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Heapy 2016

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Heapy et al.

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85

DOI 10.1186/s12891-016-0924-z


Cooperative pain education and self-

management (COPES): study design and
protocol of a randomized non-inferiority
trial of an interactive voice response-based
self-management intervention for chronic
low back pain
Alicia A. Heapy1,2*, Diana M. Higgins3,4, Kathryn M. LaChappelle1, Joseph Kirlin5, Joseph L. Goulet1,2,
Rebecca A. Czlapinski1, Eugenia Buta2, John D. Piette6,7,8, Sarah L. Krein6,8, Caroline R. Richardson8
and Robert D. Kerns1,2

Background: The Institute of Medicine report “Relieving Pain in America” recommends the promotion of
patient self-management of pain for all people with pain. Given the high prevalence of chronic pain in the
US, new strategies are needed to enhance access to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other evidence-
based treatments designed to facilitate self-management of chronic pain conditions. Although CBT is efficacious, many
patients have limited or no access to CBT. Technology-assisted delivery of CBT may improve access while maintaining
Methods/Design: We describe a randomized non-inferiority trial of interactive voice response (IVR)-based CBT for
patients with chronic low back pain. This intervention uses daily IVR monitoring and weekly pre-recorded therapist
feedback, based on patient-reported information, to provide treatment for patients at home. A total of 230 patients
with chronic low back pain are being identified from a single statewide health system serving US military veterans.
Participants are randomized to receive either ten weeks of in-person CBT or IVR-based CBT. The primary outcome is
pain intensity as measured by the Numeric Rating Scale immediately post-treatment. Secondary outcomes include
pain-related interference, emotional functioning, and quality of life measured immediately post treatment, and 6
and 9 months post recruitment. Exploratory objectives of the study are to examine: (1) potential mediators of impact
on clinical outcomes (treatment retention, self-reported skill practice ratings, IVR call adherence, and treatment
satisfaction); and (2) moderators of treatment engagement, adherence to therapist recommendations for pain
coping skill practice, and effects on clinical outcomes.
(Continued on next page)

* Correspondence: alicia.heapy@va.gov
VA Connecticut Healthcare System, Pain Research, Informatics,
Multimorbidities, and Education (PRIME) Health Services Research and
Development Center of Innovation, 11ACLGS950 Campbell Avenue, West
Haven, CT 06516, USA
Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2016 Heapy et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 2 of 13

(Continued from previous page)

Discussion: This non-inferiority trial may identify an alternative to resource intensive in-person CBT that
allows many more patients to receive care while also increasing retention of those enrolled in the program.
Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01025752. Registered 3 December 2009.
Keywords: Chronic low back pain, Clinical trial, IVR, Non-inferiority trial, CBT, Self-management

Background problem solving, and support when goals are not success-
Need for pain self-management fully obtained are also important aspects of treatment.
A recent Institute of Medicine (IOM) report estimates Although CBT is an effective treatment for reducing
that approximately 100 million people in the US experi- pain and enhancing physical and emotional functioning,
ence chronic pain at any one point in time [1]. Among it has several features that have limited its availability in
the IOM committee’s recommendations is the widespread practice. A typical CBT treatment schedule may require
promotion of pain self-management for all people who ex- weekly, 50-minute sessions for 6 to 12 weeks. This
perience pain. The report highlights the frequent barriers schedule can put treatment out of reach for patients
to care experienced by individuals with pain and encour- with limited funds or transportation options, as well as
ages the development of strategies to address those bar- for patients with health and mobility limitations or com-
riers. Directly relevant to these two recommendations are peting demands that do not easily accommodate weekly
investigations of novel ways to provide access to evidence- appointments. Trained therapists are often unavailable,
based self-management interventions. Although many in- especially in rural areas, low -income communities, or
terventions exist and individuals with pain may have a var- health systems that are far removed from academic med-
iety of preferences, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a ical centers [4]. As a consequence, CBT therapists only
mainstay of pain self-management interventions. serve a small proportion of patients who might benefit
[5]. As a partial solution to these access and cost bar-
Chronic pain and CBT riers, new approaches look to mobile health technology,
CBT has demonstrated efficacy for reducing pain and such as interactive voice response, as a way to increase
improving function in individuals with chronic pain. In a the scale of sustainable programs for patients without
meta-analysis of psychological interventions for CLBP, the need for 1–1 in-person encounters.
Kerns and colleagues documented moderate to large ef-
fects of CBT and other psychological interventions in re- Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
ducing pain and pain-related interference [2]. Similarly, IVR is an automated telephonic technology that allows
a Cochrane review found combined cognitive and patients to report and receive information via their mo-
relaxation-based treatments were superior to a wait list bile or landline telephone. Calls can be placed at times
control condition and resulted in moderate reductions that are convenient to the patient, and data are collected
in pain intensity [3]. when patients answer pre-recorded voice prompts using
The overarching goal of CBT is to assist the patient in their telephone key pad or voice. Patients also can re-
developing an adaptive problem-solving, self-management ceive information via IVR such as pre-recorded didactic
approach to pain based on a conceptualization of pain as information regarding pain coping skills or personalized
controllable and a personal attitude of self-efficacy and therapist feedback. The therapist is able to monitor a pa-
self-control. An important aspect of CBT is its foundation tient’s daily IVR reports and tailor subsequent feedback
in a biopsychosocial and multidimensional perspective of based on pain-related symptoms, treatment engagement
chronic pain and the fact that CBT is specifically designed or treatment adherence.
to target reductions in pain, disability, and emotional
distress, while improving the patient’s overall quality of Use of IVR to deliver treatment
life. During therapy, a range of cognitive (e.g., attention There is emerging evidence that IVR-based interventions
diversion, development of coping self-statements) and are effective for providing education, peer support, and
behavioral (e.g., behavioral activation, activity pacing, tailored messages to enhance adherence and maintain
relaxation) pain coping skills are taught. Patients are treatment gains for patients with chronic health condi-
encouraged to practice the skills outside treatment ses- tions [6–10]. Reviews of the broader literature of
sions through assignment of specific goals for pain coping technology-assisted interventions beyond IVR for condi-
skill practice. Goal setting and coping skill practice are tions like depression and anxiety have concluded that,
important components of CBT. Therapist reinforcement although technology-assisted interventions are effica-
of pain coping skill practice, goal accomplishment, and cious, some form of therapist contact enhances not just
Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 3 of 13

