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Evaluation On The Operational Characteristics of Gerji Imperial Roundabout A Case Study in Addis Ababa

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Evaluation on the Operational Characteristics of Gerji-Imperial Roundabout: A Case

Study in Addis Ababa

Article  in  International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research · December 2017


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Emer Tucay Quezon Tarekegn Kumala

Ambo University Jimma University


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 12, December-2017 1002
ISSN 2229-5518

Evaluation on the Operational Characteristics

of Gerji-Imperial Roundabout: A Case Study
in Addis Ababa
Bewket Aynetaw, Prof. Emer Tucay Quezon, Tarekegn Kumela

Abstract: Highly congested roundabouts are usually considered as the critical points within the urban road
network and the evaluation of their performance provides valuable understanding and useful indication about the
performance of the city road network system. Roundabouts should be designed to operate at no more than 85 percent of
their estimated capacity. Beyond this threshold, delay and queues vary significantly from their mean values.
Roundabout approach is dependent on the conflicting circulating flow and the roundabout’s geometric elements. In
Addis Ababa, most of the intersections are congested and operate in poor LOS. During peak hours, it is common to
see congestion, long queues and delay at junctions. Accordingly, the objective of the study was to evaluate the
operational characteristics of the selected roundabout in Addis Ababa. This research focused on the capacity and
evaluation of the level of service at Gerji Imperial Roundabout and addressed the most important element of
operational characteristics. The methodology employed for this study was the quantitative descriptive research
design method. The necessary geometric data for the analysis (average entry width, circulatory road width, number of
entry and circulatory lanes, and island diameter), traffic movement data with vehicle characteristics and pedestrian

volume were collected from the study area. The capacity analysis was done based on the gap – acceptance method
that is adopted by SIDRA software program. Based on the results, the degree of congestion of the roundabout found
out to have 1.749 which is far beyond the recommended values for a satisfactory level of service. Therefore, this
indicates that Gerji-Imperial roundabout is serving in a poor level of service. It is recommended to construct road
overpass or underpass at the most problematic approach to improve the operational capacity of the intersection.

Index Terms— Capacity, Conflicting flow, Congestion, Level of service (LOS).

——————————  ——————————


R oundabouts are increasingly recognized as an

intersection control strategy that can fulfill multiple
without the use of stop signs or traffic signals. These
roundabouts, if properly designed, can provide safety
performance goals related to traffic operations and and traffic flow benefits when compared to stop
safety that meets social goals related to sustainability, controlled and signal controlled intersections. Due to
complete streets, context-sensitive design, economic the safety and operational benefits that roundabouts
development, and others. Some transportation agencies provide, they have become increasingly popular in
have recently constructed or approved the use of a recent years. This increase in roundabout construction
series of roundabouts on arterial rather than the has prompted an increase in research regarding
traditional solution of coordinated signalized roundabout effectiveness and how they affect the
intersections. While anecdotal reports suggest that various aspects of transportation systems [2].
functionality independent roundabouts on a corridor In Addis Ababa, most of the junctions are
are successful in meeting performance goals, little congested and their capacities or level of services is not
research has been conducted to objectively determine well identified. During peak hours, it is common to see
the efficacy of this alternative as compared to a series of congestion, long queues and delay at junctions. Hence,
coordinated signalized intersections. Evaluation of evaluation of the capacities of junctions is very
junction capacity is very important since it is directly important since it is directly related to delays, accidents,
related to delay, level of service, accident, operation high operation costs, and environmental degradation.
cost, and environmental issues. For more than three Therefore, the aim of this research is to assess the level
decades, modern roundabouts have been used of service at Gerji Imperial roundabout in Addis
successfully throughout the world as a junction control Ababa.
device [1]. In order to seek for a solution of the problems,
The modern roundabout is a type of
a questions were formulated as follows:
intersection that indirectly provides traffic control

