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School Grade Level 9

Teacher JULIE ANN G. ARELLANO Learning Area MATH
November 7-11, 2022
Teaching Dates and
9- Diamond (8:00 am- 9:00am) Quarter SECOND
9- Sapphire (10:15am – 11:15 am)

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of variation and radicals.
2. Performance
The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately problems involving variation and radicals.
3. Learning Illustrates situations that Translates into variation Translates into variation Solves problems involving
Competencies/ involve direct variation. statement a relationship statement a relationship direct variation.
Objectives (M9AL-IIa-1) between two quantities given between two quantities (M9AL-IIb-c-1)
by: (a) a table of values; (b) given by: (a) a table of
a. Illustrate situations that a mathematical equation; (c) values; (b) a mathematical a. Solve problems involving
involve direct variation a graph, and vice versa. equation; (c) a graph, and direct variation
b. Identify examples of (M9AL-IIa-b-1) vice versa. (M9AL-IIa-b-1)
b. Apply the concepts
direct variation
c. Appreciate the concept a. Translate into variation learned about direct
a. Translate into variation
of direct variation in statement a relationship statement a relationship variation in solving verbal
real-life situation involving direct variation involving direct variation problems
between two quantities between two quantities c. Appreciate the concept of
given by a table of values given by a table of direct variation in
and vice versa values and vice versa real-life situation
b. Find the unknown in a b. Find the unknown in a
direct variation equation direct variation equation
c. Appreciate the concept of c. Appreciate the concept
direct variation in real-life of direct variation in real-
situation life situation
II. CONTENT Direct Variation Direct Variation Direct Variation Direct Variation
A. References
d. Teacher’s
Guide pp.132-134 pp.135-137 pp.135-137 pp. 138-139

e. Learner’s
Materials pp.193-195 pp.197-202 pp.197-202 pp. 202-204

f. Textbook Mathematics III (Concepts, Mathematics III (Concepts, Mathematics III (Concepts, Mathematics III (Concepts,
Structures and Methods for Structures and Methods for Structures and Methods for Structures and Methods for
High School), pp. 349-353 High School), pages 354- High School), pages 354- High School), pages 356-357
Oronce, Orlando A., et.al 356 356 Oronce, Orlando A., et.al
(1996) Oronce, Orlando A., et.al Oronce, Orlando A., et.al (1996)
(1996) (1996)
g. Additional https://www.google.com.ph/
Materials search?
from q=students+segregating+gar
Learning bage&source=lnms&tbm=isc
Resource h&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiw3e
(LR) portal md5InUAhXJm5QKHWEAB
B. Other Learning Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd
Resources Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016,
activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and
monitor monitor monitor monitor
A. Reviewing previous Preliminary Activity! Preliminary Activity! Preliminary Activity! Preliminary Activity!
lesson or presenting Analyze the given the Determine if the table below Draw the graph of the given Direction: Read and analyze
the new lesson situation below. express a direct variation set of ordered pairs. Plot it the problem.
between two quantities or on one Cartesian plane. Mang Tony is a worker
Pedro and Juan are not. Label the x values as time t in a pineapple plantation.
salespersons. Compare the 1. and the y values as distance During harvest season, the
computations of Pedro’s and d owner of the plantation pays
Juan’s total income 2. him Php7.00 for every 5
pineapples he will gather.


In the following table, c is the

amount he received from the
owner and n is the number of

B. Establishing a 1. What have you observed Based on the activity that Based on the graph drawn in Based on the preliminary
purpose for the with Pedro’s total you have done how will you the preliminary activity, does activity, answer the following
lesson income? Juan’s total justify that an item expresses it show a direct variation of questions correctly.
income? direct variation or not? the form y = kx? How do you
2. How do you solve for the say so? Justify your answer. 1. What mathematical
total income of the two statement can relate
salesperson? between the two
3. Among the two, who
quantities n and c?
shows a direct variation
salesperson? 2. What is the constant of
variation? Formulate the
mathematical equation.
3. Graph the relation.
4. How much would Mang
Tony receive if he will be
able to harvest 500
5. What product can be
produced using