treatment effects, but also treatment retention [11–13]. component of the treatments. The walking program is
Within the realm of pain-related research, Naylor and progressive and participants are assigned a weekly goal
colleagues found that the use of IVR after in-person of increasing their average daily step count by 10 % over
CBT to reinforce the use of pain coping skills can main- the prior week’s average step count beginning in week
tain and even enhance gains made in treatment, redu- three when the physical activity module is presented in
cing the use of opioid-based pharmacotherapy [8, 9, 14]. both the IVR and “live” therapist arms of the trial.
Also, studies have shown high levels of adherence to
daily IVR telephone calls whether participants received Patient handbooks
payments for calls or not [6, 14]. Despite these promis- At baseline, participants in both conditions receive
ing results, to our knowledge there have been no trials handbooks that describe the CBT treatment skills and
of a solely IVR-based treatment for chronic pain. weekly goals, and contain instructions for using the IVR
system and pedometer. For patients randomized to IVR-
Conceptual framework CBT the handbook information is also made available
Non-inferiority trial of IVR-based CBT for chronic pain during IVR calls. Easy accessibility of this information is
When a new treatment promises potential benefits such critical for these patients because they cannot rely on
as improved access, fewer side effects, or lower cost rela- the therapist for its presentation and reinforcement. In
tive to an established treatment, but there is no hypothe- the in-person condition, information about pain coping
sized reason to believe that the new treatment is more skills is conveyed primarily through the therapist during
efficacious, a non-inferiority trial can be used to examine weekly sessions and the companion handbook contains
the relative benefits and efficacy of the two alternatives. shortened versions of the pain coping skill explanations
A new treatment is considered to be non-inferior based contained in the IVR-CBT handbook.
on evidence that the decrement in efficacy of the new
treatment relative to the established treatment, by a pre- Skill practice and meaningful activity goals
specified margin (called the “non-inferiority margin”) Each week, participants are assigned a daily skill practice
[15]. For example, in a non-inferiority trial of pain man- goal that corresponds to the specific pain coping skill
agement treatments such as the one conducted, if the presented in treatment that week (e.g., Week 4: practice
actual difference in mean pain intensity between IVR- deep breathing for 5 minutes each day). The skill prac-
based CBT (IVR-CBT) and in-person CBT is less than tice goal for each week is described in the patient hand-
the pre-defined non-inferiority margin, IVR-CBT will be book for participants randomized to the IVR-CBT
judged to be non-inferior to in-person CBT. The pri- condition and is assigned by the therapist during the
mary rationale for this trial is that IVR-CBT offers weekly treatment session for participants randomized to
potential benefits (e.g., improved access, lower patient the in-person CBT condition. Participants in both condi-
burden) relative to in-person CBT, wherein the tradeoff tions are assigned the same skill practice goals (see
of a slight decrement in efficacy can be tolerated in Table 1). As participants progress through treatment,
return for enhanced access to care. If IVR-CBT is found they are encouraged to continue practicing skills learned
to have clinically non-inferior outcomes relative to in- in prior modules. Participants also create their own goal
person CBT, it will be recommended for use to patients for engaging in pleasant or meaningful activities to pro-
with chronic low back pain (CLBP) and could be mote behavioral activation (i.e., planned rewarding or
adopted as an alternative to the current, more costly productive activities in order to enhance mood and ac-
approach. tivity levels). Participants in the IVR-CBT condition are
An important objective in translating CBT to the IVR guided in this effort by information in the patient hand-
environment was to promote practice of the pain coping book. Participants in the in-person CBT condition col-
skills through goal setting while retaining the therapist laborate in setting goals with their therapist during
contact and reinforcement that is associated with posi- treatment sessions.
tive patient outcomes. We sought to leverage the ability
of the IVR system to provide brief, automated contact IVR assessment
with participants to not only assess skill practice adher- Participants in both conditions receive daily automated
ence, but to provide a sense of regular contact and to calls from the IVR system. Calls are scheduled to occur
enhance feedback. each evening at the same time within the daily assess-
ment window of 6:00 PM-10:00 PM in order to ensure
Key intervention components that each call represents a 24-hour reporting period.
A pedometer-assisted graduated walking program Calls are scheduled at a time of the participant’s choos-
Participants in both treatment conditions are given a ing. Participants are also able to connect directly with
pedometer to facilitate their engagement in the walking the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veteran Crisis
Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 4 of 13

