Olisa Okonta Seminar Work
Olisa Okonta Seminar Work
Olisa Okonta Seminar Work
JUNLY, 2018
Soil erosion is one form of soil degradation along with soil compaction, low
organic matter, loose soil structure, and poor internal drainage, salinisation,
and soil acidity problems. These other forms of soil degradation, serious in
themselves, usually contribute to accelerate soil erosion. Soil and gully
erosion include both the process of material acquisition or detachment and
that of transportation of soil material by the erosive agent of water, wind
and ice, and of lat e, man’s activities. Soil and gully erosion have been
seriously identified in the southeastern parts of Nigeria. Apart from
developing into natural disaster, soil and gully erosion have serious
implications to agriculture, geology, geotechnics, water resources, and socio-
economic, etc. Controlling soil and gully erosion need serious expertise work
in engineering.
Soil erosion is one form of soil degradation along with soil compaction, low
organic matter, loss soil structure, and poor internal drainage, salinisation,
and soil acidity problems. These other form of soil degradation, serious in
themselves, usually contributes to accelerate soil erosion.
of soil form farmland may be reflected in reduced crop production potential,
lower surface water quality and damaged drainage networks.
Erosion is distinguished from weathering, which is the process of chemical
or physical breakdown of the minerals in the rocks, although the two
processes may occur concurrently.
Tillage and cropping practices which lowers soil organic matter levels, cause
poor soil structure, and result of compacted contributes to increase in soil
erodibility. Decreased infiltration and increased run off can be a result of
compacted subsurface soil layers.
Water is the important most erosion agent and erodes mostly commonly as
running water in streams. However, water in all its forms is erosional.
Raindrops (especially in dry environment) create splash erosion that moves
tiny particles of soil. Water collecting at the surface of the soil collects as it
moves towards tiny rivulets and streams and creates sheet erosion.
In streams, water is a very powerful erosional agent. The faster water moves
in streams, the larger objects it can pick up and transport. This is known as
the critical erosion velocity. Fine sand can be moved by streams flowing as
slowly as three-quarters of a mile per hour- streams erode their banks in
three ways:-
(a) The hydraulic action of the water itself moves the sediment
(b) Water acts to corrode sediments by removing ions and dissolving them.
(c) Particles in the water strike bedrock and erode it.
increased erosion potential due to increased velocity of water which permits
a greater degree of scouring (carrying capacity for sediment)
Soil erosion potential is increased if the soil has no or very little vegetation
cover of plants and/ or residues. Plant and residue cover protects the soil
form raindrop impact and splash, tends to slow down the movement of
surface run-off and allows excess surface water to infiltrate.
Partially incorporated residues and residual roots are also important as these
provide channels that allow surface water to move into the soil.
Splash Erosion:
This is the detachment and airborne movement of small soil particles caused
by the impact of raindrops on soil.
Sheet Erosion
This is the detachment of soil particles by raindrop down slope by water
flowing overland as a sheet instead of in definite channels or rills. The impact
of the raindrop breaks apart the soil aggregate.
Particles of silt, clay and sand fill the soil pores and reduce infiltration. After
the surface pores are filled with sand, silt or clay, overland surface low of
water begins due to the lowering of infiltration rates.
Once the rate of falling rain is faster than infiltration, run-off takes place.
There are two stages of sheet erosion. The first is rain splash, in which soil
particles are knocked into the air by raindrop impact. In the second stage,
the loose particles are moved down slope by broad sheets of rapidly flowing
water filled with sediments known as flood sheets. This stage of sheet
erosion commonly travel short distances and last only for a short time.
The action of detachment involves punching out the particles or hump over
the surface of detachment by the expenditure of the kinetic energy of the
However, the mechanics of soil detachment is still not yet well understood,
even though it is appreciated that soil detachment is a basic component of
soil erosion. An understanding of this mechanics will not only improve the
modeling of the erosion process, but could also suggest approaches to
erosion control.
Laboratory studies have suggested that statistical laws govern the motion of
bed-particles in water, thus;
(a) The probability of a given sediment particle being moved by the
flow from the bed surface depends on the particle size, shape and
weight, and on the flow pattern near the bed.
(b) The particles moves if the instantaneous hydrodynamic lift overcomes
its weight.
(c) Once in motion the probability of the particle being re-deposited is
equal in all points of the bed where the local flow would not
immediately remove the particle again.
(d) The average distance traveled by a bed- load particle between
consecutive points of deposition in the bed is constant and
independent of the flow condition, the rate of transport and the bed
Rill erosion
This refers to the development of small, ephemeral concentrated flow paths,
which functions as both sediments source and sediments delivery system for
erosion on hill-slopes.
Generally, where water erosion rates on disturbed upland areas are greatest,
rills are active. Flow depths in rills are typically on the order of a few
centimeter or less and slopes may be quite seep. These conditions constitute
a very different hydraulic environment than typically found in channels of
streams and rivers. Eroding rills evolve morphologically in time and space.
