Docker Succinctly
Docker Succinctly
Docker Succinctly
Elton Stoneman
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Table of Contents
What is Docker?..................................................................................................................................... 10
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 29
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 40
Mounting into data volumes ................................................................................................................... 43
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 50
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 60
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 70
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 79
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 89
The Story behind the Succinctly Series
of Books
Daniel Jebaraj, Vice President
Syncfusion, Inc.
taying on the cutting edge
S As many of you may know, Syncfusion is a provider of software components for the
Microsoft platform. This puts us in the exciting but challenging position of always
being on the cutting edge.
Whenever platforms or tools are shipping out of Microsoft, which seems to be about
every other week these days, we have to educate ourselves, quickly.
While more information is becoming available on the Internet and more and more books are
being published, even on topics that are relatively new, one aspect that continues to inhibit us is
the inability to find concise technology overview books.
We are usually faced with two options: read several 500+ page books or scour the web for
relevant blog posts and other articles. Just as everyone else who has a job to do and customers
to serve, we find this quite frustrating.
We firmly believe, given the background knowledge such developers have, that most topics can
be translated into books that are between 50 and 100 pages.
This is exactly what we resolved to accomplish with the Succinctly series. Isn’t everything
wonderful born out of a deep desire to change things for the better?
Free forever
Syncfusion will be working to produce books on several topics. The books will always be free.
Any updates we publish will also be free.
Free? What is the catch?
There is no catch here. Syncfusion has a vested interest in this effort.
As a component vendor, our unique claim has always been that we offer deeper and broader
frameworks than anyone else on the market. Developer education greatly helps us market and
sell against competing vendors who promise to “enable AJAX support with one click,” or “turn
the moon to cheese!”
We sincerely hope you enjoy reading this book and that it helps you better understand the topic
of study. Thank you for reading.
About the Author
Elton Stoneman is a Pluralsight author and Microsoft MVP, and he was a Docker Captain before
he joined Docker. He has been connecting systems since 2000, and he has spent many years
designing and building distributed solutions with a variety of technologies and a mixture of on-
premises and cloud deliveries.
His popular Pluralsight courses cover a range of technologies, including Microsoft .NET, Nginx,
AWS, Azure, Big Data, and Docker.
Docker Succinctly is Elton’s fourth e-book for Syncfusion (following Hadoop Succinctly, Hive
Succinctly, and HBase Succinctly), and it is accompanied by source code on GitHub along with
links to various container images on the Docker Hub at
He’s also written a comprehensive book about Windows containers, Docker on Windows,
published by Packt.
You’ll find Elton in other places online, like blogging at, or tweeting
Chapter 1 Introducing Docker
What is Docker?
Docker is an application platform. It lets you package your application with everything it needs,
from the operating system upwards, into a single unit that you can share and run on any
computer that has Docker. Docker runs your application in a lightweight, isolated component
called a container.
It’s a simple proposition, but it is hugely powerful. The application package, called a Docker
image, is typically only tens or hundreds of megabytes, so it’s cheap to store and fast to move.
When you run a container from the image, it will start in seconds and the application process
actually runs on the host, which means you can run hundreds of containers on a single
machine. Images can be versioned, so you can be sure the software you release to production
is exactly what you’ve tested, and the Docker tools can even scan images for security
vulnerabilities, so you will know if your application is safe.
With Docker, you can build your application image and know that it will run in the same way on
your development laptop, on a VM in an on-premise test lab, or on a cluster of machines in the
cloud. It’s a facilitator for some of the most popular trends in software delivery. You can easily
add a packaging step into your continuous integration process to generate a versioned image
for every commit. You can extend that to continuous delivery, automatically deploying the latest
image through environments to production. In Docker, the packaging process is where
development and operations meet, which means it’s a great start for the transition to DevOps.
And having a framework for orchestrating work between many containers gives you the
foundation for microservice architectures.
Docker is open source and cross-platform, and one of its ecosystem’s most compelling aspects
is the Docker Hub—a public registry where organizations and individuals share their own
application container images. On the Hub, you’ll find official, supported images for popular
technologies such as Nginx, MariaDB, and Redis alongside custom community images, and you
can share your own images, too. Images on the Hub can be as simple as a Hello World app or
as complex as a fully distributed Hadoop cluster, and because the images are usually open
source, navigating the Hub is a great way to get started with Docker.
In this chapter, we’ll do just that—we’ll get Docker installed, and we’ll run some containers using
images from the Docker Hub. We’ll see how easy it is to get up and running with Docker, and
we’ll begin to understand the power of the platform. In the rest of this e-book, we’ll dig deeper
and walk through all you’ll need to know in order to be comfortable using Docker in production.
Installing Docker
Docker is a single product which has three components—the background server that does the
work; the Docker client, a command-line interface for working with the server; and a REST API
for client-server communication.
The client is cross-platform, which means you can run it natively from Linux, Windows, and
OS/X machines, and you can manage Docker running locally or on a remote machine. The
Docker server runs on Linux and on the latest versions of Windows.
You don’t need to be a Linux guru to use Docker effectively. The Docker team has put together
packages for Mac and Windows that make use of virtualization technology on the host so that
your Docker server runs inside a Linux VM on your OS/X or Windows machine (you run the
client locally and talk to the server through the REST API exposed on the VM).
Note: The latest Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows packages require up-to-
date versions of the operating systems OS/X Yosemite or Windows 10. If you’re running
older versions, you can still use Docker with the Docker Toolbox. It’s an older package
that uses VirtualBox to run the Linux VM, but you use it in the same way.
Figure 1 shows the different options for running the Docker Engine on various operating
That figure may look complex, but it’s all wrapped up in simple installations. Knowing how
Docker actually runs on your machine is a good idea, but the installation itself will only take a
few minutes to download, followed by just a couple of clicks. Docker’s documentation is first-
rate, and the Get started section on Docker Store includes detailed instructions for Mac,
Windows, and Linux.
Note: On Windows, you’ll need to have Hardware Virtualization (VT-x) enabled in the
BIOS to run the Docker Linux VM, and after installing you’ll need to reboot. You can
switch between Windows containers and Linux containers—the examples in this book
use Linux containers.
After you’ve installed Docker, simply launch a command-line window (or the Docker Terminal if
you’re using Docker Toolbox) and you can start running Docker client commands. Code Listing
1 shows the output from running docker version, which gives you details on the installed
version of Docker.
$ docker version
Version: 17.11.0-ce
Go version: go1.9.2
Git commit:
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
Orchestrator: kubernetes
Version: 17.11.0-ce
Go version: go1.8.5
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: true
Docker reports separately on the client and the server because you might be using a local client
to manage a remote server, and those could be on different versions or different platforms.
Docker is built using Go, but it ships as compiled binaries, which means you don’t need to install
the Go runtime beforehand.
Running containers
Docker images are packaged applications. You can push them to a central store (called a
registry) and pull them on any machine that has access to the registry. The image is a single
logical unit that contains the application package. In order to start the app, you run a container
from the image.
Images are typically built to run a single process. If your app needs to work with other services,
you run those services in their own containers and orchestrate them so that all the containers
can work together (which you’ll learn about in Chapter 5, Orchestrating Systems with Docker.
When you run a container from an image, it may be a short-lived app that runs some
functionality and then ends; it may be a long-running app that runs like a background service; or
it may be an interactive container that you can connect with as though it was a remote machine.
Hello World
Let’s start with the simplest container you can run. With Docker installed and an Internet
connection, you can run the command in Code Listing 2 and see the Hello World container in
Digest: sha256:f3b3b28a45160805bb16542c9531888519430e9e6d6ffc09d72261b0d26ff74f
You’ll see some helpful text written out, but don’t be underwhelmed that your first container
merely writes to the console. When you run the command, there’s a lot happening:
• Your local Docker client sends a request to the Docker server to run a container from
the image called hello-world.
• The Docker server checks to see if it has a copy of the image in its cache. If not, it will
download the image from Docker Hub.
• When the image is downloaded locally, the Docker server runs a container from the
image, and sends the output back to the Docker client.
With this image, the process inside the container ends when the console output has been
written, and Docker containers exit when there are no processes running inside. You can check
that by getting a list of running containers from Docker using the container ls (container list)
command. Because the hello-world container has ended, there are no running containers
and the command output will be empty, as in Code Listing 3.
$ docker container ls
Tip: You can see all your containers, including the ones that have exited, by running
docker container ls --all, which lists containers in any status.
This type of container, which executes some code and then exits, is a very useful pattern. You
can use this approach for containers that script repetitive tasks such as backing up data,
creating infrastructure in the cloud, or processing a message from a message queue. But
containers are equally well-suited for long-running background processes.
Hello Nginx
Nginx is a powerful, lightweight, open-source HTTP server. It’s been growing in popularity for
many years—as a Web server, it has been progressively taking Internet market share from
Apache and IIS. With the growth of Docker, Nginx has seen an acceleration in popularity
because it’s easy to configure, builds into a very small image, and has many features that gel
nicely with orchestrated container workloads.
The Docker Hub has an official Nginx image that is maintained and supported by the Nginx
team. It comes in several variations, but they fundamentally do the same thing—start the Nginx
server process listening on port 80, inside a container. With Code Listing 4, you can run the
smallest version of the Nginx Docker image, which is based on Alpine Linux.
Code Listing 4: Running Nginx in a Container
Digest: sha256:6cf0606c8010ed70f6a6614f8c6dfedbdb5e2d207b5dd4b0fab846bbc26f263e
When you run that image, a container will start in the foreground, running the Nginx process in
your terminal so that you can’t run any other commands. The container is listening for HTTP
requests on port 80, but that’s port 80 inside the container, so we can’t reach it from the host
machine. This container isn’t doing much, so we can kill it by ending the process with Ctrl+C.
That command publishes port 80 inside the container to port 80 on the host. Ports can’t be
shared, so this will fail if you have another process listening on port 80. However, you can
publish the container port to any free port on the host: --publish 8081:80 maps port 8081 on
the host to port 80 in the container.
The output from Docker shows the unique ID of the new container, then control returns to the
terminal. You can check if the container is running with the container ls command, as in
Code Listing 6.
Code Listing 6: Listing the Background Container
$ docker container ls
The output tells us a number of things: which image the container is running; a short form of the
container ID—starting a840 in this case—that Docker uniquely generates; the container name—
heuristic_roentgen—that Docker will randomly assign unless we supply a name; and the
command running in the container—nginx. This container is running in the background, Nginx
is listening on port 80, and we’ve published port 80 from the container, mapping it to port 80 on
the host machine running the container.
When requests come in to port 80 on the host now, they will be routed to the container, and the
response will come from the Nginx process running inside the container. On Linux, the Docker
Engine is running directly on your host machine, and Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows
use native network sharing, which means you can browse to http://localhost and see the
Nginx welcome page, as in Figure 2.
Tip: On older versions of Mac and Windows (using the Docker Toolbox), the Docker
server is running inside a Linux VM on VirtualBox, which will have its own IP address so
that you won’t use the localhost address. In order to access ports mapped from Docker
containers, you can find the IP address of your Docker VM by running docker-machine
ip, which will give you an IP address like—and that’s where you browse.
Docker is an ideal platform for long-running background services. The Nginx web server running
in this container uses next to zero resources unless someone is accessing the site—but the
container doesn’t have a resource limit, which means that under peak load the Nginx container
can grab more resources, and the container process can max out 100% of CPU and memory as
if it was running directly on the host.
You can run hundreds of background containers on a modestly specified server this way.
Provided the usage patterns are varied and the container loads don’t all peak at the same time,
the host can happily share resources between all the containers.
Hello Ubuntu
The last type of container is one you run interactively. It stays alive as long as you’re connected
to it with the Docker CLI, and it behaves like a remote connection to a separate machine. You
can use containers in this way to evaluate images, to use images as software tools, or to work
through the steps when you’re building up your own image.
