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Module 5: Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables

A. Learning Outcomes

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables.

Performance Standard:
The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables
and solve these with utmost accuracy using a variety of strategies.


Grade 8 Mathematics 1. Describe systems of linear equations and inequalities using practical situations and
QUARTER: mathematical expressions.
First Quarter 2. Identify which systems of linear equations have graphs that are parallel, intersect and
STRAND: coincide.
Algebra 3. Graph systems of linear equations in two variables.
TOPIC: 4. Solve systems of linear equations by (a) graphing; (b) elimination; (c) substitution.
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities 5. Graph system of linear inequalities in two variables.
in Two Variables 6. Solve a system of linear inequalities in two variables by graphing.
LESSONS: 7. Solve problems involving systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables.
1. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
and Their Graphs
2. Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Two ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDING: ESSENTIAL QUESTION:
Variables Students will understand that systems of linear How do systems of linear equations and
3. Graphical Solutions of Systems of Linear equations and inequalities in two variables are inequalities in two variables facilitate finding
Inequalities in Two Variables useful tools in solving real-life problems and in solutions to real-life problems and making
making decisions decisions?
Students will be able to apply the key concepts of systems of linear equations and inequalities
in two variables in formulating and solving real-life problems and in making decisions.

B. Planning for Assessment


The following are products and performances that students are expected to come up with in this module.
a. Systems of linear equations drawn from real-life situation and the graph of each system
b. Role-playing of real-life situations where systems of linear equations in two variables are applied
c. Real-life problems involving systems of linear equations in two variables formulated and solved
d. Design or sketch plan of an expanded school vegetable garden that demonstrates students’ understanding of systems
of linear equations and inequalities in two variables.

Assessment Map


Pre-Assessment/ Pre-Test: Part I Pre-Test: Part I Pre-Test: Part I Pre-Test: Part I
Diagnostic Identifying systems of linear Graphing systems of linear Solving problems involving Products and performances
equations and inequalities equations and inequalities systems of linear equations related to or involving
in two variables and their in two variables and inequalities in two systems of linear equations
graphs variables and inequalities in two
Solving systems of linear variables
equations and inequalities
in two variables

Pre-Test: Part II Pre-Test: Part II Pre-Test: Part II

Identifying mathematics Illustrating mathematics Expressing understanding
concepts previously learned concepts previously learned of mathematics concepts
through the illustrations previously learned

Pre-Test: Part III
Situational Analysis
Identifying the information Calculating unknown values Explaining how a Citing situations involving
given in a problem mathematical statement linear equations in two
Representing situations is derived from a given variables
using mathematical situation
expressions and statements Formulating and solving
problems involving linear
equations in two variables
Formative Quiz: Lesson 1 Quiz: Lesson 1 Quiz: Lesson 1
Identifying systems of linear Graphing systems of linear Representing situations
equations in two variables equations in two variables using systems of linear
equations in two variables
Describing the solution
sets of a systems of linear Explaining how to graph
equations in two variables systems of linear equations
using graphs in two variables
Quiz: Lesson 2 Quiz: Lesson 2 Quiz: Lesson 2

Giving examples of systems Finding the solutions of Explaining how to obtain

of linear equations in two systems of linear equations the solutions of systems
variables in two variables graphically of linear equations in two
and algebraically variables
Identifying the information
given in a problem involving Using the different methods Explaining why some
systems of linear equations of solving systems of linear systems of linear equations
in two variables equations in two variables in in two variables have one
finding solutions to real-life solution, no solution, or
problems infinite number of solutions

Explaining how to check or

verify results obtained

Describing the advantages

and disadvantages of using

the different methods of
solving systems of linear
equations in two variables

Solving problems involving

systems of linear equations
in two variables

Choosing and justifying the

best option based on the
solved problems involving
systems of linear equations
in two variables

Quiz: Lesson 3 Quiz: Lesson 3 Quiz: Lesson 3

Giving examples of systems Determining whether an Explaining why some

of linear inequalities in two ordered pair is a solution systems of linear inequalities
variables of a given system of linear in two variables have no
inequalities in two variables solution or infinite number of
Identifying the information solutions
given in a problem involving Solving systems of linear
systems of linear inequalities inequalities in two variables Explaining how the graphical
in two variables graphically solution of a system of linear
inequalities in two variables
is determined

Describing the solution

set of a system of linear
inequalities in two variables

Describing the advantages

and disadvantages of
finding the solution set of a
system of linear inequalities
in two variables graphically

Solving problems involving
systems of linear inequalities
in two variables

Making and justifying

the best decision based
on the solved problems
involving systems of linear
inequalities in two variables
Summative Post-Test: Part I Post-Test: Part I Post-Test: Part I Post-Test: Part I
Identifying systems of linear • Graphing systems of Solving problems involving Products and performances
equations and inequalities linear equations and systems of linear equations related to or involving
in two variables and their inequalities in two and inequalities in two systems of linear equations
graphs variables variables and inequalities in two
• Solving systems of variables
linear equations and
inequalities in two
Part II Part II Part II
Identifying systems of linear Solving systems of linear Describing the solution
equations and inequalities in equations and inequalities set of systems of linear
two variables in two variables graphically equations and inequalities
and algebraically in two variables

Part III Part IV:

Solving problems involving GRASPS Assessment
systems of linear equations
and inequalities
Self-Assessment Journal Writing:
Expressing understanding of systems of linear equations in two variables

Expressing understanding of finding solutions of systems of linear equations in two variables graphically and algebraically

Expressing understanding of systems of linear inequalities in two variables

Assessment Matrix (Summative Test)
Levels of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How Will I Score?
The learner demonstrates understanding of key Paper and Pencil Test
concepts of systems of linear equations and
inequalities in two variables. Part I items 1, 2, and 8
Knowledge 15% 1 point for every correct response
Part II item 1
Describes systems of linear equations and
inequalities using practical situations and Part IV item 1
mathematical expressions. 1 point for every correct response
Identifies which given systems of linear equations Rubric on Problem Solving
have graphs that are parallel, intersect and coincide. Rubric for drawing
Part I items 3, 5, 10, 11, and 12
Criteria: Neat and Clear
Process/Skills 25% Graphs systems of linear equations in two variables. Accurate
Part II item 3
Solves systems of linear equations by Appropriate
(a) graphing; Relevant
(b) elimination; and
(c) substitution.
1 point for every correct response
Graph system of linear inequalities in two variables.
Rubric for explanation
Solve a system of linear inequalities in two variables Criteria: Clear
by graphing. Coherent
Part I items 4, 7, 9, 13, 15, and 17
Solve problems involving systems of linear Part II items 2 and 4
equations and inequalities in two variables. Rubric for drawing
Understanding 30%
Criteria: Neat and Clear
Part III Items 1 and 2
Accurate Appropriate
Justified Relevant
Part IV items 2, 3, and 5
Rubric on Problem Solving

Rubric for explanation

Criteria: Clear Justified

The learner is able to formulate real-life problems Part I Items 6, 14, 16, 18, 19, and 20
involving systems of linear equations and
inequalities in two variables and solve these with Part IV item 4
1 point for every correct response
utmost accuracy using a variety of strategies.
Rubric on Problem Posing/
Formulation and Problem Solving
Criteria: Relevant Authentic
Creative Clear
Product/ GRASPS Assessment
Performance 30% Make a design or a sketch plan of a
Rubric on Design/Sketch Plan
vegetable school garden with an area
of at least one hectare. Apply your
1. Content
understanding of the key concepts
2. Clarity of Presentation
of systems of linear equations and
3. Accuracy of Measurements
inequalities in two variables. Then,
4. Diversity of Plants
use the design or sketch plan of the
garden in formulating and solving
problems involving systems of linear
equations and inequalities in two

C. Planning for Teaching-Learning


This module covers key concepts of systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables. It is divided into
three lessons namely: Systems of Linear Equations and their Graphs, Solving Systems of Linear Equations, and Graphical
Solutions of Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. In Lesson 1, students will describe systems of linear equations
and their graphs and solution sets. The students will also draw the graphs of systems of linear equations using any graphing
materials, tools, or computer software such as GeoGebra. In Lesson 2, the students will find the solution set of systems of
linear equations graphically and algebraically. The two algebraic methods of solving systems of linear equations that students
will use are substitution method and elimination method. In Lesson 3, the students will determine the graphical solutions of
systems of linear inequalities in two variables. Again, students will use any graphing materials, tools, or computer software.
It would be more convenient for students to find the solution sets of system of linear inequalities if the use of GeoGebra is

In all lessons, students are given the opportunity to use their prior knowledge and skills in learning systems of linear
equations and inequalities. They are also given varied activities to process the knowledge and skills learned and deepen and
transfer their understanding of the different lessons.

As an introduction to the main lesson, ask them the following questions:

Have you ever asked yourself how businessmen make profits? How can farmers increase their yield or harvest? How
parents budget their income on food, education, clothing and other needs? How cellular phone users choose the best pay-
ment plan? How students spend their daily allowances or travel from home to school?

Entice the students to find out the answers to these questions and to determine the vast applications of systems of linear
equations and inequalities in two variables through this module.


After the learners have gone through the lessons contained in this module, they are expected to:
a. describe systems of linear equations using practical situations and mathematical expressions;
b. identify which given systems of linear equations have graphs that are parallel, intersect, and coincide;
c. draw the graph of systems of linear equations in two variables;
d. find the solution set of systems of linear equations by (a) graphing; (b) elimination; (c) substitution;
e. draw the graph of system of linear inequalities in two variables;
f. determine the graphical solutions of a system of linear inequalities in two variables; and
formulate and solve problems involving systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables.

Check students’ prior knowledge, skills, and understanding of mathematics
concepts related to Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities in Part I: Find out how much you already know about this module. Choose the letter
Two Variables. Assessing these will facilitate teaching and students’ that you think best answers the question. Please answer all items. Take
note of the items that you were not able to answer correctly and look for
understanding of the lessons in this module.
the right answer as you go through this module.

Answer Key 1. Which of the following is a system of linear equations in two variables?

a. 2x – 7y = 8 c. x + 9y = 2
Part I 2x – 3y > 12
1. B 11. C 3x + 5y = -2
b. d. 4x + 1 = 8
2. B 12. A x – 4y = 9 3y – 7 = 11
3. D 13. C 2. What point is the intersection of the graphs of the lines x + y = 8 and 2x – y = 1?
4. D 14. C
5. B 15. D a. (1, 8) b. (3, 5) c. (5, 3) d. (2, 6)
6. C 16. A
7. B 17. A 3. Which of the following is a graph of a system of linear inequalities in two
8. C 18. A variables?
9. B 19. C
a. c.
10. D 20. A

Part III:
1. Php 20; Php 12
Number of Number of
Admission Fee Admission Fee
Adults Children
2 40 2 24 b. d.
3 60 3 36
4 80 4 48
5 100 5 60
6 120 6 72

Teacher’s Note and Reminders 4. Which of the following shows the graph of the system 2x + y < 2 ?
x – 4y > 9
a. c.

b. d.

5. If 2x + y = 9 and 2x – y = 11 , what is the value of x?

a. 4 b. 5 c. 10 d. 20

6. A car park charges Php 45 for the first three hours and Php 5 for every
succeeding hour or a fraction thereof. Another car park charges Php 20 for
the first three hours and Php 10 for every succeeding hour or a fraction
thereof. In how many hours would a car owner pay the same parking fee in
any of the two car parks?

a. 2 hr b. 3 hr c. 5 hr d. 8 hr

7. How many solutions does a consistent and independent system of linear

equations have?
F rget!
o a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. Infinite

8. Which of the following ordered pairs satisfy both 2x + 7y > 5 and 3x – y ≤ 2?

a. (0, 0) b. (10, -1) c. (-4, 6) d. (-2, -8)

Teacher’s Note and Reminders 9. Mr. Agpalo paid Php 260 for four adult’s tickets and six children’s
tickets. Suppose the total cost of an adult’s ticket and a children’s
ticket is Php 55. How much does an adult’s ticket cost?

a. Php 20 b. Php 35 c. Php 80

d. Php 120

10. Which system of equations has a graph that shows intersecting lines?

a. 2x + 4y = 14 c. 4x + 8y = 7
x + 2y = 7 x + 2y = 3

b. -3x + y = 5 d. 3x + y = 10
6x – 2y = 1 3x – y = 5

11. Mr. Bonifacio asked each of his agriculture students to prepare a

rectangular garden such that its perimeter is at most 19 m and the
difference between its length and its width is at least 5 m. Which of the
following could be the sketch of a garden that a student may prepare?

a. c.

b. d.

