Apfel (Apple) Ende (End)
Apfel (Apple) Ende (End)
Apfel (Apple) Ende (End)
Vowel is long
if followed by 1 consonant
if followed by “h”; remember the “h” after a vowel is silent and makes the vowel
if doubled
Vowel is short
if followed by 2 consonants
if word belongs to group of 1-syll. words ending in consonant
eu oy neu (new)
äu träumen (to dream)
au ow braun (brown)
b @ end p ob (whether)
j y ja (yes)
v f vier (four)
v Video (video)
w v wie (how)
z zehn (10)
c before e ts (“pizza”) Celsius (Celsius)
-tion Nation (nation)
pf pf Pfeffer (pepper)
qu kv Quatsch (nonsense)