The majority of Docker Hub images use Linux as the base OS, and Ubuntu is one of the most
popular base images. Canonical publishes the official Ubuntu image, and they have integrated
Docker Hub with their release cycle so that the latest Ubuntu versions are available on the Hub.
You can run an interactive Ubuntu container using Code Listing 7’s command.
With the --interactive and --tty flags, Docker runs the container interactively with terminal
emulation (it’s commonly abbreviated to -it). The container is still running on the Docker
server, but the client maintains an open connection to it until you exit the container. We’re using
the Ubuntu official image, but in the run command we’ve specified a particular version of the
image—16.04—that gives us the current Long Term Support version of Ubuntu.
However, if you're used to working with Ubuntu, you’ll find that the version running in this
container won’t behave in the same way as the full Ubuntu Server edition. Code Listing 8 shows
that the normal Linux commands, such as ls and cat, work as expected in the container.
root@dafaf06d4ceb:/# ls -l /tmp
total 0 localhost
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters dafaf06d4ceb
Note: There are some interesting entries in the hosts file. Docker injects some
runtime details about the container into that file in order to help with discoverability
between containers. We’ll see more of that in Chapter 5, Orchestrating Systems with
The version of Ubuntu in the Docker image is a heavily stripped down version of Ubuntu Server,
which means some of the most basic utilities aren’t available. In order to edit the hosts file, we
might expect to use the Nano text editor, but it’s not installed, and if we try to install it, we’ll see
the software libraries aren’t up to date in the image either, as shown in Code Listing 9.
You can still use the container like any other Ubuntu installation so that you can update the
package repositories with apt-get update and install whichever tools you like. But you’re only
changing this instance of the container, not the underlying image. When you run the exit
command, the container will be stopped but your changes won’t be saved. The next time you
run a container from the Ubuntu image, it will be the same minimal version of the OS.
The Docker Hub has many such images that are intended to be used as a base image for your
own apps. Ubuntu, Alpine, and BusyBox are popular, and they’re deliberately minimal. Having
less software installed means less bloat, which means the images are smaller, and it also
means a reduced attack vector because there are fewer packages with potential vulnerabilities.
Application containers are not meant to be treated like VMs or physical servers—you wouldn’t
normally connect to a running container to fix an issue or patch the OS. Containers are so
cheap to build and run that you would update the image instead, using a newer version of the
base image if it had patches, then creating a new container and killing the old one. Not only will
that fix the problem with your application, but it will also give you an updated image with the
problem fixed for any future containers you run.
We’ve seen what Docker does, learned how to use the Docker client, and looked at how the
Docker Engine runs on different platforms. We’ve walked through the main usage patterns with
Docker, running short-lived task containers that do a single job and then exit; we’ve looked at
long-running containers that keep background tasks running as long as the container is running;
and we’ve examined interactive containers that exist as long as your client keeps an open
connection with them.
The foundations of Docker are very simple—applications are packaged into images, images are
used to run containers on the Docker server, and the Docker client manages the containers.
There’s a lot more to learn about Docker, and in the rest of this e-book we’ll cover the features
that have made Docker a revolutionary technology in software delivery.
In the next chapter, we’ll look at packaging your own applications as Docker images.
Chapter 2 Packaging Applications with
FROM ubuntu
When you build an image from that Dockerfile and run a container from the image, you’ll be
working in an Ubuntu container with the nano package installed. The FROM instruction specifies
the base image so that your image will start from there and layer on the changes in the rest of
your Dockerfile. In this case, it will run two apt commands to install Nano.
In order to build an image, you use the docker image build command. You need to specify
both a repository name to identify the image, and the path Docker should use as the context for
building the image. You can also tag images with labels, which explains how you can have
multiple image versions in a repository (like ubuntu:12.04 and ubuntu:14.04). Code Listing
11 builds an image using a file called Dockerfile in the local directory.
Digest: sha256:34471448724419596ca4e890496d375801de21b0e67b81a77fd6155ce001edad
---> ccc7a11d65b1
---> 9ef68677ce6a
Tip: Dockerfile (with no extension) is the default filename Docker looks for, but you
can call your Dockerfile anything and identify it with the --file option. This means you
can call your file server.dockerfile and build it with docker image build --file
The image build command gets executed by the Docker server—the client simply sends the
details through. That’s why you must specify a path (using . for the current working directory in
this case). The client sends the contents of the path to the server, and the server stores it in a
working folder it uses to build the image. That folder is called the build context, and later in this
chapter we’ll see why it’s important.
You can also give your image a repository name. When you build locally you can call your
image anything you like, but the convention is to use a format such as {user}/{application},
where the user part is your account ID on Docker Hub.
The tag is the unique identifier for a particular image within a repository, which means that in the
public registry on the Docker Hub you’ll see images with repository names like microsoft/azure-
cli and sixeyed/hadoop-dotnet that each have many image versions. If you don’t specify a
version in a tag, Docker uses the default latest.
Note: Some images on the Hub don’t have a user in the repository name, which
means the Ubuntu image is simply called ubuntu rather than canonical/ubuntu. These
are from official repositories that are curated, verified, and security scanned. You should
use official images for your base image as a preference.
When you successfully build an image, it’s stored in the Docker server’s local cache and you
can run containers from it. You can also push it to a shared image registry such as Docker Hub
or your own registry (which we’ll cover in Chapter 3, Image Registries and the Docker Hub).
The Docker CLI can list all the images stored in the Docker image cache with the image ls
command, as shown in Code Listing 12.
Code Listing 12: Listing Images in the Engine Cache
$ docker image ls
The output from the docker image ls command tells you the repository name and the tag for
each image, its unique image ID, when it was created in the cache, and the size. In this output, I
have three images downloaded from the Hub for the containers I ran in Chapter 1, and I have
my own newly built image with the dockersuccinctly account name. When you start using
larger images, your local cache can use a lot of disk space—we’ll see how to manage that in
Chapter 4, Data Storage in Docker.
• COPY: Copy files from the build context into the image.
• EXPOSE: Expose ports from the container that can be mapped to ports on the host.
• VOLUME: Create a directory inside the image that can be mapped to external storage.
Here’s a very simple Dockerfile that shows all the main instructions—this image is for a basic
app that listens for input on a specific port and echoes out any input it receives to a file. Code
Listing 13 shows the Dockerfile in full.
Code Listing 13: Dockerfile for an Echo Application
FROM ubuntu
VOLUME /server-logs
As Docker builds that image, it will process each of the following instructions:
• Download the latest ubuntu image if it’s not already in the local cache.
• Copy the script called from the build context into the root folder in the
Note: It’s important to understand that those commands are happening inside
containers during the build process, not on your local machine. After you’ve built this
image on your machine, the image will have netcat installed and have a value set for the
LOG_FILE environment variable, but your local machine won’t.
Everything except the final CMD instruction gets executed during the build. When you run a
container from the image, Docker uses the CMD instruction to tell it how to start—in this case by
running the script. That script starts netcat listening on port 8082 and redirects
the output from client connections to a file. The file path uses the volume named in the
Dockerfile and the log file name from the environment variable. Code Listing 14 shows how to
start the echo server container and find the virtual IP address of the container.
The container is now running netcat listening on port 8082, and Docker is forwarding requests to
port 8082 on the local host into the container.
In Code Listing 15, we connect to the container using netcat on the host, specifying the
localhost address and the published port 8082. Then we write a string to netcat and exit the
Code Listing 15: Connecting to the Echo Server from the Host
$ nc localhost 8082
Note: If you’re running on Windows, the netcat utility won’t be available, but you can
install a version from
And lastly, in Code Listing 16, we use docker container exec to run a command inside the
container and write the output back to the host. In this case, we read the contents of the output
file that netcat on the container is using—this is an echo of the string we sent from the client.
By using a volume for the output location and an environment variable for the file name, we can
change where the echo data is written for different instances of the container when we run
them. We’ll look more closely at Docker volumes in Chapter 4, Data Storage in Docker.
You can vary that approach. For example, if your platform has an official image, you can use
that as the base, and if you can publish your app with all its dependencies, you can compile
first, then copy the binaries into the container. There’s a balance between the portability of the
Dockerfile, dependencies on third-party resources, and the size of the built image.
You can write your Dockerfile to make maximum use of the cache by ensuring that the
Dockerfile is correctly structured and that the Dockerfiles for different applications each have
similar structures. This way, they will use cached images as much as possible. Ideally, when
you build apps with similar dependencies, Docker will need only to execute instructions in new
layers that are specific to the application. For instance, the Dockerfiles in Code Listing 17 and
Code Listing 18 are identical up to the final COPY instruction.
FROM ubuntu
FROM ubuntu
When you build an image from the first Dockerfile, it will create new layers for both of the RUN
instructions and the final COPY instruction. Code Listing 19 builds an image from the first
Dockerfile by using the -f flag to specify the source Dockerfile name.
Code Listing 19: Building Dockerfile ‘A’
---> f8d79ba03c00
---> e4d6c1754277
---> 3050c9fc2760
---> f339e6dd38bb
Let’s note a few things here. The first instruction in Step 1 finds a match in the cache because
we’ve already downloaded the ubuntu image, which means Docker simply writes the ID of the
cached image it’s going to use (starting f8d).
For Step 2 there is no match, so Docker runs a temporary container from the f8d image,
executes the command, and saves the temporary container to a new image with the ID starting
e4d. Similarly, for Steps 3 and 4, there is no match in the cache, which means Docker runs a
temporary, intermediate container from the image in the previous step, saves the container as a
new image, and removes the intermediate container.
The docker image history command displays all the layers in an image, as in Code Listing
20, which shows the layer history for the dockersuccinctly/a image.
<missing> 8 days ago /bin/sh -c set -xe && echo '#!/bin/sh' >
/u 745 B
There is a lot of detail in there. The “missing” layers mean we don’t have the intermediate layers
in our cache, because they’re part of the base Ubuntu image. Docker downloaded that image
from the Hub—we didn't build it locally, which means we don’t have all the layers. But we can
see part of the instructions that went into building the final Ubuntu image, which is the one with
ID f8d that our image started with. There are three layers above that, one for each of the
instructions in the Dockerfile.
If you now build an image from the second Dockerfile, it will find matching images in the cache
for the first two instructions. Docker tells you it’s found a cache hit in the build output, as we see
in Code Listing 21.
---> f8d79ba03c00
---> 1e5d518d70c9
Step 3 : RUN echo init > /setup.txt
---> 715ac6bf594b
---> 8cd641b1af84
The Docker server has run only an intermediate container to execute the COPY instruction in
Step 4 because there was no match in the cache for that. Everything up to that point can come
from the cache because the Dockerfile instructions are identical to the cached layers. If we look
at the layers in the dockersuccinctly/b image, we’ll see the bottom seven layers match the
dockersuccinctly/a image and that only the final layer is different, as in Code Listing 22.
<missing> 8 days ago /bin/sh -c set -xe && echo '#!/bin/sh' >
/u 745 B
The image cache saves a huge amount of time when you’re building many images with similar
instructions. But you need to be careful with the image cache. Each instruction in a Dockerfile is
a candidate for adding to the image cache, which effectively preserves the state at the time the
image was built.
If Docker finds a match in the cache, it will use that match, which means you need to be sure
you only cache layers that are good candidates for reuse and that don’t have contents that will
become stale. For example, in Code Listing 23 we have the apt-get update command in its
own RUN instruction.
FROM ubuntu
When this image gets built, it will cache a layer with an updated package list. If you build an
image from a different Dockerfile that starts with the same instructions, it will use the cached
image with the saved package list. If we build the new image several months after building the
original image, the new image will pick up the old cached layer—it will not run apt-get update
for the new image. Any subsequent instructions that install packages will be using an old
package list.
Tip: How you structure your Dockerfile impacts the speed of the build process, but the
image cache can also have a functional impact on the contents of the image. Docker’s
resource Best practices for writing Dockerfiles is worth getting to know. One of its key
recommendations is that you combine multiple commands in a single RUN statement in
order to prevent unintended cache hits.
