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Plumbing Skills

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Install & RepaIR YouR own toIlets, Faucets, sInks, tubs, showeRs, DRaIns


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:1
Introduction .........................................................4

the home plumbing system

Plumbing Tools ..................................................10 Galvanized Steel .............................................. 38

Plumbing Materials .........................................14 Pipe Fittings ...................................................... 42

Copper ..................................................................16 Shutoff Valves ................................................... 46

Rigid Plastic Pipe ............................................. 24 Valves & Hose Bibs .......................................... 48

Outdoor Flexible Plastic Pipes .................... 28 Compression Fittings ..................................... 50

Cross‑Linked Polyethylene (PEX) .............. 30

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plumbing Repairs & projects
Toilets .................................................................. 54 Food Disposers ................................................. 98

Kitchen Faucets ............................................... 70 Icemakers ......................................................... 104

Bathroom Faucets ........................................... 80 Tub & Shower Faucets ................................. 110

Kitchen Drains & Traps ................................ 88 Tub & Shower Drains ................................... 120

Dishwashers ...................................................... 94

Glossary ............................................................ 124

Metric Conversions ....................................... 125

Index .................................................................. 126

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e veRY homeowneR shoulD have a good basic (especially in an older home that may have
understanding of the plumbing system in their home. been updated many times) make any sense.
HomeSkills: Plumbing guides you through the layout You will see that it actually does make a good
of the standard plumbing system, the materials used, deal of sense.
both past and present, the tools necessary for repairs While not as dangerous as the electrical
and projects, and numerous projects and repairs you system, improperly installing or repairing
can easily accomplish. plumbing systems can cause serious damage to
The plumbing system, like the electrical system, your home through water leakage. It is important
may seem deeply mysterious at first glance. How to follow current code and building practices to
does this seemingly jumbled assortment of pipes assure a dry, functional installation.

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the home
plumbInG sYstem
plumbing tools .................................... 10 Galvanized steel .................................38
plumbing materials ............................. 14 pipe Fittings ........................................42
copper ................................................ 16 shutoff valves .....................................46
Rigid plastic pipe ................................24 valves & hose bibs .............................48
outdoor Flexible compression Fittings ..........................50
plastic pipe .........................................28
polyethylene (peX) ..............................30

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the home plumbing system

meter shutoff (open)

An outdoor main shutoff may be as simple as an

exposed valve that you turn by hand. Or it may be buried
in a housing that is sometimes called a Buffalo box. In
this example, both the meter and the main shutoff are
housed in the box; in other cases, the meter is located
inside the house.

because mos t oF a plumbing system is hidden Toilets and exterior sillcocks are examples of fixtures
inside walls and floors, it may seem to be a complex that require only a cold water line.
maze of pipes and fittings. But the information in this The water supply to fixtures and appliances
book will help you gain a basic understanding of your is controlled with faucets and valves. Faucets and
system. Understanding how home plumbing works is valves have moving parts and seals that eventually
an important first step toward doing routine mainte‑ may wear out or break, but they are easily repaired
nance and money‑saving repairs. or replaced.
A typical home plumbing system includes three Waste water then enters the drain system. It first
basic parts: a water supply system, a fixture and must flow past a drain trap (5), a U‑shaped piece of
appliance set, and a drain system. These three parts pipe that holds standing water and prevents sewer
can be seen clearly in the photograph of the cut‑away gases from entering the home. Every fixture must
house on the opposite page. have a drain trap.
Fresh water enters a home through a main supply The drain system works entirely by gravity,
line (1). This fresh water source is provided by either allowing waste water to flow downhill through a
a municipal water company or a private underground series of large‑diameter pipes. These drain pipes
well. If the source is a municipal supplier, the water are attached to a system of vent pipes. Vent pipes
passes through a meter (2) that registers the amount (6) bring fresh air to the drain system, preventing
of water used. A family of four uses about 400 gallons suction that would slow or stop drain water from
of water each day. flowing freely. Vent pipes usually exit the house at
Immediately after the main supply enters the a roof vent (7).
house, a branch line splits off (3) and is joined to a All waste water eventually reaches a main
water heater (4). From the water heater, a hot water waste and vent stack (8). The main stack curves to
line runs parallel to the cold water line to bring the become a sewer line (9) that exits the house near
water supply to fixtures and appliances throughout the foundation. In a municipal system, this sewer
the house. Fixtures include sinks, bathtubs, showers, line joins a main sewer line located near the street.
and laundry tubs. Appliances include water heaters, Where sewer service is not available, waste water
dishwashers, clothes washers, and water softeners. empties into a septic system.

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(7) Roof vent

(8) Waste and

vent stack

(6) Vent pipe

(5) Trap

(4) Water

(3) Branch

Branch drain line

(2) Water meter

Hot water
supply lines
Floor drain
Cold water
supply lines

Drain lines

Vent lines

(1) Main supply line (9) Sewer line

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You may have an inside main shutoff, usually located
near the point where the main supply pipe enters the
house near the water meter. There may be valves on each
side of the meter; turn off either one of them to shut off
water to the house. The copper grounding wire is an
important part of the electrical system and should never main shutoff valve
be removed.

water supply s ystem and showers. Some fixtures, such as toilets or hose
Water supply pipes carry hot and cold water through‑ bibs, are supplied only by cold water. Appliances
out a house. In homes built before 1960, the original include dishwashers and clothes washers. A refrigerator
supply pipes were usually made of galvanized steel. icemaker uses only cold water. Tradition says that hot
Newer homes have supply pipes made of copper. water supply pipes and faucet handles are found on the
Beginning in the 1980s, supply pipes made of rigid left‑hand side of a fixture, with cold water on the right.
plastic (PVC or CPVC) became more commonplace, Because it is pressurized, the water supply system
and the more recent plumbing innovations find PEX is occasionally prone to leaks. This is especially true
pipe widely used and accepted. of galvanized iron pipe, which has limited resistance
Water supply pipes are made to withstand the to corrosion.
high pressures of the water supply system. They have For some houses in older neighborhoods, the main
small diameters, usually ½" to 1", and are joined with supply line running from the street to the house is
strong, watertight fittings. The hot and cold lines made of lead; this once posed a health hazard. Today,
run in tandem to all parts of the house. Usually, the however, municipalities with lead pipes often add a
supply pipes run inside wall cavities or are strapped trace amount of phosphate to the water, which coats
to the undersides of floor joists. the inside of the pipes and virtually eliminates leaching
Hot and cold water supply pipes are connected to of lead into the water. If you are concerned about lead
fixtures or appliances. Fixtures include sinks, tubs, in your water, check with your local water supplier.

hot water supply lines

cold water supply lines

In from municipal
water supply

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Drain‑waste‑vent system water, and they are usually found immediately after
Drain pipes use gravity to carry waste water away the drain tailpiece in the drain opening. The standing
from fixtures, appliances, and other drain openings. water of a trap prevents sewer gases from backing
This waste water is carried out of the house to a up into the home. Each time a drain is used, the
municipal sewer system or septic tank. standing trap water is flushed away and is replaced
Newer drain pipes are plastic. In an older home, by new water.
drain pipes may be cast iron, galvanized steel, copper, In order to work properly, the drain system
or lead. Because they are not part of the supply requires air. Air allows waste water to flow freely
system, lead drain pipes pose no health hazard. down drain pipes.
However, lead pipes are no longer manufactured for To allow air into the drain system, drain
home plumbing systems. pipes are connected to vent pipes. All drain
Drain pipes have diameters ranging from 1¼" systems must include vents, and the entire system
to 4". These large diameters allow waste to pass is called the drain‑waste‑vent (DWV) system.
through efficiently. One or more vent stacks, located on the roof,
Traps are an important part of the drain system. provide the air needed for the DWV system
These curved sections of drain pipe hold standing to work.


vent lines


Drain lines

out to municipal sewer

or septic tank

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plumbInG tools

Many plumbing projects and repairs can be Always care for tools properly. Clean tools after
completed with basic hand tools you probably using them, wiping them free of dirt and dust with a
already own. Adding a few simple plumbing tools will soft rag. Prevent rust on metal tools by wiping them
prepare you for all the projects in this book. Specialty with a rag dipped in household oil. If a metal tool
tools, such as a snap cutter or appliance dolly, are gets wet, dry it immediately, and then wipe it with
available at rental centers. When buying tools, invest an oiled rag. Keep toolboxes and cabinets organized.
in quality products. Make sure all tools are stored securely.

caulk gun & all purpose caulk

utility knife

head lamp
non‑contact volt meter

wire brush


cold chisel

Ratchet wrench
and sockets


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metal files

tape measure

strainer wrench

adjustable wrenches
seat wrench

screwdriver level
putty knife channel‑type pliers needlenose pliers

basin wrench


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Drill-powered auger is stronger than a hand-
crank auger for removing larger pipe obstructions.
This auger can be cranked by hand or attached to a
standard 3/8" power drill.

Force cup clears

drain clogs with
water and air
pressure. The force
cup is used for
toilet bowls. The
flange usually can
Pipe wrench has a movable be folded up into
jaw that adjusts to fit a variety of the cup for use as a
pipe diameters. Pipe wrench is standard plunger.
used for tightening and loosening
pipes, pipe fittings, and large
nuts. Two pipe wrenches often
are used together to prevent
damage to pipes
Spud wrench is specially designed and fittings.
for removing or tightening large
nuts that are 2" to 4" in diameter.
Hooks on the ends of the wrench
grab onto the lugs of large nuts for
increased leverage.

Blow bag , sometimes

called an expansion
nozzle, is used to clear
drains. It attaches
to a garden hose and
removes clogs with
large spurts of water.
The blow bag is best
used on floor drains.

Plastic tubing cutter works like

a gardener’s pruners to cut flexible
plastic pipes quickly.

Tubing cutters make straight,

smooth cuts in plastic and copper
pipe. A tubing cutter usually has
a triangular blade for removing
burrs from the insides of pipes.


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Closet auger is used to clear toilet clogs. It is a
slender tube with a crank handle on one end of
a flexible auger cable. A special bend in the tube
allows the auger to be positioned in the bottom of
the toilet bowl. The bend is usually protected with
a rubber sleeve to prevent scratching the toilet.

drain auger
MAPP torch
(left) is used for
soldering fittings power miter box
to copper pipes.
Light the torch
quickly and
safely using a
Right‑angle drill
spark lighter. appliance dolly

snap cutter

Rental tools may be needed for large jobs and special situations. A power miter
saw makes fast, accurate cuts in a wide variety of materials, including plastic pipes.
A motorized drain auger clears tree roots from sewer service lines. Use an appliance
dolly to move heavy objects like water heaters. A snap cutter is designed to cut tough
cast-iron pipes. The right-angle drill is useful for drilling holes in hard-to-reach areas.

power drills and bits

Reciprocating saw

Flame-resistant pad helps keep wood

and other underlying materials safe from
the torch’s flame.
Power hand tools can make any job faster, easier, and safer. Cordless power tools
offer added convenience. Use a cordless 3/8" power drill for virtually any drilling task.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
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plumbInG mateRIals

common pipe & tube types

Benefits & Characteristics

ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) was once approved for use in

DWV systems. Most local codes now prohibit ABS for new installations,
but in some cases it can be added to pre-existing ABS DWV systems.

Cast iron is strong but hard to work with. Repairs should be made with
plastic pipe, if allowed.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is rigid plastic that resists heat and chemicals.
Lightweight tubes and heavier Schedule 40.

CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) rigid plastic is inexpensive and

withstands high temperature and pressure.

Chromed brass has an attractive shiny surface and is used for drain
traps where appearance is important.

PE (polyethylene) plastic is a black or bluish flexible pipe sometimes

used for main water service lines as well as irrigation systems.

Black pipe (iron pipe) generally is threaded at the ends to accept female-
threaded fittings. Not for potable water.

Rigid copper is used for water supply pipes. It resists corrosion and has
smooth surfaces for good water flow.

Braided metal is used for water supply tubes that connect shutoff valves
to fixtures.

Flexible stainless-steel (protective coated) connectors are used to

attach gas appliances to supply stopcocks.

Flexible stainless-steel (uncoated) connectors are used to attach gas

appliances to supply stopcocks

Chromed copper supply tube is used in areas where appearance is

important. Easy to bend and fit.

PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) is flexible and is approved by major

building codes for water supply.

Flexible copper tubing (not shown) bends easily and requires fewer
couplings than rigid copper.


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Common Uses Lengths Diameters Fitting Methods Tools Used for Cutting

Pipes; drain traps Sold by linear ft. 2", 3", 4" Glue and plastic Miter box or hacksaw

Main drain- waste- Banded neoprene

5 ft., 10 ft. 3", 4" Snap cutter or hacksaw
vent stack couplings

Drain & vent pipes; 10 ft., 20 ft.; or Solvent glue and/or Tubing cutter, miter box,
1¼", 1½", 2", 3", 4"
drain traps sold by linear ft. plastic fittings or hacksaw

Solvent glue and

Hot & cold water Tubing cutter, miter box,
10 ft. 3/8", ½", ¾", 1" plastic fittings, or with
supply pipes or hacksaw
compression fittings

Valves & shutoffs;

1¼", ½", ¾", Compression fittings, Tubing cutter, hacksaw,
drain traps, supply Lengths vary
1¼", 1½" or with metal solder or reciprocating saw

Outdoor cold water Sold in coils of 25 Rigid PVC fittings and Ratchet-style plastic pipe
¼" to 1"
supply pipes to hundreds of ft. stainless steel hose cutter or miter saw

Hacksaw, power cutoff

Sold in lengths
Gas supply pipe ¾", 1" Threaded connectors saw or reciprocating saw
up to 10 ft.
with bi-metal blade

Hot & cold water 10 ft., 20 ft.; or Metal solder or Tubing cutter, hacksaw,
3/8", ½", ¾", 1"
supply pipes sold by linear ft. compression fittings or jigsaw

Compression coupling
Supply tubes 12" or 20" 3/8" Do not cut
or compression fittings

Gas ranges, dryers,

36" or 48" 5⁄8", ½" (OD) Compression coupling Do not cut
water heaters

Gas ranges, dryers,

36" or 48" 5⁄8", ½" (OD) Compression coupling Do not cut
water heaters

Brass compression
Supply tubing 12", 20", 30" 3/8" Tubing cutter or hacksaw

Water supply, Sold in coils of

tubing for 25 ft. to hundreds ¼" to 1" Crimp fittings Tubing cutter
radiant floors of ft.

Brass flare fittings,

Gas supply; hot & 30-ft., 60-ft. coils;
¼", 3/8", ½", ¾", 1" solder, compression Tubing cutter or hacksaw
cold water supply or by ft.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
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coppeR skillbuilder
Practice makes perfect. If you have never
soldered copper pipe before, practice sweating a
Copper resists corrosion and has smooth surfaces
few fittings onto a short sections of pipe before
that allow good water flow. Copper pipes are
beginning an installation. This will acquaint you
available in several diameters, but most home water with process in a low stress setting.
supply systems use ½‑inch or 3⁄4‑inch pipe. Copper
pipe is manufactured in rigid and flexible forms.
Rigid copper, sometimes called hard copper, is
approved for home water supply systems by all local
codes. It comes in three wall‑thickness grades: Types
M, L, and K. Type M is the thinnest, the least expensive,
and a good choice for do‑it‑yourself home plumbing.
Rigid Type L usually is required by code for
commercial plumbing systems. Because it is strong
and solders easily, Type L may be preferred by some
professional plumbers and do‑it‑yourselfers for home
use. Type K has the heaviest wall thickness and is
used most often for underground water service lines.
Flexible copper, also called soft copper, comes
in two wall‑thickness grades: Types L and K. Both
are approved for most home water supply systems,
although flexible Type L copper is used primarily
for gas service lines. Because it is bendable and will Copper pipes are connected with soldered,
resist a mild frost, Type L may be installed as part of compression, or flare fittings (see chart below).
a water supply system in unheated indoor areas, like Always follow your local code for the correct types of
crawl spaces. Type K is used for underground water pipes and fittings allowed in your area.
service lines. Soldered fittings, also called sweat fittings, often
A third form of copper, called DWV, is used are used to join copper pipes. Correctly soldered
for drain systems. Because most codes now allow fittings are strong and trouble‑free. Copper pipe
low‑cost plastic pipes for drain systems, DWV copper can also be joined with compression fittings or flare
is seldom used. fittings. See chart below.

copper pipe & Fit ting char t

Fitting Rigid Copper Flexible Copper
Method Type M Type L Type K Type L Type K General Comments
Inexpensive, strong, and
Soldered Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes trouble-free fitting method.
Requires some skill.
Makes repairs and replacement
Compression Yes Not Applicable No No easy. More expensive than solder.
Best used on flexible copper.
Use only with flexible copper pipes.
Flare No No Yes Yes Yes Usually used as a gas-line fitting.
Requires some skill.


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astm rating
Diameter (a)

wall thickness grade (e)

(I) (J) (D) (c)

Grade stamp information includes the pipe diameter,

the wall-thickness grade, and a stamp of approval
from the ASTM (American Society for Testing and
Materials). Type M pipe is identified by red lettering,
Type L by blue lettering. (h)


Bend flexible copper pipe with a coil-spring tubing Specialty tools and materials for working with copper
bender to avoid kinks. Select a bender that matches the include: flaring tools (A), emery cloth (B), coil-spring
outside diameter of the pipe. Slip bender over pipe using tubing bender (C), pipe joint compound (D), soldering
a twisting motion. Bend pipe slowly until it reaches the paste (flux) (E), lead-free solder (F), wire brush (G), flux
correct angle, but not more than 90º. brush (H), compression fitting (I), flare fitting (J).

Fitting socket Fitting socket

elbow cut
away to show t‑fitting cut
depth of pipe away to show
depth of pipe

length of pipe

Find the length of copper pipe needed by measuring between the bottom of the copper fitting sockets (fittings
shown in cutaway). Mark the length on the pipe with a felt-tipped pen.


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cut & solder copper tip
The best way to cut rigid and flexible copper pipe is Never light a propane torch with a match. Ignition
with a tubing cutter. A tubing cutter makes a smooth, of the torch usually results in a small fire ball
straight cut, an important first step toward making a which will easily burn your fingers. A spark lighter
keeps your hands and clothing at a safe distance.
watertight joint. Remove any metal burrs on the cut
edges with a reaming tool or round file.
Copper can be cut with a hacksaw. A hacksaw is
useful in tight areas where a tubing cutter will not
fit. Take care to make a smooth, straight cut when melt metal solder. The heat draws the solder into the
cutting with a hacksaw. gap between the fitting and pipe to form a watertight
A soldered pipe joint, also called a sweated joint, seal. A fitting that is overheated or unevenly heated
is made by heating a copper or brass fitting with a will not draw in solder. Copper pipes and fittings
propane torch until the fitting is just hot enough to must be clean and dry to form a watertight seal.

tips for safe soldering

torch valve

Use caution when soldering Prevent accidents by shutting Protect wood from the heat of
copper. Pipes and fittings become off propane torch immediately the torch flame while soldering.
very hot and must be allowed to after use. Make sure valve is Use an old cookie sheet, two
cool before handling. closed completely. sheets of 26-gauge metal, or a
fiber shield, as shown.

tools & materials Spark lighter Copper fittings

Tubing cutter with reaming tip Round file Emery cloth
(or hacksaw and round file) Cloth Soldering paste (flux)
Wire brush Adjustable wrench Sheet metal
Flux brush Channel-type pliers Lead-free solder
Propane torch Copper pipe Rag


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cut tInG RIGID & Fle XIble coppeR pIpe

1 2 wheel


3 4
Reaming point

1 Place the tubing cutter over the pipe and tighten the handle so that the pipe rests on both rollers and the cutting
wheel is on the marked line.

