. Prove the trigonometric identity =
cos θ 1 − sin θ
Performing a heuristic examination of the given equation one can see that cross
multiplication produces a Pythagorean identity. We want to start with one side of
the given equation and derive the other side of the equation. Hence start with say
the left side and multiply both numerator and denominator by 1 − sin θ and simplify
the result to obtain
1 − sin2 θ cos2 θ
1 + sin θ 1 − sin θ cos θ
= = =
cos θ 1 − sin θ cos θ(1 − sin θ) cos θ(1 − sin θ) 1 − sin θ
where we have used the Pythagorean identity 1 − sin2 θ = cos2 θ to simplify the above
expression to verify the given equation is a trigonometric identity.

Example 7-2. Prove the trigonometric identity tan2 α − sin2 α = tan2 α sin2 α is
true for all angles α for which the tangent function is well defined.
Starting with the left-hand side of the given trigonometric equation write
sin2 α
2 2 2 2 1
tan α − sin α = 2 − sin α = sin α −1
cos α cos2 α
1 − cos2 α
= sin α 2
= tan2 α(1 − cos2 α) = tan2 α sin2 α
cos α
and so the given equation is a trigonometric identity.

Graphs of the Trigonometric Functions

Consider the special case where the radius r in figure 7-5 is unity. The advantage
of setting r = 1 in the above definitions for the trigonometric functions is that in this
special case the ordinate value y represents sin θ and the abscissa value x represents
cos θ. By plotting y vs θ, as the point P moves counterclockwise around the circle,
one obtains the figure 7-7(a). Similarly, by rotating the unit circle through 90◦ it is
possible to plot a graph of x vs θ, as the point P moves in a counterclockwise direction
about the circle. The plotting of the height of the point P as a function of θ, as the
point P moves in a counterclockwise direction around the circumference of the unit
circle gives rise to the name circular functions for the trigonometric functions. The
graphs of sin θ and cos θ are illustrated in the figures 6-7(a) and 6-7(b). A plot the
sin θ
ratio tan θ = vs θ for the tangent function is illustrated in the figure 7-7(c). The
cos θ
three functions sine, cosine and tangent are also illustrated in the figure 7-9 over the
domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 4π.
A continuous function y = f (x), which is well defined everywhere, is said to be a
periodic function of period p, if p is the smallest number such that f (x + p) = f (x) is
satisfied for all values of x. In figure 7-8 make note of the following.

(i) The trigonometric functions sin θ, cos θ, and consequently the reciprocal functions
csc θ and sec θ are periodic functions of θ with period 2π and satisfy

sin(θ + 2π) = sin θ, cos(θ + 2π) = cos θ, csc(θ + 2π) = csc θ, sec(θ + 2π) = sec θ
(ii) Similarly, the tangent and cotangent functions are periodic functions of θ with
period π and satisfy
tan(θ + π) = tan θ, cot(θ + π) = cot θ

(iii) The function tan θ becomes undefined at π2 , 3π 5π

2 , 2 , . . . This is because tan θ =
sin θ
cos θ
and the cosine function takes on the value of zero at these values.
(iv) The sine and cosine functions oscillate between +1 and −1 as well as being
(v) Let f denote any trigonometric function of θ, then note that f (θ + 2nπ) = f (θ),
where n is any integer. This is because the angle θ ± 2nπ is coterminal3 with the
angle θ.
Graphs of trigonometric functions

Figure 7 -7.
The trigonometric functions cosecant, secant and cotangent

Angles which share the same initial side and terminal side.

Figure 7 -8.
Graphs of the trigonometric functions sin θ, cos θ and tan θ

Curves of the form y = A sin(βx + γ) or y = A cos(βx + γ), with A, β, γ constants, are
said to have an amplitude A and to be periodic of period 2π/β . The graphs of these
functions can be obtained by translation of the graphs y = A sin βx and y = A cos βx by
a distance of γ/β in the negative x-direction. Another way to view these curves is to
set θ = βx + γ and then ask the questions, ”Where is θ equal to zero?”, and ”Where
is θ equal to 2π ?”. One finds θ = 0 when x = −γ/β and θ = 2π when x = (2π − γ)/β .
Subtracting these values gives the period 2π/β and the zero value for θ gives the
translational distance −γ/β . These curves oscillate between +A and −A and are
scaled versions of the basic sine and cosine curves.
Graphs for the reciprocal relations
1 1 1
csc θ = , sec θ = , and cot θ =
sin θ cos θ tan θ

are illustrated in the figures 7-7 and 7-10.

Figure 7 -9. The trigonometric functions sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 4π

Figure 7 -10. The trigonometric functions cot(x), sec(x), csc(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 4π

Trigonometric Functions of Sums and Differences

Consider a unit circle with the points P0 , P1 , P2 lying on the circumference of
the circle. Let the rays 0P0 , 0P1, 0P2 make positive angles of 0, α and α + β radians
respectively with respect to the x-axis, as is illustrated in the figure 7-11(a).

Figure 7 -11.
Distance between points P0 P2 and P0 P2 remains invariant under rotation of circle.

The point P0 , P1 , P2 are on the unit circle so that the Cartesian coordinates of
these points can be written as
P0 : (x0 , y0 ) = (1, 0),

P1 : (x1 , y1 ) = (cos α, sin α), (7.11)

P2 : (x2 , y2 ) = (cos(α + β), sin(α + β))

If the points in figure 7-11(a) are rotated clockwise through an angle α, the
points P0 , P1 , P2 move to the primed positions illustrated in the figure 7-11(b). The
coordinates of the primed points are given by
P0 : (x0 , y0 ) = (cos α, − sin α),
P1 : (x1 , y1 ) = (1, 0), (7.12)
P2 : (x2 , y2 ) = (cos β, sin β)

Now the distance P2 P0 remains invariant under a rotation of axis and so this distance
must be the same as the distance P2 P0 . This requires that
P2 P0 =P2 P0
(x2 − x0 )2 + (y2 − y0 )2 = (x2 − x0 )2 + (y2 − y0 )2 (7.13)
(cos(α + β) − 1)2 + (sin(α + β) − 0)2 = (cos β − cos α)2 + (sin β − (− sin α))2

Square both sides of equation (7.13) and expand the squared terms to obtain
cos2 (α + β) − 2 cos(α + β) + 1 + sin2 (α + β) = cos2 β − 2 cos α cos β + cos2 α + sin2 β + 2 sin α cos β + sin2 α

Observe the Pythagorean identities cos2 (α+β)+sin2 (α+β) = 1 as well as cos2 β+sin2 β = 1
and cos2 α + sin2 α = 1. Use these identities to simplify the above result and obtain
the addition formula
cos(α + β) = cos α cos β − sin α sin β (7.14)

In equation (7.14) replace the angle β by −β to obtain

cos(α + −β) = cos α cos(−β) − sin α sin(−β)

and then use the even-odd identities to obtain

cos(α − β) = cos α cos β + sin α sin β (7.15)

Observe that a utilization of the cofunction formulas gives

π   π 
sin(α + β) = cos − (α + β) = cos ( − α) − β
2 2
In equation (7.15) replace α by 2
−α to show
π π π
cos( − (α + β)) = sin(α + β) = cos( − α) cos β + sin( − α) sin β
2 2 2

which simplifies using the cofunction formulas. This gives the addition rule

sin(α + β) = sin α cos β + cos α sin β (7.16)

It is an easy exercise to replace β by −β in equation (7.16) and then use the even-odd
properties to show
sin(α − β) = sin α cos β − cos α sin β (7.17)

Now if cos α = 0 and cos(α + β) = 0, then

sin(α + β) sin α cos β + cos α sin β
tan(α + β) = =
cos(α + β) cos α cos β − sin α sin β

Divide each of the terms in the numerator and denominator by cos α cos β and then
simplify to obtain the result
tan α + tan β
tan(α + β) = (7.18)
1 − tan α tan β
Replacing β by −β in equation (7.18) and simplifying the result produces the differ-
ence formula
tan α − tan β
tan(α − β) = (7.19)
1 + tan α tan β
In a similar fashion, if sin α = 0 and sin(α + β) = 0, then
cos(α + β) cos α cos β − sin α sin β
cot(α + β) = =
sin(α + β) sin α cos β + cos α sin β

Now divide each term in the numerator and denominator by sin α sin β to obtain
cos α cos β
sin α sin β
cot(α + β) =
cos β cos α
sin β sin α

which simplifies to the summation formula

cot α cot β − 1
cot(α + β) = (7.20)
cot β + cot α

Replacing β by −β in equation (7.20) and simplifying produces

cot α cot β + 1
cot(α − β) = (7.21)
cot β − cot α

In summary, the trigonometric functions sine, cosine and tangent obey the fol-
lowing sum and difference formulas
sin(α ± β) = sin α cos β ± cos α sin β
cos(α ± β) = cos α cos β ∓ sin α sin β
tan α ± tan β (7.22)
tan(α ± β) =
1 ∓ tan α tan β
cot α cot β ∓ 1
cot(α ± β) =
cot β ± cot α

Double-angle Formulas
In the addition formulas (7.14), (7.16), (7.18), and (7.20) make the substitution
α = β to obtain the double-angle formulas

sin 2β =2 sin β cos β (7.23)

cos 2β = cos2 β − sin2 β (7.24)
2 tan β
tan 2β = (7.25)
1 − tan2 β
cot2 β − 1
cot 2β = (7.26)
2 cot β
Using the Pythagorean identity cos2 β + sin2 β = 1 the equation (7.24) can be
expressed in one of the alternative forms

cos 2β = 2 cos2 β − 1 or cos 2β = 1 − 2 sin2 β (7.27)

Multiple angle formulas

Formulas for
sin(3α) sin(4α) sin(5α)
cos(3α) cos(4α) cos(5α)
tan(3α) tan(4α) tan(5α)
can be generated using the previous summation formulas and double angle formulas.
If one substitutes α = A and β = 2A in the equation (7.16), then one obtains

sin(α + β) = sin(A + 2A) = sin(3A) = sin(A) cos(2A) + cos(A) sin(2A)

and then substitute for sin(2A) and cos(2A) from equations (7.23) and (7.27) to pro-
duce the equation
sin(3A) = sin(A) 1 − 2 sin2 (A) + cos(A) [2 sin(A) cos(A)]

sin(3A) = sin(A) − 2 sin3 (A) + 2 sin(A) cos2 (A)

sin(3A) = sin(A) − 2 sin2 (A) + 2 sin(A) 1 − sin2 (A)

sin(3A) =3 sin(A) − 4 sin3 (A)

In a similar fashion one can derive the following multiple angle formulas

sin 3α =3 sin α − 4 sin3 α

cos 3α = − 3 cos α + 4 cos3 α

3 tan α − tan3 α
tan 3α =
1 − 3 tan2 α
sin 4α =8 cos3 α sin α − 4 cos α sin α
cos 4α =8 cos4 α − 8 cos2 α + 1 (7.29)
4 tan α − 4 tan3 α
tan 4α =
1 − 6 tan2 α + tan4 α
sin 5α =5 cos4 α sin α − 10 cos2 α sin3 α + sin5 α
cos 5α = cos5 α − 10 cos3 α sin2 α + 5 cos α sin4 α
tan 4α + tan α
tan 5α =
1 − tan 4α tan α
Using the Pythagorean identity sin2 α+cos2 α = 1, the above formulas can be altered to
take on forms which differ from those presented above. These multiple angle formulas
can be used to calculate exact trigonometric values for many special angles.

Example 7-3. Find the exact value for sin π5 .


Use the multiple angle formula

sin 5α =5 cos4 α sin α − 10 cos2 α sin3 α + sin5 α

sin 5α =5(1 − sin2 α)(1 − sin2 α) sin α − 10(1 − sin2 α) sin3 α + sin5 α

Let x = sin α and show the above equation becomes

sin 5α = 16x5 − 20x3 + 5x (7.30)

If α = π5 , then sin 5α = sin π = 0 and equation (7.30) becomes the algebraic equation

16x4 − 20x2 + 5 = 0 (7.31)

The equation (7.31) is a quadratic equation in x2 with solution

2 5 5
x = ± (7.32)
8 8

We know π5 < π4 which implies sin π5 < sin π4 = √1

so that we want to select the minus
sine in equation (7.32). One finds
√ √
π 5 5 1 5− 5
x = sin = − = (7.33)
5 8 8 2 2

Half-angle Formulas
In the equations (7.27) replace the angle β by α/2 to obtain the half-angle for-
α 1 − cos α
sin2 = (7.34)
2 2
α 1 + cos α
cos2 = (7.35)
2 2
Taking the ratio of the above results gives

α sin2 α2 1 − cos α
tan2 = 2 α = provided cos α = −1 (7.36)
2 cos 2 1 + cos α

The equations (7.34), (7.35), and (7.36) can be expressed in the alternative forms

α 1 − cos α
sin =±
2 2

α 1 + cos α
cos =± (7.37)
2 2

α 1 − cos α
tan =±
2 1 + cos α

The correct algebraic sign (+ or −) is determined by the quadrant the angle α/2 lies
in. Also one finds
α 1 1 + cos α
cot = =±
2 tan α2 1 − cos α
There are alternative forms for representing tan α2 and cot α2 which are derived by
employing the half angle formulas (7.34) and (7.35) as follows.

α sin α2 sin2 α2 1 − cos α

tan = α = α α = (7.38)
2 cos 2 sin 2 cos 2 sin α

α sin α2 sin α2 cos α2 sin α
tan = α = 2 α = (7.39)
2 cos 2 cos 2 1 + cos α
In a similar fashion one can show
α sin α
cot = (7.40)
2 1 − cos α
α 1 + cos α
cot = (7.41)
2 sin α

Product, Sum and Difference Formula

Products of the sine and cosine functions can be replaced by certain sums or
differences and conversely, sums and differences of sine and cosine functions can be
replaced by certain products. This is accomplished by adding the equations (7.16)
and (7.17) to obtain the sum formula

sin(α + β) + sin(α − β) = 2 sin α cos β (7.42)

and subtracting the equations (7.16) and (7.17) gives

sin(α + β) − sin(α − β) = 2 sin β cos α (7.43)

Similarly, by adding the equations (7.14) and (7.15) one obtains the result

cos(α − β) + cos(α + β) = 2 cos α cos β (7.44)

Subtracting these equations gives

cos(α − β) − cos(α + β) = 2 sin α sin β (7.45)

In summary, the product formulas for the trigonometric functions are

2 sin α cos β = sin(α + β) + sin(α − β) (7.46)

2 sin β cos α = sin(α + β) − sin(α − β) (7.47)

2 cos α cos β = cos(α − β) + cos(α + β) (7.48)

2 sin α sin β = cos(α − β) − cos(α + β) (7.49)

The equations (7.42), (7.43), (7.44), and (7.45) allow one to express certain sine-
cosine products as sums or differences. Make the following substitutions into the
equations (7.42), (7.43), (7.44), and (7.45) ,

α+β =A and α−β = B (7.50)

Adding and subtracting the equations (7.50) implies that

α= , and β= (7.51)
2 2
The equations (7.42), (7.43), (7.44), and (7.45) then become the summation for-
sin A + sin B =2 sin cos (7.52)
2 2
sin A − sin B =2 cos sin (7.53)
2 2
cos A + cos B =2 cos cos (7.54)
2 2
cos B − cos A =2 sin sin (7.55)
2 2
Many of the above trigonometric identities can be used in geometry to change
the way results are expressed.
Inverse Functions
Two functions f (x) and g(x) are said to be inverse functions of one another if
f (x) and g(x) have the properties that

g(f (x)) = x and f (g(x)) = x (7.56)

If g(x) is an inverse function of f (x), the notation f −1 , read “f-inverse”, is used to

denote the function g . That is, an inverse function of f (x) is denoted f −1 (x) and has
the properties
f (f −1 (x)) = x and f −1 (f (x)) = x (7.57)

Given a function y = f (x), then by interchanging the symbols x and y there results
x = f (y). This is an equation which defines the inverse function. If the equation
x = f (y) can be solved for y in terms of x, to obtain a single valued function, then
this function is called the inverse function of f (x). There then results the equivalent
x = f (y) ⇐⇒ y = f −1 (x) (7.58)

The process of interchanging x and y in the representation y = f (x) to obtain

x = f (y) implies that geometrically the graphs of f and f −1 are mirror images of each
other about the line y = x. In order that the inverse function be single valued it
is necessary that there are no vertical lines, x = constant, which intersect the graph
y = f (x) more than once. An example of a function and its inverse is given in the
figure 7-12.

y = f (x) = x2
Interchange x and y
x = f (y) = y 2
Solve for y

y = f −1 (x) = x

Figure 7 -12. A function and its inverse.


Figure 7 -13. A function and its inverse.

A graphical interpretation of the inverse function is given in the figure 7-13. Consider
the graph of a function y = f (x) as illustrated in the figure 7-13(a). On this graph
interchange x and y everywhere to obtain the figure 7-13(b). Flip the figure (b) so
that the x-axis points to the right and obtain the figure 7-13(c). Now place the
figure 7-13(c) on top of the figure 7-13(a) to obtain the last figure (d).
Now do this to all of the graphs associated with the trigonometric functions to
obtain graphs of the inverse trigonometric functions. Make note of the fact that
these inverse functions have angular measure.
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
The notation y = sin−1 x is read as, ”y is the inverse sine of x”. An alternative
notation is to write y = arcsin x. These notations define the angle whose sine is x
y = arcsin x = sin−1 x ⇒ sin y = x

Here y is the angle whose sine is x. In a similar fashion one can write

y = sin−1 x ⇒ sin y = x y is the angle whose sine is x

y = cos−1 x ⇒ cos y = x y is the angle whose cosine is x
y = tan−1 x ⇒ tan y = x y is the angle whose tangent is x
y = cot−1 x ⇒ cot y = x y is the angle whose cotangent is x
y = sec−1 x ⇒ sec y = x y is the angle whose secant is x
y = csc−1 x ⇒ csc y = x y is the angle whose cosecant is x
One way to make the inverse trigonometric functions single-valued is given in
the following table.
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Alternate Interval for
Function notation Definition single-valuedness
arcsin x sin−1 x sin−1 x = y if and only if x = sin y − π2 ≤ y ≤ π
arccos x cos−1 x cos−1 x = y if and only if x = cos y 0≤y≤π
arctan x tan −1
x tan −1
x=y if and only if x = tan y − π2 < y < π
arccot x cot−1 x cot−1 x = y if and only if x = cot y 0<y<π
−1 −1 π
arcsec x sec x sec x=y if and only if x = sec y 0 ≤ y ≤ π, y = 2
arccsc x csc−1 x csc−1 x = y if and only if x = csc y − π2 ≤ y ≤ π2 , y = 0

The inverse trigonometric functions are angles and so are multi-valued functions
and consequently one must define an interval over which single-valuedness occurs.
The defined interval is called a branch of the inverse trigonometric function. When-
ever a particular branch is required for certain problems, then these branches are
called principal branches. The following table gives principal values for the inverse
trigonometric functions.

Principal Values for Regions Indicated

x<0 x≥0
− π2 ≤ sin−1 x < 0 0 ≤ sin−1 x ≤ π
π π
≤ cos−1 x ≤ π 0 ≤ cos−1 x ≤ 2
− π2 ≤ tan−1 x < 0 0 ≤ tan−1 x < π
π π
< cot−1 x < π 0 < cot−1 x ≤ 2
π π
≤ sec−1 x ≤ π 0 ≤ sec−1 x < 2
− π2 ≤ csc−1 x < 0 0 < csc−1 x ≤ π

The inverse trigonometric functions are obtained by taking the mirror image of
the trigonometric functions about the line y = x. The trigonometric functions and
the inverse trigonometric functions are illustrated in the figures 7-9 and 7-10.
Unless stated otherwise it is implicitly implied that principal values will be used
in dealing with inverse trigonometric functions.

Figure 7 -14. The inverse trigonometric functions sin−1 x, cos−1 x and tan−1 x

Figure 7 -15. The inverse trigonometric functions cot−1 x, sec−1 x and csc−1 x
Principal Value Properties

In reference to the right triangle illustrated, ob-

x and tan α = x1 .
serve that if α = cot−1 x, then cot α= 
Consequently, α = cot−1 x = tan−1 . Also observe
that α + β = and since tan β = x and cot α = x, there results
α + β = cot−1 x + tan−1 x = (7.59)
Other inverse trigonometric relationships can be determined in a similar manner
and are listed below for x > 0.  
cot−1 x = tan−1 π
x cot−1 x + tan−1 x =
−1 −1 1 −1 −1 π
sec x = cos cos x + sin x = (7.60)
x 2
  −1 −1 π
1 csc x + sec x =
csc−1 x = sin−1 2
If θ = sin−1 (−x), then sin θ = −x, and using the result sin(−θ) = − sin θ = −(−x) = x,
one finds θ = − sin−1 x, and consequently, sin−1 (−x) = − sin−1 x. In a similar manner
write θ = cos−1 (−x), then cos θ = −x, and using cos(π − θ) = − cos θ = −(−x) = x there
results cos−1 x = π − θ = π − cos−1 (−x). Similar relationships can be derived and are
summarized below.
sin−1 (−x) = − sin−1 x cot−1 (−x) =π − cot−1 x

cos−1 (−x) =π − cos−1 x sec−1 (−x) =π − sec−1 x (7.61)

tan−1 (−x) = − tan−1 x csc−1 (−x) = − csc−1 x

The notation for using principal values of the inverse trigonometric functions is
to use capital letters in representing the function. For example, one would write
Sin−1 x or Arcsin x
Cos−1 x or Arccos x
Tan−1 x or Arctan x
Example 7-4. Find tan(cos−1 23 )
Remember that the inverse functions are angles. Let α = cos−1 23
so that cos α = 23 . By the Pythagorean theorem one can find the third
is the third side, then y2 + 22 = 32 or
side of this right triangle. If y √
√ y 5
y= 5. Therefore, tan α = = .
2 2

Example 7-5. The n-gon

For a regular polygon of n-sides, called a n-gon, let a denote the apothem, which
is the perpendicular distance from the center of the regular n-gon to any side. This
is also the radius of the inscribed circle. Let r denote the radius of the n-gon, which
is the distance from the center of the n-gon to any vertex. The distance r also
represents the radius of the circumscribed circle. Let α = 2π n
denote the central angle
associated with the n-gon and let sn denote the length of any side of the n-gon. The
above defined quantities are illustrated in the figure 7-16. Dropping a perpendicular
from the center of the n-gon to a side forms a right triangle from which one can
obtain the relations
α an α sn /2 α sn /2
cos = , sin = , tan = (7.62)
2 r 2 r 2 an

Figure 7 -16.
Section of an n-gon
Using these relations the total area of a regular n-gon can be expressed in any
of the following forms
1 1 α  α 1
Area = n an sn = n s2n cot = n a2n tan = n r 2 sin α (7.63)
2 4 2 2 2

which are all representations of n times the area of one triangle.

The first area formula is just n times 21 the base times the height, where the
height of the triangle section is the apothem (an ) and the base is (sn ). Into this first
sn /2
area formula substitute an = tan α to obtain the second area formula. Substitute into

the second area formula for equation (7.63) sn = 2an tan α2 to obtain the third area
formula. By substituting an = r cos α2 into the third area formula one obtains the
fourth area formula. All the above substitutions used to change the forms for the
area expressions come from the equations (7.62).
In a similar fashion one can construct various ways to represent the perimeter
P of the n-gon. One can express the perimeter P in any of the forms
 α  α
Perimeter P = nsn = n 2r sin = n 2an tan (7.64)
2 2

Note that the various forms are all constructed from the identities of equation (7.62).

The parallelogram
The parallelogram is a special quadrilateral having both pairs of opposite sides
parallel as illustrated in the top of figure 7-17. One can say that both the opposite
sides and the opposite angles associated with a parallelogram are equal. Note that
by extending the sides of the parallelogram the angles α and β become alternate
interior angles and they are supplementary angles so that α + β = π or α + β = 180◦
depending upon the units you use.
The diagonals of a parallelogram will bisect each other. We have demonstrated
this using Euclidean geometry in an earlier chapter. Lets demonstrate this fact
again using Cartesian coordinates. If a parallelogram has the Cartesian coordinates
as illustrated in the bottom figure 7-17, with top and bottom sides having slope zero
and the sides having slope hk , then one can quickly calculate the midpoints of the
diagonals BD and AC as
midpoint of diagonal BD = (x1 + h + x2 , y1 + y1 + k)
2 (7.65)
midpoint of diagonal AC = (x1 + h + x2 , y1 + y1 + k)
These midpoints are the same and are labeled as point P in the figure 7-17. Conse-
quently, one can write
AP = PC and DP = PB (7.66)

indicating that the diagonals intersect one another at a common point of intersec-
tion. This was a quick way to demonstrate the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect
one another. Note that the midpoint of the diagonals defines the centroid of the
The area of the parallelogram can also be calculated knowing the Cartesian
coordinates of the corners. One can drop perpendicular lines from points D and B
to the opposite sides to form two triangles, then the area of the parallelogram is the
summation of the area of the left triangle plus the area of a rectangle plus the area
of another triangle. This gives
1 1
hk + (x2 − (x1 + h))k + hk = (x2 − x1 )k = (base)(height)
2 2
Thus, the area of a parallelogram is also given by the base times the height. Here
the base equals (x2 − x1 ) and the height is k.

Figure 7 -17.
Parallelogram represented in Cartesian coordinates
In summary, one can say that given a parallelogram
with base b and height h one finds

Area A = bh = (base)(height) Perimeter P = 2( + b)

where  is the length of the parallelogram side. Another

form for representing the area of a parallelogram is

Area = b sin α

where  sin α = h.

Generalization of angle bisector theorem

In triangle ABC let AD denote an arbitrary

cevian from vertex A which
(i) Divides the vertex angle ∠A into two angles labeled α and β
(ii) Divides side BC into two parts CD and DB
Construct a line through vertex A which is parallel to the side BC and let h
denote the distance between the parallel lines. One can then calculate the areas of
triangles ADC and ADB to obtain the ratio
[ADC] 2
= 1
= (7.67)
[ADB] 2

This ratio of areas can also be calculated using the triangle bases AC and AB and
the triangle heights h1 = AD sin β and h2 = AD sin α. One finds that
[ADC] CD 2
AC h1 AC sin β
= = 1
= (7.68)
[ADB] DB 2
AB h2 AB sin α

Note in the special case that the cevian is an angle bisector, then α = β and the
equation (7.68) reduces to the angle bisector theorem.

If P is any point on the cevian AD, one can

show that the ratio of the triangle areas [AP C]
and [AP B] is the same as the ratio of the sides
CD and DB. Using the heights h3 and h4 defined
AP sin β = h4 , and AP sin α = h3 (7.71)

The areas of these triangles are

1 1 1 1
[AP C] = AC h4 = AC AP sin β, and [AP B] = AB h3 = AB AP sin α (7.70)
2 2 2 2

which can be used to produce the ratio

CD AC sin β 12 AP [AP C]
= 1
= (7.71)
DB AB sin α 2 AP [AP B]

The equation (7.71) is nothing more than the results from equation (7.68) where
both the numerator and denominator have been multiplied by 12 AP. The ratio of
areas (7.71) associated with an arbitrary point P on the cevian AD is known as the
area theorem for cevians.
In astronomy, angle measurements are used to determine the large distances
between the Earth and objects very far out beyond our solar system. Consider the
figure 7 -18 which illustrates the Earths orbit about the Sun and the distance r to
be measured. The figure shown is not to scale because the distance r is very, very
large and the angle α, called the parallax angle, is very, very small. The Earth orbits
the Sun in approximately 365.25 days with the average distance between the Earth
and Sun defined to be one astronomical unit (AU), where

1 astronomical unit = 1 AU = 149 597 870 700 meters

1 AU ≈ 93 million miles
The parallax angle α is measured in units of arc seconds and then converted to
radians. This is accomplished by observing that
1 min 1 deg π rad
1 =1 arc sec = 1 sec · · ·
60 sec 60 min 180 deg (7.72)
1 1 π π
1 =1 · · · = radians
60 60 180 648 000

Figure 7 -18. Geometry (not to scale) to measure distant object in space

Observe how the units associated with the various conversion factors cancel out
as one changes from arc seconds to radians.

The arc length s associated with a sector of

a circle with radius r is found by taking propor-
Arc length of sector Angle of sector
Arc length of circle Angle of one rotation
s θ
= or s = rθ (7.73)
2πr 2π
for the arc length s associated with a sector angle θ.

The formula for calculating the distance r to an object O very far away is ap-
proximated by using equation (7.73) in the form4
r= , α in radians, and distance s = 1AU (7.74)
This form is also obtained using the very small angle approximation tan α ≈ α for the trigonometric function
tangent associated with the Earth-Sun-Object right triangle and the parallax angle α where tan α = 1 AUr
where the arc length s is approximated by s = SE = 1 AU as the average distance
between the Earth and the Sun. The angle θ in equation (7.73) is taken as the
parallax angle α, when converted to units of radians. This distance formula is an
approximation that comes from finding the radius r of a huge circle with far object
(O) as the center of the circle. The parallax angle α is measured in arc seconds but
must be converted to the units of radians before one can use equation (7.74).
By definition, when the angle α equals 1 = 1 arc sec, then the distance r is
defined to be 1 parsec. This produces the relation
1 parsec =distance r when parallax angle α = 1
1 AU
= · (60)(60)(180) (7.75)
648 800
= AU

One can then verify, using the proper conversion factors, the distance light travels
in one year. Using the speed of light as = 299 792 458 meters/second and
1 year = 365.25 days ∗ 24 hours ∗ 60 minutes ∗ 60 seconds = 3.15576 107 seconds one finds
day hour minute

1 light year = 299 792 458 meters/second ∗ 3.15576 107 seconds = 9.46073 1015 meters

The distance of 1 parsec can be converted into difference units

648 000
1 parsec = AU = 206, 264.81 AU
648 000
= AU ∗ 149 597 870 700 meters/AU = 3.08568 (10)16 meters (7.76)
≈ 19.173512 (10)12 miles
≈ 3.26156 light years

Note that the parallax method is only good for measuring distances of stars less
than about 1000 light years away. More advanced methods are used to measure
distances greater than 1000 light years.

Defining π for computer usage

If you get involved with computers used for scientific computing you will find
that all computers will truncate or chop off irrational numbers because every com-
puter has a central processing unit which can only handle a fixed number of binary
digits. This truncation of numbers is called computer round-off error. Computer
manufacturers must do it, but they don’t like to talk about it. To define π for com-
puter usage let the computer save π to the best of its ability. Since tan π4 = 1, one can
define P I = 4.0 ∗ arctan (1.0). This way the computer will chop off the exact represen-
tation and give you a value for P I which is the best rational number approximation
that will fit into the machine.

Additional trigonometric relations

sin(−θ) = − sin θ sin( ± θ) = cos θ sin(π ± θ) = ∓ sin θ
cos(−θ) = cos θ cos( ± θ) = ∓ sin θ cos(π ± θ) = − cos θ
tan(−θ) = − tan θ tan( ± θ) = ∓ cot θ tan(π ± θ) = ± tan θ

sin( ± θ) = − cos θ sin(π ± θ) = ± sin θ

cos( ± θ) = ± sin θ cos(π ± θ) = cos θ
3π tan(π ± θ) = ± tan θ
tan( ± θ) = ∓ cot θ
If the angle θ is restricted to quadrant I, then the following relations are valued.
If u = sin θ, 1 − u2 = cos θ, √ = tan θ
1 − u2

 1 − u2
If u = cos θ, 1 − u2 = sin θ, = tan θ
u 1
If u = tan θ, √ = sin θ, √ = cos θ
1 + u2 1 + u2
Given the parallelogram with height h, base b, side
a and angle θ.
(a) Find h, ψ and area if a = 3, b = 5, θ = 135◦
(b) Find h, ψ and area if a = 4, b = 6, θ = 120◦

Point P is a mountain peak and point 0 is directly
below P . At a distance x from point 0 the angle of
elevation of point P is θ1 = 26.0774◦. At a distance
of (x+4) miles from point 0 the angle of elevation is
θ2 = 14.7564◦.
(a) Find the height h of the mountain.
(b) Find the distance x.

 7-3. Find the sine, cosine, tangent of the following angles

π 3π
(a) ± θ, (b) π ± θ, (c) ± θ, (d) 2π ± θ
2 2
(a) Show the projection of AB onto the x-axis is AB cos θ
(b) Show the projection of AB onto the y-axis is AB sin θ
or AB cos( π2 − θ)

 7-5. Prove the following identities.

(a) sec θ csc θ = tan θ + cot θ (d) = sec θ − tan θ
tan θ + sec θ
(b) tan α sin α + cos α = sec α sin θ + tan θ
(e) = sin θ
1 + sec θ
1 + sec θ cos θ + 1
(c) = sin α + cos β sec β + csc α
1 − sec θ cos θ − 1 (f ) =
sin α − cos β sec β − csc α
 7-6. Evaluate the following.
π π π π π π π π
(a) sin cos + cos sin (c) cos cos − sin sin
3 6 3 6 12 4 12 4
tan 12 + tan π4 tan π4 − tan 12
(b) π (d)
1 − tan 12 tan π4 1 + tan π4 tan 12
 7-7. Prove the following identities.
cos2 α
2 tan2 θ (d) = 1 + sin α
(a) sin θ = 1 − sin α
1 + tan2 θ
tan2 β cot2 β
sin α + tan α (e) + =1
(b) = sin α tan α sec2 β csc2 β
cot α + csc α
cos β 1
(c) sin α(1 + cot2 α) = csc α (f ) =
cos β − sin β 1 − tan β

 7-8. Consider a regular polygon with n sides inscribed within a unit circle as il-

Fill in the following table.

Regular polygons with

central isosceles exterior
sides angle base angle side apothem angle
n θ (radians) β (radians) s a (radians)
.. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . .

 7-9. Use the given information to find sin θ, cos θ, tan θ, cot θ, sec θ, csc θ
2 4 12 15
(a) sin θ = (b) cot θ = (c) sec θ = (d) csc θ =
3 3 5 8
 7-10. Given a circle with unit radius with P a point on the circumference defining
the angle ∠P 0B = θ. Express all answers in terms of the angle θ.
(a) Find the distance PB.
(b) Find the distance 0B.
(c) Find the distance AB.
(d) Find tan θ and use the equation (7.39) to write tan 2θ
(e) Find the distance AP.
(f) Find tan α
(g) Find α in terms of θ

 7-11. Given the triangle ABC illustrated which is inscribed in a unit circle. Ex-
press all answers in terms of the angle θ = ∠B0D
(a) Find 0D
(b) Find BD
(c) Find BC
(d) Find AC
(e) Find AB
(f) Find cos β
(g) Find sin β
(h) Find β in terms of θ

Two observation stations A and B are 2 miles
apart. They see a UFO overhead and simultaneously
measure the angles of elevation α and β as illustrated.
Find a formula for the height of the UFO.

 7-13. Find the area of

(a) An equilateral triangle inscribed within a unit circle.

(b) A square inscribed within a unit circle.
(c) A pentagon inscribed within a unit circle.
(d) A hexagon inscribed within a unit circle.
 7-14. Fill in the table below.
Exact trigonometric values for special angles
angle angle
θ θ sin θ cos θ tan θ cot θ sec θ csc θ
degrees radians
√ √
15 12
2(−1 + 3)

36 5
−1 + 5

√ √
75 12
2(1 + 3)

√ √
105 12
− 2(1 + 3)

120 3
5π −2
150 6

7π −2
210 6


315 4 2
√ √
345 12 − 2(1 − 3)

Hint: One method 15◦ = 45◦ − 30◦. Another method is to draw a sketch.


In the right triangle given show that

y = x (tan(α + β) − tan β)

 7-16. Simplify the following.

π 3π π
(i) a sin( + θ) + b cos(π − θ) (ii) a sin(2π + θ) + b cos( − θ) (iii) a cos( − θ) − b sin(π + θ)
2 2 2
sin(90◦ + 20◦ ) + cos(270◦ − 20◦)
 7-17. If tan 20◦ = x, find y = Hint: What are the signs
csc(180◦ − 20◦ ) + sec(360◦ − 20◦ )
associated with trigonometric functions in the four quadrants?

 7-18. What values of θ, 0 < θ < 2π , satisfy the given equations? If a value of θ
satisfies the equation does the value θ + 2π also satisfy the equation?
1 √
(a) sin θ = − (d) cot θ = 3
2 √
1 (e) sec θ = − 2
(b) cos θ = −

(c) tan θ = − 3 (f ) csc θ = −2

Prove the following construction associated with a pen-

tagon inscribed within a given circle.
(i) Construct a circle with center 0.
(ii) Construct perpendicular diameters AB ⊥ CD.
(iii) Find the midpoint E of line segment A0.
(iv) Set a drawing compass needle at point E and pencil point

at point C and construct the arc CF having radius r = EC.
(v) Show the line segment CF =  is the side length of the in-
scribed pentagon.

π 1 5− 5
Hint: sin =
5 2 2

 7-20. Evaluate using principal values

−1 −1 −1
√ −1 1 −1 3
(a) cos (−1) (b) cos (0) − tan (− 3) (c) sin (− ) + cos ( )
2 2

 7-21. Evaluate the following

√ 1 1
(a) tan(cot−1 3) (b) sin(cos−1 ( )) (c) cos(sin−1 ( ))
2 2

 7-22. Given a circle with radius 2.

(a) Find the area of the segment and sector.
(b) Find the minor arc s1 and major arc s2 .

 7-23. Given a circle with radius r = 1. Let segment

AC ⊥ 0B, 0D a ray at angle θ and BD tangent line to
circle at point B. Show that

(i) AC = sin θ (ii) BD = tan θ (iii) θ = AB
(iv) Use areas to show sin θ < θ < tan θ
Fill in the following table
θ sin θ θ tan θ
degrees radians

Given triangle ABC with R the radius of the cir-
cumscribed circle. Show that
(a) BC = 2R sin A
(b) CA = 2R sin B
(c) AB = 2R sin C


In the figure illustrated show that

(a) The slope of line 1 is m1 = tan θ1
(b) The slope of line 2 is m2 = tan θ2
(c) Prove that if line 1 is perpendicular to line
2 , then m1 m2 = −1. Write out in words what this is
telling you. Hint: How is an exterior angle related to the interior angles of a triangle.

 7-26. Find the area of a regular pentagon with edge of length s.

Hint: tan 36 180 = 5−2 5

 7-27. Find the area of a regular hexagon with edge of length s.

π 5 5
 7-28. Prove that sin = −
5 8 8
π 1 √ 
 7-29. Prove that sin = −1 + 5
10 4
3π 1 √ 
 7-30. Prove that sin = 1+ 5
10 4

2π 5 5
 7-31. Prove that sin = +
5 8 8
Given a regular pentagon with each side having length  = 2s
and angle ∠C0D = θ.
(a) Find the circumradius R in terms of θ and s
(b) Find the inradius r in terms of θ and s
(c) If the line segment AB connects the midpoints of two sides.
Find the length of AB
(d) Find a relationship between r and R
Chapter 8
Trigonometry II
Law of sines
In any triangle ABC with angles α, β, γ and
sides a, b, c one can write
sin α sin β sin γ
= =
a b c

This is a relationship between the interior angles

of a triangle and the sides opposite these angles.
This relationship is known as the law of sines.
In the top triangle construct the perpendicu-
lar line AD to side BC to form two right triangles

In triangle ADB, sin β =
In triangle ADC, sin γ =

Consequently, one can write

c sin β = b sin γ = AD

sin β sin γ
= (8.1)
b c
In the lower triangle, construct the line CD which Figure 8 -1.
is perpendicular to side AB . This forms two right Triangle ABC
triangles as illustrated.

In triangle CDB, sin β =
In triangle CDA, sin α =
sin β sin α
a sin β = b sin α = DC or = (8.2)
b a
Using the fact that things equal to the same thing are equal to each other one finds
sin α sin β sin γ
= = (8.3)
a b c

which is the law of sines.

In the above proof, there may arise the situation where in the triangle ABC
one of the angles β or γ is obtuse, then it will be necessary to extend side BC in
order to drop a perpendicular to side BC . In this case the proof given above must
then be modified slightly.

Note that if you know two angles and included side

associated with a triangle, then you can calculate the
remaining angle and remaining sides of the triangle.
For example, if angles α and β are known together with
side c, then one can use the equation γ = π − (α + β) to
find the remaining angle and then can use the law of
sines to write
sin(π − (α + β)) sin β sin(π − (α + β)) sin α
= and =
c b c a

from which the unknown sides a and b can be calculated. This technique is used
over and over again in surveying where it is known as the method of triangulation.

Law of cosines
Consider the triangle ABC , illustrated in the figure 8-2, with

vertex angle A equal to α and side opposite the vertex angle CB = a

vertex angle B equal to β and side opposite the vertex angle AC = b
vertex angle C equal to γ and side oposite the vertex angle AB = c

The law of cosines associated with triangle ABC can be expressed

a2 + b2 − 2a b cos γ =c2
b2 + c2 − 2b c cos α =a2 (8.6)
c2 + a2 − 2c a cos β =b2

Figure 8 -2.
Obtuse triangle ABC

Observe the cyclic changing of the letters in

the equations (8.6). Use the circles illustrated to
move each letter in an equation to the next order-
ing indicated by the arrows on the circles. Thus,
replace a by b, b by c and c by a and use a similar
replacement cycle for the angles α, β and γ .

Consider the figure 8-2 illustrating a triangle ABC in a Cartesian coordinate

system with coordinates for vertex A as (0, 0), the coordinates for vertex B as (c, 0)
and the coordinates for vertex C as (c − a cos β, a sin β).
To understand where these coordinates come from first drop a perpendicular line
from vertex C to the extended line AB and note that for the right triangle BDC
one finds
cos(π − β) = = − cos β BD = − a cos β
a or
CD CD =a sin β
sin(π − β) = = sin β
The distance AD = c + BD = c − a cos β and the distance CD = a sin β giving vertex C
the coordinates (c − a cos β, a sin β). Note in the figure that the angle β is an obtuse
angle and the cosine of an angle in the second quadrant is negative.
Apply the Pythagorean theorem to triangle ACD to obtain

(AD)2 + (CD)2 = (c − a cos β)2 + (a sin β)2 = b2 (8.5)

Expand the terms in equation (8.5) and show

c2 − 2c a cos β + a2 cos2 β + a2 sin2 β =b2

or a2 + c2 − 2c a cos β = b2

which states that in triangle ABC when the sides a and c are given together with
the angle β between the sides, then the square of the side opposite angle β must
equal the sum of the squares of the other two sides minus twice the product of the
other two sides times the cosine of the angle between the other two sides.

Figure 8 -3.
Acute triangle ABC

In the case triangle ABC is an acute triangle as in figure 8-3, then one can drop
a perpendicular from vertex C to cut the base c = AB into two parts labeled (c − s)
and s such that (c − s) + s = c. If h is the length of the perpendicular line constructed,
then one can apply the Pythagorean theorem to the two right triangles created to
(c − s)2 + h2 = b2 and s2 + h2 = a2 (8.7)

Expand the first equation and then substitute for h2 from the second equation to
(c2 − 2cs + s2 ) + h2 = b2 ⇒ (c2 − 2cs + s2 ) + (a2 − s2 ) = b2

This last result can be simplified and rearranged into the form

b2 = a2 + c2 − 2cs (8.8)
Observe that the length s is the projection of the side a onto the base AB = c of the
triangle and can be expressed as s = a cos β which when substituted into equation
(8.8) gives the law of cosines

b2 = a2 + c2 − 2a c cos β (8.9)

The above results can also be proven using Euclid’s results on projections (See page
152). By rotating the triangle ABC and assigning new coordinates to the vertices
one can repeat the steps above to verify that
c2 =a2 + b2 − 2a b cos γ
a2 =b2 + c2 − 2b c cos α

These same results can be obtained by performing a cyclic rotation of the symbols
in equation (8.9).
Note that if one of the triangle interior angles is 90◦ or π2 radians, then the law
of cosines reduces to the Pythagorean theorem.

Law of tangents
The law of tangents associated with a gen-
eral triangle ABC can be expressed in any of the

tan 2

a+b α+β
tan 2

tan 2

b+c β+γ
tan 2

tan 2

c+a γ+α
tan 2

Note the cyclic changing of the sides a,b,c and angles α, β, γ in the above formulas.
To derive the first of these formulas one can use the law of sines and write
sin α sin β a sin α
= or = (8.11)
a b b sin β
Subtract 1 from both sides of equation (8.11) and write
a sin α a−b sin α − sin β
−1= −1 ⇒ = (8.12)
b sin β b sin β
Add 1 to both sides of equation (8.11) and write
a sin α a+b sin α + sin β
+1= +1 ⇒ = (8.13)
b sin β b sin β
Taking the ratio of the equations (8.12) and (8.13) one obtains
a−b sin α − sin β
= (8.14)
a+b sin α + sin β
Using the previously derived addition and subtraction formulas for the sine function,
the right hand side of equation (8.14) is reduced to
α+β α−β α−β
sin α − sin β 2 cos 2
sin 2
tan 2
=     =   (8.15)
sin α + sin β 2 sin 2α+β
cos 2α−β
tan α+β

so that equation (8.14) becomes the tangent law

a−b tan 2
=   (8.16)
a+b tan α+β

Using a cyclic rotation of the symbols, the other tangent laws are derived in a
similar manner.

Let θ denote the angle between the line seg-
ments AB and BC and then construct the line seg-
ment AD which is perpendicular to the line seg-
ment BC as illustrated. By definition

adjacent side BD
cos θ = = or BD = AB cos θ = projection of AB onto BC
hypotenuse AB

The projection of AB onto the vertical line is obtained from

π adjacent side EB
cos( − θ) = =
2 hypotenuse AB
EB = AB cos( − θ) = AB sin θ = projection of AB onto vertical axis.
Example 8-1.
Show for a general triangle ABC as illustrated, show that a = b cos γ + c cos β
The projection of side c onto the side BC = a
is given by
BD = c cos β

The projection of side AC = b onto the side BC = a

DC = b cos γ

Adding the line segments BD and DC gives

BD + DC = b cos γ + c cos β = a (8.17)

It is left as an exercise to perform a cyclic changing of symbols in the equation

(8.17) to obtain
b =c cos α + a cos γ
c =a cos β + b cos α
and then interpret these equations as representing the summation of projections.
Remember that if γ is the angle between two line segments a and b, then b cos γ is
the projection of b onto the line segment a (See the above triangle).

Find alternative formulas for the area of a triangle.

There are alternative ways to calculate the area of a triangle based upon your
knowledge of the sides and angles associated with the triangle.
Two sides and included angle
The area (A) of the triangle ABC is half the base (a)
times the height (h) or
A= ah (8.18)
In triangle ABC sin γ = or h = b sin γ so one alternative
representation for the area of the triangle is
1 1
A= ab sin γ or A = ab sin C (8.19)
2 2
This represents half the product of two adjacent sides times the sine of the angle
between the sides. Performing a cyclic rotation of the symbols in equation (8.19)
one can obtain the area equations
1 1 1 1
A= bc sin α, A = ca sin β or A = bc sin A, A = ca sin B (8.20)
2 2 2 2

Extended law of sines

Given a triangle ABC one can express the law
of sines as
a b c
= = = 2R
sin A sin B sin C

where R is the circumradius of the given triangle.

This can be shown to be true by constructing the
diameter BD and chord DC and observing that the angles ∠BAC and ∠BDC both

subtend the same arc BC . Therefore, ∠BAC = ∠BDC and
sin ∠BAC = sin A = sin ∠BDC =
because the triangle BDC is a right triangle. Using the equation (8.20) A = bc sin A
one can write
1 1 a abc
Area of triangle ABC = A = bc sin A = bc = (8.21)
2 2 2R 4R

Area in terms of inradius

The area A of a triangle ABC in terms of the

inradius r is given by
A = rs, where s = (a+b+c) is the semiperimeter of triangle

The proof is as follows

A1 =Area A0C = rb
A2 =Area A0B = rc
A3 =Area B0C = ra
Add the above equations using the whole is the sum of its parts to show
Area ABC = r s where s = (a + b + c)
is the semiperimeter of the triangle.
Angle-side-angle area
sin α sin β sin β
Using the law of sines = one can write b = a and then substitute
a b sin α
for b into the equation (8.19) to obtain
1 2 sin β sin γ 1 sin β sin γ 1 sin β sin γ
A= a = a2 = a2 (8.22)
2 sin α 2 sin(π − (β + γ)) 2 sin(β + γ)
Note that in the above equation the angle α has been replaced by π − (β + γ) because
the interior angles of any triangle must satisfy α + β + γ = π . Making cyclic changes
to the area formula (8.22) one finds the additional area formulas
1 2 sin γ sin α 1 2 sin α sin β
A= b and A= c (8.23)
2 sin(γ + α)) 2 sin(α + β)

We know that for a triangle with height h and

base c that
1 1
Area = (base)(height) = ch (8.24)
2 2

By constructing the perpendicular line h from the

vertex C one divides the base into two parts which
are labeled c1 and c2 such that c = c1 + c2 as illus-
trated in the figure.
h h
tan α = c1 =
c1 tan α
or h
tan β = c2 =
c2 tan β
The equations (8.25) can be used to write
h h
c = c1 + c2 = + = h(cot α + cot β)
tan α tan β
so that
1 1
Area = hc = h2 (cot α + cot β)
2 2
1 (cot α + cot β))2
= h2 (8.26)
2 (cot α + cot β)
1 c2
2 cot α + cot β
Thus, knowing two angles and included side one can determine the area of the
Example 8-2.
Apply the results from equations (8.26) and
(8.23) to the figure given and obtain the represen-
1 sin α sin β
Area ABC = A = c2
2 sin(α + β))
1 c2
Area ABC = A =
2 cot α + cot β

Show these equations are equivalent.


