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An Assessment of Returns To Irrigation Infrastructure Investment: Hurulu Wewa

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An assessment of returns to irrigation infrastructure

investment: Hurulu wewa

MGD Abeysekara
Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
DS Munasinghe
Human Settlement Planning and Training Division, National Building Research
Organisation, Sri Lanka
J Weerahewa
Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
ABSTRACT: The life expectancy of the infrastructure in a typical gravity irrigation system varies depending
on many factors. Good preventive maintenance can extend a system’s longevity, but eventually the system will
need to be renovated or replaced. The objective of this study is to assess returns on investment of renovations of
infrastructure in Hurulu wewa major irrigation system. The specific objectives are to estimate the relationship
between paddy production and irrigation water using a production function and to calculate the net benefits of
increased irrigation efficiency due to renovation using cost benefit analysis. A primary survey was conducted to
collect data about the paddy cultivation for 2015 Yala in the Right Bank Main Canal of Hurulu wewa scheme.
Data on water issues and costs of renovation in the system was obtained from related government publications.
Irrigation water, machinery, urea and labour were found to have a statistically significant effect on paddy
production. The incremental value of paddy production due to increase in a cubic meter of irrigation water was
estimated to be 0.2 kg per acre. These results were then used to simulate the incremental value of paddy
production due to increased efficiency of irrigation infrastructure under different degrees of irrigation
efficiencies. Cost benefits analysis revealed that benefits from the paddy production only could cover the 0.7 of
the total cost including initial investment, operation and maintenance cost and the essential improvements over
the 40 years of the life cycle of the irrigation system with a discount factor of 12%.


Irrigation plays a vital role in agricultural sectors, it continued to remain the bedrock in the
production in the Dry Zone (DZ) area, which covers economy. Moreover, water resources in the country
three-fourths of Sri Lanka. As water is a scarce have been intensively used for securing the
resource in the DZ, optimizing the water usage to livelihood of the rural community and the food
achieve increased crop production has a great security of the country. Therefore, the public
importance. As the performance of the irrigation investment towards agriculture and irrigation has
system decides the available water for agriculture, been increased by two fold in 2012 over
in recent years it has become a growing concern of 2007(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2012).
the researchers, irrigation policy makers and donor Nearly 81.7 percent of the total population (World
agencies. Bank, 2014) live in rural areas and earns a
Since independence, investment in irrigation livelihood from agriculture and related activities.
sector has received a high priority in the Public The government of Sri Lanka, as one of the
Investment Program (PIP) in Sri Lanka. It is not strategies to alleviate rural poverty while ensuring
surprising that such large allocations were made for food security is making investments on large
investment in irrigation, as the country is irrigation systems. Irrigation is an input that helps
experiencing traditionally a predominantly not only in the expansion of area under agriculture,
agricultural economy. Although GDP share of but can also facilitate technological change and
agriculture sector in the economy has dropped to therefore, help to increase productivity.
11.1 percent in 2012 from 17.2 in 2005, due to faster In Asia, almost 84 percent of the water
growth in manufacturing and service oriented withdrawal is used for agricultural purposes,
compared to 71 percent for the world. The Indian land area has been dominated by investments in the
subcontinent has the highest level of water construction of new irrigation systems and
withdrawal for agriculture with 92 percent (FAO, rehabilitation works on the existing irrigation
2005). In Sri Lanka paddy being the staple food crop system infrastructure. Most of the present irrigation
accounts for 25 percent of total cultivable land and systems in Sri Lanka are 30-50 years old and some
is grown on nearly 730,000ha of land, and 243,000 of them, for a variety of reasons, are currently
of this total is grown under major irrigation systems. showing the need for rehabilitation and
Paddy uses 90 percent of the 96 percent of available improvements (Abeysekara, 1993). This issue has
irrigation water (Amarasinghe, et al., 1998) . Most been addressed at different levels of the irrigated
researches (Lakmali, et al., 2015) on water agriculture system by the professionals of different
management activities of several major irrigation disciplines (Molden, et al., 1998).