2 Turn the tubing cutter one rotation so that the cutting wheel scores a continuous straight line around the pipe.

3 Rotate the cutter in the opposite direction, tightening the handle slightly after every two rotations, until the cut
is complete.

4 Remove sharp metal burrs from the inside edge of the cut pipe using the reaming point on the tubing cutter or a
round file.


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solDeRInG coppeR pIpes & FIt tInGs

1 2 3

Flux brush

emery cloth

4 5 6



1 Clean the end of each pipe by sanding with emery cloth. Ends must be free of dirt and grease to ensure that the
solder forms a good seal.

2 Clean the inside of each fitting by scouring with a wire brush or emery cloth.

3 Apply a thin layer of soldering paste (flux) to the end of each pipe, using a flux brush. Soldering paste should cover
about 1" of pipe end.

4 Apply a thin layer of flux to the inside of the fitting.

5 Assemble each joint by inserting the pipe into the fitting so it is tight against the bottom of the fitting sockets. Twist
each fitting slightly to spread soldering paste.

6 Use a clean dry cloth to remove excess flux before soldering the assembled fitting.


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7 8 9




10 11 12

lip of

7 Prepare the wire solder by unwinding 8" to 10" of wire from the spool. Bend the first 2" of the wire to a 90º angle.

8 Open the gas valve and trigger the spark lighter to ignite the torch. Adjust the torch valve until the inner portion of
the flame is 1" to 2" long.

9 Move the torch flame back and forth and around the pipe and the fitting to heat the area evenly.

10 Heat the other side of the copper fitting to ensure that heat is distributed evenly. Touch the solder to the pipe. The
solder will melt when the pipe is at the right temperature.

11 When the solder melts, remove the torch and quickly push ½" to ¾" of solder into each joint. Capillary action fills
the joint with liquid solder. A correctly soldered joint should show a thin bead of solder around the lips of the fitting.

12 Allow the joint to cool briefly, then wipe away excess solder with a dry rag. Caution: Pipes will be hot. If joints leak
after water is turned on, disassemble and resolder.


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solDeRInG bR ass valves

1 2

1 Valves should be fully open during all stages of the soldering process. If a valve has any plastic or rubber parts, remove
them prior to soldering.

2 To prevent valve damage, quickly heat the pipe and the flanges of the valve, not the valve body. After soldering, cool
the valve by spraying with water.

DIsmantlInG solDeReD JoInt bl aDes

1 pipe 2


3 4

1 Turn off the water and drain the pipes by opening the highest and lowest faucets in the house. Light your torch.
Hold the flame tip to the fitting until the solder becomes shiny and begins to melt.

2 Use channel-type pliers to separate the pipes from the fitting.

3 Remove old solder by heating the ends of the pipe with your torch. Use a dry rag to wipe away melted solder quickly.
Caution: Pipes will be hot.

4 Use emery cloth to polish the ends of the pipe down to bare metal. Never reuse fittings.


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push FIt tInGs

Push fittings make water supply connections about as But even professional plumbers use them in tight spots
easy as possible. They are expensive, so you won’t want where sweating or welding would be difficult. They are
to use them for all connections on a large installation. also an ideal material for making a quick repair.

elbow t‑fitting

threaded elbow

Disconnect tools
Reducing coupling
bell valve

Push fittings are available as couplings tees, elbows, and even shutoff valves. They connect to hard copper, CPVC, and
PEX pipe, but not to PVC or galvanized or black steel pipe. In most areas they are approved for use inside covered walls.

1 2 3

1 Cut the pipe square, and remove any burrs and rough edges. Draw a mark 1" from the cut end.

2 Push the pipe into the fitting an inch or so until you hear it click. Tug to make sure you have a strong connection. It
may not seem like it, but the connection is indeed watertight and durable. You may rotate it to the desired position.

3 To remove a pipe from a push fitting, slip the disconnect tool over the pipe, slide it over the fitting, and press against
the fitting’s release collar as you pull the pipe out.


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RIGID pl as tIc pIpe skillbuilder
Before you begin a plastic
pipe project, take some time
Cut rigid ABS, PVC, or CPVC plastic pipes with a tubing cutter or with
to practice the priming and
any saw. Cuts must be straight to ensure watertight joints.
cementing process. Once you
Rigid plastics are joined with plastic fittings and solvent glue. Use a apply the cement, you have
solvent glue that is made for the type of plastic pipe you are installing. a limited time to assemble.
For example, do not use ABS solvent on PVC pipe. Some solvent glues, Buy some pipe and fittings
called “all‑purpose” or “universal” solvents, may be used on all types of and practice the solvent-
plastic pipe. gluing steps. It might seem
Solvent glue hardens in about 30 seconds, so test‑fit all plastic pipes expensive, but you need to
and fittings before gluing the first joint. For best results, the surfaces of understand the materials
plastic pipes and fittings should be dulled with emery cloth and liquid before undertaking a project.
primer before they are joined.
Liquid solvent glues and primers are toxic and flammable. Provide
adequate ventilation when fitting plastics, and store the products away
from any source of heat.
Plastic grip fittings can be used to join rigid or flexible plastic pipes to
copper plumbing pipes.

tools & materials

Tape measure
Felt-tipped pen
Tubing cutter (or miter box
or hacksaw)
Utility knife
Primer and solvent glue are specific to the plumbing material being used. Do Channel-type pliers
not use all-purpose or multi-purpose products. Light to medium body glues Gloves
are appropriate for DIYers as they allow the longest working time and are Plastic pipe
easiest to use. When working with large pipe, 3 or 4 inches in diameter, buy Fittings
a large-size can of cement, which has a larger dauber. If you use the small Emery cloth
dauber (which comes with the small can), you may need to apply twice, which Plastic pipe primer
will slow you down and make connections difficult. (The smaller can of Solvent glue
primer is fine for any other size pipe, since there’s no rush in applying primer.) Rag
Cement (though not primer) goes bad in the can within a month or two after Petroleum jelly
opening, so you may need to buy a new can for a new project.


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cut tInG RIGID pl astIc pIpe

1 2
waste‑t cut elbow cut
away to show away to show
depth of pipe depth of pipe

Fitting socket Fitting socket

length of pipe

3 4

1 Find the length of plastic pipe needed by measuring between the bottoms of the fitting sockets (fittings shown in
cutaway). Mark the length on the pipe with a felt-tipped pen.

2 Plastic tubing cutters do a fast, neat job of cutting. You’ll probably have to go to a professional plumbing supply
store to find one, however. They are not interchangeable with metal tubing cutters.

3 The best cutting tool for plastic pipe is a power miter saw with a fine tooth woodworking blade or a
plastic-specific blade.

4 A ratcheting plastic-pipe cutter can cut smaller diameter PVC and CPVC pipe in a real hurry. If you are plumbing
a whole house you may want to consider investing in one. They also are sold only at plumbing supply stores.


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usInG solvent‑Glue on RIGID pl astIc pIpe

1 2

Fitting sockets

3 4

1 Remove rough burrs on cut ends of plastic pipe using a utility knife or deburring tool (inset).

2 Test-fit all pipes and fittings. Pipes should fit tightly against the bottom of the fitting sockets.

3 Mark the depth of the fitting sockets on the pipes. Take pipes apart. Clean the ends of the pipes and fitting sockets
with emery cloth.

4 Apply a light coat of plastic pipe primer to the ends of the pipes and to the insides of the fitting sockets. Primer dulls
glossy surfaces and ensures a good seal.


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5 6

7 8

5 Solvent-glue each joint by applying a thick coat of solvent glue to the end of the pipe. Apply a thin coat of solvent
glue to the inside surface of the fitting socket. Work quickly: solvent glue hardens in about 30 seconds.

6 Quickly position the pipe and fitting so that the alignment marks are offset by about 2". Force the pipe into the
fitting until the end fits flush against the bottom of the socket.

7 Spread solvent by twisting the pipe until the marks are aligned. Hold the pipe in place for about 20 seconds to
prevent the joint from slipping.

8 Wipe away excess solvent glue with a rag. Do not disturb the joint for 30 minutes after gluing.


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outDooR Fle XIble pl as tIc pIpe

Flexible PE (polyethylene) pipe is

used for underground cold water
lines. Very inexpensive, PE pipe
is commonly used for automatic
lawn sprinkler systems and for
extending cold water supply to
utility sinks in detached garages
and sheds.
Unlike other plastics, PE is not
solvent‑glued, but is joined using
“barbed” rigid PVC fittings and
stainless‑steel hose clamps. In
cold climates, outdoor plumbing
lines should be shut off and Connect lengths of PE pipe with a barbed PVC fitting. Secure the
drained for winter. connection with stainless steel hose clamps.

tools & materials

Tape measure
Tubing cutter t‑fitting barbed pvc male‑
Screwdriver or wrench threaded adapter
Pipe joint compound
Flexible pipe
Hose clamps
Utility knife

Female‑threaded hose
valve drain adapter clamp pe

Connect PE pipe to an existing cold water supply pipe by splicing in a T-fitting

to the copper pipe and attaching a drain-and-waste shutoff valve and a female-
threaded adapter. Screw a barbed PVC male-threaded adapter into the copper
fitting, then attach the PE pipe. The drain-and-waste valve allows you to blow
the PE line free of water when winterizing the system.


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cut tInG & JoInInG outDooR Fle XIble pl astIc pIpe

1 2

option 3
To ensure a tighter fit, dab some pipe joint
compound onto the barbs so they are easier to
slide into the flexible plastic pipe. Apply pipe joint
compound to the barbed ends of the T-fitting.
Work each end of PE pipe over the barbed portions
of the fitting and into position.

1 Cut flexible PE pipe with a plastic tubing cutter, or

use a miter box or sharp knife. Remove any rough
burrs with a utility knife.

2 Fit stainless-steel hose clamps over the ends of the

flexible pipes being joined.

3 Slide the band clamps over the joint ends. Hand

tighten each clamp with a screwdriver or wrench.


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cRoss‑lInkeD polYe thYlene (pe X )
tools & materials
Cross‑linked polyethylene (PEX) is growing quickly in Tape measure Manifolds
acceptance as a supply pipe for residential plumbing. Felt-tipped pen Protector plates
It’s not hard to understand why. Developed in the Full-circle crimping tool PEX fittings
1960s but relatively new to the United States, this Go/no-go gauge Utility knife
supply pipe combines the ease of use of flexible Tubing cutter Plastic hangers
tubing with the durability of rigid pipe. It can PEX pipe Crimp ring

withstand a wide temperature range (from subfreez‑

ing to 180°F); it is inexpensive; and it’s quieter than
rigid supply pipe.
PEX is flexible plastic (polyethylene, or PE)
tubing that’s reinforced by a chemical reaction that
creates long fibers to increase the strength of the
material. It has been allowed by code in Europe
and the southern United States for many years, but
has won approval for residential supply use in most
major plumbing codes only recently. It’s frequently
used in manufactured housing and recreational
vehicles and in radiant heating systems. Because
it is so flexible, PEX can easily be bent to follow
corners and make other changes in direction. From
the water main and heater, it is connected into
manifold fittings that redistribute the water in
much the same manner as a lawn irrigation system.
For standard residential installations, PEX
can be joined with very simple fittings and tools.
Unions are generally made with a crimping tool
and a crimping ring. You simply insert the ends of
the pipe you’re joining into the ring, then clamp
down on the ring with the crimping tool. PEX pipe,
tools, and fittings can be purchased from most
wholesale plumbing suppliers and at many home
centers. Coils of PEX are sold in several diameters,
from ¼‑inch to 1‑inch. PEX tubing and fittings from PEX pipe is a relatively new water supply material that’s
different manufacturers are not interchangeable. growing in popularity in part because it can be installed
Any warranty coverage will be voided if products with simple mechanical connections.
are mixed.


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pe X tools & materials




Specialty tools for installing PEX are available wherever PEX is sold. The basic set includes a full-circle crimping
tool (A), a tubing cutter (B), and a go/no-go gauge (C) to test connections after they’ve been crimped. Competing
manufacturers make several types of fittings, with proprietary tools that only work with their fittings. The tools and
fittings you use may differ from those shown on these pages.

(a) (b) (c)

¼” ½”

PEX is connected to other water supply materials Generally, you should use the same diameter PEX as is
with transition fittings, including CPVC-to-PEX (A), specified for rigid supply tubing, but in some “home run”
copper-to-PEX (B), and iron-to-PEX (C). installations (see page 36) you can use 3/8" PEX where ½"
rigid copper would normally be used.


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PE X Ins tall atIon
Check with your local plumbing inspector to verify (either flexible water‑heater connector tubing or
that PEX is allowed in your municipality. PEX has rigid copper) at least 18 inches long; then join it to
been endorsed by all major plumbing codes in North PEX with a transition fitting.
America, but your municipality may still be using an • Do not install PEX in areas where there is a
older set of codes. Follow the guidelines below when possibility of mechanical damage or puncture.
installing PEX: Always fasten protective plates to wall studs that
• Do not install PEX in above‑ground exterior applica‑ house PEX.
tions because it degrades quickly from • Always leave some slack in installed PEX lines to
UV exposure. allow for contraction and in case you need to cut off
• Do not use PEX for gas lines. a bad crimp.
• Do not use plastic solvents or petroleum‑based • Use the same minimum branch and distribu‑
products with PEX (they can dissolve the plastic). tion supply‑pipe dimensions for PEX that you’d
• Keep PEX at least 12 inches away from recessed light use for copper or CPVC, according to your local
fixtures and other potential sources of high heat. plumbing codes.
• Do not attach PEX directly to a water heater. Make • You can use push fittings to join PEX to itself or to
connections at the heater with metallic tubing CPVC or copper.


Do not connect PEX directly to a water heater. Use Bundle PEX together with plastic ties when running
metal connector tubes. Solder the connector tubes to the pipe through wall cavities. PEX can contract slightly, so
water heater before attaching PEX. Never solder metal leave some slack in the lines.
tubing that is already connected to PEX lines.


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Buying PE X

Color coding is a practice many PEX manufacturers PEX combines the flexibility of plastic tubing with
have embraced to make identification easier. Because the the durability of rigid supply pipe. It is sold in coils of
material is identical except for the color, you can buy only common supply‑pipe diameters.
one color (red is more common) and use it for both hot
and cold supply lines.

the PE X advantage
PEX supply tubing offers a number of advantages over • Quiet. PEX will not rattle or clang from trapped air
traditional rigid supply tubing: or kinetic energy.
• Good for retrofit jobs. PEX is easier to snake
• Easy to install. PEX does not require coupling through walls than rigid supply tubing and is
joints for long runs or elbows and sweeps for compatible with copper, PVC, or iron supply
turns. The mechanical connections do not require systems if the correct transition fittings are used.
solvents or soldering. If your metal supply tubes are used to ground your
• Easy to transport. Large coils are lightweight electrical system, you’ll need to provide a jumper if
and much easier to move around than 10‑ft. PEX is installed in midrun. Check with a plumber
lengths of pipe. or electrician.
• Good insulation. The PEX material has better • Freeze resistant. PEX retains some flexibility in
thermal properties than copper for lessened sub‑freezing conditions and is less likely to be
heat loss. damaged than rigid pipe, but it is not frostproof.

General Codes for PE X • Maximum length of individual distribution lines

PEX has been endorsed for residential use by all major is 60 ft.
building codes, although some municipal codes may • PEX is designed to withstand 210°F water for up
be more restrictive. The specific design standards to 48 hours. For ongoing use, most PEX is rated for
may also vary, but here are some general rules: 180 degree water up to 100 pounds per square inch
of pressure.
• For PEX, maximum horizontal support spacing is • Directional changes of more than 90 degrees require
32" and maximum vertical support spacing is 10 ft. a guide fitting (see page 45).


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PE X system Designs

Trunk‑and‑branch systems are configured in much the Home run systems rely on one or two central manifolds
same way as a traditional rigid copper or PVC supply to distribute the hot and cold water very efficiently.
systems. A main supply line (the trunk line) carries water Eliminating the branch fittings allows you to use thinner
to all of the outlets via smaller branch lines that tie into supply pipe in some situations.
the trunk and serve a few outlets in a common location.

Choosing a PE X s ystem
• For maximum single‑fixture water pressure:
Trunk and branch
• For economy of materials: Trunk and branch
or remote manifold
• For minimal wait times for hot water
(single fixture): Home run
• For minimal wait times for hot water (multiple
fixtures used at same approximate time):
Trunk and branch or remote manifold
• For ease of shutoff control: Home run
• For lowest number of fittings and joints:
Home run

Remote manifold systems are a hybrid between

traditional trunk‑and‑branch systems and home run
systems. Instead of relying on just one or two manifolds,
they employ several smaller manifolds downline from a
larger manifold. Each smaller manifold services a group
of fixtures, as in a bathroom or kitchen.


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MakInG PE X ConnECtIons

1 2 3

4 5

1 Cut the pipe to length, making sure to leave enough extra material so the line will have a small amount of slack
once the connections are made. A straight, clean cut is very important. For best results, use a tubing cutter.

2 Inspect the cut end to make sure it is clean and smooth. If necessary, deburr the end of the pipe with a sharp utility
knife. Slip a crimp ring over the end.

3 Insert the barbed end of the fitting into the pipe until it is snug against the cut edges.Position the crimp ring so it is
1⁄8" to 1⁄4" from the end of the pipe, covering the barbed end of the fitting. Pinch the fitting to hold it in place.

4 Align the jaws of a full‑circle crimping tool over the crimp ring and squeeze the handles together to apply strong,
even pressure to the ring.

5 Test the connection to make sure it is mechanically acceptable, using a go/no‑go gauge. If the ring does not fit into
the gauge properly, cut the pipe near the connection and try again.


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PluMBInG a PE X WatEr‑suPPly systEM

1 2

1 Install copper manifolds (one for hot and one for cold) in an accessible location central to the fixtures. The manifold
should have one outlet for each supply line it will support (fixtures that require hot and cold supply will need a
separate outlet for each). Run supply lines from the water heater and water main to the copper manifolds. Connect
the supply pipes to the manifolds with crimp fittings.

2 A manifold may be attached vertically or horizontally, but it must be anchored with correctly sized hangers
screwed to the framing members.


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3 4

3 Starting at each fixture (and leaving at least 12" of extra pipe exposed), run appropriately sized PEX through holes
in the framing to the manifolds. Pipes may be bundled together loosely with plastic ties. Protect the line with a
nailing plate at each stud location. Be sure to leave some slack in the supply lines.

4 Support the pipe with a plastic hanger near every floor or ceiling and midway up vertical runs. Also use hangers to
guide pipe near the beginnings and ends of curves and near fittings. Use a plastic guide for sharp curves (inset). Do
not bend PEX so sharply that it kinks.