The rill bed changes as soil erodes, which in turn alters the hydraulics of the
Gully erosion
It occurs when water flows in narrow channels during or immediately after
heavy rain. This is particularly noticeable in the formation of hollow ways,
where, prior to being tarmacked, an old rural road has over many years
become significantly lower than the surrounding fields.
due to infiltration of water, there is a decrease in the shear strength along
the gully edges (Leopold et al, 1964).
In the full range of gully evolution, sheet erosion is the forerunner. The
follow the incidence of incision and slope failure. Figure 1.0 shows a
schematic representation of the stages of gully evolution, subsequent to
sheet erosion. A little irregularity due to ground morphology represented by
"O" in Fig 1.0a causes a cementation of flow and a progressive development
of the incision through configurations '1' to "3". When the incision is deep
enough as in configuration "3" of Fig. 1.0a, or as shown by the broken
contour in Fig. 1.0b, slope failure occurs. The debris from the upper part fills
the bottom part of the incision, thus modifying the channel section as
represented by the full contour of Fig 1.0b. This process of alternating
deepening of the incision and gentle slope failure continues through Fig. 1.0c
to Fig. 1.0d. The effect of the incision at the stage of Fig. 1.0d is to under-
cut the bank of the developed gully. When this under-cutting is sufficiently
developed to un-stabilize large wedge of wedge of soil, a major slope failure
occurs as depicted in Fig. 1.0d.
The process of geological denudation of the soil or rock mass is essentially
an accelerator, incision and slope failure being the real major factors
responsible for the formation of ground craters or gullies. While incision is a
necessary prerequisite to gully evolution, slope failure appears to be the
determinant of gully size and rate of evolution.
Gully incision includes both the securing of the ground and the removal of
the debris. The transportation of the debris is exactly the problem of
sediment transportation, which was considered under sheet erosion.
Generally, on y the question of scouring is treated here. A strictly
mathematical analysis of the mechanics of the initiation and development of
gully incision has not yet been accomplished. The constitutive equation in
such an analysis can be based on the principle that gully incision results
when the kinetic energy flow of surface run off which is converted into a
shearing force exceeds the shearing resistance mobilized by the ground.
The cross-sectional area of the incision in the soil due to erosion action was
adopted as a representative channel characteristics, and thus also of the
mass of soil loss, and this quantity was then correlated with some of the
relevant parameters. Some tests were carried out using lateritic soil which
can be described as a clayey silt, and a number of parameters were
considered, such as flow rate of runoff, duration of flow remoteness from
gully head, slope of gully and shear strength of soil.
uncovered location with dry sandy soils. Aeolian erosion of sand in the desert
is partially responsible for the formation of sand dunes. The general wind
circulation moves small particulates such as dust across wide oceans
thousands of Kilometers downward of their point of origin.
There are two main processes of erosion by wind first, wind causes small
particles to be lifted and therefore moved to another region. This is called
deflation. Second, these suspended particles may impact on solid objects
causing erosion by abrasion.
Erodibility of soil
Very fine particles can be suspended by wind and then transported to great
distance. Fine and medium size particles can be lifted and deposited, while
coarse particles can be blown along the surface (commonly known salutation
effect). The abrasions that result reduce particle size, and further increase
soil erodibility.
The speed and duration of the wind have a direct relationship to the extent
of soil erosion. Soil moisture level can be very low at the surface of
excessively drained soils or during periods of drought, thus releasing the
particles for transport by wind. The effect also occurs in freeze drying of the
surface during winter months.
Unsheltered distances
The lack of wind breaks (trees, shrubs) allows the wind to put soil particles
into motion for greater distance thus increasing abrasion and soil erosion.
The rate of erosion depends on many factors. Climatic factors include the
amount and intensity of precipitation, the average temperature, as well as
the typical temperature range, and seasonality, the wind speed, storm
frequency. The geologic factors include the sediment or rock type, its
porosity and permeability, the slope (gradient) of the land, and whether the
rocks are tilted, faulted, folded or weathered. The biological factors include
ground cover from vegetation of lack thereof, the type of organisms
inhabiting the area, and the land use.
In general, given similar vegetation and ecosystems, areas with high-
intensity precipitation, more frequent rainfall, more rain, or even more
storms are expected to have more erosion. Sediments with high sand or silt
contents and areas with steep slope erode more easily, as do areas with
highly fractured and permeability of the sediment or rock affects the speed
with which the water can percolate into the ground. If the water moves
underground, fewer run-offs are generated, reducing the amount of surface
erosion. Sediments containing more clay tend to erode less than those with
silt or sand.
The factor that is most subject to change is the amount and type of ground
cover. In an undisturbed forest, the mineral soil is protected by a litter layer
and an organic layer. These two layers protect the soil by absorbing the
impact of rain drops. These layers and the underlying soil in a forest are
porous and highly permeable to rainfall.
