Mil STD 464C PDF
Mil STD 464C PDF
Mil STD 464C PDF
1 December 2010
1 October 2010
1. This standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of
2. This standard contains two sections, the main body and an appendix. The main body of the
standard specifies a baseline set of requirements. The appendix portion provides rationale,
guidance, and lessons learned for each requirement to enable the procuring activity to tailor
the baseline requirements for a particular application. The appendix also permits Government
and Industry personnel to understand the purpose of the requirements and potential
verification methodology for a design. The appendix is not a mandatory part of this document.
3. A joint committee consisting of representatives of the Army, Navy, Air Force, other DoD
Agencies, and Industry participated in the preparation of the basic version of this standard.
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1. SCOPE ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose. ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Application. ........................................................................................................ 1
2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................. 1
2.1 General. .............................................................................................................. 1
2.2 Government documents .................................................................................... 1
2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. ........................................................ 1
2.2.2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications. ........................... 2
2.3 Non-Government publications. ......................................................................... 3
2.4 Order of precedence. ......................................................................................... 3
3. DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Below deck. ........................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Compromising emanations. ............................................................................... 4
3.3 Electrically initiated device (EID). ....................................................................... 4
3.4 Electromagnetic environmental effects (E3). .................................................... 4
3.5 HERO SAFE ORDNANCE. ..................................................................................... 4
3.6 HERO SUSCEPTIBLE ORDNANCE......................................................................... 4
3.7 HERO UNSAFE ORDNANCE. ................................................................................ 5
3.8 High power microwave (HPM). .......................................................................... 5
3.9 Launch vehicle. ................................................................................................... 5
3.10 Lightning direct effects....................................................................................... 5
3.11 Lightning indirect effects.................................................................................... 5
3.12 Margins............................................................................................................... 5
3.13 Maximum no-fire stimulus. ................................................................................ 5
3.14 Mission critical. .................................................................................................. 6
3.15 Multipaction. ...................................................................................................... 6
3.16 Non-developmental item. .................................................................................. 6
3.17 Ordnance. ........................................................................................................... 6
3.18 Platform.............................................................................................................. 6
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TABLE I. Maximum external EME for deck operations on Navy ships. ........................................ 12
TABLE II. Maximum external EME for ship operations in the main beam of transmitters. ........ 13
TABLE III. Maximum external EME for space and launch vehicle systems. ................................. 14
TABLE IV. Maximum external EME for ground systems. ............................................................. 15
TABLE V. Maximum external EME for rotary-wing aircraft, including UAVs,
excluding shipboard operations. .................................................................................................. 16
TABLE VI. Maximum external EME for fixed-wing aircraft, including UAVs,
excluding shipboard operations. .................................................................................................. 17
TABLE VII. Lightning indirect effects waveform parameters. ...................................................... 20
TABLE VIII. Electromagnetic fields from near strike lightning (cloud-to-ground). ...................... 21
TABLE IX. Maximum external EME levels for ordnance. .............................................................. 24
TABLE X. Ordnance phases and associated environments. ......................................................... 25
TABLE XI. EMCON bandwidths. .................................................................................................... 28
TABLE A- I. Type of EMI/EMC testing. .......................................................................................... 55
TABLE A- II. Summary of recommendations. ............................................................................... 63
TABLE A- III. Specialized rotorcraft testing. ................................................................................. 77
TABLE A- IV. External EME for narrowband HPM. ....................................................................... 79
TABLE A- V. External EME for wideband HPM. ............................................................................ 80
TABLE A- VI. Narrowband HPM threats. ...................................................................................... 82
TABLE A- VII. Wideband HPM threats. ......................................................................................... 82
TABLE A- VIII. Stand-off distance ranges for generic fighter/attack aircraft. .............................. 82
TABLE A- IX. Narrowband HPM threats divided by range. .......................................................... 83
TABLE A- X. Wideband HPM threats divided by range. ............................................................... 83
TABLE A- XI. Lightning indirect effects waveform characteristics. .............................................. 86
TABLE A- XII. HERO EME test levels. .......................................................................................... 123
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1.1 Purpose.
This standard establishes electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) interface requirements
and verification criteria for airborne, sea, space, and ground systems, including associated
1.2 Application.
This standard is applicable for complete systems, both new and modified.
2.1 General.
The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this standard. This
section does not include documents cited in other sections of this standard or recommended
for additional information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the
completeness of this list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified
requirements of documents cited in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this standard, whether or not they are
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(Copies of CNSS and NSTISSAM documents are available only through the procuring activity.)
(Copies of the NTIA Manual are available from the U.S. Government Printing Office,
Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.)
(Copies are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Service
Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 or online at
(Copies of this document are available from the International Organization for Standardization,
3 rue de Varembe, 1211 Geneve 20, Geneve, Switzerland or online at
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The terms used in this standard are defined in ANSI Standard C63.14. In addition, the following
definitions are applicable for the purpose of this standard.
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the system is in jeopardy when the system is employed in the radio frequency environment
delineated in MIL-STD-464.
3.12 Margins.
The difference between the subsystem and equipment electromagnetic strength level, and the
subsystem and equipment stress level caused by electromagnetic coupling at the system level.
Margins are normally expressed as a ratio in decibels (dB).
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more than five minutes, the firing stimulus will be applied for the time normally required for
3.15 Multipaction.
Multipaction is a radio frequency (RF) resonance effect that occurs only in a high vacuum where
RF field accelerates free electrons resulting in collisions with surfaces creating secondary
electrons that are accelerated resulting in more electrons and ultimately a major discharge and
possible equipment damage.
3.17 Ordnance.
Explosives, chemicals, pyrotechnics, and similar stores (such as bombs, guns, ammunitions,
flares, electroexplosive devices, smoke and napalm) carried on an airborne, sea, space, or
ground systems.
3.18 Platform.
A mobile or fixed installation such as a ship, aircraft, ground vehicles and shelters, launch-space
vehicles, shore or ground station. For the purposes of this standard, a platform is considered a
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3.23 Subsystem.
A portion of a system containing two or more integrated components that, while not
completely performing the specific function of a system, may be isolated for design, test, or
maintenance. Either of the following are considered subsystems for the purpose of establishing
EMC requirements. In either case, the devices or equipments may be physically separated
when in operation and will be installed in fixed or mobile stations, vehicles, or systems.
3.24 System.
A composite of equipment, subsystems, skilled personnel, and techniques capable of
performing or supporting a defined operational role. A complete system includes related
facilities, equipment, subsystems, materials, services, and personnel required for its operation
to the degree that it can be considered self-sufficient within its operational or support
environment. See 3.18.
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development to evaluate the effectiveness of the system. For the purposes of this document,
the set of parameters under consideration would normally extend beyond this limited set of
parameters to address other details of system performance that may be less critical but still
have a substantial impact on system effectiveness.
An unclassified, short name referring to the investigation and study of compromising
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4.1 General.
Each system shall be electromagnetically compatible among all subsystems and equipment
within the system and with environments caused by emitters and other electromagnetic
sources external to the system to ensure safe and proper operation and performance. This
standard identifies baseline design requirements and verification to address E3 issues.
Requirements and verification approaches may be tailored based on engineering justification
derived from the system’s operational requirements and engineering analysis. Design
techniques used to protect equipment against EMI effects shall be verifiable, maintainable, and
effective over the rated lifecycle of the system. Design margins shall be established based on
system criticality, hardware tolerances, and uncertainties involved in verification of system-
level design requirements. Verification shall address all life cycle aspects of the system,
including (as applicable) normal in-service operation, checkout, storage, transportation,
handling, packaging, loading, unloading, launch, and the normal operating procedures
associated with each aspect. The Data Item Description (DID) called out in the standard provide
a means for establishing an overall integrated E3 design and verification approach to identify
areas of concern early in the program, mitigate risk, and document test results.
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5.1 Margins.
Margins shall be provided based on system operational performance requirements, tolerances
in system hardware, and uncertainties involved in verification of system-level design
requirements. Safety critical and mission critical system functions shall have a margin of at
least 6 dB. EIDs shall have a margin of at least 16.5 dB of maximum no-fire stimulus (MNFS) for
safety assurances and 6 dB of MNFS for other applications. Compliance shall be verified by test,
analysis, or a combination thereof. Instrumentation installed in system components during
testing for margins shall capture the maximum system response and shall not adversely affect
the normal response characteristics of the component. When environment simulations below
specified levels are used, instrumentation responses may be extrapolated to the full
environment for components with linear responses (such as hot bridgewire EIDs). When the
response is below instrumentation sensitivity, the instrumentation sensitivity shall be used as
the basis for extrapolation. For components with non-linear responses (such as semiconductor
bridge EIDs), no extrapolation is permitted.
a. Surface ships.
Intentional transmitters used below deck shall be limited to a maximum output of 100
milliwatt (mW) effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). The total combined power
radiated within a compartment and within the operating frequency band shall be
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Intentional transmitters used below deck shall be limited to a maximum output of 100
milliwatt (mW) effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). The total combined power
radiated within a compartment and within the operating frequency band shall be
limited to 13.75 W total radiated power (TRP). Additionally, no device shall be
permanently installed within 1 meter of safety or mission critical electronic equipment.
Compliance shall be verified by test of electric fields generated below deck with all antennas
(topside and below decks) radiating and adherence to the total radiated power limits indicated.
5.2.3 Multipaction.
For space applications, equipment and subsystems shall be free of multipaction effects.
Compliance shall be verified by test and analysis.
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frequency ranges, limiting the exposure of personnel will be needed to meet the requirements
of 5.9.1 for personnel safety.
Shipboard Shipboard
Flight Decks Weather Decks
Frequency Range
Electric Field Electric Field
(V/m – rms) (V/m – rms)
(MHz) (MHz) Peak Average Peak Average
0.01 2 * * * *
2 30 164 164 169 169
30 150 61 61 61 61
150 225 61 61 61 61
225 400 61 61 61 61
400 700 196 71 445 71
700 790 94 94 94 94
790 1000 246 100 1307 244
1000 2000 212 112 112 112
2000 2700 159 159 159 159
2700 3600 2027 200 897 200
3600 4000 298 200 1859 200
4000 5400 200 200 200 200
5400 5900 361 213 711 235
5900 6000 213 213 235 235
6000 7900 213 213 235 235
7900 8000 200 200 200 200
8000 8400 200 200 200 200
8400 8500 200 200 200 200
8500 11000 200 200 913 200
11000 14000 744 200 833 200
14000 1800 744 200 833 200
18000 50000 200 200 267 200
NOTE: *denotes no emitters in that frequency range.
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TABLE 2. Maximum external EME for ship operations in the main beam of transmitters.
Main Beam
(distances vary with ship class and
Frequency Range antenna configuration)
Electric Field
(V/m – rms)
Peak Average
0.01 2 * *
2 30 200 200
30 150 10 10
150 225 10 10
225 400 43 43
400 700 2036 268
700 790 10 10
790 1000 2528 485
1000 2000 930 156
2000 2700 10 10
2700 3600 27460‡ 2620‡
3600 4000 8553 272
4000 5400 139 139
5400 5900 3234 267
5900 6000 267 267
6000 7900 400 400
7900 8000 400 400
8000 8400 400 400
8400 8500 400 400
8500 11000 4173 907
11000 14000 3529 680
14000 18000 3529 680
18000 50000 2862 576
NOTE: * denotes no emitters in that frequency range.
‡ The EME levels in the table apply to shipboard operations in the main beam of
systems in the 2700 to 3600 MHz frequency range on surface combatants. For all
other operations, the unrestricted peak EME level is 12667 V/m and the unrestricted
average level is 1533 V/m.
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TABLE 3. Maximum external EME for space and launch vehicle systems.
Electric Field
Frequency Range (V/m – rms)
Peak Average
0.01 2 1 1
2 30 73 73
30 150 17 17
150 225 4 1
225 400 * *
400 700 47 6
700 790 1 1
790 1000 7 7
1000 2000 63 63
2000 2700 187 187
2700 3600 23 8
3600 4000 2 2
4000 5400 3 3
5400 5900 164 164
5900 6000 164 164
6000 7900 6 6
7900 8000 3 1
8000 8400 1 1
8400 8500 3 1
8500 11000 140 116
11000 14000 114 114
14000 18000 16 9
18000 50000 23 23
NOTE: *denotes no emitters in that frequency range.
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Electric Field
Frequency Range (V/m – rms)
Peak Average
0.01 2 73 73
2 30 103 103
30 150 74 74
150 225 41 41
225 400 92 92
400 700 98 98
700 790 267 267
790 1000 284 267
1000 2000 2452 155
2000 2700 489 155
2700 3600 2450 219
3600 4000 489 49
4000 5400 645 183
5400 5900 6146 155
5900 6000 549 55
6000 7900 4081 119
7900 8000 549 97
8000 8400 1095 110
8400 8500 1095 110
8500 11000 1943 139
11000 14000 3454 110
14000 18000 8671 243
18000 50000 2793 76
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Electric Field
Frequency Range (V/m – rms)
Peak Average
0.01 2 200 200
2 30 200 200
30 150 200 200
150 225 200 200
225 400 200 200
400 700 1311 402
700 790 700 402
790 1000 700 402
1000 2000 6057 232
2000 2700 3351 200
2700 3600 4220 455
3600 4000 3351 200
4000 5400 9179 657
5400 5900 9179 657
5900 6000 9179 200
6000 7900 400 200
7900 8000 400 200
8000 8400 7430 266
8400 8500 7430 266
8500 11000 7430 266
11000 14000 7430 558
14000 18000 730 558
18000 50000 1008 200
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Electric Field
Frequency Range (V/m – rms)
Peak Average
0.01 2 88 27
2 30 64 64
30 150 67 13
150 225 67 36
225 400 58 3
400 700 2143 159
700 790 80 80
790 1000 289 105
1000 2000 3363 420
2000 2700 957 209
2700 3600 4220 455
3600 4000 148 11
4000 5400 3551 657
5400 5900 3551 657
5900 6000 148 4
6000 7900 344 14
7900 8000 148 4
8000 8400 187 70
8400 8500 187 70
8500 11000 6299 238
11000 14000 2211 94
14000 18000 1796 655
18000 50000 533 38
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Systems exposed to more than one of the defined EMEs shall use the worst case composite of
the applicable EMEs. External RF EME covers compatibility with, but is not limited to, EME’s
from like platforms (such as aircraft in formation flying, ship with escort ships, and shelter-to-
shelter in ground systems) and friendly emitters. Compliance shall be verified by system,
subsystem, and equipment level tests, analysis, or a combination thereof.
5.5 Lightning.
The system shall meet its operational performance requirements for both direct and indirect
effects of lightning. Ordnance shall meet its operational performance requirements after
experiencing a near strike in an exposed condition and a direct strike in a stored condition.
Ordnance shall remain safe during and after experiencing a direct strike in an exposed
condition. FIGURE 1 provides aspects of the lightning environment that are relevant for
protection against direct effects. FIGURE 2 and TABLE 7 provide aspects of the lightning
environment associated with a direct strike that are relevant for protecting the platform from
indirect effects. TABLE 8 shall be used for the near lightning strike environment. Compliance
shall be verified by system, subsystem, equipment, and component (such as structural coupons
and radomes) level tests, analysis, or a combination thereof.
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One component D followed by 13 component D/2s
100 kA distributed up to a period of 1.5 seconds
1 2 3 13 14
10 kA 10 kA
1 2 3 20 t 20 Pulses t
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any aircraft, any systems operated or transported externally by vertical lift aircraft, and any
man portable items that are carried internal to the aircraft. Compliance shall be verified by test
(such as MIL-STD-331 or AECTP-500, Category 508 Leaflet 2 for ordnance), analysis, inspections,
or a combination thereof. The item configuration may be packaged or bare, depending on the
stockpile to safe separation sequence, but the specific configuration must be noted in the test
report. The test configuration shall include electrostatic discharge (ESD) in the vertical lift mode
and in-flight refueling mode from a simulated aircraft capacitance of 1000 picofarads, through a
maximum of one (1) ohm resistance with a circuit inductance not to exceed 20 microhenry.
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Separation Phase
Transportation/storage Unrestricted
Assembly/disassembly Restricted
Staged Unrestricted
Loading/unloading Restricted
Platform-loaded Unrestricted
Immediate post-launch Unrestricted
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equipment and other system elements, for control of E3 such that the system operational
performance requirements are met. For instances where specific controls have not been
established for a system and approved by the procuring activity, the following direct current
(DC) bonding levels shall apply throughout the life of the system.
a. 10 milliohms or less from the equipment enclosure to system structure, including the
cumulative effect of all faying surface interfaces.
b. 15 milliohms or less from cable shields to the equipment enclosure, including the
cumulative effect of all connector and accessory interfaces.
c. 2.5 milliohms or less across individual faying interfaces within the equipment, such as
between subassemblies or sections.
a. Fuel nozzle ground. A ground jack shall be installed at each fuel inlet. To satisfy
international agreements for interfacing with refueling hardware, the jack shall be
located within 1.0 meter of the center of the fuel inlet for fuel nozzle grounding.
b. Servicing grounds. Ground jacks shall be installed at locations convenient for servicing
and maintenance.
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c. Weapon grounds. Grounding jacks shall be installed at locations convenient for use in
handling of weapons or other explosive devices.
National security information shall not be compromised by emanations from classified
information processing equipment. Compliance shall be verified by test, analysis, inspections
or a combination thereof. (NSTISSAM TEMPEST/1-92 and CNSS Advisory Memorandum
TEMPEST 01-02 provide testing methodology for verifying compliance with TEMPEST
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1. Video filtering shall not be used to bandwidth limit the receiver response.
2. Larger bandwidths may be used, but no correction factors are permissible.
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(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is
not mandatory.)
The above DIDs were current as of the date of this standard. The ASSIST database should be
researched at to ensure that only current and approved
DIDs are cited on the DD Form 1423.
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Electrical bonding
Electromagnetic compatibility
Electromagnetic environment
Electromagnetic emission
Electromagnetic interference
Electromagnetic radiation hazards
Electromagnetic susceptibility
Inter-system electromagnetic compatibility
Intra-system electromagnetic compatibility
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Air Force
ASC/ENA, Bldg. 560
2145 Monahan Way
Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7101
DSN 785-8928, Commercial (937) 255-8928
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Aviation Engineering Directorate
Building 4488
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898
DSN 897-8464, Commercial (256) 313-8464
E3 Division (Code 41M)
48110 Shaw Road
Bldg 2187 Room 3241
Patuxent River, MD 20670
DSN 342-1660, Commercial (301) 342-1660
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A.1.1 Scope.
