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Hitachi U-4100 Brochure Optical Parts

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Measurement Systems
for Optical Parts / New Materials
Solid Sample Measurement System
This system is suitable for transmittance/reflectance measurement of solid
samples. It is possible to construct an suitable system according to the pur-
Customization according to
pose of measurement in combination with optional accessories.
System Monochromator: Prism-grating / Sample compartment: Standard sam-
Target Sample or Application Purpose
Configuration ple compartment / Detector: Standard integrating sphere / Measuring
wavelength range: 240 to 2,600nm / Sample size: 200 × 200mm max. Allows User to Construct an Suitable

Optical path
Reference 214mm
beam 54mm
200mm The Model U-4100 Spectrophotometer allows the user to combine a monochromator, detec-
tor and sample compartment according to the target sample and application purpose.
Sample It is possible to construct a system which satisfies various analytical needs (ultraviolet region
200mm Sample compartment (side view) measurement system which permits measurement down to 175nm, very large sample com-
partment for non-destructive measurement of large samples, for example).
The Model U-4100 ensures high-sensitivity analysis in a wide variety of fields including semi-
346mm 140mm
conductor/new material development and biotechnology.
Sample compartment (top view)

Micro Sample Reflectance Measurement System

P.03 Small 5° specular reflectance accessory (absolute)
for U-4100: P/N 134-0103
Large Sample Measurement System
This system permits non-destructive transmittance/reflectance measurement of
various optical and electronic materials including large-sized glass, silicon wafer Transmittance measurement system for micro samples
and liquid crystal board. P.05 Transmittance measurement system
System Monochromator: Prism-grating / Sample compartment: Large sample for micro samples P/N: 1J0-0204
Configuration compartment / Detector: Standard integrating sphere / Measuring
wavelength range: 240 to 2,600nm / Sample size: 430 × 430mm max.

Measurement system for liquid samples

P.07 Detector Attachment P/N: 134-0219
beam Optical path

Wafer Reflectance/Transmittance Measurement System

beam P.09 Top-mount transmittance/reflectance measurement unit (relative)
Sample compartment (side view) for U-4100: P/N 134-0107

346mm 312mm
Optical Thin Film Reflection Measurement System
Sample compartment (top view)
P.11 Variable angle absolute reflectance accessory: P/N 134-0116

Ultraviolet Region Measurement System Lens Transmittance Measurement System

This system is suitable for sample measurement in the ultraviolet region. Optical
parts including light source, monochromator and detector are specialized for use
P.13 Lens transmittance measurement accessory: P/N 134-0201
in the ultraviolet region. The system is useful for transmittance/reflectance mea- ø60 full-sphere accessory: P/N 134-0205
surement of optical parts used in the ultraviolet region, such as parts for the
excimer laser.
Other Accessories
System Monochromator: Grating-grating / Sample compartment: Standard sample
Configuration compartment / Detector: High-sensitivity integrating sphere / Measuring P.15
wavelength range: 175 to 2,600nm / Sample size: 200 × 200mm max.

Optical path
Examples of Custom-designed System
P.17 and Optional Software

Sample For Liquid Sample Measurement

Sample compartment (side view) A system optimum for absorption/transmittance measurement of liquid samples is also available. The system is
standard-equipped with a 10mm rectangular cell holder and adopts a photometric system which is based on direct
irradiation of the detector. It covers a wide wavelength range and measuring range, thus enabling absorption/trans-
mission measurement of various samples.

