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BCM School, A Sr. Sec. School Affiliated To Cbse, New Delhi. Summer Holiday Homework (2018-19) Class Viii Subject: English

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Q1. Write an article in about 100-150 words to highlight the importance of the holidays in a school
student’s life.
In your article you should :
 Describe different kinds of holidays school students have
 Explain why they are important for school students.
 Say how you spend your holidays and how you feel about them.
Q2. What problems do millions of poor children face in india? Suggest some ways to stop small
children from being ragpickers.Answer in 50-60 words with reference to the lesson ‘Children
At Work’ from supplementary Reader ‘It So Happened.’
Q3. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line against which a blank is given.
Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after
it in the space provided.

The misuse mobile phones is (a) ______________ __________________ ______________

No greater the misuse of any (b) ______________ __________________ ______________
Other modern gadgets. Parents (c) ______________ __________________ ______________
And teachers a role to play in (d) _____________ __________________ ______________
Educating young people the safe (e ) _____________ __________________ ______________
And effective use of this technology.

Q4. A lot of water can be saved in every household by following a few simple habits like keeping
the tap closed while brushing teeth. Make a poster mentioning at least five ways to save water at

विषय : ह द
िं ी

1. आजकऱ समाचार ऩत्रों में चोरी, डकैती, ऱट

ू , भ्रष्टाचार के समाचार ददखाई ऩड़ते है ऐसे समाचार ऩढ़कर यही भ्रम
होता है कक शायद सारी दनु नया भ्रष्ट हो गयी I ‘क्या वास्तव में सॊसार से सच्चाई और ईमानदारी समाप्त हो
गयी है ?’ इस सॊबध
ॊ में अऩने ववचार प्रकट करें I (१२० से १३० शब्दों में)
2. मश
ुॊ ी प्रेमचॊद व जयशॊकर प्रसाद ्वारा रिचत कहाननयों एवॊ उऩन्यासों की सच
ू ी बानाएॉ I
3. ‘मेरे सऩनों का भारत’ एवॊ ‘दहे ज प्रथा’ ननबॊध याद करके लऱखें I
4. ‘इस्मत चुगताई ‘ ्वारा रिचत कहानी ‘कामचोर’ ऩढ़ें व इससे लमऱने वाऱे सॊदेशों को 80 – 90 शब्दों में प्रकट
करें I

ਵਿਸ਼ਾ : ਪੰ ਜਾਬੀ:

1. Asl iv`c jnm-idn ikvyN mnwauxw cwhIdw hY ? ies bwry Awpxy ivcwr d`so[
2. nwnky Gr iv`c ibqweIAW AnMdmeI Cu`tIAW dw vyrvw 100 SbdW iv`c ilKo[
3. lyK- ‘sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI’ Xwd krky ilKo[
4. pVnWv dIAW swrIAW iksmW nwl sMbMDq ds vwk ilK ky auhnW iv`coN pVnWv cuxo qy iksm ilKo[

Q1. Prepare A4 size sheet on “Types of quadrilaterals and their properties”

Q2. Explain angle sum property of quadrilateral by paper cutting and pasting in Maths Register.
Q3. Explore various ways of finding square of a number and represent on A4 size sheet.
Q4. Revise CH: 1,2,3,&6


1. Make a table of vaccination for the children of age 0 to 15 years.

2. Draw neat and well labelled diagram of
 Nitrogen Cycle
 An Alga
 A fungus
 A protozoan
 A Virus
 Bacteria
 Thermosetting & Thermoplastics( Monomer’s Arrangement)
3. Learn & Revise L : 3 to 5 and making & naming the compounds.


NOTE: Do HHW in Fair Notebook.

Q1. Find out the history of the town you live in. check when and how it grew and how it has changed
over the years.
Q2. Make a list of at least ten occupations in the city to which you belong. What have you planned as
means of livelihood for yourself?
Q3. Collect pictures and information about Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Rani of Jhansi.
Q4. Learn and Revise L-3 to 6(H).


 “Science and Machinery may get huge returns for a time but ultimately if we are to survive as a
Physically, healthy and morally decent species we got to study Nature’s balance.” How can we
contribute in reducing industrial pollution?
As a responsible citizen how can you help in keeping your surroundings clean? Write any 5 ways in
Hindi & any 5 ways in Punjabi.

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