This appendix provides background information for each requirement in the main body of the
standard. The information includes rationale for each requirement, guidance on applying the
requirement, and lessons learned related to the requirement. This information should help
users understand the intent behind the requirements and adapt them as necessary for a
particular application.
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(Application for copies of MIL-STD-2169 should be addressed with a need-to-know to: Defense
Threat Reduction Agency, ATTN: RD-NTSA, 8725 John J Kingman RD STOP 6201, Fort Belvoir VA
Air Force
(Copies of military technical reports are available from National Technical Information Service
(NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 or the Defense Technical Information
Center, Attn: DTIC-R, 8725 John J. Kingman Rd. Suite 0944, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218 or
online at Air Force Technical Orders are available from Oklahoma
City Air Logistics Center (OC-ALC/MMEDT), Tinker AFB, OK 73145-5990.)
(Copies of military technical reports are available from National Technical Information Service
(NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 or the Defense Technical Information
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(Copies of FAA publications are available from National Technical Information Service (NTIS),
5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 or the Defense Technical Information Center
(DTIC), Bldg. 5, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 or online at
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(Copies of NASA documents are available from NASA Industrial Application Center/USC, 3716
South Hope St. #200, Los Angeles, CA 90007.)
(Copies of NAVSEA documents are available from Commanding Officer, Naval Surface Warfare
Center, Port Hueneme Division, Naval Sea Data Support Activity (Code 5700), Department of
the Navy, Port Hueneme, CA 93043.)
(Copies of NSA NSTISSAM documents are available only through the procuring activity.)
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(Application for copies should be addressed to Electrostatic Discharge Association, 7900 Turin
Road, Building 3, Suite 2, Rome, NY 13440-2069 or online at
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(Application for copies should be addressed to Franklin Applied Physics, P.O. Box 313, Oaks, PA
19456 or online at
(Application for copies of the Code should be addressed to the National Fire Protection
Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269-9101 or
(Application for copies should be addressed to Central US Registry, The Pentagon, Room 1B889,
Washington, DC 20310-3072)
(Application for copies of this standard should be addressed to RTCA, 1425 K Street NW,
Washington, DC 20005 or online at
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(Application for copies should be addressed to the Society of Automotive Engineers World
Headquarters, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 or online at
The acronyms used in this appendix are defined as follows.
AAPG antenna inter-antenna propagation with graphics
AGC automatic gain control
AM amplitude modulation
AMITS air management information tracking system
ASEMICAP air systems EMI corrective action program
BIT built-in test
C3I command, control, communications, and intelligence
CI command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence
CCF cavity calibration factor
CTTA certified TEMPEST technical authority
CW continuous wave
DID Data Item Description
E3 electromagnetic environmental effects
ECCM electronic counter counter-measures
ECM electronic counter-measures
EID electrically initiated device
ELV expendable launch vehicle
EM electromagnetic
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
EMCON emission control
EME electromagnetic environment
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A.4.1 General.
Each system shall be electromagnetically compatible among all subsystems and equipment
within the system and with environments caused by emitters and other electromagnetic sources
external to the system to ensure safe and proper operation and performance. This standard
identifies baseline design requirements and verification to address E3 issues. Requirements and
verification approaches may be tailored based on engineering justification derived from the
system’s operational requirements and engineering analysis. Design techniques used to protect
equipment against EMI effects shall be verifiable, maintainable, and effective over the rated
lifecycle of the system. Design margins shall be established based on system criticality,
hardware tolerances, and uncertainties involved in verification of system-level design
requirements. Verification shall address all life cycle aspects of the system, including (as
applicable) normal in-service operation, checkout, storage, transportation, handling, packaging,
loading, unloading, launch, and the normal operating procedures associated with each aspect.
The Data Item Description (DID) called out in the standard provide a means for establishing an
overall integrated E3 design and verification approach to identify areas of concern early in the
program, mitigate risk, and document test results.
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An overall integrated EMC design and verification approach for the system must be established.
Based on system-level architecture, appropriate hardening requirements are allocated between
system design features and subsystems and equipment hardness. Transfer functions from
system-level environments to stresses at the subsystem and equipment-level are determined
and appropriate electromagnetic interference controls are imposed.
a. Establish the external threat environment against which the system is required to
demonstrate compliance of immunity. The external environments (EME, lightning and
EMP) to which the system should be designed and verified are addressed in other
sections of this appendix.
b. Identify the system electrical and electronic equipment performing functions required
for operation during application of the external threat. Normally all functions essential
for completing the missions are protected against the external threats.
c. Establish the internal environment caused by external electromagnetic effects for each
installed equipment. All of the environments external to the system specified in this
standard cause related environments internal to the system. The level of this internal
environment will be the result of many factors such as structural details, penetration of
apertures and seams, and system and cable resonances. The internal environment for
each threat should be established by analysis, similarity to previously tested systems, or
testing. The internal environment is usually expressed as the level of electrical current
stresses appearing at the interface to the equipment or electromagnetic field quantities.
These internal stresses are typically associated with standardized requirements for
equipment (for example, MIL-STD-461). Trade-offs need to be made of the degree of
hardening to be implemented at the system-level (such as shielded volumes or
overbraiding on interconnecting wiring) versus equipment-level (more stringent
electromagnetic interference requirements) to establish the most effective approach
from performance and cost standpoints.
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d. Design the system and equipment protection. System features are then designed as
necessary to control the internal environment (including margin considerations) to
levels determined from the trade-off studies and appropriate requirements are imposed
on the electrical and electronic equipment. The equipment immunity levels must be
above the internal environments by necessary margins to account for criticality of the
equipment, manufacturing tolerances, and uncertainties in verification. Normally there
are design and test requirements in MIL-STD-461 applicable for each of the external
environments, but they may need modification for the particular system application.
For example, external environment may result in internal environments above the
susceptibility level specified in MIL-STD-461. If so, the limit must be tailored for the
particular system, alternative requirements must be imposed or the internal
environment must be reduced to an acceptable level. The system E3 design must be
viable throughout the system life cycle. This aspect requires an awareness of proper
application of corrosion control provisions and issues related to maintenance actions
that may affect EMC. Examples are ensuring that electrical bonding provisions are not
degraded, maintaining surface treatments in place for E3 control, and considering
exposure of electronics to EMEs when access panels are open. Maintaining a viable
system E3 design also requires an effective configuration management program for
tracking and evaluating engineering changes to the system to ensure that the E3 design
is not compromised.
e. Verify the protection adequacy. The system and equipment E3 protection design must
be verified as meeting contractual requirements. Verification of the adequacy of the
protection design includes demonstrating that the actual levels of the internal
environments appearing at the equipment interfaces and enclosures do not exceed the
qualification test levels of the equipment for each environment by required margins. All
electronic and electrical equipments must have been qualified to their appropriate
specification level. Systems-level testing is normally required to minimize the required-
margin demonstration. Analysis may be acceptable under some conditions; however,
the required margins will typically be larger.
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Analysis and testing often supplement each other. Prior to the availability of hardware, analysis
will often be the primary tool being used to ensure that the design incorporates adequate
provisions. Testing may then be oriented toward validating the accuracy and appropriateness
of the models used. The level of confidence in a model with respect to a particular application
determines the balance between analysis and testing. Testing is often essential to completing a
convincing verification argument.
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analysis. However, testing also is often used to determine a few data points with respect to a
particular interface requirement with analysis (and associated simulations) filling in the total
picture. It should be noted that the guidance sections for individual E3 requirements specified
in other sections below generally treat the predominant methods for final verification rather
than dealing with the overall philosophy described in this section.
The following list provides guidance on issues which should be addressed for E3 verification:
a. Systems used for verification should be production configuration, preferably the first
b. The system should be up-to-date with respect to all approved engineering change
proposals (both hardware and software).
d. Subsystems and equipment should be placed in modes of operation that will maximize
potential indication of interference or susceptibility, consistent with system operational
performance requirements.
e. Any external electrical power used for system operation should conform to the power
quality standard of the system.
f. Any anomalies found should be evaluated to determine whether they are truly an E3
issue or some other type of malfunction or response.
g. Any system modifications resulting from verification efforts should be validated for
effectiveness after they have been engineered.
A.5.1 Margins.
Margins shall be provided based on system operational performance requirements, tolerances
in system hardware, and uncertainties involved in verification of system-level design
requirements. Safety critical and mission critical system functions shall have a margin of at
least 6 dB. EIDs shall have a margin of at least 16.5 dB of maximum no-fire stimulus (MNFS) for
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safety assurances and 6 dB of MNFS for other applications. Compliance shall be verified by test,
analysis, or a combination thereof. Instrumentation installed in system components during
testing for margins shall capture the maximum system response and shall not adversely affect
the normal response characteristics of the component. When environment simulations below
specified levels are used, instrumentation responses may be extrapolated to the full
environment for components with linear responses (such as hot bridgewire EIDs). When the
response is below instrumentation sensitivity, the instrumentation sensitivity shall be used as
the basis for extrapolation. For components with non-linear responses (such as semiconductor
bridge EIDs), no extrapolation is permitted.
Margins need to be viewed from the proper perspective. The use of margins simply recognizes
that there is variability in manufacturing and that requirement verification has uncertainties.
The margin ensures that every produced system will meet requirements, not just the particular
one undergoing a selected verification technique. Smaller margins are appropriate for
situations where production processes are under tighter controls or more accurate and
thorough verification techniques are used. Smaller margins are also appropriate if many
production systems undergo the same verification process, since the production variability
issue is being addressed. Margins are not an increase in the basic defined levels for the various
electromagnetic environments. The most common technique is to verify that electromagnetic
and electrical stresses induced internal to the system by external environments are below
equipment strength by at least the margin. While margins can sometimes be demonstrated by
performing verification at a level in excess of the defined requirement, the intent of the margin
is not to increase the requirement.
The 16.5 dB margin specified for safety assurance for EIDs in ordnance is derived from the
criterion in MIL-STD-1385 (which has been canceled and superseded by MIL-STD-464) that the
maximum allowable induced level for electrically initiated devices (EIDs) in required
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environments is 15% of the maximum no-fire current. The ratio of no-fire to allowable currents
in decibels is 20 log (0.15) or a 16.5 dB margin. The requirement is expressed in decibels in this
standard so that the requirement can be applied to designs which do not use conventional hot
bridgewire EIDs, where the term “no-fire current” may be meaningless. MIL-STD-1385 also
specified a criterion of 45% of no-fire current (7 dB margin) for EIDs when there are
consequences other than safety. The equivalent criterion in this standard is specified as 6 dB.
Hot bridgewire EIDs with a one amp/one watt MNFS are often used in ordnance applications to
help in meeting safety requirements. As an alternative to using large sample sizes to
demonstrate that the statistical criteria contained in the definition of MNFS (no more than 0.1%
firing with a confidence level of 95%) is met, the methods of MIL-DTL-23659 can be used to
establish a one amp/one watt MNFS.
MNFS values for EIDs are normally specified by manufacturers in terms such as DC currents or
energy. Margins are often demonstrated by observing an effect during the application of an
electromagnetic environment that is the same effect observed when applying a stimulus level
in the form under which the MNFS is defined. For example, the temperature rise of a
bridgewire can be monitored in the presence of an EME relative to the temperature rise
produced by a DC current level that is 16.5 dB below MNFS. The space community has elected
to use MNFS levels determined using RF rather than DC. This approach is based on Franklin
Institute studies, such as report F-C2560. Outside of the space community, the use of DC levels
has provided successful results.
Margins are closely linked to both design and verification since the planned verification
methodology influences the size of the margin and the resulting impact on the required
robustness of the design. The specific margin assigned for a particular design and environment
is an engineering judgment. If the margin is too large, then penalties in weight and cost can be
inflicted on the design. If the margin is too small, then the likelihood of an undesirable system
response becomes unacceptably high.
The size of the margin assigned is inversely proportional to the inherent accuracy of the
verification method employed. One method of verifying lightning protection is to expose an
operational aircraft to a simulated severe lightning encounter (most severe flashes with worst
case attachment points). With this relatively accurate method of verification, a smaller overall
margin should be required. Another method of verifying lightning protection is the use of low-
level pulsed or continuous-wave (CW) testing with extrapolation of measured induced levels on
electrical cabling to a full scale strike. These levels are then either applied to the cables at the
system level or compared to laboratory data. This type of approach would typically require an
overall margin of 6 dB. Similar margins may be appropriate for purely analytical approaches
which produce results that have been shown by previous testing to be consistently conservative
for the particular type of system being evaluated.
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The least accurate verification method is the use of an analysis which has not been previously
verified as yielding “accurate” results for the system type of interest. The term “previously
verified" in this case means that the analysis is based on accepted principles (such as previously
documented in E3 handbooks) but the particular system configuration presented for
certification has not been previously tested to verify the accuracy of the analysis. For this case,
margins as large as 30 dB are not unrealistic.
For most approaches, margins typically fall in the range of 6 to 20 dB. For equipment that is not
classified as safety critical, mission critical, or ordnance, it may be desirable to use a reduced
(possibly zero) margin to conserve program resources.
Verification of margins for space and launch vehicles is essential since these items are costly
and must meet performance the first and only time. For expendable launch vehicles (ELVs),
there are no on-orbit repairs.
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Caution must be exercised in establishing margins so that the possible lack of reliable or
accurate verification techniques does not unduly burden the design.
During an E3 test, the contribution to uncertainties from the test is either errors or variations.
The errors fall into categories of measurement, extrapolation (simulation), and repeatability.
Variations are caused by various issues such as system orientation with respect to the incident
field, polarization of the incident field, and different system configurations (such as power
on/off, refuel, ground alert). The contributions of errors and variations are combined for
margin determination. They can be directly added; however, this approach will tend to
produce an overly conservative answer. The more common approach is to combine them using
the root-sum-square.
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461 but also to commercial standards such as IEEE and IEC standards to reduce costs. To
ensure EMC is achieved in Navy ships, a MIL-STD-1605(SH) survey should be performed.
Generation of broadband EMI on ships from electrical arcing has been a common source of
degradation of antenna-connected receivers and must be controlled. Sources of the arcing
have been brush noise from electrical machinery and induced voltages and currents between
metallic items from antenna transmissions. Intermittent contact of the metallic items due to
wind or ship motion is a contributor. MIL-STD-1605(SH) provides guidance on controlling and
locating sources of broadband EMI.
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A common problem in systems occur when the system uses both electronic countermeasures
(ECM) and radar equipment operating at overlapping frequencies. The following measures may
be helpful to provide RF compatibility between these types of subsystems: blanking, pulse
tagging, utilization of coherent processing dead time, band splitting, and digital feature
extraction. A blanking matrix is commonly used to depict the relationship between source and
victim pairs.
Verification of EMC by test is essential to ensure an adequate design which is free from the
degradation caused by antenna-to-antenna coupled interference. Prior analysis and
equipment-level testing are necessary to assess potential problems and to allow sufficient time
for fixing subsystem problems.
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The following list provides guidance on issues which should be addressed for intra-system EMC
f. Testing should include all relevant external system hardware such as weapons, stores,
provisioned equipment (items installed in the system by the user), and support
g. It should be verified that any external electrical power used for system operation
conforms to the power quality standard of the system.
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h. TABLE A- 1 identifies what kind of EMI/EMC testing is required when new, modified, or
carry-on equipment will be used on military aircraft.
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Operational testing of systems often begins before a thorough intra-system EMC test is
performed. Also, the system used for initial testing is rarely in a production configuration. The
system typically will contain test instrumentation and will be lacking some production
electronics. This testing must include the exercising and evaluation of all functions that can
affect safety. It is essential that aircraft safety-of-flight testing be done to satisfy safety
concerns prior to first flight and any flight thereafter where major electrical and electronic
changes are introduced.
A common issue in intra-system EMC verification is whether to use instrumentation during the
test to evaluate the performance of subsystems and equipment. The most common approach
is to monitor subsystem performance through visual and aural displays and outputs. It is
usually undesirable to modify cabling and electronics boxes to add instrumentation, since these
modifications may change subsystem responses and introduce additional coupling paths.
However, there are some areas where instrumentation is important. Demonstration of margins
for critical areas normally requires some type of monitoring. For example, EIDs require
monitoring for assessment of margins.
Attempts are sometimes made to perform intra-system EMC testing of space systems with on-
board transmitters being simulated. It is essential that the actual transmitters be used and
operated in their mission modes to ensure that equipment is exposed to realistic
electromagnetic fields and resulting currents and voltages and to adequately evaluate
intermodulation concerns. Without the actual RF emitters being used, there is no assurance
that a 100% functional system is being provided.
Output characteristics of spread spectrum transmitters present unique technical issues which
need to be addressed to achieve EMC.
Both MIL-STD-461 as well as some commercial standards reduces the risk of EMI due to case
and cable conducted and radiation emissions and susceptibility. Compliance with these
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standards still leave system level risks due to the large amount of co-located systems being
integrated in ships. The shipboard EME is dynamic and varies by compartment as well as
between ships in a class due to modernizations and equipment variations due to the long
period for ship construction. Therefore, conducting MIL-STD-1605(SH) tests to evaluate EMC is
highly recommended where feasible.
Other than for EIDs, margin assessment is practical in several areas. Margins can be assessed
for antenna-connected receivers using the spectrum analyzer technique described at the end of
section A.5.2.4. Another area where margin evaluation is practical is potential degradation of
subsystems due to electrical cable coupling from electromagnetic fields generated by on-board
antenna-connected transmitters. Intra-system compatibility problems due to communication
transmitters, particularly HF (2-30 MHz), are fairly common. The induced levels present in
critical interface cables can be measured and compared to demonstrated hardness levels from
laboratory testing in the same manner as described in the appendix under section A.5.3 for
inter-system EMC.
System-level testing should be a final demonstration that RF compatibility has been obtained.