1 1 1 sin α sin β
= = =
cot α + cot β cos α cos β cos α sin β + cos β sin α sin(α + β)
sin α sin β sin α sin β

Example 8-3. Find shortest distance.

As part of a cellular network a cell tower (T) is
to be constructed at a site near a major highway
which is assumed to be a straight line. A lake
exists between the proposed cell tower and the
highway. A surveyor uses a transit and measures
the angles α and β as well as the distance a = x1 x2 .
Find the shortest distance (y) from the highway
to the tower, using the known information.

Use the result from the equation (8.23) and show that the area of triangle T x1 x2
is given by
1 1 sin α sin β
Area T x1 x2 = ay = a2 (8.27)
2 2 sin(α + β)
Simplify the equation (8.27) and show
sin α sin β
y=a (8.28)
sin(α + β)
If a = 2 miles, α = 60◦ = π/3 radians and β = 70◦ = 7π/18 radians, then

sin(π/3) sin(7π/18)  
y=2 = 2.12467 miles = 2.12467 miles 5280 = 11, 218.3 feet
sin(π/3 + 7π/18)) mile

Example 8-4.
Show that in a general triangle ABC
a+b cos 2
c cos α+β2
b+c cos 2
a cos β+γ2
c + a cos 2
cos γ+α
b 2

By the law of sines
a b c
= =
sin α sin β sin γ
so that one can write
a sin α
b sin β
Add 1 to both sides of this equation to show
a sin α a+b sin α + sin β
+1= +1 ⇒ = (8.29)
b sin β b sin β

Rearrange the equation (8.29) and show

a+b b c
= =
sin α + sin β sin β sin γ

a+b sin α + sin β sin α + sin β
= = (8.30)
c sin γ sin(π − (α + β))
Now use the equations (7.17)and (7.52) to express the equation (8.30) in the form
α+β α−β
a+b 2 sin 2
cos 2
= (8.31)
c sin π cos(α + β) − cos π sin(α + β)
In equation (8.31) note that

cos π = −1, sin π = 0 and sin(α + β) = sin 2

so that by using the double-angle formula (7.23) one can alter equation (8.31) to
have the form    
a+b 2 sin α+β
cos α−β2
c 2 sin α+β cos α+β
2 2

which simplifies to the result

a+b cos 2
c cos α+β

Performing a cyclic changing of the symbols in the above equation will produce the
other equations given above.

The circle
Associated with every circle is a radius of length r. Recall that as the radius
rotates through an angle θ an arc length s is swept out as the radius rotates. When
the angle θ is 2π the arc length s = 2πr, the circumference of the circle. Using
proportions one can write
θ s
= ⇒ s = rθ (8.32)
2π 2πr
The arc length s is determined by the radius r and the central angle θ in radians.
When the radius sweeps out an arc length s a sector of the circle is created. The
minor sector of a circle is the area between the arc length s and the two radii r as
illustrated in the figure 8-5.

Figure 8 -5. Sector, chord, arc length and segment of a circle.

The major sector is the area of the circle minus the area of the minor sector. To find
the area of a minor sector one can again use proportions. The ratio of the minor
sector area As to the angle θ is in the same ratio as the area of the circle is to 2π or
As π r2 1 2
= ⇒ As = r θ (8.33)
θ 2π 2

where the central angle θ is in radians. One could also use the ratio of area of sector
compared to area of circle being in the same ratio as the arc length s compared to
the total circumference to obtain
As s As rθ 1 2
= = ⇒ As = r θ (8.34)
Area of circle circle circumference πr 2 2π r 2

The chord of a circle is any line segment whose endpoints lie on the circle circum-
ference. The segment of a circle is the area between a chord of length 2x and the
arc length (s) subtended by the chord. The segment of a circle is also illustrated in
the figure 8-5. The maximum distance between the arc length s and the chord 2x
is denoted by h and has the official name of sagitta. The distance L = r − h is the
height of the triangle A0B having the chord for its base.
The area of the segment Asegment is the area of the sector As minus the area of
the triangle. Verify that in triangle A0B , with base 2x and height L, the following
relations hold
π θ
2α + θ =π ⇒ α= − (8.35)
2 2
sin α = ⇒ L = r sin α (8.36)
cos α = ⇒ x = r cos α (8.37)
L + x =r 2
2 2
⇒ L = r 2 − x2 (8.38)

sagitta h = r − L =r − r − x = r − r sin α = r 1 − cos
2 2 (8.39)
1 1
Area A0B = (2x)L = [2r cos α] [r sin α]
2 2
1 2 1 1
= r sin 2α = r 2 sin(π − θ) = r 2 sin θ (8.40)
2 2 2
1 2 1 2 1
Asegment = As − AreaA0B = r θ − r sin θ = (θ − sin θ) r 2 (8.41)
2 2  2

θ θ
chord length 2x =2r sin = 2r 1 − cos 2
2 2

1 + cos θ
2x =2r 1 − = r 2 − 2 cos θ (8.42)

Intersection and Union of sets

The intersection of two sets A and B
is denoted A ∩ B and is defined as the set of
elements common to both sets A and B.
A ∩ B = { x : x ∈ A and x ∈ B }
This is read as  A intersection B is the set
of elements x such that x is in A and x is in B.
The union of two sets A and B
is denoted A ∪ B and is defined as the set of
elements in set A, in set B or in both A and B.
A ∪ B = { x : x ∈ A or x ∈ B }
This is read  A union B is the set
of elements x such that x is in A or x is in B
or x is in both A and B. 
The lune
A lune is the area bounded by two circular arcs.

Convex-convex1 area called a lens.

Concave-convex area called a lune.

In terms of set theory language, the lunes illustrated in the figure are defined

L1 = A − A ∩ B, and L2 = B − A ∩ B

The area associated with certain special lunes are easily calculated. Consider
the figure 8-6 where one draws a chord AB of length 2x inside a circle. One can
then use a drawing compass and find the midpoint of the chord and label the length
of half the chord as the distance x as illustrated. Widen the drawing compass and
place the needle of the compass at the midpoint and the pencil point on either point
A or B. One can then construct the red semi-circle with area 21 πx2 as illustrated.

Figure 8 -6. Construction of special lune.

An examination of the figure 8-6 one finds

Area of lune =Area of semicircle − Area of segment
1 1
Alune = πx2 − (θ − sin θ)r 2
2 2
If you are inside an area, then one says a boundary curve is convex if the curve extends outward. The boundary
curve is called concave if it extends inward.
where r is the radius of the original circle, 2x is length of chord and diameter of
constructed semi-circle and the area of the segment is obtained from the previous
equation (8.41).
Slopes and angle between intersecting lines
Consider the intersection of two lines 1 and
2 as illustrated. Recall the definition of the slope
of the line 1 which is
change in y
Slope of line 1 = m1 =
change in x
This is also the definition associated with the tan-
gent of the angle θ1 which is the angle between the
line 1 and the x-axis. Consequently, one can write

m1 = Slope of line 1 = tan θ1 (8.43)

In a similar fashion one can show the slope of the

line 2 is given by m2 = tan θ2 .

The angle α represents the angle formed by rotating the line 1 in a counterclock-
wise direction about the point of intersection, to the line 2 . The angle of rotation
α is defined as the angle of intersection associated with the intersection of the two
lines 1 and 2 . The angle of intersection α is related to the slope angles θ1 and θ2 by
the relation
θ2 = θ1 + α (8.44)

because the exterior angle θ2 is equal to the sum of the two opposite interior angles
of a triangle. Therefore, α = θ2 − θ1 and
tan θ1 − tan θ1 m2 − m1
tan α = tan(θ2 − θ1 ) = = (8.45)
1 + tan θ1 tan θ2 1 + m1 m2

One way to remember this result is to write it in the form

m2 − m1
tan α = (8.46)
1 + m1 m2

where the left arrow is to remind you that line 1 with slope m1 is being rotated in a
counterclockwise direction about the point of intersection toward line 2 with slope
m2 to form the angle of intersection α.
Example 8-5. Three noncollinear points form a triangle. Consider the triangle
formed by the three points (x1 , y1 ), (x2, y2 ), (x3, y3 ) as in the figure below, where the
lines 1 , 2 and 3 make up the sides of the triangle. Find the interior angles α, β and
γ of the triangle.

Figure 8 -7. Triangle formed from three given points.

The equation of line 1 is y − y1 = m1 (x − x1 )

The equation of line 1 is y − y2 = m2 (x − x2 )
The equation of line 1 is y − y3 = m3 (x − x3 )
where the slopes m1 , m2 , m3 of the lines 1 , 2, 3 are given by the equations
y2 − y1 y3 − y2 y3 − y1
m1 = m2 = m3 = (8.47)
x2 − x1 x3 − x2 x3 − x1
which represent the change in y-values divided by the change in x-values while mov-
ing from one vertex to another of the triangle. The angles formed by the intersection
of the lines defines the interior angles of the triangle. One can write
m3 − m1 m1 − m2 m2 − m3
tan α = tan β = tan γ = (8.48)
1 + m1 m2 1 + m1 m2 1 + m2 m3
and from these equations the angles α, β, γ can be determined.
For example, given the points

3 11
(x1 , y1 ) = (1, 4) (x2 , y2 ) = (4, 1) (x3 , y3 ) = (4 + 3 , )
2 2
one finds the slopes of the lines connecting these points are
11 √ 11 √
1−4 2
−1 3 2
m1 = = −1 m2 = √ = √ = 3 m3 = √ =2− 3 (8.49)
4−1 4+3 3
−4 3 4+3 3
2 2

Using these slopes in the equations (8.48) one finds

2 − 3 − (−1) √ √ π
tan α = √ = 3 so that α = tan−1 3 = (8.51)
1 + (−1)(2 − 3) 3

The angle γ is determined from the equation

√ √
3 − (2 − 3) π
tan γ = √ √ =1 so that γ = tan−1 (1) = (8.51)
1 + 3(2 − 3) 4

We know the sum of the interior angles of a triangle must sum to π radians so that
π π 5π
α+β+γ =π or β =π− − = (8.52)
4 3 12

Normal form for equation of a line

The normal form for the equation of a line  with slope m is determined by the
perpendicular distance p = 0B from the origin to the line. This distance is called
the normal distance from the origin to the line. The line N through the origin and
normal to line  is called the normal line. The normal line N creates an angle α
with the x-axis and has slope −1 m
= tan α and is illustrated in the figure 8-8.
The normal form for the equation of a line is constructed by selecting a variable
point (x, y) on the line  and then projecting the distances x and y onto the line N .
Note that
0A = x cos α = projection of x onto line N
π (8.53)
AB = y cos( − α) = y sin α = projection of y onto line N
These projections are highlighted in red in the figure 8-8.

Figure 8 -8. Normal line N perpendicular to line 

The sum of these projections gives

0A + AB =0B
or x cos α + y sin α =p

Here p is always positive unless the line  passes through the origin. The equation
(8.54) is known as the normal form for the equation of a line . The normal form for
the equation of a line can be used to find the perpendicular distance d from a general
point (x1 , y1 ) to the line . The procedure for calculating this distance is illustrated
in the following example.
Example 8-6.
Find perpendicular distance d from point (x1 , y1 ) to a given line .
The general form for the equation of a line  is

Ax + By + C = 0 (8.55)

where A, B, C are constants.

Construct a right triangle with sides A and

B and hypotenuse A2 + B 2 and label the angle
between side A and the hypotenuse as angle α as
illustrated in the figure.

Define the quantities

cos α = √ , sin α = √ , p= √ (8.56)
± A2 + B 2 ± A2 + B 2 ∓ A2 + B 2

Note that if equation (8.55) is multiplied by √ 1 one obtains

± A2 +B 2

√ x+ √ y+ √ =0 (8.57)
± A +B 2 2
± A +B 2 ∓ A2 + B 2
x cos α + y sin α − p = 0 (8.58)

where the sign + or − assigned to the square root function is selected so that p is
a positive quantity. The sign selected will always be opposite of the sign of the
constant term C in the original equation.
Select an arbitrary point (x1 , y1 ) not on the line  as in figure 8-9. In the figure
0A =x1 cos α = projection of x1 on line N
AQ =y1 cos( − α) = y1 sin α = projection of y1 on line N
Examination of figure 8-9 shows that

0A + AQ = 0Q = p + d = x1 cos α + y1 sin α (8.59)

This equation can be rewritten to obtain the perpendicular distance d of the point
(x1 , y1 ) from the line  as
d = x1 cos α + y1 sin α − p (8.60)
Using equation (8.57) this can be written as
Ax1 + By1 C
d= √ + √ (8.61)
± A +B 2 ∓ A2 + B 2

where the sign on the square root is selected opposite to that of the constant C .

Figure 8 -9. Normal line N perpendicular to line  with (x1 , y1 ) not on line 

The normal form for the equation of a line has the representation

x cos α + y sin α − p = 0 (8.62)

and has the property

(a) If you substitute the values x = x1 and y = y1 into equation (8.62) and obtain
zero, then the point (x1 , y1 ) is on the line.
(b) If you substitute the values x = x1 and y = y1 in equation (8.62) and obtain a
nonzero value d, then this value represents the normal distance from the point (x1 , y1 )
to the line . The above result agrees with our previous result from chapter 4.
Example 8-7. Find the equation of the angle bisectors associate with the vertex
angle A of triangle ABC illustrated in the figure 8-10.

Figure 8 -10.
Finding equations for angle bisectors.
The given triangle ABC has the vertex A at the position (x0 , y0 ) and the lines
through the sides of the triangle which pass through the vertex A have the equations
y − y0 = m1 (x − x0 ) and y − y0 = m2 (x − x0 ) where m1 = tan θ1 and m2 = tan θ2 .
The angle bisector of vertex angle A produces m∠A = 2α and intersects the
triangle base at an angle θ3 = θ1 + α since the exterior angle of the triangle ABD
must equal the sum of the two opposite interior angles. Using the fact that the sum
of the interior angles of triangle ABC must equal π radians one finds
(θ2 − θ1 ) θ1 + θ2
2α + θ1 + (π − θ2 ) = π ⇒ α= ⇒ θ3 =
2 2

Hence the bisector of the vertex angle A has the equation y − y0 = m3 (x − x0 ) where
m3 = tan θ3 . The angle π − A is an exterior angle at vertex A with an angle bisector EF
which is perpendicular to the interior angle A bisector and therefore has the equation
y − y0 = m4 (x − x0 ) where m4 = tan θ3 because if the bisector lines are perpendicular
the product of their slopes must equal -1.
An alternative form for m3 = tan θ3 = tan( θ1 +θ
2 ) is obtained using some trigonom-

etry. Observe that

θ1 + θ2 1 − cos(θ1 + θ2 ) 1 − [cos θ1 cos θ2 − sin θ1 sin θ2 ]
m3 = tan = =
2 sin(θ1 + θ2 ) sin θ1 cos θ2 + cos θ1 sin θ2

Divide both the numerator and denominator by cos θ1 cos θ2 to show

1 √ √
cos θ1 cos θ2
− 1 + tan θ1 tan θ2 sec2 θ1 sec2 θ2 − 1 + tan θ1 tan θ2
m3 = =
tan θ1 + tan θ2 tan θ1 + tan θ2

Using the Pythagorean identity 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ and the substitutions m1 = tan θ1 ,
m2 = tan θ2 one finds  
m1 m2 − 1 + 1 + m21 1 + m22
m3 =
m1 + m2
This is a relation for the slope of the bisector line knowing the slopes m1 and m2 of
the intersecting lines which create the angle being bisected. The reciprocal m 3
the slope of the bisector line for the exterior angle.

Sum of interior angles of simple polygons

We know the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180◦ or π radians. Let
us investigate the sum of the interior angles of polygons with 4,5,6,. . . sides. Let us
begin by examining the interior angles of a quadrilateral as illustrated in the figure

Figure 8 -11.
Triangles inside selected convex polygons.
Select a point inside the quadrilateral and then draw lines from the selected
point to each vertex of the quadrilateral. This creates four triangles inside the
quadrilateral. The interior angles of each triangle is 180◦ or π radians. The sum of
the angles from each triangle is 4(180◦) or 4π radians. The central angles around the
point selected inside the triangle sum to 360◦ = 2(180◦) or 2π radians. Therefore, the
sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is

Sum of angles of triangles − Sum of angles around selected central point (8.63)

This gives
4(180◦) − 2(180◦) = 2(180◦) or 4π − 2π = 2π radians

as the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral.

In a similar fashion select a point inside a pentagon and construct lines from
this point to each of the five vertices. This creates five triangles. The sum of the
interior angles of a pentagon can be determined by the use of equation (8.63) which
produces the relation

5(180◦) − 2(180◦) = 3(180)◦ or 5π − 2π = 3π radians

as representing the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon.

Note that a pattern is developing. By selecting an interior point inside a hexagon,
then one can create six triangles so that the equation (8.63) can be used to determine
the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon. This gives

6(180◦) − 2(180◦) = 4(180◦) or 6π − 2π = 4π radians (8.64)

This pattern can be extended to determine the sum of the interior angles of an
n-gon as

n(180◦ ) − 2(180◦) = (n − 2)(180◦) or nπ − 2π = (n − 2)π radians

In summary, one can state that the summation of the interior angles of an n-gon
will be (n − 2)π radians.
Sum of exterior angles of simple polygons
One can set up a pattern for calculating the
summation of the exterior angles of a n-gon. Ex-
amine the hexagon illustrated with the exterior
angles i , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and interior angles αi ,
i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Note the summation of an exterior
angle with its corresponding interior angle will al-
ways produce the result π because these angles are
supplementary. Consequently one can write
α1 + 1 =π

α2 + 2 =π
α3 + 3 =π
α4 + 4 =π

α5 + 5 =π
α6 + 6 =π

and a summation of the terms on the left-hand and right-hand sides of equation
(8.65) produces the result

αi + i = 6π (8.66)
i=1 i=1


We know αi represents the summation of the interior angles of the hexagon and
this result is (6 − 2)π from equation (8.64). Therefore, equation (8.66) becomes

i = 6π − (6 − 2)π = 2π (8.67)

The equation (8.67) can be generalized in the case of an n-gon instead of a

hexagon. Just replace 6 in equation (8.67) by n to obtain

i = nπ − (n − 2)π = 2π (8.68)

which tells us that the summation of the exterior angles of an n-gon must equal 2π.
In summary, we have discovered that the summation of the exterior angles of an
n-gon will always equal 2π.
Area of regular polygons
Consider the regular polygons illustrated in the figure 8-12. These polygons
have equal sides and equal interior angles. The symmetry associated with regular
polygons allows one to take the summation of the interior angles of an n-gon ((n−2)π )
and then divide by n to determine the angular value at a single vertex. The center
point of a regular polygon is the point inside the boundaries which is equidistant
from each vertex. The apothem of a regular polygon is the distant from the center
point to the midpoint of a side. The center point and apothem for selected regular
polygons are illustrated in the figure 8-12. Note that the distance from the center
of a regular polygon to a vertex gives the radius (r) of a circumscribed circle and
the distance from the center to the midpoint of a side gives the apothem (a) which
represents the radius of the inscribed circle. Each regular polygon has an isosceles
triangle consisting of a side si , i = 4, 5, 5, 7, . . . and two radii ri , i = 4, 5, 6, 7, . . .. Each
regular polygon has an apothem ai , i = 4, 5, 6, 7 . . . which represents the height of the
single triangles illustrated in the figure 8-12. Let Ai , i = 4, 5, 6, 7, . . . denote the area
of a single triangle associated with a regular polygon of i-sides and let Ati denote
the total area associated with a regular polygon of i-sides. Also let Pn denote the
perimeter of a regular polygon having n equals sides. Using a summation of triangle
areas one can verify
Area of single triangle Total area of polygon
1 1  s4 
square n = 4 A4 = a4 s4 At4 = 4A4 = 4 s4 = s24
2 2 2
1 1 1
pentagon n = 5 A5 = a5 s5 At5 = 5A5 = a5 (5s5 ) = a5 P5
2 2 2
1 1 1
hexagon n = 6 A6 = a6 s6 At6 = 6A6 = a6 (6s6 ) = a6 P6
2 2 2
1 1 1
heptagon n = 7 A7 = a7 s7 At7 = 7A7 = a7 (7s7 ) = a7 P7
2 2 2
.. ..
. .
1 1 1
n-gon An = an sn Atn = nAn = an (nsn ) = an Pn
2 2 2

Figure 8 -12.
Selected regular polygons

Observe that in the special case of a square the apothem is given by a4 = s24 so that
the total area for the square is the side squared. Generalizing the area results for
the other polygons one finds
Area of regular polygon = (apothem)(perimeter)

which states the general formula for the area of a regular polygon is half the product
of the apothem times the perimeter of the regular polygon.

The n-gon
For a regular polygon of n-sides, called a n-gon, let a denote the apothem, which
is the perpendicular distance from the center of the regular n-gon to any side. This
is also the radius of the inscribed circle. Let R denote the radius of the n-gon, which
is the distance from the center of the n-gon to any vertex. The distance R also
represents the radius of the circumscribed circle. Let α = 2π n denote the central angle
associated with the n-gon and let sn denote the length of any side of the n-gon. The
above defined quantities are illustrated in the figure 8-13.

Figure 8 -13.
Section of an n-gon

Dropping a perpendicular from the center of the n-gon to a side of length forms a
right triangle from which one can obtain the relations
α a α sn /2 α sn /2
cos = , sin = , tan = (8.69)
2 R 2 R 2 a

Using these relations the total area of a regular n-gon can be expressed in any of
the following forms
1 1 2 α 
2 α 1 2
Area = n asn = n sn cot = n a tan = n R sin α (8.70)
2 2 2 2 2

The first area formula is just the height of the triangle section, the apothem (a)
sn /2
times the base (sn ). Into this first area formula substitute a = tan α to obtain the

second area formula. Substitute into the second area formula for equation (8.70)
sn = 2a tan α2 to obtain the third area formula. By substituting a = R cos α2 into the
third area formula one obtains the fourth area formula. All the above substitutions
use to change the forms for the area come from the equations (8.69).
In a similar fashion one can construct various ways to represent the perimeter
P of the n-gon. One can express the perimeter P in any of the forms
 α  α
Perimeter P = nsn = n 2R sin = n 2a tan (8.71)
2 2

Note that the various forms are all constructed from the identities of equation (8.69).

Area of irregular polygons

The figure 8-14 illustrates selected irregular shaped polygons. The problem is to
find the area and perimeter associated with these plane figures. It will be assumed
that the Cartesian coordinates of the polygon vertices are known.

Figure 8 -14. Irregular shaped polygons

To find the area of irregular shaped polygons such as the ones illustrated in the
figure 8-14 one can proceed using one of the following methods.
Construct triangles
Start at a vertex of the given irregular polygon and construct triangles by draw-
ing lines to the other vertices as illustrated in the figure 8-15(a). The problem is
then reduced to finding the area of each triangle. The total area of the polygon is
then a summation of these areas.

Figure 8 -15. Area associated with irregular shaped polygons

To find the area of a single triangle

with known coordinates, one can drop per-
pendicular lines from each vertex to the
x-axis as illustrated in the accompanying
figure. The area of the triangle ABC is
then given by
Area of Area of Area of
     
     
 trapezoid  +  trapezoid  −  trapezoid 
     
ABx2 x1 BCx3 x2 ACx3 x1

The area of the trapezoids is the average height times the base so that one can
1 1 1
Area ABC = (y2 + y1 )(x2 − x1 ) + (y2 + y3 )(x3 − x2 ) − (y1 + y3 )(x3 − x1 )
2 2 2
Construct trapezoids
To find the area of the irregular polygon in figure 8-15(b) one can drop perpen-
dicular lines from each vertex to the x-axis as illustrated. The area of the polygon
is then obtained as an addition followed by a subtraction of areas associated with
trapezoids. For example, in the figure 8-15(b) the area of the polygon ABCDE is
calculated using
Area of Area of Area of Area of Area of
         
         
 trapezoid  +  trapezoid  +  trapezoid  −  trapezoid  −  trapezoid 
         
ABx1 x0 BCx3 x1 CDx4 x3 AEx2 x0 EDx4 x3


Given the triangle ABC
(a) If α = 30◦ , a = 5, c = 7, find angle γ .
(b) If β = 45◦ , b = 7, a = 4, find angle α.
(c) If γ = 120◦ , c = 12, α = 30◦, find side a.
(d) If α = 35◦ , γ = 100◦ , a = 6, find side c.

Write out the law of sines for
(a) ADE (b) ACD (c) ACE
(d) ABC (e) ABD
sin γ sin α sin(α + β) sin(β + γ)
(f) Show =
c a a+b b+c

The previous problem developed an equa-
tion that can be used by a surveyor to find the
length x of a lake if the angles α, β, γ and dis-
tances a, c are known. Show how one can solve
for the distance x.
For triangle ABC the law of sines states
b sin β
a sin α

(a) Use the theory of proportions to show

a−b sin α − sin β
a+b sin α + sin β
a−b tan 12 (α − β)
(b) Use the sum and difference formulas to show =
a+b tan 12 (α + β)

The law of cosines for triangle ABC is

a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos α

b2 + c2 − a2
(a) Show that cos α =
(a − (b − c))(a + (b − c))
(b) Show that 1 − cos α =
(c) Let s = 12 (a + b + c) denote the semiperimeter of the triangle ABC and show
(i) a − b + c = 2(s − b)
(ii) a + b − c = 2(s − c) 
α (s − b)(s − c)
(iii) Show part (b) above can be written sin =
2 bc
(iv) Show that by using the cyclic rotation a− > b− > c− > a, one finds
β (s − c)(s − a) γ (s − a)(s − b)
sin = , sin =
2 ac 2 ab

In the triangle ABD only α, β and h are
known. In the triangle ABC only γ and h are
known. Express the following in terms of known
(a) Find the distance Y
(b) Find the area of triangle ABD
(c) Find the area of triangle ABC
(d) Find the distance X
A good surveyor knows how to solve this problem.
Explain how to find the area of the given
triangle if you are given
(a) the angles α, β and side c. For example,
α = 25◦ , β = 30◦ , c = 10
(b) the three sides a, b, c. For example, a = 10, b = 5, c = 8
(c) the sides a and c along with angle β . For example, a = 10, c = 12, β = 30◦
(d) the angles α, γ and side b. For example, α = 25◦, γ = 68◦, b = 12

For triangle ABC the law of cosines is

a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos α

b2 + c2 − a2
(a) Show that cos α =
(b + c − a)(b + c + a)
(b) Show that 1 + cos α =
(c) Let s = (a + b + c) denote the semiperimeter of triangle ABC

(i) Show (b + c − a) = 2(s − a) (iv) Show using a cyclic rotation of the symbols

β s(s − b)
(ii) Show (b + c + a) = 2s cos =
 2 ac
α s(s − b)

(iii) Show cos = γ s(s − c)
2 bc cos =
2 ab

 8-9. Use the results from the two previous problems to show
α  β (s − a)(s − c) γ (s − a)(s − b)
tan = (s − b)(s − c)s(s − a), tan = , tan =
2 2 s(s − b) 2 s(s − c)

Check that these equations follow the pattern associated with a cyclic rotation of
the symbols.

 8-10. In the triangle ABC

(a) If b = 10, α = 58.3◦, β = 48.7◦ , then find side a.
(b) If a = 10, α = 78.2◦, γ = 31.5◦, then find side c.

 8-11. Assume π2 ≤ θ ≤ π . Let φ denote the supplementary angle associated with θ.

Verify the following. sin θ = sin φ, cos θ = − cos φ, tan θ = − tan φ, cot θ = − cot φ
For each of the circles given, find (i) the chord length,
(ii) the area of the segment, (iii) area of the sector and (iv)
the minor arc length.
(a) θ = π3 , r = 2, (b) θ = π4 , r = 4, (c) θ = π6 , r = 6

Find the area of the lune illustrated when the fol-
lowing conditions exist.
(a) r = 2, θ = π3 , (b) r = 1, θ = π6 , (c) r = 3, θ = 5π

 8-14. Find the area of the given polygons.

(a) Pentagon with vertices (0, 0), (1, 3), (3, 4), (5, −1), (2, −1)
(b) Hexagon with vertices (1, 1), (2, 3), (0, 4), (−2, 3), (−3, 2), (−1, 1)
(c) Heptagon with vertices (1, 5), (2, 7), (4, 8), (6, 7), (5, 4), (4, 2), (3, 1)

 8-15. Find the angle at point of intersection for the given lines.

(a) 1 : y = 3x − 7 2 : y = m2 x + 16, m2 = −2 − 5/ 3
(b) 1 : y = 3x − 7 2 : y = m3 x + 16, m3 = −2
1 √
(c) 1 : y = 3x − 7 2 : y = m4 x + 16, m4 = (−6 − 5 3)

 8-16. Find the internal angles of the triangle having the vertices at the given
(a) (1, 1), (3, 5), (6, −1), (b) (−1, −1), (1, 5), (4, 3), (c) (2, −4), (7, 1), (3, 5)

 8-17. Find the normal form for the equation of the given line.
x y
(a) + = 1 (b) y = 3x − 7 6x + 8y = 10
3 4

 8-18. Find the perpendicular distance from the point (100, 100) to the given line.
(a) y = 3x, (b) 3x + 4y = 10, (c) 5x + 12y = 13

(a) Given α = 31◦ , β = 40◦, b = 4, solve for side a.

(b) Given β = 41◦ , γ = 25◦ , b = 4, c = 10, solve for side b.
(c) Given α = 32◦, γ = 24◦ , c = 10 solve for side a.

 8-20. Each sketch has two lunes associated with it. Shade these lunes.

 8-21. Use trapezoids to find the area of the triangles having the vertices given.
(a) (1, 1), (4, 5), (6, 3)
(b) (−2, 2), (0, 8), (3, 5)
(c) (5, 5), (8, 10), (6, 1)

 8-22. Given triangle ABC inside circle.

(a) Show h = c sin α
(b) Show sin α = 2R
(c) Show [ABC] = 12 bh = abc

Given a triangle ABC with r the radius of the in-
scribed circle, R the radius of the circumscribed circle
and a, b, c representing the sides of the triangle. Show
rR =
2(a + b + c)
Hint: Show [ABC] = [A0B] + [B0C] + [C0A]

The triangle ABC is a right triangle with AB the

diameter of a circle with radius r. There are two lunes
each associated with a leg of the right triangle.
(a) Find the area of each lune.
(b) Find the area of the triangle ABC
(c) Show the sum of lune areas equals the triangle area.

Given triangle ABC with sides a, b, c circumscribed by
circle with center 0. Construct the radii 0A, 0B, 0C and per-
pendicular lines 0D, 0E, 0F.
(a) Show ∠B0D = ∠A, ∠C0E = ∠B, ∠A0F = ∠C
(b) Show sina A = sinb B = sinc C = 2R
Chapter 9
More properties of geometric shapes
The circle
Let us review some of our knowledge of the circle and also introduce some new
terminology. A circle is the set of points equidistant from a fixed point called the
center of the circle. The circumference of the circle is the distance around the circle.
The radius (plural radii) of the circle is the shortest distance from the center of the
circle to a point on the circumference.

Figure 9 -1. Terminology for the circle

We have previously shown that

The diameter (d) of the circle is twice the radius (r) or d = 2r
The circumference (c) of a circle is 2π times the radius (r) or c = 2πr
The area (A) of a circle in π times the radius squared or A = πr2
Any line joining two distinct points on the circumference of the circle is called
a chord. Any line which intersects the circle in two points is called a secant line. A
tangent line to a circle, in the plane of the circle, is any line which intersects with
the circle in exactly one point. This one point is called the point of tangency.
Any angle θ with vertex at the center of the circle is called a central angle.1

The central angle defines an arc length2 s = AB on the circumference of the circle,
All angles will be expressed in radians. The conversion factor 1◦ = 2π/360 radians will convert degrees to
There are two measures for the arc length on a circle (i) the central angle θ in degrees associated with the
subtended arc and (ii) the arc length s = rθ with θ in radians. Remember that the central angle divides the
circumference of the circle into a minor arc and a major arc.
with distance s = rθ (θ in radians), determined by the central angle θ and the radial
distance of the circle. The area bounded by two radii making up the sides of the

central angle together with the arc AB subtended by the central angle defines a
sector of the circle, where we have previously shown the area of the sector is given
1 2
Asector = r θ
where the central angle θ is in radians.
The two sides of the central angle intersect the circumference of the circle at
two points A and B. The chord joining the points A and B and the arc on the

circumference AB define an area called a segment of the circle. We have shown that
the area of a segment is given by
Area of segment = Asegment =Area of sector − Area of triangle A0B
Asegment = r 2 (θ − sin θ)
sagitta = h =r 1 − cos
chord length AB =2r sin
where the central angle θ is in radians.
The geometric representation associated with the above terminology is illus-
trated in the figure 9-1.

Equation of circle Cartesian coordinates

In Cartesian coordinates let (x, y) denote a variable point which can move around
the x, y-plane and let (x0 , y0 ) denote a fixed point as illustrated in the figure 9-2. The
circle can be defined in Cartesian coordinates as the locus of points (x, y) in a plane
which are at a constant distance from a given fixed point (x0 , y0 ).
As the point (x, y) moves, it is to remain a constant distance r from the fixed
point (x0 , y0 ), which represents the center of the circle. If the the distance r is to
remain constant as (x, y) moves, then by the distance formula obtained by using the
Pythagorean theorem we have the requirement

(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = r = a constant
(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = r 2 (9.1)

This is the equation in Cartesian coordinates for a circle with radius r and center at
(x0 , y0 ) .

Figure 9 -2. Sketch to find set of points (x, y) equidistant from fixed point (x0 , y0 )

In the special case (x0 , y0 ) is the origin (0, 0), then the equation (9.1) reduces to

x2 + y 2 = r 2 (9.2)

The equation (9.1) results from equation (9.2) by replacing x by x − x0 and y by y − y0

and equation (9.1) is referred to as a translation of the circle origin from (0, 0) to the
point (x0 , y0 ).

Figure 9 -3. Points inside, on and outside of circle centered at (x0 , y0 )

The set of points satisfying the inequality

(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 < r 2 (9.3)

represents all points inside the circle and the set of points satisfying the inequality

(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 > r 2 (9.4)

represents all points outside the circle.

General equation for a circle

Equations which can be expanded and rearranged to have the form

x2 + y 2 + ax + by + c = 0, a2 + b2 − 4c > 0 (9.5)

are said to represent the general form for a circle. One can rearrange equation (9.5)
into the form
(x2 + ax ) + (y 2 + by ) = −c (9.6)

and then complete the square on the x-terms and y-terms.

To complete the square on the x-terms take 21 of the x-coefficient, square it, and
then add the result to both sides of equation (9.6). This produces

a2 a2
x + ax + + (y 2 + by ) = −c + (9.7)
4 4

To complete the square on the y-terms take 21 of the y-coefficient, square it, and
then add the result to both sides of equation (9.7). This produces

a2 b2 a2 b2
2 2
x + ax + + y + by + = −c + + (9.8)
4 4 4 4

The terms in equation (9.8) which are inside the parenthesis are perfect squares
so that equation (9.8) simplifies to
a b
(x + )2 + (y + )2 = r 2 (9.9)
2 2

a2 b2
where r2 = −c + + > 0. The equation (9.9) is the equation of a circle with center
4 4 
−a −b a2 b2
( , ) and radius r = + − c.
2 2 4 4
In the cases
a2 b2
(i) + − c = 0, the equation (9.9) is a point circle with radius 0.
4 4
a2 b2
(ii) + − c < 0,
the equation (9.9)is called an imaginary circle.
4 4
In general, any equation of the form

(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = r 2 (9.10)

represents a circle of radius r centered at the point (x0 , y0 ). The equation (9.10) has
the expanded form
x2 + y 2 + ax + by + c = 0 (9.11)

for appropriate constants a, b, c.

Three conditions determine a circle

The general second degree equation representing a circle has the form

x2 + y 2 + ax + by + c = 0 (9.12)

with three constants a, b, c to be determined. These three constants can be deter-

mined by imposing any one of the following conditions
(i) Require the circle to pass through three distinct specified points

P1 : (x1 , y1 ) P2 : (x2 , y2 ) P3 : (x3 , y3 )

This produces the three requirements

x21 + y12 + ax1 + by1 + c =0
x22 + y22 + ax2 + by2 + c =0 (9.13)

x23 + y32 + ax3 + by3 + c =0

which represents three equations in the three unknowns a, b, c to be solved.

(ii) Specify the center (x0 , y0 ) of the circle and require the circle to pass through
a given point P1 : (x1 , y1 ). In this case one can use the equation (9.9) in the form
a b a2 b2
(x + )2 + (y + )2 = −c + + >0 (9.14)
2 2 4 4

because this form determines the values for a and b from the requirement
a b
= −x0 and = −y0 (9.15)
2 2
Knowing a and b the equation (9.14) reduces to the form

(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = c + x20 + y02 (9.16)

The constant c is now determined by the requirement that (x1 , y1 ) is to satisfy the
equation for the circle so that

c = x20 + y02 − (x1 − x0 )2 − (y1 − y0 )2 (9.17)

(iii) Specify conditions that the circle is to satisfy

(a) Circle required to be tangent to a given line.
(b) Circle center required to lie on some given line.
(c) Circle required to pass through some specified point.
Note that restrictions like those above might produce more than one solution satis-
fying the given requirements.

Example 9-1. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the points
P1 : (2, 3), P2 : (8, 7), P3 : (6, 5)
If the equation of the circle is given by

x2 + y 2 + ax + by + c = 0 (9.18)

and the coordinates of the points P1 , P2 , P3 are to each

satisfy the equation (9.18), then one obtains the three

when x = 2, y = 3 the equation (9.18) becomes 2a + 3b + c = − 13

when x = 8, y = 7 the equation (9.18) becomes 8a + 7b + c = − 113
when x = 6, y = 5 the equation (9.18) becomes 6a + 5b + c = − 61

One can solve these simultaneous equations and show

a = 2, b = −28, c = 67

giving the equation of the circle as

x2 + y 2 + 2x − 28y + 67 = 0
or after completing the square on the x and y-terms one finds

(x + 1)2 + (y − 14)2 = 130

as the equation of the circle.

Example 9-2.
Find the circle centered at (−5, 3) which passes through the point (1, 0).
The general equation of a circle centered at the
point (x0 , y0 ) is

(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = r 2

It is given that x0 = −5 and y0 = 3 so the equation of the

circle must have the form

(x + 5)2 + (y − 3)2 = r 2

If the point (1, 0) is lie on the circle than the equation

(1 + 5)2 + (0 − 3)2 = r 2 or 36 + 9 = r2 = 45

Hence, the equation of the circle satisfying the given conditions is

(x + 5)2 + (y − 3)3 = 45

Example 9-3. Find the equation of the circle (i) tangent to the y-axis (ii) having
its center (x0 , y0 ) on the line y = 2x + 1 (iii) passing through the point (3, 4).
The requirement that the circle be tangent to the y-axis, specifies that the radius of
the circle be x0 and so the equation for the circle must have the form

(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = x20 (9.19)
The center of the circle is to lie on the line y = 2x + 1 and so must satisfy the equation

y0 = 2x0 + 1 (9.20)

The point (3, 4) is to be on the circle and so must satisfy the equation

(3 − x0 )2 + (4 − y0 )2 = x20 (9.21)

Solve the simultaneous equations (9.20) and (9.21)

by substituting y0 from equation (9.20) into equation
(9.21) to obtain

(3 − x0 )2 + (4 − (2x0 + 1))2 = x20 (9.22)

Expand equation (9.22) to obtain the equation

4x20 − 18x0 + 18 = 0

which can be factored into the form

2(x0 − 3)(2x0 − 3) = 0

Thus, there are two solutions for x0 .

Case1 : x0 =3 Case2 : x0 =3/2
y0 =2x0 + 1 = 7 y0 =2x0 + 1 = 4

(x − 3)2 + (y − 7)2 =32 (x − 3/2)2 + (y − 4)2 =(3/2)2

These two solutions are illustrated in the figure above.

Parametric equations for representing the circle

Consider a point P with coordinates (x, y) which is moving around a circle with
radius r as illustrated in the figure 9-4. Note that the distance x can be interpreted
x = r cos θ = projection of r onto x axis

The distance y can be interpreted as

y = r cos φ = projection of r onto the y axis

Note that φ = 2 −θ with cos φ = cos 2 − θ = sin θ so that

y = r cos φ = r sin θ = projection of r onto y axis

The set of equations

x =r cos θ
y =r sin θ
for 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π are called the parametric equations for representing the circle centered
at the origin. These equations describe the motion of the point P as (x, y) moves
around the circle as the parameter θ varies from 0 to 2π . Note that when the
equations (9.79) are substituted into the equation (9.2) and simplified, then one
obtains the Pythagorean identity cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1 which holds true for all values of
the parameter θ. If the origin of the circle is translated to the point (x0 , y0 ), then
one only need replace x by x − x0 and y by y − y0 in the equations (9.79) to obtain
x − x0 = r cos θ
y − y0 = r sin θ

as θ varies from 0 to 2π . The set of equations (9.24) represent the parametric

equations for a circle of radius r centered at the point (x0 , y0 ).

Figure 9 -4. Point P with coordinates (x, y) moving around circle with radius r.
Given a set of parametric equations with parameter θ representing a curve in
Cartesian coordinates, one can determine the (x, y)-equation for the curve by alge-
braically eliminating the parameter θ. For example, one can write
r cos θ = x − x0 , r sin θ = y − y0
square both sides r 2 cos2 θ = (x − x0 )2 , r 2 sin2 θ = (y − y0 )2

and then by addition

r 2 cos2 θ + r 2 sin2 θ =(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2

r 2 (cos2 θ + sin2 θ) =(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 (9.25)

r 2 =(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2

The parameter θ is eliminated and one obtains the equation for the circle.

Example 9-4. Show that if the line is parallel to line CD (AB  CD) and
these lines intersect a circle, then arc AC is congruent to arc BD ( AC ∼ = BD )
Construct the line AD which is a transversal line
where the alternate interior angles α are equal to one
another. These angles are also inscribed angles equal
to 12 of the central angle ∠B0D. The arcs BD and AC
are both associated with the inscribed angle α. Things
equal to the same thing are equal to each other so that
one can say BD ∼ = AC .

Tangent-chord theorem
Let the line segment AC denote a chord associated with the circle x2 + y2 = r2
centered at the origin of a rectangular coordinate system as illustrated in the figure
9-5. In this figure the point A has the coordinates (x1 , y1 ) and point C has the
coordinates (x3 , y3 ). The endpoints of the chord lie on the circle so that the equations

x21 + y12 = r 2 and x23 + y32 = r 2

are satisfied. In the following discussions concerning the circle assume that x1 = 0
and y1 = 0.

Figure 9 -5. Figure for tangent-chord theorem

Construct the secant line 1 which passes through the center of the circle and the
point A having coordinates (x1 , y1 ). The slope of the line 1 is given by
change in y y1
m0A = = (9.26)
change in x x1
Using the point-slope formula one can verify that the equation of the secant line 1
is given by
1 secant line through (0, 0) and (x1 , y1 ) is y= x (9.27)

Next construct the line 2 which is tangent to the circle at the point A. The tangent
line to the circle will be perpendicular to the line 1 and so its slope will be the
negative reciprocal of the slope m0A or
−1 x1
m = slope of tangent line = =− (9.28)
m0A y1

This tangent line is to pass through the point A with coordinates (x1 , y1 ) so using
the point-slope formula the equation of the tangent line 2 is given by
y − y1 = (x − x1 ) (9.29)

The tangent line 2 intersects the x-axis at the point B illustrated in the figure 9-5.
Observe that B has the y-coordinate of 0 and so setting y = 0 in equation (9.29) one
obtains the x value for the intersection of the tangent line 2 with the x-axis. One
can verify that the point of intersection B has the coordinates ( xr 1 , 0).
In figure 9-5 the angle α = ∠BAC is called the tangent-chord angle. The angle

θ is called the central angle associated with the circular arc AC . Recall by Thales
theorem the angle ∠DCA is a right angle. The sum of the angles in any triangle is
180◦ or π radians, so that in the right triangle ACD of figure 9-5 on finds

π π
+δ+β =π or β+δ = (9.30)
2 2

The line 2 is tangent to the circle at point A so that the angle ∠BAD is a right angle
β+α= (9.31)
Subtract equation (9.31) from the equation (9.30) and show

δ−α=0 or δ=α (9.32)

The tangent-chord angle α is associated with the circular arc AC and by the inscribed
angle theorem one finds
α = θ or θ = 2α (9.33)
This result is known as the tangent-chord angle theorem.

Figure 9 -6. Special cases for tangent-chord theorem

The figure 9-6 illustrates four special positions for the point A associated with the
tangent-chord theorem. It is left as an exercise to verify that in each of these cases
α = 12 θ.
Example 9-5. Use Cartesian coordinates to show the angle ∠ACD in figure 9-5
is a right angle. (Another verification of Thales theorem.)
Given that point A has the coordinates (x1 , y1 ), one can show that the point D
has the coordinates (−x1 , −y1 ) as these points are antipodal points. We know these
points are on the given circle so they must satisfy the equation which defines the
circle or x21 + y12 = r2 . The point C lies on the circle and has the coordinates (x3 , y3 )
which must also satisfy the equation for the circle x23 + y32 = r2 . One can then use the
formula for calculating the distance between two points to show
length of DC squared is DC = (x3 − (−x1))2 + (y3 − (−y1 ))2
length of AC squared is AC = (x3 − x1 )2 + (y1 − y3 )2 (9.34)
the length of the diameter AD squared is AD = (2r)2 = 4r2
Use algebra and expand the equations (9.34) and show
DC = x23 + 2x1 x3 + x21 + y32 + 2y1 y3 + y12
AC = x23 − 2x1 x3 + x21 + y12 − 2y1 y3 + y32

Addition of the equations (9.35) produces the result

2 2
DC + AC = 2(x23 + y32 ) + 2(x21 + y12 ) = 4r 2 (9.36)

since the points (x1 , y1 ) and (x3 , y3 ) lie on the given circle. Consequently, it can be
shown that
2 2 2
DC + AC = AD (9.38)

so by the converse of the Pythagorean theorem, the angle ∠ACD is a right angle

Additional considerations
The figure 9-5 gives us the opportunity to use the converse of the Pythagorean
theorem to verify that the line 2 is indeed perpendicular to line 1 . Examine the
figure 9-5 and verify that
The line segment 0B has length 0B =

The line segment 0A has length 0A = r = x21 + y12

The line segment AB has length AB = − x1 + y12
Using these lengths one can verify that
2 2 2
0A + AB = 0B

and consequently by the converse Pythagorean theorem the angle ∠0AB is a right
Note also the result that the tangent line to a circle is always perpendicular
to the radius or diameter of the circle meeting at the point of tangency. (Euclid
Elements, book 3, proposition 18)

Arc length subtended by inscribed angle

Given an inscribed angle α = ∠AP B which subtends

an arc AB = s on a given circle of radius r. Remember
that the inscribed angle is always related to the central
angle by the relation β = 2α, so that the arc length along
the circumference between the points A and B is

s = AB = r(2α) = rβ (9.38)

where α and β are in radians.

Intersection of secant lines within a circle

If two secant lines have a point of intersection P

inside a circle of radius r, then label the points of in-
tersection with the circle circumference as A, B, C and
D as illustrated in the figure. Also label the angle of
intersection as γ . Construct the line segment AD as il-
lustrated and make note that this construction creates
the inscribed angles α = ∠DAB and β = ∠ADC which
subtends the arcs BD = s2 and CA = s1 .
We know that these arc lengths are given by

s1 = rθ1 = r(2β) and s2 = rθ2 = r(2α) (9.39)

where θ1 and θ2 are the central angles associated with the arcs s1 and s2 respectively.
Here the inscribed angles α and β and central angles are in radians and r is the
radius of the given circle.
In triangle AP D the angle γ is an exterior angle and we know an exterior angle
equals the sum of the two opposite interior angles so that
1 1
γ = α+β = (s1 + s2 ) = (θ1 + θ2 ) (9.40)
2r 2
where all angles are in radians and r is the radius of the given circle. Here the measure
of the angle of intersection γ is the average of the angular measures associated with
arcs s1 and s2 .
Intersection of secant lines outside circle
If the secant lines intersect outside the circle, as illustrated in the figure 9-7,
one can again construct the line AD to form the inscribed angles ∠DAB = α and
∠ADB = β having respectively the subtended arcs s1 = BD and s1 = BD with arc
s1 = r(2β) = rθ1 and s2 = r(2α) = rθ2

where θ1 and θ2 are the central angles associated with arcs s1 and s2 .