Typically, only the most sever rainfall and large hailstorm events will lead to
overland flow in a forest. If the trees are removed by fire or logging,
infiltration rate become high. Severe fires can lead to significantly increased
erosion if followed by heavy rainfall.
In the case of construction or road building, when the litter layer Is removed
or compacted, the susceptibility of the soil to erosion is greatly increased.
A road that has a lot of rock or one that is "hydro logically invisible" (that
gets the water off the road as quickly as possible, mimicking natural drainage
patterns) has the best chance of not causing increased erosion.
Heavy grazing can reduce vegetation enough to increase erosion. Changes
in the kind of vegetation in an area can also affect erosion rates. Different
kinds of vegetation lead to different infiltration rates of rain into the soil.
Forested areas have higher infiltration rates, so precipitation will result in
less surface run-off.
Soil erosion removes valuable top soil which is the most productive part of
the soil profile. This results in lower yield and higher cost of production. The
subsoil left after topsoil has been removed is often unable to support
agriculture because advanced erosion causes rills and gullies that make
cultivation paddocks unworkable.
Downstream effects include:
Damage to roads and railway lines.
Situation of water -course and water storages.
Overall reduction in water quality in creeks, rivers and coastal areas.
Land without soil and vegetation isn't able to absorb rain and snow and
natural water resources can't replenish themselves.
Loss of soil and vegetation causes climate change, the ecological balance
becomes disturbed and large amounts of natural resources are also lost.
Thousands of years are required for the re-creation of the lost soil.
The deposition of sediments into water -way can significantly diminish the
water quality and aquatic habitat. Sediments deposition in water -way makes
the water more turbid and does not allow as much light to penetrate the
water. This causes problems for aquatic plants that need sunlight in -order
to perform photosynthesis.
Preventive measures usually are effective only if they succeed in forestalling
inception of the problem. Thus, they are applicable before the incidence of
the erosion on farmland. Once erosion is known to occur in an area, steps
can subsequently be taken to prevent, or minimize its occurrence. A crucial
factor to the success of a preventive measure in any discipline is an effective
public enlightment. It is well known that certain factors accelerate erosion
and these factors occur as a result of the action or lack of them by people.
When erosion has occurred, with or without any preventive steps, measures
may be required to check the menace. Sheet erosion is checked essentially
through agricultural measures, such as land use patterns, land management
and crop husbandry, cropping practices calls for the implementation of
engineering measures.
The basic principles of preventing and controlling erosion are to:
Use land in accordance with its capability
Protect the soil surface with some form of cover.
Control run-off because it develops into an erosive force.
There are numerous ways soil erosion could be prevented or checked. They
effectively reducing the erosion of top soil. This method of erosion control
can be predominantly seen areas where there is tea and coffee plantation.
covered with vegetation. Rotation of cereal crops with legumes also
keeps the soil enriched with nitrogen (from the legumes).
(b) Reforestation: Slopes are more subject to soil erosion by running
water, growing tress on lands which have lost their vegetation is called
reforestation. Trees like Albizia, Cassia, Butia are suitable for this.
(c) Strip Cropping: It involves growing of crops in strips. The most
common method followed is the contour farming where the strips of
crops are at right angle to the slope wind -strip cropping is when the
strips of crops are placed at right angle to the direction of wind.
(d) Restoring soil fertility: Fertile soil supports vegetation. Loss of
fertility results in loss of vegetation and this exposes the land to
erosion. Fertility of soil can be increased by addition of natural and
synthetic fertilizers.
(e) Control of Grazing: Covering the land with small plants and grasses
helps the topsoil to remain in place. As the roots of these plants bind
with the soil particles. Cattles graze on these plants and expose the to-
soil. Thus, grazing should be allowed only on lands meant for the
purpose and other areas should be protected from grazing.
(f) Dam Building: With the dams, the speed and amount of water
flowing can be controlled. This will control the soil erosion of river
(g) Wind -Breakers: Trees are planted across the wind direction to
protect against the high velocity wind these rows of trees are called
shelter belts or wind-breakers.
Conclusively, the term erosion embraces the general wearing down and
molding of all land farms on the earth's surface, including the weathering of
rock in its original position, the transport of weathered materials.
A narrow and somewhat limiting definition of erosion excludes the transport
of eroded material by natural agencies. The exclusion of the transport
phenomenon makes the distinction between erosion and weathering very
Capper, P.C. and Cassie, N.F. 1969. The Mechanics of Engineering Soils. E.
And Span, London.
Egboka B.C. and Nwankwor G.I., 1983. The Hydrological and geotechnical
parameters as agents for gully-type erosion in the Rain-Forest Belt of
Egboka B.C. and Orajiaka I.P., 1987, soil and gully Erosion models for
effective control programmes.
Okoye, P.I. 1980. A study of the factors which control gully erosion. BSc.
Dissertation, University of Nigeria, Nsuka.
Taylor, D.W. 1948, Fundamentals of soil mechanics. John Wiley and sons
Inc. N.Y.