It should not be a starting point to identify areas requiring fixes. Previous analysis and bench
testing should resolve compatibility questions beforehand. To evaluate E3 system hardness the
Navy utilizes MIL-STD-1605(SH). An EMI survey is required for new construction ships and ships
receiving overhauls or other major repair work that changes the ships electromagnetic
Active signal cancellation techniques present a risky approach to EMC and should be rigorously
tested before being implemented. This approach is most sensitive to signal phase error and
may actually worsen an interference problem by injecting phase noise resulting from a
changing multi-path situation (due to aircraft stores load, release, and so forth).
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a. Surface ships.
Intentional transmitters used below deck shall be limited to a maximum output of 100
milliwatt (mW) effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). The total combined power
radiated within a compartment and within the operating frequency band shall be limited
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Intentional transmitters used below deck shall be limited to a maximum output of 100
milliwatt (mW) effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). The total combined power
radiated within a compartment and within the operating frequency band shall be limited
to 13.75 W total radiated power (TRP). Additionally, no device shall be permanently
installed within 1 meter of safety or mission critical electronic equipment.
Compliance shall be verified by test of electric fields generated below deck with all antennas
(above and below decks) radiating and adherence to the total radiated power limits indicated.
The use of wireless devices such as radio frequency identification (RFID) systems, handheld
transceivers, wireless local area network (WLAN), etc., is increasing rapidly for below deck
applications. Since below deck spaces are reverberant they contain and reflect radiated RF
energy. RF propagation within such spaces is well defined by MIL-STD-461F, RS-103 alternate
test procedure which delineates the characterization and use of Reverberation Chambers as
EMI test facilities. Accordingly the proliferation of intentional emitters results in an increased
EME. This increase of the ambient EME has been identified as the cause of interference to
mission critical legacy equipments. Mitigation of this EMI requires that ships and subs be
considered a total system composed of numerous sub-systems. Accordingly interface controls
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are required to assure total system EMC. This requirement is intended to limit the
electromagnetic environment such that EMI from both direct illumination and reverberant
energy do not exceed the MIL-STD-461 electric field radiated susceptibility requirement and
therefore equipment located within this environment will function reliably and without
electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) problems.
Output power limits of 25 and 100 mW EIRP for a single emitter (transmitter) in submarines
and ships, respectively, are invoked for this standard. These limits assure reliable operation of
legacy equipments. Since these legacy equipments were tested at 1 V/m for submarine
applications and at 10 V/m for surface ships, it is necessary to establish criteria for each.
Equation A-1 was used to predict the resultant field intensities for each at a distance of
1 meter. In the case of submarines, 25 mW EIRP will produce an electric field intensity of 0.87
V/m which aligns well with the 1 V/m testing done to comply with earlier versions of MIL-STD-
461. Since surface ship equipments were tested in accordance with MIL-STD-461 at 10 V/m
with all equipment consoles secured, and many of the wireless systems such as WLANs are
continuously transmitting, it is deemed necessary to account for the enclosure/console
Shielding Effectiveness (SE). This SE can be reasonably estimated at approximately 15 dB,
which is to say that the electronics within should not be exposed to more than 2 V/m when
consoles/enclosures are open. Accordingly, a limit for surface ships is proposed at 100 mW
which will result in an exposure of 1.7 V/m with no external shielding.
Equation A-1
|E| = electric field intensity, V/m
Gt = transmitter antenna gain
Pt = transmitter power
r = distance from transmit antenna, meters (r = 1 m)
η = impedance of the medium, ohms (η = 377 Ω)
When considering the additive nature of transmitters within enclosed electrically reflective
spaces one must consider Total Radiated Power (TRP) instead of EIRP. This is due to diffusion of
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the transmitted energy due to reflections. Any gain (directivity) imparted on the transmitted
energy is lost in such spaces due to their reverberant nature. This is well understood and
documented in the Reverberation Chamber alternate test methodology described in MIL-STD-
461. The utility of using TRP, then, is to calculate volumetric (i.e., non-line-of-sight) electric
field levels in enclosed spaces.
Submarine Applications: The requirement of 250 mW TRP for multiple emitters in a space is an
attempt to control the total electric field within the compartment and is invoked for this
standard. A space is defined as a functional area within a compartment (e.g. Sonar Equipment
Space or Torpedo Room). The 250 mW TRP equates to a volumetric electric field strength of
6.75 V/m. The electric field strength of 6.75 V/m aligns with the electric field radiated
susceptibility requirement, RS103, of MIL-STD-461 with a 3.4 dB safety margin and allows for
variance in the cavity calibration factor. This power level was calculated as follows:
Equation A-2
Pin = transmitter power, watts
E = electric field intensity, V/m
ccf = cavity calibration factor which is calculated as follows:
Equation A-3
λ = wavelength, meters
ηrx = antenna efficiency
IL = insertion loss which is calculated as follows:
Equation A-4
Prcvd = received power, watts
Pin = incident power into cavity, watts
A cavity calibration factor, ccf, of 13.5 was utilized for the calculation of maximum total input
power into the submarine compartment.
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Surface Ship Applications: In recent years NAVSEA, NAVSUP and ONR collectively provided
resources to conduct a study of the reverberant nature of below deck spaces on Navy ships.
This study was conducted on ten ships of various classes (CVN, LHD, DDG & FFG) and compiled
data from over 100 spaces. Equation A-2 (above) was used to determine a bounding condition
CCF from the measured insertion loss data. Due to the sheer volume of data collected, only the
four ships which produced the highest CCF values are shown on FIGURE A- 1.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Frequency (MHz)
Also provided on FIGURE A- 1 is the proposed CCF limit of 13.5, which equates to a TRP limit of
548 mW. It is readily apparent that the proposed limit does not encompass all of the measured
data. It does however fit well at the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) bands at 900 MHz
and 2400 MHz and is above the vast majority of all measured data above 2000 MHz. Based on
this analysis, it is the Navy’s opinion that increasing the 13.5 CCF recommendation would be
overly restrictive and that the risk of EMI would be sufficiently mitigated through a TRP limit of
550 mW.
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To date, the Navy has limited documented cases in which a wireless system implementation
has caused EMI on platforms. However, documented cases do exist for a wireless local area
network system that has been installed on multiple vessels. The system components have
passed MIL-STD-461 requirements, and yet have caused mission-degrading EMI to legacy
combat-critical systems aboard those platforms. Both complex cavity and direct line-of-sight
mechanisms have been determined to be contributing to these EMI problems. A fundamental
issue within the Navy results from the sheer volume of wireless technology users and
technologies being used. Ships are manned with hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of
sailors, each assigned to departments which have unique and, in many cases, conflicting
requirements for wireless technologies. If left uncontrolled, the potential exists for a vast
number of wireless networks required to serve the composite shipboard need. This condition
will result in not only safety concerns from an EMI and HERO perspective, but create spectrum
conflicts which will degrade overall shipboard performance. The intent of the guidance
provided in this section is to enable the Navy to get in front of the wireless proliferation
challenges from a platform design perspective, through application of an overarching limit on
the number and location of wireless devices, to assure wireless functionality in a system of
systems environment.
The requirement for individual transmitters and the requirement for total combine power are
essential to bound the electric field levels in below decks spaces. These limits are harmonized
with the electric field radiated susceptibility limit, RS103, of MIL-STD-461, that is to say,
adherence with these limits will ensure that systems that are compliant with RS103 will be
compatible in their intended environment and future increases to the RS103 levels should not
be necessary.
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The requirement on intentional transmitters used below deck can be met by analysis or test.
Testing needs to be performed with frequency selective receivers (spectrum analyzer or EMI
receiver) and appropriate antennas such as those used in the RE102 test procedures of MIL-
STD-461. Mode stirred techniques is the preferred method for verification of this requirement.
Broadband omnidirectional E-field sensors, such as those used in the RS103 test procedures of
MIL-STD-461, can be used to search for areas of higher fields. Since these devices are
broadband, they will detect the resultant E-field from all sources present within the bandpass
of the device. The dominant source of the reading may not be obvious. Also, since these
devices do not use the peak detection function present in spectrum analyzers and EMI
receivers, indicated levels may be well below actual peak levels, particularly for pulsed fields.
The techniques presented here are based on science which is well documented and adopted by
industry through the International Electrotechnical Commission via IEC 61000-4-21 the Federal
Aviation Administration via DO-160 and military via MIL-STD-461. Each of these standards
committees recognizes the benefit of leveraging complex cavity effects for the purpose of
testing electronic systems for EMI and adopted the use of Reverberation Chambers for such
evaluations. Since the physics of a Reverberation Chamber are the same in any enclosed
electrically reflective space, it is most appropriate to leverage this knowledge for the purpose of
mitigating EMI in below deck spaces of submarines and ships.
Significant effort was made in generation of these requirements to assure no undue hindrance
was applied which would stifle usage or implementation of wireless technologies while assuring
to the greatest extent possible that such deployments will not create EMI to co-located
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The need to impart limits on the below deck EME is not new as this document currently imparts
limits in terms of electric field intensity. This expounds on that concept and provides a
simplified means of assuring existing requirements are met.
A.5.2.3 Multipaction.
For space applications, equipment and subsystems shall be free of multipaction effects.
Compliance shall be verified by test and analysis.
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If an intentional signal above the squelch is present, the type of degradation is dependent on
the location of the interfering signal with respect to the carrier. If the interfering signal is
within a few hundred hertz of the carrier, the main effect will probably be a change in the
automatic gain control (AGC) level of the receiver. If the interfering signal is far enough from
the carrier to compete with the sideband energy, much more serious degradation can occur.
This condition gives the best example of why squelch break is not an adequate failure criterion.
AM receivers are typically evaluated for required performance using a 30%-AM, 1-kHz tone
which is considered to have the same intelligibility for a listener as typical 80%-AM voice
modulation. The total power in the sidebands is approximately 13 dB below the level of the
carrier. Receiver specifications also typically require 10 dB (signal plus noise)-to-noise ratios
during sensitivity demonstrations. Therefore, for an interfering signal which competes with the
sidebands not to interfere with receiver performance, it must be approximately 23 dB below
the carrier. An impact of this conclusion is that an interfering signal which is well below squelch
break can cause significant range degradation in a receiver. If squelch break represents the
true sensitivity required for mission performance, an interfering signal just below squelch break
can cause over a 90% loss in potential range.
If no intentional signal is present and the clock harmonic does not have any AM associated with
it, the main result is a quieting of the receiver audio output due to AGC action. To an observer,
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Two acceptable methods of assessing degradation are apparent. A 30% AM signal can be
radiated at each channel of interest at an induced level at the receiver which corresponds to
the minimum required performance. Changes in intelligibility can be assessed with and without
the interference present. Also, the level of the signal source can be varied and the resultant
effects evaluated. Due to the large number of channels on many receivers (UHF receivers (225
– 400 MHz) typically have 7000 channels), this technique may often not be practical. An
increasingly popular approach is to monitor antenna-induced signal levels with a spectrum
analyzer or a real time spectrum analyzer which can capture a seamless time record of RF
frequencies. A preamplifier is usually necessary to improve the noise figure of the analyzer and
obtain adequate sensitivity. The received levels can then be easily assessed for potential
receiver degradation. This technique has been found to be very effective.
Systems exposed to more than one of the defined EMEs shall use the worst case composite of
the applicable EMEs. External RF EME covers compatibility with, but is not limited to, EME’s
from like platforms (such as aircraft in formation flying , ship with escort ships, and shelter-to-
shelter in ground systems) and friendly emitters. Compliance shall be verified by system,
subsystem, and equipment level tests, analysis, or a combination thereof.
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produced by these emitters are very high and capable of degrading the performance of systems
illuminated by them if they are not properly addressed. Even relatively low power personal
communication system (PCS) items such as cellular phones, used in close proximity to sensitive
electronic items, can create electromagnetic fields sufficient to degrade performance.
Operational problems resulting from the adverse effects of electromagnetic energy on systems
are well documented. They include but are by no means limited to component failure, and
unreliable Built in Test (BIT) indications. The extensive variety of potential problems
underscores the importance of designing systems that are compatible with their intended
operational EME.
Joint service operations further increase the potential for safety and reliability problems if
systems are exposed to operational EMEs different from those for which they were designed.
For example, Army systems, if designed for compatibility with a ground operation EME, may be
adversely affected by exposure to a Navy shipboard “joint” environment.
The same transmitter does not necessarily drive the peak and average levels in a particular
frequency range in any table. The average electric field levels in the tables are based on the
average output power, which is the product of the maximum peak output power of the
transmitter and maximum duty cycle. Duty cycle is the product of pulse width and pulse
repetition frequency. VAvg = VPeak (duty cycle)1/2. This applies to pulsed systems only. The
average power for non-pulsed signals is the same as the peak power (that is, no modulation
Each of the EME tables is briefly described in the following paragraphs. MIL-HDBK-235-1
provides general information and assumptions used to generate each of the EME tables. The
specific parts of the handbook, as referenced below, give detailed rationale and assumptions
used to derive the EME levels, as well as the characteristics of the emitters used to generate
those levels.
TABLE 1 provides the maximum external EME for deck operations in each designated frequency
band on the weather and flight decks (including hangar decks) for each active Navy ship class.
TABLE 2 provides the maximum external EME for ship operations in the main beam of
transmitters in each designated frequency band for all Navy ships. The distances from the
antenna vary with ship class and antenna configuration.
The EME levels shown on TABLE 1 are composite levels generated from the following major
ship classes: Combatants (CG-47; DDG-51 Flights I, II, and IIA; FFG-7), Amphibious (LHA-1; LHD-
1; LPD-4; LPD-17; and LSD-41 and 49), Carriers (CV and CVN), Landing Craft (LCC-19), Mine
Counter Measures (MCM-1), Patrol Coastal Craft (PC-1), and Littoral Combat Ship (LCS-1). The
EME levels shown on TABLE 2 are composite levels generated from the aforementioned ship
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classes. For additional information on the assumptions used to derive the EME levels on U.S.
Navy ships, see MIL-HDBK-235-2. For Coast Guard (USCG), Military Sealift Command (MSC),
and Army ships, additional guidance can be found in MIL-HDBK-235-9.
Submarine external RF EME is not included as a stand-alone table in MIL-STD-464. The MIL-
STD-461 RS103 field levels are generally adequate for many installations. However, submarine
sail- and mast-mounted equipment and sensors may experience fields in excess of the 200 V/m
RS103 requirement from nearby equipment and antennas co-located on the sail or mast.
Analysis should be performed for sail and mast mounted equipment and sensors to determine
the field intensities incident on these equipments due to on-hull RF emitters. MIL-HDBK-235-10
can be used in determining the submarine’s RF emitters.
TABLE 3 provides the maximum external EME levels for space and launch vehicle systems. The
EME levels are maximum EME levels derived from the EME levels for space systems in a low
orbit (i.e., 100 nautical mile (nm) altitude) and the composite EME levels 1 kilometer (km)
above various launch and recovery sites. For additional information on the assumptions used
to derive these EME levels, see MIL-HDBK-235-3.
TABLE 4 describes the minimum baseline EME for ground systems. The EME values for TABLE 4
were derived from convoy or on-the-move operations (from mobile and portable platforms)
and during base operations (from fixed and transportable systems) with each situation
assuming certain separation distances from various classes of emitters. Dips in the EME were
smoothed out so as not to imply a level of fidelity that does not really exist and to simplify
testing. For additional information on the assumptions used to derive these EME levels, see
TABLE 5 provides the external EME for rotary wing aircraft, including UAVs, except during
shipboard operations. The EME levels are composite levels generated from the following:
Rotary Wing Aircraft In-Flight, Civilian Airfields during Landing and Take-off Operations, Military
Airfield Operations, Expeditionary Airfield, and High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) in Europe.
The distances from the aircraft to airport and ground fixed and mobile emitters vary from 50 to
300 feet. For additional information on the assumptions used to derive these EME levels, see
TABLE 6 provides the maximum EME for fixed-wing aircraft systems, including UAVs, except
during shipboard operations. The EME levels are composite levels generated from the
following: U.S. Fixed-Wing Aircraft In-Flight, Civilian Airfields during Landing and Take-off
Operations, Military Airfield Operations, and Expeditionary Airfields. There are other
documents and regulations that may define variations to the environment levels specified in
TABLE 5 and TABLE 6. However, the levels in this standard represent the latest information
available on these environments. For additional information on the assumptions used to derive
these EME levels, see MIL-HDBK-235-6.
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The actual operational electromagnetic environment that a system will encounter is highly
dependent upon operational requirements and should be defined by the procuring activity.
The EME tables provide a starting point for an analysis to develop the actual external radiated
field environment based on the system’s operational requirements. However, it is possible,
due to special operational requirements or restrictions, for the actual environment to be higher
or lower than these EME values. There is no substitute for well thought out criteria for a
system based on its operational requirements. For all systems, the appropriate environment
defined in MIL-HDBK-235 may be extracted and used for tailoring.
Proper environment definition must include both the modulation and polarization
characteristics of a system to determine the peak and average fields over the entire frequency
range. These requirements need to be based on the operational modulations of friendly,
hostile, and civilian systems. For instance, amplitude modulation (AM) may cause substantial
interference at low field levels, whereas continuous wave (CW) at significantly higher levels
may not cause any interference. This type of difference can hold true for frequency modulation
(FM) and pulse modulation (PM), as well as variations in polarization (vertical, horizontal, and
Antenna-connected receivers are not generally expected to operate without some performance
degradation for the EME levels specified in the tables. In all cases, the receiver needs to be
protected against burn-out. While the tables express the requirements in terms of a single
level over a frequency band, it is quite unlikely that actual threat transmitters that drive the
levels in the tables will be at the tuned frequency of a particular receiver. Some wide band
devices, such as electronic warfare warning receivers, would tend to be the exception. It also
needs to be recognized that the tables represent levels that will be seen infrequently in most
Antenna-connected receivers have often been designed to operate without degradation with
an out-of-band signal of 0 dBm present at the antenna port and levels that are 80 dB above
sensitivity for signals within the tunable range (see early versions of MIL-STD-461). Since the
levels represent reasonable requirements for minimum performance, receivers usually will
perform substantially better. Calculations using the fields in the tables and typical receiver
antenna characteristics show that levels at the receivers may be on the order of 50 dBm for
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peak fields and 30 dBm for average fields. Receiver performance cannot be assured without
the use of external filtering. If there are operational performance issues with the absolute need
for a particular receiver to be totally functional in a particular environment, design measures
need to be implemented.
