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Scope of The Study: Study On Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management in The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

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Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management

in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


1.1 Background of the Study

Water resources in Vietnam are characterized by severe water shortage in the dry
season and, on the contrary, serious flood damages in the rainy season.

The water shortage in the dry season causes not only irrigation domestic and
industrial water supply problems but also serious water pollution and saline water
intrusion. Flood damages in the rainy season including agricultural production loss,
human lives and important assets in densely populated urban areas are being
accelerated due to recent remarkable urbanization.

As such, solution of the problems is of keen necessity of Vietnam, and several water
resources development projects comprising mainly multipurpose dam based
projects have been proposed by each province. However, since the proposed
projects are not integrated as a basin-wide water resources development, the
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has difficulty to
determine the implementation sequence for these water resources developments. In
order to overcome these constraints, the Government of Vietnam has come to
conclusion that an integrated approach to water resources development and
management is unavoidable, and had a strong intention to carry out a study on
nationwide water resources development and management.

In order to materialize the study, the Government of Vietnam requested to the

Government of Japan the technical assistance of the Study on Nationwide Water
Resources Development and Management Master Plan (the Study). In response to
request of the Government of Vietnam, the Government of Japan decided to
conduct the Study within the general framework of the technical cooperation
between the Government of Japan and the Government of Vietnam signed on
October 20, 1998.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the Study are:

(1) To formulate a master plan for nationwide water resources development and

(2) To conduct a feasibility study for selected priority projects, and

(3) To pursue technology transfer to counterpart personnel in the course of the


1-1 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

1.3 Study Area

The Study covers the following 14 major river basins:

1) Bang Giang and Ky Cung River basin
2) Red and Thai Binh River basin
3) Ma River basin
4) Ca River basin
5) Thach Han River basin
6) Huong River basin
7) Vu Gia-Thu Bon River basin
8) Tra Khuc River basin
9) Kone River basin
10) Ba River basin
11) Sesan River basin
12) Srepok River basin
13) Dong Nai River basin
14) Cuu Long River basin

Location map of the above 14 major river basins is shown in Figure 1.1

1.4 Scope of the Study

The Study has been undertaken in the following manner in the two phases:
Phase I : [Basic Study and Formulation of Master Plan]

a) Formulation of a master plan for nationwide water resources

development and management in 14 major river basins

Phase II : [Formulation of Integrated River Basin Management Plan(s) for the

Selected River Basin(s) and Feasibility Study on Priority Projects]

a) Formulation of an integrated river basin management plan for the

Huong River basin (Phase 2-1)
b) Formulation of an integrated river basin management plan for the
priority river basin selected from 14 river basins (Kone River basin,
Phase 2-2)
c) Feasibility study for the priority projects to be selected from the
priority river basin (Phase 2-3)

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Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

1.5 Implementation Organization

Institute of Water Resources Planning, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development(MARD) act as the counterpart body to the JICA Study Team and also
as the coordinating body in relation with other governmental and non-governmental
organizations concerned in Vietnam for the smooth implementation of the Study.

The JICA Study Team is headed by the Team Leader who is responsible for
maintaining a close liaison with the MARD, JICA and agencies concerned. He is
also responsible for planning activities and monitoring the progress of the entire
study for ensuring its timely and efficient completion. The members of the Study
Team and the members of the Advisory Committee are presented in Table 1.1.

The Steering Committee was organized in February 2002, chaired by the Vice
Minister of MARD. The Committee consists of MARD, Ministry of Planning and
Investment (MPI), Vietnam National Mekong Committee(VNMC) and Peoples
Committee(PC) r related to the Study. The Steering Committee members are shown
is Table 1.2.

1.6 Study Schedule and Activities

(1) General Schedule

Phase I : Basic Study and Formulation of Master Plan during a period from
September 2001 to July 2002,

Phase II-1 : Formulation of Integrated River Basin Management Plan for the
Huong River Basin, during a period of October 2001 to July 2002,

1) 1st Works in Vietnam

2) 1st Works in Japan

Phase II-2, II-3 :

Formulation of Integrated River Basin Management Plan for the
Selected River Basin(Kone River basin) and Feasibility Study on
Priority Projects during a period of August 2002 to September 2003,

1) 2nd Works in Vietnam

2) 2nd Works in Japan

3) 3rd Works in Vietnam

4) 3rd Works in Japan

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Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(2) Activities in the Works in Vietnam

In accordance with the objectives of the Study and schedule, the works in Vietnam
were conducted in October 2001 through March 2002 for Phase I, and from August
2002 through March 2003 for the Phase II study. The third works in Vietnam was
conducted from July to August 2003 for the discussion on the Final Report.

As a part of the works in Vietnam, the following field survey works have been
carried out on sub-contract basis:

Phase I

(i) Inventory survey works

(ii) Hydro-meteorological observation

Phase II-1

(iii) Hydro-meteorological observation

Period : December 2001 to March 2002

Scope of Works : Installation of hydro-meteorological station and their
observation in Huong River basin

(iv) Topographical survey

Period : December 2001 to February 2002

Scope of Works : River survey in the Huong River, Lagoon survey and
Sea survey

(v) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Period : December 2001 to March 2002

Scope of Works : EIA study in the Huong River basin

Phase II-2

(vi) Hydro-meteorological observation

Period : August 2002 to March 2003

Scope of Works : Hydro-meteorological observation in Kone River basin

(vii) River survey

Period : September to November 2002

Scope of Works : River cross section survey along the Kone River

1-4 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(viii) Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)

Period : August to November 2002

Scope of Works : IEE in the Kone and Ha Thanh River basins

Phase II-3

(ix) Topographic survey

Period : December 2002 to January 2003

Scope of Works : Topographic survey including mesh survey and
digitizing topographic maps for Dinh Binh dam site and
Van Phong weir site

(x) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Period : December 2002 to March 2003

Scope of Works : EIA on the priority projects in the Kone River basin

(xi) Geological investigation

Period : December 2002 to February 2003

Scope of Works : Geological investigation in Dinh Binh dam site, Van
Phong weir site and river improvement area in the Kone
River basin

(3) Workshop, Technical Transfer Seminar and Presentation Seminar

Workshops and Seminars were held in the course of the Study in the following

1-5 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(a) Workshop
Workshop Subject Date

(i) Inception Workshop Inception Report November 2001

(ii) 1st Workshop Progress Report (2) March 2002

(iii) 2nd Workshop Progress Report (3) December 2002

(iv) 3rd Workshop Interim Report(2) March 2003

(b) Technical transfer seminar

Seminar Subject Date

(i) 1st T.T.Seminar - Formulation of flood control September 2002

plan in the study
- Application of computer
software in runoff analysis
- Application of computer
software in irrigation
- Alternative study in Huong river
- Achievement of Water August 2003
(ii) 2nd T.T.Seminar
Resources Development in
- River Plans in Japan
- Planning Concept and
Methodology on Multi-purpose
- Planning Methodology of
Flood Control
- Irrigation Planning for Better
Operation and Maintenance

(c) Presentation seminar

Seminar Subject Date

(i) Presentation - Achievement of Water August 2003

Resources Development in
- Recommendation and Overall
Outcome of the Study
- Formulated Water Resources
Development and Management
- Planning Methodology of
Flood Control
- Formulated Agricultural
Development Plan in the Study

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Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(4) Reports

In the course of the study, the following reports have been prepared and submitted
to MARD to date:

Report Main Subject Submission

(i) Inception Report Scope of works, work plan and work October
schedule 2001
(ii) Progress Report (1) Work progress of Phase I and Phase II-1 January
(iii) Progress Report (2) Work progress of the formulation of the March 2002
master plan for nationwide water resources
development and management in 14 major
river basins as well as the formulation of
the integrated river basin management plan
for the Huong River basin (Phase 2-1)
(iv) Interim Report (1) Master plan for nationwide water resources August
development and management in 14 major 2002
river basins as well as the integrated river
basin management plan for the Huong
River basin (Phase 2-1)
(v) Progress Report (3) Work progress on the formulation of the December
integrated river basin management plan for 2002
the Kone River basin (Phase 2-2)
(vi) Interim Report (2) The integrated river basin management March 2003
plan for the Kone River basin (Phase 2-2)
and the Feasibility study for the priority
projects in the Kone River basin (Phase
(vii) Draft Final Report All results of the Study July 2003
(viii) Final Report All results of the Study incorporating the September
comments for the Draft Final Report 2003

This is the Main Report, as a part of the Final Report, covering the Integrated River
Basin Management Plan for the Huong River basin (Phase II-1).

1.7 Phase II-1 Study

Flood and inundation have caused serious damages in Hue city and downstream parts of the
Huong River basin.

The reasons for flooding in Hue city are the low elevation of the city, long duration of rains
and the fact that strong tides make drainage difficult.

The flood in November 1999 caused very severe casualties in which 89 people reportedly
died and huge assets were damaged.

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Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

In view of high urgency for countermeasure, both Vietnam and Japanese governments
agreed that a comprehensive Water Resources Development and Management Master Plan
be formulated for the Huong River basin at the earliest.

The feasibility study for major water resources development projects in the Huong River
basin was already conducted by the Government of Vietnam, and the Government of
Vietnam has a strong intention to promote these projects to the implementation stage, after
the formulation of the Comprehensive Water Resources Development and Management
Master Plan for the Huong River basin.

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


2.1 Socio-economic Condition

(1) Local Administration

The Thua Thien Hue Province administratively consists of a capital city of Hue and
eight districts. Under these districts and city, there are 122 communes and 28 towns,
as listed in Table 2.1 and summarized below:

Area and Administrative Units in Thua Thien Hue Province

City & District Area (sq. km) Towns Communes Communes

in the Project
1. City Hue 71 5 20 5
2. District. Phong Dien 954 15 1 6
3. District. Quang Dien 163 10 1 6
4. District. Huong Tra 521 15 1 15
5. District. Phu Vang 280 19 1 6
6. District. Huong Thuy 457 11 1 8
7. District. Phu Loc 728 17 1 2
8. District. A Luoi 1,229 20 1 0
9. District. Nam Dong 651 10 1 0
Total 5,054 122 28 48
*1: preliminary basis, subject to change after confirmation.
Source: Statistical Yearbook 2000, Hue Province
Two districts of A Luoi and Nam Dong are totally outside the project area. It is
estimated that 48 communes of 1 city and 6 districts entirely or partially falls under
the project area.

(2) Population

The total population of the province is 1,066,200 in 2000, consisting of 316,200

(29.7%) in urban area and 750,000 (70.3%) in rural area, as shown in Table 2.2.
Population density is 211 person per km2, ranging from the lowest density of 21
persons per km2 in Nam Dong district and the highest of 4,201 in Hue City.

Average population growth rate during the period from 1995 to 2000 is estimated at
1.56% per annum in total, composed of 4.11% in the urban area, and 0.61% in the
rural area.

The natural population growth rate is estimated based on the fertility and mortality
rates. The result shows the growth rate (1.63% per annum) in urban area far lower
than the actual, on the other hand, rural area is much higher. Based on the natural

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Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

growth rate, the population is projected to calculate the balance population between
the actual population and projected one. The result is shown in Table 2.3, and
summarized below:
Balance of Population between Actual and Projected during 1996 to 2000
(unit: persons)
Urban Rural
Actual Natural Balance Actual Natural Balance
Growth Rate 4.11% 1.63% +2.48% 0.61% 2.17% -1.56%
Population 288,400 281,600 +6,800 737,700 749,100 -11,400
Source: Projection by the JICA Study Team.
It is estimated that 6,800 persons have been annually flowing into urban area, and
11,400 have been out-migrating from rural area.

According to the Interim Report, population in the project area was estimated at
718,400, of which 472,000 are rural population. It seems that this figure includes
large number of urban population in Hue city as well as district capitals. Based on
the information, the present population is estimated at 733,800 consisting of
276,100 in urban area and 457,700 in rural area, as shown in Table 2.4 and
summarized below:
Population in the Project Area
(unit: persons)
City & District Total Urban Rural
City Hue 272,800 221,500 51,300
Dist. Phong Dien 31,800 1,900 29,900
Dist. Quang Dien 66,600 7,300 59,300
Dist. Huong Tra 90,800 6,200 84,600
Dist. Phu Vang 142,600 25,100 117,500
Dist. Huong Thuy 74,600 10,000 64,600
Dist. Phu Loc 54,600 4,100 50,500
Total 733,800 276,100 457,700
Source: Estimation by the JICA Study Team based on the Interim Report and Statistical
Yearbook 2000, Hue Province.

(3) Labor Force and Employment

Workable population in 2000 in the province is 573,100 or 53.7% of total

population. About 40% or 429,000 is engaged in employment, and 1.7% is
unemployment status, as summarized below:

2-2 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Balance of Population between Actual and Projected during 1996 to 2000

(unit: persons)
Total Workable Employ School Housewives Unemploy
Population Population -ment Enrollment & Inactive -ment
Total 1,066,200 573,000 429,900 73,000 51,600 18,500
100% 53.7% 40.3% 6.8% 4.8% 1.7%
Male 525,200 286,900 232,400 41,500 4,300 8,600
100% 54.6% 44.2% 7.9% 0.8% 1.6%
Female 541,000 286,100 197,500 31,500 47,300 9,900
100% 52.3% 36.5% 5.8% 8.7% 1.8%
Source: Statistical Yearbook 2000, Hue Province.
Out of total employment, 80.6% or 346,300 persons are engaged in agriculture
sector, consisting of 300,100 (69.8%) in agriculture, 2,300 (0.5%) in forestry, and
43,900 (10.2%) in fishery, as shown in Table 2.5. Employment in industry sector is
30,200 persons representing 7.0% of total employment.

(4) Economic Activity


The GRDP of the Huong River basins in 2000 was estimated at VND3,461
billion (approx. US$244 million), which account for 0.8% of the national GDP.
GRDP of the Huong River Basins in 2000
Province GRDP Per capita Share (%) Avg. ann.
(Billion VND) GDP (D1,000) Agri. Industry Service growth rate (%)
Thua Thien 3,461 3,251 24 31 45 6.3
Source: Socio-economic Statistical Data of 61 Provinces and Cities in Vietnam, GSO

The average annual growth rate of GRDP from 1995 to 2000 was 6.3%, which
is slightly lower than national growth rate of 6.9% on a constant price basis.

The shares of agriculture, forestry and fishery are approximately 24%, while
those of industry and service sector are 31% and 45%, respectively.

b) Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery

The gross output of agriculture, forestry, and fishery of the province was
VND1,158 billion and the share of each category was about 70%, 14%, and
16%, respectively in 1998. The major crops of the basin are rice, maize, sweet
potatoes, cassava, sugar cane, peanut, tobacco, tea, pepper, etc. Animal
husbandry is also practiced such as buffaloes, cattle, pigs, and poultry.

c) Industry and Construction

Industry and construction sector is rather weak comparing with other sectors in
the Huong River basin. GRDP of industry and construction accounted for only

2-3 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

0.7% of the national GDP in the same sector, while those of agriculture, forestry
and fishery, and service sector accounted for 0.8% and 0.9% respectively. Major
products are cement, frozen products, lime, stone, beer, woolen carpet, etc.

d) Service Sector

Hue city, ancient capital of the Nguyen dynasty, is recognized as a world

heritage by UNESCO, which is one of the most famous tourist attraction in
central Vietnam. Therefore, tourism and its related commercial industry is
active in the city. Other than tourism industry, the province directly exported
800 thousand pieces of garment and 1,000 tons of frozen marine products in

(5) Land Use

According to the statistics, the present land use of the province as of 2000 is
presented in Table 2.7 and summarized below:
Present Land Use of the Province (2000)

Agricultural Forest Specially Residential Unused Land Total

Land Land Used Land Land
61,200 ha 216,800 ha 20,900 ha 4,300 ha 204,200 ha 505,400 ha
12% 43% 4% 1% 40% 100%
Source: Statistical Yearbook 2000, Hue Province.
2.2 Water Resources
2.2.1 General

Together with the rainfall the rivers are the most important source of fresh water.
The available water has to be shared for domestic, industrial use and irrigation.
Though the priority level of the irrigation water is becoming lower in these days in
comparison with it of the domestic and industrial water, the irrigation sector is still
the biggest consumer with about 85%. Treatment of wastewater and desalinization
of brackish/ salt water are at present not existing.

The coastal plain (adjacent to the project area) northwest of Bo River is a sandy area,
with some long shaped lakes/swamps parallel to the lagoon. Rainwater flows as
groundwater partly to the lagoon and partly to the lakes/swamps. No data are
available of the flow of water (overland or in the ground) to Bo River (low river
water levels) or from Bo River (high river water levels).
After completion of dams in the upstream river tributaries fresh water storage
reservoirs will be created. There are already a few minor reservoirs. Truoi dam is
expected to be completed soon and Ta Trach dam possibly a decade from now.

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Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Other dams planned for the 'unknown' future are on Bo and Huu Trach rivers. Thao
Long Barrage (Chapter 2.9), under construction in the mouth of Huong River, will
create a 'special' fresh water reservoir.

2.2.2 Irrigation Water

Most of the available fresh water is required for agriculture. The present major
irrigation water resources are (a) rain and (b) rivers, including storage in rivers and
canals. After construction of dams in the upstream river branches reservoirs will
become important for storage.

The Vietnamese Government is planning to supply irrigation water by a

modification of the existing irrigation drainage system and by the water resources
of the Huong and Bo rivers to irrigate the farmlands of 25,900 ha in the downstream

2.2.3 Ground Water

The present use of groundwater is limited. Hue City receives its water from
treatment plants on the banks of the Huong River. Only in the rural areas tube wells
are found. In the coastal plains the source of fresh water is often only rain and river
water. Shallow tube wells give brackish or acid water, whereas deep tube wells are
too expensive.

There are plans to extend the piped water supply to about 50% of the rural
population in the coastal plains. In isolated rural areas (outside the piped water
system) deep tube-wells may be installed, possibly with (local) piped water supply
systems (deep tube-well with pump and pipes).

The use of groundwater for irrigation is negligible. An increased use of

groundwater for irrigation should not be encouraged because of the risk of
over-exploitation. Use of ground water for homestead gardens should be permitted.

2.2.4 Re-use of Irrigation Water

The main irrigation canals also function for navigation and drainage. Often they are
old river branches. Part of the irrigation water will, via the drainage system,
groundwater or adjacent fields, return in the watercourse. More downstream this
water can be re-used for irrigation.

2-5 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

2.3 Rivers and Lagoon

2.3.1 Rivers

The river basins are relatively small and the rivers are short. The major tributaries of
Huong River, Ta Trach and Huu Trach, cause flash floods during rainstorms (steep
river slope, short runoff time) and water shortage in the dry seasons (no storage
capacity in the river). Another tributary, Bo River, joins Huong River in the coastal
plain. Truoi River and some other small rivers drain independently in the same

Water levels in Huong River and lagoon are important for irrigation, drainage and
flushing. Downstream of the confluence of Ta Trach and Huu Trach (32 km from
the lagoon) tidal effects influence the discharges. The intruding saltwater wedge
causes serious salinity intrusion problems during low river discharges. Water levels,
river run-offs, velocities and sediment transport in the downstream sections of
Huong River will soon be affected by Thao Long Barrage and Ta Trach Dam.

In general the bed and banks of the rivers are rather stable, although local bank
slides and/or erosion takes place. Heavy bank erosion takes place just downstream
of Hue, where locally bank protection has been carried out. The effects of Nov.'99
flood are unknown.

There are no sediment transport recordings for Huong river basin. The sediment
load maximizes during peak discharges and is small during low discharges. With
assumed average annual turbidity 100 g/m3 and specific weight 0.5 t/m3 the annual
sediment transport amounts to (a) average suspended load: 331,000 m3/year (for
Q0=52.4 m3/s), (b) bed load: 66,200 m3/year (20% of suspended load), resulting in
(c) total sediment transport: 397,200 m3/year.

Huong and Bo rivers transport sand and gravel in their middle reaches, where sand
mining in the river (by local people) takes place. The relation between supply by the
river, removal by the people and effects on erosion downstream is unknown. The
authorities plan to prevent (unauthorized) sand mining. Sand mining should not
have much effect on the downstream stretches of the river as long as it takes place in
designated areas.

Most sediments are finally deposited in the lagoon. Through intakes and overflow
part of the suspended load will enter and settle in the canals/drains, the remaining as
alluvial layer on agricultural lands. The rate of sedimentation is unknown.

In Huong South the inflowing canal water with sediments is mixed with inflow
from the hills. But the small rivers have dams and hardly bring sediments into the

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Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

coastal plain. The concentration of suspended load decreases away from Huong

2.3.2 Lagoon

The Tam Giang - Cau Hai Lagoon stretches from about 20 km NW to 30 km SE of

the mouth of Huong River. The width varies around 2 km with depth 5 -7 m in the
NW and 1 km with depth 3-4 m in the SE. The 'sandbar' between the sea and the
lagoon has only two openings: (1) in front of the mouth of Huong River, and (2) at
the SE-end of the lagoon. The major village on the sandbar is Thuan An, with a
fishing port, connected to the mainland by a bridge.

The sandbar protects the lagoon against wave action from sea and coastal currents.
The funnel effect of the openings reduces the high tides and raises the low tide sea
water levels in the lagoon. The lagoon has a complicated ecological system,
sensitive and vulnerable to interacting dynamic processes.

The drainage capacity of gravity drainage outlets depends on the water levels in the
lagoon. The areas adjacent to Thuan An have regular half-day tides. The levels of
the high and low tides, with frequencies, have been given in the table below:

Frequency (%) 0.1 1 5 10 50 90 95 99 99.9

High tide (m+) 1.10 0.90 0.69 0.60 0.36 0.18 0.13 0.02 -0.14
Low tide (m+) 0.30 0.12 0.00 -0.06 -0.24 -0.41 -0.46 -0.53 -0.64
High and low tides, with frequencies

The water in the lagoon varies from fresh (river mouths and other fresh water
outlets) via brackish to salt (openings in sandbars). The flow pattern through the
openings in the sandbar (volume) and the conditions in the lagoon (wind, current)
will influence the rate/speed of the mixing of fresh and salt water. High river
discharges decrease the salinity considerably, and the very low dry season discharge
will hardly reduce the seawater salinity. With the Thao Long Barrage (anti-salinity
weir) and dams in the river (regulated river flow) the fluctuations of salinity in the
lagoon will reduce.

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Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

2.4 Agriculture
Most of the population lives in the coastal plain of Huong River because it is the
most promising area for agricultural development and settlement. Out of the about
40,000 ha coastal plain in Huong River Basin about 25,900 ha is cultivated.

The present natural disasters that limit agricultural productivity are droughts
(shortage of irrigation water and salt water intrusion) early flooding (damage of
crops) and insufficient/ not maintained facilities. Potential areas for agricultural
development in the hilly area, with altitudes between 10 and 50 m+ are small.

2.4.1 Agriculture Households

Total number of agriculture households engaged in crop sector in the province is

about 108,800 as of 2000, composed of 5,700 in urban area and 103,100 in rural
area, as shown in Table 2.6, and summarized below:
Features of Agriculture Households (as of 2000)
(unit: persons)
Province Urban Area Rural Area
No. of Agriculture Households 108,800 5,700 103,100
Agriculture Population 566,400 30,600 535,800
Average Family Size 5.21 5.37 5.20
Agriculture Labor Force 300,100 16,200 283,908
Labor Force per Household 2.76 2.85 2.75
Source: Statistical Yearbook 2000, Hue Province.
Based on population, agriculture household in the project area is roughly estimated
at 67,900 households with 353,900 of agriculture population. However this
estimation seems to be rather large side, and need further confirmation.

2.4.2 Soil

According to the Interim Report on feasibility study, major soils in the province are,
saline soils, white – yellow sandy soils, light yellowish soils, and alluvial soils.
Saline soils are situated in the shoreline along the lagoon, and not suitable for crop
cultivation due to effect of sea water. The coastal area is covered by white – yellow
sandy soils, and this area is also not suitable for crop production. The mountains
and hill area is mostly covered by the light yellowish soils developed from sand
stones and laterite soils. Natural vegetation of this soils is forest, however, more
than half of this area remains bare land due to removal of vegetation during the war

Alluvial soils are mainly extending over the flood plain in the downstream of rivers.
These soils is principally suitable for crop cultivation, where the land is not suffered

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from the see water.

2.4.3 Agricultural Land Use

Agricultural land, including paddy field, upland crop field and grazing land, is
61,200 ha or 12% of total land. Forest land comprises of natural forest and planted
forest. Specially used land is composed of construction, transportation, other
facilities. Unused land is mainly located in the mountains, as denuded slopes.

Out of 61,200 ha of agricultural land, paddy field is roughly estimated at about

27,400 ha, of which 900 ha is located in the mountainous area. In this 900 ha,
winter paddy crop is only planted under rain-fed condition. The remaining 26,500
ha of paddy field is mostly extending over the alluvial soils along the coastal plains.

According to the Interim Report, total agriculture land in 1994 was 47,047 ha in the
province, of which 25,900 ha is located in the project area, as shown below:
Distribution of Agricultural Land (1994)
(unit: persons)
City and District Agriculture Land Project Area Proportion
1 City Hue 1,992 1,822 91.5%
2 Dist. Phong Dien 6,880 2,167 31.5%
3 Dist. Quang Dien 5,787 4,237 73.2%
4 Dist. Huong Tra 6,905 4,812 69.7%
5 Dist. Phu Vang 8,154 6,214 76.2%
6 Dist. Huong Thuy 5,570 4,647 83.4%
7 Dist. Phu Loc 5,331 2,001 37.5%
8 Dist. A Luoi 2,687 - -
9 Dist. Nam Dong 4,742 - -
Total 48,048 25,900 53.9%
Source: Interim Report on Feasibility Study, December 1999.
Agricultural land in the project area is mostly situated in the flood plains along the
lower reaches of the Huong River near the lagoon. In this area, the soils of
agricultural land is alluvial soils, and mostly suitable for paddy cultivation.

The area is situated on the low ground level mostly lower than 1.0 m elevation. The
cultivation is not allowed during the major flood season from September to
November. The area have also been suffering from early flood in May to June as
well as saline water intrusion in the summer season from March to August.

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2.4.4 Cropping Calendar

The suitable lands are used for double cropping. The cropping calendar (with
cropping pattern, intensity and planting area of the Agricultural and Rural
Development Department of Thua Thien - Hue Province; 1997) shows:

Winter/spring paddy mid Dec. - end May 18,000 ha

Summer/ autumn paddy early May - end Aug. 15,200 ha

Subsidiary crop early Dec. - mid April 5,600 ha

mid April - end June 1,000 ha

Vegetables early Feb. - mid Sep. 2,300 ha

2.4.5 Cropped Area and Production

The total cropped area in the province is about 80,000 ha on average during the
period of 5 years from 1996 to 2000, as shown in Table 2.8 and summarized below:
Planted Area of Crops (average during 1996 to 2000)

Annual Crop Perennial Crop

Paddy Other Food Vegetables Industrial Industrial Fruit Total
Crops & Beans Crop Tree Crops Trees
50,400 ha 12,500 ha 5,000 ha 7,900 ha 2,500 ha 1,500 ha 79,800 ha
63.2% 15.7% 6.2% 9.9% 3.1% 1.9% 100.0%
Source: Statistical Yearbook 2000, Hue Province.

The above table indicates that food crops, particularly paddy, are represents nearly
80% of total cropped area, however, the planted area has not been expanding.
Planted area of vegetables as well as fruits trees has been recently expanding,
though their area remains in small extent. Industrial crops like sugarcane,
groundnuts, rubber are also expanding.

The average paddy production during the period from 1996 to 2000 is presented
along with cropped area and unit yield in Table 2.9 and summarized below:
Production of Paddy (average during 1996 to 2000)
Spring Crop Autumn Crop Winter Crop Total
Planted Area (ha) 26,500 ha 24,200 ha 700 ha 51,404 ha
Unit Yield (ton/ha) 4.2 ton/ha 3.5 ton/ha 1.0 ton/ha 3.8 ton/ha
Production (ton) 111,800 ton 83,800 ton 700 ton 196,300 ton
Source: Statistical Yearbook 2000, Hue Province.
The cropping season is categorized into three seasons, namely spring crop (winter
to spring), autumn crop (summer to autumn) and winter crop (monsoon).

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The paddy is mainly cultivated in spring and autumn crops in the lower flood plains
near the coastal area. Spring paddy crop is started in December when monsoon
season is over, and harvested in May. After harvesting spring paddy, autumn paddy
crop is started in May to June, and harvested August to September. Due to severe
inundation in the monsoon season during September to December, paddy field in
the lowland is not cultivated.

Production of other crops is presented in Table 2.10 and summarized below:

Production of Other Crops (average during 1996 to 2000)

Planted Area Unit Yield Production Remarks

(ha) (ton/ha) (ton)
Maize 1,000 1.9 1,900 Expanding planted area
Sweet Potato 5,500 4.3 23,700 Reducing planted area
Cassava 4,500 5.7 25,600 Reducing planted area
Vegetables 2,700 10.3 27,800 Expanding planted area
Beans 2,000 0.5 1,000 -
Groundnut 4,100 1.4 5,700 -
Sugarcane 4,600 16.2 74,300 Expanding planted area
Source: Statistical Yearbook 2000, Hue Province.

Sweet potato is prevailing the largest planted area, however, the area has been
reducing from 7,000 ha in 1996 to 4,400 ha in 2000. Cassava, cultivated under
rain-fed condition, has also been reducing. On the other hand, maize, vegetable and
sugarcane have been expanding cropped area as well as production.

2.4.6 Conclusion of Present Agriculture Condition

(1) Total population in 2000 is 1,066,200 in the Thua Thien Hue Province. Rural
population is About 750,000 or 70% of total population stays, of which about
71% (535,800 persons) is categorized as agriculture population, whose main
income is generated from crop cultivation. It is estimated that about 11,400
of population has been out-migrated from rural area to urban area within the
province as well as outside the province.

(2) Agriculture is the most important economic sector to sustain the rural
population, though its position in the regional economy has been reducing
from 30.5% in 1995 to 24.4% in terms of contribution to GRDP of Thua
Thien Hue Province.

(3) Out of total gross output in agriculture, 71% has been produced by crop
production sector during the period from 1996 to 2000. Particularly, paddy
production accounts for 47% of agricultural gross output. Fruits and

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industrial crops has been growing recently, however, contribution of these

crops remains low in the rural economy.

(4) Total land of the province is 505,400 ha, of which 61,200 ha or 12% is
agricultural land. Paddy field is 27,400 ha, producing 47% of agricultural
gross output as well as 196,300 ton of paddy on average for 5 years from 1996
to 2000.

(5) About 25,900 ha including 18,000 ha of paddy field is located on gross area
of 40,000 ha of the flood plain extending over the lower reaches of the Huong
River. This area, equipped irrigation and drainage facilities, is the largest
production center of agriculture in the province. This is also the project area
prposed for irrigation rehabilitation and drainage improvement under the Ta
Trach Reservoir Project.

(6) According to the past studies, the present crop production in the project area
of 29,500 ha is shown below:
Production in the Project Area
Crop Win – Spr Sum – Aut Total Unit Yield Production
Win – Spr Paddy 18,022 ha - 18,022 ha 2.8 ton/ha 50,500 ton
Sum – Aut Paddy - 15,197 ha 15,197 ha 3.0 ton/ha 45,600 ton
Subsidiary Crop 5,622 ha 1,033 ha 6,655 ha 25,400 ton
(Maize) (79 ha) (78 ha) (157 ha) 1.2 ton/ha 200 ton
(Sweet Potatoes) (4,838 ha) (0 ha) (4,838 ha) 4.8 ton/ha 23,200 ton
(Groundnuts) (705 ha) (955 ha) (1,660 ha) 1.2 ton/ha 2,000 ton
Vegetables 2,256 ha 2,256 4,512 ha 6.0 ton/ha 27,100 ton
Total 25,900 ha 18,486 ha 44,386 ha - 148,600 ton
Source: Interim Report of Feasibility Study, December 1999 with modification by the JICA
Study Team.

(7) The crop production is presently constrained due to (i) early flood occur in
May to June damaging summer – autumn crop, (ii) salt water intrusion
suffering spring and autumn crops along the irrigation canal in the dry season ,
and (iii) short supply of irrigation water in the dry season.

(8) Without measures against the above constraints, agricultural production will
not be able to increase. This situation will result in stagnation of rural
economy as well as acceleration of population outflow from the area. In
order to avoid this situation, it is required for measures to increase agriculture
production as well as to improve income of rural population in the project

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(9) In order to intensify crop production as well as to increase income of rural

population in the project area, the fundamental infrastructure is to be
developed for i) protection of early flood, ii) reduction of salt water intrusion,
and iii) staple supply of irrigation water and sufficient drainage capacity.