Packaging applications into a Docker image is simple—you specify the base image, install
dependencies, copy in your application files, and tell Docker the command to run when a
container starts from the image. You will need to consider the workflow for your Dockerfile so
that it builds efficiently, and you’ll also need to be aware of the Docker image cache and how it
can impact your builds.
The majority of the work that goes into the Dockerfile is about optimizing your image. Typically,
for a production image you want the smallest possible image in order to keep your app secure
and make it easy to move around. The official base images on the Docker Hub are a good place
to start, and in the next chapter we’ll have a closer look at the public Hub and other image
Chapter 3 Image Registries and the
Docker Hub
The Docker Hub is a free, public registry for images maintained by Docker, Inc. It is a hugely
popular service—at the time of writing there are more than 900,000 images on the Hub, and
there have been more than 12 billion image pulls. Anyone can push images to the Hub, and in
addition to the community images, there are also official images curated by Docker and
supported by their owners.
It’s best to start with the Docker Hub, which is the default source and has a very useful feature
set that makes it much more than just an image store. However, if you’re not comfortable storing
your own application images in a third-party cloud service, there are many other options. In this
chapter, we’ll look at using the Hub, choosing images, and other registry options.
You will need your own account on the Hub if you want to push images and share them. You
can register with the Hub at and create a free account. The username
you choose will be the user part of the repository name when you build your own images (my
username on the Hub is sixeyed, and I can only push images which are prefixed sixeyed). The
Hub can be used for storing private repositories, too, and the free plan lets you store one private
repository and unlimited public ones.
Tip: Don't be confused by the terminology here. A “registry” is a service for hosting
lots of image repositories, potentially from different users. A “repository” is an image
library that potentially holds many different tagged images. For instance, the Docker Hub
is a public registry, and one of its users is Microsoft. Microsoft has a repository for .NET
Core, microsoft/dotnet, offering many image versions. You can pull a specific .NET Core
image from the microsoft/dotnet repository on the Docker Hub registry.
When you have an account registered with the Docker Hub, you will need to add your
credentials to the Docker CLI using docker login, as shown in Code Listing 24.
$ docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have
a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Username: sixeyed
Login Succeeded
You can now push images as well as pull them. My Docker Hub account also has access to the
dockersuccinctly account, so I can push images there too. The image push command is very
simple, as we see in Code Listing 25.
b9ff8817e1e9: Pushed
b859a9603b97: Pushed
The push works intelligently, pushing only layers that aren’t already available in the registry. In
this case, the base image layers are from the official Ubuntu repository (technically called
library/ubuntu), which means they’re not pushed, and the command flags them as
“mounted” instead. Only the new layers created by building my Dockerfile get pushed. If I modify
the Dockerfile and rebuild, and if only the top layer changes, when I push a new version only the
top layer will be uploaded.
That repository is now created in the Hub, and anyone can run containers from my image with a
docker container run command specifying the image tag. As we have seen, when we run a
container, Docker checks the image cache to see if it has a copy of the image locally. If not, it
will pull the image from the Docker Hub.
Image size can be a few megabytes or many gigabytes, so pulling large images might take a
while, which means startup time for a new container can jump from seconds to minutes. In order
to prevent that, you can explicitly pull images from the Hub and download them before they are
needed, so that when you do run a container it uses the local image, as in Code Listing 26.
Digest: sha256:9f6b1e1fb9955d4a985f04b1f85166421faf4fe414e14921ccd3f431e35833e6
ubuntu 14.04 90d5884b1ee0 3 months ago 188
Note: One image can have multiple tags. At the time of writing, if you pull ubuntu,
ubuntu:xenial, or ubuntu:16.04, you’ll get the same image, one with the ID that starts
f8d. When Canonical releases a patch to Ubuntu, it uploads a new version with multiple
tags—by codename and version. This is useful because you can base your images on
ubuntu and you’ll always use the latest patched version when you build. If you’re more
specific, your build will use the same image. If you have an old image based on
ubuntu:14.04 and rebuild it now, it will still be based on 14.04.
Tags can be version numbers, commit labels, codenames—any useful way to classify images.
An established, active image repository will have multiple images that make good use of the tag
in order to tell you how the images are different. Table 1 shows some of the images available in
the official Elasticsearch repository, with image sizes and age at the time of writing.
From that output we can clearly see that there is an old version 2.2, there’s a prerelease
version 5.0.0-alpha5, and there’s a latest tag for the current release. They’re all the same
age, which suggests Elastic has an automated process that builds and pushes all versions at
the same time. On the main repository page on the Hub, we can also see that many of the tags
point to the same image, as in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Elasticsearch Images with Multiple Tags
We can use docker container run elasticsearch to start a container using the latest
image, which is currently version 2.3.5; if we want to try the alpha 5 release of version 5, we
specify the tag docker container run elasticsearch:5.0.0-alpha5; and if we want to
stick with an old version, we can use docker container run elasticsearch:1.7. The same
is true if we’re using that image as a base for our own containers. The FROM instruction in the
Dockerfile supports image tags, too.
Tip: It’s a good idea to specify a tag for base images in your FROM instruction. If you
don’t, the image tagged as latest will be used. That tag can change to a different image
without warning, and there can be breaking changes between image versions, which
means your own images might fail to build. If you have an old image built on
ubuntu:14.04 but the Dockerfile specifies FROM ubuntu, the base image will be
ubuntu:16.04 the next time you build it, which is functionally different.
Automating builds
Manually building and pushing images is fine for apps that don’t change frequently, but if you’re
doing regular releases you will want to automate building and pushing your images. Docker Hub
supports automated builds for images when the Dockerfile and source is in GitHub or Bitbucket,
which means you can set up the Hub to build and tag images whenever you commit changes.
The automated build setup is only available when you’re logged in to the Docker Hub. From the
top menu, select Create > Create Automated Build. From here, you can link your GitHub or
Bitbucket account and select the source git repository—you’ll see the screen in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Creating an Automated Build in Docker Hub
After the build is set up, any pushes to the git repo will trigger a build on Docker Hub. You can
also manually trigger a build, and Docker Hub will pull in the source files, run docker image
build on its own servers, and upload the image to your Docker Hub repository.
Automated builds can be set up to create different image tags from different branches or tags
from the source git repository. Figure 5 shows the automated build configuration for one of my
public images.
Figure 5: An Automated Build with Multiple Image Tags
There are two builds set up, one that uses the GitHub master branch as the source for the
latest image tag and one that uses the git tag 2.7.2 for an image with the same tag name. I
use that image for Hadoop training, specifying the tagged version 2.7.2 in the material. If I
update the image with a new version of Hadoop, I’ll use a new tag. The old image won’t change
and people using old content can still work along with it. But if I find a problem with the 2.7.2
image, I can update it with the same tag so that it remains correct for the training.
The official repositories are the best place to start. Not only are they actively supported, but the
Docker Hub scans the images against a security vulnerability database and will flag any issues
it finds in the image.
You can see the results of the security scan if you’re logged in to the Docker Hub. Figure 6
shows the current status of the official Ubuntu image and some other interesting details.
We can see that the image for 16.04 is 16 MB smaller than version 14.04, and it currently has
two known security vulnerabilities that you can drill into to find. The image for 14.04 currently
has 11 vulnerabilities. If you have images built from ubuntu:14.04, this information tells you it’s
worth upgrading and rebuilding your images in order to get a smaller image and close off some
attack vectors. The image for 16.10 is smaller still, which means Canonical is actively
minimizing the image size with each new release.
Only a small number of official repositories exist, however. In the rest of the Hub, you may find
several images that fit the requirements for a base image for your app, but you must be sure
they are trustworthy.
If the image is set up as an automated build, you can check the Dockerfile in GitHub and be
confident that the image came from that Dockerfile because it was built and pushed by Docker’s
servers. For images that aren’t automated, you can’t guarantee that.
Many images have a link to the Dockerfile, but if the image was manually built and pushed by a
user, the contents might not match what’s in the Dockerfile. Some images don’t have a
Dockerfile link at all. That doesn’t mean they’re poor quality or untrustworthy—the star rating
and number of pulls might suggest they’re fine—but pulling the image first is a good precaution.
After doing that, you can run docker image history and look through the instructions to get
an idea what went into building the image.
Note: If you find the perfect base image and it’s not from an official repository, the
publisher is not required to keep that image up-to-date or even available. If you build
from another user’s base image on the Hub, that repository can be deleted, leaving you
unable to build your own image. If that’s a concern, you should consider cloning the
source and building your own version of the base image so that you can control the
image stack up to a reliable, official source.
Yes, it’s a Docker image available on the public Docker Hub that packages an application for
running a private image registry you can use on-premise. Code Listing 28 shows how to run a
simple local registry.
Docker can use different registries from the default Docker Hub, and you need only to specify
the registry location as a prefix to the image repository name. The Docker Registry runs on port
5000, which means that when you have a container running locally with port 5000 mapped, you
can reference it at localhost:5000. The registry address is actually part of the full image tag,
so in order to push an existing image from your cache to your registry, you will need to tag it
with the address, as in Code Listing 29.
You can now push the image to your registry simply by specifying the full image name, as in
Code Listing 30.
Code Listing 30: Pushing to a Local Registry
b9ff8817e1e9: Pushed
b859a9603b97: Pushed
4e31876babbb: Pushed
4699cbd1a947: Pushed
2bed5b3ec49f: Pushed
3834bde7e567: Pushed
d8d865b23727: Pushed
latest: digest:
sha256:9f6b1e1fb9955d4a985f04b1f85166421faf4fe414e14921ccd3f431e35833e6 size: 1776
This gives you a lot of flexibility. You can pull the Ubuntu base image, tag it to give it a
completely different name, and push it to your local registry. If you mandate that image as the
base for all your in-house container images, they will all use a version of Ubuntu that is in your
control. If, in the future, you decide to move to Debian, you can tag the official Debian image
with your custom name, replace the version in your registry, and rebuild your containers. They’ll
all be rebased to use Debian.
With Docker’s Registry image, you get the basic push and pull functionality but not the
command-line search option, and there is no UI, so it’s not feature-equivalent to the Docker
Hub. The REST API for the Registry gives you a lot of functionality, but without a friendly
interface. You can list all the repositories in your local registry with an HTTP GET to the
_catalog endpoint, as in Code Listing 31.
$ curl localhost:5000/v2/_catalog
The Docker Registry is quite a technical option. You can set it up as production-grade, load-
balanced, secured cluster, but configuring it correctly and maintaining it well requires a good bit
of effort.
Other registry options
Because the Registry API is public, compatible registries are available in other products. You
can use the integrated container registry in GitLab as part of a build pipeline so that when you
push code, GitLab builds a container and pushes it to the registry. JFrog has a Docker registry
add-on for Artifactory. And Docker, Inc. has the Trusted Registry product, which we’ll look at in
Chapter 9, Continuing Your Docker Journey.
We've now seen how to push and pull Docker images using different registries. The most
popular registry is the Docker Hub, which has hundreds of thousands of images for all kinds of
applications. The Hub has a free service level, and you can push your own images or make use
of the automated build system in which the Hub will build images from a GitHub or Bitbucket
repository whenever you commit a change.
If you’re packaging applications for internal use, you can host your own registry rather than
using the public Docker Hub. Doing so can be as simple as running the registry:2 image on a
designated server in your network or running a scalable set of instances on multiple servers or
using a commercial registry product.
For cases in which you’re running your image registry inside a container, you’ll obviously want
all your data permanently persisted. However, when it comes to saving data, Docker containers
may not behave as you expect. In the next chapter, we’ll get a better understanding of Docker
Chapter 4 Data Storage in Docker
That restriction guarantees that every container you run from an image will start with exactly the
same state because the only way to change an image is to explicitly create a new one. In
Docker, if you want to persist data in your container and have it available the next time you run
a container from that image, or if you want to share it with other containers or your host
machine, you do it with volumes.