Figure 9 -7. Secant lines intersecting outside of circle

The angle α is the exterior angle to the triangle 0AD so that

1 1
α=γ+β or γ = α − β or γ = (s2 − s1 ) = (θ2 − θ1 ) (9.41)
2r 2
Here the measure of the angle of intersection γ is half the difference of the central
angles defining the arcs s1 and s2 .
Intersection of secant lines on the circle

If two secant lines intersect on the circle, then the

angle of intersection γ is an inscribed angle and the

minor arc s1 = AB is given by

s1 = r(2γ) = rθ1

where θ1 is the central angle associated with the arc AB .

Intersection of two tangent lines to a circle

If two tangent lines to the same circle intersect at
a point P outside the circle, then the angle ∠T1 P T2 = γ
is determined by the central angles associated with the
minor arc s1 = T1 T2 and the major arc s2 = T2 T1 the
arcs subtended by the tangent lines.
The minor arc is s1 =rθ1
The major arc is s2 =rθ2 = r(2π − θ1 )

where θ1 and θ2 are the central angles associated with

the subtended arcs.
The sum of the angles in the quadrilateral T1 0T2 P is given by
π π
+ θ1 + + γ = 2π ⇒ π − θ1 = γ (9.43)
2 2

The major arc s2 can be expressed

s2 = rθ2 = r(2π − θ1 ) = r(π + (π − θ1 )) = r(π + γ) ⇒ θ2 − π = γ (9.44)

Addition of the equations (9.43) and (9.44) produce the result

2γ = θ2 − θ1 or γ = (θ2 − θ1 ) (9.45)

Again we find the measure of the angle of intersection γ is half the difference of the
central angles defining the arcs s2 and s2 .
Tangent-Secant length theorem
Let P denote a point outside a given circle and then construct the tangent line
PA. Next construct a secant line PB which intersects the circle at point C . The
tangent-secant length theorem states that the lengths PA, PC, PB are related by the
PA = PC · PB (9.46)

That is, the tangent length PA squared must equal the product of the secant line
segments PC and PB.

Figure 9 -8. Tangent line and secant line to circle

This theorem results from using a combination of previous results. Observe that

the angle β = ∠ABP is an inscribed angle associated with the arc length AC = r(2β)
and central angle 2β . Also the chord AC intersects the tangent line PA forming the
tangent-chord angle ∠CAP . The angle ∠CAP = β by the tangent-chord theorem.
The angle α is common to the two triangles P AB and P CA. The triangles P AB
and P CA have the same shape and two angles in common. Therefore, the triangles
are similar and their sides are proportional so that one can write
= or PA = PC · PB
by using the cross ratio product.
Reuleaux triangle
The circle is not the only figure with a constant
width. One can construct an equilateral triangle ABC
with equal sides of length . Using a drawing compass
one can construct circular arcs AB , BC , CA having cen-
ters for the arcs at the vertices C , A and B of the equi-
lateral triangle. The radius associated with each arc is

the length . The resulting triangle  ABC with curved
sides is called a Reuleaux3 triangle. One of its prop-
erties is that it is a geometric figure with a constant

The area of a Reuleaux triangle is the central equilateral triangle area plus the
areas associated with the 3 segments of a circle.
√ √

3 3 2 3 2 π 3
Area equilateral triangle = 2 Total Area =  +  −
4 4 2 3 2

1 2 π 1 √
Area of one segment =  (θ − sin θ), θ =

2 3 Total Area = π + 3 2

The perimeter of the Reuleaux triangle is three times the arc length of one side
or π
Perimeter = 3 (θ) = 3  = π
or π times the diameter (Barbier’s theorem).

Quadrilateral inside circle

Let us reexamine the quadrilateral constructed in-
side a circle. Any quadrilateral whose vertices lie on the
circumference of a circle is called a cyclic quadrilateral.
We have previously demonstrated that the opposite an-
gles (α and γ ) as well as (β and δ ) in a cyclic quadri-
lateral will always add to π radians. That is, opposite
angles in a cyclic quadrilateral will always add to 180◦
or π radians.
(Euclid’s Elements, Book 3, Proposition 22.)
The opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral being supplementary results from an
observation of the inscribed angles within the circle. The inscribed angle α subtends
the major arc BCD and the inscribed angle γ subtends the minor arc DAB . These
arc lengths can be represented
BCD = r(2α) DAB = r(2γ) (9.47)
But a summation of the arc lengths gives BCD + DAB = 2πr which represents the
circumference of the circle. Consequently,
BCD + DAB = 2(α + γ)r = 2πr ⇒ (α + γ) = π (9.48)
In a similar fashion we have ABC = r(2δ) and ADC = r(2β) with
ADC + ABC = 2(β + δ)r = 2πr ⇒ (β + δ) = π (9.49)

Ptolemy’s theorem
Given a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, let
1 = AB, 2 = BC, 3 = CD, 4 = AD

denote the length of the sides and let d1 = AC, d2 = BD denote the length of the
diagonals of the quadrilateral as illustrated in the figure 9-10.

Figure 9 -10. Quadrilateral inside circle with extended side CD

Multiply the lengths of the opposite sides of the cyclic quadrilateral and add
their products together to obtain

1 3 + 2 4 (9.50)

Next multiply the diagonals to obtain

d1 d2 (9.51)

Ptolemy’s4 theorem states that the sum of the products given by the representation
(9.50) must equal the product of the diagonals given by the representation (9.51) or

1 3 + 2 4 = d1 d2 (9.52)

Proof of Ptolemy’s theorem

Make some constructions in the figure 9-10. (i) Extend the side CD and (ii)
construct a line through the vertex A such that m∠BAC = m∠DAP = θ1 . Here the
quadrilateral is cyclic so that the opposite interior angles sum to π and since CDP is
a straight line, then m∠ADC + m∠ADP also add to π . Hence one can write
m∠ABC + m∠ADC =π
m∠ADC + m∠ADP =π

These equations imply that

m∠ABC = m∠ADP = θ2

and therefore triangle BAC is similar to triangle ADP or BAC ∼ ADP . This
results in the triangle sides being proportional so that
AB BC (AD)(BC) 3 4
= ⇒ DP = = (9.53)

The similar triangles BAC ∼ ADP also produce the proportion

= (9.54)

and the geometry of figure 9-10 one finds m∠BAD = m∠CAP = θ1 + α. Here one
can conclude the triangles ABD and ACP are similar (ABD ∼ ACP ) because
Claudius Ptolemy 85-165 CE Greek astronomer and mathematician
the sides are proportional and the include angles are congruent. This produces the
BD AB (AC)(BD) d1 d2
= ⇒ CP = = (9.55)
One can then use the results from equations (9.53) and (9.55) to demonstrate that

d1 d2 3 4
=3 +
1 1
or d1 d2 =1 3 + 2 4

which is Ptolemy’s theorem.

Example 9-6.
Given a triangle ABC select three arbitrary
points P, Q, R on sides AC, BC, AB respectively. This
creates the three triangles AP R, RQB, P CQ
within the original triangle. Find the circumcenter of
each of these interior triangles and construct the cir-
cumcircles for each of these interior triangles. These
triangles intersect at a point M called the Miquel
This can be demonstrated as follows. Let the circles PCQ and RBQ intersect at
point M and then construct the lines MQ and MR. This creates two cyclic quadrilat-
erals PCQM and MQBR. If angle ∠CQM = θ, then the opposite angle ∠M P C = π − θ.
In quadrilateral MQBR the angle ∠M QB = π − θ and the angle opposite is θ. Hence,
∠M RA = π − θ and the angle opposite is ∠AP M = θ, which demonstrates the quadri-
lateral APMR is also cyclic. This shows the circles APR, PCQ and RQB meet at a
point of concurrency.

Area of cyclic quadrilateral

Given the cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, one can extend two opposite sides of the
quadrilateral to meet at a point E as illustrated in the figure 9-9. Denote the length
of the extended sides by c1 = ED and a1 = EA. We know the opposite interior angles
of a cyclic quadrilateral must sum to π radians. Therefore, if angle ∠ABC = β , then
Named after Auguste Miquel (1816-1851) a French mathematician.
the angle ∠ADC = π −β . Similarly,if angle ∠DCB = γ , then the opposite interior angle
is ∠DAB = π − γ . Observe that the angles ∠EDC and ∠EAB are straight angles so
by the definition of supplementary angles one finds ∠EDA = β and ∠EAD = γ . The
angle α is common to both triangles EDA and EBC so the these triangles have
three angles in common and consequently are similar triangles (EDA ∼ EBC).
The sides of similar triangles are proportional and so one can write the similarity
d a1 c1
= = (9.56)
b c1 + c a1 + a

Figure 9 -9. Cycle quadrilateral ABCD with extended sides

Recall that when dealing with similar triangles the ratio of the areas is proportional
to the similarity ratio squared. Thus, if

[EDA] = Area EDA and [EBC] = Area EBC

then one can write  2

[EDA] d
= (9.57)
[EBC] b
Let A denote the area of the cyclic quadrilateral and note that this area can be
expressed as the difference in area of the two similar triangles or

 2  2
b − d2

A = [EBC] − [EDA] = [EBC] 1 − = [EBC] (9.58)
b b2
Using Heron’s formula for the area of the triangle EBC one finds

[EBC] = s(s − (a1 + a))(s − b)(s − (c1 + c) (9.59)

s= ((a1 + a) + b + (c1 + c)) (9.60)
is the semiperimeter of triangle EBC .
Using the cross product property of the similarity ratios given in the equations
(9.56) one can write
a1 b =d(c1 + c)
and d(a1 + a) =c1 b
The equations (9.61) represents two equations in two unknowns a1 and c1 . Solving
this system of equations one finds
ad2 + bcd cd2 + abd
a1 = and c1 = (9.62)
b 2 − d2 b 2 − d2
Substituting these values into the terms associated with the equations (9.59) and
(9.60) one can verify that
1 b(a + b + c − d)
s = ((a1 + a) + b + (c1 + c)) =
2 2(b − d)
1 b(b + c + d − a)
s − (a1 + a) = (b + (c1 + c) − (a1 + a)) =
2 2(b + d)
1 b(a + c + d − b)
(s − b) = ((a1 + a) + (c1 + c) − b) =
2 2(b − d)
1 a+b+d−c
s − (c1 + c) = ((a1 + a) + b − (c1 + c)) =
2 2(b + d)
The equation (9.58) representing the area of the cyclic quadrilateral then takes on
the form

b 2 − d2 (a + b + c − d) (b + c + d − a) (a + c + d − b) (a + b + d − c)
A= b4 (9.64)
b2 2(b − d) 2(b + d) 2(b − d) 2(b + d)

s̄ = (a + b + c + d)
then show s̄ − a = (b + c + d − a)
s̄ − b = (a + c + d − b) (9.65)
s̄ − c = (a + b + d − c)
s̄ − d = (a + b + c − d)
and simplify the equation (9.64) to obtain the following result. The area of a cyclic
quadrilateral with sides a, b, c, d can be represented in the form
A= (s̄ − a)(s̄ − b)(s̄ − c)(s̄ − d) where s̄ = (a + b + c + d) (9.67)

The above area representation for a cyclic quadrilateral is known as Brahmagupta’s6

formula. Note the form of the equation representing the area of a cyclic quadrilateral
is very similar in form to Heron’s formula for the area of a triangle.

Area of a general quadrilateral

A general quadrilateral is any polygon with four sides and four vertices. Quadri-
laterals are called simple if the sides are not self intersecting. Consider the convex
quadrilateral illustrated. Its area can be thought of as the sum of the two triangles
ABD and CBD.

1 1
Area ABD = 2 h1 and Area CBD = 2 h2
2 2

where h1 , h2 are the triangle altitudes and the diagonal 2 = BD is the base of both

Figure 9 -11. Quadrilateral ABCD

By addition one finds

Area of quadrilateral = 2 (h1 + h2 ) (9.67)

The intersection of the quadrilateral diagonals defines an angle θ. By definition of

the sine function of the angle θ, the sine of θ can be represented
h2 h1
sin θ = and sin θ = (9.68)
12 11
Brahmagupta (598-670)CE an Indian mathematician.
where by addition the diagonal is 1 = 11 + 12 Using the substitutions from the
equations (9.68) one can write
h1 h2 h1 + h2
11 + 12 = 1 = + = (9.69)
sin θ sin θ sin θ

Replacing the term (h1 + h2 ) in equation (9.67) with the same term from equation
(9.69), the area of the quadrilateral can be expressed
Area of quadrilateral = 1 2 sin θ

The power of a point

In 1826 a mathematician named Jakob Steiner7 defined the concept of the power
of a point P with respect to the center 0 of a circle having radius r. The point P can
be outside the circle, on the circumference of the circle or inside the circle.

Figure 9 -12. Power of a point sketch.

Assume the point P is outside a given circle with known radius r. Construct
the straight line passing through the center of the circle and the point P . This
line intersects the circle circumference at the points labeled A and B as illustrated
Jakob Steiner (1796-1863) a Swiss mathematician.
in the figure 9-12. Construct the tangent line PT to the circle having the point of
tangency T . Construct also any line through the point P which intersects the circle
in two points C and D and produces the angle γ = ∠CP A. These constructions are
illustrated in the figure 9-12.
The power of point P is defined
power = P0 − r 2 (9.70)

Observe that if the point P is

(i) outside the circle, then the power > 0
(ii) on the circle, then the power = 0
(iii) inside the circle, then the power < 0

There are equivalent definitions for the power of a point. For example, the
triangle P T 0 is a right triangle with right angle ∠P T 0. By the Pythagorean theorem
2 2 2 2
PT + r 2 = P0 or PT = P0 − r2 = power (9.71)

In figure 9-12 construct the line segments CB and AD forming the inscribed

angles α and β . The inscribed angles α and β both subtend the arc AC so that

AC = (2α) r = (2β) r ⇒ α=β (9.72)

by the inscribed angle theorem. The triangles P CB and P AD are similar triangles
(P CB ∼ P AD) because the angle γ is common to both triangles, the inscribed
angles α = β and π − (α + γ) is the remaining angle in both triangles. In the two
triangles cited one finds all the angles are equal and so the triangles are similar.
Therefore, their sides are proportional so that

= ⇒ PC · PD = PA · PB (9.73)

This ratio of the sides associated with similar triangles can be written
PC · PD = PA · PB = (P0 − r)(P0 + r) = P0 − r 2 = power (9.74)

This result is known as the power of a point theorem.

Power of a point theorem
Given a circle with a point P inside, on or outside the circle. Construct any two
lines through the point P which intersects the circle in two points.

Figure 9 -13. Figures for power of a point theorem

As you construct the two lines through point P , be sure to label the first point
of intersection with the circle as point A and label the second point of intersection
as B . The power of a point theorem states

The product of the distance P to the first point of intersection A

or PA times the distance P to the second point of intersection B or PB
is always a constant. The constant is known as the power of point P .

PA · PB = a constant = PC · PD

In the figure 9-13 (a) and (c) PA · PB = a constant = PC · PD Note the middle
figure 9-13(b) gives PA = 0 since the power of the point P is zero.
Special cases

1) In figure 9-13(a) the result PA · PB = PC · PD is

also known as the intersecting chord theorem. (Euclid’s
Elements, book 3, proposition 35)
2) If one of the lines through the point P is a tan-
gent line to the circle, then the distance from P to the
first point of intersection and the distance P to the sec-
ond point of intersection are treated as being the same
distance giving

PA · PB =PC · PD

3) If both lines are tangent from P to the circle,

then one has
PA · PB =PC · PD

PA · PA =PC · PC
2 2

The triangle
Given a general triangle ABC with vertices A, B, C having Cartesian coordinates
A : (x1 , y1 ), B : (x2 , y2 ), C : (x3 , y3 ) as illustrated in the figure 9-14.

Figure 9 -14. General triangle ABC

Midpoint of sides
The midpoint of the sides of the triangle illustrated are represented as
1 1
MAB : ( (x1 + x2 ), (y1 + y2 ))
2 2
1 1
MAC : ( (x1 + x3 ), (y1 + y3 )) (9.75)
2 2
1 1
MBC : ( (x2 + x3 ), (y2 + y3 ))
2 2

Length of sides
The Pythagorean theorem can be used to calculate the sides of the triangle
a = (x2 − x3 )2 + (y2 − y3 )2

b = (x3 − x1 )2 + (y3 − y1 )2 (9.76)

c = (x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2

Slope of sides
The lines 1 , 2 , 3 are extensions of the sides of the triangle in figure 9-14. The
slopes of these lines are calculated using the relation m = slope = change in y . One
change in x
can verify that
y2 − y1 y3 − y2 y3 − y1
m3 = mAB = , m2 = mBC = , m1 = mAC = (9.77)
x2 − x1 x3 − x2 x3 − x1

Angles of triangle
The extended sides of the triangle produce intersecting lines. The formula for
the angles associated with intersecting lines can be used to determine the angles
associated with a given triangle. Using the slopes associated with the intersecting
lines one finds
←− ←− ←−
m1 − m3 m3 − m2 m2 − m1
tan α = , tan β = , tan γ = (9.78)
1 + m1 m3 1 + m2 m3 1 + m1 m2

where the arrow is to remind you which line is rotating counterclockwise to produce
the angle. One can then express the angles of the triangle as
−1 m1 − m3 −1 m3 − m2 −1 m2 − m1
α = tan , β = tan , γ = tan (9.79)
1 + m1 m3 1 + m2 m3 1 + m1 m2
Equation of lines 1 , 2 and 3
Using the point-slope formula one finds the equations representing the lines 1 , 2
and 3 of figure 9-14 are given by
1 : y − y3 = m1 (x − x3 )
2 : y − y2 = m2 (x − x2 ) (9.80)
3 : y − y1 = m3 (x − x1 )

Inscribed circle
The inscribed circle associated with the triangle of figure 9-14 has its center
where the angle bisectors meet. This point of concurrency is called the incenter of
the inscribed circle. We have previously demonstrated (Chapter 4) that the incenter
has the coordinates (xI , yI ) given by
ax1 + bx2 + cx3 ay1 + by2 + cy3
xI = and yI = (9.81)
a+b+c a+b+c

where a, b, c represent the sides of the triangle ABC .

The area of triangle ABC can be thought of as the area of three triangles
as illustrated in the figure 9-15. Each triangle has a height r which represents the
radius of the inscribed circle. We know that half the base times height is one method
to obtain the area of a given triangle. Applying this method to each of the three
triangles of figure 9-15 one finds
1 1 1 1
[ABC] = ar + br + cr = rs, where s = (a + b + c) (9.82)
2 2 2 2

is called the semiperimeter of the triangle. This equation can be used to express the
radius r of the inscribed circle as
r= (9.83)

Using Heron’s formula, the area of the triangle ABC is given by

[ABC] = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) where s = (a + b + c) (9.84)

Figure 9 -15. Triangle ABC divided into three parts

Substitute Heron’s formula for the area in equation (9.83) and express the radius
of the inscribed circle by the formula
[ABC] s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) (s − a)(s − b)(s − c)
r= = = (9.85)
s s s

The equation for the inscribed circle can then be expressed

(x − xI )2 + (y − yI )2 = r 2 (9.86)

Circumscribed circle
The center of the circumscribed circle resides at the point of concurrency of
the lines which are perpendicular bisectors of each side of the given triangle ABC .
This circumscribed circle has center at (xc , yc ) and radius R. The circumference of
the circle passes through each vertex of the triangle as illustrated in the figure 9-16.

Figure 9 -16. Triangle ABC with circumscribed circle.

The center (xc , yc ) of the circumscribed circle passing through the triangle vertices
is called the circumcenter and can be calculated as follows. We know the slope of
y −y
the side BC is given by m2 = mBC = 3 2 and the slope of any line perpendicular
x3 − x2
to BC must have the slope
x3 − x2
m⊥BC = − (9.87)
y3 − y2
which is the negative reciprocal of the slope m2 . The line which represents the
perpendicular bisector of BC must pass through the midpoint ( 21 (x2 + x3 ), 12 (y2 + y3 ))
and by the point-slope formula for the equation of a line, we find its equation is
1 1
y − (y2 + y3 ) = m⊥BC (x − (x2 + x3 )) (9.88)
2 2
y2 − y1
One can verify the slope of the side AB is m3 = mAB = and any line perpen-
x2 − x1
dicular to AB must have the slope
x2 − x1
m⊥AB = − (9.89)
y2 − y1
which is the negative reciprocal of m3 . The perpendicular bisector of line AB must
pass through the midpoint ( 21 (x1 + x2 ), 12 (y1 + y2 )). Using the point-slope formula the
perpendicular bisector line associate with side AB has the form
1 1
y − (y1 + y2 ) = m⊥AB (x − (x1 + x2 )) (9.90)
2 2

The intersection of the lines (9.88) and (9.90) produces the circumcenter (xc , yc ).
Solving the system of equations (9.88) and (9.90) one obtains the circumcenter
(x21 + y12 )(y3 − y2 ) + (x22 + y22 )(y1 − y3 ) + (x23 + y32 )(y2 − y1 )
xc =
2 ( x1 (y3 − y2 ) + x2 (y1 − y3 ) + x3 (y2 − y1 ))
(x + y1 )(x2 − x3 ) + (x22 + y22 )(x3 − x1 ) + (x23 + y32 )(x1 − x2 )
2 2
yc = 1
2 ( x1 (y3 − y2 ) + x2 (y1 − y3 ) + x3 (y2 − y1 ))

Note the cyclic rotation of the subscripts associated with the first terms in both
the numerator and denominator of the above expressions representing the coordi-
nates of the circumcenter.
In the figure 9-16 observe that angle α is an inscribed angle and the angle 2α is
a central angle. Applying the law of cosines to triangle DCB one can write

a2 =R2 + R2 − 2R2 cos(2α)

a2 =2R2 (1 − cos(2α)) Now use identity cos(2α) = 1 − 2 sin2 α
to show a2 =2R2 (2 sin2 α)
or a =2R sin α

Recall that the area of triangle ABC can be expressed

[ABC] = bc sin α (9.93)

and substituting for sin α from equation (9.92) one finds the area of the triangle is
related to the circumradius R by the relation
[ABC] = (9.94)

Again use the Heron’s formula for the area of the triangle and show
abc abc
R= =  (9.95)
4[ABC] 4 s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c)
The equation for the circumscribed circle having circumcenter (xc , yc ) and radius R
is given by
(x − xc )2 + (y − yc )2 = R2 (9.96)

The altitudes of triangle ABC are line segments ha , hb , hc through each vertex
of the triangle which are perpendicular to the sides opposite the vertex as illustrated
in the figures 9-17.

Figure 9 -17. Altitudes ha , hb , hc of triangle ABC

Using trigonometry one can verify that

ha = b sin γ = c sin β (9.97)

and by a cyclic rotation of the symbols one finds the relations

hb = c sin α = a sin γ and hc = a sin β = b sin α (9.98)

which can also be verified using the trigonometric definition of the sine function.
Using [ABC] as a shorthand notation for the area of triangle ABC . The area of
triangle ABC can be expressed
1 1 1
[ABC] = a ha = b hb = c hc (9.99)
2 2 2
where the sides of the triangle are treated as bases and the altitudes represent the
corresponding heights. If one uses the Heron’s formula for the area of the triangle,
then the altitudes can be calculated using the equations
2[ABC] 2
ha = = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c)
a a
2[ABC] 2
hb = = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) (9.101)
b b
2[ABC] 2
hc = = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c)
c c

s= (a + b + c) (9.101)
is the semiperimeter of the triangle ABC .
Observe that the equation (9.83) gives the radius r the inscribed circle of triangle
ABC as r = . One can use this result and show
1 1 1 a b c s 1
+ + = + + = = (9.102)
ha hb hc 2[ABC] 2[ABC] 2[ABC] [ABC] r

where s is the semiperimeter given by equation (9.101).

The altitudes of the triangle ABC intersect at a point of concurrency called
the orthocenter. The orthocenter coordinates (xH , yH ) can be calculated as follows.
y −y
We know the slope of the line BC is given by m2 = 2 3 and the slope of any line
x2 − x3
1 x2 − x3
perpendicular to the segment BC will have a slope m⊥AB = − =− . Using
m2 y2 − y3
the point-slope formula, the equation for the altitude passing through the vertex A
with coordinates (x1 , y1 ) is
x2 − x3
y − y1 = − (x − x1 ) (9.103)
y2 − y3

y2 − y1
The slope of the side AB is m3 = and the slope of any line perpendicular
x2 − x1
1 x2 − x1
to AB must have the slope m⊥AB = − =− . Using the point-slope formula
m3 y2 − y1
for the equation of a line, the altitude passing through the vertex C with coordinates
(x3 , y3 ) is
x2 − x1
y − y3 = − (x − x3 ) (9.104)
y2 − y1
Solving the simultaneous equations (9.103) and (9.104) gives the coordinates of
the orthocenter (xH , yH ) as
λ(y1 − y3 ) + µ(y3 − y2 ) + ν(y2 − y1 ) λ =x3 x1 + y3 y1
xH =
y2 (x1 − x3 ) + y1 (x3 − x2 ) + y3 (x2 − x1 )
where µ =x2 x3 + y2 y3 (9.105)
λ(x1 − x3 ) + µ(x3 − x2 ) + ν(x2 − x1 )
yH =−
y2 (x1 − x3 ) + y1 (x3 − x2 ) + y3 (x2 − x1 ) ν =x1 x2 + y1 y2

The medians of triangle ABC are line segments joining a vertex of the triangle
to the midpoint of the opposite side. The three medians of triangle ABC are
illustrated in the figure 9-18. The three medians intersect at a point of concurrency
(xc , yc ) called the centroid8 of the triangle.

Figure 9 -18. Medians of triangle ABC

The median connecting vertex A to the opposite side BC passes through the two
points (x1 , y1 ) and ( 12 (x2 + x3 ), 12 (y2 + y3 )). The slope of this line is
2 2
+ y3 ) − y1
mA = 1
2 (x2 + x3 ) − x1

and the point-slope formula for the equation of the median is

2 2
+ y3 ) − y1
y − y1 = 1 (x − x1 ) (9.106)
(x2 + x3 ) − x1

If the triangle is made of a homogeneous material of uniform density, then the centroid of the triangle is called
the center of gravity.
The median connecting the vertex C to the opposite side AB passes through the
points (x3 , y3 ) and ( 12 (x1 + x2 ), 12 (y1 + y2 )). The slope of this line is
2 1
+ y2 ) − y3
mC = 1
(x1 + x2 ) − x3

and the point-slope formula for the equation of the median is

2 1
+ y2 ) − y3
y − y2 = 1
(x − x3 ) (9.107)
(x1 + x2 ) − x3

Solving the simultaneous equations (9.106) and (9.107) one finds the centroid of
the triangle is given by
1 1
xG = (x1 + x2 + x3 ) yG = (y1 + y2 + y3 ) (9.108)
3 3

Here the centroid (xG, yG ) of any triangle is such that the abscissa xG is the average
of the x-values of the vertices and the ordinate value yG is the average of the y-values
of the vertices.

Example 9-7.
Given the triangle ABC with vertices A : (−2, 8), B : (3, −4), C : (12, 8) as illustrate
in the figure 9-19.
The midpoints of the sides are given by
1 1 1
MAB =( (−2 + 3), (8 + −4)) = ( , 2)
2 2 2
1 1 15
MBC =( (3 + 12), (−4 + 8)) = ( , 2)
2 2 2
1 1
MAC =( (−2 + 12), (8 + 8)) = (5, 8)
2 2

These midpoints are illustrated in the figure 9-19.

Length of sides
The sides a, b, c opposite the vertices A, B, C have the following lengths
b =12 − (−2) = 14
c = (3 − (−2))2 + ((8 − (−4))2 = 169 = 13
a = (12 − 3)2 + (8 − (−4))2 = 225 = 15

Figure 9 -19. Triangle ABC

Slope of sides
The given triangle has sides consisting of line segments on the lines 1 , 2 , 3 with
slopes m = change in y given by
change in x
−4 − 8 12
m3 = =−
3 − (−2) 5
8 − (−4) 4
m2 = =
12 − 3 3
m1 = =0
12 − (−2)

Angles of triangle
m − m1
Knowing the slopes of the lines 1 , 2 , 3 one can use the formula tan γ = 2
1 + m1 m2
to determine the angle γ between intersecting lines. In a similar fashion one can
determine the other interior angles of the given triangle. One finds
m2 − m1 4 4
tan γ = = , γ = tan−1 = 53.1301◦
1 + m1 m2 3 3
m3 − m2 56 −1 56
tan β = = , β = tan = 59.4818◦
1 + m2 m3 33 33
m1 − m3 12 −1 12
tan α = = , α = tan = 67.3801◦
1 + m1 m3 5 5
As a check, observe that a summation of the angles α, β and γ gives 180◦ .
Equations of lines 1 , 2 , 3
The lines 1 , 2 , 3 which define the given triangle have equations determined by
use of the point-slope formula to have the form
1 : y=8
2 : y+4= (x − 3)
3 : y−8= (x + 2)

Inscribed circle
The inscribed circle or incircle of the triangle touches all three sides of the
triangle and has a center or incenter at the coordinates (xI , yI ) given by equation
(9.81) as
15(−2) + 14(3) + 13(12) 15(8) + 14(−4) + 13(8)
xI = = 4, and yI = =4
15 + 14 + 13 15 + 14 + 13

In order to find the radius of the incircle, the equation (9.82) requires knowledge
of both the area of the triangle and the semiperimeter of the triangle. One can
calculate the semiperimeter as
s= (15 + 14 + 13) = 31

The area of the triangle can then be calculate using Heron’s formula

[ABC] = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) = 84

or one can use the base of the triangle as side c = 14 and the height hb = 12 of the
triangle as length of altitude through vertex B . The area of the triangle is then half
the base times the height. The radius of the incircle is given by equation (9.83) as
[ABC] 84
r= = =4
s 21
The equation describing the incircle is given by

(x − 4)2 + (y − 4)= 42

or the parametric form for the incircle is given by

x = 4 + 4 cos t, y = 4 + 4 sin t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π

The incircle and incenter have the color red in figure 9-19.
Circumscribed circle
The easy way to calculate the center of the circumscribed circle is to construct
the lines perpendicular to the sides of the triangle which pass through the midpoints
of the sides or one can use the equations (9.91). One can verify that the line
perpendicular to side BC and passing through the midpoint MBC is given by y −
2 = (−3/4)(x − 15/2) and the line perpendicular to side AB and passing through the
midpoint MAB is given by y − 2 = (5/12)(x − 1/2). The intersection of these lines
produces the center of the circumscribed circle at xO = 5, yO = 318 . These same
results can be obtained using the equations (9.91).
The radius R of the circumscribed circle is obtained from equation (9.94). One
abc 65
R=  =
4 s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c) 8

The equation for the circumscribed circle is therefore

31 65
(x − 5) + (y − )2 =
8 8

or one can write the parametric form for the circumscribed circle as
65 31 65
x=5+ cos t, y= + sin t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π
8 8 8

The circumscribed circle and circumcenter are illustrated in green in the figure 9-19.
The length of the altitudes for triangle ABC are given by the equations (9.101).
2[ABC] 84 56
ha = =2 =
a 15 5
2[ABC] 84
hb = =2 = 12
b 14
2[ABC] 84 168
hc = =2 =
c 13 13

The equations for the lines determined by the altitudes are

Line ⊥ to AC through vertex B x=3

Line ⊥ to AB through vertex C y−8− (x − 12)
Line ⊥ to BC through vertex A y−8= (x + 2)

The point of concurrency of these lines produces the orthocenter (0x, 0y ) = (3, 174 .
These lines are in orange in the figure 9-19.
One can verify that the median line
through MBC and vertex A is y − 8 = (x + 2)
through MAB and vertex C is y −8 = (x − 12)
through MAC and vertex B is y − 8 = 6(x − 5)

The point of concurrency of these three lines is the centroid (xc , yc ) = ( 133 , 4). One
can also obtain this same centroid using the equations (9.108). The median lines
and centroid are in purple when examining the figure 9-19.
The circumcenter, orthocenter and centroid of a triangle will all lie on the same
line which is called the Euler9 line. One can verify that the Euler line associated
with triangle ABC is given by y − 174 = −3
(x − 3)

Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) A famous Swiss mathematician.

Given the tangent line T intersecting a unit circle at

point A. Through the point A construct a chord AB. Show
that the angle α = ∠BAT equals AB .


For the circle illustrated θ = π6 , r = 2

(a) Find the arc length s.
(b) Find the area of the sector.
(c) Find the area of the segment.
(d) Find the area of the triangle 0AB .

 9-3. Find the equation of the circle

(a) centered at (0, 0) with radius 1.
(b) centered at (5, −7) with radius 2.
(c) centered at (6, 8) with radius 3.

 9-4. Complete the square to find the center and radius of the given circle.
(a) x2 + y2 − 6x + 4y − 23 = 0
(b) x2 + y2 + 10x − 4y − 20 = 0
(c) x2 + y2 − 8y − 48 = 0

 9-5. Find the equation of the circle passing through the given points.
(a) (3, 2), (−2, 4), (−1, −4)
√ √ √
(b) (1, 15), (2, 12), (3, 7)
(c) (1, 8), (5, 6), (6, 3)

 9-6. Find the equation of the circle centered at

(a) (2, 2) which passes through the point (3, 4)
(b) (5, 7) which passes through the point (0, 0)
(c) (−2, −4) which passes through the point (3, 0

 9-7. Find the equation of the circle tangent to the x-axis having its center on the
line y = x + 1 which passes through the point (3, 5)

Given a circle with radius r = 6 with lines AB  CD.

Find the arc length s if θ =

 9-9. Find the equation of the tangent line to the circle (x − 3)2 + (y − 4)2 = 25 which
touches the circle at the point (6, 8).

Let AB denote the chord of a circle and then construct the
line from the center of the circle perpendicular to the chord
and intersecting it at point P . Show that AP = PB.


Given the circle (x − 3)2 + (y − 4)2 = 25 and the secant lines

1 : y =5 + (x − 2)
2 : y =5 + 3(x − 2)

(a) Show the angle of intersection of the given lines is α = 6
(b) Find the average of the arc lengths s1 and s2 .

Given the acute angle ∠B0A select an arbitrary
point P with coordinates (x0 , y0 ) within the angle and
make the following constructions.
(i) The line 0P
(ii) The perpendicular line from P to
side 0A intersecting at P2
(iii) The perpendicular line from P to side 0B intersecting at P1
(iv) The line P1 P2
(a) Find coordinates of the midpoint C of the line segment 0P.
(b) Find the coordinates of the point P1 .
(c) Find the distance r12 = CP1 .
(d) Find the distance r22 = CP .
(e) Find the distance r32 = 0C .
(f) Find the equation of the line 0A if the slope is m = tan θ where θ = ∠B0A.
(g) Find the equation of the line 1 which is perpendicular to line 0A and passing
through point P .
(h) Find the coordinates of the point P2 where lines 0A and 1 intersect.
(i) Find the distance r42 = CP2
(j) Prove the points 0, P1 , P, P2 all lie on a circle with radius r1 = r2 = r3 = r4 .
(k) Prove angle ∠B0P equals angle ∠P1 P2 P

An equilateral triangle is inscribed within an given
circle. Select any point P on the circumference of the cir-
cle and then make the following constructions. (i) Lines
to the two nearest vertices and (ii) a line to the furthest
vertex. These are the lines PC = 1 , PB = 2 and PA = 3
as illustrated in the accompanying figure. Use Ptolemy’s
theorem to show 1 + 2 = 3 .

 9-14. Investigate Ptolemy’s theorem in the following special cases

(a) The quadrilateral is a rectangle inscribed within a circle. Construct a dia-
gram and write out in words the conclusion of your findings.
(b) The quadrilateral is a square inscribed within a circle. Construct a diagram
and write out in words the conclusion of your findings.

Construct a pentagon inscribed within a given circle
and then construct the diagonals of the pentagon.
(a) If the sides of the pentagon are of length s and
the diagonals are of length  show that 2 = s + s2
(b) Show φ = s is a golden ratio.

Given the cyclic quadrilateral ABCD within a circle

with diameter BE = 1 and sides s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 .
(a) Show that s1 = sin θ1
(b) Show that s2 = sin θ2
(c) Show that s3 = sin θ3
(d) Show that s4 = sin θ4
(e) In this special case express Ptolemy’s theorem
in terms of trigonometric functions.

 9-17. Given the triangle ABC with vertices A : (0, 0), B : (6, 0), C : (3, 4)
(a) Find the length of each side.
(b) Find the midpoints of each side.
(c) Find the Cartesian equation for the medians.
(d) Find the slopes of each side.
(e) Find the Cartesian equation for each side.
(f) Find the slopes of the altitudes.
(g) Find the Cartesian equation for each altitude.
(h) Find the area of triangle ABC .

 9-18. Given triangle ABC with vertices A : (0, 0), B : (2 + 3, 1), C : (4, 0)
(a) Find the vertex angles ∠A = α, ∠B = β, ∠C = γ
(b) Find the length of the triangle sides.
(c) Find the area of triangle ABC .

 9-19. Given the triangle ABC with vertices A : (0, 0), B : (42, 0), C : (12, 16)
(a) Find the Cartesian equation for the medians.
(b) Find where the medians intersect.
(c) Check your answer with equation (9.108)

 9-20. Given the triangle ABC with vertices A : (0, 0), B : (40, 0), C : (35, 12)
(a) Find the Cartesian equation for the altitudes.
(b) Find where the altitudes intersect.
(c) Check your answers with equation (9.105).
 9-21. Given the triangle ABC with vertices A : (0, 0), B : (120, 0), C : (8, 15)
(a) Find the incenter.
(b) Find the radius of the inscribed circle.
(c) Find the area of triangle ABC .
(d) Find the circumcenter.
(e) Find the circumradius.

 9-22. Given the triangle ABC with vertices A : (0, 0), B : (39, 0), C : (32, 24)
(a) Find the area of this triangle.
(b) Find the altitudes ha , hb , hc .
(c) Find the radius r of the inscribed circle.
(d) Find the radius R of the circumscribed circle.
(e) Find the incenter.
(f) Find the cirumcenter.

 9-23. Given the triangle ABC with vertices A : (0, 0), B : (51, 0), C : (9, 41)
(a) Find the area of this triangle.
(b) Find the altitudes ha , hb , hc .
(c) Find the radius r of the inscribed circle.
(d) Find the radius R of the circumscribed circle.
(e) Find the incenter.
(f) Find the circumcenter.
(g) Find the orthocenter.
(h) Find the centroid.
Chapter 10
Mathematics and Geometry
Vectors used in geometry
A vector is a quantity that has both a magnitude and a direction while a scalar
quantity has only a magnitude. Some examples of vector and scalar quantities are
Vectors Scalars

Force temperature
velocity speed
acceleration time
momentum size of angle
torque energy
angular velocity length

A vector can be represented by a line segment with an arrowhead attached at

one end to indicate the direction of the vector, while the length of the line segment
represents the magnitude of the vector. In this text vectors are represented by
capital letters with an arrow on top. For example, the vectors A, 1 A, 2A,
−A are
illustrated in the figure 10-1.

Figure 10 -1.
Scalar multiples of vector A

The magnitude of the vector A is denoted A or | A | and represents the length of the
vector A . The tail end of the vector is called the vector origin and the arrowhead of
the vector is called the terminus.
Properties of vectors
Some important properties of vectors are
1. Two vectors A and B are equal if they have the same magnitude (length) and
direction. Equality is denoted by A = B.

2. The magnitude of a vector is a nonnegative scalar quantity. The magnitude of a
vector B is denoted by the symbols B or |B| and in some textbooks the length
of the vector is denoted  B .
3. A vector B is equal to zero only if its magnitude is zero. A vector whose mag-
nitude is zero is called the zero or null vector and denoted by the symbol 0.
4. Multiplication of a nonzero vector A by a positive scalar m is denoted by mA and
produces a new vector whose direction is the same as A but whose magnitude is
m times the magnitude of A. Symbolically, |mA| = m|A|.
If m is a negative scalar
the direction of mA is opposite to that of the direction of A.
In figure 10-1 several
vectors obtained from A by scalar multiplication are exhibited.
5. Vectors are considered as “free vectors”. The term “free vector” is used to mean
the following. Any vector may be moved to a new position in space provided
that in the new position it is parallel to and has the same direction as its original
position. See for example the vector B in the figure 10-1. In many of the examples
that follow, there are times when a given vector is moved to a convenient point
in space in order to emphasize a special geometrical or physical concept.
Vector Addition and Subtraction
Let C = A + B denote the sum of two vectors A and B . To find the vector sum
A +B
, slide the origin of the vector B
to the terminus point of the vector A , then draw
the line from the origin of A to the terminus of B to represent C . Alternatively, start
with the vector B and place the origin of the vector A at the terminus point of B to
construct the vector B + A.
Adding vectors in this way employs the parallelogram law
for vector addition which is illustrated in the figure 10-2. Note that vector addition
is commutative. That is, using the shifted vectors A and B , as illustrated in the
figure 10-2, the commutative law for vector addition A + B = B + A, is illustrated
using the parallelogram illustrated. The addition of vectors can be thought of as
connecting the origin and terminus of directed line segments.

Figure 10 -2. Parallelogram law for vector addition

If F = A − B
denotes the difference of two vectors A
and B,
then F is determined
by the above rule for vector addition by writing F = A + (−B) . Thus, subtraction
of the vector B from the vector A is represented by the addition of the vector −B
In figure 10-2 observe that the vectors A
to A. and B are free vectors and have
been translated to appropriate positions to illustrate the concepts of addition and
subtraction. The sum of two or more force vectors is sometimes referred to as the
resultant force. In general, the resultant force acting on an object is calculated by
using a vector addition of all the forces acting on the object.
Vector addition and notation

Figure 10 -3. Vector addition

The figure 10-3 illustrates two notations for representing vector addition. In
the first two notations note that the representation of the vector E does not change
the orientation of the arrow head. Only the sign of the vector E changes. The last
notation illustrates that the vectors can be represented by directed line segments
if the endpoints of the vectors are known. Also observe there is a difference in the
−→ −→ −→ −→
notations P1 P2 and P2 P1 because P1 P2 = −P2 P1 .
Linear combination
If there exists scaler constants c1 , c2 , . . . , cn, not all zero, together with a set of
vectors A 1 , A 2 , . . . , A n , such that

= c1 A
A 1 + c2 A
2 + · · · + cn A

then the vector A is said to be a linear combination of the vectors A 1 , A 2 , . . . , A n .

Two nonzero vectors A and B are said to be linearly dependent if it is possible
to find scalars k1 , k2 not both zero, such that the equation

+ k2 B
k1 A = 0 (10.1)

is satisfied. If k1 = 0 and k2 = 0 are the only scalars for which the above equation is
satisfied, then the vectors A and B are said to be linearly independent.
The above definitions can be interpreted geometrically. If k1 = 0, then equation
(10.1) implies that A = − 2 B = mB showing that A is a scalar multiple of B.
is, A and B
have the same direction and therefore, they are called collinear vectors.
If A and B are not collinear, then they are linearly independent (noncollinear). If
two nonzero vectors A and B are linearly independent, then any vector C lying in
the plane of A and B can be expressed as a linear combination of the these vectors.
Construct as in figure 10-4 a parallelogram with diagonal C and sides parallel to the
vectors A and B when their origins are made to coincide.

Figure 10 -4. Vector C is a linear combination of vectors A and B

−→ −→
and the vector side EF is parallel to A,
Since the vector side DE is parallel to B
−→ and − → With vector addition,
there exists scalars m and n such that DE = mB EF = nA.

= −→
−→ + nA
DE + EF = mB (10.2)

which shows that C is a linear combination of the vectors A and B .

Example 10-1. Show that the medians of a triangle meet at a trisection point.

Figure 10 -5. Constructing medians of a triangle

Solution: Let the sides of a triangle with vertices α, β, γ be denoted by the vectors
A, and A −B as illustrated in the figure 10-5. Further, let α γ
, β, denote the
vectors from the respective vertices of α, β, γ to the midpoints of the opposite sides.
By using vector addition one can construct the following vector equations

+α 1 + 1 (A
− B)
=β + γ = 1 A.

A = B B B (10.3)
2 2 2

Let the vectors α and β intersect at a point designated by P , Similarly, let the
vectors β and γ intersect at the point designated P ∗ . The problem is to show that
the points P and P ∗ are the same. Figures 10-5(b) and 10-5(c) illustrate that for
suitable scalars k, , m, n, the points P and P ∗ determine the vectors equations

α = mβ and B .
+ n γ = kβ (10.4)

In these equations the scalars k, , m, n are unknowns to be determined. Use the

set of equations (10.3), to solve for the vectors α γ in terms of the vectors A
, β, and
and show
1 = 1 (A
) 1
= B −A β γ = A − B. (10.5)
2 2 2
These equations can now be substituted into the equations (10.4) to yield, after
some simplification, the equations
m m  k n k
(1 −  − )A = ( − )B and ( − )A = (1 − n − )B.

2 2 2 2 2 2

Since the vectors A and B are linearly independent (noncollinear), the scalar coef-
ficients in the above equation must equal zero, because if these scalar coefficients
were not zero, then the vectors A and B would be linearly dependent (collinear)
and a triangle would not exist. By equating to zero the scalar coefficients in these
equations, there results the simultaneous scalar equations

m m  k n k
(1 −  − ) = 0, ( − ) = 0, ( − ) = 0, (1 − n − )=0
2 2 2 2 2 2
The solution of these equations produces the fact that k =  = m = n = and hence
the conclusion P = P ∗ is a trisection point.

Unit Vectors
A vector having length or magnitude of one is called a unit vector. If A is
, a unit vector in the direction of A
a nonzero vector of length |A| is obtained by
multiplying the vector A by the scalar m = |A|1
 . The unit vector so constructed is

êA = and satisfies | êA | = 1.

The symbol ê is reserved for unit vectors and the notation êA is to be read “a unit
vector in the direction of A.” The hat or carat (  ) notation is used to represent
a unit vector or normalized vector.
The figure 10-6 illustrates unit base vectors ê1 , ê2 , ê3 in the directions of the pos-
itive x, y, z -coordinate axes in a rectangular three dimensional Cartesian coordinate
system. These unit base vectors in the direction of the x, y, z axes have historically
been represented by a variety of notations. Some of the more common notations
employed in various textbooks to denote rectangular unit base vectors are

ı̂, ̂, k̂, êx , êy , êz , ı̂1 , ı̂2 , ı̂3 , 1x , 1y , 1z , ê1 , ê2 , ê3

Figure 10 -6. Cartesian axes.

The notation ê1 , ê2 , ê3 to represent the unit base vectors in the direction of the
x, y, z axes will be used in the discussions that follow as this notation makes it easier
to generalize vector concepts to n-dimensional spaces.
Observe in figure 10-6 the position vector r from the origin to the point (x, y, z)
is obtained by vector addition of the vectors x ê1 , y ê2 , z ê3 .

r = x ê1 + y ê2 + z ê3

Also make note of the fact that the base vectors are all perpendicular to one another.
Scalar or Dot Product (inner product)
The scalar or dot product of two vectors is sometimes referred to as an inner
product of vectors.
Definition (Dot product) The scalar or dot product of two vectors A and B
is denoted
A = |A|
cos θ, (10.6)

and represents the magnitude of A times the magnitude B

times the cosine of θ,
where θ is the angle between the vectors A and B when their origins are made
to coincide.
The angle between any two of the orthogonal unit base vectors ê1 , ê2 , ê3 in
Cartesian coordinates is 90◦ or π2 radians. Using the results cos π2 = 0 and cos 0 = 1,
there results the following dot product relations for these unit vectors
ê1 · ê1 = 1 ê2 · ê1 = 0 ê3 · ê1 = 0

ê1 · ê2 = 0 ê2 · ê2 = 1 ê3 · ê2 = 0 (10.7)

ê1 · ê3 = 0 ê2 · ê3 = 0 ê3 · ê3 = 1

The dot product satisfies the following properties

Commutative law A ·B =B ·A

Distributive law A · (B +C ) = A

Magnitude squared A ·A
= A2 = |A|
which are proved using the definition of a dot product.
The physical interpretation of projection can be assigned to the dot product as
is illustrated in figure 10-7. In this figure A and B are nonzero vectors with êA and
êB unit vectors in the directions of A and B , respectively. The figure 10-7 illustrates
the physical interpretation of the following equations:

= B  · A
êB · A = |A|
cos θ = Projection of A onto direction of êB

= A  · B
êA · B = |B|
cos θ = Projection onto direction of êA .
of B

In general, the dot product of a nonzero vector A with a unit vector ê is given
by A · ê = ê · A = |A||
ê| cos θ and represents the projection of the given vector onto
the direction of the unit vector. The dot product of a vector with a unit vector
is a basic fundamental concept which arises in a variety of science and engineering

Figure 10 -7. Projection of one vector onto another.