346mm 140mm

1 Sample compartment (top view) 2

Micro Sample Reflectance Specifications

Measurement System Wavelength range

Incident angle
240 to 2,600nm
5 ±1°
Measurable Sample Size
ø25 to ø50mm
Measuring method Absolute/relative reflectance In standard system 25 (W) × 25 (H)mm to
150 (W) × 100 (H)mm
Optical materials such as mirror and film can be evaluated by measuring the reflectance Beam size Approx. 2.2 (W) × 2.2 (H)mm
When using micro sample ø7 to ø17mm
Sample mounting section ø20mm 5 × 5mm to 12 × 12mm
with the light irradiated squarely or at a low incident angle onto the object. holder (refer to Fig. 1)
Sample size Refer to the table at right.
The reflectance does not appreciably change in an incident angle range of 0° to 5°. So
evaluation is generally made by measuring the absolute reflectance at an incident angle The following optional holders are available for measurement of
even smaller samples.
of 5° instead of 0°. Measuring section: ø2mm
Micro sample holder 2
In addition, because the incident angle is as low as 5°, there is little influence of polariza- (P/N 132-7401)
Sample size: ø3mm to ø18mm
(12mm sq. or less)
tion characteristics of a sample (which is not true of special samples) , whereby a polariz- Measuring section: ø4mm
Micro sample holder 4
er need not be used. Sample size: ø5mm to ø18mm
(P/N 132-7403)
(12mm sq. or less) Fig. 1 Micro Sample Holder (standard-equipped)
Introduced here is an example of measurement in the system employing “Small 5° specu-
lar reflectance accessory (absolute) for U-4100 (P/N 134-0103)”.
This accessory permits absolute reflectance measurement at an incident angle of 5° for
micro samples (ø7 to ø17mm, 0.2 to 2mm thick) by use of the micro sample holder. Applicable System
The accessory also permits measurement of a sample in the same size as with 5° specu-
Solid Sample Large Sample Ultraviolet Region Liquid Sample
lar reflectance accessory (absolute) for U-4100 (P/N 134-0102) (ø25 to ø50mm) if the Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System
micro sample holder is not used. ○ ○ ○ ×

* In addition to the 5° specular reflectance accessory (absolute) for U-4100 (P/N 134-0102), the 5° specular reflectance accessory (rel-
ative) for U-4100 (P/N 134-0100) is available for relative reflectance measurement of standard samples. The Reflectance acces-
sories whose respective incident angles are 12°, 30° and 45° are also available.

To integrating sphere
Example of System Configuration Example of Measurement
U-4100 Spectrophotometer Measurement of reflectance
(sample: optical material BK7, measured with micro sample holder)
Small 5° specular reflectance
134-0103 accessory (absolute) for U-4100
(P/N 134-0103) %R

400 500 600 700 800

Appearance of Small 5° specular

reflectance accessory (absolute)
for U-4100 (P/N 134-0103)

3 4
Transmittance measurement system Specifications of Accessory Unit

for micro samples Mask type

ø3 mm mask
Measurable sample size

ø5 to 20, 3 mm or less thickness

(Standard accessory)
Transmittance measurements are taken to evaluate optical components such as micro ø1 mm mask
ø3 to 20, 3 mm or less thickness
(Optional) P/N 1J0-1860
lenses and micro filters.
For micro lenses such as endoscopic lenses and micro glasses and filters, etc., that are * The light-source mask should be replaced with the attached ø4 mm light-source mask.

ø25mm or smaller, it can be difficult to focus the sample beam (light irradiated onto the
Micro sample holder (standard -equipped)
sample) to a size smaller than the sample for irradiation at the center of the sample.
Below, we introduce a system using the "Accessory unit for transmittance
Item Specification
measurement of micro samples P/N:1J0-0204". Baseline flatness (100% line)
This accessory unit allows for easy setting and the measurement of even micro samples by 240 to 850 nm ±1.0%T or below (slit 6 nm, 300 nm/min)
850 to 2,000 nm ±1.5%T or below (slit : Auto change, Pbs Gain: 2, 750 nm/min)
using a condenser lens, reference light aperture, and a micro sample holder. Noise level ( 100%T, peak to peak) The specification of ø1 mm mask is shown in parentheses.
Transmittance measurement can be performed by using a micro sample holder (ø3 mask) 500 nm ±1.0%T or below [ ±1.5%T or below] (slit 6 nm, measurement time 60 sec)
1,500 nm ±1.0%T or below [ ±1.5%T or below] (slit : Auto change, Pbs Gain: 2, 60 sec)
on micro samples (ø5 to 20 and 0.2 to 3 mm thickness).
* The other micro sample holder is also optional line upped that fits even smaller micro samples (ø3 to 20, 0.2 to 3 mm thickness).

Applicable System
Solid Sample Large Sample Ultraviolet Region Liquid Sample
Reference light diaphragm Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System
○ ○ ○ ×
Micro sampler holder

Condense lens

Example of System Configuration Example of Measurement

U-4100 Spectrophotometer Example of transmittance measurement
Sample beam (anti-reflection coating substrate)
Accessory unit for transmission
1J0-0204 measurement of micro samples
(ø3 mm mask standard accessory)
Micro sample holder
(ø1 mm mask)