Table 1 Treatment modules and goals for CBT and IVR-CBT

Week Coping Skill Description Goals
0 None Baseline assessment None
1 Introduction Present rationale for treatment, explain - Complete one exercise each day in the “Your Guide
pain cycle and introduce goal setting. to Setting Meaningful Activity
Goals” section
2 Stretching Introduce stretching, its benefits, explain -Practice stretches provided in the handbook daily
acute vs. chronic pain, beliefs about pain
-Set/ work on meaningful activity goal
and provide suggested stretches to practice.
3 Movement, Walking & Body Mechanics Instructions for walking, body mechanics, -Practice body mechanics
increasing activity and preventing injuries.
-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps
- Set/ work on Meaningful activity goal
-Continue to practice prior week’s skill
4 Deep Breathing Instructions for diaphragmatic breathing -Practice diaphragmatic breathing using CD for
and its benefits. 5–10 minutes/day
-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps
- Set/ work on meaningful activity goal
-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills
5 Progressive Muscle Relaxation Instructions for progressive muscle -Practice progressive muscle relaxation using CD
relaxation and its benefits.
-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps
- Set/work on meaningful activity goal
-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills
6 Identifying Unhealthy Thoughts Influence of negative thoughts on pain, -Practice catching unhealthy thoughts
activities and mood.
-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps
- Set/work on meaningful activity goal
-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills
7 Balancing Unhealthy Thoughts Instructions for challenging and -Practice catching and changing unhealthy thoughts
changing negative thoughts
-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps
- Set/work on meaningful activity goal
-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills
8 Time-Based Pacing Instructions for time-based pacing and -Practice time-based pacing by applying it to one
its benefits. activity daily
-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps
- Set/work on meaningful activity goal
-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills
9 Sleep Hygiene Common sleep problems and sleep -Practice at least one sleep hygiene tip daily
hygiene tips.
-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps
- Set/ work on meaningful activity goal
-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills
10 Planning for the Future Relapse prevention; reviewing goals and - Complete 1 section of the pain flare prevention
accomplishments, managing relapse and handout daily.
pain flare ups.
-Increase daily steps +10 % of prior week’s steps
- Set/work on meaningful activity goal
-Continue to practice prior weeks’ skills

Line. The crisis line is staffed 24-hour a day and offers Weekly therapist feedback
callers (or those who use confidential chat or text) sup- Participants in the IVR-CBT condition receive a weekly,
port, crisis response, and facilitates follow-up in-person two to five minute pre-recorded personalized message
care at a veteran’s local VA medical center. from their therapist via the IVR system. On the last day
Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 5 of 13

of each week participants are told that they have a (See Fig. 1) with post-treatment being the primary
message from their therapist. This message may be timepoint. The aims of the study are:
accessed and replayed as often as the participants
want. If participants miss the call that contains the Aim1: To determine whether IVR- CBT for chronic
feedback message, they are prompted to listen to the low back pain is non-inferior or “not unacceptably
message during their next call. Participants and thera- worse” [15] than the gold standard in-person
pists may record messages to one another on the IVR treatment. The primary outcome is pain intensity
system at any time during treatment. This allows par- as measured at post-treatment by the 11-point
ticipants and therapists to obtain clarification or feed- [0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain imaginable)] Numeric
back on specific topics and avoid frustration that may Rating Scale (NRS) for pain. The non-inferiority margin
impair progress or prompt dropout. was set at one point on the NRS.
Aim 2: To determine whether IVR-CBT enhances
Methods/Design participants’ physical and emotional functioning,
This randomized controlled non-inferiority trial in- and health-related quality of life immediately post-
cludes assessment of outcomes at baseline, post- treatment and each follow-up relative to in-person
treatment (i.e., 3 months), 6 months and 9 months treatment.