The external EME must be determined for each system. When considering the external EMEs
(flight deck, airborne, battlefield and so forth), the following areas should be included in the
a. Mission requirements. The particular emitters to which the system will be exposed
depend upon its intended use. The various parts of MIL-HDBK-235 provide information
on the characteristics of many friendly transmitters.
b. Appropriate standoff distance from each emitter. The various parts of MIL-HDBK-235
specify the fields at varying distances.
c. The number of sites and where they are located. The probability of intercept for each
emitter and the dwell time should be calculated.
Issues with external RF EMEs have become more visible due to more joint operations among
the military services and unforeseen uses of systems. For example, some aircraft and weapons
that were not originally intended for shipboard use have been deployed onboard ships.
A complication with modern systems is the use of specialized structural materials. The classic
system is made of aluminum, titanium, or steel structures. Modern technology and the need to
develop higher performance systems are providing alternatives using composites such as
carbon-epoxy and kevlar structure. Metals can provide good shielding against the EME and
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protection for electronic circuits. Electrically conductive composites typically provide system
shielding comparable to metal at higher frequencies (approximately 100 MHz); however, at
lower frequencies they do not perform as well. Some structure is made of non-conductive
composites such as kevlar which provide no shielding, unless they are treated with appropriate
High-powered shipboard radars have caused interference to satellite terminals located on other
ships, resulting in loss of lock on the satellite and complete disruption of communication. The
interference disables the satellite terminal for up to 15 minutes, which is the time required to
re-establish the satellite link. Standoff distances of up 20 nautical miles between ships are
required to avoid the problem.
A weapon system suffered severe interference due to insufficient channel selectivity in the
receiver’s front end. Energy originating from electronic warfare systems and another nearby
“sister” channelized weapon system (operating on a different channel but within the same
passband) coupled into the victim receiver and was “processed,” severely degrading target
detection and tracking capability. Installation of an electronically tuned filter immediately after
the antenna countered the off-channel interference problem by: 1) eliminating receiver front-
end amplifier saturation and 2) reducing overload of the system processor with extraneous in-
band signals.
An aircraft lost anti-skid braking capability upon landing due to RF fields from a ground radar
changing the weight-on-wheels signal from a proximity switch. The signal indicated to the
aircraft that it was airborne and disabled the anti-skid system.
An aircraft experienced uncommanded flight control movement when flying in the vicinity of a
high power transmitter, resulting in the loss of the aircraft. If the mission profile of the aircraft
and the anticipated operational EME had been more accurately considered, this catastrophe
could have been averted.
Aircraft systems have experienced self-test failures and fluctuations in cockpit instruments,
such as engine speed indicators and fuel flow indicators, caused by sweeping shipboard radars
during flight-deck operations. These false indications and test failures have resulted in
numerous unnecessary pre-flight aborts.
Aircraft on approach to carrier decks have experienced interference from shipboard radars.
One such problem involved the triggering of false "Wheels Warning" lights, indicating that the
landing gear is not down and locked. A wave-off or preflight abort could occur due to this EMI
induced condition.
Aircrews have reported severe interference to communications with and among flight deck
crew members. UHF emissions in the flight deck environment caused interference severe
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enough that crews could not hear each other for aircrew coordination. This problem poses a
serious hazard to personnel with the potential for damage to, or loss of, the aircraft and aircrew
during carrier flight deck operations.
System-level testing of large platforms such as aircraft, tanks, and ships, is usually done in an
open area test site. The system’s inter-system environment is evaluated to determine: which
frequencies are of interest from the possible emitters to be encountered by the system when
deployed, optimum coupling frequencies to the system, potential system EMV frequencies,
available simulators, and authorized test frequencies. Based on these considerations and other
unique factors to the system or program, a finite list of test emitters is derived. For each test
emitter the system is illuminated and evaluated for susceptibilities. The test emitters may be
swept with fixed frequency steps or may dwell at selected frequencies. For air delivered
ordnance, system-level testing should include: preflight, captive-carry, and free-flight
Ideally, the entire system should be illuminated uniformly at full threat for the most credible
demonstration of hardness. However, at most frequencies, test equipment does not exist to
accomplish this task. Established test techniques are based on the size of the system compared
to the wavelength of test frequency. At frequencies where the system is small compared to the
wavelength of the illumination frequency (normally below 30 MHz), it is necessary to illuminate
the entire system uniformly or to radiate the system such that appropriate electromagnetic
stresses are developed within the system. Where illumination of the entire system is not
practical, various aspects of the system’s major physical dimensions should be illuminated to
couple the radiated field to the system structure. At frequencies (normally above 400 MHz)
where the size of the system is large compared to the wavelength, localized (spot) illumination
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Typically, for a new system, 4 to 6 positions are used for low frequency illumination and 12 to
36 positions are used for spot illumination at higher frequencies. The emitters are radiated
sequentially in both vertical and horizontal polarization. It usually is not practical to use circular
and cross polarization. For an existing system which is undergoing retesting after installation of
a new subsystem, 2 positions are normally used for low frequencies and 2 to 4 positions for
high frequencies.
For the situation where the external environment exceeds all available simulators or it is
necessary to achieve whole system illumination, the method of bulk current testing may be
used. The system is illuminated from a distance to obtain near uniform illumination but at low
levels. The induced current on the cable bundles from the uniform external field is measured.
The induced current levels are then scaled to full current level based on the system’s external
environment. These extrapolated levels are compared to electromagnetic interference data on
individual subsystems and equipment. If sufficient data is not available, cables can be driven at
required levels on-board the system to evaluate the performance of the system. The cable
drive technique has been applied up to 400 MHz.
The system during an inter-system EMC test is evaluated as a victim of interference from the
environment. Modes of subsystems and equipment should include: BIT, operational
procedures common to the test emitter environment, (for example, carrier deck operations
versus airborne weapons release for an aircraft), and backup modes.
Pre-flight inter-system testing of air delivered ordnance is conducted to ensure that the system
can successfully perform those pre-flight operations required during service use. Operations
such as aircraft initiated BIT and mission or target data up-loading and down-loading are
performed while exposing the weapon to the test EME.
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mode-stirred chamber. Since the RF entry points and aspect angles associated with specific
susceptibilities cannot be determined in the mode-stirred chamber, use of the anechoic
chamber is sometimes required. The free-flight test program consists of evaluating weapon
performance during the launch, cruise, and terminal phases of flight, while exposed to friendly
and hostile EMEs.
The formal verification test of a system for inter-system EMC usually comes late in system
development. A system such as an aircraft often undergoes extensive development and
integration tests first. The external environment that may be encountered during these tests
must be reviewed and the status of the aircraft with regard to the environment must be
evaluated for safety prior to flight. EMI testing of the subsystems can be used as a baseline of
hardness. Limited inter-system testing of the systems for safety concerns due to specific
emitters may be necessary or possible restriction on allowable operation (such as aircraft flight
paths) may need to be imposed.
For the U.S. Army aircraft community, system-level testing is performed on rotorcraft under the
conditions in TABLE A- 3. The fourth and fifth columns specify pulse modulation parameters to
be used for the peak and average fields in TABLE 5. In addition, testing is performed at the
reduced electric field levels in the second column of TABLE A- 3 using the modulation types
listed in the third column. This additional testing is intended to demonstrate performance for
the types of modulations used in communications.
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Field problems and test results have shown the main concern for system degradation is the
frequency range below 5 GHz with the majority of major problems below 1 GHz. At system
resonance, maximum coupling usually occurs with the environment. Resonance of the system
structural features, apertures, and cables is usually between 1 MHz and 1 GHz. Test data
indicates a linear increase in induced cable current levels with the frequency up to the quarter-
wave resonance of a structure where induced levels flatten out and oscillate up and down at
the quarter-wave level with increasing frequency. To detect these resonances during test, it is
desirable to either sweep or use small increments of frequency.
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Typical test equipment used for the CW and high duty cycle tests are broadband distributed
tube/transistor amplifiers and traveling wave tube (TWT) amplifiers together with long wire,
vertical whip, double ridge horns, or dipole antennas. Typical test equipments used for pulsed
tests are cavity tuned amplifiers, low duty cycle TWTs, magnetrons and klystrons with high gain
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whether any disruption or damage has occurred. Coupling to the system varies greatly
depending on various parameters such as aspect angle.
TABLE A- 4 and TABLE A- 5 below contain a list of multiple HPM threats and present an overall
compilation of these threats. These tables provide field strengths that exist at one kilometer
for the narrowband threat HPM external EME, and 100 meters for the wideband HPM external
EME. To determine the specific HPM threat for a specific platform the user of this standard
must refer to the latest version of the individual Capstone Threat Assessment Reports to be
obtained by the specific agency or service and must also refer to MIL-HDBK-235-8. MIL-HDBK-
235-8 presents the method of usage/delivery for each specific threat system. Examples of
method of usage/delivery are: man-portable, mobile ship/ground defense, UAV/Airborne
attack, munitions attack, fixed air defense and others. The user of this document needs to
determine a stand-off distance range against each method of usage/delivery based on
operational scenarios, tactics, and/or mission profiles of their system. Once these distances are
determined, the exact HPM environment for each threat can then be calculated.
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Broad-Band Electric
Frequency Range Field Distribution
(MHz) (mV/m/MHz @ 100 m)
30 – 150 33000
150 – 225 7000
225 – 400 7000
400 – 700 1330
700 – 790 1140
790 – 1000 1050
1000 – 2000 840
2000 – 2700 240
2700 – 3000 80
Narrowband HPM utilizes pulsed power to drive an electron beam diode or similar load that
ultimately converts electron kinetic energy into coherent electromagnetic radiation.
Narrowband HPM sources can often deliver over 1 GW of power in short bursts (typically
<100ns pulse width).
Wideband, including ultra-wideband (UWB), HPM sources utilize fast switching techniques to
drive impulse generators. The frequency content of the output pulse can be spread over
several decades in frequency.
Although, repetitive pulses in short bursts (e.g., 100 pulses at 100 Hz) have been demonstrated,
they tend to be at substantially lower source power levels (typical 15 times lower); therefore,
single pulse shots were assumed.
For wideband HPM sources the typical repetition rate is 5 to 1000 Hz.
Since HPM sources have many manifestations, the objective when defining the HPM
environment is to ensure flexibility to address many different operational scenarios and modes
of employment. In calculating HPM environments, the probable range “r” of engaging a given
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threat against a military system must be determined since the electric field varies with the
distance. The following equation is used to calculate far field power density at a given
distance r.
Equation A-3
Where pd = power density at range r, with antenna gain G, power into antenna Pin , and
antenna mismatch factor ε.
Equation A-4
The two equations indicate that the magnitude of E is inversely proportional to distance.
Ex: Calculating wideband HPM environment for (30 – 150 MHz) range with an engagement
range of 10 kilometers.
HPM source parameters such as pulse width, pulse repetition frequency, modulation and other
detailed information are specified in MIL-HDBK-235-8.
This example is for a generic Fighter/Attack aircraft. It is assumed that TABLE A- 6 contains the
specific list of all narrowband HPM threats and TABLE A- 7 contains the specific list of all
wideband HPM threats. TABLE A- 6 and TABLE A- 7 do not match TABLE A- 4 and
TABLE A- 5 for this specific example. The Broad Band Electric Field Distribution for each
specific threat in TABLE A- 7 is defined in (mV/m/MHz @ 100 meters) for each frequency “bin.”
TABLE A- 8 provides the defined stand-off distance ranges for this generic Fighter/Attack
aircraft example.
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Source MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
30 – 150 – 225 – 400 – 700 – 790 – 1000 – 2000 – 2700 –
150 225 400 700 790 1000 2000 2700 3000
5 50* 200* 300*
6 400* 700*
7 60* 50* 40* 30* 20* 10* 10* 10*
* Broad-Band Electric Field Distribution (mV/m/MHz @ 100 m)
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TABLE A- 9 is the calculated narrowband HPM threat for the system. This has been calculated
by multiplying the narrowband specific HPM threats listed in TABLE A- 6 with the ratio of 1 km
and the stand-off distance ranges for the generic fighter/attack aircraft example in
TABLE A- 8. TABLE A- 10 is the calculated wideband HPM threat for the system. This has been
calculated by multiplying the wideband specific HPM threats listed in TABLE A- 7 with the ratio
of 100 m and the stand-off distance ranges for the generic fighter/attack aircraft example in
TABLE A- 8. The largest value for each frequency “bin” is distinguished with larger font and
Source MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
30 – 150 – 225 – 400 – 700 – 790 – 1000 – 2000 – 2700 –
150 225 400 700 790 1000 2000 2700 3000
5 10* 40* 60*
6 400* 700*
7 6* 5* 4* 3* 2* 1* 1* 1*
* Wideband Electric Field Distribution (mV/m/MHz)
The resultant of this example is a defined narrow and wideband HPM threat for a generic
fighter/attack aircraft.
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classification restrictions, details of this work are relatively unknown outside the military
community. Due to the gigahertz-band frequencies (1 to 40 GHz) involved, HPM has the
capability to penetrate not only radio front-ends, but also small shielding penetrations in
system or equipment enclosures. At sufficiently high levels, the potential exists for damage to
devices and circuits. However, induced voltages from fields are inversely proportional to
wavelength at frequencies where the equipment is multiple wavelengths long. Therefore,
higher frequencies of operation do not necessarily correlate with more effective performance
of the HPM weapon.
A.5.5 Lightning.
The system shall meet its operational performance requirements for both direct and indirect
effects of lightning. Ordnance shall meet its operational performance requirements after
experiencing a near strike in an exposed condition and a direct strike in a stored condition.
Ordnance shall remain safe during and after experiencing a direct strike in an exposed
condition. FIGURE 1 provides aspects of the lightning environment that are relevant for
protection against direct effects. FIGURE 2 and TABLE 7 provide aspects of the lightning
environment associated with a direct strike that are relevant for protecting the platform from
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indirect effects. TABLE 8 shall be used for the near lightning strike environment. Compliance
shall be verified by system, subsystem, equipment, and component (such as structural coupons
and radomes) level tests, analysis, or a combination thereof.
Lightning effects on systems can be divided into direct (physical) and indirect (electromagnetic)
effects. The physical effects of lightning are the burning and eroding, blasting, and structural
deformation caused by lightning, as well as the high pressure shock waves and magnetic forces
produced by the associated high currents. The indirect effects are those resulting from the
electromagnetic fields associated with lightning and the interaction of these electromagnetic
fields with equipment in the system. Hazardous effects can be produced by lightning that does
not directly contact system structure (nearby strikes). In some cases, both physical and
electromagnetic effects may occur to the same component. An example would be a lightning
strike to an antenna which physically damages the antenna and also sends damaging voltages
into the transmitter or receiver connected to that antenna. DOT/FAA/CT-89/22 is an excellent
source of lightning characteristics and design guidance.
An additional reason for requiring protection is potential effects on personnel. For example,
serious electrical shock may be caused by currents and voltages conducted via mechanical
control cables or wiring leading to the cockpit of an aircraft from control surfaces or other
hardware struck by lightning. Shock can also be induced on flight crews under dielectric covers
such as canopies by the intense thunderstorm electric fields. One of the most troublesome
effects is flash blindness, which invariably occurs to a flight crew member looking out of the
aircraft in the direction of the lightning and may persist for 30 seconds or more.
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effects environments are derived from SAE ARP5412. This ARP contains a more detailed
description of the environment than provided above and includes additional waveforms.
Time to peak
Peak current Peak current
Time to 90%
i dt
Action integral:
Time to 10%
Peak rate of rise @ t = 0+
Current Peak Action Decay Time to Time to Time to Rate of Peak rate
compo- current Integral to 50% 10% 90% Peak rise of rise
nent t = 0+
(kA) (A2s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (A/s) (A/s)
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TABLE 8 is a special case applied to ordnance for a nearby lightning strike. The indirect lightning
requirements specified in TABLE 7 and FIGURE 2 are associated with the electrical properties of
a direct attachment of lightning. Ordnance is not generally required to function after a direct
attachment in the exposed condition. However, it must survive the electromagnetic coupling
effects of a near strike as defined in TABLE 8. Ordnance is required to survive a direct
attachment to the container where the ordnance is stored.
The near strike parameters in TABLE 8 are derived by modeling the lightning stroke as a vertical
line charge. Use of Ampere’s Law for a constant magnetic field strength at a distance “r” away
from the channel and taking the time derivative produces:
Equation A-6
Where H is magnetic field, I is current, and r is the distance from the channel.
Using the maximum rate of change for Current Component A in TABLE A- 12 produces the
magnetic field rate of change in TABLE 8 for a distance of 10 meters. For safety hazards, a
minimum separation distance of 10 meters is assumed. Smaller separation distances are
regarded as a direct strike event. Alternative separation distances for specific systems can be
theoretically calculated by utilizing the "cone of protection" or "rolling sphere" calculation
techniques. Additionally, for system survivability, separation distances greater than 10 meters
may be acceptable when combined with appropriate analysis and justification. The
development of the electric field rate of change is too involved for presentation in this
standard. It is based on modeling a vertical leader approaching the earth as a line charge a
specified distance above the ground. For the detailed development of the requirement, see
U.S. Army report TR-RD-TE-97-01.
As nearby lightning gets closer to an object, the effects approach those associated with the
definitions for direct or indirect lightning. The peak field intensity of extremely close lightning
can reach 3106 V/m. For any system hardened against the defined indirect effects lightning
requirement, protection against nearby lightning is included. Many ground systems can accept
some risk that the system operates only after a moderate lightning strike at a reasonable
distance. For example, a requirement for equipment in a tactical shelter to survive a 90th
percentile lightning strike at 50 m may represent a reasonable risk criteria for that shelter. This
type of requirement would result in a high level of general lightning protection at a reduced
design and test cost.
The direct and indirect effects environments, while describing the same threat, are defined
differently to account for their use. The direct effects environment is oriented toward
supporting available test methodology to assess the ability of hardware to protect against the
threat. The indirect effects environment is more slanted toward supporting analysis. While
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these environments were developed for aircraft applications, they should represent a
reasonable environment definition for other systems. Some recent measurements of natural
lightning have indicated that spectral content of some strikes at higher frequencies may be
greater than represented by the defined lightning models. For small systems, there could be
some enhancement of coupling due to exciting of resonances.