Volumes are like virtual disk drives inside the container. When you write to them, you’re actually
writing to a permanent location on the host machine’s disk (or another storage platform), but
inside the container it will look just like a local file path. Volumes are owned by one container,
but they can be shared with other containers. In this chapter, we’ll see how Docker volumes
work and what you can do with them.
FROM ubuntu:16.04
Note: touch is a Linux command that creates a new, empty file or updates the
timestamp on an existing file. It’s a useful utility that Windows doesn’t have in the
command shell or in PowerShell.
We can build that image and run an interactive container from it in order to see what happens
when we write data inside a container. Code Listing 33 runs a container from that image, which I
built with the tag dockersuccinctly/ubuntu-with-volume. The container runs interactively
(with the -it options), and the Docker command also uses the --rm option, which will remove
the container once it exits.
Now, we can write some data in our running container. This is an Ubuntu container, and we can
write to the usual paths—/ is the filesystem root, and /v1 is the name of the volume we
specified in the Dockerfile. Code Listing 34 shows a new file being written to the volume.
As long as that container is running, both the files in the volume exist and can be used inside
the container. Code Listing 35 shows the output of searching for all the .es.txt files on the
filesystem, and we can see two files are there.
Now, if we exit the container, what will happen to the data? The container is removed because
we ran it with the --rm flag, but the files in the volume are in a location on the host, which raises
the question: can they still be used? In Code Listing 36, I run a second container from the same
image and repeat the find command.
Because the new container isn’t sharing the volume from the first container, only the original file
from the image exists. It has its own data volume on the host. The file from the image was
copied into the volume for the new container, but any changes this container makes won’t
change the image. The only way to add data into a volume that all containers will see is by
creating the files in the image using the Dockerfile.
Note: The position of the VOLUME instruction in the Dockerfile is important. If you try
to work with files in a volume after the VOLUME instruction, the work will be done in a
temporary container during the build process, and because the volume is container-
specific, the changes won’t be committed to the image. Instead, you should set up the
data on the filesystem first, so that it’s part of the image, then expose the volume.
Figure 7 shows how data volumes compare with the filesystem layers in an image and how a
running container makes use of both, together with its own, dedicated read-write layer.
The setup is different when you map an image volume to a location on the host.
You can mount a volume using an option in the container run command similar to publishing
a port—you specify the path on the host and the name of the volume to map. Code Listing 37
creates a folder in my home directory, then runs a container from the previous image but
mounts the v1 container from the local directory on the host with the -v option.
Code Listing 37: Mounting a Volume from the Host
$ mkdir ~/v1
This action results in different behavior. When a data volume is mounted from the host, files
from the image do not get copied into the container volume when it starts because this is a
shared location and copying files could overwrite data. So, in this new container we won’t have
any data in the volume, as Code Listing 38 shows.
root@1f5bf6d15d52:/# ls -l /v1
total 0
When we create a file, however, it will be available to the container and to the host because the
data will persist in a known location when the container is removed. In Code Listing 39, we add
a new file to the volume and leave the container.
root@1f5bf6d15d52:/# ls -l /v1
total 8
root@1f5bf6d15d52:/# exit
Now we have the file on the host, which means that if we start a new container with the same
data volume mount, we will see the file from the first container, as in Code Listing 40.
root@642cebc0e1be:/# ls -l /v1
total 8
The original file from the image has still not been copied in, but the file from the previous
container is available even though that container has been removed.
Tip: It’s good to be clear on the different ways of using Docker volumes. Many images
on the Hub use volumes for variable data, such as configuration files, or for permanent
state, such as database files. The Nginx image is a good example—it has a volume
defined for website content, and if you mount the volume from a local directory
containing your website files, you can run your site in an Nginx container directly from
the official image without having to build your own image.
Mounting a local directory into a container enables many scenarios, but mounting is limited if
you need to move your container to a different host—the data it needs will no longer be
available on the new host. For those scenarios, Docker supports shared storage engines as the
source for volume mounts through the volume plugin architecture. You can choose a volume
plugin that matches your architecture and mount volumes from a shared location available from
any host.
For cloud deployments, there are plugins that let you share storage using the platform’s
services—for example, Azure File Storage in Azure or Persistent Disks in Google Compute.
Those options are useful when you have clusters of hosts running in a Docker swarm, which
we’ll look at in Chapter 6, Clustering Hosts with Docker Swarm.
Tip: You may find documentation that recommends using a data-only container that
runs a container from a lightweight image, such as BusyBox with a data volume. In order
to make use of this as a data container, stop the container immediately so that it doesn’t
use any compute—use it only for sharing the volume to other containers. This was
common with earlier versions of Docker, before host volume mounting was introduced,
but now it isn’t needed.
We can demonstrate sharing volumes for the backup scenario with the official MongoDB image
by using the command in Code Listing 41 to run a Mongo database in a background container.
The Mongo image stores database files in a volume named /data/db that we can access in a
separate container by running it with the --volumes-from option, which shares the volumes
from the named container in the new container. In Code Listing 42, we run an interactive
container with access to the database’s volumes and list the Mongo data directory contents.
root@c1bec125113a:/# ls -l /data/db
total 136
In the new container, the data volume from the Mongo container has the same path—/data/db.
The new container can see the files created by Mongo in order to physically store the
databases, which means you can simply use tar to back up all of them to a single archive. This
is obviously not a robust backup strategy for a production database, but it is a simple approach
that can be useful for testing or development, or to back up and restore the known state.
The volume for this container is stored on the host machine, but because it’s not using a mount
source, we don’t know where the data is physically stored. The docker container inspect
command gives us that information along with a lot of extra details about the container. Code
Listing 43 shows an extract of the output that focuses on the Mounts section, which lists the
volumes in use by the container.
Code Listing 43: Inspecting Volume Mounts
"Mounts": [
"Destination": "/data/db",
"Driver": "local",
"Mode": "",
"RW": true,
"Propagation": ""
The key information here is the RW flag, which tells us this is a read-write volume (Docker also
allows containers to run with read-only volumes), and the Source, which tells us where the data
is actually stored on the host. Code Listing 44 shows that we can view the content of the volume
source on the host machine too, provided we have permission to access it.
$ sudo ls -l
total 120
This is the physical storage location for the files on the host. Containers can see this data in the
volume thanks to the virtual filesystem mounting the data into the container. The container
doesn’t get a copy of the files—it uses the originals directly. If you’re running Linux containers
on Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows, remember the “host” is really a Linux VM, so you
won’t see the files on your physical machine.
Note: From the host, and from containers that share the data volume, file
permissions are preserved from the original container. In this case, all the data files are
writable from outside the Mongo container, which means that an external process can
modify or delete data and potentially corrupt the database. If you need to read data in
another container, you can use the :ro flag to make the target volume read-only, e.g., --
volumes-from mongo:ro. Checking the contents of the volume on the host is sometimes
useful for tracing issues, but in general you shouldn’t poke around in /var/lib/docker,
which is where the Docker Engine keeps its data.
If you view Docker as a host for short-lived task containers, this might seem surprising, but there
is a consistent approach for all types of containers. A background service container might be
stopped and restarted, and while it is stopped you’d expect the container to exist with all its
data. For single-task and interactive containers, it’s good practice to use the --rm flag when you
start the container so that Docker will automatically remove the container when it ends.
To explicitly remove containers, use the docker container rm command and specify
containers by their ID or name, as in Code Listing 45.
Running containers are not deleted when you run the rm command, which means you can chain
rm with docker container ls to remove all stopped containers, as in Code Listing 46.
Code Listing 46: Removing All Stopped Containers
Note: This is Linux syntax, but on Windows machines you can use the exact same
syntax in PowerShell.
You should also be aware that when you remove a container that has a data volume, the data
volume is not automatically removed. In order to remove the data volume along with the
container, you need to explicitly state it with the -v option: docker container rm -v
We’ve stopped the Mongo database container and removed it, but we didn’t use the -v flag, so
the data volume with all the database files continues to exist as a directory on the host machine.
This is called a dangling volume because there’s no container available and it’s simply using up
space on your host drive. With the Docker CLI you can list all the dangling volumes and chain
that command with volume rm to remove all the dangling volumes, as in Code Listing 47.
In development and test environments, it’s easy to find yourself with a large number of stopped
containers and dangling volumes, so it’s good practice to put these commands in a cleanup
script that you run regularly. The machines on which you regularly build images or pull images
to try out can end up with a large image cache. Images are never automatically removed by
Docker—they must always be explicitly deleted with the docker image rm command.
As with volumes, the Docker CLI includes the concept of dangling images—Docker images that
are in the cache but have no containers based off them. You can combine a list of dangling
images with the image rm command in order to remove unused images and reclaim a lot of disk
space, as in Code Listing 48.
Deleted: sha256:9417bb0f80a5c5eeb72e9aa8fd1a43dc13ce322cf49b1640a3c39f0f994a8b9b
Deleted: sha256:b445166061334c8c206e1d7be26cab455e022f781dce1f916f195d2292b18df2
Deleted: sha256:f4b91f407b83bd8bc0c20063fdadab06af1f2d6c6de7a3fd6bf6c2f55d8928ca
Note: The CLI also has the docker system prune command, which you can use to
remove all unused containers, volumes, and images.
We’ve explored storage mechanisms in Docker and looked at data volumes and the different
ways volumes can be mounted and shared. We’ve seen that you can provide access to data in
containers by mounting volumes from paths on the host or on a storage platform using a volume
plugin. Alternatively, you can explicitly share the volumes from one container with other
containers, allowing many containers to access the same data.
Volumes and containers persist even when the container has stopped running, and this can clog
up your disk. We saw some useful commands for cleaning up volumes, containers, and images.
You can run a system prune on a schedule that ensures your environments will stay clean.
If you share volumes between containers, you must be mindful that many processes can
attempt to access the same files and end up overwriting or corrupting data. In order to prevent
that, data volumes can be shared with read-only access that supports scenarios such as
creating backups or indexing data without the risk of modifying it. Docker also has functionality
for connecting containers at a higher level so that they can share state without sharing data. We
will look at orchestrating with Docker in the next chapter.
Chapter 5 Orchestrating Systems with
In this chapter, we’ll look at Docker networking, which is a virtual networking layer that
underpins communication between containers. With Docker networks you can segregate traffic
on your host, allowing you to isolate groups of containers while allowing them to talk to each
other. For defining the relationships between containers, we’ll look at Docker Compose, which is
a client-side tool that works with the Docker service API.
The other side of orchestration is managing containers across multiple hosts, as you would do
in a production environment in order to provide scale and reliability. We’ll cover that in Chapter
6, Clustering Hosts with Docker Swarm, and we’ll see how to apply what we learn in this chapter
to a cluster of Docker hosts.
Docker networks
Docker is the platform for your application runtime, and it controls how your container interacts
with resources from the host. You can set memory and CPU restrictions on containers, and
when your app runs it only sees the resources allocated to it. At the network level, Docker
creates a bridge network on your host. A bridge network gives every container its own IP
address, and it allows communication between containers and also between containers and the
Note: There are other types of networks supported by Docker. The bridge network is
for working with containers on a single host. The overlay network is for working with
containers that run across multiple hosts. There is also a plugin system that lets you use
third-party network types.
Creating a network in Docker is easy. Bridge networks are the default, which means you simply
need to give the network a name, as in Code Listing 49.
Code Listing 49: Creating a Bridge Network
As usual, when you create an object, Docker responds with a large ID that you can use to refer
to the object (or you can refer to the object by its name as well). The bridge network is created
with a designated IP address range, and every container in the network will have a dedicated IP
address in that range. This is the simplest way to connect containers. In Code Listing 50, we
start an Nginx container in the background that joins the new network.
The --network option tells Docker to join this container into the ch05 network we’ve created,
which means it will get an IP address from the network’s range. Note that we haven’t published
port 80 on the container, so we can’t browse to localhost to see the site, but we can browse to
the container’s IP address.
