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Report On NYC First Responder 9-11 Accounts

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Analysis of NYC

“First Responder” Accounts

Of FDNY and EMS Personnel
on 9/11/01
Compiled by Andrew Johnson (ad.johnson@ntlworld.com)

with Contributions by

Morgan Reynolds

Russ Gerst

Jeff Strahl

CB Brooklyn

Cathy Palmer

September 2007

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Initiation .....................................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Tribute ........................................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Rationale.....................................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Method of Data Collection and Analysis .................................................................................................5
1.5 Data Considerations ..................................................................................................................................6


2.1 Witness Account Sample Size and Note about Numbers .......................................................................7
2.2 Assumptions ...............................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Percentage Calculations ............................................................................................................................7
2.4 Access Database Queries...........................................................................................................................7
2.5 Witnesses To Plane 1 (NOT on TV) .........................................................................................................8
2.6 Witnesses to Plane 2 (before impact) – those within ½ mile of WTC Complex ...................................9
2.7 Witnesses to Plane 2 (before impact) – those further than ½ mile of WTC Complex.......................11
2.8 Other Considerations Related to Plane Impact Witnesses ..................................................................12
2.9 Other Witnesses Who Were Not Sure About The Incidence of Plane Crashes .................................13
2.10 Anomalous Accounts of Plane Sightings and Impacts .........................................................................15


3.1 Accounts Mentioning a “Missile” or “Rocket” .....................................................................................19
3.2 Selected Accounts Mentioning “Plane Parts” and Luggage/Suitcases................................................19
3.3 Accounts Mentioning “Landing Gear”..................................................................................................20
3.4 Accounts Mentioning FBI Agents and the Possible “3rd Plane”..........................................................21
3.5 Accounts Mentioning Hearing the F-15’s..............................................................................................23
3.6 Accounts Containing Redacted Portions ...............................................................................................24
3.7 Accounts Mentioning Car Fires After WTC Destruction....................................................................24
3.8 Account Mentioning Building 7 Was Expected to Collapse ................................................................25
3.9 Accounts Mentioning Descriptions of Debris........................................................................................26
3.10 Accounts Not Mentioning Loud Explosions as Towers Were Coming Down ....................................27

4. CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................... 29
4.1 Plane Accounts.........................................................................................................................................29
4.2 Accounts with Redacted Portions...........................................................................................................29
4.3 Accounts Mentioning Collapse of Towers .............................................................................................29
4.4 Other Accounts Raising Suspicion or Concern.....................................................................................30
4.5 Overall Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................30

5. APPENDIX A - FURTHER TECHNICAL DETAILS OF DATA ANALYSIS ................................ 31

5.1 Initial PDF Text Searching .....................................................................................................................31


5.2 PDF Conversion Software – Converting to Raw Text Format............................................................31

5.3 Text Layout Processing ...........................................................................................................................31
5.4 Text Searching .........................................................................................................................................31
5.5 Collation of Data in Microsoft Excel......................................................................................................32
5.6 Use of Microsoft Access Database ..........................................................................................................32

6. APPENDIX B - WITNESS ACCOUNT DETAILS ....................................................................... 35

6.1 Witnesses to Plane 1 ................................................................................................................................35
6.2 Witnesses to Plane 2 (before impact) – those further than ½ mile of WTC Complex.......................47
6.3 Other Analyses.........................................................................................................................................49

7. APPENDIX C - LIST OF WITNESS ACCOUNTS/FILE NUMBERS ........................................... 50

8. REFERENCES........................................................................................................................... 59

List of Tables

Table 2-1 Duplicate Witness Accounts Found ..................................................................................... 7

Table 2-2 List of Witnesses To Plane 1 ............................................................................................... 8

Table 2-3 List of Witnesses Who Reported Hearing Plane 1 ............................................................... 8

Table 2-4 Counts of Witnesses Near or Inside WTC at Time of 2nd Impact ........................................ 9

Table 2-5 List of Witnesses near WTC Who Reported Seeing Plane 2................................................ 9

Table 2-6 List of Witnesses near WTC Who Reported Hearing Plane 2 ............................................ 10

Table 2-7 List of Witnesses near WTC Who Reported Seeing and Hearing Plane 2 ......................... 10

Table 2-8 List of Witnesses Inside WTC Who Reported Hearing Plane 2 .......................................... 11

Table 2-9 List of Witnesses further than ½ mile from WTC Complex Who Saw Plane 2 .................... 11

Table 2-10 List of Witnesses further than ½ mile from WTC Complex Who Heard Plane 2 ............... 12

Table 2-11 List of Witnesses Near WTC Who Weren’t Initially Sure They Saw a Plane Crash on the
2nd Impact ................................................................................................................................. 12

Table 2-12 List of Other Witnesses Who Were Not Sure About The Incidence of Plane Crashes...... 13

Table 3-1 Accounts With Redacted Portions ..................................................................................... 24

List of Figures

Figure 5-1 PRGrep Text File Searcher .............................................................................................. 31

Figure 5-2 Microsoft Excel Data Collation.......................................................................................... 32

Figure 5-3 Access Database Witness Data Capture Form................................................................. 33

Figure 5-4 Access Database Query Design....................................................................................... 34

Figure 5-5 Access Database Query SQL........................................................................................... 34


1. Introduction

1.1 Initiation
This study was proposed by Attorney Jerry Leaphart, in September 2007, as a way of determining
more information about the supposed plane impacts on the WTC Towers on 9/11/2001. Jerry brought
to our attention the accounts / “oral histories” as given by “First Responders” to the 9/11 Tragedy, as
posted on the New York Times Website, at the link given below.


These accounts were published on 12th August 2005.

Jerry originally tasked the people listed above with analysing the accounts of the responders listed on
the Web Page above to determine the following:

a) Those who described seeing and hearing a jetliner.

b) Those who described seeing a jetliner but hearing only an explosion or sounds inconsistent
with a jet.

c) Those who described seeing only an explosion and asserting or surmising a jet.

d) Those who described hearing an explosion and saying either saw no jet or not sure of jet

e) Those who described seeing an explosion and saying either saw no jet or didn't think jet was

f) Those who described seeing an explosion and were perplexed by a report that a jet was
involved either because didn't see one or didn't hear one or both.

g) Other variations.

Other people on the list worked through sets of accounts and submitted a list of comments and
noteworthy accounts, which seemed to either have inconsistencies, or some elements which did not
make sense.

As the analysis continued, the scope was expanded some what to include such things as:

• Reference to “Missile” or “Rocket”

• Reports of “Plane Parts” and Luggage/Suitcases
• Reports of Seeing Landing Gear
• Reports of FBI Agents and the Possible “3rd Plane”
• Hearing the F-15’s
The witness accounts of the latter are particularly interesting to compare to their accounts of the
sound of the 2nd Boeing, before impact.


1.2 Tribute
Whatever the conclusions of this study and however it is interpreted, we must pay a large tribute and
debt of thanks to those people who responded on the day of 9/11 and the lives they undoubtedly
saved and the injuries they helped to prevent.

At one level there is a desire to dispassionately analyze the data and evidence to determine what
happened on 9/11, but at another it is worth remembering that the witnesses concerned did not know
what they were going into and how terrible the events would become, as they unfolded. At another
level, however, the very nature and execution of the 9/11 Black Operation can also be considered as
being a “Psy-Op” – the disturbing reality of which was deliberately designed to discourage us from
thinking about and studying the events of that day.

1.3 Rationale
The study was undertaken because of the already compelling data, evidence and arguments which
very strongly suggest that the stories of large jet planes striking both WTC towers are at best suspect
and at worst fake. See references 1 - 4 for further analysis of some of this evidence.

We therefore wanted to try and determine how well a range of eyewitness and ear-witness accounts
supported the other evidence, and what other information we could glean from these accounts.

This study therefore tried to determine:

1. The numbers of witnesses that were within ½ mile of the WTC buildings when the
supposed plane impacts took place.
2. The number of witnesses who reported seeing a plane.
3. The number of witnesses who reported hearing a plane.

1.4 Method of Data Collection and Analysis

1.4.1 Data Collection

A more detailed description of the method of data collection is given in Section 5. In summary:

1. Over 500 PDF files were downloaded from the New York Times page referenced in
section 1.1.

2. These PDF files were converted to raw text format for easier searching.

It was noted that there were some errors in the construction of the New York Times page, with 1
account not being properly linked to the web page e.g. 9110232 (Kevin Martin). Additionally, when all
the files were downloaded, it was noticed the accounts were indexed up to 9110511, but there were
breaks in the sequence. Therefore, substitute links were created on a local web page, resulting in
several additional PDF files being downloaded from the New York Times website which were not
linked to the page above.

1.4.2 Data Analysis

Software to search the text files (“PRGREP”) was employed as follows:

1. The text files were searched for all references, initially, to the word “plane”, “jet”,
“aircraft”, “airplane”, and “airliner”.

2. These accounts were then quickly scanned to establish what the location of the witness
was when they saw or heard about the planes. (The great majority saw or heard about
the 1st plane on TV or radio or emergency services radio. A large majority heard about
or saw the 2nd plane on TV).

3. Where the location of the witness could not be determined accurately enough, the
account was not included in the overall figures. In the accounts used, where reference to
an exact street or location such as “opposite WTC 1” or “outside WTC 7” or “on the
BQE”, the witnesses discussion of seeing or hearing a plane was then determined.

4. This information was copied into an Excel spreadsheet, which was in turn converted into
an Microsoft Access (2000) Database, which gives a large number of options for
analysing, processing and formatting the data, as shown in later sections.

5. Queries were designed to select the information regarding the witness accounts of
planes. A further documenting of the results of these queries can be found in section 6.

6. As the accounts were analysed, other points of interest (such as reference to burning
cars, FBI agents and passenger luggage) were noted.

1.5 Data Considerations

1.5.1 Times accounts were given

The first account was recorded on the 9th of October 2001 and final account was recorded on 1st Feb
2002, which was over 4 months after 9/11.

1.5.2 Conditions under which accounts were recorded

The accounts were recorded by FDNY personnel, when the witnesses were not under oath and they
were taken without cross-examination.

1.5.3 Ambiguity

There is some ambiguity in the data, due to some witnesses not making clear exactly what they saw.
In some cases, it is possible that they did see “something” and didn’t report it when they were giving
their accounts, as their minds were focused on describing some other part of their experience.

1.5.4 Trauma / Affectation of Witnesses

Some consideration has to be given, in some cases, to the idea that some witnesses’ accounts or
memories of the day may have been affected by the unique nature of the tragedy as it unfolded and
what they themselves were part of. From studying the accounts, however, there only seem to be a
few cases where this may have affected what the witnesses reported regarding the “plane impacts”.

In cases where witness accounts seemed to be unclear – e.g. it appeared they must have been at or
near the WTC complex around the time of the 2nd impact, but they don’t mention anything about it in
their accounts (perhaps due to the traumatic events), then these accounts were not used in
determining the numbers given in the Section 2.

Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

2. Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

2.1 Witness Account Sample Size and Note about Numbers

A total of 505 accounts were downloaded (a different figure to that listed on the New York times
page). 4 of these were determined to be “repeat” accounts – for some reason, the same person was
interviewed twice, on different dates:

Table 2-1 Duplicate Witness Accounts Found

9110023 Dorritie, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/09/2001

9110299 Dorritie, Robert Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001

9110053 McGovern, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/11/2001

9110301 McGovern, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001

9110032 Salvador, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/10/2001

9110474 Salvador, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/18/02

9110360 Whelan, Brendan Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01

9110109 Whelan, Brendan Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/17/01

Discounting these left a total sample size of 501 accounts. The words “plane jet airplane aircraft” were
found in 426 accounts, 1770 times.

The final account sample size was used for the “witnesses to a plane” study (discussed in this
section) was 291. Accounts were chosen with a view to mainly focusing on those who gave an exact
or unambiguous location when reporting seeing “plane” 1 or 2. A few of those who simply described
seeing the impacts on TV were left out, but some were included – the main focus of the study was on
those who were close to where the 2nd impact happened.

2.2 Assumptions
It is reasonable to assume that there would be far more people who reported seeing the 2nd plane
than the first, due to attention being focused on the unfolding disaster.

2.3 Percentage Calculations

These were only done for those accounts concerned with the 2nd plane, as it would be expected more
people would have been paying attention for a plane noise at this time, and more people were closer
to where the plane was.

2.4 Access Database Queries

In the following sections, queries used for the Access database are referenced in the headings.

Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

2.5 Witnesses To Plane 1 (NOT on TV)

2.5.1 Witnesses Who Reported Seeing Plane 1 before impact (NOT on TV) (Query A1)

16 witnesses reported seeing the 1st plane before impact. Segments of their accounts can be read in
Section 6.1.1.

Table 2-2 List of Witnesses To Plane 1

Location of Witness when talking of
File No Witness Name
Plane 1 (if known)
9110058 Cohen, Marc 59th Street bridge
9110081 Larocco, Robert Stuyvesant Street Near Church
9110135 Pastor, Frank Red Hook
9110138 Pfeifer, Joseph Lispenard St
9110139 Hayden, Peter Firehouse
9110151 Loutsky, Alexander Pearl Street
9110273 Puma, Frank Barclay between Church and Broadway
9110303 Ramos, Ralph Pearl St
9110307 Weldon, Richard Long Island Expressway
9110412 Curran, James Church Street
9110419 Carletti, Richard Crossing Delancey Street
9110426 Borrillo, Nicholas Church and Lispenard St
9110430 Casaliggi, Joseph Church Street Near Canal
9110442 Walsh, William Lispenard Street and Church.
9110445 Spinard, Thomas Church and Leonard
9110460 Escoffery, Kenneth Quarters of Ladder 20

2.5.2 Witnesses Who Reported Hearing Plane 1 before impact (NOT on TV) (Query A2)

16 witnesses reported hearing the 1st plane before impact. Segments of their accounts can be read in
Section 6.1.2.

Table 2-3 List of Witnesses Who Reported Hearing Plane 1

File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 1 (if known)
9110009 Murad, Murray Firehouse
9110034 Zanat, John Firehouse
9110081 Larocco, Robert Stuyvesant Street Near Church
9110138 Pfeifer, Joseph Lispenard St
9110139 Hayden, Peter Firehouse
9110223 Smith, Warren Firehouse
9110273 Puma, Frank Barclay between Church and Broadway
9110343 Rivera, Terence Outside quarters
9110388 Fallucca, Peter Engine 16 quarters, Manhattan
9110412 Curran, James Church Street
9110414 Brogan, Derek 19th Street
9110426 Borrillo, Nicholas Church and Lispenard St
9110430 Casaliggi, Joseph Church Street Near Canal
9110442 Walsh, William Lispenard Street and Church
9110445 Spinard, Thomas Church and Leonard St
9110460 Escoffery, Kenneth Quarters of Ladder 20

Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

2.5.3 Witnesses who Reported Seeing and Hearing Plane 1 Before Impact (Query A3)

1 Witness reported seeing and hearing plane 1 before impact. A segment of his accounts can be read
in Section 6.1.3.
File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 1 (if known)
9110445 Spinard, Thomas Church and Leonard St

2.6 Witnesses to Plane 2 (before impact) – those within ½ mile of WTC Complex

2.6.1 Witnesses who reported being near or inside WTC at the time of The 2nd Impact (Queries B1 and

Table 2-4 Counts of Witnesses Near or Inside WTC at Time of 2nd Impact

Near WTC at time of 2nd impact 96

Inside WTC at time of 2nd impact 21
Near or Inside WTC at time of 2nd impact 117
2.6.2 Witnesses near WTC Who Reported Seeing Plane 2 before impact (NOT on TV) - Query B3

Segments of their accounts can be read in Section 6.1.5.

Number of Witnesses: 19 Percentage of Total Near WTC = 19/96 = 20%

Table 2-5 List of Witnesses near WTC Who Reported Seeing Plane 2
File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)
9110015 Harris, Russel City Hall Near WTC
9110041 Felton, Jarjean Westside Highway - under pedestrian bridge near WTC
9110042 Pinkus, Jace Vesey St near WTC
9110047 Cruz, Allan Corner of Fulton and Church near WTC
9110054 Wright, Decosta West Side Highway near WTC
9110075 Davila, Rene Near WTC
9110100 Gombo, Jerry West Street near WTC
9110113 Sweeney, Frank Near WTC
9110114 Holowach, Scott Near WTC - Pedestrian Bridge,
9110134 Blacksberg, David Across the street near WTC 1
9110142 Turi, Albert Corner of Fulton and Church near WTC
9110154 Nigro, Daniel West side of West Street Near WTC
9110156 Timothy, David Between Fulton and Dey on Church St Near WTC
9110164 Cunniffe, Sean Near WTC
9110177 Burgos, Freddy West Street Near WTC
9110195 Callan, Joseph Near WTC
9110215 Chiafari, Joseph Near WTC
9110355 Ottrando, John Near WTC
9110445 Spinard, Thomas Near WTC - West Street

Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

2.6.3 Witnesses near WTC Who Reported Hearing Plane 2 before impact (NOT on TV)

Segments of their accounts can be read in Section 6.1.6.

Number of Witnesses: 20 Percentage of Total Near WTC = 20/96 = 21%

Table 2-6 List of Witnesses near WTC Who Reported Hearing Plane 2
File No Witness Name Plane 2 Sound Heard Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)
9110001 Fitzpatrick, Thomas outrageous noise Dey Street Near WTC
9110009 Murad, Murray Tremendous Roar West Street/Liberty St Near WTC
9110013 Bartolomey, Anthony rumbling corner of Vesey and Church Street near WTC
9110014 Kagenaar, Chris loud noise Church Area near WTC
9110035 Rivera, Daniel thunderous noise Near WTC - 1 yard away from the south tower building
9110047 Cruz, Allan rumble, vibration Corner of Fulton and Church near WTC
9110114 Holowach, Scott Plane sound Near WTC - Pedestrian Bridge,
9110134 Blacksberg, David Across the street near WTC 1
9110141 Mosiello, Steven Throttling up Near WTC
9110142 Turi, Albert Similar to jet taking off Corner of Fulton and Church near WTC
9110149 Mejias, Michael big rush, like low flying jet World Financial Center near WTC
9110154 Nigro, Daniel Loud Roar West side of West Street Near WTC
9110156 Timothy, David Loud like an engine roar Between Fulton and Dey on Church St Near WTC
9110164 Cunniffe, Sean "the biggest noise I ever heard in my life" Near WTC
9110188 Siebuhr, Laura Low Hum Near WTC
9110198 Sudnik, John Plane noise Vesey Street near WTC
9110200 Fortis, Joseph Engine noise Near WTC - Pedestrian Bridge
9110205 Donovan, Michael Corner of Liberty and Church near WTC
9110215 Chiafari, Joseph Engines Revved Near WTC
9110459 Walsh, James West Street near WTC

For those witnesses that describe the sound, the reports are only partly consistent, especially
considering that the noise of a large commercial jet liner should be a relatively familiar one. There
seemed to be more consistency among those who reported hearing the F-15/F-16 jets.

2.6.4 Witnesses near WTC who Reported Both Seeing and Hearing Plane 2 Before Impact (Query B5)

Segments of their accounts can be read in Section 6.1.7.