schemes in the Dry Zone indicate that the irrigation With the development of most of the easily
water distribution does not meet the demands of irrigable land, the cost of irrigation construction has
farmers in terms of adequacy, reliability & increased tremendously. Several studies on
timeliness. Furthermore, it was said that there is irrigation system performances suggested that
considerable potential to increase paddy yield in existing irrigation systems in Sri Lanka are
these systems through improved irrigation water substantially under- performing (Aluwihare &
management, especially by enhancing the irrigation Kikuchi, 1991). More or less coinciding with the
system performance. Inefficiencies in irrigation completion of Mahaweli works, Sri Lanka’s
systems create various issues in the national irrigation sector appears to have entered a new
economy while affecting the social cohesion of the development phase, distinguished by the heavy
society due to water scarcity in terms of irrigation emphasis on the rehabilitation and management of
water deficiencies and low irrigation water the existing irrigation resources, rather than on
reliability. Implementation of properly planned constructing new systems (Abeysekara, 1993).
renovations and rehabilitation activities should be Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure usually
carried out at the correct time and it is important to means a restoration of the physical system to its
maintain the performance of an irrigation system original design specification; expanding systems to
continuously at a desirable level. irrigate an additional area, and modernization to
achieve objectives set at the time of construction.
1.1 Irrigation Systems in Sri Lanka However, it is a broad context which goes beyond
the physical construction as rehabilitation should
provide an opportunity to reap the benefits from the
Three types of irrigation systems can be advances in the technology that have taken place
identified in Sri Lanka based on the land extent since the inception of the project.
served (command area) by these schemes namely
major, medium and minor. Major irrigation systems 1.3 Problem Statement
are defined as those that have command area of
more than 1000 ha. The command extent is between The challenges for increasing the productivity of
80 and 1000 ha in medium irrigation systems. The irrigation systems have forced the country to think
Department of Irrigation has the responsibility of of new strategies. Thus, the diagnosis of existing
managing those two systems. Minor irrigation irrigation services and modernization options are
systems have command area of 80 ha or less and needed. As the opportunities available for further
they come under the management of Department of expansion of irrigated lands in the country are very
Agrarian Development (Merry, et al., 1988). The limited, investing on the existing irrigation
total irrigated land area is about 744,983 ha of infrastructure rehabilitation is important.
which, 311,195 ha is fed by the minor irrigation Investment for irrigation development is considered
schemes while the remainder is fed by major and to be the responsibility of the government,
medium scale irrigation schemes (Ministry of especially in a welfare state like Sri Lanka. The
Finance and Planning, 2012). available literature on the irrigation investments
emphasize on the increasing need for pursuing cost-
effective rehabilitation strategies, and the
1.2 Emphasis on Irrigation Rehabilitation usefulness of management-oriented strategies as a
means of achieving greater project viability.
Expansion of the land area under cultivation Therefore, prior to an investment it is worthwhile to
through the development of irrigation systems and assess whether the investment decisions will bring
land settlement has been a principal investment positive returns.
strategy of all governments in Sri Lanka for There are various types of benefits, which are
achieving the national goal of food self-sufficiency associated with irrigation systems. Agricultural
and food security. The process of expanding the production accounts for the largest proportion of
these benefits. The research question derived was to consideration. As cited by Weligamage, et al ( 2014)
assess the potential benefits of investment on previous researchers have used a wide variety of
irrigation infrastructure. Research Objectives are to functional forms. For example, agricultural
estimate the relationship between total paddy production functions related to rice farming in other
production and irrigation water supply; to simulate irrigation systems in the Sri Lankan Dry Zone were
the incremental value of paddy production due to previously estimated by Abeygunawardena (1986)
increased efficiency of irrigation infrastructure and using a linear functional form and by Wijayaratne
to evaluate the net benefits of investment on (1986) and Jegasothy et al. (1990) using a quadratic
irrigation infrastructure in the life cycle of irrigation functional form. However, the Cobb–Douglas
system over a period. production function is the most widely used
functional form in agricultural production and has
been used in variety of applications ranging from
2 METHODOLOGY farm level to international comparisons. This
functional form imposes the strong assumptions that
2.1 Study Area a constant percentage change in inputs leads to a
constant percentage change in output at all levels of
The Huruluwewa major irrigation scheme which
inputs and that the elasticity of substitution between
is in the jurisdiction of the Galenbidunuwewa
inputs is 1.