We can get the IP address either by inspecting the container or the network. The network
inspect command in Code Listing 51 lists all the containers in the network and their IP
"Name": "ch05",
"Id": "ffe636469bc2820e19438f09c9fe484e129879e37c7f93059b7d7fa03ae164fe",
"Scope": "local",
"Driver": "bridge",
"Containers": {
"e7c511c50943853a9307b859f5290f08ce208380e459d17a858dad6f995ee250": {
"Name": "webcontainer",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:14:00:02",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""
"Options": {},
"Labels": {}
The subnet range for this network is, and it’s a class B network that allows 65536
IP addresses. The Nginx container, called webcontainer, has the IP address,
and, because it’s a bridge network, we can access that from the host, as we see in Figure 8.
Note: The bridge is between the container and the host. If you’re running on Linux
you can access containers by their IP address. On Docker for Mac and Docker for
Windows, remember the host is a Linux VM, so you can’t connect directly to the
container IP address from your host machine.
Now we can start a second container in the same network, but we’ll run it interactively so that
we can see how the network connections are set up with the Linux ip command, as in Code
Listing 52.
Code Listing 52: Running a Second Container in the Network
This container has IP address, which means it’s in the same subnet as the Nginx
container. Docker has a built-in DNS server, so containers on the same network can access
each other by name as well as by IP address, as we can see with the dig and ping commands
in Code Listing 53.
# dig webcontainer
# ping webcontainer -c 2
Note: Before Docker had a DNS server, you connected containers by using the --
link flag when you ran them, and that created entries in the hosts file on the container
so that you could refer to linked containers by name. That functionality is preserved for
backwards compatibility, but it’s a basic mechanism and it’s no longer needed. If you’re
following an old tutorial that uses --link, merely replace it with --network and your
containers can communicate by name.
The DNS server in Docker makes application configuration easy in a multicontainer system
because, in your applications, you simply refer to dependencies by their container name. If you
have a database container called mysql, the connection string in your web app can always use
mysql as the server name. You don’t need to switch connection strings for different
environments—provided you orchestrate the same way in every environment, the landscape will
always look the same to the apps.
When you make assumptions about server names in your system, orchestration becomes a key
part of your delivery. Using Docker gives you a consistent set of packaged applications, but you
don’t want to rely on a deployment document to ensure they get orchestrated correctly. For that,
you can use Docker Compose.
Docker Compose
As you begin delivering more complex apps with more moving parts, the orchestration of your
containers becomes more involved, and you will need to capture the dependencies so that you
can deploy reliably and repeatedly. One option for doing so is Docker Compose, a separate
client tool that lets you define your solution architecture in a YAML file, and then manage a
whole set of containers with a single command.
Tip: Docker Compose comes bundled with Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows, and
the Docker Toolbox. On Linux, it’s a separate install, so you’ll need to follow the
instructions to install Docker Compose.
The Docker Compose syntax takes the arguments available in the docker container run
command and structures them as YAML. You specify an image to run from, container names,
ports to expose, volumes to map, and networks—all the major command-line options are
supported by Compose. Code Listing 54 shows a full Docker Compose file that will orchestrate
the two containers we started manually.
version: '2'
image: nginx:alpine
image: sixeyed/ubuntu-with-utils
container_name: util
The first line defines this as using version 2 of the Docker Compose file format. In Compose,
you define containers to run as services, then you specify the image name and any other
optional properties, such as the container name and command in this example.
By convention, Compose files are named docker-compose.yml. From the directory where the
YAML file is saved, you can start all the services in the Compose file as containers by running
the up command, as in Code Listing 55.
Code Listing 55: Starting Services with Docker Compose
$ docker-compose up -d
As with the Docker CLI, we can specify -d to daemonize all the containers and keep them
running in the background. The container service called util has a command specified in the
Compose file that is a long-running command, which means both containers will stay running
until we stop them.
Although we started the containers using Docker Compose, these are just normal Docker
containers and we can work with them with the Docker CLI in the normal way. Code Listing 56
shows the container ls command listing all the running containers.
$ docker container ls
The Nginx container has a name generated by Compose that uses the project name sample01,
which is derived by combining the folder where the docker-compose.yml file is on my machine
with the service name web and the instance of the container: sample01_web_1. The utility
container has the fixed name util, as specified in the Compose file.
The utility container pings the Nginx container by the service name web, which is specified in the
Compose file—not by the container name, which isn’t known until runtime. If we check the logs,
we’ll see the Nginx container is responding to pings on the service name, as in Code Listing 57.
Note: Docker has different logging providers that can be used to direct the standard
output and standard error streams to different destinations. If you don’t specify a
provider, the default allows you to see the output from containers using the logs
The Nginx container has a generated name because Compose lets you scale up by adding
more containers and because it needs to ensure the name is unique. We can add more Nginx
containers with the scale option to the up command in Code Listing 58, which specifies the
desired number of containers.
If we now connect to the util container, we can see that the DNS server in Docker returns all
five Nginx containers when you query it, as in Code Listing 59.
Note: The DNS server in Docker actually supports load balancing, too, which means
that if you repeat the dig command, the addresses in the response come back in a
different order, which is a simple way of balancing load across the containers.
The IP addresses of the containers start with 172.21.0—a different range from the network we
explicitly created earlier in the chapter. Docker Compose creates a different network for each
project, each named after the directory in which the Compose file lives.
When I list my networks with the network ls command in Code Listing 60, I can see some
default networks created by Docker, the ch05 network I created manually and the
sample01_default network created by Docker Compose.
$ docker network ls
You can administer all the containers in your Compose project with single commands. These
are typically the Docker CLI commands transplanted to Docker Compose. In Code Listing 61,
we stop all the containers, check that none are running, then start them again.
$ docker-compose stop
$ docker container ls
$ docker-compose start
Tip: Other commands, such as kill and rm, are available in Docker Compose, but it’s
important to remember that Compose is a client-side tool. When you create services with
Compose, Docker has no notion that they’re related (other than being in the same
network). In order to manage the services as a single unit, you work in the directory on
your client machine where the docker-compose.yml file lives.
With Docker Compose, you can orchestrate complex applications by linking containers together
and running them inside a Docker network. Distributed solutions such as the example in Figure
9 can be captured at the infrastructure level in a Compose file.
Each component in the stack refers to its dependencies by name (msgq and db), and that will be
consistent for every environment in which the containers are in the same network, even if they
are running at different levels of scale (which means there’s no change to application
More advanced features exist than we can cover in a Succinctly title, but the key concept is that
the network looks the same from the inside, so containers only need to know each other’s
names. From the outside, the network might be a simple bridge network on a single host, such
as a developer’s laptop or an overlay network across multiple servers in a datacenter—the
application code and the container orchestration are the same.
Application containers are lightweight, portable units. Breaking a large system down into many
small containers means you can scale components independently at runtime so that you can
direct compute power where it will bring the most benefit. It also means different parts of your
app can have different release cycles, which allows you to release high-value components more
frequently and give value to the business more quickly.
Docker supports that with simple but powerful mechanisms for orchestrating multicontainer
solutions. With Docker networking, you can set up an isolated network between a group of
containers with built-in DNS so that containers can communicate with each other transparently
by their names. That lets you run multiple distributed systems on a single set of infrastructure.
For cases in which you have a complex deployment with many containers, you can use Docker
Compose to explicitly orchestrate the dependencies. With Compose, you define all your
containers in a single place and you can manage an entire system as a single entity. Now that
you know how to manage multiple containers with Docker, in the next chapter we’ll look at
managing multiple Docker hosts in a cluster, using a Docker swarm.
Chapter 6 Clustering Hosts with Docker
Swarm mode is an optional feature in Docker. You can run Docker as a standalone host, as
we’ve done so far, or you can join that same host to a swarm with a single command. When you
have multiple machines running in a swarm, you start containers in a similar way, but you can
specify how many instances of the container you want to run. You make a request to the swarm,
and, based on the resources available, Docker decides which hosts will actually run the
It’s incredibly easy to set up a Docker Swarm, and you can add and remove nodes while the
swarm is running in order to manage your overall capacity. The swarm supports Docker
networking, which means your containers can all communicate, and it monitors instances the
entire time. If a host goes down and the number of containers running your app falls below what
you requested, Docker will start new instances on other hosts in order to ensure the service
level is correct. In this chapter, we’ll see how swarm mode works and how to run containers on
a swarm.
Tip: Docker swarm mode uses the Raft Consensus Algorithm for electing a new leader
manager node if the current one is lost. Like similar algorithms, Raft relies on a majority
election, which means you should have an odd number of manager nodes in order to
avoid tied elections—three or five is common. Because Docker swarm managers can run
containers, too, your secondary managers can work and you won't have wasted compute
in your swarm.
Creating a swarm is easy. You’ll need a number of machines (or VMs) set up, and the only
prerequisites for the machines are:
• Ports 2377, 7946, and 4789 open so the machines can communicate
When you create your swarm, Docker will provision certificates and ensure that communication
between all the nodes is encrypted. The specified ports need to be open between the nodes,
but they don’t need to be public, and you can restrict access at the infrastructure layer. For
instance, in Microsoft Azure you would create all your VMs in a virtual network and only open
the ports to other machines from the virtual network, which means access from the public
Internet would be blocked.
Note: Docker 1.12 introduced swarm mode, which means that is the minimum
version you can use. Prior to 1.12, Docker Swarm was a separate product. You can still
use the old Docker Swarm to cluster multiple Docker hosts, but it is far more complicated
to set up, and there are no advantages to using it over the newer swarm mode.
With the machines ready to go, choose one to be the master, note its IP address, and create a
swarm using the swarm init command. I have three VMs in Azure running Ubuntu, which have
Docker installed, and I'm going to make them into a swarm. In Code Listing 62, I create the
swarm from the machine with the internal IP address, which switches this Docker host
into swarm mode and sets it as the manager for the swarm.
--token SWMTKN-1-637apaa2992zallyfvw6iudobr6vai830h65tkk16mee8nw2u0-
15ofjpt6mt4r1yy1jgg9buyb6 \
In the init command, you need only to specify the IP address from which the master will listen
for nodes if the manager has multiple IP addresses, but specifying the address is useful as a
matter of course so that you’ll know exactly where the manager is advertising for new joiners.
That command is all you need. This is a functional swarm now, albeit with a single node, and
now you can add the rest of your worker nodes.
The output from swarm init gives you a token that you use to join more nodes to the swarm.
The token is a security measure that prevents any nodes joining the swarm unless you share
the token with them—you should treat it carefully, like any other security secret. In Code Listing
63, I join another Azure VM to the swarm.
Code Listing 63: Joining the Swarm
The swarm join command specifies the secret token and the advertised address of the master,
and the output shows the nodes have been accepted as workers, so now I have a multinode
swarm. Now that we’re in swarm mode, managing nodes and containers is a little different, and
certain commands work only on the manager. Because that is true, and also because worker
nodes can come and go, it’s best to work with Docker on the manager.
From the swarm manager, you can see all the nodes in the swarm and the current status with
the node ls command, as in Code Listing 64 (in which I’ve added a third node to the swarm).
$ docker node ls
The output here tells us that machine swarm-00 is the leader manager node and that swarm-01
and swarm-02 are functioning worker nodes—with Active availability and Ready status. We’ll
see what happens when a node goes offline later in this chapter.
To start a service on the swarm, use the service create command. Code Listing 65 shows
the usual Nginx web application being started as a service.
Code Listing 65: Running a Service on the Swarm
Creating a service is a lot like running a container. You specify the image and any options for
the engine—for example, the service name and port publishing in this example. Nginx exposes
port 80, and my Azure VMs are configured to allow port 80 requests from the Internet, which
means I should be able to browse my website from any computer so long as I know the address
of the node running the container.
The service ls command tells me which services are running, service ps tells me which
hosts are running which containers, and Code Listing 66 shows me which VM I need to hit in
order to access the website.
$ docker service ls
The one container running on swarm-00 happens to be the manager. Now, if I browse to the
manager’s domain address, the port 80 request will be forwarded to the container running on
the node and I can see the website. Figure 10 shows the result. As we should expect, notice
that the hostname swarm-00 of the machine serving the response is the same as the VM to
which I sent the request.
