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Zeta Rev HP XT 12.4

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Print Date: 01/23/2018

Zeta Rev HP XT 12.4

Configured unit accessories

A43 - 400/3/50 power supply
High efficiency reversible air/water heat pump, with
hermetic vapour injection scroll compressors
The structure of the unit is made of galvanized sheet-iron coated with polyester powder in RAL 5017/7035 at
ƒC, which makes it highly resistant to weather conditions.
The structure is a load-bearing frame, with removable panelling lined with sound absorbing expanded polyure-
thane matting.
All screws and bolts are stainless steel.
The compressors are hermetic orbiting spiral scroll com-
pressors with vapour injection, connected in tandem. They are provided with thermal overload protection by
discharge temperature, and with oil equalization line. All the com- pressors are fitted as standard with crankcase
The compressors are enclosed in a dedicated technical compartment, which can be accessed by removing the
panelling that allows maintenance operations to be carried out even with units running.

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The exchangers are made with finned pack coils with cop-
per tubes and aluminium fins.
The coils have an increased fin pitch to reduce frost for- mation and to facilitate the outflow of condensed water
during defrosting.
The Anti-Ice Circuit is shut off by a solenoid valve man- aged by the controller of the unit to ensure this is running
only when the coils work as evaporator and only when the external air temperature makes it really necessary.
To protect the exchangers from corrosion and ensure opti- mal operation of the unit, we advise following the
recom- mendations given in the user, installation and maintenance manual for cleaning the coils. For installations
within a kilometre of the coast, use of the accessory is strongly recommended Coil treated with anti-corrosion
The fans are axial fans, directly coupled to a three-phase
6-pole electric motor, with integrated thermal overload protection (klixon) and IP 54 protection rating.
The fan includes the shroud, designed to optimize its effi- ciency and reduce noise emission to a minimum, and
the safety guard.
The exchanger is a braze-welded stainless steel plate heat
exchanger, insulated with a shroud of closed-cell insulat- ing material.
Models with 2 refrigerant circuits are fitted with dual cir- cuit heat exchanger and therefore with a single pair of
hydraulic connections.
The exchanger is also equipped with thermostat-con- trolled anti-freeze heater to protect it from ice formation
when the unit is not running.
The unit uses refrigerant gas R410A.
Each refrigerant circuit of the unit comprises:
- electronic expansion valve
- 4-way reversing valve
- suction separator
- fluid accumulator
- economizer
- electronic expansion valve dedicated to the economizer
- replaceable solid cartridge dehydrator filter (except for sizes 3.2, 4.2 and 5.2 where the filter is a weld-on filter)
- pressure transducers for reading high and low pressure values
- high pressure switches
- safety valves
- liquid sight glass
- 5/16´charging valves
- Anti-Ice Circuit with solenoid valve
The pipes of the circuit and the exchanger are insulated with extruded closed-cell expanded elastomer. Anti-Ice
Circuit with solenoid valve
The pipes of the circuit and the exchanger are insulated with extruded closed-cell expanded elastomer.

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The electrical control panel is made in a painted galva-