In addition to ARP5412 previously mentioned, the SAE AE-2 committee has issued several other
documents that thoroughly address the lightning discipline. ARP5415 as well as the FAA
Advisory Circular AC20-136 deal with certification of aircraft for indirect effects protection,
ARP5577 provides guidance on certification of aircraft for direct effects protection, and
ARP5414 addresses lightning zoning for aircraft, and ARP5416 details test methodology for
evaluating both the direct and indirect effects of lightning.
While all airborne systems need to be protected against the effects of a lightning strike, not all
systems require the same level of protection. For example, an air-launched missile may only
need to be protected to the extent necessary to prevent damage to the aircraft carrying the
missile. The system should remain safe to operate during and following a direct strike and all
mission systems shall recover to their pre-strike operational states.
Direct effects protection on all-metal aircraft has been generally limited to protection of the
fuel system, antennas, and radomes. Most of the aircraft lost due to lightning strikes have been
the result of fuel tank arcing and explosion. Other losses have been caused by indirect effects
arcing in electrical wiring in fuel tanks. As aircraft are built with nonmetallic structures,
protection of the fuel system becomes much more difficult and stricter attention to details is
required. In general, some metal will have to be put back into nonmetallic structures to
provide adequate lightning protection. FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-53 and its users’ manual
provide requirements for protection of aircraft fuel systems.
In aircraft, lightning protection against indirect effects has become much more important due
to the increased use of electrically and electronically controlled flight and engine systems. Also,
the nonmetallic skins that are being used on aircraft to save weight provide less shielding to the
electromagnetic fields associated with lightning strikes. FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-136 and its
users manual provide indirect effects protection information. Section 22 of DO-160 provides
detailed indirect effects requirements for aircraft electronic equipment that are not covered by
If DO-160 and AC20-136 are considered for use, the hazard terminology and various indirect
effects transient requirements used by the civil air community need to be reviewed regarding
their applicability to particular military procurements.
For space systems, the launch facility is expected to provide protection for the space and launch
vehicles from a direct lightning strike. The space and launch vehicles themselves are not
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normally required to survive a direct strike. Indirect effects requirements for the space and
launch vehicles apply for electromagnetic fields at a 100 meter or greater distance. The system
should be capable of detecting any loss in operational performance before launch caused by a
lightning strike.
Specific protection measures for ground facilities are highly dependent on the types of physical
structures and equipment involved. Devices such as lightning rods, arrestors, ground grids in
the pavement, and moisture content of the soil all influence the protection provided. The
guidance provided in MIL-STD-1542, MIL-HDBK-454, and NFPA 780 addresses different design
approaches to reduce lightning effects on equipment.
High peak currents occur after the stepped leader completes the path between charge centers
and forms the return stroke. These peak currents are typically 30 – 40 kA; however, higher
peak currents are encountered with peak currents in excess of 200 kA. The current in the
return stroke rises rapidly with typical values of 10-20 kA/microsecond and rare values
exceeding 100 kA/microsecond. Typically, the current decays to half its peak amplitude in 20-
40 microseconds.
The lightning return stroke transports a few coulombs (C) of charge. Higher levels are
transported in the following two phases of the flash. The first is an intermediate phase with
currents of a few thousand amperes for a few milliseconds which transfers about 20 C. The
second is a continuing current phase with currents on the order of 200 – 400 amps flowing for
0.1 to 1 second, which transfers about 200 C.
Typical lightning events include several high current strokes following the first return stroke.
These occur at intervals of several milliseconds as different pockets in the cloud feed their
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charge into the lightning channel. The peak amplitude of the re-strikes is about one half of the
initial high current peak.
When lightning strikes a platform, the electrical current distributes throughout any electrically
conductive portions of the platform structure. Current levels that are developed internal to the
platform are strongly dependent upon external structural materials and associated “skin” effect
and current diffusion. For aircraft made of metallic structure, the currents on internal
conductors, such as shielded cables, are often on the order of ten’s of amperes. For aircraft
using large amounts of graphite epoxy based structure, currents can be on the order of 10 kA.
Internal currents on electrical conductors within fuel tanks can cause arcing and sparking that
can potentially ignite fuel vapors if electrical bonding is not properly implemented. An
important aspect in fuel vapor areas is that the current appears on all types of electrically
conductive materials such as fuel tubes, hydraulic tubes, inerting lines, metal brackets, and
conduits. There have been recent cases where it was found after the fact that bonding was not
implemented properly and significant redesign efforts were required. There appears to be
more of a tendency for inadequate bonding when purely mechanical systems are involved and
where corrosion control concerns can dominate decisions.
The effects of lightning can cause physical damage to personnel and equipment. In one of
numerous documented lightning incidences, lightning appeared to enter a Navy aircraft nose,
travel down the right side, and exit on top of the right vertical tail. The pilot suffered from flash
blindness for 10-15 seconds. Upon regaining his vision, the pilot noticed all cockpit electrical
power was gone. After another 15 seconds had elapsed, all cockpit electrical power returned
on its own, with no cockpit indications of any equipment malfunction.
In another case, lightning attached to the nose pitot tube, inducing transients that damaged all
28 volt DC systems. The pilot, disoriented, broke out of a cloud bank at 2000 feet above the
ground, at 600 knots and a 45 degree dive. Nearly all cockpit instruments were dysfunctional –
compass, gyrohorizon, and so forth. A secondary effect occurred but was not uncovered for
several months. The lightning current path that carried the direct effects lightning current did
what it was supposed to do, but the path was not inspected on landing. Over 800 man-hours
were expended to correct electrical (28 volt DC) problems but no effort went into inspecting for
direct effects damage to ensure the lightning protection system was intact. The rigid coax from
the front of the radome to the bulkhead had elongated and nearly torn away from its
attachment point at the bulkhead due to magnetic forces involved. This damage reduced the
effectiveness of the designed lightning protection. Another secondary effect was the
magnetization of all ferrous material which caused severe compass errors. The entire aircraft
had to be degaussed.
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During development of system design, numerous development tests and analyses are normally
conducted to sort out the optimum design. These tests and analyses can be considered part of
the verification process, but they must be properly documented. Document details should
include hardware definition, waveforms, instrumentation, and pass-fail criteria.
Flight testing of aircraft often occurs prior to verification of lightning protection design. Under
this circumstance, the flight test program must include restrictions to prohibit flight within a
specified distance from thunderstorms, usually 25 miles. Lightning flashes sometimes occur
large distances from the thunderstorm clouds and can occur up to an hour after the storm
appears to have left the area. Large pockets of charge can remain that can be discharged by an
aircraft flying between oppositely charged pockets.
The use of non-metallic (composite) materials for parts such as fuel tanks and aircraft wings
introduces the need for specific tests for sparking and arcing in these members. A test in the
wet wing of an aircraft identified streamering and arcing from fastener ends. The tests resulted
in a new process by the manufacturer to coat each fastener tip with an insulating cover.
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E 1 (t) = 0 _0
when t <
-a1 t -b1 t
= E01 x k 1 (e -e ) when t > 0
E 01 = 5x10 4 V/m
a 1 = 4x10 7 s -1
b 1 = 6x10 8 s -1
40000 k1 = 1.3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
TIME (ns)
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An unclassified composite waveform of the early-time (E1), mid-time (E2), and late-time (E3)
HEMP environment is shown on FIGURE A- 5.
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FIGURE A- 5. Unclassified nominal HEMP composite environment (E1, E2, and E3).
The prompt gamma HEMP (E1) couples well to local antennas, equipment in buildings (through
apertures), and to short and long conductive lines. E1 contains strong in-band signals for
coupling to MF, HF, VHF and some UHF receivers. The most common protection against the
effects of E1 is accomplished using electromagnetic shielding, filters, and surge arresters. E1
can temporarily or permanently disrupt the operation of fixed, mobile, and transportable
ground-based systems, aircraft, missiles, surface ships, and electronic equipment and
components. Thus, E1 effects must be considered in protecting essentially all terrestrial
military systems and equipment that must be capable of operating in a HEMP environment.
Typical HEMP-induced currents on and in military systems are related to the lengths and shapes
of conductive elements (such as a fuselage); to the size, number, and location of apertures in
metal structural elements; to the size, number, and location of penetrating conductors; to the
overall shielding effectiveness; and to a number of other factors. For aircraft, and
interconnected ground vehicles, peak external currents are on the order of 1000’s of Amperes.
Peak surface currents on ships are on the order of 1000’s of Amperes while peak currents on
isolated vehicles of modest size are less than that of aircraft and ships. Currents on HF, LF, and
VLF antennas associated with these systems range from 100’s to 1000’s of Amperes.
The scattered gamma HEMP (E2a) is a plane wave that couples well to long conductive lines,
vertical antenna towers, and aircraft with trailing wire antennas. Protection against E2a is
accomplished using EM filters and surge arresters.
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The neutron inelastic gamma HEMP (E2b) couples well to long overhead and buried conductive
lines and to extended VLF and LF antennas on submarines. Dominant frequencies overlap AC
power and audio spectrums making filtering difficult.
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) HEMP (E3) couples well to power and long communications lines
including undersea cables. Low frequency content (sub Hertz) makes shielding and isolation
difficult. Experience from magnetic storms and previous above-ground nuclear testing
indicates significant probability of commercial power and landline disruption.
FIGURE A- 3 only addresses E1, since it is the most common portion of the EMP waveform
which is imposed on systems. MIL-STD-2169 addresses all aspects of the threat; its use is
mandatory for all military systems with an HEMP requirement.
While ionizing radiation is not within the scope of this document, some space vehicles have
performance requirements during exposure to the ionizing radiation environments of a nuclear
anti-satellite weapon. In those cases, the space vehicle and associated payload electronics
need to be designed to operate through and survive the effects. Specific requirements should
be placed in relevant contracts.
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Ground-based military systems typically specify the HEMP environment even when other
components of the nuclear environment are not specified. This threat is a plane wave
electromagnetic field at ground level resulting from a high altitude burst. Hardening against
ground-burst nuclear radiation environments is often not cost effective because a burst near
enough to produce a radiation and electromagnetic threat is also close enough for the blast to
disable the facility.
The most commonly observed effect from EMP is system upset. Burnout of electronics has
occurred less frequently. However, as electronic chip sizes continue to decrease (sub-micron),
the amount of energy required for burnout will reduce, and designers must insure that
adequate interface protection is present. Upsets can range from mere nuisance effects, such as
flickers on displays and clicks in headsets, to complete lockups of systems. Upsets, which
change the state of a system, can be either temporary (resettable) or permanent. Some upset
cases can be reset almost instantaneously at the time a switch is activated while others, such as
reloading of software, may take minutes. With the introduction of safety critical functions
controlled by electronics in systems, potential effects from upsets can be life threatening.
For many systems, the cost of EMP verification is a major driver. Therefore, the procuring
activity should decide what level of verification is consistent with the risk that they are willing
to take.
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The following are elements of an iterative process for designing and verifying protection of a
system’s electrical and electronic equipment against the effects of EMP.
a. EMP coupling analysis. A coupling analysis is necessary to determine the EMP free-field
coupling into the system. Existing coupling data on similar system designs should be
used whenever possible. This analysis provides an estimate of the voltages and currents
generated by the EMP at each interface of each mission-critical equipment and can be
used to establish stress levels to be included in electromagnetic interference (EMI)
requirements imposed on the equipment. Requirements CS115, CS116, and RS105 of
MIL-STD-461 provide a basis for appropriate requirements for equipment.
The choice of verification methods is somewhat dependent upon uncertainties associated with
the available methods. Verification schemes that are oriented more toward analysis will usually
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introduce much larger uncertainties than test. Therefore, the required margins that must be
demonstrated will be that much greater. Also, analysis is not capable of anticipating design
flaws. For example, larger-than-anticipated current levels resulted during an aircraft system-
level test due to metallic lines which had not been designed for proper electrical bonding
entering a shielded volume. In another case, terminal protection devices did not operate due
to the low impedance present in the circuit which they were designed to protect, and as a
result, high current levels appeared in a shielded volume. Uncertainties in analysis can be
reduced by selective testing of sections of the system.
There are a number of ways to obtain system-level excitation for purposes such as quality
control or hardening evaluation. Low-level CW illumination of the system or of individual
components is relatively easy and can often reveal an oversight in system assembly or a
deficiency in the design of a hardening element. For aircraft, single point excitation (electrical
connection of a signal source to a physical point on the external structure of the system) can be
done (even in a hanger) and can similarly reveal any obvious problems in the airframe shielding.
Tests of structural design and hardening measures should be done as early in the assembly of
the system as possible and should continue throughout the design process. If problems are
uncovered during the initial assembly, the correction is usually straightforward. However, if the
deficiencies are not found until the system is completed, the result can be a very expensive
retrofit program. Analysis, laboratory testing, and system-level testing with low-level signals
are important elements of compliance. However, a system-level test of a functioning system
using a high-level EMP simulator is a high confidence method of demonstrating compliance.
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Some of the primary factors driving the need for controls are the presence of sensitive antenna-
connected receivers, which respond to interference generated within their tuning ranges, and
the environments produced by on-board and external transmitters, lightning, and
electromagnetic pulse.
EMI requirements are separated into two areas, interference emissions from the subsystem
and susceptibility (sometimes referred to as immunity) to external influences. Each of these
areas have conducted and radiated controls. Most emission requirements are frequency
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domain related and data are taken with spectral analysis equipment, current probes for
conducted measurements, and antennas for radiated measurements. Susceptibility
requirements are usually defined in terms of conducted drive voltages and currents for
transients and modulated sinusoids to evaluate power and signal interfaces and
electromagnetic field levels for radiated signals. Susceptibility measurements are performed
with a wide variety of signal sources, power amplifiers, injection devices, and antennas.
An application where emission requirements may need to be imposed that are more stringent
than the default limits in MIL-STD-461 concerns platforms or ground installations that perform
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions. ISR can include the detection of
weak signals across a wide portion of the frequency spectrum. Standard emission limits that
are placed to protect other antenna-connected receivers in the installations may not provide
sufficient protection to allow these receivers to be used optimally. As with any application, the
actual controls that are necessary are based on transfer functions for coupling electromagnetic
energy between the locations of the equipment and the antenna installations. There have been
continuing issues with ISR equipment being placed in existing installations that weren’t
originally designed for that type of application.
Electromagnetic coupling considerations for wiring and cable for space and launch vehicles can
be found in MIL-HDBK-83575.
Past experience has shown that equipment compliance with its EMI requirements assures a
high degree of confidence of achieving system-level compatibility. Non-conformance to the
EMI requirements often leads to system problems. The greater the noncompliance is with
respect to the limits, the higher the probability is that a problem will develop. Since EMI
requirements are a risk reduction initiative, adherence to the EMI requirements will afford the
design team a high degree of confidence that the system and its associated subsystems will
operate compatibly upon integration.
There is often confusion regarding perceived margins between emission and susceptibility
requirements. The relationship between most emission control requirements and susceptibility
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levels is not a direct correspondence. For example, MIL-STD-461 requirement RS103 specifies
electric fields which subsystems must tolerate. Requirement RE102 specifies allowable electric
field emissions from subsystems. RE102 levels are orders of magnitude less than RS103 levels.
Margins on the order of 110 dB could be inferred. The inference would be somewhat justified if
the limits were strictly concerned with a one-to-one interaction such as wire-to-wire coupling of
both RE102 and RS103 levels. This type of coupling is a minor concern for RE102. The driving
reason for RE102 levels is coupling into sensitive RF receivers through antennas. The front-ends
of receivers are typically many orders of magnitude more sensitive than wire-connected
interfaces in systems. Similarly RS103 levels directly correspond to electromagnetic fields
radiated from antenna-connected transmitters. These fields are typically orders of magnitude
larger than fields produced by cable emissions. Consequently, the apparent excessive margins
that can be erroneously inferred from MIL-STD-461 do not exist.
RTCA DO-160 is the commercial aircraft industry's equivalent of MIL-STD-461 for both
requirements and test methodology. Some of the larger commercial aircraft companies have
their own in-house standards which the FAA accepts for certification. Some military aircraft
(primarily cargo type) have a mixture of military and commercial subsystems. Subsystems that
are newly designed or significantly modified should be qualified to MIL-STD-461. Unmodified
off-the-shelf equipment usually does not require requalification providing acceptable
electromagnetic interference data exists (MIL-STD-461, DO-160, or other approved test
methods). Section A.5.7.1 contains additional guidance on verification for NDI and commercial
items. Some additional laboratory evaluation may be necessary to ensure their suitability for
each particular application.
For first flight aircraft applications where equipment verification has not been completed, the
following MIL-STD-461 (or equivalent) testing should be completed prior to flight to ensure
flight safety: RE102, RS103, CS114, CS115, and CS116 for safety-critical equipment and RE102
for all other equipment. These requirements are also applicable for Army ground systems in
order to obtain safety release.
For ISR signal intelligence systems, RF emission characterization or EM noise floor survey of the
host platform, ground or airborne, will be required to assess sensor sensitivity at its operational
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An argument has sometimes been presented in the past that successful completion of an intra-
system compatibility test negates the need to complete electromagnetic interference tests or
to comply with requirements. Electromagnetic interference tests must be completed prior to
system-level testing to provide a baseline of performance and to identify any areas which may
require special attention during the system-level testing. Also, system-level testing exercises
only a limited number of conditions based on the particular operating modes and parameters
of the equipment and electrical loading conditions. In addition, electromagnetic interference
qualification of the subsystems provides protection for the system with configuration changes
in the system over time. One particular concern is the addition of new antenna-connected
receivers to the system, which can be easily degraded if adequate controls are not maintained.
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Existing EMI test data should be reviewed to determine if the equipment is suitable for the
particular application intended. If a piece of NDI or commercial item is being considered for use
as mission equipment on an aircraft, then the equipment should meet the same EMI
requirements as imposed on other equipment on the aircraft. However, if the NDI or
commercial item is being considered for use in an electromagnetically hardened ground shelter,
then imposition of EMI requirements may not be necessary. Each potential use of NDI or
commercial items needs to be reviewed for the actual usage intended, and a determination
needs to be made of appropriate requirements for that application.
