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Fortran Notes

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11.0 Introduction
ForTran is supposed as the oldest high-level language. ForTran stands of Formula
Translator. Fortran was developed in several stages and declared as ForTran77 in 1977 after
incorporating essential features of a programming language such as file handling. In the
subsequent text we will discuss about ForTran77. Like C, ForTran77 also uses its compiler to
convert source code to object code. All the programs in this text are tested using Force 2.0
ForTran compiler.

Recently, ForTran is included in the curriculum of TU, IOE, BE (all programs) as topic of
syllabus of COMPUTER PROGRAMMIG. The weight of this topic is 12 out of 80 marks and
the allocated time duration is 8 hours. According to the syllabus, we should study about C
programming language before studying ForTran. Concept of writing algorithm, drawing
flowchart, flowcharting symbols and fundamental of programming is independent of any
languages. It means, we are already familiar to those common topics. Therefore, it this text we
mainly focus on the syntactic structure of ForTran programming language. Before proceeding,
let us compare a basic example of a ForTran program to the same purpose C program. We can
write ForTran syntax either in all upper case or all in lower case or in both.

Example 1: A program to calculate the simple interest when p, t and r are given in both
ForTran and C. Compare these and notice the differences in program structure,
syntactic form and case sensitiveness.
ForTran program C program Comment
void main()
rEal P,t,r,i float p,t,r,i; variable declaration
WRITE(*,*),'Enter value of p:' Printf(“Enter value of p:”); formatted output statement
read(*,*)p scanf(“%f”,&p); formatted input statement
Write(*,*)'Enter value of t:' Printf(“Enter value of t:”); formatted output statement
read(*,*),T scanf(“%f”,&t); formatted input statement
wRite(*,*)'Enter value of r:' Printf(“Enter value of r:”); formatted output statement
read(*,*)r scanf(“%f”,&r); formatted input statement
I=(p*T*r)/100 i=(p*t*r)/100 operators, operands and expression
writE(*,*)'The interest is:',i Printf(“The interest is %f:”, i); formatted output statement
END } end of program

Question: Write a program

a. to find the volume of a room when height, width and length is given.
b. to find the area and circumference of a circle when radius is given.
c. to find surface area and volume of a sphere when radius of the sphere is given.
d. to find value of f(x)=x2+3 if value of x is given.
e. to convert the given Centigrade measure to Fahrenheit using relation F=1.8C+32.
f. to compute equivalent resistance of two resistors R1 and R2 when they are connected
in series and parallel connection.
g. to read two end points of a line, compute their mid point and display it.

Note: see topic11.4 to know how to run a ForTran program using Force2.0

11.1 Character set

The character set includes letters form A to Z or a to z. Similarly digits from 0 to 9 and
symbols + - / * . , ‘ _ $ ( ) .

11.2 Constants, variables and data types

Fortran constants can be classified as:
A. Numeric constants
a. Integer constants
b. Real constants
 Fractional form
 Exponential form
B. Character constants

Integers constants
Integer numbers written without decimal point are called fixed-point constants or integer
constants. These are also called whole number having no fractional part. Integers are formed
by digits 0,1,2, 3,4, 5, 6,7,8,9 and + or - symbol. The sign symbol occurs at the leftmost
position of the number. No sign symbol means positive integer. –445, 234, 045,+0,-
0,0,2,12345 are some valid examples of integer. On the other hand, 12.3, -2,45, 123+7, 123-,
1.0 are not valid for integer. The maximum length of an integer depends upon the word length
of the computer system. For 16 bits computer the range is –215 to 215-1.

Real constants
If a numbers has a fractional part is called real or floating point constant. Such numbers are
written with one decimal point. For example 4⅛ is a real number because it has 4 and one
eighths i,e 4.125. The real constants can be written in either fractional or exponential form.

Fractional form
In this form, real numbers are written using only one decimal point, digits 0,1,2, 3,4, 5, 6,7,8,9
and + or - symbol. The sign symbol occurs at the leftmost position of the number. No sign
symbol means positive number. 123.4, 345.8976, -0.4546, 0.0, -200.0 are some example of
this form. Similarly,100. is also valid real constant because decimal point is at the end of the
number. Conversely, 0, -(2.5), 123, 10/45,1.23+0.2, 45,89.67, 0.123-, 34.65.7 etc are some
invalid real constants.

Exponential form
Sometimes, we may need to use too large and too small numbers in scientific computations.
For example inter planet distance and weight of electron etc. For instance, 1230000000000 is
a large number and it can be written as 0.123x1013. Here 0.123 is called mantissa and 13 is
called the exponent. In ForTran it is written as 0.123E13. Letter E is used between mantissa
and exponent. From this discussion, we can generalize the exponential form as mantissa E
exponent. The mantissa must be a valid real constant in fractional form and exponent must
always be an integer. The exponent can be preceded by a + or – sign. No sign means positive
number. The range of real constants depends on the word length of the underlying computer
system. Some other examples are listed in the following table.

Number Normal Fortran expon- Mantissa Exponent

exponential form ential form
-1230000000000 -0.123x1013 -0.123E13 -0.123 13
0.0000000000123 0.123x10-13 0.123E-13 0.123 -13
-0.0000000000123 -0.123x10-13 -0.123E-13 -0.123 -13

Example 2: This program reads three sets of too small and too large numbers and
displays them to illustrate the concept of range of real constants.
real x,y ! real type variable declaration like float x,y in C.
write(*,*)'Enter values of x and y:' ! like printf(“Enter values of x and y”); in C.
read(*,*)x,y ! scanf(“%f%f”, &x,&y); in C
write(*,*)'Value stored at x:',x,'Value stored at y:',y
! like printf(“Value stored at x value stored at y”, x,y); in C.
end ! end of a ForTran program
! is a symbol used to comment in ForTran program like /* */ in C.

Enter values of x and y:
-65466411368797464321566213206.987898 56546516358676984163163546542326.23546
Value stored at x: -6.546641E+28 Value stored at y: 5.654652E+31

Enter values of x and y:
-3.4E-38 3.4E38
Value stored at x: -3.4E-38 Value stored at y: 3.4E+38

Enter values of x and y:
-1234567891011121314151617181920 12345678910111213141516171811920
Value stored at x: -1.2345679E+30 Value stored at y: 1.2345679E+31

Character constants
These constants are similar to the string constants in C. But in case of ForTran these constants
are enclosed by single quotes (‘). For example, ‘Patan’, ‘Pulchowk campus’, ‘total amount = ’
,’c’are some valid examples of string constant. Single quotes can not be the part of a string. If
required we can use “ instead e.g. Gita”s instead of Gita’s. Following examples example
illustrate reading and printing string constants of different length.

Example 3: Write a program to read and display character constants of different length.
character x*130,y,z*20 !character variable declaration.
write(*,*)'Enter characters for character constants x,y and x:'
read(*,*) x,y,z !reading three character variable
write(*,*)'Content of x:',x !printing content of x
write(*,*)'Content of y:',y !printing content of y
write(*,*)'Content of z:',z !printing content of z
Enter characters for character constants x,y and z:


Content of
Content of y:e
Content of z:er4535dgdgerttrt5677

Fortran Verbs: what is the role of keywords in C? There are some words in ForTran having
the similar role are called ForTran varbs. program, real, integer, character, format, write, read,
print, if, then, else, elseif, endif, do, goto, continue, while, data, stop, end, call, common,
complex, dimension, endfile, logical, subroutine, entry, external, function, intrinsic, double
precision are some examples of such words.

The concept of variable is already studied in C. Actually variables are the name of memory
location where the data are stored for computing. Depending on the type of data they hold
these are classified as integer, real and character variables in ForTran. The general form of
integer variable declaration is as

integer list of variables (separated by commas)

for example, the statement integer i, length, amount declares i, length and amount as integer
variables. These can be declared in separate lines. Similarly, the general form of real variable
declaration is as

real list of variables (separated by commas)

for instance, the statement real i, length, marks declares i, length and amount as real
variables. These can also be declared in different lines as:
real i,
real length, marks
Likewise, the general form of character variable declaration is

character list of character variables (separated by commas).