12. Luisa says that the system 3x + y = 2 has no solution. Which of the
2y = 15 – 6x
following reasons would support her statement?
I. The graph of the system of equations shows parallel lines.
II. The graph of the system of equations shows intersecting lines.
III. The two lines as described by the equations in the system have the
same slope.
F rget!
o a. I and II b. I and III c. II and III d. I, II, and III

Teacher’s Note and Reminders 13. Jose paid at most Php 250 for the four markers and three pencils that he
bought. Suppose the marker is more expensive than the pencil and their
price’s difference is greater than Php 30. Which of the following could be the
amount paid by Jose for each item?
a. Marker: Php 56 c. Marker: Php 46
Pencil: Php 12 Pencil: Php 7
b. Marker: Php 35 d. Marker: Php 50
Pencil: Php 15 Pencil: Php 19
14. Bea wanted to compare the mobile network plans being offered by two
telecommunication companies. Suppose Bea’s father would like to see the
graph showing the comparison of the two mobile network plans. Which of the
following graphs should Bea present to his father?

a. b. c. d.

15. Edna and Grace had their meal at a pizza house. They ordered the same
kind of pizza and drinks. Edna paid Php 140 for 2 slices of pizza and a drink.
Grace paid for Php 225 for 3 slices of pizza and 2 drinks. How much did they
pay for the total number of slices of pizza?
a. Php 55 c. Php 165
b. Php 110 d. Php 275
16. The Senior Citizens Club of a certain municipality is raising funds by selling
used clothes and shoes. Mrs. Labrador, a member of the club, was assigned
to determine how many used clothes and shoes were sold after knowing the
important information needed. She was asked further to present to the club
how she came up with the result using graph. Which of the following graphs
could Mrs. Labrador present?
a. c.
F rget!

b. d.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders 17. The Math Club rented a sound system for their annual Mathematics
Camp. They also rented a generator in case of power interruption.
After the 3-day camp, the club paid a total amount of Php3,000, three
days for the sound system and two days for the generator. If each
is rented for one day, the club should have paid a total amount of
Php1,100. What was the daily rental cost of the generator?

a. Php 300 c. Php 800

b. Php 600 d. Php 2,400

18. Mrs. Soriano would like to keep track of her family’s expenses to
have an idea of the maximum or minimum amount of money that she
will allot for electric and water consumption, food, clothing, and other
needs. Which of the following should Mrs. Soriano prepare?

a. Budget Plan c. Pricelist of Commodities

b. Compilation of Receipts d. Bar Graph of Family’s Expenses

19. A restaurant owner would like to make a model which he can use as
a guide in writing a system of equations. He will use the system of
equations in determining the number of kilograms of pork and beef
that he needs to purchase daily given a certain amount of money (C),
the cost (A) of a kilo of pork, the cost (B) of a kilo of beef, and the total
weight of meat (D). Which of the following models should he make
and follow?

a. Ax – By = C c. Ax + By = C
x+y=D x+y=D
b. Ax + By = C d. Ax – By = C
x–y=D x–y=D

20. Mrs. Jacinto would like to instill the value of saving and to develop
decision-making among her children. Which of the following
situations should Mrs. Jacinto present to her children?
Forget! a. Buying and selling different items.
b. A person putting coins in his piggy bank.
c. Buying assorted goods in a department store.
d. Making bank deposits in two banks that give different interests.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders
Part II. Illustrate each mathematics concept in the given figure then describe
it by completing the statement at the bottom.

Slope of a y - intercept of
Lines a Line

Coordinates of
Points on a Line Points

Parallel Intersecting Linear

Lines Lines Equations


My idea of (mathematics concept given) is _____________________

Don’t ___________________________________________________________
F rget!
o ___________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Note and Reminders Part III. Use the situation below to answer the questions that follow.

One Sunday, a Butterfly Exhibit was held at the Quezon Memorial Circle
in Quezon City. A number of people, children and adults, went to see the
exhibit. Admission was Php 20 each for adults and Php 12 each for children.


1. How much did an adult pay for the exhibit? How about a child?

2. Complete the table below for the amount that must be paid by a certain
number of adults and children who will watch the exhibit.

Number of
Number of Adults Admission Fee Admission Fee
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6

3. How much would 10 adults pay if they watch the exhibit? How about 10
children? Show your solution.

4. If a certain number of adults watched the exhibit, what expression would

represent the total admission fee?

What mathematical statement would represent the total amount that will
be collected from a number of children? Explain your answer.

5. Suppose six adults and 15 children watch the exhibit. What is the total
amount they will pay for the admission? Show your solution.

6. If a number of adults and another number of children watch the exhibit,

how will you represent the total amount they will pay as admission?
Don’t Explain your answer.
F rget!
7. Suppose the total amount collected was Php 3,000. How many adults
and how many children could have watched the exhibit?

8. The given situation illustrates the use of linear equations in two variables.
In what other real-life situations are linear equations in two variables
applied? Formulate problems out of these situations then solve.

Systems of Linear
Students are expected to demonstrate understanding of key concepts of
systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables, formulate real-
Lesson 1 Equations in Two
life problems involving these concepts, and solve these with utmost accuracy
using a variety of strategies.
Variables and their


What to Know
Start Lesson 1 of this module by assessing your knowledge of the
What to
to Know
Know different mathematics concepts previously studied and your skills in performing
What mathematical operations. These knowledge and skills may help you in
understanding Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables and their Graphs.
Let the students draw and describe the graphs of some linear As you go through this lesson, think of the following important question: “How is
equations in two variables by doing Activity 1. This activity provides the system of linear equations in two variables used in solving real-life problems
the students the opportunity to recall graphing linear equations and to and in making decisions?” To find the answer, perform each activity. If you find
determine the characteristics of lines. any difficulty in answering the exercises, seek the assistance of your teacher or
peers or refer to the modules you have gone over earlier. To check your work,
refer to the answer key provided at the end of this module.
Answer Key
A ctivity 1
Activity 1 DESCRIBE ME!
1. 2.
y y Directions: Show the graph of each of the following linear equations in a Cartesian
coordinate plane. Answer the questions that follow.

1. y = 2x + 3 2. 3x – y = 2

x x

3. 4.
y 3. y = 5x – 1 4. 2x – 3y = 6

a. How did you graph each linear equation in two variables?


b. How do you describe the graphs of linear equations in two
Let the students find the slopes and the y-intercepts of the graphs of some variables?
pairs of linear equations. Then ask them to describe the solution set of each
pair of linear equations using their slopes and y-intercepts. Tell them to
perform Activity 2. In this activity, the students will be able to see how the Were you able to draw and describe the graphs of linear equations in two
slopes and y-intercepts of two lines are related to the solution set of the variables? Suppose you draw the graphs of two linear equations in the same
system of equations describing these lines. coordinate plane. How would the graphs of these equations look like? You’ll find
that out when you do the next activity.

Answer Key
A ctivity 2
Activity 2
1. 2.
y Directions: Show the graph of each pair of linear equations below using the
same Cartesian plane then answer the questions that follow.

1. 3x + y = 5 and 2x + y = 9 2. 3x – y = 4 and y = 3x + 2


3. x + 3y = 6 and 2x + 6y = 12


a. How did you graph each pair of linear equations?


b. How would you describe the graphs of 3x + y = 5 and 2x + y = 9?
Activity 2(Graphs) How about 3x – y = 4 and y = 3x + 2? x + 3y = 6 and 2x + 6y = 12?
c. Which pair of equations has graphs that are intersecting?
a. Methods in graphing linear equations How many points of intersection do the graphs have?
What are the coordinates of their point(s) of intersection?
b. Intersecting lines; parallel lines; coinciding lines d. Which pair of equations has graphs that are not intersecting? Why?
c. 3x + y = 5 and 2x + y = 9; one point of intersection; (-4, 17) How do you describe these equations?
d. 3x – y = 4 and y = 3x + 2 ; Its graph is parallel e. Each pair of linear equations forms a system of equations. The
point of intersection of the graphs of two linear equations is the
x + 3y = 6 and 2x + 6y = 12; Its graph is coinciding
solution of the system. How many solutions does each pair of
e. e.1) one e.2) none e.3) many equations have?
f. f.1) 3x + y = 5 slope = -3 y-intercept = 5 e.1) 3x + y = 5 and 2x + y = 9
2x + y = 9 slope = -2 y-intercept = 9 e.2) 3x – y = 4 and y = 3x + 2
e.3) x + 3y = 6 and 2x + 6y = 12
f.2) 3x – y = 4 slope = 3 y-intercept = -4 f. What is the slope and the y-intercept of each line in the given
y = 3x + 2 slope = 3 y-intercept = 2 pair of equations?
f.3) x + 3y = 6 slope = y-intercept = 2 f.1) 3x + y = 5; slope = y-intercept =
2x + y = 9; slope = y-intercept =
2x + 6y = 12 slope = y-intercept = 2
g. 3x + y = 5 slope = not equal y-intercept = not equal f.2) 3x – y = 4; slope = y-intercept =
2x + y = 9 y = 3x + 2; slope = y-intercept =
3x – y = 4 slope = equal y-intercept = equal
f.3) x + 3y = 6; slope = y-intercept =
y = 3x + 2 2x + 6y = 12; slope = y-intercept =
x + 3y = 6 slope = equal y-intercept = equal g. How would you compare the slopes of the lines defined by the
2x + 6y = 12 linear equations in each system?
How about their y-intercepts?
h. 3x + y = 5 There is one solution if the slopes and y-intercepts are not h. What statements can you make about the solution of the system
2x + y = 9 equal. in relation to the slopes of the lines?
3x – y = 4 There is no solution if the slopes are equal y = 3x + 2 and How about the y-intercepts of the lines?
i. How is the system of linear equations in two variables used in
the y-intercepts are not equal. solving real-life problems and in making decisions?
x + 3y = 6 There are many solutions if the slopes and y-intercepts are equal.
2x + 6y = 12
i. Many possible answers

Equations like x – y = 7 and 2x + y = 8 are called simultaneous linear
Let the students read and understand some important notes on systems equations or a system of linear equations if we want them to be true for the
same pair of numbers. The solution of such equations is an ordered pair of numbers
of linear equations and their graphs before they perform the succeeding
that satisfies both equations. The solution set of a system of linear equations in two
activities. Tell them to study carefully the examples given. variables is the set of all ordered pairs of real numbers that makes every equation
in the system true.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders The solution of a system of linear equations can be determined algebraically
or graphically. To find the solution graphically, graph both equations on a Cartesian
plane then find the point of intersection of the graphs, if it exists. The solution
to a system of linear equations corresponds to the coordinates of the points of
intersection of the graphs of the equations.

A system of linear equations has:

a. only one solution if their graphs intersect.
b. no solution if their graphs do not intersect.
c. infinitely many solutions if their graphs coincide.

F rget!

Teacher’s Note and Reminders There are three kinds of systems of linear equations in two variables according
to the number of solutions. These are:
1. System of consistent and dependent equations
This is a system of linear equations having infinitely many solutions. The
slopes of the lines defined by the equations are equal; their y-intercepts
are also equal; and their graphs coincide.

Example: The system of equations

x – y = 5 is consistent and
2x – 2y = 10
dependent. The slopes of
their lines are equal, their
y-intercepts are also equal,
and their graphs coincide.

2. System of consistent and independent equations

This is a system of linear equations having exactly one solution. The
slopes of the lines defined by the equations are not equal; their
y-intercepts could be equal or unequal; and their graphs intersect.

Example: The system of equations

2x + y = 5 is consistent and
3x – y = 9
independent. The slopes of
their lines are not equal, their
y-intercepts could be equal
or unequal, and their graphs

Don’t 3. System of inconsistent equations

F rget!
o This is a system of linear equations having no solution. The slopes of
the lines defined by the equations are equal or have no slopes; their
y-intercepts are not equal; and their graphs are parallel.