Figure 10: Browsing the Website on the Swarm Container
We can map our public web address to a specific host with a CNAME DNS entry, but we don’t
want to do that. If that host goes down, the swarm will recreate the container on another host,
and we’d need to change the CNAME, which isn’t very flexible or scalable. However, one of the
great things about Docker swarm mode is its built-in request routing, which lets you send a
request to any node in the swarm, and if that node isn’t running a container that can service the
request, it will transparently route the request to another node where the container is running.
In Code Listing 67, I’m making a web request with cURL to node swarm-01 that doesn’t have
the web container running. I still get the correct response, though—node swarm-01 has routed
the request to node swarm-00, where the web container is running, and it has relayed the
$ curl
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
This feature is called the routing mesh, and it enables load balancing and failover. You can put
a load balancer in front of your swarm so that requests can be forwarded to any node, and if a
node gets a request it can’t handle, it will intelligently reroute the request to a node that can.
Similarly, if a node fails, its containers will be started on other nodes, and the services will still
be reachable through the routing mesh.
Scaling services
The services we’ve created so far have run with a single container instance on the swarm—
that’s the default setting for a new service. We can run multiple instances of a container using
the replicas option. Replica is the swarm terminology for an instance of a container, and as
the name suggests, these are replicas running from the same image with the same setup. The
services should be stateless so that requests can be handled by any container with the same
Running multiple replicas with a load balancer means you can scale up your service by running
it on more nodes. The replica level can be specified when services are created, and it can be
changed when services are running. The service scale command in Code Listing 68 adds
another four instances of my website container to the Swarm.
website scaled to 5
Now, when I check the service with the service ps command, as in Code Listing 69, I can see
where the instances are running. In this case, I have more replicas than there are nodes in the
swarm, which means nodes swarm-00 and swarm-02 have two replicas running and the node
swarm-01 just has one.
If I now make a request to a specific node, I’ll get a response from that node—all nodes have an
instance of the container running, which means they won’t need to reroute requests internally. I
have a load balancer set up in Azure that shares requests among all the VMs, which is outside
of Docker at the infrastructure level. Using Apache Bench to test performance, with five replicas
running across three nodes, I get served more than 180 requests per second, as Code Listing
70 shows.
Failed requests: 0
Time per request: 5.481 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
If the service scale is reduced to a single replica, performance drops to fewer than 120 requests
per second, as Code Listing 71 shows.
Benchmarking (be patient)
Failed requests: 0
Time per request: 8.613 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Nginx is a highly performant web server in any circumstance, but running it as a service on a
Docker swarm allows you to scale up in seconds with a single command and thereby drastically
improve performance. For more complex systems that perform more compute-to-serve
requests, the benefits from scaling up are even greater.
Tip: The routing mesh works at port level—if a node gets a request on a port from
which there’s no container listening, it will forward the request on to another host that
does have a container listening on that port. If you run only one service per port on your
swarm, you don’t need a proxy—your load balancer and the swarm can handle it. If
you’re running multiple services with the same port, such as several websites all running
on port 80, you’ll need a proxy, like Nginx, running in the swarm. The proxy listens on
port 80 while all your other services listen on custom ports, and Nginx routes traffic to
different ports based on the incoming HTTP request.
The manager node in the swarm constantly checks in with nodes and verifies that all services
have the correct replica level. When a node goes down, the swarm will create more containers
on other nodes in order to ensure the services run as requested. In Code Listing 72, I shut down
node swarm-02 in the swarm, which is currently running two of the Nginx containers.
Code Listing 72: Shutting Down a Worker Node
When the node shuts down, the heartbeats to the manager stop and the manager quickly sees
that the node is unavailable. With that node down, my website service falls below the required
replica level, which means the manager will schedule new containers on the remaining nodes.
Code Listing 73 shows the node ls command that tells me node swarm-02 is down, but the
service details show that there are still five containers running.
$ docker node ls
The containers that had been on node swarm-02 have been rescheduled on the other nodes so
that node swarm-00 now has three containers and node swarm-01 has two.
The swarm takes care of routing traffic to nodes and repairing services when nodes are
unavailable, which means much of the hard work of managing distributed systems has been
dealt with.
Docker swarm mode is a clustering technology built into the Docker platform. You can create a
swarm from multiple Docker hosts in minutes and have a cluster that can intelligently route
traffic between nodes and run scalable services as multiple instances of containers.
Communication between nodes is all encrypted, and nodes don’t have to be on the same
operating system or even the same platform, which means you can build hybrid swarms with
Linux and Windows Server hosts.
Running a hybrid swarm with Windows and Linux nodes lets you migrate multiple existing
workloads into a single swarm, containerizing apps to use different base images—such as
Windows Server Core for .NET Framework apps and Ubuntu Server for Linux apps. Your
applications are all Docker images, and you can manage them in the same way, but at runtime
you can only run Windows-based containers on Windows hosts and Linux-based containers on
Linux hosts.
In the next chapter, we’ll see how containers actually work and what Docker looks like on
different host platforms.
Chapter 7 Docker on Linux, Windows,
and ARM
You can see all the processes running inside and outside of your containers on the host
machine, but in the container you’ll only see the processes within the namespace boundary.
Figure 11 shows how that looks on a Linux machine running multiple Nginx containers.
If you were to run the top command inside one of the containers, you would see only a single
nginx process. But if you run top on the host, you’ll see four nginx processes and the dockerd
process, which is the server part of the Docker Engine, along with any other processes you
have running.
This is why Docker containers can run so efficiently—they use the underlying operating system
kernel of the host machine so that processes inside the container are actually running on the
host. For a host, running multiple containers is the same as running multiple processes (unlike
virtual machines, for which each VM has its own kernel and a hypervisor running on the host in
order to translate between the virtual kernel and the real kernel).
That is why you can’t run Linux containers on Windows or run Windows containers on Linux. A
container using Ubuntu as its base image needs to run on a Linux machine so that when the
container launches an executable, the host is capable of running it. Linux executables aren’t
compatible with Windows, which means you can’t run an Ubuntu-based container on Windows.
In this chapter, we’ll look at how Docker runs on different operating systems and see how you
can mix architectures.
Docker on Linux
Linux is the native operating system for Docker. Linux has long had the technology for running
containers, but Docker brought the concept of packaging up images and running them as
containers, which made it simple to take advantage of the underlying Linux features. When
you’re running Linux-based containers, you use a server-grade Linux distribution for your hosts,
and Docker might be the only software you install. Everything else you’d want to run on your
server would run as a container in Docker.
Docker is available in the package repositories for the major Linux distributions, and the only
requirement is that you have a reasonably recent version of the Linux kernel running on your
host. At the time of writing, the minimum Linux kernel is 3.10, which is an entire major version
behind the current release, which means Docker doesn’t demand an up-to-date operating
system version.
The quickest way to install Docker on Linux is to run the helper script from in
Code Listing 74.
Doing this will install Docker and the CLI on your machine, and you can run containers and
create or join a swarm using the commands we’ve seen so far. The Docker package doesn’t
install Docker Compose, but that’s a client-side tool that you’d normally have running on a
separate machine.
Tip: It’s important that you install the correct version of Docker. The version included
with your Linux distribution is not likely to be the latest. If you don’t care to run a shell
script from the Internet, the Docker Store website has detailed instructions for all the
supported Linux distros.
You can administer a Docker host remotely, and all the clients are compatible with the Engine
so that you can run the Docker command line from a Windows or Mac machine to work with
containers on a remote Linux host.
If you use systemd to run Docker as a service on Linux, which is the default init system with
Ubuntu, you get a lot of information from the status output. Code Listing 75 shows the output
from a Docker Engine that isn’t currently running any containers.
Code Listing 75: Checking the Status of the Docker Daemon
Tasks: 41
Memory: 1.6G
CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
Each running container will be listed in the CGroup section—the control groups Docker is using.
You don’t need to know the details of kernel namespaces and control groups in order to use
Docker successfully, but it is useful to be aware of how the runtime structures affect security.
A note on security
Docker takes a lot of the pain away from building, sharing, and running software systems, but it
doesn’t achieve this by taking security shortcuts. The Docker daemon runs with root privilege on
Linux, and, in the early days of Docker, users expressed concern that this was a dangerous
attack vector—could a vulnerable application be compromised and gain access to other
containers on the host?
Docker worked with the Center for Internet Security to address those concerns and to build a
comprehensive set of recommendations in a benchmark document. These are publicly available
for different versions of Docker, such as the CIS Docker 1.12.0 Benchmark.
Successive releases of Docker have increased security. You can now run containers in a user
namespace without root privileges, and you can build your images to have the processes inside
containers running as nonroot users. The Docker documentation has a useful section on Docker
Security that covers the technical elements of securing the container environment.
Tip: There are features of Docker that actually increase the overall security of your
systems. The Docker Bench tool runs as a container and scans your Linux host for
vulnerabilities. Docker Security Scanning is an optional feature on the Docker Hub that
scans images in your repositories and reports on known vulnerabilities for the software
inside your images.
Docker on Windows
Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 have native support for containers and Docker. There
are different ways to run containers on Windows: either as Windows Containers, which share
the operating system kernel and run in a similar way to Linux containers, or as Hyper-V
containers, which can use the same images as Windows Containers but run in a very thin
hypervisor layer so that each container has its own kernel.
You can’t run Linux-based containers on Windows, but Windows Containers are powered by
Docker, which means you can package applications into Docker image binaries and run them in
Windows using the same Docker command-line tool. In order for containers to run on Windows,
they need to be based from a Windows image, and Microsoft has base images available on the
Docker Hub.
The Hub has two base images for Windows containers: microsoft/windowsservercore and
microsoft/nanoserver. Windows Server Core is a full version of Windows Server that has all the
standard Windows Server features except the UI. With Server Core, you can install software
from MSIs and run the full .NET Framework, which means you can use it as a base image to
containerize an existing Windows application.
Nano Server is a minimal installation of Windows that follows the approach of Linux base
images on the Hub. Nano Server has a limited feature set—you can’t run MSIs or the .NET
Framework, and you can only use PowerShell to administer it. That means the image weighs in
at around 350 MB instead of 3 GB for Server Core, and it has a much smaller attack surface.
Windows Containers are a new addition to the Docker ecosystem, but Windows uses the same
Docker platform, so it’s an established technology. You can build a simple image from Windows
Nano Server using the Dockerfile in Code Listing 76.
FROM microsoft/nanoserver
Note: Remember that when you build an image from a Dockerfile, Docker creates
temporary containers to run the instructions. Since the base image here is a Windows
container, you can only build this image from a Windows machine. If you’re using Docker
for Windows, be sure to switch to the Windows Containers option.
When the image is built, you can run it in the normal way. I’ve built and pushed an image from
this Dockerfile onto the Hub so that you can run it with the command in Code Listing 77.
Note: Again, this is a Windows-based container. You can’t run it if your host is a Mac
or a Linux machine, or even if you’re using Windows with Docker running in a Linux VM.
You can use Windows containers directly with Docker for Windows and Docker on
Windows Server 2016.
These are standard Docker containers that you can manage in the normal way so that docker
container ls will list the running containers and docker image ls will show you all the
images in your local cache. The Nano Server base image is a good starting point for new apps
when you don’t need to install heavy software and can benefit from the reduced footprint.
The Windows Server Core image doesn’t easily fit with the philosophy of having lightweight
portable containers because you can easily end up with a 5 GB image once you’ve packaged
your app. But it’s a great opportunity to containerize existing Windows apps without having to
rewrite them so that you can move existing workloads off their own servers and into a Docker
Docker on ARM
You can also run Docker on low-cost, low-power computing devices based on the Advanced
RISC Machine (ARM) CPU architecture, such as the Raspberry Pi or Pine64. ARM devices tend
to be well supported with Linux operating systems, but unfortunately you can’t run normal Linux-
based Docker images on ARM devices. The Linux kernel for a container may be the same as
the kernel on the ARM device, but the binary image was probably compiled for the x86/x64
processor instruction set, which is not compatible with ARM.
