MV 44
MV 44
MV 44
ID card Renewal Replacement
✔Change NYS license in exchange for a license from another
US State, the District of Columbia or Canadian Province
VOTER REGISTRATION QUESTIONS (Please answer “yes” or “no”.)
If you are not registered to vote where you live now, would you like to apply to register, or if YES - Complete Voter Registration Application Section
you are changing your address, would you like the Board of Elections to be notified? ✔NO - I Decline to Register/Already Registered/I do not want
NOTE: If you do not check either box, you will be considered to have decided not to register to vote. to notify the Board of Elections of my change of address.
Health’s Donate Life SM Registry. By signing, you are certifying that you are: 18 years of age or older; consenting to
Check this box to make a $1 voluntary
contribution to the Life...Pass It On
donate all of your organs and tissues for transplantation, research or both; authorizing DMV to transfer your name Trust Fund. The $1 donation will be
and identifying information to DOH for enrollment in the Registry; and authorizing DOH to allow access to this added to your total transaction fee.
information to federally regulated organ donation organizations and NYS-licensed tissue and eye banks and A contribution to the Fund is used for
hospitals, upon your death. “ORGAN DONOR” will be printed on the front of your DMV photo document. You will receive organ donation and transplant research
a confirmation letter from DOH, which will also provide you an opportunity to limit your donation.
and educational projects promoting
♥Donor Consent Signature: ± ____________________________________________________ Date:_____________ organ and tissue donation.
IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Do you now have, or did you ever have a New York: NYS DRIVER LICENSE, LEARNER PERMIT, or
Driver license? . . . . . Yes No or
If “Yes”, enter the identification number as it appears
Learner permit? . . . . Yes No or on the license, learner permit, or non-driver ID card.
Non-driver ID Card?. Yes No 6 0 0 6 7 1 9 3 2
Do you have or did you ever have a driver license that is valid or
Paul that expired within the past year, issued by another US State, the
FULL FIRST NAME District of Columbia or a Canadian Province? Yes ✔ No
Cameron If “Yes”, where was it issued? ____________________________
U.S Virgin Islands
FULL MIDDLE NAME Date of Expiration: Type of License: License ID No.:
PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT I am the parent or guardian of the applicant, and I consent to the issuance of a learner permit, license or (if under 16) a non-
driver ID card to him/her. I understand that I am responsible for certifying that the applicant has completed at least 20 hours
Junior License of supervised “practice” driving prior to the applicant taking a road test, and that this certification (MV-262) must be
Non-driver ID Card (under 16) presented at the time of the road test. For road tests taking place on or after February 22, 2010, the applicant must complete
50 hours of “practice” driving, including 15 hours of driving after sunset. Note to parent/guardian: If the driver license
applicant is 17 years old and has a Driver Education Student Certificate of Completion (MV-285), consent is not required.
Parent or Guardian
Sign Here ±
(Relationship to Applicant) (Date)
COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSE APPLICANTS ONLY Please answer questions 1 & 2, below:
1. Did you have a driver license from the District of Columbia or any US state, other than New York, in the past 10 years? Yes No
If YES, list the names of all of the states or DC, but if you are turning in a license from another state, do not list that state:
2. Do you certify that you comply with federal requirements set forth in 49 CFR Part 391 and have a valid Medical Examiner’s Certificate? Yes No
If YES, you must present your Medical Certificate to prove you meet this standard.
If NO, will your commercial driving be limited to municipal and/or school operations only? Yes No
NOTE: For an explanation of 49 CFR 391 requirements and operations that do not require a Medical Examiner’s Certificate, see form MV-44.5 Federal
Requirements for Commercial Driver Applicants.
CERTIFICATION I state that the information I have given on this application is true to the best of my knowledge. If I am applying for a replacement license, I
certify that I am the holder of a valid New York State driver license that is not now suspended or revoked, and that this license has been lost, mutilated or
destroyed. If I am applying for a replacement non-driver ID card, I certify that I am the holder of a valid New York State non-driver ID card and that this non-driver
ID card has been lost, mutilated or destroyed. If the lost license or non-driver ID card is found after I receive the replacement license or non-driver ID card, I will
turn in the original to the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles. If I am exchanging my out-of-state license for a NYS license, I certify that I was a permanent
resident of the state or province in which my license was issued at the time the license was issued, that I have been licensed for AT LEAST 6 MONTHS, and that
I have not failed a road test for a New York State driver license in the past 12 months. I understand that the waiver of the written and road tests is at the
discretion of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. If I am a male at least 18 but less than 26 years of age, I consent to be registered with the Selective Service
System (SSS), if so required by federal law. I authorize the Commissioner to forward to the SSS my personal information that is required for registration. If I am
using a credit card for payment of any fees in connection with this application, I understand that my signature below also authorizes use of my credit card.
IMPORTANT: Making a false statement in any license or non-driver ID card application, or in any proof or statement in connection with it, or
deceiving or substituting, or causing another person to deceive or substitute in connection with such application, is a misdemeanor under Section
392 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, and may result in the revocation or suspension of your license or non-driver ID card.
(Please read before you complete application on the other side.)
If you would like help in filling out the voter registration application form, we will help you. The decision whether to seek or accept help is yours. You may fill out
the application form in private.
If you believe that someone has interfered with your right to register or decline to register to vote, your right to privacy in deciding whether to register or in
applying to register to vote, or your right to choose your own political party or other political preference, you may file a complaint with the NYS Board of
Elections, 40 Steuben Street, Albany, NY 12207-2109, Phone 1-800-469-6872.
If you have any questions about registering to vote, you should call your County Board of Elections or call 1-800-FOR-VOTE (only for Voter
Registration questions). If you live in New York City, you should call 1-212-VOTE-NYC. Hearing impaired people with TDD may call 1-800-533-8683. You
may also log on to our website for information at:
NEW YORK STATE VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATION - (Fill out this part only if you want to register to vote or change your address or other information
with the Board of Elections, and if you are also filling out the DMV application above.)
If you register to vote, your completed voter registration application will be sent directly to the Board of Elections. If you decline to register, your decision will
remain confidential. You will be notified by your County Board of Elections when your voter registration application has been processed.
Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes No I will be 18 years old on or before election day: Yes No Home Telephone Number (optional)
Area Code
If you answered NO, do not complete this form. If you answered NO, do not complete this form, unless you will be 18 by the end of the year.
( )
Last year voted Your Address was (give house number, street, and city) In county/state Under the name (if different from your name now)
Choose a Party – Check one box only AFFIDAVIT: I swear or affirm that
DEMOCRATIC PARTY Please note: In order to vote I am a citizen of the United States.
in a primary election, you I will have lived in the county, city, or village for at least 30 days before the election.
REPUBLICAN PARTY must be enrolled in a party. I meet all requirements to register to vote in New York State.
INDEPENDENCE PARTY* *Except the Independence This is my signature or mark on the line below.
Party which permits non-
enrolled voters to vote in
The above information is true. I understand that if it is not true I can be convicted and fined up to $5,000 and/or
jailed for up to four years.
WORKING FAMILIES PARTY their primary election.
↓ Signature or mark ↓
OTHER (write in) _________________________