Maths Quest General Mathematics NSW HSC Course Work Program
Maths Quest General Mathematics NSW HSC Course Work Program
Maths Quest General Mathematics NSW HSC Course Work Program
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Future and present Value tables 10 Quick Questions 2 SkillSHEET 8.4: Reading Computer Application 2: using tables to solve problems
value tables creating and using (page 254) financial tables (page 253) Future value of $1 involving annuities
(page 250) spreadsheets to (page 250)
Computer generate a future Computer Application 3:
application 2: Future value table and a Present value table
value of $1 present value table (page 251)
(page 250) using tables to
WE 9, 10 calculate future and
Computer present values
application 3:
Present value table
(page 251)
Ex 8C Future and
present value tables
(page 253)
Loan repayments Loan repayments Investigation: Types of WorkSHEET 8.2 (page 259) Word: Annuities, loans, using the present value formula for
(page 255) calculating the time loan arrangements graphs (page 259) annuities to calculate loan
WE 11, 12, 13 to repay a loan by (page 259) Computer Application 4: instalments, and hence the total
Ex 8D Loan guess and Graphs of annuities and amount paid over the loan term
repayments refinement loans (page 259) investigating various
(page 257) calculating the total processes for repayment of
Computer amount to be repaid loans
application 4: and the total interest calculating the fees and
Graphs of annuities charges which apply to
and loans (page 259) different options for
borrowing money in order to
make a purchase
Summary (page 260) ‘Test yourself’ multiple choice
Chapter review questions (page 264)
(page 261) Topic tests (2)
Practice examination
questions (page 263)