Number of Witnesses: 8 Percentage of Total Near WTC = 8/96 = 8.3%

Table 2-7 List of Witnesses near WTC Who Reported Seeing and Hearing Plane 2
File No Witness Name Plane 2 Sound Heard Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)
9110047 Cruz, Allan rumble, vibration Corner of Fulton and Church near WTC
9110114 Holowach, Scott Plane sound Near WTC - Pedestrian Bridge,
9110134 Blacksberg, David Across the street near WTC 1
9110142 Turi, Albert Similar to jet taking off Corner of Fulton and Church near WTC
9110154 Nigro, Daniel Loud Roar West side of West Street Near WTC
9110156 Timothy, David Loud like an engine roar Between Fulton and Dey on Church St Near WTC
9110164 Cunniffe, Sean "the biggest noise I ever heard in my life" Near WTC
9110215 Chiafari, Joseph Engines Revved Near WTC

- 10 -
Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

2.6.5 Witnesses INSIDE WTC Who Reported Hearing Plane 2 before impact (NOT on TV) (Query B8)

Segments of their accounts can be read in Section 6.1.8.

Number of Witnesses: 2 Percentage of Total Inside WTC = 2/21 = 9.5%

Table 2-8 List of Witnesses Inside WTC Who Reported Hearing Plane 2
File No Witness Name Plane 2 Sound Heard
9110342 Ippolito, James Screeching Sound like a train derailing
9110414 Brogan, Derek

2.7 Witnesses to Plane 2 (before impact) – those further than ½ mile of WTC Complex
There were 117 witnesses inside or near the WTC and 291 Witnesses in the total sample. The
percentages in this section are therefore based on the number 291 – 117 = 174. This figure is
perhaps rather less well defined than those in earlier sections, so the data discussed here should
probably not be considered as reliable as in earlier parts of section 2.

2.7.1 Those further than ½ mile from WTC Complex Who Saw Plane 2 (Query C1)

Segments of their accounts can be read in Section 6.2.1.

Number of Witnesses: 33 Percentage of Total Away from WTC = 33/174 = 19%

Table 2-9 List of Witnesses further than ½ mile from WTC Complex Who Saw Plane 2
File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)
9110010 Mulqueen, Tracey 8th Floor - Fire Department headquarters in 8E13
9110040 Cooke, Alan Battalion 31 Parking Lot
9110071 Abed, Faisel Half Mile from WTC
9110076 Stone, Mark Coming out of Battery Tunnel (driving)
9110086 Medjuck, Bruce Brooklyn Bridge (driving)
9110120 Maggiore, Dominick Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (I-278)
9110121 Diaz, Jr., Roland Bruckner Interchange
9110122 Constantine, Peter West Side Highway (not sure how far away, probably north)
9110127 Monchery, Alwish Crossing 59th street bridge
9110135 Pastor, Frank Brooklyn
9110148 D'angelo, Michael BQE extension
9110175 Mendez, John Nine Metrotech, Brooklyn
9110184 Brady, Greg Coming out of Battery Park tunnel
9110186 Harrilal, Mala Red Hook
9110192 Deshore, Karin 59 Street bridge
9110194 Mann, Bradley Heading Towards WTC
9110202 Darnowski, Kevin Near Battery Tunnel
9110230 Delendick, FatherJohn Near tunnel on Hamilton Avenue
9110242 Zechewytz, Mike Firehouse, Safety Command
9110245 Hazel, Michael Columbia Street driving towards battery tunnel
9110249 Muschello, Dominick Firehouse - Ladder Company 119
9110263 Rybak, Stanley 23rd Street
9110274 Gschlecht, Charles Chambers Street
9110286 Sullivan, Joseph Columbia Street
9110308 Kozlowski, George Ladder 20 Firehouse
9110322 Galasso, Joseph Engine 212 Firehouse
9110323 Murphy, James Engine Company 212 Firehouse
9110349 Loper, David Brooklyn Heights, underneath the promenade
9110417 Zasa, Stephen Pier near Bay Street
9110418 Vallebuona, Tom Quarters of Marine 9 (Across bay)
9110431 O'Flaherty, Brian Marine Division Firehouse
9110485 Pierce, Joel Kent Street
9110488 Burke, Timothy Brooklyn Battery Tunnel

- 11 -
Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

2.7.2 Those further than ½ mile from WTC Complex Who Heard Plane 2 (Query C2)

Segments of their accounts can be read in Section 6.2.2.

Number of Witnesses: 2 Percentage of Total Away from WTC = 2/117 = 1.1%

Table 2-10 List of Witnesses further than ½ mile from WTC Complex Who Heard Plane 2
File No Witness Name Plane 2 Sound Heard Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)
9110194 Mann, Bradley Roar Heading Towards WTC
9110417 Zasa, Stephen Pier near Bay Street

The small number of ear witnesses may be due to the fact that many people were travelling in
emergency vehicles with their sirens and horns sounding, so this may have obscured the sound of the
“plane” in some cases. Further study would be required to determine a more accurate figure in this

2.8 Other Considerations Related to Plane Impact Witnesses

2.8.1 Witnesses Near WTC Who Weren’t Initially Sure They Saw a Plane Crash on the 2nd Impact
(Query D2)

These were determined from parts of the account where they said “I didn’t realize it was a plane at the
time” or “I only realized later it was a plane.” These accounts were marked “f” in a separate field –
there may be several more, using slightly different phrasing - time limitations may have prevented
finding them all.

Near means within half a mile, but most of the witness were with 200 yards of the towers. Some
witnesses were inside WTC 1 at the time of 2nd impact.

Table 2-11 List of Witnesses Near WTC Who Weren’t Initially Sure They Saw a Plane Crash on the 2nd
File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)
9110004 Delgado, Manuel Corner of West Broadway Near WTC
9110043 D'amato, Frank Corner of West and Vesey near WTC
9110151 Loutsky, Alexander West Side Highway near WTC
9110157 Broderick, Richard West St and Vesey Street Near WTC

- 12 -
Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

2.9 Other Witnesses Who Were Not Sure About The Incidence of Plane Crashes
Quite a few witnesses reported that they didn’t realize that the second impact was that of a plane –
many of them “found out later”. This is in direct contradiction to those who reported seeing plane
parts, engine parts, landing gear etc (some accounts of which can be found in Section 3.2 and
Section 3.3). The list given here is likely not complete. Due to the different ways witnesses described
being unsure about the true nature of the crash, it was difficult to pick out keywords to easily find
these accounts. (Most of these accounts were discovered in reading accounts for other parts of this

Table 2-12 List of Other Witnesses Who Were Not Sure About The Incidence of Plane Crashes
File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)
9110075 Rene Davila
9110165 Robert Cook Heading towards WTC
9110349 David Loper

Account extracts are given below.

2.9.1 Account of PATRICIA ONDROVIC - File No: 9110048

I saw a police captain that I knew, and he came out to me. He looked absolutely terrified, he
was shaking, he was pale, he was sweating. I looked at him, I said what's wrong? He said
there's another plane headed our way, and they just blew up the Pentagon. I said, another
plane? What are you talking about? I hadn't realized that planes had hit this, I thought they
just set bombs off. I didn't realize when I got there that planes hit it. I said, what do you
mean another plane? He said two planes hit the World Trade Center. So I'm thinking a little
Cessena. How can a little Cessena do all that damage? He said no, 757s. I said big things?
See I was there for about 25 minutes before I knew that planes had crashed into this. We just
got assigned to do stand-by. We didn't know what the stand-by was. I mean, who thinks
something like that? You just think they hit it again. So I said, what do you mean there's
another one headed this way? He said, it's on the TV, there's a TV in there and it said that the
Pentagon has been hit. Then we all went outside cause they had on the police radio that there
was another plane headed in our direction, we all went outside and started looking up in the

2.9.2 Account of EMT DAVID TIMOTHY - File No. 9110156

The next thing I heard was a loud like an engine roar. I looked up, and the next thing I knew I
just saw -- I don't know if it was the tail end of the plane or what, but I saw something.
When I looked up, I heard ‘boom’. I'm sorry, the north tower was the first one. The south tower
then got hit when we were right there.

2.9.3 Account of FIREFIGHTER DAVID SANDVIK - File No. 9110375

Page 2: I went back into the watch, I switched the radio onto the Manhattan frequency and
found out it was the World Trade Center. Then right after that the news flashed and started
showing the Trade Center where the first plane hit and I started getting dressed. I got my radio
on, my bunker pants on, because we normally go to Manhattan pretty quick, just for a smoke
condition at the Trade Center.

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Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

Page 4: We start heading down the block and we get down to I guess about Church Street and
the second plane hit, and I remember just being underneath. I never heard the motor of the
plane, the sound of the engines. We just heard the explosion, you felt the explosion,
and looking straight up and seeing that fireball that you see on the news, but we're underneath
looking up now at it.

2.9.4 Account of FIREFIGHTER ANGEL RIVERA - File No. 9110489

Page 2/3 Q. Angel, in your own words tell us what happened.

A. Okay. That Tuesday morning I came to work at 9:00 the 9 by 6 tour. So I was changing
clothes and getting ready for work. There was excitement going in the firehouse: It's a bomb,
it's a bomb, the World Trade Center is on fire. I never saw the plane hit, the first one, but I
was watching the news and we were practically glued to the TV set. There were rumors
it was a bomb. Some of the people said it was a plane. Some people saw the plane. We
actually didn't know what happened the first time. We were here, just waiting to be called
to go. The battalion chief was called first with Engine 3. They responded first. We were left
behind. As the second plane hit the second tower, we were called. It was a fifth alarm on first
call. We responded to the second fifth alarm going on.

2.9.5 Account of EMT SORAYA ODONNELL - File No: 9110024

Q. Both buildings were still standing at that time?

A. Yes.

Q. Had both buildings been hit at that time?

A. Yes.

Q. Did you see the airplanes hit the buildings?

A. No, no. When I left the battalion, when I was 63, we heard someone say over the radio,
we heard a bomb went off in the other building. We’re not sure if it’s a bomb and they were
trying to confirm it’s another building -- it’s another airplane.

2.9.6 Account of Rene Davila - File No: 9110075

I immediately put myself on the assignment. I ran out, jumped in the vehicle, starting
responding. When I got over to Rutgers and South Street, I was able to see the building. I saw
a big hole, what appeared to me at that time to have been a fire or probably secondary to an
explosion. I confirmed there was an incident. I couldn't confirm it was a plane because I
didn't see the plane.

2.9.7 Account of Robert Cook - File No: 9110165

Once we got over the bridge, the second plane hit. There was an explosion. We didn't know it
was a second plane.

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Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

2.9.8 Account of David Loper - File No: 9110349

I still thought -- I said to him, at that point, "The gas tanks exploded from the plane." That's
what I thought it was at that point. It wasn't until afterwards that I realized it was a whole
second plane at that time. And I didn't realize that until a couple of days later. It just didn't
make sense to me.

2.10 Anomalous Accounts of Plane Sightings and Impacts

2.10.1 Plane Impact Not Agreed Upon by 2 People Stood Next to Each Other

There is at least one instance of 2 people being stood close to each other and only 1 reports a plane

2.10.2 Account of Scott Holowach - File No: 9110114

At that time Chief Ganci was behind me and he thought there was another explosion in the
north tower and that's when I turned around and said Chief, listen, there is a second plane that
hit the other tower. He was like no no no no, we have another explosion. I said no, Chief, I
witnessed it. I watched the plane hit the other tower. He is like are you sure. I said Chief, I'm
100 hundred percent positive I watched the second plane hit the other tower.

2.10.3 Account of Battalion Chief Brian O’Flaherty (File No: 9110431)

Brian O'Flaherty was located at a fire station in either Brooklyn or Queens, because he starts his
account by revealing that he was looking across the East River into Manhattan. He even had to use
binoculars. A portion of his account (on page 3) is redacted. Right after that, he refers to using
binoculars to see people jumping.

O'Flaherty has the rank of Battalion Chief, putting him on the same level as that of Battalion Chief
Stephen King who doubted the presence of a jetliner because he didn't hear one from his vantage
point at the command centre in WTC1. O'Flaherty was, perhaps, too far away to hear a plane. But,
despite being outside Manhattan, across the East River, he says:

Just then out of the corner of my eye, I could see this plane. I just remember the dark. It was in
the shadow. It looked low. I thought, “What the heck is the guy doing?” I watched it, watched
him turn and crash right into the south tower. Right away I knew it was terrorism or terrorists. I
didn’t know what the first one was, but I knew what the second one was.

(Keith Murphy, File No: 9110238, also reported seeing the second plane out of “the corner of his eye”,
several others mentioned the plane turning before hitting the South Tower.)

O’Flaherty also says:

I just dialed the Manhattan dispatcher. The noise in the kitchen area was too much to hear, so
I just stepped through the weight room, closed the door. I identified myself and started to tell
them about how many jumpers, let the division know.

I had the dispatcher on the phone. I said, “Stop talking about the jumpers. We just had a plane
go into the south tower, another plane.” He said he saw it, I assume on television. We both
hung up the phone. That was the end of the conversation.

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Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

I came back out from the weight room into the kitchen, hung up the phone. Now it was noisy.
These guys had all seen it. The television was on at that time. Maybe they were starting to
play replays. I think shortly after they played one replay. Everybody knew it was terrorism.


I got out of the car, and I told Larry I saw an FBI agent and I was going to start talking to him. I
gave him my card, and he gave me a card. I said I thought that that second plane that went
into the south tower was a military plane, like a transport or small cargo military.

Reporting that he saw the plane out of the corner of his eye means he did not see it directly or within
the centre of his field of vision. O’Flaherty’s concludes with his assessment of why the plane was a

The reason I thought that, I found out later, the sun never shined off it. It was a dark-color
plane. It ended up, I found out later, it was why. It was United Airlines. They paint their planes
a dull gray and blue. I didn’t see any shine off the plane when it went from dark to sun.

2.10.4 Account of Lieutenant Sean O'Malley - File No: 9110259

This account also expresses uncertainty about a plane being involved in the 2nd impact.

I was in my apartment on the west side, at 72 Street. Just turned on Channel 1 news and they
had a live video feed from, I think a traffic camera someplace north of the Trade Center
complex. It showed a heavy smoke condition issuing from tower one, the north tower of the
World Trade Center. Details were very sketchy at that point. The person was trying to get
some information. There were still vague reports as to what caused the fire.

While I was watching, shortly after, I saw a second fire emanate from the -- the vantage point
of that particular camera, I couldn't tell if it was a second fire in the north tower. I actually
assumed that to be the case. It never occurred to me that there would be two fires in the two
towers at the same time.

As I was running north in this park, and then I could start seeing again a little bit, and I just
kept looking in the sky. Cause the captain was saying there's another plane heading in our
direction, I was looking for another plane. I saw something in the sky, it was a plane, but it was
way out. It looked like it was over Jersey or something, then it wasn't there anymore. I saw a
small fireball, and it was gone. I saw two other planes. One came in one way, and the
other came in the other way, and there was a plane in the middle that was way far off in
the distance. Then the plane in the middle just disappeared into a little fire ball. It
looked like the size of a golf ball from where I could see it. And the other two planes
veered off into opposite directions. I just kept on running north.

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Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

2.10.5 Account of Tom McDonald – File No: 9110147

Tom McDonald does not mention roar of the plane as they were getting out of the car – it seems likely
they should have been able to hear it inside the car, but all they heard was the falling of debris. If they
had heard a plane and thought they might be hit by it, they would have already been ducking and
jumping back into the car for cover.

We crossed over the Brooklyn Bridge, came off the bridge, went our way on to Broadway,
pulled over on Broadway, approximately between Liberty and I believe Cortlandt Street. As we
were getting out of the car, the second plane hit. Would have been 2 World Trade Center.
Literally had to duck behind the car because metal had flown from the building to Broadway.

Guidetti, Tom Fitzpatrick and Commissioner Feehan donned helmets and their turn out gear.
Ray Goldbach and myself went with them.

2.10.6 Account of Steven Mosiello – File No: 9110141

As he was describing what happened to him, he omitted the second plane hit on WTC 2.

Q. How many planes had hit at this point in time?

A. At this point there was only one plane. I was told by somebody that we had an eyewitness
who happened to be an off-duty firefighter who told me that he saw the first building get hit and
it was hit by a prop jet, which I think turned out to be the wrong information, but everybody
sees things differently. But he said he was an eyewitness.

Then, the questioner asks about the second hit and he recalls sound, but no mention of diving for
cover, the overwhelming noise, etc. Remember, he was right there:

Q. Had the second plane hit at this point?

A. Yes, yes, the second plane hit. We saw the second plane hit -- if you want me to go back to
when the second plane hit. I was told by Chief Ingram, who was a terrorist and hazmat-type
guy, that we [had] got to be careful of secondary explosions or secondary devices. Who knew
that the secondary device would be another plane.

People actually saw the plane. You heard it, the closer it got. It just got louder and louder.
I say that he throttled up as fast as he could. That's what it sounded like, but I think he
became more in earshot of us. And he just came in and put the plane into the building.

2.10.7 Account of Murray Murad – File No: 9110009

This witness reported hearing a plane "hovering over the firehouse". He then talks about "revving"
and then the north tower is hit. They had all this time to hear the plane, finish a shower, come
downstairs, comment on the no-fly, then observe the plane hit the tower as if they were expecting it all
while they heard the plane overhead to the point of impact which would have been, only a few
seconds. Then, everyone left the firehouse to help out, except the Captain who knew about the no-fly
zone, knew the tower was hit, and was then going to go home or man the house.

I was conducting a confidential investigation at the fire house. It was about 8:41 that we heard
a plane hovering over the fire house. It sounded like the plane was right on top of us. At
that time the captain was upstairs. He was taking a shower in the office and I was conducting
the work with the firefighter. The captain came out and said: What's going on? This is a
no-fly zone. There should be no planes over here unless this is a military plane, a plane
in trouble. Other than that, there was really no clue.
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Numbers of Witnesses Reporting Site and Sound of Plane Crashes

So about two or three minutes after hearing it, you heard something like revving. We took
a look, and, boom, the north tower is hit. So what happened was everyone left the house
except for the captain, because he already had his relief. That I'm assuming is that he's
going to man the house.

2.10.8 Account of Father John Delendick – File No: 9110230

He was in Brooklyn, finishing up 8:30 mass, and he then drove to the WTC

Q. Let me interrupt you for a second. Were you there when the second plane hit?

A. No. When the second plane hit, I was still in Brooklyn. I was trying to get through the tunnel
on Hamilton Avenue. We saw the plane, but I never saw it hit. I remember saying to myself,
boy, that guy is awful low in the pattern. I remember saying something really stupid like, you
know, did he come down to see what happened with the first one? It never dawned on me that
he was heading for the other tower, but that's where it was headed.

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Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

3. Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

These studies were done on the collection of text files, not using the Access Database directly.

3.1 Accounts Mentioning a “Missile” or “Rocket”

3.1.1 Account of Anthony Bartolomey – File No: 9110013

Q. When you arrived there, did any civilians report anything to you?

A. Yes. Numerous civilians were telling me that a plane had hit the building. There were
discrepancies as to the type of plane. Some were saying it was a Cessna or Leer jet type, a
small jet plane. Some said it was a large passenger plane. One person actually said that it
was like a military style plane that actually shot missiles into the building.

3.1.2 Account of Peter Fallucca – File No: 9110388

The mention of a “fireball or something” in this account is also unusual.

It was a big fireball or something from the plane I guess, came from across the street in front
of our rig, and as we get out of the rig, there's a cop, city police officer, in the street. He's
telling us, "I'm getting out of here. I just saw a rocket." He said he saw it come off the
Woolworth Building and hit the tower.

3.1.3 Account of Brian Dixon - File No: 9110166

At that point I assumed you can't have two -- it can't be an accident to have two planes. So, I
don't know if there's planes or missiles or what but something was hitting this thing.
You saw debris was falling down.