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 12, December-2017 1003
ISSN 2229-5518

i. What is the volume - to - capacity ratio that

represents the most critical approach? 2.2. Study Design
ii. What is the average delay per vehicle before In order to evaluate the operational characteristics of the
entering the roundabout? selected roundabout, it is required to determine the level
iii. What are the contributory factors which of service of the junction through field observations,
cause delay of vehicles? including traffic volume data, geometric data and other
iv. What is the existing level of service (LOS) of relevant data are collected. Then by using the selected
the roundabout? methods of analysis the data’s are reduced and analyzed.
Based on the output of the analysis discussing about the
contributory factors which affects the operational
2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY characteristics of the roundabout and accordingly
discussing about the remedial measures.
2.1 Study area
Addis Ababa is the capital City of Ethiopia, which is 2.3 Sample Size and Sampling Procedure
located within the horn of Africa with geographical Since the selected roundabout is the existing junction in
coordinates of 9o1 ’48’’ North and 38o44’24’’ East and the Addis Ababa city, the required inputs are collected
with an average elevation of 2355m above sea level. directly from the study area.
The City has a total area of about 530.14 km2. The City
is divided into 10 administrative sub-cities and 99 2.4 Study Variables
Kebeles and it is the most important business and The study variables are categorized into two. These are

commercial center of the country. The rapid increase of dependent variable and independent variables.
the Addis Ababa population is the main cause of the Dependent variable
increasing demand for transportation and mobility. This • Level of service (LOS)
may create major operational problems, especially Independent Variables
during the peak periods. • Vehicle type and volume
In order to evaluate the operational • Lane width
characteristics of roundabouts in Addis Ababa, the • Lane number
researcher selected as illustrated in Table 3.1 from the • Capacity
major road corridors which represents significant traffic • Traffic flow conflict
activates in Addis Ababa. • Road conditions
• Delay
Table 2.1: Selected Intersection of Study • Saturation flow rate
Intersection Intersection No. of
Type Name approaches Location
2.5 Data Collection Process
Roundabout Gerji-Imperial 4 On Eastern To achieve the aim of the the study and to answer the
Ring road
formulated research questions, different data are
required, and these data are categorized into two:
(1)Primary data, and (2) Secondary data.

2.5.1 Traffic Volume Count Survey and Conversion

Traffic volume studies are conducted to determine the
number, movements and classification of vehicles at the
selected roundabout approaches. For this research,
traffic data collection was carried out by using manual
traffic count using skilled persons. In a manual traffic
count a skilled person was assigned to vehicles as well
as pedestrians in every entry approach of Gerji
Figure 3.1 Location of the study area(Source: Imperial round. The traffic volume data has been
Google Earth 2017) conducted by considering different types of vehicles

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 12, December-2017 1004
ISSN 2229-5518

(light vehicle, busses and dump trucks and trailers) and

movement mechanism (through turn, left turn and By using the conversion factor, the traffic volume at
right turn) by using the standard record sheet for the peak hour in the passenger car unit is summarized in
manual traffic volume count for one identified peak Table 2.4.
hour from 5:00pm – 6:00pm, Thursday of the week. The
high pedestrian volume also has a significant effect on
capacity. For this reason numbers of pedestrian were
carried out by using the same method along the Table 2.4 Total Traffic flow at peak hour on each leg in
direction of their movements. (PCU)
Therefore, by using the manual traffic count Vehicle Traffic
Leg conversion PCU
method the data were collected from the selected Type Volume
roundabout as shown in Table 2.2.
1160 1.00 1160
Table 2.2 vehicles and pedestrian flow data on each leg
Bole Buss and
at peak hour (5:00 PM-6:00 PM) 131 1.50 197
Approach Pedestrian Trailer 16 2.00 32
Vehicle Type Volume
Legged volume
Sum 1389

