Problem Set 1: Introduction To Matlab, Featuring The Frequency-Magnitude Relation
Problem Set 1: Introduction To Matlab, Featuring The Frequency-Magnitude Relation
Problem Set 1: Introduction To Matlab, Featuring The Frequency-Magnitude Relation
• Suggested reading: Stein and Wysession (2003, Section 4.7.1), Gutenberg and Richter
• See the handout doc_startup.pdf to get set up on the Linux network. This includes
copying the template file:
cp hw_gr_template.m hw_gr.m
• Latex option: If you want to use Latex for your homeworks, see the templates in the
folder latex (and see the README).
log10 N = a − b M, (1)
• N is the cumulative number of earthquakes having magnitudes larger than M that occur
in region R within a particular time T
• b controls the slope of the seismicity distribution in region R within a particular time T ;
b ≈ 1 for most earthquake catalogs. The line will always increase to the left, so Equation (1)
has a negative slope and therefore b > 0 by definition.
A subtle point is that in practice the magnitudes are binned, then a line is fit to the histogram.
It is helpful to consider the discrete form of Equation (1):
log10 Ni = a − b Mi , (2)
where the index i refers to the magnitude bin, with Mi being the magnitude at the left boundary
of the bin.
• The cumulative distribution is the cumulative number of events with M ≥ Mi ; the frequency-
magnitude relation is expressed as a cumulative distribution.
• The incremental distribution is the number of events per magnitude bin, Mi ≤ M ≤ Mi+1 .
• A magnitude interval is a range of magnitude, e.g., the magnitude interval [8.7, 9.0].
1. (0.2) We consider the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT) catalog (,
from 01-Jan-1976 to 30-June-2011. Thus T represents the duration of the catalog, and R
represents planet Earth.
Run the Matlab program hw_gr_template.m to generate a global map of the catalog.
2. (0.8) As shown in hw_gr_template.m, use the function seis2GR.m to obtain the cumulative
and incremental distributions for the Mw values of the GCMT catalog, using a bin width
of ∆M = 0.1. Examine the output that appears in the command window.
Note: The function seis2GR.m uses the variables names Ncum for the cumulative numbers
(Ni ), N for the incremental numbers, and Medges for the bin edges Mi .
3. (3.0) Now it’s time to write some lines of code. Using the output from seis2GR.m (as shown
in hw_gr_template.m), plot the cumulative and incremental distributions on the
same plot, similar to the plot in Stein and Wysession (2003, Figure 4.7-2), but note that
your x-axis is Mw , not log10 M0 , and your y-axis is number of earthquakes, not number of
earthquakes per year.
Matlab tip: hw_gr_template.m shows an example of how to plot multiple items with
semilogy axes. Another alternative is to transform N into n = log10 N , then work with n.
4. (1.0) Instead of analyzing seismicity, let us now analyze seismicity rate by dividing all
binned values by the duration of the catalog (T , in years).
(a) (0.1) Takeing an average over the entire time interval of the GCMT catalog, how many
earthquakes per year are there?
(b) (0.1) Why is seismicity rate more useful than seismicity?
(c) (0.5) What is the best-fitting line (namely, a and b) for the new distribution? You
can determine this graphically or analytically, from your previous results. (Show your
(d) (0.1) What magnitude interval averages >100 events per year?
(e) (0.1) How many M ≥ 0 earthquakes are expected on Earth per year?
(f) (0.1) How many earthquakes (of any magnitude) are expected on Earth per year?
5. (1.0)
(a) (0.8) Plot the cumulative and incremental distributions for seismicity rate for bin
widths of ∆M = 0.05, 0.10, 0.5, and 1.0.
(b) (0.2) What is the apparent relationship between bin width and the separation between
the cumulative and incremental distributions?
∆M = Mi+1 − Mi (3)
(a) (1.7) Using the discrete frequency-magnitude relation (Eq. 2), show that the incre-
mental distribution can be written as
7. (1.5)
(a) (0.1) Can the GCMT catalog, M > Mc (see earlier part of this problem for Mc ), be
fit well with a single line?
(b) (0.2) Compute an estimate b for M > 7.5.
(c) (0.1) What does the different b value imply about large events in the catalog?
(d) (0.1) What is a possible reason for this?
Approximately how much time outside of class and lab time did you spend on this problem set?
Feel free to suggest improvements here.
Gutenberg, B., and C. F. Richter (1944), Frequency of earthquakes in California, Bull. Seis-
mol. Soc. Am., 34 (4), 185–188.
Stein, S., and M. Wysession (2003), An Introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes, and Earth
Structure, Blackwell, Malden, Mass., USA.
Wiemer, S., and M. Wyss (2000), Minimum magnitude of completeness in earthquake catalogs:
Examples from Alaska, the western United States, and Japan, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 90 (4),