3.2 Selected Accounts Mentioning “Plane Parts” and Luggage/Suitcases

A number of accounts referred to both specific and non-specific plane parts. How can things like a tire
have survived the conflagration, unburned?

3.2.1 Account of Manuel Delgado - File No: 9110004

Right there, there was like a big engine part. It seemed like a whole engine was right there,
lying right there in the middle of the street.

Q. Covered like the way the jet looks?

A. Yes. In fact, you could see the fan. I remember that because I could see -- now, it wasn't
the whole engine because the engine is big, but I know the front part of it, it looked like the
whole engine because I could see the fan, and that's what stood out in my mind. There was
an airplane tire also there and then these bodies and luggage from the thing because there
were shoes everywhere also.

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Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

3.2.2 Account of Gaby Thomas - File No: 9110140

…and when I came out of the building, that was my first thing was to look for the command
center, I remember that, and basically, when I saw where I thought the command center was
outside, where the command board was, there was an airplane tire. My immediate thing was
that another plane had hit. So that's what I said.

3.2.3 Account of Steve Grabher - File No: 9110241

We came right down West Street, down here. We couldn't get too close, because by the time
we got near 2 World Trade Center people were jumping off the roof like crazy. Landing near
the hotel and the street was littered with body parts. I don't know if it was from the plane or
what. But there was just body parts all over the place. Chunks of meat. I saw an airplane
tire. I walked past an airplane tire. What looked like an airplane tire. Again we were
looking up the whole time.

3.2.4 Account of Mery Merced - File No: 9110144

I look up at the north tower, and I see colors all the way up there. I'm thinking to myself, geez,
I said, is that clothes? I thought since the airplane crashed there, I'm thinking about maybe it's
the clothes from the luggage or something.

3.2.5 Account of Todd Heaney - File No: 9110255

Saw some luggage. From the plane, I imagine. A lot of debris from the upper floors, papers
and things of that nature.

3.2.6 Account of John Moribito - File No: 9110354

Note: How did the airplane tickets survive the fireball?

I noticed in the courtyard that there were valises, suitcases, strewn about the courtyard. There
were wallets everywhere, broken glass, and then I noticed that there were airplane tickets.

3.2.7 Account of Timothy Burke - File No: 9110488

We spent a few minutes in the tunnel. Seemed like a lot of traffic in the tunnel. It was rumored
that they were blowing up the tunnel then. We got through, we drove over what felt like gravel,
because there was so much glass and debris around. I saw a plane tire in an alley, body
parts and people all over the place.

3.3 Accounts Mentioning “Landing Gear”

There were over 10 different reports of Landing Gear being found. Some of these put the Landing
Gear on Vesey Street, West Street, in a Parking Lot (which may be on West or Vesey Street), in a
Jacuzzi, on top of a woman or in Rector Street

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Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

3.3.1 Account of Dean Coutsouros - File No: 9110049

…we got in front of 90 West Street, we held up there for a few minutes underneath the
scaffolding to reassess the situation, how we were going to get into the building. There was all
kinds of human debris. The landing gear of the aircraft was in that parking lot there. It was
right near us. There was all kind of stuff all over the floor.

3.3.2 Account of Louis Cook - File No: 9110103

We walked up West Street northbound to get to the command post, and there I remember
looking to my right and seeing an aircraft landing gear tire.

3.3.3 Account of Orlando Martinez - File No: 9110183

So I jumped out of the back, went to the drivers seat and put the vehicle in reverse and went
forward down Vesey Street towards Beekman Hospital. We had a second degree burn patient
with respiratory problems, so we needed to get him out of there. For our safety and to just
transport at least, the busload of patients.

Q. At this time, both buildings were still standing?

A. Oh, yes. Once we started taking off, I guess 30 feet in front of us, there was a lady on the
ground by the curb and she was just waving her arms. That's all she could wave. Her legs
were crushed. Apparently she got hit by part of the landing gear, one of the tires of the
airplane. There was a large tire next to her.

3.3.4 Account of John Breen - File No: 9110321

We did see part of -- I didn't see it, but Jeff Johnson told me later on he did see part of the
landing gear actually fell right through the roof and it was in one of the Jacuzzis in another

3.3.5 Account of Steve Piccerill - File No: 9110330

We were driving out of the tunnel up West Street, and we're seeing body parts in the street,
torsos, chunks of flesh, parts of the airplane, landing gear, car fires everywhere. It was like a
war zone.

3.3.6 Account of Benjamin Badillo - File No: 9110495

Walking around, we came out to Rector Street. We saw one of the landing gears from the
airplane. I was trying to look for my vehicle, because by this time it had cleared up a lot, so
you could see a lot.

3.4 Accounts Mentioning FBI Agents and the Possible “3rd Plane”
It seems like there were a good number of FBI agents on the scene – at least one of them seemed to
be promulgating reports of a 3rd plane being en route to NYC. How were they so sure, considering the
confusion in the “fog of war”?

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Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

3.4.1 Account of Chris Kagenaar - File No: 9110014

What happened was then the second plane hit the tower, and it was a loud noise, I mean, it
hit, and at first I was like this can't be happening. It's like lightning doesn't strike twice….

As I'm dropping off the patient, the FBI agent comes up to me and he says, oh, man, I just
heard there's a third plane coming in.

3.4.2 Account of Felton Jarjean - File No: 9110041

I would say right around that time while we were right under here, under the Westside
Highway and pedestrian bridge, I seen a second plane coming. I'm thinking isn't that plane too
low? I'm like.. .then I noticed, I seen it turn. It turned and went right in the building. But we're
behind, like this is the building, it went in, and you see the explosion in the front... ...
Everybody talking about -around that time- there's another plane coming. I mean, we didn't
know because we didn't have a TV and we didn't have a radio. We was just going our way. We
heard it from the FBI agents or agents down there.

3.4.3 Account of Michael Wernick - File No: 9110080

We were there resting five, ten minutes. We heard reports that possibly more planes were
coming in our direction and that was from the FBI.

3.4.4 Account of Sidney Parris – File No: 9110347

After that, FBI agent came down the block. He identified some landing gear that was in front of
our rig, asked me to make sure no pedestrians came down the block to interfere with any type
of metals and debris that were there, because they were trying to identify to put the pieces
back together for the plane.

3.4.5 Account of James Curran - File No: 9110412

No, we were on the 16 floor when it was confirmed that another plane hit tower two. At that
point, someone that was supposedly Secret Service, which disappeared, we never knew
where he went, he said there was a third incoming flight.

3.4.6 Account of Warren Smith - File No: 9110223

I also received reports while I was walking up from an FBI agent that there were more planes
up in the air unaccounted for. So I passed this on to my guys that were near me.

3.4.7 Account of Bertram Springstead - File No: 9110225

We just happened to be on the staircase with an FBI guy. He had an FBI jacket on. He turns
around to me and goes, "We've got to get out of here." I said, "What are you talking about?
We're getting out. Let's go. Everybody's walking out." He said, "No, you don't understand.
There's more planes coming." I said, "What the hell are you talking about, more planes?" He
said, "There's two more planes on the way for these buildings." "What do you mean, two more
planes?" I didn't even know there was more than one plane at this point. We didn't know there
was a second plane.

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Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

3.4.8 Account of Terence Rivera - File No: 9110343

This account is especially peculiar…

There was a -- he wasn't a regular security guard. He had a weapon on him. I don't know if
he was FBI or Secret Service and he was trying to put the pants out on one individual that was
conscious. His pants were still smoldering. I took the can, fire extinguisher off the truck and
then sprayed down the pants on the person that was still conscious. At that time, I had asked
him where did this individual [had] come from. He told me when the plane had hit, a fire ball
had shot down the elevator shaft and had blown people out of the lobby

Sometime while we were doing that, that same individual that was -- when we first got there,
that was trying to put the pants out, he came over and he is saying to us that it's a terrorist
attack. You guys are too close. It's a terrorist attack.

Then I went -- that same individual, the security or -- he told me to go over to the command
post and let them know it's a terrorist attack. There are more planes in the air.

3.5 Accounts Mentioning Hearing the F-15’s

Several people reported hearing the F-15/F-16 jets and initially thought there was another attack. Are
these planes very much louder than a high-speed 757 jet?

3.5.1 Account of Tracey Mulqueen - File No: 9110010

We were standing at Bellevue. All of a sudden we hear this rumble of like a plane really low,
and I started to freak out. Jimmy Murphy said, It's okay. It's an F-15." I've never heard an F-
15 before. I don't go to air shows or anything."

3.5.2 Account of Robert Larocco - File No: 9110081

At that point we hear a plane -- it turned out to be two planes, and they were closing in on us
and the motors were getting louder and louder. All eyes went up to the sky and were looking.
I kind of thought to myself as I looked at guys running for their lives and for cover that now
we're going to get kamikazed. The rescue workers, they are trying to take us out. I stood
there and looked at the sky all around in all directions and couldn't really tell where the sound
was coming from. It was getting louder and louder. Then I spotted them, they were coming
out of the west, like out of Jersey City, that way. They were two F15 fighters.

3.5.3 Account of Michael Ober - File No: 9110093

I'm looking at the Empire State Building, and I'm like, it's gone. All I heard was the rumbling of
an airplane, and I'm like, they're taking out the Empire State Building too. It was some kind of
F-15 or something came like, screaming over our heads. That was the greatest thing I saw all
day long. I'm like, they're not hitting us with anymore planes.

3.5.4 Account of Mark Mazur - File No: 9110118

Then about five minutes later what really scared the hell out of us, we heard a jet coming
down. It was an F-16 that came roaring up the Hudson River. It's like where the hell did he
come from? Then it sunk in, they weren't kidding, because I thought they were kidding us.

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Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

3.5.5 Account of John Felidi - File No: 9110201

What scared the shit out of me was we were down there and all we heard was another aircraft
coming, but it turned out to be, I don't know, an F-15. Let me tell you something you never
seen anybody stand still, because you didn't know where to run, honestly. We evacuated that
area and went down to Chelsea Piers.

3.5.6 Account of Frank Puma - File No: 9110273

This witness seems to have the sequence of events mixed up?

I remember the F-16s and the F-18s flying overhead before the first tower collapsed that we
all jumped on the floor because we didn't know what it was. We looked up and saw it was
our guys, and we were like, okay, we can stand up now and take control of this.

3.5.7 Account of Jason Katz- File No: 9110367

Then we heard two planes coming overhead. We weren't sure, you know, if they were friendly
or just loud jet engines, so we started making a little run to the west side. We noticed it was a

3.5.8 Account of Karen Lamanna - File No: 9110484

While we were doing that I remember hearing a plane flying overhead. I'm thinking, oh, my
God, not again, not again. I looked up, we all looked up, and there were F-16s. I was like, oh,
my God. We were in trouble then. Okay, that's a first, F-16s flying over New York.

3.6 Accounts Containing Redacted Portions

As well as the redacted portions of Patricia Ondrovic’s account, there were a number of other portions
discovered in this research, and there are almost certainly others.

Table 3-1 Accounts With Redacted Portions

File Name Page No(s)
9110075 Rene Davila Portions of pages 14-15, 17, 25-26, 31, 32, 34, 38-39, 40-50
9110144 Mery Merced Portions of pages 5,6,8,9,19,20,21,22 (Tape ended abruptly)
9110150 Alexander Loutsky Portions of pages 2,3,8,13,16,17,20
9110395 Ronald Coyne 11-15
9110457 Joseph Conzo Blacked out name on p. 5.
Having used the file searching software, it would suggest there are redactions in 42 other accounts:
9110025, 9110056, 9110062, 9110064, 9110078, 9110084, 9110086, 9110095, 9110120, 9110123,
9110137, 9110143, 9110146, 9110151, 9110173, 9110189, 9110208, 9110214, 9110222, 9110255,
9110285, 9110291, 9110312, 9110327, 9110330, 9110344, 9110359, 9110360, 9110361, 9110379,
9110386, 9110392, 9110412, 9110418, 9110425, 9110431, 9110441, 9110442, 9110455, 9110459,
9110470, 9110495.

3.7 Accounts Mentioning Car Fires After WTC Destruction

One of the curious features of the destruction of the WTC were the resulting car fires. Even if we
accept the jet fuel story, the jet fuel would likely all have burned, and we saw no obvious bursts of
flame during the descent of the towers, photographs of the aftermath, such as those shown in Ref (4)

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Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

3.7.1 Account of Paramedic Robert Ruiz “Toasting Car” - File No. (9110333)

On page 13 of his account:

“Like things weren't bad enough already, the car that's parked right on that corner catches on
fire. I don't mean a little fire, the entire thing. Don't ask me how. The entire car caught on fire.
You would think maybe just a motor part or just the engine part. But this entire car just goes up
in fire.”

3.7.2 Account of Paul Curran, Fire Patrolmen - File No 9110369

At that time I went back to the north tower again, and they were stretching a line. A lot of car
fires erupted. All of a sudden cars were blowing up everywhere. … it was bad from the
beginning, and it went totally haywire when the other tower collapsed. It was just nothing but
carnage and debris. It was just bodies, body parts everywhere, a shoe with a leg in it. It was
just horrible, you know.

Curiously, the interviewer asked further about Curran’s remarks and seemed happy with Curran’s
response, and the interview ended somewhat abruptly.

Q. Everybody tells me all these vehicles were on fire. What do you attribute all these vehicles
being on fire to?
A. I believe it must have been from the debris falling and the heat just started hitting the cars
and starting cars on fire. There were an awful lot of cars burning, an awful lot. It had to be
radiated heat or just stuff falling on cars and setting them on fire. There were numerous cars
burning, numerous.
Q. Good. That's real good.
A. I hope –
CHIEF MALKIN: I omitted to say that sitting in on this interview was Sergeant Canham from
Fire Patrol 3. At the conclusion of this interview, which is now 1601 hours, I thank Paul Curran
for his interview, and this is the end of the interview.

3.7.3 Account of John Colon - File No: 9110252

Colon saw and heard no planes, arrived as the “first building came falling down”. He also reported
many car fires.

We got in there. The whole building came running down, came falling down. We waited a few
minutes. We regrouped, we went back to, I presume it was the second tower, the building that
came down, that we were looking at. There was numerous fires all over the place. The officer,
Glen Rohan, told Jerry Suden to put out car fires. There were car fires. The rigs were on fire.
Jerry got a hose line, started putting the fires out.

3.8 Account Mentioning Building 7 Was Expected to Collapse

In his account (File no: 9110179), Frank Cruthers, Fire Chief stated:

As I was getting changed, I got a phone call telling me that - the same thing and I said that I
knew and then was informed that the call was regarding the second plane. So I was still in my
house when the second plane hit. I then get in my car and I drove myself directly to the scene.
…As I was running down the street, the cloud kind of overtook us, then the air seemed to be
filled with a lot of very light material. Most of it appeared to be paper. At that point, I dove on
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Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

the ground on the south side of a car that was parked on the north side of Albany Street and
there was some other firefighters there. Q. Chief, that was between West and South End

A. Yes. I told them to stay there. Some more debris came down, a little heavier but it didn't
seem to me at that particular point there was any really heavy stuff. Couple of people -
after the cloud cleared, which took some minutes, there were a couple of people who were
injured. I re-established contact with Chief Ganci after the first collapse.

Early on, there was concern that 7 World Trade Center might have been both impacted by the
collapsing tower and had several fires in it and there was a concern that it might collapse. So
we instructed that a collapse area –

Q. A collapse zone?

A. Yeah -- be set up and maintained so that when the expected collapse of 7 happened, we
wouldn't have people working in it. There was considerable discussion with Con Ed regarding
the substation in that building and the feeders and the oil coolants and so on. And their
concern was of the type of fire we might have when it collapsed. They shut down the power,
and when it did collapse, the things that they were concerned with would have been. That's
about it.

3.9 Accounts Mentioning Descriptions of Debris

3.9.1 Account of Paul Curran, Fire Patrolmen - File No 9110369

In this account, the witness considers the debris from the destruction of the towers and noticed certain

I parked the rig on Church right at Fulton, directly in front of the World Trade north plaza. We
then suited up, masks, tools. My officer told us we're going to go into the north tower lobby.
We proceeded down to Vesey. Walking down Vesey, we noticed large pieces of what looked
like possibly the fuselage from the plane. There was a caravan of motorcycle police coming
up. We stopped them and we cleared the path of big O rings and pieces of fuselage of the
plane. We threw it to the side, and we told the guys to go on. They went up towards Church.
… I went to the back, and the whole back part of the tower, the concourse level, was gone. I
guess when the south tower came down, it must have ripped it all down. It probably is only like
one story there, I believe.

Here, the witness seems to be saying all the debris ended up in one place. Perhaps he realised that
for a huge building, there wasn’t much left when it reached the ground.

… Fortunate for us, the guys who went north on West Street -- the customs house took the big
brunt of all that debris. Everything poured into it.

3.9.2 Account of Anthony DeMaio - File No: 9110507

At that point when we got out of the car, we realized that the first tower went down. There
was no tower there. We already realized that something happened. … Basically what we
normally do at any operation, normal operation, is make sure that the apparatus is fueled,
make sure that everything is running, there was no problems mechanically on it, whether it's
apparatus or ambulances or whatever it is. But in this case we had apparatus that was
totally destroyed, partially destroyed, abandoned. We spent the next week basically
trying to salvage anything that we thought was salvageable that we could kickback into
service. Our concern was that we lost so many pieces that if there's anything here that
- 26 -
Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

we can get back into service, you know, get it back to the shop, get it cleaned up, get it
working, and get it back to the house, at least they'll have something, because there was a lot
of pieces gone. That's what we spent the next week doing, basically, is finding apparatus that
was abandoned, getting them to run. Most of them had all the glass blown out of them, full of
soot, dust and debris. Getting it back to the shop. Same thing with ambulances. Then we tried
to make -- we kept a running log of what we found along the way that was beyond repair. We
were pulling them into the shop whatever possible so we could keep track of at least what we
had. Basically that's what we did.

Q. Is there anything else you think is important?

A. That's it.

Q. On behalf of the department, I want to thank you. MR. FEILER: We'll conclude the interview
at 953 hours.

There was a rapid end to this interview.

3.10 Accounts Not Mentioning Loud Explosions as Towers Were Coming Down
Some witnesses thought the sound of the collapse was another plane coming in, or even a rocket or
missile – many expressed great surprise it was a tower “collapsing”.

3.10.1 Account of Kevin Murray - File No: 9110020

That's just about the same time that the second plane had hit, because we still saw kind of the
explosion when we got onto the FDR, because they're pretty close.

There was a report that a third plane had hit the building and then we got another report that
the 65 floor in the north tower had collapsed. That's what the rumbling was. We had no idea
that the south tower had gone.

3.10.2 Account of Faisel Abed - File No: 9110071

The sound of towers coming down was likened to another plane attacking, rather than lots of
explosions going off. I.e. there were explosions in the towers before they came down, but not as they
were coming down.

You just heard this thrushing, thrushing noise like a rocket. I thought the building was under
attack again. You just start seeing this smoke coming down. We just took off. We went north.
We actually -- sorry, we went west. We went towards the river. All right. Then we just went
towards the river and went up north a little bit behind the building. That was after the first one
went down.

3.10.3 Account of Robert Larocco - File No: 9110081

This witness does not describe explosions as the tower is coming down near him.

