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ES 411 - Eng'g Management Syllabus

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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines SYLLABUS

(Formerly Mindanao University of Science and Technology) Course Title: Engineering Management
College of Engineering and Architecture Course Code: ES 411
Electrical Engineering Department Credits: 3 units (3 hours lecture per week)
USTP Vision Semester/Year: 1st Sem 2018-2019 Prerequisite(s): ES 211
A nationally - recognized Bldg/Rm no.: Co-requisite(s):
Science and Technology Instructor: Mitchel L. Quimson Consultation Schedule:
University providing the vital link Email: mitchelquimson@gmail.com Bldg./Rm: Electrical Eng’g. Department Office, 3rd Floor Engineering
between education and the Mobile no.: Complex
economy. Office Phone no./Local:
I. Course Description:
USTP Mission The course is focusing on principles of engineering and project management. Topics include, but are not limited to, the four functions of
 Bring the world of work management, processes of project management, strategic and intermediate term planning, organizing, leadership, motivation, finance and
(industry) into the actual budgeting, operations management, project management, legal issues, working within groups, written and oral communication, and
higher education and professionalism. Case studies and current literature will be utilized.
training of students; II. Course Outcomes (CO) Program Outcomes (PO)
 Offer entrepreneurs the Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m
opportunity to maximize CO1:
their business potentials Explain the principles of management and the challenges of being an E E E
through a gamut of services engineer manager as well as being a project engineer.
from product CO2:
conceptualization to Understand and practice organizational and team skills needed to E E E E
commercialization; manage projects and processes.
 Contribute significantly to CO3:
the national development Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
goals of food security and
energy sufficiency through
Technology solutions
Electrical Engineering
Department III. Course Outline:
To be a nationally-recognized
Course Teaching-
electrical engineering Allotted Intended Learning Suggested Assessment Grading
Outcomes Topic/s Learning Remarks
department that engages in the Time Outcomes (ILO) Readings Tasks/Tools Criteria
(CO) Activities
highest quality education,
research, extension and
innovation; and become a 1. Explain the course 1. Course introduction and
topics , discussion of the significance
leading force in molding globally
requirements and of the subject to BSEE
competent electrical engineers, the grading program, its mission and
researchers, innovators and system, class vission
entrepreneurs. policies and
university rules. 2. Classroom do’s and dont’s
1 hr
Mission: 2. Discuss the main 3. Course topics and
The Electrical Engineering objective/s of the requirements
Department of the University of course, its
Science and Technology of importance and its 4. Grading System
Southern Philippines-CDO relevance to BSEE
Campus aims to:
1. To educate and train our
students to become 1. Recognize and 1. The Field of Engineering Refer to 1. Reporting 1. Reporting Refer to
industry-ready by explain the Management suggested Session Rubric rubrics
incorporating real-world leadership and reading 2. Oral 2. Oral Recitation attached
management role 2. Decision Making below Recitation Rubric
electrical engineering
of the engineer in 3. Case Study 3. Case Study
practices in instruction and technology based 4. Videos/ Rubric
research. 3. Principles of Scientific
enterprises. Films 4. Written Quizzes
2. To develop the innovation 13 hrs CO1 Presentation 5. Written Exams
and technopreneurial skills 2. Discuss the 6. Video/ Film
4. Functions of management Presentation
of students by providing principles of
engineering Rubric
opportunities for product 4.1. Planning/Coordinating
management and
conceptualization to scientific 4.2. Organizing
commercialization. management. 4.3. Staffing
3. To provide technology
4.4. Communicating
3. Identify and
solutions to industry and explain the 4.5. Motivating
society through research different functions
4.6. Leading
of management.
and development. 4.7. Controlling
4. Analyze and
BSEE Program Mission: develop strategies 5. Intro to case analysis
The BSEE program aims to: based on case
Produce electrical engineers that studies.
are industry-competent and
thought leaders who
1. Identify the 1. Cost accounting Refer to 1. Reporting 1. Reporting Refer to
significantly contribute to the suggested Session Rubric rubrics
fundamentals of 1.1. Product or Service costing
national development through business in relation reading 2. Oral 2. Oral Recitation attached
1.2. Activity Based costing
electrical engineering solutions to engineering below Recitation Rubric
1.3. Risk analysis and cost 3. Case Study 3. Case Study
and innovations in the industry, management.
estimation under
4. Videos/ Rubric
business and academe uncertainty
2. Explain the Films 4. Written Quizzes
relationship of Presentation 5. Written Exams
Program Educational 2. Financial accounting and 6. Video/ Film
Objectives: management Presentation
management to
Three to Five years from marketing
2.1. Functions of financial Rubric
13 hrs CO2
management. management
2.2. Funds flow and cash flow
PEO1: statement
The graduates are industry- 3. Interpret
quantitative and 2.3. Working capital
competent electrical subjective data to
practitioners. make sound 3. Marketing management
PEO2: engineering and 3.1. 4Ps ( new 8P)
The graduates are significant managerial 3.2. Core marketing concepts
decisions. 3.3. Selling and marketing
contributors to the national
development through electrical 3.4. Limitations of marketing
engineering solutions and
innovations. 3hrs Midterm Exam