nized sheet-iron box with forced ventilation and IP54 pro- tection rating.
The electrical control panel of the basic unit comprises:
- main disconnect switch
- automatic circuit breakers for compressors with fixed calibration
- fuses for protecting the fans and auxiliary circuits
- fan contactors
- phase-cutting fan speed adjuster
- thermal magnetic circuit breakers for pumps (if pres- ent)
- phase monitor
- potential-free general alarm contacts
- single potential free operating contacts for compres- sors, fans and pumps (when present)
- digital input for general ON/OFF
- summer/winter selection by digital input
- external air temperature probe
- microprocessor controller with display accessible from the outside
All the electrical cables inside the panel are numbered and the terminal board dedicated to the customer's
connec- tions is coloured blue so that it can be quickly identified in the panel.
The standard power supply of the unit is 400V/3~+N/50Hz for models from 3.2 to 8.2
The standard power supply of the unit is 400V/3~/50Hz for models from 9.2 to 18.4 microprocessor controller with
display accessible from the outside
All the electrical cables inside the panel are numbered and the terminal board dedicated to the customer's
connec- tions is coloured blue so that it can be quickly identified in the panel.
The standard power supply of the unit is 400V/3~+N/50Hz for models from 3.2 to 8.2
The standard power supply of the unit is 400V/3~/50Hz for models from 9.2 to 18.4
Main controller functions
The microprocessor control allows the following functions:
- water temperature control, with control of the water leaving the user-side exchanger
- freeze protection
- compressor timings
- automatic rotation of compressor starting sequence
- recording of the log of all machine inputs, outputs and states
- automatic rotation of compressor starting sequence
- recording of the alarm log
- sliding defrost management
- sliding defrost management
- digital input for general ON/OFF
- summer/winter selection by digital input
- digital input for hot circuit ON/OFF
- Ethernet serial port with Modbus protocol and integrat- ed web server preloaded web page
For further details on available functions and on displayed information, you can refer to the specific
documentation of the control.
By default, the serial connections present as standard are enabled only for reading from BMS. Enabling of writing
from BMS is to be requested when ordering. Ethernet serial port with Modbus protocol and integrat- ed web
server preloaded web page
For further details on available functions and on displayed information, you can refer to the specific
documentation of the control.
By default, the serial connections present as standard are enabled only for reading from BMS. Enabling of writing
from BMS is to be requested when ordering.
Main functions of the webserver

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As standard, the Bluethink controller integrates a web- server with a preloaded web page that is accessed via
The web page allows the following functions to be carried out (some of these are available only for users with ad-
vanced level rights):
- display of the general status of the machine: water inlet and outlet temperatures, external air temperature, op-
erating mode, evaporating and condensing pressures, suction and discharge temperatures
- display of the status of compressors, fans, pumps, elec- tronic expansion valves
- display in real time of the graphs of the main quantities
- display of the graphs of logged quantities
- display of alarm log
- display of the status of all the I/Os of the controller
- management of users on several levels
- remote ON/OFF
- remote set point change
- remote time band change
- remote summer winter mode selection remote summer winter mode selection
Human-Machine Interface
The control has a graphic display that allows the following information to be displayed:
- water inlet and outlet temperature
- set temperature and differential set points
- description of alarms
- hour meter of operation and number of start-ups of the unit, the compressors and the pumps (if present)
- high and low pressure values, and relevant condensing and evaporating temperatures
- external air temperature
- superheating at compressor suction. superheating at compressor suction.
Management of defrost cycles
For defrost management, the control of the unit uses a sliding intervention threshold, depending on the pressures
inside the unit and the external air temperature. By put- ting together all this information, the control can identify
the presence of ice on the coil and activates the defrosting sequence only when necessary, so as to maximize the
en- ergy efficiency of the unit.
Sliding management of the defrost threshold ensures that, as the absolute humidity of outdoor air decreases, the
fre- quency of the defrost cycles gradually decreases because they are carried out only when the ice formed on
the coil actually penalizes performance.
the initial stage, a defrost is carried out by cycle reversal with fans stopped. When the frost on the coil has melted
sufficiently, reverse ventilation is activated, that is, with air flow in the opposite direction to that of normal oper-
ation, so as to facilitate the ejection of condensed water and detached ice. When the coil is clean, ventilation is re-
versed again and the unit resumes operation in heat pump mode. **non tradotto**
The combination of the sliding intervention threshold and the patented defrost system allows the number and
dura- tion of defrost cycles to be optimized and reduced to the minimum.
- user-side water temperature probe
- antifreeze probe on the user side heat exchanger
- high pressure switch (with manual reset)
- low pressure safety device (with manual reset managed by the controller)
- compressor overtemperature protection
- fan overtemperature protection
- water differential pressure switch water differential pressure switch
All the units are factory-tested and supplied complete with
oil and refrigerant.

