Del Fierro vs. Seguiran
Del Fierro vs. Seguiran
Del Fierro vs. Seguiran
SUPREME COURT Fierro, led by his widow Generosa Jimenez Vda. del
Manila Fierro, filed an ejectment case (forcible entry) against
THIRD DIVISION Lodelfo Marcial and Narciso Marcial before the
Municipal Trial Court of Palauig, Zambales.5 On October
G.R. No. 152141, August 8, 2011 31, 1972, the municipal court rendered a decision in
CORNELIO DEL FIERRO, GREGORIO DEL FIERRO, favor of the Del Fierros.6On appeal, the Court of First
ILDEFONSO DEL FIERRO, ASUNCION DEL FIERRO, Instance (CFI) of Zambales, Branch II-Iba, in a
CIPRIANO DEL FIERRO, MANUELA DEL FIERRO, and Decision7 dated August 1, 1973, sustained the right of
FRANCISCO DEL FIERRO Petitioners, the Del Fierros to the possession of the subject
vs. premises and ordered the Marcials to vacate the
RENE SEGUIRAN, Respondent. premises.
Based on the foregoing, petitioners failed to prove the Petitioners contend that the said judicial admission is
identity of the properties sought to be recovered and binding and conclusive on the respondent and it cannot
their title thereto. just be ignored by the trial court without doing violence
to Section 4, Rule 129 of the Rules of
Petitioners argue that the issue of identity of the Evidence.53 Petitioners also contend that the decision of
subject parcels of lands was not among those raised the appellate court in the ejectment case (Civil Case No.
during pre-trial or even during the trial. They contend 706-I), filed by petitioners against Lodelfo Marcial,
that the findings of the trial court, which were affirmed respondent’s predecessor-in-interest, is conclusive as to
by the Court of Appeals, on the issue of supposed petitioners’ possession of Lot Nos. 1625 and 1626. Since
insufficiency of evidence as to the identity of the petitioners are in possession, respondent fraudulently
properties not only surprised them, but caused them applied for and procured free patents, as the
consideration in qualifying as a patentee is that the As regards the third issue raised, petitioners cited their
applicant is in actual possession of the land applied for. testimonial evidence as narrated by the trial court, and
Moreover, the undisputed possession of petitioners and contend that the identity of the land and their
their predecessors of the land as early as 1920s had possession thereof were established as shown by the
long converted the parcels of land to private land and decision of the trial court. They contend that they seek
no longer part of the public domain. reconveyance because the free patent titles were
issued to respondent on false representation as they
Petitioners’ contention does not persuade. (petitioners) were in possession of the land.
As stated by the trial court and the Court of Appeals,
the ejectment case entitled Generosa Jimenez Vda. de The contention lacks merit.
Del Fierro, et al. v. Leodolfo Marcial, et al. involved Lot
No. 1197, and there was no mention of Lot Nos. 1625 The testimonial evidence of petitioners showed that
and 1626 therein. The land involved in the ejectment they did not know the land area of Lot Nos. 1625 and
case was described by the plaintiffs (petitioners) in their 1626;61they had no tax declaration specifically for Lot
Complaint54 as follows: Nos. 1625 and 1626;62 they did not know who was
residing in Lot No. 1626; they could not identify which
Consisting of 21.3196 hectares, more or less, and of the documents evidencing transfer of properties to
bounded on the North by Leoncia Apostol, Heirs of P. their father, Miguel del Fierro, covered Lot Nos. 1625
Lesaca, Justa Ponce and P. Artiquera; East by Hrs. of and 1626;63 and they had no survey plan of the property
Potenciano Lesaca, M. Abdon, P. Artiquera, David over which they were claiming ownership.
Abdon and D. Abdon; South by P. Garcia, Barrio Road
and Maximo Abdon and West by River and Beach. It is However, Ildefonso del Fierro testified that he has a
designated as Lot No. 1197 of the Palauig Cadastre and fishpond and an approximately two-hectare riceland in
declared for taxation purposes in the name of the Heirs Lot No. 1625;64 hence, he did not allow the relocation
of Miguel del Fierro under Tax Declaration No. 18324 survey by respondent of Lot Nos. 1625 and 1626,
and assessed at P5,330.00.55 because it would pass through his fishpond and it would
be disturbed.65 Nevertheless, petitioners failed to
Moreover, in this case, petitioners failed to prove that identify the specific area of Lot No. 1625 or of Lot No.
Lot Nos. 1625 and 1626 were part of Lot No. 1197. The 1626 where the fishpond, riceland or houses of
Survey Map56 of Lot 1626 showed that Lot Nos. 1197, petitioners are located. Instead, they claim possession
1625, and 1626 are distinct lots. The cadastral survey of of the entire area of Lot Nos. 1625 and 1626, but not
Lot Nos. 1625 and 1626 was conducted sometime in one of their documents showing transfer of properties
1962.57 The ejectment case was filed in 1964, after the in the name of their father, Miguel del Fierro,
cadastral survey of Lot Nos. 1625 and 1626, yet specifically states that it covers Lot No. 1625 or Lot No.
petitioners did not mention in their complaint that the 1626, and petitioner could not identify which
ejectment case involved Lot Nos. 1625 and 1626. documents referred to Lot Nos. 1625 and 1626. Thus,
petitioners erred in claiming that their testimonial
In view of the foregoing, the Partial Pre-trial evidence established the identity of the parcels of land
Order58 mistakenly stated that petitioners were sought to be recovered and their title thereto.
declared as the ones in possession of Lot Nos. 1625 and
1626 in the ejectment case. Even the trial court stated The Court notes that the trial court did not discuss the
during the pre-trial conference held on October 28, merits of the testimonial evidence of petitioners, but
1988 that there was no mention of Lot Nos. 1625 and the Court of Appeals did, stating thus:
1626 in the decision59 of the CFI of Zambales, Branch II-
Iba in the ejectment case (Civil Case No. 706- x x x [T]he testimonies of plaintiffs’ witnesses did not
I).60 Moreover, contrary to the contention of serve to clarify the matter of identity of the subject
petitioners, respondent did not admit that petitioners properties as they even failed to indicate the precise
and the intervenors were in possession of Lot Nos. 1625 boundaries or areas of Lot Nos. 1625 and 1626, and
and 1626, respectively, which fact was clearly stated in likewise admitted they have no tax declaration
the Partial Pre-trial Order. specifically for Lot Nos. 1625 and 1526 even after the
cadastral survey in 1962. Failing in their duty to clearly
identify the lands sought to be recovered by them,
plaintiffs-appellants’ action for reconveyance must
necessarily fail. To reiterate, in order that an action to
recover ownership of real property may prosper, the
person who claims he has a better right to it must prove
not only his ownership of the same but also
satisfactorily prove the identity thereof. x x x 66
Associate Justice