Light Vehicle 1160 Light

819 1.00 819
Bole 1178 Vehicle
Buss and DT 131

Gerji Buss and
Trailer 16 26 1.50 39
Light Vehicle 819 Trailer 1 2.00 2
Gerji 854
Buss and DT 26 Sum 860
Trailer 1
Light Vehicle 1200 1200 1.00 1200
Megenagna Buss and DT 22 1104 Buss and
Megenagna 22 1.50 33
Trailer 11 DT

Light Vehicle 887 Trailer 11 2.00 22

Hayahulet Buss and DT 43 540 Sum 1255

Trailer 0 Light
887 1.00 887
Hayahulet Buss and
The different types of vehicles in a traffic stream have DT
43 1.50 65

different characteristics like width, length, height and Trailer 0 2.00 0

mass; these different size vehicles have different Sum 952
capacity impacts. Volumes are typically expressed in
passenger car vehicles per hour (v/h), to convert other In order to see the proportion of the entry flow from
vehicle types to Passenger Car Equivalents (pce), the every approach legged, the following tabulation is
conversion factors are used to get passengers car carried out in Table 2.5.
equivalents as indicated in Table 2.3.
Table 2.5 Entry Peak Hour Traffic Flow and Percentage
Table 2.3 Conversion factors for passenger car of traffic Share on each approach Legged
equivalents (pcu) [3]
Vehicle Type Passenger Car Equivalent Sr. No. Entry % of
(pce) Junction Approach Leg Traffic on Traffic
Car 1.0
Name Leg (PCU) Share
Single-unit truck or bus 1.5 Bole 1389 31.2
1 Gerji- Gerji 860 19.3
Truck with trailer 2.0
Imperial Megenagna 1255 28.2
Bicycle or motorcycle 0.5
Hayahulet 952 21.4

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 12, December-2017 1005
ISSN 2229-5518

2.6.1 Analysis Software

2.5.1 Geometric Data requirement for SIDRA There are different computer software’s to analyze
Software traffic operations at roundabouts and signalized
As per the requirement of the SIDRA Intersection intersections. The software can be dived into two types:
Version 5.1, different geometric data are required, such macroscopic and microscopic models. The macroscopic
as, island diameter, circulatory width, number of models use traffic volume flows to model intersections
circulatory lanes, entry lanes, entry lane number and as isolated locations. On the other hand, the
average lane width at the entry of roundabout junction. microscopic models simulate the movement of
These data are measured using tape meter and also by individual vehicles, thereby allowing a network-wide
observing on the roundabout existing configuration. analysis. For research, one of the macroscopic models
The collected geometric data are summarized in Table (SIDRA) software program is applied to analyze traffic
2.6. operations at roundabout. In fact, AACRA also
recommends SIDRA Intersection software for capacity
Table 2.6 Summary of Existing Roundabout Geometry analysis, which was developed by using analytic
data methods with some geometric elements. For this
Number width
research, the Signalized & Un-signalized Intersection
Average lane
Approach Leg

Diameter (m)

Design and Research Aid (SIDRA) software is preferred

Entry Lane


lane for capacity analysis for the following reasons:




• It is commercially available tool to offer


geometric and gap acceptance capability

Bole 3 2 21 3.6 11
within a single product.