The Defense Industry EMC Standards Committee (DIESC) studied the suitability of using
equipment in military applications that had been qualified to various commercial EMI
standards. The DIESC performed detailed comparisons of requirements and test methodology
of the commercial documents with respect to MIL-STD-461E. The results of this work are
available in EPS-MIL-STD-461: “Results Of Detailed Comparisons Of Individual EMC
Requirements And Test Procedures Delineated In Major National And International Commercial
Standards With Military Standard MIL-STD-461E.”
The following guidelines should be considered in selecting and utilizing NDI or commercial
items in the system:
c. If after evaluation of the equipment level EMI data, it is determined that the equipment
would probably not meet the system compatibility requirements, then it is the
responsibility of the developing activity to implement design modifications to meet the
required EMI levels or to select other equipment with adequate characteristics.
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compatible with a more severe electromagnetic environment on the military aircraft. Forward-
looking infrared sensors, originally developed for commercial police use, were not compatible
in the Army helicopter EME and significant restrictions on their use needed to be imposed. A
night vision system developed by the Army was procured by the Navy as NDI. Significant EMC
problems were experienced aboard ship due to the higher shipboard EME.
Several instances have been noted in ground-based applications where EMI emissions from
commercial digital processing equipment have interfered with the operation of sensitive
receivers. Of particular concern are radiated emissions from processor clock signals causing
interference with communications equipment that operates from 30 to 88 MHz. Most
commercial equipment is qualified by testing at a distance of three meters. The problems have
been largely caused by use of the commercial items at distances of one meter or closer where
the fields will be higher.
An example of NDI and commercial item problems at the system-level, that most travelers have
observed, is restrictions on the use of portable electronic devices on commercial aircraft during
take-off and landings. These restrictions are in place because of several problems noted with
coupling of interference from the portable electronics to antenna-connected receivers used for
navigation and communications.
The military has successfully used NDI and commercial items in many other situations.
Electronics maintenance shops generally use test equipment built to commercial EMI
specifications or industry standards without requiring modifications. Ground system
applications of data-processing equipment, displays, and office equipment used with other
commercial items and NDI has been successful, where care has been taken with integration.
The primary emphasis needs to be whether the equipment is suitable for that particular
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Verification requires an understanding of the installation environment both from the aspect of
electromagnetic stresses present and potential susceptibility of equipment and from knowing
the EMI characteristics of NDI and commercial items well enough to reach conclusions on
system compatibility.
NDI and commercial avionics qualified to commercial standards, such as RTCA DO-160, are
generally acceptable for military use on land-based aircraft, since the commercial and military
EMI standards for airborne avionics are very similar in the tests required and the limits
imposed. Over time, more general use electrical and electronic type devices are being required
to meet some form of EMI requirement. In some cases, those would also be acceptable for
military use, and, in other cases, more testing or qualification to a tighter limit may be required.
Some testing to characterize important qualities of the NDI and commercial items will often be
necessary. For example, if coupling to particular receivers is the concern, an RE102 test from
MIL-STD-461 limited to particular frequency bands may be all that is necessary.
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coil. Ships may have a degaussing coil system installed on board for the purpose of reducing
the ship’s magnetic signature. These cables are energized by dedicated power supplies
installed on the vessel. Control of the currents is based upon ship’s heading and location on the
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detonation or dudding or ordnance hazards, to protect personnel from shock hazards, and to
prevent performance degradation or damage to electronics. Compliance shall be verified by
test, analysis, inspections, or a combination thereof.
Dust, rain, snow, and ice can cause an electrostatic charge buildup on the system structure due
to charge separation and the phenomenon called precipitation static charging.
Sloshing fuel in tanks and fuel flowing in lines can both create a charge buildup resulting in a
possible fuel hazard due to sparking. Any other fluid or gas flowing in the system (such as
cooling fluid or air) can likewise deposit a charge with potentially hazardous consequences.
During maintenance, contact of personnel with the structure and various materials can create
an electrostatic charge buildup on both the personnel and structure (particularly on non-
conductive surfaces). This buildup can constitute a safety hazard to personnel or fuel or may
damage electronics. Potentially susceptible electronic parts are microcircuits, discrete
semiconductors, thick and thin film resistors, integrated circuits, hybrid devices, and
piezoelectric crystals, dependent upon the magnitude and shape of the electrostatic discharge
(ESD) pulse.
Dudding results from the application or repeated application of energy below that required for
initiation causing desensitization of the EID. If the EID has been desensitized, the
recommended firing stimulus may not be sufficient to actuate the EID when the proper firing
pulse is applied resulting in a dud. Ordnance is potentially susceptible to dudding from
electrostatic discharge. The primary concern is discharge through the bridgewire of the EID
used to initiate the explosive.
Space and launch vehicles experience charge separation effects in space from sunlight shining
on the surface of the vehicles.
Control of static charging is accomplished by ensuring that all structural surfaces are at least
mildly conductive, that all components are electrically bonded, and that an electrical path to
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earth is provided. In general, conductive coatings need to be applied to all internal and
external sections of the system structure which are electrically non-conductive. For most
applications, resistive paths from 106 to 109 ohms (or 107 to 1010 ohms per square) are
sufficient to dissipate the charge buildup. The factor of ten between the two ranges is due to
the geometry of concentric rings used in electrode assemblies to measure surface resistivity.
This conversion may not be appropriate for materials that are plated with metallic coatings or
laminated. Values in the stated ranges are considered to be “static dissipative,” with lower
values being termed “conductive.” For shielding purposes, lower values will produce superior
shielding properties. However, in electronics maintenance and repair, static dissipative
materials are actually more desirable since they minimize the discharge current from devices
that already possess a charge. The shock hazard to personnel begins at about 3000 volts;
therefore, the charge on system components should not be allowed to exceed 2500 volts.
Systems must incorporate features to minimize the possibility of sparks within the fuel system.
The system design must consider the electrical conductivity of the fuels to be used and control
the conductivity, if necessary. Fuel vapors can be ignited with about 0.2 millijoules of energy.
As with structural features of the system, any component of the fuel system can accumulate an
electrostatic charge and adequate means must be provided to dissipate the charge. Electrical
bonding, grounding, and conductive coating measures need to be implemented. Fuel lines
routed through fuel tanks require special attention.
The fuel system must also prevent sparking within the fuel tanks during refueling operations.
Some useful requirements are: 1) bonding and grounding of fuel components, 2) limiting line
velocities to no more than 30 feet per second, 3) limiting tank entry velocity to no more than 10
feet per second, and 4) refueling the tank from the bottom. Guidance for the control of static
electricity during refueling of aircraft is presented in TO 00-25-172.
NASA document TP2361 provides design guidelines for space and launch vehicle charging
issues. Subsystems and equipment installed aboard space systems should be able to meet
operational performance requirements during and after being subjected to a 10 kV pulsed
discharge. This value is derived from charging of insulation blankets and subsequent discharges
in accordance with MIL-STD-1541.
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Many equipment failures have been attributed to ESD damage of electronic parts.
For space and launch vehicles, ESD requirements are verified by a pulsed discharge at one per
second for 30 seconds at a distance of 30 cm to exposed face of subsystems and equipment.
This test is then repeated using a direct discharge from the test electrode to each top corner of
the equipment under test. The discharge network is 100 pF in series with 1500 ohms.
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and in-flight refueling mode from a simulated aircraft capacitance of 1000 picofarads, through a
maximum of one (1) ohm resistance with a circuit inductance not to exceed 20 microhenry.
For sling loaded ordnance, this requirement is applicable in addition to 5.8.3 of this standard.
Examples of systems operated externally by vertical lift aircraft are dipping SONAR and
apparatus used for helicopter rescue. The discharge occurs for these systems when the item
approaches or contacts the surface of the earth or water.
During in-flight refueling, pilots have reported seeing arcing between the refueling probe and
the fueling basket during mating. These discharges were several inches long. Based on these
observations, the 300 kV number was derived. Aircraft that have experienced discharges from
in-flight refueling have had upsets to the navigation system resulting in control problems.
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Testing of the vertical-lift cargo has involved applying mini-Marx discharges to the shipping
container or directly to the cargo system depending upon the configuration used in transport.
The container should have discharges applied to several locations around the container. After
the discharge, the system is checked for proper operation.
MIL-STD-331 or NAVSEAINST 8020.19 provides guidance on issues with explosive devices and
additional background.
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necessary to dissipate the charge. The accumulated charge develops a voltage on an aircraft
with respect to the surrounding air. When the voltage becomes high enough, the air
periodically breaks down in an impulse fashion at sharp contour points where the electric field
is the highest. The sharp impulses produce broadband radiated interference which can degrade
antenna-connected receivers, particularly lower frequency receivers. The impulses can occur
so rapidly that the receivers produce only a hissing sound and become useless. Precipitation
static dischargers are usually used to control this effect. These devices are designed to bleed
the accumulated charge from the aircraft at levels low enough not to cause receiver
The total charging current is dependent on weather conditions, the frontal surface area of the
aircraft and the speed of the aircraft (V). The total charging current can be estimated by the
following equation:
Equation A-7
It = total charging current, µA
Q = charge transfer per particle impacting the frontal surface, µC/particle
C = density of particles, particles/m3
Sa = frontal surface area, m2
V = aircraft velocity, m/s
Note though that the linear relationship with velocity does not hold true at higher speeds.
This is reflected by use of an effective surface area term in the simplified equation:
Equation A-8
Ic = current charge density, µA/m2
Seff = effective frontal area, m2
Seff is a function of velocity. It tends to increase with speed. However, at supersonic velocities
the charge rate decreases as the ice crystals melt on impact.
The following current densities have been determined for various types of clouds and
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Control of static charge accumulation is accomplished by ensuring that all structural surfaces
are at least mildly conductive (megohms). Conductive coatings need to be applied to all
external sections of the system structure which are electrically non-conductive. Any
component of the structure can accumulate an electrostatic charge, and adequate means must
be provided to dissipate the charge at low levels to prevent any significant voltage from
An aircraft had a small section of the external structure made of fiberglass. Post-flight
inspections required personnel to get in close proximity to this non-conductive structural
component. On several occasions, personnel received significant electrical shocks which
caused them to fall from ladders and be injured. Corrective action was easily accomplished by
applying a conductive paint to the surfaces exposed to airflow and personnel contact.
Static discharges from the canopy were shocking pilots on a fighter aircraft during flight.
Charges accumulating on the outside of the canopy apparently induced a similar charge on a
conductive finish that was on the inside of the canopy. When a discharge occurred on the
outside of the canopy, the internal charge discharged to the pilot’s helmet. Proper grounding
of the conductive finish on the inside of the canopy fixed the problem.
When an aircraft was flying in clouds during a thunderstorm, the pilot was unable to transmit or
receive on the communications radio. Further investigations were performed with the most
reasonable conclusion that the radio blanking was caused by electrostatic discharge. Several
incidents were also reported where pilots and ground crews received shocks due to static
discharges from aircraft canopies. These incidents occurred on the carrier deck after the
aircraft had been airborne for several hours.
Canopies and dielectric finishes on structural materials have been punctured with resulting
damage due to large voltages being present from static accumulation.
It was discovered on an aircraft that was experiencing p-static problems that the static
dischargers had been installed using an adhesive that was not electrically conductive.
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Testing hardware which applies electrical charge to system surfaces must be able to isolate and
identify corona sources, locate isolated metal, identify surface streamering problems, and allow
for evaluation of effects to antenna-connected receivers.
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The 500 picofarad capacitor and 500 ohm resistor, different from the model used in section
5.8.4 of this standard, was selected to simulate worst-case characteristics of a human body
discharge due to the critical nature of ordnance. A significant number of components must be
tested to provide a statistical basis for concluding that the requirement is met. For EIDs, the
discharges must be applied in both pin-to-pin and pin-to-case modes for both polarities.
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Personnel assigned to repair, maintenance, and test facilities have a higher potential for being
overexposed because of the variety of tasks, the proximity to radiating elements, and the
pressures for rapid maintenance response.
Air Force TO 31Z-10-4, NAVSEA OP 3565, and Army TB MED 523 provide technical guidance and
methodology for assessing RF hazards.
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10-4 and OP 3565 provide techniques for calculating the reduction of gain for certain types of
antennas. Measurements may be desirable for better accuracy.
When multiple emitters are present and the emitters are not phase coherent (the usual case),
the resultant power density is additive. This effect needs to be considered for both calculation
and measurement approaches.
In addition to the main beam hazard, localized hot spots may be produced by reflections of the
transmitted energy from any metal structure. These results can occur in areas having general
power densities less than the maximum permissible exposure limits.
Experience has shown aboard ships, that unless personnel observe the restrictions (clear zones)
around emitting radiators, personnel can be affected by extensive exposure to electromagnetic
RF energy can induce currents into any metal object. The amount of current, and thus the
strength of an arc or spark produced between two electrical conductors (or heating of small
filaments) depends on both the field intensity of the RF energy and how well the conducting
elements act as a receiving antenna. Many parts of a system, a refueling vehicle, and static
grounding conductors can act as receiving antennas. The induced current depends mainly on
the conductor length in relation to the wavelength of the RF energy and the orientation in the
radiated field. It is not feasible to predict or control these factors. The hazard criteria must
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then be based on the assumption that an ideal receiving antenna could be inadvertently
created with the conductors.
The volatility and flash point of particular fuels influence whether there is a hazard under
varying environmental conditions.
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on a composite of the maximum levels from the other EME tables in 5.3. Rationale and
assumptions that resulted in the final TABLE 9 are detailed in MIL-HDBK-235-7. Unless
otherwise specified by the procuring activity, all ordnance is to be designed to operate in the
joint EM environment detailed in TABLE 9. However, if it is known that an ordnance item will
not be launched from a surface combatant, the level in the 2700 to 3600 MHz range may be
modified as indicated in the table. Consequently, in order to get a HERO classification of “HERO
SAFE ORDNANCE” at the all-up round or appropriate assembly level, the ordnance or SUT must
be evaluated against, and be in compliance with, TABLE 9.
In order to meet the requirements for joint operations or to achieve the HERO classification of
“HERO SAFE,” ordnance must be tested to the full range of EME levels in TABLE 9 for all the
military services and all phases and configurations of the ordnance. Specific environments for
joint ordnance include both near-field and far-field conditions. In certain cases, ordnance
systems may be exposed to levels other than those indicated in TABLE 9. Special consideration
must be given to the platform emitters to ensure that the required EME reflects their levels at
the ordnance location. For example, the Close-In Weapon System installed aboard some Navy
ships is in proximity to high-power HF antennas and the ordnance systems found on some
ground vehicles (e.g., Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles) are virtually co-
located with the platform antennas requiring certification to levels exceeding even those in the
unrestricted category. The appropriate levels amount to an upward tailoring of the MIL-STD-
464 levels. Furthermore, for platform antennas in proximity to ordnance, an intra-system HERO
test may be required to address both the EMEs exceeding those found in TABLE 9 and to
address potential near-field affects. Conversely, for some air-launched systems found on
aircraft that will never operate in a shipboard environment, it may be reasonable to reduce
EME HERO levels such that the item is evaluated against its intended operational environment.
Thus, field strength levels may be tailored up or down, depending on the EME expected to be
encountered throughout all phases and configurations of the ordnance; however, even though
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an item may be evaluated against a tailored environment, an item must be tested to the full
range of EME levels in TABLE 9 to achieve the HERO classification of “HERO SAFE ORDNANCE.”
All such tailoring must be addressed on an individual basis.
The accidental initiation of EIDs by RF energy is not a new concern. Commercial manufacturers
of blasting caps have warned their customers for many years about the potential hazard
involved in using electrically fired blasting caps in the vicinity of transmitters. Most EIDs employ
a small resistive element called a bridgewire. When the EID is intentionally initiated, a current
pulse is passed through the bridgewire, causing heating and resultant initiation of the explosive
charge or functioning of the device. RF induced currents will cause bridgewire heating that may
inadvertently actuate the EID. Interface wiring to the EID generally provides the most efficient
path for RF fields to couple energy to the bridgewire. However, RF energy can also fire
extremely sensitive devices, such as electric primers, as a result of capacitive coupling from
nearby radiated objects. RF energy may also upset energized EID firing circuits, causing
erroneous firing commands to be sent to the EID. Non-bridgewire types of EIDs are being
increasingly used for many ordnance applications. The electrothermal behavior of these
devices differs considerably from bridgewire devices; many have much faster response times
and exhibit non-linear response characteristics.
EIDs should have the highest Maximum No-Fire Stimulus (MNFS) that will allow the EID to meet
system requirements. Each EID must be categorized as to whether its inadvertent ignition
would lead to either safety or performance degradation problems (i.e., “reliability”). A safety
consequence is the inadvertent actuation of an EID that creates an immediate catastrophic
event that has the potential to either destroy equipment or to injure personnel, such as the
firing of an inline rocket motor igniter by RF energy; or the inadvertent actuation of an EID that
increases the probability of a future catastrophic event by removing or otherwise disabling a
safety feature of the ordnance item. This, for example, might be caused by the RF initiation of a
piston actuator that removes a lock on the S&A rotor of an artillery fuze, thus allowing a
sensitive detonator to rotate in-line with the explosive train. Performance degradation can be
any condition which does not have safety implications and is referred to as “reliability.”
Performance degradation may occur because an EID may have been desensitized as a result of
multiple low-level exposures, which would prevent it from firing when needed, or because it
already had been ignited. “Safety” and “reliability” categorizations should be determined by
the procuring activity.
OD 30393 provides design principles and practices for controlling electromagnetic hazards to
ordnance. MIL-STD-1576 and MIL-HDBK-83578 (USAF) provide guidance on the use of
ordnance devices in space and launch vehicles. For space applications using ordnance devices,
an analysis of margins based on the RF threshold determination of the MNFS should be
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Several incidences onboard Navy ships involving the inadvertent firing of rockets and missiles
have resulted in catastrophic loss of life and equipment.
There have been numerous explosive mishap reports involving RF induced, uncommanded
actuation of automatic inflators worn by aircrew personnel both on flight decks and in-flight
while launching from and landing on the carrier. These problems pose a tremendous hazard to
aircrews, especially those in-flight at the time of occurrence.
Use of uncertified systems onboard ships due to joint operations has resulted in operational
restrictions on shipboard emitters.
HERO testing should include exposure of the ordnance to the test EME in all life cycle
configurations, including transportation/storage, assembly/disassembly, loading/unloading,
staging, platform-loaded, and immediate post-launch. The system should be exposed to the
test EME while being exercised with operating procedures associated with those configurations.