Observe that if the dot product of two vectors is zero, A · B = |A|| B|
cos θ = 0,
then this implies that either A = 0 , B = 0 , or θ = π . If A
and B are both nonzero
vectors and their dot product is zero, then the angle between these vectors, when
their origins coincide, must be θ = π2 . One can then say the vector A is perpendicular
to the vector B or one can state that the projection of B on A
is zero. If A
and B are
nonzero vectors and A · B = 0, then the vectors A and B are said to be orthogonal
Direction Cosines Associated With Vectors
Let A be a nonzero vector having its origin at the origin of a rectangular Carte-
sian coordinate system. The dot products

· ê1 = A1
A · ê2 = A2
A · ê3 = A3
A (10.8)

represent respectively, the components or projections of the vector A onto the x, y

and z -axes. The projections A1 , A2 , A3 of the vector A onto the coordinate axes
From the definition of
are scalars which are called the components of the vector A.
the dot product of two vectors, the scalar components of the vector A satisfy the
· ê1 = |A|
A1 = A cos α, · ê2 = |A|
A2 = A cos β, · ê3 = |A|
A3 = A cos γ, (10.9)

Figure 10 -8. Projections, vector components and direction cosines

where α, β, γ are respectively, the smaller angles between the vector A and the x, y, z
coordinate axes. The cosine of these angles are referred to as the direction cosines
of the vector A . These angles are illustrated in figure 10-8. The vector quantities

1 = A1 ê1 ,
A 2 = A2 ê2 ,
A 3 = A3 ê3
A (10.10)

From the addition property of

are called the vector components of the vector A.
may be added to obtain
vectors, the vector components of A

= A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3 = |A|(cos

A êA
α ê1 + cos β ê2 + cos γ ê3 ) = |A| (10.11)

This vector representation A = A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3 is called the component form of
and the unit vector êA = cos α ê1 + cos β ê2 + cos γ ê3 is a unit vector in
the vector A

the direction of A.
Any numbers proportional to the direction cosines of a line are called the di-
rection numbers of the line. Show for a : b : c the direction numbers of a line which
are not all zero, then the direction cosines are given by
a b c
cos α = cos β = cos γ = ,
r r r

where r = a2 + b2 + c2 .
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
Let A and B
denote any two nonzero vectors and then examine the quantity

− B|
y = y(t) = |tA 2 = (tA
− B)
· (tA
− B)
= t2 |A|
2 − 2t (A
) + |B|
2 (10.12)

where |A| ·A
and |B|
. The quantity y is a parabola

y = α t2 − β t + γ (10.13)

2, β = 2 A
where α = |A| ·B and γ = |B|
2 . Observe the quantity is always positive
because a vector dotted with itself always gives the length of the vector squared.
The quantity y will always be positive if the discriminant is negative which requires
β 2 − 4α γ ≤ 0 or 4(A · B)
2 ≤ 4 |A|
2 |B|
2 (10.14)

Taking the square root of both sides of equation (10.14) and simplifying gives the
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
· B|
|A ≤ |A|
The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality tells us that the absolute value of the dot product of
two nonzero vectors is always less than or equal to the product of the vector lengths.
As an exercise, show the equality sign holds only when the two vectors are collinear.
Triangle inequality
If A and B
are nonzero vectors, then one can write

+ B|
|A 2 = (A
+ B)
· (A
+ B)
+ 2A

+ B|
|A 2 =|A|
2 +2A
+ |B|
+ B|
|A 2 ≤|A|
2 + 2|A||
B| + |B|
2 (10.16)
by using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
+ B|
|A 2 ≤ |A|
+ |B|

Taking the square root of both sides of the equation (10.16) one can obtain the
triangle inequality
+ B|
|A ≤ |A|
+ |B|

which tells use the absolute value associated with a sum of two vectors will always
be less than or equal to a summation of the vector lengths.

Example 10-2.

Sketch a large version of the letter H. Con-

sider the sides of the letter H as parallel lines a
distance of p units apart. Place a unit vector ê
perpendicular to the left side of H and pointing
toward the right side of H. Construct a vector x 1
which runs from the origin of ê to a point on the
right side of the H. Observe that ê · x 1 = p is a
projection of x 1 on ê. Now construct another vector x 2 , different from x 1 , again from
the origin of ê to the right side of the H. Note also that ê · x 2 = p is a projection
of x 2 on the vector ê. Draw still another vector x , from the origin of ê to the right
side of H which is different from x 1 and x 2 . Observe that the dot product ê · x = p
representing the projection of x on ê still produces the value p.
Assume you are given ê and p and are asked to solve the vector equation ê · x = p
for the unknown quantity x . You might think that there is some operation like vector
division, for example x = p/ê, whereby x can be determined. However, if you look
at the equation ê · x = p as a projection, one can observe that there would be an
infinite number of solutions to this equation and for this reason there is no division
of vector quantities.

Component Form for Dot Product

Let A, be two nonzero vectors represented in the component form

= A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3 ,

A = B1 ê1 + B1 ê2 + B3 ê3

The dot product of these two vectors is

A = (A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3 ) · (B1 ê1 + B1 ê2 + B3 ê3 ) (10.18)

and this product can be expanded utilizing the distributive and commutative laws
to obtain
A = A1 B1 ê1 · ê1 + A1 B2 ê1 · ê2 + A1 B3 ê1 · ê3

+ A2 B1 ê2 · ê1 + A2 B2 ê2 · ê2 + A2 B3 ê2 · ê3 (10.19)

+ A3 B1 ê3 · ê1 + A3 B2 ê3 · ê2 + A3 B3 ê3 · ê3 .

From the previous properties of the dot product of unit vectors, given by equations
(10.7), the dot product reduces to the form

A = A1 B1 + A2 B2 + A3 B3 . (10.20)

Thus, the dot product of two vectors produces a scalar quantity which is the sum of
the products of like components.
From the definition of the dot product the following useful relationship results:

A = A1 B1 + A2 B2 + A3 B3 = |A||
B| cos θ. (10.21)

This relation may be used to find the angle between two vectors when their origins
are made to coincide and their components are known. If in equation (10.21) one
makes the substitution B = A,
there results the special formula

A 2.
= A21 + A22 + A23 = A · A cos 0 = A2 = |A| (10.22)

Consequently, the magnitude of a vector is given by the square root of the sum of
= A
the squares of its components or |A| ·A
= A2 + A2 + A2
1 2 3
The previous dot product definition is moti-
vated by the law of cosines as the following argu-
ments demonstrate. Consider three points having
the coordinates (0, 0, 0), (A1 , A2 , A3 ), and (B1, B2 , B3)
and plot these points in a Cartesian coordinate sys-
tem as illustrated. Denote by A the directed line
segment from (0, 0, 0) to (A1 , A2 , A3 ) and denote by
the directed straight-line segment from (0, 0, 0) to
(B1 , B2, B3 ).
One can now apply the distance formula from analytic geometry to represent
the lengths of these line segments. We find these lengths can be represented by
|A| A21 + A22 + A23 =
and |B| B12 + B22 + B32 .

Let C = A − B
denote the directed line segment from (B1 , B2, B3 ) to (A1 , A2 , A3 ). The
length of this vector is found to be

|C| (A1 − B1 )2 + (A2 − B2 )2 + (A3 − B3 )2 .

If θ is the angle between the vectors A and B,

the law of cosines is employed to write

2 = |A|
|C| 2 + |B|
2 − 2|A||
B| cos θ.

Substitute into this relation the distances of the directed line segments for the mag-
nitudes of A , B
and C . Expanding the resulting equation shows that the law of
cosines takes on the form

(A1 − B1 )2 + (A2 − B2 )2 + (A3 − B3 )2 = A21 + A22 + A23 + B12 + B22 + B32 − 2|A|| cos θ.

With elementary algebra, this relation simplifies to the form

A1 B1 + A2 B2 + A3 B3 = |A|| cos θ

which suggests the definition of a dot product as A · B = |A||

B| cos θ.
Example 10-3. If A = A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3 is a given vector in component form,
A = A2 + A2 + A3 and =
|A| A21 + A22 + A23
1 2 3

The vector
1 A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3
eA = A= = cos α ê1 + cos β ê2 + cos γ ê3

|A| A21 + A22 + A23

 , where
is a unit vector in the direction of A
A1 A2 A3
cos α = , cos β = , cos γ =


are the direction cosines of the vector A . The dot product

eA = cos2 α + cos2 β + cos2 γ = 1

eA · 

shows that the sum of squares of the direction cosines is unity.

The Cross Product or Outer Product

The cross or outer product of two nonzero vectors A and B is denoted using the
notation A × B
and represents the construction of a new vector C
defined as

C ×B
= |A||
B| sin θ ên , (10.23)

where θ is the smaller angle between the two nonzero vectors

A and B when their origins coincide, and ên is a unit vector
perpendicular to the plane containing the vectors A and B
when their origins are made to coincide. The direction of ên
is determined by the right-hand rule. Place the fingers of your
right-hand in the direction of A and rotate the fingers toward
the vector B , then the thumb of the right-hand points in the
direction C .
The vectors A, C
then form a right-handed system.1 Note that the cross product
A is a vector which will always be perpendicular to the vectors A
and B
, whenever
and B
A are linearly independent nonzero vectors.

Note many European technical books use left-handed coordinate systems which produces results different from
using a right-handed coordinate system.
A special case of the above definition occurs when A × B = 0 and in this case one
can state that either θ = 0, which implies the vectors A and B are parallel or A = 0
= 0. Further note that the equation A
or B ×B
does not imply that B =C .

Unit vectors
Use the above definition of a cross product and show that the orthogonal
unit vectors ê1 , ê2 , ê3 satisfy the relations

ê1 × ê1 = 0 ê2 × ê1 = − ê3 ê3 × ê1 = ê2

ê1 × ê2 = ê3 ê2 × ê2 = 0 ê3 × ê2 = − ê1 (10.24)

ê1 × ê3 = − ê2 ê2 × ê3 = ê1 ê3 × ê3 = 0

Properties of the Cross Product

A ×B
= −B
× (B
A +C
) = A
(distributive law)
× B)
m(A = (mA)
× (mB)
m a scalar
A = 0 since A is parallel to itself.
Let A = A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3 and B = B1 ê1 + B2 ê2 + B3 ê3 be two nonzero vectors
in component form and form the cross product A × B to obtain

A = (A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3 ) × (B1 ê1 + B2 ê2 + B3 ê3 ). (10.25)

The cross product can be expanded by using the distributive law to obtain

A = A1 B1 ê1 × ê1 + A1 B2 ê1 × ê2 + A1 B3 ê1 × ê3

+ A2 B1 ê2 × ê1 + A2 B2 ê2 × ê2 + A2 B3 ê2 × ê3 (10.26)

+ A3 B1 ê3 × ê1 + A3 B2 ê3 × ê2 + A3 B3 ê3 × ê3 .

Simplification by using the previous results from equation (10.24) produces the im-
portant cross product formula
A = (A2 B3 − A3 B2 ) ê1 + (A3 B1 − A1 B3 ) ê2 + (A1 B2 − A2 B1 ) ê3 , (10.27)

This result that can be expressed in the determinant form2

 ê1 ê2 ê3       
=  A1 A A3  A A3  A A2 
A3  =  2 ê1 −  1 ê2 +  1

A A2 ê . (10.90)

 B1 B2 B3  B1 B3  B1 B2  3
B2 B3 
For more information on determinants see chapter 5.
In summary, the cross product of two vectors A and B is a new vector C , where
 ê1 ê2 ê3 

C = A × B = C1 ê1 + C2 ê2 + C3 ê3 =  A1 A2 A3 
 B1 B2 B3 

with components

C1 = A2 B3 − A3 B2 , C2 = A3 B1 − A1 B3 , C3 = A1 B2 − A2 B1 (10.91)

Geometric Interpretation
A geometric interpretation that can be assigned to the magnitude of the cross
product of two vectors is illustrated in figure 10-9.

Figure 10 -9. Parallelogram with sides A and B .

The area of the parallelogram having the vectors A and B

for its sides is given
· h = |A||
Area = |A| B| sin θ = |A
× B|.

cos φ = |B|
Here |B| sin( π − θ) = |B|
sin θ is the projection of B
onto a line perpendicular
to the vector A in the plane of the vectors A and B . Therefore, the magnitude of the
cross product of two vectors represents the area of the parallelogram formed from
these vectors when their origins are made to coincide.

Example 10-4. (Area of parallelogram) Consider the parallelogram illustrated

in the figure 10-10 with vertices (0, 0), (a, b), (a, c), (a + c, b + d) Define the vectors

=a ê1 + b ê2 ,
A =A=
|A| a2 + b2

=c ê1 + d ê2 ,
B = B = c2 + d2
A =ac + bd,
. The
then the altitude of the parallelogram is given by h = B sin θ, where B = |B|
area of the parallelogram is the base times the altitude or

Area = A B sin θ = A B 1 − cos2 θ (10.31)

Figure 10 -10. Parallelogram

Use the definition of the dot product of vectors

A = A B cos θ to write cos θ = (10.32)
to express the equation (10.31) in the form

Area = A B 1 −
 · B)
= A2 B 2 − (A 2
Using some algebra this expression can be written in a different form.

Area2 =A2 B 2 − (A · B)
2 = (a2 + b2 )(c2 + d2 ) − (ac + bd)2

=a2 c2 + a2 d2 + b2 c2 + b2 d2 − [a2 c2 + acbd + acbd + b2 d2 ]

=ad(ad − bc) + bc(bc − ad)

=(ad − bc)2
Observe that the cross product A × B
can be expressed
 ê1 ê2 ê3 

A × B =  a b 0  = ê3 (ad − bc) (10.34)
 c d 0 
so that the area of the parallelogram can be expressed
Area = A × B  = |ad − bc|
Example 10-5. (Area of a triangle)
Find the area of the triangle having the vertices P1 (x1 , y1 , z1 ), P2 (x2 , y2 , z2 ), P3 (x3 , y3 , z3 ).
Define the position vectors

r 1 = x1 ê1 + y1 ê2 + z1 ê3 , r 2 = x2 ê1 + y2 ê2 + z2 ê3 , r 3 = x3 ê1 + y3 ê2 + z3 ê3

to the given points defining the vertices and observe that the sides of the triangle
in figure 10-11 are defined by the vectors

= r 2 − r 1
A and = r 3 − r 1

The situation is illustrated in the figure 10-11. We know the magnitude of the cross
product A × B gives the area of a parallelogram having the vector sides A and B .
Hence, the area of the triangle is one-half the area of the parallelogram or
Area = A × B
2 ¯

Figure 10 -11. Triangle formed from points P1 , P2 and P3

Vector Identities
The following vector identities are often needed to simplify various equations in
science and engineering.

1. ×B
A = −B
2. · (B
A ×C
) = B
· (C
× A)
· (A
× B)
An identity known as the triple scalar product.
3. × B)
(A × (C
× D)
=C D · (A
× B)
−D C · (A
× B)

=B · (C
× D)
−A B · (C
× D)
4. × (B
A ×C
) = B(
A ·C
· B)

The quantity A × (B
) is called a triple vector product.

5. × B)
(A · (C
× D)
= (A
· D)
− (A
· D)(
B ·C
) (10.39)
6. The triple vector product satisfies
× (B
A ×C
× (C
× A)
× (A
) = 0 (10.40)

Note that in the triple scalar product A · (B ×C ) the parenthesis is sometimes

omitted because (A · B)×
is meaningless and so A
C ·B
×C can have only one meaning.
The parenthesis just emphasizes this one meaning.
A physical interpretation can be assigned to the triple scalar product A · (B
×C )
is that its absolute value represents the volume of the parallelepiped3 formed by
the three noncoplaner vectors A, B,
when their origins are made to coincide. The
absolute value is needed because sometimes the triple scalar product is negative.
This physical interpretation can be obtained from the following analysis.
In figure 10-12 note the following.
(a) The magnitude |B ×C
| represents the area of the parallelogram P QRS.
B ×C

(b) The unit vector ên = is normal to the plane containing the vectors B
|B × C |
and C .

A parallelepiped is a solid figure which has parallelograms for each of its faces.

Figure 10 -12. Triple scalar product and volume.

(c) The dot product A · ên = A · on ên
= h represents the projection of A
|B |
and produces the height of the parallelepiped. These results demonstrate that
the triple scalar product gives the volume of the parallelepiped
 ) = |B
| h = (Area
A · (B × C of base)(Height) = Volume.

Therefore, one can state that the magnitude of the triple scalar product is the
volume of the parallelepiped formed when the origins of the three vectors forming
the sides are made to coincide.

Example 10-6. Show that the triple scalar product satisfies the relations
· (B
A ×C
) = B
· (C
× A)
· (A
× B)

Note the cyclic rotation of the symbols in the above relations where the first symbol
is moved to the last position and the second and third symbols are each moved to
the left. This is called a cyclic permutation of the symbols.
Solution Use the determinant form for the cross product and express the triple scalar
product as a determinant as follows.
 ê1 ê2 ê3 
· (B
) =(A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3 ) ·  B1 B2 B3 
 C1 C2 C3 
· (B
A ×C
) =(A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3 ) · [(B2C3 − B3 C2 ) ê1 − (B1 C3 − B3 C1 ) ê2 + (B1 C2 − B2 C1 ) ê3 ]
· (B
A ×C
) =A1 (B2 C3 − B3 C2 ) − A2 (B1 C3 − B3 C1 ) + A3 (B1 C2 − B2 C1 )
 B1 B2   A1 A2 A3 
 B2 B3   B1 B3 
· (B
A ×C
) =A1 
 C2 C3  − A2  C1 C3  + A3  C1 C2  =  B1 B2 B3 
 C1 C2 C3 
Determinants have the property4 that the interchange of two rows of a determinant
changes its sign. One can then show
 A1 A2 A3   B1 B2 B3   C1 C2 C3 

 B1 B2 B3  =  C1 C2 C3  =  A1 A2 A3 

 C1 C2 C3   A1 A2 A3   B1 B2 B2 

· (B
A ×C
) = B
· (C
× A)
· (A
× B)

Example 10-7. B,
For nonzero vectors A, C
show that the triple vector product
satisfies A × (B
) = (A
× B)

That is, the triple vector product is not associative and the order of execution of
the cross product is important.

Let B × C = D
Solution denote the vector
perpendicular to the plane determined by the
vectors B and C . The vector A × D = E is a
vector perpendicular to the plane determined by
the vectors A and D and therefore must lie in
and C
the plane of the vectors B . One can then
say the vectors B, and A
× (B
×C ) are coplanar
and consequently there must exist scalars α and
β such that

× (B
A ×C
) = αB
+ βC

In a similar fashion one can show that the vectors (A × B)

× C,
A and B
are coplanar
so that there exists constants γ and δ such that

× B)
(A ×C
= γA
+ δB

The equations (10.41) and (10.42) show that in general

× (B
A ×C
) = (A

See chapter 6 for properties of determinants.
Example 10-8. Show that the triple vector product satisfies

× (B
A ×C
) = (A
− (A
· B)

SolutionUse the results from the previous example showing there exists scalars α
and β such that
× (B
A ×C
) = αB
+ βC

Let B =D
and write
A = αB
+ βC

Take the dot product of both sides of equation (10.44) with the vector A to obtain
the triple scalar product

· (A
A × D)
= α(A
· B)
+ β(A

By the permutation properties of the triple scalar product one can write

· (A
A × D)
· (D
× A)
· (A
× A)
= 0 = α(A
) + β(A
) (10.45)

The above result holds because A × A = 0 and implies

· B)
= −β(A
) α −β
α(A or = =λ
A ·B

where λ is a scalar. This shows that the equation (10.43) can be expressed in the
× (B
A ×C
) = λ(A
− λ(A
· B)
C (10.46)

which shows that the vectors A × (B ×C ) and (A ·C

− (A
· B)
C are collinear. The
equation (10.46) must hold for all vectors A, B,
and so it must be true in the special
case A = ê2 , B = ê1 , C = ê2 where equation (10.46) reduces to

ê2 × ( ê1 × ê2 ) = ê1 = λ ê1 which implies λ = 1

Example 10-9. Use vectors to derive the law of sines for the triangle illus-
trated in the figure 10-13.
Solution The sides of the given triangle are formed from the vectors A , B
and C and
since these vectors are free vectors they can be moved to the positions illustrated in
figure 10-13.

Figure 10 -13. Triangle for law of sines.

Also sketch the vector −C as illustrated. The new positions for the vectors A,

and −C are constructed to better visualize certain vector cross products associated
with the law of sines.
Examine figure 10-13 and note the following cross products
C = (A
= −B

and B × (−C ) = B × (−A + B)

× (−A)
Taking the magnitude of the above cross products gives
× A|
|C = |A
× B|
= |B
× (−C

AC sin θB = AB sin θC = BC sin θA .

Dividing by the product of the vector magnitudes ABC produces the law of sines
sin θA sin θB sin θC
= = .

Example 10-10. Use vectors to derive the law of cosines for the triangle

Figure 10 -14. Triangle for law of cosines.

Solution Let C = A − B so that the dot product of C with itself gives

C = (A
− B)
· (A
− B)
− 2A

C 2 = A2 + B 2 − 2AB cos θ,

where ,
A = |A| ,
B = |B|
C = |C| represent the magnitudes of the vector sides.

Example 10-11. Find the vector equation of a line which passes through the
two given points P1 (x1 , y1 , z1 ) and P2 (x2 , y2 , z2 ).

Solution Let
r 1 =x1 ê1 + x2 ê2 + x3 ê3
and r 2 =x2 ê1 + y2 ê2 + z2 ê3

denote position vectors to the points P1 and P2

respectively and let r = x ê1 +y ê2 +z ê3 denote the
position vector of any other variable point on the
line. Observe that the vector P1 P2 = r = r 2 − r 1 is
parallel to the line through the points P1 and P2 and represents the direction vector
of the line. By vector addition the (x, y, z) position on the line is given by

r = r (λ) = r 1 + λ r −∞ < λ < ∞ (10.47)

where λ is a scalar parameter5. Note that as λ varies from 0 to 1 the position vector
r moves from r 1 to r 2 . An alternative form for the equation of the line is given by

r = r 2 + λ∗( r 1 − r 2 ) − ∞ < λ∗ < ∞

where λ∗ is some other scalar parameter and the vector r 2 − r 1 is a direction vector
the negative of r . This second form for the line has the position vector r moving
from r 2 to r 1 as λ∗ varies from 0 to 1. The vector ±( r2 − r 1 ) is called the direction
vector of the line.
The parameter λ can be replaced by some other parameter such as t, s, u, v etc.
Define the quantities a = x2 − x1 , b = y2 − y1 and c = z2 − z1 as a set of direction
numbers for the line. The direction vector for the line is then r  = a ê1 + b ê2 + c ê3
then the vector equation for the line is

r = r 1 + r  λ (10.55)

where λ is a parameter. Expanding the equation (10.55) one obtains

x ê1 + y ê2 + z ê3 = x1 ê1 + y1 ê2 + z1 ê3 + aλ ê1 + bλ ê2 + cλ ê3

The parametric form for the line is obtained by equating like components to obtain

x = x1 + aλ, y = y1 + bλ, z = z1 + cλ

The line can also be represented in the symmetric form

x − x1 y − y1 z − z1
= = =λ (10.49)
a b c

where a, b, c are direction numbers different from zero.

Note that if one of the direction numbers is zero, this states the line lies in a
plane. For example, if a = 0, the line lies in the plane x = x1 = constant. That is, the
line is defined by by

y = y1 + bλ, z = z1 + cλ or ⇒ z − z1 = m(y − y1 ), m = c/b

in the plane x = x1 a constant.

Example 10-12. Find the equation of the plane which passes through the point
P1 (x1 , y1 , z1 ) and is perpendicular to the given vector N = N1 ê1 + N2 ê2 + N3 ê3 .
Solution Let r 1 = x1 ê1 + y1 ê2 + z1 ê3 denote the
position vector to the point P1 and let the vec-
tor r = x ê1 + y ê2 + z ê3 denote the position vector
to any variable point (x, y, z) in the plane. If the
vector r − r 1 lies in the plane, then it must be
perpendicular to the given vector N and conse-
quently the dot product of ( r − r 1 ) with N must
be zero and so one can write

( r − r 1 ) · N (10.50)
as the equation representing the plane. In scalar form, the equation of the plane is
given as
(x − x1 )N1 + (y − y1 )N2 + (z − z1 )N3 =0
or N1 x + N2 y + N3 z = a constant
where N1 , N2 , N3 are the direction numbers for the normal line to the plane and the
constant term is x1 N1 + y1 N2 + z1 N3 .

A plane can be defined knowing

(a) A point and normal vector.
(b) Three noncollinear points.
(c) A line and point not on the line.
(d) By two intersecting lines.
(e) By two parallel lines.

Example 10-13.
Find the equation of the plane defined by three noncollinear points.
Define the vectors P1 P3 = A = r 3 − r 1
−→ = r 2 − r 1 and let
and P1 P2 = B

r = x ê1 + y ê2 + z ê3

denote a position vector to a point in the

plane. The vectors A and B lie in the plane
and the cross product N = B ×A defines a
normal vector to the plane.
Knowing a point on the plane and a normal vector to the plane, the equation of the
plane is
( r − r 1 ) · N
Example 10-14.
Find the equation of the plane defined by a line and a point not on the line.
If the given line has the vector equa-
tion r = r 0 +λ r  , then when λ = 0 the vector
r 0 points to a point on the plane. The vec-
tors r  and r 1 − r 0 lie in the plane and their
cross product r  × ( r 1 − r 0 ) = N produces a
normal vector to the plane.
Knowing a point on the plane and a normal vector to the plane, the vector equation
= 0.
of the plane is ( r − r 1 ) · N

Example 10-15.
Find the equation of the plane defined by two intersecting lines.
Let the intersecting lines have the equations
1 : r = r a + λ1 r 1
2 : r = r b + λ2 r 2

When the parameters λ1 and λ2 are

zero the vectors produced are r a and r b
which are vectors to two points in the

Therefore, either of the equations

( r − r a ) · N or =0
( r − r b ) · N

represents the equation of the plane.

Example 10-16. Find the equation of the plane defined by two parallel lines.
Let the parallel lines be defined by the
r = r a + λ1 r 1
r = r b + λ2 r 1
where both lines have the same direction
vector. When the parameters λ1 = λ2 = 0
there results the position vectors r a and r b
representing two points in the plane.
The vector difference r b − r a also lies in the plane and so a normal vector to the
. Therefore, either of the equations
plane is given the cross product r 1 × ( r b − r a ) = N

( r − r b ) · N or ( r − r a ) · N = 0

can be used to represent the equation of the plane.

Parametric equation of a plane

Select two linearly independent vec-
tors a and b from within the plane or
parallel to the plane desired. Let r 0 de-
note the position vector to a point in the
plane. The position of a general point
r = x ê1 + y ê2 + z ê3 on the plane can then
be represented

r = r 0 +u a +v b, −∞ < u < ∞, −∞ < v < ∞

where u and v are called parameters of the

plane determined by the vectors r 0 , a , b.

Example 10-17. Three points determine a plane. Find the parametric equation
representing the plane passing through the three points

P1 : (4, 5, 6) P2 : (−1, 4, 3) P3 : (7, 0, 4)

One can define the position vectors
r 1 =4 ê1 + 5 ê2 + 6 ê3
r 2 = − 1 ê1 + 4 ê2 + 3 ê3
r 3 =7 ê1 + 0 ê2 + 4 ê3

to each of the given points. The vectors

P1 P3 = a = r 3 − r 1 = 3 ê1 − 5 ê2 − 2 ê3
P1 P2 = b = r 2 − r 1 = −5 ê1 − ê2 − 3 ê3

are independent vectors lying in the plane and so one form for the parametric equa-
tion for the plane is
r = r 1 + u a + v b

Example 10-18. Find the perpendicular distance d from a given plane

(x − x1 )N1 + (y − y1 )N2 + (z − z1 )N3 = 0 (10.52)

to a given point (x0 , y0 , z0 ) not on the plane.


Let the vector r 0 = x0 ê1 + y0 ê2 + z0 ê3 point to the

given point (x0 , y0 , z0 ) and the vector r 1 = x1 ê1 + y1 ê2 +
z1 ê3 point the point (x1 , y1 , z1 ) lying in the plane. Con-
struct the vector r 0 − r1 which points from the terminus
of r 1 to the terminus of r 0 and construct the unit nor-
mal to the plane which is given by
N1 ê1 + N2 ê2 + N3 ê3
êN = 
N12 + N22 + N32

Observe that the dot product êN · ( r 0 − r 1 ) equals the projection of r 0 − r 1 onto
the normal vector êN . This gives the perpendicular distance
d = | êN · ( r 0 − r 1 )|
 (x − x )N + (y − y )N + (z − z N 
 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 ) 3 (10.53)
d =  
 N12 + N22 + N32 
where the absolute value signs guarantee that the sign of d is always positive and
does not depend upon the direction selected for the unit normal êN to the plane.
As a special case of equations (10.52)
and (10.53) set the N3 and ê3 compo-
nents to zero to produce the two dimen-
sional problem of finding the perpendicu-
lar distance of a point (x0 , y0 ) to the line
N1 x + N2 y + C = 0 where from the equa-
tion (10.52) the constant C is given by
C = −x1 N1 − y1 N2 .

Let N1 = A and N2 = B in equation (10.52) and write the equation of the line in
two dimensions as Ax + By + C = 0, then as a special case of equation (10.53) in two
dimensions one finds the perpendicular distance d from a point (x0 , y0 ) to the given
line is  
 Ax + By + C 
d =  √  (10.54)
A2 + B 2 

Example 10-19. Find the distance d from a point (x0 , y0 , z0 ) to a given line 
represented by the vector r = r a + λ r  .
Let r 0 = x0 ê1 + y0 ê2 + z0 ê3 denote a
vector from the origin to the given point
P. The vector r a is a vector to a point on
the line  when λ = 0 and r  represents the
direction vector of the line as illustrated in
the accompanying figure. By vector addi-
tion r 0 = r a + ( r 0 − r a ) as illustrated. The
projection of the vector r 0 − r a onto the line
perpendicular to  and passing through the
given point is

| r0 − r a | cos( − θ) = | r 0 − r a | sin θ = d (10.55)
where θ is the angle between the vectors ( r0 − r a ) and r  . One can use the definition
of the cross product of two vectors

|( r 0 − r a ) × r  | = |( r0 − r a )| | r  | sin θ

and write equation (10.55) in the form

|( r0 − r a ) × r  |
d= (10.56)
| r  |

which is how one calculates the distance from a point to a line in three dimensional

Example 10-20. Find the line which is defined by the intersection of two given
Given the two planes
N1 x + N2 y + N3 z + D1 =0 · ( r − r 0 ) =0
or (10.57)
M1 x + M2 y + M3 z + D2 =0 · ( r − r 1 ) =0

and assume these planes are not parallel6 or N = kM

, for k a nonzero constant.
In general, the vector equation of a line passing through a point P0 and having
a direction vector r is given by

r = rP0 + λ r

where r = x ê1 +y ê2 +z ê3 is a vector pointing to a variable point on the line determined
by the parameter value of λ, rP0 = x0 ê1 + y0 ê2 + z0 ê3 is a vector pointing to a fixed
point on the line and r = a ê1 + b ê2 + c ê3 represents the vector direction associated
with the line and λ is a parameter −∞ < λ < ∞. Our problem is to find a point P0
on the line and to find a direction vector for the line which is along the intersection
of two planes.
Since the equations for the planes are given, then one knows the normal vectors
to the planes
=N1 ê1 + N2 ê2 + N3 ê3
=M1 ê1 + M2 ê2 + M3 ê3

Two planes are parallel if and only if the normals and M
N satisfy N
= 0 which implies N
= kM

for some nonzero scalar k .
The cross product of these two vectors gives a direction vector for the line
 ê1 ê2 ê3       
N N3  N N3  N N2 
N3  = ê1  2 − ê2  1 + ê3  1

r = N × M =  N1 N2 
 M1 M2 M3  M1 M3  M1 M2 
M2 M3 

To find a point (x0 , y0 , z0 ) on the line of intersection of the two planes given by the
simultaneous equations (10.57), one can select a value for one of the variables x, y or
z in the equations (10.57), then substitute this value into the simultaneous equations
(10.57) and solve the resulting two equations in two unknowns. The algebra becomes
easier if one of the quantities x, y or z is zero. This will make the line of intersection
of the two planes cut across one of the planes x = 0, y = 0 or z = 0. For example, if
one sets z = 0, the known point on the line becomes (x, y, 0) which is on the line of
intersection of the two given planes where x and y are the solutions associated with
the system of equations
N1 x + N2 y + D1 =0
M1 x + M2 y + D2 =0
Solve this system of two equations and two unknowns and obtain a solution repre-
sented by (x, y) = (x0 , y0 ), then the point P0 = (x0 , y0 , 0) is a known point on the line
and the equation of the line of intersection of the two planes is

r = r P0 + λ r , −∞ < λ < ∞

The angle formed by the intersection of two planes

is called a dihedral angle. The line of intersection of the
two planes is called the edge of the dihedral angle. The
cosine of the dihedral angle can be calculated from the
dot product formula
N = N
M  cos θ ⇒ cos θ =     (10.59)

when the origin of the normal vectors are made to co-

Caution, one can examine the given system of equations (10.58) to see if any
plane is parallel to an axis. If this is the case, then one is restricted in the selection
of the variable chosen to be zero. See for example the situations illustrated in the
figures 10-15.

Figure 10 -15. Situations where plane is parallel to an axis

One cannot select x0 = 0 as a point on the intersection of two planes if the x-axis is
parallel to one of the planes. Similar consideration must be made in the selection of
y0 = 0 or z0 = 0 if these values are acceptable.

Example 10-21.
Given the planes

plane 1: 2x + 3y + z = 22
plane 2: 2x − y + z = 6

Set z = 0 in the simultaneous equations (10.60) to obtain

the system of two equations in two unknowns

2x + 3y =22
2x − y =6
This system has the solution x0 = 5 and y0 = 4. Consequently, the point given by
(x0 , y0 , z0 ) = (5, 4, 0) is on the line of intersection of the two given planes and the vector
to this point is r0 = x0 ê1 + y0 ê2 + z0 ê3 . The normal vectors to the given planes are

= 2 ê1 + 3 ê2 + ê3

N and = 2 ê1 − ê2 + ê3
and from these normal vectors one can calculate the direction vector for the line by
taking the cross product
 ê1 ê2 ê3       
 3 1  2 1  2 3 

N × M = r =  2 3 1  = ê1 
 − ê2
 + ê3

 2 −1 1 2 1 2 −1 
−1 −1 

giving the direction numbers for the line of intersection (dihedral angle edge) as

r = N = 4 ê1 + 0 ê2 − 8 ê3

The vector equation for the line of intersection of the two planes is then represented

r = r 0 + λ r = (5 + 4λ) ê1 + 4λ ê2 − 8λ ê3

Note a line in space has an infinite number of other

lines perpendicular to any fixed point on the line. All
these perpendicular lines lie in a plane which is perpen-
dicular to the given line.

This fact can be used to show that two planes perpendicular to the same line at
different points are parallel.

Example 10-22. Find the perpendicular distance from a point (x0 , y0 , z0 ) to a

given line  defined by r = r 1 + α
t. Assume the point r 0 = x0 ê1 + y0 ê2 + z0 ê3 is not on
the line and show the perpendicular distance is given by

d = ( r 0 − r 1 ) ×
 where α
= α1 ê1 + α2 ê2 + α3 ê3

and r 1 = x1 ê1 + y1 ê2 + z1 ê3 are given vectors.

The vector equation of the line is r = r 1 + α t,
where (x1 , y1 , z1 ) is a point on the line described
by the position vector r and α is the direction
vector of the line and t is a parameter. The vector
r 0 − r 1 is a vector pointing from (x1 , y1 , z1 ) to the
point (x0 , y0 , z0 ). These vectors are illustrated in
the accompanying figure.
Define the unit vector êα = |α1 | α and construct the line segment from (x0 , y0 , z0 )
which is perpendicular to the given line and label this distance d. Our problem is to
find the distance d. From the geometry of the right triangle with hypotenuse | r0 − r 1 |
and side d one can write sin θ = . Use the fact that by definition of a cross
| r 0 − r 1 |
product one can write

|( r 0 − r 1 ) × êα | = | r 0 − r 1 || êα| sin θ = d = ( r 0 − r 1 ) ×


Example 10-23. (Circle in three dimensions

In two dimensions the equation of the circle in
vector form is r = r 0 + r 1 where r 0 = x0 ê1 + y0 ê2 is
the position vector to the center of the circle and
r 1 = r cos θ ê1 + r sin θ ê2 is the vector equation of the
circle. The parametric form for the equation of the
circle of radius r centered at the point (x0 , y0 ) is

x = x0 + r cos θ, y = y0 + r sin θ (10.62)

In two dimensions a center and radius x0 , y0 , r are required to have a circle.

To construct a circle in three

dimensions one needs in addition
to a center (x0 , y0 , z0 ) and radius
r (i) an axis of rotation perpen-
dicular to the circle center and
(ii) two perpendicular unit vec-
tors êα and êβ in the plane of
the circle. Let r  denote a direc-
tion vector for the axis of rotation and let (x1 , y1 , z1 ) denote an arbitrary point on
this line. The vector equation of the line through the point (x1 , y1 , z1 ) in the direction
r  is r = r 1 + λ r  . Let r 0 = r 1 + λ0 r  = x0 ê1 + y0 ê2 + z0 ê3 denote the center of the circle
and let ên denote a unit vector in the direction r  . There are an infinite number
of vectors perpendicular to ên . One can construct a vector perpendicular to ên as
follows. Let ên = n1 ê1 + n2 ê2 + n3 ê3 and let a = a1 ê1 + a2 ê2 + a3 ê3 denote the vector
to be determined. We require

ên · a = n1 a1 + n2 a2 + n3 a3 = 0 (10.63)

Assume n3 is different from zero and select a1 and a2 as positive numbers different
from zero. One can then solve for a3 to make equation (10.63) zero. One finds
−n1 a1 − n2 a2
a3 =

and so it is possible to construct a unit vector

a1 ê1 + a2 ê2 + a3 ê3
êα = 
a21 + a22 + a23

which is perpendicular to ên . The cross product êβ = ên × êα produces another unit
vector perpendicular to ên with the unit vector êα and êβ in the plane of the circle.
The vector equation for the circle in 3-space can now be expressed

r = r 0 + r cos θ êα + r sin θ êβ (10.64)

If êα = α1 ê1 + α2 ê2 + α3 ê3 and êβ = β1 ê2 + β2 ê2 + β3 ê3 , then the parametric equation
for a circle in 3-space is
x =x0 + α1 r cos θ + β1 r sin θ

y =y0 + α2 r cos θ + β2 r sin θ (10.65)

z =z0 + α3 r cos θ + β3 r sin θ

Example 10-24. (Section formula using vectors)

Given the vectors

r 1 =x1 ê1 + y1 ê2 + z1 ê3

r 2 =x2 ê1 + y2 ê2 + z3 ê3

which defines the line  with direction numbers

r  = r 2 − r 1

Find the point P with position vector r which divides

the line segment P1 P2 into the ratio m : n.
We want to obtain the result
|P1 P | m −→ −→
−→ = n ⇒ nP1 P = mP P2
|P P2 |

Using vector addition one can verify that

−→ −→
r 1 + P1 P = r or P1 P = r − r 1
−→ −→
and r + P P2 = r 2 or P P2 = r 2 − r

n ( r − r 1 ) = m ( r 2 − r ) ⇒ (m + n) r = m r 2 + n r 1

m r 2 + n r 1
r =

Example 10-25.
Find the volume of the parallelepiped illustrated
which has the vectors A, , C
for its sides.

The volume of the parallelepiped is the area of the base times the altitude h.
The area of the base is given by |B ×C | and the altitude is given by h = A · ên which
is the projection of the vector A onto the normal ên . Note that ên is the unit vector
perpendicular to the plane formed by the vectors B and C . If the vectors A, B, C
are defined
=A1 ê1 + A2 ê2 + A3 ê3
=B1 ê1 + B2 ê2 + B3 ê3
=C1 ê1 + C2 ê2 + C3 ê3
 ê1 ê2 ê3 

B × C =  B1 B2 B3  = ê1 (B2 C3 − B3 C2 ) − ê2 (B1 C3 − C1 B3 ) + ê3 (B1 C2 − C1 B2 ) (10.66)
 C1 C2 C3 
 and C
The unit normal vector to the plane formed by the vectors B  is found to be

ên = (10.67)
|B |

and the altitude is found to be the projection of A onto the unit vector ên or
h=A  · B ×C
 · ên = A (10.68)
|B |

The volume of the parallelepiped is the area of the base times the altitude or
Volume =h |B | = A
 · (B

Volume =A1 (B2 C3 − B3 C2 ) − A2 (B1 C3 − C1 B3 ) + A3 (B1 C2 − B2 C1 )

 A1 A2 A3 

Volume =  B1 B2 B3 
 C1 C2 C3 

Here the volume of the parallelepiped is found by calculating the triple scalar product
 · (B
A  ×C

Example 10-26. Show that the tetrahedron with sides A , B

, C
 has a vol-
ume V = 16 |A · (B
 | which equals one-sixth the volume of a parallelepiped.
Solution We know that the triple scalar product

 · (B
|A  ×C

is the volume of a parallelepiped with sides A , B

 . The tetrahedron is a polyhedron with 4 faces. The
vectors A,  and B
 −A  make up the base of the tetra-
hedron so one can express the area of the base in the
Area of base = |A × B|


 = A ×B  B
 is perpendicular to the vase and the vector n̂ = A× 
The vector N  is a
unit vector perpendicular to the base. The projection of vector C onto n̂ is the
height h of the tetrahedron or
 · n̂ = C · (A × B )
 × B|
The volume of the tetrahedron Vt is one-third the area of the base times the height
· (A
× B)

1 1 C 1 )
Vt = |A × B| = A · (B × C
3 2 ×B
|A | 6
where we have used the cyclic shifting property of the triple scalar product.

Vector form for centroid

In general, if one has n-masses m1 , m2 , . . . , mn having the position vectors
r 1 , r 2 , . . . , r n , then the position vector of the centroid is given by

mi r i
m1 r 1 + m2 r 2 + · · · + mn r n
r G = = i=1n (10.69)
m1 + m2 + · · · + mn 

In the special case there exits 3 masses, where m1 = m2 = m3 = 1, at position


r 1 = x1 ê1 + y1 ê2 + z1 ê3 , r 2 = x2 ê1 + y2 ê2 + z2 ê3 , r 3 = x3 ê1 + y3 ê2 + z3 ê3

which define the vertices of a three dimensional triangle, then the centroid of the
triangle is given by
r G = ( r 1 + r 2 + r 3 ) (10.70)
This is in agreement with our original definition of a triangle centroid in two dimen-
One can verify the position vectors to the midpoints
of the triangle ABC sides are given by
r AB = ( r 1 + r 2 )
r BC = ( r 2 + r 2 ) (10.71)
r AC = ( r 1 + r 3 )

The vector equations for the median lines 1 , 2, 3 have the form
1 : r = r 1 + λ1 ( rBC − r 1 )
2 : r = r 2 + λ2 ( rAC − r 2 ) (10.72)
3 : r = r 3 + λ3 ( rAB − r 3 )
where λ1 , λ2 , λ3 are parameters for the line.7
The median lines 1 and 2 intersect where

r 1 + λ1 ( r BC − r 1 ) = r 2 + λ2 ( r AC − r 2 )

By equating like components in the above equation one obtains the following three
scalar equations
1 1
x1 + λ1 (x2 + x3 ) − x1 =x2 + λ2 (x1 + x3 ) − x2 (10.73)
2 2
1 1
y1 + λ2 (y2 + y3 ) − y1 =y2 + λ2 (y1 + y3 ) − y2 (10.74)
2 2
1 1
z1 + λ1 (z2 + z3 ) − z1 =z2 + λ2 (z1 + z3 ) − z1 (10.75)
2 2

The equations (10.73) and (10.74) represent two equations in the two unknowns
λ1 , λ2 . One can verify the solution of these two equations produce the values λ1 = 23
and λ2 = 23 and these values are also solutions to the third equation (10.75). One can
verify that the intersection of lines 1 and 3 also intersect at the same point given
by the centroid
r G = r 1 + ( r BC − r 1 )
r G = r 2 + ( r AC − r 1 )
r G = r 3 + ( r AB − r 3 )
all of which simplify to the centroid given by the point of concurrency given by the
position vector
rG = ( r1 + r 2 + r 3 )
Make note that this establishes the well known 2:1 ratio associated with the inter-
sections of a triangles medians.
Vector form for incenter
The incenter occurs at the point of concurrency of the three angle bisectors of
the three dimensional triangle formed by the position vectors r 1 , r 2 , r 3 as illustrated
in the figure 10-16.
Note the parameters for the lines do not have to be the same.

Figure 10 -16. Intersection of angle bisectors at point I for 3D triangle

Let AA , BB , CC  denote the three angle bisectors which intersect at the point I
representing the incenter and having the position vector r I . It will be demonstrated
that this position vector can be represented in terms of the position vectors r 1 , r 2 , r 3
to the triangle vertices and the triangle sides a, b, c opposite these vertices. The
position vector r I for the incenter will be found to have the form
a r 1 + b r 2 + c r 3
r I = (10.76)

This is interpreted as a weighted sum8 of the position vectors to the vertices of the
three dimensional triangle. The weighting factors a, b, c being the length of the sides
opposite each vertex.
To establish the above result begin by using the angle bisector theorem. The
cevian AA in triangle ABC produces the ratios
| r 3 − r A | | r 2 − r A |
= (10.77)
b c

so that by the section formula one obtains the position vector

b r 2 + c r 3
r A = (10.78)

Similarly, the cevian BB  produces the triangle BAA and the ratio
| r I − r 1 | | r A − r I |
= (10.79)
c | r 2 − r A |
A weighted sum of the quantities a1 , a2 , . . . , an using weighting factors w1 , w2 , . . . , wn is the quantity
w1 a1 + w2 a2 + · · · wn an
ā = . Note that if all the weights are 1, then the weighted sum becomes an average of
w1 + w2 + · · · + wn
the quantities a1 , a2 , . . . , an .
resulting from the angle bisector theorem. Using the equation (10.77) one can write
| r 3 − r A | b | r 3 − r A | b
= and +1= +1
| r 2 − r A | c | r 2 − r A | c

which simplifies to
| r 3 − r A | + | r 2 − r A | b+c | r3 − r 2 | a ac
= = = ⇒ | r 2 − r A | =
| r 2 − r A | c | r 2 − r A | | r2 − r A | b+c

| r I − r 1 | b+c
| r A − r I | a
and by the section formula
a r 1 + (b + c) r A
r I = (10.80)
Substituting the result from equation (10.78) one finds
2 +c 
a r 1 + (b + c) b+c
r I =

which simplifies to the equation (10.76).

Vector relation between circumcenter and orthocenter
Let r o denote the position vector of the triangle circumcenter with
OC = r 3 − r o
OB = r 2 − r o
OA = r 1 − r o

−→ −→ −→
|OC | = |OB | = |OA | (10.81)

since r o represents the circumcenter which is the intersection of the perpendicular

bisectors of the triangle sides. Define the point H with vector position
−→ −→ −→
r H = r o + OC + OB + OA (10.82)

as illustrated in the accompanying figure.


Figure 10 -17. Circumcenter and orthocenter for general triangle.

Expand the equation (10.82) to form

r H = r o + ( r 1 − r 0 ) + ( r2 − r o ) + ( r 3 − r o )
r H = r 1 + r 2 + r 3 − 2 r 0 (10.83)
r H =3 r G − 2 r o

where r G = 13 ( r 1 + r 2 + r 3 ) is the position vector to the triangle centroid. One can

express the above vector addition as
−→ −→
r H = r o + OH where OH = 3 r G − 3 r o (10.84)

It can now be demonstrated that the vector CH defined by the vector addition
−→ −→ −→ −→ −→ −→
OH = OC + CH or CH = OH − OC (10.85)

is perpendicular to the triangle side AB. To show this consider the dot product
−→ −→ −→ −→ 
CH · AB = OH − OC · ( r 2 − r 1 ) = [( r 1 − r o ) + ( r 2 − r o ) + ( r3 − r 0 ) − ( r 3 − r 0 )] · ( r 2 − r 1 )
= [( r 2 − r 0 ) + ( r1 − r o )] · [( r2 − r o ) − ( r 1 − r 0 )]

=| r 2 − r o |2 − | r 1 − r o |2 = 0
This result is zero because of equation (10.81). The above result shows the vector
−→ −→
CH is perpendicular to AB = r 2 − r 1 and demonstrates the point H lies on the triangle
altitude from the vertex C to side AB.
Using the same type of reasoning applied to all of the altitudes of triangle ABC ,
one can demonstrate that H is a point of concurrency which we call the orthocen-
ter. The equation (10.83) shows that the position vector r H of the orthocenter is
determined once the position vector r o of the circumcenter is known.
Vector form for circumcenter
Given the three dimensional triangle ABC defined by the position vectors

r 1 = x1 ê1 + y1 ê2 + z1 ê3 , r 2 = x2 ê1 + y2 ê2 + z2 ê3 , r 3 = x3 ê1 + y3 ê2 + z3 ê3

as illustrated in the figure 10-18.

normal to the plane of the triangle by taking the cross
Construct a vector N
= ( r 2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )

and then make this vector a unit vector n̂ given by

( r 2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )
n̂ =
|( r 2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )|

Construct the vectors V 1 and V 2 defined by

V 1 = n̂ × ( r 2 − r 1 ) and 2 = ( r 3 − r 1 ) × n̂

and note that these vectors are perpendicular to the sides of the triangle. Finally,
construct the unit vectors e AC and e AB defined by
r 3 − r 1 r 2 − r 1
e AC = and e AB =
| r 3 − r 1 | | r 2 − r 1 |

which are unit vectors on the sides AC and AB. These new vectors will be used to
find the position vector of the circumcenter r o of the triangle.

