ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012
Abstract–Application of Variable speed drives in industrial devices, which inject high magnitudes of harmonic currents
applications has reached to highest percentage in the global into the connected rotating machines.
industry sector. Even though many analytical and digital To investigate further effects of these harmonics entering in
techniques available till today, still there is need for to rotating machinery connected in the drive system. There are
improvement of VSD system performance along with various methods presented previously, among them numerical
protection of supply voltage and current profiles. Theeffect of modeling of magnetic devices, it often requires that the effect
harmonics on air gap flux density of rotating machine and of power electronic circuits be considered. This is not just
itsfurther effect on torque performance, harmonics injected by because of the fact that magnetic devices are combinations of
power electronic switching converters intothe rotating magnetic components and circuitry, but also because of the
magnetic devices are investigated in this paperby considering need for designers to perform system level simulation. If we
generalized model of electrical machine [1] as a prerequisite take geometric complexity, nonlinearity, induced eddy
for later work on optimization of Variable Speed Drive (VSD) currents, mechanical movement, and electric circuits with
system. Investigation of harmonics carried out on Induction general topologies into account, it is necessary to couple and
Motor fed by ac-dc-ac converter system and fed by pure study the magnetic device along with power converter circuit
sinusoidal ac supply system. The special harmonic analyzer [5, analysis. For accuracy and details, it is essential to use FEM
6] proposed by the authors comprises of investigation of [4] modeling of magnetic device and coupling it with power
harmonics using FFT analysis used for harmonic analysis of converter to be used in the VSD. Since FEM modeling
both converter and induction motor. The aim of proposed involves long simulation time depending on the size of the
work is to investigate converter level harmonics and its effects VSD. This paper is proposed to investigate various harmonics
on air gap flux density and further torque performance issues. entering in to magnetic devices and further distortions in air
The MATLAB Simulink models of Induction Motor is used gap flux density and torque performance of the machine using
for analysis and machine with typical parameters used for the conventional d-q transformation technique. This primary work
purpose of practical measurements. A general switching will depict need for the coupled simulations and range of the
converter circuit along with PWM inverter is in the induction VSD for which conventional flux calculation methods are
motor drive. The results obtained from these methods show suitable.
good agreement with the practical methods. In this proposed work AC drive systems selected to analyze
I n de x T e r ms - Circuits, Harmonics, Variable Speed Drives and investigate harmonics as they have been widely accepted
(VSD), Finite-element analysis, Magnetic devices. for industrial applications. In general, they take the advantages
of a higher power density and a higher efficiency than DC
I. INTRODUCTION drive systems. AC drive systems [10] are composed of two
The increased use of Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) in major groups, namely the induction drive systems and
industry coupled with complaints about VSD shutdowns, synchronous drive systems.Among the induction drive
together with the various problems like overloaded neutral systems, the cage-rotor is almost exclusively used for
conductors, overheating and failure of motors and industrial applications.Among the synchronous drive systems,
transformers, frequent tripping of circuit breakers and the permanent magnet (PM) brushless AC drive system
capacitor failures, were often met with unacceptable answers (usually termed PM synchronous drive system) is becoming
and limited solutions. Above stated problems resulted in VSDs popular, whereas the synchronousreluctance drive system is
becoming one of the first targets as a cause of supply receiving attention. In this paper, chaos is investigated in the
harmonic problems. It is easy to see why VSDs were blamed asynchronous drive system, namely a cage-rotorinduction
for harmonic problems, as they are normally high power drive system.