PEO3: 1. Present options for 1. Engineers as managers and Refer to 1. Reporting 1. Reporting Refer to
The graduates are thought effective leaders suggested Session Rubric rubrics
24 hrs CO3 negotiation and reading 2. Oral 2. Oral Recitation attached
leaders and catalyst for
conflict resolution. 2. Project management below Recitation Rubric
improvement in the industry, 3. Case Study 3. Case Study
2.1. Components of a Project
business, and academe. 2. Identify and 2.2. The Project Cycle 4. Videos/ Rubric
explain the role of Films 4. Written Quizzes
2.3. Stages of Project Cycle
a project manager. Presentation 5. Written Exams
Program Outcomes: 2.4. 3D’s in Project 6. Video/ Film
The graduates of the BSEE Management Presentation
3. Explain the project
Program will be able to: cycle. 2.5. Role of a Project Manager Rubric
a. Apply knowledge of 2.6. Managerial Cycle
mathematics, sciences, and 4. Identify and
2.7. Contract
engineering to solve explain the
complex engineering activities in Project
problems appropriate to Control and 3. Project Control and
monitoring and Monitoring
the field of electrical Site/Field
engineering practice. Inspection. 4. Site/Field Inspection
b. Analyze complex electrical
engineering problems and 5. Identify and 5. Laws and PD’s and their
explain the laws Implementing Rules and
formulate solutions using
and Presidential Regulations
principles of mathematics Decrees and their 5.1. PD 1594
and engineering sciences. Implementing 5.2. RA 9184
c. Design, implement, and Rules and 5.3. Other laws and PD’s
evaluate systems, Regulation related
components, or processes to project
to meet desired needs and
requirements within
identified constraints.
3 hrs Final Exam
d. Design and conduct
experiments, analyze and
interpret data in electrical
engineering fields
IV. Course Requirements:
specifically on power 1. Class attendance and participation policy:
systems, power
(a) Students are expected to be present in all class periods. Allowed number of absences will be accounted according to school
electronics, renewable
energy, and power policy (refer to student handbook) for the current semester.
economics (b) Tardiness is not tolerated.
e. Apply knowledge through (c) Taking of lecture notes is an integrated function of every student as well as studying and participating in class.
the use of current (d) No borrowing of class materials, i.e., calculator, notes, books, etc during exams activity. Violation of this is considered
techniques, skills, and cheating.
modern engineering tools (e) Cellular phones should be off or in silent mode. Violation of this policy will have a corresponding punishment/s.
necessary for electrical
engineering practice.
2. Course Readings/Materials:
f. Discuss contemporary
(a) Titles, authors, and editions of textbooks and other materials, required and recommended
issues involving societal,
health, safety,  Engineering Management by R. Medina
professional, ethical, legal,  Engineering Management: Meeting the Global Challenges, 2nd Edition by C. M. Chang.
and cultural concerning the  Handouts/PowerPoints regarding the topics
practice of electrical (b) Supplies needed (calculators, softwares, workbooks, disks, CDs, lab supplies, art supplies, etc.)
engineering profession.
 Whiteboard/ Blackboard
g. Explain the effects of
electrical engineering  Whiteboard Marker/ Chalk
solutions in a  LCD Projector, Monitors
comprehensive societal,  Laptop/Computer
economics and (c) URLs for online resources
environmental context for
 Search online for resources regarding the different topics
sustainable development
3. Assignments, Assessment, and Evaluation
h. Recognize professional, (a) Policy concerning homework
social, and ethical  Instructor's discretion
responsibility for the (b) Policy concerning make-up exams
practice of electrical  Refer to student handbook
engineering profession. (c) Policy concerning late assignments/requirements
i. Work effectively as an
 Instructor's discretion
individual and as a
member or a leader in a (d) Preliminary information on term papers or projects, with due dates
trans–disciplinary and  late projects will be given equivalent deduction per hour
multi–cultural teams (e) List of assignments that will impact the final grade and % weight given each
recognizing the different  Instructor's discretion
roles within a team to
(f) Description in detail of grading processes and criteria (how many quizzes , tests, papers; weighting of each; amount of
accomplish a common
homework, etc.) or the GRADING POLICY
j. Proficient in business and
(Passing Percentage is 70%)
technical communication,
and internationally Periodic Grade: Grade:
accepted Electrical Major Exam - 30 % Midterm = 50% CO1 + 50% CO2 - 50%
Engineering standards. Quizzes - 40 % Final = 100% CO3 - 50%
Performance Task - 20 % Final Gade = 100%
k. Use engineering and
Attendance/Assignments reports - 10 %
management principles as 100 %
a member or a leader in a
team, to manage projects (g) Subject-to-change notice – TBA
and in multidisciplinary
(h)) Date and time of Midterm and Final Exam – TBA
l. Recognize the need to be
updated of the
developments in the 4. Use of VLS in class to distribute course materials, to communicate and collaborate online, to post grades, to submit assignments, and
specific field of practice of to give you online quizzes and surveys.
electrical engineering and
be prepared to engage in Disclaimer:

life – long learning Every attempt is made to provide a complete syllabus that provides an accurate overview of the subject. However, circumstance s and events make it necessary for the instructor to modify the syllabus during the semester. This may depend, in part, on the progress, needs, and experiences of the
m. Participate in the
generation of new
knowledge and
advancement of existing
knowledge, in research and
development projects, and
in technopreneurial
activities in the areas of
power systems, power
electronics, renewable
energy, and power
economics aligned to
regional and national
development agenda or
Code Descriptor
I Introductory Course
E Enabling Course
D Demonstrative Course
Code Definition
An introductory
course to an outcome

A course that
E strengthens the
A course
D demonstrating an

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