(10) The project will enable to increase income of rural population of about
457,700. This will expand the rural economy, and finally result in reduction
of the population outflow of population from the project area in the future.

2.5 Irrigation and Drainage

2.5.1 Irrigation and Drainage System

(1) Irrigation System

The coastal plain, 15 to 70 km wide, consists of river deposits and sea alluvium.
This plain contains agricultural lands, lagoons and sand dunes. The area can be
divided in a 'southern area' (SE of Huong River) and a 'northern area' (NW of
Huong River). The present irrigation system is located in the flat, low coastal plains
in the downstream reach of Huong River.

Huong River is the main source of irrigation water, with contribution by Bo River to
the NW-part and Truoi River to the SE-part of the scheme. Various river branches,
streams and creeks form a natural network of watercourses that is used for irrigation,
drainage and local transport.

(2) Drainage System

Along the south-boundary are a number of small reservoirs, of which Truoi

Reservoir in the SE-corner is the most important. Irrigation water is usually pumped
from the rivers and watercourses (canals).

The drainage system is most important during the critical period of crop production
(harvest in May and initial growth period in June).

The drainage possibility and the required capacity of drainage canals depend on
water levels in the Huong River. The drainage system can only prevent crop
damage during the early floods at the end of the dry season. Major floods during the
rain season cannot be coped with. The capacity of drainage canals would be
determined taking into account the above-mentioned condition on the flood water
level to be considered for the design.

The canal/drain system has not been maintained well, and siltation has become a
serious problem. There are over fifty drainage sluices along lagoons, a few major
outlets but mostly simple timber gates structures facilitated with double stop logs

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grooves. The space between the stoplogs is filled with soil to seal the gate. This is a
too cumbersome and labor-intensive system to ensure proper operation.

Inundation with sediment rich fresh water during the rain season is preferred for the
eradication of weeds, rodents, etc. and the deposit of nutrient rich sediment as
natural fertilizer (after the harvest September to November).

(3) Ground Levels

All ground levels and water levels have Vietnamese National Standard as reference
level. The ground levels of the coastal plain vary from <0.0 m+ to about 4.0 m+, but
most of the area is below 1.5 m+. The various elevations for the different areas, with
percentages of the total area, have been given in the table below.

Elevation Southern area Northern area Total coastal area

(m+) (ha) (%) (ha) (%) (ha) (%)
< 0+ 8,145 43.4 1,528 7 9,673 24.3
0 - 0.5+ 2,800 14.9 1,133 5 3,933 9.9
0.5 - 1.0+ 1,897 10.1 540 3 2,437 6.1
> 1.0+ 5,926 31.6 17,788 85 23,714 59.6
total 18,768 100 20,989 100 39,757 100
Ground elevations, with areas and percentages

(4) Canals and Drains

Inventory of the existing canals and drains has not been completed yet, the
following have been grasped through the field reconnaissance and interview to the
authorities concerned.

The rivers and main canals/drains are unlined (old) river channels/branches, serving
irrigation as well as drainage. Their condition is rather stable. Erosion occurs where
sedimentation reduces the cross section. Secondary irrigation canals are lined, or
planned to be lined. Farmers cut vegetation (reed, weed, water hyacinth) in canals
and use them as fertilizer.

Tertiary canal and on-farm quaternary ditches have to be constructed, maintained,

etc. locally. Canal structures such as turn-outs, culverts, siphons and check gates
often need repairs. The alignments of the canals are shown on the maps, but
particulars, like longitudinal and cross sections are unknown. Also details on
locations, type, and condition of these structures are not available.

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2.5.2 Flood Protection for Agriculture Lands

There are two types of flood protection as follows:

- Controlled flooding with protection: protection by embankments against ‘early

floods’, so that farmers can harvest the winter/spring and plant the
summer/autumn crops.

- Full flood protection: protection by embankments, sufficient high to prevent

flooding. This enables farmers to cultivate throughout the year, in combination
with irrigation and drainage.

Flooding in the wet season, when there are no crops on the fields is permitted.
Inundation kills weeds, insects and rodents, and increases fertility by silt deposits,
thus saving on agro-chemicals.

Farmers want measures against ‘early floods’ that damage their harvest or young

2.5.3 Drainage Improvement

Drainage requirements depend on rainfall, inflow from small rivers and overland
flow. Main irrigation canals also function as drains, so their dimensions need to
cope with the much bigger drainage discharge. The present drainage capacity is
insufficient in a number of areas, in particular the low lands in the downstream part
of Huong South and between Huong and Bo rivers in Huong North. In these areas
inundation is too deep and/or too long, although this is related to the growing stage
of the crops.

The running cost of the pumps (electricity) is high so drainage by gravity should be
used where possible, if necessary supported by pumps. High lands may be drained
by gravity only, but lands that are low, compared to the lagoon water levels, can
only be drained sufficiently with support of pumps.

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3.1 Low Flow Analysis

3.1.1 Methodology

Review of the available historic hydro-meteorological information has revealed a

shortage of sufficiently long series for making straight statistical analysis for the
assessment of probable runoffs and flood discharges for planning and design
purposes. For a good understanding of the hydrological characteristics of the basin
it is essential to generate runoff series on the basis of the sufficiently available
rainfall data, using an adequate rainfall – runoff simulation model.

The Terms of Reference call for the use of the MIKE 11 mathematical model for
the estimate of the Huong basin runoff. For this specific purpose, the MIKE 11
system disposes of the so-called NAM Hydrological Modelling system. In order
not to depend fully on the results of the NAM model, it has been deemed
appropriate to employ a second internationally accepted model for the rainfall -
runoff simulation, i.e. the Sacramento model. The MIKE 11-NAM Hydrological
Modelling system and the Sacramento model are introduced in Appendix C of Vol.
VII Supporting Report.

The hydrological model of the Huong basin describes the runoff of the three major
sub-basins i.e. Ta Trach, Huu Trach and Bo. The model is restricted to the upper
and middle catchment area, that is to say, that the lower limit of the model is
situated at Tuan, just downstream of the Ta Trach – Huu Trach confluence, and Co
Bi in the Bo sub-basin.
Input requirements for the Huong basin rainfall – runoff simulation refer to:
- Model parameters
- Initial conditions
- Rainfall and Potential Evapo-transpiration
- Stream flow data for model calibration and verification.
Model parameters have been assessed in the process of model calibration, starting
from realistic estimates of these parameters from the available information of the

In calibrating the models for being used in the low flow analysis, emphasis was
put on a good reproduction of the recession curve of discharges after the flood
season. The slope of this recession curve, that is determined by the volume and

3-1 Phase 2-1
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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

rate of discharge of groundwater volumes, is indicative for the availability of

water during the dry season. In both the models it appeared necessary to introduce
two groundwater reservoirs, one with a slow and one with a fast emptying rate.

3.1.2 Mike11 - NAM Results

For the assessment of the model parameters for the Mike11 – NAM model, a
detailed calibration has been carried out for the upper Ta Trach basin at Thuong
Nhat. Following this calibration verification runs have been made for the three
other stations for which discharge data were available, viz. Co Bi in the Bo
sub-basin, Binh Dien in the Huu Trach sub-basin and Duong Hoa in the Ta Trach
sub-basin. The results of these validation runs show especially during the high
flow months substantial deviation from the observed discharges. This is partly due
to an expected overestimate in the observed flood discharges, and partly to the
fact that calibration efforts concentrated on the low flow conditions. Under low
flow conditions the results of the Mike11 – NAM model are reasonable.
Re-calibration of the model with the help of the auto-calibration facility of the
model did not give better results. Therefore, the model parameters that were found
in the manual calibration effort were accepted and used for the generation of the
basin runoff in the years 1977 - 2000. The results are summarized as follows:
Dependable Monthly Runoff at Tuan in Mm3

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
50% 210 109 71 52 68 69 53 57 148 589 726 498
75% 144 79 53 35 40 40 32 36 84 370 497 354
90% 102 59 40 24 26 24 20 23 51 243 353 260

Dependable Monthly Runoff at Co Bi in Mm3

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
50% 95 48 33 32 45 41 32 32 85 298 363 251
75% 58 30 22 21 32 27 21 22 52 205 254 181
90% 38 20 16 14 23 18 15 15 33 147 185 135

3.1.3 Sacramento Results

The Sacramento model has been used for a further verification of the results of the
Mike11-NAM model. A slightly different approach has been used, in which the
model calibration has been carried out at sub-basin level, so that for each
sub-basin separate model parameters were determined. It is noted that the
parameters of the different sub-catchments appeared to be quite similar. This
conclusion supports the approach used in the Mike11-NAM modeling in which
one set of parameters was used for the entire basin.

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The results of the Sacramento modeling are summarized as follows.

Dependable Monthly Runoff at Tuan in Mm3

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
50% 222 146 117 85 86 83 68 62 195 609 797 490
75% 189 122 99 72 63 55 50 46 108 430 527 352
90% 172 106 85 62 55 47 39 40 78 209 306 230

Dependable Monthly Runoff at Co Bi in Mm3

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
50% 119 66 46 31 44 40 37 40 78 295 415 254
75% 97 51 36 25 31 27 23 22 60 206 239 196
90% 76 43 30 20 24 21 16 16 27 139 196 153

3.1.4 Present Feasibility Study

In the 1999 –2000 Feasibility Study on the Ta Trach project HEC presented the
following estimate of the average monthly discharges in the Huong basin with a
dependability of 75%.
Average Monthly Volumes in Mm3 with 75% Dependability
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec.
Ta Trach 53 32 23 27 21 24 17 13 37 418 473 188
Huu Trach 41 24 17 20 16 18 21 22 28 321 360 143
Co Bi 49 29 21 24 19 22 16 12 34 381 433 172

3.1.5 Conclusion

The low flow results of both models are similar for the Bo sub-basin. For the Huu
Trach – Ta Trach sub-basin, however, the Sacramento model gives substantially
higher low flow volumes than the Mike11-NAM model. Based on these results it
is decided to use the outcome of the Mike11-NAM model for the water balance
simulation under low flow conditions. It is anticipated that this approach might be
at the conservative side.

3.2 High Flow Analysis

3.2.1 Methodology

As for the analysis of the low flows in the Huong basin, it has been inevitable also
for the estimate of peak flows and corresponding volumes to make use of an
appropriate rainfall – runoff modelling. As called for in the Terms of Reference,
use has been made of the Mike11-NAM model, while as second modelling tool

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the Sacramento model has been used.

In contrast with the low flow analysis that focuses on monthly runoff volumes, the
high flow analysis relates to the much shorter hourly time base. The simulation of
peak runoffs, therefore, required not only the preparation of a reliable simulation
tool in the form of a calibrated and validated model, but also the assessment of the
storms that are anticipated to generate the peak discharges.

For the estimate of the probable storms, use has been made of 24 years of daily
rainfall series. The duration and hourly distribution of the probable storms was
estimated on the basis of a limited number of historic storms for which hourly
data were made available.

Probable storms have been compiled for both the main flood season (September –
December) and for the early flood season. For the latter season, the probable peak
rainfall intensities have been used that occur in the period January – August.

The calibration and validation of the flood runoff model was carried out for the
three sub-basins Bo (at Co Bi), Huu Trach (at Binh Dien) and Ta Trach (at Thuong
Nhat) separately with the help of, on the average, three historical storms per

3.2.2 Probable Storms

The estimated probable storms range from the 10 years storm of 400 mm in the
Huu Trach – Ta Trach sub-basin and 440 mm in the Bo sub-basin to the 100-year
storm of 525 mm in the Huu Trach – Ta Trach sub-basin and 665 mm in the Bo
sub-basin. The duration of the storms has been taken at 12 hours, with hourly peak
intensities ranging from 50 mm during the 10 years storm to 75 mm during the
100 years storm.

Probable storms during the early flood season are substantially lower, they range
from 40% (Bo sub-basin) to 60% (Huu Trach – Ta Trach sub-basin) of the main
storm intensities.

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3.2.3 Mike11 – NAM Results

Calibration of the Mike11-NAM model was done with the help of the
auto-calibration option. This calibration gave reasonable results for the three
sub-basins. Subsequent simulations where carried out with the probable storms,
with the following results.
Peak Discharges, Main Flood Season (m3/s)
10 years 20 years 50 years 100 years
Bo at Co Bi 5,100 6,200 7,400 8,800
Huu Trach at Binh Dien 4,700 5,500 6,400 7,300
Note: The above figures don't include the safety margin in consideration of
the length of available data series.
3.2.4 Sacramento Results

Intensive calibration and validation efforts have been made to achieve an

acceptable reproduction of the historical floods with the help of the Sacramento
model. Both the land-phase (runoff generation) and the channel-phase (flood
routing) were included in the calibration process. The following peak discharges
were generated:
Peak Discharges Main Flood Season (m3/s)
10 years 20 years 50 years 100 years
Bo at Co Bi 3,900 5,100 6,700 7,800
Huu Trach at Binh Dien 3,600 4,200 5,000 5,800
Ta Trach at dam site 5,500 6,400 7,500 8,200
Note: The above figures don't include the safety margin in consideration of
the length of available data series.
3.2.5 Previous Studies

In the 1999 –2000 Feasibility Study on the Ta Trach project HEC, the following
flood discharges have been presented for the different sub-catchments:
Peak Discharges Main Flood Season (m3/s)
10 years 20 years 50 years 100 years
Bo at Co Bi 4,100 6,400 7,200
Bo at Co Bi 2,558 2,850
Huu Trach at Binh Dien 3,450 3,848
Ta Trach at dam site 4,240 5,570 9,400
1): Feasibility Study of Four Dams, WAPCOS, India, 1982
2): Feasibility Study on Ta Trach Project, Interim Report, HEC-1, 1999
3): Ta Trach Reservoir Project, Supplemental Report, HEC-1, 2000

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3.2.6 Conclusions

It is observed that the peak discharges as generated with the help of the
Sacramento model tend to be higher than peak discharges presented in previous
studies. The peak discharges generated with the Mike11-NAM are again
substantially higher than the Sacramento results. It is anticipated that the Mike11
results give an overestimate of the peak flows and that further detailed calibration
of this model may give a more attenuated reproduction of the runoff of the basins.

For the present study the results of the Sacramento model have been selected for
the formulation of flood mitigation measures in the Huong basin.

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4.1 Domestic and Industrial Water Demand

Domestic and industrial water demand for Huong River basin was examined in
Phase 1 study and was presented in Chapter 6 of Main Report (Phase 1).

As referred to Tables 6.14 (1) and 6.16, Volume III Main Report for Phase1,
domestic and industrial water demands are projected to increase as follows:
(Unit: m3/day)
Present (2001) 2010 2020
Domestic Water Demand 36,545 67,800 118,660
Industrial Water Demand 5,000 17,734 65,743
Total 41,545 85,534 184,403

4.2 Agricultural Water Demand

4.2.1 Forecast Demand for Irrigation

Gross unit water requirements (GIR) of the Huong River Basin estimated based
on the present and future conditions of cropping patterns and irrigation areas are
as follows:
Gross Unit Irrigation Water Requirement (GIR)
- Year with less than 1/4 of examined long period selected from Peak 10-day GIR -
Present (2001) Future (2010) Future (2020)
River Basin Peak Annual Peak Annual Peak Annual
10-day Total 10-day Total 10-day Total
3 3 3
lit/sec/ha m /year/ha lit/sec/ha m /year/ha lit/sec/ha m /year/ha
06. Huong, 1991 1.24 12,200 1.22 11,800 1.48 13,500

Gross Unit Irrigation Water Requirement (GIR)

- Year with less than 1/4 of examined long period selected from Water Balance -
Present (2001) Future (2010) Future (2020)
River Basin Peak Annual Peak Annual Peak Annual
10-day Total 10-day Total 10-day Total
3 3 3
lit/sec/ha m /year/ha lit/sec/ha m /year/ha lit/sec/ha m /year/ha
06. Huong, 1993 1.21 15,100 1.19 14,500 1.45 16,100

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Gross Unit Irrigation Water Requirement (GIR)

- Average Rainfall Year -
Present (2001) Future (2010) Future (2020)
River Basin Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual
Average Total Average Total Average Total
3 3 3
lit/sec/ha m /year/ha lit/sec/ha m /year/ha lit/sec/ha m /year/ha
06. Huong 0.38 12,100 0.37 11,700 0.41 13,100

Irrigation water demands (IWD) of the Huong River Basin estimated based on the
present and future conditions of cropping patterns and irrigation areas are as
Irrigation Water Demand (IWD)
- Year with less than 1/4 of examined long period selected from Water Balance -

River Basin Present (2001) Future (2010) Future (2020)

06. Huong, 1993 Area (ha) 25,900 25,900 25,900

Water Demand (m3 / sec) 12.4 11.9 13.2

Water Demand (106 m3 / year) 390 380 420

Irrigation Water Demand (IWD)

- Average Rainfall Year -

River Basin Present (2001) Future (2010) Future (2020)

06. Huong Area (ha) 25,900 25,900 25,900

Water Demand (m3 / sec) 9.9 9.6 10.7

Water Demand (106 m3 / year) 310 300 340

Process and result of IWD estimation of the Huong River Basin are as follows:

(1) Cultivated Land Area and Planted Area

The present and future cultivation areas and planted areas are presented in Chapter
4, Phase 1- Main Report. Those of the Huong River Basin are as follows:

a) Present (2001)
Cultivated Land Area and Planted Area in Huong River Basin (Unit: ha)
Item Cultivated Land Planted Area
Paddy Field 25,000 48,500
Upland Crop Field 20,000 27,500
Total 45,000 76,000

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

b) Future (2010, 2020)

Cultivated Land Area and Planted Area in Kone River Basin (Unit: ha)
Item Cultivated Land Area Planted Area
2010 2020 2010 2020
Paddy Field 25,000 25,000 48,500 48,500
Upland Crop Field 19,000 24,000 29,000 34,000
Total 44,000 49,000 77,500 82,500

(2) Cropping Pattern

The present and future cropping patterns are presented also in Chapter 4,
Phase 1 - Main Report. Those of the Huong River Basin are as shown below.
The planted areas shown below are composed of the irrigation area and the
rainfed area.

a) Present (2001)

Cropping Pattern covering both Irrigated and Rainfed Fields(Unit: ha)

Cropping Time Paddy Rice Upland Crops
Winter - Spring 25,000 9,500
Summer - Autumn 23,000 7,500
Rainy Season 500 -
Year Round - 10,500
Total 48,500 27,500

b) Future (2010, 2020)

Cropping Pattern covering both Irrigated and Rainfed Fields (Unit: ha)
Cropping Time Paddy Rice Upland Crops
2010 2020 2010 2020
Winter - Spring 25,000 25,000 10,000 10,000
Summer - Autumn 23,000 23,000 8,000 10,000
Rainy Season 500 500 - -
Year Round - - 11,000 14,000
Total 48,500 48,500 29,000 34,000

(3) Irrigation Area

Estimated irrigation areas at present and required irrigation areas in future are
determined in Chapter 4, Phase 1 - Main Report in consideration of the crop
production plan. Those of the Huong River Basin are as shown below:

4-3 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

a) Present (2001)
Irrigation Area in Huong River Basin (Unit: ha)
Item Cultivated Land Planted Area
Paddy Field 18,000 33,000
Upland Crop Field 7,900 11,100
Total 25,900 44,100

b) Future (2010, 2020)

Irrigation Area in Huong River Basin (Unit: ha)

Item Cultivated Land Area Planted Area
2010 2020 2010 2020
Paddy Field 18,400 19,900 34,300 39,800
Upland Crop Field 7,500 6,000 11,000 12,000
Total 25,900 25,900 45,300 51,800

(4) Cropping Pattern in Irrigated Field

The present and future cropping patterns in the irrigated field are determined in
Chapter 4, Phase 1 - Main Report. Those of the Huong River Basin are as follows:

a) Present (2001)

Cropping Pattern in Irrigated Field (Unit: ha)

Cropping Time Paddy Rice Upland Crops
Winter - Spring 18,000 7,900
Summer - Autumn 15,000 3,200
Rainy Season 0 -
Year Round - 0
Total 33,000 11,100

b) Future (2010, 2020)

Cropping Pattern in Irrigated Field (Unit: ha)
Cropping Time Paddy Rice Upland Crops
2010 2020 2010 2020
Winter - Spring 18,400 19,900 7,500 6,000
Summer - Autumn 15,900 19,900 3,500 6,000
Rainy Season 0 0 - -
Year Round - - 0 0
Total 34,300 39,800 11,000 12,000

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(5) Potential Evapo-transpiration (ETo)

River Basin Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total

Huong (mm) 68 68 82 116 150 176 189 163 116 96 75 61 1,360

(%) 5.0 5.0 6.0 8.5 11.0 13.0 14.0 12.0 8.5 7.0 5.5 4.5 100.0

(6) Crop Coefficient (Kc)

Kc values of the respective development stages determined are as follows:

Crop Initial Mid Harvest
Rice 1.05 1.35 0.90
Upland Crops, Winter-Spring,
0.35 1.05 0.25
Summer-Autumn, Rainy Season (Tomato)
Year Round Crops (Sugar Cane) 0.55 1.15 0.60
Crop coefficient curves drawn for the respective crops are shown in figures of
Appendix – F for Phase 1. Value of Kc at each growing time has been read from
the curve.

(7) Crop Water Requirement (CWR)

Crop water requirement (CWR) or crop evapotranspiration (ETc) of the crops

concerned have been estimated based on the respective cropping patterns. It of the
Huong River Basin for the present and the future is described below.

a) Present (2001)

Present crop water requirements (CWR) for the Huong River basin
estimated for the average rainfall year are shown in Table 4.1.

b) Future (2010, 2020)

Future crop water requirements (CWR) of 2010 and 2020 estimated for the
average rainfall year are shown in Tables 4.2 and 4.3, respectively.

(8) Consumptive Use of Water of Crops (CUW)

Consumptive uses of water of crops of the various crops concerned are shown
also in Tables 4.1 to 4.3, respectively. For example, the peak values of CUW of
the respective crops based on the present (2001) cropping pattern are shown

4-5 Phase 2-1
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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Peak Consumptive Use of Water (CUW), Huong, 2001 (Unit: mm/10-day)

Crop Time Peak CUW
Rice, Winter-Spring Late Dec. 64
Rice, Summer-Autumn Late May 125
Upland Crops, Winter-Spring (Tomato) Early Mar. 28
Upland Crops, Summer-Autumn (Tomato) Middle July 68

(9) Effective Rainfall (Peff)

The monthly effective rainfall (Peff mm/month) has been estimated with use of
the monthly rainfall data (Ptot) in the Huong River Basin.

Peff (mm/month) of the 25 years from 1976 to 2000 has been estimated with use
of the monthly rainfall data (Ptot) at the Hue Station collected during this study

Peff (mm/month) of the average rainfall has been estimated with use of the
average monthly rainfall data (Ptot) at the Hue Station taken from the Vietnam
Hydrometeorological ATLAS, 1994.

Peff (mm/month) of the Huong River Basin in the average year is as follows:
Rainfall (Ptot) and Effective Rainfall (Peff), Average Year (with ATLAS’s Data), Huong (Unit: mm)

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total

Ptot 158 57 43 57 86 115 100 115 459 789 574 315 2,868
Peff 118 52 40 52 74 94 84 94 171 204 182 157 1,322
(%) 75 91 93 91 86 82 84 82 37 26 32 50 46

Further, a balance calculation has been made between the above-mentioned CUW
and Peff. In case Peff is larger than CUW, Peff has been adjusted to be equal to
CUW. The balance calculation process is shown in Tables 4.1 to 4.3, respectively.

(10) Net Irrigation Water Requirement (NIR)

Net irrigation water requirements (NIR) of the respective crops concerned have
been estimated based on the respective cropping patterns for the present (2001)
and the future (2010, 2020) of the Huong River Basin are shown also in Tables 4.1
to 4.3, respectively.

(11) Gross Unit Irrigation Requirement (GIR)

Taking the irrigation efficiency (Ep) into the calculation, the gross unit irrigation
water requirements GIR (mm/10-day) as well as GIR (l/sec/ha) have been

4-6 Phase 2-1
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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

estimated based on the respective cropping patterns for the present (2001) and the
future (2010, 2020) in the average year rainfall condition of the Huong River
Basin as shown in Tables 4.1 to 4.3, respectively.

The monthly gross irrigation water requirements GIR (l/sec/ha) based on the
present (2001) and future (2010, 2020) cropping patterns and the average year
rainfall condition in the Huong River Basin, which have been calculated with an
average of the 10-day basis GIR (l/sec/ha), are as follows:
Monthly Gross Unit Irrigation Water Require ment (GIR), Average Year, Huong (Unit: l/sec/ha)

Condition Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Ave.

2001 0.09 0.49 0.62 0.39 0.90 0.71 0.92 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.38
2010 0.09 0.46 0.58 0.37 0.88 0.70 0.90 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.37
2020 0.09 0.45 0.57 0.37 1.03 0.83 1.09 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.41

The monthly gross unit irrigation water requirements GIR (l/sec/ha) with use of
the data of 25 years from 1976 to 2000 were calculated for the present (2001) and
future (2010, 2020) cropping patterns. Those GIR data have been used for the
water balance calculation.

Monthly gross unit irrigation water requirement GIRs (l/sec/ha) in the 1/4 drought
year (1993) with less than 1/4 of examined long period selected from the above
water balance calculation are shown in Tables 4.4 to 4.6, respectively.

On the other hand, the peak value of 10-day basis GIR (l/sec/ha) for irrigation
schemes in the Huong River Basin based on the future (2020) cropping pattern
and in the condition of the drought year with less than 1/4 of examined long
period is shown below:
Peak Gross Unit Irrigation Water Requirement (GIR)
Year with less than 1/4 of examined long period selected from Peak 10-day GIR(Unit: l/sec/ha)
River Basin Time Peak GIR
Huong, 1991 Middle July 1.48

(12) Irrigation Water Demand (IWD)

Taking the irrigation area into the calculation, the irrigation water demands IWD
(m3/sec) have been estimated for the present (2001) and the future (2010, 2020).

The irrigation water demands IWD (m3/sec) in the Huong River Basin based on
the present (2001) and future (2010, 2020) cropping patterns and the average year
rainfall condition are shown as follows:

4-7 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Monthly Irrigation Water Demand (IWD), Average Year, Huong (Unit: m3/sec)
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Ave.
Irri. Area
25,900 ha 2.3 12.7 16.1 10.1 23.3 18.4 23.8 7.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 9.9
25,900 ha 2.3 11.9 15.0 9.6 22.8 18.1 23.3 7.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.4 9.6
25,900 ha 2.3 11.7 14.8 9.6 26.7 21.5 28.2 9.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.4 10.7

4.2.2 Forecast Demand for Livestock

(1) Present Water Demand for Livestock

With reference to the Agriculture in Vietnam - 61 Provinces and Cities, MARD,

NIAAP, 2001, numbers of various kinds of livestock are taken for estimation of
water demands for the present (2001).
Present Water Demand for Livestock (2001)
Daily Required
River Basin Pig Ox Buffalo Poultry Goat Consumption Intake
(103 heads) (103 heads) (103 heads) (103 heads) (103 heads) (m3/day) (m3/sec)

Huong 227 33 35 1,790 - 6,200 0.07

(2) Future Water Demand for Livestock

With reference to the Agriculture in Vietnam - 61 Provinces and Cities, MARD,

NIAAP, 2001, numbers of various kinds of livestock are taken or estimated for
livestock water demands of the future (2010, 2020).
Future Water Demand for Livestock (2010)
Daily Required
River Basin Pig Ox Buffalo Poultry Goat Consumption Intake
(103 heads) (103 heads) (10 heads) (103 heads) (103 heads) (m3/day) (m3/sec)

Huong 305 49 38 2,261 - 8,200 0.10

Future Water Demand for Livestock (2020)

Daily Required
River Basin Pig Ox Buffalo Poultry Goat Consumption Intake
(103 heads) (103 heads) (103 heads) (103 heads) (103 heads) (m3/day) (m3/sec)

Huong 666 68 42 2,872 - 14,600 0.17

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

4.2.3 Forecast Demand for Aquaculture

(1) Present Water Demand for Aquaculture

With use of the unit water requirement, which is expressed in the water depth
(m/year), and the estimated aquaculture pond area (ha), the present water demand
has been estimated as follows:
Present Water Demand for Aquaculture (2001)

River Basin Coastal Shrimp Culture Inland Fish Culture Total

Pond Fresh Pond Fresh Fresh Average
Area Water Area Water Water Intake
Demand Demand Demand Discharge
(ha) (103 m3) (ha) (103 m3) (103 m3) (m3/sec)

Huong 1,010 4,646 920 31,280 35,926 1.1

(2) Future Water Demand for Aquaculture

With use of the unit water requirement, which is expressed in the water depth
(m/year), and the estimated aquaculture pond area (ha), the future water demands
have been estimated as follows:

Future Water Demand for Aquaculture (2010)

Coastal Shrimp Culture Inland Fish Culture Total
River Basin Pond Fresh Pond Fresh Fresh Average
Area Water Area Water Water Intake
Demand Demand Demand Discharge
(ha) (103 m3) (ha) (103 m3) (103 m3) (m3/sec)
Huong 3,290 15,147 2,730 92,643 107,790 3.4

Future Water Demand for Aquaculture (2020)

Coastal Shrimp Culture Inland Fish Culture Total
River Basin Pond Fresh Pond Fresh Fresh Average
Area Water Area Water Water Intake
Demand Demand Demand Discharge
(ha) (103 m3) (ha) (103 m3) (103 m3) (m3/sec)

Huong 4,510 20,762 3,690 125,545 146,307 4.6

4.3 Water Demand for Power Generation

Power supply in Vietnam is made under the nationwide power supply grid. Thus,
the multipurpose reservoir projects are to contribute to power supply under this
national power supply system.

The Master Plan which was prepared by EVN (Electricity of Vietnam) and
approved by the Government conducted power demand forecast and formulated

4-9 Phase 2-1
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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

power development plan to meet the power demand growth. As discussed in

Section 6.5, Phase 1 – Main Report, power demand in Vietnam is forecast to
increase as follows:

Demand 2001 2020

Peak Load 5,800 MW 32,500 MW
Energy Demand 30,000 GWh/yr. 202,000 GWh/yr.

To meet the said power demand growth, the Master Plan considers to additionally
provide various power plants including hydropower plants of multipurpose
reservoir projects.

However, relatively small scale of power generation like the multipurpose

reservoir projects in the Huong River basin was not considered in the national
power supply plan. Therefore, it is assumed that the multipurpose reservoirs in the
Huong River basin will primarily serve the water supply such as the domestic and
industrial water supply, agricultural water supply and river maintenance flow, etc.
and that the power generation will utilize the water to be used for the said water
supply purpose and any surplus water.

Thus, the multipurpose reservoirs projects in the Huong River basin will have no
particular water demand for power generation.

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


5.1 Examined Items on River Maintenance Discharge

River maintenance discharge, which is needed for preventing saline water
intrusion, water quality degradation, river mouth clogging, maintaining fluvial
navigation, and ecological conservation is to be studied from the following view
1) Saline water intrusion: necessary discharge for allowable salinity at
objective area is to be examined from correlation between discharge of the
objective area from river mouth and salinity. Effect of the proposed river
mouth barrage is to be taken into consideration.
2) Water pollution: necessary discharge is to be examined from correlation
between river flow and allowable water quality standard.
3) River mouth clogging: necessary discharge is to be estimated from past
clogging conditions.
4) Fluvial navigation: necessary discharge is to be examined from correlation
among draft of ships, discharge and depth.
5) Ecological conservation: necessary discharge is to be examined from the
viewpoint of ecological conservation in the river system.

Comparing these 5 discharge figures obtained as a result of the examination, the

maximum figure should be adopted as the river maintenance discharge of Huong

5.2 Maintenance Discharge Proposed in EIA Study

In the report on the EIA for the Ta Trach Reservoir Project in Thua Thien Hue
Province, a couple of examinations were undertaken. Firstly, it was examined
and calculated from the stand point of the water use for irrigation.

Salinity depends on various factors such as discharges from upstream and

tributaries, tidal level, and distance from the sea. In general, the further from the
sea, the less salinity contents in river water. Based on the actual data on salinity
at several points on the Huong River, the relationship of the salinity level and the
distance from East Sea were identified.

Currently, there is an intake for irrigation to South Huong River irrigation area at
Phu Cam, at a distance of 14.2 km from the East Sea. Taking into consideration
the water use as irrigation water, the salinity of the Huong River at the intake must
meet the condition of less than 1 ‰ as maximum salinity content for crops, and it
5-1 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

was concluded that the discharge must be more than 61 m3/s at Phu Cam.
Excluding the inflow from tributaries of approximately 16.9 m3/s, the maintenance
discharge from upstream must be more than 45 m3/s.