Figure 10 -18. Find position vector r o of the circumcenter

Assume the position vector r o of the circumcenter is some linear combination of

the vectors V 1 and V 2 and write

r o = r 1 + α1 V 1 + α2 V 2 (10.86)

where α1 and α2 are coefficients to be determined.

Make note of the dot products
V 1 · e AC =[n̂ × ( r 2 − r 1 )] · e AC 1 · e AB =[n̂ × ( r2 − r 1 )] · e AB = 0
V 2 · e AC =[( r3 − r 1 ) × n̂] · e AC = 0 V 2 · e AC =[( r3 − r 1 ) × n̂] · e AB

which hold due to the cyclic properties of the triple scalar product of three vectors.
Taking the dot product of the vector r o − r 1 with the unit vector e AC one obtains
1 1 · e AC + α2 V 2 · e AC
( r o − r 1 ) · e AC = | r 3 − r 1 | = α1 V
| r 3 − r 1 | =α1 [n̂ × ( r 2 − r 1 )] · e AC
1 ( r 3 − r 1 )
| r 3 − r 1 | =α1 [n̂ × ( r 2 − r 1 )] ·
2 | r 3 − r 1 |
| r 3 − r 1 |2 =α1 n̂ · [( r 2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )]
1 | r 3 − r 1 |2
α1 = (10.87)
2 |( r 2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )|
Observe that the dot product V 2 · e AC = 0 and the dot product ( r o − r 1 )· e AC represents
the projection of the vector r o − r 1 onto the side AC and has the length 12 |AC| or
| r − r 1 | because of the definition of a circumcenter. Also note we have used the
2 3
triple scalar product property to modify terms together with the fact that the dot
product n̂ · [( r 2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )] equals the magnitude of the first vector times the
magnitude of the second vector times the cosine of the angle between them when
their origins are made to coincide. Here this angle is zero and the cosine of zero is
In a similar fashion one finds that the dot product of the vector r o − r 1 with the
unit vector e AB gives
1 1 · e AB + α2 V 2 · e AB
( ro − r 1 ) · e AB = | r 2 − r 1 | = α V
1 ( r 2 − r 1 )
| r 2 − r 1 | =α2 [( r3 − r 1 ) × n̂] ·
2 | r 2 − r 1 |
| r 2 − r 1 |2 =α2 [( r2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )] · n̂
1 | r 2 − r 1 |2
or α2 =
2 |( r2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )|
The above result show that the position vector of the circumcenter can be rep-
resented by the vector
| r 3 − r 1 |2 | r 2 − r 1 |2
r o = r 1 + [( r2 − r1 ) × ( r3 − r 1 )] × ( r2 − r 1 ) + ( r3 − r 1 ) × [( r2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )]
D = 2|( r 2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )|2 (10.88)

In the last two equations one can perform the cyclic rotation 1 → 2 → 3 → 1 to derive
additional equations for calculation of the circumcenter.
Utilizing the vector identities (10.35) to (10.40) along with some vector algebra
one can verify that the above equation for r o can also be represented in the form

r o = α r 1 + β r 2 + γ r 3 (10.89)

| r2 − r 3 |2 ( r 1 − r 2 ) · ( r1 − r 3 )
| r1 − r 3 |2 ( r 2 − r 1 ) · ( r2 − r 3 )
| r1 − r 2 |2 ( r 3 − r 1 ) · ( r3 − r 2 )
where D is given by equation (10.88).
Trigonometric form for circumcenter
The derivation for the trigonometric form for the vector representation of the
circumcenter of a triangle ABC uses the inscribed angle theorem, section formula
for vectors, the law of sines and some trigonometry to show the position vector for
the circumcenter is given by
sin 2A r A + sin 2B r B + sin 2C r C
r 0 = (10.90)
sin 2A + sin 2B + sin 2C

where r A , r B , r C are the position vectors to the vertices A, B and C respectively and
A, B, C are the vertex angles associated with given triangle.

Figure 10 -19. Triangle ABC with circumcircle.

The figure 10-19 illustrates things to look for in this derivation.
(i) The distance from the circumcenter 0 to each vertex is R.
(ii) The inscribed angle theorem tells us the value of the central angles
∠A0B = 2C, ∠A0C = 2B, ∠C0B = 2A
Extend the line A0 to intersect side BC at point D and then construct the perpendic-
ular bisector 0E which bisects side BC. If we can find the ratios BD and A0 , then we
can employ the section formula for vectors to the line segments BD and AD. These
two results will then produce the equation (10.90).
In triangle B0D the law of sines produces =
sin ∠B0D sin ∠0BD

In triangle C0D the law of sines produces =
sin ∠C0D sin ∠0CD
The above results give the ratio
BD sin ∠B0D sin(π − 2C) sin 2C
= = =
DC sin ∠C0D sin(π − 2B) sin 2B

Hence the position vector r D to the point D between the vectors r B and r C is given
sin 2B r B + sin 2C r C
r D = (10.91)
sin 2B + sin 2C
In the last figure observe that triangles B0E and C0D are congruent because
of Side-Side-Side and therefore ∠B0E = ∠C0D = A. One can show ∠B0D = π − 2C and
∠B0E = A, so that ∠D0E = A + 2C − π . From the projections 0D cos(∠D0E) = 0E and
0E = R cos A one can write

0D = R cos A sec(A + 2C − π)

Observe that one can write A + 2C − π as A + 2C − (A + B + C) = C − B . This gives rise

to the ratio
A0 R cos(B − C) 2 sin A cos(B − C) 2 sin A cos(C − B)
= = = =
OD R cos A sec(C − B) cos A 2 sin A cos A sin 2A

Perform some trigonometry on the numerator term 2 sin A cos(C − B) and show
sin A = sin(π − (B + C)) = sin(B + C)
2 sin A cos(B − C) =2 sin(B + C) cos(B − C)

=[sin B cos C + cos B sin C][cos B cos C + sin B sin C] expand and show
=2 sin B cos B + 2 sin C cos C
= sin 2B + sin 2C

A0 sin 2B + sin 2C
This gives the ratio = . The position vector r 0 to the circumcenter
0D sin 2A
between the vectors r A and r D is given by the vector section formula as
(sin 2B + sin 2C) r D + sin 2A r A
r 0 =
sin 2A + sin 2B + sin 2C

Now substitute for r D from equation (10.91) and show

sin 2C r C +sin 2B r
(sin 2B + sin 2C) sin 2B+sin 2C
+ sin 2A r A
r 0 =
sin 2A + sin 2B + sin 2C

which simplifies to the equation (10.90).

Trigonometric form for orthocenter
Recall the orthocenter is the point of concurrency of the three altitudes of a
given triangle ABC . The derivation of the trigonometric form for the represen-
tation of the orthocenter uses the section formula for vectors, the law of sines and
some trigonometry to obtain the position vector. One finds the position vector
representing the orthocenter has the form
tan A r A + tan B r B + tan C r C
r H = (10.92)
tan A + tan B + tan C

where r A, r B , r C are the position vectors to the vertices of the given triangle and
A, B, C are the vertex angles.

Figure 10 -20. Altitudes and orthocenter for triangle ABC

Given triangle ABC , construct the altitude AD to side BC. If we know the ratio
BD and the position vectors r B and r C , then one can use the section formula for
vectors to calculate the position vector r D .
By constructing the altitude CE to side AB, we can label the point of intersection
of the two altitudes as the orthocenter H . Knowing the ratio AH and the position
vector r A and r D one can use the section formula for vectors to calculate the position
vector r H of the orthocenter.
Working toward the accomplishment of these goals, examine the left triangle in
figure 10-20 and calculate the projections of sides c and b onto the side BC and show

BD c cos B
BD = c cos B and DC = b cos C ⇒ =
DC b cos C
Using the law of sines one can write
c b c sin C
= ⇒ =
sin C sin B b sin B

BD sin C cos B tan C
= · =
DC sin B cos C tan B
Using the section formula for vectors one finds the position vector for point D is
tan B r B + tan C r C
r D = (10.93)
tan B + tan C

Next examine the second triangle in figure 10-20 where the altitude CE has been
constructed. The projection of AH onto AB is AE = AH cos( π2 − B) and from triangle
HDC one finds tan( π2 − B) = HD . These results produce the ratio

AH AE sec( π2 − B) b cos A sec( π2 − B)

= = (10.94)
HD DC tan( π2 − B) b cos C tan( π2 − B)

where AE is the projection of side b onto the side AB and DC is the projection of
side b onto the side BC. Now one can use trigonometry to write equation (10.94) in
a different form.
Using basic trigonometry one finds sec( π2 − B) = csc B , tan( π2 − B) = cot B . The sum
of the angles of any triangle must sum to π radians and so one can write A = π−(B+C)
so that
AH cos(π − (B + C)) csc B cos(B + C) 1 sin B
= · =− · ·
HD cos C cot B cos C sin B cos B
−(cos B cos C − sin B sin C)
= = −(1 − tan B tan C)
cos B cos C
tan B + tan C
Recall the trigonometric identity tan(B + C) = and write
1 − tan B tan C
AH tan B + tan C tan B + tan C tan B + tan C
=− =− =
HD tan(B + C) tan(π − A) tan A

Therefore, the position vector r H of the orthocenter is obtained using the section
formula for vectors, giving
tan A rA + (tan B + tan C) r D
r H = (10.95)
tan A + tan B + tan C

By substituting for the position vector r D from equation (10.93) one obtains the
result given by equation (10.92).
Trilinear coordinates
For P a point inside a general triangle ABC we
have learned that one can construct lines through point
P which are perpendicular to the sides of the triangle
as illustrated in the accompanying figure. Let these
perpendiculars intersect the triangle sides at the points
D,E and F as illustrated. Define the positive distances

u = |PD|, v = |PE|, w = |PF|

as lengths associated with the line segments PD, PE, PF.

Define the exact trilinear9 coordinates of the point P using the notation

P = [u : v : w] (10.96)

Any triple [λ1 : λ2 : λ3 ] is called a trilinear coordinate of point P if there exists a

positive constant k different from zero such that

u = kλ1 , v = kλ2 , w = kλ3 (10.97)

then the trilinear coordinates [u : v : w] and [λ1 : λ2 : λ3 ] are said to be equivalent

because they have equivalent ratios
u λ1 u λ1 v λ2
= , = , =
v λ2 w λ3 w λ3

Any equivalent set of trilinear coordinates can be converted to exact trilinear coor-
dinates by constructing a scale constant k as follows.
Construct lines from the point P to each of the tri-
angle vertices to form three triangles as illustrated. The
area of these triangles are
[AP B] = area AP B = wc
[BP C] = area P BC = ua
[CP A] = area CP A = vb
Trilinear coordinates were introduced by Julius Plücker (1801-1868), a German mathematician.
where a, b, c are the sides of the given triangle and the total area of the triangle ABC
is given by
[ABC] = area ABC = (au + bv + cw) (10.98)
Substitute for u, v, w from the equations (10.97) and show

2[ABC] = k (aλ1 + bλ2 + cλ3 )

so the scale factor k is found to be

k= (10.99)
aλ1 + bλ2 + cλ3

Here the proportionality constant k can be constructed by knowing (i) the total area
of the triangle, (ii) the sides of the triangle and (iii) the trilinear coordinates of the
point P .

Example 10-27.
Find the trilinear coordinates of (i) the triangle vertices A,B,C and (ii) the
triangle incenter I.
It is easy to verify the vertices of the triangle ABC have the following trilinear
Exact Scaled
trilinear trilinear
Vertex coordinates coordinates
A [hA : 0 : 0] [1 : 0 : 0]
B [0 : hB : 0] [0 : 1 : 0]
C [0 : 0 : hc ] [0 : 0 : 1]
where hA , hB , hC are the altitudes from the vertices A, B, C respectively.
The triangle incenter I is the point of concurrency where the angle bisectors
meet. This point is equidistant from the triangle sides so that the exact trilinear
coordinates for I are [r : r : r]. Removing the common factor r, one can say that the
trilinear coordinates for the incenter are give by [1 : 1 : 1].
Example 10-28.
Find the trilinear coordinates for the orthocenter of a general triangle ABC .

Figure 10 -21. Orthocenter for triangle ABC

Examine the left side of figure 10-21 and show in the right triangle AA B that
angle α1 = π2 − B and in the right triangle AA C show angle α2 = π2 − C . It is then
easy to show
π w
sin α1 = sin( − B) = cos B =
2 AP ⇒ w cos B
π v = (10.100)
sin α2 = sin( − C) = cos C = v cos C
2 AP
Use the middle sketch from figure 10-21 to show in the right triangle AB  B the
angle β2 = π2 − A and in the triangle BB C the angle β1 = π2 − C so that
π u
sin β1 = sin( − C) = cos C =
2 PB ⇒ u cos C
π w = (10.101)
sin β2 = sin( − A) = cos A = w cos A
2 PB

In a similar fashion one can use the last figure in figure 10-21 and demonstrate
v u u cos B
cos A = and cos B = ⇒ = (10.102)
PC PC v cos A

Therefore, the exact trilinear coordinates [u : v : w] of the orthocenter is equivalent

to [ cos1 A : cos1 B : cos1 C ]. This follows from the ratios established in equations (10.100),
(10.101), and (10.102). That is
1 1 1
u cos A cos B u cos A cos C v cos B 1 cos C
= 1 = , = 1 = , = 1 =
v cos B
cos A w cos C
cos A w cos B
cos C cos B
Example 10-29.
Find the trilinear coordinates of the circumcenter of a general triangle ABC .
The circumcenter P is the point of concurrency of the perpendicular bisectors
and center for the circumscribed circle. The situation is sketched in figure 10-22.
Let β = ∠AP D so that
cos β = (10.103)
where R is the radius of the circumscribed circle. Note that AP D ∼ = BP D by
SSS, so that ∠DP B = β also. Here 2β is a central angle with angle ∠C = 12 ∠AP B = β .
Consequently, equation (10.103) can be expressed as R cos C = w. In a similar fashion,
one can show
v = R cos B and u = R cos A (10.104)

Figure 10 -22. Circumcenter for triangle ABC

Therefore, the exact trilinear coordinates of the circumcenter is given by

P = [R cos A : R cos B : R cos C] (10.105)

Factoring out the common factor R one can say the trilinear coordinates of the
circumcenter is given by
P = [cos A : cos B : cos C] (10.107)
Example 10-30.
Find the trilinear coordinates for the centroid of a general triangle ABC .
Solution: Consider the 3-D triangle ABC with vertices
A,B,C described by position vectors r 1 , r 2 , r 3 as illus-
trated in the accompanying sketch. The centroid of the
triangle lies at the point of concurrency of the triangle
medians. Recall that the position vectors to the mid-
points of the triangle sides are
r mAC = ( r 1 + r 3 )
r mBC = ( r 2 + r 3 )
r mAB = ( r 1 + r 2 )

The median through the vertices to the midpoints of the opposite sides have the
following equations
median through vertex A r = r 1 + µ1 ( ( r 2 + r 3 ) − r 1 )
median through vertex B r = r 2 + µ2 ( ( r 1 + r 3 ) − r 2 )
median through vertex C r = r 3 + µ3 ( ( r 1 + r 2 ) − r 3 )

where µ1 , µ2, µ3 are parameters of the lines. At the point of intersection the lines
meet. Setting the above vectors equal to one another one finds
1 1 1
r 1 + µ1 ( ( r 2 + r 3 ) − r 1 ) = r 2 + µ2 ( ( r 1 + r 3 ) − r 2 ) = r 3 + µ3 ( ( r 1 + r 2 ) − r 3 )
2 2 2

The first equality requires that

1 µ1
1 − µ1 = µ2 , µ1 = µ2 , = 1 − µ2
2 2

with similar requirements for the second equality. These equalities require
µ1 = µ2 = µ2 =

which produces the position vector

r P = ( r 1 + r 2 + r 3 )
Define the vectors
−→ −→ −→
BC = r 3 − r 2 , AC = r 3 − r 1 , AB = r 2 − r 1

and use the results from example 10-19 to show the distances u, v, w from point P to
the triangle sides are given by

u = ( r P − r 2 ) ×

 |BC |
v = ( r P − r 1 ) ×

 |AC |
w = ( r P − r 1 ) ×

 |AB |
−→ −→ −→
where |BC | = a, |AC | = b, |AB | = c are the triangle sides.
As an exercise expand the cross products in the numerators associated with the
distances u, v, w and show they all have the same magnitude. This demonstrates the
trilinear coordinates for the centroid are
α α α
[u : v : w] = [ : : ]
a b c
removing the constant factor α one finds the trilinear coordinates for the centroid are
1 1 1
[ : : ]. Remember that the trilinear coordinates can be scaled. If one multiplies
a b c
by abc one finds [bc : ac : ab] is another form for the trilinear coordinates. If one uses
1 1 1
the law of sines, one can show [ : : ] is still another form.
sin A sin B sin C

Barycentric coordinates for triangles

Barycentric coordinates10 is the representation of a point P on the surface of a
triangle in terms of areas determined by point P. For the general triangle illustrated
let the vertices A, B, C be defined by position vectors r 1 , r 2 , r 3 and let [ABC] denote
the total area of the triangle. Connect the point P to each vertex and define
[ABP ] =area ABP
[BCP ] =area BCP
[CAP ] =area CAP
Introduce by August Ferdinand Möbius (1790-1868) a German mathematician.
Define the barycentric coordinates of point P as
[λ1 : λ2 : λ3 ] where

[BCP ] [CAP ] [ABP ]

λ1 = , λ2 = , λ3 = (10.107)

Observe that λ1 + λ2 + λ3 = 1 and these ratios produce

the vector
r P = λ1 r 1 + λ2 r 2 + λ3 r 3 (10.108)

which points to the point P in the plane of the triangle.

−→ −→
Let AB = r 2 − r 1 and AC = r 3 − r 1 denote two independent vectors along the sides of
triangle ABC and express the vector r P of equation (10.108) in the form

r P =λ1 r 1 + λ2 [( r2 − r 1 ) + r 1 ] + λ3 [( r 3 − r 1 ) + r 1 ]
−→ −→
r P =(λ1 + λ2 + λ3 ) r 1 + λ2 AB + λ3 AC
−→ −→
r P = r 1 + λ2 AB + λ3 AC

since λ1 + λ2 + λ3 = 1.
Relation between trilinear and barycentric coordinates
In triangle ABC with sides a, b, c a point with trilinear coordinates [t1 : t2 : t3 ]
has the barycentric coordinates [a t1 : b t2 : c t3 ]. A point with barycentric coordinates
λ1 λ2 λ3
[λ1 : λ2 : λ3 ] has the trilinear coordinates [ : : ]. Thus, one need only know the
a b c
sides of triangle ABC to convert from one set of coordinates to another.

 10-1. If A × (B
) = 0 what can be said about the vectors A
and B

 10-2. Given the vectors A = − ê1 + 3 ê2 , B = 4 ê1 , C = −3 ê1 + 3 ê2

(a) Find the vector sum D =A +B +C
(b) Find the vector sum E = 2A − B + 3C
(c) Find unit vectors êA , êB , eC in the directions A, B,
(d) Show C is a linear combination of the vectors B and C


(a) Show the projection of A on B is |A|

cos θ
(b) Why is A · B = |A||
B| cos θ?
(c) Show the projection of A on B

on A
(d) What is the projection of B ?

Let AC denote the diameter of a cir-
cle and B any point on the circular arc.
Construct the vectors r 1 , r 2 , r 3 as illustrated.
(a) Show AB = r 2 − r 1
(b) Show BC = r 2 − r 3
(c) Show r 1 + r 3 = 0
(d) Show ( r 2 − r 1 ) · ( r2 − r 3 ) = 0 ⇒ AB ⊥ BC ⇒ ∠ABC =


If vectors A, C
have a common origin and repre-
sent the sides of a parallelogram, then show the diagonal
of the parallelogram is given by d = A + B

Given a regular pentagon with vectors r 1 , r 2 , r 3 , r 4 , r 5

constructed from the center of the pentagon to each
vertex as illustrated.
(a) Find representations for each vector.
(b) Show that r 1 + r 2 + r 3 + r 4 + r 5 = 0

The sides of a regular hexagon are defined by the
six vectors
s 1 , s 2 , s 3 , s 4 , s 5 , s 6

(a) Find representations for s1 and s 2

(b) Find the vectors s 3 , s4 , s5 , s6 in terms of the vectors s 1 and s2 .
(c) Show s 1 + s 2 + s 3 + s 4 + s5 + s6 = 0

 10-8. Find the vector equation of the line through the given points.

(a) (1, 2, 3) and (7, 11, 30) (b) (−2, 4, 6) and (5, 1, 8) (c) (0, 0, 0) and (7, 11, 22)

 10-9. Find the equation of the plane which passes through the given points.
(a) (1, 2, 3), (7, 11, 4), (2, 3, 6)
(b) (4, 1, 2), (3, 6, 7), (9, 3, 2)
(c) (5, 3, 1), (3, 3, 8), (8, 1, −1)

 10-10. Find the perpendicular distance from the given point to the given plane.
(a) (3, 7, 10) to plane (x − 1)5 + (y − 1)6 + (z − 1)7 = 0
(b) (−1, −3, −5) to plane (x − 5) + (y − 2)3 + (x − 1)4 = 0
(c) (0, 0, 0) to plane (x − 2)2 + (x − 3)5 + (z − 4)(−1) = 0
 10-11. Given the vectors A = 3 ê1 + 4 ê2 + 5 ê3 , B
= 2 ê1 − ê2 + 3 ê3 , C
= 3 ê1 − 3 ê2 − ê3 .
(a) A ×C
(e) B · (C
(i) B × A)

(b) B × B)
(f ) (A ×C
· (A
(j) C × B)

(c) (A )·C
× (B
(g) A ×C
) × B)
(k) (A ·C

(d) (A ) × (A
) · (B
(h) A ×C
) · (A
(l) A × B)

(a) Explain the importance of parentheses in the vector expression A × B
. That
is, does (A × B)
×C =A × (B
×C )?
(b) Does A · (B ×C ) = B · (C
× A)
=C · (A
× B)
(c) Does A · (B ×C ) = (A ×B )·C ?

 10-13. Find the vector equation of the plane which passes through the given point
P and is perpendicular to the given normal vector N .

(a) P : (1, 2, 3) = ê1 + ê2 + ê3


(b) P : (−1, 3, 5) = 2 ê1 − ê2 + 3 ê3

(c) P : (0, 4, 5) = ê3

 10-14. Find the equation of the plane which passes through the given points.
(a) (1, 2, 4), (2, 4, 8), (−1, −2, 1)
(b) (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)
(c) (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0), (0, −1, 0)

 10-15. Find the perpendicular distance from the given point P to the given plane.
(a) P : (4, 5, 6) 2(x − 1) − (y − 2) − 3(z − 3) = 0
(b) P : (−2, 3, −5) (x − 3) − (y − 5) + 2(z − 3) = 0
(c) P : (−1, −1, −1) 3(x − 2) + 2(y − 2) − (z − 3) = 0
Let vectors r A, r B , r C define a tetrahedron 0ABC .
(a) Give a physical interpretation to the vector magnitudes
1 1
| v 1 | =| r A × r B |, | v 2 = | r B × r C |
2 2
1 1
| v 3 | =| r C × r A |, | v 4 | = | ( r C − r A ) × ( r B − r A )
2 2
(b) Show that v 1 + v 2 + v 3 + v 4 = 0
Given the position vectors r A, r B , r C which defines
triangle ABC in space. Construct the altitudes AE
to side BC and BF to side CA with the altitudes inter-
secting at point o. Construct the vector r o and then
construct line Co and extend line to intersect side AB at
point G. Show CG ⊥ AB and altitudes meet at a point
of concurrency. Give reasons for each of the following
(a) (r C − r B ) · (r 0 − r A ) = 0
(b) (r C − r A ) · (r 0 − r B ) = 0
(c) Verify by subtraction (r C − r 0 ) · (r A − r B ) = 0
(d) CG ⊥ AB
(e) Altitudes meet at point of concurrency.

 10-18. Use vectors to prove the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular.

 10-19. Use vectors to prove the diagonals of parallelogram bisect one another.

 10-20. Given a triangle ABC with the x, y-axes passing through the circumcenter
of the triangle.
a r + b r + c r
Show that r 0 = 0, r G = 13 (r A + r B + r C ), r H = (r A + r B + r C ), r I = A a + bB+ c C
where r A , r B , r C are the position vectors to the vertices A, B, C and a, b, c are the
sides of the triangle ABC .

Given a general quadrilateral with sides
r 1 , r 2 , r 3 , r 4 . (a) Find the vectors A,  C,
 D join-
ing the midpoints of the quadrilateral sides as
illustrated. (b) Show that the vectors A,  B,

define a parallelogram.

 10-22. Find the incenter and centroid of the triangles with vertices
(a) (1, 1, 1), (5, 6, 10), (8, 8, 0)
(b) (0, 0, 0), (5, 5, 5), (2, −2, 0)
Given the parallelogram ABCD with diagonals AC
and DB intersecting at point 0. Let E denote the mid-
point of line DC and then construct the line AE which
intersect diagonal DB at point F . Define the vectors
−→ −→
AB = r 1 B0 = r 3 −→
−→ −→ AE = r 5
A0 = r 2 AD = r 4

and use these vectors to show that AF = 2 FE and DF = 2 F0

Hint: There exists scalars α and β such that α r 5 + β r 3 = r 4 . Note vectors can be
moved in the plane as long as they maintain their length and direction. For example,
r 1 + r 4 − 12 r 1 = r 5 and r 1 + 2 r 3 = r 4 .

 10-24. Given triangle ABC with position vectors r A, r B , r C to the vertices A, B, C .

Show that
[ABC] = | ( r B − r A ) × ( r C − r A ) |
[ABC] = | (rC − r B ) × ( r A − r B ) |
[ABC] = | ( r A − r C ) × ( rB − r C ) |
where [ABC] denotes the area of triangle ABC .

 10-25. (Messy algebra) Show in the special two dimensional case r 1 = x1 ê1 + y1 ê2 ,
r 2 = x2 ê1 + y2 ê2 , r 3 = x3 ê1 + y3 ê3 the vector equation for the position of the circum-
| r 3 − r 1 |2 | r 2 − r 1 |2
r o = r 1 + [( r2 − r1 ) × ( r3 − r 1 )] × ( r2 − r 1 ) + ( r3 − r 1 ) × [( r2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )]

D = 2|( r 2 − r 1 ) × ( r 3 − r 1 )|2

reduces to the equations (3.17) and (9.91).

Chapter 11
Solid Geometry I
Three dimensional solids
In previous chapters we have used line segments
to measure one-dimensional length and we have
used squares to measure two-dimensional area with
units of length squared. Now we will use cubes to
measure volume with units of length cubed. In this
chapter we will learn how to define solids and then
find their surface area and volume as well as other
properties associated with various solid structures.
One can construct an (x, y, z) Cartesian coordi-
nate system in three dimensional space. Consider
three axes which meet at a point, called the origin,
where all three axes are perpendicular to one an-
other. The coordinate system can be right-handed
or left-handed. Extend the fingers of the right hand
to point along the positive x-axis and rotate the fin-
gers toward the y-axis. The thumb then points in
the z -direction. This then is a right-handed coor-
dinate system. If you extend the fingers of the left
hand in the direction of the x-axis and rotate the
fingers toward the y-axis and the thumb points in
the z -direction, then the coordinate system is left-
handed. Many quantities in nature are either left-
handed or right-handed. For example, in biology
there are left and right-handed DNA helices.
In the Americas most books use a right-handed coordinate system, while in
European countries many technical books use left-handed coordinate systems. Note
that many equations in science and engineering from European countries will differ
in sign from those in the Americas because of the coordinate system used.
The right-handed coordinate system is defined
by three perpendicular planes, called the coordinate
planes. The intersection of the coordinate planes
produce the lines defining the coordinate axes. A
point in space p1 = p1 (x1 , y1 , z1 ) is defined by three
coordinates (x1 , y1 , z1 ) where

x1 =distance from the yz -plane

y1 =distance from the xz -plane
z1 =distance from the xy-plane

The distance between two points P1 (x1 , y1 , z1 ) and P2 (x2 , y2 , z2 ) is found by using the
Pythagorean theorem to produce the distant formula in three dimensions as

P1 P2 = (x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 + (z2 − z1 )2 (11.1)

for the line segment P1 P2 . This result can be derived by examining the accompanying

Whenever a solid figure is constructed using polygons, the resulting solid is called
a polyhedron1 (plural polyhedra). Anytime one deals with two congruent polygons,
called bases, that lie in parallel planes directly over one another and their vertices are
properly aligned and are connected by straight lines, then the resulting polyhedron
is called a prism. A parallelepiped is an example of a prism having bases which are
parallelograms and faces which are parallelograms.
The figure 11-1 is a sketch of two parallel planes a perpendicular distance h
separating them along with a two dimensional polygon in each plane where the
polygons are congruent and directly in line with one another. By connecting the
vertices of the two figures with lines perpendicular to both planes, one can construct
the prisms illustrated. The names associated with the prisms are determined by
the shape of the polygon base. For example, a rectangular prism would have a
In Greek the word ”poly” means many and the suffix ”hedron” is the Greek word for surface or face of a figure.
Thus, a polyhedron describes a figure with many faces.
rectangular base, a triangular prism would have a triangle for its base, etc. Note
that the rectangles on the sides of the prisms are called faces.

Figure 11 -1. Polyhedra

In geometry the word ”side” is sometimes used to describe a part of a three dimen-
sional solid. The preferred terminology to be used in describing polyhedra is to refer
to the number of ”faces (F)”, ”edges (E)” and ”vertices (V)”. The faces (F), edges
(E) and vertices (V) of polyhedra are related by the Euler2 formula

F +
E +2 (11.2)
F aces V ertices Edges

For example, the triangular prism in figure 11-1 has 5 faces, 9 edges and 6 vertices,
giving 5+6=9+2 for the Euler formula.
Prisms are solids which can be unfolded.

Figure 11 -2. Unfolding polyhedra

Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) A famous Swiss mathematician.
For example, by unfolding the figures of figure 11-1 one obtains the sketch in figure
11-2. By unfolding the solid one can obtain the surface area associated with each
part of the polyhedra. The sum of these surface areas then give the total surface
area associated with the prism. This unfolding technique can be applied to many
other solids having straight edges.

Volume of a solid
A rectangular prism is a box with width w, length  and height h. One can use
cubes to define volume by defining a unit cube C such that mC , m an integer, will
fit exactly into the box. For example, how many one inch cubes will fit into a box 6
inches long, 5 inches wide and 3 inches high? The answer will determine the volume
held by the box.
Volume of rectangular prism is determined by

how many unit cubes make up the prism.

Figure 11 -3. Volume of a box

If the box has length , width w and height h, the volume would be
V = (w)h = (base)(height)

This shows the volume is given by the area of the base times the height. If the box
is cut in half by a plane through the diagonal on the surface, then the area of the
triangular prism is V = ( 21 w)h which is again the area of the triangular base times
the height.

Figure 11 -4. Volume of a triangular prism


The volume of a rectangular prism is V = wh as

demonstrated above. If one adds and subtracts a tri-
angular prism to each end of the rectangular prism one
can create a parallelepiped. The volume of the paral-
lelepiped will also be V = wh which is the area of the
base times the height.
In general, the volume of a prism will always equal the area of the base times
the height. One can use this fact along with the knowledge that as the number of
sides of the regular polygonal base of a prism increases it gets closer and closer to
a circle. In the limit as the number of sides of a regular polygonal base increases
one obtains the volume of a cylinder where the top and bottom regular polygons
become circles. The volume of a cylinder is found to be equal to the area of the base
times the height or Vcylinder = πr 2 h.

Figure 11 -5. Volume of a n-gon becomes volume of cylinder

That is, if a is the apothem of the regular n-gon and  is the length of a side of
the n-gon, then the area of one triangle is 12 a and the area of the base is n times
the area of one triangle. In the limit as n increases
1 1
lim n = 2πr and lim a = r so that lim a(n)h = r(2πr)h = πr 2 h
n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ 2 2
Platonic solids
The Platonic solids are named after the Greek mathematician and philosopher
Plato (427-347)BCE who founded an Academy devoted to the study of philosophy
and science. The Platonic solids all have congruent regular polygons for their faces.
There are only five such solids to be investigated. By unfolding these solids one can
find methods for their construction. In the following representation of the Platonic
solids there is a left and right sketch. Make note that by folding the right-hand
figure along the lines given, one can construct the left-hand figure.
The tetrahedron is bounded by four congruent equilateral triangles.

Figure 11 -6. Tetrahedron

The tetrahedron has 4 faces, 4 vertices and 6 edges. It can be demonstrated that if
 is the length of each edge of the equilateral triangles, then the tetrahedron has the
following volume and surface area.

2 3 √
Volume =  Surface area = 3 2
The hexahedron or cube is bounded by six congruent squares. It has six faces,
8 vertices and 12 edges.

Figure 11 -7. Hexahedron

If  is the length of the squares edges, then it can be demonstrated that the hexa-
hedron has the following volume and surface area.

Volume = 3 Surface area = 6 2

The octahedron is bounded by eight congruent equilateral triangles. It has eight
faces, 12 edges and 6 vertices.

Figure 11 -8. Octahedron

If  is the length of each edge of the equilateral triangles, then it can be demonstrated
that the volume and surface area are given by

2 3 √
Volume =  Surface area = 2 3 2

The dodecahedron is bounded by twelve congruent regular pentagons. If has 12
faces, 30 edges and 20 vertices.

Figure 11 -9. Dodecahedron

If  is the length of an edge on the regular pentagons, then it can be demonstrated

that the dodecahedron has the following volume and surface area
15 + 7 5 3 √
Volume =  Surface area = 3 5(5 + 2 5) 2

Example 11-1.

Figure 11 -10. The dodecahedron

The volume of a dodecahedron can be considered as a combining of 12 pyramids

with regular pentagons for their bases. One can calculate the volume of the pyramids
and thus determine the volume of the dodecahedron. Consider the section TSU
from the dodecahedron. Select a point P on the edge and construct lines PQ and
PR which are both perpendicular to line PT so that triangles QP T and RP T are
right triangles. Follow this by constructing the perpendicular line P P  .
Examine the above figure and observe that β = 108◦, α = 36◦, TSU is an equi-
lateral triangle, γ = 30◦ which implies P  R is one-half RT implying triangle QRT is
also equilateral with QT = QR = RT.
Using trigonometry one can verify that

0B = tan 54◦ and sin 36◦ =
2 QT
Also note the sine of one-half the dihederal angle is
0P  QR QT 1 1 1
sin θ = = 2 = = = ◦
= √
QP QP 2QP QP 2 sin 36 (5+ 5)
2 10

and consequently one can find h from the equation

h h
tan θ = = 
0B 2 tan 54◦

1 2
The area of triangle 0AC =  0B = tan 54◦ so the area of the regular pentagon
2 4
is 2 tan 54◦ . Note that from exercises 7-29 and 7-30 one can find tan 54◦ and sin 36◦ .
The volume of one pyramid is (area of base)(height) or
1 5 2 ◦  ◦ 5 3 ◦ 2 1 5+2 5 3
V1 = (  tan 54 )( tan 54 tan θ) =  (tan 54 ) tan Arcsin( ) =  √ 
3 4 2 24 2 sin 36◦ 12 6 − 2 5

Hence the volume of the dodecahedron is

√  √ √
5+2 5 3 (5 + 2 5)2 6+2 5 3 15 + 7 5 3
V12 = 12V1 =  √  =  √ · √  = 
6−2 5 6−2 5 6+2 5 4

The icosahedron is bounded by twenty congruent equilateral triangles. It has
twenty faces, 12 vertices and 30 edges.

Figure 11 -11. Icosahedron

If  is the length of an edge on the equilateral triangles, then the volume and surface
area are given by
5 √ √
Volume = (3 + 5) 3 Surface area = 5 3 2

Ruled Surfaces
A ruled surface is generated by moving a line or line segment to sweep out the
surface. The moving line segment can be fixed at one point and move along a base
curve called a directrix. The moving line segment can be made to move between two
nonintersecting curves in three dimensional space called a directrix and director. A
ruled surface is said to exist when every point of a surface can be made to connect
to at least one other point on the surface to make a straight line segment. The
lines which sweep out and generate the surface are called rulings. The figures 11-12
and 11-13 are illustrations of some ruled surfaces. One can find examples of ruled
surfaces in many architectural structures.
A polyhedral angle is formed by a line segment
moving through a fixed point called the vertex and
the boundary of a polygon. The angle is sometimes
referred to as a solid angle. The moving line is
called the generatrix and the fixed polygon is called
the directrix. A trihedral angle is a polyhedral angle
whose directrix is a triangle.

Figure 11 -12. Four examples of ruled surfaces

One method for constructing a ruled surface is
to have two curves in space, say C1 and C2 defined
by position vectors r = r 1 (t) and r = r 2 (t) having a
common parameter t. Then the vector

r (t, λ) = r 2 (t) + λ (r1 (t) − r 2 (t))

is a two parameter ruled surface. Here for each

value of the parameter t there results a line  as t
is held fixed and λ is allowed to vary between two
fixed values, say λ1 ≤ λ ≤ λ2 .

Definitions The vertex of a right circular cone of height h is a point directly

over the center of the circular base.
The height of a right circular cone is the perpendicular distance between the
vertex point and the base of the cone. The slant height of a right circular cone is
the straight line distance from the vertex of the cone to a point on the circumference
of the circular base.
A regular pyramid has a regular polygon for its base and has triangles for its
lateral faces. All the face triangles have a common vertex point.
The height of a regular pyramid is the perpendicular distance between the vertex
and the base.
The slant height of a regular pyramid or cone is the perpendicular distance from
the vertex to an edge of the base.
The apex of a pyramid or cone is the tip, vertex or highest point of the figure
which is opposite the base. The frustum (plural frustums) of a pyramid or cone is
that portion of the figure lying between the base of the figure and a plane parallel
to the base and cutting the figure.

Figure 11 -13. Pyramids as ruled surfaces

Curved surfaces
A curved surface can be created by rotating a curve about an axis.

Figure 11 -14. Rotation of curves to produce a solid

Consider the semicircle y = r2 − x2 in figure 11-14. If this semicircle is rotated
about the x-axis, then a sphere results. If the parabola in the figure 11-14 is rotated
about the y-axis, then a paraboloid results. If the ellipse in the above figure is rotated
about the x-axis an ellipsoid results. Many other solid shapes can be produced by
the rotation of a curve or line about an axis.
Volume of right circular cone
To find the volume associated with a right circular cone such as the one illus-
trated in the figure 11-15 one can first approximate the volume and then take a
limiting process to find the true volume of the cone. One can construct rectangles
and rotate these rectangles about the z -axis to form disks, then a summation of the
volumes associated with each disk will give an approximation for the volume of the
As the number of disks are increased, the approximation will approach the true
volume. Observe that in the y-z plane the equation of the line passing through the
points (0, h) and (r, 0) is given by z−h = −( hr )y and solving for y one obtains y = r−( hr )z .
If the height h of the cone is divided into n-parts each of length h/n, then the radius
of the disk at any height z will be given by y = r − ( hr )z and the volume of the disk is
the area of the base times the height (h/n). Consider the ith disk at height zi = ih/n
with radius yi = r − ( hr )ih/n.

Figure 11 -15. Summation of disks to approximate volume

The volume of this disk is

Volume of ith disk = Vi = πyi2 (h/n) = π r − ( )ih/n (h/n)
and a summation of these disks gives the approximate volume of the cone as
n 2 n
h 2 i h 2 2i i2
Vapprox ≈ πr 1 − = πr 1 − + 2 (11.3)
n n i=1
n n n

Recall from chapter 6 we developed the summation formulas

n n n
n(n + 1) n
1 = n, i= , i2 = (n + 1)(2n + 1) (11.4)
2 6
i=1 i=1 i=1
n(n + 1) n2 + n n 2n3 + 3n2 + n
where = and (n + 1)(2n + 1) = . Expressing the equation
2 2 6 6
(11.3) in the form
 n n n

2 1 2 1 2
Vapprox ≈ hπr 1− 2 i+ 3 i (11.5)
n n n
i=1 i=1 i=1

and using the results from equations (11.4) one can show
1 2 n2 + n 1 2n3 + 3n2 + n
lim Vapprox = lim πr 2 h n− 2 +
n→∞ n→∞ n n 2 n3 6

giving the volume of the cone as

1 2 1
Vcone = πr h = (area of base)(height) (11.6)
3 3

Volume of frustum associated with right circular cone

If a right circular cone is cut by a plane parallel to its base at a distance h
above the base, then a frustum of the right circular cone is created. The situation
is illustrated in the figure 11-16 where the top portion of the right circular cone is
removed leaving the frustum. Let
Vf = volume of frustum of right circular cone
Vt = volume of top cone which is removed
Vc = volume of original cone with height (h1 + h)
then one can write
Vf = Vc − Vt

which states the volume of the frustum is volume of original cone minus the top
portion which is removed. Using equation (11.6) for the volume of a cone, we find
π π
Vf = Vc − Vt = r22 (h1 + h) − r12 h1
3 3 (11.7)
π 2 π 2
= r2 h + (r2 − r12 )h1
3 3

Figure 11 -16. Frustum of right circular cone

Observe that by similar triangles one finds the proportions

h1 h1 + h r1
= or h1 = h (11.8)
r1 r2 r2 − r1
Substituting for h1 from equation (11.8) into equation (11.7) one obtains
π π r1
Vf = r22 h + (r22 − r12 ) h
3 3 r2 − r1
π π
Vf = r22 h + (r2 + r1 )r1 h (11.9)
3 3
π  2 
Vf = h r2 + r1 r2 + r12
which represents the equation for obtaining the volume for the frustum of a right
circular cone.
Surface area of right circular cylinder
The surface area of a right circular cylinder can be obtained by cutting it verti-
cally on a side and unfolding it. The unfolded section is a rectangle with length 2πr
and width h. This gives the lateral surface area of a cylinder as S = 2πrh

Figure 11 -17. Unfolding cylinder to find surface area

The total surface area associated with a cylinder is obtained by adding the
surface areas of the top and bottom circles to the lateral surface area. This gives
the total surface area of the right circular cylinder as

St = 2πr 2 + 2πrh

Surface area of right circular cone The lateral surface area of a right
circular cone with base radius r and slant height  can be obtained by cutting
along the slant height and unfolding the cone. This produces the figure 11-18. An
examination of this figure produces the following proportions
area of sector angle of sector
area of circle 2π (11.10)
circumference of cone base angle of sector
and =
circumference of circle with radius  2π

Let As denote the area of the sector which is also the lateral surface area of the cone,
then the proportions given in equation (11.10) can be written as
As θ 2πr θ
= and = (11.11)
π 2π 2π 2π

Figure 11 -18. Unfolding cone to find surface area

The equations (11.11) simplify to

1 2 1
As = θ = (θ)  and 2πr = θ
2 2

which gives
As = πr (11.12)
That is, the lateral surface area of the right circular cone is π times the radius times
the slant height. To find the total surface area one must add to the lateral surface
area the area of the base which is πr2 .

Surface area of frustum of a right circular cone

The lateral surface area associated with the frustum of a right circular cone
illustrated in the figure 11-19 can be obtained by subtracting the the lateral surface
area of two cones. The larger cone with base radius r2 has the lateral surface area
πr2 (1 + 2 ) obtained using the lateral surface area relation from equation (11.12).
The smaller cone with base radius r1 has the lateral surface area πr1 1 . The figure
11-19 also shows two similar triangles giving the proportions
r1 1
= ⇒ r2 1 = r1 (1 + 2 ) (11.13)
r2 1 + 2

Figure 11 -19. Subtracting the lateral surface area of two cones

Subtracting the lateral surface area of the smaller cone from that of the larger cone
gives the lateral surface area SL for the frustum associated with the larger cone. One
SL = πr2(1 + 2 ) − πr1 1

One can rearrange terms and use equation (11.13) to express this result in the
following form
SL =π(r1 + r2 )2 + π [r1 1 − r1 (1 + 2 )]
SL =π(r1 + r2 )2
where the term inside the square brackets is zero because of equation (11.13). The
lateral surface area of the frustum is π times the sum of the top and bottom radius
all multiplied by the slant height. To find the total surface area of the frustum one
must add to the lateral surface area πr12 plus πr22 which represents the surface area
of the top and bottom of the frustum.
Rotation of line segment to calculate the surface area
There is another way that one can calculate the lateral surface area associated
with a right cylinder, right cone and frustum of a right cone. The method requires
that one analyze the rotation of a line segment AB about an axis of rotation as follows.
First find the midpoint M of the line segment AB, then construct the perpendicular
bisector of the line segment AB labeling the point where the perpendicular bisector
intersects the axis of rotation as point 0. One can then calculate the distance M0
from point 0 to M . For each solid it will be demonstrated that the

Lateral surface area = 2π M0 h (11.15)

where h is a length obtained by the projection of the line segment AB onto the axis
of rotation. In using this result we will refer to it as the surface area by rotation

Rotation of line segment AB about an axis

M0 is perpendicular bisector of line segment AB.
h is the projection of AB onto axis of rotation.
0 is point of intersection of M0 with axis of rotation.

Figure 11 -23. Line segment AB rotated about an axis

The cylinder
In figure 11-20 the line segment AB is parallel to the
axis of rotation. The line segment M0 is the perpen-
dicular bisector of line segment AB which intersects
the axis of rotation at point 0. The distance CD = h
represents the projection of line segment AB onto
the axis of rotation. The cylinder formed when AB
is rotated about the axis of rotation has the lateral
Figure 11 -20. Cylinder
surface area S = 2πrh where r is congruent to M0
and h is congruent to CD. Therefore, S = 2πM0 h
The cone
In figure 11-21 the line segment AB has one end
attached to the axis of rotation. The line segment
M0 is the perpendicular bisector of the line segment
AB. The cone that results when the line segment
AB rotates about the axis of rotation has the lateral
surface area S = πr where r = AC and  = AB. In
the triangle ABC of figure 11-21 construct the line
segment ME  AC. Note point M is a midpoint so
that AC = 2ME. Also triangles 0M E and ACD Figure 11 -21. Cone
(BC = CD) are similar so that one can write the
proportional statement

= ⇒ AB · ME = M0 · CD = M0 h

Therefore, the surface area can be represented

S = πr = π AC · AB = π(2ME) · AB = 2πAB · ME = 2π M0 h

The frustum
Here the line segment AB is offset at an angle away from the axis of rotation. The
rotation of the line segment about the axis produces the frustum that we wish to
examine. The frustum produced has the surface area

Sf = π(r1 + r2 ) = Sf = π(AC + BD) · AB (11.16)

Construct the line ME parallel to both the

line segments AC and BD which represents the me-
dian of the trapezoid ABDC. The median line is
the average of the top base and bottom base of the
trapezoid so one can write ME = 21 (AC + BD) and so
equation (11.16) can be written in the form
Figure 11 -22. Frustum
Sf = π(2ME) · AB (11.17)
By dropping a perpendicular line from point A which intersect line segment BD
at point F, one can make note that the triangles AF B and M 0E are similar
(AF B ∼ M 0E) so that one can form the ratios

= ⇒ ME · AB = M0 · AF (11.18)

But AF is congruent to CD = h which is the projection of line segment AB onto the

axis of rotation. Therefore, from equations (11.17) and (11.18) one finds

Sf = π(2ME) · AB = 2π M0 · AF = 2π M0 · CD = 2π M0 h (11.19)

Volume of the sphere

Consider a sphere of radius r as illustrated in the figure 11-24. If the sphere
is divided in half, then two hemispheres result. Consider the problem of finding
the volume of a hemisphere. Recall that the area of a circle was approximated by
circumscribing and inscribing n-gons inside a circle and then adding up the areas of
triangles associated with the n-gons and then letting the integer n get very large.
One can proceed in a similar fashion to obtain the volume of a hemisphere.

Figure 11 -24. Sphere divided in half.

Imagine the approximation for the volume of a hemisphere is obtained by stack-

ing different sized cylinders to approximate the hemisphere. These cylinders can be

generated by examining the figure 11-25 where the circle y = r2 − x2 is sketched
in the first quadrant. If this curve is rotated about the y-axis, then a hemisphere
results. If the radial distance from 0 to r is divided into say 6 parts, each of length
h = , then a series of 6 rectangles can be constructed each of height h. As each of
these rectangles is rotated about the y-axis, then 6 cylinders are formed. The volume
of each cylinder is obtained by multiplying the area of the base times the height h.