Example: The system of equations 2x + y = -6 is inconsistent. The

2x + y = 10
slopes of their lines are equal; their y-intercepts are not equal;

and their graphs are parallel.

Pose the question:
Systems of linear equations in two variables are illustrated
in many real-life situations. A system of linear equations in two
“How are the solutions to problems involving systems of linear equations variables can be used to represent problems that involve finding
used in making decisions?” values of two quantities such as the number of objects, costs of
goods or services, or amount of investments, solutions of which
can also be described using graphs. But how are the solutions to
What to
to Process
Process problems involving systems of linear equations used in making

Let students identify, describe, and give examples of systems of

linear equations that are consistent and dependent, consistent and What to
What to Process
independent, or inconsistent. Ask them to perform Activity 3.
Your goal in this section is to apply the key concepts of systems of linear
equations in two variables and their graphs. Use the mathematical ideas and the
Answer Key examples presented in the preceding section to answer the activities provided.

Activity 3
A ctivity 3
1. Consistent and independent CONSISTENT OR INCONSISTENT?
2. Inconsistent
3. Consistent and dependent Directions: Determine whether each system of linear equations is consistent
4. Inconsistent and dependent, consistent and independent, or inconsistent.
5. Consistent and independent Answer the questions that follow.
6. Consistent and independent
1. 2x – y = 7 6. x – 2y = 9
7. Consistent and dependent
3x – y = 5 x + 3y = 14
8. Consistent and independent 2x + y = -3 7. 6x – 2y = 8
9. Inconsistent 2x + y = 6 y = 3x – 4
10. Consistent and independent 3. x – 2y = 9 8. x + 3y = 8
2x – 4y = 18 x – 3y = 8
Teacher’s Note and Reminders 4. 8x + 2y = 7 9. 2y = 6x – 5
y = -4y + 1 3y = 9x + 1
5. -3x + y = 10 10. 3x + 5y = 15
Don’t 4x + y = 7 4x – 7y = 10


Teacher’s Note and Reminders E S TIO a. How were you able to identify system of equations that

? are consistent- dependent, consistent-independent and


b. When do you say that a system of linear equations is consistent
and dependent? consistent and independent? inconsistent?
c. Give examples of systems of linear equations that are consistent
and dependent, consistent and independent, and inconsistent.

Were you able to determine which system of linear equations in two variables
is consistent and dependent, consistent and independent, or inconsistent? In the
next activity, you will describe the solution set of system of linear equations in two
Don’t variables through its graph.
A ctivity 4

Directions: Describe the solution set of the system of linear equations as shown by the
following graphs. Answer the questions that follow.

1. 3.

In Activity 4, let the students describe the graphs of some systems of linear
equations in two variables. Strengthen their understanding of consistent and
dependent, consistent and independent, or inconsistent systems of linear
equations by asking them to give examples. Let them draw and describe the
graphs of these systems of linear equations. 2. 4.

Answer Key

Activity 4

1. one solution E S TIO a. How many solution/s does each graph of system of linear

? equations have?

2. many solutions b. Which graph shows that the system of linear equations is
3. no solution consistent and dependent? consistent and independent?
4. one solution inconsistent? Explain your answer.
c. When do you say that the system of linear equations as
described by the graph is consistent and dependent? consistent
and independent? inconsistent?
d. Draw graphs of systems of linear equations that are consistent
and dependent, consistent and independent, and inconsistent.
Describe each graph.

Ask the students to draw the graphs of some systems of linear equations
then describe the solution set of each. Let them perform Activity 5. If math A ctivity 5
software like GeoGebra is available, ask the students to make use of this. DESCRIBE MY SOLUTIONS!
GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software that can be used to visualize
and understand concepts in algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics. Directions: Graph each of the following systems of linear equations in two
variables on the Cartesian coordinate plane. Describe the solution
set of each system based on the graph drawn. Answer the questions
Answer Key that follow.

Activity 5 1. x+y=8 4. x – 2y = 12
1. 4. x + y = -3 6x + 3y = -9
2. 3x – y = 7 5. 3x + y = -2
x + 3y = -4 x + 2y = -4
3. x + 6y = 9
2x + 6y = 18

2. 5.


In some cases where students draw the graphs of some linear equations, E S TIO a. How did you graph each system of linear equations in two

the lines drawn may not appear to intersect because of the limited space

on the Cartesian coordinate plane used. In such cases, emphasize to the b. How does the graph of each system look like?
students that lines can be extended indefinitely and that the lines will meet c. Which system of linear equations has only one solution? Why?
at a certain point. How about the system of linear equations with no solution?
infinite number of solutions? Explain your answer.

In this section, the discussion was about system of linear equations in two
variables and their graphs.
Ask students to have a closer look at some aspects of the systems of linear
equations and their graphs. Provide them opportunities to think deeper and Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with the
test further their understanding of the lesson by doing Activity 6. discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion? Which ideas
are different and need revision?

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by moving
Teacher’s Note and Reminders on to the next section.

What to
What to Understand
Your goal in this section is to take a closer look at some aspects of the
topic. You are going to think deeper and test further your understanding of
systems of linear equations in two variables and their graphs. After doing the
following activities, you should be able to answer the following question: How
is the system of linear equations in two variables used in solving real-life
problems and in making decisions?

A ctivity 6
Directions: Answer the following.

1. How do you describe a system of linear equations in two
Don’t 2. Give at least two examples of systems of linear equations in two
F rget!
o variables.
3. When is a system of linear equations in two variables used?
4. How do you graph systems of linear equations in two variables?
5. How do you describe the graphs of systems of linear equations in
two variables?
6. How do you describe systems of linear equations that are
consistent and dependent? consistent and independent?

Teacher’s Note and Reminders 7. Study the situation below: a. What system of linear
equations represents the
Jose wanted given situation?
to construct a b. Suppose the system of
rectangular garden linear equations is graphed.
such that its How would the graph look
perimeter is 28 m like?
and its length is 6 c. Is the system consistent
times its width. and dependent, consistent
and independent, or
inconsistent? Why?

In this section, the discussion was about your understanding of systems of

linear equations in two variables and their graph.

What new realizations do you have about the systems of linear equations
Don’t in two variables and their graphs? What new connections have you made for
Forget! yourself?

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do
the tasks in the next section.

What to
What to Transfer

Your goal in this section is to apply your learning to real-life situations. You
Before the students move to the next section of this lesson, give a short test will be given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.
(formative test) to find out how well they understood the lesson.

A ctivity 7
What to
What to Transfer
Complete the table below by writing all the school supplies that you
use. Indicate the quantity and the cost of each.
Give the students opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of
systems of linear equations by doing a practical task. Let them perform School Supply Quantity Cost
Activity 7. You can ask the students to work individually or in group.
Emphasize to them that they must come up with some linear equations
in two variables and that a pair of these equations must form a system.

Formulate linear equations in two variables based on the table. Then use some
pairs of these equations to form different systems of equations. Draw the graph of
This lesson was about systems of linear equations in two variables and each system of linear equations. Use the rubric provided to rate your work.
their graphs. The lesson provided students opportunities to describe systems of
linear equations and their solution sets using practical situations, mathematical Rubric for Real-Life Situations Involving Systems of Linear Equations in
expressions, and their graphs. They identified and described systems of linear Two Variables and their Graphs
equations whose graphs are parallel, intersecting, or coinciding. Moreover, the
students were given the chance to draw and describe the graphs of systems 4 3 2 1
of linear equations in two variables and to demonstrate their understanding of Systematically listed Systematically listed Systematically listed Systematically listed
in the table the data, in the table the in the table the school in the table the
the lesson by doing a practical task. Students’ understanding of this lesson and properly formulated school supplies, the supplies, the quantity, school supplies, the
other previously learned mathematics concepts and principles will facilitate their linear equations quantity, and cost of and cost of each item quantity, and cost of
learning of the next lesson, Solving Systems of Linear Equations Graphically in two variables each item, properly and formulated linear each item.
that form a system formulated linear equations in two
and Algebraically. of equations, and equations in two variables but unable
accurately drawn the variables that form a to form systems of
graph of each system system of equations equations.
Teacher’s Note and Reminders of linear equations. but unable to draw
the graph accurately.

In this section, your task was to cite three real-life situations where systems
of linear equations in two variables are illustrated.

How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see the
real world use of the topic?


Solving Systems of

What to
What to Know
Lesson Linear Equations in
Two Variables
Provide the students opportunities to represent a given situation using
linear equations in two variables, show the graphs of these equations, then
find possible solutions. Ask them to perform Activity 1. This activity will lead What to
What to Know
to students’ understanding of solving systems of linear equations.
Start the lesson by assessing your knowledge of the different mathematics
concepts previously studied and your skills in performing mathematical operations.
Answer Key
These knowledge and skills may help you in understanding Solving Systems of Linear
Equations in Two Variables. As you go through this lesson, think of the following
important question: How is the system of linear equations in two variables used
Activity 1 in solving real-life problems and in making decisions? To find out the answer,
perform each activity. If you find any difficulty in answering the exercises, seek the
assistance of your teacher or peers or refer to the modules you have gone over earlier.
Number of Amount Collected by Amount Collected by
Passengers the Tricycle Driver in the Jeepney Driver in
Peso Peso
A ctivity 1
2 20 24
Directions: Use the situation below to answer the questions that follow.
3 30 36
4 40 48 Suppose for a given distance, a tricycle driver charges Php 10.00 every
passenger while a jeepney driver charges Php 12.00.
5 50 60
10 100 120 1. Complete the table below for the fare collected by the tricycle and jeepney
drivers from a certain number of passengers.
15 150 180
20 200 240 Amount Collected Amount Collected
Number of
by the Tricycle by the Jeepney
25 250 300 Passengers
Driver Driver
30 300 360 1

Teacher’s Note and Reminders 15

2. How did you determine the amount collected by the tricycle and jeepney
drivers from their passengers?

3. Suppose in three round trips the tricycle and jeepney drivers had carried
a total of 68 passengers.
a. How would you find the number of passengers each had?
b. What mathematical statement will you use to find the number of
passengers each carried?

What is the total amount of fare collected from the passengers by the two
drivers? Explain how you arrived at your answer.

c. How would you draw the graph of the mathematical statement

obtained in 3b? Draw and describe the graph.

4. Suppose the total fare collected by the tricycle and jeepney drivers is Php
a. How would you find the number of passengers each had?
b. What mathematical statement will you use to find the number of
passengers each had?
c. How would you draw the graph of the mathematical statement
obtained in 4b? Draw the graph in the Cartesian coordinate plane
where the graph of the mathematical statement in 3b was drawn.
Describe the graph.

5. How do you describe the two graphs drawn?

6. What do the graphs tell you?

7. How did you determine the number of passengers each driver had?
F rget!

Strengthen students’ skills in graphing systems of linear equations. At the How did you find the activity? Were you able to use linear equations in two
same time, provide them opportunities to examine different graphs drawn in variables to represent a real-life situation? Were you able to find some possible
a Cartesian coordinate plane. Tell them to perform Activity 2. Let them find solutions of a linear equation in two variables and draw its graph? In the next activity,
out which graphs are intersecting, parallel, or coinciding. If intersecting, ask you will show the graphs of systems of linear equations in two variables. You need
them to determine their point of intersection and the meaning of this. this skill to learn about the graphical solutions of systems of linear equations in two

A ctivity 2

Activity 2 Directions: Use the situation below to answer the questions that follow.

y=x+7 3x + 8y = 12
1. y = -2x + 1 3. 8x – 5y = 12

y = 3x – 2 x–y=6
2. 4.
8x + 7y = 15 2x + 7y = -6

Let students know that there are different ways of solving systems of linear
equations in two variables. Tell them that in this module, the graphical and ES TI O a. How did you show the graph of each system of equations?


the algebraic methods are highlighted. Furthermore, provide the students b. How do you describe the graph of each system of equations?
opportunities to recall the different properties of equality by doing Activities c. Are the graphs intersecting lines? If yes, what are the coordinates
of the point of intersection of these lines?
3 and 4. Let them realize that to solve systems of linear equations in two
d. What do you think do the coordinates of the point of intersection of
variables algebraically, they have to demonstrate greater understanding of the lines mean?
solving linear equations in one variable.