5.3 Various Aspects to be Required for Maintenance Flow

5.3.1 Water Quality

Water quality of the river depends on such conditions as discharge volume,

pollution loads, water temperature and runoff velocity, etc. The discharge
volume will determine the function of dilution, and temperature and runoff
velocity will do the effectiveness of the capacity of self purification. Pollution
loads include wastewater from domestic, industrial and agricultural use as well as
the flush water from city ground. In the dry season, in general, water quality of
river water is degraded as the dilution capacity is low as far as the other conditions
are the same.

The water pollution analysis on BOD is generally employed as quantitative

examination for determination of river maintenance flow. However the data and
information prerequisite for analysis, such as original unit of pollutant load,
pollution runoff ratio, and attenuation rate of the river, are not available in the
Huong River Basin. Therefore, the examination of maintenance flow was carried
out based on the existing data of water quality condition in the river and other
relevant information.

Some water quality data measured in February to April, 1997, show that the water
quality of Huong river is good condition even in most of dry season, meeting the
Surface Water Quality Standard (TCVN 5942-1995) except for coliform bacteria.

The table below shows the water quality (BOD) measured in June to December,
1998, at 6 locations in the section between river mouth to confluence of Ta Trach
and Huu Trach rivers. This also indicates that the water pollution in Huong River,
even in the drought season, is insignificant.

5-2 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Water Quality (BOD) in Huong River (measured Jun-Dec, 1998) Unit: mg/l

Location of Measurement Average Minimum Value Maximum Value

River Mouth (Thao Long Barrage) 0.8 0.4 1.1
Sinh 0.9 0.5 1.6
(Confluence of Bo and Huong Rivers)
Downstream of Hue City 0.9 0.3 1.7

Upstream of Hue City 0.6 0.2 3.4

Van Nien 0.5 0.2 0.7

Tuan 0.5 0.2 1.1

(Confluence of Huu Trach and Ta
Trach Rivers)
Source: Report on Current Situationof Water Quality of Thua Thien Hue Lagoon System and Tentative
Culture Ponds (Vietnam-French Lagoon Project, 1999)

Besides, according to the scientists of the Department of Environmental Science,

Hue University of Sciences, when the discharge volume of the Huong river
becomes less than 10 m3/s at the confluence of Ta Trach and Huu Trach rivers,
water quality of the Huong river degrades. However, they have no suggestion on
the discharge volume at the river mouth.

Accordingly, it is recommended that, in order to ensure the existing good

condition of water quality of the Huong river, the decrement of existing low
discharge be avoided through maintaining the hydrological regime of low water.
The hydrological analysis of monthly availability water at the river mouth shows
86 MCM as the minimum monthly discharge during the term of the above water
quality measurement. This corresponds to approximate 30 m3/s on a trial of
calculation of the average.

5.3.2 River Mouth Clogging

According to the available information, any problems and constraints on river

mouth clogging were not reported so far at the mouth of the Huong river. This
suggests that, although the effectiveness of the flood for flushing the sediment at
the mouth is unknown, the existing low discharge is almost enough for prevention
of river mouth against clogging. Therefore, the river mouth clogging can be
avoided by maintaining the existing hydrological regime of low water.

5.3.3 Fluvial Navigation

Usage of inland waterways in the Huong River Basin is a relatively small scale.
The freight transport of waterways accounts for less than 5 % of the total transport
in the region.

5-3 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

The small boats for sightseeing, fishery, and transportation of gravel and local
passengers were observed in the field reconnaissance. According to the People’s
Committee of Hue province, in addition, the fluvial navigation in the Huong river
is only locally important, and most of the transport of the freight and passengers
can be substituted for the other transport such as roads in case of insufficiency of
the depth and surface width of water. Therefore, it is considered that the condition
for the fluvial navigation can be mostly ensured by maintaining the existing
hydrological regime of low water.

5.4 Minimum Discharge for Ecological Conservation Proposed in EIA Study

In the EIA study for the Ta Trach Reservoir Project in Thua Thien Hue Province,
the minimum discharge for ecological conservation was also examined and
proposed. The ecologically minimum discharge of the Huong river was
determined as equal to minimum monthly discharge at the inlet of river mouth
corresponding to P =90%. Data on monthly and annual flow were calculated and
restored based on rain intensity data using TANK model. As a conclusion, river
maintenance discharge for ecological conservation was obtained as 31.0 m3/s at
the river mouth.

5.5 Set up of River Maintenance Flow

Based on the above examination, the outcomes for determination of the
maintenance flow of the Huong river are summarized below:
- 61 m3/s at Phu Cam from the view point of prevention of the saline water
- Ensuring the existing hydrological regime of low water from the view point of
water quality, river mouth clogging and fluvial navigation, and
- 31 m3/s at the river mouth from the ecological view point.
Among these, it is expected that the problem of the saline water intrusion will be
solved apparently after completion of the new Thao Long barrage. Therefore, 31
m3/s at the river mouth is obtained as the river maintenance flow of the Huong

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Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


6.1 General
The analysis is made to evaluate water balance in the Huong River basin between
available water resources (supply side) and respective water requirement (demand
side) in present and future conditions. The evaluation incorporates the following

Water resources

1) River runoff(surface water) in natural flow condition

2) Reservoir storage water(as supplemental water resources during drought

season and high irrigation demand period

Water demand

1) Agriculture including irrigation, aquaculture and livestock

2) Domestic use

3) Industry

4) Hydropower generation as minimum water release requirement

River maintenance flow

6.2 Methodology
6.2.1 Basic Condition

(1) Water Balance System

Water balance point is predetermined at each water demanding point and river
mouth. Runoff at the water demanding point is evaluated if it is in surplus or in
deficit incorporating agricultural uses, domestic use and industry water use.
Balance point at the river mouth is to evaluate sufficiency of river maintenance
flow in a whole basin basis.

Water balance analysis is made in monthly basis. Water resources and water
demand data is given as monthly basis for duration of 24 years.

The water balance system of the Huong River basin is shown in Figures 6.1 as a
schematic model.

6-1 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(2) Natural Flow

River runoff worked out by the hydrological analysis precedingly described in

Chapter 3 has been used. Those runoff is to be a natural runoff series since it has
been directly estimated from observed rainfall.

(3) Return Flow of Irrigation Water

a) Return flow from irrigation area is assumed to be 10 % of demand,


b) Return flow of the irrigation water would not come back to the river in
case that the flow goes directly to the sea.

(4) Return Flow of Domestic and Industrial Waters

Return flow from the domestic and industrial water uses is not incorporated in
runoff at the balance point.

6.2.2 Available Water Resources in the Huong River Basin

(1) Natural Flow

Monthly natural runoff in the whole Huong River basin with a catchment area of
3,300 km2 has been worked out for 24 years as monthly discharge basis as shown
in Table 6.1. General feature of the natural runoff is presented below:

a) Long-term average runoff ; - Average for 24 years is 213 m3/sec

- Annual average range from 114 m3/sec to 354 m3/sec

b) Drought year (annual) ; - Most severe among 24 years ; 1977 (annual

mean=114.1 m3/sec)

c) Drought month ; - Most severe ; April (long-term mean=40.9 m3/sec)

- 2nd severe ; July (long-term mean=44.4 m3/sec)

- 3rd severe ; August (long-term mean=47.4 m3/sec)

In connection with the long-term average runoff of 213 m3/s which is different
from the 50 % dependable discharge calculated in Phase 1 study, the following is

In Phase 1 study, 50 % dependable discharge of the whole river basin was

calculated to be 179 m3/s(or 5,673 MCM/year). On the other hand, the long-term
average runoff is calculated at 213 m3/s(or 6,731 MCM/year) as mentioned above.
The difference between the 50 % dependable discharge and the long-term average
runoff can be explained as follows:

6-2 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

The 50 % dependable discharge in each month is derived from a regression line

obtained through the statistic analysis on the basis of the monthly discharge data
in each month. The 50 % dependable discharge to be obtained from the above
regression line is not same as the average discharge in each month, from which
the difference arises between the 50 % dependable discharge and the long- term
average runoff.

(2) Reservoir

In the Huong River basin, no existing reservoir is available, while three planned
reservoir are considered in the analysis model. The said dam reservoirs are as

Planned reservoir
i) Ta Trach : Storage capacity ; 460 MCM (Effective)
Catchment area ; 717 km2

ii) Huu Trach : Storage capacity ; 90 MCM (for flood control only)
Catchment area ; 570 km2

iii) Co Bi : Storage capacity ; 455 MCM

Catchment area ; 712 km2

In the analysis actually made, the only Ta Trach dam is included in the calculation.

6.2.3 Water Demand

(1) Irrigation Water Demand

Irrigation water demand is the most major water requirement in the Huong River
basin. In the analysis, the irrigation area are divided into five(5) areas in the
Huong River basin itself as shown in Figure 6.1. Present and future irrigation
water demands have been worked out and are shown in Table 6.2 in terms of
monthly unit requirement. Name and area of the irrigation areas are as follows:
Present Future
2000 2010 2020
North Huong Irrigation Area(1) 2,840 ha
North Huong Irrigation Area(2) 4,845 ha
North Huong Irrigation Area(3) 2,155 ha
South Huong Irrigation Area 8,630 ha
Bo Irrigation Area 2,720 ha

(2) Water Demands for Aquaculture and Livestock

Water demands for aquaculture and livestock are estimated as described in

6-3 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Sub-sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3. Water demands by each irrigation area are presented
below in terms of monthly volume:
(million m3/month)
Present Demand Future Demand
2001 2010 2020
Aquaculture Livestock Aquaculture Livestock Aquaculture Livestock
North Huong Irrigation Area(1) 0.282 0.020 0.835 0.027 1.132 0.048
North Huong Irrigation Area(2) 0.603 0.035 1.823 0.046 2.477 0.082
North Huong Irrigation Area(3) 0.279 0.016 0.845 0.020 1.149 0.036
South Huong Irrigation Area 0.979 0.062 2.936 0.082 3.985 0.146
Bo Irrigation Area 0.270 0.020 0.800 0.026 1.084 0.046

(3) Domestic and Industrial Water Demands

Water demands for domestic and industrial uses in Hue City and its vicinity are
considered in the water balance analysis. Demand projection has been made for
years 2010 and 2020 as shown in Figure 6.1 in terms of required monthly volume,
and in terms of discharge as below:
(unit) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Present Disch. cms 0.54 0.54 0.58 0.66 0.66 0.73 0.73 0.69 0.58 0.62 0.58 0.58
2010 Disch. cms 0.73 0.73 0.81 0.93 0.93 0.96 0.96 0.93 0.77 0.85 0.77 0.77
2020 Disch. cms 1.31 1.27 1.42 1.62 1.62 1.74 1.74 1.66 1.39 1.50 1.39 1.39

(4) Flood Control Space

To keep a flood control space in the reservoir during flood season is not water
demand but restriction of water availability of the reservoir. According to the
flood control plan, a flood control space will require 392 million m3 to control the
flood inflow to the Ta Trach reservoir in order to attain the predetermined flood
control criteria. A 392 million m3 is to be secured below the surcharge water level
which corresponds to 610 million m3 in terms of a gross storage. Therefore
remaining available space for water supply purpose is 145 million m3 above the
dead space of 72 million m3. This flood control space is to be considered in the
analysis during September to November.

6.2.4 Reservoir Operation

(1) Reservoir Operation Rule Applied for the Analysis
In the present water balance analysis, preliminary reservoir operation procedure is
predetermined to control reservoir storage volume in flood control aspect
according to the two seasons a year, i.e.: no-flood season (December to August of

6-4 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

the following year) and major flood season (September to November).

In addition to the above, a procedure on reservoir outflow control in the water
supply aspect is predetermined as well. A concept of this rule is to discharge
reservoir storage to meet water demand in the downstream reaches as long as
storage water is available.
(a) Operation for Reservoir Storage Control
In annual operation for reservoir storage control, the highest priority is given
to the following matter, respectively according to the flood seasons:
(i) Non-flood season : Securing effective storage capacity for water
supply is prioritized provided that water
supply demand is satisfied
(ii) Major flood season : Predetermined flood control space is to be
(b) Operation for Reservoir Outflow Control
Reservoir outflow control is to be made in the following manner that current
reservoir storage will not exceed the respective effective storage capacities
according to the flood seasons:
(i) Current Reservoir Storage = Max .Effective Storage Capacity
- Qout = Qin when Qin > Qdemand
- Qout = Qdemand when Qin < Qdemand

(ii) Current Reservoir Storage < Effective Storage Capacity

- Qout = Qdemand until Current Reservoir Storage reaches to
the Effective Storage Capacity, when Qin >
- Qout = Qdemand until Current Reservoir Storage become the
lowest, when Qin < Qdemand
(iii) Current Reservoir Storage = the lowest
- Qout = Qin when Qin < Qdemand
- Qout = Qdemand when Qin > Qdemand
In the above,
Qout : Necessary outflow volume from the reservoir
Qin : Inflow volume to the reservoir
Qdemand : Water demand in downstream reaches

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6.3 Evaluation of Water Balance Analysis

6.3.1 General

Water balance analyses have been made in the Huong River basin by applying
monthly runoff series for 24 years, incorporating one planned reservoir (Ta Trach
Dam for analyses at 2020 only) as well as water demands including irrigation,
aquaculture, livestock, domestic and industrial uses. The water balance at present
condition and future conditions in 2010 and 2020 are studied

Prior to examination of the water balance between supply and requirement at the
balance point set at the river mouth as well as each water demand points,
adjustment of reservoir operation have been made in order that ineffective
discharge is to be minimized, and that reservoir storage should be utilized to
eliminate water deficits at respective balance points as much as possible.

In the evaluation, a river maintenance flow is considered at the balance point. As

discussed in Chapter 5, required maintenance flow is respectively presumed to be
61 m3/sec against saline water intrusion in the present condition, and 31m3/sec to
maintain river ecology in the future condition incorporating effect of Thao Long
barrage which will function to be against saline water intrusion.

6.3.2 Evaluation Criteria on Probable Drought Year

Water supply condition against the water demand is evaluated of its tightness in
accordance with the criteria set out as follows:

Water Demand Drought Probable Year

(a) Agriculture, River maintenance flow : Water demand shall be satisfied more
than 3/4 period in years out of
evaluated long period (24 years in
the Huong River basin)
(b) Domestic use, Industry : Water demand shall be satisfied more
than 9/10 period in years out of
evaluated long period (24 years in
the Huong River basin)

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6.3.3 Present Condition

Summary of water balance analysis in present condition is presented in Table 6.3.

In the present condition, there is no available reservoir storage. Preliminary
evaluation has been made according to results in Table 6.3, as follows:

(1) Water deficits are observed in both cases with / without consideration of the
maintenance flow. In the case of maintenance flow considered, much deficits
are found every year for analyzed 24 years.

(2) In case no maintenance flow is considered, water deficit at the river mouth
point for whole basin are observed at 9 years among 24 year analysis. At
each balance point at the intake site of each irrigation area, deficits are found
for 13 years at the balance point along the Bo River and 9 years at the South
Huong Irrigation area, while one-time deficit at balance point of the North
Huong Irrigation Area taken from the Huong River.

(3) It is said that the present supply capacity by the natural river runoff without
any regulating function, serious drought is caused almost every other year
and serious saline water intrusion will be occurred, at the lower Huong as
well as the Bo River.

6.3.4 Year 2010 Condition

In future condition of 2010, no available reservoir storage is assumed since

completion of dam is not expected before a year 2010, while the Thao Long
Barrage is assumed to be already functioned.
Preliminary evaluation has been made according to the results in Table 6.4, as

(1) Water deficits are observed in both cases with / without consideration of the
maintenance flow. In the case of maintenance flow considered, much deficits
are similarly found every year for analyzed 24 years even though the
maintenance flow is considered at 31 m3/sec, which is a half of the present

(2) In case no maintenance flow is considered, water deficit at the river mouth
point for whole basin is observed at 9 years among 24 year analysis. At each
balance point at the intake site of each irrigation area, deficits are found for 9
years at the balance point along the Bo River and 13 years at the South
Huong Irrigation area, while one-time deficit at balance point of the North
Huong Irrigation Area taken from the Huong River.

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(3) The situation in 2010 is similar to the present one although slight
improvement would be expected due to expected completion of the Thao
Long Barrage.

6.3.5 Year 2020 Condition

In future condition of 2020, available reservoir storage is at 460 million m3 in

terms of effective storage capacity for water supply in the Ta Trach reservoir.

Evaluation based on the results shown in Table 6.5 and 6.6 has been made, as

(1) In this stage, flood control space is considered in the month of September,
October and November. A full capacity of 460 million m3 is available during
month except these three months, while only 145 million m3 is expected
during those months as the effective storage for water supply.

(2) In case that no maintenance flow is considered, water deficits at the river
mouth balance-point are still observed in 1977 runoff series, which year
correspond to the most serious drought year. Local deficits are found for
about two-third out of 24 years at the some balance-points along the Bo

(3) Local deficit at the Bo River would be sharply eliminated by the

construction of the Thao Long Barrage due to expected effects of the barrage
as described in the preceding section.

(4) In case of maintenance flow of 31 m3/sec taking into consideration, deficits

are seen in five years. And storage water would be fully released to eliminate
any water deficit in the whole basin in case of another year.

(5) It could be said that the expected supply capacity in 2020 would be just
enough to the projected demand except when a serious drought condition is
occurred by 5 times out of 24 years.

6.4 Result and Conclusion of Water Balance Analysis

Through the analysis made for year 2020, the following situation is found out:

(1) Water deficit would be caused for 5 years out of 24 years even after the Ta
Trach Reservoir is available. The sixth drought year could be covered by the
Ta Trach Dam with a storage capacity of 460 million m3 for water supply.
(2) To examine usefulness of the Ta Trach reservoir, a study for 2020 demand
without dam is carried out. Comparison of each case are summarized as
follows in terms of number of years out of 24 years when deficits are

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2020 2020
without Dam with Dam
Whole basin with maintenance flow 23 5
Whole basin without maintenance flow 13 1
Bo River 16 (Thao Long Barrage
South Huong Irrigation Area 12 1
North Huong Irrigation Area 1 0

(3) Water deficit to be occurred is estimated below according to the water

balance analysis:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Annual Deficit Volume (MCM) 275 199 185 164 149 0
(corresponding year) 1977 1990 1988 1980 1978 1983

No deficit is found in the sixth drought year, which corresponds to 1983,

while reservoir storage will be fully used to solve drought condition.

(4) Based on the predetermined criteria that water supply capacity requires to
satisfy water demand at the 1/4 drought probable year (6th year of the whole
24 years), the result shows that the water supply capacity with the Ta Trach
reservoir will just satisfy water demands in 2020 by incorporating the Thao
Long Barrage and the river maintenance flow.

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7.1 Significant Environmental Aspects Based on Review of MARD’s Investigation

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Ta Trach Reservoir Project in
Thua Thien Hue Province was conducted and the report on the EIA was prepared in
May 2000 by MARD. The project proponent is MARD and the Ta Trach Reservoir
Project is composed of the following (Sizes are the ones shown in F/S):

- Reservoir with a capacity corresponding to maximum storage elevation is

610,000,000 m3.

- Dam with a crest elevation of 56m.

- Spillway with a flood flow of 11,400 m3/s.

- Inlet sluice with a maximum flow of 100 m3/s.

- Hydropower plant with a capacity of 19,500 kW.

The result of the EIA Study is briefly summarized hereinafter.

7.1.1 Present Situation

(1) Natural Environment

Water Quality: Water quality indicates that the river water is affected by coliform so
the water sample must be treated before domestic use. However, the river water is
not contaminated by heavy metal. In dry season, it shows high salinity due to tidal
flow so it becomes non-suitable for domestic use.

Vegetation Cover: The vegetation cover of the project area can be divided
corresponding to the two elevation belts: The elevation belt with the height of less
than 900m is covered by thick tropical rain forest, and the elevation belt with the
height of more than 900m is mainly the thick semi-tropical rain forest.

Flora and Fauna: There are 585 species of flora, and 45 species of mammals, 149
species of birds, 35 species of reptiles and 12 species of amphibians identified
growing/inhabiting in and around the project site.

(2) Social Environment

The project area is basically located in Nam Dong and Huong Thuy districts of
Thua Thien Hue province. The present situation of social environment is
summarized as follows:

The land, in general, has relatively high potential, which is suitable for forestry

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

development (afforestation), some industrial trees and fruit trees. The grazing area
is relatively large, allowing the development of buffaloes and cows. Thus, the
whole climate and natural condition is suitable for agriculture. There are, however,
some difficulty, including insufficient capital for agricultural development, low
education level of local people and the lack of marketability awareness, and poor
condition of roads, etc.

(3) Issues on Land Acquisition and Resettlement

According to the EIA report prepared by HEC-1, Ta Trach reservoir project will
cause the resettlement whose magnitude would be estimated at 815 households with
about 5,000 of affected people. The loss of property such as land and agricultural
production to be compensated amounts to approximately 55,000 million VND.

7.1.2 Environmental Impacts of the Ta Trach Reservoir Project

The environmental impacts caused by Ta Trach reservoir project and possible

mitigation methods were analyzed and the levels of each impact was evaluated.

In the study conducted by MARD, the most significant negative impacts include the
following components:
- Inundation, emigration away from reservoir bed and resettlement.
- Erosion and mud flow
- Diversion of downstream flow
The first item may have the impacts/issues such as inappropriate compensation,
relocation(s) of affected (submerged) households and livelihood problems after
emigration. The second item is the impacts of mud flow and turbid flow in the
downstream area during construction stage when raining. The third item means the
impacts caused by the change of water regime in operation stage, including the
impacts on fluvial transport, irrigation, water quality and riverside and riverbed
erosion. Other conceivable impacts are as listed in the table.

7.1.3 Review of the EIA Study Conducted by MARD

In the EIA Study, environmental impacts were examined, predicted and evaluated
from ecological, physico-chemical and socio-economic points of view at the three
stages: preparation stage (planning or designing stage), construction stage and
operation stage. Conceivable impacts caused by the implementation of the Project
was evaluated and described in detail, both qualitatively and quantitatively. In
addition, mitigation measures are enumerated and environment management plan
was described (but the environmental monitoring plan was not proposed).

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However, considering the current conditions of the Project site that holds a wealthy
biodiversity, and the magnitude of the project that has a submerged area of 23.5km2
(at average storage elevation), the following points should be studied more in detail
and sufficiently:
- Impacts on terrestrial flora and fauna, including precious species
- Identification on social conditions especially in inland fishery, health condition
and cultural/historical heritage
In addition, the environmental monitoring plan is to be prepared during both
construction and operation stages. Taking into account these items to be studied and
identified in detail, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study was
undertaken under the Study, covering the scopes listed in the next section.

7.2 Scope of Environmental Impact Assessment

EIA research undertaken in subcontract bases. The environmental impacts on
physical, natural and social environment were examined and evaluated based on the
environmental standards in Vietnam, if applicable and appropriate to assess the
proposed project. Otherwise, other adequate standards were introduced for the
evaluation. The study report also includes the mitigation measures, environmental
management and monitoring plans.

7.3 Overview of Results of the EIA Study

7.3.1 Introduction

The target development project for the EIA study is the Huong River Development
Project, including the following components:
- Ta Trach Reservoir development, and
- Thao Long Barrage.
The approach and methodology for the EIA study are mainly i) collection of
existing data or information, ii) literature review, iii) field measurement and
laboratory analysis of water quality, and iv) interview to the informant including
local people. The mitigation measures and monitoring plan was proposed in the
final report.

Besides, prerequisite conditions such as the scale and dimension of the target
projects for EIA study are obtained from the following reports:
- Feasibility Study for Ta Trach Dam prepared by HEC-I
- Feasibility Study for Thao Long Barrage prepared by SAFEGE

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7.3.2 Current Status of Environment

(1) Physical Environment

a) Salinity intrusion

Current situation based on the existing data: The Huong river is affected by
irregular semi-diurnal tidal regime, and the highest tidal amplitude may
achieve up to 60 to 80 cm. Accordingly, salinity intrusion is measured in the
river and it can rise over Gia Vien water factory which is located at
approximately 19 km upstream from the estuary.

Salinity intrusion is alleviated by the existing Thao Long Barrage but it is old
and its function is not enough at the moment. The new Thao Long Barrage is
now under construction just below the existing one on the Huong river.

The results of on-site measurement in the course of this study: The Salinity
measurement as well as the water level measurement was conducted for 24
hours on 21st through 22 nd, February, 2002. The measurement was done at the
6 locations. Salinity samples were taken at vertical line in mid-stream, and on
each vertical line, the salinity sample was taken at 3 points: surface point,
middle point and bottom point. The samples were taken 12 times a day in odd
hours. Salinity was identified by a salinity meter for each sample taken. The
time to take samples was simultaneous with the time to measure the water
level at the station.

The measurement results of the salinity concentration are summarized as

follows: At Lai Y station, the average salinity only reached to 0.178 ‰, but
when the tide was high, the salinity varied from 1-1.4 ‰, which indicates
taking water for production and domestic use should be ensured its safety by
the measurement and prediction of salinity concentration. From Phu Cam and
upstream reach of the Huong river, the salinity is diluted this time of the year
so it is possible to use the river water for domestic and production use.

b) Water quality

Current situation based on the existing data: According to the secondary data,
the water quality of the Huong river is summarized as follows:
- Most of the parameters are consistent with the Limitation Value A of
Surface Water Quality Standard of Vietnam, except for Coliform.
- Coliform concentration does not meet the Limitation Value A, or even
Value B, which indicate the pollution caused by untreated municipal
wastewater, direct defecation and other activities form residents living

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along river banks and from “floating communities using boats” in the
- BOD5 is lower than 2.0 mg/l and COD is lower than 9.0 mg/l, indicating
the pollution caused by organic substances is quite slim. These
concentrations, however, increase as river water flows to downstream,
especially at downstream of Hue City. This shows that Hue city is the
origin of water pollution by organic substances.
- The DO concentration is higher than 6.0 mg/l, mostly higher than 7.0
mg/l, which indicates the river water is suitable environment in terms of
the habitat for aquatic organisms and, hence, of the aqua culture
- The concentrations of heavy metals such as Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium,
Lead, Copper, Nickel and Zinc are quite low. There is no problem on
contamination by heavy metals at all.
In dry seasons, however, when discharge of the Huong river reduces
remarkably, the phenomenon of “alga flower” is reported to occur in many
sections. High concentration of phosphorus is considered to be one of its
causes. This phenomenon makes the river water specific green, causing
un-preferable condition in terms of scenery, aquatic organisms and so on.

Water Quality Analysis conducted in the course of this Study: Water quality
analysis was conducted and its results were summarized as follows:

Comparing the results with the secondary data mentioned above, the
concentration of BOD5 and COD have changed to be polluted far beyond the
Limitation Value A. Suspended Solid (SS) also showed the concentration not
met the Limitation Value A. In addition, the average lead concentration has
not met the Limitation Value A. On the contrary, there are similar tendency
that high concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Coliform.

As for BOD5 and COD, the cause of the relatively high concentrations is
unclear at the moment. It is also not identified whether or not the high
concentrations lasts from now on. The on-site ocular observation has not
recognized such a high concentration of BOD5 and COD.

Regarding the high average concentration of lead, this is brought about by the
result of only one sampling point with very high lead concentration. The
remaining points met the Limitation Value A.

In conclusion, water quality of the Huong river is characterized by high

concentration of SS and is being affected by domestic effluent and direct

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defecation, reflecting the high concentration of Coliform and the tendency of

high BOD5 and COD. Additionally, it is featured of high DO value, which
indicates the good condition for aquatic organisms and aquaculture

(2) Ecological Environment

a) Vegetation

According to 1998 statistics of Thua Thien Hue forestry resources, the

vegetation and forest land cover the area of 347,653 ha and are divided into
the following seven categories: 1) Evergreen closed trivially affected forests; 2)
Evergreen closed considerably affected forests; 3) Rehabilitation sapling forests; 4)
Scattered lumber plots mixed with secondary big-sized lumber bushes; 5) Perennial
afforested and cash crop forests; 6) Bushes mixed with small-sized lumber trees and
some secondary kinds; and 7) Grass-plot mixed with some light-favored fast
growing species.

b) Flora

The present reservoir bed is covered with some area of forests including
natural timber forest, bamboo forest, planted young forest and on-rock forest,
of which the vegetation cover is mainly of bushes, grass and agricultural

According to the document of Natural Conservation Division under Forest

Management Department, MARD, the flora in and around the Ta Trach Dam
Project Site has 585 species, 363 members, and 177 families belonging to 7
high-ranked plants. However, these numbers are supposed to be still smaller
than the actual numbers in reality.

The flora is badly affected and there are 12 rare and precious species listed in
Red Data Book of Vietnam. They are mostly seen in upstream area of Bo and
Ta Trach rivers, especially, an area in Bach Ma National Park with elevation
of 600 to 1,200 m.

c) Fauna

According to “Actual Environmental Situation Report of 5 years (1994 to

1998) in Thua Thien Hue province, 1998,” the following numbers of
terrestrial fauna inhabit in and around the Project Site. They include:
- 8 assemblages, 20 families and 45 species of mammals;
- 13 assemblages, 36 families and 146 species of birds;

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- 2 assemblages, 11 families and 35 species of reptiles and 35 species of

amphibians; and
- 1 assemblage, 4 families and 12 species of fishes.
The total number of species identified is 273, of which 25 species of rare and
precious ones are listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book, Volume 2: Animals.

d) Bach Ma National Park

Bach Ma national Park is located 45 km far in the south of Hue city.

Geographically, it occupies 16°05’- 16°06’, north latitude and 107°43’-
107°53’, east longitude, with the total area of 22,030 ha. There are mainly
two 2 types of forests in the park:
- Closed, year-round green, rain semi-tropical forest in the elevation of
more than 900 m with the majority of Podocarpaceae, Fagaceae, and
Theaceae; and
- Closed, year-round green, rain tropical forest in the elevation of less than
900 m with the majority of Dipterocarpaceae and Fabaceae.
A total of 1,286 plant species are recorded, of which the mostly seen are
Euphorbiaceae: 22 species, Lauraceae: 18 species, Orchidaceae: 20 species,
Palmae: 18 species, Moraceae: 16 species, Asteraceae: 16 species, Theaceae:
13 species. Among them, there are many endemic species and precious
species identified.

A total of 459 animal species are recorded, of which 55 mammal species, 135
bird species, 31 reptile species, 20 amphibian species and 218 butterfly
species are identified. Bach Ma national park has some endemic animal
species representing for the animals in the south region of Vietnam.

(3) Social Environment

a) Population

In 2000 the Thua Thien Hue province has an estimated population of

1,066,200. The population is evenly distributed in the province with its
densely-populated areas mostly in the city, towns and along rivers and coastal
zones. The labor force in 2000 totals 576,000 persons, covering 54% of the
total population.

Thua Thien Hue province is the home of 25 ethnic groups who live friendly in
a harmonious community, comprised of Kinh, Ban Na, Ede, Ngai, Giao,
Nung, Muong, Khome, Tay, Thai, Hoa, San Chay, Co Ho, Cham, Hore,

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Monong, Bru, Tho, Day, Ca Tu, Ta Oi, Lao, Chut and Van Kieu.

b) Major Economic Activities

Agriculture: According to the socio-economic development plan of the

province, the agricultural produces are estimated at 683 billion VND in 2000
(in 1994 price). The average growth in 1996-2000 is slow as estimated about
1.6%. In the production value structure, the husbandry proportion accounts
for 22-23%, and the contribution from the services varies from 6-7%.

Forestry: In 5 years of 1996-2000, through the mobilization of funds from

various sources, a total of 19,267 ha of forests and 25.9 million trees have
been planted in the province (Hai Van north area, Phu Loc district, Phong
Dien district, etc.), according to .the socio-economic development plan of the
province. The forest covering increases approximately from 34% in 1995 to
44% in 2000. The natural forest timber are exploited with the capacity of
5000 m3 in 2000, substantially lower than the previous years due to the policy
on exploitation restriction and closure of the forests in critical locations. The
majority of timber capacity of 25.000 m3 is mature trees of planted forests for
wood pulps.

Fishery: According to the socio-economic development plan of the province,

the fishery production gains approximately 182,3 billion VND in 2000 (in
1994 price), and the average annual growth rate in 1996-2000 is 12.9%. The
internal structure of fishery has been rightly shifted; i.e. exploiting the fishery
resources of lagoon and swamps, and increasing the proportion of
aquaculture. The exploitation of fishery has a remarkable growth, especially
offshore fishing. In addition, the aquaculture is developed rapidly in the
lagoon and swamps in the coastal area recently, focusing on shrimp, crab, and
fish in brackish water. Fresh water fish culture is somewhat popular in ponds,
swamps, streams, rivers and reservoirs for local/household consumption.