Divisional Secretariat Division of the Anuradhapura
Empirical model can be written as follow, where Y
District in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka
denotes the output and Xi denotes the different
was restored to a full supply capacity of 55,000 acre
feet in 1953 by the Department of irrigation at a
Yi = A Xia1
capital cost of approximately Rs.7million. The
It can be linearized and further re-written as,
reservoir is located in the Yan Oya river basin. The
ln Y= ln a0+a1ln Xi
irrigation scheme has been planned to provide
It is further expanded in accordance with the
irrigation facilities for 4,453 hectares. The Irrigation
assumption that the yield is a function of different
Department (ID) and the Irrigation Management
Division (IMD) jointly manage the scheme's
ln Yi = a0 + a1 ln X1 + a2 ln X2 + a3 ln X3 + a4 ln X4
irrigation and related socioeconomic resources,
+ a5 ln X5 +a6 ln X6 + a7 ln X7 + a8 ln X8
respectively. The management of field-level
A linear production function can be written as
irrigation infrastructure and other related water
follows where ßxi, which is the production
activities is the responsibility of the relevant farmer
coefficient, denotes the marginal productivity.
organizations (FOs).
Y= ß0 X1+ß1X2 + ß2X3 + ß3 X4+ ß4X5 +ß5X6 +ß7 X8+
Some of the important technical data of
ß8 X 9
Huruluwewa Scheme are as follows. The land
Here in the production function approach,
extents in acres for the three Main Canals (MC) are
production (paddy yield) per acre was considered as
3,200 in Left Bank (LB), 7200 in Right Bank (RB)
the dependent variable. Per acre labour, machinery,
and 27 acres in Centre sluice. The tank bund length
fertilizer (Urea, MOP and TSP), chemicals
is 2.37km and bund lop width is 6.7m. The total
(weedicides and pesticides), irrigation water and
length of Main Canals (MC), Branch Canals (BC),
seeds usage were considered as the quantitative
Distributary Canals (DC) and Field Canals (FC) are
independent variables. As the coefficient of
31.6km, 5.0km, 38.62km and 168.25km
irrigation water expresses the incremental value of
respectively. The total length of the agricultural
paddy production due to increase of irrigation water
roads in the system is 178.8 km.
availability, it was used to value the benefit stream
in the Cost Benefit Analysis.
2.2 Theoretical Approach
2.2.1 Primary Data Collection
Under certain assumptions, the production
From the two main canals (RB-MC and LB-MC)
function can be used to derive a marginal product
the RB-MC was selected for the study. In the right
for each factor, which implies an ideal division of
bank main canal (RB-MC), there are 9 Farmer
the income generated from output into an income
Organizations (FO) representing 13 Distributary
due to each input factor of production (Cobb &
canals (DC). Farm households were selected from
Douglas, 1928). Furthermore, it allows to explain
these 13 D canals. 15 farmers were then randomly
the output value generated by either company,
selected from each DC using the membership lists.
industry or the whole economy based on diverse
All together 210 interviews were conducted.
combinations of factors determining the existing
Primary data related to 2015 Yala cultivation was
technology (Suchankova & Bezdekovska, 2012).
collected through a pre tested structured
Selection of functional form for production
questionnaire. Through that survey instrument,
analysis is a particularly important and critical
farmers’ recall data were collected for the
dependent variable paddy production and the all beneficial. In order to be a worthwhile project B/C
other independent variables including seeds, ratio should be greater than one.
fertilizer, chemicals, labour and machinery except NPV and B/C ratio can be calculated using the
the variable irrigation water. following formulas.
2.2.2 Water Measurements
Water is a multi-purpose resource and
agriculture is only one of its many uses. The 1
quantity of water applied and its timing largely
determine crop output of a farm. Although water is
one of the most important inputs in irrigated
agriculture, water input is rarely carefully quantified
at the farm level. Water used at the farm level can
be best-expressed using real-time measurements of 2
water inflow to a given field. Alternatives to real-
time measures that have been used for economic
analysis include the number of irrigations (Hussain Where,
and Young 1985; Young 2005) and an index of B t is the benefit in time t
water availability (Wijayaratne 1986) as mentioned C t is the cost in time t
by Weligamage et al ( 2014). For this study r is the discount rate
irrigation water availability was calculated by using To measure the project worth, NPV and B/C
the flow measurement data collected during the ratio were calculated for the typical life span of an
water issues for the Yala season by the Hurulu wewa irrigation system, which is 40 years. The costs
scheme. elements for investments on irrigation infrastructure
In this process, the flow measurements were including initial investment consisting head works
taken from different points along the MC, which is and downstream works, the operation and
16km long. Then flow measurements were taken at maintenance cost and the preventive and essential
the different points from each DC. As there are improvements to the system were considered.