5 Cut each branch supply line to length (leave some extra in case you need to recrimp). Install shutoff valves for each
outlet (most manifolds come with preattached valves). Connect the PEX branch supply lines to the shutoff valves.
Label each pipe. Use a short length of PEX and a plug to seal any unused outlets (inset).


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GalvanIzED s tEEl tip
Galvanized steel is sometimes confused with
“black iron.” Both types have similar sizes and
Galvanized steel pipe is often found in older homes,
fittings. Black iron is used only for gas lines.
where it is used for water supply and small drain lines. It
can be identified by the zinc coating that gives it a silver
color and by the threaded fittings used to connect pipes.
Glavanized steel pipes and fittings will corrode
with age and eventually must be replaced. Low water
pressure may be a sign that the insides of galvanized tools & Materials Wire brush
pipes have a buildup of rust or other minerals. Tape measure Nipples
Blockage usually occurs in elbow fittings. Never try Reciprocating saw with End caps
to clean the insides of galvanized steel pipes. Instead, metal‑cutting blade Union fitting
remove and replace them as soon as possible. or a hacksaw Pipe joint compound
Glavanized steel pipe and fittings are available Pipe wrenches Replacement fittings
at hardware stores and home improvement centers. Propane torch (if needed)

Always specify the interior diameter (I.D.) when

purchasing galvanized pipes and fittings. Pre‑threaded
pipes, called nipples, are available in lengths from Before you begin a repair, have on hand nipples and
1 inch to 1 foot. If you need a longer length, have the end caps that match your pipes.
store cut and thread the pipe to your dimensions. Taking apart a system of galvanized steel pipes
Old galvanized steel can be difficult to repair. and fittings is time‑consuming. Disassembly must
Fittings are often rusted in place, and what seems start at the end of a pipe run, and each piece must
like a small job may become a large project. For be unscrewed before the next piece can be removed.
example, cutting apart a section of pipe to replace Reaching the middle of a run to replace a section
a leaky fitting may reveal that adjacent pipes are of pipe can be a long and tedious job. Instead, use a
also in need of replacement. If your job takes an special three‑piece fitting called a union. A union
unexpected amount of time, you can cap off any makes it possible to remove a section of pipe or a
open lines and restore water to the rest of your house. fitting without having to take the entire system apart.

Galvanized pipe was installed in homes for both gas Measure the old pipe. Include 1⁄2" at each end for
and water supply pipes until the middle part of the last the threaded portion of the pipe inside fitting. Bring
century. Although it is not used for new installations overall measurement to the store when shopping for
today, it can still be repaired easily using simple tools replacement parts.
and techniques.


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rEMovInG & rEPl aCInG a GalvanIzED s tEEl PIPE

1 2

3 4

1 Cut through galvanized steel pipe with a reciprocating saw and a metal‑cutting blade or with a hacksaw.

2 Hold the fitting with one pipe wrench, and use another wrench to remove the old pipe. The jaws of the wrenches
should face opposite directions. Always move the wrench handle toward the jaw opening.

3 Remove any corroded fittings using two pipe wrenches. With the jaws facing in opposite directions, use one wrench
to turn fitting and the other to hold the pipe. Clean the pipe threads with a wire brush.

4 Heat stubborn fittings with a torch to make them easier to remove. Apply the flame for 5 to 10 seconds. Protect
wood and other flammable materials from heat using a double layer of sheet metal.



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rEMovInG & rEPl aCInG a GalvanIzED stEEl PIPE ContInuED

union nut old

ring nippler
nut union

union fitting
and nippler
union nut

6 7

Pipe joint compound

5 Replace a section of galvanized steel pipe with a union fitting and two threaded pipes (nipples). When assembled,
the union and nipples must equal the length of the pipe that is being replaced.

6 Apply a bead of pipe joint compound or pipe tape around the threaded ends of all pipes and nipples. Spread the
compound evenly over the threads with your fingertip.

7 Screw new fittings onto pipe threads. Tighten fittings with two pipe wrenches, leaving them about one‑eighth turn
out of alignment to allow assembly of the union.


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8 9 10
second nipple
First nipple

union nut

ring nut

11 12

union nut

ring nut

union nut

8 Screw the first nipple into the fitting, and tighten with a pipe wrench.

9 Slide a ring nut onto the installed nipple, then screw the hubbed union nut onto the nipple and tighten with
a pipe wrench.

10 Screw the second nipple onto the other fitting. Tighten with a pipe wrench.

11. Screw the threaded union nut onto the second nipple. Tighten with a pipe wrench. Turn pipes into alignment,
so that the lip of the hubbed union nut fits inside the threaded union nut.

12 Complete the connection by screwing the ring nut onto the threaded union nut. Tighten the ring nut with
pipe wrenches.


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Use the photos on these pages to identify the

plumbing fittings specified in the project how‑to
vent t (must
directions found in this book. Each fitting shown is connect to
vent elbow
available in a variety of sizes to match your needs. waste‑vent
Always use fittings made from the same material stack at a
point at least
as your pipes. 6” above the
Pipe fittings come in a variety of shapes to serve highest fixture)
vent pipes
different functions within the plumbing system.
DWV fittings include:
Vents: In general, the fittings used to connect
vent pipes have very sharp bends with no sweep. Closet bend
Waste t‑fitting
Vent fittings include the vent T and vent 90º elbow.
Standard drain pipe fittings can also be used to join
vent pipes. P‑trap
Horizontal‑to‑vertical drains: To change
directions in a drain pipe from the horizontal to
the vertical, use fittings with a noticeable sweep. Drain pipes low‑heel
Standard fittings for this use include waste T‑fittings vent 90°
and 90º elbows. Y‑fittings and 45º and 221 ⁄2º elbows
can also be used for this purpose.
Vertical‑to‑horizontal drains: To change Cleanout
directions from the vertical to the horizontal, use y‑fitting
fittings with a very pronounced, gradual sweep. with 45°
Common fittings for this purpose include the
long‑radius T‑Y‑fitting and some Y‑fittings with Main
45º elbows. Cleanout waste
Horizontal offsets in drains: Y‑fittings, 45º elbows,
221 ⁄2º elbows, and long sweep 90º elbows are used
when changing directions in horizontal pipe runs.
Whenever possible, horizontal drain pipes should use y‑fitting
gradual, sweeping bends rather than sharp turns.

Basic DWV tree shows the correct orientation of

drain and vent fittings in a plumbing system. Bends
in the vent pipes can be very sharp, but drain pipes
should use fittings with a noticeable sweep. Fittings
used to direct falling waste water from a vertical to a
horizontal pipe should have bends that are even more
sweeping. Your local plumbing code may require that you
install cleanout fittings where vertical drain pipes meet
horizontal runs.


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(a) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)

(k) (l) (M) (n) (o) (P) (Q)

Water supply fittings are available for copper (top), CPVC plastic (center), and PEX (bottom). Fittings for CPVC and
copper are available in many shapes, including: unions (A), reducers (B), 90º elbows (C), reducing elbows (D), 45º elbows
(E), T‑fittings (F), reducing T‑fittings (G), drop‑ear elbows (H), threaded adapters (I), and caps (J). Common PEX fittings
(bottom) include unions (K), PEX‑to‑copper unions (L), 90º elbows (M), T‑fittings (N), plugs (O), drop‑ear elbows (P), and
threaded adapters (Q). Easy‑to‑install push fittings are also available.

(a) (C)


(E) (H)

Water supply valves are available in brass or plastic Support materials for pipes include: plastic pipe
and in a variety of styles, including: drain‑and‑waste hangers (A), copper J‑hooks (B), copper wire hangers (C),
valves (A), gate valve (B), full‑bore ball valves (C), fixture riser clamp (D), plastic pipe straps (E), copper pipe straps
shutoff valve (D), vacuum breaker (E), and hose bib (F). (F), flexible copper, steel, and plastic pipe strapping (G, H,
I). Do not mix metal types when supporting metal pipes;
use copper support materials for copper pipe, and steel
for steel and cast‑iron pipes.


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t‑fit tings Elbows

low‑heel vent 90°

vent elbow
90° elbow
long sweep
90° elbow

vent t
street reducing
elbow elbow 45° elbow
Waste‑t with
additional 22½°elbow
side inlet
Waste cross

y‑fit tings specialt y fit tings Cleanout

y with 45°
elbow (combo)
y with P‑trap with
cleanout slip fittings

P‑trap with
reducing fittings
y‑fitting Banded clamp

reducing bushing

Fittings for DWV pipes are available in many configurations, with openings ranging from 11⁄4" to 4" in diameter.
When planning your project, buy plentiful numbers of DWV and water supply fittings from a reputable retailer with
a good return policy. It is much more efficient to return leftover materials after you complete your project than it is to
interrupt your work each time you need to shop for a missing fitting.


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usInG tr ansItIon FIt tInGs

3” no‑hub

reducing transition

Connect plastic to cast iron with Make transitions in DWV pipes with rubber couplings. The two products
banded couplings. Rubber sleeves shown here can be used to connect pipes of different materials, as well as
cover ends of pipes and ensure a same‑material pipes that need a transition.
watertight joint.

Plastic pipe
Dielectric union

Hot water
transition fitting

Metal water
heater nipple
soldered joint teflon tape

Connect copper to galvanized steel with a dielectric Connect metal hot water pipe to plastic with a hot
union. A dielectric union is threaded onto iron pipe water transition fitting that prevents leaks caused
and is soldered to copper pipe. A dielectric union has by different expansion rates of materials. Metal pipe
a plastic spacer that prevents corrosion caused by an threads are wrapped with Teflon tape. Plastic pipe is
electrochemical reaction between dissimilar metals. solvent‑glued to fitting.

Fixture tailpiece
Water Coupling
pipe nut
supply tube
shutoff valve

Connect a water pipe to any Connect any supply tube to a Specialty supply fittings can
fixture supply tube using a fixture tailpiece with a coupling nut. be used to supply potable water
shutoff valve. The coupling nut compresses the fixtures such as icemakers and hot
bell‑shaped end of the supply tube water dispensers. The John‑Guest®
against the fixture tailpiece. Speed‑Fit® fitting shown here is
designed to connect to clear tubing
or the manufacturer’s proprietary
plastic supply tubing.


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sHutoFF valvEs

Worn‑out shutoff valves or supply tubes can cause

water to leak underneath a sink or other fixture. First,
try tightening the fittings with an adjustable wrench.
If this does not fix the leak, replace the shutoff valves
tools & Materials
Hacksaw Felt‑tipped pen
and supply tubes.
Tubing cutter Shutoff valves
Shutoff valves are available in several fitting Supply tubes
Adjustable wrench
types. For copper pipes, valves with compression‑ Tubing bender Pipe joint compound
type fittings are easiest to install. For plastic pipes,
use grip‑type valves. For galvanized steel pipes, use
valves with female threads.

Chromed brass

PB plastic
CPvC plastic Braided steel

vinyl mesh

Shutoff valves allow you to shut off the water to an Supply tubes are used to connect water pipes to
individual fixture so it can be repaired. They can be faucets, toilets, and other fixtures. They come in 12", 20",
made from durable chromed brass or lightweight plastic. and 30" lengths. PB plastic and chromed copper tubes are
Shutoff valves come in 1⁄2" and 3⁄4" diameters to match inexpensive. Braided steel and vinyl mesh supply tubes
common water pipe sizes. are easy to install.

Older plumbing systems often were installed
without fixture shutoff valves. When repairing
or replacing plumbing fixtures, you may want to
install shutoff valves if they are not already present.


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Ins tallInG sHutoFF valvEs & suPPly tuBEs

Compression ring
1 2 3


shutoff valve
joints Compression

pipes Compression nut
Compression nut

4 5 Fixture tailpiece 6

sprayer hose supply

Compression nut
shutoff valve

1 Turn off water at the main shutoff valve. Remove old supply pipes. If pipes are soldered copper, cut them off just
below the soldered joint using a hacksaw or tubing cutter. Make sure the cuts are straight. Unscrew the coupling
nuts and discard the old pipes.

2 Slide a compression nut and a compression ring over the copper water pipe. Threads of the nut should face the end
of the pipe.

3 Apply pipe joint compound to the threads of the shutoff valve or compression nut. Screw the compression nut onto
the shutoff valve and tighten with an adjustable wrench.

4 Bend chromed copper supply tube to reach from the tailpiece of the fixture to the shutoff valve using a tubing
bender. Bend the tube slowly to avoid kinking the metal.

5 Position the supply tube between the fixture tailpiece and the shutoff valve, and mark the tube to length. Cut the
supply tube with a tubing cutter (page 14).

6 Attach the bell‑shaped end of the supply tube to the fixture tailpiece with a coupling nut, then attach the other end
to the shutoff valve with compression ring and nut. Tighten all fittings with an adjustable wrench.


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valvEs & HosE BIBs

Valves make it possible to shut off water at any point

in the supply system. If a pipe breaks or a plumbing
fixture begins to leak, you can shut off water to the shutoff
Ball valve valve
damaged area so that it can be repaired. A hose bib is
a faucet with a threaded spout, often used to connect
rubber utility or appliance hoses.
Valves and hose bibs leak when washers or seals Gate valve
Globe valve
wear out. Replacement parts can be found in the
same universal washer kits used to repair compres‑
sion faucets. Coat replacement washers with faucet
grease to keep them soft and prevent cracking.

Hose bib

If you have the opportunity to replace a shutoff
valve, install a ball valve, which is most reliable type.
With the exception of chromed shutoff valves that
are installed at individual fixtures (see previous pages),
valves and hose bibs are heavy‑duty fittings, usually with
a brass body that are installed in‑line to regulate water
flow. Gate valves and globe valves are similar and are
operated with a wheel‑type handle that spins. Ball valves
tools & Materials are operated with a handle much like a gas pipe stopcock
Screwdriver Universal washer kit
and are considered by pros to be the most reliable. Hose
Adjustable wrench Faucet grease
bibs are spigots with a threaded end designed to accept a
female hose coupling.

FIXInG a lE ak y HosE BIB

1 2 Handle screw 1 Turn off the water to the hose bib

Handle before beginning work. Remove
Packing nut the handle screw and lift off the
Packing handle. Unscrew the packing nut
Packing nuts with an adjustable wrench.
Packing spindle
ring 2 Unscrew the spindle from the
valve body. Remove the stem
screw and replace the stem
stem washer. Replace the packing
washer stem washer and reassemble the valve.


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CoMMon t yPEs oF valvEs

Packing nut Packing nut

washer Packing


Curved stem
Gate chamber washer stem

A gate valve has a movable brass wedge, or “gate,” A globe valve has a curved chamber. Repair leaks
that screws up and down to control water flow. Gate around the handle by replacing the packing washer.
valves may develop leaks around the handle. Repair leaks If the valve does not fully stop water flow when closed,
by replacing the packing washer or packing string found replace the stem washer.
underneath the packing nut.

Packing nut

Packing nut
Packing valve

Packing ring
stem washer

A shutoff valve controls water supply to one or A ball valve contains a metal ball with an aperture
more fixtures. A shutoff valve has a plastic spindle with a (or controlled hole) in the center. The ball is controlled
packing washer and a snap‑on stem washer. Repair leaks by a handle. When the handle is turned the hole is
around the handle by replacing the packing washer. If a positioned parallel to the valve (open) or perpendicular
valve does not fully stop water flow when closed, replace (closed).
the stem washer. Shutoff valves with multiple outlets are
available to supply several fixtures from a single supply.


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CoMPrEssIon FIt tInGs

Compression fittings are used to make connections Compression fittings are used most often with
that may need to be taken apart. Compression flexible copper pipe. Flexible copper is soft enough
fittings are easy to disconnect and are often used to to allow the compression ring to seat snugly,
install supply tubes and fixture shutoff valves. Use creating a watertight seal. Compression fittings also
compression fittings in places where it is unsafe or may be used to make connections with Type M rigid
difficult to solder, such as in crawl spaces. copper pipe.

tools & Materials

Felt‑tipped pen Brass compression
Compression nut Compression ring
Tubing cutter or fittings
hacksaw Pipe joint compound or
Adjustable wrenches Teflon tape
Copper pipe

Compression fitting (shown in cutaway) shows how

a threaded compression nut forms a seal by forcing
the compression ring against the copper pipe. The
compression ring is covered with pipe joint compound
before assembling to ensure a perfect seal.

at taCHInG suPPly tuBEs to FIXturE sHutoFF valvEs WItH CoMPrEssIon FIt tInG

1 2 nut 3

Flexible copper
supply tube

1 Bend the flexible copper supply tube and mark to length. Include 1⁄2" for the portion that will fit inside the valve. Cut
the tube.

2 Slide the compression nut and then the compression ring over the end of the pipe. The threads of the nut should face
the valve.

3 Apply a small amount of pipe joint compound to the threads. This lubricates the threads.


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4 5 6


4 Insert the end of the pipe into the fitting so it fits flush against the bottom of the fitting socket.

5 Slide the compression ring and nut against the threads of the valve. Hand tighten the nut onto the valve.

6 Tighten the compression nut with adjustable wrenches. Do not overtighten. Turn on the water and watch for leaks.
If the fitting leaks, tighten the nut gently.

JoInInG t Wo CoPPEr PIPEs WItH a CoMPrEssIon unIon FIt tInG

1 2 3



1 Slide compression nuts and rings over the ends of pipes. Place a threaded union between the pipes.

2 Apply a layer of pipe joint compound or Teflon® tape to the union’s threads, then screw compression nuts onto
the union.

3 Hold the center of the union fitting with an adjustable wrench and use another wrench to tighten each compression
nut one complete turn. Turn on the water. If the fitting leaks, tighten the nuts gently.


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anD ProJECts
toilets .................................................54 Food Disposers ...................................98
kitchen Faucets ..................................70 Icemakers ......................................... 104
Bathroom Faucets ...............................80 tub & shower Faucets ...................... 110
kitchen Drains & traps .......................88 tub & shower Drains ......................... 120
Dishwashers ....................................... 94

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Plumbing repairs and Projects

For tHE HoMEoWnEr, tHE toIlE t Is t yPICally once you understand the tools, techniques, and
the most problematic plumbing fixture. As a child logic necessary.
you may have watched in horrific fascination as the All the information needed for fixing or replac‑
water rose menacingly up to the rim of the toilet, ing toilets, faucets, sink drains, and tub and shower
then flowed over. Whether due to a “natural” clog, or fixtures is included here. Also covered are dishwash‑
a toy, an overflowing toilet is not something that can ers, disposers, and ice makers, the three most
wait for the plumber to arrive. And you don’t need common water‑based kitchen appliances that need
a plumber. Fixing toilets, sinks, and faucets is easy, servicing or replacement.


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tools & Materials
Adjustable wrench
Bucket and sponge
Channel‑type pliers
Penetrating oil
Putty knife
Rubber gloves
Supply tube
Teflon tape
Toilet seat bolts
Toilet seat
Utility knife
Wax ring without flange
Wax ring with flange

Replacing a toilet is simple, Gravity‑assisted toilets are now

and the newer models of designed with taller tanks and
water‑saving toilets have over‑ steeper bowl walls to increase the
come the performance problems effects of gravity.
of earlier models.

you Can rEPl aCE a Poorly functioning or and continue to beleaguer inferior models today. See
inefficient toilet with a high‑efficiency, high‑quality which toilets are available at your local home center
new toilet in just a single afternoon. All toilets made in your price range, then go online and see what other
since 1996 have been required to use 1.6 gallons or consumers’ experiences with those models have been.
less per flush, which has been a huge challenge for the New toilets often go through a “de‑bugging” stage
industry. Today, the most evolved water‑saving toilets when problems with leaks and malfunctioning parts
have wide passages behind the bowl and wide (3") are more common. Your criteria should include ease
flush valve openings—features that facilitate short, of installation, good flush performance, and reliability.
powerful flushes. This means fewer second flushes and With a little research, you should be able to purchase
fewer clogged toilets. These problems were common and install a high‑functioning, economical toilet that
complaints of the first generation of 1.6‑gallon toilets will serve you well for years to come.