Industries: The garment industry plays an important role in Thua Thien Hue.
The production value of garment industry makes up 20% of the total
industrial production in the basin, and it attracts 25% of total industrial labors.
In addition, the construction materials production is one of industries that
have a fast growth rate. Food and drinking processing, such as beer and
frozen aquatic products, is also major industry in the province.

Tourism: Huong river basin has a lot of well-known places such as Ngu
Mountain, Hai Van mountain pass, Bach Ma, lagoon and many beaches. Hue

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ancient capital city with many masterpieces of imperial palace architect,

cultural structures and royal mausoleums was ranked by UNESCO as a world
cultural heritage on December 11, 1993. The ancient Hue city is a key for the
enhancement of tourism sector. And also, the province has hundreds of
pagodas with unique traditional architectures such as Thien Mu, Bao Quoc,

Targeting the tourism for key-economic sector, the physical infrastructures of

the tourism increase notably from early 1990s. For example, the rooms of
hotels totaled 509 in 1991 but in 2000 a total 2,153 rooms are accounted,
responding to the increasing requirement and demand of customers. In the
last 10 years, the international customers to Hue increase 29.8% per year in
average, and the national customers increase to 12.8% annually. The incomes
from tourism increase 7 times, and contribute to the GDP growth from 2% in
1990 to 7.7% in 1999.

c) Health and Sanitary Condition

The annual national health programs are always launched, including open
vaccination program, cholera and typhoid preventive program, and other
environmental sanitation and diseases preventive programs. These programs
are effectively implemented and help eliminate a certain social diseases and
cease the diseases spreading. However, the poor quality of domestic water
affects negatively to the health of the people especially in the rural area. In
recent 4 years, the out-patients of water-related diarrhea were annually
recorded of about 10,000 or more in the province.

Besides, from the living environmental point of view, the air pollution caused
by the large cement factories is considered to be somewhat significant,
although the actual measured data is not available.

7.3.3 Impacts on Physical Environment

(1) Meteorology

The existence of Ta Trach reservoir may increase the humidity in the surrounding
area due to the evaporation from it especially in dry season. In addition, the
groundwater table would rise in the vicinity of the reservoir. The soil humidity
would, therefore, increase remarkably, providing a good condition of the
development of forests and vegetation cover around the reservoir.

Thao Long barrage will cause no impacts on the climate conditions because it will
not produce a new water body or raise the groundwater level along the Huong river

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(2) Saline Water Intrusion

After the construction of Thao Long barrage, the sea tide will not enter deeper than
the barrage in the Huong river any longer, which will solve the problem on water
use for paddy fields and domestic water caused by saline water intrusion along the
Huong river.

(3) Geology

Based on the study results on earthquake aroused of big reservoirs, the necessary
and sufficient conditions for an earthquake acceleration that can harm the reservoir
and dams area are summarized as follows:
- Capacity of reservoir is over one billion m3;
- Depth of reservoir exceeds 90 m; and
- Reservoir locates in a complex geological condition especially in a tectonic
destroyable zone which is still active.
Given the size of Ta Trach Dam of the height of 56 m and a total volume of 610
million m3, the possibility of seismic acceleration is considered to be quite slim.

(4) Impacts on Water Environment

In the reservoir, temperature stratification will be created after the water has been
accumulated. Considering other case of reservoir in Vietnam, e.g. Hoa Binh Dam
reservoir, the temperature difference between the surface and the bottom is
estimated to be less than 6 ℃ even in dry season, and the water temperature at the
bottom is estimated at around 20 ℃. This level of water temperature would not
cause significant adverse effect on water use for irrigation, domestic, or industrial
one in the downstream area.

As to Dissolved Oxygen (DO), the stratification, or the difference of DO between

surface and the bottom, will also be created in the reservoir. DO concentration will
temporality become less than 2 mg/l at the bottom layer since DO in the bottom
layer will be consumed for biological decomposition of submerged organic matter
such as trees and grasses formerly growing on the reservoir bed.

The circulation of the reservoir water would not fully occur because of the climate
in Vietnam because due to the warm climate, water temperature of surface layer
does not go down or last enough to boost the vertical circulation. With respect to
this condition, the reservoir might have a possibility of occurrence of
eutrophication. However, based on other cases of major dams in Vietnam, e.g. Hoa
Binh Dam reservoir, the occurrence of eutrophication is considered to be rare. In

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addition, taking into account the water quality of the Huong river that water
pollution of organic substance or high concentration of nitrogen or phosphorus is
not recognized on an upstream reach, the possibility of eutrophication is considered
to be slim.

After the construction of Ta Trach Dam, sediment contents from upstream will be
stored in the reservoir. The reduction of sedimentation in the lagoon would
contribute to prolong the life of the lagoon system taking into account the fact that
its depth has been getting shallower historically.

When Thao Long barrage is completed, saline water intrusion shall be controlled at
the barrage in the Huong river, thus the water quality shall be improved and suitable
for the agricultural development and fresh water fishery development along the

In contrast to the improvement of water quality in the Huong river, Thao Long
saline control barrage makes the water environment in Tam Giang lagoon more
brackish or fully saline water in dry season unless discharge from Ta Trach Dam is
adequately controlled.

(5) Erosion and Sedimentation

During the construction stage, mud flow and turbid flow from the construction site
of Ta Trach Dam to downstream would be spawned, which in turn causes the
sedimentation in the lower reach. In addition, concrete placement for the dam body
would cause the alkaline water discharge, in case that gravity type dam by concrete
would be applied to Ta Trach Dam although fill type was planned in F/S of Vietnam.
During the operation stage, as a result of discharge from Ta Trach Dam and Thao
Long barrage, erosion would occur especially at the foot of the dam and barrage.

7.3.4 Impacts on Ecological Environment

(1) Impacts on Vegetation and Flora

The present vegetation cover to be submerged by the Ta Trach reservoir is mainly

comprised of grass, bushes and agricultural plants. Besides, majority of planted
forests are eucalyptus and bamboo, where the natural degree of vegetation is
considered to be low. Therefore, the impacts caused by Ta Trach reservoir on the
vegetation cover and forest resources are not considered to be significant.

As mentioned in the previous section, there are 12 rare and precious plant species
identified in the headwater area of the Huong river. The most of them are seen in the
area in Bach Ma National park, especially that with elevation of 600 – 1,200 m.
Impacts on these species, therefore, are not significant because even the maximum

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water level of Ta Trach reservoir, approximately 52.0 m, is far below the area where
these species grow.

(2) Impacts on Wild Animals

According to the mobilization of large number of construction workers during

construction period, wild animals would be affected in the form of the disturbance
and/or the loss of their habitat, including illegal hunting.

As mentioned in the previous section, there are 25 rare and precious wild animals
identified in and around the Project Site. Of which otters (Lutra lutra) and green
peafowls (Pavo muticus imperater) would be affected because they are riparian
species and their primary habitat would be lost. In addition, as for the other precious
species, except for birds, there would be some adverse effects in terms of migration
for foods, hiding or breeding. Therefore, it is quite important that the monitoring
focusing on the changes of habitat, the population and the breeding grounds of
precious species is carried out before and after the construction of the Ta Trach

(3) Impacts on Fishes in the Huong River

Due to the existence of Ta Trach reservoir, the sediment content shall reduce in
downstream in the river, which would cause the reduction of the nutrition for the
phytoplankton and results in affecting to its development. The decreased quantity of
phytoplankton affects the food sources of fishes in the Huong river. The existence
of the dam and reservoir also impedes the migration of fishes to upstream and vise
On the other hand, the freshwater fish production in the reservoir and its upstream
area is expected to increase due to the formation of the water body, i.e. Ta Trach
reservoir, and the increase of phytoplankton, humus and residues in it, being
combined with the increased potential of fishery development.

(4) Impacts on Lagoon Ecological System

a) Salinity condition and Nutrition

After the construction of Ta Trach Dam and Thao Long Barrage, the
discharge from the dam is regulated and maintained at more than 25m3/s even
in dry season. During the flood season, all the valve gate of Thao Long
Barrage will be open for a fast flush of floodwater. Thus, the constructions of
the dam and barrage will form a stable discharge flowing into the lagoon and
more stable salinity condition during non-flood season and yet will not reduce
the nutrition supply excessively from the upstream because of the remaining

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of fast flush of floodwater.

b) Phytoplankton

The change of phytoplankton in Tam Giang lagoon is the alternate of the

typical compositions of fresh water phytoplankton and sea water
phytoplankton. With Ta Trach reservoir, floodwater shall be restored and
then regulates the discharge to downstream and Tam Giang lagoon, thus the
freshwater phytoplankton will be reduced in rainy season. On the contrary,
the sea water phytoplankton will increase relatively even in rainy season.

c) Zooplankton and benthic macro-organism

The composition of the freshwater zooplankton and benthic macro-organisms

usually appear in Thuan An estuary where receiving the Huong river water.
However, it will gradually decrease and be replaced with brackish and sea
water ones.

d) Fishes

A total of 163 species of fishes identified in Tam Giang – Cau Hai Lagoon can
be divided into four groups:
- Fresh water fishes
- Brackish water fishes;
- Saline water fishes; and
- Migratory fishes.
The impacts of the construction of Ta Trach Dam and Thao Long Barrage on
fishes will differ depending on these groups.

Fresh water fishes

During period of water shortage, the maintenance flow will contribute to
improve the living conditions near the estuary of the Huong river for fresh
water fishes. During flood season, the living conditions for fresh water fishes
will be almost the same as present due to the full open for a fast flush of
floodwater. The change of water regime caused by the project
implementation, therefore, will not bring about a negative effect significantly
on fresh water ecology in the lagoon.

Brackish water fishes

The brackish water fishes are able to live in a large amplitude of salinity
varying from 5 ‰ to 18 ‰, and account for the largest number in the lagoon.
Therefore, the impact on the brackish water fishes will be small, and the fish

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catch will be maintained.

Saline water fishes

Salinity in the lagoon water varies over time and space, depending on the
river water supply and sea tides. But, all in all, the magnitude of salinity
fluctuation will be reduced and stabilized due to the discharge regulation
from the dam as mentioned above. Therefore, living conditions for saline
water fishes will be improved, not be damaged, and fishery production will be
estimated to increase than the present status.

Migratory fishes

The construction of Ta Trach Dam and Thao Long Barrage shall affect the
migratory fishes migrating between the sea and river, including Chupanodon
and Marura because they migrate deeply into river. The impacts may also
fall on eels (Anguilliformes), Lutianus, Stolenphorus and Theropn because
they migrate between the sea and river. Magnitude of the impacts, however,
is not clear because the information on the number of these species is not

Necessity of further investigation and monitoring

Based on the existing data and information on current status of lagoon

ecology, the impacts of the constructions of Ta Trach Dam and Thao Long
Barrage were examined and described above. However, considering the
complicated geographical feature of Tam Giang – Cau Hai Lagoon and the
biological diversity in it, further investigation and monitoring on the ecology
before and after the implementation of the projects are needed in order to
better understanding of the ecosystem of the lagoon and to prevent the
adverse effect on it.

7.3.5 Impacts on Bach Ma National Park

The normal water level and the high water level are 49 m and 52 m above sea level,
respectively. The construction of Ta Trach Dam and the formation of reservoir will
submerge a certain area of the park. However, the area to be submerged does not
affect the natural forests even at the high water level. Accordingly, the ecosystem
will be kept unchanged and the habitat of the precious species in good condition. It
does not affect either the resort and tourism area where there exist hundreds of villas
and road systems connecting such villas.

Thus, although the construction of Ta Trach reservoir shall submerge a part of forest

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in the transition area of Bach Ma National Park, the impact is not considered to be
significant because the area to be submerged is not ecologically important forest

7.3.6 Impacts on Social Environment

(1) Magnitude of Land Acquisition

Ta Trach reservoir responding to SWL of EL 52 m will submerge about 34 km2

including the agricultural land of 5 km2 and forest of 17 km2. Whereas Thao Long
barrage will acquire about 2 ha for constructing of 2 ends of the bridge, and
management area temporarily occupies about 5 ha for borrowing area such as
material stockpiling and layout of the works. These impacts are negative and

(2) Resettlement and Change of Social Issues

The construction of Ta Trach reservoir in the case of SWL of 52 m will directly

affect 4,300 people (predicted to year 2003) in 855 households, of which 383
people are Van Kien ethnic minority in 73 households. In addition the host
communities will be indirectly affected because they have to share the natural
resources and will be suffered from the disorder of social and cultural activities.

Van Kieu group is almost civilized, and at present they live with Kinh in the
reservoir bed. The structure of their houses is similar to Kinh’s, and this might mean
that it would be acceptable for Van Kieu group to resettle in the same manner of the
It is expected that the resettlement will cause the significant change of living and
social condition of affected households. Therefore, it is quite important that the
monitoring focusing on the process of resettlement action and the status of
self-sustenance of affected households including Van Kieu group is carried out
before and after the construction of the Ta Trach Dam.

(3) Health and Sanitary Condition

Ta Trach reservoir and Thao Long barrage will reduce a probable infectious risk
especially in urban area with the enhancement of distribution of domestic water,
and will introduce a great positive effect on the water use in daily life of the people
living along the river. This means that the people in Huong river basin have
convenient conditions to take care of their health, and that the community
health/sanitary condition will be significantly improved.

On the other hand, the due consideration should be paid on the following issues:

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- Probable deterioration of health and sanitary condition caused by

mobilization of large number of labor force, and

- Increment of potential risk of diseases such as malaria in the areas adjacent to

the new water bodies.

(4) Cultural or Historical Heritage

Both Ta Trach reservoir and Thao Long barrage will not cause negative impacts on
the historical monuments and cultural structures or landscapes.

(5) Noise and Dust

A huge amount of earthwork is planned for the construction both of Ta Trach

reservoir and of Thao Long barrage. The construction sites and the vicinity will be
affected by nuisance of noise and dust, and by chemical use if any.

(6) Impact on Forestry

Total forestland to be lost by Ta Trach reservoir will be about 1,300 ha of planted

forest and about 400 ha of natural forest. The natural forest in reservoir bed mainly
comprises of bamboo and timber with low capacity, and the vegetation cover
mainly comprises of grasses and bushes. Thus the impact on the natural forest is

According to the proposed land-use plan for production land in the resettlement
area, the planted forestland of about 1,200 ha is planned. The scale of this
reforestation plan will approximately meet the magnitude of loss by the reservoir.
(7) Impact on Fishery

Inland Fishery
Ta Trach reservoir would affect the migration of some fishes in Huong river to Ta
Trach branch and vice verse. And also Thao Long barrage would affect the
migration of some fishes in river and lagoon that go deeply to upstream for
spawning. Although the change of condition for fish migration will probably reduce
the productivity of fishery, the impact on annual fish production will not be
significant because the migratory fish species are not considered to be economic

Lagoon Fishery
The catch amount of lagoon fishery after 1999 flood increased remarkably, i.e.
more than five times as much as that in 1980’s and 1990’s. It is considered that i) the
appearance of the new lagoon estuaries by flood helped increase the migration

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species into the lagoon, and ii) the higher saline environment over the large area of
the lagoon facilitates the development of the fish species in the lagoon. This
suggests that the water exchange among river, lagoon, and sea plays an important
role to the lagoon ecological environment, affects the catch amount of fishery in the

Ta Trach reservoir has a function to regulate the river flow, and will, especially in
dry season, contribute to stabilization of supplying the fresh water to the
downstream and lagoon. From the experience mentioned above, this might have a
tendency of decreasing the product of fish dependent on high saline water.

7.4 Environmental Management Plan

7.4.1 Mitigation and Enhancement Measures

The conceivable impacts by the constructions of the Ta Trach Dam and Tao Long
Barrage on environment were predicted and described in detail in the previous
section. The mitigation and/or enhancement measures to cope with the impacts are
listed in Table 7.1.

7.4.2 Environmental Monitoring Plan

In the previous section, the impacts by the implementation of both Ta Trach dam
and Tao Long Barrage construction projects were predicted, and its mitigation
and/or enhancement measures were described in detail. In order to manage both
natural and social environment and to keep them in favorable condition, the existing
environment and its change is to be monitored properly before and after the project

Table 7.2 shows the necessary monitoring plan to follow-up the physical, ecological,
and social environment in and around the project sites.

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8.1 Alternative Basin Development Plans

8.1.1 Water Supply Requirement

Water demand in the basin was analysed in the foregoing section Chapter 4. The
water balance analysis conducted on the basis of the water demand in Chapter 6
found that reservoir to be planned should have a storage capacity of 460 million m3
to meet the water supply requirement.

In the case of non-reservoir scheme, freshwater supply to meet the water supply
requirement has to be considered. Necessary freshwater supply in the case of
non-reservoir scheme is assessed to be 219 million m3/annum as examined in
Sub-section 8.1.3.

8.1.2 Flood Control Requirement

Flood control requirement of the Huong River Basin which is targeted by MARD is
as follows:

a) Hue city should be protected from the same magnitude of flood as that in 1999.
Flood water level at Kim Long due to 1999 flood with the peak discharge of
13,670m3/s was EL. 5.84m which should be lowered to EL. 3.7m at Kim Long,
corresponding to the river discharge of 2,000m3/s. Flood hydrographs of 1999
flood are seen in Figure 8.1.

b) The agricultural lands extending in downstream reaches should be protected

from 10-year (or 10%) probable early flood, of which flood hydrographs are
seen in Figure 8.1.

c) Flood water level of the Bo River at Phu Oc due to 1999 year flood with the
peak discharge of 3,050m3/s was measured to be EL. 4.89m. This flood water
level of EL. 4.89m should be lowered to EL. 4.50m, corresponding to the river
discharge of 1,410m3/s.

The target area is shown in Figure 8.2.

8.1.3 Study on Alternatives of Structural Measures for Water Supply and Flood Control

To find the optimum plan, the study was made on conceivable alternatives as
discussed below.

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(1) Discharge Carrying Capacity of River Channel

The Huong River has the following discharge carrying capacity in its downstream
a) The reaches along the agricultural land : 1,400m3/s
(downstream of urban area)
b) The reaches along Hue City : 2,000m3/s

The above discharge carrying capacity of river channel is examined as seen in

Figures 8.3 and 8.4.

(2) Necessary Reservoir Storage Capacity for Water Supply

Reservoir storage capacity necessary for meeting the plan is assessed to be 460
million m3 through the water balance analysis in Chapter 6.

(3) Necessary Freshwater Production in Case of Non-Dam Plan

Assuming a plan without dam, freshwater will be required to be produced in order

to meet the water demand for the domestic and industrial water supply and
agricultural water supply.

A technically possible way to produce freshwater without dam construction is to

provide facilities to produce freshwater from sea water. Necessary production of
freshwater in this case is estimated at 219 million m3/annum, assuming that
freshwater should be produced for the incremental water demand from 2001 to
2020 for domestic and industrial water supply and agricultural water supply so that
the present water supply condition be maintained at least. The above incremental
water demand is estimated at about 600,000m3/day, amounting to 219 million m3
per year.

(4) Conceivable Facilities for Structural Measure

Facilities which were conceivable and taken up for examination of structural

measure are as mentioned below. Location of each facility is shown in Figure 8.5.
Storage-capacity curves of three (3) dams taken into consideration are presented in
Figure 8.6 to 8.8.

a) Maximum Ta Trach Dam

This is nearly topographically maximum scale of the dam at the Ta Trach

damsite, as shown below:
- Dam crest level : EL. 55.0 m
- Effective storage volume : 460 million m3

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- Flood control volume : 392.6 million m3

b) Minimum Ta Trach Dam

The minimum Ta Trach Dam is defined as the dam to be provided with the
flood control volume necessary to fulfil the flood control target with the
maximum Huu Trach Dam. The minimum Ta Trach Dam will have the

- Dam crest level : EL. 53.0 m

- Effective storage volume : 460 million m3
- Flood control volume : 312 million m3

c) Maximum Huu Trach Dam

This is the maximum scale of the dam at the Huu Trach damsite, having the

- Dam crest level : EL. 61.0 m

- Effective storage volume : 182 million m3
- Flood control volume : 182 million m3

d) Minimum Huu Trach Dam

The minimum Huu Trach Dam is defined as the dam to be provided with the
flood control volume necessary to fulfil the flood control target with the
maximum Ta Trach Dam.

The minimum Huu Trach Dam is provided with the following feature:

- Dam crest level : EL. 56.0 m

- Effective storage volume : 105 million m3
- Flood control volume : 105 million m3

e) Maximum Co Bi Dam

The maximum Co Bi Dam which is of the maximum scale at its damsite in Bo

River is provided with the following feature,

- Dam crest level : EL. 46.0 m

- Effective storage volume : 167 million m3
- Flood control volume : 167 million m3(*)

f) Minimum Co Bi Dam

The minimum Co Bi Dam is provided with the flood control volume to meet
the flood control criteria for Bo River as follows:

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- Dam crest level : EL. 38.0m

- Effective storage volume : 45 million m3
- Flood control volume : 45 million m3(*)

(*): It is noted that the flood control volume of Co Bi Dam does not contribute
to flood control for Hue City.

g) Non-dam Facilities

Non-dam facilities for water supply

Freshwater production plants from sea water with production capacity of

600,000m3/day are considered as an alternative measure for necessary water
supply without dam.

Necessary cost for freshwater production ranges approximately from

US$ 1.5/m3 to US$ 2.5/m3. Assuming US$ 2.0/m3 for the cost of freshwater
production from sea water, the cost for necessary water supply in the basin
will approximately be US$ 438 million/annum (219 million m3/annum x
US$ 2.0 /m3 = US$ 438 million/annum)

Non-dam facilities for flood control

The following combination is considered as conceivable non-dam flood

control facilities:
Non-dam Facilities Flood Control Capacity
for Flood Control
- Diversion Channel 3,000 m3/s
- Parapet Wall 2,000 m3/s (*)
- Retarding Basin 400 m3/s (**)
- Diversion Tunnel 350 m3/s
Note(*): Parapet wall capacity of 2,000means that Hue City to be enclosed with a parapet wall of

1.0 m in height can withstand further increase of flood discharge.

(**): Capacity of retarding basin of 400 m3/sis determined by assuming the retarding basin
area of 3 million m3, its depth of 5.0 m and flood cutting of 10 hours(3 million m3 x 5.0

/ 10 hours = approx. 400 m3/s)

(5) Examination on Alternatives

To find the optimum basin plan, thirty-three (33) alternatives in total were taken up
for examination as shown in Table 8.1.

The examination on the alternatives is made as follows:

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a) There are four (4) requirements which the basin plan should satisfy as explained
in the foregoing Sub-sections 8.1.1 and 8.1.2.

Those are summarised below:

i) Water supply requirement

Reservoir with effective storage capacity of 460 million m3 is required

for meeting the water supply requirement in the basin, or freshwater of
219 million m3/annum has to be produced without reservoir.

ii) Flood control requirement for Hue City

For flood control for Hue City, flood peak discharge of 13,670 m3/s
(1999 flood) should be reduced to 2,000 m3/s by cutting 11,670 m3/s.

iii) Protection of agricultural lands from early flood

For protection of agricultural lands, 10-year (or 10%) probable flood

should be controlled so that river discharge be limited to 1,400 m3/s
which is the river channel discharge carrying capacity in the downstream
reaches where agricultural lands are extended.

iv) Bo River flood control

For Bo River flood control, flood peak discharge of 3,050 m3/s in Bo

River (1999 flood) should be reduced to 1,410 m3/s which is the river
channel discharge carrying capacity of Bo River.

Requirement of the above (i) to (iii) are considered to be essential

requirements which have to be satisfied by the basin plan.
On the other hand, requirement of the above (iv) is not considered to be
requirement which have to be satisfied essentially in consideration that,

- Bo River flood control has no effective contribution to flood control for

Hue City,

- Provided that Ta Trach and Huu Trach dams are constructed, the problem
of damages on agricultural lands due to early flood can be solved without
Bo River flood control, and

- Protection of agricultural lands from major floods is not important in

view that the cropping pattern considers to avoid the damages due to
major floods.

Thus, the Bo River flood control should duly consider its economic viability.

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b) Therefore, in the first screening, alternatives which can not meet all three (3)
essential requirements as mentioned are screened out, and further
examination on these alternatives are omitted.

c) Alternatives which pass the first screening proceed to evaluation from

environmental aspect consisting of natural environment and social
environment as the second screening. Alternative which are not acceptable in
the evaluation from environmental aspect are screened out in this second

d) Economic viability is assessed on alternatives which pass the second

screening, and the optimum basin plan is recommended through an overall
evaluation on alternatives which pass the second screening.

(6) Result of Examination on Alternatives

The result of examination on alternatives is presented in Table 8.1. Major points of

the result are summarized below:

a) Alternatives without dam require facilities such as diversion channel, parapet

wall, retarding basin and diversion tunnel for flood control requirement, and
freshwater production facilities from sea water for water supply requirement.
Adverse impacts on environment due to flood control facilities such as
diversion channel, parapet wall, retarding basin and diversion tunnel will be
much more larger than those of dams. Especially, necessary resettlement by
the diversion channel is estimated to be not less than 20,000 people which is
much more than 4,000 to 5,000 people in the Ta Trach Dam. The diversion
channel will also have large impacts on the infrastructures such as the railway
and national road including replacement of bridges. Large adverse impacts as
mentioned above are considered not acceptable from the environmental

In alternatives without dam, freshwater is forced to be produced from sea

water to meet the water supply requirement. Freshwater production from sea
water is very costly, requiring the cost of US$ 1.5 to 2.5 per m3. Annual
freshwater production cost to meet the water supply requirement is
preliminarily estimated at US$ 438 million /annum., which will make the
economic viability as low as about 0.1 in terms of Benefit/Cost ratio, meaning
that necessary cost will be more by ten times than the benefit to be obtained.
As such, alternatives without dam are considered unjustifiable economically
and unrealistic.

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b) Necessity of the Co Bi Dam in the Bo River is not high at present by the

reasons as explained in the foregoing (5).

Besides that, the Co Bi Dam will make economic viability worse as seen in
Table 8.1.

Thus, implementation of the Co Bi Dam is considered too early at the present

stage, and the Co Bi Dam is proposed to be implemented when its necessity
becomes higher due to development of areas along the Bo River.

c) Provision of Ta Trach Dam and/or Huu Trach Dam will be the most effective
measure to attain the target of the basin plan in 2020.

In order to attain completely the flood control target, both Ta Trach Dam and
Huu Trach Dam are required, although Ta Trach Dam will play a large part of
role to attain the target.

d) As shown in Table 8.1, the combination of the maximum Ta Trach Dam and
the maximum Huu Trach Dam (Case No. I-B.2) indicates the highest
economic viability out of alternatives which can achieve the target of the
basin plan in 2020.

The above two dams are also judged acceptable from the environmental
aspects as evaluated in Table 8.1, and the overall evaluation recommends to
select the above two dams (Case No.I-B.2) as the optimum basin plan
towards the target in 2020.

8.1.4 Recommended Basin Development Plan

(1) Recommendation for Selection of Basin Development Plan

As discussed in the Sub-section 8.1.3, the basin development plan consisting of the
maximum Ta Trach Dam and the maximum Huu Trach Dam, i.e. Alternative case
No.I-B.2, was evaluated to be the most favourable scheme through the overall
evaluation. Based on the above, the basin plan was recommended and proposed as

Recommended Basin Plan

- Ta Trach Dam with,
Crest level : EL. 55.0m
Effective storage volume : 460 million m3
Flood control volume : 392.6 million m3

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- Huu Trach Dam with

Crest level : EL. 61.0m
Effective storage volume : 182 million m3
Flood control volume : 105 million m3

(2) Recommendation for Implementation of Basin Development Plan

As examined and discussed above, two dams of Ta Trach Dam and Huu Trach Dam
will be required to completely satisfy the flood control requirement as explained in
Sub-section 8.1.2, while project effectiveness of Ta Trach Dam only is as follows:

- Without any project, the probable damage in terms of annual damage due to
1999 flood with peak discharge of 13,670 m3/s is estimated at 595,200
million VND/annum.

- Thus, Ta Trach Dam will contribute to the flood damage mitigation as much
as 546,200 million VND/annum (or about 90% of the total annual flood
damage) with the flood control volume of 592.6 million m3, while the that of
Huu Trach Dam is 105 million m3.

- With Ta Trach Dam only, the flood water level of EL. 5.85m at Kim Long
which was caused by 1999 flood will be lowered to EL. 4.6m, resulting in
water level reduction of 1.25m. Although the target water level to be lowered
is EL. 3.71m, the above flood water level of EL. 4.6m, which corresponds to
the flood water level due to about 1.5-year probable flood of 5,600 m3/s in
peak discharge, is considered to be within an acceptable range as follows:

Under the discharge of 5,600 m3/s from the upstream, the overflow from the
river channel will be about 3,600 m3/s since the river channel has the
discharge carrying capacity of 2,000 m3/s. In this case, the water level in the
downstream urban area is assessed to be EL.4.38 m. Since the ground level of
the urban area is about EL.3.85 m, the inundation depth is calculated at about
0.53 m, which will occur at the probability of about 1/17(the flood peak
discharge of 1999 flood is estimated to be of about 17 year probability).

- Water supply requirement will be satisfied with Ta Trach Dam only.

- Economic viability of Ta Trach Dam only will be slightly higher than Ta

Trach Dam plus Huu Trach Dam as follows:


· Ta Trach Dam only 16.6 %

· Ta Trach Dam + Huu Trach Dam 16.5 %

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Effectiveness of Ta Trach Dam is as high as discussed above. Considering this high

effectiveness as well as the financial constraints, implementation of only Ta Tach
Dam is considered sufficient for the time being. It is considered possible that Huu
Trach Dam can wait until the financial conditions allow its implementation.

8.1.5 Provisional Flood Control Measure until Construction of the Huu Trach Dam

The flood control plan of the Huong River basin has been proposed as the
construction of the Ta Trach reservoir and the Huu Trach reservoir without river
improvement plan in the downstream reaches. With the combination of the said
two reservoirs, the flood peak discharge of the Huong River could be decreased
from 13,670 m3/s to 2,000 m3/s at Kim Long site. The discharge of 2,000 m3/s is
estimated to be the safe discharge of the Huong River for the Hue City.

The construction of the Ta Trach reservoir is now on the stage of procedure of loan
application for the construction with the government decision. Accordingly the
realization of the Ta Trach reservoir is not a long way.

But it will take a long time to construct the Huu Trach reservoirs in this river basin
since the available national resources are limited. In the whole nation, there still
remain many river basins that need construction of big scale reservoirs for water
resources development and management.

The Ta Trach reservoir could decrease the flood peak of the Huong River from
13,670 m3/s to 5,600 m3/s at Kim Long site. This flood peak reduction is very
substantial and the Hue City can enjoy the full benefit of the Ta Trach reservoir. But
the remaining flood peak discharge is still hazardous for the Hue City until the
completion of the Huu Trach reservoir. To receive the full benefit of the Ta Trach
reservoir for the Hue City, some provisional flood control measures are needed for
the Hue City until the completion of the Huu Trach reservoir.

Presently the river reaches of the Huong River just upstream of the Hue City does
not have the discharge carrying capacity of 5,600 m3/s. Accordingly the substantial
part of the flood even after flood peak reduction by the Ta Trach reservoir would
overflow in the said reaches reducing the flood peak discharge at the Hue City site.
This includes the flood diversion through a left side river branch located just
upstream of the Hue City flowing to the north-western direction. Presently there
are no discharge control facilities at the branch site. This situation is favorable one
for the safety of the Hue City and is important as a provisional measure until the
completion of the Huu Trach reservoir. Accordingly this situation should be left as
it is now until the completion of the Huu Trach reservoir.

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If the flow control is to be done at the said site of the branch, the flood peak at the
Hue City site would become worse and accordingly the full benefit of Ta Trach
reservoir could not be enjoyed. The positive impact of Ta Trach reservoir would be
reduced by the flow control at the said branch site.

8.2 Examination on Effectiveness of Dams in Upstream Reaches of Ta Trach Dam

8.2.1 General

The optimum development plan of the Huong River basin has been examined and
development scale of the Ta Trach Dam has been optimized in this Huong River
basin development planning.

The proposed damsite of the Ta Trach Dam is considered most effective

topographically for achieving both flood control and water supply targets of the
basin. For confirming the above, effectiveness of possible dams in the upstream
reaches of the proposed Ta Trach damsite is preliminarily examined herein.