Appearance of accessory unit for transmission measurement

of micro samples

5 6
Measurement system for liquid samples Specifications of Accessory Unit

Item Specification
A U-4100 solid sample measurement system or a large sample measurement system is Wavelength range 185 to 3,300 nm
used; thus, when a liquid sample with a narrow bandpass and less noise needs to be mea- Corresponding cell 10 mm square cell (prepared separately)

sured, use of an integrating sphere has limitations. Stray light

NaI 220 nm ≤0.00008%
Here, we introduce the "Detector attachment P/N:134-0219". NaNo2 340 nm ≤0.00005%
Chloroform 1,690 nm ≤0.025%
This accessory unit provides a large wavelength range (185 to 3,300 nm) and a large mea- Baseline flatness (0Abs line) <Measuring conditions>
surement range by changing the integrating sphere into optical measurement through use 185 to 200 nm ±0.05Abs or below Slit: 2 nm (UV-VIS), auto change (NIR), sampling interval: auto, Scan
200 to 850 nm ±0.001Abs or below speed: 300 nm/min (UV-VIS), 750 nm/min (NIR)
of the detector's normal incidence, which can measure the absorption/transmission of a 850 to 2,500 nm ±0.002Abs or below Measurement is conducted after user baseline correction (at 2 hours or
2,500 to 3,300 nm ±0.004Abs or below more after power-on). Absorption wavelength of water, detector switching
wide range of samples. wavelength, and light-source switching wavelength are excluded.
Noise level (0Abs,RMS) <Measuring conditions>
* For use of cells other than 10 mm rectangular cells, please use a another cell holder. Slit: 2 nm (UV-VIS), auto change (NIR), scan time: 60 s, sampling interval:
500 nm 0.00004Abs or below
2,000 nm 0.00003Abs or below 1s (excluding drift).

*Additional installation to the existing U-4100 type is made at additional expense.

Applicable System
Solid Sample Large Sample Ultraviolet Region Liquid Sample
Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System
○ ○ ○ ×

10 mm rectangular cell holder

Example of System Configuration Example of Measurement
U-4100 spectrophotometer Measurement of a liquid sample (hexavalent chrome)
134-0219 Detector attachment
Sample beam

Appearance of detector attachment

7 8
Wafer Reflectance Specifications

/Transmittance Measurement System Wavelength range 240 to 2,600nm

0 ±1° (transmission) When using ø6-inch
Measurable Sample Size

Incident angle ø6-inch

5 ±1° (reflection) sample holder
The U-4100 Spectrophotometer (large sample measurement system) is available for Measuring method Transmittance and relative reflectance When using ø8-inch
Approx. 8.2 (W) × 6.2 (H)mm sample holder
non-destructive transmittance/reflectance measurement of various optical and electronic (transmission)
Beam size
Approx. 9.5 (W) × 9.1 (H) mm * The accessory is standard-equipped with the ø6-inch sample
materials including large-sized glass, silicon wafer and liquid crystal board. (reflection) holder, ø8-inch sample holder and flat sample holder.
Introduced here is an example of measurement in the system employing Sample size Refer to the table at right.
Sample center to position
“Top-mount transmittance/reflectance measurement unit (relative) for U-4100 Measurable range
of 15mm from sample edge
(P/N 134-0107)”.
This accessory permits measurement of the relative reflectance to the reference sample
at an incident angle of 5° and measurement of the transmittance at an incident angle of 0°
(the absolute reflectance cannot be measured with this accessory). The accessory also Applicable System
permits reflectance/transmittance measurement at a desired angle on a sample with the
Solid Sample Large Sample Ultraviolet Region Liquid Sample
moving/rotating stage. Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System

* The top-mount transmittance/reflectance measurement unit (absolute) (P/N 134-0108) is available for absolute reflectance mea- × ○ × ×

Optical System Example of System Configuration

Transmittance measurement or reflectance measurement is 134-0006 U-4100 Spectrophotometer (large)
selected by putting in/pulling out the mirror M3 and switch- Top-mount transmittance/reflectance
ing over the mirror M2. 134-0107
measurement unit (elative) for U-4100
1. Transmittance measurement
The optical path in transmittance measurement is indi-
cated by dashed line in the figure below. The transmit-
To integrating sphere tance is measured with the mirror M3 inserted and the
mirror M2 switched to the transmission side. Example of Measurement
2. Reflectance measurement
The optical path in reflectance measurement is indicated Measurement of reflectance
by solid line in the figure below. The reflectance is mea- (sample: ø6-inch silicon wafer, reference material: evaporized
sured with the mirror M3 pulled out and the mirror M2 Aluminum)
switched to the reflection side.
Appearance of Top-mount transmittance Mirror M4 Mirror M5 100
/reflectance measurement unit (relative) for U-4100 measurement
Optical system for
relative reflectance measurement at 5° measurement
(arranged in U-4100 large sample compartment)

Lens 1 Lens 2

To integrating
sphere 0 nm
Mirror M3 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400
Mirror M1 Mirror M2