Gerji 2 2 21 3.0 11 • It has employed a combination of geometric

Megenagna 3 2 21 3.6 11
and gap acceptance modeling approach in
order to take into account the effect of
Hayahulet 3 2 21 3.3 11 roundabout geometry on driver directly
through gap-acceptance modeling; and
• It can be calibrated for local conditions and it
The secondary data which are required for this
is highly flexible.
research found from different references, books,
standards, different researches and from the Addis
Ababa city admiration authority.
2.6 Data Processing and Analysis
During The analysis of the study was done on the
Evaluation of operational characteristics of
selected roundabout using the collected data and
intersections can be classified into two types: empirical
following the procedures mentioned from the research
and analytical models. Empirical models use
methodology with the aid of SIDRA Intersection
observations at many different intersections under all
Version 5.1 Software, the results are presented in the
types of conditions to develop regression equations
following sections with brief explanations.
that match intersection characteristics with intersection
capacity. Analytical models estimate capacity based on
3.1 Volume to capacity ratio
gap-acceptance relationships that do not require
Volume to capacity ratio or degree of saturation
observations under congested conditions. Since the
provides a direct assessment of the sufficiency of a
Empirical Method depends on geometric elements of
given roundabout. While, there are no absolute
the roundabout, it is sometimes difficult to find the
standards for the degree of saturation, the Australian
necessary geometric features (elements) on the Addis
design procedure suggests that the degree of saturation
Ababa roundabout. In this regard, the Analytical
for an entry lane should be less than 0.85 for
Method is more realistic than Empirical Method since it
satisfactory operation. When the degree of saturation
considers the traffic environment. Therefore, for this
exceeds this range, the operation of the roundabout
research, Analytical Method is used.
will likely deteriorate rapidly. As the output of the
analysis in Figure 3.1 shows that the degree of

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 12, December-2017 1006
ISSN 2229-5518

saturation for Gerji-Imperial roundabout is 1.88 which

is higher than the tolerable value and this indicated
that Gerji-Imperial roundabout is surveying beyond its

South East North West Intersection

Delay (Average) 416.6 125.8 28.0 22.1 166.8

Figure 3.2 Average Delay

3.3 The contributory factors which causes delay of

3.3.1 Unbalanced number of entry and
circulatory lane:
According to AACRA geometric design manual, the
number of circulating lanes from any particular
approach must be equal to or greater than the
maximum number of entry lanes on that approach. As
the layout of the analysis Table 4.1 shows that the

maximum number of entry lane is 3 and the number of
circulating lanes is 2 which is less than the number of


entry lane. This unbalanced number of entry lane and


circulatory lane affects the operational characteristics of

the roundabout.
Degree of Saturation 1.88 1.23 0.98 0.89 1.88
Table 3.1 Geometry – Approach data
Color code based on Degree of Saturation Geometry - Approach Data
Location Name Type No. of No. of Circulatory
[ < 0.6 ] [ 0.6 – 0.7 ] [ 0.7 – 0.8 ] [ 0.8 – 0.9 ] [ 0.9 – 1.0 ] [ > 1.0] Continuous App. Exit Lanes Lanes

Figure 3.1 Degree of Saturation

South Bole Two-way 3 3 2
3.2 Average delay per vehicle
Delay is a standard parameter used to determine the East Gerji Two-way 2 2 2
performance of an intersection. The Highway capacity
manual identifies delay as the primary measure of
North Megenagn Two-way 3 3 2
effectiveness for both signalized and un-signalized a
intersection, with the level of service determined from West Hayahulet Two-way 3 3 2
the delay estimate. The output of the analysis in Figure
3.2 shows that the average delay per vehicle is
168.5seconds, which is far beyond the recommended 3.3.2. Unbalanced approach legs:
values for each level of service. Hence, this indicated As it is mentioned in the analysis, North – South
that Gerji-Imperial roundabout is serving in a poor approach is main high speed traffic lane, and the East –
level of service. West approach is just access road, both approaches
have different traffic volumes, different percentages of
heavy vehicles and different approach speed. And such
cases, a roundabout is not recommended as a traffic
control device according to FHWA. While, as it is
shown in the roundabout geometric layout in Figure
3.3, Bole to Megenagna approach is a ring road with

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 12, December-2017 1007
ISSN 2229-5518

high travel speed and Hayahulet to Gerji is just an Right 1280 1118 0.493
access road. -----------------------------------------
East: Gerji
Left 928 879 0.657
Thru 928 879 0.657
Right 928 879 0.657
North: Megenagna
Left 1200 613 0.561
Thru 1200 613 0.561
Right 1200 613 0.561
West: Hayahulet
Left 587 1361 0.842
Thru 587 1361 0.842
Right 587 1361 0.842 High percent (No table of figures entries found)

of heavy vehicle
The entry of heavy vehicles into the traffic stream
affects the number of vehicles that can be served.