For example, the statement character x*130,y,z*20 declares x as a character variable of

length at most 130, y of length 1 because no length is specified there and z of length 20.

Important: The variable name starting with letters i,j,k,l,m or n are considered to be integer
variables and others are real variables. Therefore, it is not mandatory to declare variables of
type integer and real if their name is started with the defined alphabets.

There is another way of variable declaration i,e, implicit type declaration. The general form of
this type is
implicit type (…), type (…-…)

for example implicit real(j) indicates that variables starting with j are real. Now there are only
i, k, l, m, or n for integers for defined condition. Some other examples are listed in the
following table.

Declaration Comment
implicit integer(b) Variables starting with b are considered as integer.
Therefore, the letter those makes variables integer are
implicit integer(p,u-z), real (m) This declares that variable names starting with
p,u,v,w,x,y,z or i,j,k,l,n are integers
implicit character *50(r-t) It means variable name starting with r, s, t are character
variables having capacity at most 50 characters.

Naming variable: The first character of any variable name must be an alphabet. ForTran
verbs can not be used for variable. Similarly any especial characters are not allowed in
variable names. For example, 7sum, goto, r-e are some invalid variable names. It is better to
give meaningful variable name. For instance, if we are going to calculate area of a circle, we
can write area, AREA and any other meaningful name for the variable. It makes easier to
understand the program.

Data types
Prior to using a particular variable, we have to specify its data type to tell computer to allocate
a sufficient amount of space for storage of this data. The variables are declared at the
beginning of a program. We have just studied about integer, real and character data types.
These are the main data types used in ForTran programming to cover the objectives of our
course. There are other data types that are listed in the following table.

Data type name Size Description

logical 1 bit stores either logical 0 (.false.) or logical 1 (.true.)
byte 1 byte integral numbers from -128 to 127
integer 4 bytes integral numbers from -231 to 231 -1
real 4 bytes real numbers approx. between 1.2 x10-38 and 3.4 x1038
double precision 8 bytes real numbers approx. between 2.2 x10-308 and 1.8 x10308
complex 2 x 4 bytes two real numbers, real and imaginary part
double complex 2 x 8 bytes two double precision numbers, real and imaginary part
character 1 byte one alphanumeric character
character*N N bytes N alphanumeric characters
Source: Roman GrÄoger,University of Pennsylvania, Department of Materials Science
and Engineering, 3231 Walnut Street, Officece #215, Philadelphia, PA 19104, Revision
1.2 (September 27, 2004)

11.3 Arithmetic operators, Library Functions

Arithmetic operators
The list of arithmetic operators and their operations are listed in the following table.
Symbol Operation arithmetic expression Meaning
+ (plus) addition x+y x and y are added
- (minus) subtraction x-y y is subtracted from x
* (asterisk) multiplication x*y x is multiplied with y
/ (slash) division x/y x is divided by y
**(double exponentiation x**y xy is evaluated or x is
asterisk) multiplied y times

The way of writing mathematical expressions in ForTran is different from the usual one. Some
of those examples are shown in the following table.
In general mathematics In ForTran
2ax4+bx3+cx2+2dx/5 2*a*x**4+b*x**3+c*x**2+(2*d*x/5)
A10/15 A**(10.0/15.0)
a+b (a+b)/(c+d)
(a/b)p+30 and (a/b)(p+30) (a/b)**p+30 and (a/b)**(p+30)
The concept of integer, real and mixed mode arithmetic is similar to that as we studied in C.

Assignment operator (=)

The purpose of this operator is to assign the result generated by the arithmetic expression on
its right hand side to the single variable on its left hand side. The general form is

variable = expression The expression may be a constant or a variable.

For example consider the expression x=p**3+2*p+6. Here if the value of p is 2 then the result
of expression p**3+2*q+6 (18) is stored at variable x. Any expressions created using
assignment operators are called assignment expressions. There are four cases for integer and
real variables in such expressions. These are listed in the following table.

Cases Comment
The integer expression gives the integer result,
integer variable=integer expression
which is assigned to integer variable.
The real expression gives the real value, then the
integer variable=real expression fractional part is truncated and only the integer part
is assigned to integer variable.
The real expression gives the real result, which is
real variable= real expression
assigned to real variable.
The integer expression results in an integer value
which is converted into real and assigned to real
real variable= integer expression
variable. For example, if 5 is generated from the
expression 5.0 is assigned to the real variable.

Library or built-in or intrinsic functions

Main library functions available in ForTran are listed in the following table. These functions
are directly useful in our programs. The compiler itself evaluates these functions. For
example, if lox10(x) is a function , then x is its argument.

Function Meaning Argument type Return type

abs(x) x Real or integer Real or integer
exp(x) ex Real real
sqrt(x) √x Real real
log(x) log e x Real (x>0) real
log1o(x) log 10 x Real (x>0) real
sin(x) sin x Real, in radian measure real
cos(x) cos x Real, in radian measure real
tan(x) tan x Real, in radian measure real
asin(x) sin-1 x Real,-1≤x≤1 Real, in radian measure
acos(x) cos-1 x Real,-1≤x≤1 Real, in radian measure
atan(x) tan x Real Real, in radian measure
sinh(x) sinh (x) Real real
cosh(x) cosh (x) Real real
tanh(x) tanh (x) Real real
int(x) * Real integer
nint(x) ** Real integer
max(x1,x2,...) ** Real or integer Real or integer
* converts the argument to an integer value
** rounds x to the nearest integer value
*** returns the maximum value of x1, x2, ...

Example 4: This example illustrates the usage of some library functions.

real x,y,z,m,r,ni ! variable declaration
Write(*,*)'Enter values of x,y and z:'
read(*,*) x,y,z
write(*,*)'Content of m:',m,'content of r:',r,'content of ni:' ,ni
write(*,*)'absloute value of x:',abs(x)
write(*,*)'Square root of y+z:',sqrt(y+z)
Enter values of x,y and z:
-5.5 30.7 5.6
Content of m: 30.7 content of r: 30. content of ni: 6.
absloute value of x: 5.5
Square root of y+z: 6.024948

Question: Write programs to show the usage of each function listed in the above table.

11.4 Structure of a Fortran Program

The main parts of a ForTran programs are

Program name
declaration of variables
initial definition of variables
main program body

Program name: The first line of the programs generally gives the program’s name. For
example, program factorial indicates that the following program is about computing. Here
program is a ForTran verb but factorial is identifier. We can write whatever we like. In fact,
this part of a ForTran program is optional. But it is good practice to name every program.

Declaration of variables: In this we must declare all the variables that will be used to store
data, which will be used in computation in executable part. We have already discussed about
ForTran data types and constants. If there is no variable in our program, we need to declare
any variable unnecessarily.

Initial definition of variables (Initialization): After the declaration of variables, our

computer knows how much space is to be allocated for each variable, but the actual value of
this variable is not known. Although some ForTran77 compilers implicitly assign each
declared variable a zero value or an empty string (for character types), it is strongly
recommended to initialize variables if any variable needs to set some initial value.

Main program body: The main program body contains all executable ForTran statements
that will carry out the task we wish to perform. These statements are executed in top to bottom
order. In main program, a number of sub programs can be called to make main program more
efficient. This mechanism is similar to calling user-defined functions in C.

End: End is the last statement of the ForTran program. It indicates the end of the program.
Every ForTran program must be terminated by the end statement.