Figure 11 -25. Use of 6 cylinders to approximate volume of hemisphere

One finds
Volume of blue cylinder =πr2 h
Volume of red cylinder =π(r2 − h2 ) h
Volume of green cylinder =π(r2 − 4h2 ) h
Volume of gray cylinder =π(r2 − 9h2 ) h
Volume of light blue cyclinder =π(r2 − 16h2 ) h
Volume of orange cylinder =π(r2 − 25h2 ) h
Summation of these volumes gives the following approximation for the volume of a

Vhemisphere ≈ πr 2 h + π(r 2 − h2 ) h + π(r 2 − 4h2 ) h + π(r 2 − 9h2 ) h + π(r 2 − 16h2 ) h + π(r 2 − 25h2 ) h

Using the summation convention one can express the above result as
Vhemisphere ≈ π r − (i − 1)2 h2 h (11.20)

or substituting h = 6
into equation (11.20) one obtains
 r 2 r 6

i − 1 1
Vhemisphere ≈ π r 2 − (i − 1)2 = πr 3 1− (11.21)
6 6 6 6
i=1 i=1

Instead of 6 cylinders produced when the curve y = r2 − x2 is rotated about the
y -axis, suppose we create N cylinders. The formula approximating the volume of the
hemisphere will look exactly like equation (11.21) except now the radial distance is
divided by N instead of 6. In equation (11.21) replace 6 by N everywhere to obtain
the approximation
i−1 1
Vhemisphere ≈ πr 3 1−
1 1
Vhemisphere ≈ πr 3 1− 3 (i − 1)2
i=1 i=1

Recall the summation formulas from chapter 6


1 =N (11.23)
N (N + 1) N2 N
j= = + (11.24)
2 2 2
N (N + 1)(2N + 1) N3 N2 N
j2 = = + + (11.25)
6 3 2 6

Examine the equation (11.22) and note that we desire to find the summations

1 and (i − 1)2
i=1 i=1

The first sum is obtained from equation (11.23). In order to find the second sum-
mation make a change of variable. Let j = i − 1 and note that when i = 1, then j = 0
and when i = N , then j = N − 1. This change of the summation index produces

2 2
(i − 1) = j = j2 (11.26)
i=1 j=0 j=1

This last summation is the same as equation (11.25) with N replaced by N − 1.

Substituting N − 1 into equation (11.25) replacing N everywhere produces
N N−1

(N − 1)(N )(2N − 1) N3 N2 N
(i − 1) = j2 = = − + (11.27)
i=1 j=1
6 3 2 6
Substitute the summation formulas
N3 N2 N
1=N and (i − 1)2 = − +
i=1 j=1
3 2 6

into the equation (11.22)and show

3 1 1 N N2 N
Vhemisphere ≈ πr N− 3 − +
N N 3 2 6
1 1 1
Vhemisphere ≈ πr 3 1 − + −
3 2N 6N 2

Observe that as N gets very large all the terms inside the square brackets

1 1
− (11.29)
2N 6N 2

get very small and eventually approach zero for very large values of N . Therefore,
the volume for the approximation of the hemisphere becomes
3 1 2 3
Vhemisphere = πr 1− = πr (11.30)
3 3

and so the volume of a sphere is given by twice the volume of a hemisphere so that
4 3
Vsphere = πr (11.31)

Surface area of a sphere

We will use the surface area by rotation

theorem to find the surface area of a sphere. The
surface area can be approximated by constructing
an octagon inside a semicircle and then rotating the
figure about the diameter of the circle as illustrated
in the figure 11-26. Recall from equation (11.15)
that when the line segment AB is rotated about
the axis of rotation the surface area of the cone
generated is
SAB = 2πraAG (11.32)

where ra is the apothem of the polygon and AG is

Figure 11 -26. the projection of AB onto the axis of rotation.
Rotation of octagon
Using the results from equation (11.15) one can rotate the other line segments
BC, CD, DE about the axis of rotation to obtain the surface areas

SBC =2πraG0
SCD =2πra0F (11.33)

SDE =2πraFE

The total surface area associated with the rotation of the polygon is

S = 2πra (AG + G0 + 0F + FE) (11.34)

Observe that (AG + G0 + 0F + FE) = 2r where r is the circumradius of the polygon

and resulting radius of the sphere when the figure 11-26 is rotated. The rotation of
the figure 11-26 gives the following approximation for the surface area of the sphere

Ssphere ≈ 2πra(2r) (11.35)

In the limit as the number of sides of the polygon increases the apothem distance ra
approaches the circumradius distance r reducing the equation (11.35) to the formula
for the surface area of a sphere given by

Ssphere = lim 2πra (2r) = 2πr (2r) = 4πr 2 (11.36)


Plane and sphere

A plane intersecting a sphere results in a circular
cross-section. The proof is as follows. One can construct
the line 0C which is perpendicular to the plane. Select
any two points A and B on the curve of intersection
associated with the plane and sphere and then construct
the line segments CA and CB which lie in the plane. The
line 0C is common to both right triangles and so triangles 0CA and 0CB are two
right triangles having an equal leg and hypotenuse. Consequently, these triangles
are congruent and indicate that CA = CB. The points A and B are arbitrary having
an equal distance from C . Hence, the curve of intersection is a circle.
A corollary to the above is that two circles on a sphere are equal if their planes
are equidistant from the center.
Parts of a sphere
When the circle illustrated is rotated about the di-
ameter AF then a sphere results and (i) the rotation of
an arc generates a surface area called a zone and (ii)
the rotation of an area generates a volume associated
with the zone. Consider the following:
(a) The area GEDH generates a zone called a spherical
segment having an upper and lower circular base with
GH called an altitude and represents the distance be-
tween the parallel planes defining the upper and lower
base. The resulting spherical segment has both a volume and suface area.
(b) The area FGE generates a zone called a spherical cap. Both the spherical seg-
ment and spherical cap can be thought of as having two parallel planes intersecting
the sphere at different points where in one case one of the planes is tangent to the
(c) The areas 0BA and 0CA generate spherical cones.
(d) The area 0CB generates a spherical sector when rotated.

(e) When the arc BC is rotated a zone results which is the base of the spherical

Spherical Cap
When a plane intersects a sphere it creates a spherical cap. The volume and
surface area associated with a spherical cap can be determined from the limit of an
approximation. Consider a cross section of a sphere of radius r and let the line y = H
denote the plane cutting the sphere.
To approximate the volume of the spherical cap consider the rotation of n-disks
about the y-axis. Divide the distance r − H into n-parts giving each of the disks a
thickness of d = (r − H)/n. The volume element given by the ith disk is
  (r − H) (r − H)
Vi = πx2i 2
d = π(r − yi2 ) d 2 2
= π r − [r − id] d = π r − r − i
n n

Expand the above equation and show

 2  3
r−H r−H
Vi = 2πr i−π i2 (11.37)
n n

Figure 11 -27.
Approximation for volume of spherical cap

A summation of the volume elements from 1 to n gives the volume approximation

n  2
n  3
r−H r−H
va = Vi = 2πr i−π i2 (11.38)
n i=1
n i=1

Using the summation formulas

n n
n2 n n3 n2 n
i= + and i2 = + +
2 2 i=1
3 2 6

previously derived in chapter 6, one finds

(r − H)2 n2 n (r − H)3 n3 n2 n
Va = Vi = 2πr + −π + +
n2 2 2 n3 3 3 6

Taking the limit as n gets very large, the volume approximation produces the true
result for the volume of the spherical cap
π π
Vcap = πr(r − H)2 − (r − H)3 = (r − H)2 (2r + H) (11.39)
3 3

Letting h = r − H denote the height of the spherical cap, the equation (11.39) can be
represented in the form
π 2
Vcap = h (3r − h) (11.40)
One can replace the rectangles in figure 11-27 by trapezoids and then find the
surface area of a spherical cap by using the rotation of line segments about the y-axis
(rotation of line segments theorem) to approximate the surface area. As the number
of line segments increase one can demonstrate the lateral surface area associated
with a spherical cap is given by
Scap = 2πrh (11.41)

Great circles and spherical angles

The great circle of a sphere is the intersection of the sphere surface with a plane
which passes through the center of the sphere. A small circle on a sphere is created by
the intersection of the spherical surface with a plane not passing through the center
of the sphere. A spherical angle is formed when planes associated with two great
circles pass through the same point P on the surface and form a dihedral angle which
cuts out a spherical angle on the surface of the sphere. The spherical angle equals

the arc AB formed by the planes creating the angle intersecting the equator of the
sphere. A zone on the sphere is the surface area on the sphere between two parallel
planes cutting the surface of the sphere. A spherical cone or sector of a sphere is
constructed by adding a cone with vertex at the sphere center and the cone based
attached to the spherical cap base. This gives the volume of the spherical cone as

Figure 11 -28.
Spherical angle, spherical zone, spherical cone or sector of sphere

Volume of spherical cone =Volume of spherical cap + Volume of cone

π π
V = h(3a2 + h2 ) + a2 (r − h)
6 3
π π 
V = h(3(2rh − h ) + h2 ) +
(2rh − h2 )(r − h)
6 3

which simplifies to
2 2
V = πr h

Figure 11 -29.
Spherical zone, spherical segment or spherical frustum

A spherical segment, spherical zone or spheri-

cal frustum is obtained by removing a small spher-
ical cap from a large spherical cap as illustrated in
the figure 11-29. The volume of the spherical frus-
tum can be represented
π π
Vf = (H + h)(3a2 + (H + h)2 ) − H(3b2 + H 2 )
6 6

Make the substitution R = H + h and show the vol-

ume of a spherical frustum can be expressed
π  π
Vf = R(3a2 + R2 − (R − h)(3b2 + (R − h)2 )
6 6

A cross section of the spherical frustum shows the top radius b and bottom radius
a satisfy the equations

a2 − b2 − h2
a2 + y02 = r 2 , b2 + (y0 + h)2 = r 2 , ⇒ y0 =

Substituting R = H + h = r − y0 into the equation for the spherical frustum volume

one obtains after simplification
π 2 
Vf = 3b h + h3 + (3a2 − 3b2 − 3h2 )r + 3hr 2 − (3a2 + 3b2 + 3h2 − 6hr)y0 + 3hy02 (11.42)
Now substitute into the above equation
a2 − b2 − h2 
y0 = and r = a2 + y0

and simplify to obtain the result

π  2 
Vf = h 3a + 3b2 + h2 (11.43)

In a similar fashion one can use the rotation of line segments to calculate the
surface area associated with a spherical frustum. One finds the surface area of a
spherical frustum is given by
Sf = 2πr h (11.44)

The total surface area of the spherical frustum is obtained by adding the surface
area of the two bases giving

Sf T = 2πrh + πa2 + πb2

Right pyramid with square base

Consider the right pyramid with square base illustrated in the figure 11-30, where
the height of the pyramid is h and the square base has a bottom length of 2b on any

Figure 11 -30.
Square pyramid approximation of volume

To find the volume of the pyramid one can start off by first getting an approximate
value for the volume and then improve on the approximate value obtained. For
example, suppose the volume of the pyramid is approximated by 5 prisms stacked
one upon the other as illustrated in the figure 11-30. The dimensions of the prisms
used in the approximation can be obtained by taking a cross section of the pyramid
and showing a section in the y−z plane produces the line z−h = − hb y or y = b 1 − hz .

Figure 11 -31.
Cross section of pyramid.

If the height h of the pyramid is divided into 5 parts, then the volume of each disk
is the area of each base times the height of the disk or (h/5). Using the equation of
the line describing the slant line of the prism one can examine the figure 11-31 to
determine the length of the sides associate with each base of the stacked prisms.

Use y = b 1 − hz to determine length of 12 side
z y length of side
0 b 2b
h/5 b(1-1/5) 2b(1-1/5)
2h/5 b(1-2/5) 2b(1-2/5)
3h/5 b(1-3/5) 2b(1-3/5)
4h/5 b(1-4/5) 2b(1-4/5)
By squaring the length of the prism side and multiplying by the height h/5 one
can obtain the volume of each prism. Addition of these volumes gives an approxi-
mation Va for the volume of the pyramid as
h 2 h 2 h 2 h 2 h
Va ≈ (2b)2 + [2b (1 − 1/5)] + [2b (1 − 2/5)] + [2b (1 − 3/5)] + [2b (1 − 4/5)]
5 5 5 5 5
Using the summation convention introduced in chapter 6, this approximation
can be expressed
5   2
(i − 1) h
Va ≈ 2b 1 − (11.45)
5 5
Instead of 5 prisms, suppose one used n prisms, where n is a large integer. The
volume approximation would be the same as equation (11.45) except that all the 5’s
in equation (11.45) would be replaced by the integer n to obtain
n   2
(i − 1) h
Va ≈ 2b 1 − (11.46)
n n

Expand the equation (11.46) and represent it in the form


2 (i − 1) (i − 1)2 h
Va ≈= 4b 1 − 2 +
n n2 n
n n n
2h 2 h 2 h

Va ≈=4b 1 − 8b 2 (i − 1) + 4b 3 (i − 1)2
n n n
i=1 i=1 i=1

We have previously shown the summation terms in equation (11.47) can be repre-
sented n n n
n2 n n3 n2 n
1 = n, (i − 1) = − , (i − 1)2 = − +
2 2 3 2 6
i=1 i=1 i=1

Using these results in the equation (11.47) one finds the volume approximation for
the pyramid with n prisms can be represented
2 1
2 2 1 1 1
Va ≈ 4b h − 4b h 1 − + 4b h − +
n 3 2n 6n2

Observe that as the integer n gets very large, then the terms that are divided by n
all get very small, so that in the limit as n → ∞ one obtains
1 2 1
Vpyramid = lim Va = (4b )h = (base)(height) (11.48)
n→∞ 3 3

The surface area of the pyramid is four times the area of one triangular face. A
single triangular face as the area
As = (2b)

where  is the slant height and 2b is the length of the triangle base. Therefore, the
total lateral surface area of the pyramid is Spyramid = 4As = 2(2b). One can use the
Pythagorean theorem to calculate the slant height since 2 = b2 + h2 . Observe that
the lateral surface area of the pyramid can be written in the alternative form
1 1 1 
Spyramid = [2b + 2b + 2b + 2b] = P  = P b2 + h2 (11.49)
2 2 2
where P = 8b is the perimeter of the base and  is the slant height of the pyramid.
To obtain the total surface area associated with the pyramid one must add the area
associated with the square base (2b)2 to the lateral surface area.

Frustum of a square pyramid

The frustum of a square pyramid is obtained by a plane parallel to the base of
the pyramid and cutting the top off. The situation is illustrated in the figure 11-32.
One can calculate the volume of a large pyramid and then calculate the volume of a
smaller pyramid, where the smaller pyramid represents the top of the pyramid that
was removed to form the frustum. The volume of the frustum of a pyramid is then
the volume of the larger pyramid minus the volume of the smaller pyramid. Let the
height of the original square pyramid be (h2 + h) and its base denoted by b1 . Let the
height of the pyramid cut off to form the frustum be h2 and its base denoted by b2 ,
then one can express the volume of the pyramid frustum as
1 1
Vf rustum = (b1)2 (h2 + h) − (b2)2 (h2 ) (11.50)
3 3

which represents the volume of the original pyramid minus the portion removed.

Figure 11 -32.
Frustum of pyramid and its cross section.

This result can be expressed in a different form involving only h, the height of the
frustum and also the quantities A1 , A2 representing the areas of the top base and
bottom base of the frustum. If one makes use of similar triangles one can write the
h2 b2 b2
= ⇒ h2 = h (11.51)
h2 + h b1 b1 − b2
Replace the h2 in equation (11.50) using the results from equation (11.51) and show

1 2 b2 1 2 b2
Vf rustum = b1 h + h − b2 h
3 b1 − b2 3 b1 − b2

1 b2 (b21 − b22 ) + (b1 − b2 )b21 (11.52)
Vf rustum = h
3 b1 − b2
Vf rustum = h A1 + A2 + A1 A2 = h b21 + b1 b2 + b22
3 3
where A1 = b21 and A2 = b22 are the areas of the top and bottom of the frustum.
Let  denote the slant height of each face of the frustum. Each face of the
frustum is a trapezoid with lateral surface area

Sf rustum = 4 (b1 + b2 )

Let 4b1 = p1 and 4b2 = p2 denote the perimeter of the top and bottom faces, then the
lateral surface area can be expressed
Sf rustum = (p1 + p2 ) (11.53)
The total surface area of the frustum requires the addition of the top and bottom
areas to the lateral surface area.
Lateral surface area of pyramid
The lateral surface area of a regular pyramid
with n-sides is obtained by first finding the area of
one triangular face
1 1
S1 = AB 1 = (base)(height)
2 2

where AB is base of triangle and 1 is the slant height

as illustrated in the accompanying figure.

The total lateral surface area of n-faces is

n 1
St = n S 1 = AB 1 = p1 
2 2
where p1 = n AB is the perimeter of the base.
If the pyramid is cut by a plane parallel to the base, then a frustum of a regular
pyramid is created. The lateral surface area for this frustum is
1 1
S= p1 1 − p2 2 (11.54)
2 2
where p1 is the perimeter of the lower base and p2 is the perimeter of the upper base.
Note that the original pyramid and top pyramid cut by the plane are similar figures
so that one can write
p2 2
= or p2 1 = p1 2 (11.55)
p1 1
Therefore, the equation (11.54) can be expressed
1 1 1
S= [p1 1 − p1 2 + p2 1 − p2 2 ] = (p1 + p2 )(1 − 2 ) = (p1 + p2 ) (11.56)
2 2 2
where  = 1 − 2 is the slant height of the frustum. The equation (11.56) shows the
lateral surface area associated with a frustum of a regular pyramid having n-faces is
given by the average perimeter of the top and bottom bases multiplied by the slant
height  which is the same as our previous result for a square pyramid.
Cavalier’s principle in three dimensions
Consider two parallel planes P1 and P2 with two
solids between them. Cavalier’s first principle states
that if every plane P parallel to both planes P1 and
P2 cuts the two solids to produce equal area cross-
sections, then the volumes of the two solids will be
equal. Cavalier’s second principle states that if the
cross-sections have areas in the ratio A 2
, then the
volumes of the solids will have the ratio VV12 = A1

Cavalier’s principle implies the following. If the bases at top and bottom are of
equal area, then
A right cylinder and slanted right cylinder of the same height have equal volume.
A right prism and slanted right prism of the same height have equal volumes
A right pyramid and slanted right pyramid of the same height have equal volumes

The Cavalier’s principle does not require that

the solids be similar in shape. The only thing re-
quired is that as the plane P moves up and down
and remains parallel to planes P1 and P2 , then the
cross-sectional areas of the two solids must be equal
for all possible cross-sections. Whenever this oc-
curs, then the solids have equal volume.
Note that Cavalier’s principle says the volumes are the same. However, the
lateral surface area changes as is illustrated in the following examples.

Example 11-2.
Find the volume and surface area for the cylinder and slanted cylinder.
Let V denote volume, S the lateral surface area, h the height of the solid and a the
radius of circle perpendicular to the sides of the oblique cylinder.

Figure 11 -33. Cylinder and slanted cylinder

oblique or slanted cylinder

Volume =(area of base)(height)
Volume =(area of base)(height)
V =(πr 2 ) sin α = πr 2 h
V =(πr ) h
lateral surface area
lateral surface area =(perimeter)(height) 2πr h
S =(2πr) =
S =2πr h sin α
total surface area
total surface area =St = 2πr h + 2(πr2 )
St =2πr  + 2(πr 2 ) = 2πr ( + r)

Example 11-3.
Find the volume and surface area for a prism and oblique prism.
Let V denote volume, A the area of the base, S the lateral surface area, p the
perimeter of the base,  the slant height of the oblique prism, pN the perimeter of
the prism and AN the area of a normal section to sides of oblique prism and h the
height of the prisms.

Figure 11 -34. Prism and oblique prism

One can then verify the following.

prism oblique prism

V =(area of base)(height) V =(area of base)(height)
V =A h V =A h or or V = AN 
S =(perimeter of base)(height)
S =p h S =pN 
total surface area total surface area
St =p h + 2A St =pN  + 2A

Cavalier’s principle implies each of the solids in figure 11-35 have a volume given
Volume = (area of base)(height)

Figure 11 -35. All solids have volume 13 (area of base)(height)

That is, we have demonstrated the cone has a volume given by V = 13 b h so that if the
area of all the bases in figure 11-35 are the same and all heights and cross sections
are the same, then they all must have the same volume given by the relation
V = (area of base)(height)

Example 11-4. Consider a cylinder with base πr 2 and height r. Place a cone
within the cylinder as illustrated in the figure below.

Place next to this cylinder a hemisphere with radius r and then cut both figures
by a plane at a height h. The cross-section produced through the cylinder is a washer
shaped area. This area equals A = π(r2 − h2 ) since the slope of the cone is unity.

The cross-sectional area of the sphere is a circle with radius x = r2 − h2 . The cross-
sectional area of the sphere is also A = π(r2 −h2 ). By Cavalier’s theorem the volumes of
1 1
these two solids are equal. The volume of the cone is Vcone = (base)(height) = (πr2 )(r)
3 3
and the volume of the cylinder is Vcylinder = (base)(height) = (πr2 )(r) Therefore the
volume associated with the cross-sectional area is
1 2
V = Vcylinder − Vcone = πr 3 − πr 3 = πr 3 = Vhemisphere
3 3

Therefore, by Cavalier’s principle and symmetry, the volume of the sphere is given
by Vsphere = πr3 .

Theorems of Pappus
Pappus3 of Alexandria derived two propositions or theorems for determining the
volume and surface area associated with solids created by rotation of an area about
an axis.
The first proposition of Pappus states that the surface area associated with a
solid of revolution equals the product

(Length of arc around area rotated)(distance traveled by the centroid of the arc)

The second proposition of Pappus states that the volume associated with a solid
of revolution equals the product

(cross-sectional area rotated)(distance traveled by the centroid of the area)

Example 11-5.  2
r+R 2 2 R−r
Consider the circle (x− ) +z = which is revolved about the z−axis
2 2
to form a torus with inner radius r and outer radius R as illustrated.

The surface area is

S =(Length of arc around area rotated)(distance traveled by the centroid of the arc)
(R − r) R+r
S = 2π( 2π = π 2 (R2 − r 2 )
2 2
Pappus of Alexandria (290-350)CE mathematician and philosopher.
since the origin of the circle is the centroid for the arc.
The volume is found to be
V =(cross-sectional area rotated)(distance traveled by the centroid of the area)
R−r R+r π2
V = π 2π = (R − r)(R2 − r 2 )
2 2 4

Similar solids
In the following discussions make note that if two solids are similar, then their
ratio of areas is proportional to the square of the similarity ratio and the ratio of
their volumes is proportional to the cube of the similarity ratios.
Two similar cylinders provides one with the sim-
r h
ilarity ratios  =  . The lateral surface area of the
r h
two similar cylinders are S = 2πrh and S  = 2πr h giving
the ratio
S 2πrh r h h h2 r2
= = = =
S 2πr  h r  h h 2 r2

The volumes of the two similar cylinders are V = πr2 h

and V  = πr2h giving the ratio
V πr 2 h h r h h3 r3
= = = =
V πr 2 h r 2h h3 r 3

Right circular cones

Examine the two similar right circular cones and
r h 
produce the similarity ratios  =  =  . The lateral
r h 
surface area of the two similar cones are S = πr and
S  = πr   giving the ratio
h   h 

S πr h r h  h2 r2

=   = = =
S πr  r   h2 r 2

The volumes of the similar cones are V = 31 πr2 h and V  = 13 πr2h giving the ratio
V 1 2
3 πr h
r  hh h h3 r3
= 1
= = =
V 2 
3 πr h
r 2 h h3 r 3
Two similar tetrahedrons have the similarity
ratios   =   =   =  . The surface areas
of the two similar tetrahedrons are given by

S = 4[ABC] and S  = 4[AB  C  ]

giving the ratio

S [ABC] h2
=    = similarity ratio squared =
S [A B C ] h2

from previous investigation involving ratio of areas.

The volumes of the similar tetrahedrons are V = 31 [ABC] h and V  = 13 [A B  C  ] h
giving the ratio
V 3
[ABC] h [ABC] h h2 h h3
= 1 = = =
V 3
[A B  C  ] h [A B  C  ] h h2 h h3

Two similar solids

In general if two solids are similar, then the ratio of the surface areas will be
proportional to the similarity ratio squared and the ratio of the volumes will be
proportional to the similarity ratio cubed. This can be proven as follows. One can
select a certain size small tetrahedron and then approximate the similar solids by a
summation of tetrahedrons. If Ti is the volume of the ith tetrahedron, then one can
write the fact that the two solids are similar by writing

T1 + T2 + · · · + Tn ∼ T1 + T2 + · + Tn

and the ratio of the volumes is

V T1 + T2 + · · · + Tn T1 h3
= = =
V T1 + T2 + · · · + Tn T1 h3

Similarly if Si is the surface area of the ith tetrahedron, then the ratio of surface
areas becomes
S S1 + S2 + · · · + Sn S1 h2
=   =  =
S S1 + S2 + · · · + Sn S1 h2
These ratios holding even in the limit as n gets very large.

 11-1. Name the solid and test Euler’s formula.

The volume and surface area of a tetrahedron with edge of length
√ √
s are given by V = 122 s3 and S = 3 s2 To verify this proceed as follows.
(a) Find the altitude a associated with one face.
(b) Find the area of one face.
(c) Find the distance d from an edge to the center of one face.
(d) Find the height h of the pyramid.
(e) Find the volume equal to one-third the area of base times the
(f) Find the surface area of the tetrahedron.

(a) Find the volume and surface area associated with one-half of an octahedron
having an edge length s.
√ √
(b) Show the total volume is V = 32 s3 and the surface area is S = 2 3 s2

 11-4. Find the volume of the solid illustrated.

 11-5. Find the diagonal of the cube having each side of length 8.

 11-6. Prove the diagonals of a parallelepiped meet at a point of concurrency.

Find the volume of the cylinder which has been
cut by a plane as illustrated in figure (a) where h1 is
the smallest height and h2 is the largest height associ-
ated with the cross-section and r is the radius of the
Hint: Make it into a problem with symmetry.


For the cube illustrated,

(a) Prove any three diagonals intersect at a point.
(b) Use symmetry and find the number of pyra-
mids created by the diagonals.
(c) Verify the volume of these pyramids is given

Consider the solid formed by a horizontal slicing of the dihedral angle formed by
two identical isosceles triangles and a rectangular base as illustrated with top line
c centered over the base. Divide the height h into n−parts and form a sandwich-
shaped rectangle at height zi = i hn .
(a) Show the sides of the sandwich-shaped rectangle are given by
(a − c) b
1 = a − zi , 2 = b − zi , i = 1, 2, . . ., n
h h
(b) Show the volume associated with the sandwich-shaped element is Vi = 1 2
(c) Use the summation formulas from chapter 6 to show the total volume of the
dihedral angle solid is
V = lim Vi = (2a + c)

The figure at the right is called an obelisk and

results when one examines a frustum of the dihedral
angle solid illustrated in the previous problem. Use the
results from the previous problem to show the volume
of the obelisk is given by
V = [(2a2 + a1 )b2 + (2a1 + a2 )b1 ]

Hint: The whole equals the sum of its parts.

Find the volume and surface area of the hollow cylinder
with height h, inner radius r and outer radius R.

On Archimedes tomb is the picture of a sphere with
radius r placed inside a cylinder of radius r and height 2r.
(a) Find the relation between volume of sphere
and volume of cylinder.
(b) Find the relation between total surface area of sphere
and total surface area of cylinder.


The figure is a sketch of two circles intersecting with

chord AB joining the points of intersection. If C and C 
are the centers of the circles, then prove that two spherical
surfaces intersecting will always produce a circle.
Hint: What happens if the attached figure is rotated about the line CC ?

 11-14. (The octahedron)

Let s denote the length of the sides of the eight congruent equilateral triangles.
(a) Show by symmetry the octahedron can be made up of two pyramids.

(b) Prove the surface area of the octahedron is √S = 2 3 s2
2 3
(c) Prove the volume of the octahedron is V = s
(a) Find the diagonal and volume of the parallelepiped.
(b) Find the volume of a triangular slanted prism.

 11-16. The dodecahedron has a surface area which is made up of twelve congruent
regular pentagons. Assume the pentagons  have√each side of length .
(a) Show the area of one face is S1 = 5(5 + 2 5) 2
4  √
(b) Show the total surface area of the dodecahedron is S12 = 3 5(5 + 2 5 2

 11-17. A cylinder is constructed inside a right circular

cone as illustrated.
(a) Find the similarity ratio between the upper right
cone and larger right cone.
(b) Find the distance r1 if the surface area of the upper
cone equals the orange area between two circles.

 11-18. Find the surface area and volume created when

the following figures are rotated about the z -axis.
Figure Centroid Area
x̄ z̄

b+a sin θ a cos θ 1

x̄ = 3
z̄ = 3 2
ba cos θ

4r 4r 1
x̄ = 3π
z̄ = 3π 4
πr 2

x̄ = 12 b z̄ = 12 a ab
 11-19. Special case associated with proof of Euler’s formula E = V +F −2 for convex

One proof of Euler’s formula is a generalization of the following process applied

to the special polyhedron which is a cube.
(a) Color any vertex red and then move and color an edge going to another vertex
which is not colored red. Repeat the process, each time moving to a vertex which
is not colored red until there are no more vertices to move to.
(b) Let R equal the number of red edges and V the number of vertices. Show that
R=V −1
(c) All the edges which are not red are to be colored blue. Let B equal the number
of blue edges and F the number of faces. Show that B = F − 1.
(d) Add the red and blue edges and show the total number of edges is E = V + F − 2.
(e) You try this process on a tetrahedron and some other polyhedron.

 11-20. Fill in the following table.

Volume change with edge size change
Edge size Volume of cube
 11-21. Find the cross-sectional area associated with a plane intersecting with a
sphere. Assume the plane is a perpendicular distance of h from the center of the

Two parallel planes intersecting a sphere
creates a zone.
(a) Find the surface area of the zone.
(b) Find the volume of the zone.
Chapter 12
Solid Geometry II
Given two parallel planes where all the vertices of a polyhedron lie only in these
planes. Any solid satisfying these conditions is called a prismatoid. The faces of a
prismatoid that lie within a parallel plane are called the bases of the prismatoid.
We use the notation Bu , B for the area of the upper and lower bases. The altitude
h of a prismatoid is the perpendicular distance between the parallel planes. A plane
midway between the upper and lower planes cuts the prismatoid in a section called
the midsection with area denote by M .

Figure 12 -1. Finding the volume of a prismatoid

The figure 12-1 illustrates a prismatoid with height h. Select a point 0 in the
middle section and construct straight lines from 0 to the vertices of the upper, middle
and lower parallel planes. By passing planes through these lines one can divide the
prismatoid into many pyramids all having a common vertex 0. If any pyramid is
not triangular, then a construction must be performed to make it into a triangular
By joining point 0 to the vertices of the upper figure gives a pyramid with volume
1 1 h
V1 = (base)(height) = Bu (12.1)
3 3 2

In a similar fashion construct lines from 0 to the vertices of the lower figure to
produce a pyramid with volume
1 1 h
V2 = (base)(height) = B (12.2)
3 3 2

Examine the triangle 0DE which cuts the triangle ABC in line DE. Recall
that ratio of areas are proportional to the square of their similarity ratios so that
one can write h
[DEC] ( )2 1
= 22 ⇒ [DEC] = [ABC] (12.3)
[ABC] h 4
One can now examine the volume of the tetrahedron
1 1 1 h
Volume 0 − DEC = Volume 0 − ABC = (base)(height) = [ODE] (12.4)
4 3 3 2

Hence, one can write

Volume 0 − ABC = h[0DE] (12.5)
As you move around point 0, the fractional part of the total volume can be calculated
in a similar fashion as above. Summation of these volumes gives
4 4
V3 = h ([0DE] + [0F E] + [0F G] + [0GH] + [0HI] + [0ID]) = h M (12.6)
6 6

The total volume of the prismatoid is then

V = V1 + V2 + V3 = h (Bu + B + 4M ) (12.7)

where h is the height of the prismatoid, Bu is the area of upper figure, B is area of
lower figure and M is the area of the midsection.
Plane sections
If a pyramid with a polygon for its base is cut by three planes parallel to the
base, one of the planes through the base and another plane through the vertex and
the remaining plane cutting all edges of the pyramid, then similar pyramids are
created as illustrated in the figure 12-2.

Figure 12 -2. Pyramid cut by three planes parallel to base

This can be proven by observing that the face V AB of the pyramid consists of
similar triangles so that one can write = . If one does this for each face of
the pyramid one finds

= = = = (12.8)
V A V B V C V D h + h

The last ratio results when the bases of the altitudes are joined to each vertex to
form similar right triangles. For example, 0V A ∼ 0V A . The equation (12.8)
gives the similarity ratio’s associated with the similar figures and so one can write
pyramid ABCD ∼ A B C  D .
Recall that the ratio of the pyramid bases B  and B is proportional to the
similarity ratio squared giving
B [ABCD] (h + h )2 (h )2
= = or B  = B (12.9)
B [A B  C  D ] (h )2 (h + h )2

1 1
The volume of the smaller pyramid is V  = (area of base)(height) = B  h and
3 3
1 1
the volume of the larger pyramid is V = (area of base)(height) = B(h + h ). Using
3 3
equation (12.9) one can show the ratio of the volumes is given by
V 3
B(h + h ) (h + h )2 (h + h ) (h + h )3
= 1  
= =
V 3
Bh (h )2 h (h )3

showing the ratio of the volumes of similar figures is proportional to the similarity
ratio cubed.
Each face of the pyramids is a triangle and so the lateral surface area is a
summation of these face areas.
The frustum created when V  is subtracted from V has the volume
1 1 1 1 (h )2
Vf rustum = V − V  = B(h + h ) − B  h = B(h + h ) − B h
3 3 3 3 (h + h )2
(h + h )3 − h3 h h

1 1
= B = Bh 1 + +
3 (h + h )2 3 h + h h + h
1 B B
= Bh 1 + +
3 B B

Each face of the frustum is a trapezoid so that the area of each trapezoid can be
calculated to obtain the lateral surface area.
In the special case of a regular square pyramid where B = b21 and B  = b22 the
above equation reduces to
1 2
Vf rustum = h[b + b1 b2 + b22 ]
3 1

verifying our previous result.

Plane intersecting a triangular prism

A truncated triangular prism results when a plane intersects a triangular prism.
The situation is illustrated in the figure 12-3 where the intersecting plane produces
the truncated prism ABCDEF. The truncated triangular prism can be divided into
three triangular pyramids
E − ABC, E − ACD, E − CF D (12.10)

It will be demonstrated that the volume associated with the pyramids in equation
(12.10) is the same as the volume associated with the pyramids
E − ABC, F − ABC, D − ABC (12.11)

which all have the common base ABC but with different vertices D, E, F at heights
h1 , h2 , h3 . One can then use the fact that the volume of any one pyramid is
3 (area base)(height) to obtain the total volume of the truncated prism. That is,
the volume of the pyramids D − ABC + E − ABC + F − ABC is the same as the
volume of the truncated triangular prism.
The above assertions can be demonstrated by construction of the planes ACE
and DCE which divides the truncated triangular prism into the three triangular
pyramids indicated above. Observe that the line EB is parallel to the lines AD and
CF and consequently is parallel to the plane ACF D.

Figure 12 -3. Triangular prism cut by a plane

Note the triangular pyramids E−ACD and B−ACD have the same altitudes so
that these pyramids have the same volume. Two solids which have the same volume
are said to be equivalent to each other. This equivalencey is expressed by writing
E − ACD ≡ B − ACD. Observe also that in the pyramid B − ACD one can take D
as a vertex with triangle ABC as the base and so one has D − ABC ≡ E − ACD.
In a similar fashion one can show AD  EB and that

E − CF D ≡ B − CF D ≡ D − BCF ≡ A − BCF ≡ F − ABC

Consequently, the volume of the truncated triangular prism is given by

V = (h1 + h2 + h3 ) [ABC] (12.12)

where [ABC] is the area of the triangle base ABC .

The total surface area of the truncated triangular prism is the sum of the areas
from the top and bottom triangles added to the summation of the face areas where
each face is a trapezoid.

Cartesian coordinates
A point (x, y, z) in three dimensional Cartesian co-
ordinates is illustrated in the diagram on the right.
For points (x, y) in two dimensions it was found con-
venient at times to introduce polar coordinates (r, θ)
to represent various quantities. In three dimensions it
is often convenient to represent points (x, y, z) in cylin-
drical coordinates or spherical coordinates.
Cylindrical coordinates
Cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, z) are related to rect-
angular coordinates (x, y, z) by the equations

x =r cos θ x2 + y 2 =r 2
y =r sin θ tan θ = (12.13)
z =z z =z

Note the radial distance r is projected onto the x and y axes to obtain the above
Spherical coordinates
The relation between Cartesian coordinates
(x, y, z) and spherical coordinates (ρ, θ, φ) can be
obtained as follows. First examine the projec-
tion of the line segment 0P = ρ onto the xy-plane
to obtain ρ sin θ (the orange line). Next exam-
ine the projection of the orange line onto the
x-axis and its projection onto the y -axis to obtain

x = ρ sin θ cos φ, y = ρ sin θ sin φ (12.14)

The projection of line 0P = ρ onto the z -axis gives

z = ρ cos θ (12.15)

These projections give the coordinate transformations from spherical coordinates

(ρ, θ, φ) of a point P on the surface to Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) of the point P as

x =ρ sin θ cos φ, 0≤θ≤π ρ2 =x2 + y 2 + z 2

y =ρ sin θ sin φ, 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π θ = arctan (12.16)
z =ρ cos θ φ = arccos 
x + y2 + z2

The angle θ is called the polar angle and the angle φ is called the azimuthal
angle. Using algebra the parameters θ and φ can be eliminated from the equations
(12.16) to obtain the Cartesian coordinate equation for the sphere as

x2 + y 2 + z 2 = ρ2 (12.17)

The special case of a unit sphere results when

ρ = 1. In what follows we will work with unit
spheres to make things simpler. One can always
add a nonzero value ρ > 1 at any time and scale
things accordingly. Note that a point P on the sur-
face of a unit sphere with surface coordinates (θ1 , φ1 )
can be associated with a vector from the origin to
point P on the surface of the unit sphere
This vector is represented
r 1 = 0P = sin θ1 cos φ1 ê1 + sin θ1 sin φ1 ê2 + cos θ1 ê3

where ê1 , ê2 , ê3 are unit vectors in the directions of the x, y, z axes.
Make note of the fact that r 1 is a unit vector from the center of the unit sphere
to point P on the surface of the unit sphere.
Great circles
The curve of intersection of a sphere with a
plane is called a circle of the sphere. The curve
of intersection between sphere and plane is called a
great circle of the sphere whenever the plane passes
through the center of the sphere. Any plane inter-
secting a sphere which does not pass through the
center of the sphere produces what is called a small
circle of the sphere.
Great circles on a sphere are used to define the shortest distance between two
points on a sphere. These curves of shortest distance are called geodesics. The planes
of great circles intersect to form the angles associated with spherical geometry. A line
perpendicular to a great circle and passing through the center of the circle intersects
the sphere at two points called poles associated with the great circle. For example,
the North and South poles in relation to the equator of the Earth (assuming the
Earth to be a sphere). The polar distance associated with a circle of the sphere is
the spherical distance from any point on the circle to its nearest pole (either pole if
circle is equator of the sphere).

Polar point
Every plane and sphere intersection produces a circle.
This circle has a polar point P associated with it such that
all the arcs PA = PB = PC are equal. That is the planes
0AP , 0BP , 0CP produce great circles for any points C on the
circle of intersection and so all the polar angles are equal.
Parametric equations for representing a circle In an orthogonal two-
dimensional system of coordinates the parametric equations for the representation
of a circle centered at the origin is given by

x = cos t y = sin t ⇒ x2 + y 2 = 1

and a position vector r (t) to a point on the circumference of the circle has the

r = r (t) = x(t) ê1 + y(t) ê2 = cos t ê1 + sin t ê2 , 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π (12.18)

in terms of a parameter t and orthogonal base vectors ê1 and ê2 having unit length.
In a non-orthogonal coordinate system with base vectors ê1 and Ê2 , which are
also unit vectors, we want to represent the above vector r (t) giving the position of a
point on the unit circle.

Figure 12 -4. Orthogonal and non-orthogonal coordinate systems

Assume that
r (t) = cos t ê1 + sin t ê2 = f (t) ê1 + g(t) Ê2 (12.19)

where f (t) and g(t) are to be determined. Take the dot product of both sides of
equation (12.19) with the unit vector ê1 and show

cos t = f (t) + g(t) Ê2 · ê1

Next take the dot product of both sides of equation (12.19) with the unit vector ê2
to obtain
sin t = g(t) Ê2 · ê2

Note the dot product relations

Ê2 · ê1 = cos θ Ê2 · ê2 = cos( − θ) = sin θ

where θ is the angle between the vectors ê1 and Ê2 when their origins coincide. These
dot products show
sin t
cos t = f (t) + g(t) cos θ g(t) = √
1 − cos2 θ

sin t = g(t) sin θ cos θ
f (t) = cos t − sin t √
1 − cos2 θ

The position vector describing the circle in a non-orthogonal coordinate system can
therefore be represented

cos θ sin t
r = r (t) = cos t − sin t √ ê1 + √ Ê2 (12.21)
1 − cos2 θ 1 − cos2 θ

where ê1 and Ê2 are non-orthogonal unit vectors, e 1 · Ê2 = cos θ and 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π .

Parametric equations for a great circle

Consider two points on the surface of the unit sphere with surface coordinates
(θ1 , φ1 ) and (θ2 , φ2 ). These surface points can also be represented in Cartesian coordi-
nates by vectors from the origin to each of the surface points on the sphere. These
vectors are written
r 1 = sin θ1 cos φ1 ê1 + sin θ1 sin φ1 ê2 + cos θ1 ê3
r 2 = sin θ2 cos φ2 ê1 + sin θ2 sin φ2 ê2 + cos θ2 ê3

Since the sphere is a unit sphere the above vectors are unit vectors and one can
verify that r 1 · r 1 = r 2 · r 2 = 1 .

Figure 12 -5. Vectors r 1 , r 2 from origin to surface of sphere.

Note the following

(i) Two known points on the surface of the sphere together with the origin of
the sphere gives three points which determine a plane. The intersection of this plane
with the sphere produces a great circle.
(ii) The cross product r 1 × r 2 = N is a normal vector to this plane and can be
used to determine the equation of the plane.
(iii) The great circle of the sphere lies in the plane of the vectors r 1 and r 2 .
(iv) In the plane of the great circle, the vectors r 1 and r 2 can be used as a set of
non-orthogonal base vectors to represent the vector equation for the great circle as

cos θ sin t
r = r (t) = cos t − sin t √ r 1 + √ r 2 (12.22)
1 − cos2 θ 1 − cos2 θ

Note that this equation has the same form as equation (12.21) with ê1 replaced by
r 1 and Ê2 replaced by r 2 . The equation (12.22) produces the parametric equations

x = x(t) =f (t) sin θ1 cos φ1 + g(t) sin θ2 cos φ2

y = y(t) =f (t) sin θ1 sin φ1 + g(t) sin θ2 sin φ2 (12.23)

z = z(t) =f (t) cos θ1 + g(t) cos θ2

cos θ sin t
where f (t) = cos t−sin t √ and g(t) = √ are functions which provide
1 − cos2 θ 1 − cos2 θ
the appropriate scaling associate with the non-orthogonal coordinate system. Note
the special case where θ = π2 , then the equations (12.22) becomes equations (12.18)
and r 1 · r 2 = 0 indicating the vectors are perpendicular.
Polar point

Every plane and sphere intersection produces a circle.

This circle has a polar point P associated with it such that
all the polar angles and arcs PA = PB = PC associated with
the polar angles are equal. That is the planes 0AP , 0BP ,
0CP produce great circles producing equal arcs from P to
any points A, B, C on the circle of intersection and so all the
polar angles are equal.
The lune
The special case where two great circles intersect, the
resulting spherical surface is called a lune. The points A and
B are antipodal points1 and the surface area ADBCA defines

the lune. The arc ACB can be thought of as being able
to rotate about the axis AB through the antipodal points.
The dihedral angle θ = ∠C0D of the planes defining the two
intersecting great circles can vary such that 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π .
Let A denote the area of the lune and let As denote the total surface area of the
sphere. As θ varies the area of the lune is proportional to the size of the dihedral
angle θ so one can write the proportion
A As A 4πr 2
= ⇒ = ⇒ A = 2θr 2
θ 2π θ 2π

or the surface area of the lune is given by

A = Surface area lune = 2θr2

In the special case the sphere is a unit sphere, then the surface area is given by
A = 2θ.
An antipodal point is an opposite point on a circle or sphere. They lie on the ends of a line through center of
circle or sphere.
Spherical triangle Consider three great circles which intersect at surface
points A, B and C on the unit sphere as illustrated in the figure 12-6.

Figure 12 -6. Spherical triangle ABC

Whenever the three surface points A, B and C do not lie on the same great circle,
then the intersection of three great circles produces two spherical triangles. In all
future discussions we will only be interested in the smaller spherical triangle. The
points A, B, C on the surface are called the vertices of the spherical triangle ABC and
the arcs AB = γ, AC = β, CB = α, representing smaller arcs from great circles and
define the sides of the spherical triangle. When the vertices are connected to the
center of the sphere a trihedral angle is formed. Note that because the sphere is a
unit sphere the arc lengths for the spherical triangle sides are equal to the face angles
of the trihedral angle and are measured in radians. The angular measure, in radians,
associated with the vertices A, B, C are defined by the dihedral angles associated with
the trihedral angle. By convention the length of any side of a spherical triangle on
a unit sphere is always less than π radians.
Spherical polygons
Whenever three or more arcs of great circles
intersect to form closed convex loops, then a spher-
ical polygon results. The arcs of the great circles
are the sides of the spherical polygon. By connect-
ing the vertices of the polygon to the center of the
unit sphere one forms a polyhedral angle. The sides
of the spherical polygon are equal to the face angles
of the polyhedral angles.
The vertex angles of the spherical polygon are defined by the dihedral angles asso-
ciated with the polyhedral angle faces. All convex spherical polygons can be broken
up into connected spherical triangles and so we shall study only spherical triangles.
Polar spherical triangles
If r A, r B , r C are vectors from the origin of the unit sphere to the vertices of the
spherical triangle ABC, then a trihedral angle is formed as illustrated. Examine the
cyclic rotation of the cross products of these vectors
 1 =r A × r B
N is vector ⊥ to face 0AB.
 2 =r B × r C
N is vector ⊥ to face OBC.
 3 =r C × r A
N is vector ⊥ to face OCA.

Extending these vectors to intersect with the unit sphere, they can be used to
determine points A , B , C  on the unit sphere which are vertices of a new spherical
triangle A B  C  called the polar spherical triangle associated with the spherical tri-
angle ABC . Another way of producing the polar spherical triangle is as follows.

(i) Arc AB is part of a great circle centered at the origin of the unit sphere.
(ii) The line perpendicular to this great circle which passes through the origin
intersects the sphere at two opposite points called antipodal points. Antipodal points
lie on opposite ends of a spheres diameter.
(iii) The antipodal point lying on the same side of the plane as the third vertex
C is denoted C  .

(iv) In a similar fashion one can examine the great circles through the arcs BC

and CA and determine their poles A and B  .
(v) The spherical triangle A B  C  is called the polar triangle associated with
spherical triangle ABC .
Still another way to view spherical triangle ABC is to assume that each vertex
A, B and C is a pole point associated with a great circle.

Figure 12 -7. Construction of polar spherical triangle A B  C 

Each vertex of the spherical triangle ABC is considered as a pole associated with
a great circle. The three great circles created intersect at the points A , B , C  and
the shorter geodesics of these great circles form the polar triangle A B  C  .
One can show that if polar triangle A B C  results from spherical triangle ABC ,
then polar triangle ABC results from spherical triangle A B  C  . That is, see figure
12-7, if vertex B is the pole of A C  and vertex C is the pole of A B  , then vertex A
is a quadrant distance from arc BC , so vertex A is a pole of arc BC . In a similar
fashion one can argue that B  is a pole of arc AC and C  is a pole of arc AB .
Angle relation between polar triangles

Todhunter2 showed that the spherical angles and

sides of polar triangles are related by the
a =π − A, b = π − B, c = π − C
A =π − a, B  = π − b, C = π − c

with all measures in radians. The equations (12.24)

give a definite relationship between polar triangle sides
and angles.