Anyway, just to describe to you the collapse of the south tower coming down, I really wasn't
aware there was a full collapse. I thought it might have been just a localized collapse. It was
the loudest noise I've ever heard in my life. It was in both ears. Kind of like those rockets
that they launch the space shuttles with, it was like I had one going off in each ear. When I
thought it was the loudest noise I ever heard, every second it was just increasing getting
louder and louder and louder. I was running as fast as I could. With this noise getting louder
and louder, also what's happening simultaneously was light -- whatever light we had was
- 27 -
Additional Studies of Accounts Separate to Reports of Plane Impacts

becoming darkness, like obscuring and getting dark fast, like someone pulling down the
shades real fast. Anyway, it kind of sounded to me as if the collapse was aimed right at me,
right at my back. I was running as fast as I could, and when I felt that I was getting overtaken
by the collapse, where there was no hope, I threw myself on my knees at the next concrete
column that I came up against I kept that on my right side.

3.10.4 Account of John Rothmund - File No: 9110112

At that time we were looking at the top of the towers and all the rubble and people coming off,
and all of a sudden you heard -- it sounded like another airplane, or a missile. It was like a
slow shake. The whole ground just vibrated and shook. We just told everybody to run, run into
a building, let's go, run, run, run. We ran off of Liberty. We couldn't get very far. We got into a
superette. We threw as many people as were coming into this superette, me and my partner.
We never left each other's side the whole entire time. We were like Velcro. We got everybody
into the deli superette. I don't know what the hell it was. It was big. It was good size. After that
the debris was just coming down and coming down. Nobody could really stand there anymore.

3.10.5 Account of George Kozlowski – File No: 9110308

As we were walking, we heard -- we thought it was another plane coming. It was like a big
shhhhh. A thousand times louder than that. It sounded like a missile coming and we just
started booking. We took off like bats out of hell. We made it around the corner and that's
when the shit hit the fan right then and there. We heard that loud and then ba boom. I just -- it
was like an earthquake or whatever. A giant, giant explosion. Kenny made it and those other
guys made it around this bend here. I was like the last guy and I just turned around and I just
sort of ????, I just did a fetal position. I crawled down and held -- thank god -- that helmet
saved my life: I just held onto it and the impact, I closed my eyes -- just the impact, I could just
feel shit hitting me, flying. I think something fell on my back that protected me from some of the
other stuff that fell. Luckily a couple of things hit my helmet. Then it was just that impact and I
was in a fetal position, just holding my helmet, shaking. Then this big gust came and I just
went flying, maybe 30, 40 feet. Tumbling. I got up, got on my hands and knees because all of
the white shit was all over me. I just kept crawling. My ears were like deaf, you know, when
you hear a giant firecracker or something.

3.10.6 Account of Gerard Gorman – File No: 9110420

Q. Approximately what time do you think this is?

A. This is ten minutes before the collapse. And nobody, you know, like nobody -- at that point I
did not know the first building collapsed still. Didn't know. We thought it was a missile attack
or something like that. We thought we were under attack. They didn't have any idea that this
building could collapse.

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4. Conclusions

4.1 Plane Accounts

4.1.1 Impacts

On studying the accounts of the plane impacts, a confused picture appears. For the first plane, only
one witness - William Walsh (File no: 9110442) specifically describes an American Airlines Plane.
Other witnesses describe a whole variety of planes – some seen “out of the corner of their eye”.
Some describe a military plane, some initially thought it was a small Cessna type plane.

Additionally, the sound of the planes is described with only a little more consistency. Only 8% of
witnesses said they actually saw and heard plane 2 and this is a very low percentage.

Among the small number of witnesses who specifically describe hearing the F-15’s or F-16’s, there
seems to be a greater consistency in their descriptions of the sound.

Of those witnesses who describe specifically seeing or hearing the planes, there are a number of
instances where a curious turn of phrase is used at one or more points in the account. For example,
the account of Thomas Fitzpatrick (File No: 9110001).

The noise from the plane was enough to make you not want to look up. I thought the plane
was actually going to land in the street to be honest with you. The noise was outrageous.
When it hit the building it was even worse.

4.1.2 Accounts of Plane Parts, Landing Gear, Tires and Luggage

With 4 apparently separate reports of aircraft landing gear or tires being found in different locations
(Sections 3.2 and 3.3), it is difficult to believe that these items genuinely could have survived the
crash. One is immediately reminded of the story of the survival of Mohammad Atta’s passport.

Similarly, the sightings of luggage and suitcases do not seem to be explainable other than by the idea
that this evidence was planted – how could such items survive the enormous impact and fireball,
which is said to have been sufficient to destroy the WTC’s structural integrity?

4.1.3 FBI Spreading False Information?

With repeated accounts of the FBI agents mentioning a 3rd plane attack was imminent, one is given
the impression that they were deliberately or unwittingly promoting the plane stories at a time when
the picture of what was happening was very likely not at all clear. It seems like there were people at
work early on to cement the plane stories, with the help of the mainstream media.

4.2 Accounts with Redacted Portions

One can understand why certain parts of certain accounts may be obscured – perhaps so as not to
cause upset to relatives of victims or where they might reveal certain small points of sensitive
information. However, suspicions should be raised in the cases where significant portions of accounts
were redacted, such as those of Rene Davila (File No: 9110075) and Ronald Coyne (File No:

4.3 Accounts Mentioning Collapse of Towers

One of the prevailing theories has been that the WTC towers underwent some kind of controlled
demolition, using explosives. Whilst a number of witnesses do report explosions around the time of
the tower collapses, none of them mentioned a continuous “sequence of bangs” as one hears with

- 29 -

traditional controlled demolitions, a second or so before the building’s core structure is destroyed and
falls to the ground. This, again, supports the data that something other than a rapid sequence of
explosions destroyed the towers.

4.4 Other Accounts Raising Suspicion or Concern

Further study of the accounts would probably yield more complete and useful information regarding
things like the sudden car fires near the time of the towers coming down. The accounts included in
this study certainly show indications that unusual things occurred near 1 or 2 witnesses.

The account that someone knew WTC 7 was going to “come down” is also very suspicious and, who
knows, may be linked to the premature reporting by the BBC of the building’s demise.

4.5 Overall Conclusion

Overall, I conclude the descriptions of planes given by the witnesses do not give one any more
confidence than the video material that large planes hit the towers. With something as unique as 9/11,
it was easy to “sell” people the plane stories in the midst of such a terrible tragedy.

There is a need for some witnesses to be questioned again about their experiences to determine the
true nature of other anomalous events at the time of the WTC towers’ destruction. I hope that
someday this becomes possible and that the true 9/11 perpetrators are brought to account for their
heinous actions.

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Appendix A - Further Technical Details of Data Analysis

5. Appendix A - Further Technical Details of Data Analysis

5.1 Initial PDF Text Searching

In an initial study, Adobe Acrobat Reader (PC version, 6.x) was used to find keywords. However, it
was soon discovered that the reader would only search up to 100 separate files in a given folder, so
this was not enough to search the entirety of the accounts. The PDF’s then had to be converted to

5.2 PDF Conversion Software – Converting to Raw Text Format

There were some problems in copying and pasting PDF files into text or Microsoft Word documents –
sometimes the text was garbled or came out all in capitals. These problems were tackled by using
Solid Documents PDF Converter plug-in for Microsoft Word and also the PDF scanner/converter in
TextHelp Read & Write to convert PDF files into RTF format. MS-Word VBA Macros were then used
to convert the RTF files to text, for string searching.

5.3 Text Layout Processing

Once the files had been converted to raw text, there was still the problem of layout – with an
unacceptably wide margin and also the text was double-spaced. MS-Word VBA Macros were then
used to tidy up the text into a more compact format, for copying into the MS Access database and this
document (this was mainly a process of iterated “search and replace”).

5.4 Text Searching

Some freeware called “PRGREP” (http://patrick.renaud.free.fr/tools/prgrep/prgrep_en.php) was used
to search for keywords and phrases in the 504 text files. This also had a useful feature in that search
results could be exported in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format.

Figure 5-1 PRGrep Text File Searcher

- 31 -
Appendix A - Further Technical Details of Data Analysis

5.5 Collation of Data in Microsoft Excel

The search results from PRGREP were collated and a sheet was made up based on the NY Times
webpage, which allowed reference to both the file number and witness name. Account portions were
initially then extracted from the text files and pasted into Excel, noting whether they saw or heard the

Other PRGREP search results were copied onto separate sheets and all collated into one Excel
Spreadsheet File.

Figure 5-2 Microsoft Excel Data Collation

5.6 Use of Microsoft Access Database

5.6.1 Data Capture and Form Design

Part way through the process of analysing the plane crash accounts, it was decided the process of
working out combinations of where witnesses saw and heard crashes were easier to determine using
Microsoft Access queries, so the data was imported into Access and forms designed to allow collation
of the account data and specification of what the witness saw or heard in terms of the plane crashes.
An screenshot of the form is shown below:

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Appendix A - Further Technical Details of Data Analysis

Figure 5-3 Access Database Witness Data Capture Form

Once the witness’s location was determined, it was noted as either “driving towards WTC”, “near
WTC”, “Inside WTC”. If they heard the planes, the sound heard was also entered on the form above.

5.6.2 Data Checking

Once all the data had been entered, it was checked using queries which, for example, checked
whether the “sound heard” fields had been used without the “heard plane” being checked. Other
checks like this were also carried out.

5.6.3 Access Queries

Queries were designed to then select all those witnesses who were “Near the WTC” and then all of
those witnesses who heard or saw the 2nd plane impact. The count of records returned was then
noted and a percentage of the total number of witnesses near the WTC was then determined. An
example from the Access Query Designer is shown below, along with the corresponding SQL

- 33 -
Appendix A - Further Technical Details of Data Analysis

Figure 5-4 Access Database Query Design

Figure 5-5 Access Database Query SQL

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Appendix B - Witness Account Details

6. Appendix B - Witness Account Details

6.1 Witnesses to Plane 1

6.1.1 Witnesses who Saw Plane 1
Location of
Witness Witness when
File No Account Extract
Name talking of Plane 1
(if known)

9110058 Cohen, 59th Street bridge We were on the 59th Street bridge when out of the corner of our eye we saw the first plane hit the
Marc World Trade Center. Looking south from the 59th Street bridge, we noticed the smoke.

9110081 Larocco, Stuyvesant Street Now we all heard a plane that sounded like it was in trouble. So everyone stopped what they were
Robert Near Church doing. It was obvious there was something wrong with the motors. They were like straining, and
they were louder than normal. Normally over Manhattan a plane flies very high. We all looked in the
sky and didn't see anything, but then for six or seven seconds flying out of the northeast, headed
southwest, was this jetliner, like the kind of thing you would go on to go to Miami Beach or Vegas or
something like that. It was flying very low, probably about 350 feet. As it passed over us, it wobbled,
just a little bit. Then after six or seven seconds of seeing it -- we lost sight of it, because there were
six-story tenements around us so that patch of sky that we saw it for just lasted that small amount
of time....

I wasn't aware the second plane had hit. I thought it was all from one plane. I didn't know.

9110135 Pastor, Red Hook All of is sudden my partner says to me, "Frankie, that plane seems to be low." Q. What unit were
Frank you working that day? A. We were working 32 boy in Red Hook. We had the view of the city, and
she yells out, "Frank, that plane just hit the building." ... Mala, saying again to me, "That other plane
is low." I don't know how much time, 10, 15 minutes, and we seen the other plane hit.

9110138 Pfeifer, Lispenard St sometime about 8:15 or so in the morning we got a call to Lispenard and Church for a gas leak in
Joseph the street. We were there for a while checking on the gas leak, and then we heard the loud roar of
the plane come over, and we turned around and we looked and we saw the plane coming down,
heading south towards the Trade Center, and made a direct hit on the Trade Center.

9110139 Hayden, Firehouse At this point in the event, I heard a plane passing overhead extremely low [When at WTC] I really
Peter could not see any indication at that time that a plane had hit it, but certainly it appeared some
catastrophic event had occurred.

9110151 Loutsky, Pearl Street Plane 1: I would say around Pearl Street, we had a view of the World Trade Center, which was only
Alexander a few blocks away and I stopped him and I said to look at that plane, that it was flying extremely low
and that it looked like it was about to hit. A few seconds later it did hit.

Plane 2: Around that time, I didn't at the time realize it, but from where we were at, which was right
in front of the World Trade Center on the West Side Highway area, there was an explosion and a lot
of debris started coming down. Apparently that was the second plane that hit.
9110273 Puma, Barclay between So we were about a block away, two blocks away on Barclay between Church and Broadway
Frank Church and getting breakfast when we heard the first plane hit. After we heard the first plane hit and felt the
Broadway ground shake, I ran down to the corner of Church and Park Place, looked up and I saw the plane
shooting out of the top of the towers. That's when I grabbed for my radio and yelled over the air, "1
Adam. A bomb just went off in the Trade Center."

When the second plane hit, me and my partner were in the back of our ambulance. We felt all the
debris come down, bouncing off of me, myself, my partner, shooting inside the back of our
ambulance and rocking our ambulance back and forth. We shut the doors, jumped on top of all of
our patients.

9110303 Ramos, Pearl St Plane 1: We were returning back there from Battalion 4 and we were going up, I believe it's Pearl
Ralph Street, and my partner Alex Loutsky and I, we witnessed the first plane hit the first tower. Saw it
flying low and we thought, that plane's flying kind of low, and then it hit the building and we went
over the radio and we told central that we had witnessed a plane hitting the building, and at first she
didn't believe us, but then other units started saying they saw the same thing and then we
proceeded straight over to the Trade Center.

We went down West Street and parked at West and Liberty. There was -- Lieutenant D'Avila was
there. There were several other units already on the scene and there was a wave of people running
out of the building, running towards us. Stopped like about maybe 4 people, put them into our
vehicle and I was treating them and in the process of doing that, the second plane hit right over top
of us and all the debris started falling down on top of us.

9110307 Weldon, Long Island

Richard Expressway

9110412 Curran, Church Street Plane 1: We had found out what grate the leak was coming from and our Chief Pfiefer was bent
James over with the gas meter. We heard the plane, we looked up was low enough that it rattled the
buildings we were standing at. We saw it come out from behind the buildings and hit tower one and
like I said, a fireball, looked like 10 or 20 stories big, shot out the south side of the tower and then

- 35 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Location of
Witness Witness when
File No Account Extract
Name talking of Plane 1
(if known)
out the hole that the plane made going in.
9110419 Carletti, Crossing Well, here's how my morning starts. I usually come in around 8:00 like everyone does, but I went to
Richard Delancey Street vote, so I was late. I was coming up Allen, which turns into First. When I was crossing Delancey
Street, I saw a jet in front of me, which was the first jet. He was pretty low. He was probably about
30 stories. Now I'm heading north and crossing Delancey Street on Allen and I see the jet make a
move toward the Trade Center. It made a south-westerly turn from that point.

I proceeded up First Avenue, left on 14th, parked in front of the firehouse. Fireman Lynn was there.
He said they were out on a box, they wouldn't let him on because they thought they had a good job,
and right then he told me a plane just crashed into the Trade Center. It was the same exact plane I
just saw.

We were on the east side of the street. We went to make a right on Houston, and right when we
were making the right on Houston, we saw a fireball in the sky, which at this point was the second
impact, so that puts it 9:06, turning right onto Houston..

9110426 Borrillo, Church and Plane 1: We were at a box for odor of gas in the street on Church and Lispenard. We were
Nicholas Lispenard St investigating that. We were just about ready to take up from that box and come back when we
heard the roar of the engines of the plane. Before we knew it, it was overhead. Within two seconds
it hit the north tower.

9110430 Casaliggi, Church Street Plane 1: On the morning of September 11th we were operating a box up on Church Street Near
Joseph Near Canal Canal. There was an odor of gas in the area. While we were out operating, we heard the first plane
coming in. I turned around and I watched the plane crash into the north tower.

Plane 2: I went outside to the rig, changed the cylinder. While I was changing the cylinder, I was
keeping an eye because the chauffeur was hooking up to the standpipe. I was keeping an eye,
making sure he didn't get hit with anything. It was at that time when I saw the second plane hit the
building. I called a mayday. I told them the second plane hit the south tower of the building.

9110442 Walsh, Lispenard Street Plane 1: We received a run about 8:30 in the morning for a gas leak up at Lispenard Street and
William and Church. Church. We were operating at that box along with Engine 7, Battalion 1 and Ladder Company 8. I
believe 55 Engine was there also, maybe Engine 24. I'm not [sure]. After about 15 minutes, we
conclude our operations there. Lispenard is about one block south of Canal Street. I believe the
chief gave the code for a gas leak, 10-40, code 1. All the units were about to go 10-8 when we
heard this loud roar. Everybody thought -- or at least to me it sounded as though there was going to
be a Con Edison steam explosion. This was about a quarter to 9, I'd say. So everybody looked up
to where they thought they heard the sound coming from, and we saw an American Airlines plane.
To me it looked as though it was going treetop level right down West Street. Then he appeared to
rise a little bit. We were under the impression -- he looked like he was going down, but we didn't
hear any mechanical difficulty. We couldn't figure out why an American Airlines plane would be so
low in downtown Manhattan. We sort of expected him to veer off and go into the Hudson. But he
just rose a little bit, his altitude, leveled off, and he was headed straight for the Trade Center. So
just before he got to the Trade Center, it seemed as though he gained power. We were just
watching this airplane on target for the World Trade Center. All of a sudden, boom, he disappears
into the Trade Center. You hear this sickening noise as if two pieces of fiberglass had hit. You hear
this loud explosion. He just disappeared into the Trade Center.

9110445 Spinard, Church and Plane 1: We got a box on Church and Leonard of an odor of gas. So Engine 7 and Ladder 1,
Thomas Leonard Battalion 1, responds. It turned out to be a false alarm. As we were at the box, a plane passes us
overhead real low. You could hear it; you could feel it. We turned around, and it just impacted the
building, building one. With that, everybody got on the rig. We started driving.

Plane 2: While we were still in the middle of the street, another plane comes in, makes a big circle,
comes around from like the Statue of Liberty direction, and hits two. We can't believe that another
one is coming in. Joey got on the radio, "Another plane just hit the second tower."

9110460 Escoffery, Quarters of Plane 1: I was relieved, and a few of us were standing in front of quarters when we noticed a plane
Kenneth Ladder 20 came directly over the firehouse maybe around 8:45, somewhere around that time. One of the guys
mentioned that the plane looked like it was really low. Before we could really think of what he said,
the next thing we heard an explosion. We saw the smoke.

Plane 2: We went up to the mezzanine level, and in the corner, which was exposure 4, we noticed it
looked like it was jet fuel that was just running down the side of the building. The fire wasn't
spreading or anything. Within that 30-second time we were up there, an EMS worker asked us to
come into the staircase to help him remove a person that collapsed in the staircase. After going into
the staircase, within another minute or so, there was a loud explosion. I believe that's when the
second plane hit.

6.1.2 Witnesses who Heard Plane 1 Before impact

Location of
Witness Witness when
File No Comments
Name talking of Plane 1
(if known)

- 36 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Location of
Witness Witness when
File No Comments
Name talking of Plane 1
(if known)

9110009 Murad, Firehouse Plane 1: It was about 8:41 that we heard a plane hovering over the fire house. It sounded like
Murray the plane was right on top of us. At that time the captain was upstairs. He was taking a shower in
the office and I was conducting the work with the firefighter. The captain came out and said:
"What's going on? This is a no-fly zone. There should be no planes over here unless this is a
military plane, a plane in trouble." Other than that, there was really no clue. .... Maybe about 10
to 12-minutes after that first plane, I heard another plane. Then I said to myself, we're being
attacked. I ran downstairs. No sooner did I run downstairs and look up, that I saw the second
plane strike the south tower. It was such a vicious hit and such a precision hit, it was

Q. Did you see or hear the second plane before it hit the World Trade Center?

A. I never actually saw the plane, but l heard it. You could hear it coming in and then we heard
the explosion and you could hear the roar of the plane coming in. At first I didn't realize it was a
plane. I thought it was like the roar of fire, like something had just incinerated, like a gas tank or
an oil tank.