Example 5: A sample ForTran program. The first line in this program is the comment line.
Such lines can be placed anywhere in the program. For commenting, we can use either C,* or
!. To use C or * for commenting it must be placed at the first column of the ForTran coding
sheet but symbol ! can be placed anywhere except inside single quotes.
C sample ForTran Program
program sum ! here name of the program is sum. This line is optional
real a,b,c,d !variable declaration section
d=5 !variable initialization section
write(*,*)'Enter value of a and b:' !like printf function in C
read(*,*)a,b !like scntf function in C
write(*,*)'Value stored at c is:',c !like printf function in C
end !end of the program. Actual program is between program name statement and
the end statement.

Enter value of a and b:
Value stored at c is: 19.75

ForTran Coding sheet: It is a sheet of paper used to write ForTran program.

 It has 80 columns.
 Column 1 is used for writing C or * to indicate the the line as comment line.
 Columns 1 to 5 are used for giving line numbers for other lines of program. The line
number is a positive integer with at most five digits. Every statement need not be given
the line number.
 ForTran statements are written from column 7 to 72.
 The computer does not read columns 73 to 80. These are for comment of the
programmer if needed
 Sixth column is used for continuation i,e, if a statement does not fit in columns 7 to 72,
the remaining part must be written in the next line. For continuation same character
must be placed at the last column (72) of current line and 6th column of the next line.
This discussion is illustrated in the coding sheet as shown in figure below by writing a sample
program on it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
C s a m p l e F o R T r a n P r o g r a m
p r o g r a m s U m
r e a l a , b , C , d
d = 5
w r i t e ( * , * ) ' E N t e r v a l u e o f a a n d b : '
r e a d ( * , * ) A , b
c = a* b - d
w r i t e ( * , * ) ' v a l u s t o r e d a t c i s : '
s t o p
e n d
Figure: Illustration of ForTran Coding sheet and a sample program on it.
We can see the similar configuration on the editor of Force2.0 ForTran compiler. To run the
program simply the type the code as discussed above and click on runcompile. If errors
occurs, debug them else click on runrun. (for stop statement see page 16, example 13 )
11.5 Formatted and Unformatted Input Output statements

Formatted Input Output

As in C, ForTran has some rules for formatted input and output while inputting and outputting
data. The specification of type and its size is called format specification. For formatting, there
is a non executable statement format. Its general form is
N format(f1,f2,f3….fn)
 N is the statement number and must be for each format statement. Format
statements can be placed anywhere in the program.
 f1,f2,f3….fn are the format specifications and these must be separated by
commas and enclosed within parenthesis.
The formats in ForTran for different purposes are I,X,F,E,/,A,T and quote ‘’

I format: I format is for integer. Its general form is Iw. Where w is the width of the integer
data. For example –13 has width 3, 1245 has width 4 and +5 has width 2. The format
statement for these three numbers is format(I3,I4,I2). If this format is used for reading data,
value for the first integer must be read from columns 1 to 3, for the second from columns 4 to
7 and for third from columns 8 to 9 of the screen. If it is used for printing data, value of the
first integer must be printed on columns 1 to 3, second on columns 4 to 7 and of third on
column 8 to 9 of the output screen. This is illustrated in the following figure.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
- 1 3 1 2 4 5 + 5

If n integers have same width w, the format statement can be written as format(n*Iw). While
outputting data, one character may be lost because of carriage control. If so, the first character
of the output data must be a blank space.

X format: x format is used to skip column(s) while printing data. It can be used only for
printing data on the screen. Its general form is nX. Where n is the number of columns to be
skipped. If we want to skip two columns between –13 and 1245 & 1245 and +5, the format
specification becomes format(I3,2X,I4,2X,I2). Then the output will be as

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
- 1 3 1 2 4 5 + 5

Example 6: This program illustrates format(I3,I4,I2) to read three integers and

format(I3,I4,I2)& format(I3,2X,I4,2X,I2) to print the integers.
integer f,s,t
write(*,*)'Enrer value of f,s,t:'
read(*,1)f,s,t !reading data in format 1
1 format(I3,I4,I2) !format statement 1
write(*,*)'Data according to format1:'
write(*,1)f,s,t !writing or printing data in format 1
write(*,*)'Data according to format2:'
write(*,2)f,s,t !writing or printing data in format 2
2 format(i3,2x,I4,2x,I2) !format statement 2

Enrer value of f,s,t:
Data according to format1:
-131245 5 ! + symbol is not displayed
Data according to format1:
-13 1245 5 ! + symbol is not displayed

Here 1 and 2 are format statement number. It is also called the statement label. Any integer
from 1 to 99999 can be used for this purpose. But we cannot repeat the same number for
different statements in a program.

read statement: this statement works like scanf() function in C. This means the read
statement is used for transferring the data from input device to the main memory of the
computer. Its general form is

read(h, N) a1, a2, a3….

Here, h is an integer and it indicates the hardware number from which the data to be read. In a
computer system there may be a number of input devices such as card reader, magnetic tap,
and keyboard. The devices are given unique numbers. For example, 1 for card reader, 2 for
magnetic tape and 3 for keyboard. Keyboard is the most common input device. Therefore, it is
considered as the default input device. The * in the position of hardware number means
default input device i,e, keyboard. The variables listed in the read statement must have one to
one correspondence with the format specification in the format statement.

Question: what does * in position of hardware number mean in read statement read(*,1)f,s,t
in above example 6?

Similarly, N is the format statement number according to which values of variables

a1,a2,a3…to be printed. In format statement read(*,1)f,s,t , 1 in place of N means read data
according to format statement number 1. Like in hardware number, what happens when * is
used in place of format statement number? The answer is easy that the read statement reads
data in default format. From the discussion, we can say that the statement read(*,*)f,s,t ,
reads values of f,s and t from the default hardware in the default format.

write statement: this statement works like printf() function in C. This means the write
statement is used for outputting the result. Its general form is

write(h, N) a1, a2, a3….

Here, h is an integer and it indicates the hardware number of output device. In a computer
system there may be a number of output devices such as printer, monitor etc. The devices are
given unique numbers. For example, 6 for printer and 3 for VDU(Dideo Display Unit). VDU
is the most common output device. Therefore it is considered as the default output device. The
* in the position of hard ware number means default output device i,e, VDU.The variables
listed in the write statement must have one to one correspondence with the format
specification in the format statement.

Question: what does * in position of hardware number mean in write statement

write(*,1)f,s,t in above example 6?

Similarly, N is the format statement number according to which values of variables

a1,a2,a3…will be printed. In format statement write(*,1)f,s,t , 1 in place of N means to print
data according to the format statement number 1. Like in place of hardware number, what
happens when * is used in place of format statement number? The answer is easy that the
write statement prints data in default format. From the discussion, we can say that the
statement write(*,*)f,s,t , prints value of f,s and t to the default hardware in the default format.

F format: This format is used for real data expressed in decimal form. The general form of
this format is Fw.d. Where w is the total width and d is decimal width of the number. For
example, -12.345 has total width(w) 7 and decimal width(d) 3. The format specification for
this number is F7.3. Similarly, format specification for 1.2346 is F6.4. The format statement to
read these two read data is format(F7.3,F6.4) and to print these two data with three spaces
between them is format(F7.3,3x,F6.4). These are shown in the figure below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
- 1 2 . 3 4 5 1 . 2 3 4 6
Figure: illustration of format(F7.3,F6.4) for reading data

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
- 1 2 . 3 4 5 1 . 2 3 4 6
Figure: illustration of format(F7.3,3x,F6.4) for printing data

Example 7: This example illustrates the concept of reading and writing real data using F
real f,s
write(*,*)'Enter values of f and s:'
1 format(F7.3,F6.4)
write(*,*)'Values stored at f and s are:'
2 format(F7.3,3x,F6.4)

Enter values of f and s:
Values stored at f and s are:
-12.345 1.2346

E format: It used for real data in exponential form. Its general form is Ew.d. Where w is the
total width and d is the decimal width of the mantissa. For example, w for -0.12E-12 is 9 and
d is 2 and w for 1.23E12 is 7 and d is 2. Format specifications for these numbers are E9.2 and
E7.2 respectively. The format specification statement for reading these two data is
format(E9.2,E7.2) and for printing with 2 spaces at the beginning and 2 spaces between them
is format(1x,E9.2, 2x, E7.2). These two formats are illustrated in the following figures.