Does not meet eligibility

Medical record screening and advertisement criteria

Opts out or unable to

Letter to eligible patients contact

Ineligible or refuses to
Eligibility screening participate

Baseline assessment and randomization


Seven day assessment of pain, sleep,

and steps via daily IVR call

IVR: Ten weekly treatment CBT: Ten individual weekly

modules with daily IVR calls sessions with daily IVR calls
weekly feedback via IVR

Post-treatment Post-treatment
satisfaction interview assessment

6 month follow-up

9 month follow-up

Fig. 1 Study recruitment, enrollment, treatment, and assessment processes

Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 6 of 13

Aim 3: To determine whether treatment groups differ outpatient clinic locations of VACHS. Potential partici-
with respect to important mediators of outcomes, pants who respond to the referral or advertisement are
including treatment dropout rates, self-reported skill screened by the study research assistant regarding key
practice ratings, IVR call adherence, and treatment eligibility criteria for the study (e.g., confirmation of
satisfaction. presence of chronic back pain of at least moderate inten-
Aim 4: To identify key moderators of improvements in sity and absence of medical and psychiatric comorbidi-
treatment outcomes including age, sex, race/ethnicity, ties that preclude eligibility). If initial screening suggests
number of pain sites and location, medication use, and potential eligibility, a face-to-face appointment is sched-
psychiatric comorbidities. uled for obtaining written informed consent and a full
eligibility screening.
Eligible patients are randomized to receive either
standard in-person CBT for CLBP or IVR-CBT. This Baseline appointment
study was approved by Institutional Review Boards at After consent, the final assessment of study eligibility is
Yale University School of Medicine and the VA determined through review of the EHR by the study psy-
Connecticut Healthcare System (VACHS). chiatric advance practice registered nurse and psycholo-
gists, and participant responses to validated measures.
Eligibility The study nurse verifies the diagnosis of CLBP and uses
Experimental subjects and controls a structured chart abstraction and assessment tool based
Participants are 230 patients with CLBP receiving treat- on a classification system recommended in clinical prac-
ment at the VACHS. Specific eligibility criteria include: tice guidelines [18] to identify the diagnosis and treat-
1) presence of at least a moderate level of pain (i.e., pain ments of CLBP and classify participants’ pain as either
intensity rating of ≥ 4 on the 0 to 10 NRS) for a period non-specific low back pain, low back pain with a radicu-
of ≥ 3 months; 2) diagnosis of a low back pain condition lar component, or pain associated with other specific
in the electronic health record (EHR); 3) absence of a spinal causes. A trained research assistant under supervi-
medical or psychiatric condition that could impair par- sion of a psychologist reviews each participant’s chart to
ticipation (e.g., severe COPD, terminal cancer, active identify disqualifying psychiatric diagnoses or active
substance abuse, psychosis, suicidality or severe depres- suicidality. The research assistant administers a brief
sion Beck Depression Inventory-II score >28 ); 4) self- semi-structured interview to collect demographic and
reported ability to walk at least one block without chest pain-related information, the Mini-International Neuro-
pain; 5) absence of dementia defined by St. Louis psychiatric Interview for DSM-IV (MINI) [19] to identify
University Mental Status examination (SLUMS); [16] 6) the presence of any DSM-IV psychiatric disorders, the
absence of surgical interventions for pain during partici- Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) [20] to screen for
pation in this study (participants undergoing surgery will severe depressive symptoms, and the SLUMS examination
be discharged from the study in order to maintain the to screen for cognitive deficits likely to interfere with
integrity of the active treatments); 7) availability of a treatment participation. Prescribed pain medications
touch-tone landline or mobile telephone; and 8) absence and their dosage, as noted in the EHR, are recorded.
of any sensory deficits that would impair participation Individuals who meet eligibility criteria are enrolled in
(e.g., hearing loss to a degree that telephone usage is not the IVR system and TrialDB, a secure, encrypted clin-
possible). ical trials management database that facilitates partici-
pant randomization and collection and management
Recruitment of questionnaire data.
Participants are recruited from the VACHS by mailing
letters to those who are identified via EHR review as Randomization
having a back-pain-related diagnosis including low back Eligible participants are randomized to either in-person
and spine conditions and nerve compression (ICD-9 CBT or IVR-CBT immediately after completing the
codes 724.02, 724.03, 724.2, 724.3, and 724.4) and a pain baseline assessments. The study research assistant enters
intensity rating of ≥ 4 (indicating moderate pain) [17] on the participant’s demographic information and stratifica-
the 0–10 NRS during their most recent clinic visit. tion factors into TrialDB, which holds the randomization
Potential participants are called to solicit enrollment schedule and is masked from users thereby enabling
unless an “opt out” response is received by study staff, concealed allocation. The treatment allocation ratio is
either by returning a pre-stamped and addressed letter 1:1 using a permuted stratified block design with variable
or by telephone call. Additional participants are obtained block size. Randomization is done within strata defined
through provider referral and advertisements placed in by patients’ distance from the VACHS-West Haven cam-
clinical care areas throughout the medical center and pus (<10, 11–25, 26 or greater miles) and cause of low
Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 7 of 13