9 10
Optical Thin Film Reflection Specifications

Measurement System Wavelength range

Incident angle
240 to 2,600nm
10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, 60°
Sample Size
8 to 21mm sq.,
Stand Sample Holder Used

Stand (1) Sample holder ø8–ø21

5mm or less thick
Measuring method Absolute reflectance
Analysis of reflection/transmission characteristics and their angular dependence is indis- 21 to 45mm sq.,
Approx. 10.7 (H) × 6.4 (W)mm Stand (1) Sample holder ø21–ø45
Beam size 5mm or less thick
(at an incident angle of 10°)
pensable in the field of optical materials such as film and thin film. 30mm cube to
Sample holder ø8 mm when using ø8–ø21 90 (W) × 100 (H)mm, Stand (2) –
Introduced here is an example of reflection spectrum measurement at variable incident Sample size Refer to the table at right. 5 mm or less thick
angles with “Variable angle absolute reflectance accessory (10° to 60°) (P/N 134-0116)”.
When the incident angle is 12° or higher, the polarization characteristics of a sample
increase. When this accessory is used, therefore, it is necessary to measure the S and P
polarized components by use of a polarizer for accurate measurement.
* The following variable angle reflectance accessories are also available.
Variable angle absolute reflectance accessory (15° to 65°) (P/N 134-0117):
This accessory has a different incident angle range. Stand (1) Stand (2) Sample holder ø8–ø21 Sample holder ø21–ø45
Variable angle absolute reflectance accessory (20° to 60°) (P/N 134-0115):
This accessory measures the absolute reflectance and transmittance at a desired angle by rotating the detector (integrating sphere)
and sample stage independently of each other.
Variable angle reflectance accessory (relative) (20° to 60°) (P/N 134-0118):
This accessory measures the relative reflectance to the standard reflecting plate by utilizing the specular reflection of a sample.
Applicable System
Solid Sample Large Sample Ultraviolet Region Liquid Sample
Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System
Mirror M2
○ ○ ○ ×

Mirror M4
Optical System Example of System Configuration
This system permits measuring the absolute reflectance of U-4100 Spectrophotometer
Lens a sample by displacing the mirror M3 and switching over Variable angle absolute reflectance
the mirror M4. In addition, the incident angle can be 134-0116
accessory (10° to 60°)
Mirror M1 To integrating sphere changed in steps of 10° in a range of 10 to 60° by changing Polarizer holder
the respective insertion points of mirrors M2 and M3. 132-0325
(Separately prepare a polarizer.)

Mirror M2 Mirror M3
Sample holder
Mirror M3
10° Example of Measurement
30° Measurement of reflectance
40° (sample: optical material BK7, S polarized component measured
Lens by polarizer)
At baseline measurement At reflectance measurement
Appearance of Variable angle absolute 40

reflectance accessory (10° to 60°) Mirror M1

Mirror M4
To integrating



0 nm
400 500 600 700 800

11 12
Lens Transmittance Measurement System Specifications
[Lens transmittance measurement accessory] [ø60 mm full integrating sphere accessory]
Integrating sphere is indispensable for measuring the transmittance and reflection charac- This accessory permits measuring the transmittance of a This accessory is not provided with a photometric window,
lens whose diameter is 25 to 110mm by replacing two kinds which is arranged at the sub-standard white plate position
teristics of solid samples including optical materials such as glass, lens and prism. of lens holders. The distance from sample to integrating of the U-4100 standard integrating sphere, and its inner
sphere can be changed in steps of 25mm. wall is coated with barium sulfide (BaSO4). If the light beam
For measurement of the lens transmittance, use “Lens transmittance measurement acces- which has passed through a sample is diffused (in lens
Incident angle 0°
sory (P/N 134-0201)”. transmittance measurement for example), correct photo-
Measuring method Transmittance metric values may not be obtained due to a difference in
The light beam which has passed through the lens may overflow on the white plate of the When using ø25 to ø80mm reflectance between the inner wall (BaSO4) and sub-stan-
standard integrating sphere. It is therefore advisable to use this accessory in combination Sample size (25 to 80) (6mm or less in fringe thickness) dard white plate (Al2O3) of the standard integrating sphere.
Lens Holder When using ø40 to ø110mm This accessory is useful in such a case.
with “ø60 full-sphere accessory (P/N 134-0205)”. (40 to 110) (6mm or less in fringe thickness)
Wavelength range 240 to 2,600nm
* The large lens measurement unit (P/N 134-0203) is also available for transmittance measurement of a large lens (ø50 to ø200mm Diameter of
(300mm or less in length)) 60mm
integrating sphere (inside)
* The U-4100 (ultraviolet region measurement system) is standard-equipped with the high-sensitivity integrating sphere accessory (full-
sphere). So the ø60 full-sphere accessory need not be used.