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
- 0 .1 2 E - 1 2 1 . 2 3 E 1 2
Figure: illustration of format(E9.2,E7.2) for reading data

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
- 0 .1 2 E - 1 2 1 . 2 3 E 1 2
Figure: illustration of format(1x, E9.2, 2x, E7.2) for printing data

Example 8: This example illustrates the concept of reading and writing real data using E
real f,s
write(*,*)'Enter values of f and s:'
1 format(E9.2,E7.2)
write(*,*)'Values stored at f and s are:'
2 format(2x,E9.2,2x,E7.2)
Enter values of f and s:
Values stored at f and s are:
-0.12E-12 .12E+13

/(slash) format: This is specially used for printing data. It is used to skip to the next line like \n in C.

Example 9: This example illustrates the concept of writing data using slash and quote
read(*,1)i,j !why I and j are not declared here?
1 format(I4,I3)
2 format('value at i:',I4/'value at j:',I3) !use n slashes for skipping n lines e.g. // for skipping two lines
value at i:1234
value at j:567

A Format: It is used for character data. The general form is Aw. Where w is the width. The w
is optional here. If w is not specified then the size of variable declared in the character
statement is considered as the width. For example,
Character x*12
X= ‘Mt. Everest’
Output for format(A) and format(A4) are as illustrated in the following figure.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
M t . E V e r e s t M t . E
Figure: illustration of format(A) for printing Figure: illustration of format(A4) for printing
data data

T format: This format is used to give tab. Its general form is Tn. Where n stands for column
from which the output must start. It is used only for output statements. For example, let us
take a format statement,
First value will be printed in 8 columns and in F format and the second value will start from
column 12.

Quote Format: This is similar to “ ” in C. whatever is in the single quote, will be printed as it
is. For example, if we need to print NEPAL the format statement for this task is

Unformatted Input Output

When unformatted Input Output statements are used the computer itself decides the formats.
The read and write are unformatted input output statements.

read statement: The general form of this statement is read*, a1, a2, a3….. Where a1, a2,
a3….are the list of the variables. When this statement is executed, the cursor blinks on the
screen waiting for getting data. The supplied data must match with the type of the
corresponding variable. The character data must be enclosed in single quotes. If there are more
than one input data, they must be separated by spaces.

print statement: The general form of this statement is write*, I1, I2, I3…. Where I1, I2,
I3…. is the list of items to be printed. The items may include variables, constants, arithmetic
expressions and character constants. These will be printed continuously with blank spaces
between two items.

Example 10: This example illustrates the concept of unformatted Input output using
read and print statements.
character Nam*15
integer roll
real m1,m2,m3
print*,'Enter name:'
print*,'Enter roll:'
print*,'Enter marks in 3 subjects:'
print*,'Name:', nam, 'roll:', roll, 'average marks:', (m1+m2+m3)/3
Enter name:
Enter roll:
Enter marks in 3 subjects:
60.5 80.5 70.5 !if we need to enter same value for three variables for example 70.5, we
can type 3*70.5
Name:Prasiddhi roll: 1234 average marks: 70.5

Question: Write a program to compute the return amount (A) given by the expression
A=P(i(1+i)n/((1+i)n-1)) on investment of P amount of money for n numbers of year and at
interest rate i.

11.6 Control structures: goto, Logical IF, Arithmetic IF, Do loops

Unconditional goto
This statement is used to transfer the program control to any other statement unconditionally.
Its general form is:

goto k
Where, k is the statement number where the control must be transferred without depending on
any condition. The value of k must not be floating point number, zero or negative. It can be
five digits at most. There must be one statement number for each statement. goto k can be
written as go tok, Go Tok, GOTO k etc. But g oto k, g o t ok, go t o k etc are invalid.

Example 11: In this example the goto is used for backward jump. Here goto statement is
executed at line 5 and control is transferred to second line of the program. This program is
going on in a close path infinitely because there is no exit point from the structure. Actually, it
is in never ending loop. Such happening must be avoided in our programs. Techniques to handle
such situation be implemented using if structure within such close paths.

integer x
1 write(*,*)'Enter value of variable x :'
write(*,*)'The value stored at variable x is:',x
goto 1
Enter value of variable x :
The value stored at variable x is: 23
Enter value of variable x :
The value stored at variable x is: 45
Enter value of variable x :
The value stored at variable x is: 56
Enter value of variable x :

Example 12: This example shows the forward jump of the goto statement. Here, goto is
executed as the second statement and control is transferred to fifth statement i,e third and
fourth statements are skipped. This skipping causes not to read the value of x. Therefore, the
fifth statement prints the garbage value as shown in the output of this example.
integer x
goto 20
write(*,*)'Enter value of variable x :'
20 write(*,*)'The value stored at variable x is:',x

The value stored at variable x is: 2293556

Computed goto statement

The general form of this type of goto statement is:

goto (k1,k2,k3,………kn), i

Where k1,k2,k3,………kn are statement numbers. These must be enclosed within parenthesis.
The statement number may be repeated and may be in any order. The variable i is the single
integer variable. There must be a comma between closing parenthesis and the integer variable
like i in the above general form. The program control goes
to statement k1 , if the value of i is equal to 1
to statement k2 , if the value of i is equal to 2
to statement k3 , if the value of i is equal to 3
to statement kn , if the value of i is equal to n
if the value of i<1 or i>n, the goto statement itself is ignored and control goes to the next line.

Example 13: This program illustrates the use of computed goto statement. In this
program, if the entered value is 1 the control goes to statement 15 and to 20 if the
entered number is 2. Which is shown in the output as two different runs of the program.
integer day;
write(*,*)'Enter day no:'
goto(15,20), day
15 write(*,*)'Sunday'
goto 23 ! this goto statement transfers the control to the stop statement.
! otherwise control goes to immediate next statement.
20 write(*,*)'Monday'
goto 23
23 stop

Run1: Run2:
Enter day no: Enter day no:
2 1
Monday Sunday

stop statement is used to stop the program execution. It can be placed anywhere in the
program. There may be more than one stop statements in a program. Normally it is
placed just before the end statement. But it is optional in ForTran 77. Similarly, end
statement indicates the end of the program. There must not be more than one end
statements in a program.

Question: Differentiate between stop and end statement.


Suppose a goto statement goto(5,5,5,2,3,66), i . In such situation, control goes to statement

5 if the value of i is 1,2 or 3
2 if the value of i is 4
3 if the value of i is 5
66 if the value of i is 6

Logical if
The logical if statement uses relational and logical expression to transfer program control as in
the C programming language. These expressions generate either true or false result depending
on the operands and operator in them. Let us see the relational and logical operators used in C
and their equivalent form in ForTran in the following table.

Relational operators in C Equivalent symbol in ForTran

less than(<) .lt.
less than or equal to (<=) .le.
greater than(>) .gt.
greater than or equal to (>=) .ge.
equal to (==) .eq.
equal to (!=) .ne.
Logical operators in C Equivalent symbol in ForTran
and ( && ) .and.
or ( || ) .or.
not ( ! ) .not.

For example if x=100 and y=20 then

Is x .gt. y ? Yes. It means true
Is x.eq. y ? No. It means false
Is (x .gt. y) .and. (x.eq. y)? true .and. false . It results in false.
Is (x .gt. y) .or. (x.eq. y)? true .and. false . It results in true.
Is .not. ((x .gt. y) .or. (x.eq. y))? .not.(true .and. false) ..not. (true) . Therefore, the
final result becomes false.

The general form of logical if statement is if(condition) statement .Where condition is a

relational or logical expression that gives either true or false result and statement is an
executable statement. This concept is illustrated in following example.