considerable number of FC in one DC water flow Benefits were estimated in terms of the increased
was measured in only selected FCs. Then the water paddy production due to increase of irrigation water
curves were developed for each canal with the availability in the system because of the investment
distance, which was calculated using the GPS made on the irrigation system.
points. With the help of these curves, the amount of
irrigation water that was received by each plot was 2.3.2 Data
calculated. Both primary and secondary data was collected
in order to calculate Benefit Cost ratio and NPV of
2.3 Assessment of Financial Profitability of the investment made. Primary data was collected
Investment on Irrigation Infrastructure related to the amount of irrigation water received by
Rehabilitation. the selected farm plots during the 2015-Yala water
issues in the system. Secondary data related to
2.3.1 Methods of Analysis irrigation infrastructure and different costs
Project analysis procedure was used to analyse associated with the renovation and rehabilitation
the financial profitability of the investment. Cost- and water issues were collected from the internal
benefit analysis (CBA) provides the technical tool records of the Hurulu wewa Irrigation Engineer’s
to assess whether involvement in a certain project is (IE) office. The cultivation and production data of
economically beneficial. In general, two types of the system were collected from the Residential
cost-benefit analyses can be distinguished as social Project Manager’s (RPM) office.
and financial CBA (Little & Mirrless, 1980) . Both
analyses make use of the same concept and
calculation procedures. Their main difference is that 3 DISCUSSION
of the point of view adopted.
The basic principle of a CBA is to list all input 3.1 Results of the Production Function
into and output from a project, express them in Estimation
monetary terms, and subtract the costs from the
benefits to obtain a net value for the project. The The parameters of a production function explain
decision criterion is if the net value is positive, the the contribution of each input affecting production
project is accepted – if it is negative, then the project levels including irrigation water. For this study both
is rejected. Higher the NPV higher the project is linear and log functional form of production
functions were estimated. Descriptive statistics of Independent Coeffici Std. Err. t P>t
the collected data are shown in Table 3.1. variable ent
Here the independent variable inputs which are Irrigation 0.21 0 .03 6.87 0.000*
under consideration are water (m3/acre), fertilizer water
usage including Urea, Murate of Potash (MOP) and Seeds -0.85 1.38 -0.62 0.537
Triple Supper Phosphate (TSP) (kg/acre), chemical Urea 1.66 0 .93 1.79 0.075**
usage including weedicides and pesticides MOP -0.42 3.71 -0.11 0.909
TSP 3.76 4.00 0.94 0.349
(Rs/acre), labour (man days/acre) and the usage of Chemicals 0.002 0.02 0.10 0.921
machinery (Rs/acre). In the case of fertilizer, by Machinery 0.014 0.004 3.75 0.000*
adding subsidized fertilizer and additional quantity Labour 4.69 2.73 1.72 0.087**
of fertilizer that the farmers have bought, the total Constant 649.29 159.55 4.07 0.000*
quantity of fertilizer used was estimated. The labour **Significance at 95% confidence interval
component includes both family labour and hired *Significance at 90% confidence interval
labour. In the variable machinery rent and the fuel R2 = 0.31 Adj. R2 = 0.2805 F( 8, 197) = 10.99
cost were taken under the consideration. For the Prob > F = 0.0000 N = 206.