Were you able to draw the graph of each system of linear equations in two
Answer Key variables? Were you able to determine and give the meaning of the coordinates of the
point of intersection of intersecting lines? As you go through this module, you will learn
about this point of intersection of two lines and how the coordinates of this point are
Activity 3
determined algebraically. In the next activity, you will solve for the indicated variable in
terms of the other variable. You need this skill to learn about solving systems of linear
equations in two variables using the substitution method.
1. y = -4x + 11 6. x = –9
A ctivity 3
2. y = 5x – 9 7. x = - – 5
y Directions: Solve for the indicated variable in terms of the other variable. Explain how you
3. x = - + 3 8. x = -12y + 8
4 arrived at your answer.
4. y = – 4 9. y = 12x – 21 1. 4x + y = 11; y = 6. -2x + 7y = 18; x=
2x 3y 2. 5x – y = 9; y = 7. -3x – 8y = 15; x=
5. y = - + 2 10. x = - – 12
3 4
3. 4x + y = 12; x = 8. 1 x + 3y = 2; x=
4 1
4. -5x – 4y = 16; y = 9. x– y = 7 ; y=
9 3
2 1
5. 2x + 3y = 6; y = 10. - x– ;y = 8 x=
3 2

Answer Key A ctivity 4
Activity 4
Directions: Find the value of the variable that would make the equation true. Answer the
1. x = 3 6. x = 3 questions that follow.

1. 5x = 15 6. x + 7 = 10
2. x = -7 7. y = 3
2. -3x = 21 7. 3y – 5 = 4
3. x = -3 8. y = -4
3. 9x = -27 8. 2y + 5y = -28
4. x = 12 9. y = 3
7 4. -7x = -12 9. -3y + 7y = 12
5. x = 12 10. x = -5 5. 2 x = 8 10.
5x – 2x = -15

Teacher’s Note and Reminders ES TI O a. How did you solve each equation?


b. What mathematics concepts or principles did you apply to solve
each equation? Explain how you applied these mathematics
concepts and principles.
c. Do you think there are other ways of solving each equation?
Explain your answer.

The solution of a system of linear equations can be determined algebraically or

graphically. To find the solution graphically, graph both equations on a Cartesian coordinate
plane then find the point of intersection of the graphs, if it exists. You may also use graphing
calculator or computer software such as GeoGebra in determining the graphical solutions
of systems of linear equations. GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software which helps
you visualize and understand concepts in algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics.
Forget! The solution to a system of linear equations corresponds to the coordinates of the
points of intersection of the graphs of the equations.

Before the students proceed to the next set of activities, let the students
read and understand some important notes on solving systems of linear
equations. Tell them to study carefully the examples given.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders Examples: Find the solutions of the following systems of linear equations graphically.

a. 2x + y = 7 b. 3x + y = 4 c. x – 2 = -5
-x + y = 1 3x – y = -5 2x – 4y = -10

Answer (a): The graphs of 2x + y = 7 and

-x + y = 1 intersect at (2, 3).
Hence, the solution of the
system 2x + y = 7 is x = 2
-x + y = 1
and y = 3.

Answer (b): The graphs of 3x + y =

4 and 3x + y = 10 are
parallel. Hence, the system
3x + y = 4 has no solution.
3x – y = -5

Answer (c): The graphs of x – 2y = -5 and

2x – 4y = -10 coincide. Hence,
F rget!
the system x – 2 = -5 has
2x – 4y = -10
infinite number of solutions.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders A system of linear equations can be solved algebraically by substitution or
elimination methods.

To solve a system of linear equations by substitution method, the following procedures

could be followed:
a. Solve for one variable in terms of the other variable in one of the equations.
If one of the equations already gives the value of one variable, you may
proceed to the next step.
b. Substitute to the second equation the value of the variable found in the first
step. Simplify then solve the resulting equation.
c. Substitute the value obtained in (b) to any of the original equations to find the
value of the other variable.
d. Check the values of the variables obtained against the linear equations in the

2x + y = 5
Example: Solve the system -x + 2y = 5 by substitution method.

Solution: Use 2x + y = 5 to solve for y in terms of x.

Subtract -2x from both sides of the equation.
2x + y – 2x = 5 – 2x  y = 5 – 2x

Substitute 5 – 2x in the equation -x + 2y = 5.

-x + 2(5 – 2x) = 5

-x + 2(5) + 2(-2x) = 5  -x + 10 – 4x = 5
-5x = 5 – 10  -5x = -5

Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by -5.
-5x -5
=  x=1
-5 -5
Substitute 1, value of x, to any of the original equations to solve for y.
Don’t -x + 2y = 5  -1 + 2y = 5
F rget!
-1 + 2y = 5  2y = 5 + 1  2y = 6

Solve for y by dividing both sides of the equation by 2.

= 6 y=3
2 2

Teacher’s Note and Reminders Check the values of the variables obtained against the linear equations
in the system.
1. 2x + y = 5; x = 1 and y = 3
2(1) + 3 = 5  2 + 3 = 5  5 = 5
Hence, x = 1 and y = 3 are true to 2x + y = 5.

2. -x + 2y = 5; x = 1 and y = 3
-1 + 2(3) = 5  -1 + 6 = 5  5 = 5
Hence, x = 1 and y = 3 are true to -x + 2y = 5

Therefore, the solution to the system 2x + y = 5 is the ordered pair (1, 3).
-x + 2y = 5

To solve a system of linear equations in two variables by the elimination method, the
following procedures could be followed:
a. Whenever necessary, rewrite both equations in standard form Ax + By = C.
b. Whenever necessary, multiply either equation or both equations by a nonzero
number so that the coefficients of x or y will have a sum of 0. (Note: The
coefficients of x and y are additive inverses.)
c. Add the resulting equations. This leads to an equation in one variable. Simplify
then solve the resulting equation.
d. Substitute the value obtained to any of the original equations to find the value
of the other variable.
e. Check the values of the variables obtained against the linear equations in the

3x + y = 7
Example: Solve the system by elimination method.
2x – 5y = 16
Solution: Think of eliminating y first.
Multiply 5 to both sides of the equation 3x + y = 7.
5(3x + y = 7)  15x + 5y = 35

Add the resulting equations.

15x + 5y = 35
2x – 5y = 16
Don’t 17x = 51
F rget!
o Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 17.
17x = 51  17x = 51  x = 3
17 17
Substitute 3, value of x, to any of the original equations to solve for y.
2x – 5y = 16  2(3) – 5y = 16
6 – 5y = 16  -5y = 16 – 6  -5y = 10

Teacher’s Note and Reminders Solve for y by dividing both sides of the equation by -5.
-5y = 10  -5y = 10  y = -2
-5 -5
Check the values of the variables obtained against the linear equations in
the system.

1. 3x + y = 7; x = 3 and y = -2
3(3) + (-2) = 7  9 – 2 = 7  7 = 7
Hence, x = 3 and y = -2 are true to 3x + y = 7.

2. 2x – 5y = 16; x = 3 and y = -2
2(3) – 5(-2) = 16  6 + 10 = 16  16 = 16
Hence, x = 3 and y = -2 are true to 2x – 5y = 16.

Therefore, the solution to the system 3x + y = 7 is the ordered pair (3, -2).
2x – 5y = 16
Systems of linear equations in two variables are applied in many real-life situations.
They are used to represent situations and solve problems related to uniform motion, mixture,
investment, work, and many others. Consider the situation below.

A computer shop hires 12 technicians and three supervisors for total daily wages
of Php 7,020. If one of the technicians is promoted to a supervisor, the total daily wages
become Php 7,110.

In the given situation, what do you think is the daily wage for each technician and
supervisor? This problem can be solved using system of linear equations.

Let x = daily wage of a technician and y = daily wage of a supervisor. Represent the total
daily wages before one of the technicians is promoted to a supervisor.

12x + 3y = 7,020

Represent the total daily wages after one of the technicians is promoted to a supervisor.

Don’t 11x + 4y = 7,110
F rget!
o Use the two equations to find the daily wages for a technician and a supervisor.

12x + 3y = 7,020
11x + 4y = 7,110

Solve the system graphically or by using any algebraic method.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders Let’s solve the system using Elimination Method. Multiply both sides of the first equation
by 4 and the second equation by 3 to eliminate y.

12x + 3y = 7,020  4(12x + 3y = 7,020)  48x + 12y = 28,080

11x + 4y = 7,110 3(11x + 4y = 7,110) 33x + 12y = 21,330

The resulting system of linear equations is 48x + 12y = 28,080

. 33x + 12y = 21,330

Subtract the terms on both sides of the resulting equations.

48x + 12y = 28,080

33x + 12y = 21,330
15x = 6,750

Using the equation 15x = 6,750, solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 15.

15x = 6,750  15x = 6,750  x = 450

15 15
The daily wage of a technician is Php 450.

Find the daily wage of a supervisor by substituting 450 to x in any of the original
equations. Then, solve the resulting equation.

12x + 3y = 7,020; x = 450

Don’t 12(450) + 3y = 7,020  5,400 + 3y = 7,020
Forget!  3y = 7,020 – 5,400
3y 1,620
 3y = 1,620  =
 y = 540 3 3

The daily wage of a supervisor is Php 540.

Answer: The daily wages for a technician and a supervisor are

Php 450 and Php 540, respectively.

Challenge the students to cite other real-life situations where systems of

linear equations in two variables are illustrated or applied. Ask them also
how they can use system of linear equations in two variables in solving real-
life problems and in making decisions.

Answer Key
A ctivity 5
Activity 5
Directions: Solve each of the following systems of linear equations graphically then
1. Solution: (-4, -3) 4. Solution: (3, 1) check. You may also use GeoGebra to verify your answer. If the system of
linear equations has no solution, explain why.

x + y = -7 4.
1. x+y=4
y=x+1 2x – 3y = 3

2. Solution: (3, -2) 5. Solution: (2, 8)

x – y = 5 5.
2. y = 5x – 2
x + 5y = -7 5x – 3y = -14

3. Possible Solutions: (0, 2), 6. Solution: None. The graph

(1, -1), (-1, 5). The graph shows parallel lines
shows coinciding lines.
3x + y = 2 6.
3. 2x – 3y = 5
2y = 4 – 6x 3y = 10 + 2x

In solving systems of linear equations algebraically using the substitution
method, one skill that students need to develop is to come up with the A ctivity 6
resulting equation when the value of one variable is substituted to the
original equation. Activity 6 provides the students the opportunity to develop
such skill. Directions: Determine the resulting equation by substituting the given value of one
variable to each of the following equations. Then solve for the other variable
using the resulting equation. Answer the questions that follow.
Answer Key
Equation Value of Variable Equation Value of Variable
Activity 6 1. 4x + y = 7; y: x + 3 4. 5x + 2y = 8; x: 3y + 1

2. x + 3y = 12; x: 4 – y 5. 4x – 7y = -10; y: x – 4
Resulting Equation Value of x Value of y
1. 4x + x + 3 = 7 4 19 3. 2x – 3y = 9; y: x – 2 6. -5x = y – 4; y: 3x + 5
5 5

2. 4 – y + 3y = 12 0 4
ES TIO a. How did you determine each resulting equation?
3. 2x – 3(x – 2) = 9 -3 -5


b. What resulting equations did you arrive at?
4. 5(3y + 1) + 2y = 8 26 3 c. How did you solve each resulting equation?
17 17 d. What mathematics concepts or principles did you apply to solve
each resulting equation?
5. 4x – 7(x – 4) = -10 38 26 e. How will you check if the value you got is a solution of the
3 3 equation?

6. -5x = 3x + 5 - 4 1 37
8 8

Teacher’s Note and Reminders

F rget!