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rEMovInG a toIlE t

1 2 3


stop valve

1 Remove the old supply tube. First, turn off the water at the stop valve. Flush the toilet, holding the handle down
for a long flush, and sponge out the tank. Use a wet vac to clear any remaining water out of the tank and bowl.
Unthread the coupling nut for the water supply below the tank using channel‑type pliers.

2 Grip each tank bolt nut with a box wrench or pliers and loosen it as you stabilize each tank bolt from inside the tank
with a large slotted screwdriver. If the nuts are stuck, apply penetrating oil to the nut and let it sit before trying to
remove them again. You may also cut the tank bolts between the tank and the bowl with an open‑ended hacksaw.
Remove and discard the tank.

3 Remove the nuts that hold the bowl to the floor. First, pry off the bolt covers with a screwdriver. Use a socket
wrench, locking pliers, or your channel‑type pliers to loosen the nuts on the tank bolts. Apply penetrating oil and let
it sit if the nuts are stuck, then take them off. As a last resort, cut the bolts off with a hacksaw by first cutting down
through one side of the nut. Tilt the toilet bowl over and remove it.

Pr ying up Wax rings

Removing an old wax ring is one of the more disgusting
jobs you’ll encounter in the plumbing universe (the one
you see here is actually in relatively good condition).
Work a stiff putty knife underneath the plastic flange of
the ring (if you can) and start scraping. In many cases
the wax ring will come off in chunks. Discard each
chunk right away—they stick to everything. If you’re left
with a lot of residue, scrub with mineral spirits. Once
clean, stuff a rag in a plastic bag into the drain opening
to block sewer gas.


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Ins tallInG a toIlE t

1 tip
If you will be replacing your toilet
flange or if your existing flange
can be unscrewed and moved,
orient the new flange so the slots
are parallel to the wall. This
allows you to insert bolts under
the slotted areas, which are much
stronger than the areas at the
ends of the curved grooves.

2 3 4 5 spud nut


1 Clean and inspect the old closet flange. Look for breaks or wear. Also inspect the flooring around the flange.
If either the flange or floor is worn or damaged, repair the damage. Use a rag and mineral spirits to completely
remove residue from the old wax ring. Place a rag‑in‑a‑bag into the opening to block odors.

2 Insert new tank bolts (don’t reuse old ones) into the openings in the closet flange. Make sure the heads of the bolts
are oriented to catch the maximum amount of flange material. To firmly hold the bolts upright, slide on the plastic
washers and press them down.

3 Remove the wax ring and apply it to the underside of the bowl, around the horn. Remove the protective covering.
Do not touch the wax ring. It is very sticky. Remove the rag‑in‑a‑bag. If you have an older 4‑inch flange, place the
ring on the flange rather than the toilet to make sure it is centered.

4 Lower the bowl onto the flange, taking care not to disturb the wax ring. The holes in the bowl base should align
perfectly with the tank bolts. Add a washer and tighten a nut on each bolt. Hand tighten each nut and then use
channel‑type pliers to further tighten the nuts. Alternate back and forth between nuts until the bowl is secure.
Do not overtighten.

5 Install the flush valve. Some tanks come with a flush valve and a fill valve preinstalled. For models that do not have
this, insert the flush valve through the tank opening and tighten a spud nut over the threaded end of the valve.
Place a foam spud washer on top of the spud nut.


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6 7 8
Intermediate nut goes
between tank and bowl

Intermediate nut

threaded fill
valve shank

9 10 11

6 Adjust the fill valve as directed by the manufacturer to set the correct tank water level height and install the valve
inside the tank. Hand tighten the nylon lock nut that secures the valve to the tank (inset photo) and then tighten it
further with channel‑type pliers.

7 With the tank lying on its back, thread a rubber washer onto each tank bolt and insert it into the bolt holes from
inside the tank. Then, thread a brass washer and hex nut onto the tank bolts from below and tighten them to a
quarter turn past hand tight. Do not overtighten.

8 Position the tank on the bowl, spud washer on opening, bolts through bolt holes. Put a rubber washer, followed by
a brass washer and a wing nut, on each bolt and tighten these up evenly.

9 You may stabilize the bolts with a large slotted screwdriver from inside the tank, but tighten the nuts, not the bolts.
You may press down a little on a side, the front, or the rear of the tank to level it as you tighten the nuts by hand.
Do not overtighten and crack the tank. The tank should be level and stable when you’re done. Do not overtighten.

10 Hook up the water supply by connecting the supply tube to the threaded fill valve with the coupling nut provided.
Turn on the water and test for leaks. Do not overtighten.

11 Attach the toilet seat by threading the plastic or brass bolts provided with the seat through the openings on the
back of the rim and attaching nuts.


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CoMMon toIlE t ProBlEMs

A clogged toilet is one of the most common plumbing

problems. If a toilet overflows or flushes sluggishly,
clear the clog with a plunger or closet auger. If
the problem persists, the clog may be in the main
waste‑vent stack.
Most other toilet problems are fixed easily with
minor adjustments that require no disassembly or
replacement parts. You can make these adjustments
in a few minutes, using simple tools.
If minor adjustments do not fix the problem,
further repairs will be needed. The parts of a standard
toilet are not difficult to take apart, and most repair
projects can be completed in less than an hour.
A recurring puddle of water on the floor around
a toilet may be caused by a crack in the toilet base
or in the tank. A damaged toilet should be replaced.
An older toilet may have a tank ball that settles onto
Installing a new toilet is an easy project that can be
the flush valve to stop the flow of water into the bowl. The
finished in three or four hours.
ball is attached to a lift wire, which is in turn attached to
A standard two‑piece toilet has an upper tank the lift rod. A ballcock valve is usually made of brass, with
that is bolted to a base. This type of toilet uses a rubber washers that can wear out. If the ballcock valve
simple gravity‑operated flush system and can easily malfunctions, you might be able to find old washers to
be repaired using the directions on the following repair it, but replacing both the ballcock and the tank ball
pages. Some one‑piece toilets use a complicated, with a float‑cup assembly and flapper is easier and makes
high‑pressure flush valve. for a more durable repair.

A modern float‑cup valve with flapper is inexpensive A pressure‑assist toilet has a large vessel that nearly
and made of plastic, but is more reliable than an old fills the tank. As water enters the vessel, pressure builds
ballcock valve and ball. up. When the toilet is flushed, this pressure helps push
water forcefully down into the bowl. As a result, a
pressure‑assist toilet provides strong flushing power
with minimal water consumption.


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ProBlEMs & rEPaIrs

Problems Repairs

Toilet handle sticks or is hard 1. Adjust lift wires.

to push. 2. Clean and adjust handle.

Handle must be held down 1. Adjust handle.

for entire flush. 2. Shorten lift chain or wires.
3. Replace waterlogged flapper.

Handle is loose. 1. Adjust handle.

2. Reattach lift chain or lift wires to lever.

Toilet will not flush at all. 1. Make sure water is turned on.
2. Adjust lift chain or lift wires.

Toilet does not flush 1. Adjust lift chain.

completely. 2. Adjust water level in tank.
3. Increase pressure on pressure‑assisted toilet.

Toilet overflows or flushes 1. Clear clogged toilet.

sluggishly. 2. Clear clogged main waste‑vent stack.

Toilet runs continuously or 1. Adjust lift wires or lift chain.

there are phantom flushes. 2. Replace leaky float ball.
3. Adjust water level in tank.
4. Adjust and clean flush valve.
5. Replace flush valve.
6. Replace flapper.
7. Service pressure‑assist valve.

Water on floor around toilet. 1. Tighten tank bolts and water connections.
2. Insulate tank to prevent condensation.
3. Replace wax ring.
4. Replace cracked tank or bowl.

Toilet noisy when filling. 1. Open shutoff valve completely.

2. Replace ballcock and float valve.
3. Refill tube is disconnected.

Weak flush. 1. Clean clogged rim openings.

2. Replace old low‑flow toilet.

Toilet rocks. 1. Replace wax ring and bolts.

2. Replace toilet flange.


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Making Minor adjustments
Many common toilet problems can be fixed by
tools & Materials
making minor adjustments to the handle and the
Adjustable wrench Hacksaw
attached lift chain (or lift wires). Needlenose pliers Spray Lubricant
If the handle sticks or is hard to push, remove the Screwdriver Small wire brush
tank cover and clean the handle‑mounting nut. Make Scissors Vinegar
sure the lift wires are straight.
If the toilet will not flush completely unless the
handle is held down, you may have to remove excess A continuously running toilet (page opposite)
slack in the lift chain. can be caused by bent lift wires, kinks in a lift chain,
If the toilet will not flush at all, the lift chain or lime buildup on the handle mounting nut. Clean
may be broken or may have to be reattached to the and adjust the handle and the lift wires or chain to
handle lever. fix the problem.

aDJus tInG a toIlE t HanDlE & lIF t CHaIn (or lIF t WIrEs)

1 2 3

lever lift wires

Handle mounting nut

lift chain

Guide arm

1 Clean and adjust handle‑mounting nut so handle operates smoothly. Mounting nut has reversed threads.
Loosen nut by turning clockwise; tighten by turning counterclockwise. Remove lime buildup with a brush
dipped in vinegar.

2 Adjust lift chain so it hangs straight from handle lever, with about 1⁄2" of slack. Remove excess slack in chain by
hooking the chain in a different hole in the handle lever or by removing links with needlenose pliers. A broken lift
chain must be replaced.

3 Adjust lift wires (found on older toilets without lift chains) so that wires are straight and operate smoothly when
handle is pushed. A sticky handle often can be fixed by straightening bent lift wires. You can also buy replacement
wires, or replace the whole assembly with a float cup.


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Phantom flushes? Phantom Seat loose? Loose seats are almost Seat uncomfortably low? Instead
flushes are weak flushes that occur always the result of loose nut on of going to the trouble of raising the
without turning the handle. The the seat bolts. Tighten the nuts toilet or replacing it with a taller
flapper may not be completely with pliers. If the nut is corroded or model, you can simply replace the
sealing against the flush valve’s seat. stripped, replace the bolts and nuts seat with a thicker, extended seat.
Make sure the chain is not tangled, or replace the whole seat.
and that the flapper can go all the
way down. If that does not solve the
problem, shut off water and drain
the tank. If the problem persists, the
flapper may need to be replaced.

Bowl not refilling well? The rim Tank fills too slowly? The first Toilet running? Running toilets
holes may be clogged; many toilets place to check is the shutoff valve are usually caused by faulty
have small holes on the underside where the supply tube for the or misadjusted fill valves, but
of the bowl rim, through which toilet is connected. Make sure it is sometimes the toilet runs because
water squirts during a flush. If you fully open. If it is, you may need to the tank is leaking water into
notice that some of these holes are replace the shutoff—these fittings the bowl. To determine if this is
clogged, use a stiff‑bristled brush are fairly cheap and frequently fail happening with your toilet, add a
to clear out debris. You may need to open fully. few drops of food coloring to the
to first apply toilet bowl cleaner or tank water. If, after a while, the
mineral cleaner. water in the bowl becomes colored,
then you have a leak and probably
need to replace the rubber gasket at
the base of your flush valve.


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reset tank Water level

Tank water flowing into the overflow pipe is the sound A ball float is connected to a float arm that’s attached
we hear when a toilet is running. Usually, this is caused to a plunger on the other end. As the tank fills, the float
by a minor misadjustment that fails to tell the water to rises and lifts one end of the float arm. At a certain point,
shut off when the toilet tank is full. The culprit is a float the float arm depresses the plunger and stops the flow of
ball or cup that is adjusted to set a water level in the tank water. By simply bending the float arm downward a bit,
that’s higher than the top of the overflow pipe, which you can cause it to depress the plunger at a lower tank
serves as a drain for excess tank water. The other photos water level, solving the problem.
on this page show how to fix the problem.

spring clip

A diaphragm fill valve usually is made of plastic and A float cup fill valve is made of plastic and is easy to
has a wide bonnet that contains a rubber diaphragm. adjust. Lower the water level by pinching the spring clip
Turn the adjustment screw clockwise to lower the water with fingers or pliers and moving the clip and cup down
level and counterclockwise to raise it. the pull rod and shank. Raise the water level by moving
the clip and cup upward.


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What If the Flush s tops too soon?

Sometimes there is plenty of water in the tank, but not The handle lever should pull straight up on the flapper.
enough of it makes it to the bowl before the flush valve If it doesn’t, reposition the chain hook on the handle
shuts off the water from the tank. Modern toilets are lever. When the flapper is covering the opening, there
designed to leave some water in the tank, since the first should be just a little slack in the chain. If there is too
water that leaves the tank does so with the most force. much slack, shorten the chain and cut off excess with the
(It’s pressed out by the weight of the water on top.) To cutters on your pliers.
increase the duration of the flush, shorten the length of
the chain between the flapper and the float (yellow in the
model shown).

If the toilet is not completing flushes and the lever and Unless the handle parts are visibly broken, try cleaning
chain for the flapper or tank ball are correctly adjusted, them with an old toothbrush dipped in white vinegar.
the problem could be that the handle mechanism needs Replace the handle and test the action. If it sticks or is
cleaning or replacement. Remove the chain/linkage hard to operate, replace it. Most replacement handles
from the handle lever. Remove the nut on the backside come with detailed instructions that tell you how to
of the handle with an adjustable wrench. It unthreads install and adjust them.
clockwise (the reverse of standard nuts). Remove the old
handle from the tank.


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Repl acing a Fill ValVe

1 2

Mounting unit
for fill valve

coupling nut
for supply tube

3 4
level mark

1 Toilet fill valves wear out eventually. They can be repaired, but it’s easier and a better fix to just replace them. Before
removing the old fill valve, shut off the water supply at the fixture stop valve located on the tube that supplies water
to the tank. Flush the toilet and sponge out the remaining water. Loosen the nut and disconnect the supply tube,
then loosen and remove the mounting nut.

2 If the fill valve spins while you turn the mounting nut, you may need to hold it still with locking pliers. Lift out the
fill valve. In the case of an old ballcock valve, the float ball will likely come out as well. When replacing an old valve
like this, you will likely also need to replace the flush valve (see pages 68-69).

3 The new fill valve must be installed so the critical level (“CL”) mark is at least 1" above the overflow pipe (see inset).
Slip the shank washer on the threaded shank of the new fill valve and place the valve in the hole so the washer is flat
on the tank bottom. Compare the locations of the “CL” mark and the overflow pipe.

4 Adjust the height of the fill valve shank so the “CL” line and overflow pipe will be correctly related. Different
products are adjusted in different ways—the fill valve shown here telescopes when it’s twisted.


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5 6

Refill tube

Overflow pipe
valve stem

7 Tip
Newer diaphragm valves cost a bit more than float
cups, but they boast quieter water flow. Install
one the same way you would a float cup.

5 Slip the valve’s threaded end down through the tank. Push down on its shank (not the top) while tightening the
locknut (inset). Hand tighten, then use a wrench to make an extra ¼ turn. Hook up the water supply tube, and
tighten in the same way.

6 If the overflow pipe has a cap, remove it. Attach one end of the refill tube from the new valve to the plastic
angle adapter and the other end to the refill nipple near the top of the valve. Attach the angle adapter to the
overflow pipe. Cut off excess tubing with scissors to prevent kinking. Warning: Don’t insert the refill tube into
the overflow pipe. The outlet of the refill tube needs to be above the top of the pipe for it to work properly.

7 Turn the water on fully. Slightly tighten any fitting that drips water. Adjust the water level in the tank by
squeezing the spring clip on the float cup with needlenose pliers and moving the cup up or down on the link bar.
Test the flush.


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Repl acing a Flush ValVe

1 2

3 4
spud nut

spud wrench

1 Before removing the old flush valve, shut off the water supply at the fixture stop valve located on the tube that
supplies water to the tank. Flush the toilet and sponge out the remaining water. To make this repair you’ll need to
remove the tank from the bowl. Start by unscrewing the water supply coupling nut from the bottom of the tank.

2 Unscrew the bolts holding the toilet tank to the bowl by loosening the nuts from below. If you are having difficulty
unscrewing the tank bolts and nuts because they are fused together by rust or corrosion, apply penetrating oil or
spray lubricant to the threads, give it a few minutes to penetrate, and then try again. If that fails, slip an open-ended
hacksaw (or plain hacksaw blade) between the tank and bowl and saw through the bolt (inset photo).

3 Unhook the chain from the handle lever arm. Remove the tank and carefully place it upside-down on an old towel.
Remove the spud washer and spud nut from the base of the flush valve using a spud wrench or large channel-type
pliers. Remove the old flush valve.

4 Place the new flush valve in the valve hole and check to see if the top of the overflow pipe is at least 1" below the
critical level and the tank opening where the handle is installed. If the pipe is too tall, cut it to length with a


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5 6 intermediate nut goes
between tank and bowl
spud nut

spud washer

7 8
Refill tube

Overflow pipe
chain clip

intermediate nut

5 Position the flush valve flapper below the handle lever arm and secure it to the tank from beneath with the spud
nut. Tighten the nut one-half turn past hand tight with a spud wrench or large channel-type pliers. Overtightening
may cause the tank to break. Put the new spud washer over the spud nut, small side down.

6 With the tank lying on its back, thread a rubber washer onto each tank bolt and insert it into the bolt holes from
inside the tank. Then, thread a brass washer and hex nut onto the tank bolts from below and tighten them to a
quarter turn past hand tight. Do not overtighten.

7 With the hex nuts tightened against the tank bottom, carefully lower the tank over the bowl and set it down so the
spud washer seats neatly over the water inlet in the bowl and the tank bolts fit through the holes in the bowl flange.
Secure the tank to the bowl with a rubber washer, brass washer, and nut or wing nut at each bolt end. Press the tank
to level as you hand-tighten the nuts. Hook up the water supply at the fill valve inlet.

8 Connect the chain clip to the handle lever arm and adjust the number of links to allow for a little slack in the chain
when the flapper is closed. Leave a little tail on the chain for adjusting, cutting off remaining excess. Attach the
refill tube to the top of the overflow pipe the same way it had been attached to the previous refill pipe. Turn on the
water supply at the stop valve and test the flush. (Some flush valve flappers are adjustable.)


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plunging a clOgged TOile T

1 2 3

1 Plunging is the easiest way to remove “natural” blockages. Take time to lay towels around the base of the toilet and
remove other objects to a safe, dry location, since plunging may result in splashing. Often, allowing a very full toilet
to sit for twenty or thirty minutes will permit some of the water to drain to a less precarious level.