chemical input the total cost were used as it was Table 3-3 Regression results for the Cobb-Douglas
difficult to collect data regarding to the active model
ingredient. Because the farmers did not have clear Independent Coeffic Std. t p>t
idea about that and types or the brands of chemicals variable -ient Error
vary in a large range. Irrigation 0.3385 0.0526 6.43 0.000**
Seeds -0.0169 0.0433 -0.39 0.695
Table 3-1 Descriptive statistics of the data used
Urea 0.1112 0.0589 1.89 0.061*
Variable Unit Mean Std. MOP 0.0030 0.0624 0.05 0.961
Dev. TSP 0.0221 0.0652 0.34 0.735
Seeds Kg/acre 53.43 14.49 Chemicals -0.0035 0.0506 -0.07 0.945
Urea Kg/acre 98.97 20.73 Machinery 0.1261 0.0281 4.50 0.000**
MOP Kg/acre 24.93 5.91 Labour 0.0456 0.0416 1.10 0.274
Constant 1.2792 0.2642 4.84 0.000
TSP Kg/acre 24.17 5.58
**Significance at 95% confidence interval
Chemicals Rs/acre 2,304.86 929.97 *Significance at 90% confidence interval
Machinery Rs/acre 16,322.63 5,360.46 R2 = 0.3168 Adj. R2 = 0.2863 F( 8, 179) =
Labour Mandays/acre 22.05 7.43 10.38 Prob > F = 0.0000 N = 188
Paddy Kg/acre 1,791.21 319.21 Many researchers who conducted research in the
yield related disciplines and the respective institutions
Water m3/acre 2,824.87 639.39 have identified the limitation of the available water
for the cultivation in the Hurulu wewa system. As
the condition of the system’s infrastructure is in
According to the regression results which are
poor condition farmers cannot take the maximum
shown in table 3.2 and 3.3, the contribution of water
use even from the available water. Therefore, there
input is quite high in the Hurulu wewa system. The
is an emerging need to make investments on
coefficient of water is significant at the probability
irrigation infrastructure to enhance the efficiency of
level of 0.05. Other than water, machinery is
the system and thereby the available water for the
significant at 0.05 probability level and the Urea and
farming practices.
labour input are significant at 0.1 probability level.
The results suggest that the water, machinery,
3.2 Simulating the Incremental Value of Paddy
labour availability and the application of urea for
Production due to Increased Efficiency of
the paddy cultivation restrict the paddy production
Irrigation Infrastructure- Valuing the Benefit
of the Hurulu Wewa irrigation system. Furthermore,
it is evident that the effect of fertilizer except urea
and the agro chemicals are very low for the further According to many studies Irrigation efficiency,
increment of the paddy production. From the above which is an indicator of effective water resources
results, the incremental value of paddy yield due to management, varies in different irrigation schemes
improvement of water availability can be obtained in Sri Lanka, but is low in general. A systematic
as 0.2 kg/acre. Therefore, it is evident that assessment of irrigation efficiencies across regions
increasing the availability of water will bring to is not available. However, the available literature
returns on the production. suggests that the efficiency of the present irrigation
systems in the country varies in between 30 percent
Table 3-2 Regression Results of the Linear Model to 35 percent. Therefore, we assumed that the
existing efficiency of the Hurulu wewa system is 30
percent. According to the FAO the efficiency level operation and maintenance cost and the essential
of a well-functioning gravity canal irrigation system improvements over the 40 years of the life cycle of
is 80- 90 percent. Therefore, we assumed that the irrigation system with a discount factor of 12%.
through the investments we could uphold the The other benefits of the irrigation system need to
efficiency level of the system up to different be explored in detail so that the investment
efficient levels such as 40,50,60,70 and 80 percent decisions could be validated considering all the
from the current efficiency level of 30 percent with aspects.
the investments in irrigation infrastructure
renovations. Along with the improvement of the
efficiency level through the rehabilitation of the 4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMONDATION
irrigation infrastructure, water availability will
increase which subsequently enhances the paddy 4.1 Summary and Conclusions
production. With this background, we derived the
This study assessed the returns to irrigation
benefit stream of the irrigation investment as the
infrastructure investment. It is a case study in
incremental value of paddy production due to
Hurulu wewa major irrigation system. In order to
increase irrigation efficiency. The estimated values
estimate the relationship between irrigation water
are shown in the table below. The calculations have
input and the paddy yield, production function
been done for the total cultivable land extent in the
approach was used. The returns on the irrigation
RB-MC considering two cultivation seasons.
Table 3-4 Incremental values of production due to
system rehabilitation investment were assessed
increased irrigation efficiency using the C/B ratio and NPV.
