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JournalNX - Stator Stamping Machine

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Proceedings of 1st Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj QIP Conference on Engineering Innovations

Organized by Shri. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj College of Engineering, Nepti, Ahmednagar

In Association with JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, ISSN No: 2581-4230
21st - 22nd February, 2018
Mr.Aumsai R .Waghmare
Student:BE (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj College of Engineering
Ahmednagar, India waumsai84@gmail.com

Mr.Shubham S. Shete
Student:BE( Department of Mechanical Engineering) Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj College of Engineering
Ahmednagar, India shubhamshete27297@gmail.com

Abstract— Stator stamping hydraulic machine is stator and rotor. These stamping is made up from the
different from the conventional stamping machine, in metal sheet by stamping method. They have drown the
which the system is quicker and gives highest product by stamping process. These stamping has to come
productivity. Stator have the number of slot on outside in exact and accurate position. If they are not in accurate
perimeter. And number of teeth on inside perimeter. position then the winding can't fill inside the stator as well
Winding is fitted in the teeth. And the winding which as rotor also. The slot are use to make the exact position of
fill inside the stator called as field winding, where the those stamping.
winding field inside the rotor called as armature 1.1 Problem statement
winding. These stamping has to come in exact and The conventional method which has been used from last
accurate position. If they are not in accurate position few years are not sufficient to mass production also they
then the winding can't fill inside the stator as well as are time consuming. To work with conventional method
rotor also. The slot are use to make the exact position worker has skill to operate machine. Conventional method
of those stamping. Hydraulic operated stator stamping also use the hydraulic system in terms of hydraulic press.
machine is use to make the stator stamping But number of slot are affected on number of iteration.
combination with exact and accurate position. This That means number of slot are four then system has to
machine use hydraulic system to make it possible. compete the operation in four iterations.
Hydraulic system use in this machine is conventional That's the reason that production rate is too low. Some
hydraulic system. This hydraulic system use number of time delivery date cannot be matched. Due to number of
cylinder to complete the operation. The stator iteration more power and man force is required. Which
stamping combination is generated in single working will reduces the profit of company and increase in annual
stroke. The stator is produced by punching and cost. Efficiency of conventional method is too low.
stamped with stamp punching mode .This system gives That's the reason that this method have to modified for
accurately placed winding position by holding stator in better future of advance manufacturing process and the
properly design clamps. The system working done profitable company.
with the help of hydraulic actuators and high pressure 1.2 Methodology
hydraulic oil. The stamping starts by placing number Methodology used in this system is noting but
of stator over a mandrel. The hydraulic operated conventional hydraulic system. System uses number of
stator stamping machine gives more stator stamping hydraulic cylinder. This cylinder work as actuator for the
in single stroke of operation. Conventional method operation. This hydraulic actuators use to holding, lifting
uses hydraulic presses and manual invention, which and positioning the workpice .For the automation solenoid
results in more noise and time consuming operation. operated control valve's are used in system. Cylinder
and it reduces production rate because in single stroke motion that's means extract and retract is use for
of operation it cannot completed the whole stator operation. Working medium is hydraulic fluid, mechanical
stamping combination .So for this hydraulic operated linkages are reduces. No wear and tear due to no friction.
special purpose stator stamping machine is more If the load is suddenly increases it will not affect on system.
beneficial and higher productive. If we consider mechanical or electrical or any other system
they will affected by change in load. Those system will fail
if they will not get stop. Is we consider pneumatic system it
I. INTRODUCTION will not provide the high pressure and force. Also it is fast
Stator- cannot withstand with suddenly increases in load. But
The stator is the stationary part of a rotary system, found pneumatic system is faster than hydraulic system
in electric generators, electric motors, sirens, or biological
rotors. The main use of a stator is to keep the field aligned. 2.LITERATURE REVIEW
Rotor- Hydraulics control systems are widely used and a well-
The rotor is a moving component of an electromagnetic known control systems. A number of studies on the
system in the electric motor, electric generator, or performance of hydraulic control systems and its
alternator. Its rotation is due to the interaction between components have been made in recent past. Some of the
the windings and magnetic fields which produces a torque relevant and significant studies related with the present
around the rotor's axis. work are discussed here.
Rotor and stator both are may be made up from number of (R Keith Mobley)Today, hydraulic power is used to operate
stamping. Number of stamping comes together and from many different tools and mechanisms. In a garage, a