Applicable System
Solid Sample Large Sample Ultraviolet Region Liquid Sample
Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System Measurement System
○ ○ ○ ×

Lens holder (25 to 80)

Principle Example of System Configuration
With the U-4100 standard integrating sphere, the light beam U-4100 Spectrophotometer
which has been led into it may be reflected on both the sub- Lens transmittance measurement
standard white plate and inner wall of the integrating sphere 134-0201
in measurement of a sample through which the light beam ø60 full-sphere
changes. In such a case, correct photometric values cannot 132-0205
be obtained because baseline measurement and sample
measurement are not conducted under the same conditions
due to a difference in reflectance between the sub-standard
white plate and inner wall.
With the ø60mm integrating sphere, its inner wall is coated
Example of Measurement
Appearance of Lens transmittance
with BaSO4, which enables correct measurement even when
measurement unit the light beam is diffused after passing through the lens.
Measurement of concave lens (2 pcs) with ø60mm integrating
(arranged in U-4100 sample compartment) sphere and standard integrating sphere (same sample)
For a combination of two lenses, its transmittance has been mea-
light beam light beam
sured to compare the calculated values and actually measured val-
ues. With the ø60mm integrating sphere, the calculated values
approximately coincide with the actually measured ones.

%T integrating full sphere Calculated value
Sample 100.0
Sub-standard (lens for example) Sub-standard
white plate white plate
Standard integrating sphere

Incident Incident
light beam light beam
Appearance of 30.0
ø60 full-sphere accessory 20.0

(lens for example) 0.0
400.00 500.00 600.00 700.00 800.00

13 14
A Full Array of Other Optional Accessories to
Support the Diversified Measurement Needs

Polarizer holder for U-4100

(polarizer not included) 132-0325 Variable angle absolute reflectance accessory 134-0115

5° specular reflectance accessory 12° specular reflectance accessory This accessory measures the absolute reflectance and transmit-
tance at a desired angle by rotating the detector (integrating
(absolute) 134-0102 (absolute) 134-0104 sphere) and sample stage independently of each other.
Incident angle 20° to 60°
Plane board: 30 × 30mm to 40 × 140mm
Sample size
Prism: 85mm cube or less
Wavelength range 340 to 2,000nm

45° specular reflectance accessory 30° specular reflectance accessory

(absolute) 134-0106 (absolute) 134-0105 Variable angle transmittance
measurement accessory 134-0200 Variable angle absolute reflectance
This accessory permits transmittance at a desired incident angle (0 accessory (10° to 60°) 134-0116
These accessories measure the absolute reflectance of a Common Specifications to 60°) by use of the rotating stage. Refer to
sample by the V-N method. They are used for obtaining the Absolute reflectance measurement: Variable angle absolute reflectance pages 7 and 8.
Sample size Incident angle 0° to 60°
reflection characteristics of metallic film and glass surfaces 25 × 25mm to 100 × 150mm accessory (15° to 65°) 134-0117
according to the incident angle. Beam size Approx. 12.3 (H) × 8.5 (W)mm
Wavelength range 240 to 2,600nm These accessories measure the absolute reflectance of a sample
Be sure to use them in combination with a polarizer. Wavelength range 240 to 2,600nm
They are designed to set a sample on the side. by the V-N method with the mirror inserted at a specified position.
40 × 40mm to 140 × 140mm,
Sample size
3mm or less thick 134-0116: 10° to 60° (in 10° steps)
Incident angle
134-0117: 15° to 65° (in 10° steps)
Sample size 8 × 8mm to 90 × 100mm
Wavelength range 240 to 2,600nm

5° specular reflectance accessory High-sensitivity integrating sphere accessory 134-0206

(relative) for U-4100 134-0100 Small prism measurement unit 134-0111 This accessory is sensitive in the ultraviolet region. It is useful for
transmittance/reflectance evaluation of optical parts used in the
Sample size Relative reflectance measurement: This unit measures the transmittance/reflectance of a microprism. ultraviolet region, such as parts for the excimer laser.
25 × 25mm to 100 × 15mm Incident angle 45° Wavelength range 190 to 2,600nm
Wavelength range 240 to 2,600nm Sample size 5 to 6mm cube, 7 to 20mm cube Detector Full sphere (with R955 photomultiplier)
Wavelength range 240 to 2,600nm ±0.5%T (195 to 850nm)
100%T line flatness
±2.0%T (190 to 195nm)

15 16
Examples of Custom-designed System Color Analysis/Applied Measurement Program Package
As exemplified below, the system can be customized according to the measuring object and appli- (134-0321)
cation purpose.

