2018 Let Professional Education Reviewer by Teacherph:: Licensure Examination For Teachers (Let) ?
2018 Let Professional Education Reviewer by Teacherph:: Licensure Examination For Teachers (Let) ?
2018 Let Professional Education Reviewer by Teacherph:: Licensure Examination For Teachers (Let) ?
a. Lecturing
b. Observing
c. Modeling
d. Questioning
3. The National Achievement Test results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that it
falls under ________________.
a. norm-referenced test
b. criterion-referenced test
c. diagnostic test
d. formative test
4. If you are a rationalist teacher, which among the following will be your guiding principle?
a. Teachers should teach the students that they can never have real knowledge of anything.
b. Teachers should teach the students all bodies of knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for the
better future.
c. Teachers should teach the students to be firm with their religious beliefs.
d. Teachers should teach the students to develop their mental powers to the fullest.
5. Mr. Angelo always tells his students that pleasure is not the highest good. His teaching is against
which philosophy?
a. Idealism
b. Realism
c. Essentialism
d. Hedonism
6. Teacher A us a teacher of English as Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-
blank sentences, dialogues, dictation, and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery
shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
a. The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because students have different learning styles.
b. The teacher is applying the Revised Bloom’s of hierarchy of cognitive learning.
c. The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills.
d. The teacher wars to make her teaching more student-centered by having less talk.
8. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignment that adversely affect their
teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be pre-occupied only with teaching?
a. Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice demands that they be properly compensated.
b. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for the good
of the communities around them.
c. No, because they are also tasked to lead community activities as leaders.
d. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job.
9. Ms. Evelyn gave her first-grade class a page with a story in which pictures take the place of some
words. Which method did she use?
a. Spaulding method
b. Whole Language Approach
c. Rebus Method
d. Language Experience Approach
10. St. Scholastica’s College, a catholic-school, which helps in the development of graduates who are
“maka-diyos” is an influence of _________________.
a. naturalistic morality
b. situational morality
c. religious morality
d. classical-Christian morality
11. A child who gets punished for cheating may not cheat again immediately. But this does not mean
that the child may not cheat again. Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment and learning, this
shows that ______________________.
a. Give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable for them, trying to
bring them up to a grade level.
b. Give them the same work as other students, because they will absorb as much as they are capable
c. Give the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won’t feel embarrassed.
d. Give them work on the level of the other students and work a little above the classmates level to
challenge them.
13. Which type of report refers to on-the-spot description of some incident, episode or occurrence
that is being observed and recorded as being of possible significance.
a. autobiographical report
b. biographical report
c. value and interest report
d. anecdotal report
14. An effective classroom manager uses low-profile classroom control. Which is a low-profile
classroom technique?
a. note to parents
b. after-school detention
c. withdrawal of privileges
d. raising the pitch of the voice
15. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages.
In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
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Sep 27, 2017
a. symbolic
b. enactive and iconic
c. symbolic and enactive
d. iconic
16. As a teacher, you want to develop the skill of synthesizing in your students. Which one should
you do?
17. What is the mean of this score distribution: 5, 9, 10, 11, 12?
a. 10
b. 47
c. 9.4
d. 12
a. correlation
b. central tendency
c. level of difficulty
d. discrimination
19. Mr. Angelo combined several subject areas in order to focus on single concept for
interdisciplinary teaching. Which strategy or method did he use?
a. problem-centered learning
b. thematic instruction
c. reading-writing activity
d. unit method
20. Rights and duties are correlative. This means that _________________.
21. What can be said of Jerome who obtained a score of 75 in a grammar objective test?
22. In a treatment for alcoholism, Mark was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then made to
ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell of alcohol
and stopped drinking alcohol. Which theory explains this?
a. operant conditioning
b. social learning theory
c. associative learning
d. attribution theory
23. Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity. What
does it imply?
24. A mother gives his boy his favorite snack every time the by cleans up his room. Afterwards, the
boy cleaned his room every day in anticipation of the snack. Which theory is illustrated?
a. associative learning
b. classical conditioning
c. operant conditioning
d. modeling
25. If the material is dangerous for the learners to handle, which of the following method will you
a. textbook
b. group discussions
c. lecture demonstration
d. eclectic
26. If you wish to relate a subject matter to one of the four principles of learning, the _________
approach should be used.
a. multidisciplinary
b. interdisciplinary
c. conceptual
d. integration
27. You wish to make the learners learn or internalized fully a subject matter to be taught to them.
Which of the following will you need?
a. integrated
b. muti-media
c. master
d. multi-disciplinary
28. Fernando Poe Junior became a legend in the ‘show business’ because of his talent, determination,
and hard work. What role does this illustrate?
a. ascribed role
b. hereditary role
c. achieved role
d. temporary role
29. The pinning of veil around the bride and the groom, the exchange of rings,, and the realeasing of
doves during wedding ceremonies show that culture is _________.
a. historical
b. changeless
c. cotinous
d. symbolic
30. Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, which activity is closest to the real thing?
a. listening to recording
b. watching a demonstration
c. viewing images
d. attending exhibit
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LET ReviewerLicensure Examination for TeachersProfessional Education