Figure 3.3 Geometric layout According to the Highway Capacity Manual 2000,
trucks, buses, and recreational vehicles (RVs) are the Inadequacy of inscribed circle diameter: three groups of heavy vehicles adversely affect traffic
According to FHWA, the recommended inscribed circle in two ways:
diameter range for urban double lane roundabout is ● They are larger than passenger cars and
45m – 55m and the existing inscribed circle diameter of occupy more roadway space; and
Gerji-Imperial roundabout is 43m which is less than the ● They have poorer operating capabilities than
minimum recommended value. This was one of the passenger cars, particularly with respect to
contributory factors which have great impact on the acceleration, deceleration, and the ability to
capacity of the roundabout. Inadequate inscribed circle maintain speed on upgrades.
diameter cannot accommodate a sufficient number of
vehicles in the circulatory lane. 3.4 Level of service (LOS)
Quality of service requires quantitative measures to Pedestrian crossing volume characterize operational conditions. Level of service
Pedestrian crossing at a marked crossing that gives (LOS) is a quality measure describing operational
them priority over entering motor vehicles can have a conditions within a traffic stream, generally in terms of
significant effect on the entry capacity. Accordingly, such service measures as speed and travel time,
the following analysis output Table 4.2 shows that high freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, and
volume of pedestrian which has priority over entering comfort and convenience.
vehicles is one of the contributory factors which affect Six levels of service (LOS) are defined for each
the capacity of the roundabout. type of facility that has analysis procedures available.
Letters designate each level, from A to F, with LOS A
Table 3.2 Roundabout Pedestrian effects representing the best operating conditions and LOS F
----------------------------------------- Accordingly, the output of the analysis using
SIDRA intersection version 5. 1 Software indicates that
Turn Pedestrian Circulating Adjustment
the level of service of Gerji-Imperial Roundabout is F,
Flow Rate Flow Rate Factor
this indicates that the quality of service is the worst, as
South: Bole shown in Figure 3.4.
Left 1280 1118 0.493
Thru 1280 1118 0.493

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 12, December-2017 1008
ISSN 2229-5518

Approach 926 1.7 1.228 125.8 LOS F 35.8 275.9 1.00 4.59 10.3

North: Megenagna

1 L 341 1.1 0.977 30.6 LOS E 10.6 81.3 0.80 2.00 20.8

2 T 750 2.4 0.977 26.6 LOS E 11.3 87.4 0.79 1.92 21.2

3 R 273 0.9 0.977 28.4 LOS E 10.6 81.3 0.80 1.94 20.8

Approach 1364 1.8 0.977 28.0 LOS E 11.3 87.4 0.80 1.95 21.0

West: Hayahulet

1 L 259 1.7 0.886 28.5 LOS 7.8 60.4 0.94 1.63 21.2

2 T 517 3.4 0.886 22.4 LOS 8.9 69.9 0.96 1.66 22.2

3 R 259 1.7 0.704 15.0 LOS 4.3 32.9 0.89 1.19 24.3

Approach 1035 2.6 0.886 22.1 LOS 8.9 69.9 0.94 1.54 22.4

South East North West Intersection All Vehicles 4834 3.7 1.877 166.8 LOS F 89.4 735.7 0.93 4.58 8.4

The level of service summary is also shown in Figure

3.5 to see all directional movement and its level of



Figure 3.4 Level of Service

The movement summary of analysis result of SIDRA

Intersection Software is shown in Table 3.3 to see the
summary of demand flow, heavy vehicles, degree of
saturation, and average delays at every turn.