back pain as determined by the study nurse based on made on the advice of their physician or their own initia-
EHR review (non-specific low back pain, low back pain tive, 3) how often they practiced their weekly, self-selected
with a radicular component, or pain associated with pleasant or meaningful activity goal and if it improved
other specific spinal causes) [18]. The research assistant their happiness or satisfaction 4) if they continued to use
informs a study therapist of the participant’s treatment any of the pain coping skills learned in prior weeks, and 5)
assignment. their comprehension of the module material via five true/
false questions about the week’s pain coping skill. All of
Pedometer, TrialDB, and IVR system training the information reported during a call is automatically
The research assistant enrolls participants in the IVR captured in a database and time and date stamped for
system and TrialDB, a separate, secure, encrypted web- later review by a therapist. Participants receive a call at
interface used for completing the study outcome mea- their chosen time; if they do not complete the call, they
sures. Participants are provided with training in the use are called again fifteen minutes after the designated time,
of TrialDB, the IVR system and the study pedometer by and if they do not complete the second call, they are called
a brief demonstration supplemented by written instruc- again one hour later. If they do not answer any of these
tions included in the patient handbook. Participants’ calls, the call day is considered missed and they are not
stride length is measured and they are provided with an called again until the following day. Participants have the
Omron Go Smart Model HJ-112 pocket pedometer to option of calling into the system to make their daily report
use in the walking portion of the CBT and IVR-CBT in circumstances when they are unavailable at the sched-
interventions. uled call time. The IVR system flags any instances of a
participant missing the first call day or two consecutive
Patient handbooks call days, and the study research assistants contact the
At the end of the baseline appointment participants are participant to assist them if there is a technical difficulty
given either a CBT or IVR-CBT patient handbook.The or to encourage adherence to the call schedule. When par-
patient handbooks were adapted from materials used in ticipants are unable to complete calls for an extended
a prior trial of in-person CBT for CLBP by psychologists period of time such as during vacation, calls can be paused
with experience in the delivery of CBT for chronic pain and resume when a participant returns. Participants are
[21]. The materials are written at a 6th grade reading not paid for completing daily IVR calls.
level and pictures and simple figures are incorporated as
often as possible to enhance patients’ understanding and Treatments
engagement. As a check on comprehension, participants Overview
are asked five true/false questions about each treatment Both CBT conditions include 10 treatment modules deliv-
module in the week it is presented. The IVR-CBT pa- ered over 10 consecutive weeks. Treatments are delivered
tient handbook and IVR scripts were pilot tested with 17 by either a PhD-level psychologist or the study nurse
individuals with chronic pain who reviewed the materials trained and supervised by a clinical psychologist with spe-
and an additional four individuals who received treat- cific competencies and experience in delivering CBT for
ment using the new materials. Both groups provided chronic pain. Therapists follow treatment manuals and
feedback via semi-structured interviews and revisions participants are provided with a treatment-specific partici-
were made to the materials based on feedback. pant handbook. The 10-week course of therapy consists of
an introductory module, followed by 8 consecutive pain
Daily IVR calls coping skills modules, and concludes with a 10th module
After enrollment, but prior to beginning treatment, par- emphasizing skill consolidation and relapse prevention.
ticipants receive seven daily IVR calls to assess their Both conditions include the same pain coping skills, which
baseline pain intensity, pedometer-measured step counts were selected from a wider collection of possible skills
and self-reported sleep duration in hours [22]. Starting because they were rated most highly by participants in a
on the first day of treatment and continuing for 70 days, prior funded trial on importance, interest and ability to
participants receive daily IVR calls to answer seven daily engage in them [21] (see Table 1 for description of skills).
questions that assess pain intensity, sleep quality and Participants assigned to both conditions continue to re-
duration, pedometer-measured step count, catastrophiz- ceive routine care of their CLBP by their current health-
ing (I worried my pain would never end”, “I felt my pain care providers. Study staff do not attempt to influence
was so bad I could not stand it anymore”) and adherence clinical care other than CBT in any way.
to the current week’s skill practice goal. Once per week CBT involves weekly, 30-minute, individual in-person
participants are asked to report: 1) any adverse events sessions with a therapist, a pedometer-facilitated walking
associated with the graduated walking portion of the treat- program and daily IVR assessment. Each session in-
ment, 2) any increase or decrease in pain medication dose cludes one treatment module.
Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 8 of 13