It sounded like a tremendous roar and then you heard boom and then there was a big fire, a lot
of fire, a big fireball. I never actually saw a plane hit the building. I never saw that. I saw it on
television, but I never saw it while I was standing there.

The building material was sort of gray and you could see it, you know, how it differed from the
plane. I was listening to the tape this morning of the people calling up and they were describing
the plane that hit the building. Actually, so many people saw it. They actually described the plane
as it came in. They said it was a military-type plane and it was green and it was this. I mean, I
never saw the color of the plane.

Q. Where were you when the second plane hit?

A. We were down at the command post between Liberty and Albany on the west side of West

9110034 Zanat, Firehouse I heard the plane first coming over the firehouse... Actually, I saw that on tape when the second
John plane hit. I seen it on tape here at the firehouse.
9110081 Larocco, Stuyvesant Street Now we all heard a plane that sounded like it was in trouble. So everyone stopped what they
Robert Near Church were doing. It was obvious there was something wrong with the motors. They were like straining,
and they were louder than normal. Normally over Manhattan a plane flies very high. We all
looked in the sky and didn't see anything, but then for six or seven seconds flying out of the
northeast, headed southwest, was this jetliner, like the kind of thing you would go on to go to
Miami Beach or Vegas or something like that. It was flying very low, probably about 350 feet. As
it passed over us, it wobbled, just a little bit. Then after six or seven seconds of seeing it -- we
lost sight of it, because there were six-story tenements around us so that patch of sky that we
saw it for just lasted that small amount of time....

I wasn't aware the second plane had hit. I thought it was all from one plane. I didn't know.

9110138 Pfeifer, Lispenard St sometime about 8:15 or so in the morning we got a call to Lispenard and Church for a gas leak
Joseph in the street. We were there for a while checking on the gas leak, and then we heard the loud
roar of the plane come over, and we turned around and we looked and we saw the plane coming
down, heading south towards the Trade Center, and made a direct hit on the Trade Center.

9110139 Hayden, Firehouse At this point in the event, I heard a plane passing overhead extremely low [When at WTC] I
Peter really could not see any indication at that time that a plane had hit it, but certainly it appeared
some catastrophic event had occurred.

9110223 Smith, Firehouse Plane 1: We heard it go over, of course, and then hit the building. One of the guys ran out. Guys
Warren were yelling what was that, a sonic boom? Guys went down to Lafayette. A couple of guys ran

Plane 2: While we were on our way down Broadway, just about near the World Trade Center,
there were reports that the other building was hit while we were responding and conflicting

9110273 Puma, Barclay between So we were about a block away, two blocks away on Barclay between Church and Broadway
Frank Church and getting breakfast when we heard the first plane hit. After we heard the first plane hit and felt the
Broadway ground shake, I ran down to the corner of Church and Park Place, looked up and I saw the plane
shooting out of the top of the towers. That's when I grabbed for my radio and yelled over the air,
"1 Adam. A bomb just went off in the Trade Center."

When the second plane hit, me and my partner were in the back of our ambulance. We felt all
the debris come down, bouncing off of me, myself, my partner, shooting inside the back of our
ambulance and rocking our ambulance back and forth. We shut the doors, jumped on top of all
of our patients.

9110343 Rivera, Outside quarters Plane 1: I was standing outside the quarters about to go home when the first plane hit. I heard a

- 37 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Location of
Witness Witness when
File No Comments
Name talking of Plane 1
(if known)
Terence loud noise and then all of a sudden an explosion, looked up. I couldn't even tell really which
tower was hit.

Plane 2: So I went across the street where they were starting to set up. I told them. They said we
know. Just stage down by the Financial Center, that driveway down there, that's where everyone
was staging. So I went to go back to go find 10 Engine chauffeur to tell him let's go down here.
This is where they are staging, and he didn't want to leave the rig. He said, I got to stay by the
rig. Just get me some water. So I got him some water and sometime when I was getting the --
put in the back or getting out, that's when the second plane hit. I went inside the rig to escape
the debris falling down on us for a few moments.

9110388 Fallucca, Engine 16 quarters, Plane 1: I heard it come over on the scanner. I heard -- I was actually sitting in the house watch.
Peter Manhattan I actually heard -- sounded like the plane flew over our quarters, and I said to myself, I said, that
sounds low for Manhattan for a plane to be flying so low, and then two seconds later it came
over on the scanner. I heard the guy say, "A plane just hit the World Trade tower”.

Plane 2: I think looking at the map, looked like we were on Church. We just were getting ready to
pull up, getting ready to get out, and the second plane hit, and we started getting hit with debris
on the top of the rig.

9110412 Curran, Church Street Plane 1: We had found out what grate the leak was coming from and our Chief Pfiefer was bent
James over with the gas meter. We heard the plane, we looked up was low enough that it rattled the
buildings we were standing at. We saw it come out from behind the buildings and hit tower one
and like I said, a fireball, looked like 10 or 20 stories big, shot out the south side of the tower and
then out the hole that the plane made going in.

9110414 Brogan, 19th Street Plane 1: As we were taken up from the box, we were backing out of 19th Street, and we heard a
Derek plane go over our heads. So me and the backup man, Jimmy Andruzzi, looked at each other.
We realized it was low.

Plane 2: Just as everyone was starting to walk towards the center stair, which was the only stair
we thought led up to the upper floors, we heard the next plane hit the other building. We looked
out the windows at the reflection on the Financial Center and saw the fire plume coming down.

9110426 Borrillo, Church and Plane 1: We were at a box for odor of gas in the street on Church and Lispenard. We were
Nicholas Lispenard St investigating that. We were just about ready to take up from that box and come back when we
heard the roar of the engines of the plane. Before we knew it, it was overhead. Within two
seconds it hit the north tower.
9110430 Casaliggi, Church Street Near Plane 1: On the morning of September 11th we were operating a box up on Church Street Near
Joseph Canal Canal. There was an odor of gas in the area. While we were out operating, we heard the first
plane coming in. I turned around and I watched the plane crash into the north tower.

Plane 2: I went outside to the rig, changed the cylinder. While I was changing the cylinder, I was
keeping an eye because the chauffeur was hooking up to the standpipe. I was keeping an eye,
making sure he didn't get hit with anything. It was at that time when I saw the second plane hit
the building. I called a mayday. I told them the second plane hit the south tower of the building.

9110442 Walsh, Lispenard Street Plane 1: We received a run about 8:30 in the morning for a gas leak up at Lispenard Street and
William and Church Church. We were operating at that box along with Engine 7, Battalion 1 and Ladder Company 8.
I believe 55 Engine was there also, maybe Engine 24. I'm not [sure]. After about 15 minutes, we
conclude our operations there. Lispenard is about one block south of Canal Street. I believe the
chief gave the code for a gas leak, 10-40, code 1. All the units were about to go 10-8 when we
heard this loud roar. Everybody thought -- or at least to me it sounded as though there was
going to be a Con Edison steam explosion. This was about a quarter to 9, I'd say. So everybody
looked up to where they thought they heard the sound coming from, and we saw an American
Airlines plane. To me it looked as though it was going treetop level right down West Street. Then
he appeared to rise a little bit. We were under the impression -- he looked like he was going
down, but we didn't hear any mechanical difficulty. We couldn't figure out why an American
Airlines plane would be so low in downtown Manhattan. We sort of expected him to veer off and
go into the Hudson. But he just rose a little bit, his altitude, leveled off, and he was headed
straight for the Trade Center. So just before he got to the Trade Center, it seemed as though he
gained power. We were just watching this airplane on target for the World Trade Center. All of a
sudden, boom, he disappears into the Trade Center. You hear this sickening noise as if two
pieces of fiberglass had hit. You hear this loud explosion. He just disappeared into the Trade

9110445 Spinard, Church and Plane 1: We got a box on Church and Leonard of an odor of gas. So Engine 7 and Ladder 1,
Thomas Leonard St Battalion 1, responds. It turned out to be a false alarm. As we were at the box, a plane passes
us overhead real low. You could hear it; you could feel it. We turned around, and it just impacted
the building, building one. With that, everybody got on the rig. We started driving.

Plane 2: While we were still in the middle of the street, another plane comes in, makes a big
circle, comes around from like the Statue of Liberty direction, and hits two. We can't believe that
another one is coming in. Joey got on the radio, "Another plane just hit the second tower."

9110460 Escoffery, Quarters of Ladder Plane 1: I was relieved, and a few of us were standing in front of quarters when we noticed a

- 38 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Location of
Witness Witness when
File No Comments
Name talking of Plane 1
(if known)
Kenneth 20 plane came directly over the firehouse maybe around 8:45, somewhere around that time. One of
the guys mentioned that the plane looked like it was really low. Before we could really think of
what he said, the next thing we heard an explosion. We saw the smoke.

Plane 2: We went up to the mezzanine level, and in the corner, which was exposure 4, we
noticed it looked like it was jet fuel that was just running down the side of the building. The fire
wasn't spreading or anything. Within that 30-second time we were up there, an EMS worker
asked us to come into the staircase to help him remove a person that collapsed in the staircase.
After going into the staircase, within another minute or so, there was a loud explosion. I believe
that's when the second plane hit.

6.1.3 Witnesses who Reported Seeing and Hearing Plane 1 Before Impact
Location of Witness
File No when talking of Comments
Plane 1 (if known)

9110445 Spinard, Church and Plane 1: We got a box on Church and Leonard of an odor of gas. So Engine 7 and Ladder 1,
Thomas Leonard St Battalion 1, responds. It turned out to be a false alarm. As we were at the box, a plane passes us
overhead real low. You could hear it; you could feel it. We turned around, and it just impacted the
building, building one. With that, everybody got on the rig. We started driving.

Plane 2: While we were still in the middle of the street, another plane comes in, makes a big circle,
comes around from like the Statue of Liberty direction, and hits two. We can't believe that another
one is coming in. Joey got on the radio, "Another plane just hit the second tower."

6.1.4 Witnesses who reported being near or inside WTC at the time of The 2nd Impact
Those near WTC (Query B1):
File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)

9110001 Fitzpatrick, Thomas Dey Street Near WTC

9110004 Delgado, Manuel Corner of West Broadway Near WTC

9110008 Gregory, Stephen Vesey Street Near WTC

9110009 Murad, Murray West Street/Liberty St Near WTC

9110011 Cassano, Salvatore Near 7 World Trade near WTC

9110012 Torre, Felipe Near WTC

9110013 Bartolomey, Anthony corner of Vesey and Church Street near WTC

9110014 Kagenaar, Chris Church Area near WTC

9110015 Harris, Russel City Hall Near WTC

9110021 Long, Matthew Near Murray Street near WTC

9110024 O'Donnel, Soraya West Street Near WTC

9110026 Hansen, Eric corner of Murray Street and North End near WTC

9110035 Rivera, Daniel Near WTC - 1 yard away from the south tower building

9110036 Cherrington, Andre Near WTC

9110037 Rios, Juan Liberty St/West End of Washington near WTC

9110038 Whitman, Daniel Near WTC (Just arrived)

9110039 Smiley, Gary Coming across Church Street near WTC

9110041 Felton, Jarjean Westside Highway - under pedestrian bridge near WTC

9110042 Pinkus, Jace Vesey St near WTC

9110043 D'amato, Frank corner of West and Vesey near WTC

9110044 Felitti, Pasquale Near WTC

9110045 Melarango, William Broadway and Fulton near WTC

9110047 Cruz, Allan Corner of Fulton and Church near WTC

9110054 Wright, Decosta West Side Highway near WTC

- 39 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)

9110057 Harris, Mark Tunnel near Liberty St near WTC

9110065 Gates, Gary Heading towards West side of West Street (driving) near WTC

9110066 Traverso, John Near WTC right by the Merrill Lynch building

9110072 McKinley, James FDR Drive near WTC

9110075 Davila, Rene Near WTC

9110084 Guidetti, Peter Broadway near WTC

9110095 Kowalczyk, Walter Liberty Street between West Street and North End near WTC

9110100 Gombo, Jerry West Street near WTC

9110106 Nevins, John in front of 7 World Trade near WTC

9110113 Sweeney, Frank Near WTC

9110114 Holowach, Scott Near WTC - Pedestrian Bridge,

9110131 Gonzalez, Arturo West Street in near WTC 1

9110134 Blacksberg, David Across the street near WTC 1

9110140 Gaby, Thomas West Street Near WTC

9110141 Mosiello, Steven Near WTC

9110142 Turi, Albert Corner of Fulton and Church near WTC

9110147 McDonald, Thomas Broadway near WTC

9110149 Mejias, Michael World Financial Center near WTC

9110150 Goldbach, Ray Broadway near WTC

9110151 Loutsky, Alexander West Side Highway near WTC

9110154 Nigro, Daniel West side of West Street Near WTC

9110156 Timothy, David Between Fulton and Dey on Church St Near WTC

9110157 Broderick, Richard West St and Vesey Street Near WTC

9110164 Cunniffe, Sean Near WTC

9110166 Dixon, Brian Liberty St Near WTC

9110168 Terranova, Rosario Vesey St - near WTC

9110170 Jackson, Curtis Near WTC

9110171 Gordon, Brian Near WTC

9110177 Burgos, Freddy West Street Near WTC

9110183 Martinez, Orlando Near WTC

9110188 Siebuhr, Laura Near WTC

9110195 Callan, Joseph Near WTC

9110198 Sudnik, John Vesey Street near WTC

9110200 Fortis, Joseph Near WTC - Pedestrian Bridge

9110205 Donovan, Michael Corner of Liberty and Church near WTC

9110215 Chiafari, Joseph Near WTC

9110223 Smith, Warren Broadway near WTC

9110244 Yakimovich, James Church and Vesey St near WTC

9110260 Sterling, Daniel Near WTC

9110268 Ingram, Robert West side of West Street near WTC

9110273 Puma, Frank Vesey and Church St near WTC

9110277 Riccio, Arthur Church Street near WTC

9110288 Reynolds, William Near WTC

9110291 Brodbeck, Michael Near WTC

- 40 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)

9110295 Fenyo, Christopher West Side Highway (near WTC)

9110303 Ramos, Ralph Near WTC - West and Liberty

9110305 Richiusa, Patrick West Street Near WTC

9110325 Mera, Wayne Near Church Street - Near WTC

9110327 Murray, ChristopherPatrick Near Broadway and Liberty near WTC

9110334 McLeon, Kevin Church St Near WTC in between Cortlandt and Dey approx

9110335 Bell, Jody Corner of Vesey and West near WTC

9110337 Humphrey, Robert Near WTC (7 World Trade Center/Vesey West Broadway)

9110343 Rivera, Terence Near WTC - Financial Center

9110346 Brown, Sean Liberty Street / Church St Near WTC

9110348 Chyriwski, Robert West Street Near WTC (near marriot hotel)

9110350 Vega, Evelyn Vesey and West Street facing south on the east side of the street on West
Street near WTC

9110355 Ottrando, John Near WTC

9110357 Beehler, Michael Liberty between Broadway and Church St Near WTC

9110364 Vaskis, Frank West Street between Carlisle and Albany Street near WTC

9110369 Curran, Paul Near John St near WTC

9110374 Hyland, Paul Chambers and Liberty near WTC

9110375 Sandvik, David Near WTC 2

9110386 Julian, Timothy In Firetruck on Broadway/Liberty near WTC.

9110388 Fallucca, Peter Church St Near WTC (Pulling up)

9110415 Cifu, Ronald Church Street near WTC

9110416 Marmion, Timothy Near WTC - Vesey Street

9110430 Casaliggi, Joseph Near WTC

9110432 Butler, John Near WTC

9110445 Spinard, Thomas Near WTC - West Street

9110459 Walsh, James West Street near WTC

9110474 Salvador, Robert Near WTC 7 - West St

9110484 Lamanna, Karen Driving down FDR Drive near WTC

Those Inside WTC (Query B2):

File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)

9110017 Hansson, Gregg 35th floor Inside WTC 1

9110018 Claes, Marcel 35th floor Inside WTC 1

9110019 Becker, Brian 10th Floor Inside WTC 1

9110061 Nahmod, Abdo Inside WTC 7 or near front

9110080 Wernick, Michael Stairway Inside WTC 1

9110107 Culley, JohnKevin Inside WTC - Lobby

9110138 Pfeifer, Joseph Inside WTC1

9110139 Hayden, Peter Inside WTC1

9110208 King, Stephen Inside WTC 1

9110224 Campagna, Frank Inside WTC1

9110354 Moribito, John Inside WTC 2 (lobby?)

9110412 Curran, James Inside WTC 1

9110414 Brogan, Derek Inside WTC 1

9110420 Gorman, Gerard Inside WTC 1 - Lobby

- 41 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

File No Witness Name Location of Witness when talking of Plane 2 (if known)

9110426 Borrillo, Nicholas Inside WTC 1 (staircase)

9110427 Bohack, Robert Inside WTC 1 Lobby

9110442 Walsh, William Inside WTC 1

9110458 Brown, Timothy Inside WTC 1 Lobby

9110460 Escoffery, Kenneth Mezzanine Level Inside WTC1

9110490 Dunne, Craig Inside WTC 1

9110503 Bessler, Paul Inside WTC 1

6.1.5 Witnesses near WTC Who Reported Seeing Plane 2 before impact (NOT on TV) - Query B3
Location of
Witness Witness when
File No Account Text
Name talking of Plane 2
(if known)

9110015 Harris, City Hall Near So as I'm sitting there talking to Claude trying to figure out where he was responding and what
Russel WTC was going on, we happened to look back at the Trade and we saw the second plane hit, bam..

9110041 Felton, Westside Highway I would say right around that time while we were right under here, under the Westside Highway
Jarjean - under pedestrian and pedestrian bridge, I seen a second plane coming. I'm thinking isn't that plane too low? I'm
bridge near WTC like.. .then I noticed, I seen it turn. It turned and went right in the building. But we're behind, like
this is the building, it went in, and you see the explosion in the front... ... Everybody talking about
-around that time- there's another plane coming. I mean, we didn't know because we didn't have
a TV and we didn't have a radio. We was just going our way. We heard it from the FBI agents or
agents down there.
9110042 Pinkus, Jace Vesey St near We attempted to get our stuff out of the vehicle, and as we looked up, we saw a plane hit the
WTC second building, and we noticed that there was a large ball of flame coming from the second

9110047 Cruz, Allan Corner of Fulton As we were standing there, this one lady to my left grabbed me really really tight, my forearm,
and Church near my left forearm, and we were both looking up at this fire. We both hear this rumble, and I felt a
WTC vibration, we looked slightly to the left, all of us, there's a whole bunch of us right next to my
vehicle, and here comes this plane, a huge plane. The lady next to me says Oh my God, it's
gonna hit the building. I didn't want to give her false information so I said Gee, I don't think so,
well I hope not. I mean we're looking at it sort of in three dimensions, so I'm thinking it's gonna
go behind the building. From where we're standing, it's gonna go right behind it, but it was too
big and far too low. At that moment I said it's gonna hit, it's actually gonna hit. And it hit.
9110054 Wright, West Side A few minutes later, we had seen the second plane just come in, go right through the second
Decosta Highway near building. So we couldn't believe it, because we thought the first one was an accident.