Let the students check their understanding of solving systems of linear
equations using the substitution method by doing Activity 7. In this activity,
A ctivity 7
the students should realize that it would be more convenient to use this
method if the expression equivalent to one of the variables is already given. Directions: Determine the resulting equation by substituting the given value of one
One possible difficulty that students might experience when using the variable to each of the following equations. Then solve for the other variable
substitution method is solving for one variable in terms of the other variable. using the resulting equation. Answer the questions that follow.
Errors in the use op. This happens when the expression equivalent to one of
3x + 7y = -10 1. x + y = 8 6. 3x + y = 2
the variables is not given, e.g., . y=x+6 9x + 2y = 7
-2x + 5y = 8
x = -y + 7 7.
2. x – y = -3
x – y = -9 3x + y = 19
y = 2x
3. 8. 4x + y = 6
Answer Key
4x + 3y = 20 x – 2y = 15
y = 2x + 5
4. 9. 2x + y = 10
Activity 7 3x – 2y = -5 4x + 2y = 5
2x + 5y = 9
5. -x + 3y = -2
1. (1, 7) 6. (1, -1) -x + y = 2 -3x + 9y = -6
2. (-1, 8) 7. (4, 7)
3. (2, 4) 8. (3, -6)
4. (-5, -5) 9. None ES TIO a. How did you use substitution method in finding the solution set of


5. (- 1 , 13 ) 10. Possible Solutions: (2, 0), (5, 1), etc. each system of linear equations?
7 7 b. How did you check the solution set you got?
c. Which system of equations is difficult to solve? Why?
Teacher’s Note and Reminders d.
Which system of equations has no solution? Why?
Which system of equations has infinite number of solutions?
Explain your answer.


When solving systems of linear equations in two variables using the
elimination method, a term of one equation must be equal with or the additive A ctivity 8
inverse of a term in the other equation to eliminate the variable contained
in both terms by performing the appropriate operation. There are instances,
Directions: Determine the number(s) that must be multiplied to one or both equations
however, that students are not mindful of this condition. They try to eliminate in each system to eliminate one of the variables. Justify your answer.
at once one of the variables without noting whether there are equal terms
in both equations in a system. At the end, students might not arrive at a To eliminate x To eliminate y
solution to the system. Activity 8 provides the students the opportunity to 5x – 2y = 12
determine the number(s) that must be multiplied to one or both equations in 2x + y = 7
each system to eliminate one of the variables. In this activity, let the students x + 3y = 5
realize the importance of this skill whenever they solve systems of linear 4x + 2y = 7
equations using the elimination method. x – 4y = 12
5x + y = -5
-3x + 2y = 7
5x – 4y = -2
Answer Key -2x – 5y = 10
3x – 2y = 6
Activity 8 (Possible Answers) 9x – 5y = 8
3x + 7y = 12
1. To eliminate x, multiply 2 (or -2) to both sides of the first equation and 5
(or -5) to the second equation.
To eliminate y, multiply 2 (or -2) to both sides of the second equation.
2. To eliminate x, multiply 4 (or -4) to both sides of the first equation.
To eliminate y, multiply 2 (or -2) to both sides of the first equation and 3
(or -3) to the second equation.
3. To eliminate x, multiply 5 (or -5) to both sides of the first equation.
To eliminate y, multiply 4 (or -4) to both sides of the second equation.
4. To eliminate x, multiply 5 (or -5) to both sides of the first equation and -3
(or 3) to the second equation.
To eliminate y, multiply 2 (or -2) to both sides of the first equation.
5. To eliminate x, multiply 3 (or -3) to both sides of the first equation and -2
or (2) to the second equation.
To eliminate y, multiply 2 (or -2) to both sides of the first equation and 5
(or -5) to the second equation.
6. To eliminate x, multiply 3 (or -3) to both sides of the second equation.
To eliminate y, multiply 7 (or -7) to both sides of the first equation and -5
(or 5) to the second equation.

Let the students check their understanding of solving systems of linear
equations using the elimination method by doing Activity 9. In this activity, A ctivity 9
the students should realize the importance of using this method when the
value of one variable in a system of equations cannot be determined at once.
Directions: Solve each system of linear equations by elimination method then check.
One possible error that students might commit is performing operations on
Answer the questions that follow.
algebraic expressions particularly on the signs (positive or negative) of the
results. Likewise, the wrong use of the different properties of equality might 3x + 2y = -4 6.
1. 3x + 7y = 12
also come up when solving the resulting equations. 2x – y = -12 5x – 4y = 20
2. – 2y = 4 7. 2x + y = 9
Answer Key 5x + y = 15 x – 2y = 6
3. + 2y = 6 8. 5x + 2y = 10
-2x + y = -6 3x – 7y = -4
Activity 9
4. + 3y = 7 9. + 7y = -5
3x – 5y = 1 3x – 8y = -5
1. (-4, 4) 6. (4, 0) x – 4y = 9
5. -3x + 4y = -12
3x – 2y = 7 2x – 5y = 6
2. (2, 5) 7. (4 4 , - 3 )
5 5 ES TIO a. How did you use the elimination method in solving each system


3. (2, -2) 8. (1.51, 1.22) of linear equations?
b. How did you check the solution set you got?
4. (2, 1) 9. (-2.03, -0.14) c. Which system of equations is difficult to solve? Why?
d. When is the elimination method convenient to use?
5. (1, -2) 10. (5.14, 0.86) e. Among the three methods of solving systems of linear equations
in two variables, which do you think is the most convenient to
use? Which do you think is not? Explain your answer.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders


What to
What to Understand
What to
What to Understand
Provide the students opportunities to think deeper and test further their
understanding of solving systems of linear equations using graphical and Your goal in this section is to take a closer look at some aspects of the topic.
algebraic methods by doing Activities 10, 11, and 12. Give emphasis on how You are going to think deeper and test further your understanding of the different
the solution set is obtained from the graph of the system and how it is checked. methods of solving systems of linear equations in two variables. After doing the
Moreover, emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of using any of the following activities, you should be able to answer the following question: How
methods in solving systems of linear equations and let them find out and explain is the system of linear equations in two variables used in solving real-life
which method of solving a system of equations is more convenient to use. It problems and in making decisions?
is possible that students might give different views on which method is more
convenient to use. There is nothing wrong with this. Just give the students the
freedom to use any method. A ctivity 10

Teacher’s Note and Reminders Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. How do you determine the solution set of a system of linear equations from
its graph?
2. Do you think it is easy to determine the solution set of a system of linear
equations by graphing? Explain your answer.
3. When are the graphical solutions of systems of linear equations difficult to
4. How would you check if the solution set you found from the graphs of linear
equations in a system are the solutions?
5. What do you think are the advantages and the disadvantages of the graphical
method of solving systems of linear equations? Explain your answer.

A ctivity 11

Directions: Use the system of linear equations 5x – 2y = 3 to answer the following

questions: 2x + y = 12

Don’t 1. How do you describe each equation in the system?

2. How will you solve the given system of equations?
Forget! 3. Do you think the substitution method is more convenient to use in finding the
solution set of the system? Explain your answer.
4. What is the solution set of the given system of equations? Explain how you
arrived at your answer.
5. When is the substitution method convenient to use in solving systems of
linear equations?
6. Give two examples of systems of linear equations in two variables then solve
using the substitution method.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders
A ctivity 12

Directions: Use the system of linear equations 3x – 5y = 8 to answer the following

questions: 2x + 7y = 6

1. How do you describe each equation in the system?

2. How will you solve the given system of equations?
3. Which algebraic method of solving system of linear equations do you think is
more convenient to use in finding its solution set? Why?
4. What is the solution set of the given system of equations? Explain how you
Don’t arrived at your answer.
Forget! 5. When is the elimination method convenient to use in solving systems of
linear equations?
6. Give two examples of systems of linear equations in two variables then solve
using the elimination method.

A ctivity 13

Directions: Answer each of the following questions. Show your complete solutions and
Answer Key explanations/justifications.

Activity 13 1. Which of the following is more economical when renting a vehicle? Justify
your answer.
1. For short distance of travel, LG’s Rent a Car is more
LG’s Rent a Car: Php 1,500 per day plus Php 35 per kilometer traveled
Rent and Drive: Php 2,000 per day plus Php 25 per kilometer traveled
For long distance of travel, Rent and Drive is more
economical. 2. Luisa sells two brands of Tablet PC. She receives a commission of 12% on
2. a. Php26,000 – cost of PC tablet with 12% commission one brand and 8% on the other brand. If she is able to sell two Tablet PC’s,
Php16,000 – cost of PC tablet with 8% commission one for each brand, the total cost is Php 42,000 and the amount that she will
b. Php3,120 for PC tablet with 12% commission receive as commission is Php 4,400.
Php 1,280 for PC tablet with 8% commission
3. World Celcom has a better offer if you seldom call to other a. What is the cost of each brand of Tablet PCs?
b. How much commission does she receive on one brand?
How about on the other brand?
Smartlink has a better offer if you always call to other networks. c. Suppose you are Luisa and you wish to earn more. Which Tablet PC
4. a. Php 300,000 – first investment will you ask the customers or clients to buy? Why?
Php 100,000 – second investment
5. a. 120 chicken sandwiches
300 egg sandwiches

Teacher’s Note and Reminders 3. Which of the following mobile networks has a better offer? Justify your

World Celcom: Php 500 monthly charge

Free calls and texts to World Celcom subscribers
Php 6.50 per minute of call to other networks

Smartlink: Php 650 monthly charge

Free calls and texts to Smartlink subscribers
Php 5 per minute of call to other networks

4. Mr. Salonga has two investments. His total investment is Php 400,000. He
receives 3% interest on one investment and 7% interest on the other.
The total interest that Mr. Salonga receives in a year is Php 16,000.

a. How much money does Mr. Salonga have in each investment?

b. Suppose you were Mr. Salonga. In which investment will you place
more money? Why?

5. The school canteen sells chicken and egg sandwiches. It generates an

income of Php 2 for every chicken sandwich sold and Php 1.25 for every egg
sandwich. Yesterday, they were able to sell all 420 sandwiches prepared
and generated an income of Php 615. The teacher in charge of the canteen
realized that the canteen could have earned more if additional sandwiches
are prepared.

a. How many chicken sandwiches was the canteen able to sell on

that day? How about egg sandwiches?
b. If you were the teacher in charge of the canteen, which kind of
sandwich would you prepare more? Why?

F rget!

What to
What to Transfer
What to
What to Transfer
Give the students opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of
systems of linear equations by doing some practical tasks. Let them Your goal in this section is to apply your learning to real-life situations. You will
be given a practical task which you will demonstrate your understanding of solving
perform Activities 14 and 15. You can ask the students to work individually
systems of linear equations in two variables.
or in group. Emphasize to them that they must come up with some real-
life problems that involve systems of linear equations in two variables.
Moreover, students must be given the opportunity to solve the problems
they have formulated. A ctivity 14

Cite situations in real life where systems of linear equations in two variables
SUMMARY/SYNTHESIS/GENERALIZATION: are applied. Form a group of five members and role play each situation. With your
groupmates, formulate problems out of these situations then solve in as many ways as
This lesson was about solving systems of linear equations in two variables you can.
using the graphical and algebraic methods namely: substitution and elimination
methods. In this lesson, students are exposed to different ways of finding the A ctivity 15
solutions of systems of linear equations and given the opportunity to determine SELECT THE BEST POSTPAID PLAN
the advantages and disadvantages of using each method and which is more
convenient to use. Using the different methods of solving systems of linear 1. Make a list of all postpaid plans being offered by different mobile network
equations, students were able to find out which system has no solution, one companies.
2. Use the postpaid plans to formulate problems involving systems of linear
solution, and infinite number of solutions. More importantly, the students were
equations in two variables. Solve the problems formulated. Use the rubric
given the chance to formulate and solve real-life problems, make decisions provided to rate your work.
based on the problems, and demonstrate your understanding of the lesson by 3. Determine the best postpaid plan that each company offers. Explain your
doing some practical tasks. Students’ understanding of this lesson is extended answer.
in the next lesson, Graphical Solutions of Systems of Linear Inequalities in 4. Determine the mobile network company that you will recommend to your
Two Variables. The mathematical skills of students in finding the graphical parents, older brothers or sisters, or relatives if ever they apply for a postpaid
solutions of systems of linear equations can also be applied in the next lesson. plan. Justify your choice.