Each module includes: (1) the presentation of an expli- recordings to assure that key components of the man-
cit rationale for development and use of the specific cop- uals are covered. Percentages of treatment integrity/vio-
ing skill being taught, (2) a description of each coping lations will be calculated. The study’s psychologist
skill, skill modeling and practice of the skill during the principal investigator will provide corrective feedback to
session, (3) problem-solving about the practice and use the psychologist whenever drift occurs.
of the specific skill, and (4) assignment of a specific goal
for practice of the week’s skill and collaboration between Adverse events
the therapist and participants to develop a weekly goal Although walking is not considered risky for patients with
for engaging in pleasant or meaningful activities. chronic musculoskeletal pain and is often recommended,
IVR-CBT is an adapted form of in-person CBT specific- information about adverse events associated with partici-
ally designed for the IVR environment. IVR-CBT involves pation in the walking portion of the treatment is solicited
reading handbook materials, a pedometer-facilitated once per week during the IVR assessment calls. Partici-
walking program, daily IVR assessment and retrieval pants may report adverse events by recording a brief audio
of pre-recorded therapist feedback related to treat- message. These messages are reviewed each business day
ment engagement and goal completion. Participants by study staff and any reports that indicate a cause for
in the IVR-CBT condition have access to extra IVR concern are followed-up with the participant, their pri-
features not available to participants in the in-person mary care provider, or both.
CBT condition. For example, optional pre-recorded,
brief audio segments are provided to reinforce the in- Outcomes
formation about pain coping skills that are presented Survey outcomes are assessed at 4 time points, baseline,
in the patient handbook and offer participants with post-treatment, and 6 and 9 months post baseline. Par-
poor literacy skills an additional opportunity to learn ticipants are given up to 14 weeks to complete treatment
the treatment skills. Peer testimonials feature a voice actor in order to accommodate rescheduled sessions due to
speaking the words of an actual participant in one of our vacations, illness or travel difficulties. Post-treatment
prior trials of CBT for chronic pain describing their suc- data are collected when a participant completes treat-
cessful use of the pain coping skills. A collection of short ment or at 15 weeks post-baseline regardless of whether
motivational tips also are available. the participant has completed treatment. Survey out-
comes are assessed using the TrialDB system, which
IVR-CBT therapist feedback allows participants to complete the self-report ques-
Each week the therapist reviews participants’ IVR- tionnaires online via a secure web-based interface.
reported data via a web interface that summarizes the Participants who do not have an Internet connection
daily reports (see Fig. 2). Therapists comment on partici- may come to the medical center to complete the
pants’ average pain intensity, sleep, steps, and skill prac- measures via TrialDB or complete a paper version of
tice for the week and note the weekly average, any the measures and return them by mail. IVR outcomes
change from the prior week, either positive or negative, will be assessed daily during the baseline week and
and note any patterns (e.g., more pain on weekends ver- over the 10 treatment weeks.
sus week days). Therapists also provide reinforcement Measures were selected based on the Initiative on
for any goal accomplishment and note potential associa- Methods, Measurement and Pain Assessment in Clinical
tions among pain, goal accomplishment, and pain coping Trials (IMMPACT) recommendations [23], which called
skill practice. Therapists provide corrective feedback on for the assessment of multiple domains of the pain ex-
any incorrect answers to the true/false questions. Finally, perience in all pain treatment trials and recommended
therapists assign a steps goal for the upcoming week. measures based on their psychometric properties and re-
spondent burden. These measures are consistent with
Treatment fidelity measures CONSORT guidelines for non-inferiority trials [24] that
In-person CBT and IVR-CBT Treatment Receipt/Com- recommend that outcome measures be similar to those
prehension: The measures of treatment receipt (i.e., the used in studies to establish efficacy of the reference
five- item true/false content questionnaire) have been treatment.
described above. We will analyze and report these data Primary Outcome - Pain intensity: We assess partici-
regarding average level of skill comprehension and pants’ average pain intensity over the past week via sur-
whether any treatment modules were more difficult for vey, at the four outcome assessment points using the
participants to understand. Treatment fidelity will be Numeric Rating Scale of pain intensity (NRS-I) [25] an
assessed by psychologists with expertise in CBT for 11-point numeric rating scale (0 = no pain, 10 = worst
chronic pain, who will rate audiotapes of 30 % of the in- pain imaginable). The primary outcome is the average
person CBT sessions and the IVR-CBT weekly feedback weekly pain intensity at post-treatment.
Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 9 of 13