Example 14: Write a program to read two real numbers x and y, add five to x if it is
grater than y, subtract five from it if it is less than or equal to y and display the result.
real x,y
write(*,*)'Enter value of x and y:'
if(x.gt.y) goto 1
goto 2
1 x=x+5
2 write(*,*)x

Output: (two different runs)

Enter value of x and y: In this case x is greater than y i,e, 30>20. The result is true and the
30 20 control goes to statement number 1. 5 is added to x and the result is
35. displayed.
Enter value of x and y: In this case x is less than y i,e, 20<30. The result is false and the
20 30 control goes to immediate next statement. 5 is subtracted from x and
15. control is transferred to statement 2 to display the new value of x.

Example 15: Write a program to evaluate the following expression. This example also
illustrates the concept of logical if statement.
f(x) =ax2+bx+5 if x<5
=bx2+ax-15 if 5≤x
real a,b,x,fx
write(*,*)'Enter the values of a,b and x:'
if(x.lt.5) goto 1
goto 2
1 fx=a*x**2+b*x+5
write(*,*)'The value of f(x):',fx
goto 10
2 fx=b*x**2+a*x-15
write(*,*)'The value of f(y):',fx
goto 10
10 stop
Enter the values of a,b and x:
2 3 5
The value of f(x): 70.
Question: A stationary has a provision to give 10 % discount to the customers who purchase
for more than Rs. 2500. Write a program to calculate the discount for a customer on his
Question: Write a program to read an positive integer and display the message whether it is
odd or even.
Question: write a program to read secured marks of a student and display PASS if the marks
is greater than 40% else display FAIL.

In the following example, concept of loop( as we studied in C) is implemented using logical

if statement.

Example 16: Write a program to check whether a positive integer read from the
keyboard is palindrome or not. A number is palindrome if its reverse is equal to the
number itself.
integer n,sum,r,x
write(*,*)'Enter a positive integer:'
read(*,*) n

2 if(x.eq.0)goto 1
goto 2
1 if(sum.eq.n)then
write(*,*) 'The number',n,'is a palindrome.'
write(*,*) 'The number',n,'is not a palindrome.'
Enter a positive integer:
The number 1234321 is a palindrome.
Questions: Write a program to read a positive integer from the keyboard and
a. count number of digits in it.
b. count odd and even digits in it.
c. find the sum of digits in it.
d. check whether the number is Armstrong number or not and modify the program to list
three digits Armstrong numbers.
e. count prime and composite digits in it.
f. add individual digits contained in it until the final sum is a single digit. For example,
if entered number is 2175698 then 2+1+7+5+6+9+8=>38=>3+8=>11=>1+1=>2

Example 17: Write a program to evaluate the series sin(x)= x-x3/3!+x5/5!-x7/7!……..

This program sums the terms until the absolute value of latest term becomes less then
0.000001. This program can be used to find sine of any angle. In this series value of x is
radian but we are more familiar to degree. So, the user is asked to input value of angle in
degree and it is converted to radian before computing. Here every second term can be
computed by multiplying the first term by –x2/i(i+1) i is a variable and its value is 2 for second
term, 4 for third, 6 for fourth and so on. How every term is generated is as follows:

first term=x
second term = - first term* x2/i(i+1) = -x* x2/2(2+1) = -x3/2.3 = -x3/3! (when i=2)
third term = - second term* x2/i(i+1) = -(-x3/3!) * x2/i(i+1) = x5/3!.4.5 = x5/5! (when i=4)
fourth term = -third term* x2/i(i+1) = -(x5/5!)* x2/i(i+1) = -x7/5!.6.7 = -x7/7! (when i=6) and so on.
real deg,rad,sum,term,i
write(*,*)'Enter the value of angle in degree:'
read(*,*) deg
rad=deg*3.14/180 !to convert degree to radian but it is not mandatory
write(*,*) 'Term:',term !to print first term
3 if(abs(term).lt. 0.000001)goto 1

write(*,*) 'Term:',term !to print term

goto 3
1 write(*,*)'sin(',deg,')=',sum !to print sum of terms
Enter the value of angle in degree:
Term: 0.5233334
Term: -0.023888234
Term: 0.00032712286
Term: -0.0000021331357
Term: 8.114147E-9
sin( 30. )= 0.4997701

Question: Write a program to evaluate the series cos(x)= 1-x2/2!+x4/4!-x6/6! +x8/8!-

……..until the absolute value of the latest term becomes less than 0.000001. Here every
second term can be computed by multiplying the first term by –x2/i(i-1) i is a variable and its
value is 2 for second term, 4 for third, 6 for fourth and so on.
Question: Write a program to evaluate the exponential series ex =1+x+x2/2!+x3/3!+x4/4!
+x5/5!…… until the latest term becomes less than 0.000005 when x=1.

Arithmetic if statement
The general form of this statement is if(expression) k1,k2,k3. Where expression is any valid
ForTran arithmetic expression. k1,k2 and k3 are the statement numbers. If the value of
expression is negative control goes to the statement number k1 and to k2 if the its value is
zero. Similarly, control goes to statement k3 if the expression generates a positive value. This
concept is illustrated in the following example. It asks the user to enter the three coefficients
of the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0. As we know, roots are
imaginary if b2-4ac<0, which are (-bi|( b2-4ac)| )/2a .
Where –b/2a is real part and |( b2-4ac)| /2a is imaginary part
real and equal if b2-4ac=0, which are –b/2*a and –b/2*a
and real and unequal if b2-4ac>0, which are (-b( b2-4ac))/2a

Example 18: Write a program to read an integer from the user and display appropriate
message whether it is positive, zero or negative using the concept of arithmetic if
real x
1 write(*,*) '-ve'
goto 100
2 write(*,*) '0'
goto 100
3 write(*,*) '+ve'
goto 100
100 stop

Run1: Run2: Run3:
Enter value of i: Enter value of i: Enter value of i:
-1000 78 0
-ve +ve 0

Example 19: This program to calculate all roots of a quadratic equation. Here, if b2-
4ac<0, control goes to statement 5, to 4 if b2-4ac=0 and to 10 if b2-4ac>0
real a,b,c,r1,r2,d,rp,ip
write(*,*)'Enter the values of a,b and c:'
if(b*b-4*a*c) 5,4,10
5 rp=-b/2*a
write(*,*)'The imaginary roots are: ',rp,'+i',ip,'and',rp,'-i',ip
goto 100 ! this goto statement transfers the control to the stop statement.
! otherwise control goes to immediate next statement.
4 r1=-b/2*a
write(*,*)'Roots are real and equal which are:',r1,r1
goto 100
10 r1=(-b+sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/2*a
write(*,*)'Roots are real and unequal and which are:',r1,r2
100 stop

Enter the values of a,b and c:
1 -10 25
Roots are real and equal and which are: 5. 5.
Enter the values of a,b and c:
1 2 -35
Roots are real and unequal and which are: 5. -7.
Enter the values of a,b and c:
1 5 36
The imaginary roots are: -2.5 +i 5.454356 and -2.5 –i 5.454356

Question: Write a program to evaluate the following function using the concept of arithmetic
if statement.
f(y) = 3y2-cos(5y) if y<5
=100 if y=0
=3y2+sin(5y) if y>5

if…then…else statement
This statement is more easer than the logical statement. It is similar to the if..else statement of
C. The general form of this statement is:

if(test condition) then

statement 1
statement 2
statement n
statement 1
statement 2
statement n

The concept of control flow in this statement is similar to the if…else statement in C. There
are two branches in the general form. If the test condition result in true then the if block
statements will be executed i,e statement 1 through statement n inside if block. Similarly,
statenent 1 through statement n inside else block will be executed if the test condition gives
false result. endif statement closes the block of if…then…else statement. else block is
optional in this structure. If this block is eliminated from this structure seems as

if(test condition) then

statement 1
statement 2
statement n
It resembles to the simple if statement of C.