In order to run Docker containers on ARM, the container must have been compiled for the ARM
chipset, which in practice means building the image from a Dockerfile on your ARM device.
Once the image is built, you can ship it in the usual way, including pushing it to the Docker Hub
(and there are many ARM-compatible images on the Hub). Currently, ARM images are not easy
to identify because you can’t search the Hub by chipset or operating system.
The Raspberry Pi is a good ARM device to get started with because the setup script on has support for Raspbian, the native Linux distribution for the Pi. So, in order
to install the Docker command line and Docker engine, simply use the same command for other
Linux distributions, as in Code Listing 78.
Code Listing 78: Installing Docker on the Raspberry Pi
This is good for Raspberry Pi 2, 3, and Zero models—so you can get Docker running on a $5
computer! There are ARM base images on the Docker Hub, which means you can containerize
any application that runs on ARM. And because popular platforms such as Java, Go, and
NodeJS have ARM support, you can build Docker images for those apps. The new .NET Core
platform from Microsoft has ARM support on the roadmap for the next release.
The Dockerfile in Code Listing 79 can be used to build the obligatory Hello World app in an
ARM-compatible Docker image based on the resin/rpi-raspbian image on the Hub.
FROM resin/rpi-raspbian:jessie
You can build and run that image with the Docker CLI as usual, but as with Windows containers,
you must run the commands on the correct architecture. In this case, you need to build the
image and run containers on the Pi itself, as in Code Listing 80.
---> e353bbe6de96
---> cc950743d17a
There are a number of ARM-based images on the Docker Hub. The armhf account has
repositories for Node and Redis running on ARM, but they are flagged as experimental. The
number of ARM-compatible images on the Hub is small at the moment, and building your own
images can be time-consuming on an ARM device, but once you have an image you can run
containers from it in the normal way.
Docker doesn’t have full feature parity on ARM, but you can join multiple devices together in a
swarm. Interestingly, the swarm supports heterogeneous hosts, which means you can build a
hybrid swarm of ARM, x64, Linux, and Windows hosts.
This scenario is not quite as extreme as it looks. Provided you have a fast enough network
connection between the hosts, this swarm is highly functional and gives you a huge amount of
flexibility. You can run an existing ASP.NET app in Windows Server Core containers on the
Windows nodes, front them with a caching proxy in Nginx running on the Linux nodes, and use
the ARM nodes for noncritical workloads, such as collecting metrics from the other containers
and running a performance dashboard.
You create a hybrid swarm in the same way as a normal swarm, starting with a manager and
joining new nodes. But in order to make sure containers run only on the correct nodes, you
need to give Docker some extra information. You can add arbitrary labels to Docker hosts—for
example, you can add flags like cpu=armhf or os=linux and os=windows to the hosts.
In Code Listing 81, I have created a hybrid swarm with an x64/Linux node as the manager and a
Raspberry Pi as the worker. I use the update command with the --label-add option to label
the Pi with a custom cpu=armhf label.
$ docker node ls
Services can be scheduled with constraints to tell Docker that they have special host
requirements. Node labels can be used in constraints so that we can run three replicas of the
x64-based Nginx container with the command in Code Listing 82 (which excludes nodes with
the cpu=armhf label).
When the scheduler selects nodes, it will exclude any that have a label with the key cpu and the
value armhf. In this case, that only leaves the manager node, and as we see in Code Listing 83,
all three containers are running on the manager.
el30vk6euevq7swx1e9fw4axe website.2 nginx:alpine sc-ub-brix Running
Running 5 seconds ago
Docker supports two kind of labels: node labels that were introduced with swarm mode for
scheduling constraints, and engine labels for backwards compatibility on older hosts. In order to
set the Docker Engine labels, you need to amend the environment configuration on the host,
which will differ for each operating system. Node labels can be administered on the manager,
which means they are a better approach.
Note: In order to span systems across hybrid swarms, you need to create an overlay
network and start the services with the --network option. Different platforms have
different networking stacks, but as of Docker 17.06 you can network containers across
hybrid swarms.
We’ve looked at how Docker containers work on different operating systems and CPU
architectures. The main takeaway is that you can’t mix and match—images based on Windows
can run only on Windows hosts, images based on Linux can run only on Linux hosts, and
images compiled for x64 can run only on x64 hosts.
With Docker swarm mode, you can have nodes running on different architectures and operating
systems, which lets you run a single cluster capable of hosting Linux, Windows, and even ARM
applications with a single management interface. That’s a particularly important option when
you’re paying for compute. If you want to run Dockerized Windows apps in the cloud, you can
have Windows VMs as worker nodes while using cheaper Linux VMs for the manager nodes.
Running cloud solutions on Docker is particularly attractive because you get a consistent
packaging and deployment model that you can use on any cloud, which means you can avoid
being locked into a particular cloud platform. Next, we’ll look at Docker in the cloud.
Chapter 8 Running Docker in the Cloud
Typically, PaaS is the preferred option because it removes the administrative burden of
managing virtual machines, and cloud providers add value with their PaaS offerings, which
makes it easy to deploy and manage applications. However, all the PaaS offerings are custom.
If you build an app to run on Amazon’s Elastic Beanstalk, you can’t lift the app and deploy it on
Microsoft Azure instead—the packaging, deployment, and management models are not
compatible. That means on-premise environments can’t run the app on the same platform as
production, which means that in development and testing you must run the app in a different
By packaging your app in Docker images, you can run the same images locally and in any cloud
using basic IaaS services and without taking a dependency on a particular vendor’s platform. In
this chapter, we’ll look at using Docker Machine to build a Docker swarm on the DigitalOcean
cloud, we’ll cover the Docker for Azure product, and we’ll look at running a multicloud swarm.
Docker on DigitalOcean
DigitalOcean is a relatively new cloud provider. It initially made its name by providing fast SSD-
backed Linux VMs at a much lower cost than AWS, Azure, and Google. Its services are mostly
in the IaaS space, which means you can spin up VMs, connect them in a virtual network, and
set up persistent storage, but there are no higher-level PaaS services such as a message
queue or a managed database platform.
When you sign up for a DigitalOcean account, you can create an API access token, which you
use with the do command-line tool to create and manage components in the cloud. You can
manually create a VM, log in, and install Docker, but it’s easier to use the Docker Machine tool.
Docker Machine is an open-source tool that abstracts the creation of a VM running Docker.
Docker Machine has drivers for VirtualBox, AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, and more, so you can
create VMs in the same way on different platforms on your machines or in the cloud.
Note: Docker Machine is bundled with the Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows, and
Docker Toolbox suites, but not on Linux. If you’re running Linux, the Docker
documentation covers how to Install Docker Machine.
The provider plugins for Docker Machine use the relevant authentication mechanism. In order to
create a new VM (called a “droplet” in DigitalOcean), you can use the command in Code Listing
84 and supply your own access token.
Code Listing 84: Creating a Docker Host on DigitalOcean with Docker Machine
$ docker-machine create \
--driver digitalocean \
--digitalocean-access-token=[YOUR-API-TOKEN] \
--digitalocean-region lon1 \
--digitalocean-image ubuntu-16-04-x64 \
Creating machine...
Installing Docker...
When that completes, you’ll have a new VM in DigitalOcean that runs the latest version of
Docker. There are lots of options that the create command accepts, and they’re flexible for
different VM providers. For DigitalOcean, I’ve specified the London datacenter and the latest
longterm support version of Ubuntu, 16.04, as the operating system image for the VM.
Docker Machine locally stores details for the nodes it creates, and you can view them with the
docker-machine env command. The output of that command is structured so that you can run
it and set environment variables for your local Docker CLI to communicate with the remote
Docker Engine you’ve just created. In Code Listing 85, I do this to work with the DigitalOcean
Code Listing 85: Configuring Docker CLI to Manage Remote Hosts
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/home/elton/.docker/machine/machines/do-node-01"
export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME="do-node-01"
Docker CLI uses the DOCKER_HOST and other environment variables to connect to the Docker
Engine server. With those values set, my local command line is working with the DigitalOcean
VM, and I can use all the usual commands. In Code Listing 86, I check the Docker versions.
$ docker version
Version: 1.12.1
Go version: go1.6.3
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Version: 1.12.1
Go version: go1.6.3
Git commit: 23cf638
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
I have the latest version of Docker on my local client and the remote machine, and I can use the
normal Docker commands to administer the remote machine. Versions don’t need to match—
you can use a newer client with an older engine, but not vice versa.
Tip: When you work with multiple Docker hosts, it’s easy to lose track and find
yourself killing containers on remote hosts when you meant to work locally. The docker-
machine env -u command shows you how to reset the environment variables and point
the CLI back to the local host.
You can repeat the command to create more VMs running Docker, then use the Docker
Machine ls command to view them all. In Code Listing 87, you can see I have created two
more DigitalOcean droplets through Docker Machine.
$ docker-machine ls -q
I won’t use these hosts yet—we’ll see how to join them to a multicloud swarm later in the
Docker Machine is a good choice for creating virtual machines as hosts—the commands are
fundamentally the same for different platforms with only the options changing to support
different feature sets. For most providers, the options can be specified in environment variables
instead of the command, which means your actual docker-machine commands can be generic.
You can capture your entire host setup in one script and have another script to tear it down,
letting you easily spin up and remove environments.
Because it’s focused at the host level, there are limitations with Docker Machine, which means
you’ll need to fall back to the platform’s CLI if you want to create more complex IaaS
environments with subnets in your virtual network or custom port configurations. Docker
addresses the two main cloud providers with products that build out the entire infrastructure.
Docker for Azure
The “Docker for” products all follow the same basic principle—they create a consistent Docker
environment using the correct tools for the platform. Docker for Mac runs a Linux VM using
HyperKit and Docker for Windows runs a Linux VM using Hyper-V. The end-user experience for
each is the same because Docker makes use of the native platform tools.
Docker for Azure creates a Docker swarm on Azure, and the deployment is based on an Azure
Resource Management template. Like the other products, Docker for Azure makes best use of
the platform. When you deploy the template, it creates a functional environment for the swarm
to work in. This includes:
Note: With AWS, the approach is very similar. Docker for AWS provides a
CloudFormation template that creates all the resources. Docker for GCP is the latest
In the Azure Portal, you can vary parameters for the deployment—for example, the size of the
VMs and the initial number of worker nodes in the VM scale set, as we see in Figure 13.
Figure 13: Creating a Swarm with Docker for Azure
The deployment is secured in two ways: with an Azure Active Directory Service Principal, which
Docker for Azure uses to work with the Azure APIs from your subscription, and a normal SSH
key, which you use for connecting with the swarm from your client machine. The Docker for
Azure documentation details how to set up the security.
When deployment completes, you can connect to the manager node by SSH. In the Azure
Portal, the Output section specifies the SSH command, as in Figure 14.
Figure 14: Docker for Azure Output
Code Listing 88 shows the connection to the manager node, where we can run all the standard
Docker commands, such as listing out the nodes in the swarm.
Code Listing 88: Connecting to the Docker for Azure Manager Node
$ ssh docker@
Welcome to Docker!
Note: This is an Azure deployment, but the VMs are running Linux, not Windows. We
can run any Linux x64-based container images on this swarm, but we can’t run Windows-
based images. The Docker EE template on Azure Marketplace lets you create a hybrid
swarm with Linux and Windows nodes.
VM Scale Sets in Azure can be configured to autoscale based on properties such as amount of
CPU use. When a scaling event is triggered, a new VM is created from the same image as the
other VMs. For example, in the case of Docker for Azure, a new VM would be created from the
worker image and join the swarm. Currently, there is no functionality to rebalance the swarm
when a new node joins, which means you’d need to manually scale services on the swarm to
make use of the new node(s).