C. Presenting Direction: Read and analyze Show to the class an Show to the class some Provide illustrative Examples
examples/ the given situation below example for the learners to illustrative examples for to show the application of the
instances of the then answer the questions understand the lesson. deeper understanding of the lesson.
lesson that follows. lesson.
The SSG of Kaong The table below shows that Illustrative Example 1:
National High School the distance travelled by the Illustrative Example 1. The cost (c) of a ripe papaya
launches a recycling motorist varies directly as Using the graph below, find varies directly as weight (w).
campaign of waste materials the time spent. Find the the constant k of variation If a 2-kg papaya costs
in order to raise students’ constant of variation and the and the equation which Php45.00, how much should
awareness of environmental equation which describe the describes the relation. a 3-kg papaya cost?
protection and the effects of relation. Solution:
climate change. This is in Step 1: c = kw
connection with the 45 = k(2)
celebration of Earth Month. 22. 5 = k
Every kilogram of waste Solution: Step 2:
materials earns points that Since the distance d varies c = 22.5(3)
can be exchange for school directly as the time t, then c = 67.50
supplies. Paper, which is the d = kt. Thus, a 3–kg papaya costs
number one waste collected, Php76.50
earns 6 points for every kilo. Using one of the pairs of
values, (2, 20), from the Illustrative Example 2: The
table, substitute the values Solution: amount of money raised
of d and t in d = kt and solve If the cost of tilapia c varies during JS Promenade Night
for k. So, directly as its weight w, then varies directly as the number
d = kt the relationship can be of attendees. The amount of
20 = 2k translated into mathematical money raised for 5 attendees
statement c= kw. was Php1000.00. How much
k= money will be raised for 124
Using one of the points on attendees?
The table below shows the k = 10 the graph (2, 190), substitute
Therefore, the constant of the values of c and w in c = Solution:
points earned by Grade 9
variation is 10. We can see kw and solve for k. Let
Mangga class for every that the constant of variation c = kw x = the number of attendees
number of kilograms of can be solved if one pair of y = the amount of money
190 = k (2)
waste paper collected. values x and y is known. raised
From the resulting equation, =k
other pairs having the same y = kx y = 200(124)
relationship can be obtained. 95 = k 1000 = k(5) y = 24800
Questions: Therefore, the constant of 200 = k
1. What happens to the variation is 95. Form the
number of points when mathematical equation of Thus, for 124 attendees
the number of kilograms the variation by substituting Php24,800 will be raised.
of paper doubled? 95 in the statement c = kw.
2. How many kilograms of c = 95w Illustrative Example 3:
papers will the Grade 9 Nomer uses 20 liters of
Mangga class have in Illustrative Example 2. unleaded gasoline to travel
order to raise 600 points? It is known that y varies 200 kilometers, how many
3. What mathematical directly as x and y = 32 and liters of gasoline will he use
on a trip of 700 kilometers?
statement will relate the x = 4, find the variation
two quantities involved? constant and the equation of Solution:
4. In what way are you able variation. If the distance(d) traveled
to help clean the varies directly as the amount
environment by collecting Solution: To express the of unleaded gasoline (u)
these papers? What statement y varies directly consumed, then
items can be made out of as x, write y = kx. Therefore, d = ku 7000 = 10(u)
these papers? by substituting the given 200 = k(20) 700 = u
values in the derived 10 = k
equation, we have
32 = k(4) Therefore, 700 liters of
k = 8 by MPE gasoline is used on a trip
The variation constant is 8 which is 700 km.
and the equation of variation
is y = 8x.

Illustrative Example 3.
If x varies directly as the
square of y, and x = 2 when
y = 1, find the constant of
variation and the value of x
when y = 3.

To express the statement x
directly as the square of y,
write x = ky² (example of
direct square variation)

Therefore, by substituting
the given values in the
derived equation, we have
2 = (k)1²
2=k constant of
Solving for x
x = ky²
x = 2(3)²
x = 2(9)
x = 18