For system configurations exclusively involving the presence of personnel, such as assembly
and disassembly or loading and downloading, the restricted levels in TABLE 9 must be used with
time averaging considerations related to personnel exposure being applied, where necessary,
to meet the applicable personnel hazards criteria (see A.5.9.1).
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TABLE A- 12 shows the appropriate field intensity levels from TABLE 9 as they relate to slow
versus fast responding EIDs and energized versus non-energized firing circuits in all phases and
configurations of ordnance. Whether an EID is considered slow or fast responding depends on
its thermal time constant relative to the pulse widths and pulse repetition frequency of radars.
See MIL-HDBK-240 for discussions on thermal time constants.
EME Levels1
Separation Phases Non-energized firing circuits Energized firing circuits
or slow-responding EIDs or fast-responding EIDs
Transportation/storage Unrestricted average levels Unrestricted peak levels2,3
Assembly/disassembly Restricted average levels Restricted peak levels
Staged Unrestricted average levels Unrestricted peak levels2,3
Loading/unloading Restricted average levels Restricted peak levels4
Platform-loaded Unrestricted average levels Unrestricted peak levels2
Immediate post-launch Unrestricted average levels Unrestricted peak levels2
1. Applicable field intensity levels are specified in TABLE 9.
2. Unrestricted peak levels should be used unless tailored environments have been developed.
3. Applies to fast-responding EIDs only.
4. Some firing circuits may be energized during the loading/unloading sequence in order to accomplish
pre- and post-loading diagnostic procedures.
For stockpile-to-safe-separation phases where personnel are required to handle the ordnance,
exposure of personnel must be limited to field strength levels considered safe in accordance
with DoDI 6055.11 (see A.5.9.1). The “restricted” levels in TABLE 9 are based on actual radiated
levels to which personnel are exposed in normal operational situations. There are some
instances where the restricted levels in TABLE 9 exceed the continuous (6 minutes or more)
Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) cited in the instruction. In such cases, test personnel must
limit the duration of their exposure to appropriate intervals less than 6 minutes. Refer to MIL-
HDBK-240 for specific guidance on how to determine maximum exposure times as a function of
frequency and field strength. In addition to limits on the radiated field levels, there are also
limits on induced/contact current (I/CC) levels that can result from exposure to radiated
environments. Guidance to ensure compliance with radiated PELs and I/CC limits is provided in
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The test EME should simulate the specified EME to the extent necessary to stimulate maximum
EID and firing circuit responses. This requires an appropriate representation of the specified
EME with respect to frequency, field strength (power density), field polarization, and
illumination angle. For radar EME levels, representative pulse widths, pulse repetition
frequencies, and beam dwell periods should be chosen to maximize system response with due
consideration for the response times of EIDs and firing circuits. Refer to MIL-HDBK-235-7 for
specific operational characteristics and MIL-HDBK-240 for detailed guidance.
Corrosion control is an important issue in maintaining EMC throughout the system’s life cycle.
It is important that protection provisions that require maintenance be accessible and not be
degraded due to maintenance actions on these provisions.
E3 hardening features should either be accessible and maintainable or should survive the
design lifetime of the system without mandatory maintenance or inspection. Protection
measures which require maintenance should be repairable or replaceable without degradation
of the initial level of protection. The system design should include provisions to restore the
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E3 protection schemes include specific design measures both internal to electrical and
electronic enclosures and in the basic system structure. Factors such as corrosion, electrical
overstress, loose connections, wear, misalignment, dirt, paint, grease, sealant, and
maintenance actions will degrade the effectiveness of some protection measures with time.
Maintenance actions must also be addressed which are performed on non-critical items which
are in the same area as the critical items to ensure that personnel do not inadvertently
compromise the protection measures of the critical functions. Procedures addressing
modifications to the system which involve either new or existing subsystems which perform
critical functions must be considered. They could also involve modifications to the system
structure or subsystem components, such as wiring and protective devices.
E3 maintenance should be integrated into normal system maintenance and repair cycles.
Separate independent maintenance is undesirable.
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toward better maintenance access can provide capability for quality control checks during
assembly, benefiting both the system manufacturer and user.
Some key areas which require special consideration are addressed in the sections below.
Access doors made of composite materials which are an element of the shielding for a volume
are generally designed to be bonded electrically to the system structure. If door spring fingers
are employed, they must be kept clean, free from damage, and aligned at all times. Good
contact between the door frame around the access door and the spring fingers is critical for
maintaining shielding integrity. The bonding area must be inspected to ensure that the bonding
effectiveness has not been degraded by dirt, corrosion, sealant and paint overruns, damage, or
Screens using wire mesh have been used to shield openings in structure. These screens need to
be treated in a fashion similar to the access doors.
Effective electrical bonding of electrical and electronic enclosures to system structure is often
essential for proper operation in the various electromagnetic environments. Surfaces on the
enclosures and structure must be kept clean to maintain proper bonding. Documentation
associated with the system should clearly show areas needed for bonding and the appropriate
finishes which should be on the surfaces. Painting of areas intended for electrical bonding has
been a common cause of EMC problems. An example of bonding design is the contact between
the back of an enclosure and the finger washers in the rear wall of the electronics rack. Other
electrical bonds which require attention may be in the form of flat bands or braids across shock
mounts or structural members.
It is important that replacement hardware conform to the original design concept. For
example, when damaged cables are repaired, shield termination techniques established for the
design must be observed.
An example of a subtle change in hardware configuration to the original design concept can be
found in a life vest. The life vest was fielded with a bridgewire EID that could be fired by a salt-
water activated battery pack that had been hardened and certified for HERO. After
introduction into the fleet, an engineering change proposal was developed, and approved, to
modify the type of battery used in the battery pack. The change was not submitted for HERO
consideration. When the life vests were equipped with the new battery pack and used on
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board Navy ships, there were reports of uncommanded activation of the vests during flight
operations and on the flight deck. The subsequent investigation found that the new battery
pack made the EID subsystem resonant to a ship radar system; thereby, creating susceptibility
The techniques and time intervals for evaluating or monitoring the integrity of the system
protection features need to be defined. The user will probably need to adjust the maintenance
intervals after attaining experience with the degradation mechanisms. BIT capability, test
ports, resistance measurements, continuity checks, transfer impedance measurements, and
transfer function measurements are some of the means available for use in the periodic
surveillance of system integrity. For evaluation of possible degradation, a baseline of the
system as delivered to the user is necessary.
Most shielded cable failures occur at the connector and a resistance meter capable of
measuring milliohms is usually sufficient for locating these failures. Testing on several aircraft
has shown that holes or small defects in the shields themselves are not a significant problem. It
takes major damage to the shield for its effectiveness to be degraded. In addition, time domain
reflectometers can be used to locate discontinuities or changes in protection schemes.
Measurements after the system is fielded can be compared to baseline measurements.
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Cable shield testers are available for more thorough evaluation of shield or conduit
performance. A current driver is easily installed on the outside of the cable; however, a voltage
measurement on wires internal to the shield requires access to these wires. If an electrical
connector is sufficiently accessible, the voltage measurement is straightforward. In some cases,
cables pass through bulkheads without the use of connectors and access is not readily available.
A possible solution is to include a pick-off wire attached to one of the wires within the bundle
which is routed to a connector block accessible to technicians.
An aperture tester can be used to monitor the integrity of RF gaskets and screens protecting
apertures on the system. An existing tester uses a stripline on the outside of the system
structure to drive a current across the aperture and the voltage developed across the aperture
within the structure is measured. The installation of the stripline has not been difficult;
however, paint and non-conductive materials on the inside of structure have hampered the
ability to measure induced voltages across doors and window frames. Test tabs or jacks would
have greatly simplified the measurement.
Frequent performance of surveillance checks after initial deployment can help in refining
maintenance intervals by determining degradation mechanisms and how fast degradation
Life cycle considerations must include the fact that systems are often modified soon after they
are fielded and frequently throughout their life. Sometimes the modifications are small and can
be qualified with a limited effort. Often there are major changes to system structure as well as
to the electronics. The addition of major new subsystems can introduce new points of entry for
electromagnetic energy into protected areas, and a major requalification of the system may be
necessary. Also, if enough small modifications are made over a period of time, the hardness of
the system may be in doubt and requalification should be considered.
EMI hardness evaluations under the Navy’s Air Systems’ EMI Corrective Action Program
(ASEMICAP) have shown that the hardness of aircraft is degraded over time. Electrical
inspections have shown numerous instances of foreign object damage, excessive chaffing of
wires, and improper splicing and terminations. Bonding measurements performed over a ten
year period on a Navy fighter aircraft indicates 10-15% out of specification conditions on a new
aircraft, 40-60% out of specification conditions on a five year old aircraft and 70-80% out of
specification conditions on a ten year old aircraft. These out of specification bonding conditions
result in inadequate termination of shields and boxes and degrade shielding effectiveness.
During EMC tests, the effects of corrosion and maintenance practices on the EMC design have
been noted. For example, composite connectors were incorporated in the pylons of a Navy
attack aircraft to correct a severe corrosion problem on the existing aluminum connectors. The
composite connectors are more resistant to the corrosion than aluminum. They do, however,
oxidize and produce a powdery residue on the connector. The maintenance personnel would
then wire brush this residue, thereby eliminating the outer conductive coating, severely
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degrading the connector conductivity, and introducing potentially more severe corrosion
Systems generally include ground planes to form equipotential surfaces for circuitry. If voltage
potentials appear between electronics enclosures and the ground plane due to internal circuitry
operation, the enclosure will radiate interference. Similarly, electromagnetic fields will induce
voltage potentials between poorly bonded enclosures and the ground plane. These potentials
are imposed as common-mode signals on all circuitry referenced to the enclosure. The same
two effects will occur for poorly bonded shield terminations.
Without proper bonding, lightning interaction with systems can produce voltages which can
shock personnel, ignite fuel through arcing and sparking, ignite or dud ordnance, and upset or
damage electronics. Lightning requirements are described under section 5.5 in terms of a
description of the environment. There are no specific levels defined under section 5.11
because of the wide variety of possible needs based on the particular platform and physical
location within the platform. While electrical bonding is an important aspect in achieving an
acceptable lightning design, it is only one element of an overall design to deal effectively with
lightning. In the past, lightning requirements for aircraft were actually defined in the electrical
bonding specification, MIL-B-5087 which has been cancelled and superseded by this standard.
In this standard, lightning requirements are more appropriately defined at a higher level, since
design involves much more than just bonding.
It is essential that system electrical and electronic equipment be provided with adequate
voltage levels from prime power sources for proper operation. Electrical fault conditions must
not introduce potential fuel or fire hazards due to arcing or sparking from melted or vaporized
structural material. Bonding provisions help control voltage drops in power current return and
fault paths.
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While specific bonding levels needed to obtain required performance are system dependent,
2.5 milliohms has long been recognized as an indication of a good bond across a metallic
interface, particularly aluminum. There is no technical evidence that this number must be
strictly met to avoid problems. However, higher numbers tend to indicate that a quality
assurance problem may be present and bonding may be degrading or not under proper control.
Higher values may be more appropriate for other metals such as stainless steel or titanium.
Also, composite materials will exhibit much higher levels and imposed requirements should be
consistent with those materials. Selected bonding levels need to be justified for design and
demonstrated as being adequate, particularly when they deviate from traditional norms used in
the past.
Bonding measures for prevention of fuel ignition hazards from electrical fault currents need to
address areas with flammable vapors, installed electrical equipment (such as fuel pumps),
electrical paths of fault currents, available levels of fault current, and the bonding value
necessary for the implemented design architecture to prevent arcing, sparking, and hot spots.
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b. Class C for current return path – fault current versus resistance table provided.
d. Class L for lightning protection – control internal vehicle voltages to 500 volts.
MIL-B-5087 also provided several approved bonding techniques including the specific hardware
that was to be used for electrical bonding. This approach was in essence providing the
contractor with a bonding design requirement followed by direction on how to achieve the
requirement. There were also less obvious requirements in the standard such as a 2.5 milliohm
requirement on connector shells, when used to electrically bond shields. Over the years, the
2.5 milliohm class R requirement became synonymous with MIL-B-5087 and was universally
accepted as a design requirement for electronic units to vehicle structure. No scientific basis
has been found for this 2.5 milliohm requirement other than the fact that it is a value that can
be achieved with good metal-to-metal contact. It therefore represents a good design
requirement to ensure that positive electrical bonding is included in the design. The rationale
behind this class R bond was most likely to assure that the return circuit impedances were kept
very low due to the extensive use of single end circuits in that time frame. Modern electronics
uses primarily balanced circuits and the need for this low class R bond is less obvious.
Bonding requirements are still important in today’s systems, only from a different perspective.
The equipment case-to-structure class R requirement probably is not important in most
instances; however, the 2.5 milliohm is still a good number for several other electrical bonds
such as terminating shields to connectors and bonding a connector to the equipment case. It is
also a good value as a design goal where a good bond is needed for other purposes. It mainly
requires the designer to design an intentional bonding path.
The other bonding values of MIL-B-5087 for shock protection, current return paths, and static
charge are still valid numbers for use today.
Numerous instances of the need for good bonding have been demonstrated. Bonding
improvements or corrections have solved many system problems including precipitation static
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The actual need for certain bonding in a particular application is not easily ascertained. It is
dependent on various items such as the shielding topology, type of circuit interfaces, and the
use of the enclosure as a ground reference for circuits and filters. For example, a subsystem
which is wholly contained (all enclosures and cable interfaces in a continuous unbroken shield)
typically does not necessarily require bonding for RF potential control. External currents will
remain outside the shield and internal currents will remain inside. This configuration is rare.
The increasing use of differential interface circuits makes equipment enclosure-to-vehicle
structure bonding less critical since there is better rejection of common-mode noise.
In systems using basically metallic structure, the entire vehicle structure forms a ground plane.
The introduction of composite materials in structure, which are much less conductive than
metals, has created a need in some cases to introduce separate ground planes to maintain
adequate control of E3.
Requirements for electrical continuity across external mechanical interfaces on electrical and
electronic equipment are normally verified during the development of the equipment. The
equipment to structure interface is normally verified at the system-level. A measurement is
made from an enclosure surface to the next major assembly. For example, in an installation
with an enclosure mounted in a tray, separate measurements would be applicable from the
enclosure to the tray and from the tray to structure. The measurement is normally performed
with a DC resistance meter. Ideally, the impedance should be maintained as high in frequency
as possible. The impedance will normally remain low for enclosures that are hard-mounted to
structure. However, for enclosures installations which use bonding straps, such as shock
mounts, the impedance of bonding straps will be significant due to the inductance of the strap.
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A 5:1 length to width ratio or less is generally considered to be necessary for a bonding strap to
be effective.
Use of low current and voltage bonding meters, inspection and analysis of bonding paths, and
determination of the number of mechanical interfaces in a bonding path are some of the
aspects of verification.
Verification of electrical bonding measures for design against electrical shock is primarily
achieved by demonstrating that voltage faults to electrically conductive surfaces will not result
in hazardous voltages on the surface. These types of faults should normally trip circuit
protection equipment.
Bonding meters are normally four point devices which determine the resistance of a bond by
driving a known current between two probes and then measuring the voltage drop across the
bond with two other probes. Large applied voltages and currents can influence the
measurement by burning through contamination that might be on bonding surfaces. It is better
to use lower voltage and current devices to determine the value of a bond.
Torque requirements on bolts and screws plays a role in the effectiveness and life-cycle
durability of a bond.
Bonding measurements often require that a protective finish be penetrated with electrical
probes to obtain good electrical contact. Care should be taken so that a corrosion problem is
not introduced.
For lightning protection, metallic structural members (aluminum, steel, titanium, and so forth)
provide the best opportunity to achieve an electrical bond on the order of 2.5 milliohms. A
bond of this level will limit the induced voltage on system cabling to 500 volts from lightning
strike attachments (200 kA) to system structure.
Overpainting of structure for corrosion control prior to ensuring an electrical bond has been
documented as the leading cause of poor or ineffective bonds.
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P-static testing has found open bonds such as antenna mounting provisions which are
electrically isolated from system structure.
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resistance of the wire is the primary consideration. The location of the point of regulation for
the power system also plays a role.
Communications antennas such as blade antennas, often become attachment points for
lightning. Without proper bonding, lightning can produce voltages which can severely damage
antenna-connected equipment.
Antennas are being connected to composite structures via metallic mesh. This “pseudo ground
plane” must be capable of conducting lightning induced currents.
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a. 10 milliohms or less from the equipment enclosure to system structure, including the
cumulative effect of all faying surface interfaces.
b. 15 milliohms or less from cable shields to the equipment enclosure, including the
cumulative effect of all connector and accessory interfaces.
c. 2.5 milliohms across other individual faying surfaces within the equipment, such as
between subassemblies or sections.
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performance from system to system and over time is critical. Specific control levels are the
responsibility of the developing activity to propose and obtain procuring activity approval.
There are bonding levels provided in the requirement where specific alternative controls have
not been developed for a platform. The levels are specified to take several items into
consideration. They involve the entire interface between equipment enclosure and system
hardware as a whole, without addressing each individual mechanical interface. Both system
integrator provisions (such as electrical harnesses, equipment mounting racks, and
surface/material treatments) and equipment manufacturer provisions (such as connector
installation and surface/material treatments) are included. The values take into account that
several faying surface interfaces are often included. For example, the cable shield termination
requirement will often include the following interfaces: shield to backshell, backshell to
connector shell, mating between connector shells, and connector shell to enclosure. Also, the
levels are specified as a requirement “at the end of life,” which addresses the life cycle aspects
of this standard. In general, lower values than those specified will be required during
manufacturing to account for degradation over time. The expected degradation over time must
be understood.
There will be instances where the 10 milliohm value from equipment enclosure to system
structure may not be adequate. Army aviation has experienced an issue on board rotary wing
aircraft when a particular bond exceeded 8 milliohms. This example emphasizes that it is best
to review individual situations to determine actual bonding requirements based on the
equipment involved and the environments being encountered.