For Measurement of Various Samples Color Analysis

CD-R transmission/integrating sphere reflection system Very large sample compartment To specify the color of light or an object, it is convenient to 1. Color
pre-assign the illuminant, object and eyes and represent Analysis Calculation
Strip fluorescent light measurement system Movable glass filter measurement system the results. The standard illuminant for measurement is Tristimulus values
Illuminant A X, Y and Z
Circular fluorescent light measurement system Optical pickup lens measurement system prescribed by JIS Z8720, and the color specification in the Chromaticity coordinates
XYZ color system by JIS Z8701. The color analysis pro- (x, y)
Plastic measurement system Special glass filter measurement system Visual angle L*, a* and b* color
gram permits accurate color analysis through diffuse Illuminant B values
of 2° L*, u* and v* color values
Lens transmittance measurement system Custom-designed polarizing sample measurement accessory
reflectance measurement of a solid sample surface. The
Reflectance correction
measurement system conforms to JIS Z8722. whiteness
Microprism measurement system Micro sample transmission measurement system Using photometric values at 780 to 380 nm, this program Visual angle Illuminant C Main wavelength HVC
of 10° yellowness
figures out tristimulus values (X, Y, Z), lightness indices
Microlens reflection/transmission measurement system (L*, L), chromaticness indices (a*, b*, a, b, u*, v*), and 2. Color Difference
chromaticity coordinates (x, y). Illuminant D65 Calculation
∆E, ab
Moreover, with the tristimulus values (X, Y, Z) of standard ∆E*, uv
sample, the program is capable of working out color differ- ∆E*, ab
ences (∆E*ab, ∆E*uv, ∆Eab).

Upon Request for Various Measurements Applied Measurement

35° absolute reflectance measurement system Mobile ø60mm integrating sphere system This program conforms to the test procedure for the transmittance and reflectance of plate glass which is prescribed by JIS.
57° absolute reflectance measurement system Large sample compartment + 73° relative reflectance measurement system ■ Daylight Transmittance (Reflectance) Measurement Program ■ Factor Input Program
This program measures the spectral transmittance and reflectance of This program is used to input a correction value (factor) at every
20° to 60° reflection/transmission measurement system
Optical fiber system for reflected color measurement plate glass in the visible region, and automatically calculates, from the wavelength interval ∆λ in a wavelength range of λ1 to λ2. The sum-
(position measurement possible) measured values, the daylight transmittance τv and daylight mation program is executed by use of these input values. The wave-
reflectance ρv with the CIE (International Commission on Illumination) length interval can be specified individually for a maximum of 5
Large sample compartment + 4-opening high sensitivity integrating sphere system ø200mm integrating sphere system spectral luminous efficiency for photopic vision against the CIE stan- ranges. Up to 500 data values can be specified.
dard illuminant D65.
■ Spectrum Correction Program
780 780 This program functions to graphically display and record the product
ΣDλ · Vλ · τ (λ) ΣDλ · Vλ · ρ (λ) of photometric value at each wavelength multiplied by correction fac-
380 380 tor Ro (λ). The correction factor can be optionally set by the user.
τv= ––––––––––––– ρv= –––––––––––––
780 780 The program is useful for measuring an absolute reflectance spec-
ΣDλ · Vλ ΣDλ · Vλ trum, etc.
Schematic Diagram of Optical Fiber Connecting Sample Compartment in Optical Fiber System 380 380
Dλ : Spectral distribution of standard illuminant D65 R (λ) = r (λ) · Ro (λ)
Vλ : CIE spectral luminous efficiency for photopic vision R (λ) : Corrected data
Shown below is the optical fiber connecting sample compartment for the liquid sample measurement system of the U-4100
r (λ) : Measured data (%)
Spectrophotometer. The sample beam is taken out through the optical fiber and returned to the detector in the sample com- Ro (λ) : Correction factor data
partment via the external sample compartment. ■ Solar Transmittance (Reflectance) Measurement Program
This program measures the spectral transmittance and spectral
reflectance of plate glass, and automatically calculates the solar ■ Correction Factor Input Program
transmittance τe and solar reflectance ρe. This program is used to input correction factor data. Up to 500 data
values can be specified.
Fiber guide hole 2100 2100
(9HS reamed hole)
τe= Σ Dλ · ∆λ · τ (λ) pe= Σ Eλ · ∆λ · ρ (λ) ■ Film Thickness Measurement Program
300 300 This program has the following functions:
40 τ (λ) : Spectral transmittance (measured value) ● To calculate the thickness of a film sample from the measured
ρ (λ) : Spectral reflectance (measured value) interference spectrum, and present it on the CRT and printer.
(to be prepared
Eλ : Standard spectral distribution of direct sunlight relative value ● To automatically output onto the printer photometric values at the
separately) wavelengths corresponding to peaks and valleys of the measured
103.2 100 ■ Summation Program interference spectrum.
The above two programs conform to JIS (R3106), while this program ● To calculate the difference between a reference film thickness and
is their general form. It multiplies the photometric value at each actually measured film thickness, and present it on the CRT and
wavelength by factor τ (λ) and sums up the results thus obtained for printer.
The program can cope with optional setting of factor α (λ), wave- N–1 1
d= × × 10–3
length range and normalization factor. 2√ n2 – sin2θ 1 – 1
47.5 λ1 λ2
84 λ2
Σα(λ) · τ (λ) d : Film thickness (µm) (calculated value)
λ1 1 λ2 N : Number of interference peaks (automatically counted value)
S= –––––––––– = –– Σα(λ) · τ (λ)
141 296.2 λ2 K λ1 n : Refractive index (manually input value)
Σα (λ) θ : Incident angle (manually input value)
λ1 λ2 λ1 : Wavelength of first peak on spectrum (nm)
K= Σα (λ) λ2 : Wavelength of last peak on spectrum (nm)