Graphical Solutions of

Systems of Linear
Lesson Inequalities in Two Variables
What to
What to Know
A ctivity 1
Provide the students opportunities to represent a given situation using
linear inequalities in two variables, show the graphs of these inequalities, Directions: Use the situation below to answer the questions that follow.
then find possible solutions. Ask them to perform Activity 1. This activity
will lead to students’ understanding of graphical solutions of systems of Nimfa lives near a beach resort. During summer vacation, she sells
linear inequalities. souvenir items such as bracelets and necklaces which are made of local
shells. Each bracelet costs Php 85 while each piece of necklace is Php 110.
She needs to sell at least Php 15,000 worth of bracelets and necklaces.
Answer Key ES TIO 1. Complete the table below.

a. How did you useofthe elimination
Cost method in solving
of each system
Cost of linear equations?

Number Number Total Cost
b. How did you check the solution set you got?
Activity 1 c. bracelets necklaces
Which system of equations is difficult to solve? Why?
d. When issold sold
the elimination method convenient to use?
1. e. Among the three methods of solving systems of linear equations in two variables,
1 1
which do you think is the most convenient to use? Which do you think is not? Explain
Number of Cost Number of Cost Total 2
your answer. 2
bracelets necklaces Cost 3 3
sold sold 4 4
1 85 1 115 200 5 5
2 170 2 230 400 10 10
3 255 3 345 600 15 15
4 340 4 460 800 20 20
5 425 5 575 1,000 25 25
10 850 10 1,150 2,000 30 30
40 40
15 1,275 15 1,725 3,000
50 50
20 1,700 20 2,300 4,000
60 60
25 2,125 25 2,875 5,000
80 80
30 2,550 30 3,450 6,000 100 100
40 3,400 40 4,600 8,000
50 4,250 50 5,750 10,000 2. How much would Nimfa’s total sale if she sells five pieces of
60 5,100 60 6,900 12,000 bracelets and five pieces of necklaces?
80 6,800 80 9,200 16,000 How about if she sells 10 pieces of bracelets and 20 pieces of
100 8,500 100 11,500 20,000 necklaces?

2. Php 1,000 3. What mathematical statement would represent the total sale
Php 4,850 of bracelets and necklaces? Describe the mathematical
3. Total Sale = 85x + 115y, where x is the number of pieces of bracelets statement then graph.
sold and y is the number of necklaces sold.
4. Nimfa wants to have a total sale of at least Php 15,000. What
4. 85x + 115y ≥ 15,000
mathematical statement would represent this? Describe the
5. Many possible answers like 80 bracelets and 80 necklaces or 70 mathematical statement then graph.
bracelets and 100 necklaces.
5. How many bracelets and necklaces should Nimfa sell to have
Let students draw and compare the graphs of linear equations and a total sale of at least Php 15,000? Give as many answers as
inequalities in two variables. Tell them to perform Activity 2. This activity possible then justify.
will make students distinguish between lines and half-planes. Also, they will
recall that one of the half-planes contain the solutions of the linear inequality. A ctivity 2
Furthermore, the students will be able to describe the graphs of two linear A LINE OR HALF OF A PLANE?
inequalities when drawn in the same coordinate plane. If the graphs of
these inequalities intersect, the students will realize that the region where Directions: Draw the graphs of the following linear equations and inequalities in two variables. Answer the
questions that follow.
the shadings overlap contains all the coordinates of points satisfying both
inequalities. From this point, students will be able to understand graphical
solutions of systems of linear inequalities in two variables.
1. 3x + y = 10
Answer Key 2. 5x – y = 12
3. 2x + 3y = 15
Activity 2
4. 3x – 4y = 8
1. 2. 5. 4x + 7y = -8

6. 3x + y < 10
7. 5x – y > 12

8. 2x + 3y ≤ 15
9. 3x – 4y ≥ 8
10. 4x + 7y < -8

3. 6.
ES TI O a. How did you graph each mathematical statement?

? b. Compare the graphs of 3x + y = 10 and 3x + y < 10. What


statements can you make?
How about 5x – y = 12 and 5x – y > 12? 2x + 3y = 15 and 2x + 3y ≤ 15?
c. How do you differentiate the graphs of linear equations and
inequalities in two variables?
d. How many solutions does a linear equation in two variables have?
How about linear inequalities in two variables?
e. Suppose you draw the graphs of 3x + y < 10 and 5x – y > 12 on
another Cartesian coordinate plane. How would you describe their
graphs? What ordered pairs satisfy both inequalities?

To solve a system of inequalities in two variables by graphing, draw the graph of

4. 7.
each inequality on the same rectangular coordinate plane. Each time, shade the solution
set of each inequality. The solution set of the system is the region where the shadings

Example: To solve the system 2x – y > -3 graphically, graph 2x – y > -3 and x + 4y ≤ 9

x + 4y ≤ 9
on the same Cartesian coordinate plane. The region where the shadings
overlap is the graph of the solution to the system.

Like systems of linear

equations in two variables,
5. 8. systems of linear inequalities
are also applied in many real-
life situations. They are used to
represent situations and solve
problems related to uniform
motion, mixture, investment, work,
and many others.

Example: There are at most 56 people composed of children and adults who are in
a bus. Each child and adult paid Php 80 and Php 100, respectively. If the
total amount collected was not more than Php 4,800, how many children
and adults are in the bus?

9. 10.
Solution: Let x = number of children in the bus
y = number of adults in the bus

Represent the number of people in the bus as x + y ≤ 56.

Represent the amount collected as 80x + 100y ≤ 4,800.
Use the two inequalities to find the number of children and adults who
are in the bus. Write these as a system of linear inequalities then solve

The succeeding activities are all about graphical solutions of systems of linear
inequalities in two variables. Before the students perform these activities, let
them read and understand some important notes on the graphical solutions
of systems of linear inequalities in two variables. Tell them to study carefully
the examples given.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders

The region where the shadings overlap is the graph of the solution
Don’t to the system. Consider any point in this shaded region then substitute its
F rget!
o coordinates in the system to check.

Consider the point whose coordinates are (20, 30). Check this
against the inequalities x + y ≤ 56 and 80x + 100y ≤ 4,800.

If x = 20 and y = 30, then 20 + 30 ≤ 56. The first inequality is


Emphasize to the students that not all points in the region where the shadings If x = 20 and y = 30, then 80(20) + 100(30) ≤ 4,800 or 1,600 + 3,000 ≤
overlap are solutions to the given situation. Only those values of x greater 4,800 or 4,600 ≤ 4,800.
than or equal to zero (x ≥ 0) and those values of y greater than or equal to
The second inequality is also satisfied. This means that one
zero (x ≥ 0) can only be considered. For the given situation, the number of
possible number of children in the bus is 20 and the number of children is
children and adults can never be negative. 30.

Challenge the students to cite other real-life situations where systems of However, not all points in the region where the shadings overlap
linear inequalities in two variables are illustrated or applied. Ask them further are solutions to the given situation. Only those values of x greater than or
how they can use system of linear inequalities in two variables in solving equal to zero (x ≥ 0) and those values of y greater than or equal to zero (x
real-life problems and in making decisions. ≥ 0) can only be considered. Can you think of the reason? Definitely, the
number of children and adults can never be negative.

What to
What to Process
A ctivity 3
A system of linear inequalities may have infinite number of solutions.
Let students realize this by doing Activity 3. Let them determine whether
Directions: Determine if each ordered pair is a solution to the system of linear inequality
the coordinates of a point satisfy both inequalities in a system. Ask them to
justify their answers and verify the same using math software, GeoGebra, 2x + 5y < 10 . Then, Answer the questions that follow.
or any graphing calculators. In cases where the coordinates of a point 3x – 4y ≥ -8
satisfy both inequalities, let them come up with the idea that the ordered 1. (3, 5) 6. (2, 15)
pair describing this point is a solution to the system. 2. (-2, -10) 7. (-6, 10)
3. (5, -12) 8. (-12, 1)
4. (-6, -8) 9. (0, 2)
Answer Key 5. (0, 0) 10. (5, 0)

Activity 3 ES TI O a. How did you determine if the given ordered pair is a solution of the


b. How did you know if the given ordered pair is not a solution of the
1. Not a solution 6. Not a solution
2. Solution 7. Not a solution c. How many solutions do you think the system of inequalities has?
3. Solution 8. Not a solution
4. Solution 9. Not a solution
5. Solution 10. Not a solution

Let students check their understanding of the graphical solutions of

systems of linear inequalities in two variables by doing Activity 4. In this
activity, the students should realize that systems of linear inequalities may
have no solution or infinite number of solutions. Finding the solutions of
linear inequalities graphically may be done manually. However, it is more
convenient if students make use of any graphing calculators or math
software like GeoGebra.

Answer Key
A ctivity 4
Activity 4
Directions: Solve the following systems of inequalities graphically then give three
2. 4. ordered pairs satisfying the inequalities. Show that the ordered pairs satisfy
the inequalities. Answer the questions that follow. The first one is done for you.

5x + y > 3 2x – y ≥ -2
1. 3.
y≤x–4 y<x+4

3. 5. Some ordered pairs satisfying the

system of inequalities are (10, 2), (5,
-4), and (10, -9).
x+y≥7 y > 2x – 9
2. 4.
3x – y ≤ 10 y < 4x + 1

6. 9.
x + y < 12 2x – y ≥ 10
5. 8.
y < -3x + 5 2y ≥ 5x + 1

y > 2x + 7 2x – y < 11
7. 10. 6. 9.
2x – y < 12 3x + 5y ≥ 8

x + 3y > 9 6x + 2y ≥ 9
7. 10.
8. x – 3y ≤ 9 3x + y ≤ -6

What to
What to Understand
Understand ES TIO a. How did you determine the graphical solutions of each system of


linear inequalities in two variables?
Provide the students opportunities to think deeper and test further b. How did you know that the ordered pairs you listed are solutions
their understanding of the graphical solutions of systems of linear of the system of inequalities?
inequalities in two variables by doing Activities 5 and 6. Give emphasis c. Which system of linear inequalities has no solution? Why?
on how the solution set is obtained from the graph of the system and d. When do you say that a system of linear inequalities has
solutions? has no solutions?
how it is checked. Also, let students describe and compare the graphical
e. Give two examples of system of linear inequalities in two
solutions of systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables. variables having no solutions. Justify your answer.
Moreover, let students realize the advantages and disadvantages
of finding the solutions of systems of linear inequalities graphically.
Challenge them further if they can find the solutions algebraically.
A ctivity 5
Answer Key
Directions: Answer the following questions.
Activity 5 1. Show the graph of the solution of the system 2x + 5y < 15 . Use the
3x – y ≥ 8
Cartesian coordinate plane on the next page.

2. How would you describe the graphs of 2x + 5y < 15 and 3x – y ≥ 8?

3. How would you describe the region where the graphs of 2x + 5y < 15
and 3x – y ≥ 8 meet?
Teacher’s Note and Reminders 4. Select any three points in the region where the graphs of 2x + 5y <
15 and 3x – y ≥ 8 meet. What statements can you make about the
Don’t coordinates of these points?
5. How would you describe the graphical solutions of the system
F rget!
o 2x + 5y < 15 ?
3x – y ≥ 8
6. How is the graphical solution of a system of linear inequalities
How is it similar or different from the graphical solution of system of
linear equations?

Let students extend their understanding of the graphical solutions of systems
of linear inequalities in two variables as to how they are used in solving
real-life problems. Ask them to perform Activity 7. In solving the problems,
encourage them to use different ways of arriving at the solution. More Directions: Answer the following questions.
importantly, provide them the opportunities to make decisions based on the
problems presented. Students might have different perspectives whenever 1. How do you determine the solution set of a system of linear inequalities
they make decisions. Just let them decide which decision is more practical. in two variables from its graph?
2. Do you think it is easy to determine the solution set of a system of linear
Answer Key inequalities by graphing? Explain your answer.
3. In what instance will you find it difficult to determine the solution set of
a system of linear inequalities from its graph?
Activity 7 4. How would you know if the solutions you found from the graphs of
linear inequalities in a system are true?
1. a. x + y > 150 and 250x + 200y ≤ 44,000 5. What do you think are the advantages and the disadvantages of finding
b. the solution set of a system of linear inequalities graphically? Explain
your answer.
6. Is it possible to find the solution set of a system of linear inequalities in
two variables algebraically? Give examples if there are any.