D. Discussing new Based on the given situation, Direction: Analyze the Group Activity. Divide the Teacher Jen charges Php
concepts and what have you noticed with problem then answer the class into 4 groups. Each 300 per hour of tutorial
practicing new skills the two quantities? Is there a following questions. group will solve a number service to a Grade 9 student.
#1 direct relationship between assigned to them. After they
Kaong Junk shops pay
them? are done with the activity
Php12.00 for every kilo of tin choose one representative
cans bought from collectors. to explain their work in front.
The table shows c as the
cost in peso and h as the Direction: In each of the
number of kilos of tin cans: following table of values, find
the constant of variation (k)
and an equation that defines
the relation.
Question: 1.
1. Write a mathematical Complete the table if c is the
amount charge for the
statement that relates the
tutorial service and n is the
two quantities n and c, number of hours.
formulate the equation.
2. What is the constant of 2. If p varies directly as q,
and p = 25 when
q = 20
3. If y varies directly as and
y = 24 when x = 3
4. If a varies directly as the
square of b and
a =3 when b = 4
E. Discussing new Activity: Think-Pair-Share Base on the situation given, Direction: Based on the Direction: Based on the
concepts and Direction: Find a partner. observe the values of c and previous activity answer the previous activity, answer the
practicing new skills Read and analyze the given n in the table. What happens questions that follow. following questions correctly.
#2 situation then answer the to the cost when the number 1. Is there a pattern in 1. After completing the table,
question that follows. of kilos of tin cans were translating into variation observe the values of c
doubled? Tripled? Is there a statement the relations of and n. What happen to
Ronnie walks a distance of 1 pattern in translating into two quantities given by the amount charge (c)
km per 20 minutes at a variation statement the the table of values, graph when the number of hours
constant rate. The table relations of two quantities or mathematical (n) doubled or tripled?
shows the distance he has given by the table of values? equation? 2. What mathematical
walked at a particular length 2. What is direct square statement relates the two
of time. variation? quantities n and c?
3. What is the constant k of
variation? variation
4. If Teacher Jen spends 3
hours tutoring per day,
how much would she
receive after 20 days?

1. What happens to the
distance as the length of
time increases?
2. If Ronnie walks 1.5 km
going to school, how
much time did he spend
in walking?
3. What mathematical
statement can represent
the relation?
4. What mathematical
operation did you apply in
this case?
5. Is there a constant
number involved?

F. Developing mastery Direction: Put a check (√ ) on Direction: In each of the Think-Pair-Share Solve for the following:
(Leads to Formative the blank before the letter if following table of values, find A. Express the following as 1. Express an equation
Assessment 3) the given situation is a direct the constant of variation (k) an equation where k is where k is the constant of
variation and put a cross( x ) and an equation that defines the constant of variation. variation: the voltage (V)
if it is not. the relation. 1. The circumference (C) of in an electric circuit varies
_____ 1. The distance an a circle varies directly as directly as the current (I).
airplane flies to the 1. the length of its diameter If I = 5 when V = 110, find
time travelling (d). V when I = 12.
_____ 2. The time a teacher 2. The cost (C) of a fish 2. The circumference of a
spends in checking 2. varies directly as its circle varies directly as its
test papers to the weight (w) in kilograms. diameter. If the variation
number of students 3. The water bill (B) varies constant (k) is what is
_____ 3. The number of directly as the number of the circumference of a
hours to finish a cubic meter consumption circle whose diameter is
job to the number (c). 12 cm? 18 cm? 25 cm?
of persons working 4. The area (A) of a square
_____ 4. The age of a used varies directly as the
cellphone to its square of a side (s).
resale value 5. The volume (V) of a
_____ 5. The number of cylinder varies directly as
persons sharing a its height (h).
buko pie to the B. Find k, if y varies directly
size of the slices of as x
the pie 1. x = 15 when y = 120
2. y = 45 when x = 5
3. x = 8 when y = 112
4. x = 9 when y = 21
5. y =14 when x = 42
G. Finding practical Answer the following Direction: Form 5 groups Direction: Answer the Group Activity. Divide the
applications of questions: and perform the problem following questions. class into 3 groups. Each
concepts and skills in given. 1. If n varies directly as m, group will solve a number
1. Rudy sold 3 baskets of and n = 40 when assigned to them. After they
daily living banana at Php35 per kg. The circumference of a m = 16, find n when are done with the activity
If a basket contains 8 kg, circle inside the basketball m = 30. choose one representative to
how much did Rudy court of Kaong National High 2. If y varies directly as x, explain their work in front.
earn? School varies directly as its and y = 35 when
2. Candies are sold at diameter. If the x = 14, find y when Problems:
Php1.50 each. How much circumference of a circle x = 16. 1. If c varies directly as the
will a bag of 420 candies having a diameter of 7 cm is 3. If y varies directly as x, square root of d, and c =
cost? 7 cm, what is the and y = 45 when 16 when d = 64, find c
3. A photocopy machine can circumference of it whose x = 2 ½, find x when when
finish 500 pages in 3 diameter is 10 cm? 15 cm? y = 180. d = 324.
minutes. How many 18 cm? 20 cm? 4. If p varies directly as q, 2. A student earns Php
pages can the machine and p = 21 when 280.00 for a 5 hour shift
copy in 1 hour? Task: q = 24, find p when on his summer job. The
1. Write a mathematical q =56. amount of money he
statement that relates the 5. If x varies directly as earns varies directly to the
two quantities involved in a + b, and x = 12 when number of hours worked.
the problem. a = 1 and b = 2, find x Find the constant k, and
2. What is the constant of when a = 3 and b = 4. the amount of money he
variation? Formulate the will earn for an 8-hour
mathematical equation. shift.
3. Solve for the constant of 3. The number N of bottles
variation given the produced by a machine
following relation to varies directly to the
complete the data amount of time t the
needed. machine is working. If the
4. Construct a table of machine produces 15,000
values from the relation. bottles in 6 hours, how
many bottles can it
produce in 18 hours?