9110075 Davila, Rene Near WTC Then as I'm communicating I catch from my peripheral vision on the right -- I didn't even think
about it hitting the building. I'm just basically like what the hell is he doing there. Before I knew it,
he disappeared behind the building, and bingo, there was an explosion.

9110100 Gombo, West Street near At the corner of my eye, the second plane now comes into the building.
Jerry WTC

9110113 Sweeney, Near WTC I said, "What are you talking about?" And the south tower blew up. Scott said, "That was a
Frank plane." I said, "Scott, it was not a plane. It was probably another bomb." He said, "No, I saw it. It
was a plane." Then a chief came up to him and started yelling at Scott saying, "Are you sure you
saw a plane?" He was like getting angry. He wanted to make sure that it was a plane that Scott
saw. Scott said, "Yes, I saw it."

9110114 Holowach, Near WTC - Engine 3 drove south to the south pedestrian bridge to make a U turn to come back and as I'm
Scott Pedestrian Bridge, walking towards the Engine to find out what Lieutenant Walsh wanted us to do, I heard the
sound of a jet plane. I looked up and saw it pretty close and I was like holy shit. What's going on
with the with the flight patterns. All of a sudden, the wings turned and it dove right into the
building and it was screwed up. At that time Chief Ganci was behind me and he thought there
was another explosion in the north tower and that's when I turned around and said Chief, listen,
there is a second plane that hit the other tower. He was like no no no no, we have another
explosion. I said no, Chief, I witnessed it. I watched the plane hit the other tower. He is like are
you sure. I said Chief, I'm 100 hundred percent positive I watched the second plane hit the other

9110134 Blacksberg, Across the street We approached the building, and we heard some loud noise. We felt some rumbling, so we
David near WTC 1 looked up, and there was another plane coming in. Went behind, I guess it banked around
another building, so at that time we didn't really see it hit the building, but we heard it, and we felt
it, and we saw it approaching. (Didn't report the plane actually impacting, however)
9110142 Turi, Albert Corner of Fulton I was putting on my pants and boots when I heard something similar to the sound of a jet aircraft
and Church near taking off, and when I looked up I saw the impact of the second plane hitting the south tower and
immediately an enormous fireball erupted that actually masked the entire upper half of the

- 42 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Location of
Witness Witness when
File No Account Text
Name talking of Plane 2
(if known)
WTC building and part of the north tower. It was so enormous that even from that great distance I
could feel the radiant heat on my face.

9110154 Nigro, West side of West At some point after our arrival and after we had moved to the west side of West Street, I heard a
Daniel Street Near WTC loud roar of a jet, looked up and saw the second plane impact the south tower.
9110156 Timothy, Between Fulton The next thing I heard was a loud like an engine roar. I looked up, and the next thing I knew I
David and Dey on just saw -- I don't know if it was the tail end of the plane or what, but I saw something. When I
Church St Near looked up, I heard "boom."

9110164 Cunniffe, Near WTC The second plane came in. It was the biggest noise I ever heard in my life. Q. Did you see the
Sean plane? A. Yeah. We saw it, we heard it, we felt the heat from it, the debris.

9110177 Burgos, West Street Near At the corner of my eye, the second plane now comes into the building.
Freddy WTC

9110195 Callan, Near WTC As I was going around the far side of the north tower, I then saw the second plane hit the south
Joseph tower.

9110215 Chiafari, Near WTC We locked up the car, started heading across Church Street when we heard a roar of a jet
Joseph engine, as if it was taking off in flight and we couldn't help but look into the sky to see exactly
what it was and yes, it was a plane, just prior to striking the building and the engines were
revved up fully. From that you saw it actually piercing the wall of the building with a large amount
of fire coming from it. Of course, our immediate reaction as well as anybody else's in the street
around us was to run and get the heck out of where we were.

9110355 Ottrando, Near WTC I saw Battalion 2 in the lobby of the north tower. After that I stayed there a few more minutes,
John and then I went out to my company. We were stretching hose. I saw the second plane hit the
south tower.

9110445 Spinard, Near WTC - West Plane 1: We got a box on Church and Leonard of an odor of gas. So Engine 7 and Ladder 1,
Thomas Street Battalion 1, responds. It turned out to be a false alarm. As we were at the box, a plane passes
us overhead real low. You could hear it; you could feel it. We turned around, and it just impacted
the building, building one. With that, everybody got on the rig. We started driving.

Plane 2: While we were still in the middle of the street, another plane comes in, makes a big
circle, comes around from like the Statue of Liberty direction, and hits two. We can't believe that
another one is coming in. Joey got on the radio, "Another plane just hit the second tower."

6.1.6 Witnesses near WTC Who Reported Hearing Plane 2 before impact (NOT on TV) – Query B4
Location of
Witness Plane 2 Sound Witness when
File No Account Text
Name Heard talking of Plane 2
(if known)

9110001 Fitzpatrick, outrageous Dey Street Near We got across the Brooklyn Bridge, went down Broadway and stopped the
Thomas noise WTC car, I think it was at Broadway and Dey. We got out of the car and ran down
the street. As we got to the intersection of Broadway and Dey or just a little bit
down Dey, the second plane hit the south tower. And we continued down the
street. By the time we got to the plaza, a lot of debris was coming down.
Q. Did you witness the second plane hitting?
A. I heard it but I didn't look up. The noise from the plane was enough to
make you not want to look up. I thought the plane was actually going to land
in the street to be honest with you. The noise was outrageous. When it hit the
building it was even worse. I figured, as long as we didn't get hit by the plane,
we were ahead of the game.

9110009 Murad, Tremendous West Street/Liberty Plane 1: It was about 8:41 that we heard a plane hovering over the fire house.
Murray Roar St Near WTC It sounded like the plane was right on top of us. At that time the captain was
upstairs. He was taking a shower in the office and I was conducting the work
with the firefighter. The captain came out and said: "What's going on? This is
a no-fly zone. There should be no planes over here unless this is a military
plane, a plane in trouble." Other than that, there was really no clue. .... Maybe
about 10 to 12-minutes after that first plane, I heard another plane. Then I
said to myself, we're being attacked. I ran downstairs. No sooner did I run
downstairs and look up, that I saw the second plane strike the south tower. It
was such a vicious hit and such a precision hit, it was unbelievable.

Q. Did you see or hear the second plane before it hit the World Trade Center?

A. I never actually saw the plane, but l heard it. You could hear it coming in
and then we heard the explosion and you could hear the roar of the plane
coming in. At first I didn't realize it was a plane. I thought it was like the roar of
fire, like something had just incinerated, like a gas tank or an oil tank.

It sounded like a tremendous roar and then you heard boom and then there

- 43 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Location of
Witness Plane 2 Sound Witness when
File No Account Text
Name Heard talking of Plane 2
(if known)
was a big fire, a lot of fire, a big fireball. I never actually saw a plane hit the
building. I never saw that. I saw it on television, but I never saw it while I was
standing there.

The building material was sort of gray and you could see it, you know, how it
differed from the plane. I was listening to the tape this morning of the people
calling up and they were describing the plane that hit the building. Actually, so
many people saw it. They actually described the plane as it came in. They
said it was a military-type plane and it was green and it was this. I mean, I
never saw the color of the plane.

Q. Where were you when the second plane hit?

A. We were down at the command post between Liberty and Albany on the
west side of West Street.

9110013 Bartolomey, rumbling corner of Vesey Numerous civilians were telling me that a plane had hit the building. There
Anthony and Church Street were discrepancies as to the type of planbe. Some were saying it was a
near WTC Cessna or Leer jet type, a small jet plane. Some said it was a large passenger
plane. One person actually said that it was like a military style plane that
actually shot missiles into the building.... You look up and you see the flame
of the plane hitting the second building. ... We actually saw the fireball shot
out from the north side of that building.

9110014 Kagenaar, loud noise Church Area near What happened was then the second plane hit the tower, and it was a loud
Chris WTC noise, I mean, it hit, and at first I was like this can't be happening. It's like
lightning doesn't strike twice. ....As I'm dropping off the patient, the FBI agent
comes up to me and he says, oh, man, I just heard there's a third plane
coming in.

9110035 Rivera, thunderous Near WTC - 1 yard As I was treating the patient with the laceration and the asthmatic patient,
Daniel noise away from the that's when the second plane hit. All I heard was just a thunderous noise. As I
south tower looked up, I saw a ball of flames coming down.

9110047 Cruz, Allan rumble, vibration Corner of Fulton As we were standing there, this one lady to my left grabbed me really really
and Church near tight, my forearm, my left forearm, and we were both looking up at this fire.
WTC We both hear this rumble, and I felt a vibration, we looked slightly to the left,
all of us, there's a whole bunch of us right next to my vehicle, and here comes
this plane, a huge plane. The lady next to me says Oh my God, it's gonna hit
the building. I didn't want to give her false information so I said Gee, I don't
think so, well I hope not. I mean we're looking at it sort of in three dimensions,
so I'm thinking it's gonna go behind the building. From where we're standing,
it's gonna go right behind it, but it was too big and far too low. At that moment
I said it's gonna hit, it's actually gonna hit. And it hit.

9110114 Holowach, Plane sound Near WTC - Engine 3 drove south to the south pedestrian bridge to make a U turn to come
Scott Pedestrian Bridge, back and as I'm walking towards the Engine to find out what Lieutenant Walsh
wanted us to do, I heard the sound of a jet plane. I looked up and saw it pretty
close and I was like holy shit. What's going on with the with the flight patterns.
All of a sudden, the wings turned and it dove right into the building and it was
screwed up. At that time Chief Ganci was behind me and he thought there
was another explosion in the north tower and that's when I turned around and
said Chief, listen, there is a second plane that hit the other tower. He was like
no no no no, we have another explosion. I said no, Chief, I witnessed it. I
watched the plane hit the other tower. He is like are you sure. I said Chief, I'm
100 hundred percent positive I watched the second plane hit the other tower.

9110134 Blacksberg, Across the street We approached the building, and we heard some loud noise. We felt some
David near WTC 1 rumbling, so we looked up, and there was another plane coming in. Went
behind, I guess it banked around another building, so at that time we didn't
really see it hit the building, but we heard it, and we felt it, and we saw it
approaching. (Didn't report the plane actually impacting, however)

9110141 Mosiello, Throttling up Near WTC We parked on the corner of West and Vesey on the sidewalk. I gave Chief
Steven Ganci his gear. I took my gear. And we were setting up a command post, I
believe it was in the street at that point, and somebody said -- I don't know
who it was -- go over here by those two garages, where we eventually wound
up setting up our command post in front of Two World Financial.

People actually saw the plane. You heard it, the closer it got. It just got louder
and louder. I say that he throttled up as fast as he could. That's what it
sounded like, but I think he became more in earshot of us. And he just came
in and put the plane into the building.

9110142 Turi, Albert Similar to jet Corner of Fulton I was putting on my pants and boots when I heard something similar to the
taking off and Church near sound of a jet aircraft taking off, and when I looked up I saw the impact of the

- 44 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Location of
Witness Plane 2 Sound Witness when
File No Account Text
Name Heard talking of Plane 2
(if known)
WTC second plane hitting the south tower and immediately an enormous fireball
erupted that actually masked the entire upper half of the building and part of
the north tower. It was so enormous that even from that great distance I could
feel the radiant heat on my face.
9110149 Mejias, big rush, like low World Financial I hear a big rush, like a low flying jet and I see a massive explosion.
Michael flying jet Center near WTC
9110154 Nigro, Daniel Loud Roar West side of West At some point after our arrival and after we had moved to the west side of
Street Near WTC West Street, I heard a loud roar of a jet, looked up and saw the second plane
impact the south tower.

9110156 Timothy, Loud like an Between Fulton The next thing I heard was a loud like an engine roar. I looked up, and the
David engine roar and Dey on Church next thing I knew I just saw -- I don't know if it was the tail end of the plane or
St Near WTC what, but I saw something. When I looked up, I heard "boom."

9110164 Cunniffe, "the biggest Near WTC The second plane came in. It was the biggest noise I ever heard in my life. Q.
Sean noise I ever Did you see the plane? A. Yeah. We saw it, we heard it, we felt the heat from
heard in my life" it, the debris.

9110188 Siebuhr, Low Hum Near WTC But I do remember hearing a very low very low hum in the background, which
Laura people will probably tell you different, but this is what I heard; and then just a
massive explosion, and that was loud, because I was standing right
underneath it when the second plane had hit. My partner ran and grabbed me
by my arm and started yelling at me to run. So he was actually holding onto
me and making me run quicker. Still I didn't know what was happening. I
didn't know it was a plane. I just thought it was an explosion from the other
tower. I didn't know a plane had hit.
9110198 Sudnik, John Plane noise Vesey Street near I did that and went back the way I came down Vesey Street. I guess I was
WTC around two-thirds of the way there and I ended up running into his driver who
had his turnout gear. At that point that's when the second plane hit. I heard
the noise of the plane coming in, and I heard the explosion. I looked up and
felt the heat from the fire ball and everything like that.

9110200 Fortis, Engine noise Near WTC - I believe at that time -- I can't even tell you the time frame. We actually heard
Joseph Pedestrian Bridge like the engines I guess for the second plane coming in, and it just got louder
and, boom, the second plane hit the other tower. We stood there and we
watched. I guess like a fireball cloud came down. We were all standing on the
corner I guess by the pedestrian bridge off the corner there with our
equipment. We were just amazed in awe.
9110205 Donovan, Corner of Liberty We started to walk down Church Street in the direction of Liberty. We were at
Michael and Church near the corner of Liberty and Church just below Four World Trade Center when
WTC the second plane hit. Q. So you saw the second plane coming in? A. We
heard the second plane. We couldn't see it because it was blocked by the
buildings. We were actually still on Church Street. We heard the plane briefly,
the earth shook, the buildings shook, a tremendous fireball overhead. I
thought there was a bomb or an explosion. A tremendous fireball, flaming
debris, pieces of the airplane, fuselage, landing gear, pieces of the building.

9110215 Chiafari, Engines Revved Near WTC We locked up the car, started heading across Church Street when we heard a
Joseph roar of a jet engine, as if it was taking off in flight and we couldn't help but look
into the sky to see exactly what it was and yes, it was a plane, just prior to
striking the building and the engines were revved up fully. From that you saw
it actually piercing the wall of the building with a large amount of fire coming
from it. Of course, our immediate reaction as well as anybody else's in the
street around us was to run and get the heck out of where we were.

9110459 Walsh, West Street near As I was coming up West Street, I started hearing sounds getting very loud,
James WTC and I never bothered to look back because the sound got extremely loud. It
was the roar of the jet plane, which I didn't really know. It was the airliner
coming in. I remember running back up West Street towards where my
chauffeur was from the high-rise rig, and running at the same time I was trying
to get down at the same time it seemed like.
Then I heard the explosion, continued running up to Scott, and I said what
was that? I was under the impression that maybe it was a fighter plane
because it got so loud. He said, no, another airliner just hit the south tower. I
turned and looked and I could see all the damage already.

6.1.7 Witnesses near WTC who Reported Both Seeing and Hearing Plane 2 Before Impact (Query B5)
Location of
Witness Plane 2 Witness when
File No Account Text
Name Sound Heard talking of Plane 2
(if known)

- 45 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Location of
Witness Plane 2 Witness when
File No Account Text
Name Sound Heard talking of Plane 2
(if known)

9110047 Cruz, Allan rumble, Corner of Fulton As we were standing there, this one lady to my left grabbed me really really tight,
vibration and Church near my forearm, my left forearm, and we were both looking up at this fire. We both hear
WTC this rumble, and I felt a vibration, we looked slightly to the left, all of us, there's a
whole bunch of us right next to my vehicle, and here comes this plane, a huge
plane. The lady next to me says Oh my God, it's gonna hit the building. I didn't want
to give her false information so I said Gee, I don't think so, well I hope not. I mean
we're looking at it sort of in three dimensions, so I'm thinking it's gonna go behind
the building. From where we're standing, it's gonna go right behind it, but it was too
big and far too low. At that moment I said it's gonna hit, it's actually gonna hit. And
it hit.

9110114 Holowach, Plane sound Near WTC - Engine 3 drove south to the south pedestrian bridge to make a U turn to come back
Scott Pedestrian and as I'm walking towards the Engine to find out what Lieutenant Walsh wanted
Bridge, us to do, I heard the sound of a jet plane. I looked up and saw it pretty close and I
was like holy shit. What's going on with the with the flight patterns. All of a sudden,
the wings turned and it dove right into the building and it was screwed up. At that
time Chief Ganci was behind me and he thought there was another explosion in the
north tower and that's when I turned around and said Chief, listen, there is a
second plane that hit the other tower. He was like no no no no, we have another
explosion. I said no, Chief, I witnessed it. I watched the plane hit the other tower.
He is like are you sure. I said Chief, I'm 100 hundred percent positive I watched the
second plane hit the other tower.
9110134 Blacksberg, Across the street We approached the building, and we heard some loud noise. We felt some
David near WTC 1 rumbling, so we looked up, and there was another plane coming in. Went behind, I
guess it banked around another building, so at that time we didn't really see it hit
the building, but we heard it, and we felt it, and we saw it approaching. (Didn't
report the plane actually impacting, however)

9110142 Turi, Albert Similar to jet Corner of Fulton I was putting on my pants and boots when I heard something similar to the sound
taking off and Church near of a jet aircraft taking off, and when I looked up I saw the impact of the second
WTC plane hitting the south tower and immediately an enormous fireball erupted that
actually masked the entire upper half of the building and part of the north tower. It
was so enormous that even from that great distance I could feel the radiant heat on
my face.

9110154 Nigro, Loud Roar West side of At some point after our arrival and after we had moved to the west side of West
Daniel West Street Near Street, I heard a loud roar of a jet, looked up and saw the second plane impact the
WTC south tower.

9110156 Timothy, Loud like an Between Fulton The next thing I heard was a loud like an engine roar. I looked up, and the next
David engine roar and Dey on thing I knew I just saw -- I don't know if it was the tail end of the plane or what, but I
Church St Near saw something. When I looked up, I heard "boom."
9110164 Cunniffe, "the biggest Near WTC The second plane came in. It was the biggest noise I ever heard in my life. Q. Did
Sean noise I ever you see the plane? A. Yeah. We saw it, we heard it, we felt the heat from it, the
heard in my debris.

9110215 Chiafari, Engines Near WTC We locked up the car, started heading across Church Street when we heard a roar
Joseph Revved of a jet engine, as if it was taking off in flight and we couldn't help but look into the
sky to see exactly what it was and yes, it was a plane, just prior to striking the
building and the engines were revved up fully. From that you saw it actually
piercing the wall of the building with a large amount of fire coming from it. Of
course, our immediate reaction as well as anybody else's in the street around us
was to run and get the heck out of where we were.

6.1.8 Witnesses INSIDE WTC Who Reported Hearing Plane 2 before impact (NOT on TV) – (Query B8)
Witness Plane 2 Sound
File No Account Text
Name Heard

9110342 Ippolito, Screeching If I can interject, before we entered the second -- before we entered the tower, I -- me and Mike
James Sound like a train Kehoe, another guy who was working in the company me, we heard a screeching sound, sounded
derailing maybe like a train derailing or something, and what they're telling us now is -- the time frame we saw
in the paper, we think that was the second plane hitting. That was once we were entering the

9110414 Brogan, Plane 1: As we were taken up from the box, we were backing out of 19th Street, and we heard a
Derek plane go over our heads. So me and the backup man, Jimmy Andruzzi, looked at each other. We
realized it was low.