A ctivity 7

Directions: Answer each of the following. Show your complete solutions and

1. Tickets in a play cost Php 250 for adults and Php 200 for children. The
sponsor of the show collected a total amount of not more than Php
2. a. x + y ≥ 150,000 and 0.04x + 0.06y ≤ 12,000 44,000 from more than 150 adults and children who watched the play.

a. What mathematical statements represent the given situation?
b. Draw and describe the graphs of the mathematical statements.
c. How will you find the number of children and adults who watched
the play?
d. Give four possible numbers of adults and children who watched
the play. Justify your answer.
e. The sponsor of the show realized that if the prices of the tickets
were reduced, more people would have watched the play. If you
were the sponsor of the play, would you reduce the prices of the
tickets? Why?

3. a. x + y ≥ 30 and 180x + 220y ≤ 12,000 2. Mr. Agoncillo has savings account in two banks. The combined amount
b. of these savings is at least Php 150,000. One bank gives an interest of
4% while the other bank gives 6%. In a year, Mr. Agoncillo receives at
most Php12,000.

a. What mathematical statements represent the given situation?

b. Draw and describe the graphs of the mathematical statements.
c. How will you determine the amount of savings in each bank
d. Give four possible amounts of savings in both accounts. Justify
your answer.
e. If you were Mr. Agoncillo, in what bank account would you place
greater amount of money? Why?

3. Mrs. Burgos wants to buy at least 30 kilos of pork and beef for her
Before the students move to the next section of this lesson, give a short restaurant business but has to spend no more than Php 12,000. A kilo
test (formative test) to find out how well they understood systems of linear of pork costs Php 180 and a kilo of beef costs Php 220.
inequalities in two variables, the graphical method of solving them, and their
a. What mathematical statements represent the given situation?
real-life applications.
b. Draw and describe the graphs of the mathematical statements.
c. How will you determine the amount of pork and beef that Mrs.
Burgos needs to buy?
What to
What to Transfer
Transfer d. Give four possible amounts of pork and beef that Mrs. Burgos
needs to buy. Justify your answer.
Give the students opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of e. Mrs. Burgos observed that every week, the number of people
systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables by doing coming to her restaurant is increasing. She decided to buy
some practical tasks. Let them perform Activities 8, 9 and 10. You can ask more pork and beef to meet the demands of her customers. If
the students to work individually or in group. Emphasize to them that they you were Mrs. Burgos, will you do the same? Why?
must come up with some real-life problems that involve systems of linear
equations and inequalities in two variables. Moreover, students must be
given the opportunity to solve the problems they have formulated. A ctivity 8

Teacher’s Note and Reminders Cite situations in real life where systems of linear inequalities in two variables
are applied. Form a group of five members and role play each situation. With your
groupmates, formulate problems out of these situations then solve in as many ways as
Don’t you can.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders
A ctivity 9 JOIN THE CAMP!

Directions: Perform the following activity. Refer to the situation below.

You are one of the members of the Boys Scouts of the Philippines
in your school who will be joining the National Jamboree next month. Your
scout master assigned you together with your troop members to take charge
of all the camping materials needed such as tents, ropes, bamboos, cooking
utensils, fire woods, and other necessary materials. He also asked you
to prepare the food menu for the duration of the jamboree including the

1. Make a list of all camping materials needed including the quantity of each.
2. Use the camping materials and their quantities to formulate problems
involving systems of linear inequalities in two variables. Solve the
problems formulated. Use the rubric provided to rate your work.
3. Determine if the camping materials needed are enough for the number
Don’t of boys scouts who will join the jamboree. Explain your answer.
Rubric on Problems Formulated and Solved
Score Descriptors
6 Poses a more complex problem with 2 or more correct possible solutions
and communicates ideas unmistakably, shows in-depth comprehension
of the pertinent concepts and/or processes and provides explanations
wherever appropriate.
5 Poses a more complex problem and finishes all significant parts of
SUMMARY/SYNTHESIS/GENERALIZATION: the solution and communicates ideas unmistakably, shows in-depth
comprehension of the pertinent concepts and/or processes.
This lesson was about the graphical solutions of systems of linear inequalities 4 Poses a complex problem and finishes all significant parts of the solution
in two variables. In this lesson, students are exposed to the graphical method of and communicates ideas unmistakably, shows in-depth comprehension
finding the solutions of systems of linear inequalities and given the opportunity of the pertinent concepts and/or processes.
to determine the advantages and disadvantages of using such method. Using 3 Poses a complex problem and finishes most significant parts of the
this method of solving systems of linear inequalities, students were able to solution and communicates ideas unmistakably, shows comprehension
find out which system has no solution and infinite number of solutions. More of major concepts although neglects or misinterprets less significant
ideas or details.
importantly, the students were given the chance to formulate and solve real-
2 Poses a problem and finishes some significant parts of the solution
life problems, make decisions based on the problems, and demonstrate their
and communicates ideas unmistakably but shows gaps on theoretical
understanding of the lesson by doing some practical tasks. comprehension.
1 Poses a problem but demonstrates minor comprehension, not being
able to develop an approach.
Source: D.O. #73 s. 2012

REFERENCES: Glossary of Terms:

Bennett, Jeannie M., David J. Chard, Audrey Jackson, Jim Milgram, Janet 1. Elimination Method – This is an algebraic method of solving
K. Scheer, and Bert K. Waits. Holt Pre-Algebra, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, systems of linear equations. In this method, the value of one
USA, 2005. variable is determined by eliminating the other variable. To
eliminate the variable, some mathematical operations are followed.
Bernabe, Julieta G. and Cecile M. De Leon. Alementary Agebra, Textbook for
First Year, JTW Corporation, Quezon City, 2002. 2. GeoGebra – This is a dynamic mathematics software that can be used
to visualize and understand concepts in algebra, geometry, calculus, and
Brown, Richard G., Mary P. Dolciani, Robert H. Sorgenfrey and William L. statistics.
Cole. Algebra, Structure and Method, Book I, Houghton Mifflin Company,
Boston MA, 1990. 3. Graphical Method – This is a method of finding the solution(s) of a
system of linear equations by graphing.
Brown, Richard G., Mary P. Dolciani, Robert H. Sorgenfrey, and Robert B.
Kane. Algebra, Structure and Method Book 2. Houghton Mifflin Company, 4. Simultaneous linear equations or system of linear equations – a set
Boston, 1990. or collection of equations that one solves all together at once.

Callanta, Melvin M. and Concepcion S. Ternida. Infinity Grade 8, Worktext in 5. Simultaneous linear inequalities or system of linear inequalities – a
Mathematics. EUREKA Scholastic Publishing, Inc., Makati City, 2012. set or collection of inequalities that one solves all together at once.

Chapin, Illingworth, Landau, Masingila and McCracken. Prentice Hall Middle 6. Solution to a system of linear equations - This corresponds to the
Grades Math, Tools for Success, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New coordinates of the points of intersection of the graphs of the equations.
Jersey, 1997.
7. Substitution Method – This is an algebraic method of solving systems
Clements, Douglas H., Kenneth W. Jones, Lois Gordon Moseley and Linda of linear equations. In this method, the expression equivalent to one
Schulman. Math in my World, McGraw-Hill Division, Farmington, New York, variable in one equation is substituted to the other equation to solve for
1999. the other variable.

Coxford, Arthur F. and Joseph N. Payne. HBJ Algebra I, Second Edition, 8. System of consistent and dependent equations – This is a system of
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, Orlando, Florida, 1990. linear equations having infinitely many solutions. The slopes of the lines
defined by the equations are equal, their y-intercepts are also equal, and
Fair, Jan and Sadie C. Bragg. Prentice Hall Algebra I, Prentice-Hall, Inc., their graphs coincide
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1991.
9. System of consistent and independent equations – This is a system
Gantert, Ann Xavier. Algebra 2 and Trigonometry. AMSCO School Publications, of linear equations having exactly one solution. The slopes of the lines
Inc., 2009. defined by the equations are not equal, their y-intercepts could be equal
or unequal, and their graphs intersect at exactly one point.

Gantert, Ann Xavier. AMSCO’s Integrated Algebra I, AMSCO School 10. System of inconsistent equations – This is a system of linear equations
Publications, Inc., New York, 2007. having no solution. The slopes of the lines defined by the equations
are equal or have no slopes, their y-intercepts are not equal, and their
Larson, Ron, Laurie Boswell, Timothy D. Kanold, and Lee Stiff. Algebra 1, graphs are parallel.
Applications, Equations, and Graphs. McDougal Littell, A Houghton Mifflin
Company, Illinois, 2004. Teacher’s Note and Reminders
Larson, Ron, Laurie Boswell, Timothy D. Kanold, and Lee Stiff. Algebra 2,
Applications, Equations, and Graphs. McDougal Littell, A Houghton Mifflin
Company, Illinois, 2008.

Smith, Charles, Dossey, Keedy and Bettinger. Addison-Wesley Algebra,

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992.

Wesner, Terry H. and Harry L. Nustad. Elementary Algebra with Applications.

Wm. C. Brown Publishers. IA, USA.

Wilson, Patricia S., et. al. Mathematics, Applications and Connections,

Course I, Glencoe Division of Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,
Westerville, Ohio, 1993.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders

Don’t Don’t
Forget! Forget!

Answer Key
Part I. Select the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Part I.
1. C 6. B 11. B 16. C 1. Which of the following is a system of linear equations in two variables?
2. D 7. A 12. B 17. B 2x + 5y = 7 x − 7y = 5
3. C 8. A 13. A 18. C a. c.
x − 3y > 10 3x + 2y > 15
4. C 9. C 14. D 19. C 3x + 9 = -4 6x + 7 = 12
b. d.
5. B 10. C 15. C 20. D x−2=8 2y − 4 = 9

WEBSITE Links as References and for Learning Activities: 2. How many solutions does a consistent and dependent system of linear
equations have?
1. http://edhelper.com/LinearEquations.htm a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. Infinite

2. http://illuminations.nctm.org/lessons/9-12/supply/Supply-AS-Sheet1.pdf 3. Which of the following ordered pairs satisfy both 3x − y < 10 and x + 6y ≥ 15?
a. (-3, -3) b. (9, 1) c. (-6, 6) d. (7, -4)
3. http://illuminations.nctm.org/lessons/9-12/supply/Supply-AS-sheet2.pdf
4. Mrs. Dela Cruz has a total investment of Php 190,000, part at 8% and
4. http://ltcconline.net/greenl/courses/152b/QuadraticsLineIneq/systems.htm the rest at 6%. She receives an annual income of Php 13,800 from both
investments. Suppose Mrs. Dela Cruz retains her investment at 6% and
5. http://library.thinkquest.org/20991/alg /systems.html would like to earn an annual income of not more than Php 17,000. What
should her investment be at 8% interest?
6. http://math.about.com/od/algebra1help/a/System_of_Equations_ a. Php 70,000 c. Php 160,000
Worksheets.htm b. Php 120,000 d. Php 230,000

7. http://math.tutorvista.com/algebra/equations-and-inequalities.html# 5. What point is the intersection of the graphs of the lines x + y = 9?

a. (-5, 4) b. (4, 5) c. (5, 4) d. (-4, 5)
8. https://new.edu/resources/solving-linear-systems-by-graphing
6. Mr. Agoncillo asked each of his Industrial Arts students to prepare a
9. https://new.edu/resources/solving-systems-of-linear-inequalities-two- drawing of rectangular table such that its perimeter is at least 10 m and
variables Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities the difference between its length and its width is at most 5 m. Which of
the following could be the sketch of the table’s surface that a student may
10. https://sites.google.com/site/savannaholive/mathed-308/algebra1 prepare?
a. b.
11. http://wveis.k12.wv.us/teach21/public/project/Guide.cfm?upid=3354&tsele

12. http://www.analyzemath.com/equations_inequalities.html

13. http://www.coolmath.com/crunchers/algebra-problems-systems-equations- c. d.

14. http://www.classzone.com/books/algebra_1/page_build.