Note: The fact that you can do this doesn’t mean that you should. Swarm nodes are
chatty, sending regular heartbeat messages, and a high latency link between different
datacenters, or even different continents, could cause problems if the manager thinks
worker nodes have dropped out. In the worst case, you could have a network partition
between clouds, which means manager nodes can’t reach each other and you’ll end up
with different managers in different clouds. But with careful planning and testing, this
architecture can be useful in certain scenarios.
I’ll illustrate this with a simple swarm. I have a VM running Ubuntu with Docker in Azure that has
the firewall (“Network Security Group” in Azure terminology) set up to allow public Internet
access to the swarm ports. I can create a swarm in the usual way, but I need to specify two IP
addresses, as in Code Listing 89.
The --advertise-addr option specifies the public IP address that the manager should listen to
for connections, but that’s a virtual IP address managed by Azure—the VM itself doesn’t know
about the address. The --listen-addr option specifies the actual IP address the manager
should listen on, which means the manager can bind to one IP address but advertise another.
I can now join one of my DigitalOcean droplets to the swarm using the same join command
and by specifying the public virtual IP address of the Azure manager node, as seen in Code
Listing 90.
This gives me a swarm with two nodes running in different countries on different clouds. Code
Listing 91 shows the node listing from the Azure manager.
$ docker node ls
I can use this multicloud swarm like any other, creating services with many replicas that span
across the nodes. In Code Listing 92, I create a network for containers to communicate in.
Note: The default network type is bridge, which is used for single hosts. For
networks that span multiple hosts, Docker has the overlay network, which is what you
need to use for Docker swarm networks.
The overlay network can be specified when a service is created, adding all the containers to the
network. In Code Listing 93, I create the basic Nginx service with enough replicas to span both
nodes, then I list out the service processes.
Running 13 seconds ago
We see that there are four containers running, two each on the manager in Azure and the
worker in DigitalOcean. In order to verify that the website is running, I can make an HTTP GET
request to the public IP addresses for the nodes, as in Code Listing 94.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
With a multicloud setup like this, you can load balance across the nodes using a DNS service
configured to serve either the Azure or the DigitalOcean endpoints. With an advanced DNS
system, such as Amazon’s Route 53, you can put a health check on each endpoint so that you
can configure Azure as your primary endpoint but have traffic routing to DigitalOcean if Azure is
unavailable or busy.
Multicloud swarms, or swarms that are a mixture of cloud and on-premise hosts, offer some
very interesting opportunities. But you should be aware of the security implications and the
potential performance issue with swarm heartbeats and control plane messages crossing
Running Docker in the cloud gives you the benefit of huge scale on-tap, which means you can
easily spin up new nodes and add them to your swarm. This is even easier in the Docker for
AWS and Docker for Azure products, as the swarms make use of the native scaling options for
each platform, such as VM Scale Sets in Azure.
Centralizing on Docker for your packaging model also isolates you from vendor lock-in in the
cloud. Your infrastructure deployment scripts will be specific to whichever cloud you use, but
your application packages will run the same way on any cloud. So, if you start with AWS but
then cut a good deal with Azure, you can easily shift your whole workload without any
application code changes.
This IaaS approach to the cloud means taking on the burden of administering a fleet of VMs, but
there are products available that simplify the management and add additional layers of security
to your application estate.
In the final chapter, we’ll look at the product suite from Docker, Inc., which is aimed at running
safe and healthy production deployments of Docker, and we’ll see where to go next on our
Docker journey.
Chapter 9 Continuing Your Docker Journey
Docker is an established technology with technical support and financial backing from major
enterprises, such as Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM, and it’s in production use at Netflix, Uber, and
other cutting-edge tech companies. Application containers are a new model of compute, and
Docker can genuinely revolutionize the way you build, run, and support software—but it doesn’t
have to be a violent revolution.
In this final chapter, we’ll look at products from Docker, Inc. that simplify the administration of
Docker in your own datacenters and in the cloud while providing commercial support for your
Docker hosts. We’ll cover some of the main use cases for Docker that are emerging from
successful implementations, and I’ll offer advice about where you can go next with Docker.
The Docker, Inc. products make it easier to manage multiple hosts, run a secure image registry,
work with different infrastructures, and monitor the activity of your systems. Docker Enterprise
Edition (Docker EE) runs on-premises, and in the cloud.
Docker EE
Docker Enterprise Edition comes in two flavors—Basic gives you production support for your
container runtime, and Advanced gives you a full Containers-as-a-Service solution which you
can run in the datacenter or in any cloud. Docker EE Basic has the same feature set the free
version of Docker (called Docker CE or Community Edition), so you can run containers and
swarms with production support. Docker EE Advanced has a much larger feature set, which will
accelerate your move to production.
Docker EE Advanced has two components—the Universal Control Plane (UCP), which is where
you manage containers and hosts, and the Docker Trusted Registry (DTR), which is your own
secure, private image registry. UCP and DTR are integrated to provide a secure software supply
UCP sits on top of the orchestration layer, and it supports multiple schedulers. At the time of
writing it supports the classic Docker Swarm and Docker swarm mode. Both technologies run
on the same cluster. Support for Kubernetes is coming to Docker EE, and you will be able to
deploy applications on Kubernetes and Docker swarm across the same set of servers.
UCP has a web UI for managing your on-premise Docker estate. Figure 15 depicts the
homepage with the dashboard showing how many resources UCP is managing—hosts, images,
containers, and applications. It also shows how hard the hosts are working.
UCP is a consolidated management portal. You can create volumes and networks, run
individual containers from images, or run a multicontainer application from a Docker Compose
file. From the node view, you can see the overview of the machines in the cluster. In Figure 16
we can see a hybrid cluster with Linux manager nodes, Linux worker nodes, and Windows
worker nodes.
Figure 16: Checking Swarm Nodes in UCP
On the containers page, you can drill down into a running container to check the CPU memory
and network usage, connect with a console, or check the logs, as in Figure 17.
UCP gives you role-based access control for your Docker resources. All resources can have
labels applied that are arbitrary key-value pairs. Permissions are applied to labels. You can
create users and teams inside UCP or connect to an LDAP source to import user details and
grant permissions to resource labels at the team or user level.
You can have UCP managing multiple environments and configure permissions so that
developers can run containers on the integration environment, but only testers can run them on
the staging environment, and only the production support team can run containers in production.
UCP communicates with Docker Engine using the same APIs, but the engines are secured, too.
In order to manage UCP engines with the Docker CLI, you need a certificate generated by UCP,
which means you can’t bypass the UCP permissions.
You secure the images that run on the hosts with the other part of Docker Datacenter—Docker
Trusted Registry (DTR). DTR uses the same Registry API as the Hub, which means you work
with it in the same way, but it also has its own web UI. The DTR UI is similar to the Docker Hub
UI, but as a private registry, and therefore you have more control. DTR shares the
authentication you have set up in UCP. Users can have their own repositories, and you can
create organizations for shared repositories. Figure 18 shows the DTR homepage for an admin
user with access to all repositories.
DTR and UCP are closely integrated, which means you can use your own image repositories as
the source for running containers and applications on the UCP swarm.
Tip: DTR has the same security-scanning functionality as the Docker Hub, which
means your own private images can be scanned for vulnerabilities. And because DTR
also has content trust, you can securely sign images and configure your Docker Engines
so that they run only containers from signed images.
Docker Cloud
Docker Cloud provides a similar set of functionality to Docker EE, but it’s for managing images
and nodes in public clouds. Docker EE is a good fit in the enterprise, where you will need fine-
grained access control and security for a large number of images and hosts. For smaller
companies or project teams that are deploying to public clouds, Docker Cloud gives you a
similar level of control but without the commercial support.
Docker Cloud works similarly to Docker Machine for provisioning new nodes. It has providers for
all the major clouds, and you can spin up new hosts running Docker from Docker Cloud. When
you use Docker Cloud, you have two commercial relationships: your infrastructure is billed by
the cloud provider and the additional Docker features are billed by Docker, Inc.
Figure 19 shows me logged in to (you can use your Docker Hub
credentials and try out Docker Cloud; you don’t need to start with a paid plan) with my
DigitalOcean and Azure accounts set up.
You can create clusters of nodes on your chosen cloud provider, and Docker Cloud will create a
VM with the commercially supported Docker Engine installed. Docker Cloud integrates with the
public Docker Hub in the same way that UCP and DTR integrate on-premise. You can deploy
containers from your images in the Hub, and you can create private repositories that are only
visible to you or your organization.
In Figure 20, my Docker Hub repositories are shown in the Docker Cloud UI, and I can deploy to
my cloud Docker nodes directly from here.
With a paid plan for Docker Cloud, you get the same image security scanning for your own
repositories that’s available in Docker Trusted Registry and for official repositories on the Hub.
Tip: This was a very quick look at Docker Enterprise Edition and Docker Cloud, but
both are worth further investigation. Commercial support and secure access are
prerequisites for many enterprises adopting new technologies.
The Dockerfile isn’t often held up as a major contribution to the software industry, but it can play
a key role for organizations looking to adopt DevOps. A transition to DevOps means unifying
existing development and operations teams, and the Dockerfile is an obvious central point
where different concerns can meet.
In essence, the Dockerfile is a deployment guide. But instead of being a vague document open
to human interpretation, it’s a concise, clear, and actionable set of steps for packaging an
application into a runnable container image. It’s a good first place for dev and ops teams to
meet—developers can start with a simple Dockerfile to package the app, then operations can
take it over, hardening the image or swapping out to a compatible but customized base image.
A smooth deployment pipeline is crucial to successful DevOps. Adopting Docker as your host
platform means you can generate versioned images from each build, deploy them to your test
environment, and, when your test suite passes, promote to staging and production knowing that
you will be running the exact same codebase that passed your tests.
Tip: Docker swarm mode supports rolling service updates, which means that when
you upgrade a running app to a new version, Docker will incrementally take down
instances of the old version and bring up new ones. This makes for very safe upgrades
of stateless apps. See the rolling update tutorial to learn more about rolling upgrades.
Docker also makes a big contribution to DevOps through the simplicity of the host environment.
Within the datacenter, your VM setup can be as lean as simply installing a base OS and
Docker—everything else, including business applications and operational monitoring, runs in
containers on the swarm.
New operating systems are likely to grow in popularity to support Docker’s simplicity. Canonical
has Ubuntu Snappy Core, and Microsoft has Nano Server. Both of them are lightweight
operating systems that can be used for container-based images, but they can also be used as
the host operating system on the server. They have a minimal feature set that equates to a
minimal attack surface and greatly reduced patching requirements.
The microservice architecture is actually easier to apply to an existing application than to a new
system because you already have a clear understanding of where to find the logical service
boundaries and the physical pain points. There are two good candidates for breaking out from a
monolith into separate services without a major rewrite of your application:
• Small, well-contained components that add business value if they are easy to change.
• Larger, heavily integrated components that add business value if they stay the same.
As an example, consider a web app used by a business that frequently wants to change the
homepage in order to try increasing customer engagement while rarely wanting to change the
checkout stage because it feels that stage does all it needs to do. If that app is currently a
deployed as single, monolithic unit, you can’t make a fast, simple change to the homepage—
you need to test and deploy the entire app, including the checkout component that you haven’t
Breaking the homepage and the checkout component into separate application containers
means you can make changes to the homepage and deploy frequently while knowing you won’t
impact the checkout component. You should only test the changes you make, and you can
easily roll back if the new version isn’t well received.
The cost of microservices is the additional complexity of having many small services working
together. However, running those services in Docker containers makes it a problem of
orchestration, and that concern is well served by the Docker ecosystem.
Development toolsets are a good place to start, and it’s surprising how often a tool you rely on
has already been wrapped into a Docker image on the Hub. At minimum, all you need to do is
pull the image and check it out. At most, you might build a new image using your preferred base
OS and tools.
Lots of teams start by containerizing their own core systems—GitLab and Jenkins have very
popular repositories on the Hub, and you can find plenty of sample images for tools such as file
shares, wikis, and code analysis.
Using containers every day is the quickest way to get comfortable with Docker, and you’ll soon
be finding all sorts of scenarios that Docker improves. Enjoy the journey!