Plane 2: Just as everyone was starting to walk towards the center stair, which was the only stair we
thought led up to the upper floors, we heard the next plane hit the other building. We looked out the

- 46 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Witness Plane 2 Sound

File No Account Text
Name Heard
windows at the reflection on the Financial Center and saw the fire plume coming down.

6.2 Witnesses to Plane 2 (before impact) – those further than ½ mile of WTC Complex
6.2.1 Those further than ½ mile of WTC Complex Who Saw Plane 2
Location of Witness
File No when talking of Plane Account Text
2 (if known)
9110010 Mulqueen, 8th Floor - Fire I was watching for a few minutes, and the second plane came in.
Tracey Department
headquarters in 8E13

9110040 Cooke, Alan Battalion 31 Parking Then while I was standing in the parking lot, that's when I saw the plane crash into the
Lot second tower.
9110071 Abed, Faisel Half Mile from WTC But then we are driving and now we are like, we are about a half mile out, halfway from the
World Trade Center and we see this shiny object coming and me and my partner are going,
what the hell, what's wrong with that plane. What is wrong with that plane. There is
something not right with that plane. And he just -- the tower blew.

9110076 Stone, Mark Coming out of Battery We came up right out of the tunnel. I was looking up to see if I could do a little more initial
Tunnel (driving) size up. That is when I saw the second plane hit the building. I just watched it coming in.

9110086 Medjuck, Brooklyn Bridge Just as we came out of the bridge, we could see again the towers also with the plane come
Bruce (driving) and slam into tower two. There was like a little bit of delay, and then all of a sudden this fire
ball just shot out of the opposite side of the tower.
9110120 Maggiore, Brooklyn-Queens I saw the second plane hit the towers from the BQE.
Dominick Expressway (I-278)
9110121 Diaz, Jr., Bruckner Interchange We were at the Bruckner Interchange when I saw the second plane hit the second tower.

9110122 Constantine, West Side Highway As we started heading down the West Side Highway, we saw the second plane, we saw
Peter (not sure how far both towers on fire.
away, probably north)
9110127 Monchery, Crossing 59th street When we get the call to go over the bridge (I'm not too sure about the time) when we're on
Alwish bridge the bridge there's plenty of traffic. That's when we noticed the second plane hitting tower
9110135 Pastor, Frank Brooklyn All of is sudden my partner says to me, "Frankie, that plane seems to be low." Q. What unit
were you working that day? A. We were working 32 boy in Red Hook. We had the view of
the city, and she yells out, "Frank, that plane just hit the building."... Mala, saying again to
me, "That other plane is low." I don't know how much time, 10, 15 minutes, and we seen the
other plane hit.
9110148 D'angelo, BQE extension Then as I made it through traffic and I was going over the BQE extension to get back on to
Michael the Battery Tunnel, I looked and I saw the second plane hit the building.

9110175 Mendez, John Nine Metrotech, The next thing you know, we saw another plane hit the building. A ball of flame came out,
Brooklyn and actually the concussion shook our building. We felt the concussion from it.
9110184 Brady, Greg Coming out of Battery As we were proceeding through the Battery Park tunnel, as we came out, we saw the
Park tunnel second plane hit the south tower. At that time, traffic was very dense and it was very hard to
get through.

9110186 Harrilal, Mala Red Hook There was a second plane circling the building and I kept saying why is he so near the
building? Within minutes, before even talking about it, he just like slammed into the second

9110192 Deshore, 59 Street bridge At the beginning of the 59 Street bridge, the second airliner hit and we witnessed it.

9110194 Mann, Heading Towards I would say probably about maybe a half hour or so later all of a sudden we heard a roar.
Bradley WTC And I looked at Lieutenant Nevins and he looked at me, and we looked up. And the next
thing we knew there was another plane, and it crashed into the other tower.

9110202 Darnowski, Near Battery Tunnel Right before the tolls on the Brooklyn side heading towards Manhattan at the Battery
Kevin Tunnel, we were sitting in traffic and we watched United Flight 175 hit tower two, which was
the south tower of the World Trade Center.
9110230 Delendick, Near tunnel on Were you there when the second plane hit? A. No. When the second plane hit, I was still in
FatherJohn Hamilton Avenue Brooklyn. I was trying to get through the tunnel on Hamilton Avenue. We saw the plane, but
I never saw it hit. I remember saying to myself, boy, that guy is awful low in the pattern. I
remember saying something really stupid like, you know, did he come down to see what
happened with the first one? It never dawned on me that he was heading for the other

- 47 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Location of Witness
File No when talking of Plane Account Text
2 (if known)
tower, but that's where it was headed.

9110242 Zechewytz, Firehouse, Safety He goes, "Zech, look," and we saw the other plane going from left to right with its nose
Mike Command down. So then we ran back in the kitchen, and then maybe 30 seconds later the news said
that a bomb went off in the second building. But then they saw in slow motion it was a plane.
So that was the plane that we saw go into it.
9110245 Hazel, Columbia Street You couldn't tell at that point it was a jet. I thought originally it was a publicity stunt,
Michael driving towards especially after that guy with the parachute who got caught in the Statue of Liberty. I figured
battery tunnel it was just some guy who was trying to fly between the towers and got lost because it really
didn't look like that big a hole. So a few minutes later we responded. We were sent a ticket
and we responded, but to the Battery Tunnel, to the staging area. We didn't go directly to
the Trade Center. On the way to the Battery Tunnel, we're driving along Columbia Street
and I'm sitting across from the proby, and as we're talking and I'm preparing him for the
events, what to expect at this job we're going to go to, he just says to me, "Look at this
dummy. He's flying underneath the smoke instead of over it." With that I turned to my right
and looked at the Twin Towers and I saw the second jet hit.

9110249 Muschello, Firehouse - Ladder As we watched the fire from the third floor, we saw the second plane fly right into the center
Dominick Company 119 of the building clear as day, because there were about two or three of us up in the gym at
that point.

9110263 Rybak, 23rd Street We did see a flash, which we didn't know was the second -- at that time, we didn't know if
Stanley that was the second plane hitting. We were probably on about 23rd Street, crossing 23rd
Street, when we saw the flash, and we had -- again, crossing 23rd Street, I saw the flash of
the -- now I know was the second plane hitting.
9110274 Gschlecht, Chambers Street About when we got to Chambers Street, by the college, we saw the second plane hit the
Charles World Trade Center. I told my partner slow down and wait to see if the building was going to
collapse right away, because you could see it swaying. After a couple of minutes of waiting,
we didn't see it collapse, so we started heading in further.

9110286 Sullivan, Columbia Street En route to the staging area, we were going down Columbia Street, saw the second plane
Joseph strike the building

9110308 Kozlowski, Ladder 20 Firehouse We saw the plane coming over, sort of over quarters and then the initial crash. We heard the
George initial crash.

9110322 Galasso, Engine 212 So we came up here to look out the window, and we saw it. We watched the second plane
Joseph Firehouse hit. Just as the second plane hit, that's when we received the alarm.

9110323 Murphy, Engine Company 212 Then we saw the second one come up. It looked like it was coming up the East River from
James Firehouse here. I guess it was coming from the south. I thought it banked over the East River, which is
what it looked like. I thought it made a left over the East River and went right into it going
from east to west. But as it turns out, it came from the south. Then we saw it just go right
into the building and explode. I remember talking to Eric. I remember Eric saying something,
"Oh, my God, there's another plane." I was saying to him, "That plane is closer to us. It's
really not a big plane going towards the building." Two seconds later it rammed into the
building. You don't expect it. We just freaked.
9110349 Loper, David Brooklyn Heights, Anyway, it's then that I was looking at the north tower that I saw what I thought looked like a
underneath the seagull in the distance almost and it went into the south tower and the south tower exploded
promenade in a huge fire ball. I just told my chauffeur, "Stop for a minute. Stop the rig." And he just
slammed the brakes and we just looked and it didn't strike me as to what happened. I still
thought -- I said to him, at that point, "The gas tanks exploded from the plane." That's what I
thought it was at that point. It wasn't until afterwards that I realized it was a whole second
plane at that time. And I didn't realize that until a couple of days later. It just didn't make
sense to me.

9110417 Zasa, Pier near Bay Street Upon that time I heard a plane roar. I had my window down and on my side we saw a plane
Stephen flying very low come right across us and with a loud, you know, the engines revved up, and I
had mentioned to him, I had no idea that it was heading towards that way, and I just said like
where is this guy going, you know, he was extremely low, not realizing it was another plane
heading towards the World Trade, and we saw it struck the building, we saw a big
mushroom of flame, of fire coming up, and it was like disbelief, and he had gotten on the
radio and notified the dispatcher another plane had struck the World Trade Center.

9110418 Vallebuona, Quarters of Marine 9 So from there we went down to the quarters of Marine 9, and we were watching across the
Tom (Across bay) bay. We could see the fire in the north tower, when the next plane that was going to hit the
south tower flew over our heads.
I called up the dispatcher to volunteer to go to the first one, and after the plane went over
our heads we were notified to relocate to the 32 Battalion.

9110431 O'Flaherty, Marine Division Just then out of the corner of my eye, I could see this plane. I just remember the dark. It was
Brian Firehouse in the shadow. It looked low. I thought, "What the heck is the guy doing?" I watched it,
watched him turn and crash right into the south tower. Right away I knew it was terrorism or
terrorists. I didn't know what the first one was, but I knew what the second one was .

9110485 Pierce, Joel Kent Street So I told my partner, who was driving that day, to drive down to the waterfront somewhere

- 48 -
Appendix B - Witness Account Details

Location of Witness
File No when talking of Plane Account Text
2 (if known)
by Kent, and I believe we came off of North 12th. As we rounded the turn, we saw the north
tower on fire and we were just awestruck by what we saw. We parked the vehicle on Kent,
got out, stood there. My partner called his wife. I just stood there staring, and then I watched
eventually the second plane, I saw it. It looked like it was circling coming south, then came
back north, striking the south side of Tower No. 2.
9110488 Burke, Brooklyn Battery Then they called us to a staging area around quarter to nine, I think, which would be the
Timothy Tunnel Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. From the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel staging area, we watched the
second plane come in.
As soon as the second plane came in, they sent us into the tunnel.

6.2.2 Those further than ½ mile of WTC Complex Who heard Plane 2
Plane 2 Location of Witness
File No Witness Name Sound when talking of Plane 2 Account Text
Heard (if known)

9110194 Mann, Bradley Roar Heading Towards WTC I would say probably about maybe a half hour or so later all of a sudden we
heard a roar. And I looked at Lieutenant Nevins and he looked at me, and
we looked up. And the next thing we knew there was another plane, and it
crashed into the other tower.

9110417 Zasa, Stephen Pier near Bay Street Upon that time I heard a plane roar. I had my window down and on my side
we saw a plane flying very low come right across us and with a loud, you
know, the engines revved up, and I had mentioned to him, I had no idea that
it was heading towards that way, and I just said like where is this guy going,
you know, he was extremely low, not realizing it was another plane heading
towards the World Trade, and we saw it struck the building, we saw a big
mushroom of flame, of fire coming up, and it was like disbelief, and he had
gotten on the radio and notified the dispatcher another plane had struck the
World Trade Center.

6.3 Other Analyses

6.3.1 Witnesses Near WTC Who Weren’t Initially Sure They Saw a Plane Crash on the 2nd Impact
(Query D2)
Location of Witness
File No when talking of Plane 2 Account Text
(if known)

9110004 Delgado, Corner of West as soon as we arrived, 84, a massive explosion goes off, and at this point we didn't know
Manuel Broadway Near WTC what it was. We thought it was a secondary explosion. We didn't know that it was a second
plane. In fact, I didn't know there was a second plane until much later in the evening.

9110043 D'amato, corner of West and When we got out of the vehicle, we opened the trunk, we put our helmets on and our
Frank Vesey near WTC jackets. At that time we heard another explosion which I thought was a secondary
explosion, but which I later found it out was a second plane that hit.

9110151 Loutsky, West Side Highway Plane 1: I would say around Pearl Street, we had a view of the World Trade Center, which
Alexander near WTC was only a few blocks away and I stopped him and I said to look at that plane, that it was
flying extremely low and that it looked like it was about to hit. A few seconds later it did hit.

Plane 2: Around that time, I didn't at the time realize it, but from where we were at, which
was right in front of the World Trade Center on the West Side Highway area, there was an
explosion and a lot of debris started coming down. Apparently that was the second plane
that hit.
9110157 Broderick, West St and Vesey I think what happened was when we left West Street and Vesey, I assume that is when the
Richard Street Near WTC second plane hit the tower. I was told that later on, the second plane hit the tower, and I saw
it on TV for the people with cameras.

- 49 -
9110137 Blaich, Charles Deputy Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 10/23/01 Was home on medical leave
on 9/11
9110302 Boeri, Richard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001
7. Appendix C - List of Witness Accounts/File Numbers
9110427 Bohack, Robert Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002

File No Name Occupation Interview Date Notes 9110426 Borrillo, Nicholas Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002

9110071 Abed, Faisel E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/12/2001 9110184 Brady, Greg E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/01/2001

9110463 Abril, Roberto E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/17/02 9110321 Breen, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001

9110181 Adams, Paul E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/01/2001 9110291 Brodbeck, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001

9110130 Albuerme, Eloy Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/23/01 9110157 Broderick, Richard E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/25/01

9110265 Altini, Steven Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/07/2001 9110414 Brogan, Derek Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01

9110421 Amato, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/02/2002 9110328 Brosnan, Neil Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001

9110062 Asaeda, Glen Civilian (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001 9110272 Brown, Peter Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/07/2001

9110478 Ashby, Phillip Paramedic (E.M.S.) 1/22/02 9110346 Brown, Sean Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/14/01

9110204 Attanasio, Christopher E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/09/2001 9110458 Brown, Timothy Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/15/02

9110495 Badillo, Benjamin E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/24/02 9110155 Browne, Robert Deputy Chief (E.M.S.) 10/24/01

9110248 Bailey, Stuart Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001 9110092 Brynes, Adam Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/16/01

9110253 Banaciski, Richard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001 9110067 Buonocore, Vincent Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/12/2001

9110464 Barrett, Kevin E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/17/02 9110056 Burbano, George Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001

9110428 Barry, Albert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002 9110177 Burgos, Freddy E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/31/01

9110013 Bartolomey, Anthony E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/09/2001 9110488 Burke, Timothy Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/22/02

9110105 Basile, James Division Commander 10/17/01 9110432 Butler, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002
9110381 Butler, Michael Assistant Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 12/21/01
9110254 Battista, Richard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110500 Byrne, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/21/02
9110326 Beck, Paul Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001
9110266 Byrne, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/07/2001
9110019 Becker, Brian Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/09/2001
9110206 Byrnes, Robert Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 11/14/01
9110357 Beehler, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01
9110153 Cacciola, Grace Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/24/01
9110335 Bell, Jody E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/15/01
9110251 Cachia, Edward Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110359 Beltrami, Dean Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01
9110082 Cachia, Peter E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/15/01
9110083 Bendick, Thomas E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/15/01
9110085 Cahill, Joseph Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/15/01
9110221 Berntsen, Eric Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001
9110143 Cahill, Michael Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/17/01
9110503 Bessler, Paul Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/21/02
9110373 Cain, Michael Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 12/20/01
9110031 Billy, Richard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/10/2001
9110195 Callan, Joseph Citywide Tour Commander 11/02/2001 Relieved Chief Donald
9110134 Blacksberg, David E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/23/01 (F.D.N.Y.) Burns as the Citywide Tour
Appendix C - List of Witness Accounts/File Numbers
9110318 Camacho, Fernando Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001 9110058 Cohen, Marc Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001

9110224 Campagna, Frank Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001 9110252 Colon, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001

9110370 Canham, James Sergeant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/18/01 9110425 Congiusta, Frank Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 01/08/2002

9110419 Carletti, Richard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/02/2002 9110487 Conlon, Paul Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 1/23/02

9110237 Carlock, Owen Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/05/2001 Detailed on the day of the 9110453 Connolly, Patrick Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/13/02
incident to Engine 220
9110122 Constantine, Peter E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/22/01
9110505 Carlsen, Craig Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/25/02
9110457 Conzo, Joseph E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/16/02
9110089 Carrasquillo, Pedro EMS command (E.M.S.) 10/16/01
9110103 Cook, Louis Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/17/01
9110430 Casaliggi, Joseph Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002
9110165 Cook, Robert E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/25/01
9110239 Casey, Gerard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/05/2001
9110040 Cooke, Alan E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001
9110316 Casey, James Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001
9110049 Coutsouros, Dean Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/11/2001
9110352 Casey, William Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01
9110406 Coyle, John Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01
9110011 Cassano, Salvatore Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 10/04/2001 Was citywide tour
commander on 9/11 9110395 Coyne, Ronald E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/28/01
9110413 Cassidy, Tiernach Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/30/01
9110476 Cronick, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/18/02
9110398 Castellano, Pete Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/27/01
9110179 Cruthers, Frank Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 10/31/01
9110366 Ceriello, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01
9110047 Cruz, Allan E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001
9110486 Charles, Jason E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/23/02
9110107 Culley, JohnKevin Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 10/17/01 Was going to work area on
9110475 Chelsen, Roy Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/18/02 23rd floor at 7 World Trade
Center on 9/11
9110036 Cherrington, Andre E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001 9110164 Cunniffe, Sean E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/26/01
9110280 Chesney, William Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001 9110412 Curran, James Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/30/01
9110215 Chiafari, Joseph Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/03/2001 9110369 Curran, Paul Fire Patrolman (F.D.N.Y.) 12/18/01
9110362 Chillemi, Salvatore Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01 9110043 D'amato, Frank Captain (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001
9110348 Chyriwski, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/14/01 Responded with Engine 3 9110148 D'angelo, Michael E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/24/01
and the high
9110415 Cifu, Ronald Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01 9110202 Darnowski, Kevin Paramedic (E.M.S.) 11/09/2001

9110499 Cimillo, William Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/24/02 9110070 David, Roy Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/12/2001

9110306 Cira, David E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/13/01 9110075 Davila, Rene Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/12/2001

9110046 Cirillo, Brian E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001 9110220 Davis, Edward Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001

9110264 Citarella, John Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/07/2001 9110454 Davis, Kenneth Paramedic (E.M.S.) 1/15/02

9110018 Claes, Marcel Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/09/2001 Was on the stairs in the 9110230 Delendick, FatherJohn Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001
north tower
9110004 Delgado, Manuel Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/02/2001
9110250 Clarke, Charles Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110507 DeMaio, Anthony Civilian (E.M.S.) 1/28/02

- 51 -
Appendix C - List of Witness Accounts/File Numbers
9110331 Demarco, Diane E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/14/01 9110351 Fenton, David Captain (E.M.S.) 12/18/01

9110064 Derubbio, Dominick Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 10/12/2001 9110295 Fenyo, Christopher Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001

9110091 Desena, Lisa Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/16/01 9110304 Ferrell, Nicole E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/13/01

9110192 Deshore, Karin Captain (E.M.S.) 11/07/2001 9110492 Ferretti, Douglas Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/24/02

9110129 Desimone, George Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/22/01 9110329 Ferriolo, Steve Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001

9110121 Diaz, Jr., Roland E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/22/01 9110063 Fiorentino, Vincent Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/12/2001

9110465 Diaz, Moussa E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/17/02 9110402 Fischer, Dennis Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01