17 18
■ Specifications ■ Functions
Solid sample/large sample Wavelength
Liquid sample measurement system Quantitative Calculation
/ultravioletregion measurement system /Time Scan and Data Processing
Prism-grating or grating-grating type monochro- Prism-grating double monochromator ● Wavelength shift (Go To λ)
mator, Pre-monochromator: Littrow type mono- Pre-monochromator: Littrow type monochro- ● 100%T adjustment (auto zero)
meter control
chromator employing a diffraction grating or mator employing a prism, ● Automatic wavelength calibration
prism, Main monochromator: Diffraction grating Main monochromator: Diffraction grating ● Measuring conditions ● Condition loading ● Condition saving (desired
(switchover between 2 gratings), Czerny-Turner (switchover between 2 gratings), number of files, file rewriting/deletion possible) ● Automatic start function
type monochromator Czerny-Turner type monochromator (measuring conditions automatically set upon turning on power)
Photomultiplier (UV-VIS)/cooled type Pbs (NIR) Measuring
conditions ● Condition setting for calibration
ø60mm integrating sphere whose inside wall is _ curve (1st to 3rd order, segmented
Photomultiplier (UV-VIS)
Detector coated with BaSO4 or Spectralon Incident angle line) ● Standard data setting (20
/cooled typePbs (NIR)
for reflective sample: 10° at both standard side standards, average of 20 data values)
and reference side
● Spectrum/spectral change with time
Table-top sample compartment adaptable Repetitive spectrum measurement ● Remeasurement of calibration
to very large samples ● S/N selectable by user curve
Compartment size: 120 (W) × 300 (D)
Sample Compartment size: 480 (W) × 470 (D) Execution of (setting of sampling interval)
× 140 (H)mm
compartment × 200 (H)mm (standard)
680 (W) × 470 (D) × 300 (H)mm (large) Beam spacing: 100mm measurement ● Baseline measurement (3 channels)
Beam spacing: 200mm (1 channel for system baseline, 2 channels for user baseline)
Wavelength ● Sample name ● Comment input ● Ruled line recording ON/OFF
indication In 0.01nm steps ● Measuring condition recording ON/OFF
● Calibration curve recording/display
Ultraviolet-visible region: Automatic control and selection in 0.01nm steps in a range of 0.07 Recording ● Recording/display of spectrum
Slit width
to 8.0nm, Near infrared region: Automatic control and selection in 0.1nm steps in a range of ● Data deletion
/display /spectral change with time
indication ● Data loading
0.18 to 20.0nm ● Spectrum loading
● Data saving
Wavelength Ultraviolet-visible region: ±0.2nm, Near infrared region: ±1.0nm ● Spectrum saving
● Data list printout
accuracy Automatic wavelength calibration function incorporated
● Rescaling (numerical value input,
Wavelength Ultraviolet-visible region: ±0.1nm cursor input)
reproducibility Near infrared region: ±0.5nm ● Spectrum trace
Automatic control and selection from among 0.3 (0.75), 3 (7.5), 15 (37.5), 30 (75), 60 (150), ● Smoothing
120 (300), 300 (750), 600 (1,500), 1200 (3,000) and 2400 (6,000)nm/min * Wavelength scan ● Data printout
scan speed
speed in near infrared region is given in parentheses. Go To λ: 3600 (9000)nm/min ● Graph axis conversion
Ultraviolet region: Deuterium lamp (quickly mountable type) X axis: nm, kcm-1, eV, THz ● Calibration curve trace
Light source Y axis: Abs, %T, %R, E(S), ● Data printout
Visible-near infrared region: 50W halogen lamp (lifetime 1,000hr)
Data processing E(R), ε, logε ● Sample data erasure
Switchover of Automatic switchover linked with wavelength ● Spectral calculation (arithmetic ● Statistic calculation