Fig. 2 Screen shots of study dashboard views

Secondary Outcomes – Pain intensity will also be has demonstrated good internal consistency (.86) and
assessed daily during the trial via the IVR system using stability (.85 over 2 weeks) [27]. The 24 item Roland and
the NRS scale. Subjects will have a maximum of 77 daily Morris Disability Questionnaire is designed to assess
scores: 7 daily calls for the baseline assessment week and physical functioning in patients with low back pain [28].
7 daily calls for each of the 10 weeks of treatment. We It has demonstrated good internal consistency (.84-.93)
will use these scores to compute weekly means for each and stability (.83 over 3 weeks) [29].
subject. The mean of seven daily assessments has been Emotional functioning: Overall emotional functioning
found to provide reliability in excess of 0.90 [26]. is assessed using the 65-item Profile of Mood States
Physical functioning: The nine-item Interference sub- (POMS) [30], a multidimensional measure of emotional
scale of the West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain functioning designed to assess six dimensions of mood
Inventory (WHYMPI) is used to assess pain-related and to be used in non-psychiatric or physically ill popu-
interference in social, work and household activities and lations. Internal consistency (0.84 to 0.95, depending on
Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 10 of 13

subscale) and test-retest reliability (0.65 to 0.74, depend- inferiority margin was set at one NRS unit, so that if the
ing on subscale) is good. Depression symptom severity is mean pain rating for IVR-CBT is less than one unit
assessed using the 21-item Beck Depression Inventory-II higher than the mean in-person CBT score (mean IVR-
[31] (BDI-II) a widely used self-report measure with CBT < mean in-person CBT + 1), IVR-CBT will be
excellent internal consistency (.94) and evidence of con- deemed non-inferior. Conducting a test of this hypoth-
vergent and discriminant validity in primary care med- esis can be done by comparing the upper limit of the
ical patients (.73–.96) [20]. 95 % confidence interval for the mean pain difference
Quality of Life: The Veterans SF-36 is used to assess between IVR-CBT and in-person CBT with the non-
health-related quality of life. This measure has demon- inferiority margin 1; if this upper limit falls below 1,
strated good internal consistency (.78–.93 across 8 sub- we will be able to conclude IVR-CBT is non-inferior.
scales) and is strongly correlated with socioeconomic Based on these assumptions and 15 % inflation for
status and morbidities [32]. losses, the total required sample size is 230 partici-
pants (115 per group).
Tertiary outcomes
Adherence to coping skill practice is assessed via IVR. Analysis plan
Participants rate their daily practice of each week’s skills Baseline analysis
on a 0 (not at all accomplished) to 10 (completely The adequacy of the randomization will be assessed by
accomplished) scale for each of the specified goals. comparing baseline demographic and clinical character-
istics between the two treatment groups. Additional co-
IVR call adherence variates will include number and location of pain sites
Call adherence is calculated as the total number of and difference in medication use at baseline in order to
IVR calls made divided by the total number of assess whether these variables are associated with a dif-
expected calls (77). ferential response to the treatment.

Patient satisfaction Analysis

Patient satisfaction is assessed by a modified version of We present below the analysis of primary and secondary
the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-8 [33], an 8-item sat- outcome measures only. Analysis of primary and sec-
isfaction survey designed to assess global satisfaction with ondary outcomes will employ linear mixed-effects
treatment. This measure has been used widely to assess models for longitudinal data, which will account for the
treatment satisfaction across numerous types of inter- clustering induced by repeated measures on individual
ventions and demonstrates good internal consistency patients. Mixed effects models make use of all available
(α = 0.87–0.93 across three samples) and has shown measurements on subjects and provide valid infer-
correlation to treatment attendance and retention. ences even in the presence of missing data as long as
the missingness is at random. Data from different
Treatment attendance and drop out subjects are assumed to be independent, while the
Session attendance is tracked and the number of partici- correlation structure of the repeated measurements
pants who do not complete follow-up assessments is cal- within subjects is modeled via parameterization of the
culated. In order to understand reasons for treatment covariance structure.
dropout and evaluate “missingness” we prospectively Between-group comparisons of the effectiveness of
collect data regarding reasons for treatment dropout and IVR-CBT and in-person CBT at each assessment time
missing data. The research assistant, who monitors IVR point will be conducted. Each of these comparisons can
and questionnaire completion, collects these data. be tested separately within the same mixed-effect model
using a treatment dummy variable, time dummy vari-
Sample size calculation ables, and treatment-by-time interaction terms and ap-
The sample size was calculated based on a test of non- propriate contrasts. The outcome variable in each model
inferiority comparing IVR-CBT to CBT, with 80 % will be the outcome at the follow-up time points, with
power, Type I error (one-sided) of 0.025, and assuming the baseline value of the outcome and the stratification
the true difference between means is 0. Based on prelim- variables included as covariates in the model. Results
inary data from similar participants in an ongoing study will be summarized as LS- means (and their 95 % confi-
of the efficacy of CBT for chronic back pain [21], the es- dence intervals) within and between treatment groups at
timated baseline NRS pain intensity score will be 7 ± each time point. Non-inferiority will be demonstrated by
2.45 units. A 20 % reduction in the NRS pain score from the upper limit of the 95 % confidence interval for the
baseline to post-treatment, that is, from 7 to 5.6 or 1.4 LS-mean pain difference between IVR-CBT and in-
units, is considered to be clinically relevant. The non- person CBT at post-treatment being less than 1.
Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 11 of 13