H. Making 1. There is a direct variation 1. There is a direct variation 1. There is a direct variation Direct variation problems
generalizations and whenever a situation whenever a situation whenever a situation can be solved using the
abstractions about produces pairs of produces pairs of produces pairs of equation y= kx, where k is
the lesson numbers in which their numbers in which their numbers in which their the constant of variation.
ratio is constant. ratio is constant. ratio is constant. When dealing with word
2. The statements: 2. The statements: 2. The statements: problems, we can consider
“y varies directly as x”, “y varies directly as x”, “y varies directly as x”, using variables other than x
“y is directly proportional “y is directly proportional “y is directly proportional and y.
to x”, and to x”, and to x”, and
“y is proportional to x” “y is proportional to x” “y is proportional to x”
May be translated May be translated May be translated
mathematically as y = kx, mathematically as y = kx, mathematically as y = kx,
where k is the constant of where k is the constant of where k is the constant of
variation variation variation
3. For two quantities, x and 3. For two quantities, x and 3. For two quantities, x and
y, an increase in x causes y, an increase in x y, an increase in x
an increase in y as well. causes an increase in y causes an increase in y
Similarly, a decrease in x as well. Similarly, a as well. Similarly, a
causes a decrease in y. decrease in x causes a decrease in x causes a
decrease in y. decrease in y.

I. Evaluating learning Read and analyze the Short Quiz: Short Quiz: Solve for the following
problem to answer the Direction: Determine if the Find the variation constant problem using the concepts
following questions given. table of values express a and the equation of variation learned in direct variation.
Every week, Kenneth direct variation between two in each of the following if y 1. The number of kilograms
puts Php15.00 in his piggy variables. If they do, find the varies directly as x. of water K in a human
bank. In the following table, constant of variation and an 1. y = 15 and x = 3 body is directly
n is the number of weeks equation that defines the 2. y = 48 and x = 6 proportional to its total
and s is the savings in peso. relation. 3. y = 10 and x = 24 weight W. A man who
weighs 87 kg contains 58
1. 4. y = 1 and x = 1 kg of water. If Marcelo
5. y = 7.2 and x = 2 weighs 72 kg, how many
kilograms of water does
1. What happens to
2. he contain?
Kenneth’s savings as the
2. The service fee f of a
number of weeks
3. professional physical
doubled? tripled?
therapist varies directly as
2. In how many weeks
the number of hours h of
would he have saved
4. service rendered. If a
physical therapist charged
3. How much will be his 5. Php1350 for 3 hours of
savings after 15 weeks? service, how much would
4. What mathematical he be paid for 5 ½ hours
statement can represent of service?
the relation?
5. Give the constant number
involved in the situation.

J. Additional activities Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment:

for application or 1. Follow-up 1. Follow-up 1. Follow-up 1. Follow-up
remediation Give at least three examples Find the constant of In each of the following, y The pressure p at the
of situations illustrating direct variation and write the varies directly as x. Find bottom of a swimming
variation. equation representing the the values as indicated. pool varies directly as the
2. Study on how to translate relationship between the a. If y = 42 and x = 7, depth d of the water. If the
into variation statement a quantities of the table of find y when x = 4 pressure is 125 Pascal
relationship between two values given. b. If y = 96 when x = 8, when the water is 2
quantities given by (a) table find x when y = 72 meters deep, find the
of values; (b) a mathematical c. If y = -3 when x = -4, pressure when it is 4.5
equation; (c) a graph. find x when y = 2 meters deep.
2. Study on how to translate 2. Study on how to apply the2. Study
Reference: into variation statement a concepts of direct variation a. What do you mean by
Grade 9 Learning Module relationship between two in solving word problems. the word inverse?
pp.196-197 quantities given by Work on Activity 7: Cans b. What is inverse
(a) a mathematical Anyone? variation?
equation; (b) a graph. c. What mathematical
Reference: statement represents
Reference: Grade 9 Learning Module inverse variation?
Grade 9 Learning Module pp.202-203
pp.196-197 Reference:
Grade 9 Learner’s Materials,
pages 206-208

1. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No. of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?


Math Teacher Head Teacher I

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