DLL-WK 4-LC 5,6
DLL-WK 4-LC 5,6
DLL-WK 4-LC 5,6
OCTOBER 17-21 2022
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FIRST
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM & 2:35 PM – 3:35 PM
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
pp. 50-53 pp. 54-57 pp. 54-57 pp. 54-57
2. Learner’s Materials
pp. 77-87 pp. 88-95 pp. 88-95 pp. 88-95
3. Textbook Intermediate Algebra Intermediate Algebra Intermediate Algebra Intermediate Algebra
pp. 58-60 pp. 61-65 pp. 95-101 pp. 95-101
Julieta G. Bernabe et.al. Julieta G. Bernabe et.al. Julieta G. Bernabe et.al. Julieta G. Bernabe et.al.
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Cavite Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd
Resources Cavite Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016,
activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and
monitor monitor monitor monitor
A. Reviewing previous lesson Find the LCM of Translate the verbal phrases into algebraic Study the situation below. The Review:
or presenting the new the following expressions. sum of two numbers is 36. Analyze, study and solve the
lesson expressions: a. The ratio of x and 4. Describe the following given problem.
3 4 b. 3 less than thrice a number representations:
1. , 1. Coco Martin has a
x x−1 c. The sum of twice a number _________1. Let x be the
vacant lot in his
and 8 _________2. 36–x be the
x x2 backyard. He wants to
2. , 2 d. The ratio of a number x and ________ 3. x(36-x) be the
x−1 x −1 make as many
six increased by two
rectangular gardens as
2x 3 e. A certain number decreased possible such that the
3. , by two
x+1 x+ 2 length of each garden is
3m longer than its width.
He also wants the length
of the garden with the
smallest area to be 4m.
B. Establishing a purpose for 1. How did you find 1. What words serve as clues to what Cite an example or situation in
1. Illustrate the different
the lesson the LCM of the operation symbol is to be used? real life where the concept of rectangular gardens that
following the quadratic equation and Coco Martin could make.
2. What must be considered in translating
expressions? verbal phrases to mathematical phrases and rational algebraic equation is
2. What are the dimensions
2. What vice versa? applied. of the different gardens
mathematics that Coco Martin wants to
concepts or 3. In translating a verbal phrase to an make?
principles did you algebraic expression, a single word can
3. What is the area of each
apply? make a difference. Thus, every word in the
3. Did you find any statement must be interpreted correctly. In garden in item 2?
difficulty in 4. What is the area of the
what way does it affect our dealings with
smallest garden that
performing the others? Coco Martin can make?
task? How about the area of
the largest garden?
Explain your answer.
C. Presenting examples/ Example 1: Solve Example 1: if the square of a number is Example. A tank fitted with two Example. The denominator of a
instances of the the rational added to 3 times, the sum is 108. Find the pipes is to be filled with water. fraction is 4 more than the
lesson Algebraic equation number. One pipe can fill it in 15 hours. numerator. If both the
6 x −3 Solution: Let x be the number After it has been open for 3 numerator and the denominator
+ =2.
x 4 2
x + 3 x =108 hours, the second pipe is of the fraction are increased by
a. Multiply
x + 3 x −108=0 opened and the tank is filled in 1, the resulting fraction equals
both sides (x +12) (x – 9) = 0 4 hours more. How long would 1 . Find the fraction.
x + 12 =0 x–9=0 2
of the it take the second pipe alone to
equation by x = -12 x=9 fill the tank? Analysis:
Example 2. The speed at which water
the LCM of Let x, the numerator of the
travels in a pipe can be measured by Let x be the time in hours for
directing the flow through an elbow and the second pipe alone to fill the fraction
measuring the height its spurts out on the tank. Then, x + 4 is the denominator.
rs. In the top. If the elbow height is 10cm, the
given Then: Rate x Time = Part Filled Increasing both of these
equation relating the height of the water
equation, Rate x Part expressions by 1, the resulting
above the elbow (in cm) and its velocity v (in
the LCM is cm/sec) is given by v =1960 (h + 10). Find v
2 Time Filled x+1 1
equation is =
4x. if h = 2cm. First 1 7 7 x+5 2
6 x −3
4 (
=2→ 4 x +
x )
6 x−3 Solution: substitute the value of h in Pipe
=4 x (2)
4 the formula:
15 15 Solution:
24+ x −3 x =8 x v 2=1960 (2+10 ) Second 1 4 4 The LCD is (x + 5)(2).