2 There should be enough water in the bowl to completely cover the plunger. Fold out the skirt from inside the
plunger to form a better seal with the opening at the base of the bowl. Pump the plunger vigorously half-a-dozen
times, take a rest, and then repeat. Try this for four to five cycles.

3 If you force enough water out of the bowl that you are unable to create suction with the plunger, put a controlled
amount of water in the bowl by lifting up on the flush valve in the tank. Resume plunging. When you think the
drain is clear, you can try a controlled flush, with your hand ready to close the flush valve should the water threaten
to spill out of the bowl. Once the blockage has cleared, dump a five-gallon pail of water into the toilet to blast away
any residual debris.

Force cups
A flanged plunger (force cup) fits into the mouth of the
toilet trap and creates a tight seal so you can build up
enough pressure in front of the plunger to dislodge the
blockage and send it on its way.


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cle aRing clOgs wiTh a clOse T augeR

1 2 3
rubber boot

1 Place the business end of the auger firmly in the bottom of the toilet bowl with the auger tip fully withdrawn. A
rubber sleeve will protect the porcelain at the bottom bend of the auger. The tip will be facing back and up, which is
the direction the toilet trap takes.

2 Rotate the handle on the auger housing clockwise as you push down on the rod, advancing the rotating auger tip up
into the back part of the trap. You may work the cable backward and forward as needed, but keep the rubber boot
of the auger firmly in place in the bowl. When you feel resistance, indicating you‘ve snagged the object, continue
rotating the auger counterclockwise as you withdraw the cable and the object.

3 Fully retract the auger until you have recovered the object. This can be frustrating at times, but it is still a much
easier task than the alternative—to remove the toilet and go fishing.

closet augers
A closet auger is a semirigid cable housed in a tube.
The tube has a bend at the end so it can be snaked
through a toilet trap (without scratching it) to
snag blockages.


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kitchen Faucets
Tools & Materials
Adjustable wrench
Basin wrench or
channel-type pliers
Putty knife
Silicone caulk
Scouring pad
Scouring cleaner
Plumber’s putty
Flexible vinyl or braided steel
supply tubes
Drain components
Penetrating oil

Modern kitchen faucets tend to be single-handle models, often with useful

features such as a pull-out head that functions as a sprayer. This Pfister
model comes with an optional mounting plate that conceals sink holes when
mounted on a predrilled sink flange.

MOs T ne w kiTchen Fauce Ts feature single‑ through the sink opening and attach it to the faucet
handle control levers and washerless designs that body before installing the faucet.
rarely require maintenance. Additional features Where local codes allow, use plastic tubes
include brushed metallic finishes, detachable spray for drain hookups. A wide selection of extensions and
nozzles, or even push‑button controls. angle fittings lets you easily plumb any
Connect the faucet to hot and cold water lines sink configuration. Manufacturers offer kits
with easy‑to‑install flexible supply tubes made from that contain all the fittings needed for attaching
vinyl or braided steel. If your faucet has a separate a food disposer or dishwasher to the sink
sprayer, install the sprayer first. Pull the sprayer hose drain system.


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ReMOVing an Old Fauce T

1 2

sprayer hose Mounting nut

3 4

1 To remove the old faucet, start by clearing out the cabinet under the sink and laying down towels. Turn off the hot
and cold stop valves and open the faucet to make sure the water is off. Detach the sprayer hose from the faucet
sprayer nipple and unscrew the retaining nut that secures the sprayer base to the sink deck. Pull the sprayer hose
out through the sink deck opening.

2 Spray the mounting nuts that hold the faucet or faucet handles (on the underside of the sink deck) with penetrating
oil for easier removal. Let the oil soak in for a few minutes. If the nut is rusted and stubbornly stuck, you may need to
drill a hole in its side, then tap the hole with a hammer and screwdriver to loosen it.

3 Unhook the supply tubes at the stop valves. Don’t reuse old chrome supply tubes. If the stops are missing or
unworkable, replace them. Then remove the coupling nuts and the mounting nuts on the tailpieces of the faucet
with a basin wrench or channel-type pliers.

4 Pull the faucet body from the sink. Remove the sprayer base if you wish to replace it. Scrape off old putty or caulk
with a putty knife and clean off the sink with a scouring pad and an acidic scouring cleaner like Bar Keepers Friend.
Tip: Scour stainless steel with a back-and-forth motion to avoid leaving unsightly circular markings.


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ins Talling a pullOuT kiTchen sink Fauce T

1 2

pullout hose

Threaded shank

hose end

3 4
cabinet back
removed for clarity

hose weight

Mounting screw


1 Install the base plate (if your faucet has one) onto the sink flange so it is centered. Have a helper hold it straight
from above as you tighten the mounting nuts that secure the base plate from below. Make sure the plastic gasket
is centered under the base plate. These nuts can be adequately tightened by hand.

2 Retract the pullout hose by drawing it out through the faucet body until the fitting at the end of the hose is flush
with the bottom of the threaded faucet shank. Insert the shank and the supply tubes down through the top of the
deck plate.

3 Slip the mounting nut and washer over the free ends of the supply tubes and pullout hose, then thread the nut onto
the threaded faucet shank. Hand tighten. Tighten the retainer screws with a screwdriver to secure the faucet.

4 Slide the hose weight onto the pullout hose (the weight helps keep the hose from tangling and it makes it easier
to retract).


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5 6

Output port water supply tube

7 8

5 Connect the end of the pullout hose to the outlet port on the faucet body using a quick connector fitting.

6 Hook up the water supply tubes to the faucet inlets. Make sure the tubes are long enough to reach the supply risers
without stretching or kinking.

7 Connect the supply tubes to the supply risers at the stop valves. Make sure to get the hot lines and cold lines
attached correctly.

8 Attach the spray head to the end of the pullout hose and turn the fitting to secure the connection. Turn on water
supply and test. Tip: Remove the aerator in the tip of the spray head and run hot and cold water to flush out any debris.


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identif ying Your Faucet and the par ts You need to your home center or plumbing supply store.
A leaky faucet is the most common home plumbing A knowledgeable salesperson can help you identify
problem. Fortunately, repair parts are available for the parts you need.
almost every type of faucet, from the oldest to the If you cannot find what you are looking for
newest, and installing these parts is usually easy. But at a local store, check online faucet sites or the
if you don’t know your make and model, the hardest manufacturers’ sites; they often have step‑by‑step
part of fixing a leak may be identifying your faucet instructions for identifying what you need. Note
and finding the right parts. Don’t make the common that manufacturers’ terminology may not match the
mistake of thinking that any similar‑looking parts terms we use here. For example, the word “cartridge”
will do the job; you’ve got to get exact replacements. may refer to a ceramic‑disc unit.
There are so many faucet types that even
experts have trouble classifying them into neat
categories. Two‑handle faucets are either compres‑
sion (stem) or washerless two‑handle. Single‑handle
faucets are classified as mixing cartridge; ball; disc;
or disc/cartridge.
A single‑handle faucet with a rounded, dome‑
shaped cap is often a ball type. If a single‑handle
faucet has a flat top, it is likely a cartridge or a
ceramic disc type. An older two‑handle faucet is
likely of the compression type; newer two‑handle
models use washerless cartridges. Shut off the water,
and test to verify that the water is off. Dismantle the Most faucets have repair kits, which include all the
faucet carefully. Look for a brand name: it may be parts you need, and sometimes a small tool as well. Even
clearly visible on the baseplate, or may be printed on if some of the parts in your faucet look fine, it’s
an inner part, or it may not be printed anywhere. Put a good idea to install the parts provided by the kit,
all the parts into a reliable plastic bag and take them to ensure against future wear.

Repair Tips

If water flow is weak, To remove handles and Cleaning and removing Apply plumber’s grease
unscrew the aerator at spouts, work carefully debris can sometimes (also known as faucet
the tip of the spout. If and look for small screw solve the problem of grease or valve grease),
there is sediment, then heads. You often need low water flow, and to new parts before
dirty water is entering to first pry off a cap on occasionally can solve installing them. Be
the faucet, which could top, but not always. Parts a leak as well. especially sure to coat
damage the faucet’s may be held in place with rubber parts like O-rings
inner workings. small setscrews. and washers.


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compression Faucets


Top screw


Pry off the cap on top of the handle If the handle is stuck, try applying
and remove the screw that holds the mineral cleaner from above. If that
cap onto the stem. Pull the handle doesn’t work, you may need to buy a
up and out. Use an adjustable handle puller. With the cap and the
wrench or pliers to unscrew the hold-down screw removed, position
stem and pull it out. the wings of the puller under the
handle and tighten the puller to
slowly pull the handle up.


stem screw

A compression faucet has If washers wear out quickly, Remove the screw that holds the
a stem assembly that includes a the seat is likely worn. Use a seat rubber washer in place, and pry out
retaining nut, threaded spindle, wrench to unscrew the seat from the washer. Replace a worn washer
O-ring, stem washer, and stem inside the faucet. Replace it with with an exact replacement—one that
screw. Dripping at the spout occurs an exact duplicate. If replacing the is the same diameter, thickness, and
when the washer becomes worn. washer and O-ring doesn’t solve the shape.
Leaks around the handle are caused problem, you may need to replace
by a worn O-ring. the entire stem.


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washerless Two-handle Faucet

Retaining nut

handle set screw

stem screw

Retaining nut
Remove the faucet handle and withdraw the old
cartridge. Make a note of how the cartridge is oriented
before you remove it. Purchase a replacement cartridge.



Almost all two-handle faucets made today are

“washerless.” Instead of an older-type compression stem,
there is a cartridge, usually with a plastic casing. Many
of these cartridges contain ceramic discs, while others
have metal or plastic pathways. No matter the type of
cartridge, the repair is the same; instead of replacing
small parts, you simply replace the entire cartridge. Install the replacement cartridge. Clean the valve
seat first and coat the valve seat and O-rings with
faucet grease. Be sure the new cartridge is in the correct
position, with its tabs seated in the slotted body of the
faucet. Re-assemble the valve and handles.


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One-handle car tridge Faucets

cap handle

cap screw


To remove the spout, pry off the Lift out the spout. If the faucet
handle’s cap and remove the screw has a diverter valve, remove it as
spout below it. Pull the handle up and off. well. Use a screwdriver to pry out
Use a crescent wrench to remove the the retainer clip, which holds the
pivot nut. cartridge in place.


clip cartridge

Remove the cartridge. If you Gently pry out and replace all
simply pull up with pliers, you may O-rings on the faucet body. Smear
O-rings leave part of the stem in the faucet plumber’s grease onto the new
body. If that happens, replace the replacement cartridge and the new
cartridge and buy a stem puller made O-rings, and reassemble the faucet.
body for your model.

Repair Tips
Single-handle cartridge faucets like Here is one of many other types
this work by moving the cartridge up of single-handle cartridges.
and down and side to side, which opens In this model, all the parts are
up pathways to direct varying amounts plastic except for the stem, and it’s
of hot and cold water to the spout. important to note the direction in
Moen, Price-Pfister, Delta, Peerless, which the cartridge is aligned. If
Kohler, and others make many types you test the faucet and the hot and
of cartridges, some of which look cold are reversed, disassemble and
very different from this one. realign the cartridge.


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Ball Faucets



stem screw

Ball cap

Remove the old ball and cam after removing the
faucet handle and ball cap. Some faucets may require a
ball faucet tool to remove the handle. Otherwise, simply
use a pair of channel-type pliers to twist off the ball cap.


Valve seats
and springs Faucet body
and O-rings


The ball-type faucet is used by Delta, Peerless, and

a few others. The ball fits into the faucet body and is
constructed with three holes (not visible here)—a hot
inlet, a cold inlet, and the outlet, which fills the valve
body with water that then flows to the spout or sprayer.
Depending on the position of the ball, each inlet hole is Pry out the neoprene valve seals and springs. Place
open, closed, or somewhere in-between. The inlet holes thick towels around the faucet. Slowly turn on the water to
are sealed to the ball with valve seats, which are pressed flush out any debris in the faucet body. Replace the seals
tight against the ball with springs. If water drips from and springs with new parts. Also replace the O-rings on
the spout, replace the seats and springs. Or go ahead and the valve body. You may want to replace the ball and cam,
purchase an entire replacement kit and replace all or too, especially if you’re purchasing a repair kit. Coat all
most of the working parts. rubber parts in faucet grease, and reassemble the faucet.


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(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:78
disc Faucets


cap screw



Replace the cylinder with a new one, coating

the rubber parts with faucet grease before installing the
new cylinder. Make sure the rubber seals fit correctly
in the cylinder openings before you install the cylinder.
Assemble the faucet handle.

Other car tridges

Many modern cartridges do not have seals or
spout O-rings that can be replaced, and some have a ball
rather than a ceramic disk inside. For the repair,
the cartridge’s innards do not matter; just replace
the whole cartridge.

Disc-type faucets are the most common single-handle

faucets currently being made. A pair of ceramic discs
encased in a cylinder often referred to as a “cartridge”
rub together as they rotate to open ports for hot and cold
water. The ceramic discs do wear out in time, causing
leaks, and there is only one solution—replace the disc
unit (or cartridge). This makes for an easy—through
comparatively expensive—repair.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:79
Bathroom Faucets
Tools & Materials
Hacksaw or tin snips
Channel-type pliers
Basin wrench
Adjustable wrench
Plumber’s putty
Teflon tape
Faucet kit
Pipe joint compound
Flexible supply tubes
Heat-proof grease
Loctite basin

Bathroom sink faucets come

in two basic styles: the widespread
with independent handles and
spout (top); and the single-body,
deck-mounted version (left).

One-piece Fauce Ts, wiTh eiTheR One or two handles, are the most
popular fixtures for bathroom installations.
“Widespread” faucets with separate spout and handles are being
installed with increasing frequency, however. Because the handles
are connected to the spout with flex tubes that can be 18" or longer,
widespread faucets can be arranged in many ways.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:80
handle screw pop-up stopper lift rod
Bathroom Faucet & drain hookups spout

index caps Tailpiece
handles 1⁄2” coupling
aerator lift rod

spout clevis
Faucet pivot rod
valves supply
T-fitting risers

Flex tube supply stop

risers valves

Widespread lavatory faucets have valves that are Single-body lavatory faucets have both valves and the
independent from the spout so they can be configured spout permanently affixed to the faucet body. They do
however you choose, provided that your flex tube not offer flexibility in configurations, but they are very
connectors are long enough to span the distance. simple to install.

stopper Flange surface of

sink basin

pop-up hollow channel for

stopper overflow water
of sink
lock nut clevis
nylon pivot ball gasket
pivot-ball and rod

drain Retaining spring clip on

tailpiece nut the pivot rod

The pop-up stopper fits into the drain opening so the The linkage that connects the pop-up stopper to
stopper will close tightly against the drain flange when the pop-up handle fits into a male-threaded port in the
the pop-up handle is lifted up. drain tailpiece. Occasionally the linkage will require
adjustment or replacement.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:81
ins Talling a widespRe ad Fauce T

spout shank spout shank

1 2

sink deck
plumber’s putty


Mounting nut

Basin wrench
sink deck seen in
cutaway for clarity

3 helping hand 4
cabinet back
removed for clarity
Temporary clip

Mounting plumber’s
ring putty

(cold supply)
spout shank

1 Insert the shank of the faucet spout through one of the holes in the sink deck (usually the center hole, but you can
offset it in one of the end holes if you prefer). If the faucet is not equipped with seals or O-rings for the spout and
handles, pack plumber’s putty on the undersides before inserting the valves into the deck. If you are installing the
widespread faucet in a new sink deck, drill three holes of the size suggested by the faucet manufacturer.

2 In addition to mounting nuts, many spout valves for widespread faucets have an open-retainer fitting that goes
between the underside of the deck and the mounting nut. Others have only a mounting nut. In either case, tighten
the mounting nut with pliers or a basin wrench to secure the spout valve. You may need a helper to keep the spout
centered and facing forward.

3 Mount the valves to the deck using whichever method the manufacturer specifies (it varies quite a bit). In the model
seen here, a mounting ring is positioned over the deck hole (with plumber’s putty seal) and the valve is inserted
from below. A clip snaps onto the valve from above to hold it in place temporarily (you’ll want a helper for this).

4 From below, thread the mounting nuts that secure the valves to the sink deck. Make sure the cold water valve
(usually has a blue cartridge inside) is in the right-side hole (from the front) and the hot water valve (red cartridge)
is in the left hole. Install both valves.


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(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:82
5 6

outlet water T-fitting
(cold) water outlet
inlet (hot)

7 8 special hex wrench

(supplied with faucet) spout

Teflon Twist-on
tape fitting

water supply risers spout shank

5 Once you’ve started the nut on the threaded valve shank, secure the valve with a basin wrench, squeezing the lugs
where the valve fits against the deck. Use an adjustable wrench to finish tightening the lock nut onto the valve.
The valves should be oriented so the water outlets are aimed at the inlet on the spout shank.

6 Attach the flexible supply tubes (supplied with the faucet) to the water outlets on the valves. Some twist onto the
outlets, but others (like the ones above) click into place. The supply hoses meet in a T-fitting that is attached to
the water inlet on the spout.

7 Attach flexible braided-metal supply risers to the water stop valves and then attach the tubes to the inlet port on
each valve (usually with Teflon tape and a twist-on fitting at the valve end of the supply riser).

8 Attach the spout. The model shown here comes with a special hex wrench that is threaded through the hole in the
spout where the lift rod for the pop-up drain will be located. Once the spout is seated cleanly on the spout shank, you
tighten the hex wrench to secure the spout. Different faucets will use other methods to secure the spout to the shank.



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(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:83

Lift rod
9 10

Lift rod

Clevis screw

Clevis strap
Clevis screw

Clevis strap

11 12


9 If your sink did not have a pop‑up stopper, you’ll need to replace the sink drain tailpiece with a pop‑up stopper body
(often supplied with the faucet). Insert the lift rod through the hole in the back of the spout and, from below, thread
the pivot rod through the housing for the clevis screw.

10 Attach the clevis strap to the pivot rod that enters the pop‑up drain body, and adjust the position of the strap so
it raises and lowers properly when the lift rod is pulled up. Tighten the clevis screw at this point. It’s hard to fit a
screwdriver in here, so you may need to use a wrench or pliers.

11 Attach the faucet handles to the valves using whichever method is required by the faucet manufacturer. Most
faucets are designed with registration methods to ensure that the handles are symmetrical and oriented in an
ergonomic way once you secure them to the valves.

12 Turn on the water supply and test the faucet. Remove the faucet aerator and run the water for 10 to 20 seconds so
any debris in the lines can clear the spout. Replace the aerator.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:84
VaRiaTiOn: ins Talling a single-BOdY Fauce T

1 2 3

clevis screw
pivot rod

Flexible sink
supply riser

4 5

1 High-quality faucets come with flexible plastic gaskets that create a durable watertight seal at the bottom of the
faucet, where it meets the sink deck. However, an inexpensive faucet may have a flimsy-looking foam seal that
doesn’t do a good job of sealing and disintegrates after a few years. If that is the case with your faucet, discard the
seal and press a ring of plumber’s putty into the sealant groove on the underside of the faucet body.

2 Insert the faucet tailpieces through the holes in the sink. From below, thread washers and mounting nuts over the
tailpieces, then tighten the mounting nuts with a basin wrench until snug. Put a dab of pipe joint compound on the
threads of the stop valves and thread the metal nuts of the flexible supply risers to these. Wrench tighten about a
half-turn past hand tight. Overtightening these nuts will strip the threads. Now tighten the coupling nuts to the
faucet tailpieces with a basin wrench.