Example 20: A program to illustrate the simple if statement. This example, reads the age
of a person, calculates his bonus and displays it. There is a rule to increase his bonus by
10% if his age is greater than 60.
real age, bonus
write(*,*) 'Enter values of age:'
write(*,*) 'Enter values of bonus:'
read(*,*) bonus
write(*,*) 'Total bonus is:',bonus

Question: Write a program to read an integer and divide it by 10 and display if it is greater
than 0.
Question: Write a program to read the age of a person and display message whether the
he/she has voting right or not. Generally, a person greater than 18 years old has the right.

Example 21: Write a program to find the higher of two integers entered by the user. This
example illustrates the concept of if…then…else statement.
write(*,*),'Enter two integers:'
read(*,*) i,j ! why variables i and j are not declared.?
if(i.gt.j) then
write(*,*) ' greater is',i
write(*,*) ' greater is',j
Question: Write a program to read a number and display the message whether the number is
odd or even.

Example 22: A program to calculate the area of a triangle when the length of three sides
is given. This program illustrates the concept of if…else, relational operators and logical
real a,b,c,s,area
write(*,*),'Enter the sides of the triange:'
if((a+b).gt.c .and. (b+c).gt. a .and. (a+c).gt.b) then
write(*,*),'The area of triangle is:',area
write(*,*),'Invalid sides of the triangle.'

Example 23: Write a program to check whether a year entered by a user is leap year or
not. This example illustrates the concept of nested if…then…else statement.
integer year
write(*,*)'Enter a year:'
read(*,*) year
write(*,*)'the year',year,'is a leap year.'
write(*,*)'the year',year,'is not a leap year.'
write(*,*)'The year',year,'is a leap year.'
write(*,*)'Entered year',year,'is not a lear year.'

Enter a year:
the year 2000 is a leap year.
Enter a year:
the year 1900 is not a leap year.
Enter a year:
The year 1996 is a leap year.

Question: Rewrite the above program by swapping the body of outermost if…then…else
statement i,e. body of if in else and vice versa.
Question: Write a program to find the highest of three numbers entered by the user using
nested if…then…else statement.
Question: Write a program to read a positive integer and display its square if it is even
else its square root.

Question: Write three points of a rectangular coordinate system. Check whether

joining these points can form a triangle. If yes, compute and display the perimeter and
area of the triangle else display appropriate message.

else…if…then structure
This statement is multi-way decision-making statement. It is similar to the else…if structure of
C language. Its general form is

if(test condition 1) then

statement block 1
else if( test condition 2) then
statement block 2
else if( test condition n) then
statement block n
else block statement
……………………….. .

In this structure, if the test condition 1 gives the true result, then the statement block 1 will
be executed and statement block 2 will be executed if test condition 2 produce true.

Similarly, control will be transferred to statement block n if the test condition n gives true
result. If no test condition gives true result, then else block statement will be executed. This
concept is illustrated in the following example.

Example 24: Write a program to find the highest of three numbers entered by the user
using else…if…then statement and logical expression.
real a,b,c,highest
write(*,*)'Enter three different real numbers:'
if(a .gt. b .and. a .gt. c)then
else if(b .gt. a .and. b .gt. c)then
write(*,*)'Highest among three is', highest
Enter three different real numbers:
20.4 200.6 10.3
Highest among three is 200.6

Question: Write a program to read a day number and display whether it is Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Question: Write a program to read a month number and display the name of
corresponding month.
Question: Write a program to read marks of a student and display his grade A if marks greater
than or equal to 80, B if marks greater than or equal to 65 and C if marks greater than or equal
to 40 else F for fail.
Question: Write a program, which computes the weekly commission earned by a salesman as
per the sales amount based on the following criteria.
Sales amount (in rupees) Commission (In Rupees)
≤10000 2000
>10000 to 20000 2000+22% on extra (above Rs. 10000)
>20000 to 30000 4200+25% on extra (above Rs. 20000)
>30000 6700+27% on extra (above Rs. 30000)
Question: Write a program to read a coordinate point of a rectangular coordinate system and
display the appropriate message whether the point lies at center or on any axis or on any
Question: Write a program to evaluate the following function f(x) given by
=0 if x≤0
= x(x-10)(x-15) if 0<x≤10
= (x-10)(x-15)(x-20) if 10<x≤15
F(x)= (x-15)(x-20)(x-30) if 15<x≤20
=(x-20)(x-30)(x-40) if 20<x≤30
= 0 for all other cases

do loops
This statement is used for executing a block of code repeatedly. This is counter controlled
loop mechanism. It is considered as the most effective tool in ForTran. The working
mechanism of this loop is similar to for loop of C. The general form of do loop structure is

do n I = start, stop, update

n continue

Where, n is the valid statement number of the last statement of the body of the loop. Generally
continue is used as the last statement. I is an integer variable. It is used to control loop
structure. So, it is also called loop control or running variable. start is the starting value of the
I from which the loop execution begins. stop indicates the stopping value of the I. It indicates
loop structure must not go beyond the stop. update increments or decrements the I for the
execution of next loop round. update is optional. If it is not given, default value for increment
is 1. Although some ForTran77 compilers accept real, the basic type of start, stop and update
is integer. These can be constants, expressions or variables. Continue statement indicates the
end of the do loop structure. It must have a label i,e statement number. It is a dummy
statement. It is only a placeholder. The portion between do and continue statement is called
the body of do loop. For example, to print from 10 to 100 in step of 2 general form

do n I = 10, 100, 2
n continue

but, to print in reverse order it becomes

do n I = 100, 10, -2
n continue

The application of this loop is illustrated in the following examples.

Example 25: Write a program to read two integers n1 and n2 (n1<n2) and display the
integers in the range inclusive.
integer n1,n2,k
write(*,*)'Enter the value of n1 and n2:'
read(*,*) n1,n2
do 1 k=n1,n2,1
1 continue
Enter the value of n1 and n2:
10 14


Example 26: Write a program to read two integers n2 and n1 (n2>n1) and display the
integers in the range from n2 to n1 inclusive.
integer n2,n1,k
write(*,*)'Enter the value of n1 and n2:'
read(*,*) n2,n1
do 1 k=n2,n1,-1
1 continue
Enter the value of n1 and n2:
1000 996

Example 27: Write a program to read four integers greater than zero and displays the
highest and lowest among them.
integer n,h,l
do 1 k=1,4,1 !why k is not declared for its type here
write(*,*)'Enter number a number:'
1 continue
Enter number a number: 1000
Enter number a number: -2000
Enter number a number: 3786
Enter number a number: 22
Highest 3786 Lowest –2000

Question: Modify this program to find the highest, lowest and average of n numbers i,e, read
n from the user instead of using constant value.
Question: Write a program to find the sum of even integers from 1 to n. Where n is a positive
integer greater than 1 entered by the user.