Scenario Efficiency Water availability According to the results,
Paddy production Valuefollowing
(Rs) general
cy 3
(m /yr) conclusions
(Kg/yr) can be drawn. It can be clearly
identified that the water availability significantly
contributes to the paddy production as the
Present efficiency 30%% 15,224,762.49 9,487,718.62 309,299,627.01
coefficient of water is significant (p<0.05). The
With improved 40% 19,378,139.17 estimated production function
4077474.407 supports the
irrigation efficiency hypothesis that rice yields increase with quantity of
50% 24,222,673.96 water5096843.009 166,157,082.1
applied. Other than water, improvement of
60% 29,067,208.75
machinery and labour can create
a significant effect
on the improvement of the production level. Further
70% 33,911,743.54 increment of agro chemicals232,619,914.9
7135580.212 may not have an effect
on yield improvement.
80% 38,756,278.34 8154948.814 265,851,331.3
System efficiency, which is an indicator of the
According to the Central Bank (2014), the water supply from the system, can be improved
average market price of 1kg of paddy is Rs.32.6 and through investments on irrigation infrastructure
that value was used to estimate the total value of the renovations. When investments are made on
production. irrigation infrastructure, they give positive returns
within the considered period, which is equal to the
3.3 Valuation the Cost Stream life cycle of a typical canal irrigation system. In the
study only the benefits from the production
The main components of the total cost associated improvement was valuated due to the increased
with the irrigation infrastructure rehabilitation can irrigation efficiency. The results showed that the
be categorized as initial investment, Operation and benefit from the paddy production only can
Maintenance (O&M) and essential improvements to accounts for recovering 70 percent of the total cost
the system. incurred for the system rehabilitation. Results of the
study indicate the importance of water in
3.4 Cost- Benefit Analysis determining profitability of paddy cultivation. Prior
The project analysis procedure was used to to an investment, it is worthwhile to assess whether
calculate Benefit cost ratio, and NPV ratio for the marginal cost of providing irrigation water does not
investment made on the rehabilitation of the exceed the marginal benefit of water when it is used
irrigation system. The project has given a B/C ratio in paddy cultivation.
of 0.7 and a positive NPV value at the discounting
rate of 12 percent. The time period of project was 4.2 Recommendations and Implications
considered as 40 years which is the usual life span Irrigation system impacts are as complex as the
of an irrigation system. multi-dimensional, dynamic socio-ecological
The cost benefit analysis revealed that benefits systems from which they emerge. Mutually
from the paddy production only could cover the 0.7 reinforcing impacts manifest themselves at the
of the total cost including initial investment,
individual-, community-, and system-levels. Crop oriented strategies as a means of achieving greater
production is one of the impacts associated with the project viability. Not only that the other benefits
irrigation and in the Sri Lankan context, it accounts from the irrigation systems should be further
for around 90 percent of the total irrigation supply. evaluated along with the agricultural production in
Among the irrigated crops, paddy is the dominant order to go for a proper policy implications. The
crop. Dry-zone districts account for 80 % of the sustainability of an irrigation scheme wholly
gross rice area, and 91 % of the irrigated rice area. depends on the degree of maintenance and the
As the majority of rural population depends on the nature of operations by the owner and the
irrigated agriculture, decisions on the irrigation beneficiaries. The contribution to the national
sector is very crucial. There is a growing consensus economy by an irrigation scheme is much higher
that Sri Lanka needs an agricultural productivity than the investment in O&M by the government.
revolution if it is to achieve the food security for all Inputs from farmers for O&M are also significant in
and stimulate economic growth sufficiently to major and medium irrigation schemes where well-
reduce poverty. organized farmer organizations exist. Frequent
Most of the rehabilitation works in the country rehabilitation requirements arise due to the failure
appears to be centred on irrigation development, to attend to repairs in a timely manner and
more specifically, on physical improvement of the inadequate maintenance due to the lack of funds.
cannel system and the head works. However, it is Therefore, in order to maintain the systems
important to pursue cost-effective rehabilitation longevity, O &M activities and renovations should
strategies, and implement useful management- be carried out at the correct time.

Lakmali, W. A. S., Gunawardana, E. R. N. & Dayawansa, N.

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