Damsites are also conceivable in the upstream reaches of the Huu Trach River.
However, the river basin conditions of the Huu Trach River are similar to those of
the Ta Trach River. Thus, considering that the result in both the river basins will be
same, the examination is limited to the Ta Trach River basin.

8.2.2 Possible Damsites in the Upstream Reaches

There are three conceivable damsites in the upstream reaches of the proposed Ta
Trach damsites. The location map of the conceivable damsites is shown in the
Figure 8.10. These three damsites are named as T-1, T-2 and T-3, respectively as
seen in the figure. These three sites have V-shape river valley suitable for dam
construction, and downstream of these sites, the topography of river valley
becomes flatter remarkably which is evidently disadvantageous compared with
these three sites. Thus, no other damsites are considered conceivable from the
topographical aspect, and the examination is made on the said three damsites.

8.2.3 Methodology of Examination

The effectiveness of the dams in the upstream reaches was examined as follows:

1) It was confirmed whether or not, the flood control and water supply targets of
the basin can be fulfilled with the upstream dams.

2) In the case that the targets of the basin cannot be attained only with the
upstream dams, combination with the Ta Trach Dam was considered to attain
the targets, and contribution of the upstream dams on cost reduction of the Ta
Trach Dam was examined.

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3) Cost comparison between the Ta Trach Dam only and combination of the Ta
Trach Dam and upstream dams was conducted to verify effectiveness of
upstream dams.

8.2.4 Flood Control with Upstream Dams

Flood control volume necessary for control of the objective flood is found to be
392.6 MCM as examined in the planning of Ta Trach Dam of which damsite has a
catchment area of 717 km2.
The catchment areas of upstream damsites are measured, respectively as follows:
Damsite T-1 : 76.8 km2
Damsite T-2 : 114.6 km2
Damsite T-3 : 166.1 km2
Assuming that the flood runoff is proportional to the catchment area, flood volume
of the objective flood at each upstream dam is calculated as follows:
Damsite T-1 : 392.6× 76.8 / 717 = 42.1 MCM
Damsite T-2 : 392.6×114.6 / 717 = 62.8 MCM
Damsite T-3 : 392.6×166.1 / 717 = 90.9 MCM

Total 195.7 MCM

Thus, three upstream dams of T-1, T-2 and T-3 are provided with the flood control
volume of 42.05 MCM, 62.75 MCM and 90.90 MCM respectively to accommodate
all objective flood at each damsite. As seen above, the flood control volume of three
upstream dams will be 195.7 MCM in total against the necessary flood control
volume of 392.6 MCM. The flood from the remaining catchment area of 395.5 km2
is forced to be controlled at the proposed Ta Trach damsite with the flood control
volume of 196.9 MCM(392.6-195.7=196.9 MCM), since no other appropriate
damsites for control of the flood from the catchment area of remaining 395.5 km2
are found.

The flood control effect of the three upstream dams is as shown in Figure 8.11. As
seen,the flood from the remaining catchment area of 395.5 km2 will still have the
flood peak discharge of 4,332 m3/s and flood volume of 196.9 MCM at the Ta Trach
damsite, although the peak discharge will be reduced from 8,070 m3/s to 4,332

As discussed above, the flood control target of the basin will not be possible to be
fulfilled without a dam at the proposed Ta Trach damsite.

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8.2.5 Combination of Upstream Dams and Ta Trach Dam

Figure 8.12 indicates the storage capacity curve at each upstream damsite and dam
size with which each dam should be provided for control of the objective flood.
Figure 8.13 indicates dam volume curves of the three upstream dams and dam
volume of each dam which will accommodate the flood volume of the objective
flood at each damsite.

Principal features to show the size of each dam are summarized as follows:

Principal Features of Upstream Dams

Upstream Dead Effective Flood Control Dam
Dams Storage Storage Space
Volume F.S.L Volume S.W.L Height Volume Cost
(MCM) (MCM) (El. m) (MCM) (El. m) (m) (103m3) (Mil. US.$)
T-1 7.7 37.3 102 42.1 105 60 2,870 31.6
T-2 11.5 55.5 141 62.8 144 61 2,700 29.7
T-3 16.7 83.3 134 90.9 137 55 1,950 21.5
Note: S.W.L: Surcharge Water Level F.S.L: Full Supply Level

As mentioned, the flood control target of the basin is not possible to be attained only
with the upstream dams, requiring the combination with a dam at the proposed Ta
Trach damsite to attain the target.

The development scale of the dam at the proposed Ta Trach damsite in combination
with the upstream dams is shown in Figure 8.14. It should have the following
development scale to attain both the flood control and water supply targets:

Principal Features of Dam at the Proposed Ta Trach Damsite

(in Combination with Upstream Dams)
Dead storage volume : 72MCM×(717−357.5)km2/717km2 = 36.1 MCM
Flood control volume : 392.6MCM−195.7MCM = 196.9 MCM
Effective storage vol. : 460MCM−176.1MCM = 283.9 MCM
Dam crest level : E.L.45.5m
S.W.L : E.L.42.5m
F.S.L : E.L.39.5m
Dam cost : 82.5 Mil.US$

8.2.6 Summary and Conclusion

(1) In order to confirm that the proposed Ta Trach damsite is most effective,
effectiveness of upstream dams was examined.

(2) Topographically conceivable damsites for the upstream dams are three sites

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of T-1, T-2 and T-3 as shown in Figure 8.10.

T-3 dam will seriously submerge the Bach Ma National Park, and its
implementation will be accompanied with environmental issues. However,
the study assumed the construction of T-1 dam.

(3) Planning of the three upstream dams were made so that each dam will have
the flood control volume to accommodate the objective flood at respective

(4) The examination found that the upstream dams cannot achieve the flood
control target of the basin without a dam at the proposed Ta Trach damsite
due to the flood from the catchment basin which is not covered with the three
upstream dams. The possible flood control effect with upstream dams will
approximately be a half of that of the proposed Ta Trach Dam, while the cost
of the three upstream dams amounts to about 80% of the cost of the proposed
Ta Trach Dam.

(5) The cost of the Ta Trach dam to attain the flood control target of the basin
with upstream dams will be lessened from 100.6 Mil.US$ to 82.5 Mil.US$.
However, since the cost of upstream dams will amount to 82.72 Mil.US$, the
combined total cost will result in 165.22 Mil.US$ which is much more
expensive compared with the cost of 100.6 Mil.US$ in the plan of the Ta
Trach Dam without upstream dams.

(6) As stated above, dams in upstream reaches of the Ta Trach river have been
found much less effective.
(7) Besides that, adverse impacts on the natural environment due to upstream
dams will become larger than those of the proposed Ta Trach Dam.
Especially, the T-3 dam will largely submerge the Bach Ma National Park,
and its implementation will encounter difficult environmental issues.

The area(about 18.3 km2) to be submerged by the upstream three dams will
be larger than the area(about 11.5 km2) to be reduced by the smaller dam at
the proposed Ta Trach damsite.
(8) The decrease of necessary resettlement by the smaller dam at the proposed Ta
Trach damsite is estimated to be very small.
(9) Thus, the study confirmed that the dam planning of the Ta Trach river should
be made at the proposed Ta Trach Damsite.

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8.3 Water Resources Management Plan

8.3.1 Basic Concept of Water Resources Management Plan

The water resources management plan as a part of the integrated basin management
plan of the Huong River basin is formulated on the basis of the following basic

(a) Water resources management in the Huong River basin will be carried out by
an unified river basin management organization (Board of Management)
having been established that the Provincial Peoples Committee is in charge of
the Board.

(b) Provincial government agencies and bodies presently related to the

management of the Huong River basin will be the task force members of the
organization as well as stakeholders of the basin water resources that will be
the committee member.

(c) Main tasks of the organization will be enumerated as follows:

• Water use management,
• Flood control management, and
• River Environment management.
8.3.2 Water Use Management Plan

The water use management plan in the Huong River and Bo River basins is
proposed that the priority activity is aiming at effective use of limited water
resources taking priority of water use into account. For this purpose, the Water Use
Management Committee will be established under the Board of Management.

(1) Proper Management of Water Demand

To make an updated estimate of water requirement every year at the beginning of

dry season when water demand is to start increasing, the Board of
Management/Committee will request the respective water users to submit expected
monthly water requirement. The Board of Management/Committee will be
authorized to coordinate each requirement when it is deemed necessary.

The Board of Management/Committee will have an authority to monitor the actual

water intake amount by respective water users.

(2) Latest Information Management of Water Resources Including River Flow

and Reservoirs’ Storage

The Board of Management/Committee will monitor the current available water

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resources amount including river runoff and reservoir storage in future as well as
actual water requirement. The Board of Management/Committee may allow
providing additional water when actual river runoff is more than scheduled one and
as far as increase of production be expected by such additional water allotment.

(3) Proper Water Allotment Under Severe Drought Condition

Not only at the beginning of high demand period, but also when drought situation is
foreseen, which may be at the peak period of water demand, the Board of
Management/Committee will coordinate all water users to cope with expected
water deficit by adjusting water demands incorporating priority of water demands.

(4) Water Saving Measures

For the purpose of mitigation of water shortage, non-structural measures mentioned

below will be useful and should be introduced positively:

1) Enhancement of public awareness for water saving,

2) Installation of water measuring devices for control of proper water


3) Preparation of management rule and operation manual, establishment of

organization, and education of management staff for control of proper water

4) Water saving with measures such as decrease of water loss due to leakage,
increase of return flow, arrangement for reuse of industrial water, and
reduction of extra water use by installing faucet aerators, etc.
8.3.3 Flood Control Management Plan

(1) Non-structural Measures

The following non-structural flood control measures are considered appropriate for
inclusion in the proposed flood control management plan for the Huong River

1) National & Provincial Disaster Warning Systems

2) Disaster Preparedness
3) Flood Inundation Mapping
4) Field Benchmark Network
5) Public Awareness Program
6) Reforestation

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(2) National & Provincial Disaster Warning Systems

This component of the flood control plan considers the upgrading of the current
national and provincial disaster warning systems, as it relates to the Huong River
Basin. It is one of the non-structural disaster mitigation programs recommended for
implementation by the Multi-donor Mission in 2000.

At the provincial level it is proposed to create a Disaster Mitigation Management

Centre in Hue under the direct control of the already existing Provincial Flood and
Storm Control (FSC) Committee. During the November 1999 floods local
authorities had difficulties reacting to the floods. This was due mainly to the lack of
information concerning the extent and severity of the floods; insufficient
information concerning those areas most adversely effected by the floods and
insufficient communication equipment to alert the districts and communes about
the impending danger.

The proposed center would have the facilities to forecast and map areas at risk of
natural disasters and issue radio-based warnings about the impending danger to
government officials and the public, including farmers and fishermen. The center
would contain a list of all water resources structures in Thua Thien-Hue Province at
risk of failure or damage during flooding and proposed emergency response plans.
In addition to these tasks the center would also be responsible to carry out the
activities associated with the other non-structural measures proposed.

At the national level, the Law on Water Resources, ratified in January 1999
specifically designates the responsibility for the timely issuing of information
relating to rain and floods to the Hydro-meteorological Service of Vietnam (HMS).

The lessons learnt from the 1999 flood indicated communication between the
national HMS and regional and provincial centers including Thua Thien-Hue
province was weak. The transmission of national-level satellite imagery to the
provincial-level was too slow and unreliable to enable timely warnings given by the
FSC to be effective. Most of the relevant data was received at the provincial level
only after the disaster event had occurred.

To rectify this situation it is proposed under this present flood control plan to
support the development and improvement of natural disaster
hydro-meteorological forecasting and establish mechanisms to improve the
exchange of information on impending dangers, between the national HMS and the
newly created Disaster Mitigation Management Centre in Hue.

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(3) Disaster Preparedness

This non-structural measure directly addresses the issues of disaster mitigation to

those most vulnerable at the communal and village level.During natural disasters
including floods and typhoons, the majority of life saving activities occurs at the
village level. It is during the first critical hours when disaster strikes that these
communities are virtually cut-off from the rest of the world and are left to their own
devices. This lack of communication between the village and province results in the
province receiving inadequate and unreliable information when it is most needed,
making it difficult for additional resources for life saving and rescue operations to
be allocated.

It is essential if loss of life and property is to be minimised the local community

receives timely and realistic information and advice of impending natural disasters,
to allow them to prepare for such events. It is clear the accuracy, timeliness and
relevancy of the information received during the 1999 flood and the means by
which this information and warning was passed onto the local community was

It is envisaged the proposed measures, which will address these issues, will be
carried out by the newly created Disaster Mitigation Management Centre in Hue
and would include the following:

• To ensure the dissemination of accurate and timely information during

natural disasters is made available at the grassroots level at all times.

• Establishment of a system to provide advanced warning to the local

population at the grassroots level concerning the timing and nature of a
disaster before it occurs, to allow preparation and appropriate action to be

• To increase the number of safe havens in flood-prone areas by the

construction of additional schools and clinics with two storeys in areas
where they are still required.

• To increase the life saving capacity at the village level to save those unable
to save themselves by the provision of training and rescue equipment
including ropes, boats, life buoys, rafts and canoes.

• To facilitate local communities to request emergency assistance when their

own life saving and rescue capacity is exceeded, by providing adequate
and appropriate communication systems.

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• To ensure the people living in villages and communes, being the most
vulnerable population group, are included in the disaster mitigation
process, by involving them through a participatory approach.

(4) Flood Inundation Mapping

Flood inundation maps provide an accurate record of past disasters and indicates
those areas inundated by past floods. They reflect the location where people would
be at risk of being inundated by future flooding, based on a series of predetermined
levels of risk. They are one of the most effective tools available for flood mitigation
decision making and public education. This fact was well recognised by the
relevant authorities and as reported previously flood inundation maps to a scale of
1:10,000 have been prepared for the flood-affected areas downstream of the Huong

Under this present flood control plan it is proposed these maps be now upgraded
and used as a basis for a more practical and detailed mapping exercise, as the
current scale and presentation of maps is not appropriate for all parties involved in
the process of flood mitigation. Final mapping would contain additional
information relating to the strategic location of high storey shelter structures; areas
of high elevation terrain where people would be safe during flooding; areas where
not to build because of the dangers of being washed away; administrative
boundaries for province, district and commune; location of stored emergency food
supplies and rescue equipment; flood evacuation routes and location of dams and
other hydraulic structures at risk due to flooding.

The final maps will be to a scale and in a format that presents the information in a
way that is suitable for the purpose of flood mitigation and can be understood by all
levels of disaster officials and decision makers, ranging from those in Central
Government through to those living in the provinces, districts, communes and
villages. The simplicity and practicality of the maps envisaged can best be
illustrated by drawing an analogy to the schematic sketch found in most hotel
rooms around the world, which indicates the fire escape route for that specific room.
A similar sketch with corresponding instructions, indicating the community flood
evacuation route, could possibly be made for each village located in flood-prone
areas, giving clear and simple instructions on what to do and where to go during
times of flooding. It could be foreseen the sketches being made available and
displayed in a prominent position in each household in the village.

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(5) Field Benchmark Network

As reported previously, following the floods of 1999 and as part of the program to
produce flood inundation maps for Thua Thien-Hue province, a series of 20
primary and 18 secondary flood level warning monuments were installed in the
flood-affected districts of the province.

Although these existing monuments served the purpose of providing a basis for the
production of flood inundation maps, they failed in one of their major functions to
assist in maintaining community preparedness for flood disasters. It is only the
primary flood level warning monuments that are installed in public locations and
with only 20 located in the flood-affected districts over the whole province,
including Hue City, means that for many people they are not be visible and in turn
not a daily reminder of the dangers of flooding.

To rectify the situation it is proposed, under this present flood control plan, to install
a tertiary network consisting of substantially more flood level warning monuments,
than what already exists in the primary and secondary networks. These tertiary
monuments would be installed in highly visible public locations and to be effective
will be considerably more in number than what already exists in the primary and
secondary networks. The monuments would consist of simple concrete pillars and
to be distinctive and visible, be brightly painted with previous flood levels clearly
and simply marked in a manner for local people to understand. The installation of
these monuments could also be coupled with an organised program to paint
previous flood levels at highly visible locations on public buildings.
These permanent marks in public locations, both on buildings and in the form of
monuments, showing previous flood levels, would be an effective way to raise
people’s awareness about the dangers of flooding.

(6) Public Awareness Program

The original Strategy and Action Plan for Mitigating Water Disasters in Vietnam
emphasised the need for a continual public relations campaign in order to heighten
communal awareness of the hazards of water disasters. This fact is no less relevant
today than it was in 1992 when it was originally proposed.

There is a need to keep reminding people, living in flood prone areas, of the dangers
of floods and convincing them of the necessity to make preparations in case of
emergency. Flood waters can be extremely dangerous. The force of only 15cm of
swiftly moving water can knock people off their feet. The best protection during a
flood is to leave the area and go to shelter on higher ground. Flash flood waters

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move at very fast speeds and can roll boulders over, tear out trees, destroy buildings
and obliterate bridges. Walls of water can reach heights of up to 3 to 6 metres and
generally are accompanied by a deadly cargo of debris. The best response to any
sign of flash flooding is to move immediately and quickly to higher ground. These
are all lessons learnt by others who have experienced the dangers of floods. Local
people, particularly those living in flood-prone area should be made aware of these
inherent dangers and efforts directed to overcoming their inert complacency.

It is proposed, under this current flood control plan, to directly address these issues
by implementing a public awareness program. The program would be administered
by the newly created Disaster Mitigation Management Centre in Hue, have as its
main objective the maintenance of communal preparedness for floods disasters and
include the following components:

• Permanent marks in public locations showing previous flood levels. This

component would be covered by the field benchmark networks discussed in
the previous section.

• Conduct a program of training and education for both primary and

secondary schools including the supply of basic information concerning
storms and floods to be added to the school curricula.

• Print and distribute information pamphlets addressed specifically to the

general public living in flood-prone areas on what to do during the different
phases of a flood, including the periods of the initial flood warning, the
actual flood, evacuation and after the flood waters begin to recede. Some
examples of items to be addressed would include learning what specific
flood warning signs and community alert signals are relevant; plan and
practice individual evacuation routes as part of the community flood
evacuation plan; determine safest routes to shelters; what disaster supplies
to have on hand; development of an emergency communication plan and
ensure all family members know how to respond to flood warnings etc.

• Training Provincial Flood and Storm Control (FSC) operatives how to

effectively run the Public Awareness Program and training these operatives
in general public relations related to flood disaster mitigation.

• Regular local public FSC displays indicating the dangers of floods, flood
disaster mitigation and photographs of previous floods.

• To use some of the lessons learnt from the public awareness program used
so successfully in the implementation of the forest fire mitigation plan in

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Phu Loc district as discussed previously.

(7) Reforestation

Forestation is said the one of the measures to control runoff. Generally forest has
the following functions related disaster mitigation:

• to conserve the water

• to reduce soil yield by leaf or branch protecting from the impact of raindrop

• to prevent collapsing the slope of mountain by root expanding on the earth

In Hue province, forest area is increasing for these 9 years from 1991 to 1999 on the
static data 2000. But forest density is changing from rich forest to medium or poor
forest. So changes of forest were examined by using land use map or satellite image
of current and past. As the result it was found that headwaters of Ta Trach river are
developing during 12 years from 1989 to 2001.

In Vietnam some forest project which are Program 661, Program327 and foreign
cooperation are executed before. Reforestation area is now on planning with
referring to those experience within the Ta Trach river basin. Detailed reforest area
is not fixed yet, but basically shrub land change to forest on land use map. Mainly
protection forest to conserve the water for Ta Trach dam are planning. Connecting
the forest with Bach Ma national park also contribute to environmental preservation
as Bach Ma-Hai Green Corridor.

8.3.4 River Environment Management Plan

The river environment management plan is proposed to compose two issues on the
river maintenance flow and the water quality control. It is recommended that the
River Environment Management Committee will be established under the Board of
Management to cope with the said issues.

(1) Management of the River Maintenance Flow:

It is recommended that the river environment management committee will

collaborate with the proposed water use management committee to attain proper
water distribution between the respective water demands and requirement of the
river maintenance flow through well coordination with the related stakeholders.

(2) Water Quality Control

In order to cope with river water deterioration due to waste water discharge from
domestic and industrial uses according to increasing water demand, the river water
quality is to be maintained and/or improved by waste water control. It is

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recommended to establish regular monitoring activities of river water quality as

well as proposed reservoirs including Ta Trach Dam and Thao Long Barrage.

(3) Environmental Monitoring

As discussed in Sub-section 7.4.2, the existing environment and its change is to be

monitored properly before and after the project implementation in order to manage
both natural and social environment and to keep them in favourable condition.

8.3.5 Administrative Management Plan

To accomplish the proposed river basin management plan, the Board of

Management of the Huong River Project with the water use management
committee, flood control and warning committee and river environmental
management committee is extended to be established as a river basin organization
(RBO). Involvement of this organization will be local government agencies as task
force member and related organizations as committee member. A proposed
organization of the Board of Management is proposed and organization chart is
presented below:

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Proposed Organization of Huong River Basin Management

Authority Committee Coordinating Committee

Agency Member

Provincial People’s DARD

Thua Thien Hue Province
Board of Management DOF
of Water Use PC Hue City
the Huong River Project Management
PC Related Districts
Hue provincial Irrigation
Management Company

Thua Thien Water Supply

and Drainage Company

Industry Water Users

Flood and Storm


PC Related
Disaster Mitigation
Management Center in Hue

River Environment
Management DARD DARD
PC : People’s Committee DOF
DARD : Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Development
PC Hue City
DOSTE : Dept. of Science, technology and Environment
DPI : Dept. of Investment PC Related Districts
DOC : Dept. of Construction Hue Provincial Irrigation
DOF : Dept. of Fishery Management Company
DOT : Dept of Transportation
DOTT : Dept of Trading and Tourism Thua Thien Water Supply
and Drainage Company

Industry Water Users

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8.4 Domestic and Industrial Water Supply Plan

8.4.1 Domestic Water Supply

The Thua Thien Water Supply and Drainage Company is responsible for all urban
domestic water supplies in the Thua Thien province, which approximately
coincides with the Huong River basin. The main urban centre is Hue town, but
smaller centres like Phong Dien, Tu Ha, Phu Bai, Nam Dong and A Luoi also fall
under the responsibility of the water supply company.

As far as Hue is concerned, it is one of the few towns in Vietnam having nearly
100% service coverage and with more than sufficient water production capacity.
The total water production capacity for Hue town is more than 90,000 m3/day, while
the actual production is only 42,500 m3/day. However, the old Quang Te-1 plant
dates from the year 1926 and needs to be decommissioned some time in the future.
Recently, a brand new treatment plant at Quang Te came on line, backing up this old
plant, which produces under its original capacity of 40,000 m3/day. The third plant
in town is called Da Vien plant, which is located near the railway bridge. The intake
of Da Vien is right next to the bridge and suffers from salt intrusion during the dry
season. The old and new plant at Quang Te do not have this problem because its raw
water is transported from a different intake site 8 km further up stream. The near to
100% service coverage in Hue is achieved with approximately 31,000 house
connections. Most of these cover at least two separate households.

Smaller treatment plants for other urban centres in Phu Bai and A Luoi are presently
under construction. The plan is to link the production capacity in Phu Bai to the Hue
water system and in A Luoi a new independent system will be developed for the
urban settlement there. Service coverage is much lower in these places.

The present situation can be summarised as follows:

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Production Year Capacity Actual Supply to Remarks

Facility (m /day) Production
Quang Te-1 (old) 1926 40,000 20,000 Hue City To be decommissioned
Quang Te-2 (new) 1997 20,000 15,000 Hue City Phase 1 project
Quang Te-2 (ph-2) - 20,000 - Hue City Phase 2, planned
Da Vien 1952 12,000 10,000 Hue City Salt intrusion problem
Tu ha 1968 4,000 350 Tu Ha & Hue
Chan May dong (2000) 6,000 300 Phuoc Hai
Nam Dong (2000) 1,000 300 Nam Dong Under construction
A Luoi - 4,000 A Luoi Under construction
Phu Bai - 5,000 Phu Bai, Hue Under construction
Phong Dien - 6,000 Phong Dien planned

The future development plan for Hue and surrounding urban centres will have to
focus on keeping up with the population growth in Hue and reaching full service
coverage in the smaller towns. Apart from the present projects in Phu Bai and A
Luoi, the future investments will probably concentrate on the following required

- Construction of Phase 2 of Quang Te 2, i.e. additional 20,000 m3/day

treatment capacity

- Additional pipelines to connect new development areas in Hue, 50 to 100 km

of primary and secondary pipelines

- Approximately 45,000 house connection to cover the population growth until

2020 and maintain full coverage

- Various projects in smaller urban centres in the province, such as Phong Dien
and Nam Dong

8.4.2 Industrial Water Supply

The industrial activity in Thua Thien Province is very limited. Presently, the main
industrial water users are a Beer factory, cement industry, glass and garment
factories. The largest user by far is the Beer factory, producing 33 million litres per
year, which amounts to a water demand of approximately 4,500 m3/day.

Although the government’s policy strongly supports industrial development, the

future plans do not foresee any new large-scale industries for Thua Thien province.
It can therefore be concluded that any industrial activity will receive its water from
the Hue urban water supply scheme in limited quantities.

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8.4.3 Investment Costs

The approximate investment costs of the works identified above can be estimated as
- Construction of Phase 2 of Quang Te 2: US$.10 - 15 Million
- Additional pipelines, (50 – 100 km), @ US$.60 /metre: US$.3 - 6 Million
- 45,000 house connections, @ US$.150 /connection: US$.6.5 Million
- Booster stations and ancillaries: US$.1 - 2 Million
- Other projects: US$.10 Million

Depending on priorities and urgency of facilities, the investment costs required in

the water supply sector of Thua Thien Province may vary from 30 to 40 Million US
dollars over the next 20 years. It should be noted that these figures do not cover
maintenance costs, rehabilitation works or replacement of old equipment at existing

8.5 Agricultural Water Supply Plan

Irrigation water supply plan is formulated based on the agricultural development
plan, which determines the cropped area and seasons of future irrigation, as
described below:

8.5.1 Agricultural Development Plan

In the Thua Thien Hue Province, agriculture sector has been producing 24% of total
GRD, and directly sustains agricultural population corresponding to 50% of total
population and indirectly rural population accounting for 70% of total population.
The agriculture is the main stay of rural population.

The Huong River Basin extends over 65% of land area of the Thua Thien Hue
Province. Out of total agriculture land in the province, 43,000 ha (70% of
agriculture land) is located in the river basin, comprising 26,000 ha of paddy field,
13,500 ha of upland crop field and 3,500 ha of perennial crop land. Irrigated land is
25,300 ha, of which 18,000 ha is paddy field and 7,900 ha upland crop field.

(1) Agricultural Development Policy and Target

According to the agriculture development policy and strategy of the government,

the direction given to the North Central Coast Region is i) acceleration of
commodity-based production, ii) expansion of livestock and agro-processing, iii)
improvement of rural living standard through increase of farmers’ income and
enhancement of rural services.

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Along with this direction, the agricultural policy of the province put their emphasis
on i) food security and poverty alleviation, ii) enhancement of living standard
through income generation, iii) increase of export earning, and iv) expansion of
vegetation cover on slopes for environmental conservation. The target in 2010 and
its approach for development is presented in Table 8.2 and summarized below:
Agricultural Development in Thua Thien Hue Province
Sector & Focus Target and Approach
Annual Crop (food security, export, Food crop: annual production of 25,000 ton equivalent to
domestic consumption) 200 kg per capita, other annual crops: expansion of
groundnuts and tobacco, vegetables and beans.
Development of infrastructure (irrigation and drainage,
protection from flood, etc), improvement of farming
practice, rural community development.
Perennial Crop (export, domestic Rubber: annual production of 3,300 ton from cropped area
consumption, environment) of 5,500 ha of plantation, horticulture: 5,000 ha of fruit
Conversion of low productive land, development of
infrastructure for production and marketing.
Livestock (domestic consumption) Increase of raising and rearing of pig, cattle, buffalo,
Forest (environment) 190,000 ha of natural forest and 115,000 ha of forest
Promotion of natural re-generation and plantation,
development of infrastructure for production and forest
Fishery (export, domestic Annual production of 17,600 ton by marine catch and
consumption) 4,800 ton by aqua culture.
Development of infrastructure for production and rural
community for fishermen’s households.
Source: 2010 target stated in “Agriculture of Vietnam, 61 Provinces and Cities, National Institute of
Agriculture Planning and Projection, 2001” with modification by the JICA Study Team.

(2) Agricultural Development Situation

Based on the above target and approach, the agriculture development projects in the
Huong River Basin are listed in terms of water resources development and
management through review of existing data and information, and shown in Table
8.3 as summarized below:

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Water Resource Related Agricultural Development Project

Project Description
1. Projects related to Ta Trach Reservoir
1.1 Protection of flood, irrigation 40,000 ha in gross and 25,900 ha in net for paddy
rehabilitation and drainage field and upland crops. Increasing cropping intensity
Improvement related to Ta Trach from 178% to 200% for paddy and upland crops.
1.2 Thao Long Barrage (on going) Prevention of salt water intrusion in the Huong and
Bo Rivers and store fresh water in the river channel.
1.3 Settlement of households from the Industrial crops as sugarcane, pineapple, coffee and
proposed Ta Trach Reservoir rubber along with food crops. Rural infrastructure
and agro-processing facilities.
1.4 Watershed conservation in the upper 45,000 ha for natural re-generation and 70,000 ha of
reaches and tributaries of Huong River forest plantation with forest community
Basin development.
2. Truoi Reservoir (on going) 8,000 ha of irrigation from the Truoi River,
supplemental irrigation water supply to the area
irrigated by the Huong River
3. Co Bi Irrigation Project Irrigation development using water from the Bo
4. Small scale irrigation development Irrigation development in small spots sporadically
located in the river basin.
5. Inland Fishery in Reservoir Fish catch in the reservoir through release of fish fries
and nurseries without heavy input, in order to
increase of income for local population of
surrounding area.
6. Aqua Culture of Shrimp and Fish Aqua culture development in the coastal area through
conversion of low productive agricultural land, in
order to increase productivity as well as to conserve
lagoon and aqua environment in the brackish zone.
Source: Information from the relevant agencies with modification by the JICA Study Team.

The present status of the above projects is examined regarding (i) relation with
other projects, particularly the flood control, (ii) maturity of project, (iii) progress
of relevant projects and agency, and summarized below:

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Present Status of Projects

Relation with Maturity of Progress of
Project Group Flood Control Project Relevant Projects
1. Projects related to Ta Trach Reservoir
1.1 Irrigation Rehabilitation and To be protected F/S completed Thao Long Barrage
Drainage Improvement by flood control under construction
for salt water control
1.2 Thao Long Barrage - Under construction -
1.3 Settlement from the Proposed Essential for Consideration by Sugarcane mill under
Reservoir reservoir province operation
1.4 Watershed Management and - - Regular work by
Forest Community Development province
2. Truoi Reservoir - Under construction -
3. Co Bi Irrigation Project - Preliminary Plan -
4. Small Scale Irrigation Development - Plan to be prepared -
5. Fishery Development in the Existing - Plan to be prepared -
6. Shrimp and Fish Culture - Plan to be prepared -
Development in Brackish Water Zone

Small scale irrigation development and fishery developments as well as Co Bi

Irrigation Project are not matured for implementation, and require further study.
Truoi Reservoir Project is under implementation and will be completed in 2002.

The primary objective of water resources development and management in the

Huong River basin is to reduce the flood damage of the Hue City and surrounded
populated area. In this regard, the Ta Trach Reservoir is selected in the flood
control plan including protection of the existing agricultural land surrounding the
Hue City. Such projects as Thao Long Barrage and Truoi Reservoir, supporting the
agriculture development in this area, have been implemented and under

Taking this situation into account, the first priority for agricultural development in
the Huong River basin is given to the irrigation rehabilitation and drainage
improvement of 25,900 ha surrounding the Hue City.