Example 28: Write a program to read x as a real number and n as an integer and
display the value of xn/n!. Calculate xn and n! using do loops.
integer n,f
real x,p
write(*,*)'Enter values of x and n:'
read(*,*) x,n
do 1 k=1,n,1
1 continue
do 2 k=1,n,1
2 continue
Enter values of x and n: 2 4
2. ^ 4 / 4 !: 0.6666667

Example 29: Write a program to evaluate the exponential series ex

=1+x+x2/2!+x3/3!+x4/4! +x5/5!……upto n terms.
write(*,*)'Enter values of x and number of terms:'
read(*,*) x,n
do 1 k=1,n,1 !why x,k,n,term,sum are not declared?
1 continue
write(*,*)'Sum of terms is:',sum

5 5
term 1 : 5.
term 2 : 12.5
term 3 : 20.833334
term 4 : 26.041668
term 5 : 26.041668
Sum of terms is: 90.41667

Nested do loops
The concept of nested do loop is similar to the concept of nested for loop in C. In the nested
structure of do loops, each loop must have its own corresponding continue statement. Its
general form is as:
do n I = start, stop, update
do n1 I1 = start1, stop1, update1

n1 continue
n continue

Example 30: Write a program to find the terms display them. Display sum of terms also.
This example illustrates the application of nested do loop.
s=1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3+4)+……( 1+2+3+4+…….+n)
integer sum,term,n
write(*,*)'Enter number terms:'
do 1 k=1,n,1
do 2 j=1,k,1
2 continue
write(*,*) 'term',k,term
1 continue
write(*,*) 'Sum of all terms:',sum
Enter number terms:
term 1 1
term 2 3
term 3 6
term 4 10
Sum of all terms: 20

Example 31: Write a program to ask the user to enter to positive numbers f and s
(f>1,s>1 and f<s). Display the prime numbers between the numbers inclusive. (Modify
this program to count them and display the count also.)
integer f,s,k,check
write(*,*)'Enter number first and second number:'
do 1 k=f,s,1
do 2 j=2,k/2,1
2 continue
write(*,*) k,'is prime.'
1 continue

Enter number first and second number:
20 40
23 is prime.
29 is prime.
31 is prime.
37 is prime.

Question: Write a program to read two years year1 and year2 (year1<year2) and display the
leap years between them inclusive.
Question: Write a program to read an integer greater than 10 and display square root, square,
cube and cube root of numbers from 1 to n inclusive.
Question: Write a program to evaluate the expression s=ut+(at2)/2 from t=0 to 10 in the
interval of 1. Read value of u and a from the user. Make it more general by reading start and
end values of time.
Question: Write a program to print first n terms of the Fibonacci sequence.
Question: Write a program to read n data from the user until the user enters zero and display
their range.
Question: Write a program that read in two integers i and j print out the all integer between
them in reverse order. Do not include i and j in the output. Display the count of those
numbers, which are both multiple of 5 and 7 in the range
Question: Write a program to read an integer n (|n|>100) find the sum from n to 0 if it is
negative else count the twin primes between 10 to n.
Question: Write a program to print the sum of terms generated by the given expression. Also
display the sum of the terms.
∑ ( (-1) (i+1))/ i!
Question: write a program to evaluate the following expression. Read the value of x, y, n
from the user and display the result.
f(x,y) = ∑( x i +y i)
Questions: Write a program to evaluate the following series up to n terms
a. s=1+2+3+4+5+…………………..n
b. s=2+4+6+8+10+12+14………….2n
c. s=1+3+5+7+9+11+13…………..2n-1
d. s=12+22+32+42+52+62+………….n2
e. s=13+23+33+43+53+63+…………..n3
f. s=1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+…………..1/n
g. s=1+1/22+1/32+1/42+1/52+………….1/n2
h. s=1+1/3+1/5+1/7+1/9+1/11+1/13…..1/2n-1
i. s=1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3+4)+……( 1+2+3+4+…….+n)
j. π=4(1-1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-1/11…………..1/(2n-1))
k. e =1+1/1!+1/2!+1/3!+1/4! +1/5!……1/n!, n=0,1,2,3…….
e-1 =1-1/1!+1/2!-1/3!+1/4! -1/5!……. (-1)n+1 /(n-1)!, n=1,2,3….
S= 1+2+3+4+5+…..+n-2+n-1+n+n-1+n-2+…..+5+4+3+2+1
S=n+n-1+n-2+…..+ 5+4+3+2+1+2+3+4+5+…..n-2+n-1+n
f(x)=1+x+x2+x3+x4+x5+…………+ xn
p. ex =1+x+x2/2!+x3/3!+x4/4! +x5/5!…… xn/n!, n=0,1,2,3…….
q. e-x =1-x+x2/2!-x3/3!+x4/4! -x5/5!……. (-1)n+1 x(n-1) /(n-1)!, n=1,2,3….
r. sin(x)= x-x3/3!+x5/5!-x7/7!………. (-1)(n-1) x (2n-1) /(2n-1)!, n=1,2,3,4….
s. cos(x)= 1-x2/2!+x4/4!-x6/6! +x8/8!-…….. (-1)(n) x (2n) /(2n)!, n=1,2,3,4….
t. sinh(x) = (ex- e-x)/2
u. cosh(x) = (ex+ e-x )/2
v. tanh(x)= (ex- e-x)/(ex+e-x)

11.7 Arrays

One dimensional arrays

An array is a sequence of consecutive memory location. We have learned different array
processing in C. The theoretical concept is same to that. Here, we study how to manipulate
arrays using ForTran syntax. Array indexing in ForTran starts from 1 where as in it starts from
0 in C. The subscript must be positive integer and given with in parenthesis. If there are more
than one subscripts, they must be separated by commas. The dimension statement is there to
declare arrays in ForTran. Its general form is

dimension array_name (size of array)

for example, dimension a(5) is an array declaration of size 5, name a. Subscript varies
from 1 to 5. Instead of dimension, integer, real, character, double precision, complex
and local statements can also be used to declare arrays.

Example 32: This program shows the technique of reading and printing members
of a one dimensional array.
dimension a(5)
do 1 k=1, 5, 1
read(*,*) a(k)
1 continue
do 2 k=1, 5, 1
write(*,*) a(k)
2 continue
Here do loop is written explicitly for reading and writing array members. This can be done
more shortly using implied do loop. The difference between the normal and implied do loop
structure is shown in following table.

Comparison between normal and implied do loop structure.

Normal do loop structure Implied do loop structure purpose
do 1 k=1, 5, 1 read(*,*) (a(i),i=1,5) To read data for array
read(*,*) a(k) members a(1), a(2),
1 continue a(3), a(4), and a(5)
do 2 k=1, 5, 1 write(*,*) (a(i),i=1,5) To display content of
write(*,*) a(k) array members a(1),
2 continue a(2), a(3), a(4), and a(5)

The application of one-dimensional array processing is illustrated in the following examples.

Example 33: Write a program to declare an array of size 5. Read and display array
members using implied do loops.
dimension a(5)
write(*,*) 'Enter array members:'
read(*,*) (a(i),i=1,5)
write(*,*) 'The read array members are:'
write(*,*) (a(i),i=1,5)

Enter array members:
10.3 30 -40.6 -100 20.2
The read array members are:
10.3 30. -40.6 -100. 20.2

Example 34: Write a program to read members of array of size 5 of type real and
display those members which are exactly divisible by 3 but not by 7.
real a(5)
write(*,*) 'Enter array members:'
read(*,*) (a(i),i=1,5)
do 1 i=1, 5, 1
write(*,*)'Required number is:',a(i)
1 continue
Enter array members:
15 21 42 18 63
Required number is: 15.
Required number is: 18.

Questions: Write a program

a. to find sum of all members of the array.
b. to find the sum of odd and even members separately.
c. to count odd, even, prime and Armstrong members.
d. to display the members which are odd and prime.
e. to display the members which are Armstrong and even
f. to display the members which are Armstrong and odd
g. to display the members which are twin primes.
h. to count the palindrome members
i. to display the highest and lowest member as well their index,
j. to display sum and difference of highest and lowest members.
k. to reverse the array.

l. to calculate the sum, difference, product and quotient of members at array position 2
and 5. For this array size must be greater or equal to 5.
m. to swap members at array position 2 and 5. For this array size must be greater or equal
to 5.
n. to modify the value of array position at 5. For this array size must be greater or equal
to 5.
o. to find the sum of digits of the array members and assign the sum in the respective
position of the array. For example, 123 is a member in third position then find 1+2+3
and store 6 at third position.
p. to reverse the array members and assign the result at the respective position. For
instance, 123 is a member in third position then, reverse i,e, 321 and store it at third
q. to assign 1 to the respective position if the array member is odd and 2 if it is even.
r. to raise the power of each member by 3 and store at the respective position
Note: select the type of array members as the nature of problem. Think about two-dimensional
arrays for these problems.

