Chapter 20 Narrative Report
Chapter 20 Narrative Report
Chapter 20 Narrative Report
(1) Psychological and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse and
emotional maltreatment;
(2) Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or demeans the
intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human being;
(3) Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for survival, such as food
and shelter; or
Art. 46. General Duties. - Parents shall have the following general duties toward
their children:
(1) To give him affection, companionship and understanding;
(2) To extend to him the benefits of moral guidance, self-discipline and religious
(3) To supervise his activities, including his recreation;
(4) To inculcate in him the value of industry, thrift and self-reliance;
(5) To stimulate his interest in civic affairs, teach him the duties of citizenship,
and develop his commitment to his country;
(6) To advise him properly on any matter affecting his development and well-
(7) To always set a good example;
(8) To provide him with adequate support, as defined in Article 290 of the Civil
“Support is everything that is indispensable for sustenance, dwelling,
clothing and medical attendance, according to the social position of the
Support also includes the education of the person entitled to be supported
until he completes his education or training for some profession, trade or
vocation, even beyond the age of majority.”
(9) To administer his property, if any, according to his best interests, subject to
the provisions of Article 320 of the Civil Code:
“ARTICLE 320. The father, or in his absence the mother, is the legal
administrator of the property pertaining to the child under parental authority. If
the property is worth more than two thousand pesos, the father or mother shall
give a bond subject to the approval of the Court of First Instance.”
Rights of Parents
Under the Child and Youth Welfare Code:
Art. 45. Right to Discipline Child. - Parents have the right to discipline the child as
may be necessary for the formation of his good character, and may therefore
require from him obedience to just and reasonable rules, suggestions and
Under the Civil Code:
ARTICLE 316. The father and the mother have, with respect to their
unemancipated children:
(1) The duty to support them, to have them in their company, educate and
instruct them in keeping with their means, and to represent them in all actions
which may redound to their benefit;
(2) The power to correct them and to punish them moderately.
In cases of sexual abuse, the records pertaining to the case shall be kept
strictly confidential and no information relating thereto shall be disclosed
except in connection with any court or official proceeding based on such
report. Any person disclosing confidential information in violation of this
provision shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred pesos
nor more than five thousand pesos, or by imprisonment for not less than
thirty days nor more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment,
at the discretion of the court.