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012
In this work the drive system is practically tested and
recorded various parameters to come to the conclusion on total Where
air-gap flux density in the rotating machines. Simulations of
all this modelis carried out in the MATLAB Simulink Ѱ mq = Xml[ + ] ….….............. (5)
environment and observations on injection of harmonics into
Ѱ md = Xml [ + ] ….….............. (6)
magnetic devices due to switching converters are observed
using harmonic analyzer [5]. Xml = 1/( + ] ….…............ (7)
The block diagram of Simulink model of harmonic
calculator [5] is as in figure.1 & 2. The Fourier calculator was Then substituting the values of the flux linkages to find the
designed based on extraction of non-stationery sinusoid currents;
tracking algorithm and phase-dictated sinusoid tracking iqs = (ѱ qs – ѱ mq) …………………… (8)
algorithm. A simple GUI based MATLAB program also can
be run in order to plot frequency spectrum and total harmonic ids = (ѱ ds – Ѱ md) …………………… (9)
distortion wave. iqr = (ѱ qr – ѱ mq) …………………… (10)
idr = (ѱ dr – Ѱ md) …………………… (11)
Based on the above equations, the torque and rotor speed can
be determined as follows:
Te = ( ) (ѱ dsiqs – ѱ qsids) ………….. (12)
ωr= ∫ (Te- TL) …………………………. (13)
Figure.1 Block diagram of the sinusoid tracking algorithm Where P: number of poles; J: moment of inertia (Kg/m2). For
squirrel cage induction motor, the rotor voltages Vqrand Vdrin
the flux equations are set to zero since the rotor cagebars are
shorted. After driving the torque and speed equations in term
of d-q flux linkages and currents of the stator, the d-q axis
transformation should now be applied to the machine input
(stator) voltages.
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012
Time harmonics enter in to the air gap of the machine
…………….(18) from the outside. Space harmonics will be developed in the air
gap on account of the design and internal structure of the
The instantaneous values of the stator and rotor currents in machine. If we consider machine has two ports, it has two
three-phase system are ultimately calculated using the inputs one on the side of electrical terminals and the other on
following transformation: the side of mechanical terminals. Time harmonics usually
arise from non-sinusoidal, asymmetric voltages and non-linear
changes in the amplitude and frequency of voltages due to use
of high frequency converters for the VSD system. Time
harmonics also result from the non-linear changes in the
torque and speed. Briefly time harmonics appear from the
simultaneous action of non-linear factors at two input
terminals. These harmonics may also get in to the air gap of an
……………(20) electrical machine further changing machine parameters
deteriorating performance of the machine.
III. ENERGY CONVERSION INVOLVING HARMONICS Non sinusoidal voltages which enhance rise of time
harmonics may basically result from non-linear elements such
An asynchronous machine with a non-sinusoidal voltage as saturable reactors and power electronic converters as
at its terminals may serve as a classical example for the study semiconductor elements exhibits nonlinearity ahead of the
of the proposed work. A general example of the non- motor. If the supply voltage contains a constant component, a
sinusoidal voltage source for an induction motor is an ac-dc-ac harmonic spectrum emerges, which includes an infinite range
high frequency converter with the PWM inverter. Assuming of even along odd harmonics. The proposed work will
the induction machine to be ideal means no additional investigate for the observation of variation of time harmonics
harmonics in the air gap. It is safe to view the picture as the
due to various switching states of VSD system based on real
one truly reproducing the harmonics spectrum of the applied time application. In the absence of time harmonics in the air
voltage. An ideal machine does not generate noise, and so for gap of a machine, space harmonics will originate from the
the harmonic spectrum of magnetic field B to be defined, it is
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012
Parameters of a typical induction machine
Rs- Stator resistance =6.03
Rr- Rotor resistance=6.085
Ls- Stator inductance=489.3e-3
Lr- Rotor inductance=489.3e-3
M- Mutual inductance=450.3e-3
P=4 Poles
J=0.00488 Inertia
Fig.8 Phase angles of ids Vsiqs fed from pure a.c supply
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012
When carrier frequency of PWM controller = 1608Hz machine. Authors concluded that improvement of ac-dc-ac
converter performance and induction motor performance
individually will not solve the problem of optimization of the
VSD system. Analysis of combined VSD system must be
required in order to optimize the VSD system performance.
This combined study will be possible with coupled
simulations. Coupled simulations [11-18] will provide in depth
knowledge on harmonics in the air gap for various changes in
the switching circuit parameters. In continuation to this work
Fig.10 Supply current waveform fed by ac-dc-ac converter other methods will be used to verify the flux density and
torque of the motor namely conventional analytical
calculation, finite element calculation and practical
measurements in the later stage.Investigation of additional
time harmonics in the air gap of motor due to switching
converter will be the future scope of this paper. And future
work will be using finite element analysis or coupled
simulations for studying harmonics in the airgap of induction
motor later on system optimization of the VSD using coupled
Fig.11 Output voltage waveform of PWM inverter
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