Distance Protection Scheme
Distance Protection Scheme
Distance Protection Scheme
Abstract - This paper presents a protection scheme for transmission lines using the principle of distance relay. Even though
many schemes exist for the protection of transmission lines, distance protection scheme is optimal due to its appealing features
like directionality, reliability, selectivity etc. This paper evaluates the performance of distance relay in a specific zone for
different types of faults at different points along the line for various fault resistances. The relay is designed using
MATLAB/SIMULINK and the performance of the distance protection scheme is verified using the simulation results.
Index Terms- Distance protection, transmission line, MATLAB.
Most high-voltage transmission systems are interconnected in a network system of circuit elements, usually of more than one
voltage sources. The interconnection of many lines presents a new set of conditions on the coordination of protective devices, since
the fault currents may flow to the fault point from both ends of any meshed line element. It was indeed necessary to protect the
transmission lines against faults. Initially, the overcurrent relays were used for the protection of transmission lines and then their
advanced level i.e.directonal overcurrent relays were used. Due to the complexity and some inadequacies of those relays, distance
relay [1] become common in exisistence in the protection of transmission lines, since it is immune to these problems. In Section I
the fundamentals of distance protection scheme is discussed. Section II provides the analysis and evaluation of the simulation of
distance relay. Section III provides the results of the simulation for different types of faults with various fault resistances. Section
IV provides the conclusion for this paper.
Z f * C .T .ratio
V .T .ratio
B. Zones of Protection
The simulated distance relay can be evaluated by a number of performance characteristics incorporated by the zones polarised mho
etc. In this paper the distance relay is evaluated using the mho characteristic with corresponding zones of protection [5] which is
Numerical distance relays usually have a reach setting of up to 85% of the protected line impedance for instantaneous Zone 1
protection. The resulting 15% safety margin ensures that there is no risk of the Zone 1 protection over-reaching the protected line
due to errors in the current and voltage transformers, inaccuracies in line impedance data provided for setting purposes and errors of
relay setting and measurement of the distance protection must cover the remaining 15% of the line.
The reach setting of the Zone 2 protection should be at least 120% of the protected line impedance. In many applications it is
common practice to set the Zone 2 reach to be equal to the protected line section +50% of the shortest adjacent line. Zone 3 reach
should be set to at least 1.2 times the impedance presented to the relay for a fault at the remote end of the second line section. In this
paper the relay performance is evaluated in zone 1 for different faults.
AG (I A 3K 0 I0 )
BG (IB 3K 0I0 )
CG (IC 3K 0I0 )
(V A V B )
AB or (I A I B )
(V B V C )
BC or (I B IC )
(V C V A )
CA or (IC I A )
A. Test System
The test system is designed using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The test system is formed by the components from SimPowerSystems
toolbox [3]. The test system is fed with voltages and currents from both ends of the transmission line. Each phase is provided with a
separate measurement and filtering block for current and voltage. The filtering is done by the components in the subsystem of the
distance relay. The system parameters are as shown in the table II. The transmission line is chosen as three phase pi section model.
The fault is created in the transmission line. And the distance relay is tested for different conditions. The relay setting is computed in
the embedded MATLAB function for each phase separately .The single line diagram for the test system is shown in the figure 2.
The simulation model for the test system is shown in the figure 3.
System Voltage 500 kV
System frequency 50 Hz
Line length 100 km
Line positive sequence 0.0185+j0.3766
series impedance Ω/km
Line zero sequence 0.3618+j1.2277
series impedance Ω/km
Source positive 1.43+j16.21
sequence series Ω
Source zero sequence 3.068+j28.746
series impedance Ω
Figure 6 shows the voltage waveform which indicates, during the normal operating condition the system is stable. But when fault
occurs there is a dip in the system voltage. So in order to protect the system during fault period distance protection scheme is used
Fig.7.A.1 Rf = 5 ohm at 50 km
Fig.7.A.2 Rf = 10 ohm at 80 km
In the figure 7.A, the red zone from the above plot shows the zone of protection and the fault points are represented using blue lines.
Since the fault points lies within the zone of protection, we could conclude that for single line to ground fault the proposed distance
Fig.7.B.1 Rf = 5 ohm at 50 km
Figure 7.B shows the R-X diagram for line to line fault with fault resistance of 5 ohm and 10 ohm at 50 km and 80 km respectively.
Since the fault points lies within the protection zone we can say that the suitable protection is provided by the relay.
In order to check the efficiency and reliability of the relay the fault point and fault resistance is varied and the performance of the
relay is examined. After performing the simulations the results shows that even after varying the fault point and fault resistance the
proposed scheme provides the necessary protection in zone 1.
Fig.7.C.2 Rf = 10 ohm at 80 km
From figure 7.C we can observe that the distance protection scheme modeled provides protection for double line to ground fault
Thus performing similar analysis to three phase fault as we did for the previous faults, we obtain a result similar to the above faults.
That is even after varying fault resistances at different fault points the relay provides the desirable protection without any
This paper presents the distance protection scheme for transmission lines. The numerical distance relay was modeled in such a way
that it operates only at the fundamental by incorporating the filtering components. The relay setting is programmed using
MATLAB/SIMULINK. The robustness of the relay is tested for different types of faults with different fault resistance and distance
of the fault occurrence and satisfactory results are obtained.
[1] P.M. Anderson, Power System Protection. New York: IEEE1999.
[2] Ziegler, Numerical Distance Protection; Principles and App- lications. Erlangen, German: Publicis, 2006.
[3] The Math Works, Inc., “SimPowerSystems user‟s guide”,Version 4.6, 2008.
[4] Hadi Saadat, “Power system analysis”, 3rd Edition, PSA Publishing, ISBN 0984543805, 9780984543809.
[5] Dr. Hamid H. Sherwali and Eng. Abdlmnam A.Abdlrahem, “Simulation of Numerical distance relays”, Al- Fatah University, Tripoli-Libya.