3 Slide the lift rod of the new faucet into its hole behind the spout. Thread it into the clevis past the clevis screw. Push
the pivot rod all the way down so the stopper is open. With the lift rod also all the way down, tighten the clevis to
the lift rod.

4 Grease the fluted valve stems with faucet grease, then put the handles in place. Tighten the handle screws firmly, so
they won’t come loose during operation. Cover each handle screw with the appropriate index cap—Hot or Cold.

5 Unscrew the aerator from the end of the spout. Turn the hot and cold water taps on full. Turn the water back on at
the stop valves and flush out the faucet for a couple of minutes before turning off the water at the faucet. Check the
riser connections for drips. Tighten a compression nut only until the drip stops. Replace the aerator.


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(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:85
ins Talling a pOp-up dR ain

lock nuts pop-up drain Bottom of sink

1 2
clevis stopper
spring clip cap body

Trap arm


Trap J-bend

3 4

wrap tape in
stopper body

stopper Flange

1 Put a basin under the trap to catch water. Loosen the nuts at the outlet and inlet to the trap J-bend by hand or with
channel-type pliers and remove the bend. The trap will slide off the pop-up body tailpiece when the nuts are loose.
Keep track of washers and nuts and their up/down orientation by leaving them on the tubes.

2 Unscrew the cap holding the ball-and-pivot rod in the pop-up body and withdraw the ball. Compress the spring clip
on the clevis and withdraw the pivot rod from the clevis.

3 Remove the pop-up stopper. Then, from below, remove the lock nut on the stopper body. If needed, keep the flange
from turning by inserting a large screwdriver in the drain from the top. Thrust the stopper body up through the
hole to free the flange from the basin, and then remove the flange and the stopper body.

4 Clean the drain opening above and below, and then thread the locknut all the way down the new pop-up body,
followed by the flat washer and the rubber gasket (beveled side up). Wrap three layers of Teflon tape clockwise
onto the top of the threaded body. Make a 1⁄2"-dia. snake from plumber’s putty, form it into a ring, and stick the
ring underneath the drain flange.


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(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:86
5 6 stopper
in drain

plumber’s putty

7 clevis 8
adjust so clevis
is vertical

clevis screw

5 From below, face the pivot rod opening directly back toward the middle of the faucet and pull the body straight
down to seat the flange. Thread the locknut/washer assembly up under the sink, then fully tighten the locknut with
channel-type pliers. Do not twist the flange in the process, as this can break the putty seal. Clean off the squeezeout
of plumber’s putty from around the flange.

6 Drop the pop-up stopper into the drain hole so the hole at the bottom of its post is closest to the back of the sink.
Put the beveled nylon washer into the opening in the back of the pop-up body with the bevel facing back.

7 Put the cap behind the ball on the pivot rod as shown. Sandwich a hole in the clevis with the spring clip and thread
the long end of the pivot rod through the clip and clevis. Put the ball end of the pivot rod into the pop-up body
opening and into the hole in the stopper stem. Screw the cap on to the pop-up body over the ball.

8 Loosen the clevis screw holding the clevis to the lift rod. Push the pivot rod all the way down (which fully opens the
pop-up stopper). With the lift rod also all the way down, tighten the clevis screw to the rod. If the clevis runs into
the top of the trap, cut it short with your hacksaw or tin snips. Reassemble the J-bend trap.

always Test drain for leaks

To make sure the sink will not leak, do a thorough test. Close the stopper and turn on the faucet to fill the bowl.
Once full, open the stopper and look carefully beneath the sink. Feel the trap parts; they should be dry. If there is
any indication of moisture, tighten trap parts as needed.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:87
kitchen drains & Traps
Tools & Materials
a Flat screwdriver
B Spud wrench
Trap arm
Mineral spirits
e Cloth
c Strainer kit
Plumber’s putty
Teflon tape
g Washers
d Waste-T fitting
Kitchen sink drains include a strainer body (A), tailpiece (B), waste-T (C), Saw
P-trap (D), outlet drain line (E), trap arm (F), and wall stubout with coupling (G). Miter box




In this arrangement , the dishwasher drain hose (A) A “center tee” arrangement has a single P-trap (A)
attaches to the food disposer (B), and a trap arm (C) leads that is connected to a waste T (B) and the trap arm (C).
from the disposer to the P-trap (D).

kiTchen TR aps, alsO called sink drains or this happens, they should be taken apart
trap assemblies, are made of 1½‑inch pipes (also and reassembled.
called tubes), slip washers, and nuts, so they can A trap’s configuration depends on how many
be easily assembled and disassembled. Most bowls the sink has, whether or not you have a food
plastic types can be tightened by hand, with no disposer and/or a dishwasher drain line, and local
wrench required. Pipes made of chromed brass will codes. On this page we show three of the most
corrode in time, and rubber washers will crumble, common assembly types. T fittings on these traps
meaning they need to be replaced. Plastic pipes often have a baffle, which reduces the water flow
and plastic washers last virtually forever. All traps somewhat. Check local codes to make sure your
are liable to get bumped out of alignment; when trap is compliant.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:88
Tip: drain kits Tips for choosing drains
Kits for installing a new sink drain include all To make sure the sink will not leak, do a thorough
the pipes, slip fittings, and washers you’ll need test. Close the stopper and turn on the faucet to
to get from the sink tailpieces (most kits are fill the bowl. Once full, open the stopper and look
equipped for a double bowl kitchen sink) to the carefully beneath the sink. Feel the trap parts; they
trap arm that enters the wall or floor. For wall should be dry. If there is any indication of moisture,
trap arms, you’ll need a kit with a P-trap. Both tighten trap parts as needed.
drains normally are plumbed to share a trap.
Chromed brass or PVC with slip fittings let you
adjust the drain more easily and pull it apart and Wall thickness
then reassemble if there is a clog. Some pipes have chromed varies in sink drain
fittings on their ends that eliminate the need for brass pipes. The thinner
a washer. Kitchen sink drains and traps should heavy plastic material is
plastic cheaper and more
be 11⁄2" o.d. pipe—the 1¼" pipe is for lavatories and
doesn’t have enough capacity for a kitchen sink. difficult to obtain a
good seal than with
the thicker, more
chromed brass expensive tubing. The
slip nut
p-trap system slip nuts washers thin product is best
light-duty reserved for lavatory
drains, which are far
less demanding.

escutcheon drain Slip joints are
tailpiece formed by tightening
a male-threaded
Trap arm slip nut over a
fitting, trapping and
compressing a beveled
plastic system nylon washer to seal
the joint.
slip nuts

slip nut

Trap arm

Use a spud wrench to tighten the strainer body

against the underside of the sink bowl. Normally,
the strainer flange has a layer of plumber’s putty
to seal beneath it above the sink drain, and a pair
of washers (one rubber, one fibrous) to seal below.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:89
hOOking up a kiTchen sink dR ain

1 2

slip nut washer

Threaded outlet


3 4

drain tail pieces

drain stub-out

Trap arm


1 If you are replacing the sink strainer body, remove the old one and clean the top and bottom of the sink deck around
the drain opening with mineral spirits. Attach the drain tailpiece to the threaded outlet of the strainer body,
inserting a nonbeveled washer between the parts if your strainer kits include one. Lubricate the threads or apply
Teflon tape so you can get a good, snug fit.

2 Apply plumber’s putty around the perimeter of the drain opening and seat the strainer assembly into it. Add
washers below as directed and tighten the strainer locknut with a spud wrench (see photo, previous page) or by
striking the mounting nubs at the top of the body with a flat screwdriver.

3 You may need to cut a trap arm or drain tailpiece to length. Cut metal tubing with a hacksaw. Cut plastic tubing
with a handsaw, power miter saw, or a hand miter box and a backsaw or hacksaw. You can use a tubing cutter for
any material. Deburr the cut end of plastic tubing with a utility knife.

4 Attach the trap arm to the male-threaded drain stubout in the wall, using a slip nut and beveled compression washer.
The outlet for the trap arm should point downward. Note: The trap arm must be lower on the wall than any of the
horizontal lines in the set-up, including lines to dishwasher, disposer, or the outlet line to the second sink bowl.


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(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:90
5 6 7 Outer
drain pipe
Outer waste-T
drain pipe
Trap arm

Trap arm

5 Attach a waste-T-fitting to the drain tailpiece, orienting the opening in the fitting side so it will accept the outlet
drain line from the other sink bowl. If the waste-T is higher than the top of the trap arm, remove it and trim the
drain tailpiece.

6 Join the short end of the outlet drain pipe to the tailpiece for the other sink bowl and then attach the end of the long
run to the opening in the waste-T. The outlet tube should extend into the T 1⁄2”—make sure it does not extend in far
enough to block water flow from above.

7 Attach the long leg of a P-trap to the waste-T and attach the shorter leg to the downward-facing opening of the trap
arm. Adjust as necessary and test all joints to make sure they are still tight, and then test the system.

Variation: drain in Floor

If your drain stubout comes up out of the floor
instead of the wall, you have an S-trap instead of a
P-trap. This arrangement is illegal in many parts
of the country, because a heavy surge of water can
siphon the trap dry, rendering it unable to trap gases.
However, if after draining the sink you run a slow to Top of
moderate stream of water for a few seconds, the trap
will fill. An S-trap has two trap pipes that lead to a pipe
straight vertical pipe.



064-097_30437.indd 91 5/7/13 2:37 PM

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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) 05-C68906 #175 Dtp:225 Page:91
clOgged sink dR ains

Every sink has a drain trap and a fixture drain line.

Sink clogs usually are caused by a buildup of soap
and hair in the trap or fixture drain line. Remove
clogs by using a plunger, disconnecting and cleaning
the trap or using a hand auger.
Many sinks hold water with a mechanical plug
called a pop‑up stopper. If the sink will not hold
standing water, or if water in the sink drains too
slowly, the pop‑up stopper must be cleaned and

Tools & Materials Flashlight

Plunger Rag Clogged lavatory sinks can be cleared with a plunger
Channel-type pliers Bucket (not to be confused with a flanged force-cup). Remove
Small wire brush Replacement gaskets the pop-up drain plug and strainer first, and plug the
Screwdriver Teflon tape overflow hole by stuffing a wet rag into it, allowing you to
create air pressure with the plunger.

cle aRing a sink TR ap

1 slip nuts 2

Fixture drain line

Trap bend

1 Place bucket under trap to catch water and debris. Loosen slip nuts on trap bend with channel-type pliers. Unscrew
nuts by hand and slide away from connections. Pull off trap bend.

2 Dump out debris. Clean trap bend with a small wire brush. Inspect slip nut washers for wear and replace if
necessary. Reinstall trap bend and tighten slip nuts.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:92
cle aRing a kiTchen sink

1 drainline from dishwasher 2

1 Plunging a kitchen sink is not difficult, but you need to create an uninterrupted pressure lock between the plunger
and the clog. If you have a dishwasher, the drain tube needs to be clamped shut and sealed off at the disposer or
drainline. The pads on the clamp should be large enough to flatten the tube across its full diameter (or you can
clamp the tube ends between small boards).

2 If there is a second basin, have a helper hold a basket strainer plug in its drain or put a large pot or bucket full
of water on top of it. Unfold the skirt within the plunger and place this in the drain of the sink you are plunging.
There should be enough water in the sink to cover the plunger head. Plunge rhythmically for six repetitions with
increasing vigor, pulling up hard on the last repetition. Repeat this sequence until the clog is removed. Flush out a
cleared clog with plenty of hot water.

using a hand augeR aT The TR ap aRM

1 2

1 If plunging doesn’t work, remove the trap and clean it out (see previous page). With the trap off, see if water flows
freely from both sinks (if you have two). Sometimes clogs will lodge in the T-fitting or one of the waste pipes feeding
it. These may be pulled out manually or cleared with a bottlebrush or wire. When reassembling the trap, apply
Teflon tape clockwise to the male threads of metal waste pieces. Tighten with your channel-type pliers. Plastic
pieces need no tape and should be hand tightened only.

2 If you suspect the clog is downstream of the trap, remove the trap arm from the fitting at the wall. Look in the
fixture drain with a flashlight. If you see water, that means the fixture drain is plugged. Clear it with a hand-crank
or drill-powered auger.


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(Fogra 39)Job:04-30437 Title:MBI-HomeSkills Plumbing
(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:93
Tools & Materials
Adjustable wrench
2-ft. level
5⁄8" automotive
heater hose
heater hose
4"-length of 1⁄2"
copper tubing
Cable connector
Teflon tape
Hose clamps
Wire connectors
Carpet scrap

Replacing an old, inefficient dishwasher is a straightforward project that

usually takes just a few hours. The energy savings begin with the first load of
dishes and continue with every load thereafter.

a dishwasheR ThaT’s pas T its prime may be In terms of sizing and utility hookups,
inefficient in more ways than one. If it’s an old model, dishwashers are generally quite standard. If your
it probably wasn’t designed to be very efficient to old machine is a built‑in and your countertops
begin with. But more significantly, if it no longer and cabinets are standard sizes, most full‑size
cleans effectively, you’re probably spending a lot of dishwashers will fit right in. Of course, you should
time and hot water pre‑rinsing the dishes. This alone always measure the dimensions of the old unit
can consume more energy and water than a complete before shopping for a new one to avoid an unpleas‑
wash cycle on a newer machine. So even if your old ant surprise at installation time. Also be sure to
dishwasher still runs, replacing it with an efficient review the manufacturer’s instructions before
new model can be a good green upgrade. starting any work.


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(Text) (Ray) #175 Dtp:225 Page:94
Repl acing a dishwasheR

1 2 l-fitting

3 4

1 Start by shutting off the electrical power to the dishwasher circuit at the service panel. Also, turn off the water
supply at the shutoff valve, usually located directly under the floor.

2 Disconnect old plumbing connections. First unscrew the front access panel. Once the access panel is removed,
disconnect the water supply line from the L-fitting on the bottom of the unit. This is usually a brass compression
fitting, so just turning the compression nut counterclockwise with an adjustable wrench should do the trick. Use a
bowl to catch any water that might leak out when the nut is removed.

3 Disconnect old wiring connections. The dishwasher has an integral electrical box at the front of the unit where the
power cable is attached to the dishwasher’s fixture wires. Take off the box cover and remove the wire connectors
that join the wires together.

4 Disconnect the discharge hose, which is usually connected to the dishwasher port on the side of the garbage
disposer. To remove it, just loosen the screw on the hose clamp and pull it off. You may need to push this hose back
through a hole in the cabinet wall and into the dishwasher compartment so it won’t get caught when you pull the
dishwasher out.



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Repl acing a dishwasheR cOnTinued

5 6

7 8
Retainer nut
leveling leg

cable connector

power supply
to appliance

5 Detach the unit from the cabinets before you pull it out. Remove the screws that hold the brackets to the underside
of the countertop. Then put a piece of cardboard or old carpet under the front legs to protect the floor from getting
scratched, and pull the dishwasher out.

6 First, prepare the new dishwasher. Tip it on its back and attach the new L-fitting into the threaded port on the
solenoid. Apply some Teflon tape or pipe sealant to the fitting threads before tightening it in place to prevent
possible leaks.

7 Prepare for the wiring connections. Like the old dishwasher, the new one will have an integral electrical box for
making the wiring connections. To gain access to the box, just remove the box cover. Then install a cable connector
on the back of the box and bring the power cable from the service panel through this connector. Power should be
shut off at the main service panel at all times.

8 Install a leveling leg at each of the four corners while the new dishwasher is still on its back. Just turn the legs into
the threaded holes designed for them. Leave about 1⁄2" of each leg projecting from the bottom of the unit. These
will have to be adjusted later to level the appliance. Tip the appliance up onto the feet and slide it into the opening.
Check for level in both directions and adjust the feet as required.


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9 10 Tip: Tube choices
discharge tube Codes still allow copper
build-up strip from dishwasher supply tubes like the one
shown, but a 4- to 5-ft.
flexible dishwasher supply
hose adapter tube is a better choice if you
disposer are likely to be sliding the
appliance in and out.
drain A copper tube is less likely to
burst, so it may be preferable
in cases where the appliance
is unlikely to be moved.

Brass bushing
11 12

supply tube
l-fitting compression nut

9 Once the dishwasher is level, attach the brackets to the underside of the countertop to keep the appliance from
moving. Then pull the discharge hose into the sink cabinet and install it so there’s a loop that is attached with a
bracket to the underside of the countertop. This loop prevents waste water from flowing from the disposer back
into the dishwasher. Note: Some codes require that you install an air gap fitting for this purpose. Check with your
local plumbing inspector.

10 Push an adapter over the disposer’s discharge nipple and tighten it in place with a hose clamp. If you don’t have a
disposer, replace one of the drain tailpieces with a dishwasher tailpiece, and clamp the discharge tube to its fitting.

11 Adjust the L-fitting on the dishwasher’s water inlet valve until it points directly toward the water supply tubing.
Then lubricate the threads slightly with a drop of dishwashing liquid and tighten the tubing’s compression nut onto
the fitting. Keeping the brass bushing between the nut and the L-fitting. Use an adjustable wrench and turn the nut

12 Complete the electrical connections by clamping the cable and joining the wires with wire nuts, following
manufacturer’s instructions. Replace the electrical cover, usually by hooking it onto a couple of prongs and driving
a screw. Restore power and water, and test. Replace the toe-kick.


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Food Disposers
Tools & Materials
Channel‑type pliers
Spud wrench (optional)
Dedicated GFI-
protected power Hacksaw or tubing cutter
Kitchen drain supplies
Drain auger
Putty knife
Drain outlet Mineral spirits
Plumber’s putty
Wire caps
Y-fitting Armored Hose clamps
Threaded Y‑fitting
Electrical tape

Sink P-trap
Disposer P-trap

A properly functioning food disposer that’s used correctly can help reduce
clogs. Some plumbers use separate P‑traps for the disposer and the drain
outlet tube as shown here. Others contend that configuring the drain line
with a single P‑trap minimizes the chance that a trap will have its water seal
broken by suction from the second trap.

FooD DISPoSerS Are standard equipment in the bog down less under load and the motors last longer
modern home, and most of us have come to depend because they don’t have to work as hard. They are also
on them to macerate our plate leavings and crumbs costlier.
so they can exit the house along with waste water Choose a switch option that meets your family’s
from the sink drain. If your existing disposer needs safety needs. A “continuous feed” disposer may be
replacing, you’ll find that the job is relatively simple, controlled by a standard on-off switch on the wall.
especially if you select a replacement appliance that Another option is a disposer that stays on only when
is the same model as the old one. In that case, you can the switch is actively pressed. A “batch feed” disposer
probably reuse the existing mounting assembly, drain can turn on only when a lid is locked onto it, eliminat-
sleeve, and drain plumbing. ing the possibility of harming fingers. Some models are
Disposers are available with power ratings between controlled at the lid, without a wall switch. Continuous
1⁄3 and 1 HP (horsepower). More powerful models food disposers are the most common.


