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Atterberg Limits Data Sheet: ASTM D4318-10

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Atterberg Limits Data Sheet

ASTM D4318-10

Project Name: Tested By: Date:

Location: Checked By: Date:
Boring No: Test Number:
Sample Depth: Gnd Elevation:

USCS Soil Classification:


Variable 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Var. Units
Number of Blows N blows
Can Number --- ---
Mass of Empty Can MC (g)
Mass Can & Soil (Wet) MCMS (g)
Mass Can & Soil (Dry) MCDS (g)
Mass of Soil MS (g)
Mass of Water MW (g)
P l a s ti c i ty I n d e x (P I )

Water Content w (%)

Liquid Limit (LL or wL) (%): LL PI U Line

A Line
Plastic Limit (PL or wP) (%): 4 4
Plasticity Index (PI) (%): 25.5 4
USCS Classification: 50 115.89 70
40 CL
PI at "A" Line = 0.73(LL-20) 30 0 0 MH
One Point Liquid Limit Calculation: 20 70 70
LL = wn(N/25)0.12 10
W a te r C o n te n t (% )

0 7 7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
PROCEDURE USED 29.6 7 Liquid Limit (LL or wL)

Wet Preperation 50 0
Multipoint 50 70

Dry Preperation 15.8 7

f(x) = NaN ln(x)
Multipoint R² = NaN 85.7778 70

Procedure A 25 0
Multipoint 25 10
25 20
Procedure B 25 30
One-Point 25 40
25 60

10 100
Number of Blows (N)

14.333 Atterberg Limits Worksheet Revised 02/13 __ of __

Atterberg Limits Data Sheet
ASTM D4318-10

Project Name: CDMDA Tested By: ELH Date: 2/7/04

Location: Citadel Campus, Charleston, SC Checked By: ELH Date: 2/7/04
Boring No: DCP-1 Test Number: 1
Sample Depth: 12-24 inches Gnd Elevation: 2.6 ft

USCS Soil Classification: Silty Clay (CL)


Variable 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Var. Units
Number of Blows N blows 34 27 22 17
Can Number --- --- 35 37 35 37 27 28 31 34
Mass of Empty Can MC (g) 20.63 20.66 20.63 20.66 17.33 17.41 17.45 17.36
Mass Can & Soil (Wet) MCMS (g) 29.26 30.03 29.26 30.03 48.61 55.53 51.71 50.51
Mass Can & Soil (Dry) MCDS (g) 27.90 28.53 27.90 28.53 41.19 46.05 42.98 41.54
Mass of Soil MS (g) 7.27 7.87 7.27 7.87 23.86 28.64 25.53 24.18
Mass of Water MW (g) 1.36 1.50 1.36 1.50 7.42 9.48 8.73 8.97
P l a s ti c i ty I n d e x (P I )

Water Content w (%) 18.7 19.1 18.7 19.1 31.1 33.1 34.2 37.1

Liquid Limit (LL or wL) (%): 33 LL PI U Line

A Line
Plastic Limit (PL or wP) (%): 19 4 4
Plasticity Index (PI) (%): 14 25.5 4
USCS Classification: CL 50 115.89 70
40 CL
PI at "A" Line = 0.73(LL-20) 30 0 0
One Point Liquid Limit Calculation: 20 70 CL-ML
70 ML
LL = wn(N/25)0.12 10
W a t e r C o n te n t (% )

0 7 7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
PROCEDURE USED 29.6 7 Liquid Limit (LL or wL)

Wet Preperation 50 0
Multipoint 50 70

15.8 7
X Dry Preperation
Multipoint 38
85.7778 70
f(x) = -8.4060637138 ln(x) + 60.6594917983
36 R² = 0.9827867385
Procedure A 25 0
Multipoint 35
25 10
25 20
Procedure B 25 30
One-Point 32 25 40
31 25 60
10 100
Number of Blows (N)

14.333 Atterberg Limits Worksheet Revised 02/13 __ of __

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