Isaac Todhunter (1820-1884) an English mathematician.
Extend the sides AB and AC to intersect the side B  C  at the points D and E as
illustrated above. Note that each spherical triangle is a polar triangle of the other
and consequently the arcs B  E and DC  are both π2 radians because B  is a pole of
side ACE and C  is a pole of side ABD . Therefore
B  E + DC  = π (12.25)

radians. Examine the above polar triangles and observe that

B  E = B  D + DE and DC  = DE + DE  (12.26)

which allows one to express equation (12.25) in the form

B  D + DE + EC  + DE = π (12.27)
a A

which demonstrates the first of Todhunters results. The other results are derived in
a similar fashion.

Special case
Given a right spherical triangle having minor arcs
of a great circle for each side of the triangle, then one
can always extend two of the sides of the triangle to
have these sides meet to form a lune as illustrated
on the left. This lune then is composed of two right
spherical triangles ABC and A BC . If one is given

the spherical angle α and side BC and one is asked to
find other parts of the right spherical triangle, then an
ambiguity arises because the spherical angles ∠A = α and ∠A = α are the same.
Consequently, two spherical triangles can be formed with the given information. If
the original spherical triangle is labeled as ABC and the other spherical triangle
of the lune is labeled AB  C  where B  C  = BC , then the following relations exits
between the sides of these two spherical triangles.

B  = π − B, b = π − b, c = π − c
A special case of the above situation arises whenever an isosceles spherical tri-
angle is divided into two symmetric right spherical triangles by constructing an arc
from the vertex of the isosceles triangle to the base of the triangle.
Spherical triangles and trihedral angles
In order to have a proper spherical triangle
ABC, the sides of the spherical triangle have to be
the smaller arcs of great circles. By connecting the
surface vertices of the spherical triangle with lines
to the origin of the unit sphere, one creates the tri-
hedral angles a = ∠C0B, b = ∠C0A, c = ∠A0B .

Recall that the arc length s = AB associated with a circle of radius r is given
by s = rθ, where θ = ∠A0B is the central angle associated with the arc length. In
the special case the radius is r = 1, then the arc length is s = c = θ. Therefore, each
of the trihedral angles associated with the spherical triangle must equal the sides of
the spherical triangle so that AB = c, BC = a, CA = b. Each of these angles must be
less than π radians.

One of the properties associated with the tri-

hedral angles is that the sum of any two face angles
of a trihedral angle is always greater than the third
face angle. For example, to show a + b > c one can
proceed as follows. Examine the graph of a cosine
function as illustrated.

Observe that for 0 ≤ x ≤ π the cosine function is continuously decreasing, there-

fore if a + b > c, then cos c > cos(a + b). So instead of proving a + b > c for trihedral
angles we will prove cos c > cos(a + b) over the interval 0 to π , because this is easier to
Use the cosine expansion formula and write
what we are trying to prove, namely

cos c > cos a cos b − sin a sin b

and note if the origin of the unit sphere is labeled

0, and A,  C are labeled as vectors from the origin
to the surface points A, B, C , then one can employ
the definitions of dot and cross products to write

A   ·B
A   ·C
B   ×C
|A |  ×C
|B |
cos b = , cos c = , cos a = , sin b = , sin a =
|A||   B|
|A||   C
|B|| |  C
|A|| |  C
|B|| |

 = |B|
and note the sphere is a unit sphere so that |A|  = |C|
 = 1.
Recall the vector identity from chapter 10

 × B)
(A  · (C
 × D)
 = (A
 · D)
 − (A
 · D)(
 B  ·C
) (12.28)

which can be expressed in the form

 · D)(
(A  B  ·C
 ) = (A
 · D)
 − (A
 × B)
 · (C
 × D)

Write the identity (12.29) in the special case where one replaces D  and B

to obtain
 · B)(
(A  C  ·C
 ) = (A
 · B)
 − (A
 ) · (C
 × B)

Using the inequality

|a − b| ≥ ||a| − |b||

one can show

 · B)(
|(A  C  ·C
 )| =|(A
 · B)(
 B  · D)
 − (A
 ) · (C
 × B)|

≥|A  ||B
 | − |A
 × B|

to obtain
cos c ≥ cos b cos a − sin b sin a = cos(a + b)

the inequality holding only in the case the vectors A,  B,

 C are coplaner. Similar
arguments apply to all face angles of the trihedral angle and so one can say the sum
of any two face angles of a trihedral angle is always greater than the third face angle.
In terms of spherical triangles one can state that –Each side of a spherical triangle
is less than the sum of the other two sides.

Shortest distance between points on sphere

The shortest curve between two points on a sphere is
along the minor arc of a great circle joining the points. To
prove this assertion let A and B denote two points on a

sphere with the arc AB produced by a great circle passing
through the points A and B . Select any other path (the red
curve) on the surface of the sphere which connects A to B .

If the point C is on this path, then one can construct the great circle arcs AC and

CB . This creates the spherical triangle ABC and so one can state that

AB < AC + CB

since each side of a spherical triangle must be less than the sum of the other two
sides. If the red line coincides with the sides of the triangle the assertion is proven.
If the red curve does not coincide with the sides of the spherical triangle, then
select a point D on the red curve which is not on the arcs AC and CB . Create the
great circle arcs AD and DC to form another spherical triangle. One can then write
AC < AD + DC . Therefore
AB < AD + DC + CB

Continuing in this fashion an inequality can be constructed showing AB is the short-
est curve between the given points.

Sum of face angles of convex polyhedral angle

Consider unit vectors ê1 , ê2 , ê3 situated at the origin of a three dimensional
coordinate system. Let triangle A0B with angles α0 , β0 , γ0 lie in the plane of the
ê1 , ê2 vectors and let the origin 0 move in the ê3 direction a distance h > 0 to point
C to form triangle ABC in three dimensional space with angles α, β, γ .

Figure 12 -8. Two dimensional triangle changing to three dimensional triangle

Show γ < γ0 for all values of h > 0. To show this, construct the vectors r 2 and r 3 in
the ê1 , ê2 plane together with the vector r 1 = r 2 + h ê3 in three dimensional space.
Calculate the dot products r 2 · r 3 and r 1 · r 3 and show

r 2 · r 3 = |r 2 ||r3 | cos α0 and r 1 · r 3 = |r 1 ||r 3 | cos α

Note the r 1 · r 3 = (r 2 + h ê3 ) · r 3 = r 2 · r 3 so that one can conclude

|r 2 |
|r 2 ||r3 | cos α0 = |r 1 ||r3 | cos α or cos α = cos α0 (12.31)
|r 1 |

If the vector r 2 is fixed and |r 1 | increases, then cos α decreases and α increases. A
similar type analysis shows that as h increases, then the angle β increases.
Therefore, for h > 0 we have α > α0 and β > β0 .
We know that in every planar triangle the sum of
the interior angles is π radians and so we can write

α0 + β0 + γ0 = π and α + β + γ = π

If α + β > α0 + β0 = π − γ0 , then α + β + γ > α0 + β0 + γ .

This implies α0 + β0 + γ < π or π − γ0 + γ < π ⇒ γ < γ0
We can now use the above result to show that the sum of the face angles of any
convex polyhedral angle is less than 2π radians. Let P denote the center of the base
polygon and construct lines from P to each vertex of the polygon as illustrated in
the accompanying figure with only five vertices.
If the polygonal base has n-sides, let the
central angles surrounding point P be denoted
γ10 , γ20 , . . . , γn0 and label the face angles of the con-
vex polyhedral angle as γ1 , γ2, . . . , γn. We have previ-
ously demonstrated that the following inequalities
must hold for each triangular face

γ1 < γ10 , γ2 < γ20 , . . . , γn < γn0

so that by addition

γ1 + γ2 + · · · + γn < γ10 + γ20 + · · · + γn0 = 2π

since the sum of the angles surrounding point P

equals 2π radians.

This demonstrates the fact that the sum of the face angles of any convex poly-
hedral angle is less than 2π radians. An equivalent statement is that the sum of the
sides of a spherical polygon is less than 2π radians.
Sum of interior angles of spherical triangle
The two previous results can now be used to
show that the sum of the angles of a spherical trian-
gle must be greater than π radians and less than 3π
radians. For the spherical triangle illustrated one
must show

π < ∠A + ∠B + ∠C < 3π (12.32)

This can be accomplished by first constructing the

associated polar triangle and recalling that
∠A + B  C  = π, ∠B + A C  = π, ∠C + A B  = π

so that by addition
∠A + ∠B + ∠C + B  C  + A C  + A B  = 3π (12.33)
Here the arcs B C  , A C  , A B  are the same as the face angles associated with the
spherical triangle AB  C  trihedral angle. We have previously shown the sum of
these face angles must be less than 2π so one can write
B  C  + A C  + A B  < 2π (12.34)

also one can write the inequality

B  C  + A C  + A B  > 0 (12.35)

Recall that when unequals are subtracted from equals, then the results are unequal
in the reverse order. Subtraction of (12.34) from (12.33) shows that

∠A + ∠B + ∠C > π

and subtraction of (12.35) from (12.33) shows that

∠A + ∠B + ∠C < 3π (12.36)

Therefore one can write

π < ∠A + ∠B + ∠C < 3π (12.37)

which shows that the summation of the interior angles of a spherical triangle must
lie somewhere between π and 3π radians.
Spherical excess
The quantity  defined by

 = A+B +C −π (12.38)

is called the spherical excess and represents the difference between a summation of
the interior angles of a spherical triangle and the summation of the interior angles of
a plane triangle. The spherical excess will be used to calculate the area of a spherical
Surface area of spherical triangle
To demonstrate that the surface area of spherical triangle ABC is equal to the
spherical excess one can define

SABC = Surface area of spherical ABC

and then show

SABC = (A + B + C − π) = 

Figure 12 -9. Diagram for determining surface area of spherical triangle ABC

Observe in figure 12-9 the total surface area of the sphere is Stotal = 4πr2 . In the
figure 12-9 think of the great circle through the points B and C (green great circle) as
an equator which divides the sphere in half. The area of the lower half of the sphere
is then given by Shemi = 2πr2 . Let the lower hemisphere be divided up into many
spherical triangles whose surface area we know will add up to 2πr2 . For example,

SCAB + SCAB  =lune with vertex B, where B, B  are antipodal points

with area of lune ABB  =2Br2 (12.39)

SABC + SB C  A =lune with vertex A, where A, A are antipodal points

with area of lune AAA =2Ar2 (12.40)
SABC + SBAC  =lune with vertex C, where C, C  are antipodal points
with area of lune ACC  =2Cr2 (12.41)

where A, B, C are the dihedral angles which define the interior angles of the spherical
An examination of figure 12-9 shows SABC = SA B  C  by symmetry so that addition
of the equations (12.39), (12.40), (12.41) gives the result

3SABC + SCAB  + SB C  A + SBAC  = 2(A + B + C)r 2 (12.42)

which can be written as

2SABC + SA B  C  + SCAB  + SB C  A + SBAC  = 2(A + B + C)r 2 (12.43)

2πr 2

The surface areas SA B  C  + SCAB  + SB C  A + SBAC  = 2πr2 because this surface area
covers the lower hemisphere. Consequently the equation (12.43) can be written as

2SABC + 2πr 2 = 2(A + B + C)r 2 or SABC = (A + B + C − π)r2 (12.44)

This demonstrates that the surface area of a spherical triangle is equal to the spher-
ical excess times the radius squared. In the special case the sphere is a unit sphere
the equation (12.44) becomes

SABC = Surface area of spherical ABC = (A + B + C − π) =  (12.45)

which reads that the surface area is equal to the spherical excess in radians.
Introduction to spherical trigonometry
Spherical trigonometry examines the rela-
tions between the angles and sides of a spherical
triangle in relation to various trigonometric func-
tions. Let spherical triangle ABC lie on a unit
sphere with A, B,
 C unit vectors from the origin
of the sphere to the respective vertices as illus-
trated in the accompanying figure. One can make
use of the definitions for the vector dot and cross
products to show
A  = cos c  × B|
|A  = sin c
B  = cos a  ×C
|B  | = sin a (12.46)
A  = cos b  × A|
|C  = sin b

since the vectors A,  C are unit vectors.
Note also that the arc lengths on the great circles are given by s = rθ and in
the special case r = 1, then the central angle also equals the arc length in radians.
Consequently, one can write a = BC , b = AC , c = AB .
The cosine identities for spherical trigonometry
The equations for the planes defining the dihedral angles, which are used to
define the spherical triangle angles, can be calculated using the normal vectors to
these planes. The normal vectors can be calculated using the vector cross product
normal vector to plane A0C N 1 = C × A
normal vector to plane B0C N 2 = C × B
so that the dot product N 1 · N 2 defines the dihedral angle C since
N  2 = |N
 1 ||N
 2 | cos C = |C
 sin b |B||
 C | sin a cos C = sin a sin b cos C (12.47)

Using the vector identity (10.39) one can verify

N  2 = (C
 × B)
 · (C
 × A)
 = (C
 · A)
 − (C
 · A)(
 B  ·C
 ) = cos c − cos b cos a (12.48)

Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other so one can equate equations
(12.47) and (12.48) to obtain

cos c − cos b cos a = sin a sin b cos C (12.49)

which relates spherical triangle angle C with the spherical triangle sides a, b, c.
Note that equation (12.49) has the cyclic
property of rotating the symbols in the equation
to obtain a new equation. This is equivalent to
saying ”What has been done once can be done
again, but with a different set of symbols.” Per-
forming a cyclic rotation of the symbols in equa-
tion (12.49) one obtains the equations

cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A

cos b = cos c cos a + sin c sin a cos B (12.50)

cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C

These equations are identities known as the cosine rules for spherical trigonometry.
They are used to calculate the spherical triangle angles if the sides of the triangle are
known. All other trigonometric relations for spherical triangles can be derived from
the identities (12.50). The identities in equations (12.50) also apply to the polar
triangle A B  C  associated with the spherical triangle ABC so that one can write
the equations (12.50) using primed variables. The new equations in the primed
variables can then be rewritten using the polar triangle angle relations from the
equations (12.24) to obtain another cosine rule for spherical triangles. For example,
write the first equation in (12.50) in terms of the polar angle primed variables to
cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A (12.51)

Now use the equations (12.24) to express equation (12.51) in the form
cos(π − A) = cos(π − B) cos(π − C) + sin(π − B) sin(π − C) cos(π − a)

which simplifies to − cos A = cos B cos C − sin B sin C cos a or

cos A = − cos B cos C + sin B sin C cos a (12.52)

Applying a cyclic rotation of symbols to the variables in equation (12.52) one finds
cos A = − cos B cos C + sin B sin C cos a
cos B = − cos C cos A + sin C sin A cos b (12.53)
cos C = − cos A cos B + sin A sin B cos c
giving another set of cosine rules which are used to obtain the spherical triangle
sides if the angles are known.
The sine rule for spherical trigonometry
By definition

1 ×N
|N  2 | = |(C
 × A)
 × (C
 )| = |C
 × A||
 C  × B|
 sin C = sin b sin a sin C (12.54)

One can employ the vector identities 10.35 to 10.40 to show

 × A)
|(C  × (C
 × B)|
 = |C[
 B · (C
 × A)]
 − B[
 C · (C
 × A)|
 = |A
 · (B
 )| (12.55)

where we have used the cyclic property of the scalar triple product to calculate the
dot product C · (C × A)
 · (C
 ) = 0 and also the fact that |C
 | = 1 because it is a
unit vector. Equating the equations (12.54) and (12.55) one finds
 · (B
|A  ×C  )| sin C |A · (B
 ×C  )|
sin C = ⇒ = (12.56)
sin a sin b sin c sin a sin b sin c

The previous arguments can also be applied to the spherical angles A and B , which is
equivalent to performing a cyclic rotation applied to the symbols in equation (12.56)
to obtain the sine rule for spherical triangles

sin A sin B sin C  · (B

|A  ×C  )|
= = = (12.57)
sin a sin b sin c sin a sin b sin c

where we have applied the cyclic properties of the triple scalar product to obtain
the above result.
Cotangent Rule for spherical trigonometry
The cotangent formulas, sometimes called the
four-part formulas, are based upon one knowing
four consecutive parts of a spherical triangle. If
one moves counterclockwise about a spherical tri-
angle one can write the appearance of angles and
sides in a cyclic fashion as

AcBaCbAcBaCbAcBaCb . . . (12.58)

Select any four consecutive terms from the pattern given by equation (12.58) for
example, say one selects CbAc. The four consecutive symbols selected have inner
terms and outer terms as illustrated.

The cotangent rule for writing out the cotangent formulas is given by3

inner inner outer inner outer inner
cos cos = cot sin − cot sin (12.59)
side angle side side angle angle

This produces the cotangent four-part formulas

CbAc cos b cos A = cot c sin b − cot C sin A
bAcB cos c cos A = cot b sin c − cot B sin A

AcBa cos c cos B = cot a sin c − cot A sin B

cBaC cos a cos B = cot c sin a − cot C sin B
BaCb cos a cos C = cot b sin a − cot B sin C

aCbA cos b cos C = cot a sin b − cot A sin C

The bAcB formula from equations (12.60) is derived as follows. Start with the
cosine identities from equations (12.53) and the sine identities from equations (12.57)
and write
cos b = cos c cos a + sin c sin a cos B

and substitute for cos a to show

cos B
cos b = cos c (cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A) + sin a [sin c sin B]
sin B

and then simplify this equation to the form

cos b sin2 c = sin b sin c cos c cos A + sin a cot B[sin b sin C]
From Issac Todhunter (1820-1884), text on Spherical Trigonometry, available from the internet.
Divide both sides by sin b sin c and simplify to obtain the desired result

cot b sin c = cos c cos A + cot B sin A

The other equations are derived in a similar manner.

Half-angle formula
In solving for the angles and sides of a spherical triangle associated with a
spherical triangle, the following half-angle formulas are often used.
Sides known
If the sides a, b, c of a spherical triangle are known, then one can define s =
as the semiperimeter of the spherical triangle and then show that

2 A sin(s − b) sin(s − c)
sin =
2 sin b sin c

A sin s sin(s − a)
cos2 = (12.61)
2 sin b sin c

A sin(s − b) sin(s − c)
tan2 =
2 sin s sin(s − a)

The above results can be derived from the trigonometric relations

cos2 A + sin2 A =1 2 sin2 A =1 − cos 2A

cos2 A − sin2 A = cos 2A 2 cos2 A =1 + cos 2A

The equations on the right-hand side of (12.62) are obtained by subtraction and
addition of the equations on the left-hand side of (12.62). In the equations on the
right-hand side of (12.62) replace A by A2 and then substitute for cos A from the
equations (12.50) to show

2 A cos a − cos b cos c 2 A cos a − cos b cos c
2 sin =1 − 2 cos =1 +
2 sin b sin c 2 sin b sin c
cos b cos c + sin b sin c − cos a cos a − cos b cos c + sin b sin c
= =
sin b sin c sin b sin c
cos(b − c) − cos a cos a − cos(b + c)
= =
sin b sin c sin b sin c
Using the cosine formula

cos(α − β) − cos(α + β) = 2 sin α sin β (12.64)

together with the relations
2α = a + b − c
2β = a − b + c
s−b = =β
s−c = =α
the left-hand side of equation (12.63) becomes

A sin(s − b) sin(s − c)
2 sin2 =2 (12.65)
2 sin b sin c

Using the same formula for the difference of two cosine functions together with
the relations
2α =a + b + c
2β =b + c − a
b+c−a (12.66)
s−a =
the right-hand side of equation (12.63) becomes

A2 sin s sin(s − a)
2 cos =2 (12.67)
2 sin b sin c

The tangent function is the sine function divided by the cosine function and
so the equations (12.65) and (12.67) can be used to calculate a result for tan2 A2 .

These half-angle formulas can be summarized as

2 A sin(s − b) sin(s − c)
sin =
2 sin b sin c

A sin s sin(s − a)
cos2 = (12.68)
2 sin b sin c

A sin(s − b) sin(s − c)
tan2 =
2 sin s sin(s − a)

A cyclic rotation of symbols will produce similar equations for

2 B 2 B 2 B
sin , cos , tan
2 2 2

sin2 , cos2 , tan2
2 2 2

Angles known
If the angles A, B, C of the spherical triangle are known, then one can define
S= and proceed as before to derive the half-angle relations
a − cos(S) cos(S − A)  a  cos(S − B) cos(S − C)
sin2 = , cos2 =
2 sin B sin C 2 sin B sin C
2 a − cos S cos(S − A)
tan =
2 cos(S − B) cos(S − C)
For example, in the relation 2 sin2 = 1 − cos a substitute from equation (12.53)
the relation
cos A + cos B cos C
cos a =
sin B sin C
and show a sin B sin C − cos A − cos B cos C
2 sin2 =
2 sin B sin C (12.70)
− cos(B + C) − cos A
sin B sin C
Using the formula for the sum of two cosine terms cos(α − β) + cos(α + β) = 2 cos α cos β
with α + β = B + C and α − β = A one can verify α = S and β = S − A so that equation
(12.70) can be expressed in the form
a cos S cos(S − A)
2 sin2 = −2
2 sin B sin C

which simplifies to the first equation in (12.69). The remaining equations of (12.69)
are derived in a similar fashion.
A cyclic rotation of the symbols in the equations (12.69) above will produce
equations for

b b b
sin2 , cos2 , tan2
2 2 2
c c c
sin2 , cos2 , tan2
2 2 2
Special right spherical triangles
In a spherical triangle there can be one, two or three right angles. In the accom-
panying figure the triangle ABC has three right angles and is called a trirectangular
spherical triangle. The spherical triangle DBC has two right angles and is called a
birectangular spherical triangle. If the vertex C moves off the z -axis, there results a
spherical triangle with only one right angle which is called a right spherical triangle.

Figure 12 -10. Right spherical triangles

One can sketch tangent lines to the spherical triangle sides to better illustrate the
dihedral angles which define the angles of the spherical triangle.
A spherical triangle has six parts, AcBaCb con-
sisting of angles and sides. The spherical triangle
can be completely solved if any three of the six
parts are known. A right spherical triangle needs
only two known parts, in addition to the right an-
gle, to completely determine the remaining parts.
In the special case angle C is a right angle in any of the equations (12.50),
(12.53), (12.57), then one can employ trigonometry and algebra to simplify these
equations to the following ten equations which are used to determine the remaining
parts of a right spherical triangle when two parts and the right angle are known.
cos c = cos a cos b tan b = cos A tan c
sin a = sin A sin c tan a = cos B tan c
sin b = sin B sin c cos A = sin B cos a (12.71)

tan a = tan A sin b cos B = sin A cos b

tan b = tan B sin a cos c = cot A cot B
Napier’s rules
John Napier4 felt that it was unnecessary to memorize the set of equations
(12.71) used for the solution of right spherical triangles. He devised the following
method for obtaining these 10 equations.

Given a spherical right triangle one can label the sides

with 5 labels as illustrated in the figure on the right.
Select any one of these 5 labels and call it the middle
label. The labels on each side of the middle label are
then called the adjacent labels and the remaining labels
are called the opposite labels. Figure 12 -11.
Napier’s labeling
Napier’s rule 1
The sine of any middle label is equal to the product
of the tangents of the adjacent labels.
Napier’s rule 2
The sine of any middle label is equal to the product
of the cosines of the opposite labels.

For example, using rule 1 one can write

sin(90 − B) = tan a tan(90 − c) ⇒ cos B = tan a cot c or tan a = cos B tan c
sin a = tan b cot B ⇒ tan b = tan B sin a

Using rule 2 one can write

sin b = cos(90 − c) cos(90 − B) or sin b = sin c sin B
sin(90 − A) = cos(90 − B) cos a or cos A = cos a sin B

John Napier (1550-1617) A Scottish mathematician well known for development of logarithms.
Projection of area

Recall that one can approximate an area by slicing

it up into many rectangles and writing the approx-
imation A ≈ ni=1 i wi where i is the length and wi

is the width of the ith rectangle. The limiting sum

A = limn→∞ i=1 i wi then gives the exact area.
Consider the situation when two planes P, P  in-
tersect to produce the line EF and dihedral angle θ.
A figure in plane P is then projected onto the plane
P  . Note that lines in plane P which are perpendicular
to EF have the projection  cos θ while lines parallel to
EF have the same length when projected to the other
plane. For example, in the figure illustrated one finds
AB = A B  and C  D = CD cos θ.
Let A denote the area of the figure in plane P which
becomes the area A when projected onto plane P  . One
can then show A = A cos θ. To prove this assertion make
parallel slices where each slice is perpendicular to the
line of intersection EF of the two planes. These parallel
lines slice the area to produce rectangles so that one can
write A = limn→∞ ni=1 i wi Each line i when projected

to the other plane becomes i cos θ and the projected

area is A = limn→∞ ni=1 i wi cos θ = A cos θ.

Example 12-1. If the area in plane P is the circle πa2 ,then the distance one-
half AB is the radius a of the circle. When this distance is projected onto the plane
P  the projected distance also has length a. The other diameter GH is perpendicular
to EF and so when projected onto the plane P  becomes GH cos θ or the radius a = GH 2
becomes GH 2
cos θ . Define b = GH cos θ = a cos θ, then the area of the circle πa2 when
projected onto plane P becomes the ellipse with area πa2 cos θ. But a cos θ = b so the

x2 y2
area of the ellipse + =1 is πab.
a2 b2
Solid Angle

In the study of plane geometry an angle θ, in ra-

dians, was defined by using the dimension-less ratio
s =arc length on circumference of a circle
r =radius of circle
θ = in radians

where one radian is defined as the angle resulting when

s = r . Observe that as the arc length s varies from 0
to 2πr, then the angle θ varies from 0 to 2π radians.

In solid geometry a solid angle Ω in units called

steradians (sr), is defined using the dimension-less ra-
tio 2 , where

S =Surface area cut by a general cone with vertex

at the center of sphere.
r =radius of sphere
Ω= 2

As the surface area S varies from 0 to 4πr2 , the solid angle Ω varies from 0 to
4π steradians. Here one steradian is defined as the solid angle formed when the
spherical surface area S equals the sphere radius squared. The solid angle Ω is
used in many areas of science, physics and engineering. It arises in deriving many of
the basic equations used in physics. It is used in radiation therapy for determining
radiation in a given direction measured in steradians. It occurs in calculating cross
sections used in radiation scattering. It arises in the study of flux of electric and
magnetic fields, weather radar, light intensity and many other areas of study where
angular measure in three dimensions is required.
Note that if one knows the value of Ω, then the surface area of the sphere cut
by a general cone is given by S = Ω r2 .

Find the volume of the barn illustrated.

 12-2. Name three special cases of a prismatoid which have previously been inves-
tigated. Does the formula
V = h (Bu + B + 4M )
hold in these special cases?

 12-3. Use the prismatoid formula and find the volume of a prism and a pyramid.

 12-4. Use the prismatoid formula and find the volume of a cone and a cylinder.

 12-5. Assume a prismatoid with regular polygon upper base Bu and side su having a
lower base B which is a similar regular polygon to the upper base with corresponding
sides s .
(a) Show the corresponding sides of the middle figure M is 12 (su + s )
Bu s2u
(b) Show = 1
M [ 2 (su + s )]2
B s2
(c) Show = 1
M [ 2 (su + s )]2

(d) Calculate 4M in terms of Bu B
(e) Use the prismatoid formula to calculate the volume associated with the frustum
of a pyramid.

 12-6. Use the prismatoid formula to find the volume of a sphere with radius r.

 12-7. Use Napier’s rules to verify the 10 equations (12.71).

 12-8. Spherical trigonometry and navigation
Even though the earth is not an exact sphere,
one can use spherical trigonometry to find the
distance between two points on the earths sur-
face. For example, to find the distance between
London (51.507◦ N, 0.128◦ W ) and New York City
(40.713◦ N, 74.001◦ W ) one can use the spherical
trigonometry formula

cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C

angular difference between north pole and London is
a =90◦ − 51.507◦ = 38.493◦
angular difference between north pole and New York City
b =90◦ − 40.713◦ = 49.287◦
difference in longitude between cities
∠C =74.001◦ − 0.128◦ = 73.873◦

so that
 π   π   π   π   π 
cos c = cos 38.493 ∗ cos 49.287 ∗ +sin 38.493 ∗ sin 49.287 ∗ cos 73.873 ∗
180 180 180 180 180

which computes to cos c = 0.641568 which implies c = arccos (0.641568) = 50.091◦. On

the earths surface the conversion factor between degrees and miles is approximately5
1◦ = 69 miles. Using this conversion factor one finds c corresponds to the distance
50.091◦ ∗ 69 miles
◦ = 3456.279 miles as the approximate distance between London and
New York City.

The distance of 1◦ latitude varies over the surface of the earth. The distance of 1◦ longitude depends upon
what latitude you are at. The approximate conversion is

1◦ longitude = cos(degree latitude)times(length of 1◦ at the equator)

At the equator 1◦ ≈ 69.172 miles.

The following are latitude and longitude locations for various cities. Pick two
cities (different from the example above) and use spherical trigonometry to find the
distance between them.
City Latitude Longitude City Latitude Longitude
Los Angeles 34.052◦ N 118.244◦ W New York City 40.713◦ N 74.001◦ W
Tokyo 35.690◦ N 139.692◦ E London 51.507◦ N 0.128◦ W
Sydney 33.869◦ S 151.209◦ E Moscow 55.756◦ N 37.617◦ E
Calcutta 22.573◦ N 88.364◦ E Rio de Janeiro 22.907◦ S 43.173◦ W

2 2 2
Given the ellipsoid xa2 + yb2 + zc2 = 1. Use the pris-
matoid formula to find the volume of an ellipsoid.
Hint: See the example 12-1.

(a) Construct a cylinder of height 2r enclosing a sphere of radius r. Find volume of
sphere in terms of the volume of the cylinder and then find the area of the sphere
in terms of the lateral area of the cylinder
(b) Construct a cone of height 2r inside a cylinder with base πr2 and height 2r. Find
volume of cone in terms of the volume of the cylinder. Find volume of cone in terms
of the volume of a sphere.
(c) If a sphere is inscribed within a cube, then find the ratio of volume of sphere
divided by volume of cube. Show this ratio is approximately one half.

 12-11. If V is the volume of a sphere and S denotes its surface area, then show

that S = 3 36πV 2


Prove that if two same size spheres intersect, then

the plane of intersection is perpendicular to the line
connecting the sphere centers.

A bowling ball is inserted into a watertight box

where all sides of the box touch the bowling ball. The
space inside the box will hold 1 gallon of water. What
is the volume of the bowling ball and what is the size
of the box?
Hint: 1 US Gallon = 231 cubic inches.

An optimization problem in geometry is to find either the maximum number of
geometric objects that can be packed into a given container or to find how to pack
a given number of geometric objects into as few containers as possible.

(a) Find the smallest square that will hold 6 unit circles.
(b) Find the smallest circle that will hold 6 unit squares.
(c) Find the smallest equilateral triangle that will hold 5 unit circles.
(d) Find the smallest cube that will hold 5 unit spheres.

 12-15. Find the smallest circle which will hold n unit squares where n has the

Number of squares Radius of smallest circle


 12-16. Let r denote the radius of a sphere with a spherical triangle having angles
of 60◦ , 80◦ and 85◦ . Find the area of the triangle.

Given three parallel planes p1 , p2 , p3 with the dis-

tance h2 apart as illustrated in the accompanying fig-
ure. Any line from point 0 in plane p1 to a point in
plane p2 , when extended will intersect plane p3 . If you
move the point in plane p2 around to form a simple
closed curve with area A one generates a conical sur-
face between planes p1 and p2 . By extending all lines
from 0 to plane p2 onto the plane p3 a dilatation is
performed creating a simple closed curve in plane p3
with area A . The areas A and A are similar. You can
imagine the areas A and A to be similar shaped figures such as circles, triangles,
squares, etc.
A 1
(a) Show the plane areas satisfy  =
A 4
(b) Show the large general cone has volume given by V = 13 A h
(c) Show the volume of the general frustum between planes p2 and p3 is given by
Vf rustum = 24
A h
(d) Check the above results in the special case A and A are area of circles.
(e) Check the above results in the special case A and A are area of squares.
Chapter 13
Additional Topics
One simply geometric concept that can be generalized to create a more compli-
cated topic is the following.
Pedal triangle
Select a point P inside or outside of a given triangle
ABC and from the point P drop perpendicular lines
to each side of the given triangle ABC as illustrated
in the figure on the right. Let the perpendicular lines
intersect the given triangle sides at the points A1 , B1 , C1
as illustrated. These intersection points define a new
triangle A1 B1 C1 called the pedal triangle of point P .
A circle circumscribed about the pedal triangle is called the pedal circle.
The original triangle ABC has a pedal triangle A1 B1 C1 associated with the
point P called a first generation pedal triangle associated with point P . If the process
is repeated, one can form a pedal triangle associated with point P and triangle
A1 B1 C1 . This would produce a pedal triangle A2 B2 C2 called a second generation
pedal triangle associated with the point P . By repeating this simple process one can
form second, third, fourth,. . . generation pedal triangles associated with the selected
point P .
In general the interior angles associated with each generation of pedal triangles
will all be different in comparison with the original triangle ABC . However, the
following theorem has been discovered

The third generation pedal triangle associated with the point P and the original
triangle are similar triangles.

This implies that the original, third, sixth,... generation pedal triangles are all
similar to one another. Similarly, one can state that the second, fifth, eighth,. . .
generation pedal triangles will all be similar to one another and so forth.
The same thing can be done with quadrilaterals. Select a point P inside the
quadrilateral and drop perpendiculars to the sides to obtain intersection points or
vertices which define a first generation pedal quadrilateral. Repeating this process
one can construct second, third, fourth,. . . generation pedal quadrilaterals associated
with the point P .
The fourth generation pedal quadrilateral associated with a point P and the
original quadrilateral will be similar quadrilaterals.

It turns out that the procedure of selecting a point P and then dropping per-
pendiculars to the sides of triangles and quadrilaterals can also be performed with
n-gons and one can show
The nth generation pedal n-gon associated with a point P is similar to the orig-
inal n-gon.

Polygons and star polygons

One rule of construction for polygons is the trans-

formation of vertices from P → P  defined by a transla-
tion followed by a rotation through an angle θ. That is,
one can start with a unit line segment having an origin
and an endpoint. The line segment can be translated
one unit and then rotated counterclockwise through
an angle θ = 2π n
where n is a positive integer. This produces a new starting point
where the process can be repeated. This repeated translation and rotation is re-
peated until the process starts to repeat itself. The result is a polygon having n
If the integer n is replace by a rational number greater than 2, say n = pd where
p, d are coprime with d > 1, then the angle of rotation is θ = 2π n
= 2πd
and the
sides of the polygon begin crossing one another. The resulting polygons are called
star polygons. Familiar star polygons are the pentagram, hexagram, heptagram,
octagram, enneagram, decagram,. . .. The following are some selected star polygons.

Figure 13 -1. Selected star polygons

Schläfi1 introduced the notation {p/d} for representing star polygons where p
represents the number of lines used and d > 1 represents the number of rotations
before line comes back to its starting position. The integer d is called the density of
the polygon.

Assume one starts with the unit line segment from

(0, 0) to (1, 0) and applies the translation rotation con-
struction rule for polygons. For n = 5 one would obtain
the pentagon of density 1 by connecting the points
(1, 0)
(1 + cos θ, sin θ)

(1 + cos θ + cos 2θ, sin θ + sin 2θ) (13.1)

(1 + cos θ + cos 2θ + cos 3θ, sin θ + sin 2θ + sin 3θ)
(1 + cos θ + cos 2θ + cos 3θ + cos 4θ, sin θ + sin 2θ + sin 3θ + sin 4θ)

where θ = 2π
In the case of star polygons one would connect the points
(1, 0)
(1 + cos θ, sin θ)
(1 + cos θ + cos 2θ, sin θ + sin 2θ)

(1 + cos θ + cos 2θ + cos 3θ, sin θ + sin 2θ + sin 3θ) (13.2)


(1 + cos iθ, sin iθ)
i=1 i=1

where θ = 2π dp .
Many polygonal and star polygonal patterns can be found in the study of
two dimensional crystallography, x-ray diffraction, architecture, biology, chemistry,
physics, atomic physics and lattice structure.
Graph paper
The following is a presentation of four different types of graph paper for repre-
senting lines and curves in two-dimensions.
Ludwig Schläfi (1814-1895) A swiss mathematician who studied geometric figures.

Cartesian equal spaced graph paper


Polar graph paper


Triangular or ternary graph paper


Hexagonal graph paper

There are many types of graph paper used in the sciences and engineering. The
previous examples are just a very small sampling from the large variety of graph
paper that is available.
Note that the polar coordinate graph paper has rays emanating from the origin
at equally spaced angular distances around the origin and then concentric circles
are constructed representing constant distances from the origin. In many cases the
types of graph paper one finds have been derived in order that one can use straight
lines in certain special circumstances.
Polar coordinates
Cartesian coordinates uses distances from two perpendicular lines to locate a
point. Another method to locate a point is to specify its distance r and direction θ
from a fixed point. This alternative representation (r, θ) for locating a point is called
a polar coordinate representation.

rectangular coordinates (x, y) polar coordinates (r, θ)

polar axis

x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ
x2 + y 2 = ρ2 r= ρ
tan θ = xy

x2 + y 2 = r
Figure 13 -3. Rectangular and polar coordinate systems

To construct a polar coordinate system one selects an origin for the polar co-
ordinates and labels it 0. Next construct a half-line 0X similar to the x-axis of the
rectangular coordinate system. This half-line is called the polar axis or initial ray
and the origin is called the pole of the polar coordinate system. By placing another
line on top of the polar axis and rotating this line counterclockwise about the pole
through a positive angle θ, measured in radians, one can create a ray emanating
from the origin at an angle θ as illustrated in the figure 13-4.
On polar coordinate graph paper rays are illustrated emanating from the origin
at equally spaced angular distances around the origin and then concentric circles
are constructed representing constant distances from the origin. A point in polar
coordinates is then denoted by the number pair (r, θ) where θ is the angle of rotation
associated with the ray and r is a distance outward from the origin along the ray.
The polar origin or pole has the coordinates (0, θ) for any angle θ. All points having
the polar coordinates (ρ, 0), with ρ ≥ 0, lie on the polar axis.

Figure 13 -4.
Construction of polar axes Figure 13 -5. Points (−r, θ) and (r, θ)

For a point (r, θ) in polar coordinates the quantity r is called the radius vector
and the quantity θ is called the vectorial angle. Counterclockwise rotations for θ
are considered as positive and clockwise rotations are considered as negative. Make
note of the following three facts.

1 The angle θ can be increased or decreased any multiple of 2π without changing

the point (r, θ).
2 Positions (−r, θ) and (r, θ + π) are different representations for the same point.
3 One can verify that the point (r, θ) in polar coordinates has multiple representa-
tions. For example

(r, θ) = [(−1)n r, θ ± 2nπ] for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . (13.3)

Straight lines in polar coordinates

A straight line in polar coordinates having the slope-intercept form y = mx + b,
with b = 0, can be converted to polar coordinates as follows. Make the transformation
x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ and then solve for r to obtain the polar form for the straight
line r = with b = 0.
sin θ − m cos θ
A more general form for the straight line in polar
coordinates is to first find p the perpendicular distance
from the origin to the line . This perpendicular dis-
tance is inclined at an angle α. The general point (r, θ)
on the line can then be determined by using trigonom-
etry on a right triangle to show cos(α − θ) = rp . The
equation of the line in polar coordinates is then
r = p sec(α − θ) (13.4)

Note that
(i) If the line passes through the origin, then it polar form is θ = c a constant,
−∞ < r < ∞.
(ii) The Cartesian line y = c a constant, has the polar form r = c sec(θ − π/2)
(iii) The Cartesian line x = c a constant, has the polar form r = c sec θ
Curves in polar coordinates
A polar curve having the form r as a function of θ written r = f (θ), may be
sketched by assigning values to θ and then calculating the value for r defined by the
function f (θ).
Example 13-1. Sketch the curve r = f (θ) = 3 sin θ − 2.
Solution Construct a table of values for the function of θ.

r r
θ degrees θ radians 3 sin θ − 2 θ degrees θ radians 3 sin θ − 2
◦ ◦
0 0 -2.00000 180 π -2.00000
π 13π
15◦ 12
-1.22354 195◦ 12
π 7π
30◦ 6
-0.50000 210◦ 6
π 5π
45◦ 4
0.12132 225◦ 4
π 4π
60◦ 3 0.59808 240◦ 3 -4.59808
◦ 5π 17π
75 12 0.89778 255◦ 12 -4.89778
π 3π
90◦ 2 1.00000 270◦ 2 -5.00000
7π 19π
105◦ 12 0.89778 285◦ 12 -4.89778
2π 5π
120◦ 3
0.59808 300◦ 3
3π 7π
135◦ 4
0.12132 315◦ 4
5π 11π
150◦ 5
-0.50000 330◦ 6
11π 23π
165◦ 12
-1.22354 345◦ 12
180◦ π -2.00000 360◦ π -2.00000

Figure 13 -6. Graph of 3 sin θ − 2

As an exercise verify the following polar plots.

Points in polar coordinates

A point in polar coordinates is denoted by the number pair (r, θ) where θ is the
counterclockwise angle of rotation from the polar axis and a positive value for r is
a distance outward from the origin along the ray. The polar origin or pole has the
coordinates (0, θ) for any angle θ. All points having the polar coordinates (ρ, 0), with
ρ ≥ 0, lie on the polar axis. Also note that a ray at angle θ can be extended to
represent negative distances along the ray. Points (−r, θ) can also be represented by
the number pair (r, θ + π) for positive r values.
Alternatively, one can think of a rectangular point (x, y) and the corresponding
polar point (r, θ) as being related by the equations
θ = arctan (y/x), x =r cos θ
r = x2 + y 2 , y =r sin θ

Example 13-2.
To transform an equation from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates make
the substitutions x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ.
The equation of a circle centered at the origin with radius ρ is x2 + y2 = ρ2 . In polar
coordinates this equation becomes r = ρ for all values of θ.
The general equation of a line is Ax + By = C . This equation becomes
Ar cos θ + Br sin θ = C or r =
A cos θ + B sin θ

Recall the normal form for equation of a straight

line in Cartesian coordinates is x cos α + y sin α = p.
In polar coordinates the equation of the line is
r cos θ cos α + r sin θ sin α = p which simplifies to

r cos(θ − α) = p or r = p sec(θ − α) (13.6)

The equation x2 + y2 − 2ax − 2by = 0 is a circle. Recall this can be written

(x2 − 2ax + a2 ) + (y 2 − 2by + b2 ) = a2 + b2 or (x − a)2 + (y − b)2 = a2 + b2 . In polar coordinates
this equation is written r = 2a cos θ + 2b sin θ.
Distance Between Two Points in the Plane
If two points are given in polar coordinates
as (r1 , θ1 ) and (r2, θ2 ), as illustrated in the fig-
ure 13-7, then one can use the law of cosines
to calculate the distance d between the points
Figure 13 -7.
Distance between points d2 = r12 + r22 − 2r1 r2 cos(θ1 − θ2 ) (13.7)
in polar coordinates.

Conic Sections
A general equation of the second degree has the form

Ax2 + Bxy + Cy 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 (13.8)

where A, B, C, D, E, F are constants. All curves which have the form of equation (13.8)
can be obtained by cutting a right circular cone with a plane.
Recall that a right circular cone can be generated by two parallel congruent
circles with their centers aligned one over the other and a point V half-way between
the circles on the line connecting the circle centers. A line from the upper circle
circumference through point V to a point on the circumference of the lower circle is
called a generator of the cone. The set of all generators produces the right circular
The figure 13-8(b) illustrates a horizontal plane intersecting the cone in a circle.
The figure 13-8(c) illustrates a nonhorizontal plane section which cuts two opposite
generators. The resulting curve of intersection is called an ellipse. Figure 13-8(d)
illustrates a plane parallel to a generator of the cone which also intersects the cone.
The resulting curve of intersection is called a parabola. Any plane cutting both the
upper and lower parts of a cone will intersect the cone in a curve called a hyperbola
which is illustrated in the figure 13-8(e).

Figure 13 -8. The intersection of right circular cone with a plane.

Conic sections were studied by the early Greeks. Euclid2 supposedly wrote four
books on conic sections. The Greek geometer Appollonius3 wrote eight books on
conic sections which summarized Greek knowledge of conic sections and his work
has survived the passage of time. Appollonius is also responsible for the names
parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.
Conic sections can be defined using either polar coordinates or Cartesian coordi-
nates as follows. Select a point f , called the focus, and a line D not through f . This
line is called the directrix. The set of points P satisfying the condition that the dis-
tance from f to P , call it r = P f , is some multiple e times the perpendicular distance
from P to the directrix. Let d = P P  represents the perpendicular distance from the
point P to the directrix D, then the resulting equation for a conic section in polar
coordinates is obtained from the equation r = e d with the geometric interpretation
of this equation illustrated in the figure 13-9.
Euclid of Alexandria (325-265 BCE)
Appollonius of Perga (262-190 BCE)
The plane curve resulting from the polar
r = ed (13.9)

is called a conic section with eccentricity e, focus

f and directrix D and if the eccentricity e satisfies

0 < e < 1, the conic section is an ellipse.

e = 1, the conic section is a parabola.
Figure 13 -9. e > 1, the conic section is a hyperbola.
Defining a conic section. e = 0, the conic section is a circle.

Note that in addition to the focus and directrix there is associated with each
conic section the following quantities.
The vertex V
The vertex V of a conic section is the midpoint of the line from the focus
perpendicular to the directrix.
Axis of symmetry
The line through the focus and perpendicular to the directrix is called an
axis of symmetry.
Focal parameter distance 2p
This is the perpendicular distance from the focus to the directrix, where p
is the distance from the focus to the vertex or distance from vertex to directrix.
Latus rectum 2
This is a chord parallel to a directrix and perpendicular to a focus which
passes between two points on the conic section. The latus rectum is used as a
measure associated with the spread of a conic section.

If  is the semi-latus rectum intersecting the conic section at the point where
x = p = 2d , one finds r =  = ed = 2ep. Note that in general d = 2p + r cos θ so that the
ratio rd = e becomes = e or
2p + r cos θ

r= = (13.32)
1 − e cos θ 1 − e cos θ

is the polar form for the equation of a conic section.

Representing conic section curves
The conic section curves can be thought of as a collection of point (x, y) where
x and y are related in some fashion. The mathematical notation for representing a
set of points satisfying some condition is

C = { (x, y) | Condition satisfied by x and y }

which is read ” C is the set of points (x,y) such that the following condition is
satisfied.” These (x, y) values are plotted on Cartesian graph paper and the points
are connected by a smooth curve.
The parabola can be defined as the locus of points (x, y) in a plane, such that
(x, y) moves to remain equidistant from a fixed point (x0 , y0 ) and fixed line . The fixed
point is called the focus of the parabola and the fixed line is called the directrix of
the parabola. The midpoint of the perpendicular line from the focus to the directrix
is called the vertex of the parabola.
In figure 13-10(b), let the point (0, p) denote the focus of the parabola symmetric
about the y-axis and let the line y = −p denote the directrix of the parabola. If (x, y)
is a general point on the parabola, then

d1 = distance from (x, y) to focus = x2 + (y − p)2

d2 = distance from (x, y) to directrix = y + p

If d1 = d2 for all values of x and y, then

x2 + (y − p)2 = y + p or x2 = 4py, p = 0 (13.11)

This parabola has its vertex at the origin, an eccentricity of 1, a semi-latus rectum
of length 2p, latus rectum of 2 = 4p and focal parameter of 2p.
The parabola is the set of points

C = { (x, y) | x2 = 4py }

Figure 13 -10.
Parabolas symmetric about the x and y axes.

Other forms for the equation of a parabola are obtained by replacing p by −p

and interchanging the variables x and y. For p > 0, other standard forms for the
equation of a parabola are illustrated in the figure 13-11. In the figure 13-11 observe
the upward/downward and left/right opening of the parabola depend upon the sign
before the parameter p, where p > 0 represents the distance from the origin to the
focus. By replacing x by −x and y by −y one can verify the various symmetries
associated with these shapes.

Figure 13 -11.
Other forms for representing a parabola.
Using the translation of axes equations, the vertex of the parabolas in the fig-
ure 13-11 can be translated to a point (h, k). These translated equations have the
(x − h)2 = 4p(y − k) (y − k)2 = 4p(x − h)
(x − h)2 = − 4p(y − k) (y − k)2 = − 4p(x − h)

Also note that the lines of symmetry are also shifted.

One form for the parametric representation of the parabola (x − h)2 = 4p(y − k) is
given by
P = { (x, y) | x = h + t, y = k + t2 /4p, −∞ < t < ∞ } (13.13)

with similar parametric representations for the other parabolas.