Following CONSORT recommendations [24], non- Retrospective patient reporting, often using pencil and
inferiority analyses will be conducted both on a per paper methods, is the most common technique for col-
protocol (e.g., having completed 3 weeks of treatment lecting information regarding a person’s pain experience
which is considered a dose of treatment) basis and an in- in both clinical research and treatment. Despite the
tent-to-treat basis. All other analyses will be conducted popularity and ease of use of retrospective self-reports,
according to intent-to-treat basis, that is, by considering this method is vulnerable to recall and cognitive biases
patient group status as randomized. that attenuate their validity and reliability [35, 36].
Collecting data via a daily IVR call allows the data to be
Missing data collected prospectively, removing many of the limita-
We will compare the distribution of lost patients by rea- tions of retrospective reports.
son between the two study groups to evaluate any differ- IVR-based treatment methods facilitate the collection
ences in the reasons for losses. We will compare the rate of daily patient-reported outcomes, which enable the
of loss to follow-up between the two groups using the examination of treatment processes. Little is known
chi-square test, and if this rate is different between the about the process by which people change their behavior
two groups, interpretation of the results will be made in and obtain treatment benefits, and commonly used ana-
view of this finding. If we find any baseline variables to lytic methods do not allow the fine grained depiction of
be associated with the loss to follow-up, then we will in- the process of change between pre- and post-treatment,
clude these baseline variables as covariates in the models though there have been some investigations [37, 38].
evaluating the intervention effect. In case of problematic Most existing models assume that the rate of change is
missingness, we will use multiple imputation based on constant over time, but outcomes and predictors may
sequential regression imputation to impute missing vari- change over the course of treatment. In this study the
ables. Following Rubin's method [34] for multiple imput- collection of daily data over the course of 11 weeks pro-
ation inference, each of the simulated complete datasets vides high-frequency longitudinal data. These longitu-
will be analyzed by standard methods, and the results dinal data are appropriate for analytic methods like time
will be combined to produce estimates and confidence varying effect models that allow us to examine change
intervals that incorporate missing-data uncertainty. over time in both outcomes and predictors. These mul-
tiple assessment points enhance our ability to detect the
Discussion shape of the curve associated with change and when in
To our knowledge, this study represents the first trial of the treatment process change takes place (is it constant
CBT for chronic pain that uses IVR as the sole means to or does change occur primarily at a specific time during
deliver a pain self-management intervention. Prior stud- treatment). Thus variables that are thought to affect pain
ies have used IVR, but only to maintain treatment effects intensity like activity level, sleep, catastrophizing and
achieved via “live” therapy. If shown to be non-inferior skill practice are not assumed to be constant over the
to in-person CBT in terms of efficacy, IVR-CBT could course of treatment, but are allowed to vary over time.
provide an avenue for accessing empirically validated This will allow us to determine the change over time in
psychological treatment for chronic pain to those who a number of factors thought to have an impact on pain
are unable or unwilling to attend in-person treatment. intensity and compare the process of change in treat-
Another innovative aspect of this trial is the use of a ment responders (those who obtain at least a 30 %
non-inferiority design that allows us to directly compare reduction in pain intensity at post-treatment) and non-
the IVR-based treatment to the gold standard, in-person responders.
CBT. Despite the recent increase in the development CLBP is one of the most prevalent and costly health-
and testing of technology-assisted interventions for care problems in industrialized nations and a common
chronic pain and other common conditions, these treat- reason for healthcare use [1, 39]. Given the large num-
ments are seldom formally compared to the in-person ber of individuals who could potentially benefit from
treatment they seek to replace. empirically validated treatments such as CBT for chronic
In addition to enhancing access to treatment, IVR may pain, it is important that barriers to this treatment are
offer advantages as a data collection method for meas- addressed. An IVR-based CBT approach can be used to
urement of patient-reported outcomes and examining enhance care for patients when face to face access is not
the process of behavior change. During in-person treat- feasible.
ment, assessment of pain intensity, pain-related interfer-
ence, emotional functioning, and adherence to goals set Abbreviations
in prior sessions occurs during the patient’s therapy APRN: advance practice registered nurse; BDI-II: beck depression inventory-II;
CBT: cognitive behavioral therapy; CLBP: chronic low back pain; EHR: electronic
sessions, often not immediately proximal to its occur- health record; DSM-IV: diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder –
rence, making the reports retrospective in nature. version 4; IMMPACT: initiative on methods, measurement and pain assessment
Heapy et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:85 Page 12 of 13

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