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(3) Agricultural Development Plan

Irrigation rehabilitation and drainage improvement will provide i) irrigation water

supply, ii) drainage improvement, iii) mitigation of the early flood during May to
June, iv) prevention of salt water intrusion into irrigation water, v) protection from
tidal wave during storm. Assuming these conditions, the future agricultural
development plan is formulated as below:

a) Change in land use

The present irrigation condition of 25,900 ha of agriculture land will change

in the following manner after completion of the project:
Change in Land Use
Land Use Condition Present Future Balance
Paddy Field Irrigated 18,022 ha 19,912 ha +1,890 ha
Upland Crop Filed Irrigated 0 ha 5,988 ha +5,988 ha
Upland Crop Filed Rain-fed 7,878 ha 0 ha -7,878 ha
Total 25,900 ha 25,900 ha 0 ha
b) Future cropping area and unit yield

Under the future condition, paddy field will increase by 1,890 ha and all the
cultivated land will be irrigated. All the cropped land can be fully cultivated
in both cropping season of winter – spring and summer – autumn.
Accordingly, cropping intensity will increase to 200% from the present 171%.
Cropped area of each crop is shown below:
Future Cropping Area of Each Crop
Crop Season Present Future Balance
Paddy Winter – Spring 18,022 ha 19,912 ha +1,890 ha
Paddy Summer – Autumn 15,197 ha 19,912 ha +4,715 ha
Sub-Total 5,622 ha 33,219ha 39,824 ha +6,605 ha
Subsidiary Crop - 6,655 ha 7,976 ha 1,321 ha
(Maize) Winter – Spring (79 ha) (460ha) (381 ha)
(Maize) Summer – Autumn (78 ha) (460ha) (382 ha)
(Sweet Potatoes) Winter – Spring (4,838 ha) (3,456 ha) (-1,382 ha)
(Groundnuts ) Winter – Spring (705 ha) (72 ha) (-633 ha)
(Groundnuts) Summer – Autumn (955 ha) (3,528 ha) (2,606 ha)
Vegetables Winter – Spring 2,256 ha 2,000 ha -256 ha
Vegetables Summer – Autumn 2,256 ha 2,000 ha -256 ha
Total 25,900 ha 44,386 ha 51,800 ha 7,414 ha
Cropping Intensity 171% 200% +29%
Source: Interim Report of Feasibility Study, December 1999.

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Crop yield will increase from the present level, resulted from i) staple
irrigation water supply in the draft season, ii) drainage of excess water, iii)
protection of early flood and tidal wave, and iv) avoidance of salt water
contamination to irrigation water in dry season. Anticipated unit yield of
each crop is given below:
Anticipated Unit Yield of Each Crop
Crop Present Future Increment
Winter – Spring Paddy 2.8 ton/ha 5.0 ton/ha 2.2 ton/ha
Summer – Autumn Paddy 3.0 ton/ha 5.0 ton/ha 2.0 ton/ha
Maize 1.2 ton/ha 4.0 ton/ha 2.8 ton/ha
Sweet Potatoes 4.8 ton/ha 7.0 ton/ha 2.2 ton/ha
Groundnuts 1.2 ton/ha 1.5 ton/ha 0.3 ton/ha
Vegetables 6.0 ton/ha 10.0 ton/ha 4.0 ton/ha
Source: Interim Report of Feasibility Study, December 1999.
c) Future Agricultural Production

Based on cropped area and anticipated unit yield of each crop, agricultural
production is estimated at about 200,000 ton of paddy, 3,700 ton of maize,
24,000 ton of sweet potatoes, 5,400 ton of groundnuts and 40,000 ton of
vegetables, as shown below:
Production in the Project Area
Crop Win – Spr Sum – Aut Total Unit Yield Production
Win – Spr Paddy 19,922 ha - 19,022 ha 5.0 ton/ha 99,610 ton
Sum – Aut Paddy - 19,922 ha 19,022 ha 5.0 ton/ha 99,610 ton
Sub-Total 19,922 ha 19,922 ha 39,844 ha 199,220 ton
Subsidiary Crop 3,988 ha 3,988 ha 6,655 ha 33,272 ton
(Maize) (460ha) (460 ha) (920 ha) 4.0 ton/ha 3,680 ton
(Sweet Potatoes) (3,456 ha) (0 ha) (3,456 ha) 7.0 ton/ha 24,192 ton
(Groundnuts) (72 ha) (3,528 ha) (3,600 ha) 1.5 ton/ha 5,400 ton
Vegetables 2,000 ha 2,000 ha 4,000 ha 10.0 ton/ha 40,000 ton
Total 25,900 ha 18,486 ha 44,386 ha - 272,492 ton
Source: Interim Report of Feasibility Study, December 1999.

8.5.2 Irrigation Water Supply and Drainage Plan

The irrigation water supply plan contains three related items that for a proper
functioning of the scheme cannot be separated, i.e. irrigation, drainage and
inundation protection. Better drainage facilities will decrease flooding in depth and
duration. Better flood protection will reduce the required drainage capacity.

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(1) Irrigation System

The present layout of the main irrigation system with canals, drains, intakes, outlets
and pumping stations is shown in Figure 8.15, and schematic in Figure 8.16. It
should basically remain unchanged in future. The Huong, Bo and Truoi Rivers will
be the main sources of irrigation water. Main irrigation canals will also function as
drains and pumping stations will serve secondary units. And the present intake and
outlet locations seem all right and sufficient, but capacity of some outlets is

For Huong North, the Bo River and its branches are the 'main canals' from where
water is pumped into secondary canals, feeding more or less independent areas: 26
areas between 50 and 600 ha, 4 areas between 750 and 950 ha and 1 of 1,400 ha.
Part of Huong North receives its irrigation water from the Huong River via Nham
Bieu Intake. The area has, besides the Bo River itself, three main drainage outlets:
Ha Do, An Xuan and Quan Cua.

For Huong South, irrigation water from the Huong and Truoi Rivers is conveyed
through former river branches to 22 areas between 50 and 600 ha, 3 areas between
750 and 900 ha, 1 of 1,470 and 1 of 2,100 ha. There is a small upstream area with
direct pumping from the Huong River. But the whole north and central part of
Huong South receives its irrigation water via Phu Cam Intake, supported by the
intake in La Y Spillway (when salinity low). The southern part receives its
irrigation water from the Nong River (supplied from Truoi Reservoir).

In future agricultural and other developments will continue and when higher value
crops are planted at bigger scale (usually in certain most suitable areas) better
control of water levels with short variation between maximum and minimum will
be needed. Then more strict, possibly automatic, operation of gates and pumps will
be required. Even further increase of discharge capacity may be needed. At present
too little is known to justify adjustments of (parts of) the irrigation system.

Nevertheless the present irrigation and drainage system needs rehabilitation and
modernization to:

- Guarantee sufficient irrigation water in 3 out of 4 years

- Sufficient drainage capacity for excess rainfall and overland flow

- Prevent saltwater intrusion

- Protect against early flooding during the cropping seasons

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But it should permit:

- Major flooding outside the cropping seasons.

Improvements are required on inundation protection and drainage, old civil works
have to be rehabilitated and delayed maintenance has to be carried out. There are
main works under construction (with planned year of completion): Truoi Dam
(2002), Thao Long Barrage (2004), Phu Bai Dam (rehabilitation 2002), and
planned: Ta Trach Dam, Cong Quan Outlet (additional), Khe Nuoc Dam.
Recommendations on rehabilitation, etc. are described in Section 9.4.

(2) Irrigation Water Requirements

The efficiency of the use of irrigation water in an irrigation scheme is an important,

but difficult to measure, parameter. The efficiency (for paddy) relates to losses from
primary secondary and tertiary canals through seepage, evaporation, illegal
off-takes, etc. and operational wastage (including over-application) of water.

For Huong River Irrigation Scheme the losses in the system are:

- In rivers and their branches are losses not applicable

- Primary canals/drains: negligible seepage and illegal off-take, evaporation

losses and losses of unused irrigation water through outlets (due to the size of
the scheme it is difficult to supply exactly the demand quantity of water at the
intakes). Rivers and main irrigation canals also function as drains.

- Pumping stations: losses as result of inefficient pumping increase required

power, but they are no efficiency losses of the irrigation system.
- Part of the irrigation water will flow back as drainage water into the main
canal system.

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Part of the losses in the secondary system will flow back into the primary
canals/drains and can be re-used of water. This does not affect the efficiency since it
is assumed that the losses are discharges through the outlets, caused by difficult
adjustments to the supply to the system.

The following efficiency schedule is used:

Efficiency 0.95 0.90 0.90 0.90

river; pumping end sec. end tert. end field
intake; station; canal; canal; canal;
start main start sec. start tert. start field field;
canal canal canal canal crop
1.48 1.41 1.27 1.15 1.04
l/s/ha l/s/ha l/s/ha l/s/ha l/s/ha

There are 79 major pumping stations, with their locations indicated in Figures 8.15
and 8.16:

Pumping station Huong Huong Total

North South
irrigation only (IP) 31 22 53
irrigation and drainage (IDP) 0 5 5
drainage only (DP) 7 14 21

The names and command areas of the above pumping stations have been
summarized in Table 8.4. With peak water demand at the fields of 1.04 l/s/ha the
peak water supply at the pumping stations should be 1.41 l/s/ha for command areas
smaller than 600 ha and 1.48 l/s/ha for command areas bigger than 600 ha and for
the main intakes. For areas smaller than 600 ha the canal downstream of a pumping
station is considered a secondary, for areas bigger than 600 ha a primary canal.

The general water demand for Huong North and Huong South is shown in Table 8.5,
with details for different sub-areas, under command of the pumping stations in
Table 8.6.

Huong North is for irrigation water dependent of the discharge of the Bo River,
backwater of Huong River and Nham Bieu Intake on Huong River. Most of the
irrigated area of Huong North, about 10,900 ha, is pumped directly from the Bo
River and its branches. The remaining about 1,700 ha receives its irrigation water
via Nham Bieu Intake. For details see Table 8.6. This corresponds with a peak

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

supply, based on the maximum irrigation water demand, of:

Intake Command area (ha) Peak supply (m3/s)

Bo River (pump) 10,883 1.56
Nham Bieu 1,676 2.42
Total Huong North 12,559 18.03
Huong South depends on Phu Cam Intake, with some support of La Y, both on
Huong River. From (April/May) 2002 downstream parts will be irrigated from
Truoi Reservoir. Irrigated areas will then be 168 ha (upland) plus 8,460 ha (Phu
Cam) and 4,713 ha (Truoi). The contribution via La Y is uncertain (salinity) until
Thao Long Barrage is completed. Thereafter it may supply 1,307 ha in the
north-eastern part, reducing the supply via Phu Cam Intake to 7,153 ha. For details
of calculation process of the peak supply, see Table 8.6.

This corresponds with a peak supply, based on the maximum irrigation water
demand, of:

Intake Command area (ha) Peak supply (m3/s)

Huong River (pump) 168 0.24
Phu Cam 8,460 - 7,153 12.24 – 10.35
La Y 0 - 1,307 0 - 1.84
Truoi 4,713 6.81
Total Huong South 13,341 19.23

The contribution of Phu Bai, Chau Son and other smaller reservoirs has not been
taken into account.

The present capacity of the intakes at low river levels, coinciding with unsuitable
(saline) water quality does not require measures. Thao Long Barrage will be
completed soon solving problems caused by salinity and low natural river water

The command areas of the different secondary units of the rivers, main intakes and
outlets have been indicated on the schematic layout of Figure 8.16.
Intake capacities
The low water levels and design water levels in the main canal/drain system are
unknown so the actual capacity of the intakes cannot be checked. After completion
of Thao long barrage the minimum water levels in Huong and Bo River will be at
least 0.50 m+.

- Nham Bieu Intake will, with the supported pump facility, have sufficient

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

capacity. This will further increase by Thao Long Barrage.

- Phu Cam Intake will have sufficient capacity. Thao Long Barrage will keep
the intake levels above 0.50 m+, and the intake of La Y Spillway and outlet of
Truoi Reservoir will reduce the required capacity.

- The intake of La Y Spillway will mainly support Phu Cam Intake by taking
over part of the inflow. It is not relevant to consider the sufficiency of its

(3) Improvement of Water Management Level

In order to improve the water management level, not only improvement of the
facilities but also improvement of the operation skill should be achieved. Necessary
projects so as to realize the improved water management skill of the year 2020 are
considered as follows:

(a) Formulation of agricultural water use policy within the framework of

water resources policy including all the other water-related sectors such
as domestic water, industrial water, hydropower generation water, river
maintenance flow
As FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No.52 “Performing Water
Resources Policy - A guide to methods, processes and practices”
presents the practical approach to the goal, it would be referred to as a
guide in the course of the on-going water resources policy formulation
in Vietnam.

(b) Capacity building and training, which are on-going in Vietnam, for
(i) central, provincial and district governments’ water-related officials,
(ii) irrigation management companies’ (IMCs’) staff, (iii) cooperatives’
water management staff and (iv) water users (farmers)
FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No.40 “Organization, Operation
and Maintenance of Irrigation Schemes” would be used as a training
material. No.40 presents also an important suggestion about the
personnel training.

(c) Transfer of irrigation management services, which is on-going in

Vietnam, from IMCs to cooperatives for efficient and effective
operation and maintenance of irrigation schemes
FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No.58 “Transfer of irrigation
management services - Guidelines” presents useful suggestions on all
the steps from the mobilization to the implementation of the irrigation

8-36 Phase 2-1
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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

management transfer (IMT).

As projects related to the above are already on-going by the Provincial

Government, the necessary measures to be taken from now on would be ones
to improve the present methods so as to achieve the goal more efficiently and
effectively in consideration of the Vietnam’s or regional characteristics on
the basis of the international standards mentioned above. To estimate the
required period, staffing, and budget for the capacity building and training
projects, the data of the on-going projects would be referred to. For example,
according to the interview to the team leader of the AusAID Project made at
the beginning of the Phase 1, the following were confirmed:
- Period : 32 months from October 2001
- Staffing : 3 foreign consultants with 124 M/M of local consultants
(4) Cropping during Early Flooding Time

The problems of early flooding in Huong North concerns mainly the areas adjacent
to Bo and Huong rivers, near the lagoon, whereas in Huong South the whole
south-eastern part, in particular the reclaimed lagoon lands, is affected.

These areas are, because of their low land levels, also longest and deepest inundated
by the major floods. Major floods (if not too long and too deep) are widely accepted,
whereas early floods, those cause most of the (agricultural) damage are not

a) Rainfall
Excess rainfall has to be discharged through an adequate drainage system.
Part of the rainfall can temporary be stored in open water (canals, ponds),
depressions, fallow land, fields, etc.

b) Lagoon water levels

High (tidal plus waves) lagoon water levels may hamper, or even prevent,
drainage during some time. The tidal ranges in the dry season are in the order
of 0.5 m, and in the rainy season, with high river discharges even less.

Of the lands in Huong North is 7.3% below 0.00 m+ and 12.7% below 0.50 m+
whereas in Huong South 40% is below 0.00 m+ and almost 60% below 0.50
m+. In comparison are 95% of the high tides above 0.69 m+ and 5% below
0.13 m+, whereas 95% of the low tides are above 0.46 m- and 5% above 0.00

With so much low land near the lagoon it is obvious that gravity drainage is

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


(5) Drainage Capacity

Sufficient drainage capacity can be obtained by increase of drain cross sections

(this also increases storage capacity), cleaning the drainage system and/or bigger
pumping capacity.

Longitudinal and cross sections of the major drains could not be obtained from the
authorities concerned, so the capacity of the drainage system could not be checked.
Rainfall data are available, but no data on overflow from Huong or Bo rivers nor
from inflow from the small rivers (with reservoirs with unknown flood regulating
capacity). With the available data only a rough estimate of the required dimensions
of drains and outlets could be made.

More drainage capacity results in quicker drainage with shorter inundation periods.
The principle possibilities to cope with, or to reduce inundation periods and depths,

- Increased conveyance capacity of the drains (bigger/deeper cross section)

- Increased capacity of outlets (additional number and/or supporting pumps)
- Retarding areas
- Short-cut drain to the lagoon
- Polders

They can also be used in combination, as hereafter will be considered more

For Huong North the floods are (temporary) stored in the drainage system.

Possible increase of the capacities of the branches and their outlet structures is only
required for their command area between Bo River and the lagoon. Only small
areas could be found as suitable retention areas and compartments are no practical
option, the area is already sufficiently divided by different branches. The required
drainage flow can be handled by the existing (or enlarged) gravity outlets. It has to
be investigated if future developments (agricultural and other) require enlargement
or supporting pumping stations for emergency periods or better regulation of the
canal/drain water levels.

For Huong South the situation is rather different. Rainfall and inflow from outside
quickly rise the water levels in the main canals/drains till their banks overtop. An
increase of gravity outlet, supported pumping, retention areas,
compartmentalization, bypass of Nong River floods, or a combination of these

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measures is required.

(i) Increase capacity/ number of outlets and/or pumps

Cong Quan is the most important and effective outlet, because of its location
at the end of the canal/drain that longitudinal crosses Huong South. There are
also the lowest lands, to where the drain water flows. The drainage capacity
of Cong Quan outlet should therefore be sufficient for design floods as will be
considered in detail later in this chapter.

(ii) Retarding area

Storage of drainage (flood) water inside the area during periods that gravity
discharge is hampered will reduce the pumping capacity. But storage of big
water volumes means that retarding areas have to be found, i.e. areas that can
be inundated. In fact extensive parts of the irrigation scheme are retarding
areas during the major floods of the rainy season. But in the dry season
retarding areas are to have to prevent early flooding damages in other areas.

For Huong South one apparently suitable area can be found. It is reclaimed
land from the lagoon, i.e. about 400 ha northeast of Cong Quan Outlet.
Because of this low land levels it is so long inundated, at the end of the rainy
season and so early again at the start of the next wet season, that only one crop
is possible. It could be used as retarding areas at the end of the main
canal/drain, and store drainage water of upstream Huong South and Nong
(iii) Short-cut drain

Nong River flows directly into the south-eastern corner of Huong South
irrigation scheme and it is the only small river without a dam. Its catchment is
in the order of 80 km2 against 60 km2 of the other small rivers together. Its
discharge flow into the main canal/drain and via Cong Quan Outlet into the
lagoon. Heavy rainfall in the small, steep catchment will result in flash floods
that directly discharge into the lowest part of the agricultural area, resulting in,
or aggravating flooding.

A diversion of Nong early floods discharge directly to the lagoon will be

relatively easy, because there already exists an outlet channel. The original
distance to the lagoon was short (2-2.5 km), but since the construction of an
embankment through the lagoon, reclaiming a corner of the lagoon for
agriculture, the length is increased (4.5-5 km). The alignment passes
uninhabited agricultural low lands.

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However, such a diversion requires a number of works:

a) Re-alignment and reshaping of the existing channel

Where possible the alignment should be adjusted (shortened) to get the

optimum way of discharge to the lagoon. The reshaping includes
widening and deepening to the required design cross-section for design

b) Structure to prevent inflow of salt lagoon water and outflow of irrigation


This structure should be an outlet similar to Cong Quan, allowing

outflow to the lagoon and prevent return flow, and a lock provision to
prevent unwanted outflow of (irrigation) water. The capacity should be
sufficient to discharge design early floods. During the wet season (major)
flooding is permitted. The structure should be close to the lagoon, so that
fresh water in the upstream channel can be used for irrigation.

c) Structure to reduce drainage flow to the agricultural area

A structure in the branch that conveys irrigation water has to prevent that
early floods discharge pass this branch. A structure with vertical lifting
gates requires manual operation, but the gates can be put in different
positions to manipulate the discharge.

d) Embankments along outlet branch

With the structure near the lagoon protective embankments have to

prevent overflow of early flood discharge. Embankments at some
distance from the channel need lower crest levels, and in combination
with retarding area lower crest, erosion protected parts. The lagoon
embankment has to be connected to the structure.

It is not obvious that a short-cut drain of Nong River, with its adjacent works
is more feasible than an increase of the drainage outlet capacity, by additional
gravity outlets or supporting pumping capacity. It has certain advantages to
concentrate the discharge through one outlet (two structures) at Cong Quan.
(iv) Polders
Polders are 'isolated' areas with their own water level in the canals/ drains. In
Huong River Irrigation Scheme the individual secondary units, under
command of a pumping station, are already more or less polders.

In particular the SE-part of Huong South has low to very low land levels,

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

even reclaimed lagoon. With open connections the 'higher' lands will drain
via the 'lower lands'. The lower lands will be longer flooded and they have
already problematic gravity discharge to the lagoon.

Here polders the situation could be improved. The main canal/ drain (Dai
Giang River) from Phu Cam Intake to Cong Quan Outlet separates the higher
lands on hilly sides from the lower lands on the sandy lands/ lagoon side.

Each should have its own design water level, decreasing from NW (upstream)
to SE (downstream). Because the area is rather flat the differences in design
levels will be small.

Areas with different land levels are separated by boundary canals/drains, and
do not receive outside water and are when needed surrounded by
embankments. A boundary canal/drain can have a higher water level and
increase the possibility (duration) of gravity irrigation and drainage, reducing
(supporting) pumping. Lower lands may have to be drained by pumping, but
since there is no inflow from outside the water volume will be less.

The main canals/drains of the system will be boundary canals/drains.

Embankments and control structures prevent drainage water to flow into a
lower compartment. Also water from the hills and overflow of the small
reservoirs will drain into the main canals/drains only. The compartments will
receive irrigation water from the main canals/drains.

However, decrease of storage in lower areas will increase the storage on

higher lands. For drainage the water level main canal/drain system should be
low and for irrigation high. Since (early flooding) rainstorms occur in the
irrigation period the operation schedule has to be sophisticated.

(6) Drainage Requirements

The drainage system has to have a capacity to discharge a design rainfall plus
inflow from outside within a certain time. The capacity should be designed to:

- Prevent early flooding (dry, irrigation season)

- Timely discharge after major flooding (end of wet season)

The capacity can be reduced if (guaranteed) storage possibilities are available.

The permitted period for water on the fields depends on the type and stage of the

Since early flooding occurs during the vulnerable periods of harvest and planting,
the water should be drained off within three days (72 hrs).

8-41 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(a) Rainfall and run-off

Design flood rainfalls of 150, 175 and 200 mm have been adopted for 1-day
(24 hours), 2-days (24-48 hours) and 3-days (48-72 hours) respectively. Part
of this rainfall will be intercepted or temporary stored (see Table 8.5). The
remaining rainfall has to be drained: from agricultural lands 65% and from
hilly uplands 60%. Sandy areas will have delayed runoff that does not
contribute to the above design rainfall.

The delay in runoff from the hills will be short (only a few hours), because of
the short distance and the steep slopes. Only the more than 2,000 ha Thuy
Dong area, close to Hue is about 25 km from Cong Quan Outlet, so a delay of
0.5 day may be taken into account.

(b) Storage possibilities

During harvest no irrigation is required and the water levels in the

canals/drains can be low, but (second) planting takes place in the same season
and demands high water levels. During early floods high water levels prevent
drainage to the rivers. The actual storage in the small reservoirs depends on
recent rainfall. They may be empty after irrigation during a longer drought
period, or full after recent rainfall.

Possible storage on fallow and/or low lands may also be small since in the
harvest/planting period the land use will be maximum. Most rainfall on the
sandy areas will infiltrate and flow with delay to the irrigated lands or the
(c) Inflow from outside

Inflow from saline lagoon water will be prevented by embankments, except

negligible overtopping by wave action. The inflow from early floods in
Huong and Bo rivers (bank overtopping) is also negligible. Upstream the
banks are high and downstream the roads parallel to the rivers serve as
embankments. They may overtop during high floods, but these do not occur
in the early flood season.

As a result the inflow from outside into Huong North is negligible. The
relation with the sandy and marshy areas to the north (rainfall, groundwater
flow, etc.) are unknown, but can be neglected for design drainage runoff.

The inflow from outside to Huong South will be the runoff from the hills
through small rivers, of which Nong River is the biggest. In particular the low
lands (reclaimed lagoon) will suffer. Because of the small, hilly catchments

8-42 Phase 2-1
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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

the runoff time is short.

Insufficient cross drainage capacity in the railway and highway may lower
the peak and lengthen the time to discharge the runoff volume. When this
results in flooding on the upstream side the capacity will in future be
increased. Inflow from the sandy areas in the east is unknown, but
contribution to the design runoff can be neglected.

(d) Outlet capacities

The quantities of drainage water, in volumes and in discharges, are found in

Table 8.5. The 12,559 ha (Huong North) and 13,343 ha (Huong South)
require drainage of 142 m3/s and 296 m3/s in 24 hours, or 63 m3/s and 132
m3/s in 72 hours. The drainage is divided over a number of outlets, of which
Cong Quan is the most important (big drainage area, outside inflow and low
lands). The figures in Table 8.7 show the required discharges capacities per
main outlet, of which Cong Quan Outlet is by far the biggest.

From paddy cropping point of view the water should be discharged within 72
hours. This implies that the drainage capacity of Cong Quan Outlet has to be
105 m3/s of which Nhong River contributes 37 m3/s.

Because no information is known on design water levels in the main

canal/drain system the actual discharge capacity of the outlets cannot be
checked. Besides a '72-hour' discharge to prevent early flooding the same
outlet has to discharge the bigger major foods in a longer period, but timely
for the start of the winter-spring planting.

A first impression of the required discharges shows:

i) Ha Do, An Xuan and Quan Cua have together sufficient capacity to drain
that part of Huong North that is not drained via Bo River (see Figure
8.16). In practice, however, are An Xuan and Quan Cua just rehabilitated
and appears that the discharge capacity of the present old Ha Do sluice is
insufficient. Rough estimate show drainage requirements of 4, 9 and 5
m3/s for Ha Do, An Xuan and Quan Cua outlets, excluded possible
discharges from Bo River.

ii) Two additional drain structures are recommended in the Bo River

branches to the northeast (see Figure 8.16). They have to regulate the
flow (water levels) to Huong North irrigation area between Bo River and
the lagoon. Preventing the high water levels in the canals/drains, caused
by early floods, the embankments can be lower, reducing construction

8-43 Phase 2-1
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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

and maintenance cost.

The gates of the structures can remain open most of the time of the year.
Closure is only necessary during (flood) water levels in Bo River above a
design level to prevent excessive inflow from Bo River during early
floods and at the end of the major floods.
The capacity has to be sufficient for (future) irrigation supply, flushing,
etc. and to discharge part of the Bo River floods, up to the capacity (say
10 m3/s) of the canals/drains and the outlets. The relation and influence
of the structures on the drainage of the areas and the capacity of the
outlets should also be investigated. Undesired high water levels in the
irrigation area (caused by rainstorms) should be drained via Bo River,
when this river has lower water levels.

iii) Cau Long Outlet may have to drain more water as the roughly estimated
12 m3/s. In practice the discharge capacity appeared too small. The
design of a new outlet should include a more detailed estimate the
required capacity.

iv) Cong Quan Outlet has to drain by far the biggest area. The outlet has a
width of 11x2.2+1x2.7=26.9 m and floor level 1.50 m-. Assuming the
upstream water level at 1.00 m+ the wet area will be 67.25 m2, so to
discharge 105 m3/s the velocity has to be 1.56 m/s. Actual discharge and
velocity depend on the water levels in the approach canal and the tidal
water levels in the lagoon. In practice the conditions are often less
favourable and is the present capacity of Cong Quan insufficient. When
design criteria become available the additional requirement can be

8.6 Urban Drainage Plan

The urban drainage in Hue City would be planned so as to smoothly drain the
inundation at depressions scattered in the city. The gravity drainage would be
applied in consideration that the pump drainage would be ineffective without the
dike system along the Hue River. Therefore, the drainage time of the inundation
caused in the depressions would be limited to the time after the flood of the main
drainage river courses such as the Hue and the Bo.

(1) Urban drainage system

The drainage system to be planned in the urban area would be the combination of
street drain, the street inlet, and the underground storm drain to e connected to main

8-44 Phase 2-1
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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

drainage streams and rivers.

(2) Implementation method

The drainage system would be along the street network. Therefore, the urban
drainage system project should be implemented at the same time as the urban street
improvement project.

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


9.1 Multipurpose Dam and Appurtenant Facilities

9.1.1 Review on the Geology and Seismicity Studies Made in the Feasibility Study

A preliminary overview of geological conditions of the project area is made in the

Study and thereby gives a geotechnical evaluation of the proposed dam project, on
the basis of the existing geological investigation reports as well as reconnaissance
and interpretation of topographic features.

Overview has been made for the following subjects of which some subjects (in
italic characters) are available in detail in Appendix – E for Phase 2-1.

a) General geology oh the Huong river basin

b) Geology of Ta Trach reservoir area
c) Engineering geology
d) Geological evaluation at the planned project
e) Construction material
f) Seismicity

(1) Geological Evaluation at the Proposed Project

The proposed Ta Trach dam is designed as a multi-purposes dam. The outline of

the dam proposed in the Feasibility Study is summarized as follows:
- Dam type: Mixed earth and rockfill dam
- Dam height: 55 m
- Dam crest elevation: 55 m
- Dam crest length: 1,112 m
- Full supply level: 45.0 m
- Spillway type: Overflow spillway with gate
- Spillway crest elevation: 35 m
- Spillway width: 60 m
- Length of Spillway slope: 123 m
(a) Selection of Dam Type

Earthfill dam has been proposed during the pre-feasibility study and the
Feasibility Study stages of the project. The proposal is possible and
appropriate technically and economically. In construction, however, the
earthfill dam seems to be less reliable and less safe in handling floods

9-1 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

during construction. Therefore, concrete facing rockfill dam (CFRD) and

concrete gravity type dam, such as roller compacted concrete (RCC) dam
are considered in the present study as alternative plan.

The bedrock of the damsite is classified into four weathering zones. Zones
Σ to IV will be appropriate for the foundation of 50 to 60 m high RCC dam.
The rock layer of Zone V is considered unsuitable for the RCC dam
foundation because the zone V, which is formed by strongly weathered
rocks, has insufficient shear strength.

Accordingly, in case of RCC dam, the excavation depth of the foundation

will be about 35 m or more in depth up to zone IV for the RCC dam

In case of rockfill dam, the strongly weathered rock (zone V) can be used as
a dam foundation. Excavation of the overlying river alluvium only will be
thus necessary in general. Moreover, the river valley, U shape of about
1,000 m wide, sustains good efficiency for embankment work. A careful
study on dam type in consideration of the merits and demerits of each dam
type is considered necessary, although the Study has difficulty to examine
and determine the dam type at this stage.

(b) Selection of Damsite

The damsite is selected mainly in consideration of the following conditions

and factors:

x Two ranges of flat mountains and hills at an elevation of 80 to 500 m

nearly parallel with the course of the Ta Trach river. At the proposed
damsite these ranges lessen the river width to about 1,000 m, while the
valley floor upstream widens as much as 3,000 m. Accordingly, the
proposed damsite will result in the effective storage capacity of

x Geology of the reservoir area is very similar, and therefore, the

geological condition has little or no effect on the selection of damsite.

x The proposed damsite provides a great convenience of layout of

appurtenant structures and an easy access for construction.
(c) Excavation Depth and Line

The alluvium in the riverbed generally ranges in thickness from 10.0 to 15.0
meters with the maximum of 20.0 m, while in both banks, it is 0.5 to 5.0 m

9-2 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


The strongly weathered rock (zone V), estimated to have compressive

strength of about 20,000 kN/m2, will be appropriate as the foundation of the
earthfill dam. Accordingly, the excavation depth of the dam foundation will
be 0.5 to 5.0 m in depth from the ground surface at both abutments and 15.0
to 20.0 m from the riverbed at the river valley up to the top surface of zone
V. In the upper part of the zone V, these rocks, which are completely
weathered into gravelly or sandy soils, should be removed in the impervious
core zone.

(d) Foundation Treatment

The rocks of the dam foundation are Paleozoic sandstone and shale, with
granitic intrusions. Granitic rocks provide a better foundation than the shale,
and the major portion of the dam is on the jointed shale, which has
permeability of 1.08˜10-4cm/sec to 8.30˜10-5 cm/sec. Therefore, curtain
grouting below the impervious core of the earthfill dam is proposed to
improve the permeability of the dam foundation. The depth of curtain
grouting shall be determined according to dam height or passing time of

Careful attention shall be paid to the distribution of the discontinuities

between the metamorphic rocks and granitic rocks during construction; these
discontinuities should be tightly backfilled with stone blocks and concrete.

Consequently, the following foundation treatment will be required for the

purpose of reducing leakage through the foundation rocks and hardening the
foundation rocks for the Ta Trach dam.
i) Curtain grouting
x Two rows at 1 m interval, hole spacing of 2 m on each row
x Hole arrangement to be made at zigzag
x 30 meters in depth for the section of dam height more than 30 meters,
and 20 meters for the section of dam height of 10 to 30 meters.
ii) Consolidation grouting
The whole area of the foundation rock for the impervious core zone and
the filter zone at about 5 m in depth.
iii) Concrete replacement, if necessary
Discontinuities or weak zones between metamorphic rocks and granitic

9-3 Phase 2-1
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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(e) Spillway

The proposed spillway is located at the saddle of the right bank ridge with
crest elevation of EL.35.0 m, and will cater to the design flood of 11,400
m3/sec flown into a reservoir.