2 = 1960 (12) Pipe x x Multiplying both sides by the
24+ x −3 x =8 x
= 23520 LCD
b. Write the
v=√ 23520
quadratic = 153.36 cm/sec.
Solution: ( )
( x +5 ) (2 )
x +1 1
= ( x +5)(2)
x +5 2
equation in 7 4 2 (x +1) = x + 5
+ =1
standard 15 x
form. 2x + 2 = x + 5
4 8
x 15 x=3
2 2
24+ x −3 x =8 x → x −11 x +24=0
c. Find the 8x = 60 3
the fraction is
roots of the 7
equation 1
using any of 2
the methods The second pipe alone can fill
of solving 1
quadratic the tank in 7 hours. The
equations. product of the roots of x 2 + 7x –
Try 18 = 0 is -18
factoring in
finding the
roots of the
D. Discussing new concepts Solve the What are my Dimensions? Solve the following. Analyze and solve the following
and practicing new skills following. Use the situation below to answer the 1. What positive number problem.
1. questions that follow. exceeds 3 times its 1. The perimeter of a
reciprocal by 2?
8 4 x The length of a rectangular floor is 5m rectangular swimming
x+ =1+ Representation: Let x be
x−2 x−2 longer than its width. The area of the floor is pool is 86m and its area
2 the number and its
2x 5 x 84 m . reciprocal. is 450m2. What is the
2. 5 + 4 =10 Questions: 2. The length of a rectangle length of the swimming
1. What expression represents the width is 7 inches more than its pool? How about its
2 3x of the floor? How about the width, its area is 228 width? Explain how you
3. − =7
x 2 expressions represent its width? square inches. What are arrived at your answer.
2. Formulate an equation relating the the dimensions of the 2. The length of a
width, length and the area of the floor. rectangle?
rectangular parking lot is
Representation: Let x be
Explain how you arrived at the 36m longer than its
the width of the
mathematical sentence. rectangle and x+7 be width. The area of the
3. How would you describe the equation the length parking lot is 5,152m2.
that you formulated? 3. Mrs. Cesa can finish What equation
4. What is the width of the floor? How checking 40 item test represents the area of
ahead of Mrs.
about its length? the parking lot?
Saburao by 1 min.
5. How did you find the length and width
Together they can finish
of the floor? 27 papers in 1 hour.
How long does it take
each to finish checking
one paper?
Representation: Let x be
the time it takes for Mrs.
Cesa to finish
checking a 40-item test
paper. x + 1 be the time
it takes for Mrs. Saburao
to finish checking a 40-
item test paper.
E. Discussing new Use the situation below to answer the In word problems, what we Use the situation below to
concepts and practicing Solve this questions that follow. need is to set a certain answer the questions that
new skills equation: quadratic equation related to follow.
#2 The length of rectangular board is 36 inches the condition of the problem. To
1 1 1
+ = longer than its width. The area of the board facilitate the formulation of the A projectile that is fired
x x +3 2 is 576 square inches.
quadratic equation, as well as vertically into the air with an
initial velocity of 120ft. per
a. Multiply the solution, we need to draw a
Questions: second can be modeled by the
both sides 1. What expression represents the width of rough diagram for the condition equation s = 120t – 16t2. In the
of equation the board? How about the expression of the problem. In some equation, s is the distance in
by 2x(x+3) that represents its length? problems, a root derived may feet of the projectile above the
to get the 2. Formulate an equation relating the be discarded. What do you ground after t seconds.
quadratic width, length and the area of the board. think are the reasons why?
equation Explain how you arrived at the Explain. (Examples 1 – 3) 1. How long will it take for a
b. Solve for mathematical sentence. projectile to reach 216
x using any 3. How would you describe the equation feet?
method. that you formulated? 2. Is it possible for the
4. Using the equation, how will you projectile to reach 900
determine the length and width of the feet? Justify your
board? answer.
5. What is the width of the board? How
about its length?
6. How did you find the length and width of
the boar
F. Developing mastery View Me in Let each student get the area of the front Let Me Try! Let each student get the area of
(Leads to Formative Another Way! page cover of their Math Learners Manual the blackboard Represent the
Solve the following.