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The unit is made and shipped on a wooden pallet that al-

lows the unit to be handled using a forklift truck.
The unit is wrapped in a protective transparent polyethyl- ene stretch film.
Other standard features

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Unit Zeta Rev HP XT
Model 12.4
Refrigerant fluid R410A
Minimum partialization of the unit % 25
Requested partialization % 100
Cooling conditions
Fluid - User side Water
Fouling factor - User side mðƒ&: 0.0000440
Inlet water temperature - User side ƒ& 12.0
Outlet water temperature - User side ƒ& 7.0
External air temperature ƒ& 35.0
Height asl m 0
Cooling performances
Cooling capacity kW 126.3
Compressors absorbed power kW 36.2
Total absorbed power (A1) kW 42.3
Flow rate - User side l/s 6.05
Pressure drops - User side kPa 33
EER 2.99
ESEER (basic unit) 3.80
Air flow rate m3/h 63000
Available pressure Pa 0
Fans absorbed power kW 1.9
Fans absorbed current A 3.91
Sound levels
Sound power (4) dB(A) 85
Sound pressure (5) dB(A) 53
(A1) Compressors + Fans + Pumps (if present) (according to EN14511)

(4) Sound power levels calculated according to ISO 3744.

(5) Sound pressure levels measured at a distance of 10 metres from the unit in free field and directivity factor Q=2


Heating conditions
Inlet water temperature - User side ƒ& 40.0
Outlet water temperature - User side ƒ& 45.0
External air temperature ƒ& 7.0
External Relative Humidity % 87
Heating performances

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Heating capacity kW 145.1

Compressors absorbed power kW 36.5
Total absorbed power (A1) kW 42.7
Flow rate - User side l/s 6.99
Pressure drops - User side kPa 36
COP 3.40
SCOP MT (B2)  Ɣ 
‫ڦ‬VK07 % % 114.2
SCOP LT (B2)  Ɣ 
‫ڦ‬VK/7 % % 128.3
Air flow rate m3/h 63000
Available pressure Pa 0
Fans absorbed power kW 1.9
Fans absorbed current A 3.91
(A1) Compressors + Fans + Pumps (if present) (according to EN14511)

(B2) SCOP computed according EN14825, Average Climatic Profile, with reference to Regulation 813/2013

±Not compliant Erp ‡Compliant Erp o: Compliant Erp only with EC fans

Type Scroll
Number 4
Refrigerant circuits 2
Total oil charge kg 14.0
Total refrigerant charge (estimated) (NRef) kg 53.0
Number 3
Rated absorbed power kW 2.00
Rated absorbed current A 4.30
Heat exchanger - User side
Type Plates
Number 1
Water content l 9.4
Lenght mm 4261
Width mm 1119
Height mm 2400
Net weight kg 1743
(NRef) The indicated refrigerant charge is theoretical and refers to the standard machine without accessories.

ELECTRICAL DATA (Theoretical calculations)

Power supply V/ph/Hz a“
Control power supply V/ph/Hz 230-24/1~/50

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Electrical performances
Maximum absorbed power (E1) kW 68.20
Maximum starting current - LRA A 230.0
Full load current - FLA A 115.7
(E1) Mains power supply to allow unit operation

Technical calculations may change according to calculation methods. Techical data may be revised.

Conformity Ecodesign
Ecodesign compliant unit (regulation 813/2013) according to SCOP. The unit can be
installed in EU countries

Data referred to the configured unit, any configuration change may not guarantee the performance and compliance to Ecodesign.

63 [Hz] 125 [Hz] 250 [Hz] 500 [Hz] 1000 [Hz] 2000 [Hz] 4000 [Hz] 8000 [Hz]
Lw [dB] 88 78 76 79 79 80 76 75 Lw_tot dB(A) 85
Lp [dB] 56 46 44 47 47 48 44 43 Lp_tot dB(A) 53
Reference conditions: External air temperature ƒC; user-side heat exchanger inlet-outlet water temperature ƒC.
Operation at rated speed with no fixture units.

Lw: Sound power levels calculated according to ISO 3744.

In particular Lw_tot is the only binding value.

Lp and Lp_tot: Sound pressure levels measured at a distance of 10 metres from the unit in free field and directivity factor Q=2.
Non binding values obtained from the sound power level

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