15. http://www.education.com/study-help/article/graphing-systems-linear- 7. Michelle has two mobile network plans. In one plan, she pays a monthly
equations-inequalities1/ charge of Php 350 plus Php 6 for every minute of call to other networks. In
the other plan, she pays a monthly charge of Php 450 plus Php 4 for every
16. http://www.education.com/study-help/article/tackling-systems-equations- minute of call to other networks. Last month, her monthly bills in both mobile
inequalities/ networks are the same. What is the total call time to other networks did she
17. http://www.kgsepg.com/project-id/6653-systems-linear-equations-and- a. 50 minutes c. 200 minutes
inequalities b. 100 minutes d. 300 minutes

18. http://www.kgsepg.com/project-id/6565-inequalities-two-variables 8. Which of the following is a graph of a system of linear inequalities in two
19. http://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra/systems-of-eq-and-ineq/v/ a. c.

20. http://www.mathchamber.com/algebra7/unit_06/unit_6.htm

21. http://www.mathguide.com/lessons/Systems.html

22. http://www.mathwarehouse.com/algebra/linear_equation/linear-inequality.

23. http://www.mathwarehouse.com/algebra/linear_equation/systems-of-
equation/index.php b. d.

24. http://www.netplaces.com/algebra-guide/graphing-linear-relationships/

25. http://www.netplaces.com/algebra-guide/systems-of-linear-equations/

26. http://www.netplaces.com/algebra-guide/systems-of-linear-equations/

27. http://www.netplaces.com/search.htm?terms=linear+inequalities+in+two+ 9. The school canteen sells two kinds of sandwiches. Chicken sandwich
variables costs Php 18 each while egg sandwich costs Php 10 each. Yesterday, the
canteen was able to sell 260 sandwiches that cost Php 3,320. How many
28. http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/Algorithms/MyAlgorithms/ egg sandwiches were sold?
MathAlgor/linear.html a. 80 b. 90 c. 170 d. 332

29. http://www.purplemath.com/modules/syslneq.htm 10. Which system of equations has graph that shows parallel lines?
5x + 2y = 12 3x + 9y = 4
30. http://www.purplemath.com/modules/systlin1.htm a. c.
x − 7y = 8 x + 3y = 5
-3x + y = 5 2x + y = 12
31. http://www.saddleback.edu/faculty/lperez/algebra2go/begalgebra/index. b. d.
6x − 2y = -10 3x − y = 7
11. If 3x + 2y = 10 and 3x − 2y = 8, what is x equal to?
32. http://www.sophia.org/systems-of-linear-equations-and-inequalities--2- 1
pathway a. b. 3 c. 6 d. 18

33. http://www.tutorcircle.com/solving-systems-of-linear-equations-and- 2x + y = 10
inequalities-t71gp.html#close_iframe#close_iframe 12. Which of the following shows the graph of the system ?
x − 4y < 7

WEBSITE Links for Videos: a. c.

1. http://johnsonsmath.weebly.com/chapter-3---systems-of-linear-equations--

2. http://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?p=systems+of+linear+equati

3. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_

4. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_ b. d.

5. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_

6. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_

7. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_ 13. The Math Club rented a sound system for their annual Mathematics
content/wl-book-demo/ph-233s.html Festival. They also rented a generator in case of power interruption. After
the 2-day event, the club paid a total amount of Php 1,850, two days for
8. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_ the sound system and one day for the generator. If each is rented for three
content/wl-book-demo/ph-234s.html days, the club should have paid a total amount of Php 3,300. What was the
daily rental cost of the generator?
9. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_ a. Php 350 b. Php 750 c. Php 1,050 d. Php 2,250
14. A businessman would like to make a model which he can use as a guide
10. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_ in writing a system of equations. He will use the system of equations in
content/wl-book-demo/ph-236s.html determining the number of computer units and printers that he needs to
stock in his warehouse given the total cost (T), the cost (C) of each computer
11. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_ units, the cost (P) of each printer, and the total number of computer units
content/wl-book-demo/ph-238s.html and printers (N). Which of the following models should he make and follow?
Cx − Py = T Cx + Py = T
12. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_ a. c.
x+y=N x−y=N
content/wl-book-demo/ph-239s.html Cx − Py = T Cx + Py = T
b. d.
x−y=N x+y=N
13. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/academy123/english/academy123_
content/wl-book-demo/ph-240s.html 15. Laila says that the system has infinite number of solutions. Which of the
following reasons would support her statement?
14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X-bMeIN53I a. The two lines as described by the equations in the system have different
15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XCPT1rFC5E b. The graph of the system of equations shows parallel lines.
c. The two lines as described by the equations in the system coincide.
16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oehycq06vo d. The graph of the system of equations shows intersecting lines.

17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNeUozcbxnI 16. Kelly was asked by his supervisor to compare the room charges of two
hotels. His supervisor would like to see the graph showing the comparison
18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCB6cjDHY9k of the room charges. Which of the following graphs should Kelly present to
his supervisor?
19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLXV7XLw1B0 a. b.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders c. d.

17. Mrs. Rosales bought two kg of mango and six kg of banana. She paid a
total amount of Php 360. If she had bought a kilo of each kind of fruits, the
total amount that Mrs. Rosales should have paid was Php 100. How much
does a kilo of mango cost?
a. Php 40 b. Php 60 c. Php 100 d. Php 120

18. A non-government organization is raising funds for the typhoon victims by

selling two kinds of concert tickets. After the concert, the officers of the
organization need to account all the money raised and present it graphically
to their members. Which of the following graphs could be prepared and
presented by the officers?
a. c.

Don’t b. d.
F rget!

Teacher’s Note and Reminders 19. Mrs. Daza would like to prepare some foods for the birthday party of her
daughter. She plans to serve the following according to her budget and the
number of guests: noodles, fried chicken, sandwiches, drinks, and desserts.
Which of the following should Mrs. Daza have before preparing the foods?
I. Budget Plan
II. Recipe book
III. Pricelist of the food ingredients and drinks’ mixtures

a. I and II b. I and III c. II and III d. I, II, and III

20. The Mayor of a city would like to minimize the traffic jam in one of the major
roads. He gathered all people concern to come up with some measures to
Don’t follow. Which of the following measures may be followed to effectively ease
Forget! the traffic flow in the city?
I. Diverting private vehicles to some alternate routes.
II. Assigning non-travel days for public utility vehicles.
III. Reducing the number of travel permits being issued to public utility
vehicles by the city government.

a. I and II b. I and III c. II and III d. I, II, and III

Summative Test Part II. Use the following systems of equations and inequalities to answer the
Answer Key questions that follow.

Part II.
1. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables: 2x + y = 15 3x − 2y ≤ 6 4x − 2y = 12
3x − y = 5 4x + y > 11 x + 3y = 3
2x + y = 15 4x − 2y = 12
3x − y = 5 x + 3y = 3
x + 6y > 9 5x − 2y = 10 2xy ≥ 14
Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables: 2x − 5y ≤ 2 2a + 7b = 6 7x − 2y < 8
x + 6y > 9 3x − 2y ≤ 6
and 1. Which of the given systems of equations or inequalities are systems of
2x − 5y ≤ 2 4x + y > 11
linear equations in two variables? systems of linear inequalities in two
5x − 2y = 10 2xy ≥ 14 variables?
2. and
2a + 7b = 6 7x − 2y < 8
2. Which of the given systems of equations or inequalities are not systems
of linear equations in two variables? systems of linear inequalities in two
variables? Explain your answer.

3. 3. Find the solution of each system of linear equations in two variables
graphically and algebraically. Check your answer against the equations in
the system.


What kind of system of linear equations is each?

4. Find and describe the solution set of each system of linear inequalities
in two variables graphically. Then give five ordered pairs that satisfy the
system. Verify your answer.

Teacher’s Note and Reminders

F rget!

Summative Test Part III. Solve the following problems.
Answer Key 1. A computer service center hires 15 technicians and two supervisors for
total daily wages of Php 11,350. If two of the technicians are promoted as
Part III. supervisors, the total daily wages become Php 11,650. What are the daily
1. Technician: Php 650 wages for a technician and a supervisor?
Supervisor: Php 800
2. There are at most 15 people composed of children and adults who ride in an
2. Possible answers: 5 children and 5 adults elevator that has a capacity of 600 kilograms. If children’s weight averages
8 children and 7 adults 30 kilograms and adult’s weight averages 55 kilograms, how many children
9 children and 6 adults and adults are in the elevator?

Part IV. Let’s Go Gardening! (GRASPS Assessment)

Goal: Prepare and submit a design or sketch plan of an expanded school
Teacher’s Note and Reminders vegetable garden.

Role: Agriculture Teacher

School Principal, Head of the TLE Department, other agriculture
teachers, and the students taking agriculture subject

Your school was nominated in the Regional Search for Best School
Vegetable Garden. The school principal instructed one of the agriculture
teachers to further improve the existing 500 sq. m. vegetable garden
in your school and expand it to at least one hectare. He advised the
teacher to come up with the design or sketch plan of the expanded
garden and a list of vegetables to be grown including their quantities.

Design or sketch plan of an expanded school vegetable garden following
Don’t the standards set
F rget!
The design or sketch plan must show the following:
1. Appropriate, flawless, and elegant illustration
2. Accurate measurements
3. Clear presentation of the sketch plan of the garden
4. Diversity of vegetables to be grown in the garden

Teacher’s Note and Reminders Use the rubric below to check students’ work.
Excellent Satisfactory Developing Beginning
4 3 2 1
The design or The design or The design or The design or
the sketch plan the sketch plan the sketch plan the sketch plan
of the school of the school of the school of the school
vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable
garden reveals garden reveals garden reveals garden reveals
student’s student’s student’s student’s
exemplary exemplary exemplary exemplary
understanding understanding understanding understanding
of the key of the key of the key of the key
concepts concepts concepts of concepts
of systems of systems systems of of systems
of linear of linear linear equations of linear
Content equations and equations and and inequalities equations and
inequalities in inequalities in in two variables. inequalities in
two variables. two variables. The main topic two variables.
The main The main systems of The main
topic systems topic systems linear equations topic systems
of linear of linear and inequalities of linear
equations and equations and in two variables equations and
inequalities in inequalities in are illustrated inequalities in
two variables two variables but with two variables
are illustrated are illustrated considerable are fairly
appropriately, appropriately errors. illustrated and
flawlessly, and with minor with major
elegantly. errors. errors.

F rget!

Teacher’s Note and Reminders Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting
statements statements statements statements
pertinent to pertinent to pertinent to pertinent to
the design or the design or the design or the design
sketch plan sketch plan sketch plan or sketch
of the school of the school of the school plan of the
garden are garden are garden are school garden
Clarity of highly relevant, relevant, clearly relevant, clearly are slightly
Presentation clearly presented, presented, relevant,
presented, convincing and slightly and barely
convincing, fairly accurate. convincing and accurate.
and accurate. Ideas are well fairly accurate. Ideas are
Ideas are developed and Ideas are slightly
thoroughly organized. developed developed
developed and but not well- but not well-
well-organized. organized. organized.
Measurements Measurements Measurements Measurements
of the different of the parts of of the different of the different
parts of the the design or parts of the parts of the
Accuracy design or sketch plan design or design or
of Measure- sketch plan of the school sketch plan sketch plan
ments of the school garden are of the school of the school
garden are fairly accurate. garden are garden
of utmost of minimal are barely
accuracy. accuracy accurate.
The design The design The design The design
shows different shows different only shows a only shows a
varieties of varieties few varieties of few varieties
plants that are of plants. plants that are of plants and
Diversity of well-organized However, the well-organized are not well-
Plants and properly plants are and properly organized and
situated. not well- situated. not properly
organized and situated.
not properly
Don’t situated.
F rget!

Teacher’s Note and Reminders Questions:
1. Were you able to make a design or sketch a plan of the vegetable garden?

2. How did you come up with the design or sketch plan?

3. Were you able to apply your understanding of systems of linear equations

and inequalities in two variables? How?

4. Suppose you are asked to make a list of all materials needed for the
improvement of the school vegetable garden.
a. What are the materials that you would need?
b. What is the quantity of each of these materials?
c. Out of the materials listed and their respective quantities, formulate
problems that illustrate the applications of systems of linear equations
and inequalities in two variables. Solve these problems in different

5. What important things have you learned from the task done?

F rget!

Teacher’s Note and Reminders

F rget!


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