According to the draft design, the moderately weathered rocks (zone IV)
will be used for the spillway foundation. The rocks of zone IV, having
compressive strength of 20,000 to 30,000 kN/m2, are sufficient for the
spillway foundation. However, the consolidation grouting should be carried
out for the spillway foundation.

(f) Inlet Sluice and Diversion Structures

In the feasibility study, two inlet sluice structures (6˜8 m in diameter) were
proposed to discharge flood during construction and to supply water into
hydropower plant after completion of the project. The proposal seems
unsafe in view of the unusual flood and the construction plan.

Therefore, diversion tunnels in the left bank are proposed as an alternative

diversion structure. Although further geological investigation is necessary,
the preliminary investigation shows that the thin ridge of the left bank
formed along monoclinal structure has benefit to the layout of the tunnels
since that:

x The proposed tunnel axis intersects the rock strata with large angle,
this provides a favourable situation for the stability of the tunnel;

x The rock strata at upstream portals dip into the mountain and the
overlying loose deposits are very thin. The outlet portal slopes of the
tunnels are thus stable during excavation.

However, because of the monoclinic structure to catch water, during the

tunnel excavation seepage from jointed shale layers may be encountered
especially at their contact with underlying sandstone layers. Dewatering
measures are needed.

(g) Others

i) Water leakage due to fracture zones

Three faults (F1, F2, and F3) run across the reservoir area with fracture zone,
of 20 to 50 thick. Field reconnaissance shows that these fracture zones are
tightly filled with impervious materials. The possibility of water leakage to
the adjacent catchment through these fracture zones is considered very low

9-4 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

or less even if the reservoir is impounded. However, geological

investigation or insitu tests related to the permeability and continuity of
these fracture zones should be carried out at the detailed design stage.

ii) Dam foundation (Left abutment)

The left abutment will be placed on the steep opposite-dip slope covered by
alluvial deposit of 2 to 5 meters thick. Although no rock outcrop is found to
observe the stability and joint condition of rock slope, small unstable rock
mass due to creep may be usually confronted. Unstable rocks shall all be
removed from the dam foundation.

(2) Construction Material

The Ta Trach dam is planned as an earthfill dam in the feasibility study, and the
construction materials required for the project are given in the table below:

Required quantity of main construction materials (m3)

Earthfill Auxiliary
Item Spillway others Total
dam dam
1. Earth material 9,417,820 349,000 1,037,030 571,380 11,375,230
2. Sand and gravel filter 242,440 1,250 17,910 1,050 262,650
3. Riprap 219,500 38,210 420 258,130

According to this requirement, several quarry sites and borrow areas have been
initially investigated within the range of 5 km upstream the damsite. The
quantities and engineering properties of various kinds of natural construction
materials investigated is outlined herein.

(a) Earth Material

Boring investigation and laboratory tests show that two types of earth
materials can be used as earth material for the dam embankment, namely,
river terraces alluvial (2b) and (3b). The two layers are both distributed
mostly within 0.5 km to 3 km from the damsite. The reserves of the layers
2b and 3b are estimated to be 7,247˜106 m3 and 9,347˜106 m3 ,
respectively. Table 9.1 summarizes the laboratory test results of the
materials from the two layers.

As shown in Table 9.1, the materials of layer 2b can be classified as Silty

CLAY (CM) by the Unified Soil Classification System of ASTM. The
permeability coefficient of the layer 2b is in range of 10-5 to 10-6 cm/s,
indicating that the layer 2b is suitable for impervious core materials for the

9-5 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

earthfill dam. Moreover, on the basis of one dimensional consolidation test

results, total settlement of the dam embankment is roughly estimated to be a
maximum of 5 % of the dam height (50 to 60 m high), and more than 80%
of the total settlement will occur during the construction period.

The layer 3b has the same index properties as those of the layer 2b.
Similarly, the layer is considered suitable for the fill material of the earthfill

(b) Sand and Gravel Filter

A sand and gravel filter needs to be provided between the impervious core
zone and the shell zone. In the river valley near the damsite, underlies the
river gravel layer that mainly consists of course sand, gravel, pebble and
cobble of granite and sandstone. The gravel layer, having an exploitable
volume of about 400,000 m3, is considered suitable for the filter materials.
The index properties of the layer are given in the table below:

Index properties of the river gravel layer

Component Gs BD D60 D10 Cu Proportion

Sand 2.67-2.68 13.1-13.7 0.4-0.6 0.2-0.3 2 20-30 %

Gravel 2.60-2.65 15.6-16.0 70-80 %

Mixture 2.65 18.0-19.0 30-48 0.6-1.0 48-50

Note: Gs = Specific gravity, BD = Bulk density (kN/m3), Cu = Coefficient of uniformity, D60 =

Grain diameter (in mm) corresponding to 60% passing by mass and, D10 = Grain diameter (in
mm) corresponding to 100% passing by mass.

(c) Rock Material

Geological investigation shows that the riverbed gravel (Layer 1) and river
terrace gravel (Layer 2a, refer to Section B Geology of Ta Trach reservoir
area) can be used as riprap, toe rock and concrete aggregate materials. These
layers are, however, of limited quantity and among these layers, gravel and
boulder (grain size bigger than 4.75 mm) make up only 30 to 60%.

An alternative quarry site of granitic rocks is being considered in this study,

which is located at the Tuan intersection, about 18 km far from the proposed
damsite. The granitic rocks, having an exploitable volume of about
1,000,000 m3, are slightly weathered and jointed with a compressive
strength of 50 to 80 Mpa. The rock quarry site is thus considered, in terms
of exploitable quantity and strength, to basically satisfy the design

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

requirements. However, the crusher test of the rock should be carried out at
the detailed design stage.

(3) Seismicity

(a) Characteristics of earthquake activity

The Ta Trach reservoir is located at the central Vietnam that is seismically

stable and characterized by occurrence of less and smaller earthquakes.
Moreover, no major faults attributed presumably to earthquake are reported
in the Ta Trach reservoir and its surrounding areas.

The following table gives the list of earthquakes occurred in the Ta Trach
reservoir and its surrounding areas, within the latitude of 15o00’ - 17o20’ and
the longitude of 106o-109o, from 1666 through 1992. The earthquake
records were obtained mainly from the International Seismological Center
(ISC), Berkshire UK and Vietnamese Seismological Stations.

Earthquakes at the Ta Trach Reservoir and its Surrounding Areas

Year Lat. Long. Depth(km) M I Location
1 1666 17.05 107.05 15 4.1 5 Ho xa
2 1685 16.50 106.60 15 4.1 5 Ta xing
3 1715 15.53 108.15 15 4.7 5 Tan an
4 1821 17.63 106.35 17 6.0 8 Dong hoi
5 1829 16.48 107.41 15 4.8 6 Hue
6 1919 15.00 109.00 33 4 - NorthLysonisland
7 1947 16.55 107.43 10 4 - Hue
8 1947 16.09 108.09 15 4.8 6 Da Nang
9 1954 16.09 108.09 15 3.0 - Da Nang
10 1966 16.94 107.07 15 3.8 5 Gio linh
11 1966 16.22 108.27 15 2.7 - Son tra
12 1968 17.30 105.50 15 5.0 6 Trung lao
13 1992 15.68 108.87 15 3.8 - Dung quat
Note: Lat. = Latitude, Long. = Longitude, M = Magnitude in Richter scale, I = Intensity.

Around the Ta Trach reservoir area, the earthquake recorded first occurred
in 1666 at Gio Linh, 115 km away from Ho Xa. The earthquake had a
seismic intensity of 5 and magnitude of 4.1 in Richter scale. In 1829, a
destructive earthquake with seismic intensity of 6 and magnitude of 4.8 in
Richter scale occurred in Hue City and caused considerable damage to the
old Hue Castle. During more than 100 years since that, only 2 small
earthquakes occurred at Hue and Da Nang areas. These recorded earthquake
events showed that the project area has low susceptibility to earthquake but
probably suffers seismic influence.

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(b) Estimation of Probable Maximum Acceleration

The probable maximum acceleration in the return period of 100 and 200
years was evaluated in this study on the basis of the earthquake record (13
records / 326 years) of the years from 1666 to 1992 for the area within a
distance of about 200 km from the Ta Trach damsite.

The study was made for two cases as follows.

Case 1: the return period of 100 years by Cornell formula
Case 2: the return period of 200 years by Cornell formula

The estimation of the maximum intensity and the maximum acceleration at

the damsite for each earthquake is made according to Cornell formula as
mentioned above.

The estimated probable maximum acceleration at the damsite for the return
period of 100 and 200 years are summarized as follows:

100 years : 0.01 g

200 years : 0.04 g
Accordingly, the estimated probable maximum acceleration at the damsite is
in a range of 0.01g to 0.04g for the return period of 100 and 200 years.

(c) Determination of design seismic coefficient

i) Estimation

The following table presents a determination of seismic coefficient in

connection with dam type and seismic intensity in Japan.

Determination of Seismic Coefficient in Japan

Type of Dam
Seismic Dam
Zoning Foundation Concrete Concrete Homogeneous
Zone fill
gravity arch fill
Rock 0.12 – 0.15 0.24 – 0.30 0.15 0.15 – 0.18
Soil 0.18 0.20
Rock 0.12 0.24 0.12 – 0.15 0.15
Soil 0.15 – 0.18 0.18 – 0.20
Rock 0.10 – 0.12 0.20 – 0.24 0.10 – 0.12 0.12
Soil 0.15 0.18

Source: Rock or soil: Type of foundation, Ministry of Construction, Japan, 1997

The Ta Trach reservoir area, which is seismologically stable, is considered

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

to correspond to the weak zone of Japan. From the table above, the design
seismic coefficient of the Ta Trach dam is estimated to be 0.10 to 0.12.

According to the seismic hazard analysis of the Global Seismic Hazard

Assessment Program (GSHAP) made by ISC, the center Vietnam belongs to
Low zone. The peak ground acceleration for the return period of 475 years
on the zone of GSHAP is estimated to be as follows:

Low zone: Less than 0.8 m/s2 (0.08g)

The Ta Trach dam is located in the Low zone. Therefore, the design seismic
coefficient of the damsite will be 0.08g.

ii) Determination of design seismic coefficient at the Ta Trach reservoir

The estimated design seismic coefficient for the Ta Trach damsite in the
Study is summarized as follows:

- Cornell’s formula (Cases 2) 0.01 - 0.04g

- A standard in Japan 0.10 - 0.12g

- GSHAP (ISC) 0.08g

Accordingly, the design seismic coefficient will be probably in the range of

0.04 - 0.12 for the Ta Trach dam. The estimated values are mostly less than

The general region of the Ta Trach dam is a low seismic area and in the
100-year record available no great earthquakes have been experienced
within 50 km of the damsite. For the preliminary designs of the dam, it is,
therefore, recommended to use the seismic coefficients in the range of 0.08
to 0.10. The values correspond to a seismic intensity of 5 to 7.5 on the
Richter scale, and are regarded as sufficiently conservative in view of the
historic record of earthquake and geological conditions in the area as well as
the planned design specification.

9.1.2 Dam Design

(1) Left Abutment of Damsite

Thickness of the mountain at the left abutment of presently designed dam does not
seem to be sufficient. A careful examination is required in the next design stage.

(2) Dam Type

The alternative studies in the feasibility report are only made by the earthfill type
dam. It is recommended that a concrete facing rockfill dam(CFRD) and a roller

9-9 Phase 2-1
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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

compacted concrete (RCC) dam, which are a suitable dam type in this site
conditions are included in the alternative studies.

In examination of CFRD, availability of rock materials for dam should be

investigated. According to a geological map of the project site, a mountain
consisting of granite is seen in the left bank from about 5 km to 10 km upstream
of the Ta Trach damsite. This mountain composed of granite on the map is
considered as a possible quarry site for the rock materials of the dam. However,
any investigation has not been conducted yet due to difficult accessibility, and
therefore, the investigation on possibility of quarry site for rock materials should
be conducted, starting with reconnaissance and if the reconnaissance can confirm
a possibility as the quarry site, the investigation for confirming quality and
available quantity should be executed.

(3) Sluice Structure

Sluice structure is designed in the dam foundation. However, water seepage is

probably caused by differentially settled embankment, poor contact between
embankment and concrete, inadequate compaction about collar portions and
different earthquake response between embankment material and concrete. Taking
into consideration these phenomena, it is recommended to re-examine the location
of sluice.

(4) Intake Tower

Intake tower is designed in the dam embankment. It is also disagreeable taking

into consideration the different earthquake response between embankment
material and concrete.

(5) Consolidation Grouting

To assure the consolidation and prevention of the water seepage for the dam
foundation, it is recommended that the consolidation (blanket) grouting for the
dam foundation is made.

(6) Reservoir Sedimentation

There is a discrepancy on the annual volume of sedimentation between 464,184

m3 (Feasibility Study, main report, IV-17) and 618,800 m3 (F/S, main report,

(7) Test

Rock abrasive test is recommended in addition to the rock properties test (main
report, page IV-9).

9-10 Phase 2-1
Study on Nationwide Water Resources Development and Management
in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

9.1.3 Construction Plan and Schedule

(1) Working Schedule

In the working schedule of the supplemental report, the earthworks such as

excavation and embankment are performed even in rainy season ( Sep.- Dec.).
However it seems to be difficult. The workable day for the earthworks and
concrete works is estimated as follows on the basis of rainfall record during past
ten (10) years (1991-2000):

Works Dry Season Rainy Season

( Jan.- Aug.) ( Sep.- Dec.)
Earthworks 18 days / month 3 days / month
Concrete Works 22 days / month 13 days / month

(2) Construction Equipment

The construction equipment to be employed for the dam works is planned by a

combination of 1.6-2.3 m3 class excavator, 10-12 ton class dump truck, 140-180
ps class bulldozer and 9-16 ton class compactor. It seems those are too small,
considering the scale of project.

Taking into consideration the work volume, hauling distance, limited working
space and limited construction period, it is recommended to use a large size
construction equipment such as 5.4-10.3 m3 class wheel loader, 32-46 ton class
dump truck, 32- 44 ton (310-410 ps) class bulldozer, 10 ton class vibration roller
and 20 ton class tamping roller.

(3) Embankment

In the 4th year, the embankment of riverbed and left side is planned at EL 25 m
(from Jan. to Apr.) and EL 37 m (from May to Aug.). It seems to be the critical
works in this project. Artificial calamity will happen, if the 5 % probable flood
occurs under the condition of 2 nos. of sluice in the course of the embankment of
main dam in the riverbed and left side before reaching at the elevation of 37 m in
4th year.

(4) Conclusion

So far as the collected data and information and examination of technical aspects
are based, Ta Trach reservoir project is not found any negative problems except
location of sluice and 4th year embankment. In this connection, the roller concrete
facing rockfill dam (CFRD) and compacted concrete (RCC) dam, which are
reliable against flood should be included in the alternative studies. Therefore, It is
recommended that the possibility of CFRD and RCC dams as well as problems

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identified herein should be clarified in the further study for the Ta Trach reservoir
project. In examination of CFRD, it is most important to confirm the availability
of rock materials. Thus, prior to the examination of CFRD, the investigation as
mentioned in Sub-section 9.1.2 is strongly recommended to be conducted.

9.1.4 Proposed Basic Design

The alternative study in the plan formulation recommended the construction of the
following two dams:

i) Ta Trach Dam with an effective storage capacity of 460 million m3 and

flood control volume of 392.6 million m3.

ii) Huu Trach Dam with an effective storage of 182 million m3, and flood
control volume of 105 million m3.

A preliminary design of these dams is presented in Figure 9.1 and 9.2.

Based on the result of the plan formulation study, crest levels of both dams are
same as those of the design of the feasibility study.

As discussed in the review on the design conducted in the Feasibility Study

(Sub-section 9.1.1, this report), an overall review including dam type is required
for the present design of Ta Trach Dam. However, since the Study has difficulty to
examine and propose the final design, the design similar to that of the feasibility
study is tentatively provided.

9.2 Basic Design of Flood Control Facilities

In the study on flood control plan of the Huong River basin, some heightening of
the present road running along the present channel of the Huong River in the
downstream reaches may be needed as flood protection measures. Howeever,
basic flood control measures are proposed as Ta Trach reservoir and Huu Trach
reservoir. Neither new construction of the dike system along the Huong River nor
the new construction of flood retarding basin is proposed in the present study.

9.3 Basic Design of Domestic and Industrial Water Supply Facilities

Based on the plan formulation mentioned in Subsection 8.3, a layout design of
domestic and industrial water supply facilities was prepared as shown in Figure

9.4 Basic Design of Irrigation Water Supply Facilities

Improvements of the irrigation system have to be achieved by rehabilitation of
deteriorated works and additional works for irrigation and drainage. The present

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main system should in general remain unchanged, but further developments may
demand better water level control, for which water level or discharge control
structures may be more useful.

Parts of the actual irrigation and drainage systems are old, with delayed and
outstanding maintenance. The main structures are functioning, but some canals
and drains are silted up, small structures (outlets along the lagoon) need new gates,
pumping stations require new, more efficient pumps. Details of the conditions of
the different parts of the system are unknown.

Based on recent past, present situation and expected development it is

recommended to rehabilitate and modernize parts of the existing irrigation and
drainage system to:

- Provide irrigation water (3:4 year)

- Improve drainage of excess rainfall and overland flow
- Protect the irrigated coastal areas against early flooding in May/and June
- Allow controlled inundattion of agricultural lands from September to
- Accept uncontrolled inundation of agricultural lands (1/10 year)
- Support flushing of the canal/drain system
- Minimize use of chemicals.

It is clear that all recommended improvements should be discussed with the

responsible authorities, and where necessary the local population should be
consulted. Their opinions have to be taken into account otherwise an optimum
functioning of the system will become very difficult.

The necessary improvements for better functioning of the irrigation/ drainage

system (rehabilitation and new works) have been estimated. The estimates are
based on the information gathered during this study period and on field trips in
2001/'02, and summarized in Table 9.2. However, the table shows only a
preliminary estimate of major works needed to improve the irrigation and
drainage system. A more detailed investigation and estimate is under preparation
by the authorities in Hue. The above estimate has to be updated as soon as new
data become available. The improvements concern the present irrigation scheme
of 25,900 ha. Additional works for a possible extension to 29,400 ha have not
been taken into account.

The main intakes and outlets and other major structures have concrete footbridges
for inspection etc., except over the shipping opening. Overtopping by waves is

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allowed. The structures are provided with one of the following gates:

- Flapgates
- Counter-lever flap gates
- Lifting gates
- Swing doors

Table 9.3 contains an example (1994) list of pumping stations. It shows that 82%
is at least 10 years old, and the actual capacity of 60% of the stations is lower than
70% of the theoretical capacity (overall capacity is 68%). It is estimated that
about 60% of the 79 major pumping station (av. 2 pumps with engines per station)
need some improvement in the near future. Most pumping station buildings are in
good condition, but they are housing old pumps and engines. The actual condition
of pumps and engines should be determined by an electro-mechanical engineer.
The number to be renovated, replaced and additionally required is estimated at 10
pump houses, 100 pumps and 100 engines. Additional measures to ensure
sufficient power supply, and replacement or new power lines, are not considered.

Existing designs should be used as examples for new designs. But they should be
adjusted and where possible be improved for the new conditions, in order to
minimize the cost of operation (pumps, gates), running (pumps) and maintenance.

9.5 Recommendation on Operation of Flood Control Facilities

9.5.1 Ta Trach Dam
Reviewing the Ta Trach reservoir operation conducted by HEC-1, the following
recommendation is made:

In order to duly cope with various magnitudes of flood which are not known in
advance, flood control operation rule should be established. The operation rule
will consist of determination of speed of gate opening and establishment of timing
of spillway gate opening. Those should be prepared with the following

(1) Determination of Speed of Spillway Gate Opening

The spillway gate operation should be simple and the gate will be opened at a
constant speed. The speed of gate opening should be determined so that the
outflow discharge or river water level rise in the downstream reaches will be
limited to an allowable extent. Generally accepted river water level rise in the
downstream is around 1.0 m/hour not to endanger the downstream reaches . Thus,
the speed of spillway gate opening should be determined so that the water level

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rise in the downstream is limited within around 1.0 m/hour.

(2) Establishment of Timing of Spillway Gate Opening

All floods less than the objective flood for flood control, for which the reservoir
has the flood control volume to accommodate the flood volume, should be fully
controlled by accommodating the flood volume in the reservoir.

For floods bigger than the objective flood, the spillway gate has to be opened at a
proper timing.

Timing of gate opening should be determined with the following consideration:

a) Simulations of flood control will be conducted for various floods with the
determined speed of spillway gate opening.

b) Timing of gate opening at which the maximum water level rise of reservoir will
be controlled below the Surcharge Water Level will be found through the
simulations for various floods.

c) Through the above simulations, a relationship between the speed of reservoir

water level rise at flooding and the timing of spillway gate operation for
opening will be obtained.

The operation rule should be established with the above speed of spillway gate
opening and the relationship between the speed of reservoir water level rise at
floodings and timing of spillway gate opening. Then, in the occurrence of floods,
the reservoir water level rise and its speed will be observed, and the spillway gate
will be operated based on the established operation rule.

9.5.2 Downstream Facilities

(1) General

In the downstream reaches of the Huong River basin, there are several facilities
for flood control and/or irrigation water supply. Basic consideration for operation
of these facilities is presented below.

(2) Major Facilities

Major facilities are the Nham Bieu Intake Gate, Phu Cam Intake Gate, Dap Da
Weir, La Y Spillway and Thao Long Barrage. Location of these facilities is
schematically shown in Figure 9.4.

General features of each facility are given below.

a) Nham Bieu Intake Gate

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Nham Bieu Intake Gate located in a branch of the Huong River is the intake for
Huong North. It has 4 gated discharge openings (2.5 m wide each, Floor
EL.-1.1 m), and a supporting pumping station with 2 pumps.

b) Phu Cam Intake Gate

Phu Cam Intake Gate is the intake for Huong South, located just downstream of
the railway bridge over the Huong River. It has 5 discharge openings (4.0 m
wide each, Floor EL.-1.5 m) and 1 shipping opening, all with electrical operated
flap gates, hinged on the floor.

c) Dap Da Weir

Dap Da Weir is a fixed cross dam, with a road on top at EL.1.5 m, overtopping
during higher floods.

d) La Y Spillway

La Y Spillway has 22 openings, each having 2.5 m wide. Its apron and crest are
set at EL.0.6 m and EL.2.0 m, respectively. The openings are provided with
composite steel doors, blocking the flow from the Nuong River, but allowing
drainage to the river. At high river water levels, the gates will be overtopped. A
2-opening inlet, with vertical lifting gates, allows intake of irrigation water.

e) Thao Long Barrage

Thao Long Barrage is of the length of 571.25 m between the dykes on both
river banks. It will be provided with 15 overflow gates, each having 31.5 m in
width, hinged on the floor. The sill level of 9 gates is EL.-2.5 m, and that of 6
gates is EL.-1.5 m. The top of the gates is at EL.1.2 m in the closed position. An
additional navigation lock of 8 m wide and 52 m long with two-way swing
doors, allows the passage of 4-5 m wide boats. The Thao Long Barrage will
solve the problem of salt water intrusion.

These facilities will be operated with the following consideration:

a) The facilities will be closed to protect the agricultural lands from the early

b) Inundation of agricultural lands due to major floods will be allowed, and thus,
the facilities will be opened at the occurrence of major floods so that the
inundation of urban areas be reduced.

c) During the non-flood seasons, the facilities will be operated to intake the water
necessary for irrigation.

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With the above consideration, operation of each facility is summarized below.

Operation of Facilities
Facilities Type of Facilities
For Major Flood For Early Flood For Non-Flood

4-gated discharge Fully opened Closed Closed(irrigation

Nham openings(4×2.5 m wide, water supply with
Bieu Floor EL.-1.1 m) with a pumping up)
Intake supporting pumping station
5 overflow gates (5×4.0 m Fully opened Closed Partially opened
Phu Cam wide, Floor EL.-1.5 m) (To supply the
Intake hinged on the floor required irrigation
A crossing dam with the No operation (Large No operation (Most No operation
Dap Da crest level at EL.1.5 m floods will overtop of early floods will
Weir Note: No operation is the weir) be protected)
22-gated discharge No operation (Large No operation No operation
openings (22×2.5 m wide, floods will overtop (Agricultural lands (The vertical
Apron EL.0.6 m, Crest the crest of the gates) will be protected shaft gates will be
La Y EL.2.0 m) from most of the opened for
Spillway Note: The gates are early floods) necessary
self-operational. irrigation water
15 overflow gates hinged Fully opened Fully opened Partially opened
on the floor(15×31.5m to discharge the
Long wide) river maintenance
Barrage flow of 31 m3/s

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10.1 Basic Conditions for Construction Program

Basic conditions and consideration for implementation program are prepared on
the basis of following conditions:

(1) Workable Days

The average annual rainfall is 2,858mm in Hue city to 3,529mm at Nam Dong, 70
to 75 % of it concentrates in the rainy season from September to December and
Typhoon visits the area in this season. The dry season extends from January to
August with a hot dry and rainfall is scarce amounting to 25 to 30 % of the annual
rainfall. The average annual air temperature ranges between 41 deg.C to 4 deg.C.
The mean annual humidity is 86 %.

Workable days for such earthworks as embankment, excavation and hauling, and
concrete works are considered to be dominated by the weather conditions,
especially rainfall. Therefore, the rainy days in the study area are examined by
using the rainfall record at Nam Dong Observation from 1991 to 2000.

The annual workable days are estimated assuming that the works are to suspend
on Sundays, National holidays and rainy days.

(a) Earthworks
Suspended days due to rainfall : 153.6 days
Sunday : 52.0 days
Holiday : 8.0 days
Workable day : 151.4 days
Total : 365.0 days
Annual average workable day : 13.0 days per month
Rainy season (Sep.-Dec.) : 3.1 days per month
Dry season (Jan.-Aug.) : 18.1 days per month

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(b) Concrete Works

Suspended days due to rainfall : 79.2 days
Sunday : 52.0 days
Holiday : 8.0 days
Workable day : 225.8 days
Total : 365.0 days
Annual average workable day : 19.0 days per month
Rainy season (Sep.-Dec.) : 12.6 days per month
Dry season (Jan.-Aug.) : 22.4 days per month
Detailed workable day analysis is shown in Tables 10.1 and 10.2.

(2) Working Hours

Working hours of 8 hours/shift are assumed, and 2 shifts works are applied for the
major works such as the dam and tunnel for expediting the completion of the
project. 1 shift work will be applied for other works which are not critical for
completion of the project.

(3) Labor Forces

Skilled and common labors for the works of proposed facilities will be required
from the project area and surrounding area of the project, Hue, Danang, Hochi
Minh and Hanoi cities. Especially, major works are erathmoving, dredging,
concrete works, tunnel, dam, hydropower plant, pipeline, pumps, mechanical and
electrical works and other related works. Number of foremen, operators, drivers,
maintenance mechanics, skill labors, installation mechanics, electricians,
plumbers, etc. will be required. Also some foreign foremen and instructors will be
necessary for the construction works of proposed facilities.

(4) Construction Materials

Major construction materials required for the proposed facilities are earth, sand,
concrete aggregate, rubble stone, cement, reinforcement steel bar, steel sheet piles,
water stop, steel materials, reinforced concrete pipes, steel pipes, fuel and
lubricant, etc. and these materials are available in Hue, Danang, Hochi Minh and
Hanoi cities.

Some construction materials such as floaters, rockbolt, admixture, steel rib, valves
and fittings, rods and bits, steel forms, spare parts and electrical and mechanical
materials are imported from the overseas market.

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(5) Construction Equipment

Major construction equipment for the proposed facilities such as backhoe, crawler
loader, wheel loader, dump truck, bulldozer, tire roller, road roller, truck crane,
vibration hammer, concrete pump car, truck mixer, etc. are available in Hochi
Minh and Hanoi cities.

Special equipment for the proposed facilities comprising dredging equipment,

drill jumbo, low bed dump truck, muck loader, shotcrete equipment, heavy dump
truck, large capacity wheel loader, tower crane, vibrator, soil compactor, concrete
plant, cement silo, aggregate plant, etc. will be imported and re-exported after the
completion of the proposed facilities.

(6) Spoil Area

The spoil area to accommodate the surplus materials from the various excavation
sites of the proposed facilities is taken into account. Especially the improvement
of river / creek network, diversion channel from the upstream of Hue city to the
lagoon, diversion tunnel from Ta Trach reservoir to Nong river and Ta Trach
reservoir project anticipate to produce a large amount of surplus materials. Thus
the planning of spoil area is indispensable.

10.2 Implementation Program of the Proposed Facilities

(1) Execution Body

The Huong River Basin Development in Thua Thien Hue Province will be
implemented by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD)
and other Government Agencies under the Peoples Committee of Thua Thien Hue
Province and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).

(2) Project Execution Method

All the project works will be executed on a contract basis. Proposed permanent
facilities and the temporary construction facilities including construction
equipment, materials and labors required for the works will be made by the
contractors to be selected through the international or local competitive bidding.

(3) Construction Schedule

(i) Pre- construction program

Pre-construction activities consisting of preparation of bidding document,

the financial arrangement and the land acquisition are necessitated before
the commencement of construction for the proposed facilities, and it is
assumed that 2.0 years for the financial arrangement, 1.0-1.5 years for the

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

detailed design for all sectors and 4.0 years for the land acquisition.

(ii) Construction period

The construction period for the proposed facilities is presumed as follows:

Multipurpose Dam

- Ta Trach Reservoir Project : 7.0 years

Irrigation and Drainage Facilities

- Improvement of Canal / Drain Network : 11.5 years

- Construction and Rehabilitation of Main Inlet and Outlet : 11.5 years

- Rehabilitation of Pumping Stations : 11.5 years

- Embankment of Dikes : 11.5 years

- Improvement of Secondary System : 11.5 years

- Improvement of Tertiary System / On-farm Works : 11.5 years

Domestic and Industrial Water Supply

- Phase 2 of Quang Te 2 Water Treatment Plant : 2.5 years

- Additional Pipeline : 9.0 years

- 45,000 House Connection : 16.0 years

- Booster Stations and Ancillaries : 1.0 year

- Small Projects : 3.0 years

The construction periods include mobilization, preparatory works,

preparation of shop drawings, civil and building works, fabrication,
installation, test run and training.

(4) Overall Implementation Schedule

The overall implementation schedule including financial arrangement,

employment of consultants, land acquisition and compensation including
resettlement, survey and investigation, detailed design works, prequalification of
bidders, bidding and construction of all facilities is shown in Figures 10.1 and
10.2, respectively.

(5) Operation and Maintenance Organization

The operation and maintenance (O&M) of the Ta Trach reservoir project shall
be undertaken by MARD. The Ta Trach Reservoir Management Office (TTRMO)

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

will be established at the reservoir site to carry out actual operation and
maintenance works. The most essential functions required are reservoir operation
for flood control, irrigation, domestic and industrial water supply, hydropower
generation and pushing back of saline water.

As of the irrigation and drainage facilities in the project area, the O&M shall be
carried out by the following agencies and organizations depending on the type of

O&M Body Type of Facilities

x Thua Thien Hue Provincial Irrigation - Major river / creek network including intakes
along Huong River
Management Company
- Irrigation canals and appurtenant structures
- Pumping stations (large scale)
- Drainage sluices (large scale)

x Cooperatives / farmers groups - Pumping stations (small scale)

- On-farm irrigation ditches

x Communes - Drainage sluice (small scale)

- Drainage dikes
- Tidal wave protection dikes

The Provincial Water Resources Department shall supervise the O&M activities of
the Irrigation Management Company.

10.3 Preliminary Project Cost Estimate

10.3.1 Basic Conditions

(1) Price Level and Exchange Rate

The construction cost is estimated based on the price level of December, 2001 and
the applied foreign exchange rates are as shown below:

US$ 1.00 = VND 15,068

J. Yen 100 = VND 12,212, as of December 3, 2001

(2) Physical Contingency

The physical contingency is provided to cope with the unforeseen physical

conditions. The physical contingency is assumed to be 10 % for the sum of
construction cost, resettlement cost, engineering service cost and administration

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(3) Price Contingency

The price escalation is given with the rate of 4.9 % per annum in an average
considering of the consumer price index in Vietnam from 1995 to 2000.

(4) Value Added Tax

Value Added Tax (VAT) is estimated at 5 % of total construction cost, engineering

cost, administration cost and price escalation.