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Shown cutaway

Upper Sink
mounting sleeve
ring Sleeve
Dishwasher mounting
nipple ring Fiber gasket

ring Backup ring

Sound Impellers
insulation Upper

Snap ring

The disposer is attached directly to the sink sleeve,

which comes with the disposer and replaces the
Discharge Motor
opening standard sink strainer. A snap ring fits into a groove
around the sleeve of the strainer body to prevent the
upper mounting ring and backup ring from sliding
chamber down while the upper mounting ring is tightened
against the backup ring with mounting screws. A fiber
gasket compresses when the mounting screws are
tightened to create a better seal under the flange.

A food disposer grinds food waste so it can be flushed

away through the sink drain system. A quality disposer
has a 1⁄2 –horsepower, or larger, self‑reversing motor.
Other features to look for include foam sound insulation,
a grinding ring, and overload protection that allows the
motor to be reset if it overheats. Better food disposers Baffle
have a 5‑year manufacturer’s warranty.

Kitchen and drain tees are required to have a baffle Waste-T

if the tee is connected to a dishwasher or disposer. The Waste-T with Baffle
baffle is intended to prevent discharge from finding its
way up the drain and into the sink.


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Mounting lug
1 2

3 4

Sink sleeve
mounting Snap ring

1 Remove the old disposer if you have one. You’ll need to disconnect the drain pipes and traps first. If your old
disposer has a special wrench for the mounting lugs, use it to loosen the lugs. Otherwise, use a screwdriver. If you
do not have a helper, place a solid object directly beneath the disposer to support it before you begin removal.
Important: Shut off electrical power at the main service panel before you begin removal. Disconnect the wire leads,
cap them, and stuff them into the electrical box.

2 Clear the drain lines all the way to the branch drain before you begin the new installation. Remove the trap and trap
arm first.

3 Disassemble the mounting assembly and then separate the upper and lower mounting rings and the backup ring.
Also remove the snap ring from the sink sleeve. See photo, previous page.

4 Press the flange of the sink sleeve for your new disposer into a thin coil of plumber’s putty that you have laid around
the perimeter of the drain opening. The sleeve should be well‑seated in the coil.


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5 6
Fiber gasket

Sink sleeve

Backup ring

7 8

5 Slip the fiber gasket and then the backup ring onto the sink sleeve, working from inside the sink base cabinet. Make
sure the backup ring is oriented the same way it was before you disassembled the mounting assembly.

6 Insert the upper mounting ring onto the sleeve with the slotted ends of the screws facing away from the backup
ring so you can access them. Then, holding all three parts at the top of the sleeve, slide the snap ring onto the sleeve
until it snaps into the groove.

7 Tighten the three mounting screws on the upper mounting ring until the tips press firmly against the backup ring.
It is the tension created by these screws that keeps the disposer steady and minimizes vibrating.

8 Make electrical connections before you mount the disposer unit on the mounting assembly. Shut off the power at
the service panel if you have turned it back on. Remove the access plate from the disposer. Attach the white and
black feeder wires from the electrical box to the white and black wires (respectively) inside the disposer. Twist
a small wire cap onto each connection and wrap it with electrical tape for good measure. Also attach the green
ground wire from the box to the grounding terminal on your disposer.



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9 10

11 12

Drain stubout


9 Knock out the plug in the disposer port if you will be connecting your dishwasher to the disposer. If you have no
dishwasher, leave the plug in. Insert a large flathead screwdriver into the port opening and rap it with a mallet.
Retrieve the knock‑out plug from inside the disposer canister.

10 Hang the disposer from the mounting ring attached to the sink sleeve. To hang it, simply lift it up and position the
unit so the three mounting ears are underneath the three mounting screws and then spin the unit so all three ears
fit into the mounting assembly. Wait until after the plumbing hookups have been made to lock the unit in place.

11 Attach the discharge tube to the disposer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It is important to get a very
good seal here, or the disposer will leak. Go ahead and spin the disposer if it helps you access the discharge port.

12 Attach a Y‑fitting at the drain stubout. The Y‑fitting should be sized to accept a drain line from the disposer and
another from the sink. Adjust the sink drain plumbing as needed to get from the sink P‑trap to one opening of the Y.


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13 14

outlet from sink

Trap arm

Discharge diswasher tube

15 16

13 Install a trap arm for the disposer in the open port of the Y‑fitting at the wall stubout. Then, attach a P‑trap or a
combination of a tube extension and a P‑trap so the trap will align with the bottom of the disposer discharge tube.

14 Spin the disposer so the end of the discharge tube is lined up over the open end of the P‑trap and confirm that they
will fit together correctly. If the discharge tube extends down too far, mark a line on it at the top of the P‑trap and
cut at the line with a hacksaw. If the tube is too short, attach an extension with a slip joint. You may need to further
shorten the discharge tube first to create enough room for the slip joint on the extension. Slide a slip nut and
beveled compression washer onto the discharge tube and attach the tube to the P‑trap.

15 Connect the dishwasher discharge tube to the inlet port located at the top of the disposer unit. This may require a
dishwasher hookup kit. Typically, a hose clamp is used to secure the connection.

16 Lock the disposer into position on the mounting ring assembly once you have tested to make sure it is functioning
correctly and without leaks. Lock it by turning one of the mounting lugs until it makes contact with the locking notch.


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Tools & Materials
Nut drivers
Needle‑nose pliers
Duct or masking tape
Channel‑type pliers
Electric drill and assorted bits
Icemaker kit (or icemaker tubing
with ferrules and nuts)
Open‑end or adjustable wrench
T‑fitting (for supply tube)
Putty knife
Long 1⁄2"‑inch drill bit
Electrician’s tape

A built-in icemaker is easy to install as a retrofit

appliance in most modern refrigerators. If you want to
have an endless supply of ice for home use, you’ll wonder
how you ever got along without one.

MAnY reFrIGer ATorS coMe with icemakers as copper, but plastic icemaker tubing is easier to install
standard equipment, and practically every model and less likely to kink or crack. To be sure everything
features them as an option (a refrigerator with fits, you can buy a connection kit from the refrigera-
an icemaker usually costs about $100 more). It is tor manufacturer.
also possible to purchase an icemaker as a retrofit Most icemakers either come preinstalled or are
feature for your old fridge. purchased as an accessory when you buy your new
Hooking up an existing icemaker to a cold-water refrigerator. But if you have an older refrigerator with
supply involves drilling holes and connecting to a no icemaker and you’d like it to have one, all is not
cold-water pipe. Most often, a pipe can be found in lost. Inspect the back of the unit, behind the freezer
the basement below the kitchen, perhaps under the compartment. If your refrigerator has the required
kitchen sink. To make the connection, some local plumbing to support an icemaker, you will see a port
codes allow the installation of a saddle Tee valve, or a port that is covered with backing. In that case, all
but many do not, and a compression Tee valve is not you need to do is take the make and model informa-
difficult to install, as we show. In many kitchens the tion to an appliance parts dealer and they can sell you
flexible line running from the valve to the fridge is an aftermarket icemaker. Plan to spend $100 to $200.


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How Icemakers Work
An icemaker receives its supply of water for making
cubes through a 1⁄4" copper supply line that runs from
the icemaker to a water pipe. The supply line runs
through a valve in the refrigerator and is controlled
by a solenoid that monitors the water supply and
sends the water into the icemaker itself, where it is
turned into ice cubes. The cubes drop down into a
bin, and as the ice level rises, they also raise a bail
wire that’s connected to a shutoff. When the bin is
full, the bail wire will be high enough to trigger
a mechanism that shuts off the water supply.

Aftermarket automatic icemakers are simple

to install as long as your refrigerator is icemaker
ready. Make sure to buy the correct model for
your appliance and do careful installation work—
icemaker water supply lines are very common
sources for leaks.

connecTInG An IceMAker

1 Locate a nearby cold‑water pipe, usually in

the basement or crawl space below the kitchen.
Behind the refrigerator and near the wall, use a
long 1⁄2" bit to drill a hole through the floor. Do not
pull the bit out.



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connecTInG An IceMAker conTInUeD

2 3


Pull upward

2 From below, fasten plastic icemaker tubing to

4 the end of the drill bit by wrapping firmly with
electrician’s tape. From above, carefully pull the bit
up, to thread the tubing up into the kitchen.

3 Shut off the water and open nearby faucets to drain

the line. Cut into a cold‑water pipe and install a
compression Tee valve. Tighten all the nuts, close the
valve and nearby faucets, and restore water to test
for leaks.

4 Connect the tubing. Arrange the tubing behind

the fridge so you have about 6 ft. of slack, making
it easy to pull the fridge out for cleaning. Cut the
tubing with a knife. Slide on a nut and a ferrule.
Insert the tubing into the valve, slide the ferrule tight
against the valve, and tighten the nut. To finish the
installation, connect the tubing to the refrigerator
using a nut and ferrule. Keep the tubing neatly coiled
and kink‑free for future maintenance.


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InS TALLInG A neW IceMAker

1 2

3 4

1 Remove all the contents from the refrigerator and freezer. Unplug the unit and pull it out from the wall. Open the
freezer door and remove the icemaker cover plate (inset). On the back of the refrigerator, remove the backing or
unscrew the icemaker access panel.

2 Install the tube assembly. Remove two insulation plugs to expose two openings, one for the water line and the other
for a wiring harness. Install the water tube assembly (part of the icemaker kit) in its access hole; it has a plastic
elbow attached to the plastic tube that reaches into the freezer compartment.

3 Hook up the harness. Icemaker kits usually come with a wiring harness that joins the icemaker motor inside the
freezer box to the power supply wires. Push this harness through its access hole and into the freezer compartment.
Then seal the hole with the plastic grommet that comes with the harness.

4 Join the end of the icemaker wiring harness to the power connector that was preinstalled on the back of the
refrigerator. This connection should lay flat against the back. If it doesn’t, just tape it down with some duct tape or
masking tape.



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InSTALLInG A neW IceMAker conTInUeD

5 6


Tube to icemaker

7 8

5 The water tube at the top of the refrigerator is attached to the solenoid that is mounted at the bottom with a plastic
water line. To install the line, first attach it to the water tube, then run it down the back of the refrigerator and
attach it to the solenoid valve with a compression fitting. This job is easier to do before you attach the solenoid
assembly to the refrigerator cabinet.

6 The icemaker wiring harness comes with two snap connectors. One goes to the preinstalled wires on the
refrigerator and the other is attached to the solenoid. Just push this second connector onto the brass tabs, usually
at the top of the solenoid.

7 Attach the solenoid to a mounting bracket that should be installed on the cabinet wall at the bottom of the
refrigerator. Mounting holes may be predrilled in the cabinet for this purpose. But if not, drill holes to match
the bracket and the size of the screws. Then attach the bracket and make sure to attach the solenoid ground wire
to one of these screws.

8 Install the water‑inlet copper tube once the solenoid is mounted. Attach it by tightening the nut on one end with
channel‑type pliers. The other end of the tube is held to the refrigerator cabinet with a simple clamp. Make sure the
end of this tubing is pointing straight up.


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9 10

11 12

9 The end of the water‑inlet tube is joined to the water supply tubing (from the house plumbing system) with a brass
compression coupling. Tighten the compression nuts with an open‑end or adjustable wrench.

10 From inside the freezer compartment, make sure the water tube and the wiring harness (from the back of the
refrigerator) are free. If they are caught on the cabinet, loosen them until they are easily accessible.

11 Connect the wire harness to the plug on the icemaker unit. Also connect the water supply tube to the back of the
icemaker with a spring clip or hose clamp.

12 Install the icemaker. Remove any small rubber caps that may be installed in the mounting screw holes with a narrow
putty knife. Lift the unit and screw it to the freezer wall. The mounting bracket holes are usually slotted to permit
leveling the unit. Plug in the refrigerator and test the icemaker.


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Tub & Shower Faucets
Tools & Materials
Nut drivers
Needle‑nose pliers
Duct or masking tape
Channel‑type pliers
Electric drill and assorted bits
Icemaker kit (or icemaker tubing
with ferrules and nuts)
Open‑end or adjustable wrench
T‑fitting (for supply tube)
Putty knife
Long 1⁄2"‑inch drill bit
Electrician’s tape

Tub/shower plumbing is notorious for developing drips from the tub

spout and the showerhead. In most cases, the leak can be traced to the valves
controlled by the faucet handles.

TUB AnD SHoWer FAUce TS have the same basic shower is on, the diverter valve probably needs to be
designs as sink faucets, and the techniques for cleaned and repaired.
repairing leaks are the same as described in the Two-handle and single-handle types use a gate
faucet repair section of this book (pages xx to xx). To diverter that is operated by a pull lever or knob on
identify your faucet design, you may have to take off the tub spout. Although gate diverters rarely need
the handle and disassemble the faucet. repair, the lever occasionally may break, come loose,
When a tub and shower are combined, the or refuse to stay in the up position. To repair a gate
showerhead and the tub spout share the same diverter set in a tub spout, replace the entire spout.
hot and cold water supply lines and handles. Tub and shower faucets and diverter valves may
Combination faucets are available as three-handle, be set inside wall cavities. Removing them may
two-handle, or single-handle types. The number of require a deep-set ratchet wrench.
handles gives clues as to the design of the faucets and If spray from the showerhead is uneven, clean the
the kinds of repairs that may be necessary. spray holes. If the showerhead does not stay in an
With combination faucets, a diverter valve or upright position, remove the head and replace the
gate diverter is used to direct water flow to the tub O-ring.
spout or the showerhead. On three-handle faucet To add a shower to an existing tub, install a
types, the middle handle controls a diverter valve. If flexible shower adapter. Several manufacturers make
water does not shift easily from tub to showerhead, complete conversion kits that allow a shower to be
or if water continues to run out the spout when the installed in less than one hour.


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Tub & Shower combination Faucets

Showerhead Showerhead Showerhead


cold water
cold water supply line
cold water supply line
supply line

Hot water Tub spout Hot water Tub spout Hot water
supply line supply line supply line Tub spout

Three-handle faucet has valves Two-handle faucet has valves Single-handle faucet has valves
that are either compression or that are either compression or that are cartridge, ball‑type, or disc
cartridge design. cartridge design. design.


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repair Three-handle Tub & Shower Faucets
A three-handle faucet type has two handles to
control hot and cold water, and a third handle
Tools & Materials
to control the diverter valve and direct water to
Screwdriver Replacement diverter
either a tub spout or a shower head. The separate hot Adjustable wrench or cartridge or
and cold handles indicate cartridge or compression channel‑type pliers universal washer kit
faucet designs. Deep‑set ratchet wrench Faucet grease
If a diverter valve sticks, if water flow is weak, or Small wire brush Vinegar
if water runs out of the tub spout when the flow is
directed to the showerhead, the diverter needs to be
repaired or replaced. Most diverter valves are similar
to either compression or cartridge faucet valves.
Compression-type diverters can be repaired, but
cartridge types should be replaced.

Water line to
shower head

Diverter valve

valve handle

Hot water
supply line

cold water
supply line

A three-handle tub/shower faucet has individual controls for hot and cold water plus a third handle that operates
the diverter valve.


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rePAIrInG A coMPreSSIon DIverTer vALve

1 escutcheon 2 3

Bonnet nut

Diverter handle

retaining nut
4 5 6


Stem washer

Stem screw

1 Remember to turn off the water before beginning work. Remove the diverter valve handle with a screwdriver.
Unscrew or pry off the escutcheon.

2 Remove bonnet nut with an adjustable wrench or channel‑type pliers.

3 Unscrew the stem assembly, using a deep‑set ratchet wrench. If necessary, chip away any mortar surrounding the
bonnet nut.

4 Remove the brass stem screw. Replace the stem washer with an exact duplicate. If the stem screw is worn, replace it.

5 Unscrew the threaded spindle from the retaining nut.

6 Clean sediment and lime buildup from the nut using a small wire brush dipped in vinegar. Coat all parts with
faucet grease and reassemble the diverter valve.


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repair Two-handle Tub & Shower Faucets
Two-handle tub and shower faucets are either
cartridge or compression design. Because the valves
Tools & Materials Ball‑peen hammer
of two-handle tub and shower faucets may be set Screwdriver Deep‑set ratchet wrench
inside the wall cavity, a deep-set socket wrench may be Allen wrench Masking tape or cloth
required to remove the valve stem. Pipe wrench Pipe joint compound
Two-handle tub and shower designs have a gate Channel‑type pliers Replacement faucet
diverter. A gate diverter is a simple mechanism Small cold chisel parts, as needed
located in the tub spout. A gate diverter closes the
supply of water to the tub spout and redirects the
flow to the shower head. Gate diverters seldom need
repair. Occasionally, the lever may break, come loose,
or refuse to stay in the up position.
If the diverter fails to work properly, replace the tub
spout. Tub spouts are inexpensive and easy to replace.

Water line to
shower head

Bonnet nut

valve stem

Diverter lever

cold water
supply line

Hot water
supply line Gate diverter

A two-handle tub/shower faucet can operate with compression valves, but more often these days they contain
cartridges that can be replaced. Unlike a three‑handled model, the diverter is a simple gate valve that is operated by a lever.


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Tips on replacing a Tub Spout

Spout nipple

Allen wrench

Check underneath tub spout Unscrew faucet spout. Use a Spread pipe joint compound on
for a small access slot. The slot pipe wrench, or insert a large threads of spout nipple before
indicates the spout is held in place screwdriver or hammer handle replacing spout. If you have a
with an Allen screw. Remove the into the spout opening and turn copper pipe or a short pipe, buy
screw using an Allen wrench. spout counterclockwise. a spout retrofit kit, which can
Spout will slide off. attach a spout to most any pipe.

reMovInG A DeeP-Se T FAUce T vALve

escutcheon Masking
1 tape 2 3

Stem nipple

Bonnet nut

1 Remember to turn off the water before beginning any work. Remove the handle and unscrew the escutcheon with
channel‑type pliers. Pad the jaws of the pliers with masking tape to prevent scratching the escutcheon.

2 Chip away any mortar surrounding the bonnet nut using a ball‑peen hammer and a small cold chisel.

3 Unscrew the bonnet nut with a deep‑set ratchet wrench. Remove the bonnet nut and stem from the faucet body.


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repair Single-handle Tub & Shower Faucets
A single-handle tub and shower faucet has one valve
that controls both water flow and temperature.
Tools & Materials Channel‑type pliers
Single-handle faucets may be ball-type, cartridge, or Screwdriver Replacement faucet
disc designs. Adjustable wrench parts, as needed
If a single-handle control valve leaks or does not
function properly, disassemble the faucet, clean the
valve, and replace any worn parts. Use the repair
techniques described on page 80 for ball-type, or page the up position. Remember to turn off the water before
81 for ceramic disc. Repairing a single-handle cartridge beginning any work; the shower faucet shown here has
faucet is shown on the opposite page. built-in shutoff valves, but many other valves do not.
Direction of the water flow to either the tub spout Open an access panel in an adjoining room or closet,
or the showerhead is controlled by a gate diverter. behind the valve, and look for two shutoffs. If you can’t
Gate diverters seldom need repair. Occasionally, the find them there, you may have to shut off intermediate
lever may break, come loose, or refuse to stay in valves or the main shutoff valve.

Water line to
shower head
Built-in shutoff valves

control valve

cold water
supply line

Gate diverter
Hot water
supply line

A single-handle tub/shower faucet is the simplest type to operate and to maintain. The handle controls the mixing
ratio of both hot and cold water, and the diverter is a simple gate valve.