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Proceedings of 1st Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj QIP Conference on Engineering Innovations
Organized by Shri. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj College of Engineering, Nepti, Ahmednagar
In Association with JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, ISSN No: 2581-4230
21st - 22nd February, 2018
mechanic raises the end of an automobile with a hydraulic 3.3 Component Use In System
jack. Dentists and barbers use hydraulic power to lift and Table 3.3 Component Use In System
position their chairs. Hydraulic doorstops keep heavy Sr.no Component Quantity
doors from slamming. Hydraulic brakes have been
1 Reservoir 1
standard equipment on automobiles since the 1930s. Most
automobiles are equipped with automatic transmissions 2 Filters 1
that are hydraulically operated. Power steering is another
application of hydraulic power. Construction workers 3 Hydraulic Pump 1
depend upon hydraulic power for their equipment. For 4 The pressure relief 1
example, the blade of a bulldozer is normally operated by valves
hydraulic power. 5 Directional control 2
A wide range of industrial applications require substances, valves(4/3)
6 Directional control 1
objects, or components to be moved from one location to valves(4/2)
another. A further typical requirement is the application of 7 Pilot operated Check 1
force to locate, hold, shape, or compress a component or valve
material. These tasks can be achieved using a prime mover, 8 Limit Switches 6
with rotary motion being provided, for example by an
9 Flow control Valve 1
electric motor and linear motion by screw jacks, rack and
pinions, and solenoids. Liquids and gases can also be used 10 Actuator 1
to convey energy from one location to another and as a (Clamping)
result produce rotary and linear motions and apply forces. 11 Actuator 2
Fluid based systems using a liquid as the transmission (Travel)
12 Pressure Switch 1
media are known as hydraulic, and those using a gas are
known as pneumatic. The gases used in pneumatic systems
tend to be low density and compressible, in comparison 3.4 Working
with the relatively high density and incompressible liquids Working is similar to conventional hydraulic system.
used in hydraulic systems. As a result, pneumatic systems Electric motor start running at a particular rpm and motor
can be characterized as having a “softer” action in is connected to pump. Pump start pumping of hydraulic
comparison with hydraulic systems, while hydraulic
fluid from reservoir to system through the filter. Pressure
systems can generally be operated at much higher relief valve is also attached to the system. This is use to
pressures, producing higher forces. avoid failure of system and unwanted accident of system.
Fluid is traveling through the pipe. Towards the direction
3.ACTUAL MACHINE DESIGN control valve, solenoid operated 4/3 dcv will be use. That
3.1 Construction valve transfer the fluid to the cylinder for operation.
It consist of three cylinder attached on the moving metal Internally two cylinder which are at the side of middle
plate of 500×500×60mm dimension. This plate can be
cylinder will extract and due to this moving plate will move
move in z direction along four rod of 30mm ×1100mm upward direction. Then material is load inside the Mandrill
long. At the top of the four rod anther metal plate is which is connected to the rod of middle cylinder. After
attached, which one is fixed. Having a circular hole of loading material in the system then the middle cylinder
330mm diameter. Distance between these two metal plate will retract for clapping. After claiming v strip is insert
is 1100mm. This all structure is mount on the basement. inside the slot of stamping . Then two side cylinder will get
Another end of basement is fitted with the reservoir, retract. Due to retraction it side cylinders plate will move
pump, motor and valve assembly. Also it has control panel
downward. At the time of retraction v strip converted into
which is used to control the whole machine. flat strip due to use of bearings. These bearing apply force
on the strip at the time of retraction stroke and hence the
3.2 Actual Machine Setup whole operation will completed in single stroke of system.

As the completion of this machine we conclude that, The
hydraulic operated stator stamping machine is different
from conventional stamping machine by its construction
and principle of action. The constructional setup is very
simple as it requires less space and working done within
shortest time interval Thus, the method gives higher
productivity and production rate increases. Stator and
rotor stamping is most important part in motor winding
process .It requires precise and accurate machining.
Winding positioning is done very accurately with the help
of this machine. Also to operate this machine skilled
worker is not necessary. Easy to handle, operate and
Fig : Actual Machine Setup maintain. The important function of this machine is , if the
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Proceedings of 1st Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj QIP Conference on Engineering Innovations
Organized by Shri. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj College of Engineering, Nepti, Ahmednagar
In Association with JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, ISSN No: 2581-4230
21st - 22nd February, 2018
dimension of stator changes with change in design of
motor it not affect on the machine , machine is able to
complete operation with change in design. No need of
modification in machine. Due to use of this machine profit
of company increase.

1. P.k.chandrashekara,R.B.Mali , Hydraulics and
pneumatics , Lecturer Sinhgad Technical Educatiuon
Society , Sou. Venutai Chavan polytechnic ,
2.R.Keith Mobley, Hydraulics Fundamentals,The Plant
Performance Group

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