Assessment 3) book. Represent the width of the book by x width of the board by x and
Transform each of and then find the expression that represents 1.Find the two consecutive then find the expression that
the following its length. Formulate an equation relating the even integers if one – third of represents its length. Formulate
equations into a width, length and the area of the book. the smaller one is equal to one an equation relating the width,
quadratic equation Explain how you arrived at the mathematical – fourt of the larger one. length and the area of the
in the form sentence. Use cm as a unit of 2. the ten di of a two – digit board. Explain how you arrived
measurement. number is one more than the at the mathematical sentence.
ax +bx +c=0 . units’ digit. If the number is Use m as a unit of
3 4 divide by the sumof the digits, measurement.
1. x 2 x
+ =x−1 the quotient is equal to
seven.what is the number?
6 x−5
+ =3
x+5 2
2 4
+ =7
r−1 r + 5
1 4x
4. 3 x + 6 =1
1 x 2
5. x − 6 = 3
G. Finding practical What is the Use a variable to represent the unknown Make a design or sketch plan of Play the role of….
applications of concepts agricultural product quantity, and then write an equation from the a table than can be made out of By Group:
that is usually given information. Explain how you arrived Cite and role play a situation in
and skills in daily living known as source at your answer. (Group students into 5 and 3 real – life situation where the
×4'×8 plywood and 2” x 3” x
of income of let them work on these for 20 min) 4 concept of quadratic and
Maragondonians? Group 1 – Find the area and perimeter of 8’ wood. Using the design or rational algebraic equation is
one rectangular pathway in your school sketch plan, formulate applied. Formulate and solve
Solve the following campus. problems that involve quadratic problems out of these
equations. Copy Group 2 – Find the length of fencing equations, then solve in as situations.
the letter materials needed to enclose a rectangular many ways as possible.
corresponding to lot of administration building in your school
each equation and campus.
write it above the Group 3 – Find the area and perimeter of
corresponding any rectangular garden in your school
answer in the campus.
boxes below that Group 4 – Find the area and perimeter of
contain the answer the tarpaulin needed that will fit to the wall of
code. the stage in your school campus.
Group 5 – Number of hollow blocks (5” x 4”)
needed to concretize the 3 walls of your
school campus Pavilion including the 2
layered hollow blocks below the ground.
H. Making generalizations and STEPS IN There are conditions in a given problem There are conditions in a given There are many types of
abstractions about the TRANSFORMING which when translated to the equation form problem which when translated applied problems involving
lesson RATIONAL in one variable lead to a quadratic equation to the equation form in one rational equation. Success in
ALGEBRAIC and two answers are obtained. In some variable lead to a quadratic solving them depends upon:
EXPRESSION problems, a set of answers can be equation and two answers are 1. Correct analysis of the
INTO discarded. For instance, negative obtained. In some problems, a problem
dimensions of rectangles and the negative set of answers can be 2. Proper labeling of the
QUADRATIC time are disregarded. discarded. For instance, variable(s)
EQUATION negative dimensions of 3. Accurate statement of
Multiply rectangles and the negative the mathematical
both sides time are disregarded. sentence
4. Systematic derivation of
of the
the truth set, and
equation by 5. Proper translation into
the LCM of the solution set
rs. In the
Write the
equation in
Find the
roots of the
using any of
the methods
of solving
factoring in
finding the
roots of the
I. Evaluating learning Find those missing! Solve the following problems Solve the following
involving rational algebraic problems.
Solve the following problems involving equation. 1. If an amount of money
quadratic equations 1. The denominator of a P in pesos is invested at
1. A rectangular garden has an area of fraction is 4 more than r percent compounded
84m and a perimeter of 38m. Find its the numerator. If both annually, it will grow to
length and width. the numerator and the an amount
2. A car travels 20 kph faster than a denominator of the A= P (l + r)2 in two years.
truck. The car covers 350km in two fraction are increased by Suppose Vice Ganda
hours less than the time it takes the 1, the resulting fraction wants his money
truck to travel the same distance. equals to ½. Find the amounting to
What is the speed of the car? How fraction. Php200,000 to grow to
about the truck? 2. The fifth, fifteen and Php228, 980 in two
3. Filomena Resort rented a certain fiftieth parts of a number years. At what rate must
number of function rooms for Php 28, together make43. Find he invested his money?
800 when the price was reduced by the number. 2. Kathryn can type a
Php 20 per room, 6 more rooms were 3. The smaller of two report in five hours while
rented. How many function rooms numbers is two –thirds of Liza can finish the same
were rented? the larger, and the sum report in four hours. If
of their reciprocal is 1/6. both girls work on the
What are the numbers? report together, how
long will it take to finish
a. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
b. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
c. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
d. No. of learners who
continue to require
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?