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escutcheon Built-in shutoff valve Bonnet nut

1 2 3


4 5

o-ring cartridge

1 Use a screwdriver to remove the handle and escutcheon.

2 Turn off water supply at the built‑in shutoff valves or the main shutoff valve.

3 Unscrew and remove the retaining ring or bonnet nut using adjustable wrench.

4 Remove the cartridge assembly by grasping the end of the valve with channel‑type pliers and pulling gently.

5 Flush the valve body with clean water to remove sediment. Replace any worn O‑rings. Reinstall the cartridge and
test the valve. If the faucet fails to work properly, replace the cartridge.


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Single-Handle Tub & Shower Faucet with
Scald control
In many plumbing systems, if someone flushes a
nearby toilet or turns on the cold water of a nearby
faucet while someone else is taking a shower, the
shower water temperature can suddenly rise precipi-
tously. This is not only uncomfortable; it can actually
scald you. For that reason, many one-handle shower
valves have a device, called a “balancing valve” or an
“anti-scald valve,” that keeps the water from getting
too hot.

The temperature of your shower may drastically rise to

dangerous scalding levels if a nearby toilet is flushed.
A shower fixture equipped with an anti‑scald valve
prevents this sometimes dangerous situation.


1 2

1 To reduce or raise the maximum temperature, remove the handle and escutcheon. Some models have an
adjustment screw, others have a handle that can be turned by hand.

2 To remove a balancing valve, you may need to buy a removal tool made for your faucet. Before replacing, slowly turn
on water to flush out any debris; use a towel or bucket to keep water from entering inside the wall.


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Fix & replace Showerheads
Shower arm
If spray from the showerhead is uneven, clean the
spray holes. The outlet or inlet holes of the shower-
head may get clogged with mineral deposits.
Showerheads pivot into different positions. If
Spray adjustment
a showerhead does not stay in position, or if it leaks, cam lever
collar nut
replace the O-ring that seals against the swivel ball.
A tub can be equipped with a shower by install-
Swivel ball nut
ing a flexible shower adapter kit. Complete kits are
Swivel ball
available at hardware stores and home centers.

Tools & Materials Masking tape

Adjustable wrench or Thin wire (paper clip)
channel‑type pliers Faucet grease Spray outlets
Pipe wrench Rag
Drill Replacement O‑rings
Glass and tile bit Masonry anchors A typical showerhead can be disassembled easily for
Mallet Flexible shower adapter cleaning and repair. Some showerheads include a spray
Screwdriver kit (optional) adjustment cam lever that is used to change the force of
the spray.

cLe AnInG & rePAIrInG A SHoWerHe AD

1 2 3
Inlet holes o-ring
Swivel ball nut

collar nut

1 Unscrew the swivel ball nut, using an adjustable wrench or channel‑type pliers. Wrap jaws of the tool with masking
tape to prevent marring the finish. Unscrew the collar nut from the showerhead.

2 Clean outlet and inlet holes of showerhead with a thin wire. Flush the head with clean water.

3 Replace the O‑ring, if necessary. Lubricate the O‑ring with faucet grease before installing.


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Tub & Shower Drains
Tools & Materials
Phillips screwdriver
Scrub brush
White vinegar
Needlenose pliers
Dishwashing brush
Faucet grease

As with bathroom sinks, tub and shower drain pipes

may become clogged with soap and hair. The drain
stopping mechanisms can also require cleaning and

TUB or SHoWer noT Dr AInInG? First, make sure

it’s only the tub or shower. If your sink is plugged, too, Maintenance Tip
it may be a coincidence or it may be that a common Like bathroom sinks, tubs and showers face an
branch line is plugged. A sure sign of this is when water ongoing onslaught from soap and hair. When
drains from the sink into the tub. This could require paired, this pesky combination is a sure‑fire source
of clogs. The soap scum coagulates as it is washed
the help of a drain cleaning service, or a drum trap that
down the drain and binds the hair together in a
services both the sink and tub needs cleaning.
mass that grows larger with every shower or bath.
If the toilet also can’t flush (or worse, water
To nip these clogs in the bud, simply pour boiling
comes into the tub when you flush the toilet), then
hot clean water down the drain from time to time
the common drain to all your bathroom fixtures is to melt the soapy mass and wash the binder away.
plugged. Call a drain cleaning service. If you suspect
the problem is only with your tub or shower, then
read on. We’ll show you how to clear drainlines
and clean and adjust two types of tub stopper
mechanisms. Adjusting the mechanism can also help
with the opposite problem: a tub that drains when
you’re trying to take a bath.


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On shower drains, feed the head

of a hand‑crank or drill‑powered
auger in through the drain opening
after removing the strainer. Crank
the handle of the auger to extend the
Sloped floor cable and the auger head down into
the trap and, if the clog is farther
downline, toward the branch drain.
When clearing any drain, it is always
Floor Drain opening better to retrieve the clog than to
push it farther downline.

Trap arm

Trap Branch drain line

On combination tub/showers,
it’s generally easiest to insert the
overflow drain opening auger through the overflow opening
after removing the coverplate and
lifting out the drain linkage. Crank
the handle of the auger to extend the
cable and the auger head down into
the trap and, if the clog is farther
downline, toward the branch drain.
When clearing any drain, it is always
better to retrieve the clog than to
push it farther downline.

Drain line


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Trip lever

overflow drain



Drain opening

Tub shoe

2 3

1 A plunger‑type tub drain has a simple grate over the drain opening and a behind‑the‑scenes plunger stopper.
Remove the screws on the overflow coverplate with a slotted or Phillips screwdriver. Pull the coverplate, linkage,
and plunger from the overflow opening.

2 Clean hair and soap off the plunger with a scrub brush. Mineral buildup is best tackled with white vinegar and a
toothbrush or a small wire brush.

3 Adjust the plunger. If your tub isn’t holding water with the plunger down, it’s possible the plunger is hanging too
high to fully block water from the tub shoe. Loosen the locknut with needlenose pliers, then screw the rod down
about 1⁄8". Tighten the locknut down. If your tub drains poorly, the plunger may be set too low. Loosen the locknut
and screw the rod in 1⁄8" before retightening the locknut.


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Trip lever

overflow drain


rocker arm

Drain opening

Drain Stopper

2 3


1 Raise the trip lever to the open position. Pull the stopper and rocker arm assembly from the drain. Clean off soap
and hair with a dishwashing brush in a basin of hot water. Clean off mineral deposits with a toothbrush or small
wire brush and white vinegar.

2 Remove the screws from the cover plate. Pull the trip lever and the linkage from the overflow opening. Clean off
soap and hair with a brush in a basin of hot water. Remove mineral buildup with white vinegar and a wire brush.
Lubricate moving parts of the linkage and rocker arm mechanism with faucet grease.

3 Adjust the pop‑up stopper mechanism by first loosening the locknut on the lift rod. If the stopper doesn’t close
all the way, shorten the linkage by screwing the rod 1⁄8" farther into the linkage‑adjusting bracket. If the stopper
doesn’t open wide enough, extend the linkage by unscrewing the rod 1⁄8". Tighten the locknut before replacing the
mechanism and testing your adjustment.


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Access panel — Opening in a wall Elbow — Angled fitting that changes Sanitary fitting — Fitting that joins
or ceiling that provides access to the the direction of a pipe DWV pipes; allows solid material to
plumbing system pass through without clogging
Fixture — Device that uses water,
Air admittance valve — A valve that such as a sink, tub, shower, sillcock, Shutoff valve — Valve that controls
allows air into a drain line in order to or toilet the water supply for one fixture
facilitate proper draining. Often used or appliance
Flapper (tank ball) — Rubber seal
where traditional vent pipe would be
that controls the flow of water from a Sillcock — Compression faucet used
difficult to install.
toilet tank to a toilet bowl on the outside of a house
Appliance — Powered device that
Flux (soldering paste) — Paste Soil stack — Main vertical drain line,
uses water, such as a water heater,
applied to metal joints before solder- which carries waste from all branch
dishwasher, washing machine,
ing to increase joint strength drains to a sewer line
whirlpool, or water softener
Hand auger (snake) — Hand tool Solder — Metal alloy used for
Auger — Flexible tool used for
with flexible shaft, used for clearing permanently joining metal (usually
clearing obstructions in drain lines
clogs in drain lines copper) pipes
Ballcock — Valve that controls the
Hose bib — Any faucet spout that is T-fitting — Fitting shaped like the
water supply entering a toilet tank
threaded to accept a hose letter T used for creating or joining
Blow bag — Expanding rubber branch lines
I.D. — Inside diameter; plumbing
device that attaches to a garden hose;
pipes are classified by I.D. Trap — Curved section of drain,
used for clearing floor drains
Loop vent — A special type of vent filled with standing water, that
Branch drain line — Pipe that prevents sewer gases from entering
configuration used in kitchen sink
connects additional lines to a a house
island installations
drain system
Main shutoff valve — Valve Union — Fitting that joins two
Branch line — Pipe that sections of pipe but can be discon-
that controls water supply to an
connects additional lines to a nected without cutting
entire house; usually next to the
water supply system
water meter Vacuum breaker — Attachment for
Cleanout — Cover in a waste pipe or outdoor and below-ground fixtures
Motorized auger — Power tool with
trap that provides access for cleaning that prevents waste water from
flexible shaft, used for clearing tree
Closet auger — Flexible rod used to roots from sewer lines entering supply lines if water supply
clear obstructions in toilets pressure drops
Nipple — Pipe with threaded ends
Closet bend — Curved fitting that Wet vent — Pipe that serves as a
O.D. — Outside diameter drain for one fixture and as a vent
fits between a closet flange and a
toilet drain Plumber’s putty — A soft material for another
used for sealing joints between Y-fitting — Fitting shaped like the
Closet flange — Ring at the opening
fixtures and supply or drain parts letter Y used for creating or joining
of a toilet drain, used as the base for
a toilet Reducer — A fitting that connects branch lines
pipes of different sizes
Coupling — Fitting that connects
two pieces of pipe Riser — Assembly of water supply
fittings and pipes that distributes
DWV — Drain, waste, and vent; the
water upward
system for removing water from
a house Run — Assembly of pipes that
extends from water supply to fixture,
DWV stack — Pipe that connects
or from drain to stack
house drain system to a sewer line at
the bottom and vents air to outside of Saddle valve — Fitting clamped to
house at the top copper supply pipe, with hollow spike
that punctures the pipe to divert
water to another device, usually a
dishwasher or refrigerator icemaker


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Metric conversions

Metric equivalent
Inches (in.) ⁄64
1 1
⁄25 1
⁄16 ⁄8
¼ ⁄8
3 2
⁄5 ½ ⁄8
¾ ⁄8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 36 39.4

Feet (ft.) 1 3 31⁄12

Yards (yd.) 1 11⁄12

Millimeters (mm) 0.40 0.79 1 1.59 3.18 6.35 9.53 10 12.7 15.9 19.1 22.2 25.4 50.8 76.2 101.6 127 152 178 203 229 254 279 305 914 1,000

Centimeters (cm) 0.95 1 1.27 1.59 1.91 2.22 2.54 5.08 7.62 10.16 12.7 15.2 17.8 20.3 22.9 25.4 27.9 30.5 91.4 100

Meters (m) .30 .91 1.00

conver ting Measurements

To conver t: To: Multiply by: To conver t: To: Multiply by:
Inches Millimeters 25.4 Millimeters Inches 0.039
Inches Centimeters 2.54 Centimeters Inches 0.394
Feet Meters 0.305 Meters Feet 3.28
Yards Meters 0.914 Meters Yards 1.09
Miles Kilometers 1.609 Kilometers Miles 0.621
Square inches Square centimeters 6.45 Square centimeters Square inches 0.155
Square feet Square meters 0.093 Square meters Square feet 10.8
Square yards Square meters 0.836 Square meters Square yards 1.2
Cubic inches Cubic centimeters 16.4 Cubic centimeters Cubic inches 0.061
Cubic feet Cubic meters 0.0283 Cubic meters Cubic feet 35.3
Cubic yards Cubic meters 0.765 Cubic meters Cubic yards 1.31
Pints (U.S.) Liters 0.473 (lmp. 0.568) Liters Pints (U.S.) 2.114 (lmp. 1.76)
Quarts (U.S.) Liters 0.946 (lmp. 1.136) Liters Quarts (U.S.) 1.057 (lmp. 0.88)
Gallons (U.S.) Liters 3.785 (lmp. 4.546) Liters Gallons (U.S.) 0.264 (lmp. 0.22)
Ounces Grams 28.4 Grams Ounces 0.035
Pounds Kilograms 0.454 Kilograms Pounds 2.2
Tons Metric tons 0.907 Metric tons Tons 1.1

conver ting Temperatures Fahrenheit celsius

Convert degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Celsius (C) by following
this simple formula: Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature
reading. Then mulitply that number by 5⁄9. For example, 77°F ‑ 32 = 45. 55° 25°
45 × 5⁄9 = 25°C. 50° 20°
To convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, multiply the Celsius 45° 15°
temperature reading by 9⁄5, then add 32. For example, 25°C × 9⁄5 = 45. 40° 10°
45 + 32 = 77°F. 35° 5°
30° 0°
25° Freezing −5°
20° −10°
15° −15°
10° −20°
5° −25°
0° −30°


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Bathroom faucets Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipe unclogging traps, 92

components, 81 buying, 33 unclogging with hand auger, 93
installing choosing PEX systems, 34 See also Food disposers
pop-up drains, 86–87 connecting, 30, 35 Kitchen faucets
single-body faucets, 85 installing, 32 identifying type of, 74
widespread faucets, 82-84 plumbing codes and, 33 installing pullout faucets, 72–73
Bathrooms plumbing PEX systems, 36–37 removing, 71
clogs in common drain, 120 tools for, 31 repairing
See also Bathroom faucets; ball faucets, 78
Bathtubs; Tub and Dishwashers, replacing, 94–97 compression faucets, 75
shower faucets
Diverter valves, repairing, 113 disc faucets, 79
Drain-waste-vent systems one-handle cartridge
adjusting shower temperature, 118 faucets, 77
components of, 8–9
drains tips for, 74
fittings for, 42, 44
repairing plunger-type, 122 washerless two-handle
repairing pop-up, 123 faucets, 76
Fittings. See Pipe fittings
removing deep-set faucet Kitchens. See Dishwashers;
valves, 115 Food disposers Food disposers; Icemakers;
choosing, 98 Kitchen drains; kitchen faucets;
replacing tub spouts, 115
Kitchen sinks
showerheads components, 99
Kitchen sinks
repairing/replacing, 119 installing, 100–3
clearing with a hand auger, 93
hand augers, 121 Galvanized steel pipe
choosing, 89
See also Tub and shower faucets about, 38
connecting, 89, 90–97
Black iron pipe, 38 measuring, 38
floor drains, 91
Brass valves, soldering, 22 removing and replacing, 39–41
unclogging, 92
Garbage disposals. See Food disposers
plunging, 93
Compression fittings
connecting shutoff valves with, 50 Hose bibs, repairing leaky, 48
unclogging, 92
joining copper pipes with, 51
See also Food disposers;
Copper pipes Icemakers Kitchen faucets
bending, 17 about aftermarket, 104–5 Kitchen traps. See Kitchen drains
cutting, 18–19 connecting, 106–7
finding length needed, 17 installing new, 107–9 Main shutoff valves, 6–7
joining with compression Kitchen drains
fittings, 51 choosing, 89 PE (polyethylene) pipe
pipe and fitting chart, 16 connecting, 89, 90 connecting, 28–29
rigid vs. flexible, 16 connecting floor drains, 91 cutting, 29
soldering, 16, 18, 20-22 unclogging, 92
tools for, 17


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Pipe fittings replacing tub spouts, 115 seats
compression fittings showerheads replacing, 61
connecting shutoff valves repairing/replacing, 119 shutoff valves
with, 50
unclogging replacing, 61
joining copper pipes with, 51
hand augers, 121 unclogging
for drain-waste-vent systems, See also Tub and shower faucets closet augers, 69
42, 44
Shutoff valves plunging, 68
transition fittings
installing, 47 unclogging rim holes, 61
connecting, 45
main, 6–7 Tools, for plumbing projects, 10–13,
for water supply systems, 43
for toilets, 61 17, 31
types of, 46, 49 Transitions fittings, connecting, 45
types of, 14–15
Sinks. See Bathroom faucets; Tub and shower faucets
See also Copper pipes; Galvanized Kitchen faucets repairing
steel pipe; Plastic pipe
Soldering compression diverter valves, 113
Pipe support, for water supply
systems, 43 brass valves, 22 overview, 110
Plastic pipe copper pipe, 16, 18, 20–21 single-handle, 116–18
Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX)pipe Steel pipe. See Galvanized steel pipe three-handle, 112
buying, 33 Supply tubes two-handle, 114
choosing PEX systems, 34 installing, 47 types of, 110–11
connecting, 30, 35 types of, 46
installing, 32 Support materials, for water Valves
supply systems, 43
plumbing codes and, 33 repairing
plumbing PEX systems, 36–37 ball valves, 49
tools for, 31 gate valves, 49
common problems, 58–59
PE (polyethylene) pipe globe valves, 49
components of, 58
connecting, 28 hose bibs, 49
diagnosing running, 61
cutting, 29 shutoff valves, 49
diagnosing short flushing, 63
rigid soldering
fill valves
cutting, 24–25 brass valves, 22
replacing, 64–65
solvent-gluing, 24, 26–27 types of, 48–49
flappers, 61
Polyethylene (PEX) pipe. See Cross- for water supply systems, 43
linked polyethylene (PEX) pipe flush valves
Push fittings, connecting, 23 replacing, 66–67
Water supply systems, 7
handles and lift chains
pipe fittings for, 43
Shower faucets. See Tub and adjusting, 60
support materials for, 43
shower faucets high efficiency and gravity-
valves for, 43
Showers assisted, 54
Wax rings, removing, 55, 56
adjusting shower temperature, 118 installing, 56–57
drains loose seats, 61
repairing plunger-type, 122 removing, 55
repairing pop-up, 123 resetting tank level, 62
removing deep-set faucet valves, 115


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First published in 2013 by Cool Springs Press, an imprint of the Quayside Publishing Group,
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Digital edition: 978-1-61058-852-2

Softcover edition: 978-1-59186-583-4

                Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Homeskills. Plumbing : install & repair your own toilets, faucets, sinks, tubs, showers, drains.
       pages cm
  ISBN 978-1-59186-583-4 (softcover)
 1.  Plumbing--Amateurs’ manuals.  I. Cool Springs Press. II. Title: Plumbing. III. Title: Home skills.

  TH6124.H613185 2013


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noTIce To re ADerS
For safety, use caution, care, and good judgment when following the procedures described in this book. The
publisher cannot assume responsibility for any damage to property or injury to persons as a result of misuse of
the information provided.

The techniques shown in this book are general techniques for various applications. In some instances,
additional techniques not shown in this book may be required. Always follow manufacturers’ instructions
included with products, since deviating from the directions may void warranties. The projects in this book
vary widely as to skill levels required: some may not be appropriate for all do-it-yourselfers, and some may
require professional help.

Consult your local building department for information on building permits, codes, and other laws as they
apply to your project.


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