9110174 Dinh, Trinh E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/31/01 9110256 Fitzpatrick, Brian Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001

9110385 Dipaolo, Paul Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/26/01 9110001 Fitzpatrick, Thomas Deputy Commissioner for 10/01/2001
Administration (F.D.N.Y.)
9110166 Dixon, Brian Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 10/25/01
9110390 Fody, James Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 12/26/01
9110471 Donato, Thomas Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/17/02
9110200 Fortis, Joseph E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/09/2001
9110205 Donovan, Michael Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 11/09/2001
9110087 Fraser, Charles Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/16/01
9110023 Dorritie, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/09/2001
9110403 Fredrickson, Todd Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01
9110299 Dorritie, Robert Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001 (Duplicate?)
9110140 Gaby, Thomas Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/23/01
9110440 Drumm, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/10/2002
9110310 Gaffney, Charles Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001
9110098 Drury, James Assistant Commissioner 10/16/01
(F.D.N.Y.) 9110322 Galasso, Joseph Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001

9110444 Duffy, James Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/14/02 9110197 Galvin, Thomas Deputy Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 11/07/2001

9110345 Duggan, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/14/01 9110356 Ganassa, Edward Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01

9110490 Dunne, Craig Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/22/02 9110002 Garcia, MarshalLouis Chief Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 10/02/2001

9110269 Ellis, Stephen Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/07/2001 9110065 Gates, Gary Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/12/2001

9110025 Erdy, Richard E.M.T. D. (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001 9110146 Gattas, Immaculada E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/17/01

9110460 Escoffery, Kenneth Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/16/02 9110257 Giaconelli, Louis Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001

9110227 Faccilonga, Keith Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001 9110436 Giammarino, Peter Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002

9110388 Fallucca, Peter Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/26/01 9110150 Goldbach, Ray Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 10/24/01

9110320 Farrington, Francis Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001 9110145 Goldfarb, Zachary Division Chief (E.M.S.) 10/23/01

9110508 Felice, Michael Civilian (E.M.S.) 1/28/02 9110100 Gombo, Jerry Assistant Chief (E.M.S.) 10/17/01

9110201 Felidi, John E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/09/2001 9110131 Gonzalez, Arturo Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/23/01

9110044 Felitti, Pasquale E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001 9110171 Gordon, Brian E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/30/01

9110217 Fellini, Frank Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 12/03/2001 9110420 Gorman, Gerard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/02/2002

9110041 Felton, Jarjean E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001 9110434 Gorman, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002

- 52 -
Appendix C - List of Witness Accounts/File Numbers
9110241 Grabher, Steve Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001 9110379 Henry, Edward Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 12/19/01

9110077 Grant, Ulysses Division Commander 10/12/2001 9110060 Hess, Stephen E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001
9110311 Hill, Howard Deputy Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001
9110392 Greene, William Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/26/01
9110336 Hirsch, Barrett Paramedic (E.M.S.) 12/17/01
9110008 Gregory, Stephen Assistant Commissioner 10/03/2001
(F.D.N.Y.) 9110152 Hirth, Randall Division Chief (E.M.S.) 10/24/01
9110167 Gribbon, Frank Deputy Fire Commissioner 10/25/01
(F.D.N.Y.) 9110114 Holowach, Scott Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/18/01

9110178 Grogan, Brian Supervisor Fire Marshall 10/31/01 9110467 Holzman, George Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/17/02
9110229 Hoppey, Timothy Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001
9110274 Gschlecht, Charles E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/12/2001
9110262 Horel, William Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/07/2001
9110084 Guidetti, Peter Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/12/2001
9110469 Howe, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/17/02
9110005 Guttenberg, Michael Doctor (Office of Medical 10/02/2001
Affairs) 9110337 Humphrey, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/13/01
9110363 Guttman, Charles Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01
9110374 Hyland, Paul Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/20/01
9110119 Hadala, Gregg Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/19/01
9110268 Ingram, Robert Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 12/07/2001
9110315 Hadden, Michael Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001
9110342 Ippolito, James Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/13/01
9110511 Hahn, Howard Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 02/01/2002
9110170 Jackson, Curtis E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/30/01
9110504 Haines, Fitzroy Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/25/02
9110173 Jacobs, Veronica E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/30/01
9110111 Hansard, Thomas Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/18/01
9110073 Jagoda, John E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/12/2001
9110026 Hansen, Eric E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001
9110340 Jaronczyk, Christopher Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/13/01
9110017 Hansson, Gregg Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/09/2001
9110455 Jefferson, Joseph Paramedic (E.M.S.) 1/16/02
9110186 Harrilal, Mala E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/02/2001
9110050 Jezycki, Stephen Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/11/2001
9110057 Harris, Mark Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001
9110443 Johnson, Tyrone Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/11/2002
9110015 Harris, Russel E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/09/2001
9110231 Johnson, William Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110108 Harris, Sam E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/17/01
9110386 Julian, Timothy Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/26/01
9110139 Hayden, Peter Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 10/23/01
9110014 Kagenaar, Chris E.M.T. D. (E.M.S.) 10/09/2001
9110159 Hayden, Peter E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/25/01
9110367 Katz, Jason E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/20/01
9110245 Hazel, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110028 Kelleher, Kevin Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001
9110255 Heaney, Todd Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110207 Kelly, Kerry Chief Medical Officer 11/15/01
9110405 Heavey, Stephen Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01
9110293 Kelnhofer, David Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001
9110470 Heer, John E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/18/02
9110261 KeltyJr., Eugene Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110126 Henderson, Joseph E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/22/01
9110502 Kennedy, Edward Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/17/02
9110069 Henricksen, John Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 10/11/2001

- 53 -
Appendix C - List of Witness Accounts/File Numbers
9110368 Kimball, Robert E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/20/01 9110194 Mann, Bradley Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 11/07/2001

9110208 King, Stephen Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 11/21/01 9110416 Marmion, Timothy Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01

9110300 Klee, Steven Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001 9110029 Marquez, Feliz Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001

9110095 Kowalczyk, Walter Chief (E.M.S.) 10/16/01 Ranking EMS officer 9110123 Marquez, Vincent E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/22/01
responsible for E.M.S.
activities on 9/11 9110162 Marrero, Julio E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/25/01
9110308 Kozlowski, George Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001 9110496 Marroncelli, Camille Paramedic (E.M.S.) 1/24/02
9110216 Lakiotes, Art Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 12/03/2001 9110399 Marsilla, Fred Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/27/01
9110484 Lamanna, Karen Paramedic (E.M.S.) 1/23/02 9110124 Martin, James Division Chief (E.M.S.) 10/22/01
9110081 Larocco, Robert Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/12/2001 9110232 Martin, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/05/2001
9110027 Lim, Justin E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001 9110510 Martin, Patrick Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/28/02
9110498 Lindahl, Bruce Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/25/02 9110494 Martinez, Edward E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/24/02
9110278 Lizzul, Lance Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001 9110183 Martinez, Orlando E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/01/2001
9110509 Long, Kirk Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/28/02 9110267 Massa, Richard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/07/2001
9110021 Long, Matthew Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/09/2001 9110222 Massa, Vincent Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001
9110021 Long, Matthew Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/09/2001 9110118 Mazur, Mark E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/19/01
9110059 Longo, Valerie E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001 9110110 McArdle-Schulman, Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/17/01
9110349 Loper, David Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 12/13/01
9110344 McCabe, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/13/01
9110151 Loutsky, Alexander E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/24/01
9110191 McCahey, Rich Assistant Chief Fire Marshal 11/02/2001
9110468 Lowney, Joseph Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 1/17/02 (F.D.N.Y.)

9110433 Lowrey, Brendan Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002 9110055 McCarthy, Thomas Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 10/11/2001

9110466 Luongo, John Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 1/17/02 9110007 McCorvey, Dulce E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/03/2001

9110185 Lynch, Daniel Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/31/01 9110371 McCurry, Richard Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 12/18/01

9110389 Lynn, JohnD. Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 12/27/01 9110147 McDonald, Thomas Assistant Commissioner 10/24/01
9110393 Lynn, Thomas Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/26/01 9110477 McGimpsey, Jason Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/18/02
9110296 Macchia, Frank Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001 9110447 McGlynn, James Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 01/02/2002
9110506 Macko, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/20/05 9110053 McGovern, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/11/2001
9110120 Maggiore, Dominick Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/19/01 9110301 McGovern, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001 (Duplicate?)
9110312 Mallery, Paul Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001 9110072 McKinley, James E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/12/2001
9110319 Malley, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001 9110361 McLaughlin, William Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01
9110271 Mancuso, Anthony Firefighter Lieutenant 12/07/2001 9110334 McLeon, Kevin E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/15/01
9110078 McMillan, Mary E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/12/2001

- 54 -
Appendix C - List of Witness Accounts/File Numbers
9110199 McNally, Patrick Deputy Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 11/08/2001 9110238 Murphy, Keith (F.D.N.Y.) 12/05/2001

9110213 McNeur-Mccarthy, Linda E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/28/01 9110327 Murray, ChristopherPatrick Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001

9110391 Mecner, Edward Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/26/01 9110407 Murray, John Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01

9110086 Medjuck, Bruce Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/15/01 9110020 Murray, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/09/2001

9110149 Mejias, Michael E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/24/01 9110249 Muschello, Dominick Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001

9110045 Melarango, William Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001 9110483 Nacional, Naomi E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/23/02

9110175 Mendez, John Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/31/01 9110061 Nahmod, Abdo Captain (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001

9110287 Meola, Joseph Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001 9110283 Nash, Francis Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001

9110325 Mera, Wayne Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001 9110297 Neligan, Dean Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001

9110144 Merced, Mery E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/23/01 9110106 Nevins, John Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/17/01

9110125 Merrero, Fermin E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/22/01 9110154 Nigro, Daniel Chief of Department 10/24/01 Was chief of operations on
(F.D.N.Y.) 9/11
9110441 Mettham, Hugh Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/10/2002
9110491 Nolan, Frank Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 1/23/02
9110424 Metzger, Peter Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/08/2002
9110396 Norris, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/27/01
9110052 Meyers, Arthur Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/11/2001
9110093 Ober, Michael E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/16/01
9110382 Meyers, Harold Deputy Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 12/21/01
9110116 O'Carroll, Renae E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/18/01
9110234 Monachelli, Lawrence Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/05/2001
9110024 O'Donnel, Soraya E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001
9110016 Monahan, Craig Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/09/2001
9110431 O'Flaherty, Brian Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002
9110127 Monchery, Alwish E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/22/01
9110193 Olszewski, Janice Captain (E.M.S.) 11/07/2001
9110099 Monroe, Amy Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/17/01
9110259 O'Malley, Sean Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110214 Moore, Roger Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 11/29/01
9110048 Ondrovic, Patricia E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001
9110461 Morabito, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/15/02
9110473 Orlando, Thomas Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/18/02
9110228 Moriarty, David Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001
9110355 Ottrando, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/14/01
9110380 Moriarty, Edward Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 12/19/01
9110243 Owens, Troy Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/05/2001
9110354 Moribito, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001
9110258 Palmieri, Vincent Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110158 Moritz, John E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/25/01
9110314 Palone, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001
9110141 Mosiello, Steven Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 10/23/01
9110347 Parris, Sidney Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/14/01
9110180 Muhammad, Farooq E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/01/2001
9110102 Pascale, Fran Division Commander 10/17/01
9110010 Mulqueen, Tracey Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/04/2001 (E.M.S.)
9110135 Pastor, Frank E.M.T. D. (E.M.S.) 10/23/01
9110009 Murad, Murray Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/04/2001
9110378 Patriciello, Joseph Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/20/01
9110006 Murphy, James Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/03/2001
9110203 Penn, Lonnie E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/09/2001
9110323 Murphy, James Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001

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Appendix C - List of Witness Accounts/File Numbers
9110176 Perez, Emilio E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/31/01 9110196 Rignola, Salvatore Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 11/07/2001

9110132 Perez, Jose E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/23/01 9110037 Rios, Juan E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001

9110160 Perrugia, John Chief (E.M.S.) 10/25/01 9110097 Ritorto, Chad E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/16/01

9110449 Petrassi, Joseph Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/13/02 9110489 Rivera, Angel Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/22/02

9110138 Pfeifer, Joseph Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 10/23/01 Saw first plane hit WTC 9110035 Rivera, Daniel Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001

9110493 Piambino, Thomas Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 1/24/02 9110438 Rivera, Joseph Captain (E.M.S.) 1/14/02

9110240 Picarello, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001 9110343 Rivera, Terence Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/13/01

9110330 Piccerill, Steve Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001 9110094 Rodriguez, Eric Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/16/01

9110211 Picciotto, Richard Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 11/27/01 9110317 Rodriguez, George Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001

9110485 Pierce, Joel Paramedic (E.M.S.) 1/23/02 9110480 Rodriguez, Melvin E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/22/02

9110104 Pilla, Steven Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/17/01 9110411 Rodriguez, Ricardo Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/29/01

9110042 Pinkus, Jace Captain (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001 9110290 Rogers, Kenneth Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001

9110400 Pisano, Gerard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/27/01 9110429 Rogers, Steven Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002

9110387 Plover, Vincent Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/26/01 9110404 Rohan, Glenn Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01

9110284 Powers, James Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001 9110479 Rosie, Peter E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/22/02

9110212 Prezant, Dr.David Deputy Chief Medical officer 11/27/01 9110112 Rothmund, John E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/18/01
9110333 Ruiz, Robert Paramedic (E.M.S.) 12/14/01
9110273 Puma, Frank E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/12/2001
9110219 Ruppert, Mark Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001
9110182 Quick, William Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 11/01/2001
9110450 Russo, Brian Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/13/02
9110339 Quinn, Kevin Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/13/01
9110117 Ryan, William Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/18/01
9110422 Quinn, Paul Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/08/2002
9110263 Rybak, Stanley Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/07/2001
9110294 Rae, Joseph Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001
9110309 Salerno, Anthony Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001
9110303 Ramos, Ralph E.M.T.D.(E.M.S.) 12/12/01
9110032 Salvador, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/10/2001
9110451 Rattazzi, Rich Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/13/02
9110474 Salvador, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/18/02 (Duplicate?)
9110384 Raynis, Stephen Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 12/21/01
9110128 Sanchez, Luis E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/22/01
9110401 Regan, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01
9110375 Sandvik, David Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/20/01
9110435 Reilly, Gerard Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 01/09/2002
9110088 Sangeniti, Salvador E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/16/01
9110448 Reno, Armondo Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/13/02
9110033 Saracelli, Richard Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/10/2001
9110288 Reynolds, William Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001
9110247 Saulle, Richard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110277 Riccio, Arthur Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001
9110030 Scaringello, Patrick Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001
9110305 Richiusa, Patrick E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/13/01
9110051 Schroeck, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/11/2001 In house watch and saw the

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Appendix C - List of Witness Accounts/File Numbers
first plane hit on 9/11 9110113 Sweeney, Frank Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/18/01

9110332 Scott, Dwight E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/14/01 9110101 Sweeting, Neil Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/17/01

9110365 Scott, Howie Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01 9110172 Swithers, Jay Captain (E.M.S.) 10/30/01

9110226 Sheehey, Edward Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001 9110168 Terranova, Rosario Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 10/26/01

9110090 Short, Robert E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/16/01 9110169 Tierney, Lynn Deputy Commissioner 10/29/01
9110189 Sickles, Howard Captain (E.M.S.) 11/02/2001
9110156 Timothy, David E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/25/01
9110188 Siebuhr, Laura E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/02/2001
9110012 Torre, Felipe E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/09/2001
9110115 Simon, William Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/18/01
9110133 Torres, Norberto E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/23/01
9110275 Singer, Albert Paramedic (E.M.S.) 12/12/2001
9110066 Traverso, John Field Commander (F.D.N.Y.) 10/12/2001
9110423 Siragusa, Robert Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/08/2002
9110292 Trojanowski, Stanley Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001
9110279 Skellington, Richard Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001
9110456 Truoccolo, William E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 1/16/02
9110039 Smiley, Gary Paramedic (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001
9110142 Turi, Albert Deputy Assistant Chief 10/23/01
9110210 Smiouskas, Richard Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 11/27/01 (F.D.N.Y.)
9110501 Turilli, Thomas Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/17/02
9110074 Smith, Adolph E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/12/2001
9110418 Vallebuona, Tom Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 01/01/2002
9110136 Smith, Briam E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/23/01
9110298 VanName, William Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001
9110246 Smith, Thomas Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110313 Varriale, Anthony Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 12/12/2001
9110223 Smith, Warren Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001
9110364 Vaskis, Frank Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01
9110452 Snow, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/13/02
9110397 Vasquez, Paul Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/27/01
9110472 Sohmer, Robert Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 1/17/02
9110350 Vega, Evelyn E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/18/01
9110445 Spinard, Thomas Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/11/2002
9110482 Velazquez, Nelson Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 1/23/02
9110225 Springstead, Bertram Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001
9110068 Vetland, Richard Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/12/2001
9110003 Steffens, Mark Division Chief (E.M.S.) 10/03/2001
9110439 Viola, Stephen Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/10/2002
9110233 Stein, Michael Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 12/05/2001
9110338 Vitiello, David Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/13/01
9110260 Sterling, Daniel Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/06/2001
9110341 Walker, Dan Firefighter First Grade 12/12/2001
9110076 Stone, Mark Captain (E.M.S.) 10/12/2001 (F.D.N.Y.)
9110497 Stroebel, Russ Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 1/25/02 9110285 Wall, William Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001

9110187 Suarez, Edgard E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/02/2001 9110409 Wallace, James Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/29/01

9110022 Suden, Gerald Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/09/2001 9110353 Walsh, Adrienne Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01

9110198 Sudnik, John Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 11/07/2001 9110459 Walsh, James Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 1/16/02

9110286 Sullivan, Joseph Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001 9110442 Walsh, William Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 01/11/2002

9110235 Sullivan, Patrick Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/05/2001 9110408 Wansley, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/29/01

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Appendix C - List of Witness Accounts/File Numbers
9110190 Warner, Jeffery E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 11/02/2001

9110377 Weber, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/20/01

9110462 Weindler, Rudy Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 1/15/02

9110307 Weldon, Richard Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001

9110163 Wells, Charles Division Chief (E.M.S.) 10/25/01

9110080 Wernick, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/12/2001

9110410 Wesseldine, Mark Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/29/01

9110270 Wheeler, William Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/07/2001

9110109 Whelan, Brendan Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 10/17/01 (Duplicate?)

9110360 Whelan, Brendan Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/17/01

9110038 Whitman, Daniel E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/10/2001

9110289 Williams, Daniel Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001

9110282 Williams, Vandon Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/11/2001

9110376 Wilson, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/20/01

9110372 Wilson, Randall Fire Marshall (F.D.N.Y.) 12/20/01

9110437 Wilson-Debriano, Chevalo Paramedic (E.M.S.) 01/11/2002

9110236 Winkler, John Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/05/2001

9110218 Wood, Gary Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001

9110054 Wright, Decosta E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/11/2001

9110281 Wright, Steven Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/10/2001

9110244 Yakimovich, James Captain (F.D.N.Y.) 12/04/2001

9110446 Yarembinsky, Michael Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/14/02

9110394 Yioras, Spiro Lieutenant (E.M.S.) 12/28/01

9110034 Zanat, John Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) 10/10/2001

9110161 Zarillo, Richard E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/25/01

9110209 Zarr, Kathy Paramedic (E.M.S.) 11/27/01

9110417 Zasa, Stephen Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 01/01/2002

9110242 Zechewytz, Mike Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/05/2001

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8. References

1. Ace Baker’s Chopper 5 http://www.acebaker.com/9-

Composite 11/PinocchioStudy/Chopper5Velocity.html
2. Exploding the Airliner http://www.nomoregames.net/index.php?page=911&subpage1=expl
Crash Myth oding_the_airliner_crash_myth
3. We Have Some Holes in http://www.nomoregames.net/index.php?page=911&subpage1=we_
the Plane Stories have_holes
4. “Toasted Cars” http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam5.html

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