light source Wavelength for switchover optionally settable in a range of 325 to 370nm calculation/coefficient calculation) ● Decision coefficient calculation
0.00008% (at 220nm, using 10g/L NaI and 10mm cell) ● Differentiation (1st to 4th order)
Stray light – 0.00005% (at 340nm, using 50g/L NaNO2 and 10mm cell) ● Area calculation
0.025% (at 1690nm, using chloroform and 10mm cell) ● Data reset
Double beam direct ratio photometry (negative absorbance or transmittance/reflectance of ● Rate calculation
Photometric 100% or more measurable by Hitachi’s unique differential feedback system) (only in time scan mode)
system Ultraviolet-visible region: Negative voltage control system and slit control system ● Spectrum selection
Near infrared region: Slit control system and fixed slit system ● File conversion (ASCII/JCAMP)
Photometric Absorbance (Abs), transmittance (%T), reflectance (%R), reference-side energy ● Lamp ON time management
mode (L(R))/sample-side energy (L(S)) ● Display format setting
Photometric Absorbance: –2 to +5.0 Abs (in 0.001 Abs steps) Miscellaneous ● Cell length conversion
range Transmittance/reflectance: 0 to 999.99 (in 0.01% steps) ● Data transfer to Microsoft® Excel
● Graph copy
Photometric accuracy ±0.002 Abs (0 to 0.5 Abs), ±0.004 Abs (0.5 to 1.0 Abs), ±0.3%T, Checked with NIST SRM 930 ● Graph saving in meta-file
Photometric ● Print preview
±0.001 Abs (0 to 0.5 Abs), ±0.002 Abs (0.5 to 1.0 Abs), ±0.1%T, Checked with NIST SRM 930
Response Optimum value automatically set in linkage with slit width and wavelength scan speed * Microsoft®, Windows®, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and Windows® XP are registered
trademarks, or trade names of Microsoft Corporation of the U.S.A., while other brand names
Baseline correction 3 channels (1 channel for system baseline, 2 channels for user baseline) and product names are those of their respective companies.
< ±0.004 Abs (187 to 220nm, slit 2nm)
< ±0.002 Abs (240 to 850nm, slit 6nm)
< ±0.001 Abs (220 to 850nm, slit 2nm)
< ±0.004 Abs (850 to 2,200nm,
Baseline flatness < ±0.002 Abs (850 to 2,500nm,
slit automatically controlled)
slit automatically controlled)
< ±0.008 Abs (2,200 to 2,600nm,
< ±0.004 Abs (2,500 to 3,300nm,
slit automatically controlled)
slit automatically controlled)
Within 0.0004 Abs/hr (at 340nm) 2 hours after power on
Baseline stability
Within 0.0002 Abs/hr (at 500nm) 2 hours after power on
Data processing unit PC OS: Windows® XP Professional
Operating temperature 15 to 35°C
Operating humidity 45 to 80% (non-condensing; within 70% at 30°C or higher)
Power consumption 100/115/220/240 V AC, 50/60Hz, 500VA
730 (W) × 800 (D) × 880 (H)mm
(standard sample compartment type)
(spectrophotometer 730 (W) × 700 (D) × 790 (H)mm
930 (W) × 800 (D) × 980 (H)mm
main unit)
(large sample compartment type)
Weight 120kg

NOTICE: For proper operation, follow the instruction manual when using the instrument.
Specifications in this catalog are subject to change with or without notice, as Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation continues to develop the latest
technologies and products for our customers.

Tokyo, Japan
24-14 Nishi-Shimbashi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-8717, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3504-7211 Fax: +81-3-3504-7302

Printed with soy ink on recycled paper.

Printed in Japan (H) HTB-E034R 2010.4

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