10.3.2 Direct Construction Cost

(1) General Items

General items consist of insurance and contractor’s preparatory works. Insurance

include insurance of works and contractor’s equipment, third party insurance and
insurance for accident or injury to workmen. Contractor’s preparatory works
comprise providing engineer’s temporary offices, first-aid station, providing
accommodations and vehicles for engineer, contractor’s temporary buildings,
water supply system, electric power supply system, telecommunication system,
sewerage and drainage system, temporary access roads and contractor’s testing

General cost is estimated at 10 % of total construction cost.

(2) Unit Prices

The unit prices for the major work items are prepared referring to the collected
cost data from the completed project or on-going project or feasibility study
interim report on Ta Trach Project.

The unit prices for each work item consist of labor cost, material cost, equipment
cost and contractor’s overhead expenses and profit.

10.3.3 Indirect Construction Cost

(1) Resettlement Cost

Resettlement cost for Ta Trach reservoir project is reported in the feasibility


Total number of affected household is 805 households with 4,058 people of which
inside reservoir area: 581 households, 2,819 people and outside reservoir area:
224 household, 1,239 people.

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Total resettlement cost is estimated at 162,242.9 million VND of which:

- Compensation cost 64,339.0 million VND

- Investment cost for construction of

resettlement area 62,198.0 million VND

- Cost for resettlement support 16,276.0 million VND

- Other cost 4,680.5 million VND

- Physical contingency cost 14,479.4 million VND

Unit average investment cost per household is 186 million VND.

(2) Engineering Service Cost

The engineering service cost is estimated to be 10 % of total construction cost

comprising 5 % of detailed design and 5 % of construction supervision.

(3) Administration Cost

The cost for the project administration by the Government office is assumed to be
3 % of total construction and resettlement cost.

10.3.4 Project Cost

The project cost consists of direct cost and indirect cost. The direct construction
cost comprises the general items, civil works, building works, mechanical and
electrical works. The indirect cost includes the resettlement, engineering service,
administration, price contingency and physical contingency. The total project cost
without Huu Trach is estimated at 5,490,227 million VND, equivalent to 364.4
million US$. Then, the project cost with Huu Trach is estimated at 6,258,681
million VND, equivalent to 415.4 million US$.

10.3.5 Disbursement Schedule

The disbursement schedule of the project cost is estimated taking into account of
the construction time schedule. The annual disbursement schedule of the project
cost is shown in Tables 10.3 through 10.7.

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11.1 Technical Evaluation

Review on the present Ta Trach dam design made in the feasibility study points
out the following:

(1) Two concrete culverts are installed within the dam body of fill type dam.
The usual dam design criteria do not allow this design, since piping may
occur through insufficient contact between concrete structure and dam
embankment material will easily be caused due to differential settlement of
concrete structures and dam embankment materials, or due to earthquake if
it will happen, thus requiring a careful design review.

(2) The present dam construction schedule considers the river diversion system
by using the two concrete culverts to be embedded in the dam body, and the
schedule is too tight. In the event that dam embankment can not reach
necessary level before the rainy season, artifical calamity may happened.
Careful review of the construction schedule as well as the dam design will
be required.

(3) Based on the design criteria has the fill type dam, river diversion system
having a capacity to discharge 20 – years probable flood should be
introduced. However, in the case of the Ta Trach river, 20 – years probable
flood magnitude is estimated at 6.410m3/s, requiring several diversion
tunnels of 10m in its diameter, which are considered unrealistic. Therefore,
the concrete dam (RCC dam) which allows overtopping during construction
should be taken into consideration in the review of dam design and
construction schedule. As such, detailed investigation far strength of the
foundation rock will be important.

(4) The feasibility report notes that an active fault passes the damsite. Based on
the investigation so far, it seems that the fault is ancient and inactive.
However, further investigation such as test trench is required to confirm
whether or not the fault cuts into the Quaternary deposits.

(5) The thickness of mountain at the left abutment in the present dam design
does not seem sufficient, requiring a careful examination.

11.2 Economic Evaluation

Economic analysis has been examined for the following ten alternatives for the

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

water resources development and management of the Huong River Basin:

Project Features of the Alternatives

Alter- Project Flood Control Hydro- Irrigation Water
native Component power (improve- supply
(GWh) ment, ha) (mil. m3)
I-B.1 Max. Ta. Trach Farmland: 10-year EF 70 51,800 43.61
Reservoir only Urban area: 20-year MF (in 2020)
I-B.2 Max. Ta Trach + - ditto - 70 - ditto - - ditto -
Max. Huu Trach 80.6
I-B.3 Max. Ta Trach + - ditto - 70 - ditto - - ditto -
Min. Huu Trach 68
I-B.6 Max. Ta Trach + - ditto - 70 - ditto - - ditto -
Max. Huu Trach + 80.6
Max. Co Bi Reservoirs
I-B.7 Max. Ta Trach + - ditto - 70 - ditto - - ditto -
Max. Huu Trach + 80.6
Min. Co Bi Reservoirs
I-B.8 Max. Ta Trach + - ditto - 70 - ditto - - ditto -
Min. Huu Trach + 68
Max. Co Bi Reservoirs
I-B.9 Max. Ta Trach + - ditto - 70 - ditto - - ditto -
Min. Huu Trach + 68
Min. Co Bi Reservoirs
I-C.2 Min. Ta Trach + - ditto - 70 - ditto - - ditto -
Max. Huu Trach 71
I-C.6 Min. Ta Trach + - ditto - 70 - ditto - - ditto -
Max. Huu Trach + 71
Max. Co Bi Reservoirs
I-C.7 Min. Ta Trach + - ditto - 70 - ditto - - ditto -
Max. Huu Trach + 71
Min. Co Bi Reservoirs
Note: Max: Maximum, Min: Minimum, EF: early flood, MF: major flood

Economic analysis has been conducted devising into two steps, 1) comparison of
alternatives and 2) evaluation of optimum plan. In a discounted cash flow analysis,
the effects of costs and benefits come out in later year have very small influence to
the results of the analysis. Therefore, for the comparison of the alternatives,
simultaneous construction is assumed for all the alternatives in order to see the
difference of economic efficiency of the project components. Then, for evaluation
of an optimum alternative, stage construction will be considered. As for the
irrigation improvement and water supply, a practical schedule has been applied for
both the steps of the analyses.

11.2.1 Results of Economic Analysis

The results of the economic analyses showed all the alternatives have sufficient
economic efficiency with EIRRs of more than 16%, which are far higher than the
opportunity cost of capital in Vietnam (12%). The results did not show significant
difference among the alternatives from the viewpoint of economic efficiency. All
the alternatives can be rated as being economically feasible. However, the

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

alternative I-B.2 showed the largest NPV and EIRR of 17.3%, which is slightly
higher than others except the alternative I-B.1. Economic indicators are calculated
and summarized below:

Economic Indicators (simultaneous construction)

Alternative EIRR B/C NPV
(%) Ratio (Million US$)
I-B.1 17.5 1.73 57.6
I-B.2 17.3 1.68 61.5
I-B.3 17.3 1.68 60.8
I-B.6 16.6 1.58 55.6
I-B.7 16.8 1.61 57.3
I-B.8 16.6 1.58 55.1
I-B.9 16.8 1.61 56.8
I-C.2 17.3 1.68 60.6
I-C.6 16.6 1.58 54.6
I-C.7 16.8 1.61 56.3
Note: B/C and NPV are calculated with a discount rate of 12%.

The economic analyses based on practical implementation schedule (stage

construction) have been examined for the alternative I-B.2. The results also
indicated the alternative has sufficient economic efficiency with EIRRs of 17.4%,
which is higher than the opportunity cost of capital. The alternative can be rated as
being economically feasible. The cash flow table of the analysis is shown in Table
11.1 and the results are summarized below:

Economic Indicators (stage construction)

Alternative EIRR B/C NPV
(%) Ratio (Million US$)
I-B.2 17.4 1.70 59.9

Note: B/C and NPV are calculated with a discount rate of 12%.

11.2.2 Methodology of Economic Analysis

The economic analyses of the alternatives are conducted by the methodologies

discussed below:

(1) Assumptions

The economic analyses are examined based on the following assumptions:

(a) Price Level and Exchange Rate

Foreign exchange rate of one U.S. dollar equivalent to VND15,068 and 100
Japanese Yen equivalent to VND12,212 are applied at the price level of
December 2001.

(b) Project Life

The project life of 50 years after construction is assumed for the economic

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analysis. Average lifetime of the electrical and mechanical facilities is

assumed 25 years after installation. Replacement costs cover the cost for
replacement of such facilities after the lifetime within project life.

(c) Discount Rate

A discount rate of 12% is applied to reflect the opportunity cost of capital in

(d) Standard Conversion Factor (SCF)

The standard conversion factor (SCF) of 0.9 with reference to recent similar
studies is applied to adjust the effects of trade distortion, foreign exchange
premiums, the local costs for non-traded goods and services.

(e) Transfer Payment

From the viewpoint of national economy, the transfer payment such as taxes,
duty, subsidy and interest is merely a domestic monetary movement without
direct productivity. Therefore, it is excluded from the costs of goods and

(f) Economic Prices of Agricultural Outputs

The prices of agricultural outputs are adjusted by SCF on assumption that
most of the incremental outputs are for domestic consumption.

(g) Economic Price of Electricity

The economic price of electricity is assumed at 5 US Cents/kWh, which is
generally used as a price of electricity in economic analyses.

(h) Economic Price of Domestic and Industrial Water Supply

The economic price of domestic and industrial water is assumed at VND
1,800/m3, the long-term marginal cost of production adjusted by SCF.

(i) Economic Project Cost

The economic project cost has been estimated from the financial project cost
adjusting by SCF after deducting the direct transfer payment.

(j) Operation and Maintenance Cost

The following annual operation and maintenance costs are assumed:
- Civil construction including dam and irrigation facilities: 0.5% of
construction cost
- Mechanical and electrical facilities including hydropower facility: 1.5%
of facility cost

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

- Domestic and industrial water supply: 5% of the construction cost

(k) Replacement Cost

The following replacement costs are assumed for replacement of facilities

25 years after installation:
- Mechanical and electrical facility for dam and hydropower generation
- Pumps and gates for irrigation and water supply facilities

(2) Project Benefits

(a) Flood Control Benefit

i) Definition of flood control effect

Flood control effects are measured from difference of flood damages

between those with and without project conditions. In other words, they
are flood damage mitigation benefit.

ii) Annual Mean Flood Damage and Flood Mitigation Benefit

Annual mean flood damage is estimated as accumulation of flood

damage segments derived from various magnitude of probable flood
damage multiplied by the corresponding probability of occurrence,
from non-damageable flood up to design protection level of flood.
Table 11.2 shows the annual mean flood damage under the conditions
without project and with various alternatives.

Difference of the annual mean flood damage between those with and
without project is considered as annual flood reduction benefit. The
results of calculation is summarized below:
Annual Mean Flood Damage and Flood Mitigation Benefit (VND billion)
2001 2020
Alternative Annual mean Flood mitigation Annual mean Flood mitigation
flood damage benefit flood damage benefit
Without project 479.0 - 595.2 -
I-B.1 42.6 436.4 49.0 546.2
I-B.2 6.6 472.4 7.6 587.6
I-B.3 6.6 472.4 7.6 587.6
I-B.6 6.6 472.4 7.6 587.6
I-B.7 6.6 472.4 7.6 587.6
I-B.8 6.6 472.4 7.6 587.6
I-B.9 6.6 472.4 7.6 587.6
I-C.2 13.1 465.9 15.0 580.2
I-C.6 13.1 465.9 15.0 580.2
I-C.7 13.1 465.9 15.0 580.2

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(b) Incremental Agricultural Benefit

Agricultural benefits of the projects have been estimated for production of

crop, livestock, and aquaculture.

According to the agronomic study, using model crops and cropping patterns
based on the characteristics of the project area, after implementation of the
projects, improvement in crop yields and production of higher value crops
are expected. The benefits of incremental crop production are estimated as
presented in Table 11.3 (1) and summarized below:

Incremental Crop Benefit

Planted Area Net Income
(ha) (US$1,000)
Without Project 44,386 7,949
With Project (all the alternatives) 51,800 22,376
Incremental Crop Benefit 7,414 14,427

Unit values of livestock and aquaculture have been estimated by the study
referring to "Statistical Data of Vietnam, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery
1995 - 2000, GSO". The process of estimation is shown in Table 11.3 (2).

The benefits from livestock and aquaculture production have been estimated
as shown in Tables 11.3 (1) and (2). The results of the estimation are
summarized below:

Incremental Livestock and Aquaculture Benefits

Livestock Aquaculture
(US$ million) (US$ million)
Without Project 2.5 0.9
With Project (all the alternatives) 6.0 3.7
Incremental Benefit (2020) 3.5 2.8

(c) Hydropower Generation Benefit

Electricity production in Vietnam by mid-2000 was 350kWh per capita,

about the half the level of Indonesia and one-fifth of that of Thailand.
Although electricity output rose by 111% between 1993 and 1999, it has had
difficulty in keeping up with demand.

The government has a master plan to increase power generation double by

2010 and five times from present level by 2020. Especially the government
gives priority to develop hydropower plants, which bring about combined
benefits such as flood control, water supply, irrigation, and electricity
generation. The plan also mentions that exchange of electricity with
neighboring countries will necessary in order to meet power demand in each

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

region and whole country.

The economic price of electricity is assumed at 5 US Cents/kWh, which is

generally used as a price of electricity in economic analyses. Annual mean
energy produced by the projects is calculated as shown in Table 11.4:

(d) Water Supply Benefit

Future demand increase of domestic and industrial water supply in the

Huong River Basin has been estimated at 14.50 million m3/year in the year
2010, 27.29 million m3/year in 2015, and 43.61 million m3/year in 2020.
The economic value of water is estimated at VND1,800/m3. Therefore,
annual benefits of the water supply are estimated as summarized below:

Water Supply Benefit (Million US$)

2013 2015 2020
(Completion of Dam)
Water supply benefit 2.85 3.26 5.21

(e) Other Intangible Benefits

Other than benefits discussed above, various effects are expected by the
implementation of the projects as listed below:
- Contribution to national food security,
- Reduction of food import and saving foreign exchange holdings,
- Creation of new job opportunity,
- Improvement of self-sufficiency and nutritional level of rural farmers,
- To narrow the earnings differentials among regions,
- Convenience of rural population by improvement of access roads to the
dam sites and the roads may reduce the cost of moving produce from
the farm to the consumer,
- Improvement of public health and quality-of-life by supplying better
quality water including decrease of water-related disease,
- To ease the water carrying works,
- Groundwater recharge and improvement of vegetation, and
- Stabilization of rural farmers' livelihood and prevention of influx of
rural population into urban areas.
The benefits listed above are very valuable, they are nevertheless virtually
impossible to value satisfactory in monetary terms.

(f) Indirect Benefit

During construction period, the construction works may fuel various

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

demand for other industries. Meanwhile, after construction works,

incremental agricultural production will also arouse various demands for
many different industries such as chemical industries, transportation
services, trade services, etc. Flood control effect may prevent inundation of
highway or railway and paralysis of economic activity may be prevented or
mitigated. Such ripple effects must be enormous. However, such benefits are
also very hard to value in money terms without more detailed study.

(3) Economic Project Cost

Annual project cost of the optimum plan (alternative I-B.2) based on stage
construction is shown in Table 11.5.

(4) Cost-Benefit Analysis

Based on the benefits and costs discussed above, economic viabilities of the
projects are examined by cost-benefit analysis. The analysis is conducted by
the discounted cash flow analysis. The cash flow of the optimum alternative
I-B.2 is shown in Table 11.1. The results of the economic analysis are
summarized in Subsection 11.2.1.

(5) Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis of the economic evaluation has been examined for the
optimum plan I-B.2 by increase in cost and decrease in benefit. The results
of the analysis are shown below:

Sensitivity Analysis (EIRR %)

Case Alternative I-B.2
a) Base estimate 17.4
b) Cost increase of 10% 16.4
c) Cost increase of 20% 15.5
d) Benefit decrease of 10% 16.3
e) Benefit decrease of 20% 15.0
f) Combination of c) and e) 13.2
Even under the most downbeat case, the combination of cost increase of
20 % and benefit decrease of 20%, the alternative has sufficient economic
efficiency (EIRR more than 12%).

11.3 Financial Evaluation

11.3.1 Financial Cash Statement

The financial evaluation has been conducted for the optimum alternative, I-B.2:
Maximum Ta Trach + Maximum Huu Trach Reservoirs.

The financial feasibility of the projects is evaluated by examining the repayment

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

capability of the capital cost for the projects. For the examination, a financial cash
flow statement for the proposed development plan using the anticipated project
revenue and fund requirement is prepared based on the following assumptions:

(1) Price Escalation

The price escalation of 4.9% (an average of CPI from 1995 to 2000) has been
assumed for capital cost, O & M cost, replacement cost, and revenue from
irrigation water, hydropower generation, and water supply (domestic and

(2) Condition of Foreign Loan

In the examination of repayment capability, it is assumed that the capital required

for the project implementation will be arranged under the following conditions:
- 75% of the capital costs are financed by bilateral or international institution
as far as the costs are eligible items. The non-eligible items are costs for
land acquisition, house compensation, administration, and any type of taxes
and duties.
- The assumed condition of finance is with an interest rate of 1.8% per annum
for a repayment period of 30 years including a grace period of 10 years.
- The balance of the capital cost is financed by the budget allocation of the
Government without interest and repayment.
(3) O & M Cost

The following annual operation and maintenance costs are assumed:

- Civil construction including dam and irrigation facilities: 0.5% of

construction cost

- Mechanical and electrical facilities including hydropower facility: 1.5% of

facility cost

- Domestic and industrial water supply: 5% of the construction cost

(4) Replacement Cost

The following replacement costs are assumed for replacement of facilities 25

years after installation:
- Mechanical and electrical facility for hydropower generation
- Pumps and gates for reservoir, irrigation and water supply facilities

(5) Irrigation Water Charge

Irrigation water charge has been estimated at an equivalent value of 270kg

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

of paddy per hectare. According to “Vietnam Water Resources Sector

Review”, when water charge is paid in kind, the value of paddy is
determined 10 to 20% below market level. The estimation is shown below:

Estimation of Unit Irrigation Water Charge (2001 price level)

Market price of Adjustment Rate of irrig. Estimated irrig.
paddy in TT. Hue of value when water charge water charge
(VND/kg) paid in kind (kg/ha) (VND/ha)
Irrigation water charge 1,555 80% 270 335,880

The total improvement cropping area is 51,800ha, and the total water charge
is estimated to be VND17,399 million (equivalent to US$1.15 million) per

Since the reservoir will be completed in the middle of 2013, the water
charge is assumed to be collected from that year and to be increase
according to progress of the irrigation improvement works as shown below:

Estimation of Future Irrigation Water Charge

Irrigation water
Year / Progress of agricultural improvement according to charge
improvement of irrigation facilities (US$ million)
Estimated irrig. water charge in 2001 price for 51,800 ha 1.15
Price in 2013 2.05
At middle of 2013 (completion of the reservoir) / 15% 0.31
In 2014 price / 65% 1.40
In 2015 price / 75% 1.69
In 2016 price / 85% 2.01
In 2017 price / 95% 2.36
In 2018 price / 100% 2.60
In 2019 price / 100% 2.73
: :

(6) Electric Charge

Annual mean energy production by the project (both Max. Ta Trach + Max.
Huu Trach) is calculated at 150.6GWh. EVN’s electric charge for domestic
firm is 5.2 US Cents/KWh at present. The future electric charge to be
produced by the project is estimated as follows:

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Estimation of Future Electricity Charge

Max. Ta Max. Huu
Year Total
Trach Trach
Average annual power generation (GWh) 70 80.6 150.6
Estimated revenue from electric charge (US$ m)
- In 2013 (Completion of Ta Trach, 1/2 year only) 3.11 - 3.11
- In 2014 (Ta Trach full operation) 6.52 - 6.52
- In 2019 (Completion of Huu Trach) 8.28 9.53 17.81
- In 2020 8.69 10.00 18.69
: : : :

(7) Domestic and Industrial Water Charge

As discussed in Subsection 11.2, the future demand increase of domestic

and industrial water in the Huong River Basin has been estimated by the
study team. The present tariff of water supply is assumed at VND1,500/m3.
The future revenue from the water supply is estimated as shown below:

Estimation of Future Irrigation Water Charge

Water demand Water charge
Year (106m3/year) (US$ million)
2013 21.19 3.75
2013 (half a year service) 10.60 1.87
2014 24.05 4.45
2015 27.29 5.31
2020 43.61 10.77
: : :

The financial cash flow statement of the project is as shown in Table 11.6.

11.3.2 Conclusion of Financial Analysis

From the financial cash flow statement, the following matter became evident:
- Irrigation water charge cannot fully cover O & M cost of irrigation but
shortage is very small and can be covered by small adjustment of water
- Hydropower produces large benefit for the project.
- Water supply revenue can cover O & M cost of the water supply.
- In 2019 and afterward, government subsidy will not become necessary
except during the replacement work of major mechanical and electrical
If soft loan that assumed in this study is available, implementation of the projects
will be financially possible. However, it should be noted that the results are
largely depending on the setting of the future tariff of water and electricity.

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11.4 Environmental Evaluation

This section preliminarily examines the likely negative impacts on environment
caused by the projects composing the Master Plan, and proposes the approach to
cope with the impacts. The environmental evaluation was carried out in
accordance with the JICA Environmental Consideration Guideline.

Among the components of the Master Plan, the following projects were selected
as those necessary for discussion in this section, in due consideration of
characteristics of each project:
- Ta Trach Dam (Structural Flood Control Plan)
- Huu Trach Dam (Structural Flood Control Plan)
- Domestic/industrial Water Supply (Water Utilization Plan)
The components of the Master Plan such as i) Non-structural Flood Control Plan,
ii) Agricultural Development and Irrigation Water Supply (Water Utilization Plan),
iii) Other Management Plan, were screened out from the discussion, because it is
expected that the negative impacts on environment will be insignificant.

The matrix on the results of environmental evaluation is shown in Table 11.7.

11.4.1 Social Environmental Aspect

(1) Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Land acquisition and resettlement are considered as one of the major negative
impacts caused by Ta Trach Dam project. According to the existing studies in case
of SWL of about EL 52 m, it is expected that more than 800 households will be
compelled to resettle, of which about 600 are located within the proposed
reservoir area and others are located at the dam site or stockpile. Out of the total
affected households, approximate 5 % is Van Kieu group (one of the ethnic
minorities in Vietnam). The existing studies also estimate the affected land to be
approximate 35 km2 including the agricultural land of 6 km2.

Implementing Ta Trach Dam project, the above impact is inevitable. Therefore, it

is, firstly, recommended that the program prepared for compensation and
resettlement be carried out securely. Secondly, the consultation with the
stakeholders, including the recipient communities of resettlers, should be done
during all the stages not only of preparation and implementation of the program,
but also of stabilization of living condition after program completion.

Although the construction of Huu Trach Dam would cause the land acquisition
and resettlement, the concrete and actual magnitude is unclear due to no
availability of the existing data and information. The proposed site and reservoir

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

area of the dam is located at the steep valley, and, therefore, the magnitude of
impact does not seem to be serious due to the limited inundated area of
approximate 11 km2. However, the more survey is necessary, in order i) to identify
the magnitude of impact on land acquisition and resettlement, and ii) to prepare
the proper program for resettlement action if the significant impact is expected. In
addition, it should be also clarified, whether or not i) the ethnic minorities exist,
and ii) impact on them is expected.

Regarding the domestic/industrial water supply plant, the magnitude of land

acquisition and resettlement is not considered so significant since the required
area for plant will be considerably small. However, the plan for compensation and
resettlement should be prepared and implemented.

(2) Change or Split of Communities

According to the existing studies in case of SWL of about EL 52 m of Ta Trach

Dam, approximate 60 % of the affected households will be compelled to resettle
to other communes/districts, whereas on-site resettlement will be done for
remaining affected households. This would cause the change or split of the
existing communities. In addition, some conflict between new and old villagers
would be introduced especially in the recipient communities. Thus, the close
consultation with stakeholders is recommendable for mitigating the communal
society as much as possible, and additional support should be given if necessary.

It is unclear whether or not the change or split of the existing communities will be
caused by the construction of Huu Trach Dam. As well as the issues on land
acquisition and resettlement, the more survey is necessary.

(3) Traffic and Public Facilities

Especially on the fluvial navigation, the transportation by small boats for gravel is
observed at Ta Trach Dam site, although the frequency of passing through the dam
site is unknown. The proper support, such as preparation of small port connecting
alternate roads, should be given against the inconvenience during and after dam
construction. Regarding Huu Trach Dam, the same consideration as Ta Trach will
be preferable.

(4) Health and Sanitary Condition

Large number of labor forces will be mobilized for the construction of Ta Trach
Dam and Huu Trach Dam. In order to avoid deterioration of health and sanitary
status in and around the project areas of 2 dams, it is recommended that
construction workers be given basic education and preliminary aid, and also that

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

public medical services be improved.

The risk of water-borne diseases might increase due to the appearance of new
water bodies by Ta Trach Dam and Huu Trach Dam. According to the Ministry of
Health, malaria and dengue fever are not so common in T. T. Hue province at
present. However, the ministry also suggests that the new dam reservoirs might
make a potential risk of malaria high in the areas adjacent to the new water bodies.
Therefore, monitoring of indicators such as out-patients will be required around
the new reservoirs’ area.

(5) Noise and Dust

Although the detail of construction plan and schedule of Ta Trach Dam and Huu
Trach Dam is unknown, the construction activities are likely to increase the
nuisance of dust and noise. Since these affect will be inevitable, the following
measures is to be planned and implemented to the extent possible, namely i) the
construction road and operation of heavy equipment should be away from
settlement area, ii) the work hours should be restricted to the daytime hours, and
iii) water spraying should be done on the construction road.

11.4.2 Natural Environmental Aspect

(1) Topography

The construction of Ta Trach Dam and Huu Trach Dam will cause the topographic
change. However, there are no precious topography nor tourism spots relied on the
unique topography. Thus the topographic change due to the dams construction will
be acceptable.

After completion of Ta Trach Dam and Huu Trach Dam, the change of lagoon
topography might occur due to the reduction of the sediment load from the
upstream. The preliminary examination shows that the reduction of sedimentation
rate in lagoon is estimated at about 26 cm/100years (average depth of lagoons is
1.5 – 2.0 m). According to the Study on Restoration and Stabilization of Thuan An
- Tu Hien Estuary (May, 2001), the history of the lagoon system indicates that bed
siltation on lagoon occurred together with the contraction of water surface. It is,
therefore, considered that the reduction of sediment load to lagoon would make
the progress of bed siltation slow somewhat.

Ta Trach Dam and Huu Trach Dam will improve the hydrological regime of the
Huong river than the current status. Simultaneously, the composition of sediment,
sediment transport pattern, and the tractive force will be also changed in the
downstream. At present, it is unclear whether degradation/aggradation of river bed

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will occur or not.

(2) Water Quality

During the construction stage of Ta Trach Dam and Huu Trach Dam, there will be
a risk of pollution to their downstream by blasting or earthwork that will increase
sediment load. In addition, the concrete placement of 2 dams’ bodies would
adversely affect the river water quality due to the alkaline discharge, in case that
gravity type dams by concrete would be applied to Ta Trach and Huu Trach dams
although fill type was planned in F/S of Vietnam. It is therefore necessary, i) to
provide the silting/sedimentation basin for reduction of sediment load, ii) to
develop sediment control measures against soil erosion of exposed area, and iii) to
provide treatment facilities of alkaline discharge if necessary.

Large number of labor forces will be employed for construction work of Ta Trach
Dam and Huu Trach Dam. In order to avoid organic pollution to their downstream,
the wastewater from campsites should be treated on sites. Moreover, emergency
measures should be developed in the event of an accidental spillage of oil and
other chemicals from the construction sites.

The proposed gross storage of Ta Trach Dam is 610 MCM, whereas the average
annual inflow to the dam is estimated at 1,626 MCM by the hydrological analysis.
The annual turn-over rate of the reservoir is obtained as about 2.7 times on an
average. This means that there would be a possibility of occurrence of water
temperature stratification in the reservoir. However, the difference of water
temperature between surface and bottom will be 5 ͠ according to the experience
of the existing dams in Vietnam. Therefore, the problem of cold water will be
insignificant. In case of Huu Trach Dam, The annual turn-over rate of the reservoir
is obtained as about 5.0 times on an average (gross storage of 230 MCM, average
annual inflow of 1,154 MCM). This means that a possibility of occurrence of
water temperature stratification in the reservoir would be small. And in the same
manner as Ta Trach Dam, the problem of cold water will be insignificant.

Regarding eutrophication of the reservoir of Ta Trach Dam, the nutrient load to

the reservoir will not be significant, since, i) the agricultural land as the major
source of nutrient occupies less than 10 % of the catchment area of the dam based
on the available information on land use, and ii) there are no developed urban area
in the catchment area of the dam. And eutrophication phenomena is not so
common according to the experience of the existing dams in Vietnam. Therefore,
it is enough to check continuously whether or not the water bloom appears in the
reservoir during the dam operation stage. In case of Huu Trach Dam, the problem

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

of eutrophication will be insignificant in the same manner as Ta Trach Dam.

The storage and operation of Ta Trach Dam and Huu Trach Dam will ensure the
discharge of the maintenance flow in Huong river. Therefore, the degradation of
water quality of the downstream will be insignificant on the whole in the
condition that new other pollutant load in the watershed will be adequately

(3) Flora, Fauna, and Ecology

A part of the Bach Ma National Park will be included within the reservoir area of
Ta Trach Dam. However, the area to be submerged does not affect the forest zone
which is strictly protected in order to keep the ecosystem unchanged and the
habitat of the precious species in good condition. Therefore, from the ecological
view point, the negative impact on the national park is considered slim. For the
ecological conservation of the park, it is enough to check whether or not the
negative impacts occur by Ta Trach Dam through the ordinary inspection result of
MARD that is responsible for the management of the park.

The existing studies so far reported that some of flora/fauna listed in the red book
as endangered or rare species were found in the upstream area of Ta Trach Dam.
However, the impacts, such as whether or not the habitats of endangered/rare
species would be damaged by the dam, are unclear in the existing studies.
Therefore, it is recommended that the magnitude of impacts be clarified, and that
mitigation measures be developed if practical.

Huu Trach Dam will not directly affect any designated areas such as national park
and nature reserve. However, the existing condition on distribution and habits of
endangered/rare species of flora/fauna is unclear. It is, therefore, recommendable
that the more survey be carried out to grasp the existing condition, and that
adequate consideration be given if the impact on endangered/rare species is
expected significant.

According to the existing studies, the major species of fresh-water fish in the
Huong river are carp, catfish, and eel. Since the eel is a migratory fish species,
obstruction of migration might be caused by the dam structures. Therefore,
adequate consideration such as fishway should be considered in case that the eel is
catadromous for spawning in the sea by passing through the dam sites.

Any components of the Master plan of Huong river basin will not directly change
or affect the existing conditions of the lagoons. However, the lagoons have an
ecologically fragile system. So the ecological system of lagoons might be affected

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in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

indirectly due to the change of river hydrology and reduction of sediment load by
Ta Trach Dam and Huu Trach Dam, although the magnitude and positive/negative
direction are unclear. In the case that the change of ecological condition in the
lagoons would be significant, economic activities especially on lagoon fishery
would be also affected considerably. The change of fishery condition in lagoon
can be considered as one of the most important indicators of ecological
deterioration/enhancement of lagoon. It is, therefore, recommendable that the
monitoring of fishery activities in lagoon, such as the change and trend of catch
amount and fish/shellfish kinds, be carried out continuously and frequently.

(4) Landscape

The existing landscape will be changed drastically due to the construction of Ta

Trach Dam and Huu Trach Dam. After the completion of the dams, however,
appearance of vast water areas will also create the new landscape spot and have a
potential for enhancement of regional economic activities such as tourism.

In the case that the domestic/industrial water supply plant would be constructed
near the Hue city, the consideration in harmony with the existing landscape nearby
is preferable because of the designation of the city as World Heritage.

11.5 Undertakings of Vietnamese Side

The project evaluation pointed out that the following undertakings or attentions of
Vietnamese side are important.

(1) The provisional flood control measure as mentioned in Sub-section 8.3.8

should be kept in mind: that is, the present condition of the left side river
branch located just upstream of the Hue City should be maintained until the
completion of the Huu Trach Dam.

(2) The non-structural measures for flood damage mitigation or water saving
as discussed in Section 8.3 which will be efficient both before and after
the completion of upstream dam(s). The non-structural measures which
can be implemented at a less cost should be put into execution at the

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