The 15 milliohm bonding requirement from cable shields to the enclosure is an important
element of the overall transfer impedance performance of a shielded cable. The transfer
impedance is the relationship of a common mode voltage developed within the shield that is
impressed on interface circuits relative to currents flowing on the shield. Ideally the connector
assembly transfer impedance should be low enough that the transfer impedance of the entire
cable shield is the dominant factor in the overall transfer impedance of the entire shield and
terminating connector assemblies.
Poor mechanical bonding on ships has resulted in the “rusty bolt” effect where intermodulation
products are generated by non-linear effects of the improper bonds. See discussion in A.5.2.1
for additional information.
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the external environment. The problem was determined to be that the aileron rudder
interconnect subsystem was not mechanically bonded. Once bonded, the rudder was stable.
Measurements during several years of Navy ASEMICAP tests have revealed equipment bonding
measurements that do not always meet the 2.5 milliohm requirement. Extensive E3 tests
afterwards generally have not connected any EMI problems with the degraded bonding. This
extensive data base has supported the concept that it is possible under some conditions to
exceed 2.5 milliohms and still have adequate E3 control.
Bonding requirements in the past have largely focused on bonding between an equipment
enclosure and system structure. In many cases, it has been recognized that bonding of cable
shields is more critical to performance than enclosure bonding. There are even cases where it
is desirable to isolate an enclosure from structure, such as to prevent large lightning currents
from flowing along a particular cable harness. For these cases, it is essential to ensure that the
electronics and filtering in the enclosure are configured such that the lack of a bond will not be
When bonding was accomplished as outlined above with the calculation of the total resistance
across a number of faying surfaces, a common problem has been avoided of over-designing the
bonding. Measurements can be made using a common point on the system for one probe,
thereby simplifying the test.
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Requirements to prevent ignition of flammable vapors need to consider any paths where
significant fault currents may flow. Most prominent are fault paths associated with electrical
devices that receive prime electrical power for operation, such as fuel pumps or valves.
Considerations should address issues such as available fault currents, structural materials used,
areas always immersed in fuel, surface finishes (both bonding areas and exposed surfaces),
sealants, and types of debris potentially present.
Past studies on electrical bonding for fault currents in flammable vapor areas have determined
that bonding requirements are related to a particular voltage appearing across the interface
under fault conditions. Since the developed voltage is directly proportional to the fault current
for a fixed resistance, required bonding levels vary dependent on the available fault current. An
ignition threshold was found to be 0.37 volts for an aluminum safety wire with a point contact
in parallel with the intended bonding path. A safety factor of five has been used to account for
degradation over time and variability in testing with 0.074 volt bonding criteria resulting.
Under this approach, the available fault current for a circuit is first calculated by dividing the
source voltage by the wiring resistance in the circuit. For example, using a 115 volt, 400 Hz,
source and 200 milliohms of wiring resistance, the available fault current is 575 amperes. The
required bonding resistance is determined by dividing 0.074 volts by 575 amperes with a result
of 0.13 milliohms. Bonding levels specified in SAE ARP1870 for fault currents are based on the
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study results. Other work found that less severe bonding levels were appropriate for safety
wire made of stainless steel rather than aluminum.
Flammable vapors can be ignited through electrical arcs, sparks (hot particles and voltage
breakdown), and thermal hot spots. As an example of an ignition threshold, JP-5 fuel vapors
can be ignited by thermal hot spots at 245 degrees Centigrade.
For circuit protection to work quickly and effectively, fault currents well in excess of the rating
of the circuit are necessary. For example, a circuit breaker can take tens of seconds to interrupt
a circuit at a current twice its rating.
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All telecommunications and electronic facilities are inherently referenced to earth by capacitive
coupling, accidental contact, and intentional connections. Therefore, “ground” must be looked
at from a total system viewpoint, with various subsystems comprising the total facility ground
system. The facility ground system forms a direct path of known low impedance between earth
and the various power, communications, and other equipments that effectively extends in
approximation of ground reference throughout the facility. The facility ground system is
composed of an earth electrode subsystem, lightning protection subsystem, fault protection
subsystem, and signal reference subsystem.
For safety reasons, both the MIL-STD-188-124 and the National Electrical Code in NFPA 70
require that electrical power systems and equipment be intentionally grounded. Therefore, the
facility ground system is directly influenced by the proper installation and maintenance of the
power distribution systems. The intentional grounding of electrical power systems minimizes
the magnitude and duration of overvoltages on an electrical circuit, thereby reducing the
probability of personnel injury, insulation failure, or fire and consequent system, equipment, or
building damage.
Grounding provisions are often necessary under certain operations to provide a current path to
prevent static electricity charges from accumulating, such as during ordnance handling,
refueling or other flammable vapor operations, and maintenance actions on sensitive
Grounding provisions are usually required for munitions that are stored in bunkers while in
containers, or when exposed to the elements to reduce static charge buildup during handling.
These include munitions-to-container, container-to-ground, and munitions (not in containers)-
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The facility ground system connects any metallic element of the associated subsystems to earth
by way of an earth-electrode configuration. It establishes a reference potential common to any
equipment or subsystem and makes the ground potential available throughout the system. In
general, four subsystems comprise the facility ground system and should be addressed during
the design and installation of any electrical and electronic equipment, subsystem, and system.
Although, it is not possible to have a fixed set of rules governing the grounding of all
conceivable electrical or electronic equipment or system configurations, the guidelines
presented here should be adapted to the requirement of a particular tactical installation. More
detailed guidance is provided in MIL-STD-188-124 and MIL-HDBK-419.
Collocated mobile equipments are equipments operating individually but hosted together
within a single transportable enclosure, such as a tarpaulin. Typically, these equipments are
not rack mounted and may be situated on the earth. Intra-enclosure communication links may
exist among equipments, but normally links are established between equipment and an
external system. Basic operational characteristics of collocated equipments are similar to
stand-alone equipments. Grounding requirements are primarily for personnel safety from
lightning and power faults.
Collocated shelters are transportable metallic shelters that share common signal or power
cables and are classified in two general categories; those located within 8 meters (26.5 feet) of
one another, and those located greater than 8 meters from one another. Collocated shelter
configurations are typically of an equipment system that must be housed in multiple shelters.
Grounding requirements for collocated shelters are required to provide personnel and
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equipment protection from the effects of lightning and power faults and to provide a reference
for signal grounds. Particular consideration must be given to collocated shelters receiving
power from the same power source or communicating over inter-shelter signal cables. The
need to establish an all encompassing shelter grounding system for collocated shelters situated
more than eight meters apart should be a function of ground resistance measurements taken at
each shelter site. The ground system of each shelter should be interconnected as shown in
MIL-HDBK-419. If noise or other undesirable effects are produced as a result of higher ground
resistance differences, the system having the higher resistance can be reduced by use of
chemical treatment or enhancement per MIL-HDBK-419.
Fixed prefabricated shelters are generally designed having the major components prefabricated
and then assembled on-site into a fixed shelter which can be considered as a fixed facility. As
such, it should have its own earth electrode subsystem (ring ground). It should also have a
lightning protection subsystem meeting the requirements of MIL-HDBK-419, whenever the
shelter is located outside the cone of protection of a higher grounded tower. The shell of
metallic prefabricated shelters should be constructed to be electrically continuous and should
be grounded to the earth electrode subsystem to bleed off static charges and reduce the
effects of interference to C-E equipments and circuits. If metallic and electrically continuous,
the skin of a fixed prefabricated shelter may serve as the equipotential plane. If the skin is not
metallic or electrically continuous, a separate equipotential plane will be required.
At space vehicle launch systems and facilities, the launch vehicle should be earth grounded at
the launch site. It is important that ground loops be controlled for electrical interfaces between
launch vehicles and space vehicles to prevent problems.
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contains requirements for interface compatibility. Grounding jacks shall be attached to the
system ground reference so that the resistance between the mating plug and the system ground
reference does not exceed 1.0 ohm DC. The following grounding jacks are required:
a. Fuel nozzle ground. A ground jack shall be installed at each fuel inlet. To satisfy
international agreements for interfacing with refueling hardware, the jack shall be
located within 1.0 meter of the center of the fuel inlet for fuel nozzle grounding.
b. Servicing grounds. Ground jacks shall be installed at locations convenient for servicing
and maintenance.
c. Weapon grounds. Grounding jacks shall be installed at locations convenient for use in
handling of weapons or other explosive devices.
It is well established that sparks due to voltage potential differences between aircraft and
servicing equipment can be sufficient to ignite fuel vapors. The motion of fuel during refueling
operations is a large contributor to static charging. There is also a concern to prevent
electrostatic discharge during ordnance handling. EIDs used in ordnance are potentially
susceptible to inadvertent ignition from static discharge.
Electrical resistance between the grounding jack and vehicle structure must be controlled to
ensure that an adequate connection is present to dissipate static charge.
Technical Order 00-25-172 provides requirements for grounding of Air Force aircraft during
servicing. MIL-HDBK-274 provides information for naval aircraft operations and maintenance
personnel to ensure that aircraft are properly and safely electrically grounded for both static
and power.
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Connection between the aircraft and servicing equipment in the presence of potentially
hazardous materials is necessary to prevent potential problems due to electrostatic discharges
between servicing equipment hardware and aircraft structure.
International agreements require common interfaces for aircraft static grounding. ISO 46
provides the physical description of grounding jack provisions to ensure interface compatibility.
MIL-DTL-83413 specifies hardware for aircraft static grounding.
Grounding jacks on aircraft in the field have been found to be electrically open-circuited with
respect to the aircraft structure due to corrosion. It is important that corrosion control
measures be implemented at the time of installation.
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National security information shall not be compromised by emanations from classified
information processing equipment. Compliance shall be verified by test, analysis, inspections or
a combination thereof. (NSTISSAM TEMPEST/1-92 and CNNS Advisory Memorandum TEMPEST
01-02 provide testing methodology for verifying compliance with TEMPEST requirements.)
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The need to apply TEMPEST requirements is determined by the certified TEMPEST technical
authority (CTTA). The CTTA considers several vulnerability and threat factors to determine the
residual risk to which the information is exposed. The CTTA then determines if
countermeasures are required to reduce risk to an acceptable level and identifies the most cost
effective approach to achieving imposed TEMPEST requirements.
Air Force: HQ AFCA/TCBA-CTTA, 203 West Losey St, Room 2100, Scott AFB, IL 62225-5222.
Telephone: (618) 256-5588. By e-mail:
Army: Army TEMPEST Program Manager, 310th Military Intelligence Battalion, IAMG-C-TMP,
4552 Pike Road, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755. Telephone: (301) 677-4440. By e-mail:
Navy: Inquiries on the Navy TEMPEST policy may be directed to:
Additional TEMPEST lessons learned fall into three categories: 1) cases where inadequate
requirements were levied on the system; 2) cases where requirements were appropriate, but
implementation or procedural errors resulted in potentially compromising emissions; and 3)
cases where unnecessarily harsh requirements were levied on the system resulting in
questionable expenditure of program funds. The former and latter categories have been
judged to be equally inappropriate. The second must be considered as cost and risk trades for
the program. To address these three issues, National Policy established the CTTAs to ensure a
balance of risk and cost through implementation of a risk management process.
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Operations on Naval ships are frequently conducted in electromagnetic silence which is the
most stringent state of EMCON. Other systems located onboard the ship (such as aircraft, tow
tractors, fire control radars, and ship communication systems) are not permitted to transmit on
any radios, radars, and navigation equipment over the frequency range of 500 kHz to 40 GHz.
This operation has resulted in requiring systems that deploy on ships to be capable of
controlling emissions from their onboard active transmitters by quickly changing operating
mode to receive, standby, or off and to control all other unintentional emissions such that they
are undetectable.
After aircraft have been launched from the ship, EMCON is frequently used to avoid detection
of the aircraft.
The Air Force considers EMCON to be an aspect of enhancing “low observable” properties of a
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The Navy is experiencing substantial increase in the number and types of wireless technologies
being deployed on ships, subs, and aircraft. In many instances, these technologies are COTS
equipment used in interior compartments, and the crews typically want to use the wireless
technologies even during radio silence conditions. Platform-level EMCON measurements to
date on Navy ships indicate that the EMCON limit can be exceeded by substantial margin,
depending on location of the wireless equipment within the platform and other factors such as
whether doors or hatches are open or closed. It is recommended that if the EMCON limit due
to COTS wireless technology use results in exceeding the EMCON limit, the Program Manager
should ensure that a susceptibility assessment is performed to determine the risk to the
platform and take appropriate action to mitigate the risk. It is expected that this assessment, at
minimum, will take into account the geographic operating region (e.g., near the coast of a
metropolitan area, at a pier in a port, or in open water away from sea traffic) and the
associated ambient electromagnetic environment.
Local oscillator emissions must be controlled for a system to meet EMCON requirements.
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Equation A-8
Pd = Power density (watts/meter2)
Pt = Power transmitted (watts)
Gt = Gain of transmitting antenna
r = Radius from aircraft (meters)
Since the power density is proportional to 1/r2 with other parameters remaining constant, the
limit at 10 meters, assuming far-field conditions are maintained, is calculated by:
Limit = -110 dBm/m2 + 20 log (1852 meters per nautical mile/10 meters) = -64.6 dBm/m2.
EMCON measurements are made at 4 positions around the system, usually at 45, 135, 225 and
315 degrees from the front. Additional positions are added above, below and around the
system based on antennas positions and apertures. The measurement equipment used to
detect the emission is a spectrum analyzer augmented with a preamplifier or an EMI receiver
with a noise figure capable of having 6 dB or more margin between the noise floor and the
derived EMCOM limit. No distinction is made between narrow or broadband signals. Receiver
dwell time must be sufficient to capture the peak value of signals whose level varies with time.
At each position, an ambient measurement is made with all equipment on the system turned
off, followed immediately by a system EMCON measurement. The two measurements are
compared to remove emissions common to both. Emissions that remain in the emission
measurement are evaluated if they exceed the derived EMCON level. Those emissions that
exceed the level undergo further testing and analysis to determine compliance. Issues such as
near-field effects and ground reflections need to be considered. On mature systems which are
having additional capability added, the ambient measurement can be used to measure the
system’s active emissions, and the EMCON measurement then detects the new capability in the
EMCON mode. Pre-existing emissions from the mature system are removed from evaluation.
The developing activity can show by analysis of extrapolated measurements that the system
does not radiate above the EMCON limit. The extrapolated MIL-STD-461E limit (for fixed wing
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aircraft “external” and helicopter applications) is less than the EMCON limit at all frequencies.
For example, the maximum RE102 value of 69 dBμV/m occurs at 18 GHz and is 2 dB below the
EMCON limit. Extrapolating 69 dBμV/m to 1 nautical mile (1852 meters), assuming far-field
conditions and using the relationship that Pd = E2/377 (where Pd is power density and E is field
strength), yields:
69 dBμV/m - 116 (dBm/ m2)/(dBμV/m) - 20 log (1852 meters/1 meter) = -112 dBm/m2
Since this extrapolation uses near-field measurements to determine far-field values, there is
some uncertainty concerning actual far-field levels. The far field levels will tend to be higher
than those predicted. However, the example uses a worst-case point on the RE102 curve and
the technique is considered to be valid for the purposes of the EMCON requirement.
Naval ship subsystems typically have a standby select switch for powering up the subsystems
without deliberately transmitting.
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Communications, which include antenna systems, are left mounted to the shelter or vehicles to
support the mission. Some of these shelters/vehicles are parked as close as a meter from one
another. In maneuver elements, tactical vehicles with various MEPs are also grouped to form a
forward TOC or command post. These elements tend to keep equipment in the vehicle/shelter
so they can quickly jump to next location or get out of harm’s way. Additional concerns are
equipment and subsystems that are added in the field based on mission requirements. These
subsystems include specialized detection equipment or upgraded communications.
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d. Stage 4 (Operational) approval is required prior to contracting for the Production and
Deployment phase. Prior to contracting for production units, an approved frequency
allocation for Stage 4 is mandatory. Measured data is mandatory for Stage 4.
Calculated data is generally unacceptable. Commercial items normally require Stage 4
approval; however, if extensive modifications to the commercial item are planned, then
Stage 3 may be appropriate.
The E3 assessment will be based on the actions necessary to determine the potential for E3
interactions between the system and its EME. DoDD 3222.3 and this standard address all the
electromagnetic disciplines of E3, and should be used as a guide in establishing an effective E3
control program for all E3 disciplines, and for performing the required E3 assessment.
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Additional coordination is required for satellite systems pursuant to the NTIA Manual and the
International Radio Regulations. Information required for Advanced Publication of a space
system must be submitted to the NTIA Spectrum Planning Subcommittee (SPS) via the Military
Communications Electronics Board (MCEB) Frequency Panel, Equipment Spectrum Guidance
Permanent Working Group (ESG PWG) at the time of the Stage 2 DD Form 1494 submission.
Approval of spectrum supportability in a particular frequency band does not guarantee that the
requested frequency(ies) will be available to satisfy the system’s operational spectrum
requirements over its life cycle. Frequency assignments must be obtained before the system
can operate in training or operational environments. Frequency assignments are issued by
designated authorities of sovereign nations, such as telecommunications agencies within
foreign countries, and the NTIA for the United States and Possessions. Under certain
conditions, other designated authorities, such as DoD Area Frequency Coordinators may grant
temporary or limited frequency assignments or the Unified and Specified Commanders may
sub-allocate frequency assignments. Procedures for obtaining frequency assignments are
delineated in the Services’ or Combatant Commands’ regulations.
A base communications officer funded the purchase of commercially approved equipment. The
user was unable to get a frequency assignment because the equipment functioned in a
frequency range authorized for only non-Government operation. A second system had to be
purchased to satisfy mission requirements. A tactical user bought commercial items as part of
a deployable communications package. Because ESC was not acquired and resulting host
nation coordination for the use of that equipment was not accomplished, the user found that
they were unable to use the equipment in the host European and Asian countries. This
problem would have been identified prior to purchase had the proper coordination taken place.
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The user was unable to meet communication needs and had to buy additional equipment to
satisfy requirements.
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Review Activities:
Army – AC, AM, AR, AT, AV, CE, CR, GL, MD, MI, PT, TE
Navy – CG, EC, MC, OS, SH, YD
Air Force – 13, 19, 22, 84, 99
Other – DTRA/DS, NS
NOTE: The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date of this
document. Since organizations and responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency
of the information above using the ASSIST Online database at