Table 3.3 Movement summary of Gerji-Imperial

Movement Performance – Vehicles

Mov ID Tur Dema HV Deg. Avera Level 95% Back of Prop. Effecti Avera
n nd Satn ge of Queue Queu ve ge
Flow Delay Servic Vehicl Dista ed Stop Speed
e es nce Rate
South East North West Intersection
veh/h % v/c sec veh m per km/h

South: Bole LOS F F E D F

1 L 226 2.5 1.877 420.1 LOS F 76.0 608.5 1.00 8.69 4.2
Figure 3.5 Summary of Level of Service
2 T 905 9.9 1.877 LOS F 89.4 735.7 1.00 9.26 4.0

3 R 377 4.1 1.877 417.4 LOS F 77.9 618.7 1.00 8.77 4.0

Approach 1509 7.3 1.877 416.6 LOS F 89.4 735.7 1.00 9.05 4.0
East: Gerji
The following conclusions are drawn from the findings
1 L 327 1.7 1.228 127.5 LOS F 35.7 275.2 1.00 4.58 10.5
of the study:
2 T 272 1.6 1.228 124.7 LOS F 35.8 275.9 1.00 4.59 10.2

3 R 327 1.7 1.228 124.9 LOS F 35.8 275.9 1.00 4.59 10.1 Based from the results of the study, the volume-to-

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 12, December-2017 1009
ISSN 2229-5518

capacity ratio for Gerji-Imperial roundabout is 1.749. [4] Addis Ababa City Roads Authority (AACR) Geometric Design
This means that the roundabout was over-congested. Manual, 2004.
For satisfactory operation the degree of saturation [5] Akcelik, Rahmi: Evaluating Roundabout Capacity, Level of
should be less than 0.85. Therefore, the operational Service and performance.
characteristic of the roundabout is unsatisfactory.
[6] City of Bend: Roundabout Evaluation and Design guidelines.
Likewise, the average delay of vehicles incurred at the
[7] Ethiopia Road Authority, (ERA): Geometric Design Manual,
roundabout is about 508.4 seconds which are beyond
the range of tolerable values. It is therefore concluded 2013.
that the roundabout is serving beyond its capacity. In [8] NCHRP Report 772
addition, the contributory factors causing the delay of [9] The Michigan Department of Transportation, (MDOT):
vehicles, was the unbalanced approach number of lanes Evaluating the performance and safety Effectiveness of
and the number of circulating lanes, including high
traffic volume and pedestrians, inadequacy of inscribed
[10] Temesgen A, Capacity Evaluation of roundabout and
circle diameter, and the roundabout connection with
different road types. Moreover, the researcher signalized intersections in Addis Ababa: MSc Thesis, Addis
concluded that the overall level of service of the Ababa University, 2007.
roundabout based from the results, is rated F which [11] SIDRA Intersection User guideline, 2010
means the roundabout was serving at a poor level of [12] Akcelik_ITE 2009 Annual Meeting Paper, Evaluating
Roundabout Capacity, Level of Service and Performance.


The authors wish to thank the Ethiopian Road

Authority (ERA) and Jimma Institute of Technology,
Jimma Universit for jointly sponsoring this research.

——————————  ——————————
□ Bekwet Aynetaw earned his master’s degree in
Highway Engineering at Jimma Institute of Technology,
Jimma University, Ethiopia. Email address:

□ Prof. Emer T. Quezon is currently connected at the

Institute of Technology, Ambo University, and
considered co-researcher in Jimma Institute of
Technology, Jimma University, Ethiopia. Email
Address: quezonet09@gmail.com.

□ Tarekegn Kumela is a senior lecturer and Chair

Holder of Highway Engineering Stream at Jimma
Institute of Technology, Jimma University, Ethiopia.
Email address: tarekum2006@gmail.com


[1] Highway Capacity Manual, (HCM), 2000.

[2] NCHRP Report 572
[3] ederal Highway Authority, (FHWA): Roundabouts: An
informational Guide, 2000

IJSER © 2017

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