Example 35: Write a program to declare three arrays of type real. Read the members
of first two arrays and sum of member of corresponding position and assign the result to
the corresponding position of the third array and display the members of the third
real a(50),b(50),c(50)
write(*,*) 'Enter size of arrays:'
read(*,*)n !why n is not declared
write(*,*)'Enter members of array a:'
read(*,*)(a(i),i=1,n,1) !why n is not declared
write(*,*)'Enter members of array b:'
do 1 i=1,n,1
1 continue
write(*,*)'members of array c after addition:'
Enter size of arrays:
Enter members of array a:
2.3 4.5 5.6 5 33
Enter members of array b:
2.4 -4.5 4.6 2 7.5
members of array c after addition:
4.7 0. 10.2 7. 40.5

Questions: Write separate programs

a. To find sum of member of corresponding position and assign the result to the
corresponding position of the second/first array and display the result.
b. To find difference of member of corresponding position and assign the result to the
corresponding position of the second/first array and display the result.

c. To swap the member of corresponding position of two arrays. And display the
members of both arrays.
d. To reverse the second array and add it to the first and assign the result in the first array
and display the result i,e, do not use the third array to store the result.
Example 36: Write a program to declare an integer array of size 5, read the members
of the array, sort them in ascending order using bubble sort algorithm and display the
sorted array. Modify this program for descending order also.
write(*,*)'Enter array members:'
do 1 p=1,5-1,1
do 2 c=1,5-p-1,1
2 continue
1 continue
write(*,*)'sorted array is:'
Enter array members:
-30 200 -500 1 1000
sorted array is:
-500 -30 1 200 1000

Example 37: Write a program along with algorithm and flowchart to compute the
arithmetic mean (A.M.), geometric mean (G.M.) and harmonic mean (H.M.) of any
numbers of given data values (x).

a. G.M.= (x1xx2 x x3x x4x …….. x xn)1/n

b. H.M.= c. A.M.= ∑i x
1/x1 +1/ x2 +1/x3 +1/x4 +………….+1/ xn i=1
real x(50)
write(*,*) 'Enter size of array:'
write(*,*)'Enter members of array x:'
do 1 i=1,n,1 Question: Why variables (except
gmp=gmp*x(i) array) used in this program are
not declared?
1 continue

write(*,*)'GM:',gm,' HM:',hm,' AM:',am

Enter size of array:
Enter members of array x:
1 2 3 4 5
GM: 2.6051712 HM: 2.1897807 AM: 3.
Question: Write separate programs to compute the median, range, variance and standard
deviation. Note: Variance= (∑x2)/n – ( (∑x2)/n)2 and standard deviation is √(variance).

Two-dimensional Arrays
Study the following examples to understand the syntactic structure of two-dimensional arrays
processing in ForTran77.

Example 38:This example simply shows how to read and write(display, print) members
of two dimensional arrays. In this example implied do loops are used for reading and
writing members row wise.
integer x(3,3) ! two dimensional array declaration
write(*,*)'Enter the members of the array:'
do 1 i=1,3,1
read(*,*)(x(i,j),j=1,3,1) ! Reading members of two dimensional array row wise
1 continue
write(*,*)'The members of the read array:'
do 2 i=1,3,1
write(*,*)(x(i,j),j=1,3,1) ! Displaying members of two dimensional array row wise
2 continue
Enter the members of the array:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 88 9
The members of the read array:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 88 9

Review question: Write a program to compute the following expressions using library
a. x=10t2-t5-2
b. y=sint+cos2t
c. z=e3t+5
Read the value of t from the user.

Example 39: Write a program to transpose a 3x3 matrix.

real x(3,3),tem
do 1 i=1,3,1
1 continue
do 2 i=1,3,1 ! i for accessing rows and j for accessing columns
do 3 j=1,3,1
3 continue
2 continue
write(*,*)'Transposed matrix is:'
do 4 i=1,3,1
4 continue

Enter members of array x row wise:
1.5 2.5 3.5
2.3 2.4 2.5
-3.4 -3.9 -3.8
Transposed matrix is:
1.5 2.3 -3.4
2.5 2.4 -3.9
3.5 2.5 -3.8

Example 40: Write program to add and subtract two matrices of type real and display
the result.
integer x(10,10),y(10,10),s(10,10),d(10,10),r1,c1,r2,c2 !arrays and variable declaration
write(*,*)'Enter row and column size of arrays x and y:'
if(r1.eq.r2 .and. c1.eq.c2)then !checking valid condition for matrix addition and subtraction
write(*,*)'Enter members of array x row wise:'
do 1 i=1,r1,1
read(*,*)(x(i,j),j=1,c1,1) !reading members of array x
1 continue
write(*,*)'Enter members of array x row wise:'
do 2 i=1,r2,1
read(*,*)(y(i,j),j=1,c2,1) !reading members of array y
2 continue
do 3 i=1,r1,1
do 4 j=1,c1,1
s(i,j)=x(i,j)+y(i,j) ! Adding matrices x and y and assigning result to matrix s
d(i,j)=x(i,j)-y(i,j) ! Subtracting matrix y from x and assigning the result to matrix d
4 continue
3 continue
write(*,*)'The members of array s:'
do 5 i=1,r1,1

write(*,*)(s(i,j),j=1,c1,1) ! printing elements of matrix s

5 continue
write(*,*)'The members of array d:'
do 6 i=1,r1,1
write(*,*)(d(i,j),j=1,c1,1) ! printing elements of matrix d
6 continue
write(*,*)'Matrix addition or subtraction is impossible.'

Enter row and column size of arrays x and y:
3 3 3 3
Enter members of array x row wise:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Enter members of array x row wise:
10 20 30
40 50 60
70 80 90
The members of array s:
11 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99
The members of array d:
-9 -18 -27
-36 -45 -54
-63 -72 -81

Questions: Write a program

a. to compute the product of two matrices of size mxn and pxq.
b. to find the sum of all the members of a two dimensional array.
c. to calculate the sum of diagonal elements of a square matrix.
d. to find the sum of individual rows of a two-dimensional array and assign them to a
one-dimensional array and display the content of one dimensional array.
e. to rise each member of the array by 4 and assign the result in the corresponding
f. to reads marks of 6 subjects of 40 students, compute and display the percentage
obtained by each student, the top score and the count of successful student if the full
and pass marks of each subjects are 100 and 40 for each subject respectively.
g. to generate a matrix of mxn whose elements are generated by the expression mij=x(i+j) .
Read m,n and x from the user.
h. to find the range of elements of a two dimensional array.
i. to set -1 to the members i<j, 0 to the members i=j else 1 as the members of a two
dimensional array. Where i and j are indices of rows and columns.
j. to compute sum of all positive and all negative elements of a one/two
dimensional array separately.

k. to compute R=X*Y+ZT where R,X,Y and Z are matrices of valid order and ZT
is the Transpose of Z.
l. Write a program to calculate the cost of cost of operating an electrical device
using formula C=(WTK)/1000. Where W is number of Watts, T is time in
hours and K is the Cost(in rupees) pre kilowatt hours. Store the value of C in a
three dimensional array when W varies from 100 watts to 1000 watts in steps
of 100, T varies from 1 hours to 10 hours in step of 1 and K varies from Rs. 1.0
to 10.0 in steps of 1 rupee. Display the content of array.

Example 41: Write a program to print the following pattern of numbers. Ask the user to
enter number of rows of the pattern.

write(*,*)'Enter value of rows: '

do 1 k=1,i,1
write(*,*)(j,j=1,k) ! using implied do loop to print value of j
1 continue

Example 42: write a program to print the following pattern of numbers. Ask the user to
enter number of rows of the pattern.
write(*,*)'Enter value of rows: '
do 1 k=i,1,-1
write(*,*)(j,j=k,1,-1) ! using implied do loop to print value of j
1 continue

1. Ram Kumar, PROGRAMMING WITH ForTran 77, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi,

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