Use of determinants
The equation of the parabola passing through the three distinct points (x1 , y1 ),
(x2 , y2 ) and (x3 , y3 ) can be determined by evaluating the determinant4

y x2 x 1

y1 x21 x1 1

= 0
y2 x22 x2 1

y3 x23 x3 1

provided the following determinants are different from zero.

x21 x1 1 x1 y1 1
22 x2 1 = 0, and x2
y2 1 = 0
x x3 1 x3 y3 1

The eccentricity e of an ellipse satisfies 0 < e < 1 so that for any given positive
number a one can state that
ae < , 0<e<1 (13.14)

Consequently, if the point (ae, 0) is selected as the focus of an ellipse and the line
x = a/e is selected as the directrix of the ellipse, then in relation to this fixed focus
and fixed line a general point (x, y) will satisfy
Determinants and their properties are discussed in chapter 6.

d1 = distance of (x, y) to focus = (x − ae)2 + y 2

d2 = ⊥ distance of (x, y) to directrix = |x − a/e|

The ellipse can then be defined as the set of points (x, y) satisfying the constraint
condition d1 = e d2 which can be expressed as the set of points

E1 = { (x, y) | (x − ae)2 + y 2 = e|x − a/e|, 0 < e < 1 } (13.15)

Applying some algebra to the constraint condition on the points (x, y), the ellipse
can be expressed in a different form. Observe that if d1 = e d2 , then
(x − ae)2 + y 2 =e2 (x − a/e)2

or x2 − 2aex + a2 e2 + y 2 =e2 x2 − 2aex + a2

which simplifies to the condition

x2 y2 x2 y2
+ = 1 or + = 1, b2 = a2 (1 − e2 ) (13.16)
a2 a2 (1 − e2 ) a2 b2

where the eccentricity satisfies 0 < e < 1. In the case where the focus is selected as
(−ae, 0) and the directrix is selected as the line x = −a/e, there results the following

d1 = distance of (x, y) to focus = (x + ae)2 + y 2
d2 = ⊥ distance of (x, y) to directrix = |x + a/e|

The condition that d1 = e d2 can be represented as the set of points

E2 = { (x, y) | (x + ae)2 + y 2 = e|x + a/e|, 0 < e < 1 } (13.17)
As an exercise, show that the simplification of the constraint condition for the set
of points E2 also produces the equation (13.16).
Examine the limiting case where e → 0. In this case the foci of the ellipse
approach each other and the ellipse becomes a circle with foci going to the origin
(0, 0) and the directrix x = ae going to the line at infinity. The circle being a limiting
case of the ellipse when the eccentricity is zero. Note that the equation (13.9)
r = lim e d = lim e ⇒ r=a
e→0 e→0 e
which is the equation of a circle in polar coordinates.

x2 y2
Figure 13 -12. The ellipse + = 1
a2 b2

Define the constants

c = ae and b2 = a2 (1 − e2 ) = a2 − c2 (13.18)

and note that b2 < a2 , then from the above discussion one can conclude that an
ellipse is defined by the equation
x2 y2
+ = 1, 0 < e < 1, b2 = a2 (1 − e2 ), c = ae (13.19)
a2 b2
and has the points (ae, 0) and (−ae, 0) as foci and the lines x = −a/e and x = a/e as
directrices. The resulting graph for the ellipse is illustrated in the figure 13-12. This
ellipse has vertices at (−a, 0) and (a, 0), a latus rectum of length 2b2 /a and eccentricity

given by 1 − b2 /a2 .
In the figure 13-12 a right triangle has been constructed as a mnemonic device
to help remember the relations given by the equations (13.18). The distance 2a
between (−a, 0) and (a, 0) is called the major axis of the ellipse and the distance 2b
from (0, −b) to (0, b) is called the minor axis of the ellipse. The origin (0, 0) is called
the center of the ellipse.

Figure 13 -13. Symmetry of the ellipse.

Some algebra can verify the following property satisfied by a general point (x, y)
on the ellipse. Construct the distances

d3 = distance of (x, y) to focus (c, 0) = (x − c)2 + y 2
d4 = distance of (x, y) to focus (−c, 0) = (x + c)2 + y 2

and show
d3 + d4 = (x − c)2 + y 2 + (x + c)2 + y 2 = 2a (13.21)
One can use this property to define the ellipse as the locus of points (x, y) such
that the sum of its distances from two fixed points equals a constant.
The figure 13-13 illustrates that when the roles of x and y are interchanged, then
the major axis and minor axis of the ellipse are reversed. A shifting of the axes so
that the point (x0 , y0 ) is the center of the ellipse produces the equations
(x − x0 )2 (y − y0 )2 (y − y0 )2 (x − x0 )2
+ = 1 or + =1 (13.22)
a2 b2 a2 b2

These equations represent the ellipses illustrated in the figure 13-13 where the centers
are shifted to the point (x0 , y0 ).
(x − h)2 (y − k)2
The ellipse given by + = 1 which is centered at the point (h, k)
a2 b2
can be represented in a parametric form5 . One parametric form is to represent the
ellipse as the set of points

E = { (x, y) | x = h + a cos θ, y = k + b sin θ, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π } (13.23)

involving the parameter θ which varies from 0 to 2π.

A circle is the locus of points (x, y) in a plane equidistant from a fixed point
called the center of the circle. Note that no real locus occurs if the radius r is
negative or imaginary. It has been previously demonstrated how to calculate the
equation of a circle. The figure 13-14 is a summary of these previous results. The
circle x2 + y2 = r2 has eccentricity zero and latus rectum of 2r. Parametric equations
for the circle (x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = r2 , centered at (x0 , y0 ), are

x = x0 + r cos t, y = y0 + r sin t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π

The parametric representation of a curve or part of a curve is not unique.
When dealing with second degree equations of the form x2 + y2 + αx + βy = γ ,
where α, β and γ are constants, it is customary to complete the square on the x and
y terms to obtain

α2 β2 α2 β2 α β
(x2 + αx + ) + (y 2 + βy + )= γ+ + → (x + )2 + (y + )2 = r 2
4 4 4 4 2 2
2 2
where it is assumed that r2 = γ + α4 + β4 > 0.This produces

the equation of a circle
α β
with radius r which is centered at the point − 2 , − 2 .

Figure 13 -14.
Circle about origin and circle translated to point (x0 , y0 )

Let e > 1 denote the eccentricity of a hyperbola. Again let (ae, 0) denote the focus
of the hyperbola and let the line x = a/e denote the directrix of the hyperbola. The
hyperbola is defined such that points (x, y) on the hyperbola satisfy d1 = ed2 where
d1 is the distance from (x, y) to the focus and d2 is the perpendicular distance from
the point (x, y) to the directrix. The hyperbola can then be represented by the set
of points

H1 = { (x, y) | (x − ae)2 + y 2 = e|x−a/e|, e > 1 }
A simplification of the constraint condition on the set of points (x, y) produces
the alternative representation of the hyperbola
x2 y2
− = 1, e>1 (13.24)
a2 a2 (e2 − 1)

Placing the focus at the point (−ae, 0) and using as the directrix the line x = −a/e,
one can verify that the hyperbola is represented by the set of points

H2 = { (x, y) | (x + ae)2 + y 2 = e|x + a/e|, e > 1 }

and it can be verified that the constraint con-

dition on the points (x, y) also simplifies to the
equation (13.24).

Define c = ae and b2 = a2 (e2 − 1) = c2 − a2 > 0 and note that for an eccentricity

e > 1 there results the inequality c > a. The hyperbola can then be described as
having the foci (c, 0) and (−c, 0) and directrices x = a/e and x = −a/e. The hyperbola
represented by
x2 y2
− = 1, b2 = a2 (e2 − 1) = c2 − a2 (13.25)
a2 b2
is illustrated in the figure 13-15.

x2 y2
Figure 13 -15. The hyperbola − = 1
a2 b2
This hyperbola has vertices at (−a, 0) and (a, 0), a latus rectum of length 2b2 /a and

eccentricity of 1 + b2 /a2 . The origin is called the center of the hyperbola. The line
containing the two foci of the hyperbola is called the principal axis of the hyperbola.
Setting y = 0 and solving for x one can determine that the hyperbola intersects
the principal axis at the points (−a, 0) and (a, 0) which are called the vertices of the
hyperbola. The line segment between the vertices is called the major axis of the
hyperbola or transverse axis of the hyperbola. The distance between the points (b, 0)
and (−b, 0) is called the conjugate axis of the hyperbola. The chord through either
focus which is perpendicular to the transverse axis is called a latus rectum. One
can verify that the latus rectum intersects the hyperbola at the points (c, b2/a) and
(c, −b2/a).
Write the equation (13.25) in the form

b a2
y =± x 1− 2 (13.26)
a x

and note that for very large values of x the right-hand side of this equation ap-
proaches 1. Consequently, for large values of x the equation (13.26) becomes the
b b
y= x and y=− x (13.27)
a a
These lines are called the asymptotic lines associated with the hyperbola and are
illustrated in the figure 13-15. Note that the hyperbola has two branches with each
branch approaching the asymptotic lines for large values of x.
Let (x, y) denote a general point on the above hyperbola and construct the dis-
d3 = distance from (x, y) to the focus (c, 0) = (x − c)2 + y 2
d4 = distance from (x, y) to the focus (−c, 0) = (x + c)2 + y 2
Use some algebra to verify that
d4 − d3 = 2a (13.29)

This property of the hyperbola is sometimes used to define the hyperbola as the
locus of points (x, y) in the plane such that the difference of its distances from two
fixed points is a constant.
The hyperbola with transverse axis on the x-axis have the asymptotic lines
y = + ab x and y = − ab x. Any hyperbola with the property that the conjugate axis has
the same length as the transverse axis is called a rectangular or equilateral hyperbola.
Rectangular hyperbola are such that the asymptotic lines are perpendicular to each

Figure 13 -16. Conjugate hyperbola.

If two hyperbola are such that the transverse axis of either is the conjugate axis
of the other, then they are called conjugate hyperbola. Conjugate hyperbola will
have the same asymptotic lines. Conjugate hyperbola are illustrated in the figure
The figure 13-17 illustrates that when the roles of x and y are interchanged, then
the transverse axis and conjugate axis of the hyperbola are reversed. A shifting of the
axes so that the point (x0 , y0 ) is the center of the hyperbola produces the equations
(x − x0 )2 (y − y0 )2 (y − y0 )2 (x − x0 )2
− = 1 or − =1 (13.30)
a2 b2 a2 b2

The figure 13-17 illustrates what happens to the hyperbola when the values of x and
y are interchanged.

If the foci are on the x-axis at If the foci are on the y-axis at
x 2
y 2 y2 x2
(c, 0) and (−c, 0), then 2 − 2 = 1 (0, c) and (0, −c) , then − =1
a b a2 b2
Figure 13 -17.
Symmetry of the hyperbola .
x2 y2
The hyperbola 2 − 2 = 1 can also be represented in a parametric form as the
a b
set of points
H = H1 ∪ H2 where
H1 = { (x, y) | x = a cosh t, y = b sinh t, −∞ < t < ∞ } (13.31)

and H2 = { (x, y) | x = −a cosh t, y = b sinh t, −∞ < t < ∞ }

which represents a union of the right-branch and left-branch of the hyperbola. Simi-
lar parametric representations can be constructed for those hyperbola which undergo
a translation or rotation of axes. Remember that the parametric representation of
a curve is not unique.

Rotation of axes
If the (x, y)-axes are rotated about
the origin to form a new set of barred
axes (x̄, ȳ), then the relation between the
old and new coordinate systems is ob-
tained by using projections. Note the
the vector r from the origin to a point
P remains invariant under a rotation of
axes and so one use this distance under Rotation of axes Unit vectors
the conditions
(i) r is projected onto the x̄ and ȳ axes.
(ii) r is projected onto the x and y axes.

If e1 , e2 are unit vectors in the (x, y)-coordinates and ê1 , ê2 are unit vectors in
the barred coordinates, then one can write

e1 + y
r = x e2 = x̄ ê1 + ȳ ê2 (13.32)

since r is to be an invariant.
One can verify the following dot product relations between the unit vectors in
the two systems

e1 · ê1 = cos θ π
e2 · ê1 = cos(
− θ) = sin θ
π 2 (13.33)
e1 · ê2 = cos( + θ) = − sin θ
e2 · ê2 = cos θ

Taking the dot product of equation (13.32) with the vectors e1 and e2 one finds

e1 =projection
r · of r onto x-axis = x = x̄ ê1 · e1 + ȳ ê2 · e1
e2 =projection
r · of r onto y-axis = y = x̄ ê1 · e2 + ȳ ê2 · e2
or the old system of coordinates (x, y) in terms of the new rotated sytem of coordi-
nates (x̄, ȳ) is given by
x =x̄ cos θ − ȳ sin θ
y =x̄ cos θ + ȳ cos θ
Taking the dot product of equation (13.32) with the vectors ê1 and ê2 one finds

r · ê1 =projection of r onto x̄ axis = x̄ = x e1 · ê1 + y e2 · ê1

r · ê2 =projection of r onto ȳ axis = ȳ = x e1 · ê2 + y e2 · ê2
or the new system of coordinates (x̄, ȳ) in terms of the old system of coordinates (x, y)
is given by
x̄ = x cos θ + y sin θ
ȳ = − x sin θ + y cos θ
There are occasions in mathematics where equations in an (x, y) system of coor-
dinates become simplified if they are expressed in a rotated (x̄, ȳ) coordinate system.
To achieve this simplification the equations (13.35) and (13.37) will be needed.
General Equation of the Second Degree
Consider the equation

ax2 + bxy + cy 2 + dx + ey + f = 0, (13.38)

where a, b, c, d, e, f are constants, which is a general equation of the second degree. If

one performs a rotation of axes by substituting the rotation equations

x = x̄ cos θ − ȳ sin θ and y = x̄ sin θ + ȳ cos θ (13.39)

into the equation (13.38), one obtains the new equation

ā x̄2 + b̄ x̄ ȳ + c̄ ȳ 2 + d¯x̄ + ē ȳ + f¯ = 0 (13.40)

with new coefficients ā, b̄, c̄, d̄, ē, f¯ defined by the equations

ā =a cos2 θ + b cos θ sin θ + c sin2 θ d¯ =d cos θ + e sin θ

b̄ =b(cos2 θ − sin2 θ) + 2(c − a) sin θ cos θ ē = − d sin θ + e cos θ (13.41)

c̄ =a sin2 θ − b sin θ cos θ + c cos2 θ f¯ =f

As an exercise one can show the quantity b2 − 4ac, called the discriminant, is an
invariant under a rotation of axes. One can show b2 − 4ac = b̄2 − 4āc̄. The discriminant
is used to predict the conic section from the equation (13.38). For example, if
b2 −4ac < 0, then an ellipse results, if b2 −4ac = 0, then a parabola results, if b2 −4ac > 0,
then a hyperbola results.
In the case where the original equation (13.38) has a cross product term xy, so
that b = 0, then one can always find a rotation angle θ such that in the new equations
(13.40) and (13.41) the term b̄ = 0. If the cross product term b̄ is made zero, then one
can complete the square on the x̄ and ȳ terms which remain. This completing the
square operation converts the new equation (13.39) into one of the standard forms
associated with a conic section. By setting the b̄ term in equation (13.41) equal to
zero one can determine the angle θ such that b̄ vanishes. Using the trigonometric
cos2 θ − sin2 θ = cos 2θ and 2 sin θ cos θ = sin 2θ (13.42)

one can determine the angle θ which makes the cross product term vanish by solving
the equation
b̄ = b cos 2θ + (c − a) sin 2θ = 0 (13.43)
for the angle θ. One finds the new term b̄ is zero if θ is selected to satisfy
cot 2θ = (recall our hypothesis that b = 0) (13.44)

Example 13-3. (Conic Section) Sketch the curve 4xy − 3y2 = 64


To remove the product term xy from the

general equation
ax2 + bxy + cy 2 + dx + ey + f = 0 of a conic, the axes
must be rotated through an angle θ determined
by the equation cot 2θ = a−c b
= 34 . For the given
conic a = 0, b = 4, c = −3.

This implies that cos 2θ = 3/5 = 1 − 2 sin2 θ or 2 sin2 θ = 2/5 giving sin θ = 1/ 5 and

cos θ = 2/ 5. The rotation equations (13.39) become

1 1
x = √ (2x̄ − ȳ) and y = √ (x̄ + 2ȳ)
5 5

The given equation then becomes

2x̄ − ȳ x̄ + 2ȳ x̄ + 2ȳ
4 √ √ −3 √ = 64
5 5 5

x̄2 ȳ 2
which simplifies to the hyperbola − =1 with respect to the x̄ and ȳ axes.
82 42
Example 13-4.
The parametric forms for representing conic sections are not unique. For a, b
constants and θ, t used as parameters, the following are some representative para-
metric equations which produce conic sections.

Parametric form for conic sections

Conic Section x y parameter
Circle a cos θ a sin θ θ
Parabola at2 2at t
Ellipse a cos θ b sin θ θ
Hyperbola a sec θ b tan θ θ
Rectangular Hyperbola at a/t t
The symbols a, b > 0 denote nonzero constants.
The shape of the curves depends upon the range of values assigned to the pa-
rameters representing the curve. Because of this restriction, the parametric repre-
sentation usually only gives a portion of the total curve. Sample graphs using the
parameter values indicated are given below.
Three dimensional graphics
In the following discussions it will be demonstrated how to construct curves
and surfaces in three dimensional space. In order to examine a curve or surface in
three dimensions one will need a computer program capable of taking equations and
plotting them.
In addition to a graphics program one will need to know about the exponential
functions and hyperbolic functions. We will use the exponential functions y = ex and
y = e−x where e = 2.7182818284590452354 . . . is an irrational number known as Euler’s
number. Graphs of these functions are illustrated in the figure below.

Figure 13 -18. The exponential functions ex and e−x

The irrational number 2.7182818284590452354 . . . occurs so often in mathematics it

is given the symbol e just like 3.1415926535897932385 . . . was given the symbol π . The
irrational number e can be calculated from any of the limits
 n  n ∞
1 1 1  1 1 1
lim 1 + = e, lim 1 − = , e= =1+1+ + +···
n→∞ n n→∞ n e m=0
m! 2·1 3·2·1

where 0! is defined to be 1.
Associated with exponential functions ex and e−x are the hyperbolic functions
defined by
ex − e−x ex + e−x sinh x
sinh x = , cosh x = , tanh x =
2 2 cosh x
and the reciprocal functions
1 1 1
csch x = , sech x = , coth x =
sinh x cosh x tanh x

Graphs of these functions are illustrated below.


Figure 13 -19. The hyperbolic functions

The hyperbolic functions have the properties

cosh 2 x − sinh 2 x = 1, sech 2 x + tanh 2 x = 1, coth 2 x − csch 2 x = 1

Surfaces and curves

A three dimensional surface can be represented by the implicit equation of the
form f (x, y, z) = 0. If one can solve for z , then an explicit form for representing the
surface is z = F (x, y). For example, the unit sphere is given by x2 + y2 + z 2 − 1 = 0
which is an implicit equation. By solving for z the unit sphere can be represented by
the upper hemisphere z = + 1 − x2 − y2 and the lower hemisphere z = − 1 − x2 − y2
which are explicit equations. If z = 0, then a curve in the xy-plane results. Curves
in xyz space can be defined as the intersection of surfaces or by defining a set of
parametric equations.
The parametric form for the representation of a curve in space is to specify the
coordinates (x, y, z) as a function of a single variable, say t, and write

x = x(t), y = y(t), z = z(t)

The vector form for the curve is then

e1 + y(t)
r = r (t) = x(t) e2 + z(t)

Some example three dimensional curves are illustrated below.

Helix Parametric Equations Parameters

x =r cos θ
y =r sin θ 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π
z =αθ

Left-handed Parametric Equations Parameters


x =r sin θ
y = cos θ 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π
z =αθ

(p,q) Torus knot Parametric Equations Parameters

x = (a sin(qθ) + b) sin(pθ)
y = (a sin(qθ) + b) cos(pθ)
z =a cos(qθ) 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π
Example 13-5.
A plane intersects a sphere to form a circle. Find the equation of the circle.

Let (xs , ys , zs ) denote the center of the sphere hav-

ing a radius R. The equation of the sphere can then
be expressed in the scalar form

(x − xs )2 + (y − ys )2 + (z − zs )2 = R2

or the vector form

|r − r s | = R, r = x 
e1 + y 
e2 + z 
e3 , r s = xs 
e1 + ys 
e2 + zs 

The equation of the plane intersecting the sphere can be expressed in the scalar
N1 x + N2 y + N3 z + D = 0 (13.45)

or the vector form

 · (r − r 0 ) = 0,
N r 0 = x0 
e1 + y0 
e2 + z0 
e3 ,  = N1 
N e1 + N2 
e2 + N3 

where r 0 is the position vector to a point in the plane and N is a normal vector to
the plane and D = −r0 · N is a constant.
When the normal vector N is placed at the origin of the sphere, then a line
through the center of the sphere (xs , ys , zs ) and the center of the circle (xc , yc , zc ) has
the form

r = r (λ) = r s + λ N

where λ is a parameter. The line can also be represented by the parametric equations

x = xs + λN1 , y = ys + λN2 , z = zs + λN3 (13.46)

This line intersects the plane when the equations (13.46) are substituted into the
equation (13.45) to obtain

N1 (xs + λN1) + N2 (ys + λN2) + N3 (zs + λN3) + D = 0 (13.47)

which implies λ must have the value

−(N1 xs + N2 ys + N3 zs + D)  · r s − D
λ∗ = 2 2 2 = (13.48)
N1 + N2 + N3 N ·N 
The line from the center of the sphere is normal to the plane of the circle and
intersects the center of circle at the point (xc , yc , zc ) given by

xc = xs + λ∗ N1 , yc = ys + λ∗ N2 , zc = zs + λ∗ N3

We know the radius of the sphere and can calculated the

distance d between the center of the sphere and center of the
circle. This distance is

d = |r c − r s | = (xc − xs )2 + (yc − ys )2 + (zc − zs )2

and using the Pythagorean theorem one can determine the radius of the circle as

r= R 2 − d2 (13.49)

A vector a = a1 e1 + a2 e2 + a3 e3 is perpendicular to the vector N if

 · a = N1 a1 + N2 a2 + N3 a3 = 0
N (13.50)

Assume N3 = 0 and

(i) Select positive values for a1 and a2

−N1 a1 − N2 a2
(ii) Select a3 =
The vector a will then be perpendicular to the normal vector N .

Using the above information one can construct the follow-

ing unit vectors.

a e1 + a2
a1 e2 + a3 e3
eα =
=  e1 + α2
= α1 e2 + α3
|a | 2 2
a1 + a2 + a32

N N1 e1 + N2 e2 + N3 e3
en = =  2 e1 + n2
= n1 e2 + n3

2 2
|N | N1 + N2 + N3
and then use the vector cross product to define the unit vector

eβ =
eα ×
en = β1
e1 + β2
e2 + β3

Note the unit vectors en , eβ , eα form a right-handed system and the unit vectors eα
and eβ can be used to define the circle created by the plane and sphere intersecting.
The equation of the circle is given by

eα + r sin θ
r = r c + r cos θ eβ , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π

This circle can also be represented using the parametric form

x =xc + r cos θ α1 + r sin θ β1

y =yc + r cos θ α2 + r sin θ β2 (13.51)

z =zc + r cos θ α3 + r sin θ β3

The parametric form for the representation of a surface is to have three equations

x = x(u, v), y = y(u, v), z = z(u, v)

in terms of two parameters, say u, v , which define the points (x, y, z) on the surface
as u and v range over a set of specified values. The vector form for representing the
surface is
e1 + y(u, v)
r = r (u, v) = x(u, v) e2 + z(u, v)
To find the parametric equations for the representation of a sphere having a
radius ρ. Let u = θ and v = φ from spherical coordinates be the parameters for the
representation of the sphere. For P an arbitrary point on the surface of the sphere
one finds the projection of the line segment 0P onto the xy-plane is ρ sin θ.
When ρ sin θ is projected onto first the x-axis and then
the y-axis one finds

x = ρ sin θ cos φ, y = ρ sin θ sin φ

The projection of 0P onto the z -axis gives z = ρ cos θ.

This give the parametric equations defining the sphere
x = ρ sin θ cos φ, y = ρ sin θ sin φ, z = ρ cos θ (13.52)

where θ is restricted so that 0 ≤ θ ≤ π and φ is restricted so that 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π .

Note that parametric representations of surfaces are not

unique. For example, a plane parallel to the xy-plane will cut
the sphere in a circle with radius r. The parametric equation
for a circle is
x = r cos t, y = r sin t

with t a parameter ranging from 0 to 2π . The radius r of the

circle associated with a plane intersecting a sphere with radius ρ at distance h above

the xy-plane is determined by the Pythagorean theorem as r = ρ2 − h2 . This gives
an alternative parametric representation for the sphere as
x= ρ2 − h2 cos t, y= ρ2 − h2 sin t, z=h

for −ρ ≤ h ≤ ρ and 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π .
y = sin x
An equation y = f (x) is a curve in the two dimensional
plane of the xy-axes. In three dimensions y = f (x) is a
cylindrical surface for a ≤ z ≤ b. For example, the curve
given by y = sin x in two dimensions is a curve, but in three
dimensions it is a cylindrical surface with a ≤ z ≤ b. If
y = sin x
the range for z is not specified it is an infinite cylindrical
surface in the z -direction. A circle x2 + y2 = r2 becomes
an infinite cylinder in the z direction when moving the
equation from two dimensions to three dimensions.

The parametric equation for a cylinder in three dimen-

sions is
x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, z=h (13.53)

for 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π and 0 ≤ h ≤ H .

Surfaces of revolution
An implicit curve F (x, y) = 0 or an explicit curve
y = f (x) in two dimensions can be rotated about an axis
to produce a three dimensional surface. For example,
when the parabola y = x2 is revolved about the y-axis
every point P on the curve y = x2 moves in a circle

with radius CP = x = y = r and having the equation
x2 + z 2 = r 2 = y . The surface generated by a rotation of
the parabola is called a paraboloid of revolution. One
parametric representation of this surface is
√ √
x= v cos u, y = v, z= v sin u, 0 ≤ u ≤ 2π, 0≤v≤H (13.54)
Example 13-6.
Examine the curves (a) the line segment y = H = a constant, (b) the line y = x

and (c) the curve y = x − x0 which are rotated about the x-axis to create a surface
of revolution.

Figure 13 -20. Surfaces of revolution

(a) When the line segment is rotated about the x-axis a cylinder results having the
equation y2 +z 2 = H 2 for a ≤ x ≤ b. The parametric representation for this surface
x = u, y = H cos θ, z = H sin θ

for a ≤ u ≤ b and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π .
(b) When the line y = x is rotated about the x-axis a right circular cone results
having the equation y2 + z 2 = x2 . The parametric equation for this surface is

x = u, y = u cos t, z = u sin t

for 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π and 0 ≤ u ≤ H .

(c) When the curve y = f (x) = x − x0 is rotated about the x-axis there results the
paraboloid y2 + z 2 = [f (x)]2 or y2 + z 2 = x − x0 . The parametric equation for the
representation of this surface is
√ √
x = u, y= u − x0 cos t, z= u − x0 sin t

for 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π and x0 ≤ u ≤ H .
Note that the parametric equations are given in terms of two parameters. If one
uses algebra to eliminate the parameters, then the equation of the surface in terms
of x, y and z results.

The following are some well known surfaces along with equations which can be
used to construct the surfaces. Some of these surfaces are surfaces of revolution. In
most of these equations the lower case letters at the beginning of the alphabet such
as a, b, c, . . . are to be considered as constants.

Cone Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

z2 x =u cos v 0 ≤ v ≤ 2π
x2 + y 2 =
c2 y =u sin v 0≤u≤1
z =cu

Cone Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

x= cos v
x2 y2 z2 c 0 ≤ v ≤ 2π
+ = bu
a2 b2 c2 y = sin v
c 0≤u≤1
z =u
Sphere Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

x =ρ cos φ sin θ
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = ρ2
y =ρ sin φ sin θ
0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π
z =ρ cos θ

Zone of Sphere Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

x =ρ cos φ sin θ π 2π
2 2 2 2 ≤θ≤
x +y +z =ρ 3 3
y =ρ sin φ sin θ
0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π
z =ρ cos θ

Ellipsoid Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

x2 y2 z2 x =a cos φ sin θ 0≤θ≤π

+ + =1
a2 b2 c2 y =b sin φ sin θ 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π
z =c cos θ
Paraboloid Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

x = cv cos φ 0≤v≤H
x2 + y 2 = cz √
y = cv sin φ 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π
z =v

Paraboloid Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

x2 y2 x =a cv cos φ 0≤v≤H
+ = cz √
a2 b2 y =b cv sin φ 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π
z =v

Cylinder Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

x2 y2 x =a cos φ 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π
+ =1
a2 b2 y =b sin φ 0≤v≤H
z =v
Paraboloid Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

a √
x = (u + v) c
x2 y2 2 −d≤u≤d
− = cz b √
a2 b2 y = (u − v) c
2 −d≤v ≤d
z =uv

Paraboloid Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

− 0.5 ≤ u ≤ 0.5
x =u
− 0.5 ≤ v ≤ 0.5
x2 y2
− = cz y =v 1
a2 b2 a = b = 1, c =
1 u2 v2
z= − 2
c a2 b

Hyperboloid of
one sheet Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

x2 y2 z2 x =a cos u cosh v 0 ≤ u ≤ 2π
+ − =1
a2 b2 c2 y =b sin u cosh v −1≤v ≤1
z =c sinh v
Hyperboloid of
two sheets Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

x2 y2 z2 x = ± a cosh v 0 ≤ u ≤ 2π
− − =1
a2 b2 c2 y =b cos u sinh v −1≤v ≤1
z =c sin u sinh v

Torus Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

(R− x2 + y 2 )2+z 2 = r 2 ,
x =(R + r cos v) cos u 0 ≤ u ≤ 2π
y =(R + r cos v) sin u 0 ≤ v ≤ 2π
z =r sin v

Möbius Equation Parametric Equations Parameters

x =(R − v cos ) cos θ
θ 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π
F (x, y, z) = 0∗ y =(R − v cos v) sin θ
θ −a≤v ≤a
z =v sin

F (x, y, z) = −R2 y + x2 y + y 3 − 2Rxz − 2x2 z − 2y 2 z + yz 2 = 0.
The Möbius strip is a
one-sided surface. It is known as a cubic surface with boundaries.

 13-1. Given triangle ABC with vertices A(0, 0), B(50, 100), C(100, −50). Find the
vertices of the pedal triangle associated with the point P (26, 22).


In chemistry when one studies reactions involving

three quantities A, B, C one can use an equilateral tri-
angle with equal spaced lines drawn parallel to each
side. This creates triangular coordinates which can be
used to represent concentrations called mole fractions.
A point P with coordinates (yA , yB , yC ) = (0.5, 0.1, 0.4) is
illustrated in the accompanying figure.
(a) Show that when using triangular coordinates
yA + yB + yC = 1. That is prove the sum of the distances
associated with a point in triangular coordinate equals the length of one side of the
(b) One important property of triangular coordinates is associated with straight
lines connecting a vertex and opposite edge as the red line illustrated. The signifi-
cance of these special lines is that as the concentration of A increases the quantities
B and C will always remain in the same initial proportion. To show this use similar
triangles associated with any two different points p1 and p2 on the red line and show
yB1 yB2
yC1 yC2

 13-3. How many triangular graphs are inside a hexagonal graph?

 13-4. Plot the following curves in polar coordinates.

(a) r = sin θ (b) r = cos θ


(a) Plot the points (2, π6 ) and ( 3, π3 ) in polar coordinates.
(b) Find the distance between these points.
 13-6. Sketch the following conic sections

(a) x2 + y 2 = r 2 (b) (x − h)2 + (y − k)2 = r 2

 13-7. Sketch the following conic sections

(a) y = x2 (b) x = y2

 13-8. Sketch the following conic sections

x2 y2 x2 y2
(a) + = 1, a > b (b) + = 1, a > b
a2 b2 b2 a2

 13-9. Sketch the following conic sections

x − x0 )2 (y − y0 )2 (x − x0 )2 (y − y0 )2
(a) + = 1, a > b (b) − =1
a2 b2 a2 b2

 13-10. Sketch the following surfaces indicating the x, y, z axes and then describe
the surface.
x2 y2
(a) y2 + z2 = (b) z 2 + x2 =
c2 c2

 13-11. Sketch the following surfaces indicating the x, y, z axes and then describe
the surface.
y2 z2 x2 z2 x2 y2
(a) + = (b) + =
a2 b2 c2 a2 b2 c2

 13-12. Sketch the following surfaces indicating the x, y, z axes and then describe
the surface.
y2 z2 x2 z2 x2 y2
(a) + + =1 (b) + + =1
a2 b2 c2 a2 b2 c2

 13-13. Sketch the following surfaces indicating the x, y, z axes and then describe
the surface.
(a) y 2 + z 2 = cx (b) z 2 + x2 = cy

 13-14. Sketch the following surfaces indicating the x, y, z axes and then describe
the surface.
y2 z2 z2 x2
(a) + = cx (b) + = cy
a2 b2 a2 b2
 13-15. Sketch the following surfaces indicating the x, y, z axes and then describe
the surface.
y2 z2 z2 x2
(a) + =1 (b) + =1
a2 b2 a2 b2

 13-16. Sketch the following surfaces indicating the x, y, z axes and then describe
the surface.
y2 z2 z2 x2
(a) − = cx (b) − = cy
a2 b2 a2 b2

 13-17. Sketch the following surfaces indicating the x, y, z axes and then describe
the surface.
y2 z2 x2 z2 x2 y2
(a) + − =1 (b) + − =1
a2 b2 c2 a2 b2 c2

 13-18. Sketch the following surfaces indicating the x, y, z axes and then describe
the surface.
y2 z2 x2 z2 x2 y2
(a) − − =1 (b) − − =1
a2 b2 c2 a2 b2 c2
Units of Measurement
The following units, abbreviations and prefixes are from the
Système International d’Unitès (designated SI in all Languages.)

Prefix Multiplication factor Symbol
exa 1018 W
peta 1015 P
tera 1012 T
giga 109 G
mega 106 M
kilo 103 K
hecto 102 h
deka 10 da
deci 10−1 d
centi 10−2 c
milli 10−3 m
micro 10−6 µ
nano 10−9 n
pico 10−12 p
femto 10−15 f
atto 10−18 a

Basic Units.
Basic units of measurement
Unit Name Symbol
Length meter m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second s
Electric current ampere A

Temperature degree Kelvin K
Luminous intensity candela cd

Supplementary units
Unit Name Symbol
Plane angle radian rad
Solid angle steradian sr

Appendix A
Name Units Symbol
Area square meter m2
Volume cubic meter m3
Frequency hertz Hz (s−1 )
Density kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3
Velocity meter per second m/s
Angular velocity radian per second rad/s
Acceleration meter per second squared m/s2
Angular acceleration radian per second squared rad/s2
Force newton N (kg · m/s2 )
Pressure newton per square meter N/m2
Kinematic viscosity square meter per second m2 /s
Dynamic viscosity newton second per square meter N · s/m2
Work, energy, quantity of heat joule J (N · m)
Power watt W (J/s)
Electric charge coulomb C (A · s)
Voltage, Potential difference volt V (W/A)
Electromotive force volt V (W/A)
Electric force field volt per meter V/m
Electric resistance ohm Ω (V/A)
Electric capacitance farad F (A · s/V)
Magnetic flux weber Wb (V · s)
Inductance henry H (V · s/A)
Magnetic flux density tesla T (Wb/m2 )
Magnetic field strength ampere per meter A/m
Magnetomotive force ampere A

Physical Constants:
• 4 arctan 1 = π = 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 2643 . . .
• limn→∞ 1 + n1 = e = 2.71828 18284 59045 23536 0287 . . .

• Euler’s constant γ = 0.57721 56649 01532 86060 6512 . . .

• γ = limn→∞ 1 + 12 + 13 + · · · + n1 − log n
Euler’s constant
• Speed of light in vacuum = 2.997925(10)8 m s−1
• Electron charge = 1.60210(10)−19 C
• Avogadro’s constant = 6.0221415(10)23 mol−1
• Plank’s constant = 6.6256(10)−34 J s
• Universal gas constant = 8.3143 J K −1 mol−1 = 8314.3 J Kg −1 K −1
• Boltzmann constant = 1.38054(10)−23 J K −1
• Stefan–Boltzmann constant = 5.6697(10)−8 W m−2 K −4
• Gravitational constant = 6.67(10)−11 N m2 kg −2

Appendix A

abscissa, 285
absolute value, 415 bi-conditional, 238
acute angle, 27, 36 bisect an angle, 196
acute, 271 bride’s chair, 142
alternate interior angles, 54
altitude, 117, 384 C
altitudes of triangle, 179
amplitude, 287 Cartesian geometry, 3
analytic geometry, 3 Cartesian graph paper, 549
angle between intersecting lines, 330 Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, 406
angle bisector theorem, 200 Cavalier’s principle, 493
angle bisector, 179, 304 Cavalieri’s principle for plane figures, 211
angle measurement, 28 center of dilatation, 79
angle-angle-side, 64 central angle, 32, 351
angle-side-angle, 63 centroid 192, 195
angles in triangle, 55, 388 Ceva’s theorem, 173
angles known, 535 cevians, 170, 223
angles spherical triangle, 525 chord 37, 351
angular measure, 23 circle in 3-dimensions, 580
apex, 470 circle, 18, 31, 72, 129, 158, 326, 351, 567
apothem, 35, 92 circles in contact, 185
arc length, 32, 351, 364 circular functions, 281
area of circle, 129 circumcenter, 113, 383, 438
area of irregular polygons, 100 circumference, 32
area of parallelogram, 412 circumscribed circle, 92, 113, 381
area of polygon, 91, 208, 340 circumscribed polygon, 208, 262
area of quadrilateral, 96, 374 cofunction formulas, 290
area of special figures, 96 cofunctions, 278
area of the parallelogram, 412 collinear vectors, 400
Area of triangle, 58, 60, 321, 413 collinear, 34, 220
area, 57, 59 commutative law, 404
arithmetic mean, 13 complementary angles, 30, 271
ASA, 63 complete the square, 354
astronomy, 305 component form, 406, 408
asymptotic lines, 570 compound statements, 234
axiom, 48 computer and π, 307
axis of symmetry, 560 conclusion, 68. 236
concurrent, 51
B conditions for circle, 355
cone, 478
barycentric coordinates, 452 congruence, 48
base 16 numbers, 21 congruent chords, 124
base 2 numbers, 20 congruent triangles, 124
base 8 number, 21 conic sections, 558
base angles, 196 conjugate hyperbola, 571
base b numbers, 21 conjunction, 234
base vectors, 402 construction of parallel line, 109, 186
basis vectors, 402 contrapositive, 236

converse of Thales theorem, 95 dot product for unit base vectors, 404
converse, 236 dot product of vectors, 403
Conversion of angles, 25 dot product, 408
convex polygon, 35 double-angle formulas, 291
coordinates of incenter, 208
coplanar, 34
coprime, 154
corollary, 68 E
corresponding angles, 54
cosine function, 275 edges, 460
cosine identities, 529 Elements, 1
cosine rules, 530 ellipse, 47, 160, 563
cotangent rule, 531 ellipsis, 14
cross product formula, 411 equation of a circle, 158, 352
cross product of unit base vectors, 411 equation of angle bisector, 335
cross product property of ratios, 11 equation of line, 5
cross product, 410 equation of plane, 421
crossed polygon, 35 equation of sphere, 511
curved surfaces, 471 equidistant, 205
cyclic changing, 317 equilateral triangle, 36, 156, 199
cyclic properties, 530 estimate for π, 261
cyclic quadrilateral, 369 Euclid’s congruence, 63
cylinder, 474 Euclid’s proof of Pythagorean theorem , 142
Euclid, 1
D Euler formula, 460
Euler line, 221
decagon, 47 even function, 282
deductive reasoning, 240 exclusion, 238
definitions, 32, 50 extended law of sines, 322
degrees, 24 exterior angles of polygons, 90, 339
Descartes, 3 exterior angles, 34
determinant form cross product, 416
determinant, 257 F
determinants and parabola, 563
diagonal line of polygon, 35 face angles, 523
diagonals of kite, 99 faces, 460
diagonals of parallelogram, 71 finding equation of circle, 356
diagonals of rhombus, 69 finding midpoint, 107
difference formula, 294 focal parameter, 560
dihedral angle, 428 foci, 47
dilatation, 79 focus, 560
directed line segment, 2 forms for straight lines, 8
direction cosines, 405 free vectors, 398, 418
direction numbers, 406 frustum of cone, 473
directrix, 560 frustum of pyramid, 491
disjunction, 235 frustum, 470, 473
distance between two points, 557 functions, 272
distance formula, 157
distance from point to line, 334, 426 G
distributive law, 404
divide line segment, 187 general equation of second degree, 574
dodecagon, 47, 128 general form for line, 8
dodecahedron, 466 generalization and abstraction, 233

geometric figures, 185 interior angles, 34, 55
geometric mean, 13 intersecting lines, 53, 330
geometric proof of Pythagorean theorem, 138 intersection of angle bisectors, 436
geometric shapes, 45 intersection of secant lines, 364
geometric tools, 106 intersection of tangent lines, 366
geometrical series, 242 intersection of two planes, 427
golden ratio, 19 intersection, 328
grad, 26 inverse functions, 296
gradian, 26 inverse trigonometric functions, 297
graph of function, 273 irrational numbers, 16
graph paper, 548 irregular polygon, 34, 100, 343
graphs of trigonometric functions, 285 isosceles triangle, 36, 156, 196
great circle equation, 514 iteration, 264
great circles, 486, 512
greater angle theorem, 119 J
Greek alphabet, 11


half-angle formulas, 293, 533 kite, 47, 99

harmonic division, 226
heptagon, 47 L
Heron’s formula, 164
heuristic, 65 larger side theorem, 119
hexadecimal number, 21 lateral surface area, 492
hexagon, 47 latus rectum, 560, 569
hexagonal graph paper, 552 law of cosines, 316, 419
hexahedron, 464 law of detachment, 236
hyperbola, 568 law of sines, 315, 418, 443
hypothesis, 68, 236 law of tangents, 319
left-handed coordinates, 459
I lemma, 68
length of sides, 387
icosahedron, 468 light year, 307
if-then, 236 line segment, 2, 30
implication, 235 line, 5, 51
implies, 236 linear combination, 400
incenter, 179, 206, 436 linear dependence, 400
indirect proof, 185, 240 linear independence, 400
inductive reasoning, 240 lines perpendicular, 80
inequalities for triangles, 151 logic, 234
inequalities, 123, 353 lune, 329, 516
initial side, 23
inner product of vectors, 403 M
inradius, 322
inscribed angle theorem, 126 magnitude of vector, 397, 403
inscribed angle, 125 math symbols, 31, 52
inscribed circle, 125, 380 mathematical induction, 242
inscribed polygons, 263 median line, 191
integers, 14 median, 192, 386, 401
intercept theorem, 195 medians of triangle, 178
intercept-form for line, 8 Menelaus theorem, 216
interior angles of polygons, 89, 337 midpoint of trapezoid, 98

midpoint theorem, 103 parametric equations of circle, 358
midpoint, 10, 387 parametric equations, 513
minutes, 24 parametric form for line, 8
Miquel point, 371 parsec, 307
mirror image, 298 pedal triangle, 545
multiple angle formulas, 292 pentagon, 47
multi-valued functions, 298 perimeter of polygon, 35
perimeter, 35
N perpendicular bisector, 112
perpendicular distance, 425
n-gon, 46, 90, 341 perpendicular line, 80
names for number systems, 23 pi, 16
names of regular polygons, 47 plane and sphere, 483
Napier’s rules, 537 plane section, 2, 507
negation, 234 plane, 34, 51
nine point circle, 223 Platonic solids, 464
non-orthogonal coordinate system, 513 point of concurrency, 51
nonagon, 47 point, 2
noncollinear vectors, 400 point-slope formula for line , 8
noncollinear, 34 polar axes, 553
noncoplanar, 34 polar coordinates, 553
normal form for line, 332 polar curves, 555
normalized vector, 402 polar spherical triangle, 518
notation, 49 polygons, 34
number bases, 20 polyhedra, 460
numbers with different bases, 13 polyhedral angle, 523
numbers, 13 polyhedron, 460
postulate, 48
power of a point theorem, 377
principal value properties, 300
O prismatoid, 505
prisms, 461
obtuse angle, 27, 36 product formula, 294
obtuse, 271 projection, 152, 320, 404, 416
Occam’s razor, 242 proof by contradiction, 185
octagon, 47 properties of cross product, 411
odd function, 282 properties of vectors, 398
one-to-one correspondence, 272 proportion, 11,94
opposite angles, 53, 369 proportional sides, 73
orthocenter, 117, 438, 444 protractor, 28
orthogonal coordinate system, 513 Ptolemy’s theorem, 369
orthogonal vectors, 405 pyramid, 488
outer product, 410 pyramids, 471
Pythagorean identities, 283
P Pythagorean theorem, 137, 283
Pythagorean triples, 154
Pappus theorem, 497
parabola, 561 Q
parallax, 307
parallel intercept theorem, 104 quadrilateral inside circle, 128
parallel lines, 57 quadrilateral, 37, 194, 368, 546
parallelogram law, 398
parallelogram, 37, 47, 71, 96, 302

R side-angle-side, 63
sign convention, 217
radian measure, 26 sign variation, 281
radius of regular polygon, 35 similar polygons, 73
radius perpendicular to chord, 124 similar triangle proof of Pythagorean theorem, 139
ratio of areas theorem, 223 similar triangles, 73, 94
rational numbers, 14 similarity and area, 76
ray, 23 similarity, 73
reciprocal functions, 285 simple polygon, 36
reciprocal property, 227 Simson line, 219
rectangle, 37 simultaneous equations, 358
rectangular coordinates, 553 sine function, 275
reductio ad absurdum, 185 sine rules, 531
reflection, 74 single valued, 296
regular polygon, 34 slant height, 470
relation between polar triangles, 519 slope of sides, 388
Reuleaux triangle, 368 slope, 5, 8
rhombus, 47, 69, 96 slope-intercept form for line , 8
RHS, 65 slopes of perpendicular lines, 80
right angle - hypotenuse-side, 65 solid angle, 539
right angle, 28, 36 solid geometry, 459
right circular cone, 472 solids, 459
right spherical triangle, 536 special angles, 27
right-hand rule, 410 special right triangles, 277
right-handed coordinates, 459 special values, 283
rotated ray, 23 sphere and plane, 483
rotation to calculate surface area, 477 sphere, 479
rotation, 24, 73, 471, 477 spherical angles, 486
Routh’s theorem, 224 spherical cap, 484
ruled surfaces, 469 spherical coordinates, 511
spherical excess, 526
S spherical polygons, 518
spherical triangle, 516
sagitta, 327 spherical trigonometry, 529
SAS, 63 square root of 2, 18
scalar product of vectors, 403 square, 37
scalar, 397 SSS, 63
scale factor, 73 star polygons, 546
scalene triangle, 36 Stewart’s formula, 202
secant line for circle, 37 Stewart’s theorem, 170
secant lines, 365 straight angle, 28
seconds, 24 straight line, 8
section formula using vectors, 432 sum formula, 245
section formula, 189 sum of interior angles, 56
sector of circle, 32 summation sign, 245
sector, 32 summation symbol , 90
sector, 351 summation to approximate volume, 472
segment of circle, 352 Summerians, 24
semi-perimeter, 165 sums and differences, 288
semicircle, 34 supplementary angles, 31, 271
shortest distance, 121, 324, 523 surface area cone, 475
SI, 27 surface area cylinder, 474
side splitter theorem, 94 surface area of sphere, 482

surface area pyramid, 490 trilinear coordinates, 446
surface area spherical triangle, 527 triple cross product, 415
surface area, 477 triple scalar product, 415
surfaces of revolution, 584 triple vector product, 417
surfaces, 582 trisection point, 401
system of equations, 259 truth table, 235
two column proof, 70

undecagon, 47
tangency, 351 unfolding, 475
tangent function, 275 union, 328
tangent line to circle, 37 unit sphere, 512
tangent to circle, 108 unit vectors, 402, 405
tangent-chord theorem, 360
terminal side, 23 V
terminology, 68
tetrahedron, 434, 462 vector addition, 398
Thale’s intercept theorem, 195 vector components, 406
Thales theorem for circle, 161 vector equation for plane, 421
vector equation of line, 420
Thales theorem of proportion, 94
vector form for centroid, 435
the ellipse, 47
vector form for circumcenter, 440
The number pi, 16
vector identities , 415
then and now, 166
vector notation, 399
theorem, 68
vector subtraction, 398
three dimensional solids, 459
vectors, 397
transitive property, 50
vertex angle, 34
translation, 73, 353
vertex, 23, 470, 560
transversal line, 54 vertical angles, 53
transverse axis, 569 vertical line test, 274
trapezoid, 47, 51, 97 vertices, 401, 460
triangle area, 61 Viviani theorem, 200
triangle example, 387 volume of a solid, 462
triangle exterior angles, 56 volume of parallelepiped, 433
triangle inequality, 120, 407 volume of sphere, 479
triangle properties, 378 volume of tetrahedron, 434
triangle sides, 389 volume of the parallelepiped, 416
triangle, 36 volume, 462
triangular graph paper, 551
trigonometric form for circumcenter, 443 W
trigonometric form for orthocenter, 444
trigonometric functions and circle, 275 Wallace line, 219
trigonometric functions, 274, 279, 287
trigonometric identities, 284, 288 Z
trigonometry, 271
trihedral angle, 521


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