More Cameras To Monitor Tigers at Nagarahole: Karnataka Has Highest Population of Tigers and Elephants
More Cameras To Monitor Tigers at Nagarahole: Karnataka Has Highest Population of Tigers and Elephants
More Cameras To Monitor Tigers at Nagarahole: Karnataka Has Highest Population of Tigers and Elephants
tigers at Nagarahole
Karnataka has highest population of tigers and elephants
BENGALURU: The State For- and 20 cameras at MM Hills field staff for sending real-time
est department will instal wildlife sanctuary. information on animal move-
198 pairs of cameras in 643 “We now request compa- ments. Companies are also in-
sq km area of Nagarhole nies, as part of their CSR ini- stalling CCTV cameras at the
Tiger Reserve from Decem- tiative, to purchase coffee es- entrance of wildlife sanctuar-
ber 15, 2014 to January 15, tates and revenue lands around ies.
2015 to monitor and record elephant and tiger corridors Luthra said that Karnataka
animal and human move- and hand them over to the de- had the highest number of
ment, in pursuance of the partment for restoring green tiger and elephant population
guidelines of National Tiger patches. The department can- in the country. “The Union
Conservation Authority. not do so on its own due to legal Ministry of Environment and
issues involved. Owners of sev- Forest may announce tiger
“The aim is to break free of eral estates are willing to sell census figures in the last week
researchers and non-govern- their land because of man-ani- of December. We estimate that
mental organisations who in- mal conflict and labour prob- Karnataka has more than 300
stal cameras for their research lems. Some such places have tigers,” he added.
projects but do not share data been identified between Na- Following a meeting with
with us. We want to have our cameras, donated by CSS be listed soon. garahole and Bandipur,” the chief minister on recruit-
own database of all animals. Corp, as part of its corporate Principal Chief Conservator Luthra said. ments for Forest department,
These cameras will be used social responsibility initiative of Forests (Wildlife) Vinay He said that and companies the government has allowed
during next tiger census,” R (CSR). The company has gifted Luthra said that apart from the had also shown interest in the department for hiring
Gokul, Director, Nagarahole 200 cameras to Nagarahole cameras donated, the Forest adopting anti-poaching camps 2,000 forest watchers and
Tiger Reserve said here on and 100 cameras to Anshi- department had already in- and the department was yet to guards in the next two years.
Wednesday. Dandeli Tiger Reserves. Gokul stalled 400 cameras in Nagara- decide on the proposal. Luthra said that they had asked
He was speaking to media- said that 45 tigers had been hole; 200 in Bandipur; 80 in Five firms have come for- for double the posts now sanc-
persons on the sidelines of a identified and numbered at Na- BR Hills, 60 each in Bhadra ward to donate personal digital tioned.
function for receiving 300 garahole and another 45 would and Anshi-Dandeli reserves assistant (a mobile device) to DH News Service