Error List PDF
Error List PDF
Error List PDF
Error List
Item No. 19 715
All rights to this manual are reserved by Pilz GmbH & Co. Copies may be made for internal
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate,
no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions contained within it. We reserve the
right to amend specifications without notice. We are grateful for any feedback on the contents
of this manual.
The names of products, goods and technologies used in this manual are trademarks of the
respective companies.
V, 02/02
Introduction 1-1
Error class F-24 - Error setting parameters for FBs and SBs
25 Slots for output segments are not Check read and write segments in
in ascending order the configurator
26 Output segments have been Check read and write segments in
defined on a slot that has no the configurator
word module
27 Start address for output Check output segments for word
segments is too high module in the configurator
28 Output segments overlap Check output segments for word
module in the configurator
29 Segment length is invalid Check output segments for word
module in the configurator
30 Output segment extends Check output segments for word
beyond the module module in the configurator
31 Double word output segment lies Check output segments for word
outside the double word address module in the configurator
32 Word modules are Enter the word modules in
not in ascending order configurator in ascending order
33 Output point is invalid Check output point for the word
module in the configurator
34 Both DI and DIF inputs tested with Check test pulse allocation
the same test pulse in the configurator
35 More than 2 DIF in the Check configuration, change the
set layout configuration configuration in the configurator
36 Test module entered Check configuration or test pulse
but pulse number is FF allocation in the configurator
37 Program cannot be run on this PSS Use correct CPU module
Error class F-79 - Error in the process image of outputs system error
(processor A)
5F Error in stated block: Call SB255, FUNK 1.) Check enable parameter “Device
123, Master-LD has no read access to address”
the stated device 2.) Check the configuration; the Master-
LD must have read access to the I/O-
Group containing the stated device
60 Error in stated block: Call SB255, FUNK Correct enable parameters stated in
124, invalid enable parameters code
0 = Domain Number (source)
1 = Device Adresse (source)
The code is shown on the error stack
display on the PG.
69 Error in stated block: Call SB255, FUNK Amend programming; SB255, FUNK
131 not permitted 131 may only be called in OB131 of the
6A Error in stated block: Call SB255, FUNK Check enable parameter “DB-number
131, DB-Number (source) does not (source)”
match the DB received
71 Error in stated block: Call SB255, FUNK 1.) Check enable parameter “DB-
139, source DB not available number (source)”
2.) Check whether DB is available in the
72 Error in stated block: Call SB255, FUNK 1.) Check enable parameter “DB-
139, source DB too short number (source)”
2.) Check length of DB
74 Error in stated block: Call SB255, FUNK Check enable parameters
143, invalid DB-Number
2A Slots for the read segments are not Check read segments in the
in ascending order configurator
2B Read segment length is too long Correct the read segment length in
the configurator (1 or 2 words)
2C Address range for word Check address range in the
module exceeded configurator (max. offset + segment
2D Segment with 2 words is not at a Change offset in the configurator,
double word address the offset must be divisible by 4
2E Read segments overlap Check read segments in the
2F Alignment algorithm is invalid Check alignment algorithm in the
30 Compare alignment algorithm, but Set tolerance to 0 in the configurator
but the tolerance does not = 0
31 Read-in point is invalid Correct read-in point in the
32 Write segment for a slot has been Check read segments in the
defined, but no word module configurator
on the slot
33 Slot number for the Check write segment in the
word module is invalid configurator
34 Write segments are not Enter write segments in the
in ascending order configurator in ascending order
35 Length of the write is Correct length of the write segments
segment is too long in the configurator (1 or 2 words)
36 Address range for the Correct address range (max. offset
word modules exceeded + segment length) in the configurator
37 Segment with 2 words Change the offset in the configurator,
starts with an unequal address offset must be divisible 4
38 Write segments overlap Check write segments in the
Error-OB: OB 029
*1 0: I/OD A, 1: I/OD B
*1 0: I/OD A, : I/OD B
. -
. Device-Adr. Internal system error Change PSS.
21 - Not assigned
22 - 2 LDs or I/ODs on the bus have Display device error stack or
Device-Adr. the same address disconnect the device
. -
. Device-Adr. Internal system error Change PSS
26 - Bus configuration is incorrect or Check configuration, delete
Device-Adr. the MD or LD is defective the PSS program memory,
transfer user program, if no
remedy helps: change the
04 - Not assigned
05 - Check configuration, delete
Error during program transfer or the PSS program memory,
program memory is defective transfer user program, if no
remedy helps: change PSS or
06 - Not assigned
07 - Check configuration, delete
. Error during program transfer or the PSS program memory,
. program memory is defective transfer user program, if no
. remedy helps: change PSS or
0E - Check configuration, delete
. Error during program transfer or the PSS program memory,
. program memory is defective transfer user program, if no
. remedy helps: change PSS or
10 - Not assigned
11 - Check configuration, delete
Error during program transfer or the PSS program memory,
program memory is defective transfer user program, if no
remedy helps: change PSS or
Most errors contain error parameters that can be used to locate the error.
These parameters can be displayed using the error display in the PG.
Many of these parameters have no relevance to you the user. However,
they help Pilz engineers to determine the cause of the error. If you require
support from Pilz or need to send the device back to rectify the error,
please quote the error parameter(s).
06 I/O-Group was stopped via the Evaluate error stack of the stated device.
. stated Device
10 Incorrect configuration data Check and rectify the device type and version
. in the configuration, clear the program memory
. and reload the application program.
. If no remedy helps: contact Pilz.
. Internal communication error Please contact the device manufacturer.
An error on the module PSS(1) AI U5I1 is displayed (as with all module
errors) using the error class 06. The error numbers 48 ... 51 in this error class
relate to the AI module (see also PSS FS error messages).
If an error occurs, an additional parameter is given for the PSS(1) AI U5I1
that describes the error in more detail. The meaning of these parameters is
described in this chapter.
Error class 06